BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING MSc Biomedical Engineering 1 year full time | Course code: H800 Accrediting institutions:
D E V E L O P S TAT E - O F -T H E - A R T K N O W L E D G E A N D U N D E R S TA N D I N G O F B I O M E D I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G AT P O S TG R A D U AT E L E V E L . Warwick School of Engineering has a unique systems approach to biomedical research and teaching. Our MSc Biomedical Engineering delivers advanced modules developed across disciplines incorporating biomedical signal processing, medical imaging, predictive modelling, medical device design, electronics, communication, software, hardware, systems thinking and machine intelligence. In addition you will be assigned an in-depth individual project, which will allow you to work closely with an academic on state-of-the art biomedical
engineering research and innovation, often linked with industry, and with cutting-edge areas of application across the biomedical field. The course prepares students for careers in advanced biomedical engineering. This includes biomedical engineering research institutions, medical device manufacturers, medical device regulators, and clearly hospitals, where biomedical engineers oversee medical device clinical trials, purchasing and maintenance as responsible for clinical engineering services.
"The Biomedical MSc at Warwick has given me the opportunity to explore a wide range of topics within the field, as well as getting hands on experience, applying the knowledge gained in lectures. As well as finding this very interesting, it gave me a competitive advantage when looking for a job." Charlotte, MSc in Biomedical Engineering graduate
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