Life Together Fall 2018

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2017-2018 Annual Report of Appreciation Fall 2018





is a publication of Wartburg Theological Seminary for our alumni and friends. Permission is granted for additional use in congregations. Founded in 1854 and located in Dubuque, Iowa since 1889, Wartburg Theological Seminary is one of seven seminaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

PRESIDENT Rev Louise N Johnson

PRESIDENT’S CABINET Rev Amy Current, Vice President for Admissions and Student Services Paul K Erbes, Vice President for Development Rev Dr Craig Nessan, Academic Dean Andy Willenborg, Vice President for Finance and Operations

2017-2018 ANNUAL REPORT OF APPRECIATION FALL EDITION, 2018 Wartburg Theological Seminary Dubuque, Iowa 52003 Phone: 563-589-0200 Fax: 563-589-0333

MISSION STATEMENT Wartburg Theological Seminary serves Christ’s church through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America by being a worship-centered community of critical theological reflection where learning leads to mission and mission informs learning. The community embodies God’s mission by stewarding resources for engaging, equipping, and sending collaborative leaders who interpret, proclaim and live the gospel of Jesus Christ for a world created for communion with God and in need of personal and social healing.

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rev Dr Stephen Cornils, Chair Dr David Jacox. Vice Chair Rev Dr Nelson Meyer, Secretary Mr David Olson, Treasurer Rev Elizabeth Albertson Rev Mary Froiland Rev Dr James Fruehling Bishop Michael Girlinghouse

Mr David Horstmann Dr Rene Johnson Dr Elizabeth Lucht Jones Rev Raymond Legania Mr James Mohn Mr Andy Nuffer Dr Susan Rehwaldt

TRUSTEES Rev Dr Andrea DeGroot-Nesdahl, Chair Mr David Horstmann, Vice Chair Mr John Augustine, Secretary Rev Michael Carlson Rev Sarah Goettsch Rev Louise N Johnson Rev Dr Nelson Meyer

DEVELOPMENT TEAM Paul K Erbes, MDiv, CFRE, CFRM, Vice President for Development Corissa Frederick, Director for Development Josh Guyer, Lead Development Officer Dan Potaznick, MDiv, Development Officer Nate Zimdars, Associate Development Officer Richard Persky, Development Administrator

ADMISSIONS AND STUDENT SERVICES TEAM Rev Amy Current, Vice President for Admissions and Student Services Lindsey Queener, Director for Admissions Jackie Baumhover, Associate Director for Admissions Barb Simon, Director for Financial Aid and Student Services Halcyon Bjornstad, Director for Integrated BA/MDiv Degrees Lily Reed, Administrative Assistant Lisamarie Odeen, Director for Communications

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What’s Inside?

6 Why Wartburg?

12 Guided by Faith

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15 Impact Report

32 Faculty/Staff Updates & Alum Notes

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Why Wartburg -

An interview with 3 students:

Amanda Berg, 1st Year Distributed Learning Student Heidi Youngquist, 2nd Year Residential Learning Student Trixie Richter, 1st Year Collaborative Learning Student

DESCRIBE YOUR PATH TO ENTERING SEMINARY? AMANDA - My dad’s vocation as a Lutheran Air Force Chaplain meant moving lots of places and growing up worshipping in an ecumenical base chapel setting. From a young age I had a deep interest and curiosity about God and different faith traditions. Involvement in church life including youth groups and service learning trips as a teenager were AMANDA BERG, DL STUDENT very formative for me. I attended Cal Lutheran, and was gradually encouraged by the campus pastor, professors, family and friends to consider going to seminary. There, I studied Religion, was active with campus ministry, and enjoyed study trips abroad to places like the Holy Land. Throughout my college years I worked at a Lutheran camp each summer and served as program director after graduating. All of these opportunities help to develop my sense of call. I planned to attend seminary after college, but life circumstances put those plans on hold. In the years between then and now, I tended to my first call as a Mom to my three daughters and God continued to provide opportunities to serve in many ways including preaching, leading retreats, teaching, and serving in various roles. A trip with Lutheran World Relief to Tanzania and Kenya, as well as service learning trips to Mexico and Peru with my family continued to keep my call alive. Most recently, my family and I returned from living in Ireland for five years with my husband’s job. It was there that I completed a two-year program in Spiritual Direction with the Jesuits. Upon our return back to California, everything seemed to point to seminary. Doors started to open, and I have kept going through them.

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HEIDI - The journey to seminary has been like a long, windy road – a repeating cycle of resistance and acceptance! From the time I was in High School, God has been working hard to direct my path towards ministry, but I haven’t always been a willing or understanding partner on the journey. There have been many moments and phases and stages where I wanted to be in charge and thought that it was my duty to take the lead and make all the decisions. Looking back, few of my choices took me in the direction I thought I was headed and none of them were very life-giving. I worked in ministry settings for most of my adult life, but fought against the directional pull towards seminary for many years. As it ends up though, ministry is exactly what I am meant to be doing! In many ways it is my true North and, in so many ways, entering seminary has felt like coming home. Everything about being here feels right! TRIXIE - My path into seminary has been a lifetime in the making. I am celebrating 18 years of fulltime employment at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Winter Park, FL. Whenever the subject of TRIXIE RICHTER, CL STUDENT seminary came up, my answer was always a quick, “no”. I had reasons why I couldn’t go: I didn’t feel smart enough; I didn’t have the finances; I didn’t have the time; Why would God want to use me? Every time I said “no” my inner self felt like I was grasping at straws to sound convincing to others and justify why I should not go to seminary. Several friends and colleagues shared personal stories of their call to ministry and how God is working in their lives. They knew my reasons for not

going and provided real possibilities, answers, and resources. I simply ran out of reasons to say no without sounding like a jerk. I gave up and made the decision to trust God and step out in faith to see where this may lead me. WHY WARTBURG? AMANDA - I first learned about Wartburg Seminary 30 years ago while singing in the Cal Lutheran University Choir under the direction of Dr. Jim Fritschel. He always encouraged students to visit Wartburg. Many years later, my husband and three young daughters did. We loved it. I never forgot that visit and the impression it left on me. I value the ethos of Wartburg Seminary. It is a welcoming and innovative community of faith and learning. It is a community that values worshipping together, providing innovative learning opportunities, and is an engaging and supportive backdrop for equipping church leaders. Insightful and caring conversations with the Admission and Vocation staff were also big factors in my decision to attend Wartburg. HEIDI - I chose Wartburg because it is the embodiment of what it means to be a Christcentered community. I love that there is daily chapel, that class time incorporates small group discussions, and that there is on-campus student housing. I am beyond grateful to be a part of the Wartburg community! Likewise, as a single parent, community is crucial. Because I am not just a student, but also a parent, it was very important for me that my daughter was on board with the decision to uproot our lives and move from Nebraska to Iowa. Violet and I came to campus for a visit prior to making the decision to come to seminary and we both felt at home. While I was a little worried about how to juggle studies, student life and my role and responsibilities as a single parent, I have found that not only are the staff and faculty supportive and understanding, but my fellow students have also offered their support and encouragement.

TRIXIE - When I grudgingly said yes to seminary, I had many concerns about starting this endeavor at this time in my life. I came up with many assumptions about what seminary would be like. Jackie Baumhover answered all my questions with honest straight talk and humor dispelling my concerns. I made time, on vacation, for a campus visit and met some staff, visited a class, and spoke with students. I was concerned about making a community and connections while living so far away. The answers I received from those I spoke with were what I was looking for—words I needed to hear about community and strong relationships regarding their participation in seminary as a distance learner WHAT HAS BEEN A HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR SEMINARY EXPERIENCE? AMANDA - Opening worship during prologue week, processing in while having the baptismal water sprinkled on us, marking this new beginning‌and the beautiful singing that followed. Experiencing the Wartburg community both in person and online, and getting to know fellow students, faculty and staff has been incredible. HEIDI - So many things! As an older student – having the opportunity to be immersed in a learning-community again has been such a thrill! I have loved the process of studying, questioning, and struggling to articulate matters of faith, learning a new language (Greek), and examining and reading Scripture with a new focus. I have loved the gift of learning, being a part of the worshipcentered, theologicallygrounded, and faithHEIDI YOUNGQUIST, RL STUDENT focused community here at Wartburg, entering both formal and informal conversations about ministry and the future LifeTogether + Annual Report of Appreciation I Page 7

of the church, and thinking about and dreaming of my future as a pastor and how what I am learning will impact my work as an ordained minister of Word and Sacrament. Another highlight has been the life-long friendships I have made, as well as having the opportunity to learn from incredible professors who are not only some of the best in their area of study, but who genuinely care about us as students and as future leaders of the church. TRIXIE - When we gathered for the opening worship in chapel and it was announced that we were the 165th class of Wartburg, something clicked in me, that in this time and place, I felt a connection to those who have come before me, those around me, and those who are yet to be here. I was a part of a tradition and history much bigger than myself. HOW DO YOU EXPERIENCE THE WARTBURG COMMUNITY? AMANDA - I feel very connected. It has exceeded my expectations. The “Zoom” platform is excellent. I feel deep intentionality on the part of the faculty and staff to make us all feel connected to the Wartburg community. That sense of community and belonging is something I really value. I would not consider myself to be very good with technology, yet this style of learning and the technology is very easy and accessible. HEIDI - I cannot say enough about this community. I am so grateful that I chose to move to Dubuque and go through seminary as a residential student. Being face to face with the instructors is so very important to the way that I learn and process. I also love that beyond the classroom professors will join students for worship, sit at the table for lunch, and stop and say hello in the hallways. Likewise, it has been a gift to experience the life of the community through various student-led activities like weekly potlucks, impromptu trips to go hiking or bowling, bonfires, movie nights, and opportunities for food and fellowship. There is truly a feeling of support, welcome, and collegiality. As a single parent, it is such a blessing to know that my daughter is surrounded by a community of care and that she is loved and supported by so many. Members of the Wartburg community have even attended her school performances and regularly inquire about how she is doing. It has been a blessing that

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this is not only my community as a student, but also a community for my family. TRIXIE - I live in Orlando, FL and I attend class in real time through Zoom from my office at church and in my home. I am a synchronous learner, who needs to be in class and participating just like residential students. I interact with Professors and students in real time by using the Zoom program and my laptop. Through this program, I am allowed to continue my role as Congregational Life Director and Youth Minister at Redeemer. I receive education that I can directly apply in a ministry setting. Wartburg has been able to provide technology for us to use as another door into the active seminary life. Not a window where I would just see through while still on the outside, but actual participation and relationships with students while residing in other areas of the country. There was a way we could be a real community together. WHO HAVE BEEN IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN YOUR FAITH JOURNEY? AMANDA - My father, Jay Boggs, who passed away in 2002. We had discussions in a Lutheran context, yet remained open to God’s mystery. He constantly reinforced the idea that God is in all things. There are numerous others, both family and friends that have supported and encouraged me on my journey. I am deeply grateful for my husband Eric and three daughters Anna (23), Sara (20), and Maia (18), and their ongoing encouragement. HEIDI - Having served in the church for most of my adult life, I have accumulated a wide circle of support. From pastors I have served with, students I have taught, parents I have supported, and colleagues I have journeyed with, I feel blessed to have a variety of folks who have given me their love, encouragement, and support and have helped equip me for this journey. I would not be here today without the various influencers who recognized my gifts for ministry, provided me with opportunities to serve the church, and encouraged me to follow this call to seminary. Specifically, I am thankful for my parents who have been a constant source of strength, support and understanding. I also appreciate the support from my congregation, not only for naming my gifts and helping me discern my call, but also for their pledge of support through their prayers and financial contributions. Most

importantly, I am grateful for my daughter who continues to encourage and support me and sees this journey as something that we are doing together! TRIXIE My husband, Adrian, and my daughter Tabitha, who said, “duh” when I finally told them I was going to attend seminary. They could not understand why it took me so long to make the decision. They continue to demonstrate what unconditional love looks like to me. They are what grounds me when I get ahead of myself worrying and wondering about all the what-ifs. Current staff members at Redeemer who cheer me on every step I make in this process and provide support, prodding me forward when I feel hesitant. My pastor, Stan Reinemund, a Wartburg alumnus, has provided friendship, support, and stability while I figure out who I am as a leader in the church. I also give lots of credit to Irene Flynn, now retired Florida Bahamas Synod Resource Director, who continues to see gifts in me and for providing opportunities and resources to explore those passions. Finally, my dad who showed me not everything in life is black and white, rather how to appreciate the shades of gray where I believe God dwells.

help to further Wartburg’s mission. It is an innovative, faith-filled place and I am blessed to be a part of this community. HEIDI - I cannot say thank you enough. As a recipient of the Presidential Scholarship, I can honestly say that my seminary education would not be possible without you! By supporting Wartburg you are proclaiming your belief in the future of God’s church. Your support and generosity are what enabled me and so many others to say yes to this journey. The financial support you provide has opened the way for me to sink in to this experience and to commit to full-time study. TRIXIE - I am glad that Wartburg is as open to being as visionary as they are—reimagining seminary/church yet not lose our crucial identity. Thank you for continuing your support of Wartburg so we can continue to learn from each other what being church together means. I always felt like I was marching to a different drum in ministry and when I arrived here I heard all our different rhythms and thought it was the most beautiful sound I’d heard—I am where I am meant to be.

WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SAY TO PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT WARTBURG? TRIXIE - Thank you! You are supporting a place that is forward thinking. A place that is Christ/community centered. A place that is exploring new ways of learning. A place that has a commitment to excellence. I am deeply grateful for the contributions that

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Loehe Lifetime Giving Society The Loehe Lifetime Giving Society, named for Wartburg Theological Seminary’s Founder Wilhelm Loehe, honors our most generous donors for the significant contributions they have made to Wartburg during their lifetime. Wilhelm Loehe’s legacy is rooted in mission. In the spirit of this legacy, we express our sincere gratitude to the following individuals for the lasting impact their gifts have made on our mission to form leaders who will proclaim the gospel in their churches, communities and the world. Lifetime Giving of $500,000 or more Mr Steven Benz & Ms Lynne D Sherburne-Benz Rev Ronald G & Ms Mary Ellen Koplitz Ms Charlotte Streng Lifetime Giving of $250,000 to $499,999 Mrs Jackie Brammer Mr David L & Mrs Joyce Horstmann Ms Cathy Maasdam Mr Charles E & Mrs Kathy Safris Lifetime Giving of $100,000 to $249,999 Anonymous Dr James & Mrs Judith Bailey Mrs Marie Bany Mrs Dorothy Bowen Mrs Judith Cherwinka Rev Kathryn Franzenburg & Dr William Davis Rev Dr Ann Fritschel Mrs Elsie Gilbertson Rev Glen H & Ms Shirley Gronlund Rev Bruce & Ms Sherrill Hanstedt Dr Ralph Jung Mr Harold & Ms Grace Kurtz Ms Lila Nietfeld Rev Dr Stanley & Mrs Nancy Olson Ms Helen Pagel Rev Dr Winston & Dr May Persaud Mrs Jean Peterson Ms Carol & Dr Clifford Rask Ms Kristine & Mr Philip Roe Ms Kitty Ruosch Mr William P Streng Mr Ronald & Ms Sandy Thiel

Mrs Dorothy Wenger Rev William Wittig Rev Mark & Rev Margaret Yackel-Juleen Lifetime Giving of $50,000 to $99,999 Mr Rodney C Anderson Rev Terrie Rae & Mr Chris Anderson Rev Ginger Anderson-Larson & Rev Keith Larson Rev David H & Mrs Ruth Assmus Mr John & Ms Jennifer Augustine Mrs Fern Basden Rev Thomas T & Mrs Joan Baumgardner Dr Roger & Ms Angela Bell Rev Dr Norma Cook Everist & Rev Burton Everist Rev Dr Stephen & Ms Leslie Cornils Dr Roger W Fjeld Mr Donald & Ms JoAnne Heltner Ms Sherlee Hendrickson Rev Jennifer & Mr Jerry Henry Mr Warren Herreid II & Ms Jeannine Rivet Dr Phillip & Ms Sharron Knox Rev Barbara J Knutson Mr Steve & Ms Brenda Koenig Ms Judie Lehman Rev Dr Nelson & Ms Shirley Meyer Ms Irene Paape tDr Ralph W Quere Mr Carl & Ms Valerie Rausch Ms Tecla Sund Reklau & Mr Fred Reklau Dr John & Mrs Susan Schmeling Col Louis & Mrs Susan Soon Shim Mr Alan & Mrs Marilyn Sorenson Mr Fred Steinhauer Ms Faith & Mr Don Trapp

Lifetime Giving of $25,000 to $49,999 Mr James & Ms Helen Ruth Barrett Ms Carla Beem Mrs Dorothea Berke Ms Bernadean Bichel Rev Sharon & Mr Greg Bockelman Rev Philip Borleske Rev Norman & Mrs Kathryn Braatz tRev Gordon L Braun Rev Dean & Mrs Kari Brockmeier Rev Harold H Brokering Mrs Esther Chi Rev William F Derrick Dr Dennis & Ms Karen Dickman Ms Rita & Mr David Dudley tMr George & Mrs Elizabeth Egge Ms Barbara Fritschel Rev Eldor M Fruehling Mr Robert & Ms Carolyn Gelpke Rev Carl W Glamm Mr Bill & Ms Mary Ann Goettler Ms Phyllis Hafermann Dr Robert & Ms Mildred Herder Rev Paul & Ms Nancy Heykes Rev Dr Paul & Ms Elaine Hill Dr David & Ms Jacqueline Jacox Rev James H & Rev Carol Johnson Rev Louise N Johnson Mrs Maxine Johnson Rev Herb & Ms Anne Knudten Jr tDr Alvin B & Ms Carol Koeneman Mr Marvin & Ms Lynn Koester Rev Dr Duane & Dr Joen Larson Mr Zachary A & Ms Kristin Larson Ms Sally & Mr Glen Lee Ms Agnete Lind Mrs Dorothy Lussenden Rev Paul & Ms Lorie Meeker

Ms Katie Meints Rev Curtis H & Ms Sharyl Miller Ms Jane M Mundschenk Mr Daniel & Ms Peg Musil Rev Dr Craig L & Mrs Cathy Nessan Rev Rodney Nordby & Ms Nancy Anderson Rev Peggy Ogden-Howe & Mr Henry Howe Dr Daniel L Olson Rev J Elliott & Ms Kathryn Pancoast Rev Dr Duane A Priebe Rev Alfred E & Mrs Myrna Putz Mr James & Ms Gail Raffel Mr Daniel & Mrs Barbara Martin Rank Rev David R Rasmussen Rev Armin H & Mrs Miriam Reitz Rev Jan & Dr Steven Rippentrop Ms Jean J Ruege Rev Ronald & Mrs Else Schardt Rev Dr Thomas Schattauer & Dr Paula Carlson Rev Dr Edwin Schick Rev David L Shelstad & Dr Lorri J Lobeck Dr Cynthia Smith Dr Lynn C Smith Rev David & Mrs Diane Solberg Rev Christine & Mr Daryl Stienstra Mr Marcus & Mrs Marsha Streng Mr Raymond E Sund Mrs Karen Thompson Mrs Della Vivien Ms Lucy J Wall tRev Kristin Wee Mr William A & Mrs Barbara Weiblen Mr John & Ms Connie Wiese Rev Arthur V & Ms Donna M Wood Rev Lloyd F Ziebarth Mr Richard & Ms Marge Zimmerman

REV MELISSA WATERMAN - WTS Class of 2004 REV PAUL WATERMAN - WTS Class of 2016 “Wartburg Seminary teaches both the IMPORTANCE and the IMPACT of being gathered and sent. We are GATHERED around Word and Sacrament; in chapel, the classroom, the refectory, and in our homes. We are TRANSFORMED by the Holy Spirit, equipping us for the journey to love God and love our neighbors. We are SENT into the world to share the GOOD NEWS of God in Jesus Christ. We know that God’s promises hold true and steadfast, and that it is through the WARTBURG COMMUNITY that we have experienced the process of living and learning in community. Soli Deo Gloria.” Page 10 | LifeTogether + Annual Report of Appreciation

Tower Community The Tower Community of Wartburg Theological Seminary is our legacy society honoring those individuals who have made a commitment to the seminary through a planned gift. The special planning of these gracious donors enables us to walk into the future of theological education with ambitious visioning and transformative initiatives. Thank you to the following:

Anonymous (2) Rev Charles D & Ms Beverly Ager Rev Kenneth H & Mrs Lois Ahntholz Rev Douglas W & Mrs Jeannette Allen Rev Dennis Andersen Mr Rodney C Anderson Rev Tammy S Anderson Rev Victor & Ms Patty Andersen Rev Ginger Anderson-Larson & Rev Keith Larson Rev Carole Andres Rev Larry D Arganbright Rev Beverly Jo Arnold Rev David H & Mrs Ruth Assmus Rev Kerry & Ms Karen Aucker Mr John & Ms Jennifer Augustine Rev Victor A & Mrs Marian Baderschneider Dr James & Mrs Judith Bailey Rev Leon & Mrs Janet Bauer Rev Dr Paul & Mrs Rae Bauman Rev Thomas T & Mrs Joan Baumgardner Mr Kenneth Becker Mrs Ellen Behrens Mr Martin H Beilke Rev Myrin D & Mrs Audrey Bentz Rev Bruce A & Mrs Andrea Bergquist Mrs Dorothea Berke Mr Charles Beyer Ms Bernadean Bichel Rev Eric A & Ms Carolyn Biedermann Rev Vernon D & Mrs Karen Bigalk Mr Dale & Ms Mary Bjerning Rev Steven & Ms Gayle Blyth Rev Kathy J Boadwine Rev Craig W & Mrs Christine Rode Borchardt Rev Philip Borleske Mr Richard Bouton Mrs Dorothy Bowen Rev Norman & Mrs Kathryn Braatz Rev David & Rev Gwen Brandfass Rev Susan R Briehl & Rev Martin Wells Mrs Ruth Briehl Rev Dean & Mrs Kari Brockmeier Rev Gail Brodersen-Heins

Rev Harold H Brokering Dr Victoria Brundage Rev Barbara Brunstein-Lemke & Rev Mike Lemke Dr Durwood & Mrs Dona Buchheim Mrs Irene Bulgerin Rev Paul F & Ms Karen Bulgerin Rev George J & Mrs Mareke Campbell Rev Harry C Carlson Rev Jeanell Carlson-Bjorkman Rev Alan & Mrs Kellee Casillas Ms Frances Christenson & Mr Larry Hunt Rev Karen Church & Mr George J Rohrer Rev Dan & Ms Robyn Clark-Bridges Ms Cheryl C Coates Rev Dr Norma Cook Everist & Rev Burton Everist Mr Nick & Rev Sarah Cordray Rev Dr Stephen & Ms Leslie Cornils Dr David Cox Ms Linda W & Mr Lawrence C Davis Rev Dr Andrea DeGroot-Nesdahl Rev Wayne L & Mrs Melody Derber Rev William F Derrick tRev John & Dr Annamarie DeYoung Dr Dennis & Ms Karen Dickman Mr J Daniel & Ms Judith Diekhoff tMrs Marialyce Dittmar Rev Thomas H & Mrs Gay Dodd Rev Donald & Rev Gloria Keiser Dovre Rev R Reuben & Ms Darlene Drefs Rev Elizabeth & Mr Gerald Druckrey Stempinski Rev M Richard Druckrey Ms Rita & Mr David Dudley Rev Donna R Durrette Rev H Wade & Ms Holly N Dutton Rev Linda & Mr Mike Easterling Rev Robert & Rev Karen Edwards Rev Tim Eighmy Rev Ted H Eilders Mr James B & Ms Marci Ellison Rev Caroline E Engelbrecht Rev Gary J & Mrs Patricia Erickson Rev Gorden R & Mrs Rikka Estenson

Rev Duane R Everson Rev JoAnn & Mr John Fabie Mrs Genevieve Fabrizius Dr Roger W Fjeld Rev Charles J Fluegel Rev Jay A & Ms Julie Ford Rev Dr Cynthia Forde-Beatty Rev Kathryn Franzenburg & Dr William Davis Rev Ronald J Freimark Rev Brenda Frelsi Rev John E & Ms Ruth Friedli Rev Dr Ann Fritschel Ms Barbara Fritschel Dr Ted C Fritschel Rev Eldor M Fruehling tMrs Constance Fuchs Rev James A & Ms Nancy Fuller Ms Sally Fuller Rev Jeffery Steven & Mrs Renae Gallen Rev Robert Garton Rev Eugene A & Ms Elvira Gauerke Mr William G & Ms Lois Geiger Rev Kathy Gerking & Mr Andy Johnson Rev James H & Ms Karen Gerth Rev Kenneth D & Mrs Yvonne Gibson Rev Dr Samuel Giere & Rev Amy Current Rev Larry J Giese Ms Susan K Giesecke Rev Mark A Gilderhus Rev Jeff & Ms Jennae Giles Bishop Michael & Ms Terrie Girlinghouse Rev Carl W Glamm Rev Rebecca Goche & Ms Cheryl Goom Rev Jerome G & Mrs Jane Godson Rev Calvin & Mrs Donna Goerdel Mr Dale & Ms Susan Goodman Rev Gary & Ms Maxine Goodson Rev Myron & Mrs Florence Grams Mrs Dorothy Gronlund Rev Glen H & Ms Shirley Gronlund Rev Roy R Grote Rev Thomas Groth Rev Richard L & Ms Diane Halom Rev Roy & Ms Margaret Hammerling Rev John M & Ms Barbara Hanisch Rev Daniel C & Ms Donna Hansen Rev Kurt & Ms Susan Hansen Rev George L & Ms Janet Hanusa Mrs Frances M Hartmann Rev & Mrs Arlyn J Hausmann Rev Peter & Ms Susan Heide Rev Raymond & Ms Lynette Heidenson Mr Donald & Ms JoAnne Heltner Rev Dr Lawrence & Ms Kathy Henning Rev Bennett J & Ms Patricia Henrikson

Rev Jennifer & Mr Jerry Henry Ms Linda Hepker Ms Bernice Herder Rev Steve & Ms Julie Herder Rev Eimo Eldon & Ms Patricia Hinrichs tRev Albert L Hock Ms Elizabeth Hoeger Rev Dr Leonard & Mrs Cathy Hoffmann Rev Roger & Ms Freda Hoffman Mr & Mrs Ronald Hoffman Rev Charles R & Rev Magdalene R Holm-Roesler Ms Barb Holwegner Mr David L & Ms Joyce Horstmann Mr Doyce F Huebsch Mr Frederick A Hueners Mr Gerald & Ms Jean Hulslander Rev Judith L & Mr Terry Huseth Rev Dr Delvin D & Ms Trudy Hutton Rev Michael & Ms Linda Ide Rev Jay Ilten Mr LaVern Jaeger Rev Thomas & Ms Stacey Jenkins Rev James K & Ms Nona Jensen Rev Kevin Jensen & Rev Carla Nelson Mr Marvin Jensen Ms C Joyce Johnsen Ms Cecil Maureen Johnson Mr Douglas & Ms Anita Johnson Mrs Maxine Johnson Ms Lora Lee Johnson-Berke & Rev Steven Berke Rev Jane & Dr Presley Johnston Rev & Mrs Thomas C Jones Mr Myron O & Ms Terrie Jordahl Dr Ralph Jung Mr Morris Kalgaarden Rev Theodore P & Ms Alice Kalkwarf Ms Anne Kanten Rev Randall & Ms Donna Kasch Rev Robert M & Ms Betty Keller Ms Ruth Bohls Kelling Rev Karl O & Ms Carol Kessler Rev Marvin Ketterling Rev Danith & Ms Paulette Kilts Rev Brian & Ms Jennifer King Rev Bonny Kinnunen Ms Kristin C Kirchner Dr Gerald R Kleinfeld Rev Don P & Ms Patricia Klepzig Rev Jean & Dr James Kloss Rev F Delmar & Ms Deanna Klover Rev Kathleen Shuck & Mr James Kluding Rev Wolf Knappe Rev Barbara J Knutson Ms Roberta Koehler

We are grateful to all our alumni and friends for their ongoing generosity and support. If there is an omission or error, please contact the Development Office by email at development or by phone at (563) 589-0200 so we can correct our records.

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Guided by Faith Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. [Matthew 28: 19-20]

When asked how their faith has guided their ministry of stewardship, Ron and Mary Ellen Koplitz confidently quoted these last words of Matthew’s gospel. The Koplitzes have led lives inspired by this commission and given extraordinarily during their lifetimes to support WTS’s work educating people from and sending people to all nations. Their giving and call mirror the missional heart of Wartburg Seminary’s beginning with Wilhelm Loehe’s endeavor to educate and send pastors across the Atlantic Ocean to America. To honor both Loehe’s legacy and the generosity of donors like Ron and Mary Ellen, WTS established the Loehe Lifetime Giving Society. This year we celebrate the Koplitzes giving more than $500,000 to WTS and reaching the highest tier of the Loehe Lifetime Giving Society. Having both graduated from Wartburg College, and Ron later earning his M.Div. at WTS (‘69), the Koplitzes have directed much of their support toward student scholarships, establishing an endowed scholarship at Wartburg College for pre-seminary juniors and seniors and an endowed scholarship at WTS. Reflecting on their legacy, Ron explains that, “for both Mary Ellen and me as alumni of Wartburg College, and for me as an alumnus of WTS, it has meant a great deal in how we have responded to both schools through the years with our financial gifts; and especially so in recent years through our large endowed pre-seminary scholarships at the college and our similarly large scholarships at the seminary.” After receiving a large inheritance from his parents and investing wisely, they both said they felt a call to give back. “We fully believe that there is no better way to use both our current resources and the future resources of our estate than to provide for future Lutheran pastors, so much now in short supply, for a church and a world which is in such great need of them.” Faithfully giving for over 31 years and funding numerous students’ scholarship needs, Ron and Mary Ellen have made a tremendous impact on WTS’s mission and the lives of our students. In their earliest years after life at WTS, this call was as strong as ever. “Even in our younger years when we were pastoring very small rural churches and not able to provide a lot of funds to the college and seminary like we are doing now, it always gave us joy and pleasure to know that whatever we were able to give, we were helping the two Wartburg’s

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graduate students to do the work of our Lord.” They highlighted a unique aspect of their giving that has been rooted in sustained, meaningful relationship, “Since we have never had children of our own to put through school, it has been especially gratifying in recent years to provide a large pre-seminary scholarship at Wartburg College and then see that same student enroll as a M.Div. student at WTS on their way to becoming ordained pastors.” It is no secret to Ron that a mentor relationship can help a mentee hear their call from God, as he too had an influential pastor in his life as he felt the call to become a pastor during his high school senior year. His pastor, Rev. Otto H Behrens of St. John Lutheran in Nekimi, Wisconsin, was influential in Ron’s decision to pursue a career in ministry. Ron looked back with delight, “Pastor Behrens had already influenced two other men in this parish in the same way that he influenced me. Because of the strong German heritage at St. John, both of those men attended and graduated from Wartburg College (Waverly, Iowa) and WTS. So, with the help of Pastor Behrens, it actually became

rather easy for me to follow in their footsteps.” Ron and Mary Ellen continue to see WTS meeting the needs of a rapidly changing church and world. Rooted in the shared call to go and make disciples, they explain, “WTS continues to inspire us, because we see it as an instrument of God which continues to provide quality students to fill so many increasingly vacant parishes .” The vision from leadership and communication of our entrepreneurial endeavors especially give confidence that helps Ron and Mary Ellen follow their philanthropical call. “We are certainly inspired by the current leadership of WTS through our personal visits with both President Louise Johnson and Lead Development Officer, Josh Guyer, either in Arizona or in Dubuque, as well as through various articles that are published in “Life Together” or in a Wartburg email.” Above all, their inspiration lies with the students whom they are called to serve, especially, “By occasional visits and emails with many of the annual students who are our scholarship recipients each year. It certainly gives us hope and inspiration that these students are the future leadership of the church, and that we are doing our part to make it happen.” Their ties to both Wartburg College and WTS leave Ron and Mary Ellen particularly excited about the newest collaboration. The Integrated BA/MDiv

Degrees Program allows students to receive both Bachelor of Arts and Master of Divinity Degrees in 6 years. Since students graduate two years earlier, their cost of education is greatly reduced, plus they can more rapidly fill much needed pastoral positions throughout the church. Ron reflects, “In effect, we have already been striving to bring the two schools together, but it is now so good to see this being done in a more formal way.” Christ commanded “Go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”, Ron and Mary Ellen Koplitz listened. “Through our current and future giving to WTS through our endowed scholarships each year, we believe that this command of our Lord can best be extended through us to many others who will continue to pass through Wartburg Theological Seminary’s hallowed doors.” When asked what they hope to be their legacy at Wartburg, as well as in the church and the world, they eloquently stated, “We hope to have as our legacy that we have played a lasting significant role in providing pastoral leadership for the church for all generations, and thereby new hope for the world, in extending the Gospel message of Christ for many future centuries that will follow our own lifetime on this earth.”

“Life Together” “Life Together” is the name for the sculpture pictured here that will be presented to donors who have reached our highest level of the Loehe Society. Gail Chavenelle, a local Dubuque artist, was commissioned to create an expression of the mission that drove Wilhelm Loehe in his founding of Wartburg Theological Seminary. The sculpture is designed to capture the centrality of community in worship and learning combined with the purpose of being ‘sent forth’ into the world. In the book honoring the 150th anniversary of the founding of Wartburg Seminary, Dr William H. Weiblen explained the meaning of LIFE TOGETHER: “Even before the appearance in English of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s little book, Life Together, it was customary to describe life at Wartburg Seminary as Life Together. Bonhoeffer’s description of a community centered in Christ, preparing for ministry in Christ’s church, has become a useful manual for the people of Wartburg. An effort is made to tell the story of “Life Together at Wartburg Seminary.” This sculpture will be presented to all donors who reach the $500,000 level of lifetime giving in support of the mission of Wartburg. Ron and Mary Ellen Koplitz are the first recipients of this recognition. Gail Chavenelle says, “Looking to Wilhelm Loehe’s legacy for inspiration, I wanted to capture Wartburg Seminary’s community as a people gathered and sent into the world. Life Together begins with those called to ministry gathered as one in learning. Life Together ends with those sent into the world reaching out to serve in mission. I hope together we’ve embodied in art the core of Wartburg Seminary’s Life Together: a community where learning leads to Mission and mission informs learning,”

LifeTogether + Annual Report of Appreciation I Page 13

tDr Alvin B & Ms Carol Koeneman

Ms Dorothy Konst Rev Ronald G & Ms Mary Ellen Koplitz Rev Kathleen M Kraft Rev Scott Kramer & Dr Minjing Wu Mr Donald & Ms Julie Kuhlman Mr Paul & Ms Karen Kuhlmann Mr Harold & Ms Grace Kurtz Rev Neil S & Ms Rose Kvern Ms Gail Lampley Rev Beverly D Lange-Donnella Rev Ervin P Langholz Ms Hanna M Langholz Rev Dr April Ulring Larson & Rev Judd Larson Rev David N & Ms Judy Larson Rev William O & Ms Toni Lawson Ms Sally & Mr Glen Lee Rev Russ & Ms Susan Leeper Ms Judie Lehman Rev Robert F Lehmann Mr John A & Mrs LaVonne M Leonard Rev Janet & Mr Dan Lepp Rev Gary J & Ms Jodee Liedtke Mr R Daniel & Ms Suzanne M Lienau Rev Neil R & Rev Nell Lindorff Rev Lloyd Lockhart Rev Thomas F Loftus Rev Stephanie Lorenz & Rev Brad Dokken Mr Thomas C & Ms Sandra A Lother Rev Paul R & Ms Victoria Lovestrand Rev Mark S & Ms Nancy Luepke Rev Karen A Lundwall Rev Lyle C Lutz Rev Dr Charles H & Ms Pauline Maahs Mr Dale & Ms Marilyn Mahnke Mr Walter E Malkewitz Mr Richard D & Ms Tamara Mark Mrs Alice Martin Ms Irene McKenney Rev F Noreen Meginness Rev Carla Meier & Rev H Gaylon Barker Ms Marie Melchert Rev Marino Melsted Mr & Mrs Donald Messer

Mr Herbert Miller Ms Judy A Miller Rev Lloyd L & Ms Janet Miller Rev Dr Lyle & Ms Sonja Miller Dr Melvin A & Ms Linda Miritz Rev Kathy Montira Mr J Duane & Ms Audrey Mortensen Ms Fayth Mueller Rev Philip & Ms Regina Mueller Ms Ann M Neher Rev Ethyl Mae Nelson Rev Layne & Ms Jennifer Nelson Mrs Judith A Nelson Rev Dr Craig L & Mrs Cathy Nessan Ms Jane R Nessen Dr James Nieman & Rev JoAnn Post Ms Stella Nieman tMr & Mrs Marion P Nikoley Rev Rodney Nordby & Ms Nancy Anderson Mr John Nydegger Rev Mark & Ms Nancy Oehlert Rev Peggy Ogden-Howe & Mr Henry Howe tRev Floyd O & Ms Beverly Olsen Rev Beth Olson & Rev Bob Gremmels Dr Daniel L Olson Rev Erik & Ms Jessica Olson Rev Dr Stanley & Mrs Nancy Olson Rev Jerry R O’Neill Rev Thomas & Ms Gail Opoien Ms Irene Paape Ms Jeanne & Mr Steven Parsons Rev Robert & Ms Leda Patrick Rev Michael & Ms Lisa Peck Rev Jon & Ms Sonya Pedersen Rev David A & Ms Karen Pederson Mr Alexander C Persaud Rev Dr Winston & Dr May Persaud Ms Carmen Peter tDr Earl Peters Rev Carl W & Ms Marlene Peters Dr Richard & Mrs Marge Peters Rev Duane W & Ms Betty Peterson Mrs Jean Peterson Rev Lyle W A & Ms Barbara Peterson Rev Mary Ellen Peterson & Mr Joel

Dr Janet & Rev Frank Philipp Rev Jim & Rev Elizabeth Polanzke tDr Ralph W Quere Dr Robert & Mrs Darlene Rademacher Rev Barbara Rapp Ms Carol & Dr Clifford Rask Rev James Rasmus & Mrs Martha Stoune-Rasmus Mr Carl & Ms Valerie Rausch Sr Ruth Ellen Rebelein Dr Jack F & Mrs Shirley Reents Rev James E & Ms Karyl Reents Rev Michael Rehak & Ms Maria Mueller Mr Donald Reusch Rev Jan & Dr Steven Rippentrop Dr George & Ms Betty Roleder Rev Dr Richard W Rouse & Ms Beth Lewis Rev Russell & Mrs Jane Rudolf Ms Jean J Ruege Ms Kitty Ruosch Rev Paul H & Mrs Eileen Schaedig Rev Roland & Mrs Barbara Schaedig Rev Ronald & Mrs Else Schardt Ms Wilma Schardt Mrs Alice Schattauer Rev Merlin & Ms Jill Schlichting Dr John & Mrs Susan Schmeling Rev Jonathan & Rev Jean Schmidt Rev Curtis C & Dr Jean Schneider Rev James & Rev Susan Schubert Ms Emily Schuh Rev Alton W & Mrs Mary Ruth Schwandt Rev Dr Laura B Schwerin & Mr John Cimral Rev Sonja Selboe Rev Roger R Semmler Ms Patricia & Mr David Shaffer-Gottschalk Rev Patricia Shaw Dr Robert & Ms Becky Shaw Rev Arhiana Shek Rev David L Shelstad & Dr Lorri J Lobeck Rev Michael & Mrs Kathe Sherer Rev Stephen Sherer Mr Milton Sherman Rev Peter L Sherven Mrs Marian Shrader

LILY BRONDYKE - MDiv, Residential Learning “The practice of being God’s church, of practicing COMMUNITY, is the lifeblood of Wartburg. What better way to be FORMED into a leader for a changing church than by collaborative learning within a place DEDICATED to being community?” Ms Arlene Meyer Rev Dr Nelson & Ms Shirley Meyer Rev Steve Meysing

Lindemann Rev Stanley Kim & Rev Trudy Peterson Mr Virgil C Peterson Rev Wayne & Ms Irene Pfannkuch

Page 14 | LifeTogether + Annual Report of Appreciation

Mr Andre Sjaavaag & Ms Mary Rowland Dr Cynthia Smith Dr Lynn C Smith Ms Mary E Smith

Mr Arlyn A & Mrs Joanne Solberg Rev David & Mrs Diane Solberg Rev Nancy & Rev Neal Solomonson Rev Harris & Mrs Carol Sonnenberg Rev Harry C & Mrs Shirley Sorensen Mr Alan & Mrs Marilyn Sorenson Rev John H & Mrs Sharon Sorenson Rev Renee & Rev Jonathan Splichal Larson Mr Albert Staples Rev Dr Elizabeth A Stein & Mr Andrew Stackel Rev Christine & Mr Daryl Stienstra Mr Wayne & Ms Eileen Stordahl Mr William P Streng Mr William & Ms Janet Striepe Rev Barbara Stroud-Borth Rev Craig & Mrs Karen Swenson Mr Ronald & Ms Sandy Thiel Rev Kenneth D & Ms Cynthia Thiele Rev Luther & Ms Paula Thoresen Bishop Ray & Mrs Deborah Sue Tiemann Rev Steve & Rev Karen Tjarks Rev Steven M & Mrs Susan Trandem Ms Faith & Mr Don Trapp Rev Patricia J Turner Rev Lisa A Ubbelohde Bishop Steven & Ms Ruth Ullestad Rev Gregory J & Ms Gwen Uthus Rev Don D Vlasak Rev Edward J & Ms Margaret Volkmann Rev Robert T & Ms Marcy Voss Mr Mike & Ms Deb Wagner Rev Erwin G & Ms Vivian Walz Rev Linda Walz Rev Wendy & Mr William Riley Waugh tRev Kristin Wee Mrs Berdella Wehrmacher Rev Arthur R Weiss Jr Rev Donald & Mrs Janet Wendt Mrs Dorothy Wenger Rev James & Ms Nancy Wenger Rev James & Mrs Helga Wente Rev Robert G & Ms Marge Wessels Rev William & Mrs Nancy Wiederanders Rev & Mrs Timothy Wiggins Rev Charles A & Mrs Ute Wilfong Rev John C & Ms Phyllis Wilker Dr James E & Ms Gracia C Willis Ms Sonja & Mr Harley Willmert Rev E Dean & Mrs Joyce Windhorn Rev Carl & Ms Cheryl Witt Rev William Wittig Rev Janet Peele Wold & Mr Alan R Wold Rev Karl Wolf Rev William & Mrs Karen Wrieden Jr Rev Dr Katharine & Rev Dr Ronald Yarnell Rev Edgar A & Mrs Verona Zelle Rev David & Mrs Kristine Zellmer Rev Casey & Rev Lucinda Zesch Mrs Arleen Ziemer Ms Geraldine A Zimmerman Dr Vernon Zunker

IMPACT REPORT Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Gifts received July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018

From the President On Labor Day, I climbed into the pulpit at the seminary to preach a sermon for opening worship. I looked out at a sea of people. Our chapel was brimming with students who are preparing to serve the church. Of course, as president, I had been tracking the enrollment numbers. I knew we had another sizeable class starting this year, but seeing them altogether for the first time took my breath away. I told our students that they were an answer to prayer and a witness to God’s economy of abundance. Like the loaves and fishes stories in scripture, they are what happens when we offer to God what we have and ask God to feed our deepest hungers. We are a church hungry for new leaders. With 1000 empty pulpits and many more retirements on the horizon, we are a church hungry for new leaders. But even more so, we are a world hungry for the Lord. We are brokenhearted, warring, divided, despairing. We are aching for peace, longing for forgiveness, in need of healing, waiting on hope. We are a world hungry for the Lord.

Scripture tells us of the thousands of hungry souls that stood on a hillside at dusk, longing to see Jesus. The disciples grew anxious and wanted to send them away. They knew there was not enough. Jesus encourages them to give what they have. And with it God blesses and feeds hungry people. Today God is at work blessing and feeding a hungry church, a hungry world through these new leaders. The simple truth is that you, our donors, stand at the center of that blessing. God is working through you to bring about the healing of the world. It is your prayerful gifts that are making the difference not only for our students, but even more so for our world. Thank you. Your gift is precious in the sight of God and a blessing to us. Your faithfulness is being multiplied as each student goes out from this place to reach thousands more. Thank you for trusting us to form them. Thank you for being partners in this work of preparing leaders. Thank you for giving faithfully, generously, abundantly. In Christ,



ENROLLMENT growth over last year

LifeTogether + Annual Report of Appreciation I Page 15

Wartburg Seminary students come from 26 states and 42 synods.

TOTAL REVENUE $5,639,974


OTHER 14.2 % (Food Service, Housing)





5,000,000 0

29% GROWTH Page 16

in donor support since 2016 | LifeTogether + Annual Report of Appreciation









FY 2015

FY 2016

FY 2017

FY 2018

g n i w o r r o b t n e d Stu



since 2015


$437,452 $437,452



10.8% 10.8%

$592,036 $592,036

INSTRUCTION 21.4 %(Teaching)



$5,497,350 $5,497,350

ACADEMIC SUPPORT 9.6% (Library and other Academic Support Services) STUDENT SERVICES 9.2%



$33,250 $33,250 Cost of theological education per student. Cost Costofoftheological theological education educationper perstudent studen

$17,400 $15,900 $15,900 Tuition and scholarship Tuition Tuition revenue revenuereceived receivedper perstud stu revenue received per student.

58% HOME to

of *TEEM students in the ELCA

*The Theological Education for Emerging Ministries program provides alternative preparation for those who will provide pastoral ministry in emerging ministry contexts throughout the church.

Tuition income of $17,400 per student, which includes ItItcosts costsWartburg Wartburg Theolgical Theolgical Seminary Seminary scholarships and financial aid, provides less than half of the total student cost of a Wartburg Seminary $33,250 $33,250 totoper provide provide theological theological education education education of $39,000. forforeach eachstudent. student.Tuition Tuitionrevenue revenuereceived received bybystudents studentsisisless lessthan thanhalf halfthis thisamount. amount. Current Currenttuition tuitionisis$15,900. $15,900.

o r a t i vineg C o l l a b -B Learn Congregation ased

g r u b t War


Seminary Student Community

Residential LifeTogether + Annual Report of Appreciation I Page 17

From the Boards of Directors & Trustees What must we do to serve God? In John’s Gospel, just after Jesus feeds the 5000, the crowd seemed amazed at the abundance of God. So they asked Jesus, “What must we do to perform the works of God?” (John 6:28 NRSV) What a fitting question for all of us to ask, in the midst of our great abundance, “what must we do to serve God?” As leaders of Wartburg Seminary, we too are witnesses to God’s great abundance and we witness people answering this question. We see many answering this question by entering seminary as students and future leaders of the church. Here too, God’s abundance is shown. After a banner year for enrollment growth in 2017, we have seen even more students coming to Wartburg to prepare for ministry in the world. This fall, we are seeing nearly 50 more students than last year and an overall growth of 30%. We also see people answering this question through the generosity of our donors, reflected in the 29% increase in donor support since 2016. This serves to remind us that we worship an abundant God who gives us wealth and who also calls us to make an impact on the world around us. Thank You! Thank you, donors and students, who are answering God’s call. Thank you for trusting Wartburg Seminary with your expression of abundance. Thank you for your service to the church. But God’s work is not finished. So as leaders of Wartburg Seminary, we need to keep asking this same question “What must we do to perform the works of God?” Your servants in Christ,

Rev Dr Stephen Cornils, WTS`70 Chair, Board of Directors

Rev. Dr. Andrea Degroot-Nesdahl WTS ‘77 Chair, Board of Trustees



FALL 2016 FALL 2017 FALL 2018



(Students working part time in congregations while attending seminary) Page 18 | LifeTogether + Annual Report of Appreciation

Bequests Received July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018

We are grateful for the estate planning of these friends who continued their giving to Wartburg Theological Seminary through their wills, trusts and other planned gifts. Estate of Mr Robert H Biegert Estate of Mrs Marilyn Fjeld Estate of Mrs Constance Fuchs Estate of Rev Albert Gerstmann Estate of Ms Doris Hanson Estate of Ms Elma Helmke

Estate of Mr Frederick Hueners Estate of Mr Fred Matthias Estate of Ms Mildred Monke Estate of Floyd O Olsen Estate of Mr Ulrich O Schlichting Estate of Rev Kristin Wee

The Development staff is here to help you make informed and thoughtful giving decisions. Visit or call us at 563-589-0200 with any questions you may have about investing in the education of future church leaders at Wartburg Seminary.

ELCA Churchwide and Synod Support Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod Central States Synod Central/Southern Illinois Synod East Central Synod of Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

ELCA Fund for Leaders in Mission Greater Milwaukee Synod La Crosse Area Synod Metropolitan Chicago Synod Nebraska Synod

Northeastern Iowa Synod Northern Great Lakes Synod Northern Illinois Synod Northwest Synod of Wisconsin South-Central Synod of Wisconsin

Southeastern Iowa Synod Southwestern Texas Synod Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod Western Iowa Synod

Endowments, Scholarships, and Other Special Gifts In addition to gifts for the day-to-day operations of the seminary, there are many other special gifts given that support Wartburg Theological Seminary in other important ways. These gifts provide important program and scholarship support and also build and enhance the ministry and mission of Wartburg Theological Seminary for generations to come. With gratitude, we recognize the following individuals for their awareness of these special needs: Gifts of $25,000 or more Rev Ronald G & Ms Mary Ellen Koplitz Rev David L Shelstad & Dr Lorri J Lobeck Rev William Wittig Gifts of $10,000 - $24,999 Mr Evon & Mrs Christine Bent Ms Susan & Mr Paul Blackman Mr Robert & Ms Carolyn Gelpke Streng Charitable Foundation Inc Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999 Mrs Fern Basden Rev Kathryn Franzenburg & Dr William Davis Mr Warren Herreid II & Ms Jeannine Rivet Rev Barbara J Knutson Mr Mark & Ms Jane Lynne Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Rev Sharon & Mr Greg Bockelman Eggerling Endowed Scholarship Fund Dr Robert & Ms Mildred Herder Mr Carl & Ms Valerie Rausch Ms Kristine & Mr Philip Roe Ms Kari Roe & Mr Steven Saito Rev Ronald & Mrs Else Schardt Gifts of $1,000-$2,499 Dr Robert H & Ms Sonia Albers Rev Marlow Carrels & Ms Nicole Pontier-Carrels Rev Dr Norma Cook Everist & Rev Burton Everist Rev Dr Stephen & Ms Leslie Cornils Mr John E & Ms Deborah Franke Mr Gerald & Ms Sandi Fruehling Rev Eldor M Fruehling Ms Gretchen Hallerberg & Dr J Walton Tomford

Ms Karen & Mr George Hansen Mr James Hendrickson Dr David & Ms Jacqueline Jacox Mr David & Ms Jill Justin Mr John A & Mrs LaVonne M Leonard Rev Lyle C Lutz Rev Dr Nelson & Ms Shirley Meyer Dr Roald A & Ms Ruth Nelson Ms Joyce Persaud Mrs Jean Peterson Rev Alfred E & Mrs Myrna Putz Mr Daniel & Mrs Barbara Martin Rank Mr John Rausch Mrs Janice Schumacher Rev David & Mrs Diane Solberg Rev William & Mrs Marilyn Thalacker Ms Faith & Mr Don Trapp Ms Lucy J Wall Mr William A & Mrs Barbara Weiblen Gifts of $500 - $999 Ms Marilyn Aasland Rev & Mrs William F Adix Rev Valerian Ahles & Rev Chris Iverson Mr Mark Everist Rev Fred Fritschel & Ms Carol Langner Rev Steve & Ms Julie Herder Mr Jerry Johnson Rev Barbara Kopperud & Mr James Borden Mr Kevin & Ms Mini Locke Mr Chris Narum Rev Dr Craig L & Mrs Cathy Nessan Mr Roy & Ms Cammie Olson Mr Nathan Oppedahl Rev Dr Richard W Rouse & Ms Beth Lewis Rev Patricia & Mr William Schutz Rev Donald & Mrs Ruth Smith Mr Arlyn A & Mrs Joanne Solberg Rev Renee & Rev Jonathan Splichal Larson

Gifts of $499 Anonymous Donor Mr Thomas & Ms Kristina Aberle Ms Kris & Mr Bruce Adams Rev Denise & Dr Kevin Anderson Ms Cathleen & Mr William Arnold Geneva D Bahr & Geraldine W BahrLambert Charitable Fund Dr James & Mrs Judith Bailey Rev Ramie & Rev Eric Bakken Ms Katie & Mr Donald Bally Rev Kyle & Mrs Alexandra Barton Rev Paul Bengtson Ms Christina & Mr Robert Benight Rev Dr & Mrs Donald K Bentz Rev Elwin Bergstraesser & Rev Evelyn Phillips Mr Steven & Ms Joanne Berntson Mrs Judith Berry Rev Eric A & Ms Carolyn Biedermann Rev Greg Billberg Rev Carl & Mrs Mary Kay Bruihler Mr Frederic W Bursch Rev Dr James & Mrs Karen Carr Mr Brad Clarke Mr Kelly & Ms Deborah Crooks Mr Robert & Ms Beverly Dokken Rev Donald & Rev Gloria Keiser Dovre Rev Gwen & Mr Rodney Downing Sr Rev H Wade & Ms Holly N Dutton Ms LaVonne & Mr Clyde Eden Ms Phyllis Eggers Mr Robert R & Ms Mary Beth Feuling Mr Romaine Foege Rev Dr Ann Fritschel Ms Mary T Frontczak Ms Annette & Mr James Gaskill Rev Kathy Gerking & Mr Andy Johnson Ms Mary Ellyn Gibbs Rev Dr Samuel Giere & Rev Amy Current

Rev Rebecca Goche & Ms Cheryl Goom Rev Milbern Goetz Mr David & Ms Sue Haberle Mr & Mrs Howard Hanson Ms Ruth Henderson Rev Frederick W & Ms Raylene Henkelmann Ms Bernice Herder Ms Anne & Mr John Hibbing Mr Victor & Ms Lois Hoops Mr N C & Mrs Carolyn Huble Mr Glenn & Ms Louanne Isernhagen Ms Christabel Adix Jacobs & Mr Al Jacobs Ms Carolyn Jarmin Ms Karen Johnson Ms Lora Lee Johnson-Berke & R ev Steven Berke Rev Ruth & Rev Harlan Kaden Rev Sara & Mr Brian Kayser Ms Helen R & Mr Thomas D Kerf Dr Steve & Ms Deb Kind Ms Jean Larson Dr Paton & Ms Judith Lewis Mr Ronald & Ms Bevery Lewison Ms Minnie & Mr Ernest Lieb Rev Thomas F Loftus Ms Barbara Lyons Rev Ronald E & Ms Carol Mach Mr John & Ms Mary Ann Mantey Dr Maurice & Ms Maedean Mathews Rev Stephanie McCarthy & Rev Seth Novak Mr Scott & Ms Meganne McCubbin Rev Elizabeth McHan Ms Mary & Mr Scott Meumann Rev Jennifer Michael Rev Brian & Ms Karen Middleswarth Mr Eric & Ms Dawn Miller Mr Nathan & Ms Sarah Miller Mr Paul & Ms Marie Miller Mr James & Ms Connie Mohn Ms Amy Lynn & Mr Bill Morris

LifeTogether + Annual Report of Appreciation I Page 19

Ms Cathleen Morris Rev Ted & Ms Kim Mosher Rev Marvin P & Ms June Mueller Rev Duane J & Ms Marlys Nelson Rev Karl & Ms Kathleen Nelson Mr John Nydegger Rev C Stephen Olson Mr Rob & Ms Cheryl Olson Rev Dr Stanley & Mrs Nancy Olson Rev John W & Ms Nancy Orwig Rev Lisa Parker & Mr Rod Hanze Mr Curt & Ms Catherine Paulsen Rev Reed & Ms Megan Pedersen Rev Dr Winston & Dr May Persaud Dr Janet & Rev Frank Philipp Mr Steven & Ms Marilyn Pieart Rev Keith R Prekker Ms Gayle A Preston Rev Megan Reedstrom Ms Louise Reeves Ms Rachel Riensche Rev Rosalina Rivera Rev Dr Gwen Sayler Rev Roland & Mrs Barbara Schaedig Rev Paul Schairer Dr Harold D Schlachtenhaufen Ms Marcia Gae Schmitt Mr Thomas & Ms Julia Schneider Rev Sonja Selboe Ms Shirlene Sell Rev Kermit & Mrs Bonnie Solem Ms Jean & Mr Brian Stenberg Mr James Stolte Ms Beverly R Swafford Mr Donald O Teigen

Ms Laura Thalacker & Mr Kyle Iboshi Ms Melissa & Mr Ross Timmermans Mrs Mildred & Mr Adalbert Toepel Jr Rev Lisa A Ubbelohde Mr Steven & Mrs Carol Unger Rev Dale & Ms Kelly Vlastnik Ms Gloria & Mr Thomas Wagener Rev Philip Wangberg & Rev Patricia Holman Ms Patricia Washburn Rev Dr William A & Mrs Marilyn Wendt Ms Barb Widlund & Mr Bob Rhinehart Rev Dr Gary A & Mrs Karen Wilkerson Mrs Janna & Mr Douglas Williams Mr Ted Winders Mr Ray Witter Dr Curt G & Mrs Joan Wuest Rev Dr Katharine & Rev Dr Ronald Yarnell Mrs Janna & Mr Douglas Williams Mr Ted Winders Mr Ray Witter Dr Curt G & Mrs Joan Wuest Rev Dr Katharine & Rev Dr Ronald Yarnell Ms Karen Johnson Ms Lora Lee Johnson-Berke & Rev Steven Berke Rev Ruth & Rev Harlan Kaden Rev Sara & Mr Brian Kayser Ms Helen R & Mr Thomas D Kerf Dr Steve & Ms Deb Kind Ms Jean Larson Dr Paton & Ms Judith Lewis Mr Ronald & Ms Bevery Lewison Ms Minnie & Mr Ernest Lieb Rev Thomas F Loftus Ms Barbara Lyons

Rev Ronald E & Ms Carol Mach Mr John & Ms Mary Ann Mantey Dr Maurice & Ms Maedean Mathews Rev Stephanie McCarthy & Rev Seth Novak Mr Scott & Ms Meganne McCubbin Rev Elizabeth McHan Ms Mary & Mr Scott Meumann Rev Jennifer Michael Rev Brian & Ms Karen Middleswarth Mr Eric & Ms Dawn Miller Mr Nathan & Ms Sarah Miller Mr Paul & Ms Marie Miller Mr James & Ms Connie Mohn Ms Amy Lynn & Mr Bill Morris Ms Cathleen Morris Rev Ted & Ms Kim Mosher Rev Marvin P & Ms June Mueller Rev Duane J & Ms Marlys Nelson Rev Karl & Ms Kathleen Nelson Mr John Nydegger Rev C Stephen Olson Mr Rob & Ms Cheryl Olson Rev Dr Stanley & Mrs Nancy Olson Rev John W & Ms Nancy Orwig Rev Lisa Parker & Mr Rod Hanze Mr Curt & Ms Catherine Paulsen Rev Reed & Ms Megan Pedersen Rev Dr Winston & Dr May Persaud Dr Janet & Rev Frank Philipp Mr Steven & Ms Marilyn Pieart Rev Keith R Prekker Ms Gayle A Preston Rev Megan Reedstrom Ms Louise Reeves Ms Rachel Riensche

Rev Rosalina Rivera Rev Dr Gwen Sayler Rev Roland & Mrs Barbara Schaedig Rev Paul Schairer Dr Harold D Schlachtenhaufen Ms Marcia Gae Schmitt Mr Thomas & Ms Julia Schneider Rev Sonja Selboe Ms Shirlene Sell Rev Kermit & Mrs Bonnie Solem Ms Jean & Mr Brian Stenberg Mr James Stolte Ms Beverly R Swafford Mr Donald O Teigen Ms Laura Thalacker & Mr Kyle Iboshi Ms Melissa & Mr Ross Timmermans Mrs Mildred & Mr Adalbert Toepel Jr Rev Lisa A Ubbelohde Mr Steven & Mrs Carol Unger Rev Dale & Ms Kelly Vlastnik Ms Gloria & Mr Thomas Wagener Rev Philip Wangberg & Rev Patricia Holman Ms Patricia Washburn Rev Dr William A & Mrs Marilyn Wendt Ms Barb Widlund & Mr Bob Rhinehart Rev Dr Gary A & Mrs Karen Wilkerson Mrs Janna & Mr Douglas Williams Mr Ted Winders Mr Ray Witter Dr Curt G & Mrs Joan Wuest Rev Dr Katharine & Rev Dr Ronald Yarnell

Foundations and Business Partners Gifts of $25,000 or More The Columbus Foundation Immanuel Community Vision Foundation Kern Family Foundation Inc Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 American Trust & Savings Bank, Dubuque, Iowa William Weidner Memorial Trust Wells Fargo Wealth Management, Dubuque, Iowa

John P and Eleanor R Yackel Foundation Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Conlon Construction Co, Dubuque, Iowa Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Olga Hart Education Foundation Esther & Carl Merklein Foundation Inc Windsor Heights Lutheran Church Foundation, Windsor Heights, Iowa

Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 American Express Employee Giving Program InFaith Community Foundation The Struve Foundation Gifts of $500 to $999 Klauer Manufacturing Company, Dubuque, Iowa Gifts Under $499 Beyerlein Farms, Phillipsburg, Kansas

Experienced Roofing, Dubuque, Iowa Fox Funeral Home, Cole Camp, Missouri Geisler Brothers Company, Dubuque, Iowa Goodshop IBM Matching Grants Program Joy and Company Interior Designs, Minnetonka, Minnesota Liberty Food Service, Storm Lake, Iowa Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Pfohl’s Inc, Dubuque, Iowa

We are deeply grateful to all our alumni and friends for their ongoing generosity and support. Please note that every effort has been made to list names of donors accurately, but mistakes do happen. If there is an omission or error, please contact the Development Office so we can correct our records.

NELSON MEYER - Wartburg Seminary Board member “I am excited about the PASSION Wartburg’s faculty and staff bring to apply their messages today, and with the same passion, remain TRUE to the scriptures and the Lutheran tradition. It is EXCITING to witness effective, well-grounded innovation!”

Page 20 | LifeTogether + Annual Report of Appreciation

Wartburg Seminary Annual Fund

This fund provides annual support that is critical to our continued financial strength, flexibility and sustainability. The entire Wartburg Seminary community is grateful to the Wartburg Seminary Annual Fund donors below for their extraordinary support and for truly making everything we do here possible! A cross (t) is used to indicate the person has died within the year. Your continued support of this fund empowers our mission by providing for:


Wartburg Seminary Annual Every Gift. Every Year. Forming Leaders for God’s Mission.

President’s Circle Gifts of $25,000 or more Rev Mark & Rev Margaret Yackel-Juleen Steward Gifts of $10,000 - $24,999 Dr James & Mrs Judith Bailey Rev Dr Stephen & Ms Leslie Cornils Fred & Esther Ehlke Endowment Fund Rev Louise N Johnson Dr Phillip & Ms Sharron Knox Rev Ronald G & Ms Mary Ellen Koplitz Rev Dr Winston & Dr May Persaud William A & Mary V Poovey Estate Schroeder-Smith Scholarship Fund Mr Alan & Mrs Marilyn Sorenson Mrs Karen Thompson Lola Wickler Estate Rev Arthur V & Ms Donna M Wood Rev Lloyd F Ziebarth Partner Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous Donor Mr John & Ms Jennifer Augustine Mr James & Ms Helen Ruth Barrett Rev Thomas T & Mrs Joan Baumgardner Mr Neil & Ms Karen Bogenschneider Rev Kathryn Franzenburg & Dr William Davis Rev Dr Ann Fritschel Mr Warren Herreid II & Ms Jeannine Rivet Dr Norma Hirsch Mr David L & Ms Joyce Horstmann Harold and Grace Kurtz Fund Rev Ivan E & Ms Kris Larsen Rev Dr Nelson & Ms Shirley Meyer Ms Jane M Mundschenk Mr Daniel & Ms Peg Musil Rev Rodney Nordby & Ms Nancy Anderson Rev Dr Robert E & Mrs Karen Schlortt Jr Rev Christine & Mr Daryl Stienstra Ms Charlotte Streng Henry Treede Designated Fund Founder Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999 Rev Ginger Anderson-Larson & Rev Keith Larson Mrs Dorothea Berke

• • • • •

Scholarships for students (in addition to those from the endowment) Support to keep tuition costs low Excellent faculty and staff Library and classroom resources Well-maintained campus facilities

Dorothy Simon Trust Mr Paul K Erbes Flomar Thanksgiving Fund Rev Charles J Fluegel Ms Barbara Fritschel Dr Robert & Ms Mildred Herder The Erwin and Isla Herdahl Fund Rev Judith L & Mr Terry Huseth Dr Donald D & Ms Mary Johnson Dr Ralph Jung Mr Marvin & Ms Lynn Koester Mr Zachary A & Ms Kristin Larson Mr Conrad & Ms Marlene Lundsgaard Mr George A & Ms Marilyn Max Rev Nancy McClurg Rev Dr Craig L & Mrs Cathy Nessan Dr Daniel L Olson Ms Carol & Dr Clifford Rask Ms Kristine & Mr Philip Roe Theophilus Schaff Endowment Fund Rev Dr Thomas Schattauer & Dr Paula Carlson Dr John & Mrs Susan Schmeling Rev Patricia Shaw The Eleanore M Solberg Fund Mr Duane F & Ms Beverly Stokebrand Rev William R & Mrs Carol Straka Rev Dr Troy & Mrs Maria Troftgruben Mr Robert H & Mrs Donetta Ulrich Member Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous Donors Rev Kenneth H & Mrs Lois Ahntholz Rev Raymond & Mrs Sandy Anderson Rev Carole Andres Mr C W & Mrs Sandy Antholz Rev David H & Mrs Ruth Assmus Rev Victor A & Mrs Marian Baderschneider Mr Ray E & Ms Martha Bailey Rev Bruce A & Mrs Andrea Bergquist Ms Joanne Berndt Ms Bernadean Bichel Rev Philip Borleske Rev Stephen P & Ms Susan Brackett Rev Dean & Mrs Kari Brockmeier Rev Martha Butzier Rev Michael D & Ms Tammy Carlson Paul & VeeAnn Cartwright Charitable Fund Mr Bruce & Ms Bev Conway Rev Brenda Crossfield

Rev Dr Andrea DeGroot-Nesdahl Dr Dennis & Ms Karen Dickman Ms Leann Dilse Ms Rita & Mr David Dudley Ms Susan & Dr Roger Ebertz tMr George & Mrs Elizabeth Egge Chaplain Col Timothy & Col Jan Faulk Eggleston Rev Marcus G & Mrs Joanne Engelhardt Mr Gordon & Mrs Jean Epping Mr Carroll & Ms Carol Ferguson Fred & Ada Folkers Endowment Fund Rev Arno L Frerichs & Ms Sarah Rogers Rev Susan & Mr Norman Friedrich Rev Mary & Rev John Froiland Rev Lee & Rev Dena Gable Mr Dennis & Ms Sandra Giere Rev Dr Samuel Giere & Rev Amy Current Mr Gerald D Gieseke Rev Carl W Glamm Mr Dale & Ms Susan Goodman Rev G Mark & Ms Heather Griffith Ms Ruthann J & Mr Darrel J Gunderson Mr Filmore & Ms Darlene Gustafson Rev Laura & Mr Tim Hall Mr Paul & Ms Marilyn Ann Halvor Rev Kurt & Ms Susan Hansen Rev Curtis & Ms Susan Hanson Mr Harlan & Ms Barb Hanson Rev Ray & Ms Janice Heilener Mr Donald & Ms JoAnne Heltner Rev Dr Lawrence & Ms Kathy Henning Rev Bennett J & Ms Patricia Henrikson Rev Jennifer & Mr Jerry Henry Rev Paul A & Ms Carolyn Hesterberg Rev Paul & Ms Nancy Heykes Rev Julie Higgs Mr Philip & Ms Carole Hofstad Rev Duane L & Mrs Marcia Holst Mr Douglas & Ms Karen Horstmann Dr David & Ms Jacqueline Jacox Mr David L Johnson Mr Douglas & Ms Anita Johnson Rev Joshua & Deacon Shannon Johnson Dr Rene & Rev Phil Johnson Rev Jane & Dr Presley Johnston Mr Ronald & Ms Barbara Jones Rev Sandra K & Bishop Ralph E Jones Mr Bernard Juday Rev Paul & Ms Nancy Judson Dr Steve & Ms Sue Kading

The Michael Kalan Memorial Fund Rev John E & Ms Doris Keller Dr Gerald R Kleinfeld Rev Barbara J Knutson tDr Alvin B & Ms Carol Koeneman Mr Steve & Ms Brenda Koenig Rev Tim & Ms Shelli Koester Rev Barbara Kopperud & Mr James Borden Rev Herbert F & Ms Barbara Lammert Rev William O & Ms Toni Lawson Ms Sally & Mr Glen Lee Rev Sylvia & Rev Chris Lee-Thompson Rev Ray & Ms Debra Legania Rev Richard L & Ms Avona Lehmann Rev Robert F Lehmann Rev Donald Wayne Lemke Mr John A & Mrs LaVonne M Leonard Rev Joel & Ms Margaret Ley Rev Thomas F Loftus Mr Thomas B & Ms Lynne Martin-Erickson Mr Michael R & Ms Vicky Mattila Rev Elizabeth McHan Rev Paul & Ms Lorie Meeker Rev Benjamin F & Mrs Gwen Mirtz Rev Sarah Moening & Dr Rodney Haug Mr James & Ms Connie Mohn Ms Rosalyn Mommsen Mr David & Ms Christine Moore Mr J Duane & Ms Audrey Mortensen Mrs Elfie Nadell Rev David & Ms Mary Nelsestuen Rev Christian & Ms Kristin Nisonger Mr Allen Nordsiden Rev Brian & Ms Sena Norsman Rev Mark & Ms Linda Nygard Rev Peggy Ogden-Howe & Mr Henry Howe Mr David & Ms Larayne Olson Rev Dr Stanley & Mrs Nancy Olson Dr Karl A & Ms Peg Otto Ms Irene Paape Rev J Elliott & Ms Kathryn Pancoast Rev Robert & Ms Leda Patrick Rev Dr Leo H & Ms Linda Patterson Mr Alexander C Persaud Rev Terry L Peterson Rev James E & Ms Karyl Reents Rev Richard & Mrs Catherine Rehfeldt Mr Bob & Ms Kay Reiman Rev Armin H & Mrs Miriam Reitz Clifford C Remmenga Student Scholarship Fund

LifeTogether + Annual Report of Appreciation I Page 21


The INTEGRATION of curriculum across platforms is truly SEAMLESS. This is the fruit of forethought, dedication, and continued emphasis by faculty and staff. As a former residential learner, now in the distributed learning program, I have seen NO LIMITATION or REDUCTION in the ancillary are soofvital to the PASTORAL FORMATION PROCESS. Pageconversations 22 | LifeTogether +that Annual Report Appreciation

Rev Karen Ressel Mr Richard & Ms Shirley Retz Rev Jan & Dr Steven Rippentrop Rev Russell & Mrs Jane Rudolf Rev Vicki Sauter Rev Dr Gwen Sayler Mr Edwin L & Ms E Lorraine Scharlau Rev Dr Edwin Schick Ms Sharleen Schlueter Rev Curtis C & Dr Jean Schneider Mr David & Ms Betty Schroeder Ms Emily Schuh Mr Steven & Ms Rosslyn Schultz Rev Alton W & Mrs Mary Ruth Schwandt Mr Thomas & Ms Julie Seidelmann Rev John P & Ms Mary Sersland Rev Joel A & Mrs Mary Sherer Rev Michael & Mrs Kathe Sherer Col Louis & Mrs Susan Soon Shim Mr Gunnar Sigurjonsson Rev Donald & Mrs Ruth Smith Dr Lynn C Smith Rev Douglas F & Mrs Cynthia C Soley Rev Harris & Mrs Carol Sonnenberg Rev Dirk & Ms Sarah Stadtlander Rev & Mrs Gerald Staehling Mr Marcus & Mrs Marsha Streng Mr Chuck Stroup Rev Nord Swanstrom Mr Ed Taylor Ms Patricia & Dr Craig Tillman Rev Larry & Mrs Lois Trachte Mrs ElsieTrapp Ms Faith & Mr Don Trapp Dr Lee & Mrs Margaret Tyne Bishop Steven & Ms Ruth Ullestad Dr Robert & Mrs Sally Vogel Ms Lucy J Wall Ronald R & Janice R Walter Rev Jack & Mrs Val Way Mr William A & Mrs Barbara Weiblen Mr Darrell & Ms Barb Weltzin Mr Duane & Ms Jan Wenndt Dr Gilbert & Mrs Mary Wessel Bishop Shelley R Wickstrom Rev Kendra Wilde & Dr Ben Spiger Rev Dr Gary A & Mrs Karen Wilkerson Mr Andy & Ms Julie Willenborg Rev William Wittig Rev Edgar A & Mrs Verona Zelle Mrs Mildred Zenker Supporter Gifts of $500 - $999 Dr Javier Alanis Rev Elizabeth Flygstad Albertson Allan and Erline Sager Family Fund Rev Kerry & Ms Karen Aucker Rev Tammy & Mr Randy Barthels Rev Norman & Ms Carol Bauer Rev Dr Paul & Mrs Rae Bauman Rev Karen M R & Mr David H R Behling Rev Dr & Mrs Donald K Bentz Rev Andy & Ms Rachel Berry Beth Ann Charitable Giving Fund

DENISE RECTOR - WTS Class of 2018 “I will always be grateful for the level of THEOLOGICAL INSIGHT and ACADEMIC RIGOR modeled by the WTS faculty. Along with being an accomplished group of professionals, WTS is also a FAMILY that cares about each student’s PASTORAL and SPIRITUAL growth.” Rev Eric A & Ms Carolyn Biedermann Mr Dale & Ms Mary Bjerning Mrs Dorothy Bowen Rev Norman & Mrs Kathryn Braatz Rev David & Rev Gwen Brandfass Mrs Ruth Briehl Rev Gail Brodersen-Heins Rev Edward E Brown Rev Roger L & Ms Gale Buhr Bishop Michael & Mrs Diane Burk Mr David & Ms Brenda Carlson Rev Dr James & Mrs Karen Carr Mr Paul & Ms VeeAnn Cartwright Mr Larry & Ms Deanna Cording Rev Deborah Cote Rev Tammy & Mr Chris Craker Rev Robert C & Ms Susan Dahm Rev Gary L & Ms Mary Daines Rev Daryl D & Ms Gwen M Daugs Ms Linda W & Mr Lawrence C Davis Rev Christopher & Rev Allison deForest Rev Tom M & Ms Becky Dettmer Rev Oliver F & Mrs Rosalia Dewald Rev Donald & Rev Gloria Keiser Dovre Rev James & Mrs Gisele Duehring Rev Darin Easler & Rev Bradley Schmeling Rev Stanley J & Mrs Janis Eckermann Rev Martin & Mrs Shelly Eldred Mr Galen & Ms Sandra Fick Mr Wilbur & Dr Marilyn Flachman Dr Nathan & Ms Diane Frambach Rev David L & Ms Lynda Franks Rev Kirsten Frantsvog Mr Arnold Fredriksen Rev Kenneth W & Ms Barbara Gamb Ms Mary E Gammelin Ms Susan K Giesecke Rev Jerome G & Mrs Jane Godson Rev Calvin & Mrs Donna Goerdel Rev Sarah & Mr Doug Goettsch Rev Delmar L Goetz Mr David & Ms Jayne Goos Rev Erik Grayvold Rev Clair Grube Rev George L & Ms Janet Hanusa Mr Stephen & Ms Virginia Haterius Mr Charles H & Ms Kathryn Heide Rev Dick L & Ms Sue Hendrickson Rev Eimo Eldon & Ms Patricia Hinrichs Rev Karen Hofstad Mr John R & Ms Margaret B Horn

Rev Alice M Horton Ivan F & Deloris M Hunter Endowment Fund Rev William Dean & Ms Melzee Jacobson Dr Bonnie Jensen Rev Graham Johnson Ms Chris & Mr Craig Johnson Rev James M & Ms Claudia Johnson Mr Eugene & Ms Sharon Jorandby Rev William L & Ms Brenda Jurgens Rev Theodore P & Ms Alice Kalkwarf Rev Michelle Kanzaki Rev Dr Kathryn Kleinhans & Rev Alan Schulz Rev Amanda Kossow Rev D Ray & Ms Dorothy Kraemer Rev Galen E & Rev Helen Beth Kuhens Mr Dale Landgren Ms Hanna M Langholz Dr Kristin & Dr John Largen Mr Philip & Ms Florence Larsen Rev David N & Ms Judy Larson Rev Donald R & Ms Ruth Legacie Rev Janet & Mr Dan Lepp Rev Gary J & Ms Jodee Liedtke Mr R Daniel & Ms Suzanne M Lienau Rev Dr Charles H & Ms Pauline Maahs Ms Macel Magnussen Rev Christina & Mr Russell Martin Ms Sherrill Mesecher Rev Charles W & Ms April Miller Rev Lloyd L & Ms Janet Miller Rev Walter & Ms Mary Miller Rev George L & Ms Dona Murphy Rev Ronald D & Rev Andrea Myers Bishop Mark & Ms Janice Narum Rev Ethyl Mae Nelson Rev Jon & Ms Christina Nelson Rev Mark J Nelson Rev Roy & Ms Jean Nelson Rev Stephen L & Rev Alicia Nierman Ms Lila Nietfeld Rev Mark & Ms Nancy Oehlert Mr Duane Olivier Rev David Ethan Olson Rev Erik Olson Dr Kent & Ms Linda Olson Rev Barbara Otten Rev Lisa Parker & Mr Rod Hanze Rev Anna Peck Rev Robert E & Ms Joyce Pestal Ms Ruth Ann Poppen

Rev Dr Mark W & Mrs Lesley Pries tDr Ralph W Quere Rev Barbara Rapp Dr Susan Rehwaldt Mr W Chris & Mrs Erma Richter Rev Fred & Ms Kris Rilling Mr Charles E & Mrs Kathy Safris Rev Roland & Mrs Barbara Schaedig Rev Merlin & Ms Jill Schlichting Rev Reuben G & Ms Marilyn Schnaidt Rev & Mrs Richard Schroeder Mr Harold Seibel Rev Zachariah & Rev Emily Shipman Mrs Marian Shrader Rev Nancy & Dr Gregg Simpson Rev Renee & Rev Jonathan Splichal Larson Mr Fred Steinhauer Rev & Mrs Stephen Talmage Ms Laura Thalacker & Mr Kyle Iboshi Mr Kent Thieman Rev Luther & Ms Paula Thoresen Bishop Ray & Mrs Deborah Sue Tiemann Mr Richard & Ms Jane Trapp Rev Erika & Mr Russ Uthe Rev Stephen & Mrs Kaye Van Gilder Mr Jeffrey & Ms Ann Voermans Rev Howard D & Mrs Marcia Vrankin Rev James L & Mrs Diane Wagner Mrs Mirney Wagner Mr R H & Mrs Donna Wahlert Ms Betty Warber Rev Wayne Weissenbuehler & Rev Susanne Smith Rev Jay A Wiesner Rev Mary Wiggins Rev Eugene P & Mrs Sharon Winterfeld Rev Janet Peele Wold & Mr Alan R Wold Rev Cynthia L Wolf Rev John A & Mrs Dee Wollenzien Rev William & Mrs Karen Wrieden Jr Ms Charlene Zimmerman Advocates Gifts Under $499 Rev Leon & Mrs Janet Bauer Rev Jason & Ms Ivy Adams Rev John & Mrs Mary Adix Mrs Eleanor Adix Rev Charles D & Ms Beverly Ager Rev Valerian Ahles & Rev Chris Iverson tRev Benjamin & Rev Mara Ahles-Iverson

LifeTogether + Annual Report of Appreciation I Page 23

Mr Donald & Ms Florence Rose Ahrens Rev Keith & Mrs Beatrice Ainsley Rev Douglas W & Mrs Jeannette Allen Bishop Abraham Allende Rev Ivan Amman Rev Dennis Andersen Ms Myrna Andersen Rev Victor & Ms Patty Andersen Rev Dr David K & Mrs Joyce Anderson Dr Herbert & Dr Phyllis Anderson Mr Lars Anderson Rev Richard A & Ms Linda Anderson Rev Tammy S Anderson Mr Tim & Ms Mary Jane Anderson Mr Wayne & Mrs Nancy Anderson Ms Barbara & Mr Steven Andrist Ms Ruby Arms Rev Beverly Jo Arnold Rev Mark J & Ms Sandy Asleson Dr Frederick G Asmussen Rev Alyssa Augustson Ms Juanita Aukeman Rev Mary Lou Aune Rev John & Ms Kathryn Autio Rev Clarence H & Ms Donna Baalson Mr Harlin & Ms June Baden Rev Paul & Ms Marlene Baehmann Mrs Dorothy Bahlmann Mr Harold Bahrenburg Rev Randall V & Ms Bonnie K Baldwin Mr Carl & Ms Mary Ballard Mr Louis & Ms Pat Banitt Mr Marvin & Ms Dorothy Bartholomew Ms Mary Barton Mr Duane & Ms Theresa Baughman Rev Bruce G & Ms Pamela Baum Ms Jackie Baumhover Rev Larry & Ms Jodie Beck Dr Norman & Ms Esther Beck Rev & Mrs Thomas A Beck Rev Mark E & Mrs Judy Becker Rev Richard C & Mrs Rose Beckman Rev Ronald G & Ms Judy Beckman Rev Becky & Mr Dale Beckmann Rev Peter & Ms Catherine Beckstrand Rev Robert & Ms Dorothy Beckstrand Rev Scott & Rev Kristi Beebe Dr Darold Beekmann & Ms Gail Coffler Rev La Verne C & Mrs Beverly A Beener Ms Karen Bellis Mrs Paula & Mr Paul Benner Rev Ernst T & Mrs Carolyn L Bentsen Rev Myrin D & Mrs Audrey Bentz Mr Louis D & Ms Grace Bentzinger Mr Kevin & Ms Candice Benz Mr Cary Duane Berg Rev Donald & Ms Barbara Berg Rev Sandy Berg-Holte & Mr Jim Holte Mr Dave Berger Rev Elwin Bergstraesser & Rev Evelyn Phillips Rev Timothy Bernard Mr Alan & Rev Maggie Berndt Dreyer tRev Robert C & Mrs Joanne C Berndt Ms June & Mr Tim Berntgen

Mr Ted & Ms Marlene Bey Rev Eric W & Mrs Nancy Biedermann Rev Sheryl Biegert & Mr David Boothby Rev Kathryn Del Bielfeldt Rev Marcus & Ms Kristen Bigott Rev & Mrs Willfred F Bigott Rev Robert A & Ms Karalee Bipes Mr Robert Edwin Bishop Mr Milan & Ms Gloria Blaho Rev Emil H & Mrs Carolyn R Blobaum Mr Paul Melvin Blobaum Rev Richard & Ms Sandy Block Mr Ken & Ms Harriet Blockhus Rev Steven & Ms Gayle Blyth Rev Kathy J Boadwine Mr Kevin & Mrs Deborah Boatright Rev & Mrs Albert A Bodaski Rev Peter & Mrs Betty Boe Mrs Gwen Boeke Mr Thomas & Mrs Linda Boll Rev Daniel M & Ms Jan Bollerud Rev August R & Mrs Fran Borchardt Rev Craig W & Mrs Christine Rode Borchardt Dr Paul Bosch Mrs Marilyn Boschee Rev Steve & Ms Linda Bovendam Ms Sandra L Braasch Rev Lonnie L & Ms Doris Branch Rev Joshua & Ms Gail Brecht Mr Mel & Ms Candi Brekhus Rev Richard Brenton Rev Susan R Briehl & Rev Martin Wells Rev Wade & Ms Christy Brinkopf Ms Louise Brockman Mr Gerald & Mrs Helen Brogley Ms Diane Brondyke Rev Shawn Brooks & Chaplain Tami Groth Mr Richard & Ms Kay Brooks Rev Craig & Ms Katie Brown Rev Kathy Brown & Dr Greg Brown Pastor Phillip I Brown Rev Chad & Rev Sonja Brucklacher Rev Carl & Mrs Mary Kay Bruihler Rev & Ms James W Brun Rev Louis F Brunner Mr Larry Brusse Mr Edwin & Ms Joan Bryan Rev Richard & Mrs Sherry Buchsteiner Ms Carol Bufton Rev Paul F & Ms Karen Bulgerin Rev Lisa & Rev Bruce Burbank Rev Brian & Rev Susan Burchfield Rev Kathleen Burkheimer & Mr Gary B Puckett Mr Richard & Ms Jacqueline Burlingame Rev Catherine A Burroughs Mr Don & Ms Yan Burt Mr Don & Ms Betty Burzliff Ms Lauren Busey Mr Loren & Ms Carol Bush Rev Harry C Carlson Rev James E & Ms Ann Carlson Ms Lillian Carlson Rev Jeanell Carlson-Bjorkman

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Rev Marlow Carrels & Ms Nicole Pontier-Carrels Dr & Mrs Roy W Carroll Rev James Jay Carstensen Rev Alan & Mrs Kellee Casillas Mr Robert & Mrs Lucy Charleston Ms Beth Nelson Chase & Mr John Chase Rev James & Mrs Judith Ann Cherry Mr Earl & Ms Dorothy Wolf Chesley Mr L D & Ms Phyllis Chisholm Mr Keith Christensen & Mrs Dawn Deines-Christensen Mr Ronald & Mrs Beverly Christensen Rev David Christianson Dr Myrvin & Ms Anne Christopherson Rev Katie & Mr Anthony Chullino Rev Karen Church & Mr George J Rohrer Mrs Suzanne Church Ms Frieda Chyn Ms Lenore & Mr Norman M. Cira Rev Pamela & Mr Salvatore Ciulla Ms Judy Clark Rev John N Clauson Mrs Jane Claussen Rev Lewin Clefisch & Mrs Karen Hermann Rev Allison Cobb Rev Jack & Rev Dawn Coffey Rev R Richard Collier Rev Allen E & Mrs Lila Collins Rev Jacqueline & Mr Randall Cook Ms Marsha Ideus Cooper Rev Craig M & Mrs Kim Corbin Mr Charles & Ms Barbara Corr Rev Rob & Ms Christine Corum Mr Wayne & Ms Carmen Craney Mr Harold & Mrs Wendy Crater Ms Ruth & Mr Robert Cudney Ms Lynn Daczyk Rev Cathy & Mr Thomas Daharsh Rev Jennifer Dahle Mr Kenny & Ms Beth Dale Ms Rebecca Dalluge Mr Duane Danielson Mr Daniel J & Ms A Carolyn Dauner Rev Jeff & Rev Elizabeth Davis Rev Patricia & Mr Vincent Decker Mr & Mrs Ralston H Deffenbaugh Jr Mr John A & Ms Marian DeGiovanni Rev Chris & Ms Chelsea Deines Rev Jennifer C DeNetz Rev Jay & Ms Jennifer Denne Rev Roger Dennis Rev Wayne L & Mrs Melody Derber Mr Paul & Mrs Margaret Dettmann Mr Joseph & Ms Melanie Dibernardo Rev J Timothy & Ms Marilyn Diemer Dr Herman & Mrs Dorothy Diers Rev Jo & Mr Carl Dietz Rev Douglas S & Ms Kristin Dill Rev Debra J Dinda Rev Robert G & Ms Dolores Dirks Ms Nancy Dobberman Rev Thomas H & Mrs Gay Dodd Rev George E & Ms Nancy Doebler Mr Norman & Ms Gaye Doeden

Rev & Mrs Wilbert E Doerr Rev Nathan P & Mrs Naomi Doerr Mr & Mrs Werger Dohmann Rev & Mrs Arden G Dorn Rev Mytch Dorvilier Ms Alta Mae Dosland Rev Gwen & Mr Rodney Downing Sr Rev Robert Drewes Mr Harley & Mrs Patricia Drollinger Rev M Richard Druckrey Rev Elizabeth & Mr Gerald Druckrey Stempinski Mr James & Ms Joanne Dumler Rev Barbara Dunlap-Wolfe & Mr Russell Wolfe Rev H Wade & Ms Holly N Dutton Rev Linda & Mr Mike Easterling Mr Theodore & Ms Constance Eckardt Rev Charles & Ms Nita Eckert Mr Paul & Ms Debbie Eckhoff Dr Thom & Ms Sally Edgar Rev David & Ms Sarah Efflandt Mrs Elaine Ehlers Mrs Dorothy Ehlert Rev Frank & Mrs Margaret Ehling Rev Marvin L & Ms Barbara Ehnen Rev Robert & Ms Kay Eichele Rev Ted H Eilders Rev Joy Eisenhauer Rev Eric & Ms Peg Elkin Rev Howard N & Mrs Nanette Ellis Mr James B & Ms Marci Ellison Rev Caroline E Engelbrecht Dr Douglas & Mrs Beverly England Rev Christine & Mr Gary Engstrom Rev Gary J & Mrs Patricia Erickson Rev Matthew L & Mrs Karen Ernst Rev Gorden R & Mrs Rikka Estenson Mr John H & Mrs Marjorie Everts Rev Terry R & Mrs Judith A Exner Rev JoAnn & Mr John Fabie Mr Dennis & Ms Nancy Fager tRev Donald Fallon Rev Donald L & Ms Barbara Feuerhak Rev Joaquin & Mrs Elba Figueroa Ms Nadine M Fingland Rev Victoria & Mr David Fink Rev Eric Finsand Ms Evelyn Fischer Mr Robert Fischer Rev Kelli & Rev Robert Fisher Ms Latanya Fisher Mrs Helen Flack Rev Arnold & Mrs Julie Flater Rev Dr Cheryl & Mr Paul Fleckenstein Dr Evon O Flesberg & Mr Norman M Nelson Rev Paul Fohs & Rev Margo Pettersen Fohs Dr & Mrs Jerald L Folk Ms Janet Follstaedt Mr Gary & Ms Karen Foote Ms Linda & Mr Andrew Forray Mr Arne Foss Rev John B & Mrs Ruth Foster Rev Ronald J Freimark Dr C T Frerichs

Rev David & Ms Dawn Frerichs Rev John E & Ms Ruth Friedli Mr Terry & Ms Paula Friedman Mr Stephen Friedrich Ms Lois Friedrich-Flugge Rev Fred Fritschel & Ms Carol Langner Mr John & Mrs Lynn Fritschel Mrs Mae Fritschel Rev Suzanne Froelich Rev Larry F & Ms Roseann Froemming Rev Gary L & Mrs Nan Froseth Rev Eldor M Fruehling Rev Dr James Fruehling Ms Sally Fuller Mr Anthony & Ms Marcia Gackle Mr Milo & Mrs Harriet Gadow Rev Jeffery Steven & Mrs Renae Gallen Rev Charles & Mrs Jill Galloway Mr Mark & Ms Grete Gamb Mr Wayne & Ms Lois Garms Rev Gregory H & Dr Carol Gaskamp Rev Eugene A & Ms Elvira Gauerke Ms Marilyn V Gearhart Ms Pearle Gerdes Rev Daniel & Ms Molly Gerrietts Rev Darrel W & Mrs Jeanette Gerrietts Rev James H & Ms Karen Gerth Mr Richard Geyman Ms Mary Ellyn Gibbs Ms Dianne Seelman Gibson & Mr Keith Gibson Rev Kenneth D & Mrs Yvonne Gibson Rev Larry J Giese Mrs Elsie Gilbertson Mr William E & Ms Marcia R Gilmer tRev Charles E & Ms Marcia Gilmore Bishop Michael & Ms Terrie Girlinghouse Rev Don & Ms Betty Glanzer Rev Albert C & Ms Carolyn Goldammer Rev Michael John Grabenstein Rev Myron & Mrs Florence Grams Ms Peggy Granovsky Mr Loren & Ms Frances Grau Rev Dr Delbert Grauerholz Dr Stanley & Ms Mavis Graven Rev James & Ms Sue Greene Mr Jack Gregersen Ms Ruth Ann Griggs Rev Henry Grishkowsky Ms Mary Lynn & Mr Gary A Groezinger Rev Conrad W & Ms Corinne Grosenick Mr Neil & Ms Joyce Grothen Ms E Jean Guenther Rev Albert J & Ms Sharon Guetzlaff Rev Conrad Guetzlaff Rev Erin & Mr Greg Gullickson Mr Robert Guptill Mr Gary Gusland Mrs Shirley Gutknecht Mr Josh & Ms Lindsay Guyer Rev Elan Hacker Ms R Jean Hagedorn Rev Thomas R & Ms Karen Hagen Mr Kevin & Ms Christine Hall Rev LuRae & Mr Robert Hallstrom

Rev Richard L & Ms Diane Halom Rev Kenneth A Halstead & Ms Jacqueline Burnett Ms Carol Hamilton Rev Roy & Ms Margaret Hammerling Mr Eric & Ms Luann Hammersland Rev John M & Ms Barbara Hanisch Rev Rhonda Hanisch Ms Elda Hanke Mr Marvin & Ms DeLaine Hannemann Rev Robert M & Ms Carla Hannemann Mr Chris & Ms Beth Hansen Rev Daniel C & Ms Donna Hansen Rev Gary L & Ms June Hansen Rev Jeffrey & Ms Cindy Hansen Mr Jim & Ms Barb Hansen Ms Christina Hanson Rev Eric Hanson & Rev Carina Schiltz Mr John Hanson Rev Ronald K & Ms Connie Hanson Rev Ralph & Ms Doris Hanusa Mr Rodney Hanze Ms Julie Black Harder Ms Mindy Harkins Rev Marvin L & Ms Marion Hartmann Rev Susan & Mr Michael Haukaas Rev Corrine Haulotte Rev Janice & Mr Dennis Hawley Rev Gary D & Ms Emily Heath Mr Tom & Ms Nancy Heavey Rev Chad Hebrink Rev Walter G Hed Rev Scott Hedegaard Rev Catherine M & Mr Ken Hedmark Chaplain Col Stephen & Ms LaVonne Heetland Rev Raymond & Ms Lynette Heidenson Mr Hilmer Heimsoth Mr Robert & Ms Nancy Hein Rev Judy Heinrich Ms Karen Helmeke & Mr Gary Bischof Mr Gary Herbig Rev Gene H & Ms Ruby Hermeier Rev Myron Herzberg Mr Ronald Hilderbrand Mr Glenn & Ms Arnhild Hillesland Rev James B & Ms Heidi Hilleson Rev Karin Himstedt Mr Gene W & Ms Lorna Hoefflin Mrs Sandra Hoeg & Mr James Hoeg Rev Sherry L Hoening Ms Ruth & Mr Ronald Hofbauer Rev Roger & Ms Freda Hoffman Mr & Mrs Ronald Hoffman Mr Michael & Ms Elizabeth Hogan Mr Jay & Ms Kim Hohensee Rev Michael & Ms Sharon Holmes Rev David & Mrs Laura Holmquist Mr Brian Hornbecker Ms Elaine Horner Mr Tom & Ms Jean Hoyne Mr Timothy W & Ms Diane M Hughes Rev James & Ms Carol Hughes Mr Gerald & Ms Jean Hulslander Rev Michael & Ms Linda Ide

Rev Jay Ilten Ms Pauline Imm Mr Gregory & Ms Anne Isaackson Rev Franklin & Ms Emily Ishida Mr James D & Ms Marge Iversen Mr Robert & Ms Mona Sue Jackson Rev Jeff D Jacobs Rev La Moine T & Ms Mary Jacobs Rev Kathy J & Mr Jeff Jacobson Mrs Twila Jacobson Mr Brent & Ms Dawn Jaeger Rev Harvey J & Ms Gloria Jaeger Mr Jack D & Ms Sharon R James Rev Cyril A & Ms Audrey Jandrey Rev Richard P & Ms Joyce Jebsen Mr Carl L Jech Ms Irene Jecklin Mr Glenn Jensen Rev James K & Ms Nona Jensen Rev Kevin Jensen & Rev Carla Nelson Rev Mark & Ms Karla Jensen Mr Marvin Jensen Mr Richard Jensen Dr Paul T & Ms Marilyn Jersild Mr Darrell Jobman Rev Nicholas A & Ms Judy Johannes Rev Charles & Rev Renee Johnson Mr Darold & Mrs Ardella Johnson Rev Dennis C & Ms Susan Johnson Ms Dody Johnson Mr Gary & Mrs Sharon Johnson Ms Janine & Mr Dennis Johnson Mr Kenneth & Ms Anne Johnson Rev Kent & Dr Lee Johnson Ms Lisa Johnson Rev Dr Maxwell & Ms Nancy Johnson Ms Nancy Johnson Rev Dr Patricia E Johnson Mr Paul Johnson Ms Roxanna Johnson Rev Timothy & Ms Erin Johnson Ms Lora Lee Johnson-Berke & Rev Steven Berke Rev Timothy & Ms Sara Johnston Dr Elizabeth Lucht Jones Rev Samuel Kemp Jones & Ms Ann Jones Rev & Mrs Thomas C Jones Mr David & Ms Gail Judisch Mr Donald & Ms Truly Judisch Mr & Mrs Richard Juel Mr Cip & Ms Dawn Jungberg Rev Ruth & Rev Harlan Kaden Ms Marie Kallman Ms Edna Kamper Rev Roger G & Ms Joyce Kampstra Rev Jay & Ms Kris Kamrath Rev David & Ms Theresa E Dixon Kappus Mr Leon B & Ms Wanda Karst Rev Randall & Ms Donna Kasch Rev David J & Ms Susan Keller Mr John & Ms Barbara Keller Rev John W & Ms Elizabeth Kelley Mr James & Ms Eloyce Kenward Rev Karl O & Ms Carol Kessler Rev Sheryl & Rev Chris Kester-Beyer

Rev Marvin Ketterling Rev Erika Kielstrup Mr Paul Kielstrup Ms Lorena Kilgore Rev Danith & Ms Paulette Kilts Mr James King Rev Bonny Kinnunen Rev Ann N Klavano Rev Albert A & Ms Judy Kline Rev Richard L & Ms Kathleen Kling Rev Jean & Dr James Kloss Mr Roger & Ms Kathleen Klosterman Rev F Delmar & Ms Deanna Klover Rev Kathleen Shuck & Mr James Kluding Mr Michael & Ms Marilyn Knilans Ms Roberta Koehler Ms Betty J & Mr Virgil A Koester Ms Kayleigh Koester Rev Roger W Koester Rev Rudolph S & Ms Dorothy Kolberg Ms Eileen Kopren Mr Blaine & Ms Candace Krafft Mr Denton & Ms Sharon Krafft Rev Conrad O & Ms Verna Krahling Rev Scott Kramer & Dr Minjing Wu Mr Verlyn & Ms Darline Kraxberger Rev Alfred & Ms Kathy Krebs Ms Arleene Kreier Rev Neville & Ms Sue Kretzmann Rev Ralph G & Ms Gayle Kuespert Mr Paul & Ms Karen Kuhlmann Mr Arthur Kurtt Mr Harold & Ms Grace Kurtz Rev Carroll D & Ms Judy Lang Rev Ervin P Langholz Mr Duane & Ms Margaret A Lansverk Mr William & Ms Charlotte Larsen Mr Dennis Larson Rev Terry & Rev Sue Larson Rev Harold J & Ms Barbara Laursen Mr John & Ms Dana Leahy Dr Elizabeth Leeper Rev Russ & Ms Susan Leeper Rev Donald D & Ms Sharon Lehmann Mr Scott & Ms Molly Leisinger Rev James Leistikow & Ms Jan Nesse Rev Mike Lemke & Rev Barbara Brunstein-Lemke Rev Keith A & Ms Marlene Lentz Rev Paul A & Ms Karen Leslie Rev Barry J & Ms Bobbie Levine Mr Paul Lewis Mr Glenn & Ms Diane Lichti Chaplain Martin F & Ms Sherry Lieber Rev J Elizabeth Liggett & Mr Derek W Grimmell Mr Don & Ms Nadine Lilleshov Rev Neil R & Rev Nell Lindorff Mr & Mrs Bill Link Ms Grace Link Rev Linda & Mr Kurt Livingston Rev Natanael Lizarazo & Rev Barbara Wangsness Ms Nancy Locker Rev Dr Martin & Ms Carrie Lohrmann

LifeTogether + Annual Report of Appreciation I Page 25

Ms Doris Lompe Rev Gerald Rod Lorenz Rev Robin Luckey & Mr Michael Kates Rev Lee H & Ms Margaret Luebke Rev Mark S & Ms Nancy Luepke Rev Danny & Ms Rebecca Luett Rev David & Ms Stephanie Lund Rev Karen A Lundwall Dr Robert D & Ms JoAnn Lynne Mr Mark & Ms Judy Lyon Dr Paul Mahlberg Mr Bill & Ms Wilma Mai Mr Arlan L Maier Mr Jim C & Ms Carol Manley Dr Donald W & Dr Judith Manthei Mr Zach Manzella Mr Richard D & Ms Tamara Mark Mr John E Marker Rev Paul & Rev Melissa Markquart Rev Frank & Ms Lola Marks Ms Shirley Marmann Rev Jealaine & Mr Chris Marple Mr Joshua & Ms Julie Marriott Mr William W & Ms Kathy Marriott Ms Diann Marten Mr Michael Martin Mr Willis & Ms Helen Martinson Rev Michael W & Ms Kathleen Massa

Rev Steve Meysing Rev Kenneth H & Ms Joanne Michaelis Ms Marlene Michel Rev Dr James I & Mrs Peg Mikkelson Ms Cynthia Miller Rev Dr Lyle & Ms Sonja Miller Dr Melvin A & Ms Linda Miritz Rev Steve & Ms Terri Moberg Rev Richard A Moe & Ms Barbara A Paff Rev Ralph Philip & Ms Marcia Moeller Dr Kenneth E & Ms Paula Moerbe Rev Willis & Ms Shirley Moerer Mr Wayne A Moetsch Ms Gloria & Mr Alvin Moles Dr Jon & Ms Sandra Moline Rev Eugene A & Ms Gladys Moll Mr William & Ms Melanie Molzahn Rev Ted & Ms Kim Mosher Dr Darryl & Ms Terry Mozena Dr C E & Mrs Patricia Mueller Mr Norbert Mueller Mrs Leslie Munger Rev Martha L & Gerald M Myers Rev Stacey J & Mr Doug Nalean-Carlson Rev Julane & Mr Tim Nease Rev Michael & Rev Katherine Neel Ms Orpha Neils Rev Kristin M Neitzel

Rev Richard L Noeldner & Ms Delores M Noeldner Ms Betty Norbeck Mr Andy Nuffer Rev Judy & Mr Larry Nuss Ms Lisamarie & Rev Bryan Odeen Mr Bernard & Ms Glenda Ofstehage Rev Bob Ohnstad Mr Robert & Ms Dorothy Ohrlund Mr & Mrs Ray Ohrtman Mr Tom & Ms Dixie Olmstead Rev Robert C Olsen Rev Wayne R Olsen Rev Beth Olson & Rev Bob Gremmels Rev Carol Olson Rev Erik & Ms Jessica Olson Ms Kathleen Olson Mr Peter & Ms Ashley Olson Rev Phillip & Rev Ginny Olson Rev Todd D & Ms Deanna Olson Ms Joanne O’Neill Mr Pat & Ms Darlene O’Neill Rev Thomas & Ms Gail Opoien Mr Matthew O’Rear Rev & Mrs Raymond E Orth Mr Tom & Ms Stephanie Ottavi Rev Jack A & Ms Kathy Ottoson Rev Richard W & Ms Barbara Owens

NATHAN WICKS - MDiv, Residential Learning “Learning through life together has brought this promise home and led to TRANSFORMATIONAL learning experiences and deep RELATIONSHIPS with colleagues, friends, and faculty. This seminary community has helped me receive the CALLING to ministry with deeply satisfying learning, HOPE for the future, and surprising JOY.” Mr Ron & Ms Verna Matz Mr Leo Mazon Rev Stephanie McCarthy & Rev Seth Novak Rev Jane McChesney Rev & Mrs Robert F McCoy Rev Thomas & Ms Jackie McFarland Rev Donald & Ms Barbara McKee Mr John & Ms Rosemary McKee Mr Martin & Ms Nancy McNamer tMr Fred & Ms Ardie Meeker Rev Carla Meier & Rev H Gaylon Barker Mrs Nancy Meinel Rev Marino Melsted Ms Carla Merklein Mr Richard Merrell Rev Vic Mesenbring Mr Dave Meyer Rev DeAnn Patricia Meyer Ms Eleanor Meyer Mrs Marcia E Meyer

Rev Albert G & Ms Nancy Nelson Rev David Joshua & Ms Beth Nelson Mr Donovan & Ms Kerri Nelson Rev Duane J & Ms Marlys Nelson Rev Gary Bryan Nelson Ms Krista Nelson Rev Larry D & Ms Barb Nelson Ms Phyllis Fritschle Nelson Mr Richard & Ms Charlotte Nelson Dr Ronald G & Ms Margaret Nelson Mr Victor H & Ms Rana Nelson Mr Wes Nelson Rev William J & Ms Beverly Nelson Rev Ron & Ms Loretta Nichols Rev Dr Jeffrey & Ms Veronica Nicla Rev Ashley Nicolls Ms Violet Niedermayr Rev Edward L & Ms Gayle Nieman Mr Jerry D Niesen Rev Lynn & Ms Jane Noel

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Mr Nick & Ms Katie Palmer Rev Katie Pals Rev Travis N & Ms Catherine Panning Rev Lynn R & Ms Linda S Parsons Dr Ronald A & Ms Kathryn Pascale Rev Norman Paskowsky Rev Dennis L Paulson Rev Glenda & Mr Ralph Pearson Rev Michael & Ms Lisa Peck Rev Jon & Ms Sonya Pedersen Rev Raymon L & Ms Patricia Pedersen Rev David A & Ms Karen Pederson Dr Richard Persky & Dr Cassie Borges Rev Carl W & Ms Marlene Peters Dr Earl Peters Mr Marvin & Mrs Diane Peters Rev William J & Ms Anita Peters Pastor A Pete & Ms Kathy M Petersen Rev Beth Hauser Peterson Ms Carlyn & Mr Craig Peterson

Rev Chad & Ms Emily Peterson Mr John & Ms Brenda Peterson Rev Lyle W A & Ms Barbara Peterson Rev Mary Ellen Peterson & Mr Joel Lindemann Rev Philip & Ms Nancy Peterson Rev Stephen R & Ms Enid Peterson Mr Pete Pette Rev Paul D & Ms Karen Pfeffer Ms Ann Philippi Mr Owen Picton Rev Jim & Rev Juel Pierce Mr Paul Pietsch Rev Keith & Ms Linda Piller Rev Larry Pinnow & Ms Mary Markwardt Mr Donald Pliester Rev Kenneth Pohlmann Mr Kenneth J & Ms Carol Popken Rev Scott & Ms Katie Postlewait Mr Thomas & Ms Ellen Potterton Rev Dennis L & Ms Leila Preston Rev Jerold L & Mrs Margaret Preston Ms Mary Preston Rev Mike & Mrs Alecia Pretzer Rev Charles & Mrs Helen Probst Mr John Puotinen & Ms Janet Mangold Rev Gordon R & Ms Anne M Putnam Rev John & Mrs Louise Quam Mr Brendan & Mrs Jeanne Quann Mr Paul Quere Dr Robert & Mrs Darlene Rademacher Rev Howard F & Ms Lillian Rand Deacon Francine Rask Rev James Rasmus & Mrs Martha Stoune-Rasmus Rev Robert & Ms Ann Rasmus Mr Martin & Mrs Roxanne Rathje Rev Gary & Rev Bev Rautenberg-Panko Sr Ruth Ellen Rebelein Rev Keith A & Mrs Jennifer Rediske Mr Steven & Ms Patricia Reedstrom Dr Jack F & Mrs Shirley Reents Mr Jerry Reese & Mr John Knorp Rev Michael Rehak & Ms Maria Mueller Rev Larry D & Ms Ellen Rehlander Rev Lin & Mr Walter Reichstadter Jr Mrs Barbara Reinert Mr Ethan Reisner Ms Marie H Reitz Rev Otto J & Ms LaVerne Reitz Ms Fay Rentmeester Mrs LaVerne Retzlaff Rev Thomas W & Mrs Virginia Reuss Ms Leona Reyelts Rev Bryan & Ms Shelli Rice Rev Aaron & Ms Sarah Richter Ms Tori & Mr David Richter Rev Donald F & Ms Wanda R Riechers Ms Jean & Mr Gary Rieniets Mr Patrick & Ms Terra Riley Mrs Lois Rink Rev Marvin E & Mrs Beverly Robeck Rev Kristen & Mr Charles Rod Rev Elias & Ms Dorothy Rode Mrs Joyce Rohde

Ms Donna Rohwedder Rev J Douglas & Ms Randi Jo Rokke Dr George & Ms Betty Roleder Rev Donald & Ms Kris Rose Rev Robert & Ms Dorothea Rosenberg Rev Scott Roser & Ms Kara Whalen Ms Sue Ross-Barta Mrs Lucille Rossbach Ms Holly Rossing Mr Ronald R & Ms Ann L Rowland Rev Kathryn & Mr Robert Roys Rev Edward A & Mrs Kathleen Ruen Rev Jeffrey & Rev Wendy Ruetten Rev William Runaas Jr & Mrs Jane Runaas Rev Arlyn & Ms Sarah Rusche Rev David & Ms Gay Rush Rev John Rutsindintwarane & Ms Robin Strickler Mr Paul & Ms Linda Rye Rev Darrel Saathoff Rev Delbert & Ms Sherry Sailer Rev Jonathan & Ms Karen Sansgaard Rev Richard P & Ms Ann Sansgaard Mrs Virginia Sauer Rev Paul H & Mrs Eileen Schaedig Rev Paul Schairer Rev James A & Mrs Joni Schalkhauser Mr J Leonard & Ms Marilyn Schaller Jr Rev Ronald & Mrs Else Schardt Rev Kenneth & Ms Peggy Schaub Ms Adeline M Schaubert Rev Linda & Mr Gary Schauer Mr Jack & Ms Marietta Schemmel Mr Paul & Mrs Joyce Scherner Rev Edward C & Mrs Carol Schlachtenhaufen Mr Donald Schmidt Mr Kenneth & Mrs Christine Schmidt Mr Jeffrey & Ms Kathleen Schmitz Mrs Maudie Schnaible Dr Edward D & Mrs Nancy Schneider Rev Roger W & Mrs Rosemary Schneider Mr Walter & Ms Jean Schneider Mr Gary & Ms Barbara Schnirch Rev Marvin & Mrs Joyce Schoenfish Mr Warren & Mrs Karen Scholten Rev Christine & Mr Steve Schoon Rev Carl H & Mrs Dianne Schoss Rev Steve & Mrs Kathleen Schou Ms Judy & Mr Arthur Schroeder Ms Marlene Schroeder Rev Pamela Schroeder & Rev Brad Miller Mr William G & Ms Karen Schroeder Rev Beth Schultz Byrnes & Mr Tyler Byrnes Rev Leon E & Ms Carolyn Schulz Rev & Mrs Thomas W Schwartz

Mr Leonard O & Mrs Doris Seegers Mr Howard & Mrs Betty Seigfreid Rev James Seim Rev Sonja Selboe Rev Dan & Mrs Judy Selmann Ms Paula & Mr Dennis Selvig Rev Arhiana Shek Dr Dean & Ms Linda Sheller Rev David L Shelstad & Dr Lorri J Lobeck Rev Peter L Sherven Rev James C & Mrs Lenore Shimota Mr & Mrs Clark A Sholts Ms Diana & Mr Philip Sickles Ms Penny & Mr Keith Sievers Mrs Barbara & Mr David Simon Rev Dan Sire Ms Arlene Siss Rev Kelli Skram & Mr Jeff Schacht Rev Robert E & Mrs Janet Slade Dr Cynthia Smith Ms Cynthia Smith Rev John R & Ms Nola Smith Rev Kennith Smith & Ms Judy Nolde Rev Richard W & Ms Jean Smith Rev Thomas W & Ms Betsi Smith Mr Timothy Snyder & Ms Lindsey Queener Rev David & Mrs Diane Solberg Mr & Mrs Rollie Solberg Rev Nancy & Rev Neal Solomonson Rev John David & Mrs Mona Sorenson Rev John H & Mrs Sharon Sorenson Rev Dr Ralph & Mrs Nina Spear Rev & Mrs Ronald D Spears Dr Larry & Mrs Linda Spomer Ms Ruth Sponheim Rev Daniel L & Mrs Beth Stalker Ms Lois Stangeland Rev Lawrence & Charmaine Stappler Rev Donald R & Mrs Kathryn Staude Mr Richard & Ms Marie Steege Mrs Mary Ann Stegen Mr Fred Steinbach Rev Matt Steinhauer III Rev J David Stewart Rev John & Mrs Sandy Stiles Mr Uvalde Stoermer Rev Virtus W & Mrs Valerie Stoffregen Rev Scott & Ms Wendy Stolberg Mr Wayne & Ms Eileen Stordahl Rev Jon & Ms Jerenna Strasman Rev Delvin & Ms Anita Strecker Mr William & Ms Janet Striepe Mr Raymond E Stroh Rev Barbara Stroud-Borth Rev Norman W & Mrs Andrea Stubbendick Rev Wayne & Rev Carol Stumme

Rev Lawrence & Mrs Eleanor Stumme Jr Rev Paul & Rev Laurie Stumme-Diers Rev Harlan & Mrs Barb Stutheit Mrs Sandra Sucher Mr Bengt Svensson Rev Erick & Ms Kristi Swanson Rev Randall A & Ms Sandra Swanson Dr Jeannine & Mr Larry Sweet Ms Constance L Swenson & Mr David J Kiefer Rev Craig & Mrs Karen Swenson Mr Jon & Ms Gloria Tehven Mr Donald O Teigen Rev Wayne & Mrs Synneva J Tellekson Mr Alan & Ms Jane Terry Mr & Mrs Edward Thiele Rev Kenneth D & Ms Cynthia Thiele Rev Neil R & Mrs Edith Thompson Rev Kenneth D & Ms Marlys Thurow Mr Delmar & Ms Alice Ann Timm Rev Eugene & Ms Dolores Tjarks Rev Keith A & Ms Virgina Tomlinson Deacon Terese & Mr Stephen TouVelle Rev Steven M & Mrs Susan Trandem Mr Henry Trauernicht Ms Phyllis Treff Ms Judy Troftgruben Ms Barbara Trout Truman Landers Schrage Fund Ms Donna & Mr John Tucker Mr Brian & Ms Jane Turner Rev David & Ms Lori Turner Mr Jimmy & Ms Charlene Turner Rev Lisa A Ubbelohde Mr James & Mrs Nancy Uden Rev Leland G & Mrs Linda Uden Dr Christy N Ulleland Mr Wallace Ullmann Rev Kathy Ulrich Ms Tara Ulrich Mr Lee Urban Rev Mark & Mrs LuAnn Urlaub Rev Loren J & Mrs Lorraine Van Oort Mr Jerry Varner Ms Cathy Viets Rev Robert T & Ms Marcy Voss Rev Shannon & Mr Bryson Wachter Mr Mark & Ms Brenda Wagner Rev William F & Mrs Leone Wagner Mr Gary & Ms Kathryn Wahlers Rev Ann Walsvik Ms Maelee Walther Mr Walter Waltke Ms Lois Watermeier Mr Marlan & Ms Susan Watson Mr Henry & Ms Barbara Wauer

Rev Thomas & Ms Mary Wehrman Rev Laurie Weis Rev Ken & Ms Kathy Weiss Rev Dr William A & Mrs Marilyn Wendt Rev Norman G & Mrs Myrna Wente Rev Barbara & Mr Gaylan Westhoff Mr Dennis White Ms Lynda White Rev Neil White Mr Keith & Ms Eileen Whited Rev Dr Alan & Rev Kathryn Wicks Rev William & Mrs Nancy Wiederanders Dr Rebecca A & Mr Michael L Wiese Rev & Mrs Timothy Wiggins Rev Charles A & Mrs Ute Wilfong Rev Dale & Mrs Susan Wilford Ms Irene Wilhelm Rev Don A & Ms Carol Wilken Rev John C & Ms Phyllis Wilker Rev Kim & Ms Terri Wilker Rev Dr Ritva & Mr John Williams Rev Sally A Williams Dr James E & Ms Gracia C Willis Mr Jack Wilson Mrs Mary & Mr Preston Wilson Mr Ted Winders Rev Linda L & Mr Steve Winkelman Rev Steve & Ms Amy Winsor Ms Carol Winter Rev Kristen & Mr Gary Wipperman Ms Leann Wissink Rev Shannon & Mr Darryn Witt Rev Paul & Mrs Dorothy Wittenberg Rev Kathleen & Mr Dennis Wohlers Rev Kathleen Wold Rev Karl Wolf Rev Charles & Rev Beverly Wolff Mr Rollin & Ms Joyce Wolter Ms Nancy Wright Mr Keith & Mrs Judy Wulff Rev Tina Yankee Rev Dr Katharine & Rev Dr Ronald Yarnell Mr Neill Yeager Rev Dr Dale A Young Rev Edward & Mrs Dianne Zaiser Mr John Zauche Mr Lester Zelle Rev David & Mrs Kristine Zellmer Dr Warren & Mrs Barbara Zemke Mrs Marlene Zenker Ms Kay & Mr Dave Zepeski Rev Casey & Rev Lucinda Zesch Rev Barbara & Mr John Ziah Mrs Arleen Ziemer Rev Dale A & Mrs Beckie Ziemer Rev Mark & Mrs Claudia Ziemer Rev Timothy B & Mrs Wanda Zingale

Grace Lutheran Church, Woodstock, Illinois St Andrews Lutheran Church, Mahtomedi, Minnesota St Olaf Lutheran Church Foundation, Fort Dodge, Iowa

Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Easter Lutheran Church, Eagan, Minnesota Emanuel Extended Ministry Fund, Strawberry Point, Iowa Lord of Love Lutheran Church, Galena, Illinois

Congregational Support Gifts of $25,000 or more First Lutheran Church, Waterloo, Iowa Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 First Lutheran Church, Lafayette, Louisiana

St Paul Lutheran Church, Davenport, Iowa Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Manchester, Missouri

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Oak Valley Lutheran Church, Velva, North Dakota St Johns Lutheran Church, Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin St Matthew Lutheran Church, Davenport, Iowa Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 Lutheran Parish of Western Kansas, Sharon Springs, Kansas First Lutheran Church Foundation, Janesville, Wisconsin Our Saviors Lutheran Church, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin St Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Homestead, Florida First English Lutheran Church Foundation, Peoria, Illinois St Johns Lutheran Church, Dubuque, Iowa Calvary Lutheran Church, Green Bay, Wisconsin St Johns Lutheran Church, Grand Mound, Iowa St Johns Lutheran Church, Grinnell, Iowa Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Epiphany Lutheran Church of Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois St Paul Lutheran Church, Neenah, Wisconsin Christ Lutheran Church, Hot Springs Village, Arkansas Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Gackle, North Dakota Emmaus Lutheran Church, Kennard, Nebraska Faith Lutheran Church, Odebolt, Iowa First Lutheran Church, Conroy, Iowa Hope Lutheran Church, Sioux Center, Iowa Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Marion, Iowa Nazareth Evangelical Lutheran Church, Cedar Falls, Iowa

St James Lutheran Church, Johnston, Iowa St Johns Lutheran Church, Bellevue, Iowa St Johns Lutheran Church, Mendota, Illinois St Peter Lutheran Church, Dubuque, Iowa Trinity Brevort Lutheran Church, Moran, Michigan United Redeemer Lutheran Church, Zumbrota, Minnesota Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Dysart, Iowa

First Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Immanuel Lutheran Church WELCA, Cresco, Iowa St John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Carroll, Iowa St John Lutheran Church, Owatonna, Minnesota St Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sterling, Illinois St Paul Lutheran Church, Palmer, Iowa

Gifts of $500 to $999 Elvira Zion Lutheran Church, Clinton, Iowa Christ Lutheran Church of Spry, York, Pennsylvania St Paul Lutheran Church, Hampton, Iowa Christ Lutheran Church, Arcadia, Wisconsin St Pauls Liberty Lutheran Church, Deerfield, Wisconsin St Johns Lutheran Church, Preston, Iowa Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Peshtigo, Wisconsin St Paul Lutheran Church, Nevada, Missouri Our Savior Lutheran Church, Pinehurst, Idaho American Lutheran Church, Belleville, Kansas Grace Lutheran Church, Elmwood Park, Illinois St Johns Lutheran Church, Elizabeth, Illinois Bethany Lutheran Church, West Branch, Iowa First Lutheran Church, Alexandria, Minnesota St Lukes Lutheran Church, Waukesha, Wisconsin Lincoln Park Lutheran Church, Glendale, Wisconsin St Pauls Lutheran Church, Aurora, Iowa Augustana Lutheran Church, Andover, Illinois Emanuel Lutheran Church, Strawberry Point, Iowa

Gifts Under $499 Ascension Lutheran Church Foundation, Thousand Oaks, California Bethany Lutheran Church, Brodhead, Wisconsin Bethel Lutheran Church, Madison, Wisconsin Cedar River Conference, Marion, Iowa Christ & Trinity WELCA, Sedalia, Missouri Emanuel Lutheran Church, Dayton, Iowa Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Stuttgart, Kansas Faith Lutheran Church, Andover, Iowa Faith Lutheran Church, Jacksonville, Illinois First English Lutheran Church WELCA, Platteville, Wisconsin First Lutheran Church WELCA, Rugby, North Dakota Glenwood Lutheran Church, Decorah, Iowa Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Newton, Iowa Immanuel Lutheran Church, Minonk, Illinois Immanuel Lutheran Church WELCA, Compton, Illinois Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Dubuque, Iowa Lost Pines Lutheran Ministry, Bastrop, Texas Love of Christ Lutheran Church, Weslaco, Texas Moscow Lutheran Church, Austin, Minnesota

Nordland Lutheran Church, Rutland, North Dakota Northeastern Iowa Synod WELCA, Decorah, Iowa Peace Lutheran Church, Albert, Kansas Sisters of Charity BVM, Dubuque, Iowa St Andrew Lutheran Church, Sheboygan, Wisconsin St James Lutheran Church WELCA, Allison, Iowa St James Lutheran Church WELCA, Forreston, Illinois St John Lutheran Church, Olin, Iowa St John Lutheran Church, Pomeroy, Iowa St John Lutheran Church WELCA, Pomeroy, Iowa St John Lutheran Church WELCA, Sumner, Iowa St John’s Lutheran Church, Jamestown, North Dakota St John’s Lutheran Investment Committee, Dundee, Iowa St Marks Lutheran Church, Atchison, Kansas St Marks Lutheran Church, St Paul, Nebraska St Matthews Lutheran Church, Monticello, Iowa St Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Orion, Illinois St Pauls Lutheran Church, Volga, Iowa St Petri Lutheran Church, Story City, Iowa St Stephen Lutheran Church, Wausau, Wisconsin St Timothy Lutheran Church, Hudson, Iowa Trinity Peace Lutheran Parish, Taylor, Wisconsin Vangen Lutheran Church, Mission Hill, South Dakota Zion American Lutheran Church WELCA, Wyoming, Iowa

Alumni Notes ‘52 Rev. Donald Fallon died on June 20, 2018. He served Lutheran Campus Ministry at Kansas State University. ‘57 Rev. Floyd Olsen died on June 6, 2017. He served parishes in Sioux Rapids, Des Moines, and Joyce, IA; Wausau, Whitewater, and Deerfield, WI; and Willmar, MN. ‘61 Rev. Gordon Christiansen died on August 2, 2017. He served Calvary, Rio Linda; Bethany, Pasadena; and Bethany, Kerman, all in California; and Trinity, Clovis, NM.

Rev. Gene Hermeier died on June 17, 2018. In addition to serving parishes in North Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, and Illinois, he was active in the civil rights movement, the Lutheran Cursillo Movement, and Lutheran Prison Ministries. ‘63 Rev Perle David Swinehart died on June 16,2018. He served parishes in Elkport and Littleport, IA. ‘66 Rev. Jim Hughes died on March 23, 2018.

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‘81 Rev. John Sersland retired from St. Olaf, Fort Dodge, IA on June 30, 2018. ‘87 Rev. Jim Duehring is serving as Assistant to the Bishop and Director for Evangelical Mission, Northern Great Lakes Synod, Marquette, MI. ‘13 Rev. Mara Ahles-Iverson began a new call at Zion, Kewanee, IL, on Sept. 28, 2018. She previously served HixtonNorthfield Parish, Hixton, WI.

‘17 Rev. Sam Kost was ordained on August 25, 2018, at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Hazelwood, MO. He has accepted a call at St John’s, Hot Springs, SD. ‘18 Rev. Gus Barnes was ordained on September 15, 2018, at Bayshore, Whitefish Bay, WI. Rev. Lois Graper was ordained on September 22, 2018, at Peace, Tilleda, WI.

Faculty and Staff Updates Rev Dr Javier (Jay) Alanis, Executive Director of the Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest in Austin, Texas, is on Sabbatical leave and will return on January 1, 2019. Ms Susan Eberts, Associate Professor of Bibliography & Academic Research and Director of the Reu Memorial Library, co-led a session at the American Theology Library Association annual meeting on “Connecting with Stakeholders: Creative Marketing for Small Libraries” in Indianapolis, IN in June. Rev Dr Martin Lohrmann, Assistant Professor of Lutheran Confessions & Heritage, gave a presentation at the Lutheran Historical Conference in Thousand Oaks, CA, about important figures in Wartburg’s history, entitled “Prairie Royalty: Auguste von Schwarz (1807-1877) and the Baltic Noblewomen Who Supported the Iowa Synod.” Dr. Lohrmann serves as treasurer for the Lutheran Historical Conference, a group dedicated to studying and preserving American Lutheran history. Rev Dr Craig Nessan, Academic Dean and Professor of Contextual Theology and Ethics, Holder of William D. Streng Professor for the Education and Renewal of the Church, published “Learning from the Barmen Declaration of 1934: Theological-Ethical-Political Commentary.” In Matthias Heesch, Russell Kleckley, and Hans Schwarz, Editors. Flight, Migration, and Integration: A Question for Christian Theology and Social Engagement. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018, pp. 277-283; “Universal Priesthood of All Believers: Unfulfilled Promise of the Reformation.” In Claudia Jahnel, Editor. Reflecting Reformation and the Call for Renewal in a Globalized and Post-Colonial World. Erlangen: Erlanger Verlag fűr Mission und Őkumene, 2018, pp. 69-84; “Adventures into Digital Teaching, Learning, and Formation: A Case Study from Wartburg Theological Seminary,” Journal of Religious Leadership 17 (Fall 2018): 20-45. With Kristine Stache; “Jesus Christ as the Final Scapegoat: Mobilizing Nonviolent Movements for Change,” Review of Ecumenical Studies 11 (2/2018): 230-237. Nessan also presented “Proclaiming and Leading in Challenging Times” at the Fort Dodge Forum (Iowa), September 14 and Cedar Forum (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) on October 11;

“Native American Genocide: Repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery,” at Madison, Wisconsin on October 14; and “You Give Them Something to Eat: A Hunger Offering,” Eastern North Dakota Synod at Calvary Lutheran Church, Grand Forks, ND on November 10. Rev. Herb Palmer, Acting Director of the Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest in Austin, Texas, is a resident of Austin and has most recently served in the Call as Coordinator for Missional Leadership in Region 4. Rev Dr Winston D. Persaud, Prof. of Systematic Theology, Holder of Kent S. Knutson and UELC Chair in Theology and Mission, and Director of the Center for Global Theologies, who is currently on the first half of his sabbatical (July-Dec. 2018), attended the Central States Synod Assembly, 7-9 June, Bethany College, Lindsborg, KS; presented on, “Hearing the Gospel in Select Luther Hymns for Witness to Jesus Christ in the 21st Century at the Luther Academy of the Rockies, 12-22 June; preached and taught in four ELCG parishes— including the Week of Renewal, Redeemer LC, and ELCG two-day Theological Intensive, “The Theology and Practice of Christian Worship,” during his annual summer visit (13July-7Aug.2018). He will be the preacher at the Divine Word College Ecumenical Vespers, 30 Sept. 2018, and Sunday worship, including a memorial service, at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Jamaica, Queens, NY. He will be the presenter at the Fort Dodge Forum, Western Iowa Synod, 8 Nov. 2018, and at the Tri-Synodical Professional Leaders Retreat of Ohio, ELCA, 22-24 Jan. 2019. He published the articles, “Texts and Contexts: A Personal Reflection on Formation for and by the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue, U.S.A.,” in Currents in Theology and Mission, 45, no. 1 (January 2018), 16-23; “Luther on vocation, by Gustaf Wingren: A twenty-first-century theological-literary reading,” Dialog 57: 84-90 (2018), and a book review of The End of Protestantism: Pursuing Unity in Fragmented Church, by Peter J. Leithart (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Brazos Press, 2016. x + 225 pp.), in Anglican Theologica Review, vol. 100, no. 3, pp. 656-657. Rev Dr Charlene Rachuy Cox, Director for Contextual Education, presented at Camp Outlaw Ranch in Custer, SD August 5019 on the topic, “Women of the Word: From then. In now. For all.” She will also speak at “Re-Formed in Baptism: A Catholic and Lutheran

Dialogue” in Springfield, IL at the end of October. Mr Tim Snyder, Director of Digital Teaching & Learning and Instructor of Practical Theology, was elected this summer to a three-year term on the Steering Committee of the Association of Teaching Theologians (ELCA/ ELCIC). This fall he was selected among young faculty for participation in a workshop, sponsored by the Henry Luce Foundation, on interreligious education to be held at this year’s Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion. The workshop will help design new course developments in the area of interreligious dialog and partnerships. Additionally, Tim has been invited to serve on the Educational Technology/Distance Learning Steering Committee of the Association of Theological Schools. Dr. Kristine Stache, Associate Professor of Missional Leadership and Director of Innovative Initiatives, presented “Adventures into Digital Teaching, Learning, and Formation: A Case Study from Wartburg Theological Seminary” at the International Research Consortium held in Zurich, Switzerland, Jun 18-22, 2018. Kris co-authored an article of the same title with Dr. Craig Nessan to be published in the Journal of Religious Leadership this fall. Kris has also been awarded a Villanova Church Management Research Fellowship for academic year 2018-19 to do original research on visionary leadership in the ELCA. She presented her proposal at Villanova, June 27-29, 2018. This past summer Rev Dr Troy Troftgruben, Assistant Professor of New Testament, served as Bible study leader for the Western Iowa synod assembly and for a week of family camp at Fortune Lake Lutheran camp in Crystal Falls, MI. In September he participated in a think tank at the ELCA churchwide office on the Book of Faith initiative. In October he is teaching on Luke’s Gospel at a GIFTS event in Minot for the Western ND synod and at a pastors’ gathering in Fort Dodge, IA. He co-edited the October 2018 issue of Currents in Theology & Mission, in which he published an article (“Salvation ‘Today’ in Luke’s Gospel”). In November he will give a presentation on polling in the classroom as a form of interactive pedagogy at the Society of Biblical Literature conference in Denver. He is currently working on a book project with Fortress Press on NT church communities and their relevance for church and ministry challenges today.

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Upcoming Events: October 27, 2018 Considering Your Call Saturday November 13, 2018 Admissions Online Open House November 27, 2018 Giving Tuesday December 19, 2018 President’s Dinner Advent Festival Worship Service February 22, 2019 Scholarship Celebration March 1-3, 2018 Considering Your Call Weekend April 24-26, 2018 3 Year + All Class Reunion May 14, 2019 Admissions Online Open House

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