Warrior-Citizen Magazine Vol. 57 No. 2

Page 1

The official Magazine of The U.S. arMy reServe


The Real McCoy


How a top-notch staff with a keen business strategy make Fort McCoy one of the premier training facilities in the country

S P ec i a l S ecT i o n

6 farewell To The chief

Paying tribute to the legacy of Lt. Gen. Jack C. Stultz, Commanding General and Chief of the Army Reserve

warfighTer 28 Reserve MPs push their bodies to the limit in this annual gruel-fest

PSyoP: horn of africa 34

Preparations for an expanded Psychological Operations mission

reaching an accord 36 Promoting regional relationships and interoperability in Gabon, Africa www.armyreserve.army.mil


editorÕ s note

ARMY RESERVE COMMAND TEAM Lt. Gen. Jack C. Stultz Chief, Army Reserve Chief Warrant Officer 5 James E. Thompson Command Chief Warrant Officer of the Army Reserve Command Sgt. Maj. Michael D. Schultz Command Sergeant Major of the Army Reserve WARRIOR-CITIZEN MAGAZINE STAFF Col. Jonathan Dahms Director, Army Reserve Communications Col. Ernest Parker Chief, Public Affairs Division Lt. Col. I.J. Perez Chief, Internal Information Branch Melissa Russell Editor-in-Chief, Warrior-Citizen Mark Rydberg Army Publishing Directorate Sgt. Teri Hansen Public Affairs Specialist SubMISSIONS • Warrior-Citizen invites articles, story ideas, photographs and other material of interest to members of the U.S. Army Reserve. Manuscripts and other correspondence to the editor should be addressed to warrior-citizen@usar.army.mil, telephone 703-601-3445. All articles must be submitted electronically or on disk or CD. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs will not be returned. CHANGE OF ADDRESS • Do not write the magazine. TPU Soldiers should notify their Unit Administrator or Unit Clerk. Members of the IRR and IMA should contact their Personnel Management Team at HRC-STL, 1 Reserve Way, St. Louis, MO 63132-5200. AGRs should contact their PMO/PMNCO. Paid subscribers should forward their address change to the Superintendent of Documents, Attn: Mail List Branch SSOM, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Special military distribution recipients may write the editor directly.


s leaders discuss the drawdown of forces, the unquestionable value added by the Army Reserve, and the level of integration between the active and reserve component is something that Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno calls Ò unparalleled in the ArmyÕ s HistoryÓ . The great achievements of the Ò operationalizedÓ Army Reserve over the

past six years are a credit to the outstanding leadership and dedication of Lt. Gen. Jack Stultz. Read about how the 31st chief of the Army Reserve postured the component for future challenges in a complex security environment in Ò From the Top.Ó Learn what kept him going when faced with the significant challenges of a nation at war, as well as the character and conviction that defined his tenure in “Farewell to the Chief,” on page 6. As leaders look ahead for ways to maintain some version of the cyclic readiness model, currently known as the Army Force Generation Model, with limited resources, Fort McCoyÕ s vision and strategic direction has helped them prepare countless Soldiers for mobilization as a premier training facility Ñ

the story by Lou Ann Mittelstaedt is featured on page 22.

The Army has traditionally used competitions as a way to maintain training, fitness, and esprit de corps. Sgt. 1st Class Mark Bell recounts a weekÕ s worth of grueling challenges faced by Soldiers from the 200th Military Police Command in “Warfighter,” page 28. The challenges presented to the Army and the nation can also be seen as opportunities. Turn to page 12 for the details of a major development for the Army Reserve; the recent enactment of legislation which gives the nation access to the Army Reserve and its many critical capabilities as a key responder. The positive changes and opportunities that lie ahead for the Army Reserve are the result of an exemplary performance by the Army Reserve and Army Reserve Soldiers over the past decade. You should be proud of yourselves, your units and your commands for your achievements. If you have stories you would like to share, please feel free to contact your public affairs office for consideration.

SubSCRIPTIONS • Warrior-Citizen is distributed free of charge to members of the U.S. Army Reserve. Circulation is approximately 320,000. Paid subscriptions are available for $14.00 per year domestic, $19.60 foreign. Single copy price is $5.50 domestic, $7.70 foreign. Mail a personal check or money order payable to the Superintendent of Documents to: New Orders, Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954, or fax your order to 202-512-2233. Visa and MasterCard are accepted.

Melissa Russell Editor-in-Chief

1st Place winner of the MG Keith L. Ware Award Ð 2010 and 2011 (category C) 1st Place winner of the 2011 Thomas Jefferson Award (category N)

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contents wARRioR-citizeN


VolUme 57 No. 2

T r a i n e d + r e a dy

The real Mccoy

in a single month, Fort Mccoy, Wis., has supported nearly 11,000 soldiers participating in training exercises, as well as other units participating in battle drill/extended combat training, plus simultaneously supporting the mobilization of thousands of soldiers, all while being host to the best Warrior competition. how does the staff manage all this? By Lou Ann M. MitteLstAedt, Fort Mccoy PuBLic AFFAirs

in this issue 1 4 14 17 44

editoR’S Note FRom the top BlogS + weBSiteS SoldieRS towN hAll iN memoRiAm

health + wellness 16 17

RABieS iSN’t cUte New BeNeFitS to Smile ABoUt

communities 18 19 20 21

eNeRgy ANd SUStAiNABility tAke A FRoNt SeAt ARmy ReSeRVe ceo eARNS the ge ecomAgiNAtioN AwARd A SoUNd pARtNeR iN ge heAlthcARe StRikiNg SUcceSS with keNAi dRilliNg

trained + ready 38

photo courtesy Fort Mccoy public AFFAirs oFFice

40 42

BUildiNg A SelF-SUStAiNiNg eNgiNeeR FoRce locked ANd loAded BRidgiNg the gAp

on The cover Photo courtesy Fort Mccoy PuBLic AFFAirs oFFice

A spent shell casing flies out of the chamber of the M110 sniper rifle as sgt. brandon brooks fires the weapon on Fort Mccoy’s range 34. brooks is with the 926th engineer company, a louisiana Army National Guard unit that was training to deploy in support of operation enduring Freedom. 2


photo by sGt. 1st clAss MArk bell, 200th MilitAry police coMMANd, public AFFAirs


T r a i n e d + r e a dy

warfighTer er

For four grueling days at Fort leonard eonard Wood, Mo., a group of Army reserve Military police suffered through pouring rain, bruises and broken bones, pushing their bodies to the extreme to compete in the 2011 Military police Warfighter challenge. hallenge. enjoy njoy this day by day account of all the action. By sGt. 1st cLAss MArk BeLL,, 200th MiLit MiLitAry itAry PoLice coMMAnd, PuBLic AFFAirs


reaching an accord

soldiers from the Army reserve and National Guard, along with members of the defense Medical readiness training institute from Joint base san Antonio, texas, spent several weeks working side by side with their Gabonese counterparts in an effort to promote regional relationships and further interoperability between participating militaries during Medical Accord 12 in libreville, Gabon.

photo by ArMy stAFF sGt. shANe hAMANN, 102Nd Mobile public AFFAirs detAchMeNt

photo by lt. col. GerAld ostluNd, usAcApoc(A) public AFFAirs


story courtesy u.s. ArMy AFricA


S P ec i a l S ecT i o n

T r a i n e d + r e a dy

PSyoP: horn of africa As the 345th psychological operations company prepares to deploy to the horn of Africa, the focus will remain on an expanded mission requiring more than 20 soldiers. By Lt. coL. GerALd ostLund, usAcAPoc(A), PuBLic AFFAirs


farewell To The chief

the strides made during lt. Gen. Jack stultz’s tenure as the commanding general and chief of the Army reserve redefined the role of the Army reserve and changed the perception of what it means to be a soldier serving as an indispensable part of the total force. We pay tribute to his great legacy.

By MeLissA russeLL, ArMy reserve coMMunicAtions Photo by Staff Sgt. KriSten King, 343rd Mobile Public affairS detachMent



from the top

FARewell FRom the cAR

a letter from


photo courtesy eric MiNtoN

t is a credit to the force we have today that quite often i have run across senior leaders and senior noncommissioned officers on the battlefield who say, “i didn’t realize those were reserve soldiers with me, they performed magnificently.” Army reserve soldiers have obviously proven their capability. today’s Army reserve soldiers are highly trained and qualified. As i pass the reigns to my successor, i am proud to be passing on what is surely the best-integrated and most battle-tested force in history. As my tenure has been defined as transforming to an operational force with unconstrained resources, time was the critical factor. how fast can you get it done, because we’ve got to fight tonight. the transition to an operational reserve has been tumultuous for our soldiers and units, cross-leveling to meet the demand for soldiers and capabilities, while simultaneously trying to develop a training and equipping strategy to meet the requirements of the Army Force Generation Model. but we did it, and the good news is soldiers stepped up with the right attitude, knowing what they were getting into. the Army needed an operational Army reserve… one that could be counted on for regular support over the long haul to fight ongoing wars in iraq and Afghanistan. so, with your help, we re-tooled the Army reserve … we brought down headquarters structure and stood up operational and functional commands to support the warfight; and training and supporting commands to support training and force generation here in the states. We have moved from a demand-based, theater request dependent, reactive ArForGeN, to a five-year supply-based ArForGeN, providing much needed predictability to our soldiers, their Families and their employers. All of our operational units now have an “available force pool” date which allows us to build progressive readiness throughout the cycle and tailor our manning, equipping and training strategies and our soldier and Family support programs to best sustain the force throughout the deployment cycle. As the concept of cyclic support changes as we draw down in Afghanistan, we remain committed to providing enduring support to the Army’s operational force across the full range of military operations. 4


Lt. Gen. Jack C. Stultz We adapted programs to be more responsive to an operational Army reserve. our Family programs are now geared toward providing access to installation-quality support to soldiers and Families at remote locations, with access to information and support at six Army strong community centers nationwide and more to come. We also provide 24-7 access to information through our Virtual installation program and Fort Family online support center. We make America stronger; i say that because we take young men and women and turn them into leaders. We give them skills, values and an ethos they couldn’t get elsewhere. We then turn around and give them back to America, either as they leave the military, or as we share them in a civilian capacity. We make this country stronger with the quality of individuals we put back into communities across America as Army reserve soldiers—everything from law enforcement officers to firemen, from teachers to coaches making a difference back home, in many cases with skills and values we’ve given them. our world class employer partnership program not only provides career management to our soldiers and access to a quality and drug-free work force to our employer partners, it is also evolving into an effort to share training, resources and certifications, with employer partners who require the highly transferable skills and capabilities resident in the Army reserve. through these programs, and with the dedicated support of Army reserve soldiers, civilians and Family members, we continue to build an impressive and historic record of wartime service to our Nation. since the attacks of 9-11, the Army reserve has maintained somewhere between 25 and 30,000 soldiers on active duty—doing vital missions in the continental u.s.—running the hospitals, running the training bases as drill sergeants, running the institutions and the garrisons, as well as in iraq, Afghanistan, kuwait, horn of Africa and other places. We have mobilized more than 200,000 personnel to support operations in iraq and Afghanistan. today, more than 11,000 Army reserve soldiers continue to provide support in more than 20 countries around the world, supporting combat operations,

theater security cooperation and humanitarian missions, and mil-to-mil training events in Afghanistan, kuwait, uganda, the philippines, cuba, and djibouti, just to name a few. looking back on my tenure, i think the most remarkable thing for me has been watching citizen-soldiers step up in the face of the great challenges we have faced in our years at war. but there is work and more challenges ahead. Where my challenge was transforming the Army reserve into an operational force, my successor will have the challenge of maintaining this remarkable force and its operational capability in the face of constrained resources. As the size of the active Army is reduced, opportunities to shape the Army reserve exist—and the role of the reserve components is going to become even more crucial, particularly in terms of the capabilities resident in our force. Given that reality, we will need to maintain the full-spectrum capability that we have developed over this last decade of conflict in iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Moving forward, i am confident the Army could not have selected a better leader to take this organization onward toward the Army and Joint Force 2020 Vision. Jeffrey talley comes to us with a wealth of skills from his military service, his business acumen in civilian life, and his extensive career in academia. i know the Army reserve is in good hands, and i know he will be impressed with the soldiers and civilians he will inherit. this job has been without a doubt the pinnacle of my military career and i will truly miss it, and all of you. i am blessed to have had the honor of leading this organization, during such a momentous time in our history … serving with the greatest Army reserve soldiers and civilian work force this Nation has ever known. i thank the Army and my Nation for giving me the honor of nearly four decades of service. but mostly i thank my wife laura, for supporting me and my Family throughout. thank you to the soldiers, civilians and Family members of the Army reserve whom i have served shoulder to shoulder with, especially over the last six years. you represent the best of America and you all are truly “twice the citizen.” i bid you all farewell.

Looking back on my tenure, I think the most remarkable thing for me has been watching Citizen-Soldiers step up in the face of the great challenges we have faced in our years at war. …We make America stronger; I say that because we take young men and women and turn them into leaders. We give them skills, values and an ethos they couldn’t get elsewhere. We then turn around and give them back to America…” — lt. GeN. JAck c. stultz chieF, ArMy reserVe



photo courtesy lt. GeN. JAck c. stultz

leFt: lt. Gen. Jack c. stultz visiting with iraqi children in 2003. riGht: lt. Gen. Jack c. stultz, commanding general, u.s. Army reserve command, places private first class rank on newly promoted pfc. Joshua ruckman, a 143d expeditionary sustainment command light wheel mechanic during a visit to the reserve soldiers of Joint sustainment command-Afghanistan.

photo by stAFF sGt. MArcos Alices, JoiNt sustAiNMeNt coMMANd

Farewell By Melissa Russell, Army Reserve Communications

“I watched how he lights up when interacting with Soldiers. … I have had the privilege of serving with an incredible leader, visionary and Family man, Lt. Gen. Jack Stultz.” — Command Sgt. maj. miChael d. SChultz, Command ommand Sergeant major of the army re reServe

lt. t. Gen. Jack s stultz, tultz, commanding general, u.s.. Army reserve command command will step down as chief hief of the Army reserve. r 6


Photo by Staff Sgt. KriSten Kri ten King, 343rd Mobile Public affairS detachMent

The strides made during Lt. Gen. Jack Stultz’s tenure as the commanding general and chief of the Army Reserve redefined the role of the Army Reserve and changed the perception of what it means to be a Soldier serving as an indispensable part of the total force.

to the Chief Photo by Sgt. 1St ClaSS RobeRt R. Ramon, 345th PubliC affaiRS DetaChment

While he leaves behind a lasting legacy as the commanding general who transformed the Army Reserve, his wife Laura feels his greatest accomplishment is the passion, integrity and conviction that defined his tenure and career. Ò There arenÕ t many people responsible for 205,000 Soldiers,Ó said Laura. Ò There are a lot of big demands. My favorite thing about him is that he is the best person I have ever met. I know other people would say something different, but he makes it easier for me to be a better person, because heÕ s a good example. He doesnÕ t say things he doesnÕ t mean. He puts the truth before congress no matter what. He knows how to get along with everybody. And heÕ s funny, he still makes me laugh. HeÕ s just a good person doing a very difficult job.”

Keeping Faith with Soldiers, Families and Employers A cornerstone of StultzÕ s tenure was the high priority he placed on initiatives that benefit Soldiers and Families; standing up Army Strong Community Centers to care for Soldiers and Families in the local community and creating the Employer Partnership Program to link Soldiers and Families with employers. Ò I think itÕ s the support you get from the Family that allows you to do what you do. If you donÕ t have that, you canÕ t stay focused,Ó said Stultz. Ò If we donÕ t have the Family, if we donÕ t have the employer weÕ re not going to have the Soldier. If he has to make a choice between the

Family and the employer, weÕ re going to lose. So we need to get them all on board as one team.Ó Wearing Ô two hatsÕ as the chief of the Army Reserve and commander of the U.S. Army Reserve Command, Stultz balanced his time between seeking opportunities to advocate on behalf of the Army Reserve and Army Reserve Soldiers and time with troops, having spent the past six Christmases in Iraq or Afghanistan, something he considers the highlight of his job. Ò During my last trip to Afghanistan with Gen. Stultz, I watched how he lights up when interacting with Soldiers,Ó said Command Sgt.

lt. Gen stultz signs the employer partner Agreement with an employee partner at the Army All-American bowl employee partner initiative signing ceremony. stultz and the Army reserve have partnered with over 1,200 corporations nationally and internationally to support civilian business needs and help Army reserve soldiers get good jobs.



riGht: lt. Gen. Jack c. stultz, engages with students at the rukini primary school during a 2010 visit to the Army reserve’s 411th civil Affairs team in eldoret, kenya.

photo by stAFF sGt. AMANdA boersMA, coMbiNed JoiNt tAsk Force –horN oF AFricA

photo courtesy lt. GeN. JAck c. stultz

leFt: lt. Gen. Jack c. stultz getting a “high and tight” haircut in Fob Adder, iraq, April 2003.

“…he is the best person I have ever met.…he makes it easier for me to be a better person, because he’s a good example.” — Laura StuLtz

Photo by Maj. Wendy RodgeRs, 206th bod

lt. Gen. Jack c. stultz expanded the role of the Army reserve and pushed to transform it into an operational force.

Maj. Michael D. Schultz. Ò While serving for the past two years as the Command Sergeant Major of the United States Army Reserve, I have had the privilege of serving with an incredible leader, visionary and Family man, Lt. Gen. Jack Stultz.Ó Ò His constant focus was to raise the bar to a higher level for this organization. After six years as the Commanding General of the Army Reserve with a continuous operational tempo, IÕ ve never seen him slow down once since IÕ ve sat in this seat,Ó Schultz said. Ò The hardest part of this job, what causes the most wear and tear on me is sitting back here through endless meetings at the Pentagon about budgets and processes, the bureaucracy,Ó said Stultz. Ò You go home at night just mentally fatigued, and itÕ s the chance to get out with the Soldiers that gets you recharged.Ó Ò What gives me strength is that I have a loving, supportive Family. My wife Laura often tells me to Ô go be with your Soldiers, thatÕ s where you need to be,’” said Stultz. “In the field is where you see the commitment; you see the spirit, the morale and the dedication. It helps me come back, focus on what I need to do in the beltway to support my Soldiers. So I come to work every day because I know there is somebody walking point, thereÕ s some route clearance unit in Afghanistan, thereÕ s some Soldier somewhere thatÕ s depending on us to take care of them, to do the right things back here.Ó

Expanding the Role of the Army Reserve Through recent legislation, the Army Reserve has become more accessible to support disaster 8


response missions and domestic emergencies. The National Defense Authorization Act, signed by the president in December 2011, added specific language now making the Army Reserve more accessible to governors and senior military commanders at the state level for disaster response and homeland defense missions. In the past, the Army ReserveÕ s ability to respond to disasters was restricted by an outdated law, limiting its role during a homeland crisis. The National Defense Authorization Act also supports sustaining the Army Reserve as an operational part of the total force in the future, providing Soldiers with opportunities to maintain skills honed on the battlefield over the past decade of war. Ò Our Army is still going to depend on the Army Reserve for vital capabilities in the future,Ó said Stultz. Ò And weÕ re not going to have time should something else happen in another part of the world.Ó With the wars winding down, the force is taking a closer look at security cooperation and theater engagement with nations around the world to create stability to prevent another Iraq or Afghanistan. “In defining the Army Reserve role in the ArmyÕ s new Ô prevent, shape and winÕ strategy, we feel Army Reserve support capabilities are particularly geared toward the Ô prevent and shapeÕ piece; the training, sustaining and theater engagement operations. The capabilities needed in order to win the hearts and minds of the people are resident in the reserve components.Ó Ò Over the years, to meet Army requirements, weÕ ve continued to push what we call Ô enablers,Õ the combat support and combat service support, into the reserve components. So now weÕ ve got about 85 percent of the transportation capability in the Reserve, about 75 percent of the engineering capability in the Guard and Reserve, 85 percent of the civil affairs in the Reserve, 70 percent of the medical capability in the Guard and Reserve,Ó said Stultz. Ò ThatÕ s why I say itÕ s an indispensable force, weÕ ve created the Army this way and to be perfectly honest it makes sense. ItÕ s very cost effective.Ó

photo courtesy lt. GeN. JAck c. stultz

leFt: lt. Gen. Jack c. stultz with wife laura and prince charles at a reception celebrating the combined british territorial’s (reserve) and Army reserve’s 100th Anniversary, June 2008. riGht: lt. Gen. stultz presides over the 100th Anniversary reenlistment ceremony in iraq. photo courtesy lt. GeN. JAck c. stultz

According to the Honorable Dennis M. McCarthy, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, Stultz played a significant role in bringing about a transformation that started more than 20 years ago, when the Ô Ô total forceÕ Õ concept replaced the force structure that we had during conscription. Ò I had the privilege of serving with Lt. Gen. Stultz as a fellow officer, as a civilian, and as a government official,” said McCarthy. “From each perspective, I saw a great Army leader. He has been an innovator and a tireless advocate for the well-being of his Soldiers. Many of the advances the Army has made in effectively employing its reserve component were the result of Jack Stultz’s leadership, and reflect the high value senior leaders within the Department of the Army placed on his advice and counsel.Ó Ò I saw things sort of evolve sometime before I assumed this position in 2006,” said Stultz, “but it really took root right as I was coming aboard. First, we recognized we were going to be in extended conflicts in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Second, we realized the active Army did not have the capabilities needed for an extended conflict in the active forces.Ó The comprehensive transformation of the Army Reserve in recent years positioned it to provide the required capabilities necessary to support a more expeditionary force. Ò They might not be the fun and sexy things like driving a tank or shooting a cannon,Ó said Stultz, Ò but these are the valuable capabilities the Army needs. Now I think we are postured very well. But to maintain an operational reserve, you have to have manned, trained and equipped units. As the Army considers budget constraints, they can look at the Army Reserve and say, well thatÕ s capability we canÕ t afford to get rid of. WeÕ ve got to keep them resourced.Ó Ò Our Nation and our Army owes Lieutenant General Stultz a debt of gratitude for his outstanding leadership and steadfast dedication,Ó

said Army Chief of Staff General Raymond T. Odierno. Ò Under his watch, the Army Reserve proved themselves under fire and made significant contributions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and across the globe. Simultaneously, he has postured the Army Reserve to meet our future challenges in an increasingly complex and uncertain strategic environment.Ó Ò Throughout Jack StultzÕ s tenure as Chief of the Army Reserve, our reserve forces provided depth and versatility to the joint force in a time of great need,Ó said Odierno. Ò His legacy after six years of visionary leadership is an operationalized reserve force of Citizen-Warriors seasoned by combat and grounded in Army values.Ó

Quality of Today’s Warrior-Citizens In a recent Foreign Affairs article, Odierno spoke about the unprecedented level of integration between the active and reserve components. Ò The Army National Guard and the Army Reserve have stood shoulder to shoulder with active-duty troops around the globe, and the level of trust, respect, and mutual understanding between them is unparalleled in the ArmyÕ s history.Ó Ò WeÕ ve got a lot of great Soldiers,Ó said Stultz. Ò The greatest part of this job is the opportunity I had to just get out and see great heroes Ñ and by heroes IÕ m not necessarily talking about somebody thatÕ s jumping on a grenade on the battlefield. It’s those Soldiers that volunteer to leave their Families, their civilian jobs and their homes to go to Iraq, Afghanistan or wherever.Ó Ò IÕ ve had the opportunity sit down with those Soldiers and have a cigar together on the top of a building at Khandahar Airfield, or on a balcony in Ethiopia and just talk, and try to understand why they do what they do when they donÕ t have to.Ó Ò And IÕ d just like to say, Ô thanks for the best six years of my life.Õ Ó

photo courtesy lt. GeN. JAck c. stultz

The Transformation to an Operational Force

lt. Gen. Jack c. stultz, Army reserve commanding General shakes hands with soldiers deployed in support of operation iraqi Freedom during a 2007 visit to camp Arifjan, kuwait. “our reserve component soldiers are the most experienced, best-trained, best-equipped reserve component we’ve had in anybody’s recent memory,” said stultz.

“In the field is where you see the commitment… the spirit…. It helps me…focus on what I need to do…to support my Soldiers.” — lt. GeN. JAck c. stultz chieF, ArMy reserVe



from the top Story by Lt. CoL. I.J. Perez, Army reServe CommunICAt ICA IonS ICAt

Five tactical vehicles drive south on burma road on the west side of Fort Mccoy’s North post as the 1st battalion, 194th Armor, 1st brigade combat team of the 34th infantry division conducts a convoy mission during an exercise.

ARmy FoRce geNeRAtioN

ARFORGEN: delivering wASHinGtOn – Cuts in defense spending and a drawdown of forces from overseas operations are causing the Army Reserve to refine its future role as part of the Nation’s operational force. While Department of Defense leaders and lawmakers hammer out details over billions in budget reductions and the size of the military, one thing is certain: the future of the Army Reserve relies on sustaining the expertise learned during a decade of war.

“ARFORGEN makes a lot of sense because it gives us predictability and rotational ability.…Army Reserve Soldiers need predictability … because they are juggling other things in their lives.…it also provides the Army with predictability by allowing the knowledge that every year we can provide an already determined amount of capability.” — lt. GeN. JAck c. stultz chieF, ArMy reserVe



With the conclusion of the war in iraq and fewer war zone deployments planned for Afghanistan, Army reserve chief lt. Gen. Jack c. stultz wants the skills acquired by soldiers during overseas rotations to stay sharp. he plans to safeguard readiness levels gained over the past 10 years by employing the Army Force Generation model to generate a supply of forces as the usAr transitions to a peacetime structure. “We see 5-year supply-based ArForGeN or similar cyclic readiness model as the best use and best management of the Army reserve Force,” said stultz. “We understand that it may evolve and change a bit, but we don’t want to return to the tiered readiness of the past where there are some units that are ready, and many that are not.” this strategy is a mechanism for achieving progressive readiness. For soldiers and their Families, an understanding of the ArForGeN deployment cycle is vital to careers and future plans. designed as a cyclic model of readiness, ArForGeN delivers trained, ready and cohesive units with capabilities that function across a range of military operations, not just counterinsurgency. deployment missions during a unit’s available year come from a wide menu of options. they may include support of named operations, theater security cooperation, humanitarian assistance, or domestic response. units ramp up over a period of four years in preparation for their next mission. this permits time for recovery from deployment and training for the next one. the ArForGeN model also adjusts to support the new nine-month, boots-on-the-ground deployment policy that began in January 2012. “ArForGeN makes a lot of sense because it gives us predictability and rotational ability. When asked what soldiers in the Army reserve want and need, the number one answer i get is predictability. Army reserve soldiers need predictability from the Army because they are juggling other things in their lives,” said stultz. “on the other side it also provides the Army with predictability by allowing the knowledge that every year we can provide an already determined amount of capability.” ArForGeN offers a balanced and predictable approach to training, mobilization, and deployment. Army reserve senior leaders are confident

capabilities to the nation the ArForGeN model will minimize the mobilization turbulence soldiers, Families and employers experienced over the last 10 years. “today’s Army reserve soldiers serve with the expectation of deployment at least once every five years,” said stultz. “soldiers in the field want to use the skills they have learned and the Army reserve wants to maintain the talented force we have built supporting ten years of war. if we return to a tiered readiness model and do not make consistent use of Army reserve capabilities to support operations, soldiers who have joined with the understanding that they will be utilized on a predictable basis will likely leave the force.” to maintain the high level of training and readiness of the Army reserve, the Army will continue to use Army reserve units uniquely geared for theater security cooperation missions and international military-to-military engagements. changes to the National defense Authorization Act now permit the Army reserve to serve unified combatant commands in “unnamed or contingency operations” around the globe, thus facilitating this effort. “the Army reserve will provide troops to the war fight during their available year, as we have during the past ten years of conflict,” said

“We understand that [ARFORGEN] may evolve…but we don’t want to return to the tiered readiness of the past where there are some units that are ready, and many that are not.” — lt. GeN. JAck c. stultz, chieF, ArMy reserVe

stultz. “but as operations draw down in Afghanistan, we can provide troops in their available year for contingency expeditionary force missions such as theater security cooperation, and military-to-military engagements for extended periods during their available year. this supports the newly announced defense strategy with an added focus on ‘shaping’ operations.” reductions in end strength will inevitably become a fact for both active and reserve components. the Army reserve will reduce in size to 205,000. but according to stultz, the real issue is not cuts to the size of his force, but its composition. “For us it’s a matter of more reliance and relevance for the future,” he said. “We’ve got to make sure we are more ready than ever to meet the needs of the Army of the future and meet personnel standards, physically, medically and educationally,” said the general during his last visit to u.s. Army Africa. “it ought to be a two-way street, where you are bringing the junior enlisted over to this side, because you are always going to have to

recruit young soldiers to keep it going, at the same time i’m bringing some of the mid-grade soldiers over,” said stultz. “so there is this cycle of talent where we are really treating it as one force. you’re not getting out of the active Army, you’re just transitioning to the reserve, while this soldier is transitioning from reserve to active and this soldier is transitioning from the reserve to the inactive reserve. it’s a soldier for life mentality.”

The O. P. By Master Sgt. Steve Opet

explaining the categories:

apportioned and allocated to prepare units for deployment in support of combatant commanders and other Army requirements, two categories of forces will exist under ArForGeN: “apportioned” (formerly contingency expeditionary force) and “allocated” (formerly deployment expeditionary force). All Army reserve units will be initially considered as part of the Army's Apportioned Force. Apportioned units are conventional forces that may serve as part of a surge, execute a contingency mission or other Army requirement. some units will be sourced as part of the Allocated Force and will focus on theater-specific training for defined contingency operations. For some time, demand for Army conventional forces around the world exceeded the available supply. As a result, the majority of the Army’s operational force has been employed as Allocated Forces. As demand for Allocated Forces decreases, the Army reserve will increase its support to Apportioned Forces through missions such as theater security cooperation and homeland defense/security. the Army reserve has almost exclusively focused on allocated units with training spotlighting counter-insurgency operations and less on skills necessary to fight all potential threats. warriOr–CiTiZeN


from the top Story by Lt. CoL. I.J. Perez, Army reServe CommunICAt ICA IonS ICAt

NAtioNAl deFeNSe AUthoRizAtioN Act

new response to natural disasters wASHinGtOn

– When disaster strikes, access to the right response capabilities may mean the difference between life and death. due to the recent enactment of legislation, the Army reserve, with its many critical capabilities is now available as a key responder in meeting the needs of communities in crisis. the National defense Authorization Act 2012 signed into law last december, includes language authorizing

“In a lot of cases, there were reserve component Soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who were close at hand with the capabilities needed, but didn’t have the authority to act. Finally, we got the law changed. This new legislation says that now we can use Title 10 reserves.” Photo by Pfc. Jon h. Arguello, 204th Public Aff AffAirs Det DetAchment

— lt. GeN. JAck c. stultz, chieF ArMy reserVe

the National defense Authorization Act 2012 gives reserve forces greater authority to provide assistance in the case of a major disaster or emergency, such as the earthquake that struck haiti in 2010. here, sgt. crystal salvi, from the 196th transportation company, 143d expeditionary sustainment command out of orlando, as part of the haiti disaster relief effort, guides a pallet of aid onto a vehicle. those much needed supplies were then airlifted to haiti. 12


access to title 10 reserve forces for involuntarily activation to provide assistance to a major disaster or emergency. According to lt. Gen. Jack c. stultz, chief of the Army reserve, this new legislation culminates his vision to support communities in times of disaster. “in a lot of cases, there were reserve component soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who were close at hand with the capabilities needed, but didn’t have the authority to act,” stultz said. “Finally, we got the law changed. this new legislation says that now we can use title 10 reserves.” “historically, the Army reserve was limited in its ability to assist communities during a major disaster due to legal limitations. While Army reserve soldiers and units had mobilization authority to support homeland security missions or respond to man-made or terrorist chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear incidents, they had no involuntary mobilization authority to deploy during natural disaster response operations,” said Mr. tom Welke, deputy director for operations, mobilization and readiness, u.s. Army reserve command. According to command sgt. Maj. Michael d. schultz, the Army reserve’s top noncommissioned officer, hurricane katrina was the catalyst for the change. “there were Army reserve trucks sitting idle behind fences, and because of how the law was written, there was nothing we could do to help.” schultz said. “the change will allow us to provide capabilities based on the scope and nature of the disaster or emergency.” section 515 of the NdAA 2012 adds a new paragraph under title 10, u.s.c. 12304 to grant access to the title 10 reserve, including the Army reserve, for disaster response operations. title 10, u.s.c. 12304a now authorizes use of reserve forces to support presidential declared emergencies or disasters in support of a state governor request for assistance. “the governor must complete an assessment of the situation and ensure all available assets are engaged in the response before submitting a request for assistance to the president,” said Mike costa, homeland operations division deputy, G-33 directorate, u.s. Army reserve command.

photo courtesy Fort Mccoy public AFFAirs oFFice

“…the primary purpose for Army Reserve support is to save lives, prevent human suffering, and mitigate great property damage.” — Mike costA, hoMelANd operAtioNs diVisioN deputy, G-33 directorAte, u.s. ArMy reserVe coMMANd

the legislation authorizes the use of these reserve soldiers for a maximum of 120 days for the requested operation but does not prescribe a limit to the number of soldiers authorized to support this mission. implementation details are being worked out with the office of the Assistant secretary of defense, reserve Affairs, but the Army reserve envisions posturing itself to support requests for disaster response in a variety of ways. contingency expeditionary Force units in their available year are the primary source for support of the dscA mission. ceF units in their “train/ready 3” year receive first consideration for those missions in the event additional forces are required. consideration for mobilization to a dscA mission includes the unit’s location in reference to the incident, the unit’s mission, and the requested capability. Army Force Generation cycle, preparedness levels, capabilities and proximity to

an incident are keys components utilized by Army reserve leaders to select the best unit to meet the requested capability. According to keller, “the Army reserve must manage expectations of its ability to respond to Mission Assignments in support of disaster operations.” keller added that, “Army reserve units will most likely respond in a graduated manner building capability over a three to seven day period after a disaster occurs.” “commanders must remember the primary purpose for Army reserve support is to save lives, prevent human suffering and mitigate great property damage,” added costa. Army reserve soldiers and units may still respond to requests from local government leaders under immediate response Authority to save lives, prevent human suffering, and mitigate great property damage when time limits do not allow for approval from higher headquarters.

spc. richard keller, left, and spc. Andrew deuitch use chainsaws to cut tree branches. According to lt. Gen. Jack c. stultz, chief Army reserve, the new NdAA legislation allows support to challenges like hurricanes and forest fires. “the legislation they passed last year said we are going to make available the use of title 10 in the homeland because it just makes sense.”



blogs + websites The Web offers many free, interactive resources to help Warrior-Citizens and their Families make informed decisions regarding their health, finances, career and education. Here are some of the latest new and useful online tools for Soldiers.

Now you can enjoy Warrior-Citizen wherever you happen to be! Same great stories. Same great look. introducing the warrior-citizen app! The new Army reserve wArrior CiTizen App allows readers to download issues online or offline to read whenever you choose. When attached to a wi-fi signal and/ or 3G network, the W-c app also connects to Army reserve social media pages—Facebook, twitter and the newly redesigned Army reserve website— allowing for a fully immersive experience.



ra.defense.gov tHe OFFiCe OF tHe ASSiStAnt SeCRetARy OF DeFenSe ReSeRve AFFAiRS serves as principal staff Assistant and advisor to the secretary of defense with responsibility for overall supervision of matters which involve reserve components, including the Army National Guard, Army reserve, Naval reserve, Marine corps reserve, Air National Guard, Air Force reserve and coast Guard reserve. this website delivers all the latest news and information regarding programs, benefits, Family readiness and mobilization.

www.cac.mil DO yOu HAve queStiOnS AbOut yOuR COMMOn ACCeSS CARD (cAc) or your uniformed services id card? the dod id card reference center guides you through the process of obtaining, using and maintaining both types of cards.

www.gibill.va.gov tHe POSt-9/11 Gi biLL PROviDeS FinAnCiAL SuPPORt FOR eDuCAtiOn AnD HOuSinG to individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after sept. 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. you must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the post-9/11 Gi bill. this site will guide you through all the educational benefits provided by the department of Veterans Affairs.



RABieS pReVeNtioN

photo by Sgt. brendan Mackie, 117th Mobile public affairS detachMent

health + wellness

stray animals may seem harmless and hard to resist, but an overseas cuddle with one of these little guys can have deadly consequences. this photo was taken at the back gate of an iraqi police station in baghdad, iraq. stray animals are rampant in the city and rural areas in iraq.

by TimoThy L. haLe, army reserve Command PubLiC affairs

rabies isn’t cute FORt bRAGG, n.C. – last summer, a soldier

“Animals can appear perfectly normal but may be capable of transmitting rabies —even that cute little puppy.” — lt. col. shAroN tucker, cliNicAl operAtioNs AdMiNistrAtiVe oFFicer, coMMANd surGeoN oFFice



died of rabies… several months after returning from Afghanistan. subsequent laboratory tests indicated the soldier had been infected by rabies while he was deployed. those cute dogs, puppies, cats and kittens may remind you of the warmth and comfort of home and Family—but you might want to think again before picking one up. “pets in other countries are not vaccinated against rabies as our own pets are here in the united states,” said lt. col. sharon tucker, a clinical operations administrative officer with the u.s. Army reserve command surgeon office. While most people may believe that rabies can only be contracted by a bite from a rabid animal, they need to realize that even a friendly lick from an animal can lead to infection—especially if there is an open wound on the person’s skin. even a lick on the face can transfer infected saliva into a person’s mouth or eyes.

“Animals carrying rabies are not necessarily symptomatic,” tucker said. “Animals can appear perfectly normal, but may be capable of transmitting rabies—even that cute little puppy.” if a soldier has been exposed to an infected animal, the signs and symptoms of rabies may not show up immediately. “rabies is preventable. treatment against rabies is available at medical treatment facilities in theater and worldwide,” she said. “it is never too late to begin post-exposure treatment and is virtually 100 percent effective in preventing rabies,” tucker said. individuals with questions about animal exposures, rabies and post-exposure treatments should contact the Wounded soldier and Family hotline at 800-984-8523 or dsN 312-421-3700.

To learn more visit http://phc.


deNtAl iNSURANce

new benefits to smile about

S o l d i e r S

Town Hall wiTH BrigAdier generAl JAmeS V. Young, Jr.

I am an officer who was deployed in a multinational environment. How do I become joint qualified? FALLS CHuRCH, va. – beginning Jan. 27, 2012, reserve component soldiers separating from active duty after an activation of greater than 30 days in support of a contingency operation began receiving the same dental care benefits as active duty service members. the tricAre Active duty dental program now provides coverage to these members in the transition Assistance Management program. Active duty dental program beneficiaries receive active duty dental benefit services as long as the referral and/or authorization requirements are met prior to receipt of care. Authorizations will not be granted for any dental care procedure that cannot be completed within their 180-day maximum tAMp period. eligibility is verified by Addp contractor united concordia companies, inc. using the defense enrollment eligibility reporting system. All tricAre beneficiaries are advised to keep their enrollment information updated in deers; if eligibility cannot be confirmed, Addp dental care will be denied. tAMp provides 180 days of transitional health care benefits to help certain uniformed services members and their Families transition to civilian life. benefits begin the day after the service member is separated from active duty. Family members and dependents are not eligible for Addp benefits under tAMp, but remain eligible to purchase coverage through the tricAre dental program. service members receiving benefits under tAMp are ineligible for the tdp until the end of the 180-day transitional benefit period. More information about tAMp can be viewed at www.tricare.mil/tamp. For more information about the tricAre dental program visit www.tricaredentalprogram.com.

Currently less than one percent of all Army Reserve officers are considered joint qualified. The U.S. Army Reserve continues being used in an operational environment at unprecedented levels from tactical to strategic and in joint, interagency, intergovernmental and multinational environments, but few officers have received credit for their experience. Army Reserve officers have until Sept. 30, 2013, to request retroactive credit for joint experience. The Department of Defense will begin analyzing promotion board results for Reserve joint qualified officers on Oct. 1, 2013, to measure the effectiveness of the Goldwater-Nichols DoD Reorganization Act and Title 10, U.S. Code. The 1986 law mandates that the Secretary of Defense create policies and procedures for Reserve officers to compute joint experience and education similar to the active component. To prepare a joint duty assignment file, officers with joint experience who have not received qualification credit can visit the following website for information: www.dmdc.osd.mil/appj/jqs Recognition for joint experience is determined by a panel conducted by the Joint Staff in Washington, D.C. For the remainder of 2012, review panels take place in May, August and November. Panel members review files to recognize experiences that create experts in joint matters. The panel looks for a combination of “joint” and “joint matters” in a claimant’s file. Joint Publication 1-02 provides a detailed definition of “joint matters.” The wording of these definitions is critical, and applicants should make sure to include them in the 340 characters allowed in the application.

How will the new Integrated Personnel and Pay System impact me? The Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army will give Soldiers and commanders self-service access to personnel and pay information 24 hours a day. Designed as a standardized web-based system, IPPS-A will allow personnel actions to drive pay events and provide decision makers with timely and accurate data critical to their missions. As Soldiers transition from assignments, IPPS-A ensures correct pay, benefits and credit for service. When fully operational the system will enable personnel and finance specialists to manage Soldier personnel data including awards, assignments, evaluations, benefits, promotions, separations, in-and-out processing and retirement. Fielding and testing the new program will be incremental over a six-year period. The first of five system releases is scheduled to begin in FY 2013 with additional releases every 12 to 14 months thereafter. For additional information, visit the Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army website: www.ipps-a.army.mil

For the full Q&A from the Soldiers Town Hall, visit the Army reserve site at www.usar.army.mil/arweb/





eNeRgy ANd SUStAiNABility

photos courtesy u.s. Army corps of engineers


By Lt. CoL. WiLLiam RitteR, aRmy ReseRve CommuniCations

energy and sustainability take a front seat wASHinGtOn

the green roof at the Middletown Armed Forces reserve center in Middletown, conn., is the first of its kind in the Army. comprised of living vegetation planted over a waterproof membrane, the 10,000 square foot roof mitigates rainwater runoff and provides a solar-heated hot water system. the Middletown AFrc has been hailed as a “key to sustainability” for its environmental benefits.



– As gas prices reach record highs, many Americans are once again thinking about energy independence and energy efficiency. As America’s single biggest energy consumer, the u.s. military has been thinking about—and working on—these issues for nearly a decade. At a recent national event on alternative energy in the military, Army reserve chief executive officer tad davis iV said he is encouraged by the attention the military is giving to energy and sustainability. “it’s impressive to me—looking back over the years—that we now have generals and Army senior leaders thinking about energy and sustainability. it’s catching on.” it’s catching on in the White house too. in its fiscal 2013 budget, the obama administration proposed increased spending on alternative energy projects in the department of defense. the funds represent a long-term investment for the military, ultimately reducing energy expenditures and

improving operational capability by making energy more secure and reliable at home and abroad. the Army reserve is uniquely positioned to take the lead on this work. davis noted that the Army reserve is “the primary combat service support provider for the Army,” which means that reserve soldiers enable combat forces to do more with fewer resources; providing engineering, medical, transportation, maintenance, civil affairs support and other key capabilities in a cost-effective and efficient manner. At a time when both fiscal and environmental resources are strained, this ability is more critical than ever. the Army reserve supports many local communities as well. unlike the active component housed on major installations, the Army reserve’s primary presence is at reserve centers, maintenance sites and training installations in hundreds of communities throughout the u.s. and its territories (puerto rico, Guam, American samoa). “We’re trying to partner with our local communities to see what we can do better,” davis said. this means

iNNoVAtioN AwARd wiNNeR Minnesota’s largest solar panel installation is now the Arden Hills U.S. Army Reserve Center. This installation will provide an anticipated savings of 12,000 dollars a year in electricity costs alone. “Anytime they can add energy efficient measures and produce their own power on-site it makes a big difference in the bottom line,” said Brian Allen, Vice President of All Energy Solar.

becoming an example of what can be achieved through energy and sustainability programs, and potentially partnering with local communities for power generation and energy security. the Army reserve’s approach has been two-fold: reducing energy consumption and developing new sources of renewable energy to

help the Army insulate itself from price fluctuations in the market and disruptions in the power supply. davis’ office oversees a multi-million dollar annual energy security and sustainability effort for the Army reserve. the program employs a variety of methods to reduce energy use and develop renewable sources, from smart meters that monitor buildings’ energy use, to designing new construction and renovated buildings to meet leadership in energy and environmental design standards, and tapping into solar, wind, geothermal and fuel cell energy. For his work, the Ge ecomagination team honored davis as one of their 11 sustainable innovators for 2011. the goal, as davis put it, is to go “Net-zero”— to build installations and Army reserve centers that produce or recycle as much energy and resources as they use. the first Net-zero site will use solar energy at Fort hunter liggett, calif. the first phase of the project will supply over 30 percent of the installation’s power, and two more planned phases will result in an even greater percentage of its energy being supplied by solar power. For all these efforts, davis noted, economics is the most important factor. the Army reserve must “do what’s right for the taxpayer by being good stewards of their dollars”—creating savings that can be reinvested to enhance the overall readiness of the force. but, said davis, the biggest challenge is creating a culture of sustainability. “We want to touch every soldier, civilian and Family in the Army reserve, so they understand the importance of what we’re trying to accomplish.”

Army Reserve CEO earns the GE Ecomagination Award

With the installation of a solar water heater assembly, building 560 in Fort buchannan, puerto rico will have the capability to fulfill 100 percent of its hot water needs with a capacity to store approximately 560 gallons of hot water.

“It’s impressive to me…that we now have generals and Army senior leaders thinking about energy and sustainability. It’s catching on.” — tAd dAVis iV, ArMy reserVe chieF executiVe oFFicer

tad davis iV, ceo for the Army reserve, was the recipient of the 2011 Ge ecomagination award.

by TimoThy L. haLe, army reserve Command PubLiC affairs

FORt bRAGG, n.C. – No one in the Army knows more about environmental sustainability than tad davis, the chief executive officer for the Army reserve. so much so, that the General electric “ecomagination” team selected davis as one of its top sustainable innovators for 2011 with the Ge ecomagination award. According to the company’s website, the Ge ecomagination award demonstrates the Army’s commitment to imagine and build innovative solutions to today’s environmental challenges while driving economic growth. even though the award recognizes davis individually, he said it’s the result of many soldiers and civilians within the Army reserve who deserve the credit. “i don’t accept this award on behalf of myself but on behalf of the literally hundreds of dedicated Army soldiers, civilians and Families—Active, Guard and reserve—that are really working hard each and every day to bring sustainability to the forefront of what we are doing,” davis said. “it may be a personal recognition for me, but it’s more a recognition for the Army as a whole.” warriOr–CiTiZeN


communities story and photos by Maj. Matthew Lawrence, 807th MedicaL coMMand, pubLic affairs

the work ethic of soldiers like sgt. Adam Malzewski fits General electric’s culture. According to rebecca serwatt, human resources Manager for Ge healthcare, biomeds like Malzewski are “on the front lines” of Gehc, representing the company on a daily basis.

“Some of the non-technical advantages Soldiers bring to the organization are leadership experience and focus on the execution of tasks.” — rebeccA serWAtt, huMAN resources MANAGer For Gehc



employeR pARtNeRShipS oF the ARmed FoRceS

a sound partner in GE Healthcare MiLwAukee – the recent partnership forged that work ethic fits Ge’s culture and makes for between the 807th Medical deployment support a good fit when these soldiers are “on the front lines” command and General electric healthcare is of Gehc. biomeds are an important part of Gehc’s now expanding across the Army reserve. it aims business, because they represent the company on to help soldiers earn their military qualifications a daily basis. for biomedical equipment repair and give them an “When people think of Ge, they think of the service opportunity for employment with Gehc. “biomeds,” people they see all the time,” said serwatt. or technicians, from the 3rd Mdsc and Army reserve Ge manages their squadron of biomeds a bit Medical command may be eligible to apply for the differently from the military, giving many of them a program with one of the world’s premiere medical specialty such as imaging (ct scanning and Mri equipment manufacturers. machines) or radiology, whereas the Army’s biomeds the partnership is yet another success of the have a general knowledge of a wide array of machines employer partnership of the Armed Forces. but may not be an expert on any of them. of course, employer partnership of the Armed Forces was Ge’s success in servicing medical equipment relies on developed to connect unemployed u.s. Veterans their ability to fix everything, which requires experts. and service members to employers who are seeking the epAF training partnership also allows soldiers qualified and reliable employees. this mutually to more effectively compete for scarce jobs. beneficial partnership began to expand, leading to “it typically takes someone to get into imaging, the creation of educational and 10 to 15 years sitting in the training programs that support hospital doing general biomed both military and civilian needs. in work until somebody retires,” the case of the Gehc externship, said Malzewski. the Army reserve supplies bio While the leadership skills Med equipment specialists and hands-on experience for training; once the course is are what Gehc likes in Army completed these soldiers are fully reserve soldiers, education is Military occupational specialty also important. An associate’s Qualified and may even be offered degree or near completion of a employment at Gehc. bachelor’s degree is the minimum sgt. Adam Malzewski, a native educational requirement for sgt. Adam Malzewski, employed by of Milwaukee is the first Gehc applicants to the partnership Gehc, repairs biomedical equipment. employee to be hired through the program, said serwatt. initiative and one of 12,000 veterans on staff. to be Malzewski became a biomed with the Army while fair, he did have an advantage over many of the other looking for a way to pay for college. participants because of his six years of experience he eventually went to the university of Wisconsin with another company. but from his perspective, it’s after his time on active duty but was unable to the military experience as a biomed that gives him an complete his degree because of a deployment. he is edge in the career field. currently working to complete a master’s degree in “the department of defense has always been at medical physics. the forefront, and we’ve set the industry standard Malzewski’s advice to soldiers interested in the as far as biomedical repair,” said Malzewski. “the Gehc program is to study the technical aspects reason being, we’re the only organization that’s large of their military job and volunteer for as many enough and has the funding dollars to give folks both military missions they can. hands-on-training or theory and practical [experience].” “hot” missions and deployments offer far more According to rebecca serwatt, human resources opportunities to excel than just attending required Manager for Gehc, some of the non-technical training. interested soldiers can also reach out to their advantages soldiers bring to the organization are chain of command and local epAF program support leadership experience and focus on execution managers to learn more about the training of tasks. and employment program opportunities.

By Ally RogeRs, employeR pARtneRship office

bAkeRSFieLD, Calif.

photo courtesy Jay Mercer

– Jay Mercer, human resource manager for california’s kenai drilling, ltd., and advocate for employer partnership of the Armed Forces, says the “call to duty” ethic at the heart of the all-volunteer force applies equally when it comes to employing America’s military members. “We owe these people—airmen, soldiers, sailors, all of them—a huge debt,” said Mercer. “Not just kenai, but all of us. to hire these people, obviously it’s a huge benefit to them, but they are really a great addition to the workforce. it’s good for everybody.” kenai drilling signed a partnership agreement with the employer partnership of the Armed Forces in June 2011 and has since made it their mission to prioritize military service when hiring.

“We need really good people in this industry, and the Employer Partnership program provides that.” — Jay Mercer, huMan resource Manager and health and safety coordinator for Kenai drilling, ltd l

Mercer explained that the privately owned oil and gas drilling company has always put qualified Veterans at the top of the list when sorting through applicants. but when david Arias, the business development manager for kenai drilling, told Mercer about the epAF program, they knew it would be a mutually beneficial partnership. epAF is a free program that connects job-seeking veterans, military members and their Families with employers through an on-line portal supported by regional program support Managers. kenai drilling is one of the best examples of epAF’s potential. essentially, companies and organizations sign an agreement to support military members. employers can then open opportunities to America’s heroes, and military job-seekers can upload resumes and apply for open positions. “We need really good people in this industry, and the employer partnership program provides that,” he said. “i found that military guys fit our needs very, very well.” “When we are drilling, we are up and gone long distances from home—seven days on, seven days off or sometimes eight days on, four days off. Military guys are already used to being gone, so it’s not so disruptive on their home life to leave and come home—our retention rates are higher.” “it’s hard, dirty work and there are supervisors out there riding you pretty good. so the demographic of a soldier in any branch is pretty appealing to us. Not to mention the background check is already taken care of, the drug and alcohol issue is resolved,” Mercer said. “their work ethic is phenomenal and then they have a letter of reference coming from the u.s. military. that is a big drive for us to hire the soldier.” “the experience has been phenomenal—and i don’t use that word very often,” Mercer said. this is a hard job, what we do. i think it’s been a great experience not only for me, but for kenai and the soldiers.”

To learn more about the Employer Partnership of the Armed Forces visit www.employerpartnership.org.

photo courtesy spc. timothy thomas, 422nd military police company

striking success with Kenai Drilling

Spc. Timothy Thomas is one of the 40 military members hired by Kenai Drilling, Ltd., another company advocating the Employer Partnership of the Armed Forces.

epAF=success since signing their agreement, kenai has hired 40 military members and are constantly increasing that number. A recent addition to the kenai drilling team is Army reserve spc. timothy thomas. thomas began an unsuccessful job search after being laid off two weeks before christmas 2008. “i didn’t realize how bad the economy was,” he said. he joined the Army reserve as his unit of assignment, the 422nd Military police company, was preparing to deploy. thomas served a year in iraq before returning June 2011. his brother-in-law, Jeremiah, works for kenai and suggested that thomas contact Mercer. upon initial contact, Mercer recommended thomas to epAF program support Manager, Angel Faggins. According to thomas, the program was quick and easy. but what’s made things all the simpler for him is the understanding and flexibility kenai has for military members. “kenai and my unit work hand in hand, so i can always go to drill and don’t have to worry about scheduling,” thomas said. “i have my year-long drill schedule that my unit provided to me that i brought in to my supervisors so everyone knows my schedule, but i remind them a week or more before i have drill so we can plan.” thomas, currently a safety captain who hopes one day to run his own rig, has had a great experience. he gets along with his coworkers and looks forward to going to work every day. he has referred several of his unit members to kenai because of the company’s flexibility and desire to work with veterans. the employer partnership program continues to link service members to the right kind of employers through its support program managers. warriOr–CiTiZeN


RealMc the



McCoy How a top-notch staff with a keen business strategy make Fort McCoy, Wis., one of the premier training facilities in the country.




With the Fort Mccoy Garrison headquarters in the background, the united states flag flutters in the breeze from the installation flagpole. distinctive concrete lettering and a ceremonial howitzer complete the display.

The staff long ago recognized that Fort McCoy’s strategic advantage is training…our strategic objectives…have been realized through the

foresight, vision, commitment and hard work of leadership…”


— Col. Steven W. nott, Fort MCCoy GarriSon CoMMander

spc. douglas pearson with b company, 1st battalion, 194th Armor, 1st brigade combat team, 34th infantry division, Minnesota Army National Guard, scans the countryside from behind his M240 light machine gun on a humvee guntruck at Fort Mccoy’s Mobile urban training site-North during an urban operations training exercise.

raining support providers, responsible for preparing soldiers for mobilization, play an integral role in creating soldiers’ seamless transition from “citizens” to “warriors.” in order to meet the demand for training, one of the Army reserve’s premier training installations, Fort Mccoy, Wis., has been executing a strategic plan to support and train military forces for any contingency. According to Garrison commander col. steven W. Nott, last June put Fort Mccoy’s strategy to the test. “in a single month, the installation supported nearly 11,000 soldiers participating in Army reserve training exercises while simultaneously supporting the mobilization of the approximately 3,000 members of the Minnesota Army National Guard, as well as other units participating in

pfc. brandon pankow checks the setting on the M2 .50-caliber machine gun mounted on a humvee guntruck while sgt. Jonathan steinback assists—in preparation to do a border crossing convoy operation at k crossing at Fort Mccoy. pankow and steinbach are part of the 1st brigade combat team, 34th infantry division, training to deploy in support of operation enduring Freedom.



battle drill/extended combat training sessions,” said Nott. “that same month, Fort Mccoy was also the host facility for the Army reserve best Warrior competition.” the post established its vision in 1995— “to be the premier training center and forceprojection site of choice for America’s reserve component defense forces.” that vision has been the foundation for the installation’s strategic direction as it maintains mission-relevancy and responsiveness. Fort Mccoy’s current strategic business plan, which covers the period 2011-2015, fully aligns with the Army installation campaign plan and supports the Army Force Generation strategy. Facility modernization, training area development and expansion, increased training and customer support capacity and improved quality-of-life opportunities are all dividends of Fort Mccoy’s long-term investments in strategic planning and the “enterprise business Approach.”

planning process is so much more than putting words on a page. the strategic business plan is put into action on a daily basis. to measure its execution, the performance objectives for each Fort Mccoy employee directly link to the strategic business plan’s six command imperatives, five strategic objectives and the more than 360 action plans that have resulted from it.” the mature and effective management systems enable the effective execution of assigned missions. collectively these systems provide an operating framework through which personnel at

AboVe leFt: 1st lt. Andrew krochalk and his interpreter talk with a sheik at the central Asian village at the Mobile urban training site-North, on Fort Mccoy, Wis., as part of urban operations training conducted by b company, 1st battalion, 194th Armor, 1st brigade combat team, 34th infantry division, Minnesota Army National Guard. the 34th is training to deploy in support of operation enduring Freedom. AboVe riGht: sgt. dave tracy, kneeling, and pfc. Floyd Graham, rear, pull security duty in a tree line on the edge of Fort Mccoy’s badger drop zone. tracy, from yorkville, ill., and Graham, from bluefield, W. Va., were providing security as other soldiers from their 509th engineer company established a medical evacuation helicopter landing zone to take out a team member with simulated injuries from an assault on their convoy. the 509th is an active-duty unit from Fort leonard Wood, Mo., conducting a five-day culminating training exercise at Fort Mccoy prior to deploying in support of operation enduring Freedom. beloW: soldiers load a simulated patient onto a black hawk helicopter on a field outside of Fort Mccoy’s contingency operating location Freedom. it was one of several medical-evacuation operations conducted as part of texas National Guard’s 111th engineer battalion’s training to deploy in support of operation enduring Freedom.

“in 1995 this would not have been possible,” Nott said. “the staff long ago recognized that Fort Mccoy’s strategic advantage is training, and as such, our strategic objectives define what we need to accomplish to support that goal. Modernizing our infrastructure, enhancing our military value, maintaining and expanding our military customer base, using resources effectively and providing programs that improve the quality of life available here have been realized through the foresight, vision, commitment and hard work of leadership—here, now and throughout the years.” “As a mobilization training center, Fort Mccoy supported the mobilization and deployment/ redeployment of more than 140,000 personnel,” Nott said. “in fiscal year 2010 Fort Mccoy had the largest reserve component mobilization mission in the country.” Within the last three years, Fort Mccoy has acquired and executed

record levels of sustainment, renovation and modernization funding while staying aggressive in updating or building infrastructure and ranges to support soldiers. According to Nott, constant focus on the tenets of the strategic business plan keep the post in the position of having on-theshelf projects ready to execute at whatever time funding becomes available. As recent examples, Nott pointed to the soon-to-be-completed $14 million combined Arms collective training Facility on Fort Mccoy’s south post. this facility will support combat training in urbanized terrain. Fort Mccoy is also nearing its goal of being able to house 10,000 service members simultaneously in renovated barracks space. “our facilities and capabilities differentiate Fort Mccoy from other training support providers and increase our strategic relevance to the Army,” he said.

soldiers from decorah, iowa’s 322nd engineer company react during a situational training exercise at a rural village at Fort Mccoy, Wis. one soldier applies a tourniquet above the knee of another soldier that had been given simulated wounds, as others crouch in a defensive position ready to respond to the incident. the soldiers, from the 322nd engineer company, were with about 20 other soldiers in a convoy stopped in the village to investigate a report about insurgent activity.

With modernized facilities and state-of-theart ranges, training levels at Fort Mccoy have exceeded 100,000 personnel annually for nearly three decades. steady growth is projected for training populations affiliated with training exercises through fiscal year 2014. Nott said this training will help offset the numbers the post will lose due to the october 2011 stand down of the reserve component mobilization training mission the post had performed since 2003. “the Army’s decision to reduce the number of active mobilization training centers means that Fort Mccoy again will be ready to serve in whatever capacity best meets the needs of the Army,” he said. “We have been supporting the needs of America’s Armed Forces since 1909. our diversified approach to training and support will allow us to readily change gears from the mobilization focus to that of providing the fullest-possible support to the total Force.”

— Col. Steven W. nott, Fort MCCoy GarriSon CoMMander



St. Lewisburg, W.Va., resident Cpl. Cory Taylor momentarily paused

under the protection of the building’s overhang before stepping into a torrential, sideways-blowing downpour and the first of the physical events that would kick off a grueling, 65-hour military police challenge. A challenge that would soon live up to its name…



soldiers assigned to the 290th Military police brigade complete the final three miles of the forced road march during the 2011 Military police Warfighter challenge on sept. 19, 2011 at Fort leonard Wood, Mo. the brigade is assigned to the 200th Mp command, based at Fort Meade, Md., which sent five teams to represent the Army reserve to the annual event.

Story and Photos By Sgt. 1st Class Mark Bell, 200th Military Police Command, Public Affairs



to prepare for the challenge and give our active duty counterparts a run for their money.Ó The Reserve teams joined four Army National Guard and 28 active component teams from across the world at the annual event that brings top military police Soldiers together. Although the team didnÕ t take the top honors as the best team, the Warrior-Citizens received a standing ovation during the closing ceremonies as they received the prestigious award for having the most spirit. Throughout the week, Soldiers covered more than 60 miles on foot, moving from one event site to the next.

cpl. cory taylor, assigned to the 304th Military police company, based in bluefield, W.V., competes in the Army physical Fitness test during the 2011 Warfighter challenge at Fort leonard Wood, Mo. the 304th is assigned to the 800th Mp brigade.

“I didn’t know what to expect that day,” BELOW: Spc. Scott Stein, assigned to the 346th Military Police Company, based at Fort Riley, Kan., competes in the Army Physical Fitness Test during the 2011 Warfighter Challenge. BELOW RIGHT: Spc. John Bennett, assigned to the 304th Military Police Company, based in Bluefield, W.V., competes in the Army Physical Fitness Test during the 2011 Warfighter Challenge.



Taylor recalled

after he and his 336th Military Police Battalion teammates completed a 15-mile forced road march. Ò There is some great competition here, but the Army Reserve held its own considering we do this part time and donÕ t have the same resources and training time as our active duty counterparts.Ó After a six-hour wait, the West Virginia-based Army Reserve team won top spot for the best score during a physical fitness test with a surprise 6.5 mile run that included carrying two, 35-pound ammunition cans, full combat equipment and an individual weapon. The results underscore the skills and spirit that Reserve Soldiers bring to the total force in both deployments and competitions like these. Ò The Army better watch out next year,Ó said Command Sgt. Maj. Kurtis Timmer, the senior enlisted Soldier for the 200th MP Command based at Fort Meade, Md. The unit is responsible for more than 14,500 Soldiers assigned to the command and all five Reserve teams in the competition. Ò We are fairly new to this competition and next year we will give our Soldiers more time

“We aren’t training, unless it’s raining.” The warriors were awake long before roosters would even think about alarming neighbors in central Missouri of the coming severe weather. They were busy taking a written examination that tested and pushed their knowledge of military police and general Soldier tactics and techniques. Ò ItÕ s important our Soldiers have the right mental capacity and smarts to be a military police officer,” Timmer said. “We ask our young MPs to make split-second decisions that could possibly shape the battlefield Ñ good or bad. The written test may seem insignificant compared to the physical events, but it was just as important.Ó Afterward, team members spent a brief free moment rechecking their equipment and meeting more than 100 of their peers from around the world. The quick exchange of Ò warÓ stories halted when competition cadre interrupted the casual conversations and informed the teams that the competition was about to take a twist for the worst.

“…the Army Reserve held its own considering we do this part time and don’t have the same resources and training time as our active -duty counterparts.”

— Cpl. Cory Taylor, 336Th MiliTary poliCe BaTTalion

As the old Army saying goes, Ò We arenÕ t training, unless itÕ s raining,Ó the competitors were quickly brought outside to complete an unexpected, grueling physical readiness test and demanding night land navigation course. Throughout the early morning, competition cadre attempted to keep the pull-up bars dry with quick swipes of an already-drenched towel. The competitors not only had difficulty holding on to the wet metal, but the piercing rain also made it difficult to see. Ò This is insane,Ó yelled one competitor as he made his way through the PRT stations. “Welcome to the Warfighter Challenge,” yelled a senior noncommissioned officer who patted the Soldier on the back as he ran what he thought was a short run. The sun set and the competition went on. Exhausted competitors attempted to negotiate a challenging night land navigation course. With only a map, lensatic compass and Soldier instincts, teams huddled around trees and other vegetation to provide cover from the rain to plot their course of action before total darkness consumed the forest area. It was nearing midnight before the last teams arrived at the finish checkpoints, and then to the barracks to prepare for the next day and salvage a few hours of some much-needed sleep.

blood, bruises and broken bones With their boots still wet from the first day’s mud puddles, warriors awoke to a second day of unknowns, and to the news that several competitors had been eliminated due to minor injuries. Armed with their warrior drive and loaded down with combat gear, full water supply and MREs, the teams negotiated through several tasks that included clearing, disassembling, reassembling and completing a functions check on numerous individual and crew-served weapons within a short time period.

A solider assigned to the 200th Military police command reassembles the M4 carbine.

reserve military policemen assigned to the 346th Military police company, based at Fort riley, kan., competes in the Army physical Fitness test.

The team assigned to the Army ReserveÕ s 346th MP Company, based at Fort Riley, Kan., arrived at the weapons point not sure what to expect. Ò The hardest part is not knowing what to expect at each station,Ó said Spc. Brody Kennedy, from Sedan, Kan. As Kennedy and fellow teammates Staff Sgt. Alberto Chabrier Cepeda, from Hutchinson, Kan., and Spc. Scott Stein, from Fort Riley, Kan., walked through the wet vegetation guided only by a cadre, they arrived at a small clearing to find several weapons systems placed on a table and an MK-19 grenade launcher lying nearby. The 72.5 pound, 40 mm belt-fed automatic grenade launcher seemed liked a challenge for the team as only the team leader was allowed to communicate during the seven-minute timed event. The metallic sounds echoed through the heavily wooded vegetation; the minutes and seconds quickly dwindled on the cadreÕ s stopwatch. Ò Time,Ó the testing cadre sergeant said. With no feedback and little conversation after the event between the team and the competition cadre, the Reserve Soldiers disappeared through the forest, which gave the team a slight break

Spc. Kyle Haywood performs a function on an MK 19 Grenade launcher. The teams had to disassemble and reassemble several individual and crew-served weapons during the warrior task portion of the week-long event.



ABOVE: Soldiers assigned to the 391st Military Police Battalion, based in Columbus, Ohio, slowly work through a scenario-based exercise at the 2011 Warfighter Challenge. BELOW: Spc. Christopher Uresti, a military policeman assigned to the 603rd Military Police Company, based at Belton, Mo., rests between warrior tasks.

from the constant rain. Within minutes their personal water containers were resupplied and the sounds of their boots hitting the muddy roads faded as they walked several more miles to the next warrior task. As quick as the team disappeared over a hill, several other Reserve teams arrived at the warrior task and took their shot at the weapons station. Ò Military police are a unique band of Soldiers that have been tested during the past 10 years and have proven themselves as key components to success on the battlefield,” said Maj. Gen. Sanford Holman, commanding general of the 200th MP Command. Ò Today, everyone has proven they are all warfighters. It doesn’t matter whether we are Reserve, Guard or active component, every one of these Soldiers who cross the finish line are proven warriors.” Ò ItÕ s awesome to come out here and see our regiment doing great things,Ó Holman said as he watched competitors negotiate several warrior tasks. Ò Although we didnÕ t win this year, I will give a warning to the active duty teams Ñ beware of the Army Reserve next year.Ó The night came to an exhilarating end with a crowd favorite Ñ an Army Combative tournament. The competition was brutal enough to result in blood, bruises, broken bones Ñ but ultimately led to defeat in the double elimination tournament. Ò It was tough tonight,Ó said Timmer. Ò We need to improve on our combatives, but next year that will change.Ó

“this his is today’s battlefield.” As injuries piled up, more Soldiers were sent packing. Teams missing one or more team members were forced out of the competition, but not the warfighter challenge. Ò These warriors never quit,Ó said one cadre. Ò They could easily pack their bags and go home, but they donÕt . They know they are out of the scoring of the competition, but they came here to finish a mission Ñ to prove to 32


soldiers assigned to the 346th Military police company, based at Fort riley, kan., finish the last mile of the forced road march portion of the 2011 Warfighter challenge.

themselves they have what it takes to be a warfighter.” Day threeÕ s marksmanship challenges were conducted at various ranges to test marksmanship skills with a wide range of weapons, in both daylight and in limited visibility, on the move and in stationary positions. After zeroing weapons, teams traveled several miles to a reflexive fire range that tested the ability to work together in close quarters. Afterward, Soldiers continued pushing their bodies to the extreme, negotiating several miles of a difficult Improvised Explosive Device lane that called on their experience and knowledge of IEDs. “This is today’s battlefield,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Andrew Lombardo, the senior enlisted Soldier for the 800th MP Brigade. “This competition brings battlefield tactics and lessons learned to the Soldiers and tests their ability to assess the situation and correctly react in a timely manner.Ó Lombardo, a captain with the New York City Police Department, said Army Reserve military police are in a unique situation. Ò We donÕt put on our military uniforms every day, but many of our Soldiers are law enforcement officers with communities across the country,Ó he said. Ò Although our civilian law enforcement techniques may differ [from] our

“Today, everyone has proven they are all warfighters. It doesn’t matter whether we are Reserve, Guard or active component, every one of these Soldiers who cross the finish line are proven warriors.” — MAj. GEn. n. SAn SAnFord nFord HolMAn, coMMAndInG GEnErAl, GEnErAl, 200TH MIlITAry PolIcE coMMAnd MMAnd nd

the long-a long-aWaited end The last push before the long-awaited end to the pain was the 15-mile endurance march, where Soldiers rucked with full gear, gritting through soreness and injuries, sweat and anxiety. Some teams leaned on each other to get to the finish line while others found the inner strength to sprint the last 100 yards across the open field. Ò Today is a good day for military police around the world,Ó said Holman. Ò These warfighters have demonstrated we are some of the best Soldiers in our Army.Ó As the public address system announced the Army Reserve teams cresting a nearby hill, Holman, Timmer, Lombardo and other senior leadership joined the Warrior-Citizens in their last half mile Ñ encouraging the young Soldiers to keep pushing. Ò ItÕ s a great day,Ó Timmer said, looking out at the cloudless sky. Ò I canÕ t think of a better

ending to a miserable week of weather. These are the true heroes of our Army. Look around, and we see Reserve, Guard and active component Soldiers helping each other.Ó Shortly after crossing the finish line, Soldiers quickly removed their boots and socks, exposing a weekÕs worth of broken blisters. Ò We have to give these Soldiers credit,Ó Holman said. Ò These Reserve teams volunteered to be here. They went up against teams that spent months training for this challenge and the Reserve did very well.Ó Holman said the competition was more than the grueling tasks; it was about camaraderie and making new friends. Ò We are a joint team,Ó he said about todayÕs battlefield. “It is those friendships bonded here this week that will carry over the span of their military careers and beyond. We want our Soldiers leaving here with an understanding that we all rely on each other. It doesnÕt matter what patches we wear on our arms, but the U.S. Army on our left side of our chest.Ó

Photo illustration

military techniques, we both do one thing well Ñ we protect and serve.Ó The dayÕs competition ended with the weapons qualification range for night fire.



P S Y HORN OF P photos leFt to riGht: Members of the 345th tactical psychological operations company watch as sgt. clinton cook, a maintenance specialist with the 4th Military information support Group, demonstrates print system troubleshooting tips and techniques. the soldiers will deploy to the horn of Africa this summer and utilize the psychological operations print system to print everything from flyers to posters used to communicate with the local population. spc. bryan tran (left) and spc. dakota lawrence, psychological operations specialists with the 307th tactical psychological operations company in st. louis, review the operations manual for the riso hc5500 print system. tran and lawrence helped train members of the 345th tactical psychological operations company on the psychological operations print system – light. the two were selected to be trainers because for most of the past year, the two worked on the system in Afghanistan and became experts in maintaining it in extreme conditions.

pvt. steven bunch, a psyop specialist with the 345th tactical psychological operations company, disassembles a product distribution system – light. bunch just completed his military occupation specialty and is deploying for the first time with the unit to the horn of Africa this summer.

“…we’ll conduct atmospherics, analysis of local attitudes — pulse of the people, so to speak…”

— Maj. Matt Perritte, coMMander, 345th PSYoP co. 34


story and photos By Lt. CoL. GeraLd ostLund, usaCapoC(a), puBLiC affairs


Ò Our team is triple the size of the PSYOP team we are replacing,Ó said Maj. Matt Perritte, the detachmentÕ s commander and an Austin, Texas, police officer who deployed with the 344th PSYOP Co. to Afghanistan in 2011. Ò Our mission will expand and morph once we get there, but weÕ ll conduct atmospherics, analysis of local attitudesÑ pulse of the people, so to speak Ñ and assist in communicating as appropriate with the local population.Ó The unit will deploy to the Horn of Africa for roughly nine months following 10 days of theater-required training and PSYOP collective exercises at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J., early this summer. Perritte explained that because of the increased size of the team and the fact that the Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa hasnÕ t had large PSYOP assets in the past, the mission will have to grow to allow for fully functional tactical PSYOP teams. Ò We may have to take comfort in knowing that we are setting up the next group for success,Ó he quipped. In the past, much of the 345th’s deployment training would have taken place at a Regional Training Center away from home. But now most of it will be conducted as home station training at the Reserve

loWer riGht: staff sgt. reginald pinkney, left, troubleshoots a psychological operations print system during pre-deployment training in dallas, March 29, 2012, with the assistance of sgt. clinton cook, a system maintenance specialist. pinkney, a member of the 345th tactical psychological operations company, will deploy to the horn of Africa this summer and will rely on the system to print everything from leaflets to posters used to communicate with the local population.

center just prior to deployment. By conducting the training at a unitÕ s Ò homeÓ location, the Army saves costs as well as allows Soldiers to spend more time with their Families and preparing to be away from home. Now that regional training centers have been closed, this is the new deployment training model. As with any deployment, there will be periods of downtime. Ò Keeping everyone busy and focused is the key,Ó said Staff Sgt. Reginald Pinkney, the tactical PSYOP detachmentÕ s noncommissioned officer in charge. Pinkney, who deployed with the unit to Afghanistan a couple of years ago, is a former active and Reserve Marine who transitioned to the Army Reserve to take advantage of greater opportunities to expand into new career fields. “The Army Reserve had a lot more MOS [military occupation specialties],Ó he said, Ò and I chose PSYOP

Ò These guys have worked with these systems more than us,Ó said Perritte. Ò There was nobody here, really, who could teach us the ins and outs. WeÕ ve always fallen in on these systems and they were maintained and repaired by someone else. Ours will be the first into HOA and there isnÕ t a maintenance contract or technicians there. So, we’ll have to know how to fix them.” Cpl. Jaime Bailey, a newly trained psychological operations specialist, agreed that the hands-on training was key. Ò I want to make sure I know what IÕ m doing,Ó she said. Ò The tips and tricks they showed us will be really helpful. I just donÕ t want to mess up.Ó With six more weeks of training ahead, the Soldiers of the 345th PSYOP Co. are sure to learn a few more tricks to best prepare for their new, expanded mission.

F AFRICA because of the unique mission. Ò Our mission in the Horn of Africa is unique in that everyone is really working under the State Department,Ó noted Pinkney. Ò So, how do we integrate PSYOP? It will be a challenge and at times we may have to find stuff to keep our Soldiers busy.” One of the challenges the team anticipates is operating and maintaining sophisticated equipment. The training agenda included tips and tricks for maintaining the Psychological Operations Print System Ð Light Ñ the workhorse of the PSYOP product detachment Ñ and how to properly set up, operate and store the Product Distribution System, a satellite communications system used by PSYOP teams to transmit and receive communications products. Lt. Col. Robert Sentell, the commander of 17th PSYOP Battalion Ñ the higher headquarters of 345th PSYOP Co. Ñ explained that two maintenance specialists from the 4th Military Information Support Group and two Soldiers from 10th PSYOP Bn. with experience fixing POPS-L were essential. Ò Having them there was a safety net for us,Ó he said. Ò We could train on them and learn to repair them. But if we did break them, they could fix them before the detachment deployed.”



reaching an


Story Courtesy U.S. Army Africa

LIBREVILLE, Gabon — A contingent of Army Reserve and National Guard

Soldiers from Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas and Utah, along with members of the Defense Medical Readiness Training Institute from Joint Base San Antonio, Texas, spent several weeks working side by side with their Gabonese counterparts in an effort to promote regional relationships and further interoperability between participating militaries during Medical Accord 12 in Libreville, Gabon. Photo by Staff Sgt. Shane hamann, 102nd mobile Public affairS detachment



Photo by CaPt. John Kimbrough, u.S. army afriCa

AboVe: lt. stephane oliveira, right, a physician with the Gabonese Military health services chats with 1st lt. Naomie W. Gathua, a nurse with the 94th combat support hospital, u.s. Army reserve from seagoville, texas during a break in lectures at Medical Accord central 12. MedAccord is a u.s. Army Africa sponsored event that brings together utah and Mississippi National Guard members, Army reserve units from texas and Arkansas, members of the defense Medical readiness training institute at Joint base san Antonio, Gabon and regional African partners in order to promote security cooperation while conducting an exercise to enhance medical capacity. opposite leFt: A contingent of u.s. military personnel comprised of National Guard and u.s. Army reserve soldiers from Mississippi, texas, Arkansas and utah, along with members of the defense Medical readiness training institute (dMrti) from Joint base san Antonio, worked side-by-side with their Gabonese counterparts in an effort to promote regional relationships and further interoperability between the participating militaries during Medical Accord 12 in libreville, Gabon. beloW: Gabonese Medical health services capt. Fidele Miyabe examines a patient during the practical exercise portion of Medical Accord central 12. Photo by CaPt. Colleen benton, 94th Combat SuPPort hoSPital

This annual joint medical exercise, hosted by U.S. Army Africa, presents both U.S. and African militaries with a unique opportunity to work and train together, fostering security cooperation while enhancing medical capacity. “The Gabonese military tries to find operations like this one to teach and train our soldiers different methods and measures that need to be taken, so this maneuver is a big opportunity,Ó said Gabon Army Exercise Force Protection Officer Lt. Col. Joel Ibouanga. Ò We looked forward to this operation, and it will help us learn to deal with different situations in field operations.” The mission has been a priority, and U.S. military personnel are just as eager to learn from their Gabonese partners. Ò Personally, I was honored to have the opportunity to work with the U.S. Army Africa, our fellow units and our Gabonese partners in the planning and preparation process,” said 66th Troop Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Goldsmith of New Orleans. Ò It is a rewarding experience to see the execution of events go so well,Ó he said. With both militaries working toward the same goal of sharing medical expertise, the friendships forged across continents were an added bonus. Ò We are building relationships, making friends and sharing information Ñ itÕs a great experience and will hopefully continue,” said Maj. Samuel Bayles, a psychiatrist with the 94th Combat Support Hospital of Little Rock, Ark., and a native of Tuscan, Ariz.



trained + ready

FoReigN SkillS tRAiNiNg

building a self-sustaining engineer force

Sgt. Frank Singer of the 980th Engineer Battalion and the interpreter, Habib, supervise an Afghan student as he learns to operate construction equipment.

story ANd photos by sGt. Joseph koktAN, 980th eNGiNeer bAttAlioN

“It was an eye opener to see their eagerness to learn. They really want Americans training them. They tell us all the time.” — sGt. FrANk siNGer, 980th eNGiNeer bAttAlioN 38


tARin kOwt, Afghanistan — As the 2014 drawdown of troops in Afghanistan approaches, the role of u.s. and coalition forces is moving towards helping the Afghan troops defend their country. it’s because of this crucial mission that three soldiers from the 980th engineer battalion from dallas, were chosen to work alongside the Australian Army to train and mentor Afghan National Army (ANA) engineer soldiers. the six-week course in tarin kowt trains anywhere from 13 to 20 ANA soldiers per cycle. they learn engineering fundamentals of operating heavy construction equipment—specifically backhoe loaders, compactors, bobcats and front-end loaders. the program was initiated by sgt. taft hall, a veteran of both the british and Australian armies. he’s a member of Australia’s Mentoring task Force 3 and began the course in september 2011. taft saw a need to train the ANA soldiers because they lacked the basic engineering skills

necessary to maintain and sustain their own patrol bases. According to taft, the classes have increased their skills tenfold, and “they’ve gained the confidence to operate. [Australian] rotations before us never focused on mentoring ANA in construction engineering,” said taft. As the Australians reduced their troop numbers, soldiers from the 980th eng. bn. stepped in and assumed full responsibility. sgt. Frank singer, spc. kenny Adams and spc. Anthony hartigan, who assumed full management of the construction course, are the first American troops to train ANA engineers at tarin kowt. “it was an eye opener to see their eagerness to learn,” said singer, a native of san Antonio— currently serving his 10th year in the Army and third tour overseas. “they really want Americans training them. they tell us all the time.” Abdul sabur, a member of the most recent construction class, was thrilled to see the Americans arrive to teach.

“Absolutely we need [u.s. soldiers] to come here and train us,” sabur said through the interpreter. “We’ve learned a lot of things [from them].” the central mission for the 980th soldiers is to continue what taft envisioned for the course—act as mentors and then slowly step back to the point where the Afghans are in full control of the course and ready to execute construction missions without the help of coalition forces. even though most of the Afghan soldiers have little education and cannot read or write, Adams has high expectations that the hands-on training will be successful. “right now we’re at a crawl, crawl, crawl, walk stage,” said Adams, a native of Wetumka, okla., serving his first tour. “their willingness to learn is incredible. they want to learn.” While singer and Adams will be the primary mentors for operating the machinery, hartigan will be responsible for making sure the Afghan soldiers are able to fix and service the construction equipment. “[the goal] i want to achieve is for the ANA to recognize different parts of the machines and what needs fixing,” explained hartigan, a diesel mechanic from Forked river, N.J., serving his first tour. in only a couple of weeks, hartigan has already seen success with his teaching. “When we first got here, they hopped in the equipment and went to work. Now they are taking

the time to check fluids and do a 360 inspection before operating.” the Afghan soldiers have already assumed an increased role in training their own soldiers. the most recent engineer class is led by a class non commissioned officer and two well-trained senior Nco operators. the class Nco ensures all the necessary training takes place, while the two senior Ncos do most of the training. once Afghan engineers graduate from the engineer course, they are assigned to the ANA 4th kandak bn., where they receive further hands-on training and begin patrol base maintenance.

ABOVE: A soldier from the Afghan National Army greases the lube points on his backhoe loader buck. Part of the engineer course focuses on training ANA soldiers in basic operator maintenance. BELOW: Afghan engineer students stand behind instructors of Engineer Class 3. The training they receive will allow them to maintain and sustain their own patrol bases.



trained + ready

SmAll ARmS chAmpioNS

locked and loaded

“if you’ve got skills, bring it.” — MAster sGt. russell Moore, sMAll ArMs reAdiNess bAttAlioN

story ANd photos by sGt. 1st clAss JohN buol, ArMy reserVe cAreers diVisioN



Master sgt. russell Moore, with the command sergeant major of the training and doctrine command, command sgt. Maj. daniel dailey, receives the secretary of defense trophy rifle— the M1 Grand—for his achievement as overall individual champion.

FORt benninG, Ga. — Master sgt. russell Moore is referring to all levels of expertise coming together at the u.s. All-Army small Arms championship, which draws soldiers of every rank and component by the hundreds. With military event teams representing specialties ranging from special pecial Forces to dental technicians, this year’s competition attracted more than 300 Guardsmen, Army reserve and active component soldiers— each striving to beat the three-time reigning All-Army small Arms overall champion. o When the week of shooting came to a close, Moore, a senior noncommissioned officer with the s small Arms readiness battalion would—for the fourth time straight—successfully defend his title, sweeping three major overall championship categories, overall combat pistol, overall combat ombat rifle r and the overall combined Arms champion hampion titles at the Army’s pre-eminent marksmanship training and competition event. Moore, a warrior task and battle drill instructor at the Army Medical department center and school chool in his civilian capacity, says what makes the competition unique is its focus on the combination of physical stamina, accuracy, and stress management—a necessary skill set for soldiers oldiers preparing for a battlefield environment.

Master sgt. russell Moore, a warrior task and battle drill instructor at the Army medical department center and school says the All-Army competition is unique because it focuses on a combination of physical stamina, accuracy and stress management, all necessary skills for soldiers on the battlefield.

“i’m training combat medics preparing to go to combat with infantry, combat engineers and military police,” said Moore. “My job is to provide them the skills they need to defend themselves, their unit and their casualties.” “every soldier needs to be technically and tactically proficient,” said command sgt. Maj. Michael d. schultz, command sergeant Major of the Army reserve. “Master sgt. Moore’s unparalleled skills make him an asset to the Army reserve and the total force as both a trainer and a soldier.” the combination of endurance, accuracy and nerves was tested when competitors had to complete two separate one and a half mile runs in full gear to the firing line in the pistol and rifle competitions. All of the 12 events are fired in four-soldier fire teams and as individuals. Moore’s team placed third overall out of 57 other teams. “it’s on the move, moving to shoot. the goal is deadly accuracy, the result is teaching soldiers to stay calm under pressure and increasing confidence in their capabilities,” said Moore, adding that the skills he has acquired allow him to offer the depth and relevance that will help keep soldiers alive on the battlefield. “i have combat medics deploying in the next few months with their infantry line units—the skills and weapons training i provide will absolutely transfer over.”

in order to stay fully competitive, Moore competes in precision pistol and rifle competitions, international defensive pistol Association matches which emphasize the use of your concealed carry firearm and places the shooter in real-world defensive scenarios. he also fires in other dynamic multi-gun shooting competitions. “i take every opportunity i can to shoot competitively and to train, regardless of the shooting style,” said Moore. the “All-Army” competition focuses on the soldier’s ability to use their assigned weapons; nothing can be modified for competition purposes. pistols are fired from 2 to 35 yards and rifles are fired from 2 to 500 yards using iron sights only. All competitors must be in full combat uniform. According to Moore, who has spent the last six years of his military career as a small Arms instructor, including being mobilized to the

1st Army small Arms instructor Academy, the experience and skills gained at the All-Army small Arms championships allow soldiers to return to their units as real combat multipliers. “i have a direct link into soldiers’ survivability and i take it to heart—all units receive combat medics and every soldier is primarily a rifleman,” Moore said. “At the end of the day, i feel i have given them good information and skills that will absolutely help to keep them alive.”

“i have a direct link into soldiers’ survivability and i take it to heart.” — MAster sGt. russell Moore, sMAll ArMs reAdiNess bAttAlioN

in 2012 MsG russell Moore of the u.s. Army reserve shooting team won the overall All Army small Arms championship for his fourth consecutive year.



trained + ready

StRUctURed SelF-deVelopmeNt

bridging the gap

By TimoThy L. haLe army reserve Command PuBLiC affairs

Structured Self-development Program in Full Swing Photos by sPc. Monte swift, 203rd Public Aff AffAirs detA et chMent etA

FORt bRAGG, n.C. — A streamlined approach to professional development in the enlisted corps is underway. structured self-development (ssd), an Army-wide program developed by the united states Army sergeants Major Academy, is designed to assist soldiers in every component in achieving professional and technical success as they move through the noncommissioned officer ranks. the goal of ssd is to provide a capable corps of noncommissioned officers who can think critically, manage resources, be culturally astute in any environment and be a motivated warrior-leader. While the ssd acronym may be new, its foundation is based on the existing professional Nco education system. “it is going to enhance those (Ncoes) training environments,” said sgt. 1st class Jerry Whitehead, operations Nco at u.s. Army reserve command. “it will keep the soldiers on their toes,” Whitehead said. “it gives them a little more information to put in their tool bag and be a better soldier all the way around.”

A 103rd sustainment command (expeditionary) soldier participates in the land navigation portion of the best Warrior competition at camp dodge, iowa. structured self-development better prepares soldiers to meet the challenges of both competitions like best Warrior and deployments.

o p e R At i o N A l d o m A i N

Although the program is relatively new, it is already making an impact, said command sgt. Maj. Michael d. schultz, command sergeant Major of the Army reserve. “We’ve already seen that soldiers who complete the ssd modules prior to attending Warrior leader course are scoring higher on the commandant’s list.” through ssd and the current Ncoes, a soldier must complete each specific ssd level through self-paced learning before attending a resident course such as Warrior leader, Advance leader, senior leader or the sergeants Major course. As an example, a staff sergeant must complete ssd level iii before attending the senior leader course. Just like crossing a bridge to get from one side of a river to the other side, soldiers will now bridge the gaps with ssd on their own to get to each phase of professional development. “it is a distance-learning program but it enhances what you learn in the classroom from the different levels of Ncoes,” said Whitehead, adding that there is a three-year time limit to complete each ssd level, but the responsibility rests squarely on the individual.

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4 ModUleS = 80 hoUrS ssD1 is mandatory and is a prerequisite to Warrior leader course. soldiers will be automatically enrolled during advanced individual training and begin once they are in their unit.

FocUS: – Team and squad levels – common leader and tactical skill sets – nco history – Introduction to Army drills and ceremonies



o p e R At i o N A l



5 ModUleS = 80 hoUrS there will not be ssD between Wlc and advanced leader common core. alcc is in lieu of ssD2.

FocUS: – Preparing unit and subordinate elements for peace and wartime missions and contingencies


4 ModUleS ssD3 will be taken after alc and before the senior leader course, previously known as the advanced noncommissioned officer course (ancoc).

“Continuous learning has a positive impact on the force by enhancing career potential for both the NCO and the Soldiers that serve under him or her…”

sgt. Nathanial durbala, Financial Management technician/budget Analyst for the G8, 103rd sustainment command (expeditionary), reads a map during the land navigation portion of the best Warrior competition at camp dodge, iowa. the goal of structured self-development is to give noncommissioned officers the tools to think critically, manage resources, and be culturally astute and motivated leaders.

— Command Sgt. maj. miChael d. SChultz, Command Sergeant major of the army reServe

schultz is also holding his senior noncommissioned officers accountable. “My question to Nco leadership is not ‘have you heard about it,’ but are your soldiers enrolled? because even though awareness is increasing, it comes down to numbers, and enrollment numbers are what the active component is looking at—and i’m expecting to see an improvement in.” Whitehead said that leaders must also be involved in soldier development. “As a leader, you need to be aware of what your soldiers are doing,” he said. “you need to be tracking their progress and you’re going to need to help them out. everyone needs a little motivation now and then and that’s a leader’s responsibility.” Whitehead also cautions soldiers to watch the start dates because it may shave months off the three-year window. “if you pick a course that


has already started you may not get the full three years to complete the course. so pay attention to the course start date,” he said, adding that ssd will allow Army reserve soldiers more opportunities for continuing their military service. “it’s going to enhance your skills,” he said. “it’s going to build on what you have learned in the classroom and make you an overall better soldier. these skills will carry across from the Army reserve to your civilian life and Family life —every aspect.” According to schultz, it will also make for a better Nco corps. “continuous learning has a positive impact on the force by enhancing career potential for both the Nco and the soldiers that serve under him or her—and that is the force we are shaping for the future.”

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= 80 hoUrS

o p e R At i o N A l d o m A i N



4 ModUleS = 80 hoUrS


4 ModUleS = 80 hoUrS




– Platoon systems and programs

– joint operations at the company and battalion level

– Strategic operations

– Army drills and ceremonies

SSd AT A GlAncE: ssD will reinforce what is learned in institutional training and operational assignments. each ssD level consists of a series of modules of up to 80 hours. the operational domain provides “real world” experience in problem solving, while the institutional domain focuses on education and transitioning through the ncoes. warriOr–CiTiZeN


dediCated to the soldiers of the u.s. army reserve Who made the supreme saCrifiCe in the global War on terror.


iN memoRiAm sGT Kevin D. akins sPC Omar m. albrak sPC Paul e. andersen maJ stuart m. anderson sGT roberto arizola, Jr. CPl raphael r. arruda sPC Farid el azzouzi Csm edward C. Barnhill sPC Jacob D. Barton sGT Gregory a. Belanger sPC alexander J. Bennett CPl mark a. Bibby sPC steven J. Bishop msG Kelly m. l. Bolor sGT Federico G. Borjas sPC roy Buckley sPC Dustin r. Brisky msG Thomas l. Bruner CPT Brian m. Bunting sPC Charles e. Bush, Jr. CPT Paul J. Cassidy PFC Thomas D. Caughman sPC Doron N. Chan sPC Jonathan m. Cheatham ssG Thomas w. Christensen

ssG lillian l. Clamens sGT ross a. Clevenger 1sG Christopher D. Coffin sPC Christopher J. Coffland sPC Gavin J. Colburn sGT James s. Collins, Jr. maJ David s. Connolly ssG Todd r. Cornell sPC richard m. Crane 1sG Jose s. Crisostomo lTC Terrence K. Crowe ssG Donald N. Davis sPC lauro G. Deleon, Jr. sFC robert v. Derenda ssG Christopher w. Dill sGT Catalin D. Dima sPC Jeremy m. Dimaranan ssG Carlos Dominguez sPC spencer C. Duncan ssG richard s. eaton, Jr. sGT Gary a. eckert, Jr. sPC Daniel l. elliott maJ michael s. evarts ssG Jeffrey J. Farrow maJ Gregory J. Fester

sGT Nathan r. Field ssG ryan D. Foraker sPC Kendell K. Frederick CPT Brian s. Freeman sGT Bryan l. Freeman sGT David T. Friedrich sPC luke P. Frist sPC Nichole m. Frye sFC Dan H. Gabrielson ssG loleni w. Gandy maJ Jason e. George sGT David J. Goldberg sPC michael l. Gonzalez PFC Gregory r. Goodrich PFC Devin J. Grella CPl Kelly B. Grothe maJ scott a. Hagerty sPC David e. Hall sPC robert e. Hall, Jr. sGT James w. Harlan ssG Darren Harmon sGT Kenneth w. Harris, Jr. sFC David a. Hartman ssG stephen C. Hattamer sPC Joshua T. Hazlewood

ssG robert Hernandez sGT edward r. Heselton sPC Julie r. Hickey sGT anton J. Hiett sPC Joshua l. Hill sPC Casey l. Hills sPC Benjamin D. Hoeffner sGT James J. Holtom maJ matthew P. Houseal sFC merideth l. Howard sPC Bert e. Hoyer CPl rachael l. Hugo sGT eric r. Hull CPl Derence w. Jack sPC Dustin C. Jackson CPT Benjamin D. Jansky sPC Joseph a. Jeffries maJ alan r. Johnson sPC robert T. Johnson sFC matthew r. Kading msG Paul D. Karpowich sPC Chancellor a. Keesling maJ Dwayne m. Kelley lTC Paul w. Kimbrough sPC adam G. Kinser

We honor the lives of these Warrior-Citizens for their serviCe and saCrifiCe to

NEVER FORGET AS oF mAy 15, 2012

ssG Charles a. Kiser sGT Charles B. Kitowski, ii sPC adam l. Knox sGT elmer C. Krause sGT Kurt e. Kruize Csm John K. laborde ssG mark a. lawton ssG wilgene T. lieto CPT shane r. mahaffee sFC Curtis mancini sGT myla l. maravillosa lTC ralph J. marino ssG stephen G. martin sGT arthur s. mastrapa ssG matthew maupin msG Danny e. maybin sPC Christopher D. mcCarthy CPT Joshua m. mcClimans ssG James D. mcNaughton sFC Otie J. mcvey 1sG Tobias C. meister sPC Christopher T. monroe maJ evan J. mooldyk sGT melvin y. mora ssG richard l. morgan, Jr.

sFC lawrence e. morrison ssG James D. mowris maJ michael l. mundell sGT rodney a. murray sGT Paul T. Nakamura msG robb G. Needham sPC Charles l. Neeley ssG Clinton T. Newman PFC alan H. Newton, Jr. Cw2 Bryan J. Nichols sPC allen D. Nolan sGT Joseph C. Nurre sGT larry w. Pankey, Jr. sGT evan s. Parker ssG robert J. Paul ssG ronald l. Paulsen sPC samuel F. Pearson PFC luis a. Perez ssG James l. Pettaway lTC mark P. Phelan maJ John P. Pryor sGT Jaror C. Puello-Coronado sGT miguel a. ramos ssG Joseph r. ray sGT Pierre a. raymond

sPC Brandon m. read sGT regina C. reali sPC ramon reyes-Torres sGT lawrence a. roukey 1sG Blue C. rowe 1sG Carlos N. saenz ssG Cameron B. sarno sGT Joshua a. schmit ssG Coby G. schwab COl stephen K. scott sGT Danton K. seitsinger CPl stephen D. shannon sFC michael P. shannon lTC anthony l. sherman ssG russell K. shoemaker CPT Benjamin a. sklaver ssG Benjamin J. slaven lTC albert e. smart maJ Charles r. soltes, Jr. sPC Carla J. stewart sFC Douglas C. stone sGT michael r. sturdivant sGT Joshua a. Terando sGT steve Theobald sGT Daniel J. Thompson

sGT Jarret B. Thompson ssG Frank F. Tiai sGT Tina s. Time sFC John J. Tobiason sPC Brandon Tobler sGT Nicholas a. Tomko sPC Juan m. Torres sPC Teodoro Torres ssG Nathan J. vacho sGT Thomas e. vandling, Jr. sGT Jose m. velez sGT Chirasak vidhyarkorn sGT Brandon l. wallace sGT Brad a. wentz PFC raymond m. werner sPC marc C. whisenant sGT Cheyenne C. willey lTC James l. wiley lTC Peter e. winston sGT James witkowski maJ stuart a. wolfer lTC Thomas a. wren CPT Darrick D. wright sPC James C. young

our Country in support of operations iraqi freedom/enduring freedom/neW daWn.

editor Warrior-Citizen U.s. Army Reserve Command, Public Affairs 1401 deshler street sW Fort McPherson, gA 30330

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