The Warsaw Voice, Spring 2023, No.1232

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Warsaw For the Children of Ukraine Page 10 This publication is part of The Warsaw Voice Multimedia Platform in Poland Revitalization of Łódź has Accelerated Page 16 Prince of Wales in Poland Page 44 Poland’s Future Still Up In the Air? Spring 2023 No. 1232 New Axes of Rivalry Define the Political Scene Ahead of Multiple Elections Page 3 ISSN 0860-7591 Focus on Poland | Published since 1988

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POLITICS AND SOCIETY The Chances Are Equal 3-9 Warsaw For the Children of Ukraine 10-11 REAL ESTATE The Office Market in Regional Markets for Q1 12-13 Poland Leads the EU Warehouse Market 14-15 TOURISM Revitalization of Łódź has Accelerated 16-18 Łódź Tourism is Gaining Momentum 19-20 IN BRIEF | 21-24 Household Appliance Maker Feels the Effects of War A Good Year for Volvo in Poland Housing Estate Gets Money for Start Stellantis Begins Production of the Jeep Avenger New Director General of Unicef Poland Energy Giant To Allocate One Billion for RES THE BUZZ | 25-33 An Artistic View of the Pandemic Beksi ński’s Surrealistic World in Focus Polish Sculptresses of Emancipation Era Jesse Cook in Poland An Artist on His Knees Queen Musical Comes to Warsaw Star-studded Festival Black Shakespeare – Musical in Afrobeat The Queen of Warsaw BUTIK | 34-35 MOTO Mercedes CLS 36-41 GREAT GEAR | 42-43 ROYAL VISIT Prince of Wales in Warsaw 44-45 Table of contents
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What does the Polish political scene look like today, in an election year?

The trends that have unfolded in Poland and constantly amaze public opinion are by no means unique, they have occurred in many countries of the world. The traditional rivalry between the right and the left, shaped over the last century, has changed, under the influence of various crises, into a conflict between those who are well off and those who are not. A new axis of political rivalry has been formed, which today is the cause of much misunderstanding. In the dispute between the right and the left, the issue was their different approach to community and individualism, on two axes: economic and moral or identity-related, i.e. social. The old right said that there should be full freedom in economic matters, while in social matters the community, embodied by the state, was important. The left, on the other hand, took the stance that it was exactly the opposite: in economics, the role of the state is most important; in matters of morals, there should be the fullest possible freedom and individualism.

In Poland today, we see that this division has lost its raison d’être. The conflict is not between the right and the left, but between the high and the low. The former believe that community is a burden and not a foundation in both economic and social life, while for the latter, community means security, hope, and joy. In such a situation, the old division into left and right explains nothing.

From this fundamental problem, more are born. In any society, those who are not well off outnumber those who are satisfied with the totality of their lives. At the same time, someone who is comfortably established usually thinks that they have set themselves up in this way, while the less prosperous think that others have set them up in this way. This fundamental difference in understanding the world makes the division very emotional and deep. Better-off people do not notice that their position is dependent on others, especially the condition of society as a whole. Less well-off people expect the state to care for them and support collective identities.

This division affects the balance in the rivalry for power. A party that is representative of less well-off people has it inherently easier, because it has a more numerous electorate. This matters when it comes to judging those in power not only in terms of their professed ideas, but also in terms of their performance, particularly their honesty and any abuse of power.

It should come as no surprise that, despite the absurd mistakes, despite the obvious and readily noticeable in-


3 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice POLITICS AND SOCIETY
Professor Jaros ł aw Flis , a sociologist at Jagiellonian University in Cracow, talks to Witold Żygulski

iquity of which Poland’s current ruling party is guilty, it retains a pretty strong poll position. The banner of defending those who are worse off is easier to raise, distracting attention from eight years of various crises and scandals. The camp of their opponents cannot be gathered together under such a single banner because it would then inevitably be a losing camp.

The search for an alternative to those currently in power is pulling the opposition in different directions, which is why its parties are diverse and cannot count on easy unity. Today we have four groups that oppose the senior coalitionist government of Law and Justice (PiS) and the entire United Right. The liberal Civic Platform (PO) clearly identifies with the better-off electorate. Agrarian opposi-

tion Polish People’s Party (PSL) and political newcomer Poland 2050 by Szymon Hołownia are moderate centrists. PSL voters should in principle vote for PiS, but since the ruling party has alienated various parts of the electorate in many ways, the People’s Party still has supporters.

Then there are the shortcomings of the left, itself broken up into several groupings that differ in their radicalism [New Left, Razem (Together), Polish Socialist Party]. Finally, there is the radical-nationalist but economically hyper-liberal Confederation, whose ratings have doubled compared to last year.

A lasting agreement among all the opposition groups is virtually impossible. As many as three of them (except the Confederation) face losses if they were to form a single list. If PO, PSL-Poland 2050 and the Left joined forces, the Confederation would probably gain supporters, perhaps even to the level of 15-percent support. This is because when some of such diverse opposition groups join forces, it is always the one that does not enter such an alliance that gains.

The PO would theoretically find it easiest to come to an agreement with the PSL; after all, they have already ruled half of Poland in local governments for 16 years. The PO could also - although it does not do so willingly - invite the Left to run together. But today the Left is the party furthest from the centrist electorate. If the PO were to join forces with the Left, its conservative voters would begin to flee to Poland 2050 and the PSL. The benefits of this alliance would therefore be small, and the losses obvious.

4 Spring 2023
From left: Jarosław Kaczyński, Andrzej Duda and Mateusz Morawiecki

Former leftist Prime Minister Leszek Miller recently said that for the current Left, PO leader Donald Tusk is a greater evil than the leader of PiS and the United Right, Jarosław Kaczyński...

Personally, I don’t think this is the case. Surveys show that the Left’s electorate is the furthest removed from PiS supporters. In terms of both self-identification and dislike of PiS voters, there is no doubt about it. Of course, dislike of Tusk is also evident, but at a much lower level. These polls also show that left-wing voters are much more liberal on economic issues than supporters of the ruling party, more even than the PO’s electorate. Miller’s words sound good, but there is no indication that they are true.

Besides, it should be remembered that for all the years of its rule, the PO treated the Left as something of a necessary evil, along the lines of “we invite them if we must, discard them if we can.” In local governments, when the votes of left-wing councilors were needed the PO sent them a smile, only to ostentatiously disregard them again a moment later.

What is the scenario for the coming years, then?

Ahead of the parliamentary elections announced for this fall, the political forces are pretty evenly matched. Which is not to say that everyone has as much to lose. The opposition is in power in the Senate, and there is every sign that it will remain so: The so-called Senate Pact (a joint list of opposition parties’ candidates), which resulted in them gaining control of the upper house, remains in effect. Representatives of the opposition also wield local power in many regions and cities of Poland. This allows the opposition to gather more strength before the next clash.

One cannot help but notice that the ruling party has clearly weakened. True, its politicians still talk about the hope for a fourth term of independent rule, but the chances of this, according to polls, are very slim. Today the ratings of Mateusz Morawiecki’s government are much worse than those of [Prime Minister from PO] Ewa Kopacz’s cabinet eight years ago, just before the PO-PSL coalition lost power and the United Right took over the helm of government.

The only hope of those currently in power is a possible post-election alliance with the Confederation. However, this is based on an assumption that I think is false, namely that the Confederation is the only party whose program places it to the right of PiS. However, surveys show that,

5 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice POLITICS AND SOCIETY
The Left rally in Warsaw New Left co-leaders: Adrian Zandberg, Włodzimierz Czarzasty and Robert Biedroń

admittedly, the Left’s electorate is the furthest from Confederation supporters, but in second place is the electorate of PiS. The PO is only in third place, and the PSL-Poland 2050 electorate is the closest. Confederation supporters describe PiS as “church socialists.” It is worth remembering that the Confederation is the only party that wants the immediate abolition of the 500+ program, the flagship family benefit introduced by the current government.

The Confederation is also the weakest link on the Polish political scene. It is practically nonexistent in local and

regional authorities. On top of that, in Polish elections so far, the worst performers have always been parties as to which it was not clear whether by voting for them, voters were in favor of a change of government or its continuation. This was the case with the Freedom Union in 2001, the PSL in 2005, the [right-wing] League of Polish Families and [radical peasant] Self-Defense in 2007, the Left in 2011, the Palikot Movement in 2015, and the Left in 2019. In order to avoid such a trap, today the Confederation unequivocally criticizes the government. However, in various debates there are constant speculations that it would not necessarily advocate a change of government at all. There are scenarios that Confederation politicians talk about off the record, in which Morawiecki could be left in place as the prime minister of a minority government. Such a solution is warmly talked about by PiS politicians and presented as a threat by the rest of the opposition. Hence the question is: Will voters in the fall want to vote for the Confederation in order to keep Morawiecki’s cabinet moribund for longer? I am not convinced of this. Instead, one can also easily imagine a situation in which the Confederation supports a minority government led by [PSL leader] Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz.

Either way, today PiS is very far from an independent majority. The Confederation remains the only potential imaginable partner. But even on this, the polls are not clear-cut; in some, the possibility of a parliamentary majority for such an alliance appears, while in others there are insufficient votes for this to happen.

It is almost certain that the opposition will go to the elections with three different lists, just as it did in 2007

6 Spring 2023
Włodzimierz Kosiniak-Kamysz (left) and Szymon Hołownia

when it came to power in such a way. At that time, it did not occur to anyone to try to create a joint list of PO, PSL and the Left. The fight will therefore be an even one, and we will see who will prevail at the ballot box. The less smart will lose.

During the last presidential election, there was widespread criticism of the behavior of the media, especially those that should have been public and unbiased but instead were a propaganda tube for the authorities; how will it look this year?

This is a good question. Certainly, there are those in the public media who want an even louder message, even blunter propaganda. However, I don’t think this will play any fundamental role in winning over the electorate. [Public television] TVP has been attacking the opposition for many years but, according to today’s polls, it is PiS that will have to relinquish power. On the other hand, I think that an enormous role might be played by social media, where activists of various groups will primarily try to win the sympathy of those who are undecided who to vote for and those who have so far not gone to the polls at all. Such mobilization is possible, and its success may determine the electoral outcome.

The government’s ratings are in a massive slump. Even government polling centers reveal this in their surveys. It is worth noting that the number of undecideds, those who are unable to clearly assess whether they like the government or not, is falling. I don’t know if any reversal of this

trend will be possible in the coming months, regardless of the efforts of the government and the media supporting it.

It is evident that the ruling camp is also internally divided, its cohesion basically hanging on one man, Jarosław Kaczyński. Polls point to Morawiecki as the obvious successor to the current PiS leader, but at the same time, the prime minister’s position is very weak within the ruling party. The head of government is completely dependent on Kaczyński, which forces him to behave in completely irrational ways. He has to talk – this needs saying out loud – utter rubbish in public just to please the leader of the United Right. At the same time, he has to bring up topics that no sensible prime minister would touch in a speech. After all, how else do we explain the constant attacks on political opponents, blaming them for the state of the country, when in fact today’s opposition and Tusk were ousted from power eight years ago? But since for Kaczyński the best test of politicians’ loyalty is for them to consistently keep attacking Tusk, Morawiecki mentions him at every opportunity and blames him for everything around him. No one in PiS today is working to win over voters; their only game is to win their leader’s appreciation, to gain his favor and - consequently - get good spots on the electoral lists before the fall vote.

All polls predict between 180 and 200 parliamentary seats for PiS in the new Sejm. This means that about 50 current deputies will lose their seats. That is, at least one in each constituency will get the boot. And it needs noting that these people also include government officials, deputy

7 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice POLITICS AND SOCIETY

ministers and other prominent people who would like to gain parliamentary immunity in the fall. There is already talk of some PiS MEPs returning to Poland to bolster their election campaigns and lists; these politicians certainly would not like to part with their safe place in Brussels or Strasbourg, but they know that if they do not follow Kaczyński’s orders, there will be no place for them as candidates for the next European Parliament. If they turn him down, they will not be on the lists next year.

It is therefore difficult to expect an easing of tensions in the ruling camp. At the recent convention of junior coalitionist Sovereign Poland, the name of the head of the cur-

rent government, in which Sovereign Poland leader Zbigniew Ziobro is the minister of justice, was not mentioned even once. No representatives of PiS were invited to the event. This is an oddity that best illustrates the concept of the “United Right.”

How, then, do you think Polish voters will behave now? Regarding those who have long known who they will vote for, the matter is clear. The key will be the behavior of the undecided and those who have so far not voted at all, either declaring themselves apolitical or having no party to support. It has been said that the 2023 elections will be the most important since the 1989 political breakthrough, but then, this has been repeated many times, with each previous election. Of course, it is apparent that various processes of degeneration in the ruling camp have deepened (this is evidenced, for example, by the scandals revealed in recent weeks around the transfer of sizable sums of public funds to various institutions linked to United Right politicians). But nothing really exceptional is happening.

This year’s elections are just beginning a series; they will be followed by local government elections, elections to the European Parliament and, finally, presidential elections, which will be different from previous ones because the incumbent president will not be running [Andrzej Duda cannot seek a third term]. It is therefore unclear who the United Right will put up for the presidential race, whether it will be Prime Minister Morawiecki, former Prime Minister [now MEP] Beata Szydło or current Sejm Speaker Elżbieta Witek. On the opposition side, things are clearer: The natural candidate is Warsaw Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski, who lost to Duda by a very narrow margin in the previous election.

Talking about the role and uniqueness of this year’s elections, politicians are heating up the atmosphere because it works in their favor. Those in power say that if they lose, Poland will collapse; the opposition says that if PiS wins again, democracy will collapse in Poland. They all want to convince the public, and thus the voters, that we are facing an Armageddon, some final confrontation between the forces of good and evil. Nothing of the sort is happening, in my opinion. The ruling party strongly deserves defeat, but the opposition has done little to deserve victory. Heating up the atmosphere serves to distract attention from their own weaknesses.

What role will European issues play in the campaign? Are these issues at all relevant

to Polish voters?

In general, as research shows, the attitude of Poles toward the European Union and Polish membership in it is very positive, the percentage of Euro-enthusiasts being one of the highest among the member states. This is in spite of the fact that the EU behaves toward nation-states more or less like PiS does toward local governments - it systematically limits their competencies, threatens to cut funds, tries to introduce a kind of centralist model of governance. Like any entity with power, it is trying to expand its ability to govern. But we are in the EU, in this European home, in this institution. And everyone who works in a large institution realizes that he or she must somehow adapt to the customs of the institution, even if the boss is far from perfect. To defend or increase one’s autonomy one must know how to do it, not just want to.

8 Spring 2023

In recent weeks, opinions have been heard that a new force may emerge in the fall elections in the form of local-government movements. The Non-Partisan Local-Government Representatives have declared that they will go to the elections on their own and are capable of winning serious parliamentary representation. Is such a scenario realistic?

People in local governments are not a single force. Their organizations are largely composed of members of individual parties. The idea that we are dealing with a single movement is mistaken. It is hard to speak of any nationwide organization. PiS, on the other hand, has done much to alienate those local politicians who have so far stayed away from national politics.

However, the local-government movement will be of great importance in the local elections, which for the first time will be held very soon, just six months after the parliamentary elections, and not before, as happened previously. The elections to the Sejm and Senate will be a kind of first round of the local elections; it will be clear what the division of forces in parliament will be like, who will be riding high and who will lose. Someone once very aptly said that local elections are both an incubator and a ventilator of national politics. It remains to be seen who will be born in an incubator and who will lose their breath and require support.

Some people think that after the fall elections we will be doomed to chaos, a minority government, paralysis of power. What do you think?

Nothing could be further from the truth. We see coalition governments in the vast majority of European countries.

Sometimes they are formed by parties that are very distant from each other in terms of their professed views. In Poland, we are dealing with such a situation in several large regions, where the opposition has been in power for years. Nor, in my opinion, is there any concern about the president’s attitude toward a possible government formed by today’s opposition. Consistency has never been Duda’s particularly strong point; besides, it should be remembered that after the end of his second and final term, which will be in the fall of 2024, he will want - or at least has expressed such ambitions - to continue his political career abroad, in international institutions. Therefore, he will not want to run the risk that reports from Poland compiled by the American embassy, for example, will contain information about the president’s poor collaboration with the new prime minister and his cabinet. On the contrary, perhaps the president will try to show that he is able not to pursue his own party’s interests and to get along with everyone, like, for example, the NATO secretary general or any other international official should do.

There are many indications that PiS will lose the fall elections. Then there will inevitably be a major reshuffle on the Polish political scene. But on the other hand, the four largest parties in the parliament will be the same groupings that have been there for 20 years. Compared to the rest of Europe this is a rare case, testifying to the stability of the political system in Poland rather than its crisis. Poland is not falling apart like Belgium; it does not take several months to form a government like the Netherlands. Therefore, I see no rational reason for concern.

9 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice POLITICS AND SOCIETY
Professor Jarosław Flis


More than 17,000 war refugees from Ukraine are studying in Warsaw schools and kindergartens. Warsaw provides them with comprehensive support, including integration programs.

We estimate that more than 5% of all students in Warsaw are children and young people who have fled the war in Ukraine. We provide them with places in kindergartens and schools, but also remote learning points, psychological assistance, nutrition and integration programs,” said Rafał Trzaskowski, Warsaw Mayor. “Very important for us is the financial support we have received from many entities, most notably the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF. The war in Ukraine is still ongoing, so help is still needed,” he added.

Due to the outbreak of war across the eastern border, more than 17,000 children and young people from Ukraine have joined kindergartens and schools in the Warsaw area. More than 14,000 of them attend the city’s educational institutions, of which more than 3,000 attend kindergartens and preschool divisions, nearly 10,000 attend elementary schools, and just over 1,000 attend secondary schools.

Ukrainian children and adolescents join existing classes and preparatory divisions, of which 124 are currently established and operate in 72 schools - 60 elementary and 12 high schools.

“Since the outbreak of the war, we have provided Ukrainian students with access to education in two ways. The first is access to residential education in Warsaw schools. Thanks to cooperation with UNICEF and private partners, we have also organized remote learning sites so that children and young people continue their education in the Ukrainian system,” said Renata Kaznowska, deputy mayor of Warsaw.

Warsaw has organized 48 online learning points for young people studying online in the Ukrainian system. The sites are equipped with computer stations connected to the network, and students are under the supervision of Ukrainian teachers. The remote learning points are located at the Palace of Youth, the Wola Education and Development Center and district after-school facilities, among others. Distance learning sites for Ukrainian students are funded by UNICEF.

In cooperation with the Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM), 300 Ukrainian teachers have been hired to assist Polish teachers in schools - the project is funded by the PCPM.

10 Spring 2023

Thanks to an agreement with UNICEF, the organization financed, among other things, the “Joint Summer in Warsaw” campaign, where Polish and Ukrainian students were able to receive care in schools and a wide range of activities last summer.

The winter edition of the “Joint Warsaw Winter” action is currently underway. This is an offer to spend winter holidays in Warsaw prepared for Ukrainian children who arrived in Poland after February 24, 2022.

“We have been preparing such an offer for Warsaw schoolchildren for years and it is very popular. We currently have nearly 1,000 Ukrainian children enrolled in the “Common Warsaw Winter” project - about 600 of them participate in activities every day. As part of the action, we also provide care and food. Free places are updated on an ongoing basis,” Kaznowska said.

Participation in the action is free for refugee children

- the project is financed by UNICEF, which has allocated about PLN 1.6 million. Spending depends on the number of Ukrainian children enrolled.

Almost from the first days of the war in Ukraine, Warsaw has launched psychological support for young refugees from Ukraine and their families. Currently, 26 city psychological-educational counseling centers throughout the city offer the help of specialists - in almost half of them consultations are conducted in Ukrainian, in the rest visits are held in English, among other languages. The counseling centers have received additional funds to equip them with materials and aids for working with refugee children and youth.

The “Mobile Psychologist with Ukrainian Language” project is also currently being implemented, which includes psychological support for Ukrainian students in Warsaw kindergartens and schools. A team of psychologists commutes to the establishments and provides the necessary support, at the same time involving specialists who work locally (school pedagogues, psychologists) in the assistance processes. Activities carried out in 2022 were financed with funds from the Bloomberg Foundation. In January-March, the implemen-

tation of the program is made possible by the UNICEF Fund. The Center for Education and Development has been operating since mid-June 2022 and uses space (about 1,500 sq. ft.) lent by Alior Bank in an office building, which is located on Towarowa Street in Wola. Thanks to funds from UNICEF, the facility has been equipped with necessary furniture, computer equipment, teaching aids and toys. The City of Warsaw is responsible for the operation of the center.

The center is a facility specifically for refugee children and their families. The facility includes remote learning spaces for youngsters studying online in the Ukrainian system and clubs for younger children. The center also runs an information desk where students and parents can learn about Warsaw’s educational offerings and sign up for ongoing classes. The center also operates a psychological support point on a large scale - so far more than 10,000 people, mainly children and adolescents, have benefited from this form of assistance here. The support is provided by Ukrainian psychologists, whose work is supervised by the city’s Psychological Care Society (TOP) Clinic. Polish language courses are held at the facility, as well as a number of other classes, such as economics, programming and art workshops.

To date, 27,000 children and their parents have benefited from the entire offer of the Center for Education and Development.

Warsaw also has a Point of Contact and a Team for Teaching Foreign Children, which assists teachers and headmasters of schools where foreign children, including refugee and immigrant children, as well as re-emigrating Polish children, are taught.

In addition, the city’s teacher training institution, i.e. the Warsaw Center for Educational and Social Innovation and Training (WCIES), organizes courses and training for Polish and Ukrainian teachers. The offer has been prepared for all educational stages and is related to, among other things: adaptation in a Polish school, learning Polish as a foreign language, methods of working with foreign students, models of the support system for foreigners.

11 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice POLITICS AND SOCIETY


According to " Warehouse and Industrial Market in Europe ” , a report published by real estate advisory firm Newmark Polska, development activity across the EU continued unabated, with more than 20 million sqm of modern warehouse and industrial space coming onto the market in 2022.

Poland topped the league table with close to 4.4 million sqm. Germany and the Czech Republic also reported high supply levels: over 2 million sqm and 1.1 million sqm, respectively. Poland is also on the podium in terms of demand.

“Due to the changing geopolitical environment and the need for quick and efficient deliveries, the location, access to established transport corridors and inter-modality became some of the key factors in the choice of sites for new warehouses,” says Jakub Kurek, Head of Industrial & Warehouse at Newmark Polska. “In the era of nearshoring and friend-shoring, countries with substantial land banks such as Germany, Poland and France have a strong growth potential.”

Despite many lingering challenges, the EU warehouse and industrial markets continue to perform relatively strongly. In 2022, take-up of warehouse space across the core EU markets totaled more than 35 million sqm, only around 5% lower than the historic peak recorded in 2021.

“Last year, most of the surveyed markets reported the second highest results for occupier activity since records began. Germany took the lion’s share of the total take-up (excluding renegotiations), accounting for 24% of all leasing activity, followed by the Netherlands and Poland - around 13% each,” says Agnieszka Giermakowska, Research & Advisory Director, ESG Lead, Newmark Polska.

Despite rising project financing costs, developer activity remains relatively strong. At the end of 2022, warehouse and industrial stock under construction amounted to almost 25 million sqm, of which close to 90% is scheduled for com-

pletion this year. In addition, nearly 60% of space volume under construction has already been pre-let.

Some European markets are increasingly experiencing a shortage of land for new warehouse development. This is most notable in Scandinavia, where the overall vacancy rate is below 2% and in some CEE countries such as the Czech Republic (around 1%), Bulgaria (0.5% in Sofia) and Austria (below 0.5%).

12 Spring 2023

In 2022, rents continued a trajectory of strong growth across European warehouse markets, rising by around 15% year-on-year and by 35-40% in some regions, especially for urban warehouses in such cities as Rotterdam, Munich, Berlin, London, and Prague.

At the end of the fourth quarter of 2022, the highest rents were in Finland (EUR 12-13/sqm/month), Norway (EUR 11.5-13/sqm/month), Germany (EUR 7.5-9.5/sqm/ month) and the Netherlands (EUR 6-9/sqm/month).

At the other end of the spectrum were warehouses in Central and Eastern Europe, including Poland, with warehouse rents of EUR 3.5-5/sqm/month. Nevertheless, the highest warehouse occupancy costs in Europe were reported in the United Kingdom (EUR 10-25/sqm/month).

Further rental growth is expected in 2023, especially for warehouses featuring advanced technological and ESG solutions delivering consistent savings through reduced utilities consumption and lower service charges. Nevertheless, rents across the European continent are unlikely to rise by more than 10% over the year.

Key to the growth of the European warehouse market will be, among other things, further improvements to EU transportation systems, including the extension of the


Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) of roads, railways, sea shipping and air routes.

Inter-modality is also gaining in significance amid the growing ESG awareness and legislation requiring a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. This will, in turn, result in a greater role of rail and sea transport in planning future supply chains.

Other sector drivers include EU subsidies and the Green Deal Industrial Plan for the Net-Zero Age – the EU’s response to the US Inflation Reduction Act.

13 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice REAL ESTATE
Jakub Kurek and Agnieszka Giermakowska


Polish Chamber of Commercial Real Estate ( PINK ) has published figures summarizing office market in eight major regional markets in Poland for Q1 2023.

The data is sourced from advisory companies from the commercial real estate sector (BNP Paribas Real Estate, CBRE, Colliers, Cushman&Wakefield, JLL, Knight Frank, Newmark Polska, Savills) and includes information on existing modern office stock, new completions, take-up volumes and vacancy rates.

At the end of Q1 2023, the total modern office stock in the eight major regional markets amounted to 6,470,400 sq m. The largest office markets in Poland (following Warsaw) were Kraków (1,750,500 sq m), Wrocław (1,312,900 sq m) and the Tri-City (1,016,800 sq m).

In Q1 2023, the new supply reached 68,100 sq m of office space. The largest projects delivered to the market

were Ocean Office Park B (Cavatina Holding, 28,600 sq m) and Fabryczna Office Park B5 (Inter-Bud, 14,000 sq m) completed in Kraków, and Centrum Południe 3 (Skanska Property Poland, 20,850 sq m) in Wrocław. Apart from these two markets, the modern office stock increased also in Gdynia after the development of Officer (Panorama Development, 4,700 sq m).

At the end of Q1 2023, approximately 1,029,700 sq m of vacant space was offered in the eight major regional

14 Spring 2023
Ocean Office Park B

markets, resulting in the vacancy rate of 15.9% (increase by 0.6 pp. q./q. and by 0.4 pp. compared to the corresponding period in 2022). The highest vacancy rate was recorded in Łódź – 20.5%, while the lowest in Szczecin – 3.1% (the only city with the vacancy rate below 10.0%).

The total take-up amounted to 175,000 sq m in Q1 2023, which is a result similar to that of the previous quarter and 13% higher compared to the same period of 2022. The largest volume of space was leased in the TriCity (47,600 sq m), Kraków (38,400 sq m) and Wrocław (36,200 sq m).

In Q1 2023, the highest share in transaction volume was attributed to new deals: 50% (including pre-let transactions and owner-occupier deals). Renewals of current lease agreements accounted for 44% of take-up while expansions – 6.5%. Office space leased for owner needs accounted for 3% of the quarterly demand.

The largest transactions signed in Q1 2023 include: the renegotiation of a contract by Sii in Olivia Prime in Gda ńsk (10,100 sq m), a new deal of Alorica in React in Łódź (5,000 sq m) and the renewal of lease agreement by UPS in Bema Plaza in Wrocław (4,600 sq m).

15 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice REAL ESTATE
Centrum Południe 3
Fabryczna Office Park B5


ódź is getting more beautiful every year. More and more areas are being revitalized and taking on a new character.


Revitalization includes the architectural fabric, entrepreneurship, and the local community. Modern cultural centers are being built in the revitalized areas, which are worth visiting during a stay in the “Polish Manchester.”

The Manufaktura shopping and cultural center with the Vienna House by Wyndham Andel’s Lodz hotel, Księży Młyn with Tymienieckiego Art Factory, OFF Piotrkowska or the cultural and artistic complex “EC1 Łódź - City of Culture” are the places that first began to attract lovers of revitalized post-industrial areas to Łódź.

However, every year there are more and more places of this type in Łódź, and the current ones are undergoing

17 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice TOURISM

constant metamorphosis. The City Council, which is responsible for the city’s revitalization process, is currently working on 20 projects that will change the face of the city. A city that is not without reason called the City of Creative Industries. In the near future, a woonerf on Włókiennicza Street, the Wigencja factory on Sienkiewicza Street and WIMA Widzew Manufaktura will be completed. Private enterprises are involved in revitalization, thanks to which complexes such as Anna Szajbler’s Fusion with Gardens on the site of a former thermal power plant are being built.

At Ogrodowa Street, where the Vienna House by Wyndham Andel’s Lodz is located, one can already admire the magnificent façade of the Izrael Poznanski Palace, which houses the Museum of the City of Łódź. Soon it will be possible to stroll through the renovated alleys of the Old Town Park, whose design is modeled on its pre-war appearance. Lovers of good design should come to Łódź during the Łódź Design Festival, which is the most important event of its kind in our part of Europe. They should also visit the Central Museum of Textiles, where they will see the workings of a steam engine, a jacquard, or a self-actor, enlivened by modern technologies.

Staying overnight at the Vienna House by Wyndham Andel’s Lodz, which is itself a work of revitalization and occupies the building of a 19th-century spinning mill, a trip to the MS2 Art Museum next door is worthwhile. It is one of the oldest museums of modern art in the world. The collection was created by artists themselves, and you can see works by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, MaxErnst and Władysław Strzemi ński, who is associated with the “a.r.” group. which creates the history of Łódź. The hotel also houses the Andel’s Collection of contemporary art, and periodic temporary art exhibitions are held here as part of the Andel’s Art program. And the view from the glass-enclosed swimming pool, which offers a panoramic view of the revitalized area of Israel Pozna ński’s 19th-century factory complex, is unforgettable. The hotel is also part of the Łódź Film Route, which also includes the Museum of Cinematography, the Avenue of Stars on Piotrkowska Street and the Film School.

18 Spring 2023


ódź is being visited by more and more tourists every year. In 2022, as many as 2.5 million visitors showed up here, and hotel occupancy was over 60%. A year earlier it was half that. This growth in tourism the city owes to several factors.

”We have been working for this success of Łódź for many years,” said Anna Olszy ńska, general manager of Vienna House by Wyndham Andel’s Lodz, one of the city’s leading hotels. “When I say ‘we’ I mean the city’s authorities, entrepreneurs, and Łódź residents themselves. Certainly, the driving force in the last year has been the opening of the Orientarium, which attracts families with

children, and the ‘Best of the World’ title awarded to the city by National Geographic,” she added.

The city intrigues at every turn. On the one hand, it’s full of revitalized factories housing modern museums or public facilities such as hotels. One of the first and most recognizable is the Vienna House by Wyndham Andel’s Lodz, which has occupied a 19th-century spinning mill building, located at Manufaktura. On the other hand, there are many green areas, such as Łagiewnicki Forest, the Palm House and the Botanical Garden. Eclecticism can be seen when one juxtaposes the splendor of the factory palaces with the variety of artistic installations. In Łódź, the

19 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice TOURISM

Trail of Łódź Murals, the Trail of Movie Łódź or Fairy Tale Łódź was created, because it is a city extremely favorable to various types of art. The already world-famous Light Move Festival attracts thousands of visitors from Poland and abroad, as do sports and music events at Atlas Arena. The Four Cultures Festival, which refers to the city’s multicultural roots, and the Geyer Music Factory, a series of summer outdoor concerts held in the courtyard of the White Factory, are also becoming increasingly popular.

Łódź is located in the central part of Poland, so getting there is convenient from any part of the country. In recent years, tourists with children have increasingly opted for a weekend vacation in the city, known as city break.

“The city’s offer is becoming more and more attractive for families – in addition to the Zoo and Orientarium, extremely interesting places include the Science and Technology Center and the Street of Elements EC1, Aquapark Fala, Mandoria, located near the city, or Łagiewnicki Forest, which allows for a breather during the summer heat. It’s also worth a trip with the kids to the modern MEMO Mediatheque. There is an amazing

gaming space with a VR system and flight and racing simulators, a LEGOwisko for LEGOmaniacs or a music space with concerts and outdoor movies,” Olszy ńska enumerated. “Our hotel, which is located next to Manufaktura and near Piotrkowska Street, is an excellent base for exploring the city. The phenomenal swimming pool, rich breakfasts with children’s offerings, and family-friendly approach make us increasingly host this segment of tourists on weekends,” she said.

20 Winter 2022 TOURISM


Amica Group’s revenues fell slightly to PLN 3.4 billion in 2022. The company admits that costs rose faster than prices for consumers. As a result, it ended the year with a loss, although 2023 should already be better.

Like other European household appliance manufacturers, the Polish company also suffered a jump in its cost base, particularly in raw materials, components, and wages, which was not fully offset by increases in selling prices. Together with the effect of the high base of 2022, this negatively affected the dynamics of financial results presented compared to the same period a year ago.

In addition, since the end of February - because of the Russian aggression in Ukraine - eastern markets, important for the group’s sales, have essentially disappeared. As a result, the Amica Group ended the second quarter of last year with negative financial results, which, however, were already significantly better in the

third quarter. The good results generated in the fourth quarter, in turn, allowed Amica to return to positive operating profit and gross profit cumulatively since the beginning of the year, also clearly increasing the EBITDA result. The final figure for the year as a whole was 59.4% lower at PLN 87.7 million, while net profit fell 108.7% and the group reported a loss of PLN 9.7 million.

“We already faced rising costs in 2021, and there were also demand challenges in the past year. We have already accomplished a lot, but much remains to be done. We are working on our next long-term growth strategy, developing foreign markets and investing in efficiency. 2023 should bring positive news for our shareholders,” Jacek Rutkowski, CEO of Amica Group, told Rzeczpospolita daily.

Now, however, the threat to manufacturers is the slowdown in demand as a result of the high inflation persisting in most European countries.


Despite numerous economic turmoils, last year was one of the best ever for Volvo Car Poland. The company collected a record number of orders. At the time, the entire passenger car market in Poland shrank by about 7%.

“Last year, 10,947 new Volvos were registered in Poland, and in 2021, 11,014. Only 61 cars fell short of the record, which is solely related to the prolonged delivery process. In January this year, our brand recorded 766 registrations

(+58% YTD), but the pace of production will increase rapidly. We have an ideal base to end the year with an excellent result. Demand for the XC60, XC40 and XC90 models is still huge,” said Emil Dembiński, CEO of Volvo Car Poland.

The fashion for SUVs in Poland continues at its best. More than 80% of Polish Volvo sales are accounted for by three models in order: XC60, XC40 and XC90. Volvo XC60 has been the bestseller of the Polish market since the debut of the first generation - that is, since 2009. The second generation of this model, now available for sale, continues the good run. Last year, once again, there were no rivals for the XC60 model. It is again the most popular premium segment model in Poland with 5,365 registrations. The brand’s second most popular model is the XC40 (2,617 registrations). In third place was the XC90 model with more than 1,299 registrations.

Volvo’s XC-series models have enjoyed unflagging popularity, but this year’s result was limited by the incomplete availability of cars. “We see this especially in the V60 model, whose fleet potential we estimate at 1,000 to 1,500 cars a year. There is also huge fleet potential for the XC40, which is becoming an interesting alternative to many mass-market brands, and is a nice, comfortable, and highly desirable company car for users,” Dembiński added.

21 Spring 2023 IN BRIEF The Warsaw Voice


Real Management S.A. announced funding for construction of the first stage of the Neo Natolin housing estate.

The company has received funding of PLN 125 million for construction of its residential project Neo Natolin, which is being developed in Warsaw’s Wilanów district, at Stefan Korboński St..

“We are truly pleased that Santander Bank Polska S.A. appreciates our long cooperation, our experience in the industry, and the unique strengths of the Neo Natolin project,” said Marcin Malka, CEO of Real Management S.A. “The funding, along with the investor’s downpayment, covers the project’s budget in full, allowing us to focus on subsequent execution of the development. The first stage of the project comprises 84 high-end semi-detached houses. Buyers can choose plots ranging from about 580 m2 to 990 m2, guaranteeing comfort and privacy. The Neo Natolin development will ultimately consist of around 300 residential units with accompanying infrastructure on a 36.5-hectare property. The first stage of the estate will be ready to welcome its first residents as early as Q3 2024,”, he added.

During the funding acquisition process, Real Management S.A. was advised by the Banking and Finance Team at Dentons, headed by partner Bartosz Nojek.


Shortly after the new Jeep Avenger was named European Car of the Year 2023, regular production of the model began at the Stellantis plant in Tychy.

“The new Avenger is the first SUV from the Jeep brand to be produced in Poland and a huge source of pride for our entire team. We are starting 2023 with the launch of production of a vehicle that has already attracted praise from customers and industry experts,” said Tomasz Gębka, director of Stellantis. “We appreciate the great interest in this unique model of the Jeep brand, which features a number of state-ofthe-art technological solutions. For our part, our Tychy team will add value to it - quality at the highest level,” he added.

The compact Jeep Avenger is the pioneer of a new range of versatile and all-electric cars, sized for the European market. It is a key part of a global electrification strategy in which the brand aims to become the world leader in zero-emission SUVs.

Designed and engineered in the spirit of the Jeep brand from the outset, the Avenger has the brand’s inherent DNA encapsulated in a compact car body. It offers a unique combination of capability, style, functionality, and advanced technology to meet the needs of customers who value the ability to stay connected to the world. The Jeep Avenger is equipped with a 400-volt, next-generation electric powertrain that

22 Spring 2023

combines a new electric motor with 156 horsepower and 260 Nm of torque and a new 54 kWh battery pack.

The Jeep Avenger, which had its world premiere at the 2022 Paris Motor Show, has already won praise from both customers and industry experts. This is confirmed by sales results in Europe, where more than 10,000 units have been sold since orders for the “1st Edition” version opened on December 1, 2022, followed by the full model range from January 11, 2023.

Built between 1972 and 1975, the Tychy plant runs production in two shifts, employing more than 2,000 people. The factory’s production portfolio includes three models awarded the European Car of the Year title, including the Jeep Avenger. Production is carried out based on the Stellantis Production Way system, thanks to which the factory effectively performs tasks in every area of operations, including quality and energy efficiency, with full employee involvement.


The Polish National Committee of UNICEF has a new Director General. Renata Bem, the former Deputy Director General, will lead the organization. In the face of the difficult economic situation in Poland and around the world, the ongoing war in Ukraine and the tragedies affecting children in many regions of the world, the new head of UNICEF Poland faces numerous challenges.

“Taking on this position is a great honor, but at the same time a great commitment to the organization, the staff

and, above all, the children UNICEF helps. I know the needs of the organization and what challenges we face every day. I believe that my experience, combined with the creativity and commitment of my team, will translate into the dynamic development of our organization in Poland,” Bem said. “One of the key elements of my strategy is to expand efforts to improve the quality of life for children in our country,” she added.

Bem has been with UNICEF Poland for more than 12 years in various roles. She has been, among other things, co-

ordinator of organizational governance and advisor to the director general. For more than four years, in her role as Deputy Director General, she supervised and supported the activities of the individual fundraising, business fundraising and marketing and communications teams. She initiated changes in the structure and operation of the organization in Poland, including in the area of cooperation with business.

Previously, for many years, as a freelance translator with a specialization in law, tax and business, she worked with major legal and tax consulting firms, companies and businesses in various sectors.

UNICEF is an organization working for the benefit of children around the world. The organization’s history in Poland began in 1962, when the first UNICEF National Committee was established in the eastern part of Europe. For 40 years UNICEF financed programs to help children in Poland, bought equipment for health centers, imported raw materials for the production of children’s goods.

Since 2002, the scope of the organization’s activities in Poland has changed. As in other highly developed countries, UNICEF now focuses its activities in Poland on promoting and protecting children’s rights and raising funds to help children in the world’s neediest regions.

23 Spring 2023 IN BRIEF The Warsaw Voice


Rising commodity prices and the failure of the 910 MW unit in Jaworzno have left a negative mark on Tauron’s results. They are expected to improve this year. The company intends to double capital expenditures - for RES alone - to nearly PLN 1 billion. This will be possible once it gets rid of coalfired power plants, which is expected to happen in the coming weeks.

During a press conference summing up Tauron’s results, the company conveyed that it recorded an EBITDA result of PLN 4.016 billion in 2022, up from PLN 4.152 billion a year ago. The group also recorded a net loss of PLN 134 million in 2022, compared to a PLN 385 million profit a year earlier. Sales revenues reached PLN 36.3 billion, compared to PLN 25.2 billion in 2021. “This is a result of high commodity prices for coal and gas,” said Financial Vice President Krzysztof Surma.

As CEO Paweł Szczeszek pointed out, the increase in electricity, gas and coal prices in 2022 was reflected in the sales revenue achieved from continuing operations, which amounted to PLN 36.3 billion, more than 40% more than in 2021. “On the other

hand, we had a parallel significant increase in operating costs,” he added.

The company was weakest in the generation sector, where EBITDA was under pressure from lower margins as a result of rising coal prices and CO2 emission allowances. But mainly due to the shutdown of the most modern and efficient 910 MW coal-fired unit in Jaworzno for several months, as a result of the unit’s numerous faults.

“The unit’s shutdown lasted from January to April, and then also in August, the month when energy prices were at their highest. We didn’t make any money during that time, and what’s more, the missing energy had to be bought back from the market at a very high price,” the CEO said.

Tauron, which owns the largest distribution company in the country, is facing the biggest expenses in both distribution and the RES sector in the context of the planned energy strategy update. Already now, however, if you look at the company’s expenses for 2022 alone, out of a total of PLN 3.9 billion, only PLN 1.1 billion was spent on new grid connections (mainly RES). This is the largest single ex-

penditure in the group. In addition, PLN 852 million was spent on grid modernization and restoration. This factors in the distribution sector being the largest beneficiary of these funds.

More than PLN 500 million was spent on mining, but coal mines are already separated from the company. Investments for RES amounted to nearly PLN 450 million. However, while spending on coal generation and mining is slowly becoming a thing of the past at the company, spending on RES distribution, already high, will increase.

“In 2023, we plan to spend PLN 4.6 billion on investments, and nearly PLN 1 billion on RES. This will be in a similar direction as before: onshore wind, photovoltaics and perhaps the first spending on offshore wind farms, where we are partnering with PGE on one of the concessions,” Surma said.

In the RES area, Tauron expects a decline in margins on energy sales as a consequence of the introduction of price caps as a result of freezing energy prices and an increase in fixed costs. Results are expected to be worse than the expected increase in the amount of energy produced.

24 Spring 2023 IN BRIEF


An artistic view of the pandemic

The new exhibition at the Ujazdowski Castle Center for Contemporary Art (CSW) presents the works of a British visual artist Miriam Elia. Her diverse work includes short films, animations, illustrated books, prints, drawings and surreal radio writing.

Elia’s work can be taken as paying homage to a time of optimism, of innocent British nostalgia, of playful learning, a journey of discovery and adventure, through happy images of smiling children exploring and discovering a world of wonder, as it was then. But there is subversive mimicry at play. Elia’s art satirizes contemporary culture, the politics and the ideologies that drive the engines of a globalized world.

The exhibition “The New Normal” focuses on the artist’s works that talk about the pandemic and post-pandemic time. She pokes fun at the new socio-political order, questions the new “rules of the game” that was played out during the pandemic and lockdown.

“Each of us has suffered because of the pandemic. Certain decisions taken at the national and global level were often absurd and this is what the artist is targeting,” said Marcel Skierski from CSW. “On the other hand, the object of Miriam Elia’s criticism is what happened to us after the pandemic, the loosening of interpersonal relations, small businesses failing because we prefer to shop online, the fact that children prefer to spend time with a smartphone than on the playground. It’s kind of sad and funny at the same time,” he added.

Elia also reflects on the aftermath of the pandemic, including the new world order known as ‘The Great Reset,’ a global initiative which aims to re-order the fabric of our lives under the benign mission of increasing co-operation between global stakeholders.

On view through June 1.

25 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice

Beksiński’s surrealistic world in focus

The Museum of the Archdiocese of Warsaw is showcasing a collection of unique photographs by Zdzisław Beksiński, one of Poland’’s leading contemporary artists. Beksiński is known primarily for his oil paintings, but his artistic activity went far beyond that. He was also a sketcher, sculptor, architect, and computer graphic designer.

Beksiński started his artistic career in the 1950s with photography, later becoming interested in drawing. Oil painting became part of his oeuvre in 1970. His works are typified by surrealist imagery dominated by oneiric and fantastical themes. The artist is best known for his abstract renditions of skeletons, monster-like creatures and other apocalyptic images evoking death and decay.

The exhibition at the Museum of the Archdiocese of Warsaw brings together 61 black and white photographs that come from a private collection. “These are not just photographs, but paintings where the rhythm, the play of light and shadow are decisive,” said the curator of the exhibition, Ewa Korpysz.

Among them are portraits showing a lost figure, a face cropped in a particular way, sometimes cut through with a sharp edge or even a photo frame or its edge.

There are also photographs of lonely figures lost in the vastness of architecture and landscapes and a few nudes, which

attract attention through their intimacy and delicacy. A separate group of photographs show monumental architectureconcrete housing estates, walls, strange architectural spaces, built up with forms that are unfriendly.

According to the press release from the museum, Beksiński had been interested in photography since he received a Zeiss Ikon Icarette camera as a child. He cultivated his passions all the time and perfected his technique. In the early 1950s, he created mature works, usually self-portraits in “frog” perspective, with the light coming from behind.

In the years 1957-61, together with Jerzy Lewczyński and Bronisław Schlabs, Beksiński created an informal artistic group whose aim was to promote their own photographic work. Despite fundamental differences in the way they perceived the surrounding reality, they were guided by a common idea based on the desire to experiment. Within the group, Beksiński was the most theoretically oriented artist and created highly impactful works, imbued with an atmosphere of surrealism with a large dose of expression.

Beksiński shared a special imagination with surrealism, showing visions bordering on hallucinations and dreams, rejecting logic. However, he did not use the automatic notation characteristic of surrealists. He was looking for his own, individual style. On view until June 11.

26 Spring 2023

TThe National Museum in Warsaw is opening on April 28 an exhibition devoted to Polish female sculptors of the 19th century, who are little known today, even though their works can often be found in the public space. During their life they did not experience the same kind of fame, which was enjoyed by male sculptors, and even now remain overshadowed by their successors. Entitled “Corsets Off,” the exhibition will feature works by Tola Certowicz, Antonina Rożniatowska, Jadwiga Milewska and Natalia Andriolli, among others, as well as sculptures by their French contemporary Camille Claudel, the bestknown representative of that generation.

In the second half of the 19th century, a new generation of female artists came into prominence who wanted to try their hand in the field of sculpture, so far dominated by men, and become professional sculptresses. To achieve this, they had to challenge many social and moral norms. Their path was not easy because of the prevailing opinion was that women were not physically capable of producing sculpture. Some barriers they faced included the limited access to training opportunities and professional

Polish sculptresses of emancipation era

networks, as well as the social and cultural expectations that curtailed women’s activities in the professional sphere. Their works were marginalized and neglected in the male dominated environment.

The exhibition was prepared as part of the research project “Polish Female Sculptors of the 19th and 20th Centuries”, implemented in collaboration with Musée Rodin in Paris, Musée Camille Claudel in Nogentsur-Seine and Musée Antoine Bourdelle in Paris.

Till August 27.

27 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice

The world music star, king of rumba flamenco and master of acoustic guitar again visited Poland in May. He played two concerts: May 13 in Bielsko’s Cavatina Hall and May 14 in Wroclaw’s National Forum of Music. The Canadian came to Europe to promote his latest CD LIBRE.

A gold record and ten platinum records. Five concert DVDs and live concert discs. Five special appearances for PBS stations. One Juno award. Nine nominations. One Gemini award. Three Canadian Smooth Jazz awards. Thousands of concerts in dozens of countries. Millions of views on YouTube. Countless fans around the world. This is a brief yet incomplete summary of Cook’s nearly 30-year musical career.

Although Cook does not play typical flamenco, he was named by Acoustic Guitar magazine as the second best flamenco guitarist in 2009, after Paco de Lucia. This year Dan Farrant on Hello Music Theory placed Jesse in the top 11 of the world’s greatest and most famous flamenco guitarists. Cook’s music is a unique fusion of many genres, and the artist himself admits that he draws inspi-

Jesse Cook in Poland

ration from many sources, not only flamenco, but also Latin American, Indian and Arabic music.

Cook’s performance is a combination of tremendous energy and emotion with his charismatic personality, sense of humor, and excellent musicianship. On European concerts he performed in a quintet with Fethi Nadj - violin, mandola, Matt Sellick - guitar, Dan Minchom - bass and Matias Recharte - drums.

28 Spring 2023

An artist on his knees

The first comprehensive exhibition of Ignacy Czwartos’s works, seen by art critics as a continuation of Polish baroque painting, is on display at Zachęta National Gallery of Art.

Czwartos has undoubtedly developed his own, unique, and recognisable style which can be described as restrained and economic. His particular use of a spectrum of subtle shades of beige, different hues of white and soft blues, enriched with ‘muddy’ greens and dusky reds, goes well together with a harmonious rigidity of form, which manifests itself in his creations of wide, flat surfaces with parse objects or geometrical figures.

And yet his painting, however original and unique, is deeply rooted in the traditional art of old, as well as in the new or even contemporary. Czwartos is not at all secretive about the sources of his inspiration — on the contrary, he has included portraits of many of his influences in his own

paintings: Kazimir Malewicz, Mark Rothko, Andrzej Wróblewski, Nikifor Krynicki, Jerzy Nowosielski and Jarosław Modzelewski.

Some unnamed creators of old-Polish nobility coffin portraiture have also been a source of inspiration for Czwartos and he certainly acknowledges this debt to them through the style he uses for depicting his masters.

Another recognizable feature of Czwartos’ art is the dichotomy between life and death, as in the death dance commonly depicted in old art.

It is present in his most moving and at the same time most emotionally provocative cycle showing the so-called Cursed Soldiers, who fought in the anti-communist underground after the war. Czwartos raises the tragic warriors from the dead and makes them keep guard in eternal adoration, or else depicts their fragile bodies, tortured by the security police. As he is not ashamed of his influences, so he is not ashamed of his heroes, and this is not always in tune with the current anti-hero mood.

This is reflected in the exhibition title “The Painter Was Kneeling When Painting.”

“Should one take it as meaning to be serious about what one does, then yes, I was kneeling,” Czwartos seems to be saying. Does not everyone kneel before something, does not everyone have their heroes? And what do we kneel before? Ignacy Czwartos’s art forces us to answer this question.

On view through May 28.

29 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice

Queen Musical We Will Rock You Comes to Warsaw

April 15 marks the date of the Polish premiere of the “We Will Rock You”, musical with songs of legendary group Queen at the Roma Musical Theater in Warsaw.

Ben Elton’s libretto, written in collaboration with the band’s two members Brian May and Roger Taylor, loosely combines Queen’s greatest hits. The show is set in a globalized world of the future. All aspects of life on the iPlanet, which used to be called the Earth, are ruled by one powerful corporation. Musical instruments are forbidden because music is an expression of absolutely undesirable individualism. A few rebels, who secretly cultivate memory of the past, refuse to accept such a bleak existence, and take up the fight for freedom, love and Rock.

The musical premiered in London’s West End in 2002 and was played there continuously for 12 years. It has also been shown around the world – in Australia, Austria, Brazil, Belgium, France, Spain, Japan, Canada, Germany, Norway,

South Africa, Switzerland, Sweden, USA, Hungary, and Italy. The timeless Queen’s hits, known to everyone, combined with dynamic and humorous plot generate enthusiastic reception from the audience. This connection creates some kind of magic – every performance ends with the audience singing along with the performers. Musical then turns into a crazy rock concert remembering inimitable Freddie Mercury as its patron.

“We Will Rock You” is an opportunity to hear Queen’s songs in unfamiliar context, to discover new meanings and thrilling sounds of such hits as “I Want To Break Free,” “Radio Ga Ga”, “I Want It All”, “We Are The Champions”, “Bohemian Rhapsody” and the title song “We Will Rock You”.

Roma will present the musical in an original non-replica staging directed by Wojciech Kępczyński. Michal Wojnarowski translated libretto and the lyrics. Jakub Lubowicz is musical director of the show.

30 Spring 2023

Star-studded festival THE BUZZ

Orange Warsaw Festival, the biggest music event in the Polish capital, will traditionally open the season of summer music festivals on June 2. As in previous years, gigs will run for two days. The invited artists will perform on stages built at the Służewiec Horse Racing Track in Warsaw’s Ursynów district.

This year’s festival will be headlined by a British singer Sam Smith, a Grammy winner and writer of “Unholy”, the absolute hitmaker of recent weeks, who is making a career all over the world.

On the first day, another British star Ellie Goulding, will appear on the festival stage. Her concert will be a chance to listen to new songs from her latest album “Higher Than Heaven.”

One more artist to perform in front of the Warsaw audience on that day is The Kid LAROI, a young multi-genre talent from Australia. The audience is bound to hear his two megahits “Without You” and “Stay”, the latter originally performed in a duet with Justin Bieber. The artist also has also recorded tracks with his mentor Juice WRLD, who died young in 2019.

The second day of the festival will be opened by The 1975, a rock band from Manchester. The Brits will promote their latest album “Being Funny in a Foreign Language” which hit the top of the music charts in their country.

31 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice

Black Shakespeare - musical in Afrobeat

The Syrena Theater in Warsaw is staging its own original musical “Black Shakespeare”, inspired by the biography of Ira Aldridge, the 19th-century’s first black actor who has won recognition all over the world. The show is directed by Jacek Mikołajczyk, Syrena’s artistic director who also wrote the libretto and lyrics. The music was written by Tomasz Filipczak, the theatre’s music director.

The protagonist, Aldridge, specialized in Shakespearean roles, especially Othello, Shylock and Macbeth, which were well received by the critics. He presented himself as an African prince who, after years of wandering, found his way to America, and then to the stages of London and all over Europe. The Polish musical is the story of his successes in the world and has an interesting Polish thread, because Aldridge died and was buried in Łódź in central Poland.

Black Shakespeare is a performance about rebellion, love, and above all about theater. Artists play and sing in the rhythms of funk, afrobeat and pop. The action takes place in the actors’ dressing rooms, dark alleys, and revolutionaries’ hideouts. Other European celebrities of the time like Swedish opera star Jenny Lind and Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko are also featured in the play.

“This performance combines the features of a historical and political thriller, a detective story, and a heroic epic. The action takes place in the mid-nineteenth century, in the era of Europe’s tottering authoritarian governments and roaring revolutionary movements. It was a time when a spark could lead to a pan-European explosion. Could it have been sparked by Aldridge, who lit up viewers emotions with his roles? Were his performances part of a conspiracy? Can Shakespeare and theater change the world? The musical tries to answer these questions.,” says Mikołajczyk.

“Black Shakespeare” is also one of the first performances in the history of Polish

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theatre in which the main role was given to a black actor - an Afro-Polish, Mikołaj Woubishet. The rest of the cast includes popular actors of the Polish musical theater, such as Anna Terpiłowska and Przemysław Glapiński.

Anew exhibition at Wola Museum is dedicated to Kim Lee, the most famous drag queen of Warsaw. A figure created by Andy Nguyen became the icon of Polish queer culture.

During the 18 years of being on the stage, Kim Lee performed over 1,500 times in local theatres and clubs until her death of Covid-19 in 2020. She impersonated icons of Polish and Warsaw culture, such as singer Violetta Villas, Warsaw Mermaid or pre-war actress Hanka Ordon. Her artistic output referred to symbols and values closely related to the Polish capital city. On numerous occasions, she also drew inspiration from her own roots and from Vietnamese culture. She left a collection of over a thousand costumes. Andy tailored his outfits himself, and then would remake them repeatedly.

“This is an important exhibition for the city’s museum. It reminds us that the history of Warsaw was and is diverse. And that it can be very colorful,” says Magdalena Staroszczyk, curator of the exhibition.

The exhibition presents Kim Lee’s wardrobe, photos and videos documenting her numerous stage identities and photographs of the Vietnamese minority in Warsaw and the LGBTQ+ community by Rafał Milach from the “Ba Lan” series.

Kim Lee’s changing room—both as a place in its own right and as a collection—inspired Agata Zbylut, an artist and author of a photographic archive of Kim Lee’s collection of outfits. Zbylut’s photos, which draw attention to the intricate process of creating a costume, constitute another part of the exhibition. Until July 30.

The Queen of Warsaw

33 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice

skincare brand, has just added a trio of new products to its brightening Diamond Luminous line: a new serum, face cream and mask which promise more elastic, even-toned and illuminated complexion.

All three are designed to minimize hyperpigmentation and offer an antioxidant, moisturizing and firming effect. Each is infused with five dual-action ingredients –carnosine, turmeric, prickly pear, niacinamide and crystal illuminating peptide. The formula is complete with calming organic aloe vera and hydrating hyaluronic acid.

The Luminous Perfecting Serum is specially designed to help and calm irritated skin. The Luminous Perfecting Cream promises to quench thirsty skin as well as add radiant glow. The Luminous Glowing Mask will add a hydration hit to dry, dull complexions. The trio works in perfect harmony to rejuvenate and brighten the skin.

The collection also features Diamond Luminous SPF 50 Oil Free Sun Protection cream. This multi-functional sunscreen with a lovely, velvety texture helps protect the skin from sun damage while minimiz-

ing the appearance of dark spots and delivering advanced skincare benefits. The formula includes pomegranate extract which is rich in ellagic acid to protect your skin against UVA and UVB rays. It also features Vitamin E known for its antioxidant effects, along with vitamin F, and omegas 3 and 6, to prevent water loss and maintain your skin’s barrier. Melanin-like pigments add a subtle touch of color that adapts to all skin tones, making the cream a perfect sheer foundation or velvety primer.

As cleansing and toning the skin are key for every beauty routine, the Diamond Luminous line is complemented by two more products.

Rich Luxury Cleanse not only removes any impurities from your skin but also improves suppleness, creating instant luminosity. A refreshing and hydrating Clarity Toning Lotion will rid your skin of any pesky clogged pores.

All products from Diamond Luminous collection work in synergy to improve pigmentation, smooth fine lines, firm, quench and boost the skin’s health and natural brilliance. The precious ingredients penetrate different levels of the epidermis to

prevent the formation of uneven skin tone and skin’s discoloration from coming back. Each formula also speeds up cell regeneration so that your skin heals more quickly.

2/ Scents of a true love story

Two sensual scents in the For Lovers collection by Fragrance du Bois, a French niche, luxury perfume house, echo the ecstatic feeling of falling in love.

A warm floral and intensely intimate Cavort mimics the first throes of romance. It stimulates your senses with a sultry saffron-infused aroma, a complex blend of spicy cinnamon, soft geranium, and exotic floral mid notes. A dash of davana lends a chameleon-like quality, leading to an evocative and alluring perfume full of intensity and individuality.

A daring woody Secret Trys will appeal to those longing for passionate love. The invigorating notes of bergamot and citrus, sensual cedarwood, jasmine and the raw, earthy musk of vetiver and incense underpin the anticipation of hot romance. Rose and jasmine add their charm and magic to the emotions evoked by this provocative and highly addictive fragrance.

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3/ An ode to Royal Frankincense

Amouage luxury fragrance house has revealed the third chapter “Escape” of its Odyssey collection, an olfactory journey through its native Oman. Each of the four new perfumes pays homage to Oman’s greatest treasure, Royal Frankincense as a key ingredient.

Renaud Salmon, who has been Amouage’s creative director since 2019 says: “This collection is a singular, introspective olfactory voyage that should stir successive feelings of curiosity with Lineage, courage with Search, inner triumph with Guidance and a sense of awakening with Purpose.”

Spicy mineral Lineage tells a story of self-reflection and meditation while travelling far from home to get closer to yourself. It opens with sensual spicy notes of Sichuan Pepper, graceful saffron and the pulsing radiance of Ginger. Oman’s precious incense, wound around fenugreek and myrrh essence, unfolds in the heart. In the base the saltiness of Myrrh and Frankincense absolutes mingle with benzoin and labdanum until they fade into a fuzzy vetiver and patchouli.

In woody citrus Search Frankincense partners with bursts of citrus and warming

woods to capture the energy of resilient minds. It is at first a flash of strongly fresh tones of sweet mandarin, green lime, and sour lemon, then delicate notes of elemi and a touch of Hojari Frankincense burst open to settle on a bed of distinctly smoky, burning guaiac woods and cade oil.

The floral-amber Guidance is a modern take on the triad of rose, frankincense and ambergris. The top notes of hazelnut, frankincense and pear define the opening of this addictive bittersweet composition. The heart notes of saffron, rose, sambac jasmine and osmanthus add a warm floral sweetness to the aroma. The salty-creamy base is ruled by the ambery Labdanum, sandalwood, dense vanilla, and hints of regal Ambergris.

Purpose brings the peaceful end to this olfactory journey. A brisk bergamot, the cold grip of pink pepper, the slight tingle of pimento berry in the opening clears the way for a smoky scent of sand vetiver and an animalic rose taming down an earthy papyrus and sandalwood. For mineral depth and a spark of spice, this evocative fragrance is rounded out by a rich, cloaking mist of akigalawood, mystikal, saffron and suede.

To bring this new chapter to life,

Amouage collaborated with perfumers chosen for their creativity and sense of poetry: Karine Vinchon-Spehner (Lineage), Quentin Bisch (Guidance and Purpose) and Alexis Grugeon (Search).

The fragrances come in translucent bottles, whose shades mirror the natural color palette of the remote Omani island of Masirah.

4/ Mellow, spicy, captivating

The Parisian niche perfume house Memo has launched Sherwood, a new unisex woody fragrance in the brand’s Graines Vagabondes collection. The scent, inspired by the forest of Robin Hood, is filled with notes of creamy sandalwood enhanced by precious oakwood. Aromatic Orange blossoms and luscious Damask rose bring pleasant sweetness to the composition, while sparkling blackcurrant buds, carrot seed oil and a note of pink pepper add energy and spiciness to the fragrance. Sensual cashmere adds the comforting and silky finish to the aroma.

The bottle is adorned with a golden plate inspired by the Major Oak from Sherwood Forest and a wink to Robin Hood’s legendary arrows.

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36 Spring 2023
Story and photos by Bartosz Grzybiński

In the history of motoring there are models that, thanks to innovative technical or stylistic solutions, went down in gold. Models that with their appearance on the market set new directions and automotive trends for many years. One of them is the Mercedes CLS.

When the Mercedes-Benz Vision CLS studio model appeared on the Mercedes stand at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September 2003, it immediately became one of the brightest stars of the autumn show. Designed by Michael Fink, the four-door sedan had a very original and unusual body shape. It is true that structurally the car was based on the chassis of the Mercedes E-Class (W211) and using its power units, but the body and interior were already quite different. The silhouette, despite its length of almost five meters, seemed very dynamic and light - as if outlined by a single flowing line - emphasized by the body ribbing running the entire length of the car, and the gently sloping roof - as in coupes - further enhanced this impression. The front beltline with its original radiator air intake (grill) and headlight shape was unprecedented in any Mercedes, as were the rear, fender-overlapping lamps whose appearance was emphasized by the flowing line of the trunk lid. The dashboard and interior were

also redesigned. Six- and eight-cylinder gasoline engines and a six-cylinder turbodiesel were used for propulsion. As befits a car with sporting aspirations, the most powerful version of the CLS 63 AMG was also offered, with a 6.2-liter, 514-hp eight-cylinder engine. Drive to the rear wheels was transmitted by automatic transmissions. This car stylistically, but also technologically, was refined to the smallest detail, and little touches like frameless glass in all the doors made just interacting with it an aesthetic pleasure. Despite concerns about whether such an original model would enter mass production, the corporation decided to do so, and production of the CLS, marked with the factory code C219, soon began. The official premiere of the production car took place at the New York

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International Auto Show in April 2004. The first generation of the CLS model was produced until 2010.

In May of that year, it was replaced by the second generation, code-named C 218, which was on the market until 2018. The story of the second generation could have ended there, because it was a model which, apart from the expansion of the engine range and the introduction of a two-wheel drive system (4 MATIC), was no longer distinguished by anything special, either in terms of appearance or technical solutions, except perhaps for the version with an extended station wagon body, CLS Shooting Brake, presented in 2012, which somewhat resembled its predecessor in terms of stylistic boldness. The second generation lost all lightness of silhouette and sportiness and was like a CLS on steroids.

The premiere of the third generation of the CLS model, designated by the factory code C257, took place in November 2017 at the Los Angeles Motor Show. Mass production began in the spring of 2018, and this time Mercedes decided on something of a “return to the roots.” The CLS model again became a sporty four-door sedan, with a coupe body of almost five meters. The shape of the body is perfectly emphasized by the framing of the passenger compartment windows. It was also with this model that the brand’s new aesthetics for the front fascia made its debut, with a slightly receding grille that widened at the bottom, borrowed from the AMG GT model, and sharply shaped, teardrop-shaped headlights with LED technology. The dynamic silhouette, with a drag coefficient of cdx 0.26, is also emphasized by a long hood with several ribs,

a short front overhang (the distance between the wheel and the bumper) and a gently drooping roof. The body set on 20-inch rims with low-profile tires and low ground clearance (14.5 cm.) make the body seen from the side appear even longer and slimmer, but more importantly, it is again outlined in one smooth line. The rear, with narrow lamps overlapping the fenders, completes the impression of a stylistically uniform design.

The Mercedes CLS is a four-door but also a five-seater for the first time in the model’s history, although the space between the rear bench seats can hardly be considered full-size. The truth is that already by design, the spaciousness of the interior was not a priority. especially

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since, due to the low height of the body (1.42 m.) and the drooping roof, taking up space in the rear seats is somewhat difficult anyway. This is especially true for people of larger stature. Instead, the passengers have at their disposal a large, spacious trunk with a capacity of 520 liters. In the front seats, space is plentiful. In front of the driver’s eye - a sleek, multifunctional steering wheel and an ergonomically laid out cockpit. Its dominant elements are two interconnected liquid crystal screens of 12.3 inches. The first displaying the digital clock gauges and the second supporting the multimedia of the MBUX (Mercedes-Benz User Experience) system. The entire cockpit is finished with top-quality materials like wood and nappa leather. Attention is drawn to the round air intake nozzles, which are another stylistic gem. Interestingly, the nozzles can be illuminated, like other cockpit elements, in any color from a wide range of led colors.

A range of four- and six-cylinder turbocharged gasoline and diesel engines are used for propulsion. Most units are backed by small electric motors, starting with the CLS 350 model with a two-liter, four-cylinder inline R4/ 299 hp. + 14 hp., through the CLS 450 4 Matic, with an R6/ 367 +22 hp. inline six-cylinder engine, to the top-of-the-line CLS AMG 53 4 Matic, R6/435 hp.+ 22 hp. Diesel versions include the CLS 220d with the R4/ 194 hp. four-cylinder engine, the CLS 300d with the R6/ 365 hp. engine. + 20 hp., and the CLS 400d 4 Matic with an inline “six” with 330 hp. Drive is transmitted via a 9-speed automatic to the rear axle or to both axles in models marked 4 Matic.

The model on display was equipped with a basic gasoline version with an inline two-liter internal combustion engine producing 299 hp. supported by a 48-volt electrical system that generates an additional 14 hp and increases torque to 400 Nm. (EQ Boost technology) The engine’s performance allows the car to accelerate to 100 km/h in 6.1 seconds and drive at an electronically limited top speed of 250 km/h. Drive to the rear wheels is transmitted by a 9-stage 9G Tronic automatic transmission.

That’s the dry data. And what subjective impressions did the tested model leave? Let’s start with the external

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appearance. Admittedly, tastes are not discussed, but one must objectively state that the exterior is very attractive, especially in emerald, green color. The elegant interior of the passenger cabin finished with top-quality materials - mainly light nappa leather, gives the impression of communing with luxury. The modern dashboard with its dominant large display with MBUX system, multifunction steering wheel or trackpad located in the center tunnel will surely appeal to supporters of new technologies who are fascinated by talking to the car. I, for one, am beginning to dream more and more of the classic analog clocks, although I know that this will not return. Thanks to the multistage adjustment of the steering column and the driver’s seat, everyone will find a comfortable position behind the wheel. Visibility in all directions is very good. Maneuvering the car in urban conditions is facilitated

by a system of cameras located in the front, rear and under the outside mirrors. A 360-degree image is displayed on the main display.

What surprises is the engine. Despite the fact that it has a small capacity and only four cylinders, it handles well in road conditions, offering sufficient power combined with moderate fuel consumption - an average of 8.7 l./100 km. There are several driving modes

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to choose from: individual, sport +, sport, comfort and eco. Due to the large rims and low-profile tires, driving comfort in the test model was quite limited, and

this despite the Air Body Control air suspension. In the interior you could hear and feel all the unevenness of the ground, and even the comfort mode settings did not change this. In this case, comfort was paid for appearance. If someone didn’t like it, you could eventually change the wheels. Fortunately, it is the driver who (still) decides what mode the engine, transmission or suspension is in. It was also surprising that in sport mode the engine also sounds sporty. Someone might think it’s a six-cylinder unit. The base price of the CLS 350 starts at PLN 250,000, while the presented model cost more than PLN 380,000 with optional equipment.

Debuting two decades ago, the Mercedes CLS, with its original and innovative styling, stood out not only among cars in the executive segment, but also in the automotive market of the time. Even today when it is already an “old-timer” - it still commands attention. Its styling seems to be timeless. More importantly, the fashion for four-door coupes, which continues to this day, began with this model. When you see Audi A7 sports sedans, BMW 8 Grand Coupe or Porsche Panamera on the street, remember that the precursor was the Mercedes CLS.

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1/ Polan 2 watch by Błonie

In the 1960s, watchmaking in Błonie was an important achievement of Polish engineers, and owning a watch was a joy for each of its owners.

The contemporary watches of the Błonie brand, revived in recent years, deriving the inspiration for their design from those created more than fifty years ago charm on the one hand with references to the past, and on the other with modern

designs. Not without significance is the ap propriate choice of materials, and the high quality of their workmanship.

The Polan model presented in the photo, offered in three color versions, with an automatic-winding mechanical movement, has characteristic number fonts created for the old watch. This makes it perfectly recognizable to Błonie watch lovers and fascinating to all potential buyers looking for unusual watches.

Mio MiVue 848 is a dash camera equipped with HDR function. This model contains a high-quality STARVIS CMOS optical sensor. It has a large and legible 2.7″ display. Thanks to the built-in GPS module, which verifies the position of the car on an ongoing basis, the camera will inform the driver about the sectional speed measurement with sound and light alerts. Additionally, you can download and update speed

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camera software and data from your smartphone without removing the memory card.


Experience the exhilaration of Porsche sports cars in a fresh way – in the great outdoors – with the new roof tent from Porsche Equipment. This practical adventure equipment transforms the sports car into a hotel room for nature-lovers. The hard-

case design can be installed on the roof transport systems of the 911, Macan, Cayenne, Panamera and Taycan – both with and without roof rails. It is quite the room with a view, with two side windows and a roof window as standard. The all-season, two-person tent is now available to order from Porsche sales partners.

In the extended position, the floor surface measures 210 x 130 cm. A comfortable, high-density polyfoam mattress

is integrated. The tent walls are made of a breathable cotton blend. With water-resistant zips and a separate rain cover for entry, the tent is designed for wetter weather too. The side walls mimic the fly line of the 911 and feature a PORSCHE logo. Highlights in the interior include the highly insulating quilted lining in Light Grey. The head end features a mountain silhouette. The mattress features the same quilting pattern.

43 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice
The new Porsche roof tent: a room with a view


During a brief visit to the Polish capital, the British heir to the throne met with Warsaw ' s Mayor and visited a residence center for Ukrainian refugees.

During his two-day visit to Poland, after meeting with soldiers in Rzeszów, Prince William flew to Warsaw on March 22, where he and Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski visited a center for refugees on Wołoska Street. This place currently houses several hundred people.

“It was a very good, positive meeting. Prince William spent an hour at the center. He wanted to learn from the city, NGOs and, above all, from the refugees themselves, how they are doing and what their needs are,” Trzaskow-

ski said. “We talked about specifics. About the need for a long-term strategy and further support from international organizations. The prince can support our demand, and paying attention to our problems and supporting our demands is certainly of no small importance,” the Mayor assessed.

The Prince of Wales is another representative of the United Kingdom who met with Ukrainian refugees in Poland. The Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson also visited Warsaw in March 2022.

44 Spring 2023
Photos R. Motyl Prince of Wales with Mayor of Warsaw


45 Spring 2023 The Warsaw Voice ROYAL VISIT

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