Warwick SU Guide 2012-13

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505 Fletchamstead Highway, Tile Hill, Coventry



Warwick SU is:

Warwick SU


Your Students’ Union


Union Development
















A registered charity



A non-profit organisation

Eating & Drinking


Run by students, for students

International Students


Jobs and Volunteering


A provider of welfare, educational, recreational, food & beverage services to the student body

Here to Help


Officer Directory


Societies Directory


Here to represent YOU!

Sports Directory


Independent from the University


your students’ union



Our Values... Democratic

We are student-led, member-focused and representative.


We are the independent voice of Warwick students.

Ethical enquiries@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2777 www.warwicksu.com twitter.com/warwicksu facebook.com/warwicksu

We are fair, principled, transparent and environmentally sound.


We are friendly, vibrant and entertaining.


We are supportive, knowledgeable, responsive and useful.


We help students develop, we nurture their aspirations.


We are diverse, welcoming, tolerant and inclusive.

www.warwicksu.com 22

Warwick SU is a democratically-run membership organisation, with every student automatically becoming a member upon enrolling at Warwick.

Your Voice We are the independent voice of students at Warwick University – although the SU receives an annual grant from the University and works closely with it, we are not a part of its formal structure, and are thus able to represent your views at a local, regional and national level. Each year, the student body elects seven student officers, all of whom take a year out from their studies to preside over the Union as your representatives. These Sabbatical Officers – or ‘Sabbs’, as you’ll commonly hear them referred to - work alongside our dedicated staff team to deliver a wealth of services for you!

your sabbatical officer team 2012-13 This year’s Sabbatical Team, elected in February 2012, is as follows:

NICK SWAIN Warwick SU President

JAMES ENTWISTLE Education Officer


Democracy & Development Officer

ANNA CHOWCAT Postgraduate Officer


Welfare & Campaigns Officer


From the whole team here at your Students’ Union, welcome to Warwick! Warwick SU is here to ensure that you have the best possible time at University, and to support you along the way. It’s not just a place to hang out during the day and party at night, but also here to give independent advice, confidential welfare services and to represent you as students. There’s something here for everyone, whether you join any of the several hundred sports clubs and societies on offer, or get more involved in campaigns and Union democracy. For great nights out, you can enjoy clubbing and live music in The Copper Rooms, or have a relaxing evening in our pub, The Dirty Duck. As Warwick SU President, my role is to represent your concerns and interests to both the University and the wider community. With a team of seven Sabbatical Officers (Sabbs) and the rest of our staff team at your service, the Students’ Union is run entirely for you. The best years of your life are about to begin! Nick Swain



don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com


Societies Officer


Over the coming pages, we’ll be giving you an overview of our various different activities, as well as introducing you to your Sabbatical Officers!



As a Students’ Union, our primary purpose is to represent, advise and support our members. However, as you would expect, the staffing, the time and the resources required to deliver this come at a cost. Although the SU receives an annual grant from the University and works closely with it, this funding on its own is insufficient to sustain the day-to-day running of the SU. Consequently we run a variety of commercial services to bridge this gap, and to support our noncommercial membership services.

Where Your Money Goes Warwick SU is a charity and a not-for-profit organisation. Unlike commercial high-street venues, we do not exist to make a profit - the money we bring in through our commercial outlets (bars, restaurants, cafés and nightclubs) is directly reinvested back into other services for Warwick students, including our Clubs & Societies, Advice & Welfare services, Campaigns, Democracy and more. As a registered charity, it directly benefits you to use our services - every time you buy an event ticket for The Copper Rooms, a baguette in The Bread Oven, a pint in The Dirty Duck, a meal in Xananas or a cup of coffee in Curiositea, that money goes right back into the pot to fund student activities. Put simply, without your support and loyalty, we wouldn’t exist! Here’s a rough breakdown of where your money goes when you use any of the SU’s commercial services: How the Union works diagram ddo@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2780 wwww.arwicksu.com


■membership services Student Advice Centre Democratic Services ■ Sabbatical Officers ■ Student Activities ■

central services Marketing Finance ■ HR & Pensions

Central Admin. Reception ■ I.T.


Contribution to training, operating costs and activities to support all that you do as students

■Running Costs ■

Staff - full-time and students Stock

■premises ■ ■

The Union’s total turnover is approximately £6.9 million. The surplus it makes at the end of the year is less than 1.5%.


Building rent Bills - Gas, Water, Electricity Cleaning


For reinvestment to deliver the best student experience possible at Warwick

However big or small your ideas are - whether it’s inventing a cocktail for The Terrace Bar or suggesting a new concept for a night out - it’s your Union, and we want to hear your opinions. So email feedback@warwicksu.com or just pop in to see me if you have any suggestions! Cosmo March



don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

As your Democracy and Development Officer, in addition to running the Union’s democratic processes, part of my job is to oversee the Union’s £6.9 million turnover. That means ensuring that the Union’s spending is solely geared towards benefiting students. It also includes making sure that the Union’s outlets (Xananas, The Dirty Duck, The Terrace Bar, Curiositea, The Copper Rooms and The Bread Oven) are delivering the services that you want at a price students agree with.

don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

Every time you buy a baguette from The Bread Oven or grab another pint in The Dirty Duck, you can be assured that the money will go straight back into student services that will benefit you – that’s because Warwick SU is a not-for-profit organisation.

Warwick SU is a charitable membership organisation which exists to represent the views and interests of all students at Warwick University.

We also run significant commercial services whose surpluses are used to subsidise these welfare, representational and developmental activities foR our members.

The Trustees of Warwick SU are fundamental to the success of the charity, and are responsible for its financial sustainability and strategic direction. We are looking for up to 2 additional volunteer Student Trustees with passion and enthusiasm who can commit 4 to 6 hours per month (largely in early evenings) to drive strategy and ensure strong charity governance. To be a Trustee, you must be a student at Warwick University, be over 18 years old when you take up appointment, and have no unspent criminal convictions. You will be required to attend training both at the start of your term of office and throughout in order to ensure you have adequate knowledge to carry out your responsibilities. Our Trustee Board has been lucky enough to include postgraduate and undergraduate students, full-time and part-time students, home and international students from the whole range of faculties, and students of varying ages (from 18 to 70!)

We would really like to maintain such a wide variety of experiences and skills on our Trustee Board, and welcome applications from all students in any of the demographic groups that make up the student body here at Warwick.

We are particularly interested in hearing from international students, non-UG students and students from black and ethnic minority groups. If you think you would be interested in applying to be a student trustee, email trustees@warwicksu.com for further information.

You can also visit the Charities Commission website which contains good advice and guidance on being a Trustee: www.charity-commission.gov.uk Interested parties are asked to send a CV and covering letter detailing why you would like to be a trustee at Warwick Students’ Union and what you could bring to the Board to trustees@warwicksu.com.

Closing Date: Midday Friday 12th October 2012 Interview Date: Thursday 18th October 2012




There are many potential problems facing students nowadays – it could be to do with your course, housing, study visas, financial worries, personal matters or anything in-between. Luckily, the Student Advice Centre is here to help. The Citizens’ Advice Bureau of campus, we run a free, confidential and informal service to support your life at University. We are located on the top floor of SUHQ, next to the lift. Our three fully-trained advisors can help with issues related to housing, immigration, money, study, consumer rights and much more. Our advisors will do their utmost to ensure that you make an informed decision about any difficulties you may face – and, if we can’t help, we’ll direct you to someone who can.

welfare@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2824

During term-time, student volunteers staff our reception desk. They will welcome you and help book appointments – however, it will save you time to either phone ahead or e-mail. The Student Advice Centre receives over 6,000 enquiries per year. If you’re facing a problem and don’t know who to speak to, try us!

The University runs an invaluable confidential counselling service, together with a faith-based alternative (if you feel it is more appropriate to speak to someone of faith). The University Counselling Service provides an opportunity for all Warwick students to access professional counselling so that they may better develop and fulfill their personal, academic and professional potential. Go to go.warwick.ac.uk/supportservices for more information.

Disability Services Disability Services work to help address barriers to study for students with hearing and visual impairments, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ADHD, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, mobility impairments, dysgraphia, ‘unseen’ disabilities such as asthma, epilepsy and diabetes, plus any other conditions. Find out more at go.warwick.ac.uk/disability.

Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/advice


SAC OPENING HOURS Term-Time Opening Hours MON TO THURS: 9am - 4pm FRI: 9am - 3pm Holiday Opening Hours MON TO THURS: 9:30am - 3pm FRI: CLOSED Contact Details advice@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2824 Level 2, SUHQ University House


One thing everyone has to do at some point is find off-campus accommodation, and that’s where we’re able to help out. There are a lot of myths about housing (“All the good properties go first”, “There aren’t enough houses off-campus for all students”, and “I always get value for money”) and often people feel pressured or rushed into signing a contract. We are here to help make sure you get the right information - every year we run a housing campaign to let you know your options. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the rights of students as tenants and to get the message across that there is no need to rush!


We also advise students on how to find community andcommunity housemates, what the general househunting timeline should be. The campaign starts in the middle of Term 1, and carries on into Term 2.

This year we are launching a new campaign to cover all of our community work. We want you to be safe and have a great time if you are living off campus and to have a positive and happy time while living in the local community. Love Community is about doing all we can to respect the area we are living in and the people around us, and also to provide opportunities to get involved in making it a better place. It encompasses the information and advice in our Off-Campus Moving-In Guide, the possibility of local social action projects, and continues the Leave Leam Tidy/Keep Cov Clean initiatives, which aim to ensure that at the end of the academic year students leave their houses and flats in Leamington or Coventry in good condition, useful or reusable possessions get reused or recycled and that overall we leave our local area in a decent state before we leave.

Hey everyone! My name is Ben, and I look after Welfare Services in the Students’ Union. My job is to ensure you have the best possible time at Warwick, and to do everything I can to help if things go wrong. I deal with issues such as settling in, helping you with housing, improving community relations, sexual and mental health, immigration issues and reporting hate crimes. A big part of my job is to be available for you – so if you are unsure about anything, please come and say hello! Many welfare issues are tied to campaigning, which can be an amazing way to make a difference. The Union has liberation campaigns for minority groups such as LGBTUA+, disabled students, ethnic minorities and women, as well as supporting various ethical campaigns such as Fairtrade and Go Green Week, and running personal wellbeing campaigns. If you want to get involved in campaigning, I am here to help and support you. I hope you have an amazing year please come and see me if there’s anything you need! Ben Sundell



don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com


Want to chat? We also have: free condoms attack alarms information leaflets phone numbers for many other helplines and organisations bus timetables email listening trained volunteers

02476 417 668 nightline@warwick.ac.uk nightline block www.warwick.ac.uk/nightline

Nightline is an independent, confidential and nonjudgmental listening service. This means you can call, email or drop by for any reason at all and we won’t judge 7 you or tell you what to do. We are simply here to listen.


One of the primary purposes of Warwick SU is to represent you. Whether it’s to your academic department, to the University, the local council or nationally, we’re a great place to get support and help. This is most obvious when it comes to academic issues such as appeals and complaints, but can also cover anything from housing issues to healthcare. Remember that our collective voice is much stronger than a lone one!

Liaison Committee SSLC Student-Staff

education@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2779

Made up of students, staff and heads of departments, SSLCs provide an accessible arena for students to discuss any concerns they have with teaching, learning and student support services with the academic staff from their department.

Get involved in Warwick SU’s student-led teaching awards, putting you at the heart of your education. Students can nominate their lecturers and other University staff for an award where they feel the staff member has gone above and beyond for the benefit of students.

They also provide an opportunity for the department to receive feedback from students, particularly if changes to a course are proposed. This is the strongest mechanism for getting involved with how your academic life at Warwick is shaped. You can run for election as an SSLC Representative in the first few weeks of Term 1!

Keep an eye out for nominations and get involved at www.warwicksu.com/stars.

Don’t just talk about these issues - change them. Visit www.warwicksu.com/sslc to make your voice heard.

Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/education



Hungry for Feedback..............? Activism and campaigning are a special part of the Warwick experience. On educational issues this year we’ll be pushing for progress on feedback and contact time and we need you to help. Whether it’s by joining your friends on the NUS Demo in November or by getting engaged in improvements to your personal tutor system, play your part and get involved.

STARS of Warwick awards night

With all the major changes to higher education over the last few years, I want to make sure that you get the best out of your studies here. I meet regularly with the University to talk about the quality of the education you receive, and how we can improve your academic experience. But you also need to play your part in making change happen. You can get involved with your Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs) and represent your course to senior academics. Through the Education Convention, there are opportunities to be at the heart of debates on what education is all about. If you have any problems with your course or department, you’ve run into difficulties with your study or have any other issues regarding your academic experience, send me an email or drop by my office and I’ll do my best to help you out. James Entwistle EDUCATION OFFICER


don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

Hello! I’m James, your Education Officer this year. My job is to make sure you have a strong voice on educational issues.

WARWICK SU SOCIAL ENTERPRISE PROJECT Do you want to run the next Big Issue? Fancy setting up a new Fifteen? Have you got an enterprise idea that could really make a difference, something that could improve social inclusion, deliver a real social change?

Find out more and sign up online at:

www.warwicksu.com/socialenterprise 9 LAUNCH EVENT: Monday 15th October 2012 | 6pm - 8pm


Warwick SU is run by you, our members. It’s up to you to decide our priorities for the year, to work towards improving the student experience and to enact changes on campus and beyond. You can be involved in this in so many ways, from emailing us feedback and voting to standing for election as a Councillor or Union Officer.

So, how does it work? At different points in the year we hold headline events called ‘All-Student Meetings’. Any student can attend these meetings, raise issues and debate the Union’s priorities. After this, we hold a vote online (which any student can vote in), and that’s how we make a decision. The things that we decide will fall into two separate areas:

democracy@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2788 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/democracy

Union Policy

This is how we lobby external organisations (the University, government, local businesses) and is our ‘collective voice’ on issues (e.g. lobbying bus companies to provide a better service for students, our stance on tuition fees…)

Union Regulations and Principles

This is how you change your Students’ Union (e.g. what we sell, when we open, how we support you…)

Student Council After decisions have been made, it’s up to Student Council to make sure things happen. A lot of Policies and Regulations & Principles mandate an Officer to do something or change the way the Union delivers an activity, and it’s Student Council’s job to ensure that this occurs. Check out the current list of Union Policies, Regulations & Principles, along with more details on how Union Democracy works, at www.warwicksu.com/democracy.

10 10



These come from you!


Meetings Only you decide, nobody makes decisions on your behalf



Used to lobby external organisations + our ‘collective voice’ on issues


Regulations &Principles

This is stuff that affects your Union directly: what we sell, when we open, how we support you


Sabbatical Officers Faculty Reps Liberation Officers For more info about this year’s Officer Team, visit www.warwicksu.com/officers or see the Officer Directory on page 38 of this guide.

Vote! Voting takes just seconds and is all done online. It’s really important that you have your say on All-Student Meetings and Elections – Warwick SU has the genuine ability to improve your student experience, but only if you help us to make a difference!

Student Council We’ll be electing Student Councillors early in Term 1. They discuss how the SU should approach major issues affecting students’ lives, and quiz Officers to ensure they’re delivering on their manifesto promises.

NUS The NUS is an organisation made up of SU’s from across the UK. Being part of the NUS provides Warwick with resources and support throughout the year, along with national campaigns for students on fees and funding to housing and social welfare. Furthermore, anyone can run to be an NUS delegate at one of their conferences.

The new 2012/13 NUS Extra card costs just £12 for 12 months and gives you access to many exclusive UK discounts, both online and on the high street. For a full list of offers visit www.nusextra.co.uk - you will have access to exclusive prize draws and competitions, as well as special discounts & offers in Warwick SU’s food & beverage outlets throughout the year. For an additional £2.99 you can upgrade to the International Student Identity Card (ISIC) and access over 40,000 discounts worldwide, including tourist attractions, theme parks, accommodation and travel.

don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

There are three types of Union Officer:

don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

Each year, we ask you to elect officers to run different aspects of the Students’ Union. They’re all current or former students, and are here to represent you and your interests. Officers in the past have done some amazing things for students, so it’s really important that the right people are elected!

HOW DO I GET ONE? £12 FOR 12 MONTHS Buy your NUS Extra card online now. Register and upload your digital photo at www.nusextra.co.uk and you’re away! Alternatively, visit the NUS Extra stand at the Freshers Fair. If you register before 14th September then you can collect your card from the NUS Extra stand at the Freshers Fair. After this time, your card can be collected from SUHQ Reception.



It can often be forgotten in amongst the rush of feverish Undergraduate activity that Postgraduate students make up over 40% of the student body here at Warwick. Upon enrolling, Postgraduates automatically become members of the Students’ Union, and we are here to represent your needs and interests just as passionately as we do for any other group. This year, for the first time ever, students have elected a Postgraduate Officer to the Sabbatical Team. Her role will be to address your concerns and queries about all aspects of postgraduate life and study here at the University – if you have any comments or suggestions as to how we can improve the Warwick experience for you and your fellow Postgrads, feel free to get in touch!

Postgraduate Hub

postgrads@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2777 Level 2, SUHQ

The Postgraduate Association (PGA) is a new body run by Postgrads, for Postgrads. Student representatives from all faculties and academic backgrounds will organise a variety of regular social events in the Students’ Union exclusively for Postgraduates. It will also provide support with any academic issues you may have. The PGA is a fully elected body, so why not run and get involved in representing your peers?

Postgraduate Representation A number of representative structures make up the Postgraduate Association. Faculty Representatives (from each faculty) have seats on University committees and can make a real difference in providing a voice for students. Postgraduate Councillors represent their year on Student Council, which debates a variety of issues relating to students. SSLCs (Student Staff Liaison Committees) provide an arena in which students, staff and senior academics discuss concerns with courses or the University at large. If you want to find out more information about Union Representation, how the Union is run and how to get involved, head over to our website at www.warwicksu.com/democracy or email your Democracy and Development Officer via ddo@warwicksu.com.

12 12

The Postgraduate Hub, situated in Coventry House next to the Arts Centre, is a brand new study space designed especially for Postgraduates. The Hub hosts regular events, from social activities where you can meet fellow Postgrads to academic support services such as the Dissertation Station event, which runs in the summer months to support Masters students with their thesis. The Hub also has its own blog and Twitter page so you can keep up to date with all the events and goings-on!

Warwick SU runs an access scheme called Inspire which involves students visiting an array of mixed comprehensive schools in the local area. Students will talk about their life as a student at Warwick, and chat with pupils about their perceptions of the University experience. Participants will have the chance to give something back to the local community and hopefully motivate the next generation of University students, many of whom may not have considered University as an option. The scheme runs throughout the year, so look out for information on the Warwick SU website on how to apply, or find out more by emailing the Postgraduate Officer via postgrads@warwicksu.com. Have the courage to Inspire!

Postgraduate life is very different from Undergraduate study. Postgrads have distinct needs and lifestyles, and we are here to support you in all aspects of your time at Warwick. The SU is actively looking to expand Postgraduate engagement with the Union, with increased social events and entertainment specifically for Postgraduate students designed to fit your needs and your timetable. From an academic perspective, I will be actively involved in helping to run the Postgraduate Hub and the Wolfson Research Exchange and ensuring that your study needs are met. If you have any problems with your course or department, feel free to send me an email, check out my blog, pop into my office or just come and have a chat with me in the Hub or the Exchange so that I can do my best to help you out! Anna Chowcat



don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

Postgraduates make up about 45% of the student population here at Warwick and it’s my job to represent all Postgrad students. I meet with the University regularly to improve the quality of Postgraduate education.

print shop

‘Go Global’ is a Union/ University initiative to get students thinking globally, with the ultimate aim that each and every student can have a Warwick SU Print Shop is an global experience innovative print and design whilst at Warwick. service based in the Marketing department of SUHQ, available

for any Warwick University There are numerous student, club or society. benefits that an We provide great value for international money and an excellent service, perspective including: brings, □ and we& Small Format Posters Large hope that students □ Photo & Canvas Printing take advantage of □ Flyers & Leaflets the opportunities □ Booklets □ Banners available here!

□ □ □

Thesis & Project Printing Stickers & Labels Clothing

A professional design service is also available. If you have other requirements please get in touch and we will provide a quote. A full price list is available to download online via: www.warwicksu.com/print For any enquiries: print@warwicksu.com 024 765 72812 warwicksu.com/print Marketing Department 2nd floor of SUHQ 13


From Warwick Student Cinema to the Good Food Society, there really is something for everyone here at Warwick SU. Societies bring together students who are interested in or care about a certain issue or activity, or simply want to try something new. The Union supports these societies by providing funding, training and facilities for their activities - we have more societies than any other Students’ Union in the country, so you’ve made the right choice by coming to Warwick! To see what we can offer you, visit www.warwicksu.com/societies or check out the directory at the back of this guide.

So - what do societies do, exactly? Our societies cover just about every area of interest or activity you could imagine. If there isn’t a society for something you’re interested in, you’re more than welcome to get a few people together and start one up!

societies@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2781 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/societies

Joining a society is a great way to try something completely new, make new friends or simply have a lot of fun. There are also opportunities to run societies, which will get you dealing with budgets, organising trips and picking up skills that you won’t get from just doing your degree.

How do I join?

▪▪ Join the Societies Federation via the

Societies tab on the SU website. It’s only £14 for one year’s membership and, once paid, you can join any societies you like. This money goes straight back to societies in the budget, helping to fund all the wild and wonderful events that they put on, as well as funding SU services that societies need to support them.

▪▪ Societies usually charge around £3

for membership - an absolute bargain considering the amazing experiences you’ll have all year!

▪▪ You can join any of the societies online

at www.warwicksu.com/societies or at the Societies Fair.

Societies Fair

▪▪ The Societies Fair happens during Week 1 at the start of the year, and is spread over three days.

▪▪ Each society will have a stall at the fair. You can chat to the people running the society and get a taste of what each of them involves.

▪▪ Make sure you join your Hall Society (e.g.

Jack Martin Society if you’re living in Jack Martin), as these are a great way to get to know people living in your halls who aren’t sharing your kitchen. Hall societies raise money for charity, run trips, organise socials and often enter our sports leagues. If you’re feeling really eager to get involved and fancy running your Hall Society this year, elections will be taking place towards the start of term.

▪▪ When you find societies you like, you can grab a barcode from them and buy your memberships there and then.

▪▪ Alternatively, you can join at any time

online at www.warwicksu.com/societies.

Societies awards Societies make such a valuable contribution to student life that we hold an awards ceremony in Term 3 to honour their achievements. We also single out several individuals for special recognition and pay tribute to their outstanding input into society activities. All the award-winners from the 2011-2012 academic year are marked with a star in this directory.

14 14

My job is to help societies provide the best experience possible for you. I help societies organise fundraising, performances, summits, campaigns, guest lectures, trips and tours, and anything else they decide to do. As well as allocating budgets, I am also responsible for providing training and advice to exec members, ensuring societies do their bit to work with the local community. Societies are here to enhance your time at Warwick. If you want to meet new people, try something new, have fun and expand your horizons, get involved and join in! My involvement in societies gave me the best four years of my life so far, and I’m here to make sure it gives you the same. If you’d like to know more about societies, drop into my office any time or send me an email. Silkie Cragg



don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

Hi, I’m Silkie, your Societies Officer this year. Societies form a key part of the student experience at Warwick. Your SU supports over 230 different societies... there will undoubtedly be at least one suited to you!

WARWICK SU ROOM BOOKING RATE CARD If you’re organising an event for your club or society, need somewhere to rehearse or simply want to hire somewhere for a social, we have the space for you.



Meetings | Debates Small Classes | Rehearsals


Exhibitions | Fairs (restricted use) Contact Central Admin for availability


Birthday Parties | Quizzes Socials (exclusive access)


Birthday Parties | Socials (non-exclusive access)




Rehearsal Space


Rehearsal Space | Large Soc Socials

£ 6 per hour Large Society Socials

£ 100 + £1 per head

Staffing & technical included; DJ provided at extra cost


£ 6 per hour

Rehearsal Space | Large Society Events | Theatrical Productions Fashion Shows | Live Music Events



Rehearsal Space Large Events

To book one of our SU venues for your next social, please contact Central Admin:

admin@warwicksu.com 024 7657 3057 www.warwicksu.com/roombooking Level 1, SUHQ



Sport at Warwick offers something for everyone, with top-notch facilities to boot. Whether you want high-level competition, occasional keep-fit sessions, adrenaline-fuelled weekend trips or just relaxed fun with a group of friends, there’s sure to be something that takes your fancy. Here are a few facts about sport at Warwick:

▪▪ There’s a lot of it! We have over 70 different sports clubs (anything from Hockey and Football to Floorball and Octopush!), open to all abilities.

▪▪ At Warwick you can go from complete beginner to coach, black belt or national-level competitor in just a few years.

▪▪ Joining a sports club isn’t just about playing sport - each club has its own character and active social scene.

▪▪ Sport at Warwick is cheap. After you have paid the initial fee to join, all our clubs are just £6.

WHAT IS WARWICK SPORT? Warwick Sport is a joint venture between the Students’ Union and the University which oversees all sport on campus. It basically means that sport is easier to get involved with, and that it benefits from improved facilities.

sports@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2776 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/sports

You have to join Warwick Sport to join any club at Warwick. Membership gives you unlimited access to a range of sports facilities including halls, pitches and the swimming pool, basic sports insurance, subsidised coaching, umpiring and first aid courses, plus a free sports physiotherapy session.

SPORTS FIXTURES Like most UK Universities, Wednesday afternoon is sports afternoon at Warwick. The University commits to keeping the time free from academic activity so that you are able to go and represent Warwick across the country at every sport imaginable. Whether it’s Rugby, Football or Canoe Polo, Warwick has a strong reputation across all the BUCS (British Universities and College Sports) leagues, and it’s only getting stronger. Don’t worry if you haven’t reached national standards yet and just want a run-about every single club offers beginners’ courses and are open to all standards, as well as active leagues at casual level in all of our most popular sports.

16 16

LEAGUES & LADDERS If you still think club sport isn’t your thing, you could always try one of our ladders or internal Football, Cricket and Mixed Netball leagues. Open to all, you just need to get a group of friends together (all members of Warwick Sport), come up with a team name and sign up early. Look out for details in Warwick Sport emails and on the Union and Warwick Sport websites near the beginning of Term 1.

Focus clubs Focus clubs are selected by Warwick Sport for extra assistance as a result of excellent performances in recent years. For 2012-13 these clubs are Swimming, Rowing, Men’s Lacrosse, Women’s Lacrosse, Men’s Football, Women’s Football, Men’s Cricket, Judo and Rugby Union. Members of the ‘focus squads’ in these clubs will benefit from increased support from Warwick Sport, with customised training schedules, performance sessions with the fitness suite staff and nutrition and psychology sessions with experts.

Put simply, Warwick University offers an unparalleled variety of sporting opportunities. We cater for all abilities, with elite, competitive, recreational and development teams across the majority of clubs, as well as internal leagues for those who prefer to play more casually. With such a range of choice on offer – giving experienced athletes the prospect of competing on an international level and novices the chance to learn from scratch one of our 70+ clubs is undoubtedly for you! Both the high-quality services and facilities associated with Warwick Sport not only allow you to become fitter, faster, stronger and healthier, but also open a door to the best weekly socials, termly tours and the all-important annual Sports Ball. Make university the most memorable years of your life and become part of Warwick Sport! Find us at the Sports Fair during Freshers Week - if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch! Natasha Cabral (a.k.a. Bam Bam) SPORTS OFFICER


don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

Hey, welcome to Warwick!

Whether you’re a fitness fanatic or a more casual player, make sure you get involved at sport during your time here at University by joining Warwick Sport. You’ll enjoy numerous opportunities for socialising and competition at a bargain price!

ANNUAL PRICES: Warwick Sport £ 49.00 Club Membership £ 6.00 Fitness Scheme £110.00 Climbing Wall £ 65.00 Performance Gym £ 45.00

17 warwicksport.warwick.ac.uk


Warwick SU runs and helps to facilitate campaigning here on campus. If you are passionate about making a positive difference for people, communities or the environment, please get involved. We have officers specifically elected to represent Liberation groups, as well as the vast work of our campaigning societies, so there is sure to be something for everybody - have a look below, and see what you want to get involved in! These are some of our most prominent campaigns, but there are plenty more including Blood and Bone Marrow Donations, Black History Month, International Women’s Week and STOP! Human Trafficking.Check out www.warwicksu.com/campaigns to find out more.

WELLBEING CAMPAIGNS Much of the work of Welfare comes through campaigning. We’re here to make sure that you stay healthy and safe, and have the best possible time at Warwick.

FEEL GOOD Feel Good is focused on ensuring we take care of our bodies in order to keep our brains healthy. It happens around exam time, and offers advice about revision, stress, mental wellbeing, and the effects of our sleeping and consumption patterns on our productivity. Check out www.warwicksu.com/feelgood campaignsforum@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2788 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/campaigns

GUM CLINICS GUM (Genito Urinary Medicine) Clinics are available in the Students’ Union twice a term to provide free and confidential sexual health checks for transmitted infections. They also encourage safe sex practice. There’s no need to make an appointment – all you need to do is turn up on the day!

Drink Responsibly Our ‘What If?’ campaign exists to help ensure that students know the full effects of alcohol, and encourage us all to enjoy our drink safely. We want you to have nights to remember here, not nights you forget. Check out www.warwicksu.com/whatif

18 18

FEEL GOOD Free & Confidential


The Liberation Groups on campus exist to ensure direct representation from the Union on Women’s, Ethnic Minority, LGBTUA+ and Disability Campaigns. If you want to get involved you can contact your 2012-13 Liberation Officer Team via: DISABLED STUDENTS OFFICER Sam Fry uc025@warwicksu.com

WOMEN’S OFFICER Alys Cooke uc027@warwicksu.com

ETHNIC MINORITIES OFFICER Maahwish Mirza uc225@warwicksu.com

lgbtua+ OFFICER Yolander Chegweidden & Hiten Shah uc024@warwicksu.com

Each of these campaigns have an Officer who leads their campaigning for the Union. The Liberation Campaigns often tie in with the work of our campaigning societies.



The Campaigns Convention is an exciting new development for us. We want to provide much better support and knowledge to help facilitate the work of our campaigners so they can achieve even better results and make real and lasting change.

Much of the campaigning here at Warwick comes through the great work that our societies do. Societies campaign on a huge range of different issues such as the environment, ethics and social justice, personal wellbeing, or liberation. You will see societies running themed weeks and events at certain points throughout the year.

We know how enthusiastic our members are to get involved with meaningful and vital campaigning work and we want to make it easier and even more accessible to both seasoned campaigners and for students who are just starting out in this exciting and often life changing activity. The Campaigns Convention takes place each term and will enable coordination between various campaigning societies, our liberation groups, and any targeted campaigns the Union runs throughout the year. We will provide training and advice to help ensure all our campaigning is effective, it will be a great place to exchange ideas and good practice, as well as helping you to get involved in the areas you feel passionate about.

If there is an issue that is important to you that you think one of our campaigning societies should be focussing on – do get in touch with them and let them know, and consider joining and getting a new campaign going.

don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com


You can also get advice from staff in the Student Resources Room in SUHQ who can help put you in touch with existing campaigns. For the full list of campaigning societies that you can get involved with check out warwicksu.com/societies/all/campaigning



There’s always something exciting going on at Warwick SU, as any stroll through the Union will show you. Every week you’ll find society performances in the Atrium and Piazza, be able to get bargains at our regular indoor markets, and find freebies being handed out left, right and centre – we really are non-stop! We’ve got a small taste of what to expect below, but remember, this really is just the basics. If you want to start your own student-run event – be it a themed week or a one-off show, pop into SUHQ Reception and someone will be able to give you a hand. Check out www.warwicksu.com throughout the year to make sure you don’t miss out!

One of the largest studentrun international festivals in the UK, OWW is a vivid explosion of colour and energy which celebrates the incredible diversity of students at Warwick.

enquiries@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2777 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/events

Stimulating personal development and inspiring an ethos based on acceptance and appreciation of the world’s cultures, One World Week is comprised of various elements: the Forums attract high-profile speakers and stimulate debate on key topics facing the world today; the Festival takes place in and around the Union building and features activities and performances; the Arts bring every creative element in the world to campus, while Sports gets students of all nationalities together to enjoy competitions and new activities.

Warwick Entrepreneurs exists to develop future entrepreneurs by encouraging a culture of innovation and collaboration. This year will see the return of ‘The Apprentice’ challenge and the new Incubator, which aims to support students throughout the process of taking their ideas to successful businesses. Membership is open to all at Warwick. www.WarwickEntrepreneurs.com 20 20

play your part... Warwick Student Arts Festival (WSAF) takes place across campus in the final week of the academic year, and showcases all the amazing talent and skills which our students possess. Highlights each year range from concerts and dance performances to theatre and community projects! www.wsaf.co.uk

Billed as one of the most bizarre weeks in the campus calendar, RAG Week descends in Term 1. Various items can be delivered to lectures (including chocolates, pints or even a single red rose), giant animals appear round campus and a whole plethora of events grace the evenings at the Union. There’s even time for some mischief. ‘Gnomings’ (involving a target being cling-filmed to a tree and covered in flour, water and baked beans) offer some cheeky opportunities for revenge - perfect for that flatmate who hasn’t been doing their share of the washing-up. The best bit? The whole thing’s for charity! www.warwickrag.com

The annual flagship event of the Economics Society at Warwick, the summit is held over a weekend in February. Entirely student-run, it doesn’t just cover economics: sessions also touch on many other relevant topics in the sphere of social studies such as development, politics, globalisation & international relations.

Every year in Term 2 we take on our arch-rivals Coventry University to see who can claim the title of the greatest sporting institution this side of the A46. Spanning the entire spectrum of sporting activities, every game, match and race is crucial. Thus far, Warwick remains the undefeated Varsity champion, but Coventry are always coming back seeking revenge...

The Real Ale Festival is all about introducing people to beer in its cask-conditioned form. Many people have never tasted a good pint of bitter before, and still more are unaware of the huge variety that is available under the ‘ale’ heading. The Real Ale Society hosts the biggest and best student beer festival in the country. With over 110 beers, ciders, fruit wines and meads to try, there is guaranteed to be a drink that will suit everyone’s palate!


When it comes to entertainment on campus, Warwick SU covers everything from big-name DJs and established acts to student bands, theatre, comedy, sport and dance. Whether it’s a club night, gig or society event, there’s always something interesting going on that’s sure to appeal to even the most wayward tastes – and, if not, you or your society can book out the venue to put on your own nights! Pop up to the Entertainments Department in SUHQ to find out more, and look out for our termly wallplanners for details of upcoming events. If clubbing isn’t your thing, we also run a series of evening events in The Terrace Bar and The Dirty Duck which are designed to provide a more relaxed atmosphere for socialising – highlights include our weekly acoustic night, Un-Plucked, the Cleverducks Pub Quiz (alternating with Quackstar Karaoke on Thursdays), Global’s international night and, new for this year, a fortnightly Postgrad event on Saturdays. In addition, we regularly show key big-screen sport fixtures which always generate the best communal atmosphere on campus! In addition to various seasonal spectaculars, we run a series of massive events at the end of Term 3, including the Graduation Ball, Sports Ball and our very own mini-festival, the Summer Party. Don’t forget that, as with all Warwick SU’s commercial services, any money you spend in The Copper Rooms is directly reinvested for your benefit – with that in mind, here’s a taste of what to expect this year from your SU!



Every Wednesday, leave any notion of taste at the door and enter a world of guilty pleasures! We invite you to dive into a vat of musical fondue as Disco Dave takes you on a journey through the history of ‘proper music… like it used to be’. Expect huge retro classics that taste and wisdom forgot, and relive the less discerning days of your youth through the songs we hate to love.

Now in its umpteenth year, Top B is Warwick SU’s flagship commercial/ chart club night. If it’s of the moment, it’s here - cheap entry and cheaper drinks make this the logical destination for those of you who are looking to start their weekend with a BANG!

Check out the massive giveaways and fancy dress themes throughout the year, and let the Midweek Mayhem commence!

Your genial host, Spank the Monkey (we apologise in advance for his inappropriate advances towards each and every one of you), will be in charge of proceedings as our resident DJs provide a banging barrage of the big contemporary tunes that YOU want to hear.

top 5 sights & sounds

top 5 sights & sounds

1. Disco Dave’s prehistoric hairdo

1. Fab drink offers all night

2. Our loveable Ents Reps snapping your photo 3. Plain ridiculous fancy dress 4. Shirts aloft to Baywatch 5. 1000+ party-goers getting ‘on it’ to the theme from Grandstand… no, really!

Dig out your old school uniform twice a term as we take you back in time for a little naughty nostalgia! If you dream of the days when Playstation 1 and the Nokia 3210 were THE must-have technological advancements, Skool Dayz needs YOU to relive some of the best (and worst) musical offerings of the 90s and noughties! Those who are too cool for school get to start an Old-Skool-style block party upstairs, with breaks and beats from DJ P, one of the finest scratch DJs in the UK!

top 5 sights & sounds 1. An array of school ties and Britney look-a likes

2. More anthems than the Olympics

2. Plenty of Teenage Dirtbags, baby

3. Our socialite chimp giving it stacks on the stage

3. DJ Carter’s dodgy Disney Megamix

4. Groovy giveaways and stage competitions

4. Selected “Oot! Oot!”s where appropriate

5. Cheeky bit of dubstep? Yeah, why not?

5. Breakdancing galore

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For those who like their beats big and their bass fat, Pressure is where it’s at. One of the Midlands’ longest-running and best-respected brands, Pressure has previously played host to anyone and everyone in the UK Bass scene, including Benga, DJ Fresh, Modestep, Sub Focus, Chase & Status, Glitch Mob, High Contrast, Pendulum, Nero, Noisia and more. Expect the finest, fullest bass, the meatiest cutting-edge dubstep and the sharpest electro known to humanity as Pressure takes over the SU to fill your ears and brain with pure, unadulterated filth!

Crash is the SU’s thrice-termly salute to the noisier end of the spectrum, delivering an onslaught of classic and contemporary rock, metal, alternative, punk and ska favourites which are guaranteed to get the mosh-pit bouncing. As renowned for its atmosphere and legendary antics from our dedicated band of regulars as it is for its selection of thumping tunes, Crash also plays host to a regular pre-event social which features specialist music and live student bands courtesy of Bandsoc & Rocksoc. For those about to rock, we salute you!

Now in its third year, low-key music night Idioteque explores the absolute cutting-edge of new alternative sounds. Be it electro-tinged indie or minimal, folky electronica, Idioteque blurs the boundaries of genre and subcultures to offer a truly credible soundtrack that you can’t hear anywhere else on campus. Offbeat Society resident DJs combine with acclaimed guests to engage, inspire and develop discerning tastes.

top 5 sights & sounds

top 5 sights & sounds

top 5 sights & sounds

1. Panoramic bass

1. Conga lines and circle pits

1. New sounds - fresh artists

2. Chunky, chunky beats

2. Air-guitar mastery

3. High-profile headliners

3. Unbeatable cult classics on the screens

2. Genuine musical wisdom from highly knowledgeable DJs

4. THE best soundsystem in the area 5. Boooom, wob-wob-wobwob…


“A night so divine that John Peel might look down from heaven with an approving grin. Idioteque is a weekly journey through lo-fi, post-rock, electronica and other experimental sounds”. (The Fly)

4. Music society socials and daft dress-ups 5. Rocking tunes played LOUD!

3. An eclectic blend of electronic and organic sounds 4. Deep and meaningfuls about Damo Suzuki’s importance 5. A sincerely open-minded approach to music

The perfect blend of cocktails and beats

Get Funked’s resident DJ, Captain Funkwash, is on a mission: he is searching for the perfect groove. Come and join him each and every Friday night for free in The Terrace Bar as he takes you on an illogical journey through ‘Good Times’ breaks, soul, funk, hip-hop and everything in between. Expect the freshest beats, the sassiest soul and some seriously cool breaking on the dancefloor as the Get Funked crew kick-start your weekend in the grandest of styles - come on over and step on your good foot!

Expertly-mixed cocktails and bangup-to-date house music combine to make Mixology the classiest studentled music brand on campus. That Feel-Good Kid, among the most soughtafter DJs in the area, will take you on an excursion through Deep, Progressive and Tech House while The Terrace Bar staff mix up a range of lip-smacking cocktails designed to get those juices flowing. Mixology is the ideal event for casual socialising in a classy setting, solidifying The Terrace Bar’s reputation as THE place to see and be seen on a Saturday night!

top 5 sights & sounds

top 5 sights & sounds

1. Bringing in the weekend by expressing one’s self

1. Cutting edge 4-to-the-floor soundtrack

2. Sweet soul music

2. Delightful cocktails

3. Friday night funk anthems

3. That Feel-Good Kid and guests mixing the perfect playlist

4. Sensational breakers 5. “Stay on the scene-ah! Like a sex machine-ah!”

4. Beautiful Warwick students 5. Not a glo-stick in sight!


Warwick SU are proud of their rich history of live music (in the past, everyone from Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Blondie and Oasis have taken to our stage at pivotal moments in their careers). More recently, we have hosted the likes of Tinie Tempah, Example, Noah & The Whale, Biffy Clyro, Dizzee Rascal, The Killers, The Wombats, Feeder, Marina & The Diamonds and too many others to mention (check out the entrance into Copper Rooms 1 for more hot names!) We aim to bring you as many live shows and gigs as possible, so keep your ears to the ground!


One-Off Nights and Student Events No term at Warwick is complete without our seasonal extravaganzas! Don’t miss the Christmas Ball or Halloween Party, in addition to the Graduation Ball for finalists and the epic, open-to all Summer Party in Term 3. Along the way, look out for Paint Parties, Foam Parties, Hall Wars, Warwick Snow’s annual Avalanche and Bandsoc’s Battle of the Bands competition, where the winner is invited to open the Main Stage at the Summer Party!


don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

Live Music

626 2

eating & drinking

Warwick SU boasts some of the best places to eat and drink on campus. Whether it’s a tea or coffee in Curiositea between lectures, a cocktail on The Terrace Bar balcony at night or a three-course meal in Xananas, there’s something to suit all price tags at all times! Check out www.warwicksu.com/food for more information.

R E S TA U R A N T Newly-refurbished, Xananas is the Union’s stylish restaurant and bar.

enquiries@warwicksu.com 024 7657 3049 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/food

From early morning until late evening, Xananas caters for all tastes and dietary requirements. Offering an imaginative menu of b re akfasts, fresh ly prepa red m e a l s , seasonal specials, light bites and a tempting array of delicious desserts, it’s worth a visit just for the Banoffee Waffle! You can also choose from an impressive selection of fine wines, premium beers, fresh coffees and hot and cold drinks.

Find us | Level 1, SUHQ Building

xananas@warwicksu.com 024 76 5 7 2 7 5 0


28 28

The Terrace Bar is the perfect place on campus in which to relax and unwind. It’s prime location, overlooking the entire Piazza, means that the view from the terrace balcony is spectacular, day and night. A buzzing atmosphere, combined with the expertly-stocked bar, makes The Terrace Bar the ideal space to spend your evenings. Check out the range of niche events with talented DJs and free entry, sample something new from the cocktail menu, or simply wrap up in a blanket on the balcony as the lights go down.

Find us | Level 1, SU Atrium ents@warwicksu.com 024 765 72750 warwicksu.com/terracebar

The home of real ale on campus, The Dirty Duck stocks a variety of wines, fruit beers, ciders and soft drinks. It offers a tasty, traditional pub menu all week including a traditional roast on Sundays.

Nestling next door, The Mighty Duck hosts its own bar, big screen for SKY sports and a unique vibe. Available for private hires or simply open to all, it’s a great corner of the Union to eat, drink or be merry.

Find us | Level 1, SU Atrium

Find us | Level 2, SU Atrium



024 765 72777

024 765 72754



Curiositea is the Union’s very own independent vintage tea shop and we love tea. We also love cake, crumpets, and milkshakes, and we pride ourselved on serving really fantastic coffees too. We bring a quirky medley of traditional refreshments into a more modern environment and our aim is simple - to spread a bit of teatime love and get a great big ‘thumbs up’ from every customer we meet! Treat yourself to freshly-ground coffees, refreshing teas, decadent creamy hot chocolates and even hot Ribena as our friendly staff serve up tasty mugs of the good stuff. Of course, no hot drink is complete without something naughty to eat, and we also offer some of the finest fresh food, from fluffy muffins to scrumptious Danish pastries.

don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

The Bread Oven is our bespoke baguette bar, and the best place on campus for a tasty, great value lunch. We serve freshly baked bread with your choice of f illings from a vast deli, & delicious made-to-order salad boxes for the healthconscious amongst you. Providing a daily selection of hot f illings & specials, jacket potatoes, loaded with your favourite f illings, are a tasty alternative. All of these savoury delights can be included in the excellent value meal deals along with chocolate, crisps, cookies, yoghurts and fresh fruit.

Situated in the centre of campus between Warwick SU and SUHQ, The Dirty Duck is the Union’s traditional pub and all-round student favourite. With its warm, friendly atmosphere and hearty food choice, it is the perfect place to meet friends and relax.

Find us | Ground Floor, SU Atrium timefortea@warwicksu.com 024 765 72777



At Warwick SU you really do get EXTRA!


Along with all of the exclusive UK online and high street savings you can access when you buy an NUS Extra card, Warwick SU also saves you money. Get special offers and save money in each of our food & beverage outlets throughout the year - check out the current offers online at



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box office: 024 7652 4524 / www.warwickartscentre.co.uk

*50p per ticket booking fee applies. Subject to availability

Right from the start of Orientation Week, we’ll do our best to make you feel at home and adjust to life in the UK. If you’re ever worried about any aspect of University life, don’t forget that we are here for you – just pop up to the Student Advice Centre in SUHQ or see any of the elected officers and you can speak to someone in confidence.

enquiries@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2777 Level 1, SUHQ warwicksu.com/goglobal

Go Global

Immigration Services

Go Global seeks to get all students thinking globally, with the ultimate aim that every student has an internationalised experience during their time at Warwick. Go Global also helps fund our World@Warwick Society, which runs free language classes, trips across the UK and a buddy scheme, as well as culturallythemed nights in The Terrace Bar every fortnight – providing the perfect opportunity to meet people from all over the world!

Student Advice Centre (Warwick SU) We have a dedicated member of staff in our independent and confidential Advice Centre who advises on immigration matters.

get involved There are hundreds of ways to get involved in Warwick’s global community. To name but three, One World Week, the Warwick Student Arts Festival, and Warwick International Development Summit all showcase and celebrate cultures from across the world. You can get involved as an attendee, as a member, or you can help run the events. societies@warwicksu.com 32 32

See the Welfare pages in this guide (page 6-7) or feel free to get in touch with them via: advice@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2824 Level 2, SUHQ International Office (University) The University’s International Office is also a useful resource to be aware of. They help with immigration services, as well as offering general advice to international/EU/exchange students. Get in touch with them via: int.office@warwick.ac.uk +44 (0)24 7652 3706

don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com


Warwick is a buzzing campus - with over 36% of its students hailing from outside of the UK, international/EU students contribute immeasurably to the vibe of the campus community. We understand that moving to a new country for the first time can be pretty intimidating, but don’t worry - we’re here to make sure you have the time of your life!

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jobs & volunteering

jobs at warwick su Here in the Union we employ around 350 part-time student staff. We have a whole host of different roles available, from bar staff and Technical Services crew to our student Street Team. Working for the SU part-time is a great opportunity to meet people, have fun and – most importantly – earn a bit of extra cash. As a Union, we understand that students are under a lot of pressure at specific points during the year – particularly during exam season. We always try our best to be flexible with our part-time staff, and accommodate any requests for fewer shifts. This is a lot easier for us than for other organisations, as when everyone is busy with exams we are always a little quieter than usual! For details on how to apply for any of our roles within the SU, check out the jobs section of our website at www.warwicksu.com/jobs.

Warwick SU Jobs jobs@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2757 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/jobs Warwick Volunteers volunteers@warwick.ac.uk 024 7657 2763 Level 1, SUHQ warwick.ac.uk/volunteers

We always take on new staff during the Freshers period, but roles always crop up throughout the year so keep checking the SU website for details.

Volunteering at Warwick SU From being on a club or society exec to visiting local schools, Warwick SU has plenty of volunteering opportunities available which can greatly boost your employability. There are many to choose from, but we’ve highlighted two below:

▪▪ Student Advice Centre Receptionists

Volunteer a few hours a week to handle appointments and welcome people to the Advice Centre. advice@warwicksu.com

▪▪ Elections Assistants

Making sure all our elections and referenda run smoothly. You have to be impartial, but get a great CV boost. democracy@warwicksu.com

34 34

Maybe you have a special talent for art, music or sport that you would enjoy sharing with others? Or, perhaps you could help tutor children in local schools to improve literacy, numeracy or their grasp of a foreign language. Whatever your interests, Warwick Volunteers can find an opportunity for you. Even if you’re short on time, you can still join in! Many one-off and short-term projects take place throughout the year, giving you the chance to volunteer without having to make a big commitment. It’s a chance to try something new or simply squeeze some volunteering into your busy student schedule. Many Sports Clubs and Societies also choose to volunteer as a group - why not encourage yours to get involved? Volunteering is a great way to develop new skills, acquire vital work experience and increase your overall employability, whatever career path you want to pursue. You can create and manage your own project, increase your knowledge of a particular career area and hone your transferable skills in a productive and enjoyable way. For more info, see the Warwick Volunteers website: www.warwick.ac.uk/volunteers and make sure you visit our Volunteering Fair in the Panorama Suite of the Rootes Building on Friday 5th October (Week 1).

don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

Warwick Volunteers offers you the chance to make a positive difference in the local community. From working in local schools to helping with conservation projects or befriending adults with learning disabilities, there’s a staggering range of opportunities to get involved with.


Students’ Union If you’re looking to pick up some much-needed extra cash and would relish the ‘buzz’ of working as part of a lively and dynamic team then look no further than the Students’ Union. We have a number of positions available throughout 2012/13 and can offer you competitive rates of pay. Future vacancies are likely to include:

STREET TEAM Working for the Marketing Department in the distribution of promotional materials and acting as an ‘ambassador’ for the Union’s entertainment, membership and commercial services.

RECEPTION ASSISTANTS You will provide assistance and information to students and visitors, including operating the switchboard (training provided) and other office duties.

FOOD & BEVERAGE ASSISTANTS You will offer high standards of service in any one of the Union’s busy food outlets or bars.

TECH SERVICES CREW You will assist in the preparation and maintenance of stage, technical equipment and décor for the successful production of Union events.

ENTS REPS Are you a tastemaker, trendsetter or the ‘go-to’ person for new sounds amongst your friends? The Ents department wants YOU to inspire, influence and engage your peers with all the action at the Union. You will promote the Union’s Entertainments Programme via print distribution, word of mouth, online media channels and other relevant marketing activity. For up-to-date information on all of the vacancies available at Warwick SU, and how to apply, visit:

www.warwicksu.com/jobs If you are interested in applying for a job whilst at Warwick University, please be sure to bring your current passport and any relevant documents with you as proof of eligibility to work in the United Kingdom under The Asylum and Immigration Act 1996. 35


While the Union is fully directed by its members, we also employ a large staff team to support our students in all their various projects, as well as ensuring our long-term sustainability.


central ADMIN.

Ask these people any questions about your SU.

Responsible for everything you’d expect of a Central Admin department, including Minibus driving cards, money requests, sales invoices, and taking bookings for conferences, transport, buffets and room bookings.

reception@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2777 Level 1, SUHQ

Student Activities The Student Activities Team co-ordinate and support each of the Union’s hundreds of Societies and Sports Clubs. See them if you’re on the exec of a society, would like some help setting up a new society or have questions about the Union’s extra-curricular activities. studentactivities@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2818 Level 2, SUHQ

Democratic Services enquiries@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2777 SUHQ warwicksu.com/contact

Co-ordinating and administering every Union Democratic process, the Student Resources Room is the place to find out how you can get involved in the running of your Union. Whether you’re interested in standing for a position, or proposing policy to be debated at an All Student Meeting, they’ll have the answers. democracy@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2788 Level 2, SUHQ

Marketing All marketing activity for outlets, departments and Sabbatical Officers is developed and delivered by the Union’s Marketing Department. The department also offers support and advice to clubs and societies who want to market an event, order clothing or enhance their web pages. Warwick SU Print Shop is run from here. marketing@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2803 Level 2, SUHQ 36 36

admin@warwicksu.com Level 1, SUHQ

Student Advice Centre Handling over 6,000 enquiries each year, our free and impartial advice service can support you in every area of being a student. Whether it’s advice about housing, immigration, money or your course, they’ll be able to help you out. advice@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2824 Level 2, SUHQ

Finance Office Whether you’re returning a cheque from a club or society event, getting a float for your stall in the Piazza or co-ordinating the entire One World Week budget, the Finance Office will support you on all money matters. financeoffice@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2808 Level 2, SUHQ

Venue & Ents Ents are responsible for the running and development of every single night at the Union. If you’ve got an idea for a night or want some advice on how to set up your own, these are the people to see. Email your suggestions to feedback@warwicksu.com and we’ll include your thoughts when planning the programme. venueandents@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2768 Level 2, SUHQ

The experiences you have whilst studying at Warwick will shape your life - maybe even transform it. We are here to support, represent, entertain and develop you. The only advice I would give is to make the most of every opportunity presented to you! Jacqui Clements


don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

Warwick SU is a charity whose sole aim is to ensure you have a great University experience, whatever that may be and whatever stage of your academic career you are at. You decide what you want to help with, what to get involved in, how you want to spend your time and what issues are important to you.

don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

Hi, I’m Jacqui Clements, the SU’s Chief Executive. I am responsible for managing the 350 dedicated staff who work alongside your elected officers at Warwick SU. We are the independent voice of all Warwick students, and we work hard to understand your perspective and take your views to the decisionmakers at the University and beyond.


If you have a question about your SU, we are the people to ask. A veritable fountain of knowledge about Union activities, we will have the answer or be able to point you in the direction of whoever will. As well as offering help with your queries, you probably don’t realise that we offer you all these other services...

from 50p per day

LOST property


locker hire

A4 4p A3 8p

b/w printING & photocopyING


ticket sales


For more information on the different services we offer, or to simply get in touch, call us on 024 7857 2777 or visit:

www.warwicksu.com/reception 37

officer directory

YOUR Sabbatical Officers These seven individuals are elected to work full-time for you, with offices based upstairs in SUHQ. They each look after different areas of the Union.

President Nick Swain

president@warwicksu.com 02476 572 784

democracy@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2788 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/democracy

Education officer

James Entwistle education@warwicksu.com

02476 572 779

Welfare & CAMPAIGNS Ben Sundell

welfare@warwicksu.com 02476 572 778

38 38

DEmocracy & development Cosmo March


02476 572 780

Societies officer Silkie Cragg

societies@warwicksu.com 02476 572 781

POSTGRADUATE officer Anna Chowcat

postgrads@warwicksu.com 02476 572 785

Sports officer Natasha Cabral

sports@warwicksu.com 02476 572 776

These officers are current students who concentrate on your academic experience and sit on various University Committees to ensure that the student voice gets heard. Get in touch with your Faculty Rep to raise any issues about your course.

These four officers work to ensure that the voices of minority groups are heard on campus. They each run campaigns and themed weeks designed to raise awareness of issues affecting Warwick students’ lives.




UNDERGRADUATE SOCIAL SCIENCE FACULTY REP. Charlie Hindhaugh uc031@warwicksu.com




ETHNIC MINORITIES OFFICER Maahwish Mirza uc225@warwicksu.com

WOMEN’S OFFICER Alys Cooke uc027@warwicksu.com

lgbtua+ OFFICER Yolander Chegweidden & Hiten Shah uc024@warwicksu.com


MEDICAL FACULTY REP. To be elected in Medical Faculty Elections 2012 uc035@warwicksu.com

PG ARTS FACULTY REP. To be elected in Autumn Elections 2012 uc034@warwicksu.com

PG science FACULTY REP. To be elected in Autumn Elections 2012 uc032@warwicksu.com

PG social science FACULTY REP. To be elected in Autumn Elections 2012 uc111@warwicksu.com

Do you want to find out more about becoming an elected officer? Or do you simply was to get involved in Union Democracy? Get in touch with the Union’s Democracy team: democracy@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2788

don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

liberation officers

don’t forget to visit www.warwicksu.com

faculty representatives

the bubble have you read it yet? www.warwicksu.com/bubble

got a sports club or society event to promote? get your message all over campus in the bubble.

Level 2, SUHQ www.warwicksu.com/democracy

For more information email bubble@warwicksu.com


societies directory

ACADEMIC Accounting Society su388@warwicksu.com

We provide a platform for our members to discuss international affairs with a focus on accounting. We also provide networking opportunities between our older and newer members so that they can share knowledge and experiences.

AIESEC su561@warwicksu.com

UN-recognized international student exchange organization. Provides the opportunity to work abroad, develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills, and develop a broader understanding of cultural, socioeconomic and business management issues.

Art Society su560@warwicksu.com

Everything creative! Painting, drawing, craft, design workshops; life-drawing sessions twice weekly; exhibitions of your work; regular socials alongside trips to galleries around the country and a trip abroad.

Biology Society su275@warwicksu.com

societies@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2781 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/societies For more information on joining one of our clubs, head to www.warwicksu.com/societies. denotes a Society Awards Winner 2011-12

Focal point for Biology and Biochemistry students. Regular socials, sports events and trips. Aim to assist academic progress with support through chat rooms and forums.

Career Skills society su200@warwicksu.com

Skills events with graduate recruiters covering topics such as team building, interview techniques and presentation skills. Regular socials and trips abroad!

chem soc su219@warwicksu.com

Active social and academic network within Chemistry department and rest of University. Every term there are many Atomic events and socials, including sports leagues and rounding off the year with the Atomic Ball.

China in Focus su346@warwicksu.com

China in Focus aims to provide an unbiased platform for the discussion of Chinese domestic and international issues. The annual China Forum event brings together prominent speakers involved in China.

40 40

Classics Society su138@warwicksu.com

Classics Society aims to promote the awareness of Classics in the University. We aim to bring together students from the Classics department with other students interested in ancient Greek and Roman cultures in a social and relaxed environment.


For anyone interested in the society, politics and culture of the Americas. We attend special lectures and film screenings and organise socials based around American events, such as Thanksgiving.

Computing Society su448@warwicksu.com

Caters for anyone with an academic or leisure interest in computing. Guest speakers, an active Linux User Group, regular LAN parties and socials! Friendly atmosphere for people to ask computer-related questions and to get to know others with similar interests.

CSSA Warwick



Activities: day trips, second-hand market, academic lectures, skills sessions, find people doing the same course, advice for Freshers, job opportunities, festival parties, make new friends, talent shows, training etc.

Economics Summit su622@warwicksu.com

We run the annual Warwick Economics Summit, a weekend of talks and entertainment for Warwick students and other students from around the globe.

EUROPEAN LAW SOCIETY (ELS) contact@warwickeuropeanlaw.com

ELS promotes networking between current students and alumni enrolled on the European Law LLB (inclusive of Year-Abroad in English) by organising social/career events and supporting students during their year abroad.

Film Studies su576@warwicksu.com

Do you love watching film? Do you study film? Come and check out our society, open to anyone who wants to take part in film-related banter.

Financial Forum su476@warwicksu.com

Interested in Finance? Interested in Investment Banking? Come learn about the stock exchange...engage in discussions and play financial games as well!

French Society su191@warwicksu.com

Trips to Paris, regular socials, wine and cheese tasting, film nights, etc. You don’t need to speak French or be French, you simply need a passion for anything French...

German Society su324@warwicksu.com

For those studying German, German students or anyone with an interest in the German language. Regular trips and socials including the German Christmas market in B’ham.

History Society exec@historysoc.co.uk

The Warwick History society provides a way to meet new people with a similar interest, open to anyone that has a slight fascination for the events of the past.

Hong Kong Public Affairs Society su665@warwicksu.com

Promote awareness of public affairs and enhance knowledge of historical and contemporary Hong Kong-related issues to students. We also contribute to the community and provide platforms for students to discuss related issues.

International RELATIONS su386@warwicksu.com

Informal weekly meetings to discuss a wide range of issues (international and domestic), weekly newsletter, socials and trips.

Italian Society su192@warwicksu.com

Numerous events throughout the year bringing a little part of Italy to Warwick University. Whether you are Italian, study Italian, or are simply attracted to Italy in some way, come be part of the fun!

Law Society su193@warwicksu.com

First point of contact for law career and educational information, provides a support network for law students, actively promotes mooting, pro bono volunteer work, team sports, socials, and a comprehensive mentoring scheme. Publishes own termly magazine and hosts the renowned Law Ball in Term 2.

Law & Sociology society su663@warwicksu.com

We aim to provide academic, career and social support for Law and Sociology students at Warwick, encourage inter-disciplinary academic events, and strive to close the gap between the Law and Sociology departments.

lit.soc su190@warwicksu.com

Lit.Soc is a society that aims to provide fun socials and interesting, thought-provoking events for literary students from any course to meet and connect. Not just for literature geeks!

Maths & Physics Society exec@warwickmathsphys.co.uk

We support not only the Joint Honours degree students throughout the entirety of their course but also students from both respective departments. Regular socials, revision sessions for major exams as well as many other events help to create a community atmosphere and encourage the society’s friendly image.

Model United Nations society warmunexec@gmail.com

The MUN Society establishes a creative mock-up of the UN, providing valuable understanding in diplomacy and debating. Our unique crisis conference on global issues enables an experience with a twist!

Morse Society su367@warwicksu.com

Events for members beyond the scope of the course, including socials, careers events, options evenings and revision notes.

Namaste India su688@warwicksu.com

Namaste India serves as a platform where Students may indulge their interest, satisfy their curiosity and pursue causes in relation to India. Namaste India offers 4 main activities during the year - Seminar, Forum Editorials and Humanitarian trip to India in the summer.

Philosophy and Literature su532@warwicksu.com

We aim to bridge the gap between Philosophy and Literature as we have a unique course requiring representation within a Society. We also offer others with interests in both disciplines an opportunity to get involved.

Philosophy Society su542@warwicksu.com

Promotes philosophical interest within the University, with help from the Philosophy department and activities organised by ourselves.

Physoc (Physics) su198@warwicksu.com

Promotes physics throughout the department and all over campus. Academic and social events, trips to London and Leicester Space Centre, astronomy sessions on the roof of the department, sports and even Alton Towers.

Politics Society su287@warwicksu.com

Encourages political discussion and participation amongst students, regardless of viewpoint. We liaise with other societies and arrange frequent guest lectures (previously Alan Duncan MP). We run our own Question Time, involving representatives from the three main parties, Amnesty and the Politics department.

Postgraduate Society su387@warwicksu.com

Aims to give Postgraduate students a closer community and range of events, fun trips, sports competitions and nights out all year round - plus the added bonus of not being too bored in the holidays!

PPE Society



A society for anyone interested in Politics, Philosophy or Economics, for PPE and non-PPE students alike. Mentoring scheme, and talks by distinguished speakers most of which are cross-disciplinary.

Psychology Society su540@warwicksu.com

Provides meetings to discuss current issues in psychology in less formal settings than those encountered on the course. Social events, promoting an enjoyable social climate within the Psychology department.

Sociology Society su288@warwicksu.com

Provides a wider social circle for all years of the Sociology Department. Regular socials, events and guest lectures.


Spanish Society su556@warwicksu.com

We want to promote and celebrate Spanish and Spanish-speaking culture and society, giving everyone an opportunity to practise their language, to get a feel for true culture, and meet others who share this interest.

TEDx Warwick su581@warwicksu.com

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These self-organised, local events are branded TEDx, where x=independently organized TED event.

warwick Economics Society info@warwickeconomicssociety.com

As one of biggest societies on campus, we are developing and enriching the next generation of great Economic minds. A must-have support network for studies and social life.

Warwick Emerging Markets info@warwickemf.com

We cover topical issues in the emerging markets such as economics, investment, politics and development through events including a distinguished speaker series and an exciting conference in late November.

Warwick Engineers su320@warwicksu.com

Encourages contact between our members, professional engineers and the professional engineering institutions, lectures with professional institutes, industrial visits, networking opportunities, regular socials.

Warwick Entrepreneurs su340@warwicksu.com

For anyone interested in business, enterprise and entrepreneurship. Many events throughout the year, including competitions and speaker evenings.

Warwick finance enquires@wfsocieties.com

Warwick Finance Societies is the leading finance society, as seen at ratemyplacement.co.uk and is looking to bring you an even better experience this coming year. It is your first step to the financial world and is key in your development. www.wfsocieties.com


Warwick Management su695@warwicksu.com

Providing academic help to students in order to develop their skills in the field of Management, expand their knowledge and help them achieve higher results in Management-related degrees.

Warwick Manufacturing group su182@warwicksu.com

Represents students of the Warwick Manufacturing Group, holds regular socials and events.

WARWICK Maths Society society@warwickmaths.org

WMS consolidates all the extra stimulation you’ll need for your time at Warwick into one unmissable society package. We offer weekly help-sessions, talks on extracurricular topics and big socials.

Warwick Medical Society su396@warwicksu.com

We provide social and sporting opportunities for medics, and raise money for charities. We also organise lectures on topics of interest to our members.

Warwick Speakers su462@warwicksu.com

Warwick Speakers is part of a much larger organisation Toastmasters International. We aim to improve the communication and leadership skills of our members, whilst helping you get over your fears of public speaking.

Warwick Strategy & Consulting Society su411@warwicksu.com

For those interested in career management, engineering, strategy and IT consultancy. Presentations, case study workshops, meetings and events.

Warwick Think Tank su599@warwicksu.com

We promote critical discussions on contemporary political issues, holding regular seminars and conferences. There are opportunities for members to become involved in publications and work experience.

World@Warwick su666@warwicksu.com

Not just for Erasmus or international students, we run socials, trips, cultural events and language classes, while our buddy scheme gives home students the opportunity to pair up with Erasmus students to help them get to know the UK.

ACTIVITIES AND GAMES AirSoc su490@warwicksu.com

Airsoft is a combat simulation game similar to paintball, but with an additional element of military simulation. Although the game is played similarly to paintball, the main difference is that instead of using paintball guns, you use specially made full-replica airsoft guns typically firing 6mm plastic BBs.

Angling su691@warwicksu.com

We aim to introduce students to Angling, and hold regular meetings to offer practical instructions on how to fish. We also go on fishing trips and provide socials for members.

Assassins Guild Society su536@warwicksu.com

Competitions using a variant of the game known as ‘Killer’, including games against other Universities.

Bob Dylan Society su491@warwicksu.com

We provide a forum on campus for musical history and alternative culture, using Bob Dylan as a starting point but extending into art, literature, music, film and politics. We also enable students to participate in the local music scene.

Bridge Society bridge@warwicksu.com

Active society for people of all abilities. Main session is Sunday afternoon in the Students’ Union. Two teams in the local Coventry League and the Portland Bowl (InterUniversity competition), and local events throughout the year. Host of Universities’ Bridge Festival 2006.

Capoeira Society su420@warwicksu.com

Capoeira is a combination of martial art, dance and acrobatics. It’s a great way to stay in shape and you don’t need to be extremely strong or flexible to do it. Classes are held thrice weekly - no special attire required.

Chess Society su276@warwicksu.com

Weekly opportunities for relaxed social play as well as competitive matches. Tuesdays are league nights, Thursdays are club nights. Players of all levels welcome.

Comedy Society su281@warwicksu.com

Frequent jaunts to local comedy nights, and trips further afield to see Edinburgh previews and TV shows filmed.

Craft Society su334@warwicksu.com

Introductory sessions for a variety of craft activities including glass painting, T-shirt printing, jewellery making, origami, balloon modeling, knitting, sugar craft and many more. All are welcome.

Darts su222@warwicksu.com

We aspire to expose the joys of the game of Darts. Members of all abilities have the same opportunities.

De-Stress Warwick su572@warwicksu.com

We aim to help students rid themselves of stress that is commonly associated with university life and help them express themselves through activities and trips.

Disney Appreciation su700@warwicksu.com

We aim to celebrate Disney in all of its forms, and to improve graduate employment opportunities in animation, film and Disney-related positions.

FIFA su689@warwicksu.com

We aim to hold weekly tournaments open to all members, with a final tournament between the winners of each tournament. Novices to expert - all welcome.

Go Society su363@warwicksu.com

Encourages more people to play the game of Go. Can play socially or in league format.

Juggling Society su290@warwicksu.com

5pm - 6:30pm every Friday at Cryfield Pavillion. Learn, practise and perform a variety of circus skills including clubs, diabolo, hoop, poi, staff, unicycling and slackline.

Mahjong Society su359@warwicksu.com

We hold regular meetings for members to play mah-jong in a social and competitive environment. We’ve got all the equipment; you just need to turn up!

My Millions Investing Society su662@warwicksu.com

Through this investing game, we promote knowledge of investments and the stock market. Tips and advice, speakers, tournaments and cash prizes are on offer.

Nicolas Cage Appreciation su693@warwicksu.com

To appreciate Nicolas Cage in all his glory on and off the screen, unite similar-minded people to come together to analyse/critique his work.

Paintball Society su255@warwicksu.com

Regular paintball events at the UK’s top sites, providing transport, discounts and adrenaline-filled fun!

Poker Society su138@warwicksu.com

Monday evening tournaments, prizes up for grabs, national tournaments with other Universities, trips abroad.

Quiz Society su342@warwicksu.com

Quizzes and tournaments, usually in the University Challenge buzzer-style format. We aid in the training and selection of Warwick’s University Challenge team.

Robot Wars su698@warwicksu.com

We design, build and of course fight robots. Building a robot is daunting, so we provide workshops, parts and advice to help you create your own fighting machines.

Science Fiction, Fantasy, Games and Role-Playing Society uwsffs@gmail.com

We run weekly Board Game, CCG, Role-Playing and War Game sessions, totalling over 30 hours each week. We have an extensive Science Fiction and Fantasy library.

Table Football Society su524@warwicksu.com

Weekly group playing sessions, tournaments and matches against other Universities. All abilities welcome.

Taoist Qigong su667@warwicksu.com

We teach qigong and neigong derived from ancient Taoist health practices designed to cultivate health, relaxation and longevity.

Warwick Commute su694@warwicksu.com

We give the opportunity to students who live off campus and commute to socialise and participate in activities with others that are in the same position. We also provide a chance to car share, lift share and taxi share.

Warwick Debating society su315@warwicksu.com

Weekly debates (Wednesdays 4-6pm and competition training on Fridays 4-6pm), in the style of British Parliamentary Debating. Training, national competitions, international opportunities. No experience necessary.

Warwick Detective Society su631@warwicksu.com

For anyone interested in the detective world and/or in developing their IQ and problem-solving skills.

Warwick Events Society contactus@warwickatem.co.uk

In a format similar to Young Enterprise, we aim to give groups of members the chance to run events which matter to them and which have real social impact. What makes us different is that the events MUST have a long-term outcome and also, therefore, genuine social value. In short, we promote social responsibility.

Warwick Game Design exec@warwickgamedesign.co.uk

Are you a programmer, artist or just interested in how games are made? Then come along to our weekly workshops/talks and meet people from the industry.

Warwick Illusion su467@warwicksu.com

Creating a warm/welcoming environment for everyone to learn, watch and perform magic. All levels welcome!

Warwick LARPS



Warwick LARPs provides equipment and a dedicated system for all interested in LARPing, new or experienced. Find out more at www.warwicklarps.co.uk.

Warwick Tricking & Freerunning su394@warwicksu.com

FreeRunning involves flips and jumping over walls with confidence and precision. This non-competitive sport is addictive and anyone who tries it will find themselves defying gravity and doing the “impossible”!



UNICEF on campus


Standing up for individuals wherever justice, fairness, freedom and truth are denied. Working on individual cases, taking part in major campaigns, regular petitioning, events, conferences and demonstrations. Working to protect human rights worldwide.

Friends of Palestine Society su317@warwicksu.com

Provides a forum for understanding Palestine and its people, who have long harboured a yearning for peace, justice and freedom. Educational talks, films and documentaries, campaigning via ISM and charity work.

Israeli-Palestinian forum exec.ipf@googlemail.com

The Israeli-Palestinian forum is a project between Israelis and Palestinians as well as those who are interested in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. At our meetings, each side presents the topic from its opposite viewpoint.

Liberal Democrats Society su212@warwicksu.com

Represents Liberal Democrats in the Students’ Union: guest speakers, help with local and national campaigns, debates, trips to the House of Commons and the European Union, discussion of issues and policies.

Medsin su203@warwicksu.com

Medsin is a network of students with an interest in health. We aim to promote health as well as to act upon and educate students about health inequalities in our local and global communities. Future projects may include: Fair Trade, Malaria, PharmAware, StopAIDS and more.

Oxfam Outreach Society su463@warwicksu.com

We work campaigns and fundraise for Oxfam within the local area. Petition stalls, money collections, music events, guest speakers, film screenings and street performance!

People and Planet Society su216@warwicksu.com

Committed to action on world poverty, human rights and the environment. Campaigns include widening access to AIDS drugs, the environment and ethical investment. Achieved Fairtrade status and run Go Green Week.



We support UNICEF U.K. in achieving their goals by fundraising and raising awareness. We organise many events (conferences, concerts, smaller projects) that you can get involved in to make a difference!

Warwick Anti-Sexism Society su377@warwicksu.com

Campaigning and discussing issues surrounding gender, feminism, masculinities and post modernism. Inclusive society that strives to bring men and women together to put an end to sexist attitudes and practices in society.

Warwick Conservatives su207@warwicksu.com

Strong, active and political society. Past guest speakers include Anne Widdecombe, Ed Vaizey and David Davis. Events, socials, active campaigning for the Conservatives at election time.

Warwick Green Party Society su446@warwicksu.com

Promote and spread awareness of the Green Party through speakers, campaigns (local and national) and showing the opportunities available through the Young Green division of the party.

Warwick International Development Society su438@warwicksu.com

WIDS primarily organises the WIDS summit every year. Last year saw 30 high-profile speakers from the UN, DfID, the OECD and the Commonwealth among others. Trips to International Development Courses at Oxford and Cambridge, as well as to the annual international U8 summit.

Warwick Labour su210@warwicksu.com

Upholds core Labour values. Regular discussion meetings, informal socials, conferences, and liberation campaigns.

Warwick Libertarians su626@warwicksu.com

We aim to unite all the students on campus who are interested in the promotion of civil, social or economic liberties through speaker and social events.

Warwick Pride su211@warwicksu.com

Warwick Pride is a social, campaigning and welfare society for LGBTUA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, undefined and asexual) members of the University community. Advice, support, campaigning on issues affecting the LGBTUA community (including campaigns during Awareness Week) and a wide variety of socials including our spectacular annual Glitterball.

Warwick STAR



Part of a national network, raising awareness of refugee and asylum issues, campaigning for the rights of refugees, practically supporting refugees and asylum seekers through volunteering in the local community and fundraising.

Warwick World Food Programme (WWFP) su697@warwicksu.com

We aim to provide students with information on world poverty and hunger in order to raise awareness. We also host charity events to raise money for WFP project in developing countries to eradicate hunger.

CULTURAL African & Caribbean society su225@warwicksu.com

Promotes diversity and heritage of both cultures. Regular dance, sport, singing, cooking, debating and partying and charity events. Also provides career information.

Asian Society su226@warwicksu.com

Promotes diversity of Asian life and culture for all. Social events, trips to Birmingham and London, food, music and the Asian Ball.

Bangla Cultural Society su661@warwicksu.com

We bring together individuals who are part of or interested in Bengali culture and celebrate the Bengali festivities. We also aim to share the Bengali culture with the local community.

Bangladeshi Society su360@warwicksu.com

The society aims to provide social events, food, music and link up with Bangladeshi societies at other West Midland Universities. We welcome anyone with an interest in Bangladeshi culture.

BruneI Warwick su640@warwicksu.com

We promote Bruneian culture to members of the University, and provide a platform for social interaction and integration amongst Brunei students.

Bulgarian society bgsoc@warwicksu.com

We organise cultural trips and activities to promote Bulgarian culture among the student body.

Chinese Society su228@warwicksu.com

Represents and provides a voice for Chinese students. Aims to improve the understanding between Chinese students and other students. Regular socials.

Cypriot Society su229@warwicksu.com

Promotes Cypriot culture and gives Turkish and Greek Cypriot students, as well as anyone interested in Cyprus, the opportunity to get together.

French Speaking Society su525@warwicksu.com

We organise social and cultural events for French speakers studying at the University. We also support students on years abroad in French-speaking countries.

Hellenic Society su231@warwicksu.com

Social events and parties including some with live Greek music. Annual Hellenic Cultural Festival. The chance to meet people and get acquainted with Greek culture. For Greeks and non-Greeks alike.

Indian Society su233@warwicksu.com

Aims to increase understanding of Indian culture at Warwick and to provide a social environment for Indian students to meet.

Indonesian Society su392@warwicksu.com

We provide a family away from home for Indonesian students, promote Indonesian culture/food at Warwick and create fun events and socials for the society.

Japanese Society su364@warwicksu.com

Promotes understanding of Japan as a nation. Provides a forum for Japanese students and all others to meet.

Jewish-Israeli Society su237@warwicksu.com

Countless social events including Shabbat Dinners, Israeli Movie Nights and BAGE-Lunch! Discussions and talks by guest speakers. Close ties with B’ham’s JSoc.

Kazakh Society su473@warwicksu.com

Meet Kazakhstani students and celebrate our culture!

Korean Society su521@warwicksu.com

For anyone with an interest in Korean or Asian culture. Film nights, socials, participation in One World Week and Soul Asia.

Latin American Society su505@warwicksu.com

Promotes the values of Latin American culture. Organises cultural, social and sporting activities.

Lithuanian Society su575@warwicksu.com

We aim to unite Lithuanian students at Warwick, and others interested in our cultural heritage.

Malaysian Students Association su239@warwicksu.com

Provides support for members, regular socials including Malaysia Night, the largest of its kind in the country.

Mauritian Society su240@warwicksu.com

Promotes Mauritian culture, regular socials and events.

Nigerian Society su432@warwicksu.com

Promotes and raises awareness of Nigeria, provides social environment for people to interact and learn.

Nordic Society su242@warwicksu.com

Fun-loving society, aims to give Warwick a taste of Nordic food and culture. Provides support, information and wild nights out, hosts Nordic Ball.

One World Week su93@warwicksu.com

One World Week’s primary objective is to celebrate the beauty of our world’s diversity. It is entirely dedicated to an inspiring exploration of cultures, of the human being and of our world. Over the years it has come to be the most important international student festival.

Pakistani Society su165@warwicksu.com

We bring Pakistani culture to Warwick and give you a chance to celebrate this rich and diverse culture with the broad range of events and activities we organise. We promise to keep you busy!

Polish Society su348@warwicksu.com

Provide activities ranging from socials to conferences and debates on current affairs in Poland, film screenings, cooking, participating in One World Week. For Polish and non-Polish students alike.

RoManian speaking society su580@warwicksu.com

Join us to celebrate the culture and traditions of Romania!

Russian Speaking Society su512@warwicksu.com

Aims to provide a medium whereby all Russian-speaking people can communicate and socialise with one another.

Singapore Society su243@warwicksu.com

For everyone. Gatherings, dinners, activities, sports.

Southeast Europe Society su671@warwicksu.com

To support students from the region to adapt to a new environment, preserve cultural heritage and organise social events for members. Hosting lectures given by speakers from the area on current topics.

Sri Lankan Society su245@warwicksu.com

Social forum for Sri Lankans and their friends.


Thai Society su250@warwicksu.com Activities, events and socials for Thai and non-Thai students alike.

Third Culture Society su595@warwicksu.com

Our society aims to unite those that are part of a Third Culture; one that is neither yours nor your parents, but a third one. It is often hard to be thrown into a world where not everyone has a third culture, like university, and this society hopes to create some sort of a familiar base for those making that transition.

T.I.A. (This Is Africa) su230@warwicksu.com

T.I.A Warwick is the new re-branded Baobab society. This has occurred in an attempt to expand out of being an East African Society and include all people with a passion and interest in Africa.

Turkish Society su549@warwicksu.com

Uniting Turkish-speaking students and anyone who is interested in the Turkish language and culture.

Vietnamese Society su374@warwicksu.com

Activities, excursions, Vietnamese food, socials and a cultural night. Fun and supportive society which welcomes anyone who wants to find out more about Vietnam, the people and the culture.

Warwick Hong Kong society su184@warwicksu.com

Promotes understanding of the culture, plus regular socials, sight-seeing trips, sports tournaments, singing competition and Chinese Festivals.

Welsh Society su251@warwicksu.com

To give members the opportunity to learn about and embrace Welsh culture. We hold social events for members to meet and socialise with other members, as well as a place for Welsh speakers to practice the language with other Welsh speakers.




We work with societies on their advertising needs for events, society campaigns and promotions. We also enter competitions, have industry experts come in and have plenty of fun at socials!

Anime and Manga Society su271@warwicksu.com

Weekly showings of the best Japanese cartoons or ‘Anime’, both available and unavailable in this country. Video and book library open to members showing everything from romantic comedies like Ranma 1⁄2 to dark psychological thrillers like Perfect Blue.

comic book Society su415@warwicksu.com

Our society aims to bring together people with a love of graphic novels and comics, as well as introduce new people to the stories and art of the medium.

New Writing Society uwnew.writing@googlemail.com

We are a group of writers who meet twice a week to share ideas, motivate each other and have good times. Prose writers, poets, playwrights and screenwriters welcome!

Photographic Society su296@warwicksu.com

Trips, international tours, exhibitions and training at all levels from basic camera skills to the use of our digital and traditional darkrooms, provision of equipment, photographing Union events, and theatrical performances. All levels welcome.

RaW - Radio Warwick su314@warwicksu.com

Warwick University’s only student-run campus radio station, broadcasting on 1251am 24 hours a day. Presenting, engineering, production, publicity and behind-the-scenes opportunities, track record of giving people a leg-up to top-level careers in the media, and named Best Station at the UK Student Radio Awards more times than anyone else.

The Boar su272@warwicksu.com

Warwick’s independent student newspaper, published entirely by and for students. Involvement ranging from writing, editing, photography, marketing and design, giving media production skills and experience.

Warwick Globalist su690@warwicksu.com

We enable Students to gain hands on experience in International Journalism by showcasing their work to a global audience. We aim to connect students to a network of the most elite Universities in the world through International Affairs Journalism.

Warwick Student Cinema su316@warwicksu.com

Largest society on campus, one of the top 3 UK student cinemas, variety of films shown every week ranging from large Hollywood blockbusters to independent films. Tickets from just £2, opportunities to get involved in running the cinema from Projection & IT to Publicity & Front of House.

Warwick TV exec@warwicktv.co.uk

Warwick’s television station, making everything from films to live broadcasts, drama and comedy. Get involved in every stage of production. No experience necessary, and you’ll be shooting in no time!

food & drink allotment society su424@warwicksu.com

A student-run not-for-profit social enterprise and society which encourages the use of fair-trade organic and local produce by selling products to students on campus.

Cheese & Chocolate su354@warwicksu.com

Trips to Cadbury World, tasting sessions, hot chocolate socials, fondues, chocolate fountains, picnics, cheese and wine nights and much more!

Curry Society su334@warwicksu.com

Trips to restaurants in Coventry, Leamington and Birmingham, frequent discounts, relaxed social environment.


Good Food Society su458@warwicksu.com

Love food? Good Food Soc caters for you! Regular socials to restaurants in the local area, cooking competitions, demonstrations on how even students can make a fantastic meal with little money and effort, and a student cookbook containing your recipes!

Real Ale Society su300@warwicksu.com

Promotes the drinking of Real Ale and cider. Regular socials, trips abroad, trips to nearby breweries to sample the local ales, CAMRA festivals, organises the largest student beer festival in the country in Term 2.

Wine & Whisky Appreciation Society su519@warwicksu.com

Promoting discovery and enjoyment of these interesting drinks. Beginners classes, advanced tastings, regional tastings and seminars. Prior knowledge is not assumed.

MUSIC APPRECIATION Offbeat su256@warwicksu.com

The home of independent and alternative music at Warwick. We’re at home at Idioteque in The Terrace Bar on Thursday nights so come along and hear some fantastic new music!

Punk Society su165@warwicksu.com

Catering for all types of rock music from punk, metal, emo and rock to goth and 80s classics. Trips to gigs, local pubs and clubs, regular socials, end of year BBQ.

WARWICK BASS su541@warwicksu.com

Warwick Bass is for fans of bass-centric music such as Drum’n’Bass, Dubstep and House. We organise socials, minibuses to clubs, DJ lessons, house parties, Q-jumps and DJ opportunities.

Rock Soc su257@warwicksu.com

Everything from blues to death metal. Weekly socials on campus along with trips to gigs in Coventry, Leamington, Birmingham and beyond. Opportunities for DJ experience at most events.

PERFORMANCE Argentine Tango Society su486@warwicksu.com

We organise classes, milongas (social events) and practices on campus and locally. Classes cater for everyone, from complete beginners to confident dancers.

Band Society su260@warwicksu.com

For anyone making music or looking to get started in a band for all genres. Discounted practice facilities, help arranging gigs, advice on recording, promotion and equipment. Cheap lessons on guitar, bass and drum for any standard. Annual Battle of the Bands!

Bell Ringing Society tower@wubrs.org.uk

Learn a new skill! At our Monday evening practices we ring handbells in the Music Centre, then tower bells by means of a minibus trip to a local church, followed by a visit to a country pub for a game of Bar Billiards and a pint. All welcome, from absolute beginner to expert.

Bellydancing Society su422 @warwicksu.com

For anyone interested in learning the art of bellydancing, fire staff and poi. Professionally instructed and execled classes, performances and socials. All abilities!

Big Band exec@thebigband.co.uk

Award-winning and non-auditioned, playing Jazz, Blues, Funk, Latin and Swing music. Regular gigs, socials and overseas tours. Rehearsals are Thursdays 7.30pm in the Ensemble Room (Music Centre).

Bollywood Dance Society su309@warwicksu.com

Do you wanna jhoom barabar jhoom? Bollywood Dance Society is a great way to get rid of the stress, have fun and make new friends! We welcome all abilities from beginners to masters. Mind-blowing dances including performances in One World Week and WSAF. Aaja nachle!

Brass Society su263@warwicksu.com

Award-winning Brass Band, Symphonic Brass Ensemble and smaller quintets. Unauditioned and for players of all standards. New Beginners Brass for anyone who has never played a Brass instrument before. Termly concerts, performances and contests.

Breakdance Society su325@warwicksu.com

Lessons from one of the UK’s most respected breakers, regular practices for all abilities, performances and club visits including from European crews.

Chinese Orchestra su685@warwicksu.com

Providing a platform for those interested in playing oriental musical instruments or are looking to learn/ develop their skills whilst playing as part of an orchestra.

Chorus su265@warwicksu.com

The largest Music Centre society, comprising both student and non-student members. Weekly rehearsals, regular socials, regular concerts, broad repertoire, overseas tours. Non-auditioned, all levels welcome.

Codpiece Theatre su166@warwicksu.com

Codpiece is the University’s longest-running theatre society, dedicated to creating new work in new ways. We create theatre from stories, films, issues and ideas, and are open to all.

Dance Collective su582@warwicksu.com

The dance hub of campus! We organise large dance events such as Pizazz and provide info to everyone.

Drama Collective su444@warwicksu.com

The amalgamation of Warwick’s diverse drama societies, bringing together the unique qualities of each society to create a drama community. Your first port of call if you are interested in the drama scene - we can guide you towards the society that best suits your needs.

Drumming Society su461@warwicksu.com

Bringing people together to enjoy making music in its simplest form. We help you learn about rhythm and playing together. If you share an excitement for drumming, join us to nurture that passion!

EQHO su469@warwicksu.com

Perform, teach and develop dance styles whilst raising money for charity. The main genre of dance is hip-hop and street style-based, + more contemporary styles. Perform at One World Week, the Tap Show, WSAF and externally.


Fresh Blood Theatre su247@warwicksu.com

Society for student-written and produced theatre, music and many other art projects. Includes actors, writers, singers, designers and directors. Regular shows including dramas, comedies, musicals and cabaret nights!

Irish Dancing su571@warwicksu.com

We are an active, friendly society which hosts weekly classes, participates in shows and organises regular socials. Classes are open to everyone, whether you have dance experience or not.

Music Theatre Warwick exec@musictheatrewarwick.co.uk

Musicals directed, produced, designed & choreographed by members, with several shows each year in venues such as Warwick Arts Centre. For all who enjoy acting, singing, dancing, directing, producing, set design, stage management and musical direction.

Opera Warwick su301@warwicksu.com

For performers and fans alike. Looking for singers, actors, technical assistants, producers and directors. Full-scale opera, regular socials and trips to UK productions.

Oriental Performance su482@warwicksu.com

We bring together people who have a passion for oriental culture and provide a platform for diverse performances, focusing on dance, fashion and music.

Pole Dance su419@warwicksu.com

Professionally instructed pole dancing lessons, exec led classes, regular socials. All abilities, fitness levels and even guys are welcome!

Revelation Rock-Gospel choir su267@warwicksu.com

Friendly Christian-based choir but who welcomes anyone with any beliefs or talent. Weekly rehearsals (Tuesday, 19:30 in the Chaplaincy), no auditions, all songs taught with the emphasis on having as much fun as possible.

Salsa Dancing Society su397@warwicksu.com

Dance lessons by professional teachers for all levels of dancer, from complete beginners with two left feet to advanced. Highly social and relaxed environment.


Shakespeare Society su481@warwicksu.com

We put on plays, arrange talks from academics, performers and directors, run workshops on all realms of Shakespeare, from aspects of performance to how to create your own Shakespearian sonnet. Each term we go to a professional performance of a Shakespearian play.

Streetvibe su154@warwicksu.com

Street Dance society is a dance society for all levels. Three lessons a week taught by professional dance tutors, plus opportunities to teach. Mostly hip-hop and RnB, but other genres included. Performances on campus, at dance competitions and regular socials.

String Orchestra su373@warwicksu.com

A classical ensemble in the university which performs a wide range of classical music in and outside campus, conducted by Roger Coull from the Coull Quartet.

Symphony Orchestra su268@warwicksu.com

Under guidance of the Director of Music and the Coull Quartet, weekly rehearsals, wide range of repertoire, regular performances at prestigious venues and in conjunction with Warwick Chorus, tours every two years, regular socials. Wind and Brass auditioned after concert in Week 2 (open to all).

Tech Crew su518@warwicksu.com

For people interested in the technical and production aspects of the performing arts. Opportunities to work on productions and events. Roles in lighting, sound, visual and stage management, together with set construction & painting and costume design are available for dramatic and band events. Training programme offered.

Warwick Folk

Warwick Improvised Theatre su669@warwicksu.com

Delivering a forum for performers to hone and showcase their improvisation skills. We hold regular workshops, socials and take part in inter-University tournaments.

Warwick Indian classical Dance Society su628@warwicksu.com

We encourage all interested students from beginners to experts to get involved in the ancient artform of Indian classical dance.

Warwick Piano warwickpiano@googlemail.com

Warwick Piano is the society for pianists and piano enthusiasts of all interests and abilities. We hold termly concerts to showcase our society’s talent, trips to recitals, socials and more!

Warwick Tap su330@warwicksu.com

A range of classes including ‘techniques’ and ‘performance’, open to all levels. Opportunities to choreograph, teach or perform in dances for our annual show in March.

Wind Orchestra su269@warwicksu.com

Completely non-auditioned ensemble welcoming players (wind, brass and percussion) of any ability. Weekly rehearsals, regular concerts in the local area, annual competition, annual tour, workshops and socials.




Stages published plays all year round, indoors and out directed, produced, designed, managed and performed by students. Regular theatre trips, socials and workshops.


Traditional music, song and dance. Weekly band practices, weekly Folk Club, trips to Coventry and a termly Ceilidh (a bit like a barn dance but faster and noisier with an emphasis on fun)!

Warwick Glee su652@warwicksu.com

An informal grouping of students aiming to achieve a professional level as a show choir. We engage in singing, dancing, acting and the ability to play musical instruments. All levels welcome!

RELIGIOUS & BELIEF Buddhist Society su179@warwicksu.com

From practicing Buddhists to complete beginners. Weekly meditation sessions, discussions, festival and exhibition visits, members’ library, socials.

Catholic Society su446@warwicksu.com

Quiz nights, discussion groups, Bible study, retreats, films, guest talks and social events. We welcome people from all backgrounds, cultures and nationalities.

Christian Focus christianfocus.society@warwicksu.com

We are an all-welcoming Christian society devoted to discussion and community. We hold talks on moral, spiritual and theological issues as well as contemplations, meditations, regular socials and retreats.

Christian Union su657@warwicksu.com

The CU is a group of Christians that meet together weekly. We come from all sorts of backgrounds and hold events throughout the year, including Tuesday Lunchbars, Friday evening Globe International Cafe, and of course our famed Text A Toastie - We Will Deliver!

Hindu Society su244@warwicksu.com

Active and dynamic group of students aiming to practice and promote ideas of peace, harmony and acceptance. Regular thought-provoking talks and debates, involvement in One World Week and Holi celebrations.

Islamic Society (ISOC) su235@warwicksu.com

ISoc’s aim is to unite Muslims from all around, be compassionate about their welfare and maintain a good relationship with fellow faith groups.

Krishna Consciousness society su383@warwicksu.com

Have you ever tried yoga or meditation? Interested in philosophy or theology? Want to look at the world more closely? Want to escape the stresses of everyday life? Come along to the Krishna Consciousness Society.

Sikh Society su513@warwicksu.com

Promotes Sikh culture and values on campus, organises talks, workshops and seminars, sports events, charity events, trips to the local gurdwara.

Warwick Atheists su468@warwicksu.com

Society catering for faithless students wishing to make the most out of their self-defined morality. Stance of atheism but all views welcome. Socials and fun events promoting understanding and discussion of atheism.

WELFARE, CHARITY & ACTION Animal Ethics su564@warwicksu.com Our aim is to spread information on campus about animals and animal ethics, and provide social opportunities for vegetarians and friends. We also inform students about local events and campaigns concerning animal ethics.

Duke of Edinburgh Society su283@warwicksu.com

From complete beginners to those who have completed Bronze, Silver or Gold. Promotes and assists participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.


We are an international development organisation that removes barriers to development through engineering. Our programmes provide opportunities for young people to learn about technology’s role in tackling poverty. Supported by the EWB-UK community, our members can work on projects around the globe.

Jailbreak Society su390@warwicksu.com

A unique charity hitch hike event where you could end up ANYWHERE over a weekend - 36 hours, no money, how far can you go? The annual Jailbreak where students must get as far away from campus as possible (and back again) without spending any money.

KenyAn Orphan Project (KPO) su684@warwicksu.com KOP is a UK charity committed to supporting the health and education of orphans and vulnerable children in Africa. Our projects and partners are currently focused in Western Kenya. University groups provide direct support for the projects.

Nightline su222@warwicksu.com

Student-run listening service open every night of term from 9pm to 9am. Provides a friendly, non-judgmental service for anyone who wants to talk, either by phone or by dropping into our building between Old and New Rootes. Volunteers are students who are trained by the Samaritans. Looking for good listeners who can spare three nights a term.

RAG su221@warwicksu.com

Last year we raised over £300,000 for great causes by organising crazy events, including our award-winning RAG week, animal costumes, pints in lectures, having the time of your life and bagging a bit of good karma along the way.




Global non-profit organisation, offering students the opportunity to develop leadership, teamwork and communication skills through learning, practicing and teaching the principles of free enterprise.

St John Ambulance University of warwick links su224@warwicksu.com

Student branch of St. John Ambulance. Free First Aid training for all members, with recognised qualifications ranging from essential basics to working on an ambulance. Community volunteering with free entry to events. Weekly meetings with a range of activities and socials. Fantastic opportunity to boost that CV.

Student Scout and Guide society su308@warwicksu.com

‘Do you like camping, hiking, cupcakes, crafts and [insert favourite beverage here]? Ever been a Scout, Guide, Beaver or Brownie? Help and inspire young Scouts & Guides in the Midlands. Join SSAGO; Weekly meetings and regular varied socials. Bring your camping gear for our Freshers’ weekend in the first term!

Warwick Hitch su194@warwicksu.com

Promotes, fundraises for and assists the Morocco Hitch and other hitches across Europe, assists hitches by organising fundraising events. Hitching the entire 1,200 mile journey to the coast of an entirely different continent, Africa, is an incredible achievement, and an amazing experience that you will never forget. Around 100 students from Warwick are expected to take part in the hitch, so join us on this incredible journey!

Warwick Volunteers volunteers@warwick.ac.uk

Opportunities to make a positive contribution to the local community. Over 40 student-run projects including work with refugees, people with disabilities, educational and environmental projects and overseas charity work. Regular socials.


marketing While the Warwick SU Marketing Dept. is responsible for promoting the Union’s entire range of products and services to its members, designing and printing the Union’s publications and publicity, and bringing revenue into the Union through advertising and sponsorship, we are also here to help each and every one of you! Here are just a few of the ways we can assist you: Help with sponsorship proposals Supply of clothing & merchandise Ticketing of events Website design Distribution of publicity through our Street Team Advertisement through our publications such as The Bubble Get in touch and see what we can do! marketing@warwicksu.com 024 765 72803 Marketing Department, 2nd floor of SUHQ

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sports directory

Aerobics aerobics.club@warwicksu.com

Aerobics! Zumba! Boxercise! Bums ‘n’ Tums! Step! (All with highly qualified instructors)... Very regular classes (cheapest on campus); less commitment needed than the ‘big boy’ societies (but with all the team spirit/banter); amazing (infamous) socials. Don your leotard.

Aikido aikido.club@warwicksu.com Aikido is a Japanese martial art which is distinctly non-competitive. Techniques use the attacker’s strength and weight against them and include empty hand, sword, stick and knife defences.

American Football americanfootball.club@warwicksu.com

American Football is a competitive team sport that suits players of all shapes and sizes. The Warwick Wolves are a rapidly expanding club coming off their best season in 6 years, so why not come down and give us a try to be part of something great!

Archery archery.club@warwicksu.com

sports@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2776 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/sports For more information on joining any of our sports clubs, head to www.warwicksu.com/sports. For more information about Warwick Sport, head on over to www.warwicksport.warwick.ac.uk

Archery is an enjoyable and interesting sport. We are open to all levels from beginner to expert, and provide free coaching and equipment for beginners. We host and attend many competitions, both regional and national. We also have weekly socials, and a strong social atmosphere in the club.

Athletics and Cross country athletics.club@warwicksu.com

Road runs, cross-country, intervals, women’s jogging, circuits, track & field… from beginners to the elite, we really have something for everyone! Our flexible training, encouraging atmosphere and buzzing social side will always leave you wanting more! Get fit, be social, do athletics.

Badminton badminton.club@warwicksu.com

We organise 6 club sessions a week, where players of any standard meet up and play Badminton, get fit and socialise. Racquets available to borrow.

Basketball basketball.club@warwicksu.com

Three competitive teams, an intra-university 3-on-3 Swish League, open fundamental sessions and lively socials - all catering for both men and women.

52 52

Canoe canoe.club@warwicksu.com

We have weekly practice sessions in the campus pool and brave white water on weekend trips every 2- 3 weeks. We run four tours a year (including Slovenia and the Alps), enter BUCS competitions and hold friendly socials. All equipment provided.

Canoe Polo canoepolo.club@warwicksu.com

Likened to Basketball in a boat, Canoe Polo is a high tempo, wet n’ wild team sport which mixes canoeing skills with competitive sporting rules. No canoe or polo experience is required, all equipment provided.

Classical and Modern Dance classical&moderndance.club@warwicksu.com

From hip-hop to ballet, lyrical to jazz, classical to modern dance we aim to cater to ALL levels of dancers. We offer many opportunities to perform, teach and compete.

Climbing climbing.club@warwicksu.com

We run regular trips to all parts of Britain, including the Peak District, Wales and the South West - sign up early to avoid disappointment! University members gain access to the climbing wall at a discounted price if term/year passes are purchased.

Cricket (Men’s) cricketmens.club@warwicksu.com

Most Improved Club 2002 and Club of the Year 2003 and now one of the most popular clubs at Warwick with 4 BUCS sides and a friendly squad. We also have an indoor tournament and an international tour that has included travelling to Sri Lanka and Barbados.

Cricket (women’s) cricketwomens.club@warwicksu.com

Ladies’ Cricket is one of the few sports to be played at Warwick in the summer term – so, if you fancy getting out in the sun and having a break from exams, Cricket is for you!

Dodgeball warwickdodgeball.club@warwicksu.com

Warwick Dodge is the biggest and most successful Dodgeball club in the UK, offering both men and women the chance to play the sport where you are the target! Play competitively or just for fun and get involved with one of the most active clubs socially on campus.

Fencing fencing.club@warwicksu.com

Fencing is a sport which demands a unique combination of reactions, control, physical fitness and intelligence. We can provide you with all the equipment you need. Members of all abilities are given opportunities to compete at a suitable level.

Five-a-Side Football and futsal five-a-sidefootball.club@warwicksu.com

Last year we had over 180 teams with over 1200 members of all abilities. The club runs a series of competitions at the end of the year so that while the Lionel Messis compete together, the Accrington Stanley wannabes do battle as well.

Floorball floorball.club@warwicksu.com

Floorball (also known as unihockey, innebandy and salibandy) is a fast-paced, exhilarating sport which is easy to pick up and safe to play. The club caters for all abilities and welcomes males and females. Join us for the taster session!

Football (Men’s) footballmens.club@warwicksu.com

Men’s Football is one of the most competitive sports clubs within the University, with four teams competing in BUCS, an Easter tour and a great social side. We regularly hold tournaments open to all Warwick students.

Football (Women’s) footballwomens.club@warwicksu.com

UWWFC caters for all abilities, and everyone’s welcome. Along with 2 University teams, we have a Sunday League team and a Futsal League. Alternatively, you can just come along for fitness and fun – with 2 training sessions, a fitness session and socials each week, you’ll gain that team spirit in no time.

Gliding gliding.club@warwicksu.com

Gliding is a fantastic (and cheap!) way for you budding pilots to gain valuable flying experience. We aim to run trips every weekend, as well as weeklong residential courses for members who want to ‘go solo.’

Golf golf.club@warwicksu.com

The Golf Society offers opportunities for every standard of golfer. With weekly range trips catering for all standards and equipment provided, to the scratch BUCS league matches for the 1st team, everyone has vast chances to improve their golf.

Handball handball.club@warwicksu.com

Handball is a team sport with seven players who pass and bounce a ball, aiming to throw it into the goal of the opposing team. The club trains and competes in matches, and welcomes anyone.

Hockey (women’s) hockeywomens.club@warwicksu.com

UWLHC is one of the most established and popular clubs on campus. With something for everyone, we have successful and hardworking teams, from the very competitive 1st XI to Development Squads for newcomers, alongside a packed social schedule.

Hockey (men’s) hockeymens.club@warwicksu.com

Men’s Hockey is one of the most diverse, dynamic and active sports clubs, with 4 teams competing across the Midlands. The all-inclusive attitude of the club ensures that players of all levels settle in quickly. We offer 3 tours a year, coaching opportunities, and our regular socials are among the best on campus. Visit www.uwmhc.co.uk for more

Hockey (Mixed) hockeymixed.club@warwicksu.com

Warwick Mixed Hockey Club (or UWMXDHC) is the club for anyone, of any ability, to come and play hockey and a have a great time to boot. With our fun-filled training sessions, matches and socials, UWMXDHC represents all that is best about relaxed and sociable sports. We encourage all members to get involved for a fun sports club without all the pressure.

Ice Hockey & ROLLER HOCKEY icehockey.club@warwicksu.com

We make Ice Hockey accessible to everyone - beginners and advanced players alike. We are able to provide most of the necessary protective equipment and opportunities to play games throughout the year against other universities. Both women and men welcome.

Jitsu jitsu.club@warwicksu.com

Warwick Jitsu is a member of the Jitsu Foundation, who have clubs all over the country and even a few abroad. We teach Jiu Jitsu, a martial art based on locks and throws. Everyone is welcome, whether you’ve done martial arts before or not.

Judo judo.club@warwicksu.com

The university Judo Club aims to provide a safe and relaxing environment in which to practice the popular martial art of Judo that allows all skill levels to develop their skills whilst still maintaining a social ethos.

KALI-JEET KUNE DO eskrima.club@warwicksu.com

Kali (or Eskrima) is a Filipino Martial Art that teaches the use of both weapons and empty-handed skills. Our club places emphasis on learning effective techniques, and upon creating a friendly atmosphere. We also learn to apply the philosophy of Jeet Kune Do, the martial art founded by Bruce Lee.

Kempo Ju Jitsu kempojujitsu.club@warwicksu.com

Kempo Ju Jitsu is a mix of traditional Japanese martial arts with modern combat sports, designed to be an effective method of self-defence. The club teaches throwing, grappling and locking techniques, along with punches, kicks and sparing.

kung fu su173@warwicksu.com

Kung Fu trains students to respond reflexively to attacks by developing body and mind together into a realistic system of self-defence. Sessions run by a professional instructor, all abilities are welcome.

Lacrosse (Men’s, Women’s & Mixed) lacrosse.club@warwicksu.com

Lacrosse is a unique sport and officially the fastest game on two feet. We have both Premiership and beginner teams, and welcome men and women of all standards. We also have regular socials and at least one annual tour. All equipment provided. Lacrosse won Club of the Year in 2009-10.

Latin and Ballroom dance latin&ballroom.club@warwicksu.com

We provide a variety of classes for any skill and commitment levels in a fun and friendly atmosphere, taught by nationally renowned teachers. We take part in several competitions and performances.

Lifesaving lifesaving.club@warwicksu.com

We offer a range of activities to suit everyone from qualifications in Lifesaving, CPR and First Aid, competing in international, national and regional competitions, and training to become a lifeguard as well as excellent socials.


Medics Sport medics.club@warwicksu.com

Warwick Medics run Rugby, Netball, Hockey, Football and Cricket teams - all of which are active and social both on and off the pitch. Join Medics Sport to gain access to all of them!

Motorsport motorsport.club@warwicksu.com

Do you want to do scary speeds inches from the floor? We run regular social karting trips and have two teams in the British University Karting Championship. If not, just join us at the national races, motorsport exhibitions and for frequent socials.

warwick Mountains warwickmountains.club@warwicksu.com

Our club organises around three very popular weekend trips a term to areas including Snowdonia and the Lake District. There are a variety of walks and scrambles to accommodate all abilities.

Netball (Women’s) netball.club@warwicksu.com

We have three teams playing in BUCS and developmental 4th team that plays regular friendlies. We hold an annual inter-university challenge tournament and also pride ourselves on our participation in internal sports events.

Netball (Mixed) netballmixed.club@warwicksu.com

Mixed Netball prides itself on being a friendly and approachable club at all times and our membership and attendance reflects this - it’s not just for girls!

Pick ‘n’ Mix Sports pick&mixsports.club@warwicksu.com

Pick and Mix is a great way to try different sports at a fun and basic level each week, with sessions run by a variety of University sports clubs - so far including Rock Climbing, American Football, Breakdancing and Lacrosse. Something for everyone - and free to join!

Polo warwickpolo.club@warwicksu.com

At Warwick Polo Club, we try to make Polo as accessible as possible. Our members come from all walks of life and most start with us with no experience of riding, let alone Polo. We have regular socials, trips and lessons, so why not have a go?!


Pool pool.club@warwicksu.com

The Pool Club is a long running sports club that, as the name suggests, aims to improve standards of Pool, as well as providing a social atmosphere between members. There is a ladder and weekly tournaments.

Riding riding.club@warwicksu.com

Warwick Riders are fun, friendly, sociable, competitive and always up for some good old horsing around! Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, we run riding lessons, provide University Equestrian League squads and hold outstanding socials. Check out www.warwickriding.moonfruit.co.uk

Rifle rifle.club@warwicksu.com

We shoot small-bore rifles (.22) from 25 yards. Anyone who is permitted and able to use a weapon safely is encouraged to join. Two character references must be completed to shoot - download these from our website.

Rowing rowing.club@warwicksu.com

We are a large and highly active club with substantial ambitions. Our club gives experienced athletes the chance to compete on a national and international level, as well as offering the opportunity to learn.

Rugby (Men’s) rugbymens.club@warwicksu.com

Running 3 competitive BUCS teams as well as a dedicated Freshers side at weekends, Men’s Rugby Union is the best club on campus. It is one of the biggest and has a playing and social life that is rivalled by no other.

Rugby (Women’s) rugbywomens.club@warwicksu.com

All are welcome, no matter what your ability or size. We participate in the BUCS Leagues and also arrange friendly and more ‘Fresher’ orientated games. We also have a thriving social scene and are involved in the local community and charity events.

Rugby League rugbyleague.club@warwicksu.com

Warwick University Rugby League runs two teams playing weekly matches and, whatever your standard or experience in Rugby, even if nothing at all, come to training and enjoy a quality game with a great bunch of lads. We also have a strong social side with regular socials each Wednesday.

Sailing sailing.club@warwicksu.com

The Sailing Club has a very active sporting and social calendar throughout the year. Weekly socials are coupled with regular sailing, usually twice a week, and competitions. All levels of experience are catered for.

Shotokan Karate shotokankarate.club@warwicksu.com

The Shotokan Karate Club is an excellent introduction to martial arts, both as a means of self-defence and for general fitness. All abilities practice together three times a week, with gradings once a term. The club competes five times a year in regional, student and national competitions.

Skydiving skydiving.club@warwicksu.com

Imagine standing in the door of a plane full of your mates, you take one last look as you climb out, breathe in, let go, jump into the blue...We’ll take you to 12,000ft, open the door of a perfectly good aircraft and launch you into the sky. Beginners welcome!

Snooker snooker.club@warwicksu.com

The club has two full-sized Snooker tables. We welcome players of all ages and abilities. We hold regular internal tournaments, have an ongoing weekly ladder competition and enter 3 teams in local competition + BUCS nationals.

Squash squash.club@warwicksu.com

Club Nights run on a Tuesday and Thursday night, are free to attend and open to all members. There are also three teams (two mens’ and one women’s) which compete in both BUCS and Warwickshire leagues.

Sub Aqua and octopush subaqua.club@warwicksu.com

We offer all levels of BSAC training, run regular trips all around the UK coastline and train in a local inland dive centre - and then there’s our annual Red Sea holiday! We also have a rapidly growing Octopush (think underwater hockey) side - come give it a try!

Surf surf.club@warwicksu.com

Whether you’re a hardened surfbum or a complete beginner, WarwickSurf guarantees to get you WET! We run 2+ trips per term to Cornwall’s best beaches and offer professional tuition from a top surf school,

hiring all the equipment you need!

Staff And Postgraduate Cricket staff&postgradcricket.club@warwicksu.com

The Warwick University Staff and Postgraduate Cricket Club plays matches against both local and touring sides throughout the summer. Net sessions are held through the winter in the Sports Centre.

Swimming and Waterpolo swimming&waterpolo.club@warwicksu.com

Swimming training is available every day with first class coaching for both recreational and competitive swimmers. The Swimming team competes in the top national BUCS division and other national events. The Waterpolo teams compete in Midlands, Warwickshire and BUCS leagues.

Table Tennis tabletennis.club@warwicksu.com

We run three club sessions a week for players of any standard, with one or two additional sessions for more advanced players wanting to represent the university in the BUCS Leagues.

Taekwondo taekwondo.club@warwicksu.com

Taekwondo originated as the Korean military martial art of self-defence. The club encourages beginners by providing an initial 8-week introductory course, catering for experienced members in separate training sessions.

Ten Pin Bowling tenpinbowling.club@warwicksu.com

Both new and experienced bowlers play for the University in various national competitions. Our Wednesday afternoon tournament is handicapped so that every team has a chance of winning, and there are also singles, doubles and knockout tournaments as well as fun bowling and great socials.

Tennis (Men’s & Women’s) tennis.club@warwicksu.com

Warwick Tennis club is one of the biggest sports clubs on campus. We have three Mens’ teams and two Women’s teams, who successfully compete against other universities in weekly BUCS matches. There is also a popular social play for less serious players.

Thai Boxing thaiboxing.club@warwicksu.com

beginners to the more experienced.

Trampolining trampolining.club@warwicksu.com

The club caters for all abilities and maintains an enjoyable and sociable environment. We have six trampolines and run three sessions a week in the Sports Centre. We are one of the friendliest clubs on campus and as well as sessions we hold weekly socials that are always epic, so come along!

Triathlon AND Road Cycling triathlonandroadcycling.club@warwicksu.com

Triathlon and Road Cycling is an experienced, social and friendly club that aims to cater for all abilities. We take part in BUCS & local races, and have a qualified coach.

Ultimate Frisbee (Mixed) ultimatefrisbee.club@warwicksu.com

Ultimate Frisbee is a fast-paced sport that requires speed, skill and agility. Played throughout the year indoors and outdoors, by both single sex and mixed teams, it is an enjoyable sport for people of all abilities. Often described as mixture of American Football and Netball, it is a sport growing in popularity throughout the UK.

Volleyball (Men’s, Women’s & Mixed) volleyball.club@warwicksu.com

The atmosphere at the club is relaxed and friendly, welcoming players of all standards. The club runs two mens’ and two womens’ teams. Regular training and matches improve abilities.

Nights at local Snowdomes (real snow indoors!) and enter race teams in the Midlands Uni League.

Windsurf windsurf.club@warwicksu.com

The club windsurfs at nearby Draycote water every Wednesday. With reaches up to ¾ mile, it’s perfect for some flat water blasting, while also being safe for beginners. We have our own instructors who offer very cheap RYA qualifications, and are highly social.

Yoga yoga.club@warwicksu.com

Physically it helps to improve your strength, flexibility, posture, balance and aerobic fitness. Mentally it improves your concentration, gives you greater selfconfidence, increases your stamina and improves your ability to relax (always useful around exam time!)


The broad syllabus of Zhuan Shu Kuan (Fist Art Association) means that lessons incorporate techniques from jumping kicks through boxing to wrestling and incorporate strikes, locks and throws. It is a practical approach to modern self-defence.

For more information on joining one or more of our sports clubs, head over to www.warwicksu.com/sports

warwick devils Cheerleading squad cheerleading.club@warwicksu.com

Warwick Devils Cheerleading Squad are 5-time UK National Champions and one of the most successful, social and inviting clubs on campus. Cheerleading is a co-ed sport combining stunting, dancing and gymnastics: we have a variety of different squads open to all levels to cover all disciplines and abilities.

WARWICK Snow warwicksnowsports.club@warwicksu.com

The highlights of our year are the two excellent-value tours at Christmas and Easter. We also hold lessons for beginners, recreational skiing/boarding and Jump

The art of eight limbs, Muay Thai combines kicks and punches with elbows and knees in a straightforward yet effective way. Sessions are run with an experienced instructor and everyone is welcome, from absolute


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300 students marching through central London - 10/11/10

Over 60 students inspiring the next generation of learners

5556 votes - our highest ever turnout

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WARWICK STUDENTS’ UNION is a charitable company registered in England and Wales Company number: 7297865 | Charity number: 1136894 | Registered Address: SUHQ, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL | VAT number: GB 705 3184 57

STUDENTS’ UNION SERVICES WARWICK LIMITED is registered in England and Wales Company number: 02197761 | Registered Address: SUHQ, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL | VAT number: GB 705 3184 57 MEMBERSHIP SOLUTIONS LIMITED is registered in England and Wales

Company number: 5525449 | Registered Address: SUHQ, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL | VAT number: GB 705 3184 57

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