The Bubble - 10/11, Term 2, Week 3

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the bubble issue 55|24.01.11 - 06.02.11

intro • news in brief • spank gets papped

With Term 2 well underway, we’re almost halfway through the year already - however, fear not, as there’s loads going on over the next two weeks to keep you occupied away from the devil that is your degree. Week 4 is One World Week! Whether you like it or not, you’re not going to be able to miss the explosion of global culture hitting campus. Expect food from around the world in our outlets, carnivals, talks, fashion shows, sports tournaments, the first Varsity 2011 match and more nights out than should ever be squeezed into a week (Mark Ronson will be here!) - AND THAT’S NOT ALL! Election fever is about to hit campus. If you fancy running in the upcoming elections either to be a part time officer or take my job for next year and run to be a Sabb, nominate yourself before Friday Week 3. - AND THAT’S STILL NOT ALL! The Warwick and Global Advantage Awards have launched for 2011. If you’ve had extra-curricular stuff going on whilst at Warwick, go to, fill in a form about what you’ve been up to and get recognition for your exploits that will go on your degree transcript. You’d be daft not to! …THAT’S ALL! Andy

news in brief warwick inspire Are you ready to inspire the next generation of University students? In conjunction with Teach First, Warwick SU is running an exciting scheme which takes Warwick Students into local schools, conducting workshops and talking about their University experiences. In a time when the future of higher education is in flux, this is a real opportunity to give something back to the community by raising the aspirations of some of the most disadvantaged children in the West Midlands. Applications close on Tuesday 15th February, and you can apply now at If you’d like more information, please email the SU Education Officer, Sean Ruston, on

varsity 2011 - ice hockey The first key match of this year’s Varsity Season takes place in Week 4, as we take on those chancers from Cov Uni over at Planet Ice in Coventry. Oh, we know it’s supposed be just a bit of friendly rivalry, but really it goes much further than that: this is about pride, it’s about passion, and it’s about giving Cov Polytechnic (sorry, we mean ‘University’! What are we saying?!) a thorough schooling in just who the daddy is. Buses leave the Piazza at 6.30pm, and tickets are available now via the SU website - simply search for ‘Varsity 2011’ to grab yourself a slice of the action!

warwick cultural thai night 2011 Warwick Thai Society proudly presents Thai Night, composed of five unique Thai performances themed around the concept ‘Five Wonders, Five Impressions’. Moreover, they will provide you with many kinds of traditional activities, along with games you can participate to win special Thai gifts. Join Warwick Thai Society on 7th February at The Copper Rooms, from 8pm - 11pm as a distinguished guest! Buy tickets from your Thai friends or via

spank gets papped! Have you encountered that cheeky Top B chimp Spank getting up to a little monkey business on campus? We’re talking antics, tomfoolery and shenanigans - frankly, it must not go undocumented. If so, whip out your phone and pap the little beggar. Send your photos to or do a search for ‘Top Banana@Warwick SU’ on Facebook and upload them there. We’ll print the best ones in future issues!

union officer elections nominations


To be part of Officer Elections 2011, and for detailed job descriptions, please consult the Warwick SU website at For any queries contact Jacquie Page: or Elections Group:

Have you ever wanted to play a more active role in the running of YOUR Students’ Union? Well, here is the perfect opportunity. Officer Elections 2011 are fast approaching and there is no better way to be involved in your Union than to stand for a position. With part-time positions that you undertake whilst doing your degree and seven full-time Sabbatical positions available, there is something for everyone! Not only is this a brilliant opportunity to expand your CV, but it is also a great way to contribute to the running of your Union. Any student can stand for a position - all you have to do is nominate yourself online and drop off a paper form to the Democratic Services Office in SUHQ by Friday Week 3. So what’s involved? The elected positions give you a seat on Union Council, one of the Students’ Union’s decision-making bodies. At Council meetings, policy is discussed and enacted that affects the way the Union is run. Positions include:

sabbatical officers

part-time campaigns officers

○○President ○○Education Officer ○○Democracy Officer ○○Union Development Officer ○○Societies Officer ○○Sports Officer ○○Welfare Officer

○○Anti-Racism Campaigns Officer ○○Ethnic Minorities Campaigns Officer ○○Environment Campaigns Officer ○○LGBTUA+ Campaigns Officer ○○Students with Disabilities Campaigns Officer ○○Womens Campaigns Officer part-time university representatives

part-time exec committee officers

○○Executive Committee Chair ○○Academic Forum Coordinator ○○Campaigns Forum Coordinator ○○Democracy Committee Chair ○○Societies Committee Chair ○○Student Sport Committee Chair ○○Welfare Committee Chair ○○International Forum Coordinator

○○Undergraduate Arts Faculty Representative ○○Undergraduate Science Faculty Representative ○○Undergraduate Social Science Faculty Rep. ○○Second University Senate Representative ○○Third University Senate Representative ○○Second University Council Representative part-time international forum members

○○5 members required

Check out

one world week 2011: saturday 29th january, wk 3 - saturday 5th february, wk 4

one world week Warwick is one of the UK’s most culturally diverse campuses, and each year we celebrate this fact by mounting the biggest student-run festival anywhere in the world: OWW. OWW encompasses a series of cultural, sporting, academic and nightevents held on campus aiming to bring together all spheres of student life whilst showcasing the talents of Warwick SU’s Cultural, Performing and Sporting Societies. Campus will come alive through a series of debates & discussions, parades & performances, sporting tournaments & events, plus cultural exhibitions & workshops. This year’s daytime Festival programme will see the Union transformed into different regions of the world throughout the week:

○○Monday: Middle East and Africa Experience ○○Tuesday: IndoAsia Experience Wednesday: East Asiania Experience ○○ ○○Thursday: America & Caribbean Experience ○○ Friday: Europe Experience Watch as OWW takes over your outlets with curries and noodles in Xananas; American milkshakes and fortune cookies in Curiositea; bagels and kebabs in the Bread Oven along with gumbo and ribs in The Dirty Duck. This year’s night-time events feature a DJ set from MARK RONSON, together with the World Party, SensAsian and Busta Move. Elsewhere there’s the OWW Fashion Show and Carnival, together with a host of highprofile speakers debating important global issues. There really is something for everyone during OWW - get stuck in and make the most of it!

referenda 2011 • gum clinic • have your say

referenda 2011 While One World Week and Elections fever take over your Union it’s hard to think about what Week 9 will bring, but Referenda are fast approaching. As one of the highest decision-making bodies in the Union and with some of the highest levels of engagement, it’s important that if you’ve got a burning issue you submit it to Spring Referenda.

how do i submit a motion? You’ll need to get a petition together about your issue and need to get 226 signatures to take your motion to Referenda (not as high a number as it sounds!). This needs submitting to the Democratic Services Office in SUHQ by 12 noon on Monday 7th February (Week 5) and then we’ll be in touch about what happens next. Want to find out more? Get in touch with your Democracy & Communications Officer, Chris Luck. Email


Free & Confidential

you say... why isn’t strongbow included in the £1 drink deals at top banana?

we say... we say... We’ve been asked this a lot and it was a common theme in RANT week so from now on we’re very pleased to say that Strongbow is now included in the drinks deals!

got feedback?

yousosay... it’s your union, have your say: there isn’t enough give us a few days and choice for people find out what who are youwheat/dairy say... we say... intolerant!

we say... Whilst we do our best we say... to provide choice for everyone with allergies and intolerances on the menus, if you’re still struggling to find something to suit your needs then please do just ask our staff and see what the chefs can do for you - we’ll do our best to help!


got feedback? you say...

it’s your union, so have your say:


have your say

give us a few days and find out what Sexual health at Warwick

we say... we say...

what’s on

officer elections nominations close

what’s on week 3


question time 2pm - 3pm curiositea

GLITTER BALL 2011 7pm - 1am village hotel, coventry

Warwick Pride’s big annual bash returns!

monday 24th

indoor market 10AM - 4pm atrium

vintage fashion fair 4pm - 6pm curiositea

Looking for some cool vintage threads? Pop in for a rummage!

underground rebel bingo club 8pm - 11pm copper rooms 2

tuesday 25

Un-plucked 9:30pm - 12am The Dirty Duck

wednesday 26


indoor market 10AM - 4pm atrium

pop! winter warmer 10pm - 2am (circling from 7pm) Copper rooms 1

Brrrr! It’s cold out there. We’ve got just the remedy: the chance to win a £500 holiday voucher!

thursday 27th

GUM CLINIC 10AM - 4pm MR 2/3, suhq


Another lively debate on a hot topic - come and participate!

idIoteque 9pm - 1am the terrace bar

Relax to the finest lesser-known indie and alternative music, courtesy of Offbeat and Rise.

indoor market

what’s on week 4: one world week 2011

monday 31st

10AM - 4pm atrium

Warwick Investment Forum 10am - 7pm The Panorama Rooms

Interested in a career in Finance? Listen to guest speakers from all areas of the financial sector.

question time

indoor market 10AM - 4pm atrium

2pm - 3pm curiositea

music centre ball

Dirty, filthy, hardcore bingo right here in your Union. We know it’s wrong, but it feels so right and they can’t stop us...


get funked

Support Warwick’s Ice Hockey team as we teach Cov another richly-deserved lesson in humility.

get funked

Kick-start your weekend with funk, soul + breakbeat classics!

OWW Fashion Show After-Party

top banana

10pm - 2am copper Rooms 1


9pm - 1am the TERRACE BAR


friday 4th

10pm - 2am the copper rooms

With banging tunes, £1 drinks at the bar and booty-grinding RnB in Room 2 all night, there’s no better place to be. Uni Express tickets are available including return transport to Leamington!

saturday 29th

oww presents busta move 5pm - 8pm copper rooms 1

One World Week’s very own inter-university dance comp, feat. 14 UK universities in five different styles: Classical and Modern, Latin, Eastern, Urban and Wildcard.

OWW presents SENSASIAN 10pm-2am Full Union

Get ready to see the SU as never before, complete with amazing decor, music and food to represent four different parts of Asia!

friday 28th

sunday 30th

indoor market

Rag quiz

10AM - 4pm atrium

7:30pm Atrium

8:30pm - 11:30pm Buses leave Piazza at 6:30pm

7pm - 12am manor hotel, meriden

A touch of colour: a 3 course meal + musical entertainment. 9pm - 1am the TERRACE BAR

10pm - 2am the Copper rooms

The epilogue to the epic journey that is the OWW Fashion Show: ‘Evolution to Utopia’. Celebrate fashion through music!

tuesday 1st

Get your beachwear on as we get a little tropical, in association with One World Week!

saturday 5th

OWW world party


9pm - 3am full union

9:30pm - 12am The Dirty Duck

wednesday 2


indoor market 10AM - 4pm atrium

The grand culmination of OWW feat. performances, face-painting, glow-sticks, cocktails and much more!

sunday 6th

pop! go commando

Rag quiz

10pm - 2am (circling from 7pm) Copper rooms 1 War! What is it good for? Well fashion, actually… get your best combat togs on for another hearty burst of midweek mayhem!

la juerga

thursday 3rd


7:30pm Atrium 8pm - 11pm the TERRACE BAR

…because mi casa es su casa! Celebrate the best in Latin spirit and culture.

9pm - 1am the terrace bar

OWW presents MARK RONSON DJ SET 10pm - 2am Copper rooms 1

One of the world’s biggest DJs drops in as part of One World Week’s massive programme of evening events.

Your club/society event not listed? Email your events for Term 2, Weeks 5 and 6 to:

featured event • don’t miss

don’t miss:

monday wk 3 saturday

featured event:

friday wk 3


Come and browse through our collection of original vintage clothing and accessories from the 50s, 60s and 70s and grab yourself a bargain! Psssst! Can you keep a secret?

don’t miss:

friday wk 3


Oi, monkey-lovers! Come and hang out with the ultimate party-starter that is Spank the Monkey. Every Friday, The Copper Rooms provides the finest soundtrack and the most fun and frolics to be had anywhere around.

We know it’s wrong, but it feels so right, and they can’t stop us. Just keep it under your hat, yeah?!

Friday 28 th January

Get in it with cheap entry and get on it with a massive selection of £1 drinks - this legendary night is one not to be missed!

don’t miss:

The Underground Rebel Bingo Club is coming to Warwick. Ready yourself to play some dirty, hardcore, no-holds-barred, full-on, mother-lovin’ Bingo before this week’s Top B.

thursday wk 3

somewhere at warwick...


don’t miss:


The Warwick Debating Union present:





Feat. guest speaker: David Ransom

Everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of where they sit on the issue - come along and take part!






A University education should be about more than just focusing on one subject - it's a time for sharing ideas, absorbing others' viewpoints and engaging in discussion about the big subjects which govern our world.

thursday wk 4

T H U R 3 RD F








meet your one world week organisers • brain-teaser

meet your one world week team Chris Sury ONE WORLD WEEK 2011 COORDINATOR COURSE: 3r year, History d

We are so excited to introduce OWW 2011. The largest student run international festival is back with a vengeance! This year our events cater for a very wide audience, including an amazing DJ set by Mark Ronson on Thursday 3rd February, Week 4. OWW provides a competitive nature in its sports tournaments, encouraging students to try new sports and making sport at Warwick more accessible. We encourage all to get involved!

brain-teaser Put your mind to the test with this week’s crossword! The shaded squares will spell out the answer.

#1: crossword 1











Carl Andrew ONE WORLD WEEK 2011 FORUM COORDINATOR COURSE: year, History & Politics


One World Week offers you the chance to engage with cultures you would never have experienced before and take on very different activities that you would never have thought of organising before. Forum has given me the chance to contact and meet some of the biggest international speakers, whilst organising hugely-anticipated talks with experts from all over the globe. Don’t miss out!

win, win, win! This week’s prize is 4 tickets to Week 4’s Top B’s Guava Banana Beach Party! Don’t miss out!



5 Easily annoyed (3-8) 7 Rope bracing a mast etc (4) 8 Hairdresser (8) 9 Frightful (7) 11 Young mare (5) 13 ___ Nash, American poet (5) 14 Extreme satisfaction (7) 16 Covers for a window (8) 17 Turn from side to side (4) 18 Source of extensive but

1 6th June 1944 (1-3) 2 Sauce made largely of tomatoes (7) 3 Device for dispensing measures of spirits (5) 4 Scribblings on the walls of buildings (8) 5 Bookmaker’s premises not on a racecourse (7,4) 6 Shape of a DNA molecule (6,5) 10 Equestrian competition (8) 12 Lustful (7) 15 Broom made from twigs tied to a handle (5) 17 Gemstone comprising mainly aluminium

unforeseen troubles (8,3)

oxide (4)

12 13

Last issue’s lucky winner was James Gordon, congrats!

14 15



Hand your details and answer in to SUHQ Reception.

name: 18

email: answer:

* Entries must be received by Tuesday 1st February at 12 noon. All correct entries will be entred into the prize draw and a winner selected at random.

uni #:

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