Warrior Citizen Vol. 58, No. 1

Page 1

Volume 58 No. 1 2013

The official Magazine of the U.S. Army Reserve

aftermath: in the wake of a superstorm 16

New flexibility expands disaster relief efforts to communities devastated by Hurricane Sandy

Making Moves 24

For Army Reserve mariners, being deployed on one of the Army’s newest Logistics Support Vessels brings great challenges…and a great sense of pride

great neighbors 28

Celebrating support to and from communities in New Orleans

the lottery 30

A toy, a ticket and the reward— USACAPOC (A) Soldiers and Operation Toy Drop

stand down rise up 34 Helping veterans and their Families in need of assistance brings rewards much greater than a training exercise www.armyreserve.army.mil

Shoulder to Shoulder I WILL NEVER QUIT ON LIFE

Prevent Army Suicides Ask  Care  Escort Talk to your Chain of Command, Chaplain or Behavioral Health Professional or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 1-800-273-TALK (8255) www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org www.militaryonesource.com www.preventsuicide.army.mil CP-098-0311


editor’s note

ARMY RESERVE COMMAND TEAM Lt. Gen. Jeffrey W. Talley Chief, Army Reserve Chief Warrant Officer 5 Phyllis Wilson Command Chief Warrant Officer of the Army Reserve Command Sgt. Maj. James Lambert Interim Command Sergeant Major of the Army Reserve WARRIOR-CITIZEN MAGAZINE STAFF Mr. Franklin Childress Director, Army Reserve Communications


hile this issue highlights the role of Warrior-Citizens across America and in communities, Soldiers and Families continue to face concerns regarding the impact of sequestration. Despite news of fiscal uncertainty and the potential negative impact of a year-long Continuing Resolution, Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Talley, Chief

of Army Reserve and Commanding General, U.S. Army Reserve Command, wants Soldiers to know he is working closely with the Army Budget Office and the HQDA staff on how to

Lt. Col. William Ritter Chief, Internal Information Branch

best mitigate the impact to Army Reserve Soldiers and Families. While Talley directs the

Melissa Russell Editor-in-Chief, Warrior-Citizen

to continue to execute your near term plans in accordance with your spend plans…giving

Mark Rydberg Army Publishing Directorate

continued implementation of a cost culture, his recent message to leaders is, “I want you priority to readiness, Family, and wounded warrior accounts.” The return from overseas deployments has presented many Warrior-Citizens with

Teri L. Bupp Contributing Editor

opportunities to highlight their “citizen” role stateside and in communities. “Aftermath,”

Submissions • Warrior-Citizen invites articles, story ideas, photographs and other material of interest to members of the U.S. Army Reserve. Manuscripts and other correspondence to the editor should be addressed to warrior-citizen@usar.army.mil. All articles must be submitted electronically or on disk or CD. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs will not be returned.

Hurricane Sandy, and how support from Federal Forces, enabled by the National Defense

on page 16, features the assistance offered by Army Reserve Soldiers in the wake of

Change of Address • Do not write the magazine. TPU Soldiers should notify their Unit Administrator or Unit Clerk. Members of the IRR and IMA should contact their Personnel Management Team at U. S. Army Human Resources Command, 1600 Spearhead Division Avenue. Fort Knox, KY 40122. AGRs should contact their PMO/PMNCO. Paid subscribers should forward their address change to the Superintendent of Documents, Attn: Mail List Branch SSOM, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Special military distribution recipients may write the editor directly. Subscriptions • Warrior-Citizen is distributed free of charge to members of the U.S. Army Reserve. Circulation is approximately 320,000. Paid subscriptions are available for $14.00 per year domestic, $19.60 foreign. Single copy price is $5.50 domestic, $7.70 foreign. Mail a personal check or money order payable to the Superintendent of Documents to: New Orders, Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954, or fax your order to 202-512-2233. Visa and MasterCard are accepted.

Authorization Act, made a difference for devastated communities. Sgt. Jeannette Twigg’s “A Small Gesture,” is a look at how a volunteer effort made by a group of Soldiers from the 200th Military Police Command made a big difference in the life of a small boy, page 12. “Stand Down, Rise Up” is another way Army Reserve Soldiers make a difference at home. The Innovative Readiness Training Program’s East Bay Stand Down allows volunteers and Soldiers to support and assist veterans in need. Lt. Col. Michelle Sutak explains AR-MEDCOM’s role, beginning on page 34. Making a difference at home is still only part of the contribution made by Citizen-Soldiers. The drawdown in Afghanistan is ongoing, and “The Bagram Beat,” page 38, features the perspective of two Army Reserve Soldiers, who just happen to be females, serving in “combat-like” roles. In Kuwait, Army Reserve mariners, members of the 316th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, continue to support movement of equipment throughout the U.S. Army Central Command area of responsibility for all branches of the military. Check out what they’re doing aboard the Army Reserve’s vessel Major General Robert Smalls, on page 24. As we look for ways to operate more efficiently, the value of the Army Reserve has never been more important to the defense of the nation. The Army Reserve represents efficiency for the Army—at six percent of the budget, the Army Reserve comprises 19 percent of the Total Army and continues to bring unique capabilities that add depth and versatility to the force. Army Reserve Soldiers continue to make a difference every day—valued as Soldiers, Family members, and leaders in the community.

1st Place winner of the 2011 Thomas Jefferson Award (category N) 1st Place winner of the MG Keith L. Ware Award – 2010 and 2011 (category C)

Melissa Russell Editor-in-Chief

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contents warrior-citizen


Volume 58 No. 1 2013

in this issue

t r a i n e d + r e a dy


1 Editor’s Note 4 From the Top 6 Blogs + Websites 15 Soldiers Town Hall 43 improving reserve hr and pay 44 in memoriam

After Hurricane Sandy devastated towns along the Atlantic seaboard, Federal Forces moved in to provide relief from the disaster. Power disruptions, gas shortages and homes devastated from the storm surge along the coast were just part of the myriad of issues mitigated by the coordinated relief effort.


By Staff Sgt. Shawn Morris, 99th Regional Support Command; Master Sgt. Richard Lambert, 76th U.S. Army Reserve Operational Response Command; Col. Gregory T. Adams, EPLO OIC/Program Manager, 76th U.S. Army Reserve Operational Response Command; and Maj. John Adams, 143rd Expeditionary Command

8 10

Cultivating Leadership a hero’s remembrance: Bringing history to the 90th ASB’s Army Reserve Center

11 bringing home history 12 a small gesture 14 The RC's Joint Force Sergeant Major

trained + ready 38 the Bagram beat: a day in the life of two deployed Army Reserve MPs 40 the 75th proof of principle

health + wellness

Photo by Maj. John Adams, 143rd Expeditionary Command

42 e-health for your health



On the Cover Just before sunrise, Army Reserve Mariners aboard the Army Reserve USAV Maj. Gen. Robert Smalls Logistics Support Vessel lower the front ramp as they approach the beach at Kuwait Naval Base, Kuwait, Jan. 9, before guiding their cargo of military vehicles safely onto shore. Photo by Staff Sgt. Peter J. Berardi, 316th Expeditionary Sustainment Command.

Photo by Spc. Sophia Lopez, 316th ESC Public Affairs


t r a i n e d + r e a dy

making moves

Army Reserve mariners stationed aboard the USAV Maj. Gen. Robert Smalls (LSV-8) at Kuwait Naval Base, Kuwait support movement of equipment throughout the U.S. Army Central Command area of responsibility for all branches of the military. by Staff Sgt. Peter Berardi, 316th Expeditionary Sustainment Command


c o mmu n i t i e s

Photo by Staff Sgt. Rauel Tirado, 377th Theater Sustainment Command

great neighborS


the lottery

Just weeks before Christmas, thousands of Soldiers waited in the predawn at Fort Bragg, N.C., to receive a lottery ticket. The cost of the ticket? A toy for needy children. The prize? A chance to jump out of a perfectly good airplane and earn foreign jump wings. This is Operation Toy Drop 2012.

Soldiers honored in New Orleans at the Louisiana Bicentennial Military Parade share their thoughts on how mobilizing the Army Reserve in support of relief efforts for our nation’s communities makes us all better neighbors.

By Spc. Lalita Guenther, U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne) Public Affairs

By Spc. Charles J. Thompson, 377th Theater Sustainment Command


t r a i n e d + r e a dy

Photos by Staff Sgt. Osvaldo Equite, 49th Public Affairs Detachment / PHOTO ILLUSTRATION

c o mmu n i t i e s

stand down, rise up Nearly 2,000 volunteers, and more than 250 military personnel gathered in Pleasanton, Calif., for East Bay Stand Down 2012 to support and assist veterans and their Families who are in need. But for the Soldiers of the Western Medical Area Readiness Support Group, Army Reserve Medical Command, helping the veterans brings more reward than just the training. by Lt. Col. Michele Sutak, chief, public affairs, Army Reserve Medical Command

photo by Lt. Col. Michele Sutak, chief public affairs officer, Army Reserve Medical Command



from the top


plan, prepare,

The Army Reserve’s solution for delivering


The Army Reserve’s capabilities extend from land to sea.

An Operational Force To ensure the Army Reserve stays an operational force, three basic efforts are emphasized; Plan, Prepare, and Provide. “Plan” refers to the regional alignment of Army Reserve theater commands to Army Service Component Commands and Combatant Commands. Part of this alignment is the forward-positioning of full-time manning that is being organized into Army Reserve engagement cells. These engagement cells will have the full spectrum of technical and tactical expertise (engineers, civil affairs, medical, logistics, etc.). The engagement cells will provide direct staff planning support to ASCCs and COCOMs and utilize direct reach-back capability to the USARC and its subordinate GO theater commands. “Prepare” is “how” the Army Reserve trains, assesses and certifies Soldiers, leaders and units for contingent and combat missions. This is done through participation in large Combat Training Center–like field (dirt) exercises that are exclusively focused on enablers. Exercises are broken into two types—Warrior Exercises and Combat Support Training Exercises. WAREXs are aimed at small units and CSTXs train larger units. Both types of exercise integrate leader and staff training. The exercises are conducted throughout the year, and have units from all components Competitions like this are just one of the ways the Army Reserve maintains a constant state of readiness. Candidates exit a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter during the annual Best Warrior Competition, held on July 16, 2012 at Fort McCoy, Wis.

Unique Capabilities Today’s unpredictable global threats require a flexible, responsive and mission-focused Joint Force. Essential to that force is America’s Army, a dominant ground force of decisive action with unparalleled reach and capability. As the operational reserve for the Army, the Army Reserve provides the majority of the Army’s combat support and combat service support capability. The Army Reserve is a federal force under federal control, ready and accessible 24/7, with unique capabilities not found in the Regular Army, the Army National Guard, and in some cases, our sister services. The Army Reserve is organized under one unified command, the U.S. Army Reserve Command, located at Fort Bragg, N.C. USARC is the second largest command in the Total Army, with only it higher headquarters, U.S. Forces Command, being larger. With a total end-strength of 205,000 Soldiers and 12,600 civilians, arrayed under numerous general officer theater commands, USARC can quickly tailor-package any enabling capability, ranging from individuals to large formations, in support of global joint missions or in service to the homeland. 4


photo By Timothy L. Hale, Army Reserve Command Public Affairs

of the Army (Active, Guard and Reserve), and have included units from the Navy, Marines and Air Force. In some cases, forces from allied countries have participated. Furthermore, Army Reserve Soldiers and units readily participate in ASCC and COCOM exercises. “Provide” is the actual deployment of Army Reserve Soldiers and units in support of a mission requirement. These requirements can be planned and scheduled to meet a forecasted need by an ASCC or COCOM or they can be in response to a sudden need that was not foreseen. The Army Reserve always maintains a proportion of its force (about 25,000) that is fully trained and ready for immediate use. These Soldiers and units have been identified in advance and have made the necessary arrangements with their Families and civilian employers. They want to be utilized. Another important point is that not all Army Reserve Soldiers and units need to go to a mobilization site to prepare for deployment. Most of the theater commands in the Army Reserve have the capability to directly deploy Soldiers and detachments to meet select needs.

and provide

by Lt. Gen. Jeffery Talley, Chief of Army Reserve, Commanding General of U.S. Army Reserve Command

critical capabilities to the Total Force

Disaster Response The National Defense Authorization Act 2012 recently expanded the Army Reserve’s role as part of the Federal Force, giving us the flexibility to provide specialized capabilities for domestic disaster relief. The legislation recently allowed the Army Reserve to use its specialized capabilities to assist in the Hurricane Sandy relief effort by providing three tactical water distribution units, which operated six 600-gallon-per-minute water pumps to help alleviate flooding. The core competence of the Army Reserve, providing combat support and combat service support to Army and joint forces, lends itself readily to such missions. To ensure strong support and coordination, the Army Reserve has full-time support embedded with U.S. Army North and U.S. Northern Command. One of the ways the Army Reserve is able to respond quickly to support the needs of the nation and its citizens during times of domestic emergency is the prepositioning of Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officers with each Federal Emergency Management Agency district. The Army Reserve provides all of Department of Defense EPLOs, who act as the conduits between FEMA and DoD for coordination to use Active and Federal Reserve military forces in support of disaster response operations. Along with EPLOs, the Army Reserve assigns Active Guard or Reserve Deputy Defense Coordinating Officers as “tip of the spear” Title 10 responders for disasters and national emergencies. The Army Reserve is also part of the Defense Chemical, Biological, Nuclear and Radiological Response Force, maintaining 36 fully mission-ready helicopters available for mobilization in the event a national emergency or disaster.

The Army Reserve maintains essential operational capabilities, while also representing cost efficiency for the nation. The Army Reserve comprises almost 20 percent of the Total Army for just six percent of the Army’s budget. The Army Reserve is the Army’s one-stop shop for assured access to trained, specialized individuals and units— efficiently managed by a single command—seamlessly integrating and generating essential assets and capabilities across the nation and globally to complement and enable the Total Army and the Joint Force. The Army Reserve has remained a streamlined force— with the lowest ratio of full-time support to headquarters per capita (less than 1 percent) in the Army, and the lowest ratio of full-time support to end strength (13.1 percent) in the DoD. Throughout more than a decade of war, the Army Reserve has worked progressively and effectively to increase efficiency by reducing its overhead and integrating full-time support functions with the active component.

Looking Ahead

photo by Sgt. 1st Class Mark Bell/200th Military Police Command

Army Reserve water purification specialists conduct pre-service checks on water pumps, in preparation for a mobilization to New York City, Nov. 4, 2012. The Army Reserve mobilized Soldiers to perform water removal operations in areas most affected by Hurricane Sandy.

photo by Maj. John Adams, 143d Expeditionary Sustainment Command

Great Return on Investment

Lt. Gen. Jeffery

Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, the Talley, Chief of Army Reserve, Army’s Chief of Staff, called Commanding the Army Reserve the most General of U.S. capable reserve force in our Army Reserve Command nation’s history. The Army Reserve’s most essential mission is to provide trained, equipped and ready Soldiers, leaders and cohesive units to the Total Force to meet America’s global requirements across the full range of military operations. And each year since 2001, the Army Reserve has met the challenge, mobilizing an average of 25,000 Army Reserve Soldiers each year has been a crucial element of the Army’s overall deployable strength and war fighting team—serving side-by-side around the world with equal distinction. The Army Reserve has redefined itself in many ways during recent conflicts, evolving into an indispensible part of the Total Army and the Joint Force. As a result, we now have the best Army Reserve in our nation’s history. WARRIOR–CITIZEN


blogs + websites The Web offers many free, interactive resources to help Warrior-Citizens and their Families make informed decisions regarding their health, finances, career and education. Here are some of the latest new and useful online tools for Soldiers.

youtube.com The Army’s Reserve’s official YouTube channel! The Army Reserve YouTube channel highlights the variety of skills and capabilities Army Reserve Soldiers bring to their units and the communities. Army Reserve YouTube welcomes you to share the products you post to DVIDS and other Digital Media outlets so we can highlight the contribution you make in your civilian capacity, and to the Total Army and the Joint Force during your deployments and major training exercises.



www.defense.gov/releases afps.dodlive.mil For latest inFormation regarding Lisa the Daniel, editor and writer for sequestration and potential Furloughs, American Forces Press Services, writes the visit theMatters U.S. Department of Defense, Office the Assistant Family blog to provide resources andofsupport to military Secretary of well Defense Affairs) website.on This website Families, as as to(Public encourage a dialogue topics ranging from contains newsand releases issuedto within the past 30ofdays. Olderlife. deployments separations the challenges everyday news releases are available from the news release archive page. News releases are also available by e-mail subscription.

www.arfp.org/index.php/programs/ http://www.arfp.org/index.php/programs/ fort-family-outreach-and-support Fort Family is providing a single gateway to responsive Family Crisis assistanCe, Assistance, available 24/7, 365 days a year. It provides a unit and community based solution to connect people to people. By pinpointing Families-in-need and local community resources, the AR can quickly connect the Soldier Family and resources thus providing installation-commensurate services in the geographic location of the crisis. Fort Family has established a community-based capacity by engaging our Nation’s “Sea of Goodwill” to support Soldiers and Families closest to where they live.

www.usar.army.mil/ourstory/history www.usar.army.mil/ourstory/History the The oFFiCe Office oF of army Army reserve Reserve history History has been in existenCe sinCe existence since 1992 and reports to the Chief of Army Reserve/Commanding General of the U.S. Army Reserve Command. The Director of History and his staff provide advice and recommendations to the USARC CG and the leadership of the Army Reserve on Department of Defense and Army historical policy, operations, and developments, and exercise overall staff responsibility for military history programs within the Army Reserve community.





Story and photos by Cpt. Olivia Cobiskey, 1st Army Division, East

“He always had a goal. He was an awesome NCO. I know he will be a great officer.” — Master Sgt. Pamela Johnson, 3-411th Logistical Support Battalion

ABOVE: The Silver Dollar Salute: Master Sgt. Pamela Johnson, 3-411th Logistical Support Battalion noncommissioned officer in charge of the battalion personnel section, is the first to salute the newly commissioned 2nd Lt. Justin Mirkovich, immediately following his direct commissioning ceremony, held at the Sgt. Charles H. Seston U.S. Army Reserve Center, Camp Atterbury, Ind. Afterwards, following Army tradition, the newly commissioned second lieutenant presented her with a silver dollar. The coin symbolically acknowledges the receipt of respect due the new rank and position. While no one really knows the origins, many lieutenants prefer the “Ike dollar,” because its large size makes it easily identifiable as a “silver dollar.”



cultivating leadership CAMP ATTERBURY, Ind. — It took the former noncommissioned officer nearly a year to complete the process, but his hard work and dedication recently proved worthwhile, after Second Lieutenant Justin Mirkovich finally raised his right hand to take the oath of office at the Sgt. Charles H. Seston U.S. Army Reserve Center. “It’s a long process, but it can pay off—so stay the course,” Mirkovich said of the direct commission process. “In retrospect, it’s given me a career; it’s opened doors…a lot of doors for me.” Currently, the steps include an initial checklist with a career councilor, a physical examination, processing of paperwork through Army Reserve Careers Division, participating in a board of selection and, finally, setting up training for the individual. “It’s very competitive,” he said “If it’s something you are serious about starting, plan now, make sure all your NCOERs are in order, keep yourself in shape and meet with a career councilor.” It was a mentor, Cpt. Derrick Simpson, who encouraged him not only to stay, but to make it a career. “Everything kind of fell into place after I came to the 3-411th Logistic Support Battalion,” said

Mirkovich, who became a second lieutenant in a commissioning ceremony Oct. 11, 2012. “I was young. After my deployment, I thought I would get out and go into the Individual Ready Reserves, but Cpt. Simpson encouraged me to apply for the military technician position.” Mirkovich, of West Chester, Ohio, has been a military technician with the 3-411th LSB since 2010. After getting the unit-administrator job, Mirkovich said Simpson encouraged him to start on his master’s degree and apply for a direct commission in the Army Reserve. Lt. Col. James Elkins, commander of the 3-411th LSB, administered the oath. “He is supporting the unit and showing the way for a couple of other high-speed individuals.” Elkins expects to commission two more officers from the enlisted ranks of the LSB to help address the shortage in the Army Reserve of junior and mid-grade officers, a serious impediment to meeting operational force requirements. Mirkovich deployed to Balad, Iraq, in 2006, with the 209th Quartermaster Company, from Lafayette, Ind., and worked in mortuary affairs. He said that next on his list of goals is to finish his master’s in organizational leadership from Columbia Southern

University, in Orange Beach, Ala., in December, before attending the Quartermaster School at Fort Lee, Va., and starting the next phase of his Army career. “It’s like a chess game; you have to really plan out your next move,” Mirkovich said. The Army Reserve is an essential component, providing skill-rich, ready Soldiers in support of the Active Army, said Maj. Patrick McNamara, officer in charge of reenlistment, incentives and policy section at the Army Reserve Careers Division, in Morrow, Ga. “We really need to focus efforts on those mid-grade NCOs and mid-grade officers. That’s where there is a shortage which results in a capability gap affecting our operational readiness,” said McNamara, a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy class of 1997. “As the active component draws down, the Army Reserve is going to be called upon to help meet operational needs and requirements for combatant commanders in various theaters, so we need to focus our efforts on filling these mid-grade positions.

Nearly 50 percent of the billets for majors and a quarter of the ones for captain are empty. To meet these shortages, the Army Reserve commissioned 660 second lieutenants in 2011 and 224 in 2012, using direct-commission selection. The Army Reserve can expect to commission a minimum of 85 officers in 2013, McNamara said. “Direct commission is a combat multiplier for us,” McNamara said. “Most people in the Army Reserve have civilian skills that their active duty counterparts don’t. “So, if we have, for example, a sergeant with a bachelor’s degree and a general technical score of 110 and civilian skills that provide value to the Army Reserves’ operational readiness, then it makes sense for us to promote him or her.” Master Sgt. Pamela Johnson, the noncommissioned officer in charge of the battalion’s personnel office, said that, even as a young specialist, she

Bradley, 6, removes the sergeant rank insignia from the chest of his dad, Justin Mirkovich, as his wife Jennifer, looks on during his commissioning ceremony Oct. 11., at the Sgt. Charles H. Seston U.S. Army Reserve Center, Camp Atterbury, Ind. Mirkovich, who is a military technician with the 3-411th Logistical Support Battalion in his civilian career, received a direct commission and will serve as the unit’s logistics officer.

“It’s a long process, but it can pay off—so stay the course. In retrospect, it’s given me a career, its opened doors… a lot of doors for me.” — 2nd Lt. Justin Mirkovich, 3-411th Logistic Support Battalion

“Part of that effort, along with direct commissioning, is active component-to-reserve component transfers, as well as IRR to TPU transfers.” While the Army Reserve may only be 20 percent of the total force, it is nearly 75 percent of the civil affairs and military information support operations and 57 percent of combat support, and in echelons above brigade it is nearly 40 percent of military police and engineers, according to a 2009 strategy research project, “An Institution in Crisis: The Army Reserve Officers Corps,” by Lt. Col. Ernest Erlandson. Currently, the Army Reserve has a significant shortage of captains and majors, McNamara said.

felt Mirkovich carried himself like an officer. “He always had a goal,” said Johnson, who was the first to salute the new lieutenant and receive the coveted “silver coin,” given to the first person to salute the new lieutenant “He was an awesome NCO. I know he will be a great officer.” WARRIOR–CITIZEN


people story and photos by Sgt. 1st Class Phillip Eugene, 80th Training Command Public Affairs

honoring a hero

a hero’s remembrance

Bringing history to the 90th ASB’s Army Reserve Center

…his voice could still be heard faintly urging his men to carry on… — Sgt. Maj. Jeffrey Darlington, 90th Aviation Support Battalion, reading a statement from a Medal of Honor citation describing the character of Col. James Lamar Stone during combat in the korean war.

photos courtesy Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffrey Darlington, 90th Aviation Support Battalion

Medal of Honor recipient retired Col. James Lamar Stone addressing Soldiers of the 90th Aviation Support Battalion during a building dedication in his honor, Fort Worth, Texas, Nov. 6 2011. Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffery Darlington, the battalion senior enlisted leader at the time initiated the process to name the unit’s facility after the Korean war hero. The facility is now known as the Col. James L. Stone Army Reserve Center, Fort Worth, Texas. The dedication ceremony took place, Nov. 6, 2011. Stone, a Korean War hero who retired from the Army with more than 30 years of service died from prostate cancer at age 89 in Arlington, Texas, Nov. 9, 2012.



Fort Worth, Texas — Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffrey Darlington did not take long to come up with a name he felt would bring a sense of history to the 90th Aviation Support Battalion’s new Army Reserve center. “I recognized the narrow target of opportunity to honor a great American Warrior and at the same time provide our younger Soldiers an important link to our past,” he said. The challenge was convincing his friend and mentor—a man known for downplaying his heroism—to allow the new facility to be dedicated in his name. Medal of Honor recipient, retired Col. James Lamar Stone was silent for some time before ultimately responding; “Now surely young man, you can find someone more deserving than me." Darlington, the former senior enlisted advisor to the 90th ASB, told the story as part of Stone’s eulogy, sharing that he was struck by the Korean War

hero’s humility, and his love of the Army the first time they met. The two men forged a friendship after they met at a Veterans Day event at the VFW National Cemetery in Dallas in 2009. Darlington was among representatives of all the military services, but the only Soldier in uniform. He recalled a tap on his shoulder, and when he turned around, he saw Stone with the Medal of Honor around his neck. According to Darlington, Stone said, "'Young man, I want you to stay by my side for the day because I'm surrounded by all these other services, and I like seeing somebody in the Army uniform.'” Over time, Stone shared his combat experience and wisdom with Darlington, who developed an appreciation for Stone as a leader. Stone was a First Lieutenant serving in the Korean War when he led his outmanned and outgunned platoon against a battalion-sized enemy. Wounded three times over the course of the night, he continued to lead his men and fight, resorting to hand-to-hand combat before ordering his men to retreat as he remained with six badly injured Soldiers, all ultimately captured by Chinese forces. As Darlington recalled, Stone would often say, “You know, a Colonel is just not a Colonel unless he’s around Soldiers.” “What could I say to that other than “darn right, sir,” Darlington replied. At the time, the 90th Aviation Battalion was temporarily operating in Grand Prairie Texas while a new facility was under construction. Darlington felt formally naming the Army Reserve Center after Stone would be a great way to “put younger Soldiers in touch with our past, and to connect the past with the present.” According to Darlington, reading about or watching history does not tell the whole story. “Since the building dedication, numerous Soldiers came to me to share their new found knowledge RIGHT: Medal of Honor recipient retired Col. James Lamar Stone hands his Medal of Honor coin to 1st Lt. Joshua Nichols, Headquarters Support Company, 90th Aviation Support Battalion while Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffrey Darlington looks on at the building dedication ceremony that named the unit’s facility after Stone.

a eulogy for Col. James Lamar Stone

about the war,” he said. “I took that as mission accomplished!” Though Stone was terminally ill during his last two years, he attended as many 90th ASB unit events as he could. Darlington, currently the 800th Logistics Support Brigade senior enlisted leader, said he suspected that the colonel's time with the Soldiers helped keep his mind off his illness. He enjoyed interacting with Soldiers and frequently called the battalion inquiring about unit activities. On Nov. 6 2011, Stone was the guest of honor as members of the 90th ASB’s officially dedicated their facility in his name - the Col. James L. Stone Army Reserve Center, Fort Worth, Texas. This past fall, against hospice caretakers' advice, Stone attended Darlington’s Change of Responsibility Ceremony as the outgoing senior enlisted leader of the 90th Aviation Support Battalion. It was the last time he would leave his home. Weeks later, Stone, the Korean War hero who retired from the Army with more than 30 years of service, died from prostate cancer at age 89 in Arlington, Texas, Nov. 9, 2012. At the Family’s request, Darlington, offered a eulogy at his funeral. The legacy Stone leaves behind will be a source of pride for Family, loved ones, fellow Soldiers and the nation. And through the efforts of a Soldier who understood the value of honoring our history, the legacy and spirit of a true hero will echo in the halls of the 90th ASB for generations to come.

honoring history The Stone Family requested Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffrey Darlington speak at his funeral. The following is an excerpt from his eulogy:


ames Lamar Stone enlisted in 1948 after graduating from the University of Arkansas. Three years later, the 28-year-old Stone was serving as a First Lieutenant and platoon leader with Company E, 8th Calvary Regiment, 1st Calvary Division, manning a hilltop outpost near Sokkogae, Korea. That very outpost later became known as Pork Chop Hill. On November 21st, 1951, at about 9 p.m., Chinese forces launched an artillery and mortar attack against the outpost, followed by a series of infantry assaults. He led his platoon’s defense against the battalion-sized force. Just after midnight, a second Chinese battalion joined the assault, pitting his forty-eight man platoon against roughly eight hundred enemy soldiers. Wounded three times during the battle, then Lt. Stone continued to lead his men and fight, including hand-to-hand combat. Realizing the defense was hopeless, he ordered those men who could still walk to leave and rejoin the rest of Company E, while he stayed behind with the badly wounded to cover their retreat. The most amazing statement on his Medal of Honor citation that truly describes what kind of person and Soldier James Stone was, reads: When this final overwhelming assault swept over the platoon’s position his voice could still be heard faintly urging his men to carry on, until he lost consciousness. Just before dawn on November 22nd, he and the six remaining men of his platoon were captured by Chinese forces. After regaining consciousness, he was interrogated by the Chinese before being sent to a prison camp on the Yalu River. When the outpost was recaptured the following day, 545 enemy soldiers were counted as KIAs, and credited to him and his platoon. After twenty-two months of captivity, he was released in a prisoner exchange on September 3rd, 1953. President Dwight Eisenhower presented then Lt. Stone the Congressional Medal of Honor on October 27th, 1953. Colonel Stone retired from the Army in 1976 with 28 years of service. His service after retirement continued as he was the guest of honor and speaker at hundreds of events over the years. He remained active in his church and the community as well. TOP: Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffery Darlington, 800th Logistics Brigade, eulogizing Medal of Honor recipient retired Col. James Lamar Stone during Stone’s funeral in Arlington, Texas, Nov. 14, 2012. The Korean War hero who retired from the Army with more than 30 years of service died at age 89 in Arlington, Texas, Nov. 9, 2012. WARRIOR–CITIZEN


people By Sgt. Jeannette Twigg, 200th Military Police Command

a special honorary soldier

A Small Gesture BALTIMORE, Md. — In a pint-sized Army Combat Uniform, with a new pair of dog tags draped around his neck, it was clear that Khalil Quarles meant business. But on Dec. 19, the 10-year-old was about to be outmaneuvered by Soldiers conducting a secret operation just outside his front door. An up-armored Humvee quietly pulled into the driveway as the unsuspecting Khalil video-chatted about life in Kuwait with deployed friend (and Third Army co-conspirator), Maj. Noland James. Moments later, dozens of Soldiers rallied in front of his house to kick off Operation Secret Soldier. LEFT: Maj. Gen. Sanford Holman, commanding general of the 200th Military Police Command, presents and American flag to Khalil Quarles, 10, at his home in Baltimore, Md., during a surprise visit from members of the 200th MPCOM and the Office of the Chief for his honorary Oath of Enlistment ceremony held Dec. 19, 2012.

The 200th Military Police Command Soldiers from Fort Meade, Md. recently learned that Khalil, who suffers from an incurable cancer, had long dreamed of joining the Army. With the help of the 12th Public Affairs Detachment and Third Army, they met at the Quarles home to turn that dream into a reality. According to Command Sgt. Maj. Kurtis Timmer, 200th MPCOM’s senior enlisted Soldier, Army Reserve Soldiers have a particular responsibility to support the community they call home. “This is where we work and where most of us reside,” Timmer said, “We should do more, not because we’re military, but because we’re good neighbors.”

“Mom, I am a Soldier now, I can wear it [my uniform] to school and tell all my friends…”

— Khalil Quarles, honorary soldier

Khalil was diagnosed with Synovial Cell Sarcoma, and currently needs crutches to walk. According to plan, Khalil carefully stepped outside the door with his mother, Cypress Mason, and father, Damon Quarles by his side, and froze, wide-eyed and speechless, as he took in the scene. The platoon-sized formation of Soldiers stood to his right; his principal and teachers were grouped in front of him; and dozens of neighbors and friends were off to his left. The onlookers erupted into a loud ovation for the young warrior fighting a rare and incurable cancer. His mother held his arm as he struggled down the steps. “He doesn’t like being helped,” his mother said, smiling, “today, he made an exception.”

LEFT: Army Reserve captains John Barbee and Sherman Pittman assist Khalil Quarles, 10, down the sidewalk outside his home during a surprise visit from members of the 200th Military Police Command and the Office of the Chief, Army Reserve. Barbee and Pittman are assigned to the Fort Meade-based 200th MPCOM. Quarles, who is terminally ill, said it would be his dream to enlist in the Army. 12


When Khalil reached the Humvee, Maj. Gen. Sanford Holman, the commanding general of the 200th MPCOM, asked Khalil if he wanted to join the Army. “Yes sir,” he said, locking eyes with the general. “Well, I brought some of my troops here today to help me,” Holman said. Two Soldiers unveiled the American flag behind Khalil as Holman raised his arm to recite the Oath of Enlistment. In a soft voice, Khalil repeated the words back to him. Waving a small American flag and struggling back tears, Erin Hill, Khalil’s first-grade teacher from North Glen Elementary School huddled with other teachers to witness the emotional ceremony. “This is an amazing young boy,” said Hill, “The Army Reserve has done more today for him than anyone could ever imagine. He will remember and talk about this day for a very long time.” Holman presented Khalil with a certificate of appreciation, an official coin and an American flag as a small reminder of his day, and said, “I guess there is only one thing left to do.” The deep roar of a Humvee engine broke through the crisp air. With some help from his fellow Soldiers, Khalil mounted up, strapped on the Army Combat Helmet, and fastened his seat belt in preparation for the short ride around the neighborhood that ended the event. In the “After-Action Review,” Khalil would call it his favorite part of the day. On the down side, he commented, “This helmet’s heavier than it looks.” Cora Goecke, the hospice nurse who started the chain reaction of friends contacting friends through social media to make today a reality, stood watching. While providing routine medical care, Goecke discovered his wish was to be in the Army

and meet Soldiers, and reached out to contact James. It was James’ idea to bring Soldiers to Khalil. Khalil’s mom said her son is very optimistic and courageous. “At first, he was upset with his diagnosis; there were tears; but then he said, ‘I’m not going to die, I have too much to do,’” she said. His parents said they had to help him separate cancer and death. “He’s doing so well because he has that positive mind-set,” his dad said. “He does everything the doctors tell him to do, from radiation, to chemotherapy, to surgery, and to physical therapy.” As neighbors returned to their homes, and the Soldiers returned to Fort Meade, Khalil’s mother said she was going to have to pry the uniform off of him for bed. “He has already told me he is going to wear it to school tomorrow,” she said laughing. When asked what he would dream about that evening, he grinned broadly, clutching the 200th MPCOM coin in his small hand, and said, “Army!” “Mom, I am a Soldier now, I can wear it to school and tell all my friends about tonight,” he said looking at his mom with a smile. “Ok, now it’s time for bed,” she said, referencing his nickname, “I am sorry Captain, it’s time for bed.” “Yes Private,” Khalil replied, laughing as he turned down the hallway.

ABOVE LEFT: Khalil Quarles, 10, raises his right hand during his honorary enlistment into the Army Reserve as his father, Damon, watches the ceremony held in Baltimore, Md. Maj. Gen Sanford Holman, 200th Military Police Command’s commanding general, read the special Oath of Enlistment for Quarles, who suffers from a rare form of cancer that affects less than one percent of all people diagnosed with cancer. Through friends of friends and the power of social media, the 200th MPCOM helped make Quarles’ dream of joining the Army come true. ABOVE: Master Sgt. William Reed and Soldiers assigned to the Army Reserve’s 200th Military Police Command salute Khalil Quarles, 10, as he is driven off in a short ride in an armored-up Humvee from his home in Baltimore, Md.

BELOW: An armored-up Humvee carries Khalil Quarles from his home in Baltimore, Md., for a short ride during a surprise visit from members of the 200th MPCOM and the Office of the Chief for his honorary Oath of Enlistment ceremony held Dec. 19, 2012.

Editor’s note: Khalil Quarles passed away as this issue went to press. On behalf of the Army Reserve and the 200th MP Command, our condolences to his family, friends and loved ones. WARRIOR–CITIZEN



Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Marisol Hernandez, 416th Engineer Command

command sgt. maj. michael schultz’s new role

the RC’s Joint Force Sergeant Major By Melissa Russell, Army Reserve Communications

ABOVE: Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Schultz looks on as Soldiers compete during the Army Physical Fitness Test portion of the 2011 Best Warrior Competition at Fort Lee, Va. 14



ur U.S. military is preparing for change, and some of the biggest changes will likely occur among Guard and Reserve units across the country. Over the past 11-plus years, “hometown heroes” have answered the call of the nation and left their civilian employers and Families behind to perform their duties. For the American public, this previously might have gone unnoticed, but in a climate of fiscal austerity, it has caught the attention of many. The reserve components across the Department of Defense comprise approximately 43 percent of the Total Force, but are maintained at only 9 percent of the total annual DoD budget. These “Seven Seals” complement the U.S. military strategy by adding cost

effective flexibility that represent a good value to the U.S. taxpayer. Additionally, the men and women who serve in the reserve components are America’s connection to hometowns across the Nation. The responsibility of advising the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs on behalf of these 1.1 million reserve component enlisted service members and their Families falls on the shoulders of Sergeant Major Michael Schultz. In his role as the tenth Senior Enlisted Advisor, Schultz also keeps the DoD’s enlisted corps informed about issues that affect all services, including the challenges of budget cuts and the necessity of maintaining operational

“Noncommissioned officers need to show their respective services what right looks like. Leaders… must know programs, policies and resources available…” — command sgt. maj. michael schultz

capabilities with limited resources. While performing this mission, he does so with the knowledge that his boss, Mr. Richard O. Wightman, Jr., is responsible for policy, oversight and supervision of the seven reserve components. Schultz’s responsibility for advising the Assistant Secretary and staff on enlisted affairs is not a far cry from his previous role as Command Sergeant Major of the Army Reserve. From 2009 until late last year, he represented the interests of more than 150,000 enlisted Army Reserve Soldiers at all levels within the Army, and he routinely provided information about these Citizen-Soldiers to Army and DoD leadership while testifying before Congress. “Sgt. Maj. Schultz worked tirelessly to ensure Army Reserve Soldiers had the resources they needed to

support the Army and the Nation during his tenure on my Board of Directors,” said Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond Chandler. “I know he will bring that same level of Army professionalism to his new role at the Department of Defense.” A strong advocate for the enlisted corps, Schultz believes in leading by example, and feels the “getting back to basics” message applies to all components. “Noncommissioned officers need to show their respective services what right looks like,” said Schultz. “Leaders, no matter the organization, must know programs, policies and resources available, and if they are not sure, they need not be afraid to ask.” Lt. Gen. Jeffrey W. Talley, the Chief of Army Reserve and commanding general of United States Army Reserve Command, presided over Schultz’s Pentagon change of responsibility ceremony and is one of his strongest supporters. He noted that his focus on fostering an environment of engaged leadership and concern for the force is shared with Schultz. “Before I assumed this position, he was already a formative force in both defining and pursuing that initiative, and spearheading efforts to spread that message through all levels of this command. Our nation has asked a lot from its Reserve Components, and he ensured our Soldiers and their Families had what they needed to remain resilient.” Schultz’s background as a Citizen-Soldier provides some perspective of the challenges reserve component service members face. He recently retired after 15-years from the Tampa Police Department in April 2012. Additionally, he encourages service members and their Families to look outside the military to better themselves and the military. He is pursuing a Ph.D. in education from Argosy University in Tampa, Florida, and holds a master’s degree in public administration and a bachelor’s degree in Political Science. As the Joint Force adapts to the evolving needs of the nation, Schultz believes the role of the reserve component has never been more important. “Reserve component service members have made great sacrifices over the past decade,” he said. “We’ve evolved into a premier battle-tested force, providing depth, flexibility and adaptability to the active component. We have also definitively put an end to any misperception about what it means to be in the reserves.” “The future requires both maintaining our current combat skills and capabilities, and instilling the order and discipline that makes us the most professional enlisted corps in history.”

S o l d i e r s

Town Hall with Brigadier General Tammy S. Smith

I am an Army Reserve Soldier eligible for retirement. What are the steps I need to take in order to make the transition? Soldiers of all components, regardless of their status, have greatly contributed to the success of our Army, particularly over the past decade of war. Commensurate with their service and sacrifice, our Soldiers are entitled to benefits earned over the course of their military career. Understanding and leveraging those benefits has been a particular challenge for many reserve component Soldiers and Families making retirement-related decisions in the transition to civilian life. For the more than 107,000 “gray area” retirees and 23,000 Soldiers in the retirement window, even that classification is enough to create confusion. Those "Non-Regular Retirement Reserve Component Soldiers" and their Family members are highly encouraged to attend the pre-retirement seminars being conducted by Army Reserve Regional Support Commands. The pilot seminars are intended to maximize dissemination of information regarding retirement benefits earned by serving in the Army Reserve or National Guard for a minimum of 20 qualifying years of service. It is imperative that all of our Soldiers and Family members be advised of their non-regular retirement benefits and what requirements exist to ensure a smooth transition process as they depart the Army Reserve. Retirement Service Office Personnel are trained to provide quality pre-retirement services counseling to all retiring and retired Soldiers, surviving spouses and their Families. More than 14,000 Soldiers and Family members have received retirement services under this pilot since it was established in 2010. At the one-day training , subject matter experts brief attendees on numerous topics, to include the retired pay application process, education benefits, TRICARE (medical and dental), the Survivor Benefit Plan, Veterans Affairs services, and the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). Retirement planning is a Family decision; our goal is to implement measures that prevent Soldiers from getting to the retirement gate ill-informed, potentially leading to decisions that could negatively impact their future. The pilot pre-retirement training will be conducted regionally on a regular basis through 2014.

For additional information visit the Army Reserve site at www.armyg1.army.mil/rso/PreRetirement.asp and

http://www.armyg1.army.mil/RSO/rngr.asp for RSO POCs.




As Hurricane Sandy tore across the eastern seaboard of the United States, the military joined forces with federal, state and local authorities to help community members weather the storm and deal with the daunting challenges they were about to face.

A home tilted off its foundation on the beach on January 13, 2013 in Mantoloking, N.J. Clean up continues months after Hurricane Sandy struck in October 2012.




Staff Sgt. Shawn Morris

99th Regional Support Command

Master Sgt. Richard Lambert 76th U.S. Army Reserve Operational Response Command

Col. Gregory T. Adams

EPLO OIC/Program Manager, 76th U.S. Army Reserve Operational Response Command

Maj. John Adams 143rd Expeditionary Command



Photo by Maj. John Adams, 143rd Expeditionary Command

LEFT: Lt. Gen. Jeffrey W. Talley, chief of Army Reserve and commanding general, U.S. Army Reserve Command, talks with local officials Nov. 11, 2012, about the devastation caused form Hurricane Sandy in Breezy Point, N.Y. Talley toured areas most affected by the storm and visited Army Reserve Soldiers from the 401st, 410th, and 431st Quartermaster Detachments who were all conducting water removal operations.

By Staff Sgt. Shawn Morris

99th Regional Support Command


Photo by Maj. John Adams, 43rd Expeditionary Command

BELOW: Sgt. Kimberly Boyce, water purification specialist, 401st Quartermaster Detachment, discusses the best way to remove water out of a Rockaway, N.Y basement with Carlos Malgonado, Redfern Housing complex grounds supervisor. Residents at the complex had been without power since Hurricane Sandy hit the week before.

vailable support for disaster relief is the network of Army Reserve facilities that is woven throughout the nation’s local communities and can serve a myriad of functions before, during and after a catastrophic event. “One of the lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina (in 2005) was to identify what reserve-component facilities, equipment and



forces are available in the event of a natural disaster,” explained Maj. Gen. William D. Razz Waff, commanding general of the Army Reserve’s 99th Regional Support Command at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J., and Fort Devens, Mass. The 99th RSC controls more than 350 Army Reserve facilities throughout its 13-state area of responsibility, which stretches from Maine to Virginia. While many of these centers were themselves threatened by Hurricane Sandy, they were also in a perfect position to offer much-needed assistance to local communities. “In Breezy Point, the New York City Fire Department asked if they could keep some equipment there in the parking lot and storage area (of our facility),” said Waff. “This was an extremely difficult fire to fight because of waist-high flooded roadways and strong sustained winds,” said FDNY Spokesperson Frank Dwyer of the six-alarm fire that ultimately destroyed 111 homes in Breezy Point. “Staging areas were critical to safely operate, to continue to bring in additional resources and to maneuver those resources to the most beneficial positions for fighting this fire.”

“One of the lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina was to identify what reserve-component facilities, equipment and forces are available in the event of a natural disaster.”

Photo by Maj. John Adams, 143rd Expeditionary Command

— Maj. Gen. William D. Razz Waff, 99th Regional Support Command

Soldiers from the 410th Quartermaster Detachment, Jacksonville, Fla., move six-inch hosing assemblies required to channel water from affected areas out to sea. Army Reserve Soldiers conducting water removal operations as a result of Hurricane Sandy in Breezy Point, N.Y., have helped hundreds of local residents here by getting the water out.

Although little can be done to bend the will of Mother Nature, the Army Reserve remains committed to providing emergency relief at the community level by being ready to respond with the unique benefits its units, personnel and facilities have to offer.

BELOW: Maj. Gen. William D. Razz Waff, left, commanding general of the Army Reserve’s 99th Regional Support Command and key members of his staff continue operations at a contingency location on Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J. One of the key tasks was determining the status of the 99th RSC’s 350 facilities throughout the northeastern U.S., including those that were utilized for support to civil authorities during and after Hurricane Sandy.

Lessons Learned From Katrina by Master Sgt. Richard Lambert, 76th U.S. Army Reserve Operational Response Command

Much progress has been made to coordinate efforts between federal and local governments and agencies since Hurricane Katrina damaged the Gulf Coast in 2005. Assessments indicate that the damage from Hurricane Irene would have been much greater if it were not for advance preparation and interagency training between the Federal Emergency Management Agency, state and federal law enforcement agencies, health organizations, and the branches of the military. Hurricane Isaac in August 2012 tested some of the changes made in the New Orleans plan as a result of Katrina, resulting in the city being much better prepared for these types of events. Many of the lessons learned from Katrina and other disasters such as tornadoes, floods, and storms have been integrated into the National Response Plan, resulting in a shorter response time and greater effectiveness in responding to catastrophic events. WARRIOR–CITIZEN


PHOTO BY Staff Sgt. Shawn Morris, 99th Regional Support Command

Although the destruction in Breezy Point was extensive, the FDNY’s use of the local Army Reserve facility likely helped avoid even further loss. “We’re also offering support to the City of New York for their teams that are going to be pumping water out, and we’ve offered billeting space for them at Fort Hamilton at our new Armed Forces Reserve Center there,” Waff added. While the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 codified the use of Army Reserve assets for support to civil authorities during homeland crises, this is not the first time the Reserve has utilized its facilities for civil support in an emergency situation. “We did this last year with Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee, when we offered the use of some of our brand-new facilities to our National Guard colleagues when they were either flooded out of their headquarters or power was out,” Waff explained. Such was the case in Vermont this past year, where the soon-to-be-opened Rutland Armed Forces Reserve Center housed visiting Maine National Guard Soldiers who were providing disaster relief in the wake of Hurricane Irene.

Photo by Maj. John Adams, 143rd Expeditionary Command

by Master Sgt. Richard Lambert

Photo by Maj. John Adams, 143rd Expeditionary Command

Army Sgt. Robert Digsby, left, assistant squad leader, 410th Quartermaster Detachment, Jacksonville, Fla., leads Soldiers placing a six-inch water hose while wading through storm water in a residential area, Breezy Point, N.Y. The unit pumped water out of an area approximately the size of a football field.



Salt Lake City

76th U.S. Army Reserve Operational Response Command


Col. Gregory T. Adams

EPLO OIC/Program Manager, 76th U.S. Army Reserve Operational Response Command

hile Hurricane Sandy prepared to wreak havoc across the Eastern Seaboard, 45 Department of Defense experts from the Army Reserve’s Joint and Special Troop Support Command, Salt Lake City, Utah, packed their belongings and deployed to the affected coastal states to offer Title 10 federal support for disaster and relief operations. These Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officers are subject matter experts in Defense Support of Civil Authorities and act as Army and DoD ‘first responders’ when disaster strikes. Their role is to assist in expediting federal forces to operate and perform in the continental United States during emergencies and other homeland defense missions. Federal Soldiers were mobilized as part of the Title 10 federal force to assist in Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts for the first time since the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 was signed into law. According to Col. Michael Miklos, Army Northern Command’s Defense Coordinating Officer for Region II, the EPLOs’ role included a constant focus on evolving conditions. “Things were going on 24 hours a day and the EPLO’s

ensured that the right federal resources were brought to bear at the right place and the right time to help during Hurricane Sandy,” said Miklos. “I worked shoulder-to-shoulder with the Army Reserve EPLO’s during Hurricane Sandy and realized I could count on them for more than their military experience,” said Miklos. “They brought expertise from their civilian jobs with them as well as their military skills.” Reserve Liaison officers from every component of the DoD; Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard, act in the capacity of SME for their individual service. When EPLO’s report to their states or regional headquarters, they are aligned with the ten Federal Emergency Management Agency regions as DoD liaisons or representatives for their respective service. Sandy came ashore near Cape May, New Jersey after having caused considerable havoc to island nations in the Caribbean. Continuing northward, it moved inland, causing blizzards, flooding and devastation from Virginia to New England. Four of the federal regions were fully mobilized; while many of the other federal regions throughout the country mobilized augmentees to the Eastern seaboard to help with the mission. In the week following Sandy’s landfall, it became apparent that region two was the hardest

Editor’s note: JSTSC changed its designation from JSTSC to the 76th USAR Operational Response Command effective Feb. 1, 2013.

FAR LEFT: Storm water in Breezy Point, N.Y., resides within large areas scattered throughout the town as a result of Hurricane Sandy. Many of the residents in the area lost everything they owned as a result of the storm. The 410th Quartermaster Detachment, Jacksonville, Fla. pumped water out of the area in direct support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, state and local officials. The 410th, 431st and 401st Quartermaster Detachments, all Army Reserve water purification detachments, are deployed to pump the water out of areas most affected by the storm. LEFT: Residents in Breezy Point, N.Y., pick through the debris field where their homes used to stand.

EPLO Teams z Army Reserve EPLOs fall under the operational direction of U.S. Army North and are administratively supported by the USAR Joint and Special Troop Support Command. z EPLO teams, consisting of a Colonel and a Sgt. First Class, are assigned to each of the fifty states and most U.S. territories and provide units with information regarding the disaster response rule of law in case of a unit mobilization in response to a disaster. They are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the current capabilities, assets, and facilities of each of the Army Reserve units in their area. z A larger EPLO regional team is also assigned to each of the FEMA regions in support of the DCE. These teams support state and local governments at the regional level and work in close coordination with FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security. z State EPLO teams provide representation and liaison to the military and civil authorities within the state, commonwealth, U.S. possessions and other eligible jurisdictions; advise on DOD and Army capabilities and resources; advocate mutual civil-military support; and, on order, facilitate DOD response to domestic emergency operations.

Effects of Hurricane Sandy resulted in at least 80 casualties and experts assessed the total damage, including uninsured losses, could range well in the billions of dollars.

z EPLOs train unit commanders on Immediate Response Authority, which allows immediate limited DoD response under exigent circumstances without SECEDEF approval, when requested by local authorities. z EPLOs train and are certified by simulating response to real-world emergencies. For additional information regarding the EPLO mission and unit vacancies in your state or region, contact the EPLO office at the USAR Joint and Special Troop Support Command, Salt Lake City, UT at 801-656-4270.

Hurricane Sandy destruction at Breezy Point, N.Y.



Photo by Maj. John Adams, 143rd Expeditionary Command

Photo by Maj. John Adams, 143rd Expeditionary Command

hit. While most of New England was spared major damage, large parts of whole towns were devastated along the New Jersey shore. The destruction in that area caused a ‘Lift and Shift’ of EPLO’s to region two to better facilitate the deployment of Title 10 resources. Power disruptions, gas shortages and homes devastated from the storm surge along the coast were just part of the myriad of issues. In New York City, the subway network shut down and most of its tunnels were flooded; all three of the city’s local airports closed, and thousands of flights were cancelled. A power station failure left millions in the dark, cold, wet, and hungry. Col. Anthony J. Buckley, Region IX, Chief Regional Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer was directed to be the Chief REPLO for Region I. He called working side by side with Federal, State and County Emergency Managers in Suffolk County “an incredible experience.” “One of the biggest challenges for me was identifying any potential emerging DoD requirements that our State and Federal partners couldn’t handle,” Buckley said. “The situation was developing rapidly and I had to be in constant contact with my FEMA partners. One of those emerging problems was a fuel shortage and long lines at gas stations. Tracking DoD-provided fuel, directed by the President, became a critical issue as it was sorely needed by county first-responders for 911 calls and other emergencies. The timely delivery of fuel averted yet another crisis for the battered area. “First responder vehicles came very close to running out of fuel in the days following the storm,” said Buckley. “It was a close call and we all breathed a sigh of relief.”

According to Miklos, Army Reserve EPLO’s and “Task Force Pump” were critical assets in the Hurricane Sandy recovery effort. “The EPLO’s played a vital role as they maintained a connection with our state and National Guard partners to bring federal forces where and when they were needed during Hurricane Sandy,” said Miklos. “Army Reserve Soldiers were a key player in the overall effort and they made an immediate difference.”

by Maj. John Adams

Photo by Maj. John Adams, 143rd Expeditionary Command

new yorK

143rd Expeditionary Command

hree Army Reserve Quartermaster water-pump teams responded to the storm-ravaged areas here in the wake of Hurricane Sandy after being mobilized under the National Defense Authorization Act 2012. This was the first time the Army Reserve has been called upon to provide disaster relief and emergency management in support of domestic civil authorities. The three teams supporting the recovery efforts were pulled from the 401st Quartermaster Detachment from Lock Haven, Pa., the 410th Quartermaster Detachment from Jacksonville, Fla., and the 431st Quartermaster Detachment from Kinston, N.C. The Army Reserve also provided 50 Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officers and two Army Reserve helicopters to the relief efforts. The water purification specialists, working with civilian agencies and military organizations, played a crucial role in New York’s initial recovery in the aftermath of the hurricane. “We had to get things here on short notice,” said Spc. Brittany Metcalfe, a chemical equipment repair specialist with the 410th. “It makes me feel awesome to be a part of this,” the Jacksonville, Fla., native added. “There’s no better team than the Army Reserve. We’re doing our best to help these people.” Many of the Soldiers had deployed to other countries on humanitarian missions, so this was a little different than what they were used to.

Sgt. Willie Fields, water treatment specialist, 410th Quartermaster Detachment, Jacksonville, Fla., observes water removal operations in front of a 600-gallon-per-minute pump, Nov. 11, 2012, that is pumping water from areas most affected in Breezy Point, N.Y. The water is channeled across hundreds of meters of beach from residential areas and out to sea. 22


“It’s always an honor to be able to do those types of things, but to be able to directly help the people of our country has been a very humbling, somewhat emotional and really honorable experience for all of us,” said Staff Sgt. Michelle Satterfield, a native of Morgantown, W.Va., with 401st. During the Hurricane Sandy response mission, the Quartermaster teams worked directly for the 19th Engineer Battalion, an active duty engineer command from Fort Knox, Ky. “The Soldiers who are here, regardless of the component, have all worked hard and all feel like they are a part of a team that is able to help,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Ethan Dunbar, 19th Engineer Battalion command sergeant major. “And that’s the most important thing. All of the members of this task force are really making a difference.” The pump teams’ efforts were concentrated along hard hit areas on New York City’s southern most barrier islands in the borough of Queens. They pumped water out of schools, community centers, housing complexes, individual homes, and even one popular beachfront restaurant.

“It was great. Our main state road was flooded for the longest time and the Army Reserve came in with their big pumps and cleared it all out. With the Army coming in and doing this, it’s a great help and a morale booster as well.” — Dennis Barnes, Breezy Point resident

Photos this page by Maj. John Adams, 143rd Expeditionary Command

Staff Sgt. Michelle Satterfield, non-commissioned officer in charge, and Spc. Elizabeth Basile-Louison, water treatment specialist, 401st Quartermaster Detachment, Lock Haven, Pa., use snow shovels found in a debris pile to push water out of a backyard Nov. 13, 2012, in Breezy Point, N.Y. The Soldiers utilized milk crates and window screens to filter debris from entering six-inch hoses that channelled water out of residential areas severely affected by Hurricane Sandy.

For one member of the 401st, the mission had personal significance. Spc. Elizabeth Basile-Louison, a resident of Hauppauge, N.Y., was pumping water a mere 20 miles from home. “Hearing the New York accent and hearing their stories, it’s just so devastating because I’m so connected to them,” she said. “It’s almost like it’s my aunt, my mom, someone from church or from school crying to me, not just a stranger. It’s really been an intimate and emotional experience.” The efforts of these Soldiers were not lost on residents in the area. “It was great,” said Dennis Barnes, a Breezy Point resident. “Our main state road was flooded for the longest time and the Army Reserve came in with their big pumps and cleared it all out. With the Army coming in and doing this, it’s a great help and a morale booster as well.” The pump-teams waded through waist-high water in 40-degree weather. They carried dozens of segments of heavy hose almost nearly 1,000 yards so they could safely redistribute the standing water to the ocean. They even braved a Nor’easter weather system that dropped a half-foot of snow on them while pumping water out of a housing complex in Rockaway, N.Y. The snow caught some members of the 410th by surprise. “Being from Florida, we weren’t fully prepared for that,” said Spc. Sam Schwartz, a water treatment specialist from Gainesville, Fla. “For some of the people in our unit, that was the first time they had even seen snow, but it was incredible to see the impact that our efforts made here.” Even though their mission ended, the clean up and rebuilding of the infrastructure will continue for months to come. In the end, these Quartermasters feel their work helped to set New Yorkers on the path to recovery. “New York City is the epicenter of resiliency,” said Staff Sgt. Matthew Allis, 401st squad leader, from Watsontown, Pa. “They’re never beaten, whether it be natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or whatever; nothing divides them it just brings them closer together.”

Defense Support of Civilian Authorities z State and local governments are usually the primary response authority for domestic emergencies. z The federal government can play a supporting role by providing resources and assistance as requested by those states affected by the emergency. Furthermore, the federal government may coordinate humanitarian and relief efforts where whole regions of the country are affected. z The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for federal activities related to disaster management and FEMA is the subordinate federal agency assigned to coordinate federal response efforts. FEMA’s response is linked to the National Response Plan. z The NRP assumes that planning, preparation, and response to natural and other disasters are primarily the responsibilities of the states. Local authorities can request assistance from the state and state officials may request additional assistance from the federal government. z FEMA establishes a temporary federal facility called the Joint Field Office at the time of the disaster to coordinate operational federal assistance activities to the affected areas. The JFO is responsible for providing a common operating picture to all federal agencies. z In some cases, Title 10 federal military resources may also be needed to assist state and local governments with their response.

The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 now authorizes Title 10 Army Reserve personnel and units to be activated for up to 120 days in response to an requests for emergency support by state and local governments.

z These Army Reserve units contain valuable assets which can immediately mitigate suffering and damage caused by catastrophic events. U.S. Army North coordinates this effort by appointing ten regional Defense Coordinating Officers who serve as the primary Department of Defense response manager for each of the ten FEMA regions.

z Establishing a dual-status commander enabled a much more consolidated response for Hurricane Irene in August 2011, where dual-status commanders were appointed as a precaution in case federal troops were needed. State and federal crisis managers now have the authority to initiate the request for Title 10 assets, based on need or specific circumstances under NDAA 2012. All tile 10 requests for assistance are approved by the Secretary of Defense.

A six-inch hose drains water into the Atlantic ocean Nov. 11, 2012, at Breezy Point, N.Y. Army quartermaster units from Pennsylvania, Florida and North Carolina combined their capabilities to channel water from affected areas out to sea, helping hundreds of local residents.

Editor’s note: Sgt. John Carkeet IV, 143d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) and Spc. Christopher Tobey contributed to this story. WARRIOR–CITIZEN


Equipped with one of the newest vessels currently available to the Army Reserve, mariners stationed aboard the USAV Maj. Gen. Robert Smalls are‌


Making Moves by Staff Sgt. Peter Berardi

316th Expeditionary Sustainment Command

The primary mission of Army Reserve units working aboard the

314-foot long, 5,412-ton USAV Maj. Gen. Robert Smalls Logistics Support Vessel-8 is to provide logistical support for all branches of the military.




25 Photo by Spc. Sophia Lopez, 316th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, Public Affairs



Starting before sunrise, Army Reserve Mariners aboard the Maj. Gen. Robert Smalls (LSV-8) lower the front ramp and guide their cargo of military vehicles safely onto shore at Kuwait Naval Base, Kuwait. The Maj. Gen. Robert Smalls has the ability to transport all types of military and civilian cargo, such as vehicles, large containers and various types of equipment.

The LSV-8’s bow is unique. Instead of the ramp being the bow, there is a rounded bow that opens to allow the ramp to fold down, making for a smoother voyage.





fter a decade of war, the Army relies heavily on the Army Reserve for its technical and support capabilities, including Army Reserve watercraft. Equipped with one of the newest vessels currently available to the Army Reserve, mariners stationed aboard the United States Army Vessel Major General Robert Smalls Logistics Support Vessel at Kuwait Naval Base, Kuwait, support movement of equipment throughout the U.S. Army Central Command area of responsibility, for all branches of the military. The reserve mariners move all types of equipment, from supplies to vehicles, in support of ARCENT. Moving these materials through the area requires working closely with the U.S. Navy and Kuwaiti partners. Recently, Commanding General 3rd Army, U.S. Army Central, Lt. Gen. Vincent K. Brooks visited the Army Reserve crew of the Major

General Robert Smalls. “The work that's done by our Army watercraft is very important,” said Brooks. “You are unsung heroes; you make it happen, time after time.” One of the new Kuroda-class logistics support vessels is assigned to Reserve soldiers with the 420th Movement Control Battalion, stationed at Kuwait Naval Base, and outperforms the older, but still in service, Besson-class LSVs in many ways. Among the numerous improvements, the Major General Robert Smalls is faster, is more than 40 feet longer, can carry in excess of 200 more tons of cargo and has a significantly longer bow ramp, allowing for roll-on roll-off operations on shallower beach gradients. “Saying ‘Hey, we are an Army Reserve unit that is deployed on one of the two new LSVs,’ there’s a lot of pride there,” said Staff Sgt. James Waggoner, a resident of Pearl City, Hawaii, and a junior marine engineer with the 548th

BELOW: The Maj. Gen. Robert Smalls (LSV-8)—an Army Logistics Support Vessel—is faster than older vessels of it’s kind. It is more than 40 feet longer, can carry more than 200 more tons of cargo and has a significantly longer bow ramp, allowing for roll-on roll-off operations on shallower beach gradients. RIGHT: 316th Expeditionary Sustainment Command Soldiers took some time to check out the LSV-8 following a visit from Lt. Gen. Vincent K. Brooks, Commanding General Third Army, U.S. Army Central.


Transportation Detachment, currently deployed to Kuwait. An LSV’s crew is composed of 23 enlisted personnel and eight warrant officers, with the vessel master generally being a Chief Warrant Officer 4. “The Army maritime field is the oldest of the warrant officer [military occupation specialties],” explained Chief Warrant Officer 2 Richard Martin, a resident of Beaver, Pa., and member of the 316th Expeditionary Sustainment Command support operations section. “It is a very challenging, highly technical career field, and the course is fast-paced and academically intense. The Reserve crews also bring a diverse set of civilian skills with them, which enhances their problem-solving skills.”

“we are an Army Reserve unit that is deployed on one of the two new LSVs, there’s a lot of pride there.” — Staff Sgt. James Waggoner, 548th Transportation Detachment

Commanding General Third Army, U.S. Army Central, Lt. Gen. Vincent K. Brooks (center) visited Soldiers aboard the USAV Maj. Gen. Robert Smalls (LSV-8) at Kuwait Naval Base, Kuwait, Oct. 27, 2012. Brooks took time to talk to the incoming Army Reserve mariners of the 805th Transportation Detachment from Tacoma, Wash. Earlier that day, the 805th Transportation Detachment assumed authority over the Maj. Gen. Robert Smalls. Photo by Staff Sgt. Peter J. Berardi, 316th Expeditionary Sustainment Command

Being Army Reserve Soldiers, the vessel crews bring more experience than just their MOS and are trained to manage specialized capabilities. “We are a pretty diverse crew and can do a lot more than active component crews can do,” said Sgt. 1st Class Mathew Bechtold, a native of Jerseyville, Ill., and member of the 805th Transportation Detachment from Tacoma, Wash. “We bring more to the table, because we have training in other areas from our civilian jobs. Our crew, at one point or another, has been licensed on anything that moves, so there’s nothing that we can’t operate. We’ve got two commercial airline pilots; I used to be in Navy subs [submarines] and Staff Sgt. Angle used to work on wheeled and track vehicles. It’s kinda like the A-Team, just a little bit bigger.” WARRIOR–CITIZEN


Photo By Spc. Charles J. Thompson, 377th Theater Sustainment Command



TOP LEFT: Officials from the State of Louisiana, members of the U.S. Armed Forces and special guests stand during the playing of the national anthem at the Louisiana Bicentennial Military Parade in the historic French Quarter of New Orleans, Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012. TOP RIGHT: Soldiers in the Army Reserve are greeted and thanked by hundreds of civilians during the Louisiana Bicentennial Military Parade, Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012.



New Orleans is world renowned for Mardi Gras and its festive parades. As a native of the city, Master Sgt. Michael Nelson has seen his share but he’d never been more excited to be part of a different kind of parade— one that paid tribute to service members. “We [Soldiers] make a lot of sacrifices,” said Nelson. “It gives me a lot of gratification when the community does things like this for us, their support keeps us going.” Nelson, a local educator with the Jefferson Parish School System and Army Reservist with the 377th Theater Sustainment Command, marched along as thousands of people lined New Orleans streets to honor past, present and future veterans during the Louisiana Bicentennial Military Parade Saturday, Nov. 10. Staff Sgt. David Harris, another New Orleans native and police officer at Tulane University explained that the support he received from his community and employers helped get him through his deployment to Iraq in 2011. “I alerted them that I was deploying, they were very sympathetic and empathetic towards me,” said Harris. “There were a lot of unknowns, but I knew that I still

had my job and support here and that was something I did not have to worry about.”

EMBRACING A NEW WAY TO BE BETTER NEIGHBORS Harris was also deployed in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans, but his wife remained in the city. With the support of the community, he says, they got through it. As a Soldier, however, Harris thinks the support of the Army Reserve immediately after the disaster could have made a difference. “It would have given a positive reinforcement to the service members and their Family members,” said Harris. “It would have shown the community that the Army does want to help here at home and assist in humanitarian efforts.” A change in federal law now makes the use of federal forces more accessible to local officials. For the first time, Army Reserve units were activated under the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act that streamlined the process for Federal Reserve forces to mobilize in support of relief efforts in local communities.

Photo By Spc. Charles J. Thompson, 377th Theater Sustainment Command

“[The use of the Army Reserve as an emergency response is]…going to work great and reinforce the fact that we are part of the community and that the community is part of us.” — Councilwoman Susan Guidry, New Orleans

377th Theater Sustainment Command

Soldiers from the 401st, 410th and 431st Quartermaster Detachments out of Pennsylvania, Florida and North Carolina respectively, conducted water removal operations in New York in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. The teams, all subordinate units of the 377th TSC, removed more than 2 million gallons of flood water from homes, schools and other structures in direct support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, state and local officials. New Orleans Councilwoman Susan Guidry says the effect of the NDAA and the Army Reserve was significant. “I must say the impacted citizens in the Northeast are very fortunate to have had the benefit of this law and of the immediate and professional assistance of the Army Reserve to be able to pump out that water,” said Guidry. “That’s a life-saving act and benefit for those people. The world saw after Katrina how devastating the absence of disaster assistance is for those that are in the throes of devastation.” Maj. Gen. Peter S. Lennon, commander of the 377th TSC, is excited about the help that Army Reserve Soldiers can now provide local communities suffering after a disaster.

“I think it’s huge, because [of] what the reserve force brings, especially the Army Reserve,” said Lennon. “We have skill sets — not that we are the only ones, but we are part of the total force. It is another tool for the governor and the mayor to tap into.” New Orleans most recently endured Hurricane Isaac, which caused an estimated $612 million dollars in damage across Louisiana. Guidry, also a member of the disaster and recovery committee, believes the city, could benefit from the skills of reserve forces. “That’s going to make an immeasurable difference for us,” said Guidry. “To direct and obtain their assistance in an immediate way in the aftermath of a disaster. It’s going to make all the difference in the world.” The use of the Army Reserve under the 2012 NDAA in an emergency response is still being evaluated but Lennon believes it’s a positive step in being a better neighbor in communities reservists call home. “We have learned a lot from this, we are streamlining the processes,” said Lennon. I think it’s going to work great and reinforce the fact that we are part of the community and that the community is part of us.”

Photo by Staff Sgt. Rauel Tirado, 377th Theater Sustainment Command


By Spc. Charles J. Thompson,

A member of a Tiger Cub program for the Boy Scouts of America, watches military vehicles and Soldiers pass during the Louisiana Bicentennial Military Parade, Nov. 10, 2012. The parade honored Louisiana men and women from all branches of the military and included a mass enlistment ceremony of 180 new recruits into the U.S. Armed Forces.



Photos by Staff Sgt. Osvaldo Equite, 49th Public Affairs Detachment / PHOTO ILLUSTRATION


Spc. Lalita Guenther

U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psycho logical Operations Command (Airborne) Public Affai rs



r Memorial Operation 15th Annual Randy Ole Sicily Drop Zone for the mand (Airborne), Com ons rati Ope cal Paratroopers jump onto logi y Civil Affairs and Psycho Arm . operation; and it e U.S orn the airb by ed ted bin hos est com Toy Drop, Drop is the world’s larg Toy on for the holidays. s rati toy Ope 2. eive rec 201 here Dec. 8, to help children everyw nity ortu opp the s dier allows Sol



aircr af Osva t Photo b ldo E y Sta quit ff S Affa e, 49th Pu gt. irs De b tach lic ment

photo by Spc. Lalita Guenther, USACAPOC(A) Public Affairs

Paratroopers go through sustained airborne training during the 15th Annual Randy Oler Memorial Operation Toy Drop, Dec. 7, 2012, at Pope Field, N.C.

his year marks the 15th anniversary of the Randy Oler Memorial Operation Toy Drop. In 1998, Staff Sgt. Oler, a U.S. Army Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations Command (Airborne) Soldier, was looking to realize his own dream of helping children in need. The result is now a major two-day event that engages Soldiers and communities worldwide. There were seven countries involved this year: Brazil, Canada, Chile, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Uruguay. The foreign jumpmasters give “jump” commands in their native language, telling paratroopers when to “stand up, hook up, and shuffle to the door,” which in turn qualifies the Soldier for his or her foreign jump wings. In an international first, the Germans brought their own aircraft to the event. Operation Toy Drop is now the largest combined airborne operation in the world, drawing more and more Soldiers from around the country to participate every year. From just a few hundred Soldiers and a few hundred toys, to more than 2,000 Soldiers and more than 2,500 toys donated each year on “lottery day.” “It started out with only one aircraft,” said Phil Maughan, secretary of the general staff at Headquarters and Headquarters



PHOTO BY Staff Sgt. Sharilyn Wells, USACAPOC(A) PAO)

FAR LEFT: Paratroopers listen to instructions as they go through sustained airborne training during the 15th Annual Randy Oler Memorial Operation Toy Drop. Paratroopers lined the street at Green Ramp, Pope Field before the sun rose, waiting to donate their toys in hopes of receiving a winning lottery ticket for the opportunity to earn foreign jump wings. LEFT and BELOW: Children excitedly meet Santa Claus during the 15th Annual Randy Oler Memorial Operation Toy Drop, Dec. 8, 2012.

Company, USACAPOC(A). “Now it has expanded to include the XVIII Airborne Corps and the 82nd Airborne Division’s participation.” “Within a week and a half’s time we put in about 100 hours of work,” said Cpt. Jennifer Foster, an Operation Toy Drop “Elf” with Headquarters and Headquarters Company, USACAPOC(A). According to Foster, some of the units do local toy drives, and the Soldiers help distribute the toys. “They get involved with their communities.” Operation Toy Drop may be a morale builder for the Soldiers of USACAPOC(A), but leadership sees it as a great training opportunity well-suited to their military occupational specialties, and similar to what they do when deployed. “It’s a civil affairs and psychological operations unit,” said Foster. “So, that’s what the Soldiers do. That’s their job — to reach out to communities and fill a void for them.” The planning begins months in advance. “It started last January with the planning and trying to get the foreign jumpmasters here and make sure we have all the logistical support,” said Foster. Recently, that has involved coordination with sometimes more than seven countries. Despite growing interest from outside organizations hoping to take on the event, and regardless of the added work and coordination created by the ever-expanding mission, USACAPOC(A) Soldiers see Operation Toy Drop as a personal responsibility, and they intend to continue to stand in the forefront of the mission and dream that began with one of their own. Oler passed away in April, 2004, but the team intends to continue his legacy. “This is our big event, and we would like to keep it that way,” said Maughan. “It supports not only the Soldiers and their training, but the community as well.” WARRIOR–CITIZEN

Photo courtesy USACAPOC (A)

U.S. paratroopers board a German C-160 during the 15th Annual Randy Oler Memorial Operation Toy Drop, hosted by a U.S. Army Reserve unit, The U.S. Army Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations Command (Airborne), Dec. 7, 2012, at Pope Field, N.C.


Photos above and below by Staff Sgt. Amanda Smolinski, USACAPOC(A) Public Affairs


“We help [veterans] move forward in life, getting them back on their feet...” — Cpt. Tara Vaughn, training support officer



Retired U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Miguel Thompson attends the East Bay Stand Down at the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, Calif., Sept. 13, 2012. Thompson, a native of Costa Rica and a resident of San Francisco, credits the EBSD program for the positive changes that have benefited his life. Thompson plans to return in 2014 as a volunteer to the EBSD. The EBSD program helps displaced, homeless, and needy Veterans and their Families with legal issues, dental and medical care, substance abuse and mental health counseling, new clothing, benefits and many other services.

Stand Down

Riseup Story and photos by Lt. Col. Michele Sutak

chief, public affairs, Army Reserve Medical Command

C al i f .


P L E A S A N T O N,


oldiers of the Western Medical Area Readiness Support Group, Army Reserve Medical Command, recently provided medical assistance, logistical support and personnel to East Bay Stand Down 2012, an event supporting displaced, homeless or needy San Francisco Bay area veterans and their Families, here at the Alameda County Fairgrounds. The EBSD is a unique, civil-military collaborative program offered through the Department of Defense's Innovative Readiness Training program, which is supported by congressional funding resources. The AR-MEDCOM is spearheading the EBSD 2012 through the IRT program, which allows Soldiers to carry out their medical specialties and warrior skills in a real-world environment, while providing administrative, training and medical services to the participants. The EBSD 2012 is the largest and longest Stand Down event to date, with nearly 2,000 volunteers and more than 250 military personnel supporting and assisting the 400 participants, composed of 358 men and 25 women, plus 17 dependents, 11 dogs and two cats. All participants traveled from seven counties of the San Francisco Bay area for the Stand Down. The supporting staff and military personnel were not all from the local area; some came from as far as New York and Florida.


Sgt. 1st Class Jeff Rudd, a dental specialist assigned to the 7243rd Medical Support Hospital in Las Vegas, assesses a veterans damaged dentures. Rudd, a native of South Jordan, Utah, stated that this Innovative Readiness Training mission not only enhances and sharpens his military dentistry skills; it also benefits his civilian career.

BELOW: Billy West, a resident of Pittsburgh, Calif., and a U.S. Army veteran, receives a warm welcome from La La, his 17-month-old female poodle, during the last day of the East Bay Stand Down at the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, Calif. West appreciates the services offered and the attention of care the veterans and their pets received.



Cpt. Tara Vaughn, the training support officer assigned to the Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment for the WEMARSG in San Pablo, Calif., and the military liaison officer for the EBSD, has been planning and coordinating the military medical assets, logistical support and personnel for more than a year. She worked closely with reserve component sister services; Air Force, Navy, and Coast Guard, as well as the EBSD coordinators, local volunteers and sponsors.

“We help them [veterans] move forward in life, getting them back on their feet, providing them services from legal assistance to medical, to dental, to community services,” said Vaughn, comparing the event to a type of intervention. Vaughn was responsible for more than 120 Soldiers from seven Army Reserve units, which include the Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment; 6252nd U.S. Army Hospital; 6253rd U.S. Army Hospital; 6253rd Detachment 1, Medical Support Unit; 7234th Medical Support Unit; 7243th Medical Support Unit of the WEMARSG and members of the 352nd Combat Support Hospital of the 807th Medical Deployment (Support Command). “We were the main military presence here. We set up the entire encampment of the medical and dental…we have many providers, nurses, doctors, dentists and medics to get them the care they need,” said Vaughn, an Edmond, Okla., native who resides in Orinda,

Calif. “We also have Soldiers serving as assistant tent leaders in every tent to help the veterans get to their appointments.” The EBSD is the largest representation of military units and personnel of any Stand Down. This IRT mission enabled the AR-MEDCOM to enhance and build lasting partnerships within the local communities. “It’s an incredible honor to be here to serve those who have come before us. This is a great experience for us,” said Vaughn. “Not only developing a partnership with the community, but to receive wonderful training…this has been very rewarding for us.” Sgt. 1st Class Jeff Rudd, a dental specialist with the 7243th Medical Support Unit from Las Vegas, participated in the IRT mission. He has served 28 years in the military and more than 30 years as a dental-lab technician in his civilian career. Rudd has participated in Indian reservation IRTs, but this is his first EBSD event. According to Rudd,

encampment over a four-day period for the same purpose. Those who come to the event are not necessarily homeless, but all are in need of the services provided and must be deemed eligible by the Department of Veterans Affairs. The comprehensive services provided by the EBSD were legal, substance-abuse recovery programs, mental health counseling, veterinary, medical and dental care, VA benefits and many other services. The first EBSD was held in 1999. Since its inception, the event has been recognized nationally as one of the most effective interventions to date and has assisted nearly

As the Stand Down came to a close, participants gathered their belongings, exchanged phone numbers with new friends and old battle buddies and said their goodbyes. As veterans said “Good bye” a handful said “Hello.” “La La, hello girl. Did you miss me? Did you miss me? It’s so good to see you!” said a emotional Billy West, a U.S. Army Veteran from Pittsburgh, Calif., as he approached the VET Pet pick-up center. As La La heard that familiar voice, her tail wagged rapidly in the affirmative, and she licked West’s face. The reunion between West and his 17-month-old poodle best-friend was a happy one.

LEFT: Ronnie Peterson, a San Francisco resident and a Marine Corps veteran, receives acupuncture treatment while visiting the wellness center at the East Bay Stand Down at the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, Calif., Sept. 14, 2012. Peterson, a native of Brooklyn, New York, served in the Marine Corps from 1972 until 1976.

“It’s an incredible honor to be here to serve those who have come before us… Not only developing a partnership with the community, but to receive wonderful training.” — Cpt. Tara Vaughn, training support officer

this IRT mission not only enhances and sharpens his military dentistry skills; it gives him an opportunity to show his appreciation. “They [veterans] paved the way for all of us…if it weren’t for them, we would not have the opportunity to do what we are doing now,” said Rudd, a native of South Jordan, Utah. “It’s good training for us, but that is a small part of all of this. I do what I am doing out of gratitude.” “Stand Down” is a term used during the Vietnam War to describe the practice of removing combat troops from the field and taking care of their basic needs in a safe area. The EBSD brings displaced veterans and Family members into a safe

3,000 veterans, Family members and their pets. Maj. Gen. Robert J. Kasulke, commanding general of the AR-MEDCOM, along with his senior enlisted advisor, Command Sgt. Maj. Harold P. Estabrooks, from Pinellas Park, Fla., participated in the retreat ceremony, and addressed the participants, military personnel and volunteers. “This is truly a purple event… you fought for our country, and now we have the opportunity to give back to you,” said Kasulke, a resident of Watertown, N.Y. “This four-day event is not enough, but it is the least we can do for you, fighting for our country. Thank you, and welcome home.”

Miguel Thompson, a veteran of both the Marine Corps and U.S. Army, left the encampment with the goal to return in two years to become a volunteer for the EBSD. “From hand-downs to hand-ups, this has [had] a positive impact on all of us,” said Thompson. “This should not be called a Stand Down, but a Stand Up.” Since 1988, when the first Stand Down was conducted, in San Diego, there have been more than 200 Stand Downs held throughout the continental United States. More than 100,000 veterans and Families benefited from these events, breaking the cycles of homelessness and despair.

ABOVE: Veterans who visited the wellness center were greeted by volunteers, IC (left), and Emma (right), both mixed border collies, working as therapy dogs to provide affection and comfort to the participants during the East Bay Stand Down at the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, Calif. The EBSD program helps displaced, homeless, and needy veterans and their Families with legal issues, dental and medical care, substance abuse and mental health counseling, new clothing, benefits and many other services.



trained + ready Story and photos by Sgt. Christopher Bonebrake, 115th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment

bagram airfield security

the Bagram beat a day in the life of two deployed Army Reserve MPs

Cpl. Margie Jones (left) and Spc. Judy Sanchez (center) take a statement from the victim of a hit-and-run at Bagram Air Field, Sept. 3, 2012.

“When medical emergencies occur, we respond to provide security for the emergency medical technicians and fire-fighters. We’ve actually had incidents where the EMTs have gotten assaulted by witnesses.” — Spc. Judy Sanchez, 539th Military Police Detachment PARWAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan —

Cpl. Margie Jones (left) and Spc. Judy Sanchez drive their patrol route on Bagram Air Field, Sept. 3, 2012. Jones and Sanchez are both military police officers with the 539th Military Police Detachment out of Buckeye, Ariz., and are deployed in support of a law and order mission on Bagram Air Field.



Cpl. Margie Jones and Spc. Judy Sanchez, both military police officers assigned to the Army Reserve’s 539th Military Police Detachment in Buckeye, Ariz., currently patrol sector 4 on Bagram Airfield. Being a military police officer on Bagram Airfield, or BAF, can be a thankless job. “People don’t like to see us coming until they actually need us,” said Jones. Their area of responsibility consists of the north end of the main road to the far northeast corner of the airfield. This includes the long expanse of wire that separates the north end of the airfield from the nearby village, otherwise known as “Sniper Alley.” Patrol districts are switched regularly so everyone is familiar with each area. The unit, assigned to the 200th Military Police Command at Fort Meade, Md., is used primarily as a law

and order unit, which means their mission is to patrol the interior of the base. The Air Force security forces manage the entry control points and external security. “We do the same thing we do back at home,” said Sgt. Antwon Yourse, the night shift desk sergeant, attached to the 539th MPD. “We have our patrol districts and each unit is responsible for the calls in their assigned areas.” A typical day for Sanchez and Jones starts out with weapons issue and the morning briefing. Any events that happened on the previous night’s shift are discussed and the day’s schedule is laid out. They then head to their assigned vehicle and perform preventive maintenance checks and services on their vehicle to ensure everything is working properly. Jones and Sanchez usually work together if there is an odd number of Soldiers on a particular shift.

Cpl. Margie Jones talks to a dog-handler at Bagram Air Field. Jones, a military police officer with the 539th Military Police Detachment out of Buckeye, Ariz., believes that community policing is an important part of being an effective MP and tries to take time out of her day to talk to people she sees while on patrol.

“Depending on how many people we have on shift, we either ride solo or tandem,” Sanchez said. Jones and Sanchez deal with myriad situations on a daily basis. Recently, they found a marijuana growing operation. Alcohol is not much of an issue on the military side, but some fellow MPs were forced to tazer an intoxicated contractor who became violent and ignored their repeated commands to surrender. “One of the more common incidents we respond to are negligent discharges,” said Sanchez. “We get one about once every couple days here on BAF.” They also receive a lot of calls regarding suspicious packages including trash bags on the side of the road, abandoned backpacks and even a Tupperware container. “When medical emergencies occur, we respond to provide security for the emergency medical technicians and fire-fighters,” said Sanchez. “We’ve actually had incidents where the EMTs have gotten assaulted by witnesses.” On a typical patrol, the MPs drive their sector to look for suspicious activity and conduct presence patrols in public areas like the hospital and bazaar. This lets the residents on Bagram know the MPs are on duty and acts as a deterrent for potential criminals. In dealing with the general public on BAF, Jones and Sanchez understand that building a rapport with the community is crucial to mission success. As part of their regular patrol duties, they like to take the time to talk to local shop owners and military personnel. “We try to give everyone, especially the local nationals, the time of day, which they appreciate,” Jones said. Occasionally, Jones and Sanchez encounter an individual who, because of rank or position, thinks he or she can get away with violating base policy.

“We have to walk the fine line between asserting our authority but still respecting rank,” explained Jones. Jones said she responded to a traffic accident not long ago where a local national crashed into a concrete barrier. The driver was going to get his license revoked and kicked off the base, but Jones defended him and he was allowed to keep his privileges. “I have a passion for people,” she added. “I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.” Sanchez, Jones and their fellow MPs pull 12-13 hour shifts with a day off a week. The days are long, especially when they recently had to provide security for Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond Chandler III’s visit to Bagram Airfield. As the day draws to a close, the MPs trickle in one and two at a time, turn in their gear, check their vehicles and prepare to brief the night shift. In 12 hours, Jones and Sanchez will be on patrol again, and with each new day comes new challenges. “I love this job,” Jones said. “You never know what the day will bring.”

U.S. Army Cpl. Margie Jones (left) from Buckeye, Ariz., and U.S. Army Spc. Judy Sanchez (right) from Phoenix, Ariz., watch bomb dogs train with their handlers on Bagram Air Field, Sept. 3, 2012. Jones and Sanchez are both military police officers with the 539th Military Police Detachment out of Buckeye, Ariz., and are deployed in support of a law and order mission on Bagram Air Field.



trained + ready by Maj. Adam Collett, 75th Training Command, Public Affairs

virtual combat training

the 75th proof of principle testing the new distributed simulations capability

BELOW: Sgt. 1st Class Danial Lisarelli with the unit's Southern Division operates a computer-based simulation training exercise in Houston, while Kevin Bryant and Maj. Marcos Romasanta look on. The exercise was part of an effort to demonstrate a system developed by the 75th to allow various military units to conduct certain types of scenariobased war game training over computer networks. In this exercise, the unit undergoing the training was located in Louisiana, while one small team transmitted the fictional scenario via network and phone.



HOUSTON — After months of small-scale testing, the 75th Training Command recently conducted a multi-state exercise to demonstrate a new networked training system that promises to change how certain mandatory collective training will be conducted in the future. The Texas-based unit successfully introduced the computer-based system over a two-day span for participants located in Texas, Louisiana, Iowa and Alabama.

A key responsibility for the 75th is preparing large military units for deployments and other missions by conducting scenario-based simulations, while mentoring senior leaders on effective decision-making. Brig. Gen. Kate Kasun oversaw the exercise. Kasun, deputy commander for the 75th, says she was pleased with the results. “I am very proud of the team that helped develop and execute this concept. Many of our soldiers across the command

Theater Sustainment Command, which is required to undergo this organizational decision-making training as part of its periodic deploymentreadiness schedule. The exercise demonstrated the real-world feasibility of DSC. In engineering and software or hardware development, such a test of feasibility is sometimes referred to as a “proof of concept” or a “proof of principle.” “This frees [units] from the tyranny of time and distance. Soldiers are able to develop their skill sets and develop additional ones,” says Husmann. “Like a marathon, just about everybody can run. But running 26 miles takes practice. DSC helps enable the practice so that Soldiers, commanders, the unit and the Army can do the long run when necessary to complete their missions.”

LEFT: Brig. Gen. Megan Tatu listens intently as senior leaders and others with the 75th Training Command participate in a briefing in conjunction with a simulation training exercise in Houston, Oct. 20, 2012. Contractors with the 75th Training Command provide information technology support for the distributed simulations capability exercise.

The 75th Training Command has developed a system that allows various military units to conduct certain types of scenario-based war game training over computer networks, allowing units to train in leadership and mission management tasks with a high degree of realism, and a low overall cost. contributed knowledge and experience from both their military and civilian backgrounds. When the Army Reserve uses the motto ‘Twice the citizen,' this is what they mean.” The newly debuted system will allow vital training to be conducted over computer networks. They are dubbing this system Distributed Simulations Capability, or DSC. For nearly a decade, this training had to be conducted at centralized locations, meaning that either the unit being trained or a large team of facilitators from the 75th had to travel, costing time and money. This new capability will deliver a better learning experience throughout the training cycle in a safer, more efficient way, and at a greatly reduced cost. Maj. Darrin Husmann served as the project lead for the launch of DSC. Husmann says the simplified logistics and lower cost are only part of the picture. “[This system] allows units to train persistently over the complete training year to develop their staffs . . . it allows them to develop and season and mature.” The system launch was conducted as part of real-world support for the Louisiana-based 377th

Sgt. 1st Class Danial Lisarelli with the unit’s Southern Division operates a computer-based simulation distributed simulations capability exercise.



health + wellness

electronic health records

e-health for your health by Barclay P. Butler, Ph.D., Director, Department of Defense/Department of Veterans Affairs Interagency Program Office (IPO)

ABOVE: With the new DoD/VA integrated Electronic Health Record, researchers will also be able to study trends, securely and privately, across the large population in the system. This can lead to new medical breakthroughs that benefit everyone.



Washington — Health professionals have long known the promise of electronic health records. For more than two decades, the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs have been working together to apply the benefits of this fast-evolving technology. The departments already share more clinical health information than any two health care systems in the world, and together will compose the largest integrated health network in the world, with more than 18 million total members worldwide. The new DoD/VA Interagency Program Office is responsible for implementing an integrated Electronic Health Record for the DoD and VA. When operational, the iEHR will follow you from the first day of your military career, throughout your lifetime. It will be the single source for service members, veterans and beneficiaries to access their medical histories. Additionally, it will ensure the seamless transition of care when service members go from active duty to reserve or veteran status. Your complete medical record will follow you when you move, switch medical providers or

need emergency care while traveling. Your Family medical history and medical allergies will be immediately available to every doctor or nurse who treats you within DoD and VA health systems. With the ability to view consistent and comprehensive patient data, medical providers will be able to give you better care. Researchers will also be able to study trends, securely and privately, across the large population in the system. This can lead to new medical breakthroughs that benefit everyone. For example, if we track data on patients with diabetes, we can minimize the number of amputations or instances of blindness. We can develop a registry of patients with similar injuries to measure the outcomes of current treatments in order to improve treatment protocols and quality of care, now and for generations to come. The iEHR is a key component of the President’s Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record initiative—a groundbreaking vision for the future of electronic data sharing among federal agencies and the private sector. If you receive private sector health


improving Reserve HR and Pay By LT. Col. Paul B. Phillabaum, Deputy Project Manager, Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army

Your Family medical history and medical allergies will be immediately available to every doctor or nurse who treats you within DoD and VA health systems. With the ability to view consistent and comprehensive patient data, medical providers will be able to give you better care. care, VLER Health is a way to send those requests for care out to the private sector and, most important, to bring that data back. This ensures you have a complete medical record that captures all information about all the care that you receive. We are committed to a fully operational iEHR, no later than 2017, with clinical capabilities deployed in Hampton Roads, Va., and San Antonio by 2014—a significant challenge, but one that is critical for our nation’s service members, veterans and beneficiaries.

For more information about the DoD/VA IPO, visit www.tricare.mil/tma/ipo. To learn more about the role electronic health records play in medicine today, go to www.healthit.hhs.gov.

The development of a multi-component personnel system supports the Total Army concept, by enabling human resources professionals to more easily meet the personnel and pay needs of all Soldiers, regardless of component. Army G-1 is working to modernize Army human resources through the Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army. Standardizing the way it manages Soldier information, and more important, Soldier pay, could significantly improve the administrative process, as Soldiers transition between active and Reserve components. The new system will eliminate the need to use multiple systems in order to access personnel and pay records. Commanders of multi-component units will directly benefit from IPPS-A’s capabilities. In order to obtain similar information for Soldiers, commanders, administrators and human resources professionals currently must use multiple systems, making it difficult to track Soldiers who are deployed, mobilized, on extended orders or in long-term training. According to Brig. Gen. Tammy Smith, the director of Human Capital Core Enterprise, the new system will reduce processing time and help commanders maintain better visibility of their Soldiers. “Currently, the lack [of] standardization between components can result in a lag when updates are made in the field. IPPS-A will give commanders a multi-component view of their units’ personnel information in one system.” IPPS-A will also help Reserve Soldiers maintain their benefits, personnel and training information in a single, comprehensive record. — Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, Changes to the Army Reserve’s current system will Army Chief of Staff be implemented to enable IPPS-A to be an effective tool. These changes will involve transitioning the Military Pay mission to Army Human Resources, subsuming many legacy systems, and connecting other systems to IPPS-A, to create a more comprehensive system. IPPS-A’s multi-component capabilities will streamline Army Reserve human resources and Soldier pay by creating a single comprehensive personnel and pay record, allowing personnel actions (e.g., promotions, changes in dependents, changes in duty status) to trigger associated pay actions. For the ordinary Soldier, IPPS-A will help human resources professionals decrease the number of promotion- and deployment-related pay issues, saving time and frustration. Col. Barbara Owens, Army Reserve G-1, said that, in order to prepare for IPPS-A deployment, Soldiers, both TPU and AGR, should ensure their information is up to date. “Each major command has a representative identified to facilitate IPPS-A’s release. The first release will be populated with information from our legacy systems; therefore it is important that personnel information is accurately reflected.” IPPS-A is currently under development and targeted to launch its first release in 2013. Beginning with the system’s first release, Army Reserve human resources professionals will have access to a database that is able to produce nine reports and a new Soldier Record Brief. The SRB will be available to the reserve components for the first time and will bring all three components in line with each other, eventually replacing the active component’s Enlisted Record Brief and Officer Record Brief.

“As we move forward, all three components will play… critical role[s] in dealing with the challenges of an increasingly complex and uncertain environment.”

To learn more about IPPS-A’s development and its benefits, please visit the program website at http://www.IPPS-A.army.mil. Editor’s Note: LTC Paul B. Phillabaum is an AGR Acquisition Officer serving as the IPPS-A Deputy Project Manager WARRIOR–CITIZEN


Dedicated to the Soldiers of the U.S. Army Reserve who made the supreme sacrifice in the global war on terror.


in memoriam SGT Kevin D. Akins SPC Omar M. Albrak SSG Ahmed K. Altaie SPC Paul E. Andersen MAJ Stuart M. Anderson SGT Roberto Arizola, Jr. CPL Raphael R. Arruda SPC Farid El Azzouzi CSM Edward C. Barnhill SPC Jacob D. Barton SGT Gregory A. Belanger SPC Alexander J. Bennett CPL Mark A. Bibby SPC Steven J. Bishop MSG Kelly M. L. Bolor SGT Federico G. Borjas SPC Roy Buckley SPC Dustin R. Brisky MSG Thomas L. Bruner CPT Brian M. Bunting SPC Charles E. Bush, Jr. CPT Paul J. Cassidy PFC Thomas D. Caughman SPC Doron N. Chan SPC Jonathan M. Cheatham SSG Thomas W. Christensen

SSG Lillian L. Clamens SGT Ross A. Clevenger 1SG Christopher D. Coffin SPC Christopher J. Coffland SPC Gavin J. Colburn SGT James S. Collins, Jr. MAJ David S. Connolly SSG Todd R. Cornell SPC Richard M. Crane 1SG Jose S. Crisostomo LTC Terrence K. Crowe SSG Donald N. Davis SFC Coater B. Debose SPC Lauro G. DeLeon, Jr. SFC Robert V. Derenda SSG Christopher W. Dill SGT Catalin D. Dima SPC Jeremy M. Dimaranan SSG Carlos Dominguez SPC Spencer C. Duncan SSG Richard S. Eaton, Jr. SGT Gary A. Eckert, Jr. SPC Daniel L. Elliott MAJ Michael S. Evarts SSG Jeffrey J. Farrow MAJ Gregory J. Fester

SGT Nathan R. Field SSG Ryan D. Foraker SPC Kendell K. Frederick CPT Brian S. Freeman SGT Bryan L. Freeman SGT David T. Friedrich SPC Luke P. Frist SPC Nichole M. Frye SFC Dan H. Gabrielson SSG Loleni W. Gandy MAJ Jason E. George SGT David J. Goldberg SPC Michael L. Gonzalez PFC Gregory R. Goodrich SGT Brett E. Gornewicz PFC Devin J. Grella CPL Kelly B. Grothe MAJ Scott A. Hagerty SPC David E. Hall SPC Robert E. Hall, Jr. SGT James W. Harlan SSG Darren Harmon SGT Kenneth W. Harris, Jr. SFC David A. Hartman SSG Stephen C. Hattamer SPC Joshua T. Hazlewood

SSG Robert Hernandez SGT Edward R. Heselton SPC Julie R. Hickey SGT Anton J. Hiett SPC Joshua L. Hill SPC Casey L. Hills SPC Benjamin D. Hoeffner SGT James J. Holtom MAJ Matthew P. Houseal SFC Merideth L. Howard SPC Bert E. Hoyer CPL Rachael L. Hugo SGT Eric R. Hull CPL Derence W. Jack SPC Dustin C. Jackson CPT Benjamin D. Jansky SPC Ryan P. Jayne SPC Joseph A. Jeffries MAJ Alan R. Johnson SPC Robert T. Johnson SFC Matthew R. Kading MSG Paul D. Karpowich SPC Chancellor A. Keesling MAJ Dwayne M. Kelley LTC Paul W. Kimbrough SPC Adam G. Kinser

We honor the lives of these Warrior-Citizens for their service and sacrifice to


SSG Charles A. Kiser SGT Charles B. Kitowski, II SPC Adam L. Knox SGT Elmer C. Krause SGT Kurt E. Kruize CSM John K. Laborde SSG Mark A. Lawton SSG Wilgene T. Lieto CPT Shane R. Mahaffee SFC Curtis Mancini SGT Myla L. Maravillosa LTC Ralph J. Marino SSG Stephen G. Martin SGT Arthur S. Mastrapa SSG Matthew Maupin MSG Danny E. Maybin SPC Christopher D. McCarthy CPT Joshua M. McClimans SSG James D. McNaughton SFC Otie J. McVey 1SG Tobias C. Meister SPC Christopher T. Monroe MAJ Evan J. Mooldyk SGT Melvin Y. Mora SSG Richard L. Morgan, Jr.

SFC Lawrence E. Morrison SSG James D. Mowris MAJ Michael L. Mundell SGT Rodney A. Murray SGT Paul T. Nakamura MSG Robb G. Needham SPC Charles L. Neeley SSG Clinton T. Newman PFC Alan H. Newton, Jr. CW2 Bryan J. Nichols SPC Allen D. Nolan SGT Joseph C. Nurre SGT Larry W. Pankey, Jr. SGT Evan S. Parker SSG Robert J. Paul SSG Ronald L. Paulsen SPC Samuel F. Pearson PFC Luis A. Perez SSG James L. Pettaway LTC Mark P. Phelan MAJ John P. Pryor SGT Jaror C. Puello-Coronado SGT Miguel A. Ramos SSG Joseph R. Ray SGT Pierre A. Raymond

SPC Brandon M. Read SGT Regina C. Reali SPC Ramon Reyes-Torres SGT Lawrence A. Roukey 1SG Blue C. Rowe 1SG Carlos N. Saenz SSG Cameron B. Sarno SGT Joshua A. Schmit SSG Coby G. Schwab COL Stephen K. Scott SGT Danton K. Seitsinger CPL Stephen D. Shannon SFC Michael P. Shannon LTC Anthony L. Sherman SSG Russell K. Shoemaker CPT Benjamin A. Sklaver SSG Benjamin J. Slaven LTC Albert E. Smart MAJ Charles R. Soltes, Jr. SPC Carla J. Stewart SFC Douglas C. Stone SGT Michael R. Sturdivant SGT Joshua A. Terando SGT Steve Theobald SGT Daniel J. Thompson

SGT Jarret B. Thompson SSG Frank F. Tiai SGT Tina S. Time SFC John J. Tobiason SPC Brandon Tobler SGT Nicholas A. Tomko SPC Juan M. Torres SPC Teodoro Torres SSG Nathan J. Vacho SGT Thomas E. Vandling, Jr. SGT Jose M. Velez SSG Dain T. Venne SGT Chirasak Vidhyarkorn SGT Brandon L. Wallace SGT Brad A. Wentz PFC Raymond M. Werner SPC Marc C. Whisenant SGT Cheyenne C. Willey LTC James L. Wiley LTC Peter E. Winston SGT James Witkowski MAJ Stuart A. Wolfer LTC Thomas A. Wren CPT Darrick D. Wright SPC James C. Young

our country in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom/New Dawn.

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