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S U M M E R C ATA LO G U E 2 012 - 2 013 Open s : Tu e s da y 4 t h D e ce m b e r 4t h D ecemb er 2 012 - 28t h Fe b r u a r y 2 013

Roy Good, Optical Diamonds, acrylic on canvas, 122 x 122 cm, 1971/09


Don Binney, Te Maire Dargaville, lithograph, ed 10, 61 x 90 cm, 1980

Nick Wall, Ichi 2, acrylic polymer on solid wood support, 41 x 74 cm, 2012

Barry Brickell, Triangular Pot, terracotta salt glaze, 86 cm in height, 2009

Nigel Brown, Te Mata, woodcut, A/P, 43 x 61 cm, 1994

Mervyn Williams, Valencia, acrylic on canvas, 87 x 71.5 cm, 1999

Haneui Kim, Coffee Break, acrylic on canvas, 102 x 76 cm, 2012

Philippa Blair, La Cienega (Diptych), oil on canvas, 51 x 51 cm x 2, 2012

John Tole, Landscape, oil on paper on hardboard, 25.5 x 30.5 cm, c1950

Amy Melchior, Bloom 3, encaustic & ink on board, 60 cm dia., 2012

Roy Good, Gem, acrylic on canvas on board, 61 x 61 cm, 1972

Alexander Bartleet, Aluminium Rough 3, mixed media & aluminium Metalier coating on board, 30 x 30 cm, 2012

Fatu Feu’u, Coral Reef, carved & painted Macrocarpa, approx 280 x 70 x 70 cm, 2012

Mark Wooller, Waiatarau, Freemans Bay, Auckland, oil on canvas, 84 x 107 cm, 2012

Justin Summerton, Bachelor Pad II, oil on canvas, 111 x 153 cm, 2012

Nigel Brown, Sure to Rise, original hand-coloured woodcut, 75.5 x 60 cm, 1989

John Pule, E Fenonga e koe haau, lithograph & woodcut, ed 34, 94 x 71.8 cm, 1999

John Hurrell, Bars in Two Directions, acrylic on canvas, 135.5 x 125 cm, 1979


32 Bath St, Parnell, Auckland, NZ | T/F. +64 9 309 7513 | W. | E.

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