Beef Shorthorn Newsletter August 2017

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Newsletter: NSF Sponsorship We are grateful to sponsors NSF who are kindly sponsoring the champions at The Great Yorkshire Show as well as the Autumn Calf shows. The prize includes a year’s membership of their farm assured beef scheme and a bottle of champagne.

August 2017

Beef Shorthorn

Society Sales: Worcester – 23rd September Stirling – Sunday 22nd Inspection & Show - Scottish Club Supper Evening. 23rd October - Sale Skipton – 8th November

Society Events: National Young Show Stars 22-23 August Three Counties Showground, Malvern Agri Expo – 3rd November, Borderway Market Carlisle

Members had chance to catch up with retired Secretary Frank Milnes at the Great Yorkshire Show pictured presenting the Northern Club Frank Milnes Trophy for the best yearling heifer to Charles Horrell.

New Breed Secretary takes up the Reins

SW Beef Event - 8th November Westpoint

As of 1st August Joanna Bailey has joined the Society in her position as Breed Secretary and we extend a warm welcome to her. Joanna will be at the Sales and Events this autumn and hopes to meet as many members as possible. Joanna’s contact details are 07399 452015 and email: Morrisons very kindly hosted the trophy presentation at the Great Yorkshire Show.

Beef Shorthorn Cattle Society Pedigree Cattle Services, Pedigree House, 6 Kings Place, Perth, Perthshire. PH2 8AD Scotland tel: 01738 622478 email:

The Morrisons Beef Shorthorn Scheme continues to grow with Beef Shorthorn labelled beef being sold in more Morrisons stores and demand for Beef Shorthorn sired animals remaining high. A number of members have helped out in the 24 Hours in Farming campaign by meeting shoppers in Morrisons stores to spread the word about farming in the UK.

All registration and membership administration will continue to be carried out by Pedigree Cattle Services and for all queries on those matters contact: 01738 622478 e.mail: Mail: Beef Shorthorn Cattle Society, Pedigree Cattles Services, Pedigree House, 6 King’s Place, PERTH, PH2 8AD. Please DO NOT send registration forms/cheques or any other mail to the old address at Stoneleigh. This only delays our ability to process your requests and adds to the possibility of paperwork going astray. We cannot be responsible for mail that has not arrived at the correct postal address. Registrations completed on-line are the quickest and safest way to send in information. The on line process also lessens the likelihood of mistakes being made.

‘The ideal functional suckler cow’

Autumn Female and Bull Sale at United Auctions Stirling – 22nd/23rd October

Autumn Sales and Health Pen Cards Please note that some of the Health Scheme Providers now require 6 weeks notice for blood sample and Health Pen card requests for sales. If you are selling at Worcester or Stirling arrange with you Vet to get the tests done now and request the Health Cards from your scheme provider if you have not already done so. Tests for Skipton should also be done from 8th August onwards. Make sure you complete your Herd Health Declaration when you enter your cattle. When your Pen cards arrive check that these are correct – this is the Vendors responsibility. Do not rely on your Vet/ Scheme Provider being up to date with our Society requirements. Incorrect Pen cards will mean that your animals are excluded from the sale. Balmoral Breed Champion was Uppermill Gypsy Robyn (right) exhibited by James Porter. Reserve was Priestland Crocus 11th exhibited by David Alexander.


The Society has secured a discount at The Stirling Highland Hotel during the bull sales. Please quote ‘Beef Shorthorn’ when call reception on 01786 272727. Single occupancy is £85 and Double £95 for bed and breakfast.

From 1st January 2018 we are hoping to send out all correspondence and future newsletters via email so please check on the database that your email address is up to date and correct so that you don’t miss out. If you still require your info to be sent by post please let PCS at Perth know.

Agri Expo Beef Shorthorn Calf Classes – Friday 3rd November

Members Directory and Journal Adverts

The schedule is now available for the above event and can be downloaded from the Society website or requested from PCS at Perth. Entries close 25th September.

The time of year is now upon us to begin thinking about Journal Adverts and Members Directory entries. The prices are as last year and the deadline for copy is 27th October email copy to Joanna at jobailey@ or post to PCS at Perth.

There are also Beef Shorthorn classes at the following calf shows so contact them if you would like a schedule:Stars of the Future – Stirling – contact: 07711 288346 Northern Club Calf Show 12th November – contact club secretary Caroline Ivinson: 01768 881343 Winter Stock Festival, Peterborough – contact: 01733 234451 The calf shows are a good place to start if you want to go showing!

At the Royal Welsh Mary Cormack and Richard Bartle presented Westhide Zoe to take not only the Breed Championshiop but also Reserve Interbreed. (right) The reserve Breed Champion and Junior was Sowerby Park Kincaid exhibited by Graham Hunt.

The Mohmar Trophy Congratulations go to James Porter who has swept up the Mohmar Trophy yet again. Points awarded over Balmoral, Royal Highland, Great Yorkshire and Royal Welsh Shows saw the Uppermill Team as clear winners. Tracy and Mark Severn were in second place with Graham Hunt third. Many thanks go to our Sponsors of this competition Highland Wagyu for their continued support.

Summer Shows Many congratulations go to Tracy and Mark Severn on doing the double of being Breed Champion at both the Royal Highland Show and the Great Yorkshire with Millerston Jester (cover). Royal Highland Show Female Champion, Res Breed and Junior Ch. went to Uppermill Blythesome Kim exhibited by James Porter. At the Great Yorkshire Reserve Breed and Junior went to Millerston Kasper (below) from Jack Ramsay and Female Champion was Podehole Gypsy Kayla from Harry Horrell.

There has been a good turnout at many of the Summer Shows and our thanks go to all the exhibitors for flying the Beef Shorthorn flag and to our Judges who do a great job for us. Due to the staffing situation this summer Area Clubs have kindly helped with manning the Society stand at the main shows. They have done an excellent job and our thanks go to all concerned.


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