Open access publishing… The Welcome to the July edition of the Research Exchange newsletter. future for journal articles?
Wolfson Research Exchange newsletter
Summer is upon us and so is our exciting new month of Research "Open access" means no subscription Events. Read on to find out all the latest happenings. barriers to reading published content
(although it does not mean publishing without anyone retaining copyright)! The The Wolfson Research Exchange is the subject of a study entitled main benefit of open access publishing is that “What makes a good academic environment?” by Dr. Jennifer Parkin more people will be able to read, use or build of Nottingham Trent University. Dr. Jennifer on research findings, which results in higher profiles and more citations for open access Parkin and Simon Allanby are part of the authors. research team from the Academic Workspace An author’s route into open access publishing project. The aim of the project is to translate can include paying a fee for publication, to the proven success of existing academic work cover the publisher's costs in place of spaces into the development of future higher subscription income, or, making their final‐ education learning environments. Jennifer version article available to all online on a web and Simon have visited a number of dedicated advanced learning page or in an open access repository. The environments across UK and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a internationally, the Wolfson Research great place to find open access titles on the web: http://www.doaj.org/ Exchange being one among them. They have been working with us since April Policy information and have conducted a series of Over the last few months Research Exchange interviews with Warwick researchers users have been expressing their interest in working within the space and have the aims of the facility and to answer these collected data from detailed surveys queries, the relevant policy information is now available on our website. If you are and observations. We are delighted to interested in knowing more or discussing any be part of their research and look forward to the final outcomes of of this information, please visit our forum the project. More information on this can be found at: where open discussion and the collection of www.academicworkspace.com your feedback is greatly welcomed.
Researching the Research Exchange
Careers clinics in the Research Exchange
Did you know…?
If you’d like expert advice on job You can now pay library fines using credit or applications, CVs and interview debit cards at the floor 1 helpdesk and can techniques, join Gill de Calvo from also make payments online. For further the Careers Service for some details see: relaxed afternoon careers http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/library/ main/basics/fines/onlinepayment/ discussions in the Research Exchange on the first Wednesday of each month. The last session was attended by more than 30 Contact us at researchexchange@warwick.ac.uk researchers, so make sure you or check out latest updates on our Blog at: http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/researchexchange/ book your place for the 1st of July You can also follow us on Twitter at: session on job applications soon! http://twitter.com/ResearchEx 1
What’s on... July 09 1st July: 11am ‐ 1pm ePortfolio Drop‐in session Informal Work Areas 12pm ‐ 5pm Senate Meeting Seminar Rooms 1, 2 and 3 12pm ‐ 2pm CV Clinic:‐ help on job applications Informal Work Areas 7pm ‐ 9pm English Reading Group Seminar Room 1 2nd July: 10am ‐ 11am Research Group Meeting Seminar Room 2 12pm ‐ 2pm Research Staff Forum Seminar Room 3
13th July: 9:30am ‐ 10:30am Chemistry Group Meeting Seminar Room 1 15th July: 11am ‐ 1pm ePortfolio Drop‐in session Informal Work Areas 20th July: 9:30am ‐ 10:30am Chemistry Group Meeting Seminar Room 1 22th July: All‐day Video conferencing installation Seminar Rooms 1, 2 and 3
7pm ‐ 9pm English Reading Group 1:30pm ‐ 5pm Research collaboration between Chemistry, Warwick Medical Seminar Room 1 School and Tangent Reprofiling Limited Seminar Room 1 23th July: All‐day 6th July: Video conferencing installation Seminar Rooms 1, 2 and 3 9:30am ‐ 10:30am Chemistry Group Meeting 24th July: Seminar Room 1 All‐day 12pm ‐ 2pm Video conferencing installation Politics of State Feminism in Post Industrial Democracies Seminar Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Seminar Room 1 7th July: 9am ‐ 5pm Institute of Advanced Studies Workshop: advice and practical training on job interviews Seminar Rooms 1, 2 and 3 th
8 July: 7pm ‐ 9pm English Reading Group Seminar Room 1 th
9 July: 10am ‐ 11am Research Group Meeting Seminar Room 2
27th July: 9:30am ‐ 10:30am Chemistry Group Meeting Seminar Room 1 29th July: 11am ‐ 1pm ePortfolio Drop‐in session Informal Work Areas 7pm ‐ 9pm English Reading Group Seminar Room 1
30th July: 12pm ‐ 1pm 10th July: Careers Interview Clinic ‐ OPEN TO ALL 9am ‐ 2pm Department of Sociology Summer School Event: "Theory for a Informal Work Areas and Seminar Room 1 Global Age: Cosmopolitan and Postcolonial Perspectives"
Seminar Rooms 1 and 2 2