The Bubble - 10/11, Term 2, Week 5

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the bubble issue 56|07.02.11 - 20.02.11

intro • news in brief • varsity XXI: netball & basketball

Well, another fantastic One World Week has passed by, but now Elections week is at our doorstep! This week, campus becomes a hotbed of campaigning. You get to decide who will represent you to the University and help change your Union. Officers have an incredible amount of influence, so make sure you choose wisely - the fact we have a new Union building was the product of dedicated officer teams of the past fighting for change. Therefore, it’s important to choose the candidate who you think would be best for the role since there’s a lot at stake! And after a long week of campaigning, surely we all deserve a rest? The Real Ale Society comes to the rescue with the 32nd Annual Real Ale Festival from Thursday to Saturday in Week 6. There’s over 100 beers to try, ciders, fruit wines, live entertainment and the legendary turbo purple one of the campus traditions that shouldn’t be missed! For those of you hankering after more live music on campus, don’t forget to check out the best in homegrown talent at Bandsoc’s annual tournament, Battle of the Bands, starting Week 5! Daniel WARWICK SU PRESIDENT

news in brief battle of the bands 2011 It’s time for Bandsoc’s annual tournament to rear its head once again as student bands from across campus and beyond limber up for another round of rock and roll carnage. The competition is renowned for historic upsets, so it’s all to play for - not least for the fact that the eventual champions will bag a place on the bill at this year’s Summer Party. Plus, will any band ever be able to rival the ‘achievements’ of the tournament’s all-time lowest scorers, Rodriguez? There’s only one way to find out - come along to the first three heats taking place in Room 2 across Weeks 5 & 6!

economics summit 2011 Warwick Economics Summit invites you to its 10th year anniversary on 18th-20th February, 2011. The weekend will be filled with an array of illustrious speakers, thought-provoking talks and stimulating debates aimed at current global issues. You will also have the opportunity to meet students from universities across the world, all of which culminates in a lavish dinner and dance evening. For more information, go to

warwick student cinema On Thursday of Week 5, Filmsoc will be hosting a sponsored event on campus courtesy of KPMG. There’ll be a free screening of the modern German classic Good Bye Lenin!, with quiz prizes to be won and free food afterwards. If you want to find out more details about the film or the Student Cinema’s activities and schedule, visit

xananas speed dating - monday week 6 Looking for love this Valentine’s Day, or simply fancy a bit of fun in the name of a good cause? On February 14th, we’ll be holding a charity speed-dating evening in Xananas. Tickets cost just £4, £3 of which will be donated to Barnardo’s (the other £1 gets you your first drink for free selected drinks only). There’ll be two sessions - one from 6:30pm until 8pm, and the second from 8:30pm until 10pm. Come along and try your luck - (s)he who dares, wins, as they say!

varsity XXI: netball & basketball There’s nothing like a good bit of friendly inter-University rivalry - and this really is nothing like a good bit of friendly rivalry. Frankly, it’s war. At stake: the pride, passion and respectability associated with our respective names (alright… not so much with the latter in Cov Uni’s case). The next major fixture will see Warwick’s Netball + Basketball teams square off against their Cov counterparts in Coventry Sports Centre on Sunday,Week 5. Tickets include return transport and are available via

union officer elections 2011 candidates

It is decision time. All of the candidates’ manifestos are available to view online on the Warwick SU website at


For any queries contact Jacquie Page: or Elections Group: Officer Elections 2011 are here! Beneath is a list of all the candidates for the Sabbatical Officer positions - we’ll be calling on you to elect seven of them as your representatives for 2011/2012. Throughout Week 5 you’ll be able to read their manifestos online and in our paper Manifesto Booklet - make sure you vote for the candidate that most reflects your views and has achievable promises.


societies officer

○○Mr Alexander Di Mascio

○○Mr Jamie Pett ○○Mr John Martinez ○○Matt Wooden ○○Mr Matthew Rogers

○○Mr Carl Andrew ○○Jake Canner ○○Mr Jamie Bennett ○○Miss Jane Costello ○○Mr Jonathan Barnes ○○Mr Laveen Ladharam ○○Leo Bøe ○○Yas Sekkoum

sports officer

○○Mr Chris Sury ○○Rob Shead welfare officer

union development officer

○○Mr George Whitworth ○○Mr Jonathan Higgs

○○Mr Derek Hatley ○○Miss Izzy John ○○Miss Yvonne Kay

education officer

democracy officer

○○Mr Daren Maynard

○○Chris Luck ○○Mr Joe Brown

○○Mr Sean Ruston

Don’t forget, it isn’t only the full-time Sabbatical Officer positions that are up for grabs. There is also a whole host of part-time positions being contested. A full list of these positions, along with the individual candidate manifestos, can be found on the Union website: This is your Union. This is your chance to have your say.


real ale festival 2011 • one world week 2011 review

real ale festival 2011 Make sure you pencil the 32nd Annual Warwick University Real Ale Festival into your diary for Week 6, when the Real Ale society will be bringing you over 100 beers, ciders, perries and fruit wines from right across the UK. Entrance will cost a mere £3 on the door, unless you’re a member of CAMRA or festival server, in which case it’s free! All drinks are then individually priced, with tokens available in £5 sheets to be used as credit against each drink you buy. As well as offering up plenty of tasty tipples, the programme is also packed with exciting acts to keep you entertained. On Thursday, revellers can expect some gloriously ribald humour from the ever-popular Dr. Busker, Britain’s last remaining traditional Victorian pub pianist, while indulging in a Pirate-themed fancy dress competition - a 9-pint mini-cask is up for grabs to the best-dressed! Warwick University’s Wind Orchestra will then perform a selection of film themes and other popular music the following night, with Warwick Folk bringing their hearty tunes and ceilidh dancing on Saturday before Tom Lane’s Red Hot Chillies round off the night with their seductive jazz and big swing classics. With hot pork batches from the Hog Roast also available within the venue, there’s something for every discerning palate on offer during Real Ale Week. For more information about this year’s festival, make sure you visit!

one world week 2011 review If you were on-campus during Week 4, you can’t have failed to notice the international behemoth that was One World Week bringing a splash of global flavour to the Warwick community. This year’s festival was one of the biggest and most successful to date, bringing you dozens of seminars, talks, high-profile speakers, sports competitions and night-time events designed to highlight and celebrate the diversity of our modern world. Each weekday saw the Union transformed into a different region of the globe, showcasing a multitude of cultural experiences and offering up delicious grub from around the world. Memorable moments from this year’s evening events schedule included the amazing global Fashion Show in the Arts Centre, a grand explosion of sound and colour at the OWW Carnival, some seriously nifty dancing at Busta Move and the grand transformation of the Union at SensAsian. To top it all off, Mark Ronson rinsed out the tunes as only one of the world’s best DJs can, while the World Party confounded all expectations by serving up a range of incredible student performances and bringing a true party atmosphere to the entire Union. Thanks to all of the One World Week 2011 team for their efforts, and to you for your supportdon’t forget that if you missed out or want to get involved in future events, you can keep up with all the latest action by joining OWW Society or visiting

why should i vote? • have your say

why should i vote? Because this is your Union. The SU exists solely to improve your experience at University and as such you need to choose the representatives who can best deliver upon this aim. The Officers you elect hold real power to change things you are unhappy with. If you’ve ever had a moan about the provision of night-time events or the level of support given on your course, your Officers have the power to do something about it. Voting couldn’t be easier! Log on to and rank the candidates for each position in your order of preference. It takes about as long as checking your emails.

Remember, your vote is your chance to change things about your Union for the better.

so what should I be looking for when reading manifestos? Every candidate is different and so, of course, is every manifesto but here are a few key things to look out for when deciding who deserves your vote:


Can a candidate deliver on their promises? Have their pledges been thoroughly researched and are they feasible? If you think any candidate’s promises are unachievable then you have the chance to grill them about this at Candidate Question Time sessions in the Atrium - Monday and Tuesday of Week 5.

○○ EXPERIENCE Does the candidate have the experience to get the job done? Some people think that traditional, risenup-through-the-Union ranks will enable candidates to hit the ground running while others think that those with fresh ideas are better. You need to decide what you think. ○○ GOOD IDEAS

Probably the most important quality of all. Aside from making sure that the SU is student-led, one of the main advantages of the sabbatical system is that candidates bring new ideas and innovations to the table each year. Which candidate’s ideas appeal to you?

have your say

you say... there need to be more staff on the checkouts in Costcutter at peak times!

we say... We don’t have any control over Costcutter. Even though it’s on the ground floor of SUHQ, Costies isn’t Union owned or run - you’ll have to talk to their management about this one!

you say... the atrium is so much youwith say... better music playing - it’s really boring without any!

we say... we say... Coming soon we’ll be playing RaW (Radio at Warwick) live in the Atrium throughout the day. We’ve got some amazing talent here on campus, it’s time we used it!

got feedback? it’s your union, so have your say:

you say... give us a few days and find out what

we say...

what’s on

what’s on week 5: elections week


top banana: stadium rock+power ballads

5pm - 7pm Curiositea

10pm - 2am the copper rooms

Come along and make your own cupcake creations at campus’s favourite tea shop. Just £10 to take part!

With banging tunes, £1 drinks at the bar and booty-grinding RnB in Room 2 all night, there’s no better place to be on a Friday night. This week we’re inviting you to get your airguitar out and holler along to stadium rock’s finest!

pop! 10pm - 2am (circling from 7pm) Copper rooms 1

Make sure you check out elections!

Time for some more midweek mayhem as Disco Dave serves up another tasty platter of cheese.

monday 7

thursday 10th




11pm sunday - 3am monday atrium

Watch the highlight of the American sporting calendar live in your Union! Don’t miss the specials on offer at our outlets.


sabbatical candidate question time

A free screening of the modern German classic Good Bye Lenin!, followed by a quiz and free food courtesy of sponsors KPMG!

12 noon atrium

Grill the prospective candidates with any of your burning questions. Make sure you know who you’re voting for!

tuesday 8th

sabbatical candidate question time 12 noon atrium

battle of the bands: heat 1 8pm - 12am copper rooms 2

Warwick student bands ruck it out in the first round of Bandsoc’s annual tournament!

Un-plucked 9:30pm - 12am The Dirty Duck

Join us for another relaxing night of student-based acoustic music up in the Duck!

wednesday 9th


indoor market 10AM - 4pm atrium

doors 7:30pm L3

battle of the bands: heat 2 8pm - 12am copper rooms 2

Seconds out, Round 2. Let’s get it on!

idIoteque 9pm - 1am the terrace bar

Relax to the finest lesser-known indie and alternative music, courtesy of Offbeat and Rise.

friday 11th

indoor market 10AM - 4pm atrium

sabbs on a sofa 2pm - 3pm campus

Question time hits campus! Your Sabbatical Officers head out of the Union to bring question time to you, our members.

get funked 9pm - 1am the TERRACE BAR

Kick-start your weekend with jumping funk, soul and breakbeat classics!

VOTING closes 9pm

what’s on week 6: real ale week

Make sure you check out and visit Warwick SU!

saturday 12th

2seasons ball

monday 14th

7:30pm - 12pm Ramada Hotel

indoor market

Warwick Snowsports’ annual bash gets underway, bringing you a veritable Mad Hatter’s Tea Party!

xananas speed dating

ELECTION results party 8pm - 1am copper rooms 1

Find out who’ll be representing you next year, then party the rest of the night away!

mixology 9pm - 1am the terrace bar

The perfect blend of cocktails and beats, featuring house music from student DJs the Audio Criminals.

10AM - 4pm atrium

6:30pm - 8pm & 8:30pm - 10pm xananas

Looking for love this Valentine’s Day? Try your luck in Xananas and give to charity. Only £4 per ticket and your first drink free! (Selected drinks only). If you don’t come along, you’ll never know...

tuesday 15th

CYPRIOT SOCIETY DISCO time tbc Copper rooms 2


Join the Cypriot Society for an evening of socialising and music.

10pm - 2am (social from 8pm) copper rooms 2


For those about to rock, we salute you. It’s time once again to bounce, mosh, pogo and skank to the noisiest rock & alternative bangers!

sunday 13th

VARSITY XXI: BASKETBALL & NETBALL 8:30pm - 11:30pm Buses leave Piazza at 6:30pm

It’s Warwick vs Cov Uni as the second major fixture of the annual grudge season gets underway!

Rag quiz 7:30pm Atrium

Come and take on your fellow studes at Rag’s weekly charity quiz!

9:30pm - 12am The Dirty Duck

wednesday 16th

indoor market 10AM - 4pm atrium

pop! 10pm - 2am (circling from 7pm) Copper rooms 1

Reach for the stars, walk 500 miles and dance with somebody (who loves you). Pop! brings you the cheesiest night around!

thursday 17th

real ale festival 6pm - 12am Copper rooms 1

One of the UK’s largest studentrun beer festivals is back! Grab some vouchers and sample the world’s finest real ales.

featured event • don’t miss

battle of the bands - heat 3

featured event:

friday wk 5

8pm - 12am copper rooms 2

idIoteque 9pm - 1am the terrace bar

friday 18th

indoor market 10AM - 4pm atrium

sabbs on a sofa 2pm - 3pm campus

real ale festival 6pm - 1am Copper rooms 1

Day 2 of the Real Festival, with hundreds of quality tipples available for your delectation!

get funked 9pm - 1am the TERRACE BAR

malaysia NIGHT 2011 10pm - 2am Copper rooms 2

One of the best Malaysia Nights in the UK! Be there for a night of visual and cultural extravaganza. Grab your tickets now!

saturday 19th

real ale festival 6pm - 1am copper rooms 1

It’s the last day of this year’s festival, and your last chance to sample some of the world’s tastiest real ales and ciders.

law ball 2011 7pm - 1am Hilton B’ham Metropole

A slap-up 3-course meal, Ministry of Sound DJ, live jazz band and much more awaits at one of the year’s classiest society events!

sunday 20th

Rag quiz 7:30pm Atrium

la juerga 8pm - 11pm the TERRACE BAR

In association with Warwick’s Latin, Salsa, Brazilian + Capoeira societies, come celebrate Latin culture and spirit with us because mi casa es su casa!

STADIUM ROCK & POWER BALLADS In Week 5, the monkey gets his mullet on as we pay tribute the best in Stadium Rock and Power Ballads at Top B. Tight leather trousers and Bonnie Tyler hair are the order of the day as Skelhon and Carter blast out a selection of the finest tunes from music’s dodgiest milieu. If you’ve ever awaited ‘The Final Countdown’, suffered a ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ or simply give love a ‘bad name’, make sure your singing voice is in top nick as we invite you to wail along to schmaltz-fests like ‘Without You’ and ‘I Will Always Love You’ without a hint of shame! Best of all, we’ll be giving away an Xbox 360 and copy of Guitar Hero as part of an air-guitar competition live onstage. Dust off your imaginary axe, get your Slash hat on and get ready to rawk!

don’t miss:

saturday wk 5

results party

don’t miss: saturday wk 5


From 9am Wednesday morning ‘til 9pm Friday we’ll be asking you to cast your votes for the dozens of candidates running for officer positions in the Union next year. Once polling closes, we’ll begin tallying up the vote to see who you’ve chosen to represent YOU when the current Sabbatical Officers take a bow in the summer! On Saturday night from 8pm, Elections Group will begin unveiling the results live onstage in the Union, before partying long into the night as we celebrate the end of a long week of frantic campaigning. The Results Party is FREE ENTRY all night and is always great fun regardless of who wins or loses - make sure you’re there as we reveal who’ll be in charge for the next chapter of Union history!

Widely acknowledged as being one of the best rock nights in the local area, Crash brings you a banging mix of classic and contemporary rock, metal, punk, ska & alternative favourites from right across the spectrum. As renowned for its celebratory atmosphere and daft antics as it is for some truly thumping tunes, you can guarantee there’s never a dull moment as our dedicated band of regulars brings both the noise and the Conga Line. Whether you’re into Muse or Metallica, Foos or Feeder, Rage or Reel Big Fish, if you’ve never been to Crash before then come along and see what you’re missing out on! Don’t forget there’s also a social beforehand from 8pm, in which Rocksoc and Bandsoc deliver specialist tunes and top live talent from student bands.

meet your part time officers • brain-teaser

meet the part-time officers Rick Dewhirst-Lister SOCIETIES COMMITTEE CHAIR

COURSE: 2nd year, Law & Sociology



‘The vast array of societies at Warwick is reflective of the diverse and active student body. Societies offer huge opportunities for students to learn new skills, make new friends and enjoy the University experience. I want more people to get involved in societies and have been working with the Societies Committee to help and support students in forming new societies.’

‘My main aim for the term is to create a better support system for joint honours students in the University in co-operation with my counterpart from the Arts Faculty, Steph Poole. I hope in doing this I can find a best practice principle that can roll out across many of the other courses. I also want to be fully involved with IATL and their ideas for innovative teaching methods.‘

Put your mind to the test with this week’s crossword! Rearrange the shaded squares to spell out a 2 word answer.

#1: crossword 1








10 12 13




win, win, win! This week’s prize is 4 tickets to Week 6’s Pop! Don’t miss out!



1 Riddle (9) 8 Cads - shoe parts (5) 9 Certificate of achievement (7) 10 Unsuitable name for a person or thing (8) 11 Drink - collection of beauties? (4) 13 More nervous (6) 14 Southwest European principality (6) 16 Somewhere to sit (4) 17 Cowboys’ home? (4,4) 19 Something used for extraction (7) 20 Strange (5) 21 Widespread - current (9)

1 2 3 4 5


Hand your details and answer in to SUHQ Reception.

18 20

name: email:


Buyer (8) Agreed - dropped off (6) Scruff of the neck (4) 2016 Olympics host (3,2,7) Smooth tongued - too squeamish (5-7) 6 Flue clearer (7,5) 7 (In written music) an instruction involving sharps and flats (3,9) 12 Loss of confidence (4,4) 15 Savage (6) 18 Active volcano (4)

Last issue’s lucky winner was John Bolton, congrats!




COURSE: 3rd year, PPE



Erin Davies


* Entries must be received by Tuesday 15th February at 12 noon. All correct entries will be entred into the prize draw and a winner selected at random.

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