Warp & Weft is pleased to present the Now catalog—a snapshot of our latest hand-knotted carpets. This carefully curated selection represents our ongoing commitment to unite uncompromising quality materials and artisanship with cutting-edge trends in contemporary interior design. Developed along four distinct but related concept lines, our collections offer a varied and eclectic exploration of the Modernist sensibility—a fine balance of form, color, and texture ranging from graphic boldness to abstract subtlety. All designs are available in standard sizes and can be made to order in custom sizes and colors.
Archon Silver
Lava Red
Horizon Adriatic
Grid Lavender
Bark II Fog
Horizon Pacific
Pompeii Grey
Bark Olive
Horizon Caribbean
Spill II Beige
Drift Light Blue
Lori Aqua
Spill Slate
Horizon Caspian
Everglades Fog
Veranda Indigo
Creeks Fog
Creeks II Slate
Veranda Silver
Bars II Tangerine
Soho Fog
Spill III Cloud
Riad Silver
Still Water II Slate
Spill Lavender
Horizon Atlantic
Glaciers Slate
D&D Building I 979 Third Avenue I Suite 1203 I New York I 212 546 0944 I warpandweft.com