FEEL GOOD www.warwicksu.com/feelgood
WELCOME TO FEEL GOOD! Although students experience stress and anxiety all year round, summer can be a particularly difficult time on campus. Whether you’re cramming for exams, finishing a dissertation or you’re in the final throes of your thesis, the pressure can often mean that students need more support more frequently. So we’ve put together this little booklet, filled with ways to ‘feel good’ over the next few months. Have a go at the exercises, and pin up the support services on your kitchen fridge for you and your friends to see! There are also lots of ways in which you can make this period more manageable by following the guidance on our website. Have a happy and healthy term!
AVAILABLE SUPPORT Your Student Union & Feel Good Website: Welfare Officer: welfare@warwicksu.com, Education Officer: education@ warwicksu.com, Postgraduate Officer: postgrads@warwicksu.com
Student Union Advice Centre, Top floor of SUHQ (by the lift). Monday - Thursday 9.00am - 3pm during term time, advice@warwicksu.com, 024 765 72824, www.warwicksu.com/advice Nightline Next to Rootes I Block. Open 9pm-9am every night of term, nightline@warwick.ac.uk, 02476 417 668
Student Support: ground floor University House, studentsupport@warwick.ac.uk, www.go.warwick.ac.uk/supportservices 02476 575 570 University Counselling, Westwood house, counselling@warwick.ac.uk, www.warwick.ac.uk/counselling 02476 523 761 Your Personal Tutor / Your Residential Tutor
University Mental Health and Wellbeing Team: mentalhealth@warwick.ac.uk Chaplaincy: Opposite the Arts Centre, chaplaincy@warwick.ac.uk, www.warwick.ac.uk/chaplaincy
University of Warwick Health Centre: Health Centre Road, behind White Fields, http://www.uwhc.org.uk/ Crisis Team: Campus/Coventry: 0845 6044 000, Leamington: 01926 450660 (9am-5pm) 01926 406789 (5pm-9am)
GOOD MENTAL HEALTH Here’s the thing about mental health: everyone has it.
Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. There’s absolutely no shame in feeling anxious, stressed or depressed and there is always someone you can talk to! There’s loads more resources on the website around improving your mental health, but here is one you can do right now!
Write down 5 things that you can do each day to make you feel happy:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Now do them! It’s always worth building in things that make you happy into your routine, as your emotional self is key to feeling good.
The following websites have lots of useful information on mental health, as well as providing support in times of crisis:
FOOD, DRINK AND SLEEP When you’re studying, it’s really easy to forget about not just getting your fivea-day, but about other foods that can increase your mental health and wellbeing. Throughout this book, you can find a list of quick-and-easy recipes we have put together which will definitely ensure you get all good stuff you need! However, here are some other things that will help you feel good: 1. Try to drink two litres of water a day 2. Eat regular meals and take a break while you’re reading. 3. Cook fresh food once a day. 4. Try not to eat after 8pm – you won’t sleep as well. 5. Do it communally – there’s nothing better than eating with friends! 6. Get your five a day. 7. Keep an eye out for healthy options in our SU outlets. If you have any questions, please ask a member of our SU staff!
SLEEPING It is a myth that as you get older you need less sleep. 7 hours a night is still ideal for adults. With the Learning Grid and the Library now open 24/7 during the summer term, it’s tempting to sleep during the day and study at night, or even to try and work the whole 24 hours! However, it’s not the best plan – you might miss out on natural light, which replenishes the important vitamins in your body, or even worse you get no sleep at all! It’s so important that you get enough sleep, and that it’s good quality – see the tips below to make sure you do! 1. Make sure your bed is a no-work zone. That way when you finally get into it your body will naturally slip out of work mode.
2. Take 10 minutes to stretch and breathe deeply before you go to sleep – doing this releases tension from your body.
3. Don’t watch TV or listen to loud music for at least half an hour before going to sleep. This keeps your brain active rather than letting yourself gently fall asleep.
4. Watch the caffeine! Don’t have more than 3 cups of coffee a day. Avoid caffeine tablets & energy drinks – they give a short term boost but will make you worse in the long run.
5. If you are struggling to sleep, it’s really important you go and see your GP, they may be able to recommend a course of treatment for you!
KEEPING ACTIVE Keeping active is a great way to de-stress and there’s plenty going on in term 3 that doesn’t require a huge commitment and you can dip in and out of at your will!
1 2
3 4
Running Grid Challenge (27th April): Take a break from studying and get walking/jogging/running during weeks 2 & 3 and tally up points per kilometre as part of our Term 3 Running Challenge. There are lots of prizes to be won for all levels of ability so why not challenge yourself and get active! Find out more by visiting: warwick.ac.uk/services/sport/about-us/active/events/running-grid-challenge Intra-Mural Leagues & Ladders Week 3 onwards: Enter a team or as an individual to play in one of our intra-mural leagues, including: Football, Rounders, Netball, Dodgeball, Cricket or Touch Rugby. Alternatively try out one of our Ladders; Badminton, Table Tennis, Squash or Tennis. Sign up on the Warwick Sport website (warwick.ac.uk/services/sport/about-us/active/leagues) by the end of Week 2 to guarantee your space! UV Sport: We have some exciting UV activities due to take place across term 3, back by popular demand we have a UV Roller Disco, Vibe Cycle and Zumba coming your way, as well as a brand new UV Netball Tournament. Keep an eye on our Warwick Sport website for more information. Rock Up & Play: Not sure you can commit? Why not try one of our Rock Up & Play sessions, no sign up required just turn up when you feel like it and have a great time. We have some brilliant sessions from Cardio Tennis to Swimfit Circuits.
WELLBEING APPS Stress Check - itunes.apple.com/us/app/stress-check/id330049595?mt=8 See how you rate on the stress chart.
Moves - moves-app.com/ Moves automatically records any walking, cycling, and running you do.
Calm - calm.com/ Taking a few moments out of your day can make you happier and healthier. Foodily - foodily.com/ The world’s largest recipe search engine. Superfoods HD - itunes.apple.com/au/app/superfood-hd/id395150718?mt=8 Do you know your goji’s from your gooseberries?
Smoothie recipes - itunes.apple.com/us/app/smoothie-recipes/id391754838?mt=8 The most convenient ways to get an abundance of essential vitamins and nutrients.
Duolingo - duolingo.com/ Learn Languages for Free!
SUMMER 2015 STUDENT WORKSHOPS Managing Procrastination
Thursday 23 April
Term 3 Week 1
2.00pm - 4.00pm (2hrs)
Managing Exam Anxiety
Thursday 30 April
Term 3 Week 2
2.00pm - 4.00pm (2hrs)
Managing Stress and Anxiety
Thursday 7 May
Term 3 Week 3
2.00pm - 4.00pm (2hrs)
Goodnight – Sleep Well!
Thursday 14 May
Term 3 Week 4
2.00pm - 4.00pm (2hrs)
Studying Sensationally
Thursday 21 May
Term 3 Week 5
2.00pm - 4.00pm (2hrs)
Managing Depression Feelings
Thursday 28 May
Term 3 Week 6
2.00pm - 4.000pm (2hrs)
Coping with Bereavement
Thursday 4 June
Term 3 Week 7
2.00pm - 4.00pm (2hrs)
Discover yourself through Drawing
Thursday 11 June
Term 3 Week 8
5.30pm - 7.30pm (2hrs)
If you are interested in participating in a workshop, please register for a place by visiting our website: warwick.ac.uk/services/tutors/counselling/workshops/ Week 1 - 10: Wellbeing drop-ins, University House, Student support, 2.00pm and 5.00pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, 2.00pm and 4.00pm on Fridays. warwick.ac.uk/services/student-support-services/mental_health/wellbeing/dropin/
Week 2 - 10: Tuesday, 1pm – 4pm, Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner drop-in session, to offer some short term coping strategies or self help materials to help support your current needs. If you’d prefer to book a session, ring 02476 671090. University House, Student Support
Week 3 - 10: Wellbeing walks, every Tuesday, Meeting at 12.30 inside the ground floor library main doors for a 12.35 depart. Look out for Sarah (wellbeing advisor) in her fluorescent yellow jacket. There will be the student support wellbeing advisor on hand to answer any queries.
Week 3: Friday 12-1pm Duck feeding, lake near Bluebell residences (bread provided)
NUS Extra exams offer – free extra shot of espresso with any drink at Curiositea!
1. Turn Facebook off. That really adorable picture of a cat will be there later. 2. Plan your work. Break up each section into manageable units, give the more
difficult sections more time. 3. Set a time limit. Try not to work for more than 8 hours a day – your brain can only work so hard! 4. Mix it up. How about working in a group? 5. Take regular, short breaks. For example, work for 45-60 minutes and then take 10 minutes off. In this time stretch your legs, drink some water and get some fresh air. 6. If you’re studying for an exam, when you’ve finished the topic, get an exam paper and practice! Time yourself, and get your friends, or even your tutor, to have a look through it with you. You can find the papers on insite, or ask the module leader. 7. Don’t hesitate to ask for help! If you’re unsure about anything you’re studying, then make sure you see your tutor. If you need some support through this stressful time, then have a look at the support services on the back. 8. If you leave the library for longer than 30 minutes, take your things with you – it’s not fair that someone might not be able to get on with their work because your things are taking up space!
TIPS FOR TAKING EXAMS: Remember your university card and a clear pencil case. Check the time, date and location of the exam in advance, and then again before you leave! Don’t bring your phone, or any other electronic devices into the exam hall. Show up early, eat and go to the toilet beforehand. Take a bottle of water in with you, you don’t want to get thirsty! Allow yourself a second at the beginning of the paper to breathe and read through the questions twice before you write anything down. If you’re ill, tell your department immediately and ensure you receive medical evidence that you needed to miss the exam. Give yourself some time after the paper to relax. You need to have a little down time after you’ve finished to truly start working effectively again.
OPENING TIMES: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/library/using/libspaces/