The Bubble - 11/12, Term 1, Week 8

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the bubble issue 64|21.11.11 - 04.12.11

proudly sponsored by

intro • news in brief • the wombats live in term 2

I seriously cannot believe it’s already Week 8 – where has this term gone? Things show no sign of slowing down though – this week is the amazing annual celebration of the LGBTUA+ community that is Pride Week! Pride is about so much more than rainbow flags and glittery parades; it’s about coming together to discuss issues that still plague the LGBTUA+ community, to celebrate our successes and to commemorate our losses. The Transgender Day of Remembrance on Sunday 20th kicks off the week – keep an eye on the SU website for more details of events. The second GUM Clinic of term is also on Tuesday Week 8 in CR2 – get there early as this was very popular last time! World AIDS Day is 1st December. UNICEF are hosting a day conference on HIV/AIDS on November 30th, and MTW will be performing songs from musicals such as Rent! on the Thursday – don’t forget to buy your red ribbon to donate to medical research. That’s all from me - have a cracking last few weeks of term and stay safe and happy. As always, drop me an email ( or pop in to my office with any questions or concerns! Izzy

news in brief varsity ice hockey tickets Oh yes - it’s that time again when we start limbering up for the next round of Varsity clashes. For the uninitiated, Varsity constitutes a series of sporting tournaments in which we take on our arch-rivals at Coventry University. (Well, we say ‘take on’, but that implies that it’s any more than a purely one-sided affair…) First up is the Ice Hockey, which will be taking place at Planet Ice at the Coventry Sky Dome on 23rd January 2012. Tickets will be available from Week 8 via the SU website – get in there and support our troops as they prepare to go into battle once more!

GUM clinic

tuesday week 8

The second GUM Clinic of term will be in CR2, from 10am - 6pm on Tuesday Week 8 (22nd November). This was very popular last time, so if you want to get your sexual health checked, try to get there early! Email with any questions or concerns. Remember that it’s better to be safe than sorry, and the clinic is free and confidential.

national demo

9th november

A massive thank you to everyone from Warwick who participated in the National Demonstration against tuition fee increases on Wednesday of Week 6. Things went off peacefully without a hitch and we got our point across as loudly as possible, with one of our banners even making the front page of the Guardian website! This action was part of an ongoing SU campaign against the proposed changes to Higher Education, so keep your eyes on the website for more news in the near-future.

warwick debating union

thursday week 9

The third and final debate of this term will take place between 6pm and 8pm in the Atrium on Thursday 1st December, discussing the motion: “This house would cut funding for the Humanities”. As always, everyone’s welcome to come along and participate!

live in term 2 We’ve teamed up with the good folk over at Kilimanjaro Live to bring Liverpudlian indie-pop favourites The Wombats to The Copper Rooms on Tuesday 21st February. With tracks from latest album This Modern Glitch nestling alongside classics like Let’s Dance to Joy Division and Kill the Director in their festival-storming live set, this is shaping up to be an unmissable gig from one of the UK’s favourite bands. Tickets are on sale now via the SU website at £16 each!

wk 8 schedule Monday 21st november Interfaith Panel SUHQ MR 4&5 | 12pm - 2pm Warwick Pride Coffee Social THE Terrace Bar | 4PM - 5PM Tommy Precious: LGBTUA+ Teaching B2.03 | 6PM - 7PM


Tuesday 22nd november

Pride Week! 2011-12

Pride Week is Warwick SU’s annual awareness week centred around Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Undefined and Asexual (LGBTUA+) issues, promising a diverse programme of speakers, seminars, workshops, panels and parties. Everyone is welcome, no matter how you self-define – gay, straight, bi, trans or simply awesome! Campaigning is a huge part of the Pride movement, with guest speakers this year including author Hannah Dee, Queer Friends of Bradley Manning’s campaign about the queer issues behind Wikileaks, the SU’s own Love Without Borders campaign and important speakers on LGBTUA+ asylum, immigration and international human rights. In addition, Vicki Baars from NUS is giving a talk on polyamory, with Warwick Pride exec members also running workshops and socials throughout the week. There’ll also be two panels during the week which will look at LGBTUA+ issues from religious and partypolitical perspectives. Keep an eye out for posters and flyers around Warwick campus advertising the date, time and location of these events, or visit anytime for information about all upcoming Pride activities.

Screening of (A)sexual 10-12 | Location TBC Culture & Campaigns: Workshop on Women s0.10 | 3pm - 4pm Ewan McPherson: Sexual Health Workshop s0.10 | 5pm - 7pm

Wednesday 23rd november Author Hannah Dee: Internationalism & LGBT+ Politics H4.01 | 4pm - 5pm Politics Panel: Queer Issues Question Time S0.19 | 5pm - 7pm

Thursday 24th november Vicki Baars: Polyamory H2.46 | 3pm - 4.15pm Queer Friends of Bradley Manning: The Wikileaks Soldier and LGBTUA+ Issues H3.05 | 4pm - 6pm Zoë Kristensen: LGBTUA+ Individuals and Healthcare Ms.03 | 6-8pm

Friday 25th november Ask Us Anything Piazza stall | 10am - 5pm Love Without Borders: LGBTUA+ Asylum and Deportation SUHQ MR 4&5 | 5pm - 7pm Love Without Borders Vigil Piazza | 7pm

Saturday 26th november Express Yourself: T-shirt Design Workshop H0.44 | 1pm - 3pm Reclaim The Night See Warwick Pride’s Facebook Page and Email for details

Sunday 27th november


Asexual Social H0.01 | 1pm

union general meeting • rag week update • chilli hot chocolate at curiositea • sea food week in xananas

rag week update Have your voice heard on the big issues

TUES 29TH NOV | 19:00 | MS.02

what is a general meeting? General Meetings are your chance to have your say on the big issues. Every student can attend and every student has a vote.

so why should you turn up? Some of the biggest and most controversial issues that face the Union are discussed at General Meetings. Check the Union website this week for a final list of the motions that are coming up, but so far we’ve got:

○○ The Union’s stance on Higher Education – are fees here to stay?

○○ No Platform – should the Union ban racist and

fascist speakers because of what they say or debate them openly?

And more! If you’re not there your voice won’t be heard...

RAG Week occurred during Week 7 giving students the opportunity to order items to be delivered in lectures, and gnomings to punish those untidy friends and hallmates all in the name of fundraising for charity! Over the week money was raised for the National Autistic Society, the Kazi Mingi Foundation, Children in Need, The Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre, and St. John Ambulance LINKS. RAG would especially like to thank Warwick Glee for their help with the serenades as they helped to sell more serenades than in any other year! We’d also like to thank everyone at the Union, especially Chris Luck, Matt, Sean and Jonny Sherwood for going out of their way to make sure that the week ran as smoothly as planned. University lecturers have, as always, been more than generous in their support for RAG and the causes that we support, and we’d like to thank them for allowing us to disrupt their lectures! Finally thanks to everyone who ordered a delivery, gnoming or a T Shirt. We’ve been able to make a real difference to hundreds of lives with the money raised throughout the week - we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you!

seafood week at xananas £2.00 Small

£2.50 Large

We may not have a sea front view, but we do have the very best selection of fresh delicious seafood in the area. Our Chefs’ mission is to provide a week offering you the very best seafood anywhere and we look forward to welcoming you to sample our succulent fish and shellfish dishes.

Available throughout Week 8 Monday 21st - Friday 25th November

xananas xananas R E S TA U R A N T

get involved • have your say

get involved

have your say

world AIDS day World AIDS Day is on Thursday 1st December, providing a chance for people around the world to unite in the fight against HIV transmission, raise awareness and funding for research, and to commemorate all those who have died as a result of HIV/AIDS. UNICEF at Warwick are holding a day-long conference on 30th November, and MTW will be performing a showcase of songs from musicals such as Rent! on 1st November. Don’t forget to buy your red ribbon if you see them being sold, and visit for more info.

you say... i need legal/personal /financial/academic help! who can i turn to?

we say...

strictly come dancing at warwick 2011 Strictly returns on Tuesday of Week 9 (29th November)! This is a charity performance in aid of Right to Play, which encourages social change in communities affected by poverty and war. The Strictly dancers and their sports partners have been training all term for another amazing performance - the dashing men this year are from American Football, Water Polo, Judo and Football. Our glamorous female stars are from Women’s Netball, Athletics, Women’s Lacrosse, Women’s Hockey and Cheerleading. Expect sparkle, dazzle, professional dances, a raffle and the all-important Glitter Ball Trophy! Tickets are available for £5 via the SU website - come along to support your friends and enjoy a great night of entertainment. Keep dancing!

warwick emerging markets forum Warwick EMF is an exciting new studentrun forum on emerging markets, taking place on 26th November. The day-long event aims to provide a stimulating platform for discussion and debate, covering various areas including economics, politics, development & investment. Keynote Speakers Include:

○○ Mihir Kapadia:

CEO of Sun Global Investments Ltd

Emerging Markets Editor of the Financial Times (FT)

○○ Stefan Wagstyl: ○○ Peter Greatbatch:

○○ Guchuran Das:

Partner & Portfolio Manager at Genesis Investment Management

Former CEO of Proctor and Gamble India & Author

Oxford Economics

○○ Rain Newton-Smith: Head of Emerging Markets at Tickets are available now from the SU website. For more information, please visit

Pop into our Student Advice Centre on the top floor of SUHQ – our advisors will do their best to help you out. Alternatively, email!

you say... how can i book out the copper rooms or the ikea membership space for a society practice?

we say... Simple – email us via or drop in to the Central Admin Office next to SUHQ Reception or and we’ll see what’s available!

got feedback? it’s your union so have your say give us a few days and find out what

we say...

what’s on

what’s on week 8

pop! midweek mayhem

x-factor screening

rocksoc social

10pm - 2am (circling from 7pm) COPPER ROOMS 1

the dirty duck

from 7pm the dirty duck

More midweek mayhem and cheesy tunes as Disco Dave serves up the dodgiest retro hits!

thursday 24th


pride week for more info See

monday 21st

inter-faith lunch 12pm - 1:30pm Copper rooms 2

Meet people from different faith communities and share in food from around the globe.

RAG QUIZ from 7:30pm The mighty duck

latin night from 10pm (classes from 8pm) copper rooms 2

More sizzling sounds courtesy of the Latin American Society!

tuesday 22nd

9pm - 1am the terrace bar

Lesser-known leftfield indie and alternative tracks for discerning music fans.

ONE WORLD WEEK presents IGNIS from 10pm copper Rooms 1

A night of glamour & decadence awaits as One World Week gear up for their annual spectacular!

mixology 9pm - 1am the terrace bar

Have your voice heard on the big issues that matter.

skool dayz


10pm - 2am The copper rooms

School tie? Check. Questionable music from your misspent youth? Check. Time once again to act your shoe-size, not your age!

sunday 27th

x-factor screening the dirty duck

from 8pm copper rooms 1

Ted’s band from Scrubs bring their hilarious comedy vocal show to the SU. Tickets include free entry into Top B afterwards!

what’s on week 9

beats & bars from 4pm curiositea

Get yourself tested for STIs – it’s free and completely confidential!

Kick-start your weekend with jumping funk, soul & breakbeat classics.

Live music and poetry in campus’s favourite tea shop!


top banana: DOCTORS & NURSES

10pm - 2am copper rooms 1

10pm - 2am the copper rooms

Combining music, dance and fashion, our models will give you visual enjoyment with pop music that makes you flow with the beat!

Ooh, matron! Time to don your smocks, surgical gloves and stethoscopes as we prepare for a little medical monkey business!

un-plucked 9:30pm - 12am the dirty duck

Tip-top acoustic talent at our regular student showcase.

wednesday 23rd

inter-faith speed dating! from 7:30pm chaplaincy

Share why your faith matters to you and encounter those who come from a different faith tradition.

saturday 26th

warwick emerging markets forum from 10am warwick arts centre

See for info.

destress warwick trip coach departs 10:30am bicester village

Fancy some retail therapy? De-Stress Warwick members get a special 10% discount.

world aids day concert 10am tbc

POP! deal or no deal £500 giveaway Another chance to win some serious moolah at our midweek cheese-fest. Can you beat the banker?

thursday 1st

world aids day WDU debate

monday 28th

9pm - 1am the terrace bar

10am - 6pm Copper rooms 2

wednesday 30th

all day campus

get funked

G.U.M. clinic

9:30pm - 12am the dirty duck

10pm - 2am (circling from 7pm) COPPER rooms 1

INDOOR MARKET the blanks

from 7:30pm Ms.02 (Maths & stats)

The perfect blend of cocktails and beats, featuring house music from student DJs.

friday 25th 10Am - 4pm atrium

union general meeting

rag quiz from 7:30pm the mighty duck

tuesday 29th

world aids day conference

from 6pm atrium

Motion: ‘This house would cut funding for the Humanities’.

Global from 9pm the terrace bar

Join World@Warwick for an evening of socialising and celebration at this international student night!

transmission feat. coves


10pm - 2am COPPER rooms 2

Unicef on Campus raise awareness about HIV/AIDS.

Your last chance this term to get on your dancing shoes for the most essential indie anthems at our new alternative club night!

cupcake creations from 4pm curiositea

Curiositea’s popular cupcake decorating class returns!

strictly come dancing 2011 7pm - 10pm copper rooms 1

Members of various Warwick sports teams get their moves on for charity!

friday 2nd

INDOOR MARKET 10Am - 4pm atrium

Come and browse our market stalls: vintage fashion, 2nd hand books, Indian food + jewellery.

what’s on • featured event • don’t miss

macbeth 2nd - 5th December | time: TBC bath place, leamington spa

featured event:

A promenade performance brought to you by Warwick’s Shakespeare Society.

In honour of the whimsical telly legend that is Scrubs, we’ll be following The Blanks’ pre-event gig with a special Doctors & Nurses-themed Top B. Make sure you don your stethoscope, lab coat, smock or plastic cap (not that anyone generally needs encouraging, judging from the more ludicrous fancy dress efforts of the last few weeks…) and join us for some medical madness as Spank and his merry men bring the noise!


CMD: DANCE FOR sport relief from 7pm copper rooms 1


get funked 9pm - 1am the terrace bar

top banana 10pm - 2am the copper rooms

Spank and chums bring the bevvies and tuneage once more.

friday week 8

The Copper Rooms | 10pm - 2am | £3 (included in tickets for The Blanks)

don’t miss:

saturday week 8

F= dmv = ma dt

(Force = mass x acceleration]

saturday 3rd

vintage fashion fair


from 11am curiositea

F = kx


I love the 90s & early 00s - don your shirt and tie for a night of naughty nostalgia

Another chance to pick up a vintage bargain.

x-factor screening the dirty duck

mixology 9pm - 1am the terrace bar

desi beatz 10pm - 2am copper rooms 1

The UK’s biggest student-run Asian music event lands at Warwick, bringing you guest performers, massive DJs + more!

crash 10pm - 2am (social from 8pm) copper rooms 2

Noisy rock, metal, punk & ska anthems in the daftest atmosphere around.

spring constant

T1/2 = ln 2


Hip-hop classics that will have your feet tapping all night


s = vt

V = IR




P= mv


don’t miss:



F= dmv forget - = ma dt


pV = nRT


a public broadcast of essential indie/alternative anthems



The Copper Rooms | 10pm - 2am | £4 thursday week 9

s = vt

s = ut + 1 at2 -

If you’ve ever attempted a Britney-style dance routine in the school corridors or considered “Movin’ with your Aunty and Uncle in Bel Air”, get your old school tie as our headmasters deliver another lesson in the most memorable tunes from the 90s and noughties. Oh, and the Pokemon theme, obviously, as we actually had complaints last time when it didn’t get played...

Transmission caters for those among you who like their indie hits served up with style and precision as Propaganda resident Sam Flanagan mixes up a musical storm on the decks. With support from Offbeat residents and strippedback acoustic performances in the chill-out area, Transmission always delivers an unmissable broadcast of essential indie anthems.

Copper Rooms 2 | 10pm - 2am | £3

sunday 4th

x-factor screening the dirty duck

Your Club/Society event not listed? Email your events for Term 1, Weeks 10:

don’t miss:

saturday week 9 Desi Beatz comes to the Midlands for the very first time to give you a flavour of the No.1 Student Union Asian music club-night in the country! Some of the Desi scene’s biggest names have graced our stage, and we intend to continue that tradition with guest appearances from Foji, DJ Dips, DJ Harpz, Aman B, Warwick Bollywood Society + Dhol Drummers!

Copper Rooms 1 | 10pm - 2am | £5 ADV / £8 on the door

Sumptuous Sides Coleslaw (200g tub) • Garlic Pizza Bread •

a 6" base topped with 100% mozzarella cheese & Domino’s own tomato sauce

Potato Wedges •


served with bbq and sweet chilli dips

2 for 6.00

bbq, garlic & herb, sweet chilli, honey & mustard and hot sauce

3 for 1.00

Dips •

Tasty Chicken Chicken Wings

Classic Pizzas


Original Cheese & Tomato • topped with 100% mozzarella cheese & Domino’s own tomato sauce

Create your own pizza… add your own toppings to any of our menu pizzas (price per topping) smoked bacon rashers††, chicken breast strips††,

sausage, ground beef††, pepperoni, ham†,

tandoori chicken††, meatballs, tuna,

anchovies, green peppers, pineapple, sweetcorn,

7" – 4 slices

9.5" – 6 slices












11.5" – 8 slices 13.5" – 10 slices

per extra topping

onions, extra cheese, tomatoes, bbq sauce, jalapeno peppers, tomato sauce. mushrooms,

Swap your sauce – FREE! bbq sauce or sundried tomato & garlic sauce

Vegetarian Supreme •

onions, green peppers, sweetcorn, mushrooms, tomatoes onions, green peppers, ground beef , jalapeno peppers

Chicken Strippers®

7 chicken breast goujons, coated in crispy breadcrumbs, served with bbq and honey & mustard dips

Chicken Kickers


7 pieces of white chicken breast in a mildly spicy, crispy coating, served with garlic & herb and hot sauce dips

Kickers Combo

a full portion of chicken kickers and potato wedges, served with garlic & herb and hot sauce dips a full portion of chicken strippers® and potato wedges, served with bbq and honey & mustard dips



7 slightly spiced chicken wings, served with a hot sauce and garlic & herb dip

Strippers Combo


Hot and Spicy • Tuna Delight

Delicious Desserts

Ham & Pineapple

a warm chocolate dessert with a melt in the middle chocolate centre

tuna, onions, sweetcorn ham†, pineapple

Tandoori Hot • TM

tandoori chicken††, onions, green peppers, mushrooms, jalapeno peppers





extra pepperoni and extra mozzarella cheese

Texas bbq


Mighty Meaty

Join us at Domino’s Pizza Coventry for special offers and news


onions, mushrooms, pepperoni, ham†, ground beef††, sausage

New Yorker

pepperoni, ham†, smoked bacon rashers††, mushrooms

Vegi Volcano ••

onions, green peppers, tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, extra mozzarella cheese* *extra mozzarella cheese = extra half a portion of cheese

We are happy to accept the following credit/debit cards and payment methods. Sorry, we do not accept cheques. Your details may be used by Domino’s for marketing purposes to send you special deals once you have placed your order.


2 for 8.00


2 for 8.00


2 for 11.00


Cookies •



Garlic & Herb Dip. Available on small, medium & large pizzas only.

flavours: cookie dough, choc fudge brownie, baked alaska, caramel chew chew, chunky monkey and phish food

Collection or Delivery. Available on large or medium pizzas only. Expires: 31/5/12.

Spend £25 or more online at and enjoy


2 for 11.00

Waffles •

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream •





2 Belgian waffles with a sprinkling of sugar, served with chocolate and toffee dips


2 for 8.00

Chocolate Melt •


(500ml tub)

25% OFF

Simply follow the instructions on screen to place your order and enter your voucher code in the ‘Any Vouchers’ area of the ‘Checkout’ screen.


Not valid with any other offers. Please see our website for full terms and conditions. T&C’s: Valid at Coventry only. Please mention when ordering. Not valid with any other offer. Not available online.

Thirst Quenchers Coke / Diet Coke / Coke Zero / Fanta 1.25ltr bottles


2 for 3.50

OK for Vegetarians Pizzas on the spicy HOT side

All rights reserved. Copyright 2011 Domino’s Pizza Group Limited. THE SMALL PRINT: T&C’s apply. Prices are subject to change without notice. Minimum delivery order £12.99 for Kenilworth, Berkswell and Meriden and £9.99 for all other areas.

Order today from your local Domino’s 505 Fletchamstead Highway, Tile Hill, Coventry CV4 9BY Opening Hours: 11am - 5am, 7 days a week.


4 crunchy chewy warm and gooey cookies loaded with choc chips

Pepperoni Passion

bbq sauce, chicken breast strips††, smoked bacon rashers††, onions, green peppers

1.99 3.49

2 for 6.00

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It’s what we do


FRIDAY 25TH NOVEMBER COPPER ROOMS 1 • warwick su • Gibbet hill road • coventry cv4 7al

8pm - 10pm | £10 ENTRY

(INCLUDES entry into top B doctors & nurses) NUS & GUESTS ONLY | photo id required

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