Responding to COVID-19: We’re Doing Well–And Good The American cultural foundation has been rocked by COVID-19, a virus that invaded every state, many counties and all large cities across the U.S. Communities have experienced challenges during this time to make sense of the disruption, grief, frustration and social isolation that became a part of daily reality. This disruption has been as real for Warner Pacific University as it has for any other community or organization around the globe. Warner Pacific started spring break a week early and extended the pause to two weeks, to provide professional development and time for faculty to prepare, as guidance and executive orders from local, state and federal authorities made it clear the semester would have to be completed online. The faculty were led by an excellent team of educator trainers in preparing for the implementation of online course delivery. WPU is fortunate to have talented and dedicated faculty who are committed to making students’ educational experience vibrant and engaging, and who worked tirelessly to go online very quickly. Moving most employees to remote work meant a significant deployment of technology, virtual private networks (to ensure security), development of remote work protocols, and training in order to telecommute. The Information Technology (IT) department served the university community well by providing equipment, software and protocols for using technology to work from home, along with as-needed technical support. Employees adapted to working from home with grace and dedication to ensure that students were served, tasks were completed and the University operations continued as seamlessly as possible in this time. The Executive Cabinet has taken seriously the importance, both now and leading up to this point, of making decisions that adapt to changing conditions, both anticipated and not. The University extends gratitude for their leadership and faithfulness to the mission and the work of leading well. 2
Students are at the center of Warner Pacific’s concern. Through all of this, the main priorities have been their safety, health and access to the education that will provide opportunities for their future lives, that for many will transform the trajectory of their family’s history. Faculty diligently reached out to students to encourage and engage them during the last segment of the academic year. For some, campus is the home they relied upon for housing and food security and access to technology. Other students completed the year from home. During this season, the University launched KnightsCare to provide a convenient way for Warner Pacific students to receive 24/7, no-cost medical and counseling assistance for common conditions that can be safely and accurately diagnosed and treated online. We have missed students, as well as all of the athletic contests and student activities that highlight their abilities, service, leadership, achievements and passions. The University community is anxious to welcome students back with all of the energy and excitement of a new year. No one expected or wanted something like this to happen. COVID-19 has removed us from one another and created new challenges to address each day. And yet, opportunities and possibilities are present that may have been less obvious in “usual” circumstances. We have learned how to have an accreditation visit virtually, we have held monthly all-employee meetings; weekly employee check-in meetings, and even our Good Friday Service on Zoom with nearly 100 people “together”; and we have seen grace upon patience given for the workarounds that have been necessary. We have all come together, while being apart, in a way that demonstrates the vitality of our University community and our bond as a Christ-centered body. We’ve prayed together for one another, and most importantly we have prayed for our dear students. ▪