Strategic Plan 2011-14

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strategic plan 2011-14


The Plan...


Our Mission...


Representing Students and Campaigning to Achieve Change


Promoting a Strong and Vibrant University Community


Supporting and Informing Students About Issues Affecting Their Lives 12

Transforming Students’ Lives and Enhancing Employability


Delivering a Strong, Effective and Sustainable Organisation


How We Got Here...


THE PLAN... Your Union has been developing a new 3 year strategic plan since the start of the academic year. We took on board your comments, questions and feedback, as well as the research we have at our disposal and knowledge of everything that is going on outside the Warwick Bubble. We held workshops and focus groups with numerous different groups of students as well as our staff and Trustees. We sent the plan out in June 2011 for consultation with all stakeholders including our University colleagues, and received a great deal of feedback which we have incorporated into the plan. The Strategic Plan you have before you is the culmination of all of this work. It is important to mention here that the detailed actions will be reviewed every year to account for changes in the student population, changes you make to Union policy and changes as a result of the manifestos of the students you elect as your representatives. It is really important that we keep our eyes on the external environment and make sure we account for legal, social, political, technological and economic changes. The overall objectives will be reviewed every 3 years.



Our Values...

Democratic We are student-led, member-focused and representative. Independent We are the independent voice of Warwick students. Ethical We are fair, principled, transparent and environmentally sound. Fun We are friendly, vibrant and entertaining. Informative We are supportive, knowledgeable, responsive and useful. Enriching We help students develop, we nurture their aspirations. ACCESSIBLE We are diverse, welcoming, tolerant and inclusive.

still listening... Just because we have a plan it doesn’t mean we’re not still listening. You can always make sure your voice is heard by doing any of the following: Talk to the Sabbatical Officers. Email us via our feedback or enquiries addresses. Ensure you Have Your Say. Leave us your feedback on the comments cards around the SU. Visit

Representing Students And Campaigning To Achieve Change.

Representation is the very heart of your Students’ Union. We will be your independent, strong and well-informed voice; taking your views to the key decision-makers in the University and on the national stage. We will support you where you see a need to campaign for change. Your Union, Your Voice.


We will have representative and accessible democratic and decision-making processes. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Carry out a strategic review of all democratic processes. Consider alternative policy-making processes that engage greater numbers of students, particularly students who do not traditionally engage with the SU. Use plain English and visual tools to make democracy easier to understand. Tell students, outside of normal elections periods, how they can stand for elected positions and what they can get out of being involved. Ensure that issues discussed are relevant to students. Make greater use of technology to involve students in discussions, debates and decision-making, e.g. podcasts, web forums and online polls. Seek solutions to increase the number of women standing for election to better reflect the University population. Identify the barriers to participation in democratic activity for specific student demographic groups and find solutions to remove these barriers. Encourage realistic manifesto commitments by informing prospective candidates of the context and factors within which the SU operates.


We will act as a critical friend to the University. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Ensure SU officers attend and contribute to every University committee on which the SU has a seat. Tell students about issues being discussed and get their feedback. Implement systems to ensure SU officers have the best possible information in order to make their case at University committees. Work with the University to improve the quality of experience that students will expect from Warwick in the future.


We will be the experts on our members’ views. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Carry out annual research (The Big Five). Publicise and act on results. Work with the University to develop an integrated University student research strategy. Ensure PGR, PGT, mature, part-time and International student views are canvassed. Publicise and show action on results. Use focus groups to enhance understanding of student views. Act on research and focus groups. Convey results to University staff and committees. Use reliable and well-researched evidence to influence University policy and decisions. Sabbatical Officers will be visible to the student body so that students’ views are canvassed regularly (e.g. Sabbs on a Sofa, Blogs, Kitchen Tours, liaison with Clubs and Societies). Introduce regular and varied opportunities for students to interact with Sabbs on and off campus.

Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2011-14


Representing Students and Campaigning to Achieve Change


We will clearly communicate THE outcomes of our interactions with the University. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Provide a termly report to students about decisions or issues coming from any discussions with the University on issues affecting students. Communicate outcomes through the Atrium’s Have Your Say space, website, weekly emails and The Bubble.


We will ensure that our academic representation supports the delivery of the best academic quality possible. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Improve training for SSLC representatives. Review academic representation structures - to deliver better support for SSLC reps, Faculty reps and better promotion of their effectiveness. Provide greater support to ensure we get accurate and timely feedback from SSLC systems into major University committees. Provide more research support for academic representatives so that they have the evidence on which to represent students’ positions. Consider methods for providing greater recognition for SSLC reps. Work with the University to improve contact time, feedback & assessment and personal tutor support in order to deliver quality learning experiences. Work with the University to establish mechanisms for better incentivising teaching excellence. Work with the University to improve provision of study spaces on campus. Campaign to reduce hidden course costs. Use the NUS Student Engagement Toolkit to improve engagement with faculty staff where needed. Establish the Education Convention.


We will determine priority campaigns, let everyone know about them and communicate their impact. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Set up an easy-to-understand process for agreeing the annual priority SU campaigns. Use clear impact assessment to show that the campaigns were effective and to learn and develop campaigning skills. Provide clear advice and guidance for individual students or student groups to campaign on issues they feel are important. Work with Warwick Hub to better support students who are passionate about campaigning on ethical and social issues Campaign to improve transport links to campus. Campaign to ensure that widening access measures are effective and fair. Campaign to ensure accommodation on campus is affordable and that availability is maximised. Provide support for annual campaigning events.


Representing Students and Campaigning to Achieve Change


We will build strong and effective officer teams. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Provide student officers and student representatives with the best possible training we can afford and establish clear outcomes. Develop a useful and accessible Officer Induction handbook. Consider greater use of joint training with similar or local SUs. Ensure good training on leadership skills . Make greater use of NUS regional officer support for training student officers. Consider tools for providing greater recognition for volunteers/officers. Better promote the benefits of being involved as an officer. Develop a “Transforming Your Life” leaflet to go out to all students with their offer letters.

Not only have we taken on board all of your feeback, comments and suggestions, we have also done our own research into the various factors that affect and influence our ability to transform students’ lives and enhance their employability.


The key action points resulted from carefully analysing all of this data. The key points were: Not only have we taken on board all of your feedback, comments and suggestions, we have also done our own research into the various factors that affect and influence our ability to represent students and campaign to achieve change. Several key action points resulted from carefully analysing all of this data. These key points were:

YOU SAID THAT... Academic achievement is your highest priority. You are frustrated with formal democratic structures; they are not easy to understand and you feel they are bureaucratic. The personal tutor system is not as effective as you need. You are frustrated with transport links to campus and the cost of transport.

WE KNOW THAT... Changes to student fees and funding will change students’ financial situation and expectations. Our campaigning capacity is insufficient. The student body is hugely diverse, and our elected representatives do not completely reflect this diversity. The SSLC system is very highly regarded.

WE UNDERSTAND THAT... The SU relies heavily on its volunteers. Student voice has an increasingly critical role to play in academic quality and student experience. This has to be supported by credible evidence and research. There may be further legislative change in education, immigration and charity law.

Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2011-14

Promoting a Strong and Vibrant University Community.

University life is about much, much more than simply your academic experience. We will make sure that you feel welcomed into Warwick’s lively, diverse and exciting University community no matter who you are, where you come from, where you live or how you study.


We will do more to make sure that PG students feel a sense of belonging to the University community and to the SU. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Work with the Graduate school to carry out research/focus groups to determine PGT and PGR students’ needs and develop a clear action plan. Ensure communications to PGT and PGR students are relevant and meet their needs. Establish a clear and regular format. Evaluate the impact of any SU service developments on PGT and PGR students. Work with the University to develop Coventry House as an additional suitable PG facility. Encourage clubs and societies to promote their activities to all students and provide opportunities for students to join and get involved at different times of the year.


We will ensure that students not living on campus still feel part of the University community and the SU. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Continue to campaign to improve transport links to campus. Continue to assess the success of working with external promoters/providers to bring students to on-campus events. Work with local community groups to provide Welcome events in Leamington and Coventry. Continue to assess the feasibility of an off-campus site in Leamington. Ensure the ‘Beyond the Bubble’ Facebook group is fully used and is the place to find out information for off-campus students. Develop an easy-to use Virtual SU so that services are clear and accessible for off-campus students and distance learners. Consider bringing the role of community reps into the SU structures so that students living in the community have a clear voice.


We will better support clubs, societies and other student-led activities to create a sense of campus community. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Support the development of Hall Societies so that they can embed integration and community spirit. Work with the Residential Life team to achieve this. Raise the issue of communal cooking spaces with the University and seek long-term solutions to meet this need. Support and encourage student-led events and provide clear information about what support is available from the SU and other organisations. Make it easy to use SU facilities. Support and encourage clubs and societies to be inclusive and welcoming – provide training and encourage innovation.

Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2011-14


Promoting a Strong and Vibrant University Community


We will do more to ENSure that International students feel a sense of belonging to the SU and to the University community. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Increase SU involvement in the Orientation process through collaboration with the International Office. Support and deliver on the Go Global strategy and work with the International Office on delivering its objectives – develop the buddy scheme, deliver the Go Global booklet and establish the World at Warwick website. Consider international students’ cultural and social values when planning services. Encourage clubs and societies to promote their activities to all students. Lobby the University to offer international students athletic scholarships. Make sure the website has clear information for International students pre arrival and on arrival.


We will provide ways for students to have fun, meet other students and create lasting friendships. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Integrate social provision with other providers such as the Arts Centre. Use all available data to inform service and event development. Provide/lobby for social spaces on campus that allow students to simply get together. Develop more events that are not focused on alcohol. Support the continued development of Sport For All at Warwick and delivery of the Warwick Sport active campus community strategy. Support Warwick Sport’s work with elite student athletes. Continue to work with Warwick Volunteers to provide high quality and inclusive volunteering opportunities.


We will take account of student habits and demographics and provide or signpost good value activities that give students choice. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Better promote events and activities on and around campus that will appeal to a wide range of students. Assess the feasibility of holding a Jazz Festival and Book Festival. Provide clear pricing information for students. Communicate annual review of competitor services and prices for food, drink and events. Provide more furniture in the Atrium and improve wi-fi connections so that this is a better informal social space for students. Demonstrate the variety of activity available for students at various price levels.


WE WILL DO MORE TO ENSURE THAT MATURE STUDENTS FEEL A SENSE OF BELONGING TO THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY AND TO THE SU. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Work with the University to determine mature students’ needs and develop a clear action plan. Ensure that communications to Mature students are relevant and meet their needs. Establish a clear and regular format. Evaluate the impact of SU service developments on Mature students.


WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? Not only have we taken on board all of your feedback, comments and suggestions, we have also done our own research into the various factors that affect and influence our ability to promote strong and vibrant University campus. Several key action points resulted from carefully analysing all of this data. These key points were:

YOU SAID THAT... You feel that campus prices are too expensive. The Atrium in the SU Building is uninviting. There is not enough social space on campus. Those of you who live off campus still want to be part of the campus community. You want a range of activities which includes those that aren’t centred around drinking.

WE KNOW THAT... PG students feel that there is no sense of campus community for them. International and home students feel that International integration is not strong. SU resources are under strain because of the volume of student-led activity. Other commercial organisations continue to aggressively target the student market. Clubbing is not as popular as it was. The ability to generate income from live music is becoming more and more difficult, particularly with Birmingham venues close by.

WE UNDERSTAND THAT... There may be further radical changes to licensing laws in the UK. Students will expect extremely high quality services from all on-campus providers as a result of fee levels. You have more pressures on your time and more choices available as to what to do with it. Many of you treat your study like work, in that Monday to Friday is for studying and the weekend is for social activity.

Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2011-14

Supporting and Informing Students about Issues Affecting their Lives.

Life is not always easy - sometimes we face challenges we can’t handle alone. As a student you may need support, advice, or simply access to information. We will make sure that you are able to get this, when you need it.


We will be there for students when they need help and support in difficult times. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Map student lifecycles so that we can identify key milestones and deliver services, information and guidance at these points and for these students in collaboration with relevant University departments where appropriate. Provide support and guidance for exam and study pressures – Feel Good Campaign. Provide support and guidance for students looking for accommodation – Housing campaigns, Housing Day. Provide access to clear information on bursaries, funding and widening participation. Assess the feasibility of increasing the specific support available for difficult academic-related casework.


We will empower students to improve their experiences and exercise their rights. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Ensure there is clear information available in multiple formats on housing, immigration, money, academic issues, personal safety, consumer and employment rights so that students can access the help they need and act independently. Signpost services outside the SU where students can seek specific support and guidance. Introduce case studies onto the website. Provide both termly sexual health clinics and access to sexual health advice. Work with the International Office to provide access to clear advice for international students relating to the differing cultural norms that they may experience whilst studying in the UK. Work collaboratively with University service providers, particularly Student Support, Senior Tutor’s Office, Residential Life and the Counselling Team to ensure students have access to the best services possible.


We will find ways of meeting the advice and advocacy needs of students who do not go to the SU buildings. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Make greater use of the website to provide information and guidance. Provide advice services online and via telephone. Look at the feasibility of putting Student Advice Centre guidance leaflets in local shops, bars and community facilities.

Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2011-14


Supporting and Informing Students About Issues Affecting Their Lives


We will campaign to improve services for students that are provided by other organisations. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Work with the University’s Student Support Service to continue to improve mental health resources both on campus and in the community. Campaign to improve housing standards accreditation schemes. Work with the University to improve personal tutor support.


We will inform students about activities, issues and support that would improve OR AFFECT their lives. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Run awareness campaigns about local or national government policy which affects students. Campaign on behalf of students where these policy decisions will affect their lives. Actively promote the University’s Student Careers and Skills department, working closely with them to deliver the best service to students in respect of employability. Promote access to guidance on when to apply for jobs and provide information on graduate employment rates for Warwick. Use the ‘Beyond the Bubble’ Facebook group to inform students about issues in the local community. Run Just Vote campaigns wherever relevant. Work with the University to run awareness campaigns about the dangers of irresponsible drinking and provide guidance and information for students on responsible drinking. Provide access to information and support on the dangers of misuse of drugs. Work with the University to continue to raise awareness of the Hate Crime reporting centre. Work with the University to ensure a tolerant and respectful community where discrimination and harassment is not tolerated. Work with external bodies to produce moving-in information to incoming students living off-campus.


We will work collaboratively with community stakeholders to improve the lives of students. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Review our 3 year Community Strategy and set new targets. Regularly attend and contribute to local community forums. Liaise with local authorities, police and health services to convey the issues that are critical to students and ensure their needs are considered. Meet regularly with local councillors and convey the experiences and views of students. Work with local partners to minimise the impact of noise or other complaints. Work with crime prevention bodies, including University Security, to distribute crime reduction tools (e.g. marker pens, personal attack alarms etc). Continue to work with Warwick Volunteers to provide volunteering opportunities and to promote the positive impact of student volunteering.


WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? Not only have we taken on board all of your feedback, comments and suggestions, we have also done our own research into the various factors that affect and influence our ability to support and inform students about issues affecting their lives. Several key action points resulted from carefully analysing all of this data. These key points were:

YOU SAID THAT... Academic achievement is your highest priority. You expect us to exploit technology. Getting a good job after University is also a very high priority and you are worried about employability. Our representative structures are not easy to navigate. You are concerned that there is too great a focus on research over teaching.

WE KNOW THAT... You rate the Student Advice Centre highly. Changes to UK and EU student fees and funding will change students’ financial situation and expectations. Some parts of the student body don’t engage with the SU and don’t feel that the SU has relevance to them. Many students do not live on campus and for some this is the first time they have lived away from home. International students are concerned about changes to immigration law.

WE UNDERSTAND THAT... You have concerns about exam and study stress and that support with wellbeing is important. PG numbers are likely to increase. Government funding cuts could lead to cuts in University facilities, departments or services. There may be further legislative change in education, immigration and charity law.

Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2011-14

Transforming Students’ Lives and Enhancing Employability.

Life-changing experiences: vital skills that mean the difference between getting the job you have always dreamed of or just getting a job. We are here to provide you with chances to truly widen your horizons and open your eyes to opportunities that you may never have thought possible.


We will support students in their efforts to improve their chances of getting the jobs they want post-University. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Work with the University’s Student Careers and Skills team to better promote their services to students. Work with Student Careers and Skills to provide an SU website area on enhancing employability. Promote personal development opportunities and the benefits of involvement and volunteering in getting a job. Promote voluntary sector careers and careers in the SU movement by working with both Student Careers and Skills and NUS. Work with the University to look at the feasibility of developing an enterprise hub/support for students with entrepreneurial ideas or wanting to start up their own businesses. Work with the International Office to–develop a Go Global toolkit and Go Global publication that sets out all opportunities for students to develop a global experience.


We will better support studentS who are involved members in terms of provision of services. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Ask our club and society executives what they want us to do that would make it easier to support their activities. Develop easy-to-use booklets online for services that support clubs and societies (media sales, promotion, sponsorship, organising events etc). Develop sponsorship packs for student groups and template sponsorship agreements. Deliver easy-to-understand financial procedures and processes and communicate these so that societies and clubs know what they can do with their money. Deliver good training so that club and society executives can run their activities effectively. Lobby the University to improve facilities for sport on campus. Create an online and comprehensive handover pack for club and society executives.


We will recognise and support students who give their time to others HOW WILL WE DO IT? Establish a recognition event for officers and volunteers. Embed the Societies Awards event as part of the annual calendar. Promote the Warwick Advantage and Warwick Global Advantage Awards.

Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2011-14


Transforming Students’ Lives and Enhancing Employability


We will be better at letting students know who we are and what we do. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Produce termly information about “what we do for you”. Develop the website and use it to communicate what officers are doing and what impact our efforts are having on students. Produce an Annual Impact Report for our members. Produce an Annual Review for our members. Have more testimonials and case studies on the website. Better promote the benefits of being involved in the SU. Develop a ‘Transforming Your Life’ leaflet to go out to all students with their offer letter to embed the contribution that the SU has in students’ experience of University.


We will provide opportunities for students to uncover their potential and discover new horizons. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Develop opportunity profiles for the various SU roles so that students can better articulate what transferrable skills they develop from being involved. Regularly promote clubs and societies and make sure students are encouraged to join outside of the normal Freshers period. Work with Warwick Volunteers to deliver quality volunteering opportunities. Further develop the Warwick Inspire widening participation scheme, working with the Student Admissions and Recruitment department. Investigate the feasibility of a pilot mentoring programme for exstudent officers now in employment to mentor current officers.


We will utilise the opportunities and legacy provided by the 2012 Olympics for the benefits of students. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Encourage students to get involved in Warwick Active. Promote healthy living and an active lifestyle. Work with Warwick Sport to develop a project that meets the requirements for Olympics 2012 “Inspire” accreditation. Use the Olympic legacy to encourage volunteering in sport post-Olympics.


WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? Not only have we taken on board all of your feedback, comments and suggestions, we have also done our own research into the various factors that affect and influence our ability to transform students’ lives and enhance their employability. Several key action points resulted from carefully analysing all of this data. These key points were:

YOU SAID THAT... Academic achievement is your highest priority. Getting a good job after University is also a very high priority and you are worried about employability. Involvement in volunteering, clubs and societies, SSLCs and democracy has a positive impact on your lives and experience at Warwick. You don’t always get quick enough answers on operational issues from your officers. You want your elected officers to be representing your views.

WE KNOW THAT... You are used to using technology for learning. The demographics of the student body are changing. There are a significant number of students who live off campus. You expect a global student experience. Students have an impact on and contribute to the communities in which they live.

WE UNDERSTAND THAT... You have more pressures on your time and more choices available as to what to do with it. The number of PG students is likely to increase. The number of distance leaners is likely to increase. Students will expect extremely high quality services from all on-campus providers as a result of fee increases. You find it hard when constrained by procedures and rules when you have ideas that you want to try out.

Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2011-14

Delivering a strong, effective and sustainable organisation.

We will ensure that your Students’ Union has the capacity and resources to deliver on all of the aims we’ve set out to achieve. Good governance, good people, strong finances, fitfor-purpose buildings and IT systems and good communication are all critical to our efforts to be an effective Students’ Union.


We will ensure the financIAL stability and sustainability of the Students’ Union. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Aim to build reserves annually to provide a solid financial foundation for the future. Continue to have open dialogue with the University regarding our services and our contribution to student experience. Monitor accounts monthly and review performance termly. Take corrective action where necessary.


We will ensure THAT the finance resources, systems and procedures support delivery of services. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Examine alternatives to our finance system. Implement recommendations. Implement charity SORP accounting requirements. Develop new financial procedures and regulations. Complete Bank Tender process. Implement any required changeover. Manage cashflow effectively. Implement electronic payslips. Undergo regular and robust internal audit.


We will that ensure staff are treated fairly and that diversity is valued in all areas of the SU. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Initiate a Dignity at Work project. Review all relevant policies, conduct impact assessments, develop suitable training for all staff. Initiate a Reward review - determine the needs of the SU’s reward strategy, consult staff on rewards and determine options with available financial resources. Implement requirements for pensions auto enrolment. Deliver staff communication strategy – ensure that communication and involvement are prioritised by managers. Implement Grapevine, increase awareness of the Staff Consultative Forum and deliver our Staff Vision Day. Carry out stress audits and act on results. Achieve Investors In People reaccreditation.

Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2011-14


Delivering A Strong, Effective and Sustainable Organisation


We will ensure THAT staff are developed to reach their full potential. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Develop formal Induction training framework. Introduce formal succession planning policy and framework. Increase strategic planning skills, business planning skills and leadership skills for management staff. Assess feasibility of carrying out 360 degree review processes for managers starting with the Senior Management team.


We will ensure that we have up-to-date information on our members’ views and needs. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Research strategy – annual research project plus at least one more detailed project that focuses on specific student needs as identified annually. Plan and deliver Student Lifecycle project.


We will comply with all legal requirements. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Review our emergency plans in light of University’s Emergency Plan review. Train all relevant staff on any changes to procedures and requirements for Emergencies. Ensure that the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 are understood and implemented and equality impact assessments are carried out. Ensure that the requirements of charitable status are well understood and met. Deliver compliant Annual Report.


We will ensure that the organisation has effective, adequate and efficient governance structures. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Carry out a Governance review using the NUS Good Governance Toolkit. Implement Governance recommendations. Carry out an annual audit of Trustee skills. Deliver training required to support Trustees in their roles. Develop mentoring programme for Student Trustees. Further develop mentoring programme for Sabbatical Officers.


We will ensure that the I.T. systems are robust and sufficient to meet organisational needs. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Improve wi-fi accessibility in both buildings. Move to remote server wherever possible. Keep up to date with IT developments by using student staff and volunteer knowledge. Examine feasibility of portable voting booths.


Enabling Objectives


We will use communication tools that are relevant to our members and meet their expectations. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Deliver the communications strategy. Review outcomes and refresh annually. Tell students how we work using the website so they can understand how to get the best from us. Tell students what we do, what we have achieved and what we are working on in plain English. Strengthen our web presence to communicate effectively with all students. Ensure that students instantly recognise our brand and associate with it. Buy a mobile phone booster to improve reception in our venue, The Copper Rooms.


We will ensure that any risks to the organisation are properly assessed and managed. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Regularly review risk register. Conduct annual departmental risk registers. Review risk management policy. Improve Business Continuity plans and Operations Manuals. Revisit the IT Business Continuity Plan.


We will ensure that the capital assets and facilities of the organisation are looked after effectively. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Review mobile till hardware and implement any required changes. Maintain an asset register. Develop and review the capital plan. Liaise with the University on estates-related matters. Ensure the capital plan considers a programme of refurbishment that maintains building standards wherever possible. Consider feasibility of long-term future developments to the Atrium, Copper Rooms, Union Building top level and SUHQ for the benefit of students.


We will strive to ensure that all activities have minimal environmental impact and are ethically robust. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Achieve Gold Green Impact Award. Review Environmental Policy and develop new targets. Actively participate and ensure the University achieves the aims of the Carbon Challenge Group.

Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2011-14


Delivering A Strong, Effective and Sustainable Organisation


We will strive to maximise income through funding and commercial activity. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Ensure all activities are properly costed and decisions are made on best value. Analyse financial information in detail and act on variances. Set Key Performance Indicators for all areas and monitor regularly. Examine new markets for Membership Solutions Limited (MSL). Seek new income-generating activities – set up Income Generation working group. Fundraising events – recycling unwanted Christmas presents/ You’ll Love It event. Continue to work closely with the University’s Development Office in order to fundraise through alumni contacts – target £15k per annum. Continue to seek funding opportunities in the wider community both for student groups/projects and SU projects. Target £10k per annum.


We will continue to develop strong relationships with the University for the benefit of our members. HOW WILL WE DO IT? Use informal as well as formal mechanisms for managing relationships. Ensure Officers have strong induction on University relationships. Encourage collaborative working between all departments and with all University departments. Ensure the SU has involvement in any formal or informal structures set up to discuss Warwick’s Student Experience.


WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? Not only have we taken on board all of your feedback, comments and suggestions, we have also done our own research into the various factors that affect and influence our ability to deliver a strong, effective and sustainable organisation. Several key action points resulted from carefully analysing all of this data. These key points were:

YOU SAID THAT... You want greater exploitation of technology in how we communicate. It is important that we operate ethically and with our environmental impact in mind. The website is not attractive enough and is often out of date. You are frustrated with the bureaucracy around managing society money and don’t understand the regulations. It is important that our processes and structures are transparent.

WE KNOW THAT... Pensions are in crisis in the UK and this will impact on staff benefits perceptions. There will be further legislative changes that require compliance. We try to do too much for our resources and thus over-promise and under-deliver. Our reserves position is inadequate. Our reputation with all stakeholders is critical.

WE UNDERSTAND THAT... The Government may change licensing laws to decrease alcohol sales. There may be further increases to VAT. Sponsorship opportunities may decrease in certain industry sectors. Pay settlements may increase above our plans. We don’t do enough research.

Warwick SU Strategic Plan 2011-14

HOW WE GOT HERE... Developing this strategic plan was a year-long process. At every stage we took into account your feedback as well as factors such as government policy and the University’s Strategic Review. Strategic planning is an evolutionary process with ideas generated and subsequently tested against the resources we have at our disposal. We took on board your comments, questions and feedback, as well as the research we have and knowledge of everything that is going on outside the Warwick Bubble. Here are some of the internal tools that we have used: the big five Our annual membership survey, conducted in Week 7, Term 2. HAVE YOUR SAY One of our new feedback mechanisms, with comment cards in all our outlets and online for you to have your say. RANT WEEK Our week in Term 1 dedicated to hearing about all of your frustrations at Warwick. focus groups We ran a series of focus groups to gather your feedback on all aspects of the Union and everything that we do for you.

These focus groups included:

Club & Society Execs

Part-Time Officers

Union Councillors

Student Staff

Union Staff


Sabbatical Officers

Some of you

SU WEBSITE Dedicated pages on our website for you to give us your feedback and ask any burning questions. SABBS ON A SOFA Voice your concerns with the Sabbs around campus. CONSULTATION Students, staff, officers and University staff told us what they thought of the plan and we made changes as a result.

HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPS... You’ve read what we’re planning for the next 3 years, but your views matter to us all year round - not just once ever 3 years. We want your comments, feedback and suggestions whenever you have something to say. Your Sabbatical Officers are your main student representatives and they can be found around campus or in SU HQ. You can come and see them, talk to them when they’re out and about or get in touch through email, phone or the website. The part-time student officers, councillors, faculty reps etc are contactable through their email addresses which you can find on the website link below. How to get in touch: Online By

email FACEBOOK twitter forums


YOUR experiences

YOUR union

WARWICK STUDENTS’ UNION is a charitable company registered in England and Wales Company number: 7297865 | Charity number: 1136894 VAT number: GB 705 3184 57 Registered address: SUHQ, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL STUDENTS’ UNION SERVICES WARWICK LIMITED Registered in England and Wales Company number: 02197761 | VAT number: GB 705 3184 57 Registered address: SUHQ, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL MEMBERSHIP SOLUTIONS LIMITED Registered in England and Wales Company number: 5525449 | VAT number: GB 705 3184 57 Registered address: SUHQ, Gibbet Hill Road, COVENTRY, CV4 7AL

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