9 minute read


Biology (grade 9)

1 credit

Prerequisites: None Course Description: This course will cover the following topics: scientific method, ecology, plant and animal cells, chemistry in the cell, genetics, evolution and creation, classification of living organisms, and energy and metabolism in living organisms. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Biology Honors (grade 9) 1 credit

Prerequisites: Current Science Teacher Recommendation Science 8 Grade of A Course Description: This course will cover the following topics: scientific method, ecology, plant and animal cells, chemistry in the cell, genetics, evolution and creation, classification of living organisms, and energy and metabolism in living organisms. Honors Biology covers content in more detail than traditional Biology and includes additional labs and projects. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Chemistry (grade 10) 1 credit

Prerequisite: Biology Course Description: This course will cover the history of chemistry, classification of matter, atomic structure, elements and the periodic table, chemical bonding and reactions, and gas laws. Throughout this course, students will utilize algebraic expressions, equations, and functions. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Chemistry Honors (grade 10) 1 credit

Prerequisites: Current Science Teacher Recommendation Biology Grade of A or Biology Honors Grade of B or higher PSAT Math Score 60thPercentile or higher Course Description: This course will cover dimensional analysis, the history of chemistry, classification of matter, atomic structure, elements and the periodic table, chemical bonding and reactions, kinetic molecular theory, aqueous solutions, and acid/base theory. Students should have a strong foundation in algebraic expressions, equations and functions upon entry. Honors Chemistry covers more content than traditional Chemistry and includes additional labs and projects. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Anatomy and Physiology (grades 11, 12) 1 credit

Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry Course Description: This course will cover the following topics about the human body: anatomical terminology, the chemistry of life, cells, tissues and organs. Students will learn about the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Students should be comfortable with memorization. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Anatomy and Physiology Honors (grades 11, 12) 1 credit

Prerequisites: Biology andChemistry Grade of A or BiologyHonorsand ChemistryHonorsGrade of B or higher Current Science Teacher Recommendation Course Description: This course will cover a comprehensive look at the structures and functions of the body. Students should be comfortable with their memorization and critical thinking skills and capable of explaining difficult concepts through discussions, presentations and essays. Topics include: anatomical terminology, the chemistry of life, cells, tissues and organs. Students will learn about the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. (Semesters 1 & 2)

AP Biology (grades 11,12)

1 credit

Prerequisites: Current Science Teacher Recommendation Prior Honors science course Grade of A PSAT Math Score 70thPercentile or higher AP Exam Fee of approximately $100 collected spring semester Course Description: Advanced Placement Biology is designed to offer students a solid foundation in college-level introductory biology. This course will explore a range of topics including the diversity of life, biological systems, cellular processes, ecology, genetics, and the interaction of complex life processes and systems. Upon completion of the course, students should have the conceptual framework, factual knowledge, and analytical skills necessary to deal critically with the rapidly changing science of biology. Students should be committed to spending time outside of class on readings, labs, and review of class content. (Semesters 1 & 2)

AP Chemistry (grades 11, 12)

1 credit

Prerequisites: Current Science Teacher Recommendation Chemistry H Grade of B or higherand/or jr year science honor course Grade of B or higher PSAT Math Score 70thPercentile or higher AP Exam Fee of approximately $100.00 collected spring semester Course Description: The AP Chemistry course provides students with a foundation to support future advanced coursework in chemistry. Students will cultivate their understanding of chemistry and science practices as they explore topics such as: atomic structure, intermolecular forces and bonding, chemical reactions, kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium. Laboratory activities will be used to enhance concepts covered in class. Students should have a strong foundation in algebraic expressions, equations and functions upon entry. Students should also be committed to spending time outside of class on readings, labs, and review of class content. (Semesters 1 & 2)

AP Environmental Science (grades 11, 12) 1 credit

Prerequisites: Current Science Teacher Recommendation Prior science course Grade of A or prior Honors science course Grade of B or higher PSAT Math Score 70thPercentile or higher AP Exam Fee of approximately $100.00 collected spring semester Course Description: The goal of the AP Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for

resolving or preventing them. Students should have a strong foundation in verbal and written communication, data analysis, graphing, algebraic expressions, equations and functions upon entry. Students should also be committed to spending time outside of class on readings, labs, and review of class content. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Forensic Science (grades 11, 12) 1 credit

Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry Course Description: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the various scientific disciplines involved in the collection and analysis of evidence in criminal investigations. This course examines the principles, theories and practices including crime scene investigation, trace evidence, fingerprinting, fiber analysis, DNA and bloodstain pattern analysis, forensic chemistry, and ballistics. In the lab portion of this course, students will apply science to the process of law, which involves the collection, examination, evaluation, and interpretation of evidence. Students will gain a basic understanding of the scientific and analytical approach to determining the value of evidence as it relates to the court of law. Throughout this course, students will improve their verbal and written communication skills. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Marine Science (grades 11, 12) 1 credit

Prerequisites: Biology & Chemistry Course Description: In this course, students will explore a broad overview of all aspects of the marine environment. Students will be exposed to the four main branches of oceanography: geology, chemistry, physics and biology. The content of the course will include topics that cover the structure of the world oceans, the chemical make-up of the ocean, how water in oceans move and interact with the Earth’s atmosphere, and the diversity of life in the ocean. The course will explore the interactions of each of the four areas of marine science and the interrelationship of man and the ocean. Throughout this course, students will utilize algebraic expressions, equations, and functions. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Marine Science Honors (grades 11, 12) 1 credit

Prerequisites: Current Science Teacher Recommendation Biology & Chemistry Grade of A or BiologyHonors& Chemistry Honors Grade of B or higher Course Description: In this course, students will explore an in-depth view of the four main branches of oceanography: geology, chemistry, physics and biology. Students will learn throughout the year that all four of these disciplines are interconnected in such a way that a true oceanographer has a solid background in all areas. Students look at how and why the ocean formed, what comprise the seawater of the ocean, what causes the movement of ocean waters and how the ocean interacts with the atmosphere and global weather patterns, and the diversity and complexity of life in the sea. Students will research and write about technologies used for ocean exploration and conduct an in-depth research project on a topic within one of the four marine disciplines. In preparation for this course, students should have a strong foundation in verbal and written communication, data analysis, graphing, algebraic expressions, equations and functions. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Physics Honors (grades 11, 12) Prerequisites: Current Science Teacher Recommendation Algebra II and Geometry Grade of A or Algebra II Honors and Geometry Honors Grade of B or higher

1 credit

PSAT Math Score 60thPercentile or higher Course Description: This course is designed to introduce students to the broader problems and questions addressed by the study of Physics. As with all fields of science, Physics is the application of math to describe phenomena in the physical world. For this reason, students will need to have mastery of algebraic expressions, equations, and functions upon entry and will study and apply fundamental trigonometric concepts throughout this course. Students will use these mathematical skills in the study of accelerated and rotational motion, forces in multiple dimensions, gravitation, momentum, machines, vibrations, and reflections. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Principles of Biomedical Science Honors (grade 10, 11 or 12) 1 credit

Prerequisite: CurrentScience Teacher Recommendation Biology grade of A or Biology Honorsgrade of Bor higher Taken concurrently with Chemistry Honorsor have successfully completed Chemistry Honors

Course Description: This science elective course provides an introduction to biomedical science through hands-on projects and problems. Students will investigate concepts of biology and medicine as they explore health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. Students will also be introduced to human physiology, medicine and research processes. Key biological concepts include maintenance of homeostasis in the body, metabolism, inheritance of traits, and defense against disease. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Human Body Systems Honors (grades 10, 11,12) 1 credit

Prerequisite: Current Science Teacher Recommendation Biology grade of A or Biology Honors grade of B or higher Taken concurrently with Chemistry Honorsor have successfully completed Chemistry Honors Course Description: Students examine the interactions of human body systems as they explore identity, power, movement, protection, and homeostasis in the body. Exploring science in action, students build organs and tissues on a skeletal Maniken; use data acquisition software to monitor body functions such as muscle movement, reflex and voluntary action, and respiration; and take on the roles of biomedical professionals to solve real-world medical cases. (Semesters 1 & 2)

DC Introduction to Physical Science (grades 11, 12) .5 credit

Prerequisites: Biology or Biology Honors Chemistry or Chemistry Honors Complete BCF Dual Credit enrollment process Course Description: This is an online course taught through the Baptist College of Florida (BCF). A study of matter, energy, mechanics, heat, sound, light, magnetism, and electricity. BCF course offerings subject to change. (Semester 2)

DC Introduction to Earth Science (grades 11, 12) Prerequisites: Biology or Biology Honors Chemistry or Chemistry Honors Complete BCF Dual Credit enrollment process

.5 credit

Course Description: This is an online course taught through the Baptist College of Florida (BCF). It includes an elementary study of geology, physical geography, and meteorology. Demonstration and practical applications are emphasized. BCF course offerings subject to change. (Semester 1)

DC Introduction to Biological Science (grades 11,12) .5 credit

Prerequisites: Biology or Biology Honors Chemistry or Chemistry Honors Complete BCF Dual Credit enrollment process Course Description: This is an online course taught through the Baptist College of Florida (BCF). A study of the concepts and methods of investigating human biological and physiological phenomena. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of the role played by genetics, theories of human development, and change. BCF course offerings subject to change. (Semester 2)

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