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Calvary offers bus transportation service from the Westchase and St. Petersburg areas. The transportation is for the morning only. In the afternoon, students may remain in after-school supervision (no later than 5:30 PM) until parent transportation arrives.
Bus departs at 7:00 AM from the Publix parking lot at 12139 W. Linebaugh Ave, Tampa, FL 33626.
Bus departs at 7:00 AM from St. Petersburg Christian School at
2021 62nd AVE, N. St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Families must register students with CCHS for the bus transportation service from Westchase and St. Petersburg. The bus transportation service may not be used on an asneeded basis unless registration for the year has been made. The annual fee is $850 per student, or $1,000 for two or more students from the same family. The fee may be paid as a lump sum or included in the monthly FACTS payment with tuition and related fees. For questions concerning registration and payment of the Bus Transportation Fee, please contact Mrs. Karen Fisher, Executive Director of Finance and Operations, at fisher.karen@cchs.us.