Future Jamboree

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#jAMBO! Join Fuŧure ⟲Jamboree in Wroclaw!@⤇

festival of innovative thought and practice exchange connected to the theme of cities


Join Future Jamboree in Wroclaw This Fall! We invite you to co-create an ambitious festival of innovative thought and practice exchange connected to the theme of cities. We are acting with a goal to bring inspiring change-makers, innovators and activists from all over the world to Wroclaw, so they can exchange their experiences in struggles for urban development that is just and promotes social inclusion. It doesn’t matter if you are a member of the public administration, NGO, a politician, an entrepreneur, a

freelancer, or constitute a part of an informal group. What matters is that you have experience and stories to share about creating just and inclusive city. We would like Future Jamboree to become a platform on which people exchange not only ideas but also specific models of organizational efforts, tools, strategies and designs to make their cities a better place. Jamboree wants to be a gathering of those who make change happen on micro, mezzo, or macro level in their cities.

Wroclaw 15.10-17.10.2016



Future Jamboree In a Nutshell – Transforming Cities Through 3-days of Inspirations The idea is simple – we gather 100 change makers, activists and innovation leaders who are passionate about transforming this world’s cities to make them better for their inhabitants. We invite people from all continents. Those for whom ideas like “inclusive growth� and “just development� are important – and those who try to implement those ideas through action. We give space, time, food and facilitate the discussions so they talk to each other for hours. We provide a brief context and themes for the conversations. We participate, we talk, we listen, we stimulate! We write a book summarizing the whole experience and we publish it!

All this happens in the city of Wroclaw in South-Western Poland this Fall. It is no coincidence – Wroclaw was chosen to be 2016 European Capital of Culture and it is a great example of a city that can lift itself from ruins. World War II didn’t leave this city untouched, and yet 50 years later the city is experimenting with all sorts of development models and proving that positive change is possible. Surely, there is more to be done. And this is exactly why Wroclaw invites change-makers, activists and innovators so they share their knowledge and experiences.


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If you want to be a part of Wroclaw Future

Jamboree 2016 - let us know you’re coming through futurejamboree.com/apply. We

make it possible for all – travel and hosting grants are available!

We care about city transformation in the spirit of: 1. Inclusive Development & Social Justice Many so-called Western models of growth promoted the rise of economic wealth. But they also cause social inequality, injustice, social frustrations and crises. We want to engage ourselves in discussions about alternative development models, tools, strategies. Ones that are not only sustainable but just and inclusive. Models that plan beyond economic growth and include needs of all residents, regardless their socio-economic status, gender, race, ethnicity, disability or other premises of discrimination. All around the world people have been working on alternatives or adjustments to the dominant economic system. They have proposed urban strategies, addressing overall urban development or concentrating on specific areas such as housing, public transport, environment, energy, clean air etc. It’s time to learn from it! New trends like sharing economy, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, participatory redistribution are important. But we need to look far beyond those too!

2. Education 4 All Education is at the center of developmental debates. Education makes people subjects - not objects - of processes around them. But for education to do wonders we need it to be more accessible, and we need it to be more fit for modern times. We need to make sure that we develop and acclaim different models of education that respond well to socio-economic needs of our communities. And to the needs those communities will have in the future before the future reveals itself! 3. Social Innovations Innovation is not merely a technology and it is not good in itself – just because it’s high-tech. If we want innovations to promote just and inclusive development, we need to start focusing more on the real human needs and potentials - both individual and social. We need innovations to drive social development - not societies to drive innovations at any cost!

4. Human-Tech Technological progress is ubiquitous. Especially the progress in IT which has allowed us to move faster on many fields. “Tech” is an important developmental asset. But just like innovations have to be more social, technology needs to be more human. It is not about technology having a “human touch”. It is about Technology design that is Human Centered! 5. Culture Culture is the Foundation. We cannot have a meaningful discussion about development without getting to know our cultures and identities well. Strategies for development have to be centered in who we are as communities. There is no one-fit-all solution. Culture is key to unlocking developmental potential, and thus, cultural policies and projects can drive communities forward. If you find yourself caring about the same or similar issues, and you have interesting experiences to share – we will be more than happy to welcome you as a participant of Future Jamboree!


Jambo! to Jamboree


Jambo! is “hi!â€? in Swahili. It is a reference to openness and readiness to the meeting with other. In this spirit, Jamboree means a gathering of people that goes beyond a simple “meetingâ€?. It is a meeting that relies on spontaneity, energy, improvisation, and a spirit of being proactive and joyful in facing the struggles of the world. And this is exactly how we would like to think about our‌ not meeting, not rally, not gathering – but Jamboree. We truly want to gather people with positive energy who believe their work is instrumental in making this world’s cities and urban areas fit for the human needs. Jamboree is to inspire creative ideas and practices to flow around the whole time while it’s happening.

Future Jamboree is Unconference! It wouldn’t be in the spirit of Jamboree to organize a Panel Conference or a set of Seminars. The interchange of ideas and practices has to happen in as much free and open environment as possible. This is why we chose to use the Open Space Technology format as a focal point of Jamboree. Open Space Technology has been used as a method of self- and bottom-up organization for meetings between 5 and 2100 people. Open Space gatherings have no up-front agendas – the topics and specific times for discussion are provided by the participants within the first 90 minutes of the unconference. As a participant, you will be able to name the topic and lead the group discussion. So we imagine that within one and a half day of our unconference, 100 change leaders from all over the world will have held multiple sessions on topics related to the theme of the cities’ transformation. On topics that interest them - not us!

We use Open Space Technology because it “works best when the work to be done is complex, the people and ideas involved are diverse, the passion for resolution is high, and the time to get it done was yesterday.� (openspaceworld.org) It has been called “passion bounded by responsibility�, “the energy of a good coffee break�, “intentional self-organization�, “spirit at work�, “chaos and creativity�, “evolution in organization�.



We call it Future Jamboree! And we are excited to see its outcome!


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Friday – Arrival and Accommodation The program of our Future Jamboree is stretched over 3 intensive days of workshopping and talk-shopping. If you decide to join, on Friday we will welcome you in Wroclaw and get you accommodated in the Hotel.

Saturday - Getting To Know Each Other and the City On Saturday morning, we will invite you to get to know the city of Wroclaw. You will be divided into groups and each group will take a different city tour. We will be collaborating with the best city guides who will give you and outlook of the city transformation with a special focus on how the theme of inclusive growth is being tackled.

time to prepare a story for the rest of participants. The story of your group will include the developments in Wroclaw but we will also ask you to introduce your experiences into it. At around 1pm we will invite you to have lunch with all 100 Jamboree’s participants. This will be your chance to widen your networking efforts even more. After the lunch we will introduce a networking exercise and, then, we will invite all groups to present their accounts of how they see Wroclaw as a laboratory of city transformation and development. After the presentations, we will open the discussion to include different perspectives of all Jamboree’s participants.

˃˃ ˃˃ ˃˃ ˃˃˃▹ ˃ The tours will take two hours during which you will have a chance to get to know other participants. The groups will be very diverse and we will invite you to use this diversity in order to get to know different perspectives the topic of city transformation and urban development. After the tour, you will be given

At around 6pm you will be invited to participate in a session presented to you by researchers who created and performed an action-research study of Wroclaw’s Future. They will tell you the story of interviewing thousands of citizens in order to find out what they expect from their city and to influence policy-


making and social action to make that vision a reality. After the whole day of integrating, networking and workshopping you will get a chance to have good food, drinks, and relax before Sunday’s intensive Unconference. Sunday – Unconference on How to Transform A City Unconference means that all participants will be responsible for setting the agenda of the Sunday’s talk-shop. We will start at 10am and we will spend around 60 minutes to achieve this goal. We hope, that after intensive Saturday’s integration, you will already have a clear idea of what topics you want to tackle. At 11am, we will start 4 intensive 90 minutes-long rounds of talks. Our open space will allow for 10 distinct topics to be discussed at the same time. Which means that all-in-all, 40 subjects will have been discussed by the end of the day. You will be allowed to move freely along the different discussion groups, or to form a separate one if you please. Food, coffee, snacks, and drinks will be provided on an ongoing ba-

sis so you will be also free to choose when and with who you will take your breaks. This way, you will be able to maximize the opportunity of talking about your interests with the right people! We will finish the day at around 7:30pm with a glass of wine! After that – you will be free to choose how you want to spend your evening. Monday – Wrapping up We will reconvene at 10am and our job will be to summarize the Jamboree’s lessons for the challenge of city transformation. You will be asked to form groups of 6 and to work out main takings from the experience. We will wrap-up by allowing each group to address all participants and present their insights within 10 minutes. Future Jamboree will end with common lunch at around 2pm.

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Schedule in Brief









Integrational City Tours

Group Work




4 Rounds of Intensive Talk-shopping

Unconference Agenda Setting

MONDAY Group Work

Showcasing Group Work

Farewell Lunch


ntegration and Networking







Arrival and accommodation

Showcasing Group Work

Coffee & Snack

Foresight of Wroclaw

Supper & Drinks

Snacks & Drinks


Future Jamboree is Part of “City of the Future / Wroclaw Laboratory” Program „City of the Future / Wroclaw Laboratory” is a one-year long program, which aims at developing possible scenarios of Wroclaw’s future. How will we live, how will we produce necessary energy, how will we work, eat, and play? Which changes are already bound to happen within the following decades, and which trends we can still shape? The core of the program is “Social Foresight 2036/2056” – a research project in which thousands of citizens of Wroclaw will tell us how they imagine their city to evolve in the next 20 or 40 years. We

will also inspire public thinking about the future by public discussions, conferences, workshops, hackathons, art and film exhibitions. “City of the Future / Wrocław Laboratory” aims at creating complex, yet accessible infrastructure for both thinking about and re-shaping the future. The program is curated by Edwin Bendyk – acknowledged Polish writer, publicist, director of the science department of Polish weekly „Polityka” and a leader of the research program “City of the Future” run by DELab – a joint research unit of University of Warsaw and Google

Curator’s Note Many Cultures, Diverse Cities, One Earth The facts seem to be firm – scholars from all over the world, aside usual scientific disputes, agree that our live conditions here on Earth are endangered. Existing ways of creating goods and fulfilling needs face ever growing challenges and barriers: environmental, social, or political. Climatic changes, global warming that is taking up speed, lowering biodiversity, or increased economic inequalities both within and between societies. All this puts pressure and intensifies global competition for resources like water, energy, raw materials, or food. The context for human existence, growth and development becomes more complex every day. Facts harmoniously indicate that we live in the era of Anthropocene. We gained the power to influence the Earth on the global level which is confirmed not only through environmental research, but is also evident in marks within the geological structures. These facts are recognized by spiritual and religious leaders who call all people of good will to start acting in a responsible manner. Political leaders, on the other hand, strive to

respond by creating institutional frameworks – one example of such action is a global agreement on the reduction of climate change (so-called Paris Agreement 2015). Mayors and activists are searching for new, better, and more sustainable ways of organizing their communities in cities and urban areas worldwide. Facts, political initiatives, spiritual influence, activism – is all this sufficient? For, it has to be said that the complexity of challenges needs different approaches, and those differences may lead to conflicts. Regardless of the differences, however, we are united by responsibility for Earth and its future. We cannot forsake this responsibility and, thus, we have to understand differences as a source of richness and creativity of this world. The future of the Earth seems to become more connected with the future of the Cities. And it only depends on our courage, our dreams, and values that will direct our actions. Only their adequate constellation can un-

leash the forces of creativity and innovation hidden in diversity and complexity. Let us meet in Wroclaw, the city of dramatic past. So that we can jointly, being diverse and yet equal, face the challenges of the future! Edwin Bendyk Curator Edwin Bendyk - A journalist who focuses on the influence technology has on human lives. Since the early 90ties, he cooperates with one of the most popular Polish weeklies titled „Polityka” (Politics). He is also a lecturer – works in Collegium Civitas in Warsaw where he leads Center for Research on the Future. Widely recognized city transformation expert in the region. Creator and coordinator of many research, but also social development, projects. One of his recent works is the program “Cities of the Future / Wroclaw Laboratory” that is a part of the European Capital of Culture 2016. Edwin Bendyk also runs a research program under the same title within DELab – a Warsaw University’s research unit.

Wrocław is a European Capital of Culture 2016 European Capitals of Culture are one of the most recognized EU projects. They started in 1985 on the initiative of the then Greek Minister of Culture Melina Mercouri. The idea is to put cities at the heart of cultural life across Europe. Through culture and art, European Capitals of Culture improve the quality of life in these cities and strengthen their sense of community. Citizens can take part in the year-long activities and play a bigger role in their city’s development and cultural expression. With “Spaces for Beauty” as its motto, Wrocław 2016 (Poland) is set to offer more than one thousand

cultural events during the year. Its program is based on metamorphosis and diversity, drawing on the city’s unique history of transformation. The citizens of Wrocław were invited to run part of the program – hundreds of its inhabitants will perform in major public events. During the year, Wrocław will also become UNESCO World Book Capital with a special edition of European Literature Night. The city itself has a specific story – unusual, tragic and intriguing. After years of prosperity and development, there had been a disaster on an unimagina-

ble scale. The Second World War left the city utterly ruined – both physically and spiritually. It lost citizens who had been creating its greatness for many generations. Then new citizens arrived. Frightened, uncertain of the future, alienated. Brought together from many regions of the post-war country, for years they built their identity, creating their own culture. It took a long time before new Citizens of Wroclaw accepted German, Jewish and Polish heritage lived here as one. Today, we can proudly say, not neglecting the achievements of our forbearers, that we have built a new city. With all respect due to them,

to otherness and multiculturalism and to history, we have created an open Wrocław, with unusually interesting culture and aspirations – contemporary and intriguing. 2016 is a correct time and space to discuss the metamorphosis of culture – past, present, and future. As a European Capital of Culture, Wrocław has created open, dynamic and friendly spaces to fulfill the need for contact with the culture and art.

Main Venue: “The Depot” History Center in Wrocław The main part of Jamboree – its unconference – will take place in brand new, but reach in stories to tell, institution – “The Depot”. A beautiful complex dating back to the end of the 19th century was a "witness" to the complex history of the city. The depot, just as the whole city, was left in ruins after the II World War, because of the siege of Festung Breslau. In 1945 the superpowers decided that German Breslau would become Polish Wroclaw. On 26 of August 1980 in this depot the Wroclaw „Solidarity” movement was born. "The Depot" History Center will very soon become a venue of modern historical exhibitions and education. The main core of The Depot will be arranged in the old bus hall and will be devoted to the post-war

history of Wroclaw, Lower Silesia and other regions that became a part of Poland in a result of II World War. The exposition will be created on the basis of souvenirs, documents and photographs given by Wroclaw citizens. Thanks to that, people of Wroclaw will metaphorically build the exhibition by themselves. Each of them will have the opportunity to find a piece of their life and their individual story there. The Depot will also provide cross-cultural dialogue and reflections on the future of Europe. “The Depot” is being created around the idea of explaining the historical changes witnessed by the city of Wroclaw and, thus, it is an excellent place for discussing the Future of any city.

We Tell The Story Of Wrocław – Its Past, Present And Future

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Travel&Hosting Grants Available We want Jamboree to be a truly inclusive event. Do not hesitate to apply for both travel and hosting grants. If you have good stories to tell we will make sure that all you need to invest is your time and good energy! Apply through futurejamboree.com/apply!


Organization&Contact The main organizer of this event is the city of Wroclaw. The event is being organized within the “City of the Future / Wroclaw Laboratory” Program which is a part of the European Capital of Culture 2016 celebrations.

developing intellectual, creative and social capital in Polish society. The Workshop mainly organizes conferences, labs, hackathons, meet-ups, trainings (etc.) for leaders who are passionate about developing innovations that are fit for societal needs.

Coordination and organizational efforts are being carried out by Workshop for Social Innovations – it is a non-profit organization which has a mission of

If you have any questions, contact Inga Hajdarowicz on inga@warsztat.org.pl

#Jambo! 15.10-17.10� let us know you’re coming through futurejamboree.com/apply

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