Annual Report 2010-11

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Warwick SU Annual Review

Annual Report Introduction 2. Your Union 3. Your Opportunities 4. Your Wellbeing 5. Your Voice 6. Your Community 7. Your Activities 8. Our Vision

Warwick SU Annual Review

Introduction President of Warwick SU Promoting the interests and welfare of students in 2010/2011 will be remembered as a challenging year for both the student movement and for Warwick SU. However, both staff and officers at Warwick SU took the year’s challenges in their stride. It was a year of new initiatives and promising beginnings with the implementation of a brand new strategy. Warwick SU refocused its mission and vision, preparing itself for the uncertain challenges ahead. Sabbatical Officers launched a variety of new initiatives such as “Warwick SU puts its Foot Down,” “Rant Week,” “Relax Housing Campaign,” “Taken for a Ride,” and “Go Global.” Existing activities saw a greater student involvement with record participation in clubs and societies, increased turnout in Officer Elections and a greater campaigning resolve on campus.

“It was a year of new initiatives and promising beginnings with the implementation of a brand new strategy”

The successes of the year and vibrant atmosphere found at Warwick SU are down to its staff, students and officers. Whilst 2010/2011 has been a testing year, Warwick SU has proved itself more than capable of meeting challenges. I hope this report shows the SU’s achievements and its endeavour to give students the best possible experience at Warwick. We will always be striving to improve and change in order to deliver this fundamental goal.

- Daniel Stevens

Warwick SU Annual Review

Chief Executive of Warwick SU Warwick SU’s mission and purpose is clear and unambiguous: to create a better experience for students at Warwick. Everything the officers, Trustees, staff and volunteers do is focused on delivering a positive impact for each one of our members based on their specific and diverse needs. I would like to extend my personal thanks to all those hugely dedicated students, staff, volunteers and Trustees who work so hard to ensure that Warwick SU provides such a vibrant, caring and inclusive environment. The relationship we have with our University colleagues is critical to our ability to achieve change for students. I would like to extend our thanks to the University staff we work so closely with and without whom our jobs would be so much more difficult. Warwick SU strives to be whatever it is our members tell us they need us to be; we represent students, help students campaign and campaign on their behalf, we advise, support and provide students with information, we create and facilitate development opportunities, give students space to debate and discuss issues, we entertain students and give them somewhere to chill out and to reflect. Doing all of this has often put strains on our resources and balancing delivery of our members’ expectations of us with the aim to be here for the long haul, financially sustainable, achieving excellence and being effective, is challenging. Listening and responding to our members is the foundation on which we base all of our decisions, however. We have tried hard to embed this principle in everything we do and we will continue to challenge ourselves on this.

Students at Warwick have been clear with us that achieving academic excellence and enhancing their employment prospects are their priorities. A harsh funding environment has seen us refocus our Strategy on our core purpose of student representation whilst an uncertain landscape across the sector has seen the fire of student activism rekindled. As a Union we believe we will emerge stronger and better able to support, serve and represent our members.

Warwick SU strives to be whatever it is our members tell us they need us to be As you will see from the review of 2010-11 on the following pages, this year has been one characterised by action, achievement and by reflection. There is no doubt that a great deal has been accomplished whether it is improving our financial position, successes in representation, winning change for students, supporting outstanding development activity, impact on the local community but there is also no doubt that we can and must improve in certain areas. We have confidence for the future and you can be assured that we will go forward with determination and enthusiasm, inspired by the examples set by our members. Our members’ experience at Warwick is all that matters to us.

- Jacqui Clements

Warwick SU Annual Review

Mission Statement and Values

“This Union is directed by its members and aims to enhance the experience of students whilst at the University of Warwick� - SU Mission Statement -

Our Core Values

Warwick SU Annual Review

Number of People who feel Warwick SU has contributed positively to their time at Warwick (Big5 Survey). Aim: 85%

Aim: Achieve Investors in People Accreditation in 2011


Achieved in


Aim: Achieve Planned Surplus of £57,000 Voter turnout Officer Elections 2011. Aim: 5,200 (30% of membership)

5,556 Number of students who are course reps

Surplus of


11,575 documents requesting payment were processed by the finance department

700 £32,323 was passed back to students

Volunteers with Warwick Volunteers

2,300 Number of you attending the National Demonstration


Achievement at the Environmental Sound Impact awards

ACHIEVED GOLD Warwick SU reduced its waste by


Your Union

Achievements Well-run organisations set clear objectives each year and communicate those to everyone involved. Obviously, a crucial component of these objectives is being able to see whether they have been successfully achieved –there need to be measures in place. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are, in simple terms, measures of achievement relating to our aims for the year. It is fair to say that KPIs are not the only way of assessing how effective the SU has been but they are a very helpful part of the ways in which we gauge our performance and make sure we achieve our mission: to create a better experience for students at Warwick.

Warwick SU Annual Review

Number of you joining the Warwick SU Facebook page



We employ between students each year cross a variety of departments

- Almost 300 Students marched for Warwick SU Puts Its Foot Down - Taken for a Ride bus campaign

Number of you who are Societies Federation members

7,750 Number of Warwick Sport members


ÂŁ593,758 in student pockets in wages

Your Union


Warwick SU Annual Review

Your Union

The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

Warwick SU runs: the

“Warwick Students’ Union - creating a better experience for students at Warwick.”


Warwick SU is a charity.

Upon enrolling at Warwick, every student automatically becomes a member of the Students’ Union. We exist solely to provide services for our members – that means every single one of you!

Any money spent in these outlets goes directly back towards student activities.

The SU and the University are completely separate entities.

Although we receive an annual grant from the University and work closely with them, we are an independent organisation which is here to represent your interests on a local, regional and national level.

Warwick SU is a self-run, self-sustaining operation.

All the revenue we bring in gets divided up between different areas of the organisation to ensure that we’re able to provide a wealth of services for the student body.

Warwick SU runs nightclub events, bars and food outlets in order to fund student activities. These include… Democracy

Opportunities: jobs & volunteering

Academic representation

Student Advice Centre

Campaigning: Local, Regional and National

Nearly 300 sports clubs and student societies

Warwick SU is NOT linked to: Any money spent in these outlets goes to - The Arts Centre either the University or the respective - Costcutter companies involved. - Varsity - Library Café - Rootes Bar - Rootes Restaurant - Costa - The Uni Express / The UniBus

Warwick SU does not make a profit

Any surplus revenue generated goes back into the pot to fund student activities

Warwick SU Annual Review

Your Opportunities The Union prides itself on giving training and support to aid personal development. Students are an integral part of the staff team and each year we have over 1,000 applications for jobs! The Warwick SU Inspire scheme is a scheme which involves students visiting comprehensive schools in the West Midlands area. Our students talk about their life at Warwick, and discuss with the pupils about their perceptions of the University experience. The Union managed to encourage the University to put more resources into the Inspire scheme to enable greater peer-to-peer outreach with local schools. 240 under-16 year-old pupils experienced the scheme with 60 volunteers. As such we have significantly expanded the scheme, enabling the Students’ Union to reach more school pupils and to engage more Warwick students.

“Warwick Inspire is a fantastic initiative which seeks to promote greater social mobility. It offers students the opportunity to do something for those less fortunate than ourselves, and has been a very rewarding experience.”

- Aatif Somji

“240 under-16 year-old pupils experienced the scheme with 60 volunteers.” “Warwick Inspire aims to raise the aspirations of school pupils. Having received training from Warwick SU and TeachFirst, other volunteers and I were able to create our own workshops for Year 7 pupils busting some of the myths surrounding university education and access.”

- Katherine Davighi

Warwick SU Annual Review

Your Opportunities JOBS AT WARWICK SU Here in the Union we employ over 250 part-time student staff. We have a whole host of different roles available – from bar staff and Technical Services crew to our student distribution and promotion guys. Working for the SU part-time is a great opportunity to meet people, have fun and – most importantly – earn a bit of extra cash. Cultural Day at St. John’s School


Student-Staff Liaison Committee

Academic and course representation within the University to improve the learning experience.

OFFICERS Warwick SU is led by students. Each year our members elect 7 students to work full-time in the Union (as a sandwich year or post-study) to lead different aspects of the student experience. Additionally, 30 Part-Time Officers are elected with students volunteering their time while studying to different areas of the Union. Some sit on University Committees, lobbying for improvements to facilities and course content; others lead campaigns on the Environment, Ethics and Liberation issues such as minority rights; others chair various Union committees and forums, working to improve the Union’s ability to represent students and provide them with opportunities to enhance their employability.

VOLUNTEERING AT WARWICK SU From being on a club or society exec to visiting local schools, Warwick SU has plenty of volunteering opportunities available which can greatly boost employability. Volunteering is a great way to develop new skills, acquire vital work experience and increase your overall employability, whatever career path you want to pursue. You can create and manage your own project, increase your knowledge of a particular career area and hone your transferable skills in a productive and enjoyable way.

Student Helper Enrichment class at Hereward College

Warwick SU Annual Review

Student Safety Survey

Your Wellbeing 2500


2000 1591 1500

024 7641 7668 (internal 22199)

Nightline Block, 9pm - 9am

1031 1000



Nightline is a student-run, independent, confidential and non-judgmental listening service on campus. This means that you can call, e-mail or drop by for any reason at all and they won’t judge you or tell you what to do. They are simply here to listen.



370 74


You can also pick up free advice leaflets on a wide range of subjects, free condoms, personal attack alarms and more. Find us in the Nightline block, in between Old Rootes and New Rootes, next to the launderette.






Advice Centre Enquiries 2010 /11

667 people responded to the survey, with 525 answering all questions. As a result of the findings a number of proposals were compiled, some of which involve lobbying the University for better security provision and lights on campus, whilst others are more focused on raising awareness of hate crime reporting and the shuttle bus service. The implementation of these proposals is ongoing and it is likely that a safety survey will be conducted again in the future to elucidate the continued need for improvement.

1st Year Accommodation:

Moving-in guides:

Holocaust Memorial Day:

After more than 100 students were left without accommodation due to over-subscription, they were temporarily accommodated in Whitefields for two weeks prior to the start of term. During this time, the SU worked with Warwick Accommodation to provide them with house-hunting information. In addition to this, the SU provided entertainment and activities to ensure that the students still had a good experience and bonded during these early few days at University.

These were distributed to estate agents in Leamington, so that students could pick them up when they collected their keys. The guide was made available online and included details of key contacts, waste disposal and advice.

A video was compiled, with numerous students being filmed. The theme for the day was ‘Not in my generation’ and the video was made available on the SU website and youtube to honour victims of the Holocaust.

Warwick SU Annual Review

Your Voice

Taken for a RideBus Campaign

What was it? Our bus campaign! Aimed at two bus companies, looking at price, frequency and service with the aim of making improvements in all areas

What did we do? The Meetings – we, along with the University’s Transport Manager, met with the Managing Directors of Stagecoach and Travel Coventry to explain the issues students faced and demand a better quality of service. The Petition - We spent a week gathering student signatures at bus stops and around campus, creating a movement for change. The Letter - We created a facebook group which nearly 1,000 students joined and received over 100 email complaints which were compiled into a 16-page letter to send to the companies.

What did we achieve? Whilst Stagecoach remained unresponsive, Travel Coventry announced significant improvements to their number 12 service with more frequent and evening buses. The University also introduced its own bus service working with Travel De Courcey, operating in Leamington and Coventry. Designed to relieve peak hours this popular (and cheaper) service is here to stay!

Feedback Campaigns 2010/11 saw the introducion of multiple new feedback systems so our members can help make Warwick SU as good as it can be. Have Your Say – with comment cards in our outlets, forms online and responses in the SU building and the Bubble, Have Your Say is our premier feedback system Rant Week – week 10, term 1, a themed week devoted to hearing our members moans and gripes about the Union, University and beyond The Big 5 – our annual membership survey entered its second year with feedback about everything we do So what did you tell us? Some pieces of feedback and what we did about them: The Buses - our Taken for a Ride Bus Campaign

The website - you said it was confusing and out of date, we undertook a total redesign and updated everything

Nights out - you wanted a better variety of music and more nights that didn’t involve clubbing. We reviewed our entertainments, put more on in the Terrace Bar and brought back Top Banana

have your say GOT SOMETHING TO SAY...?

Warwick SU Annual Review

Your Voice

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Warwick is a buzzing campus - with over 36% of its students coming from outside of the UK, international/EU students contribute to the vibe of the campus community. We understand that moving to a new country for the first time can be pretty intimidating, so through events, advice and societies we support the transition.

OVER 36% OF ITS STUDENTS COMING FROM OUTSIDE OF THE UK Right from the start of Orientation Week, we do our best to make students feel at home and adjust to life in the UK. If ever worried about any aspect of University life, we offer support - the Student Advice Centre in SUHQ and the elected officers are there so students can speak to someone in confidence.

POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS When you hear the term ‘Students’ Union’, your perception may be that it’s an organisation solely for Undergraduates. With over 40% of the student body being part of the Postgraduate community, however, we pride ourselves in accommodating Postgraduates as much as any Undergraduate student - we have opportunities and activities for Postgraduates and encourage involvement as much as possible.


Warwick SU Annual Review

We sold...


79,738 Pints of Purple 34,957 BOTTLES OF VK

103,359 Baguettes 82,323

SHOTS OF VODKA 17,231 Cocktails

24,148 SHOTS OF JD

305,891 Soft Drinks 3884 BREAKFASTS

99,846 Main Meals

Warwick SU Annual Review

Events in 2010/11 In 2010/11 we saw student participation across a huge range of events and activites. Just some of the highlights feature below:

Warwick SU Annual Review

The Summer Party 2011, the climax to the SU’s Entertainments provision, saw the biggest attendance at a Union run event for many years. 3,800 students enjoyed fairground rides, festival stalls & refreshment, an after party & an entertainment bill topped by Feeder and Chase & Status as the mercury hit 32OC on the hottest day of the year.

The feedback from many, was that this day was the best event the SU had ever put on. The other two end of year events, The Graduation Ball & The Sports Ball, were once more sell out events at the National Motorcycle Museum & Hilton Metropole respectively. They provided a fitting end to the student life of many of our soon to be Graduates and a final celebration and plaudits for their successes for Warwick’s Sports Teams.

Warwick SU Annual Review

Charitable Objectives

In July 2010 Warwick SU changed its charitable status and in doing so developed three new charitable objectives. Outlined in our Memorandum and Articles of Association they are as follows:

1. Promoting the interests and welfare of students at the University of Warwick during their course of study and representing, supporting and advising Students. Over 47% of enquiries are from Postgraduates and over 40% are from International students This year the Advice Centre has dealt with 6,652 cases covering topics including academic advice, housing, immigration and employment rights. Much of the support is done on an individual basis but this year has also seen significant successes with refreshed advice webpages and work done following changes to Visa laws.

Supporting students through exam stress An advice-centred campaign, Feel Good is all about keeping students healthy and sane during the exam season. With exam checklists, tips and nutritional advice we hope we were helpful during an incredibly busy period.

7 clinics with over 537 students attending

700 students attending Housing Day in January A new campaign for 2010/11 to dispel housing ‘myths’, we saw significant success with 700 students attending Housing Day in January. Case statistics suggest this was a hugely successful campaign with fewer students rushing into contracts and our members getting better deals.

Our bus campaign At Warwick SU, we felt that enough was enough! It was about time that students, as a low-income group in society, stood up to the bus companies and told them what they really thought about the cost of travel. Taken for a ride was born.

Sexual health is really important but can be overlooked or deemed embarassing. The SU runs regular GUM Clinics in a friendly, relaxed environment keeping all details confidential. In order to curb the spreading and contracting of STIs, the Welfare Officer works in conjunction with Warwick Hospital’s sexual health facilities to bring mobile clinics to campus. There’s no need to make an appointment!

Over 600 students ranted GOT SOMETHING TO SAY...?

A themed feedback week giving students the opportunity to ‘rant’ about anything and everything. The responses were then reviewed and changes were made wherever feasible within the Union while University ones were taken to University meetings.

Warwick SU Annual Review

Charitable Objectives 2. Being the recognised representative channel between students and the University of Warwick and any other external bodies.

Student Safety Survey

The Student Safety Survey had a total of 667 respondents indicating a good level of engagement on an important issue. It increased our awareness of the different experiences of diverse demographic groups on campus such as international students. Although there is still work to be done to implement the recommendations fully it remains a good benchmark and source of information to take forward.

Union Council report

Across the year there have been 7 Union Council meetings with the highest attendance levels on record. New policy has focused on changes to Higher Education funding, safety on-campus, club and society sponsorship and widening participation; with all meetings finishing within 2 hours.

Officer Elections

The headline democratic event of the year, Officer Elections 2011 saw turnout soar to 5,556. All Sabbatical Officer positions were filled with the election of a Postgraduate and female Sabb along with 4 re-elected Officers from the 2010/11 team.

The most high-profile campaign of the year, Warwick SU Puts Its Foot Down saw us protest and lobby against the new Higher Education funding regime. Taking 300 Warwick students down to the National Demonstration in London on 10/11/10, gathering signatures.

National Conference We sent 5 delegates to National Conference, and a total of 6 students to NUS Liberation Conferences in 2010-11. This has improved our engagement with and understanding of NUS with the result that this year many more students are going to NUS events, participating in training and being elected onto national committees. We have submitted policy to several conferences, used social policy and campaign briefings to supplement our own work and have a much greater understanding of the national HE landscape thanks to the connections made with other Student Unions and NUS leadership.

Warwick SU Annual Review

Charitable Objective 3. Providing social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of its Students


Our societies cover just about every area of interest or activity you could imagine. Joining a society is a great way to try out something completely new, make new friends or simply have a whole lot of fun. Students run our societies, dealing with budgets, organising trips and picking up skills that they don’t get from just doing a degree.



Warwick SU as an employer


We are an organisation which is committed to continuous learning and we strive to develop our employees to their full potential. We believe that our students, staff and organisation in general benefit from Warwick SU having a high-performing, motivated and committed workforce. We place great emphasis on our annual staff development review process and on managing and developing talent with a long term perspective. Our commitment to learning and development was recognised in March 2011 with us being awarded Investors in People reaccreditation. We are also proud that several of our permanent staff members – many of them managers - previously worked for us as students and are still here, several years later!

We won Varsity – a 35 sports fixture series against Coventry University - 38-32 this year, 4 points up on the victory margin last year, and held a series of ‘showcase events’ which saw in excess of 1000 people in total attending ice hockey, basketball and netball, and football fixtures. 10,800 people are engaged in sport at Warwick, overall 6,000 students got involved in club activities last year, with each sports club offering a different level of competitiveness, atmosphere and chance to develop skill levels and employability. Increased participation was seen with expansion in the intra mural leagues. Cricket and rounders leagues provided students with new opportunities to play sport at a recreational level during the summer months and through this many more were engaged in sport and Union activity that included active and fitness programmes. Sports Week is a chilled out period of sport at the end of the year once exams are over. Tournaments were held in Dodgeball, Rounders, 5-a-side football, cricket and badminton, and there was a Water Polo taster session. Trampolining also conducted a ’24-hour bounce’ in aid of charitable causes.

Warwick SU Annual Review

Financial Review 2011

As a result of the changes to the Charities Act 2006, Warwick Students’ Union created a new company limited by guarantee on 29 June 2010 and registered with the Charity Commission on 15 July 2010. All the assets and liabilities held by the previous unincorporated membership association were transferred to the new company on 1 August 2010.


Income and Expenditure

The overall surplus for the year was £265,297 (2010: £566,876). This represents 4% of total incoming resources and was £207,750 ahead of the budget for the year of £57,547. This was the second improved financial year for the Union and the first full year of trade in the newly refurbished building.

The Food and Beverage outlets traded very well contributing £78,308 (2010: £54,421) and with income £250,507 ahead of last year - £2,478,250 (2010: £2,227,743). This was the first year of full trade out of the newly refurbished building and strong trading performances were turned in by the Union’s baguettes-to-order outlet: The Bread Oven, the Union’s pub: The Dirty Duck and the Union’s tea shop: CuriosiTea. The story wasn’t the same for the Union’s Venue, The Copper Rooms. Since the original proposal in 2006 for the building redevelopment the business model has changed. The market for live music is now very different and students’ social habits have changed. This is not just happening at Warwick, there is change nationally in the way that live music venues operate. Disappointingly the Venues did not increase income significantly - only £27,310 increase on last year to £1,252,757 (2010: £1,225,447). Costs also increased in line and action was taken during the year to scale back the programmes to minimise adverse financial impact.


Total Resources Expended increased by £574,074 to £6,424,626 (2010: 5,850,552). This reflects the new rental charge payable to the University of Warwick Foundation Fund of £450,000 per annum for the Union buildings.


Warwick SU Annual Review

In our outlets we sold...


9,855 Portions of Fish & Chips

28,593 Burgers of all sorts, shapes and sizes 29,469 DIFFERENT CAKES AND PASTRIES

6,875 Dishes of Honey B Chicken


102,788 Pints of Session Lager

Warwick SU Annual Review

STRUCTURE, GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT Warwick Students’ Union (the Union) is constituted under the Education Act 1994 as a charity with internal rules and regulations approved by University Council, the governing body of the University of Warwick. The Union’s charitable objects under the Act, to advance the University’s educational purposes by providing representation and support for the students of the University of Warwick, are supplemented by the further object of helping members to develop their own charitable activities as participants in civil society. Following the publication of the Charities Act 2006, Warwick Students’ Union has moved from the traditional unincorporated association model and has registered as a charity with the Charity Commission and incorporated as a company limited by guarantee, as of 1 August 2010.


THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE This consists of the Sabbatical Officer Trustees and Part Time Officers. The Executive Committee covers aspects of student voice such as representation and campaigning focusing on policy implementation.

The Union is administered by its Board of Trustees comprising of:- - - - -

up to five appointed external lay members. up to six appointed full student members who are not Sabbatical Officers. up to seven student Sabbatical Officers . The President acts as Chair of the Board of Trustees. The appointed Student Trustees are recruited to the Board and selected by the Trustees and Union Council to serve a maximum term of two years.

The Board of Trustees is supported by four committees which focus on certain key aspects of Warwick Students’ Union governance and management:- - - -

The Executive Committee The Search and Nominations Committee The Audit and Risk Committee The Finance and Human Resources Committee

SEARCH AND NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE This ensures that new Trustees are recruited, inducted and developed properly. They also have responsibility for recruitment of the Chief Executive. AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE This monitors the Union’s finances, risk profile and other aspects which could impact on Warwick Students’ Union’s organisational health as well as ensuring that the Union is complying with relevant legislation. FINANCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE This examines issues relating to finance. It scrutinises the management and annual accounts, financial plans and annual budgets. It also monitors issues relating to staff including the staff survey results, pay changes, training and development as well as staff policies.

Warwick SU Annual Review

Board of Trustees Sabbatical Trustees

Student Trustees

Daniel Stevens President

Andrew Clary Medical School

Sean Ruston Education Officer

Jordaan Wolfson Accounting & Finance

Chris Luck Democracy & Comms Officer Stuart Stanley Finance Officer

Victoria Fowler Politics Thomas Evans Management

George Whitworth Sports Officer

Cathy Watts

Andy White Societies Officer

Brian Wood

Leo Boe Welfare Officer

History History

Lay Trustees: Judith Ryder A highly experienced HR professional, recently retired, Executive Director of Organisational Development with Whitefriars Housing Group Ltd. Lucy Morrison Lucy is a Cambridge English graduate and now working as a solicitor, specialising in Commercial Litigation. Ian King A highly experienced Chief Executive with over thirty years in senior management positions in ‘not for profit’ organisations. Most recently, Ian was the Chief Executive of NUS Services Limited (the commercial arm of NUS). Tom Smeaton Previously Director/Chairman of number of companies including National Sports Medicine Institute, Leicester City Football Club, and JJ Churchill Ltd. He has expertise in fund raising having previously worked as fund raising Director for Lord Attenborough Centre for Disability and the Arts, and raising funds for new main stand at LCFC. Spent time as interim Executive Director with several companies in the construction industry in the commercial, health and education sectors. Steve Baylis Previously Director of Bath Place Community Venture in Leamington as well as having significant experience in other charitable organisations, including MIND and the Prince’s Trust.

Warwick SU Annual Review

UNION DEMOCRACY The Union operates on democratic principles, working for and with our members, the students of the University of Warwick. The voice of students is represented by Union Council, elected by and from members of the Union.


All students have a say and can debate in a physical meeting.

The Unions’ policy making bodies are: - General Meetings - Referenda - Union Council

Union policy may be amended by resolution of a Referendum, General Meeting or Union Council. The composition and proceedings of Union Council are set out in the By-Laws. Policies passed by Referendum cannot be overturned without a further Referendum or General Meeting. Policies passed by General Meetings cannot be overturned without being debated and voted on at a further General Meeting. The Union maintains a policy file and record of lapsed policies. Policies lapse after two years unless renewed by Union Council who will specify the next renewal date. The Union Council receives a quarterly report from the Trustees.




All students have a say with an online vote. Your representatives (Officers and Councillors) debate, amend and pass policy on your behalf. Elections early in Term 1. Makes sure policies are implemented. Your lead student representatives; direct the running of your SU on a day

Responsible for strategy and financial sustainability.

Warwick SU Annual Review

After weekofoffeverish feverish campaigning which saw campus over by signs, After a a week campaigning which saw campus overruntaken by signs, placards, placards, posters and even chanting mobs, have a new Sabbatical havewe a new Sabbatical team for theteam next posters and even chanting mobs, we nally for 2011/12! Representing you at the Students’ Union will be: academic year! Representing you at the Students Union will be: PRESIDENT - LEO BOE One thing i want to achieve this year is making sure the atrium develops into an exciting space for you all to chill out in. Other objectives include keeping you guys up to date by uploading regular videos about upcoming events in the su, and about what’s going on up at the university. I’ll also be working with the university to make sure they develop their services and departments in a student-friendly way, so that the university and the union are ready for the 2012 student intake when home students will be charged £9000. Finally, i will also try to have an open meeting with the vice-chancellor at least once this year. If you see me around campus, give me a shout and tell me how things are going, so i can bring your voice to the university and change the su for the better. See you around!

DEMOCRACY OFFICER - CHRIS LUCK My big aims this year involve a review of our democratic processes to make sure they’re relevant and accurately represent your needs whilst at Warwick, as well as making sure that our Officer positions work effectively for you. I want to get everyone involved in Warwick SU decision making and make sure that the Union and University hears your voice. I also want to work to make our Officer Elections 2012 as big as they can be – let’s smash last year’s turnout!

EDUCATION OFFICER - SEAN RUSTON If there’s one thing I really want to get done this year, it’s increasing academic contact hours. In some departments students have to settle for as little as 6 or 7 hours a week: unacceptable when students are being asked to pay more and more. Students need interaction with academics in order to explore their subject and develop themselves intellectually.

Warwick SU Annual Review

WELFARE OFFICER - IZZY JOHN My central aim this year will be focusing on minority and liberation groups. This is a broad area, so my focus will specifically be on engaging with Postgrads, developing provisions for part-time and mature learners, and getting more women involved in Union positions at all levels – I would love for more women to run for Sabbatical posts in term 2.

UNION DEVELOPMENT OFFICER - GEORGE WHITWORTH I want to deliver meaningful improvements to the Atrium space, The Copper Rooms and all of the Union’s commercial services. I also want to see a successful year for Hall Societies to increase the sense of community on campus and foster some friendly inter-hall rivalry!

SPORTS OFFICERS - CHRIS SURY This is such an exciting year to be involved in Sport at Warwick in the run- up to London 2012! My ambitions this year are centred around making a Sports community on campus. We should all feel loyal to Team Warwick as well as our internal clubs. There are many ways I am looking to do this, but something to look out for is the “Ones To Watch” scheme in which there will be a Team of the Week, plus more recognition for your achievements. I am looking forward to working with many of you! And oh, yeah… Varsity will be BIG this year!

ROGERS SOCIETIES OFFICER - MATTHEW MATT ROGERS I’m hoping to increase the numbers of students involved with our fantastic societies, and will be working hard throughout the summer to ensure that we have an excellent Societies Fair in Week 1. In addition to personal projects such as increasing rehearsal space, I’ll prioritise making sure I’m around to help you run your societies. Watch out for me at my weekly stall in the Piazza!Here’s to an exciting year… and remember, it’s never too late to join a society!

Warwick SU Annual Review

The Future

Our 5 Strategic Themes 2011-14

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