Returners Guide 2011

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Welcome back to Warwick!

As some of you will remember, we were elected last February based on the promises we made to you during election week. With this in mind, we thought we’d highlight what we want to achieve this year. Everything we do has your interests at heart, so feel free to get in touch, pop in and see us in SUHQ and get involved. Remember, we work full time for all Warwick students to make sure you have the best university experience possible!

President - Leo Boe One thing I want to achieve this year is making sure the Atrium develops into an exciting space for you all to chill out in. Other objectives include keeping you guys up to date by uploading regular videos about upcoming events in the SU, and about what’s going on up at the University. I’ll also be working with the University to make sure they develop their services and departments in a student-friendly way, so that the University and the Union are ready for the 2012 student intake when home students will be charged £9000. Finally, I will also try to have an open meeting with the Vice-Chancellor at least once this year. If you see me around campus, give me a shout and tell me how things are going, so I can bring your voice to the University and change the SU for the better. See you around!

Democracy Officer - Chris Luck My big aims this year involve a review of our democratic processes to make sure they’re relevant and accurately represent your needs whilst at Warwick, as well as making sure that our Officer positions work effectively for you. I want to get everyone involved in Warwick SU decision making and make sure that the Union and University hears your voice. I also want to work to make our Officer Elections 2012 as big as they can be – let’s smash last year’s turnout!

Education Officer - Sean Ruston If there’s one thing I really want to get done this year, it’s increasing academic contact hours. In some departments students have to settle for as little as 6 or 7 hours a week: unacceptable when students are being asked to pay more and more. Students need interaction with academics in order to explore their subject and develop themselves intellectually.

Welfare WelfareOfficer Officer--Izzy IzzyJohn John My Mycentral centralaim aimthis thisyear yearwill willbe befocusing focusingon onminority minorityand andliberation liberation groups. groups.This Thisisisa abroad broadarea, area,sosomy myfocus focuswill willspecifically specificallybe beon onengaging engaging with withPostgrads, Postgrads,developing developingprovisions provisionsfor forpart-time part-timeand andmature maturelearnlearners, ers,and andgetting gettingmore morewomen womeninvolved involvedininUnion Unionpositions positionsatatallalllevels levels– –I I would wouldlove lovefor formore morewomen womentotorun runfor forSabbatical Sabbaticalposts postsininterm term2.2.

Union UnionDevelopment DevelopmentOfficer Officer--George GeorgeWhitworth Whitworth I want I wanttotodeliver delivermeaningful meaningfulimprovements improvementstotothe theAtrium Atriumspace, space, The TheCopper CopperRooms Roomsand andallallofofthe theUnion’s Union’scommercial commercialservices. services. I also I alsowant wanttotosee seea asuccessful successfulyear yearfor forHall HallSocieties Societiestotoincrease increasethe thesense sense ofofcommunity communityon oncampus campusand andfoster fostersome somefriendly friendlyinter-hall inter-hallrivalry! rivalry!

Sports SportsOfficers Officers--Chris ChrisSury Sury This Thisisissuch suchan anexciting excitingyear yeartotobe beinvolved involvedininSport SportatatWarwick Warwickininthe therunrunup uptotoLondon London2012! 2012!My Myambitions ambitionsthis thisyear yearare arecentred centredaround aroundmaking makinga a Sports Sportscommunity communityon oncampus. campus.We Weshould shouldallallfeel feelloyal loyaltotoTeam TeamWarwick Warwick asaswell wellasasour ourinternal internalclubs. clubs.There Thereare aremany manyways waysI am I amlooking lookingtotodo dothis, this, but butsomething somethingtotolook lookout outfor forisisthe the“Ones “OnesToToWatch” Watch”scheme schemeininwhich which there therewill willbe bea aTeam Teamofofthe theWeek, Week,plus plusmore morerecognition recognitionfor foryour your achievements. achievements.I am I amlooking lookingforward forwardtotoworking workingwith withmany manyofofyou! you! And Andoh, oh,yeah… yeah…Varsity Varsitywill willbe beBIG BIGthis thisyear! year!

Societies SocietiesOfficer Officer--Matt MattRogers Rogers I’m I’mhoping hopingtotoincrease increasethe thenumbers numbersofofstudents studentsinvolved involvedwith withour our fantastic fantasticsocieties, societies,and andwill willbe beworking workinghard hardthroughout throughoutthe thesummer summer totoensure ensurethat thatwe wehave havean anexcellent excellentSocieties SocietiesFair FairininWeek Week1.1. InInaddition additiontotopersonal personalprojects projectssuch suchasasincreasing increasingrehearsal rehearsalspace, space, I’ll I’llprioritise prioritisemaking makingsure sureI’m I’maround aroundtotohelp helpyou yourun runyour yoursocieties. societies. Watch Watchout outfor forme meatatmy myweekly weeklystall stallininthe thePiazza!Here’s Piazza!Here’stotoan anexciting exciting year… year…and andremember, remember,it’s it’snever nevertoo toolate latetotojoin joina asociety! society!

Check Checkout outour ourblogs:


Fancy earning some extra cash while being part of a lively and friendly team of people? If so, working at the Union is the thing for you! There are loads of jobs coming up that you can easily fit in around your studies.

Street Team

Reception Assistants

The Union promotions and distribution team run by the Marketing department – visiting all Halls of Residence, meeting and chatting to students about all aspects of the Union, setting up fairs, hosting promo stalls, dressing up for campaigns, getting student feedback - the list goes on! This is a really fun job for outgoing, lively people who care about the Union and its members.

Food & Beverage Assistants Working in any one of the Union’s busy bars or food outlets, serving customers and general duties in line with the job. A good personality, good interpersonal skills and a strong work ethic will bring rewards in these roles.

Ents Reps If you love music, think you can spot the next big thing and can easily inspire and influence your peers, then a job working in the Entertainment department will be right up your street! Promoting all the various Ents offers to members, bringing your ideas to the table and using all the relevant media channels to promote gigs, this a rewarding and fun role.

Working in the SU’s busy and vibrant Reception department, you will be dealing with visitors and students, answering queries and phone calls, selling tickets and merchandise and generally being a helpful, welcoming face in SUHQ. You should have a good telephone manner, be good with people, be smart in your appearance and have a good working knowledge of the Union, campus and the University (i.e. where departments are, ability to give directions etc). The ability to deliver good customer service is key in this role.

Tech Services Crew Interested in working with our crew to prep the main stage for events? This role is a great hands-on way to learn new skills and gain invaluable experience while delivering events and preparing & maintaining equipment, resulting in the successful production of Union events.

Warwick SU is an EOE (Equal Opportunities Employer ) All the jobs that are on offer in the Union will be advertised at and there will be a Job Shop at the Freshers Fair open to all so come along and apply for whatever interests you. We look forward to working with you!

For all the latest opportunities, visit

The Atrium Update

Big things are afoot with the Atrium in order to deliver the social space you have asked for in surveys such as the Big Five. Over the summer we have been working on design ideas to make the most of the space while creating a cosier, more inviting place for you to come and chat, study, enjoy a coffee or eat lunch. We have already had sockets put in along all the pillars upstairs around the bench seating so you can use your laptop or charge your phone without the cable running across the floor and creating a trip hazard! We hope to liven the space up with colour too and you will see a lot more of the seven Sabbatical Officers, with the chance to leave your feedback on our blackboard wall. Obviously the Atrium is vital to the Freshers Fair and Party, but be assured that changes are coming after that and we hope you like what we are about to do for you!

Did you know you can book the Atrium for your club or society to use? Email:

Freshers Week Preview

Arrivals weekend isn’t just about Freshers. It’s about catching up with all your mates, moving into a new home and seeing what’s changed since you’ve been away! As a Returner, you too can attend the Freshers Fair, eat pizza, grab some goodies and sign up to loads of great activities over the entire week. Here’s what’s on:

Sat/Sun/Mon 1-3rd October The fantastic Freshers Fair is back for Arrivals Weekend, filling the Union with hustle, bustle, goodies, posters and - of course - Dominos pizza! Come along on any of the three days - the Fair is in the Atrium and Copper Rooms and you can grab yourself some bargains, apply for jobs, pick up some free stuff and see what the exhibitors have on offer for Warwick Students. There will be competitions too, so make sure you enter as many as possible to be in with a chance to win!

Wed/Thu 5-6th October

Tuesday 4th October the Sports Fair in the Sports Centre. If you haven’t yet joined a sports club, jog over there and check out what’s on offer for you and your mates. There are over 70 Clubs and, if there isn’t one for you (we doubt it!), you can always get some mates together and set up your own. Tuesday is also the day of the Democracy Fair in the Atrium. If you are interested in representation and improving your SU, come along to find out how to run for a position within the Union like a Sabb or even President, then visit the Democracy Fair from 10am -4pm.

Friday 7th October

...sees the MASSIVE Societies Fair take Thank Freshers it’s Friday – this MASSIVE over the Union for two days, giving end of Freshers Week blowout will see all you the chance to join any of the 200+ sorts of stalls in the Atrium and Copper societies you will have undoubtedly heard Rooms including clothes, DVDs, jewellery, of or seen around campus. From singing meats, fruit & veg, hats, perfumes, henna to Shakespeare, dancing to De-stress and artists, posters and more. With more Economics to Eqho, there really is giveaways, competitions, stuff to buy, something for everyone - if you haven’t stuff to try and a brilliant buzzing atmosjoined one yet, these two days give you the phere, you’d be mad to miss this as we chance to see what’s on offer and decide bring Freshers to a close for another year. what suits you. There will be performances during theSU week too, so look out for these sample the wares before Warwick employs over 200 student staff, makingCome us onealong of theand largest student and feel free ask anyWith questions of thefrom bar staff your kicks in! employers ontocampus. roles ranging andfirst foodweekend assistantsback to designers students or staff. Again, you can’t findopportunities with flexible hours to fit in with your studies. and receptionists, there’sifplenty of great a society you want to join, you can get friends together and set up your own!

Check out the website for details of everything that’s going on in Week 1

NUS Extra primary logo full clour print

single colour logo spot colour print

colour suite


of everything for Uni, from her laptop to a new mobile, her course books, a winter coat and an alarm clock

Get kitted out just like Emily‌visit to see how you can save

can you afford not to?

All details correct at time of printing: July 2011

NUS922 Extra A5 FINANCE BOOKLET [LS].indd 1

06/07/2011 15:06

Free and independent advice on student-related problems E-mail: Phone: 02476 572 824 Find us: SUHQ Level 2, next to the lift S ER TT MA EBT IC D M & E AD EY INGNT AC MON OUS E H OYM N L TIO P EM IGRA M IM

I made a real difference and learnt so many skills – I would recommend getting involved in SSLCs to anyone!


Look out for elections in your lectures during the first few days.


Close of nominations: Friday 14th October | Week 2 VOTE online: Tuesday 18th - Thursday 20th October | Week 3

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