CCHS Fine Arts Program Overview 2022-2023

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My name is Michael Martell and it is my honor to serve as the Director of Fine Arts and Band Director at Calvary Christian High School. I have been involved with Christian education both as a student and as a teacher for as long as I can remember and I am passionate about Christian education because of the impact it has had on my life.  I have served at Calvary since the 2011–2012 school year. Prior to my time at Calvary, I earned my Bachelor of Science in Music Education degree from Clearwater Christian College and in 2017 I earned my Master of Music in Music Education from the University of Florida. It is my joy to lead and serve alongside our talented Fine Arts faculty as we seek to provide students with a college preparatory fine arts education rooted in a Christian worldview.

In our Fine Arts department, discovering God’s truth and worshipping Him through artistic expression is a core value. Although receiving recognition for an outstanding performance or product is an encouragement to our students, it is not the highest aim of our department. Rather, our goal is to use the arts as a means of worshipping God and furthering His kingdom. This goal stems from Matthew 6:33 which says, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” It is our hope that you will consider joining us as we seek to use the arts to bring glory to our Creator.

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“The mission of the Fine Arts Department at Calvary Christian High School is to provide a challenging college preparatory fine arts education that inspires and equips students to become lifelong practitioners and patrons of the arts, rooted in a Christian worldview.”

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Calvary students have many Fine Arts courses to choose from including Visual Art, Digital Art, Marching/Concert Band, Colorguard, Choir, Beginning Guitar, Dance, Drama, Yearbook, and Creative Writing. Additionally, our Fine Arts faculty offers a wealth of experience to our students who are interested in studying the arts at the college level. With their diverse backgrounds, our Fine Arts faculty is able to successfully prepare students for college auditions and portfolio submissions. Our

Fine Arts faculty members hold degrees from a variety of post-secondary institutions including state universities, Christian colleges, and conservatories. With this diversity of post-secondary experiences, our faculty is wellequipped to help students find the best place to study the arts at the college level.

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CCHS fine arts students have the opportunity to be a part of the Warrior Marching Band, Color Guard, Calvary Choir, Fall Play, Spring Musical, Christmas Concert, Celebration of the Arts, and Worship Team. The best of our Visual Art students’ work is displayed in our Ruach Art Gallery throughout the year. Our students also have the opportunity to participate in several festivals and competitions such as:

• FBA & FVA music performance assessments

• FMBC Marching Band Competitions

• FFCC Color Guard Competitions

• FMEA All-State Music Ensembles

• PCMEA All-County Music Ensembles

• Disney’s Candlelight Processional at EPCOT

• ITS District and State Competitions

• Disney Broadway Magic Workshop

• Dance Revolution Conference

• Scholastic Art Competition

The International Thespian Society (ITS) is an honor society that provides our theater students with opportunities to challenge themselves beyond the normal classroom requirements. Our students serve their community by performing at senior living facilities and exchange performances with other local middle and elementary schools.

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• Beginning Band

• Marching Band / Concert Band*

• Directed Study in Instrumental Music

• Beginning Guitar

• Beginning Choir

• Calvary Choir*

• Music Theory Honors

• Color Guard

• Theater Arts 1

• Theater Arts 2

• Stagecraft and Theater Production

• Dance Techniques and Strengthening

• Warrior Worship Dance Troupe*

• Praise and Worship*

* Course Placement Audition Required

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Visual Art

• Elements of Art

• Principles of Design

• AP Studio Art Drawing*

• AP Studio Art 2D*

• AP Studio Art 3D*

• Introduction to Digital Design

• Advanced Digital Design

* Interview and/or Portfolio Submission Required

Journalism & Communication

• Creative Writing

• Yearbook

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University of Florida

Master of Music in Music Education

Clearwater Christian College

Bachelor of Science in Music Education


• Marching / Concert Band


As a band student at a Christian high school, God provided me with the opportunity to be the drum major of my marching band. Through that experience, God called me to use my love of music as a way to reach students for Christ. It is my joy to serve in my role at Calvary teaching students to pursue musical excellence and a vibrant relationship with the Lord.


But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

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The band program at Calvary Christian High School prepares students to be effective Christian producers and consumers of instrumental music in college and beyond. The band program’s course offerings: Beginning Band, Directed Study in Instrumental Music, and Marching/Concert Band are designed to equip instrumental music students to achieve their best according to their skill levels. Students in the Marching/Concert band class have numerous opportunities to perform throughout the school year including FMBC competitions, FBA assessments, jazz band, pit orchestra, FMEA All-State Band, PCMEA All-County Band, and the FBA solo and ensemble festival. The band program emphasizes excellence in performance, glorifying God through performance, and having fun within a family atmosphere.


Highly regarded in the state, the Warrior Band has earned a reputation for excellence. The following are just a few recent examples of their accomplishments:

• FMBC Class 1A State Marching Band Champions 2018, 2019, and 2021

• Superior Ratings at FBA Band Assessments, 2019-2023

• Numerous students accepted to All-County, Tri-State, and FMEA honor bands, 2015-2022


Several of our band graduates are pursuing or have earned undergraduate degrees in instrumental music, music education, and composition from reputable colleges and universities including: University of Florida, University of South Florida, University of Miami, Liberty University, Stetson University, and Toccoa Falls College. Several band graduates have also participated in their university’s marching band.

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Choral Director



Eastman School of Music

Bachelor of Music in Music Education

Bachelor of Music in Applied Music

Performer’s Certificate


• Calvary Choir

• Beginning Choir

• Music Theory Honors


Mr. Martell is a well-rounded musician who is skilled in the arts of music performance, music composition, music arranging, and music pedagogy. He has performed professionally with The Florida Orchestra and The Dickens Carolers. Mr. Martell is a published composer through the Excelcia Music Publishing company. His compositions and arrangements have been performed by numerous high school and college ensembles, including ensembles at the University of South Florida and the Eastman School of Music. As a music pedagogue, his appointments have included positions at the Salvation Army, Eastman Community Music School, Clearwater Christian College, and Calvary Christian High School.


I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. - John 15:5

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The Choral Program at Calvary Christian High School provides a comprehensive Christian vocal music education for all students that equips them to become effective producers of vocal music in our society. Designed to meet each student’s individual learning needs, the program has two classes: Beginning Choir and Calvary Choir. Both choirs perform at various events during the year: at concerts, school events, and community outreach performances. Throughout the year, students are selected to participate in smaller vocal ensembles, solo performances, and are offered extra curricular vocal music opportunities such as All-State auditions. The Choral Program operates within the larger realm of the Fine Arts Department, and frequently collaborates with other classes at our school, such as the Concert Band and Praise and Worship Band.


• Superior Rating at FVA District 9 Choral Music Performance Assessment; qualified for State MPA, 2019-2023

• #1 Critics Choice at District MPA, 2023

• Warrior Voices selected to perform National Anthem for Tampa Bay Rays Game at Tropicana Field, 2019–2023

• Selected to perform at Disney’s Candlelight Processional, 2015-2019; 2022

• Superior Rating at FVA State MPA, 2022 and 2023


Graduates of the Choral Program have gone on to pursue music degrees at The University Of Miami’s Frost School of Music, Vanderbilt University, Montclaire State University, Oklahoma City University, and Liberty University, among others.

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Drama Director



Liberty University

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting


• Theater Arts 1

• Theater Arts 2

• Stagecraft and Theater Production


Ms. Pitt graduated from Liberty University with a B.F.A. in Acting. Throughout her time at Liberty, she received training in various types of acting and techniques. In 2019, she received an Irene Ryan nomination from the Kennedy Center for performing a lead role in the play As it is In Heaven. Throughout her time at Liberty she performed in various shows and directed two plays. She also served at Hume Lake Christian Camp for three years where her responsibilities included performing as an actress and developing skits for the camp. Ms. Pitt has a passion to share the Gospel through acting and to share her love of theater with her students at CCHS.


And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. - Colossians 3:17

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The Drama Program at Calvary Christian High School provides a comprehensive theater education that is rooted in a Christian worldview. Theater courses and extra-curricular opportunities are designed to help students achieve their best according to their skill levels. There are several opportunities to learn and perform for students whose skill level ranges from novice to college preparatory. Each year, students may participate in one or more of our many events including: the fall play, the spring musical, and International Thespian Society Festivals. Graduates of our Drama Program have gone on to receive college scholarships in theater and have performed in local and regional theatrical productions.


The Drama Program has received top honors at District and State festivals including critics choice and honorable mention recognitions. Students have also consistently received many superior ratings at the ITS District and State level festivals.


Graduates of the CCHS Drama program have gone on to pursue musical theater and theater at several postsecondary institutions including Montclair State University, Liberty University, Oklahoma State University, and Eckerd College.

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MRS. KRISTIN CHENEY Visual Arts Instructor BIO


Ohio University

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drawing and Ceramics; Education and Reading



• Elements of Art (Art I)

• Principles of Design (Art II)

• AP Drawing

• AP 2D

• AP 3D

“I cannot remember a time when I have not made art!” states Mrs. Cheney.  Her passion for visual art grew during high school as she attended classes at the Art Academy of Cincinnati in the evenings and then went on to earn her multifaceted degree in art at Ohio University and continued with master level courses at Ohio State. Mrs. Cheney is originally from the mid-west first teaching in Columbus, Ohio and then at Loudon County schools outside of Washington DC. She was a School Bell award winner in Ohio (School’s Teacher of the Year award) and also a Golden Apple award winner (Teacher of the Year) for the county in Virginia. In addition to teaching at Calvary, she maintains an active studio practice and continues to work with art galleries that exhibit and sell her original works of art in Southwest Florida and Maine.


As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.

- Proverbs 27:19

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Calvary Christian High School’s Visual Art Program exists to provide college preparatory training in the field of Visual Art with a Christian purpose. We aim for students to have the knowledge and skill sets they need to succeed while exhibiting the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, and Christian values. Our Visual Art Program’s philosophy is that we believe art is an intellectual and God inspired process. We stress visual thinking, creativity, skill development, and critical analysis. Our program emphasizes the skills of seeing and drawing, problem solving, persistence, and personal expression. Learning to take informed risks and being inventive in making images and objects are central to the program. We use the critique process regularly to clarify conceptual issues and to celebrate the uniqueness of personal vision. Students will be able to recognize and become successful at using the elements of art and principles of design in their work. Fundamental and advanced levels of design, drawing, painting, art history, and contemporary art are pillars of the curriculum. Students will work through a wide variety of mediums, and see works of art live with the field trip opportunities offered in the Tampa Bay area’s nationally recognized museums and galleries.

Students have the opportunity to compete in local and area competitions. Advanced art classes are designed to equip students with the foundation that will position them to move to the next level of art education. For those who have satisfied all requirements, three AP courses are offered to develop their own portfolio of work: AP Drawing, AP 2D, and AP 3D.


Mrs. Cheney’s Advanced Placement Studio Art students have an impressive ninety-percent pass rate, one of the highest in the country. Students in the Visual Art program routinely receive Best of Show awards at our regional ACSI Art festival and have been the recipients of the Young Arts Award, and Gold Key, Silver Key, and Honorable Mentions in the Scholastic Arts program.


Our Visual Art alumni have continued their art education at such universities as Samford University, Ohio State, University of South Florida, Savannah College of Art and Design, Flagler College, and many others have earned degrees ranging from architecture, art therapy, art education, film, and photography.

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MR. STATHIS LINARDOS Assistant Director of Band, Choir, & Color Guard BIO


University of South Florida

Bachelor of Science in Music Education


• Beginning Guitar

• Beginning Band

• Directed Study Instrumental Music

• Color Guard Assistant

• Calvary Choir Assistant

Mr. Linardos is a graduate of the University of South Florida with a B.S. in Music Education. After joining the band in middle school, his passion for music grew throughout high school as he joined the marching band and praise team at his high school.  He has held a variety of positions teaching and performing music throughout his career and is delighted to be serving in Christian ministry at Calvary. Mr. Linardos has worked with the Calvary Christian High School Warrior Marching Band as the drill writer and visual coordinator since its inaugural season in 2012.   In addition to working with the Warrior Band, Mr. Linardos has toured nationally performing and teaching for the Teal Sound, Heatwave, and Colts Drum and Bugle Corps.


Make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn—shout for joy before the Lord, the King.

- Psalm 98:5–6

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MRS. KACIE MORGAN Color Guard Instructor



• Color Guard


The Color Guard program at Calvary Christian High School explores visual expression through movement and use of equipment. In the color guard class, students learn, rehearse, and memorize technique and choreography as it relates to the marching band and winter color guard shows.


• FMBC Class 1A State Marching Band Champions, 2018, 2019, and 2021

• Bronze Medalists in Regional A Class at FFCC State Championships, 2023

• 1st place Seminole Visual Spectacular Competition, 2021

• 1st place Braden River Arts in Motion Competition, 2021

• 1st Place Durant High School Competition, 2023

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MS. JESSICA BAER Digital Art Teacher BIO

Olivet Nazarene University

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting

Drawing for Ilustration


• Introduction to Digital Design

• Advanced Digital Design

Ms. Baer’s love for art sprouted during her high school years as she painted murals of Bible scenes in the hallways of her school. Painting the storyline of God’s Word moved her to fall in love with stories and illustrations. She realized every story of redemption points back to God, the Great Storyteller and Artist. Seeking to give her art and storytelling a new purpose, she pursued a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and Illustration. She was born and raised in Chicago, and she is thankful for the opportunity to share her love for art and God’s Truth in the classroom at CCHS.


Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

- Philippians 4:8

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• Dance Techniques and Strengthening

• Warrior Worship Dance Troupe

Ms. Kennedy began her teaching career in 2008. She strives to share her love of dance with others and ignite a passion in her students to use their God given talents to glorify Him through their dancing. Her choreography has won numerous awards at regional and national competitions. In 2015 she won “Best Choreographer of Tampa Bay”. She has also choreographed multiple musicals at local Christian schools and provided choreography for local community events. Ms. Kennedy has a desire to build relationships with CCHS students and families and to ignite a passion for dance within the CCHS community.


And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. - James 1:17


The Dance Program at Calvary Christian High School offers an introductory level course, Dance Techniques and Strengthening, which trains students in the basics of dance technique. The course satisfies the P.E. credit needed for high school graduation as there is an emphasis on building strength needed for dance performance. The dance program also offers a college preparatory level course, the Warrior Worship Dance Troupe, which is a performance based class that performs regularly at on-campus and off-campus events.

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CCHS Fine Art s 19

The mission of the Fine Arts Department at Calvary Christian High School is to provide a challenging college preparatory fine arts education that inspires and equips students to become lifelong practitioners and patrons of the arts, rooted in a Christian worldview.

110 N. McMullen Booth Rd. | Clearwater, Florida 33759

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