Warwick SU Guide 2015-16

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The Guide | 2015 - 2016


Warwick SU...

Warwick SU


Academic & Education




Warwick SU is a democratic, membership charity. WARWICK STUDENTS’ UNION

Our Mission...



Positively impacting students’ lives at Warwick and beyond.






Student Events




Eating & Drinking


Union Development






International Students


Go Global


Jobs & Volunteering


Here To Help


Officer Directory


Sports Club Directory


Societies Directory



Our Values...

Student Focused

We put students at the heart of everything we do.


We are representative, ethical, transparent and accountable.


We are supportive, helpful, inclusive and value diversity.


We nurture students’ aspirations and help them develop.


We are the independent voice of Warwick students.

Our Vision... Every Warwick student unlocking their potential. WARWICK SU VISION


Run by Students, for Students Warwick SU is a democratically-run membership organisation, with every student automatically becoming a member upon enrolling at Warwick.

Your Voice

We are the independent voice of students at Warwick University – although the SU receives an annual grant from the University and works closely with it, we are not a part of its formal structure, and are thus able to represent your views at a local, regional and national level. Each year, the student body elects seven student officers, all of whom take a year out from their studies to preside over the Union as your representatives. These Sabbatical Officers – or ‘Sabbs’, as you’ll commonly hear them referred to – work alongside our dedicated staff team to deliver a wealth of services for you!

Your Sabbatical Officer Team 2015-16

Hey! I’m Isaac – I studied English Literature here for three years, was elected as Societies Officer for 2014/15, and then ran for SU President. Warwick has changed my life, and hopefully it will also change yours! My role at Warwick SU is to be the lead representative for the 23,000+ students at Warwick – making sure that decisions by the University are being made in the best interests of students, in line with the things that matter most to you. This year I’ll be working really hard to secure a ‘Week Zero’ without lectures and seminars for first-years, improve communication between the University and the student body, and much more. I want to make sure that the SU is there for every single student at Warwick, whatever subject you’re studying and whichever part of the world you come from – I can’t wait to meet as many of you as possible over the coming year! Isaac Leigh



Isaac Leigh

Luke Pilot

Charlie Hindhaugh

George Creasy

Oliver Rice

Alex Roberts

Warwick SU President

Education Officer

Democracy & Development Officer

Welfare & Campaigns Officer

Societies Officer

Sports Officer

Nat Panda

Postgraduate Officer


Academic & Education

One of the primary purposes of Warwick SU is to represent you - whether that’s to your academic department, to the University, the local council or nationally. We’re a great place to get support and help - we work alongside the Advice Centre to deal with academic issues such as appeals and complaints, along with wider issues surrounding Higher Education. Remember that our collective voice is much stronger than a lone one!

Course Reps Do you want to lead the way in ensuring the quality and consistency of your course? Do you want to influence University decisions, campaign for change and provide the voice for the students in your department? You can have such a huge impact in the way your education at Warwick is delivered. Course Representatives sit on Student Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs) where such issues as examinations, course changes, feedback & academic facilities are discussed.

The SSLCs exist in every department and are student-led, providing you with the opportunity to ensure the students on your course have their voices heard. Being a Course Rep helps develop a variety of key transferable skills such as minute-taking, committee chairing, leadership development and problem solving and communication.

024 7657 2779 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/education

Faculty Reps Faculty Reps are the lead voices of students in each of the four Faculties: Arts, Medicine, Science and Social Science. In terms of student representation, they are there to support the Course Reps and work closely with the Sabbs. Faculty Reps represent the student body on University Faculty Boards and Committees. Throughout the year you will see them campaigning on large issues affecting your Faculties, and they form part of the Education Exec with your Postgraduate and Education Sabbatical Officers.

Full training is provided and support is available throughout the year. They receive weekly briefings on SU, Course, Faculty, University and national education issues. For contact details of this year’s Faculty Reps, please see the Officer Directory later in this guide! 4

Photography: University of Warwick


Full training is provided for all elected student Course Representatives and support is available throughout the year. You will receive weekly communications, enjoy coffee and cake meet-ups and have the opportunity to get involved with facultywide campaigns. Visit warwicksu.com/sslc for more information!

Hey there, welcome to Warwick! My name’s Charlie, and I’m your Education Officer for the coming year. The Inspire project is one of the ways Warwick SU gets involved in the local community. Dozens of student volunteers head out to schools in the local area and conduct myth-busting about what it is really like to go to university.

One of the most important things you can do to shape your education is to stand as a Course Rep on the Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC), representing students on your course, working with your department and gaining some valuable skills along the way. As a Union, we campaign at both a local and national level. Higher Education is facing a difficult time, and it’s important that we as students do not stay silent and we make our voice heard – Warwick SU is a democratic organisation, and we need you to get involved.

This is not only a great opportunity for school students to gain some real insight into the life of a university student, but it also allows our students the opportunity to give back to the local community and potentially inspire someone who wouldn’t normally consider university as an option. We recruit and train volunteers in Term 1, and deliver student-led sessions in Term 2 to local schools. We’re always keen for more people to get involved so be on the lookout for more information!

This year I will be working on campaigns to get more lectures recorded, for individual feedback on exams, and to make choosing modules a bit easier with ‘Rate My Module’. If you have any questions, queries or problems, please don’t hesitate to drop me an email or pop into my office in SUHQ. Good luck and enjoy what will be a memorable year! Charlie Hindhaugh EDUCATION OFFICER


Contact the Inspire coordinator via Inspire@warwicksu.com.



We hope you will have a fantastic time studying at Warwick – however, sometimes problems or questions do crop up, and we are here to help you out in these instances. The SU’s Advice Centre team are extremely experienced and will help to resolve your problem or find the right person to talk to. Our service is free, confidential and independent from the University – most regular enquiries concern personal issues, housing (e.g. finding accommodation or complaining about its condition), course-related problems, funding and finances, immigration issues, or complaints & disciplinary proceedings within the University. Our advice webpages contain plenty of information, so please do check them out: warwicksu.com/advice If you want to contact the SU Advice Centre, you can do so by email, telephone or by visiting us in person (we’re based on the top floor of SUHQ). To guarantee an appointment it is always better to contact us first and arrange one, but if you come to visit the Advice Centre we will do our best to see you as soon as we can.

Settling in advice@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2824 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/advice

Arriving in a new place without your normal support network can be a challenge – however, please be reassured that there is lots of support available within the University if you need it. The SU Advice Centre Team has full knowledge of the support systems available on and off-campus, so we will be able to guide you if you are unsure who to speak to. If you are looking for help settling into your campus accommodation, be sure to speak to your Resident Tutor; likewise, if you are having problems settling into your course, speak to your Personal Tutor. If you really don’t know who to talk to, come in and speak to the SU Advice Team. Find out more about University Student Support online at warwick.ac.uk/services/student-support-services.

Looking for Accommodation If you need help finding accommodation, we are here to guide you through your search. We have a House Hunting Guide in the ‘Useful Publications’ section of the Housing webpages, and can also go through your housing contract with you to help you understand your rights.


Campus Accommodation Moving into halls can be daunting, but there are plenty of people to support you as you make the transition to life on campus. Make sure you find out who your Residential Tutor is, as you can talk to them and raise any concerns you may have. In the event that you have problems with your campus accommodation, a fault reporting system exists – however, if you can’t get it sorted or want some advice on your rights, please contact us!

Off-Campus Accommodation Our website (warwicksu.com/housing) contains useful information about your rights and how to resolve accommodation problems. If you are moving into an offcampus residence and have any questions which can’t be answered by talking to your landlord or agent, please take a look at these webpages or contact us and we will do our best to help you.

Housing Day Campaign One of our major campaigns involves helping first-year Undergraduates understand the process of looking for accommodation for their second year. There are many myths surrounding off-campus accommodation, which means that students often feel pressured into signing a contract. In November we hold a Housing Day event, where we provide detailed information so that you can make an informed choice. Making a bad choice too early could mean that your second year becomes a nightmare – there really is no need to rush!

Academic Matters We hope you enjoy your course and are able to succeed in your chosen path. It is important to get to know your department, particularly your Personal Tutor, so that if things aren’t going as well as you hoped you will feel able to talk to him or her. It is also crucial that your department knows if there are things going on in your life (e.g. illness, injury or bereavement) which may be affecting your studies, so that this can be taken into account. For more information, please see our advice pages!

International Students Warwick welcomes thousands of international students each year, and there is plenty of support to help you settle into your life here. The SU Advice Centre is part of that support network and we will try to answer any questions you may have (or, if we don’t know the answer, direct you to someone who does!) about being in a new country. In addition, we are able to offer advice on various immigration issues. 7

On a serious note...

Love Community

Freshers and the start of a new academic year is a great time to party, make new friends and have fun. We want you to enjoy it, but don’t want a bad decision now to ruin your year or your future!

Love Community is about doing what

we can to respect the area we are living in and the people around us. It also provides opportunities to get involved in making it a better place!

If you are drinking alcohol, know your own limits and think about your personal safety – don’t take unnecessary risks.

Social media is a great way to connect with new friends and let old friends and family know what you’re up to. Nevertheless, we urge you to think before you post – remember that once a photo or comment is out there, there is no way of knowing where it will end up or when it will resurface! Please respect each other – if someone feels uncomfortable about what is going on and chooses not to join in, don’t pressure them into doing so. If things aren’t going as well as you hoped, or if you have any concerns or problems you want help with, come and see the SU Advice Team.



The Love Community campaign encompasses all of the information in our Off-Campus Moving In Guide, social action projects and the SU’s Leave Leam Tidy/Keep Cov Clean initiatives. These aim to ensure that students leave their houses, flats and local areas in good condition at the end of the academic year, and that useful but unwanted possessions get reused or recycled.

Volunteering Opportunity Why not volunteer as one of our Students’ Union Advice Centre Receptionists?

I’m here to make sure the Union is able to protect your wellbeing, including housing and sexual/ mental health, and provide advice for all aspects of student life so that you can stay healthy and happy at Warwick. My role is also to facilitate student campaigning. Warwick is where I discovered what I am truly passionate about and started collaborating with others to engage in effective social action. I want you all to feel equipped to tackle issues important to you too, as students can make a difference and bring positive changes to the world. The Union is here to support and campaign with you, so if you have any concerns or ideas, stop by my office or drop me an email! Luke Pilot



Do you want to help the student community and add to your HEAR transcript? Got a few hours to volunteer in the Students’ Union Advice Centre helping out with reception and promoting us and our service? To find out more information, contact us via advice@warwicksu.com.

Photography: University of Warwick

The University of Warwick has a zero-tolerance policy on illegal substances, and imposes tough sentences for this. Possession of Cannabis carries a heavy fine for a first offence and the potential loss of your accommodation, while the police may be involved in more serious instances.

Hi, I’m Luke, the Welfare & Campaigns Officer at Warwick SU. My job is to maintain the support & wellbeing services at the Union and to get you guys involved in student activism.

Top Tips to getting through your first term Warwick is a great university and we hope you enjoy your time here – however, if this is your first time living away from home and your usual support networks, here are some suggestions to help your first term go as well as possible.

Arriving and your first week here at Warwick It can be incredibly daunting arriving in a place where you don’t know anyone else, but don’t forget that many others will be feeling the same! There are loads of people and places to get support if you are finding it hard, and don’t be afraid to talk to your peers or close friends. Below is a list of some of the people who can help you – please do remember that whatever you are going through, however you feel, we will have seen it and heard it all before so no one will be shocked or sit in judgement of you. Everything you tell us is also absolutely confidential, so your worries are safe with us and we will do all we can to help you.

If you are living on campus, your Resident Tutor is a good place to start Student Support at the University:

Wellbeing Advisor Counselling Mental Health & Wellbeing Team Your Department /Personal Tutor Students’ Union Welfare Sabbatical Officer Students’ Union Advice Centre Chaplaincy Nightline For full contact details see our “Getting through your first term” page, which can be found at warwicksu.com/advice.


Getting organised for the year ahead We want you to have an amazing time during your first year at Warwick. Follow these top tips to getting organised – they will help you make the most out of your time here: Try not to miss any meetings your department or residential tutor ask you to attend – useful information will be given and it may help you avoid making a mistake or missing something important. Know your timetable and the deadlines you have, so you can organise your work/life balance. Get to know as many people as you can to maximise the chance of finding some good friends. Organise a budget for the events and activities you want to be involved with, but try not to let finances worry you. Stay in touch with family and friends from back home. If some of your friends have gone to other Universities at the same time as you, chat to them and compare experiences. Eat and drink sensibly – your physical and mental health will be affected if you don’t look after yourself. Don’t ever feel under pressure to have sex, even if your friends are - you can choose to do what you want. If you do decide you want to, make sure you stay protected! Nightline can help with this - if you have any concerns regarding protection or your sexual health, pop into one of the GUM Clinics in Term 1 or to the Health Centre on campus. If you have a disability, register with Disability Services to ensure you get all the support and services to help you succeed. If you have Mental Health difficulties, contact the Mental Health & Wellbeing Team who are keen to make sure students have the advice, support and information that they need.

Register with a doctor. Get to know your way around campus.

Get involved with the Students’ Union – check out the social programme and attend events you are interested in. Also check out the Clubs and Societies Fair – there is something for everyone! Make time for you! Relax, unwind and think. You don’t have to throw yourself into everything if you don’t want to – it’s okay to take things slowly and explore everything in your own time.


Helping others have a great time It’s important to remember that everyone has different beliefs – whether they’re personal, political, religious or otherwise - which will directly influence their expectations of the university experience. Make sure you’re tolerant, inclusive and mindful of those around you by following these steps: Respect other people’s decisions and don’t force them to do things they aren’t comfortable with – e.g. if they don’t want to drink alcohol, don’t make them feel bad for not doing so. Think about what you post on social media – that picture of your friend in a compromising situation might be funny now, but could cause extreme embarrassment later on! Don’t bully – being bullied can have unforeseen consequences and devastating effects. If you see someone who looks like they need a friend, try and include them or make it easier for them to join your group.

Practice safe and consensual sex.

Homesick, unhappy, lonely or just not enjoying being at University? It is not unusual to find starting a new experience difficult. If you find you are feeling like this, one strategy is to talk to people who can help you - a startingpoint is the list on Page 9. Being proactive and trying to find practical solutions to help you through a difficult time will hopefully help you to feel happier and able to enjoy being at University. Mistakes do happen – if you make some, don’t be too hard on yourself and try to move forward by using it as a learning experience!

Depression If you think you might be suffering from depression, don’t be afraid to ask for help – see your doctor or sign up with the University Counselling Service, and try not to let it isolate you.

Eating Disorders A new routine, stress and worry can cause or upset a pre-existing condition such as an eating disorder. Do talk to someone like the Students’ Union Welfare Sabb. Anything you talk about is treated in confidence and there is no need to feel embarrassed or awkward as we have seen it all before. Be aware of how your friends are feeling (e.g. their moods and behaviours) and look out for signs of anything that might be a result of stress or worry.



Warwick SU runs and helps to facilitate campaigning here on campus through training, support and networking opportunities. If you are passionate about making a positive difference, be it big or small, please get involved! There are plenty of existing campaigns to get onboard with – here are just a few of our most prominent: Black History Month, International Women’s Week, Better Buses, Exam Feedback, Love Community, Warwick Uni Food Co-op and many more. In addition to the work of our campaigning societies, we have officers specifically elected to represent Liberation groups and the Environment, so there is sure to be something for everybody!

If you have any ideas or want to start campaigning on an issue you’re passionate about, drop an email to campaigning@warwicksu.com and check out the ‘Start a Campaign’ link at warwicksu.com/campaigns – here you’ll also find the latest news, videos, a copy of the Campaigns Toolkit and a calendar of campaigning events and training opportunities which might interest you!

Society Campaigns Much of the campaigning here at Warwick comes through the great work that our societies do – whether that’s running themed events during the year or campaigning on a huge range of issues including the environment, personal wellbeing, liberation or ethics & social justice. campaigning@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2788 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/campaigning

If there is an issue which is important to you or you want to get involved in a society campaign, get in touch with them. You can also get advice from staff in the Student Resources Room in SUHQ, who can direct you to the relevant societies or help you start up your own individual campaign!

We also offer a range of training sessions throughout the year, and funds which you can apply for to support your campaign. Fundraising is conducted through RAG – for the latest totals or to find out more information, head to warwicksu.com/rag.


Warwick Divest Photography: Ollie Hall

Visit warwicksu.com/societies/campaigning for the full list of Warwick’s campaigning societies.

Campaigns Our team is here to make sure that you stay healthy and safe, and have the best possible time at Warwick! We run the following campaigns throughout the year:

Feel Good Feel Good focuses on ensuring that we take care of our bodies in order to keep our brains healthy. It takes place around exam time in Term 3, and offers advice on revision, stress, mental wellbeing, and the effects of sleeping and consumption patterns on our productivity. Check out warwicksu.com/feelgood for more details!


Rawkus RAWKUS is a student-led project that aims to reduce waste on campus. At the end of each term, a team of student volunteers collect all the donated food and reusable goods from Halls of Residence, which they then donate to local charities. At the end of last year, they donated over 10,000kg of unwanted food alone! Check out warwicksu.com/rawkus to get involved.

GUM Clinics GUM (Genito Urinary Medicine) Clinics are available in the Students’ Union three times a term. They provide free and confidential sexual health checks for transmitted infections, plus advice on safe sex practices. There’s no need to make an appointment – all you need to do is turn up on the day! Check out warwicksu.com/gumclinics for more information.

Free & Confidential


I Heart Consent ‘I Heart Consent’ workshops are coming to Warwick! These interactive 90-minute sessions provide a safe space for you to discuss the facts and myths surrounding sexual violence. Our team of trained student volunteers will guide you through definitions of consent and healthy relationships. Workshops are open to all students, and sports club/ society execs in particular are encouraged to attend. Sign up for one of the sessions online at warwicksu.com/iheartconsent. To find out more, search for ‘I Heart Consent Campaign Warwick’ on Facebook or email womens@warwicksu.com.


Campaigns Convention We see a campaigner as anyone who wants to make a positive change, whether that’s big or small!

Campaigns Convention

Campaigns Convention takes place once each term and offers networking opportunities, training, support and advice for all individuals, societies and clubs who wish to get involved with campaigning. We will be offering speakers, showcasing success stories and advice on how to run successful campaigns, suiting the beginner to the advanced campaigner.

Campaigning Contacts Please email campaigning@warwicksu.com with any general queries and questions on campaigning. If you are looking for a specific area or contact, however, the following list is made up of SU Staff and our part-time Liberation and Representation officers: DISABLED STUDENTS OFFICER Jenny Wheeler uc025@warwicksu.com

WOMEN’S OFFICER Josie Throup uc027@warwicksu.com

ETHNIC MINORITIES OFFICER Nia-Cerise Conteh uc225@warwicksu.com

LGBTUA+ OFFICER Rachel Buckley-Taylor uc024@warwicksu.com


ETHICS & ENVIRONMENT OFFICER Matt Greenham uc026@warwicksu.com

WELFARE & CAMPAIGNS SABB Luke Pilot welfare@warwicksu.com

CAMPAIGNS COORDINATOR Laura Dickens laura.dickens@warwicksu.com

For more information on any of our Liberation Officers’ roles, please see the Officer Directory on page 52 of this SU guide.

Unleash your potential at WBS All Warwick students who gain a place with WBS from September 2016 will receive a 25% WBS Scholarship, with outstanding students receiving 50%.

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Sports Clubs The University of Warwick offers a huge variety of sporting opportunities and has exceptional facilities all over campus. Sports Clubs are student-run and are a massive part of our sporting community with over 5,000 individual members joining each year! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a complete beginner, there’s definitely a club for you out there.

Clubs are administered at the SU with support from Warwick Sport. If you ever have a sports-related query, just pop into SUHQ and find the Sports Officer or Sports Coordinators and they will be able to help you out! In these pages, you can read about just a few of the activities Sports Clubs get involved in. For a full sports club directory, flick to page 56.

BUCS and Fixtures Our clubs are involved in so many competitive fixtures during the year that it is almost hard to keep track of them all!

sports@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2776 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/sports

Many of our clubs compete every Wednesday afternoon in the British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) leagues. This means your Wednesday afternoons are largely free from lectures and seminars to ensure you can play for your team.

You’ll travel all over to play some of the best university teams in the country – in 201415 Warwick finished a proud 22nd out of 145! For any sports that aren’t featured in BUCS, there are plenty of other regional, national and international competitions throughout the year for your club to get involved with.

Varsity Another MASSIVE sporting event at Warwick is our annual Varsity series.

Trips and Tours As well as weekly fixtures, socials and big calendar events, many clubs will put on their own trips and international tours. These are open to all members and differ every year! 16

Photography: Tim Nunan

This is where we play a local university over an intense week of fixtures – as it stands, Warwick have been champions for 25 years running!

Sports Fair So, not sure which of our 65 sports clubs to join? Every year, you get a chance to meet the students that run each Warwick sports club at the Sports Fair. This takes place at the start of Term 1 in the Sports Centre on Tuesday 6th October from 11am - 5:30pm.

Pop along and feel free to ask the club any questions you might have. We are a really friendly bunch so make sure you pencil this day into your calendar!

Sports Ball At the other end of the year in Term 3, all the sports clubs come together to celebrate a year of sporting successes. With delicious food, awards and the best company, it isn’t any wonder that all 1300 tickets sell out in less than ten minutes! See you there...

Sportmark Sportmark is our optional sports club accreditation scheme to let you know which clubs stand out in certain areas: Community, Competition and Participation.

Hi, I’m Alex, your Sports Officer for this coming year. Sport has had a huge impact on my time here at Warwick, and it is my job to make sure that all of you can say the same! At Warwick we are extremely fortunate to have a vast array of different sports clubs you can get involved in, and joining one will enrich your university experience exponentially. Regardless of ability levels, there really is something for everyone – and with fantastic sports facilities on your doorstep, joining Warwick’s vibrant sporting community is a must. Our clubs are famed for their charity endeavours, social life and tours, so it’s about far more than just playing and competing. With all of our sports clubs about to be kitted out in fantastic new kit, it is a great time to be arriving – please don’t hesitate to seize the opportunities that sport at Warwick will present! Alex Roberts SPORTS OFFICER


Clubs are ranked on a bronze, silver and gold basis.

Visit the website to find out more.

17 17


Picture a campus where everyone is active every day. Our vision is to make this a reality by putting you first and providing what you need, when you need it. Warwick Sport’s prime focus is to create an environment to encourage your participation, significantly contributing to your health and wellbeing whilst living on campus and beyond. Why not try one of our free activities like our Walking, Running or Cycling Routes and keep yourself active every day? There are so many ways to be physically active with memberships available for our multi-disciplinary centres with three large sports halls, a gym, fitness classes, 25m swimming pool, climbing wall, bouldering room, squash, badminton and tennis in our Indoor Centre. You can try football and hockey on our synthetic pitches or just pay and play for any activity when it suits you. When it’s time to close your laptop and escape outdoors, you’ll see we have 65 amazing sports clubs, engaging courses, fantastic leagues, casual rock up sessions, special events and much more. If you’re a dedicated sports person with a competitive streak, there is a wave of activities heading your way. From representing the University to our highperforming teams, we have everything covered in collaboration with the Students’ Union.

Bubble Football

If you’re a free spirit, just wanting to try new things when you can, meet like-minded people across campus or perhaps volunteer, our rock up sessions, termly events and activators programme are made for you. You already know your level and aspirations. Let Warwick Sport help you reach your potential; there is every possibility we can help you surpass it. warwick.ac.uk/sport

Men’s Hockey

Colour Run


Rock Up Basketball

This is just a brief snapshot of what’s to come there’s a much bigger listing available online.

Term 1 Events: Zombie Run, Colour Run, Racketathon Courses: Golf, Swimming, Female SelfDefence, Tennis Xpress, Wattbike, Climbing Leagues: Rackets, Dodgeball Classes: SwimFit, Body Pump, Yoga

Term 2 Events: American Football Event, Lacrosse Event, Swim - Run - Cycle Challenge Courses: Pilates, Bootcamp, Squash, Tennis Coaching, Intro to Lifting Leagues: Rackets, Indoor Cricket Classes: Cardio Tennis, Kettlebells, GRIT Casual & Competitive Swimming

Term 3 Events: Rounders Tournament, Running Grid Challenge, 20/20 Cricket Courses: Golf, Badminton, Outdoor Climbing, Ladies Boxing Leagues: Rounders, Netball, Touch Rugby Classes: Studio Cycling, Body Attack

warwick.ac.uk/sport Men’s Rugby

Zombie Run

Annual Membership On 1st Sept 2015, as a Warwick student, you will automatically become a Bronze Member of Warwick Sport and receive our newsletter as well as details about various programmes, special events and priority booking information.

Platinum £420 Gold Gym £205

At any point in the year, you can buy Silver, Gold or Platinum and enjoy greater access to our facilities and services.

Bronze free for all

Silver £60 ld Go

▶ Basketball, Netball & Tennis at Lakeside ▶ Hall Sport Sessions on Tuesday Evenings ▶ Running, Walking & Cycling Routes ▶ Running Groups ▶ Volunteering & Personal Development Opportunities

in mb Cli


nis Te n ld Go





free for all

Silver £60

▶ All the benefits listed in Bronze ▶ Access to Clubs (additional fees apply) ▶ Athletics Track ▶ Badminton, Squash & Table Tennis ▶ Swimming Pool & Sauna ▶ Tennis Induction: Group Session ▶ Access to Active Leagues (additional fees apply) ▶ Discounts on Sports Hall Hire, Synthetic Pitches, Classes, Courses, Hall Sport, Rock Up & Play, Fitness Programmes, Pay & Play

Gold Climbing £140

▶ All benefits listed in Bronze & Silver ▶ Climbing Wall ▶ Bouldering Room

Gold Tennis £190

▶ All benefits listed in Bronze & Silver ▶ Outdoor Synthetic Clay Courts ▶ Turn Up & Play on Indoor Courts ▶ Weekly Member Night ▶ Tournament Entry ▶ Social Leagues & Ladders

Gold Gym £205

▶ All benefits listed in Bronze & Silver ▶ Gym Induction & Personal Fitness Programme ▶ Gym, Functional Training, Strength & Conditioning Room

Platinum £420

▶ All benefits listed in Bronze, Silver, Gold Climbing, Gold Tennis & Gold Gym ▶ Fitness Classes Bundle: 20 visits

*£32 Sports Federation Fee & £6 Per Club Fee Not Applicable

How to Join Clubs In order to join an ‘On Campus Club’ or a mixture of ‘On Campus’ and ‘Off Campus Clubs,’ you have to purchase either Silver, Gold or Platinum Warwick Sport Membership. You also need to pay an annual £32 Sports Federation Fee and £6 for each club you join.

On Campus Club Annual Fees Silver, Gold or Platinum Membership Minimum Cost to Join 1 On Campus Club


+ £32 Sports Federation Fee + £6 Per Club Fee

£6 Per Club Fee + £32 Sports Federation Fee

Minimum Cost to Join 1 Off Campus Club


+ £26 Non-Facilities Membership

Off Campus Club Annual Fees

If you intend to join ‘Off Campus Clubs’ only, the process differs slightly. Instead of purchasing a Warwick Sport Membership, you purchase an annual £26 Non-Facilities Fee. Please note, you also still need to pay the £32 Sports Federation Fee and £6 for each off campus club you join.

Aerobics Aikido American Football Archery Athletics & Cross Country Badminton Basketball Boxing Canoe Canoe Polo Cheerleaders Classical and Modern Dance Climbing Cricket (Men’s) Dodgeball Fencing Five-a-side Football & Futsal Floorball Football (Men’s) Football (Women’s) Gliding Golf Handball Hockey (Men’s) Hockey (Mixed) Hockey (Women’s) Ice Hockey Jitsu Judo Kali-Jeet Kune Do Lacrosse Latin & Ballroom Livesaving

Motorsport Netball Netball (Mixed) Pick & Mix* Polo Pool Riding Rifle Rowing Rugby (Men’s) Rugby (Women’s) Rugby League Sailing Shotokan Karate Skydiving Snooker & Billiards Squash Sub Aqua Surf Swimming & Water Polo Table Tennis Taekwondo Tennis Thai Boxing Trampolining Triathlon & Road Cycling Ultimate Frisbee Volleyball Warwick Mountains Warwick Snow Windsurf Yoga

What’s the difference between an On Campus Club and an Off Campus Club? Any club that has training sessions within any of Warwick Sport’s facilities are classed as an On Campus Club. In order to join them, Silver, Gold or Platinum Warwick Sport Membership is required which will give access to all club training sessions, matches and competitions. Any club that does not use Warwick Sport facilities are classed as an Off Campus Club. Individuals who only join off campus clubs do not need to buy a Warwick Sport Membership to take part in club training sessions, matches and competitions off campus. Instead, a £26 Non-Facilities Membership is required to join, which will cover insurance, club support, free or subsidised access to BUCS competitions and club grants.


Discover what you love during your time at University! Societies bring together students who are interested in or care about a certain issue or activity, or simply want to try something new. From Warwick Student Cinema to the Good Food Society, there really is something for everyone here at Warwick SU – the Union supports these societies by providing funding, training and facilities for their activities. We have more societies than any other Students’ Union in the country, so you’ve made the right choice by coming to Warwick! To see what we can offer you, visit warwicksu.com/societies or check out the directory at the back of this guide.

What do societies do? Our societies cover just about every area of interest or activity you could imagine. If there isn’t a society for something you’re interested in, you’re more than welcome to get a few people together and start one up! Joining a society is a great way to try something completely new, make friends or explore your existing interests with likeminded people. There are also opportunities to run societies, which will get you dealing with budgets, organising trips and picking up skills that you won’t get from just doing your degree.

How do I join? societies@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2781 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/societies

Join the Societies Federation via the Societies tab on the SU website. It’s only £19 for one year’s membership and, once paid, you can join any societies you like. This money goes straight back to societies in the budget, helping to fund all the events that they put on, in addition to SU services that societies need to support them. Societies usually charge around £3 for membership – an absolute bargain considering the amazing experiences you’ll have all year! Even better, many of our societies are free to join. You can join any of our societies online at warwicksu.com/societies or at the Societies Fair.

Societies Awards Societies make such a valuable contribution to student life that we hold an awards ceremony in Term 3 to honour their achievements. We also single out several individuals for special recognition and pay tribute to their outstanding input into society activities. WINNER 2014-15


All the society award-winners from the 2014-2015 academic year are marked in this directory.

Societies Fair The Societies Fair happens during Week 1 at the start of the year. Each society will have a stall at the fair. You can chat to the people running the society and get a taste of what each of them involves! Make sure you join your Hall Society for free (e.g. Jack Martin Society if you are living in Jack Martin), as these are a great way to get to know people living in your halls who aren’t sharing your kitchen. Hall societies run trips, organise socials, raise money for charity and often enter our sports leagues. If you’re feeling really eager to get involved and fancy running your Hall Society this year, elections will be taking place towards the start of Term 1. Once you’ve joined your Hall Society, don’t forget to order your halls hoodie online via warwicksu.com/shop.

Hey there! I’m George Creasy and I’m your Societies Officer for this year. My job is to oversee the 250+ societies here at Warwick and all of the amazing work they do. If you need help running an event, some advice on the running of your society or even want to create a new one, I’m your man! I’m really keen to make the process of setting up and running a society as easy as possible for you guys by trying to get rid of as much of the paperwork and bureaucracy as I can. I also really want to push volunteering and fundraising opportunities to the masses, so students can raise even more money and make more of a difference during their time here at Warwick. If you have any questions, swing by my office or drop me an email I’m always happy to help! George Creasy SOCIETIES OFFICER


When you find societies you like, you can grab a barcode from them and buy your memberships there and then. Alternatively, you can join any of our societies online at any time via warwicksu.com/societies.

23 23

Student Events

There’s always something exciting going on at Warwick SU, as any stroll through the Union will show you. Every week you’ll find society performances in the Atrium and Piazza, be able to get bargains at our regular indoor markets and find freebies being handed out left, right and centre – we really are non-stop! We’ve got a small taste of what to expect below, but remember, this really is just the basics. If you want to start your own student-run event – be it a themed week or a one-off show – pop into SUHQ and someone will be able to give you a hand. Check out warwicksu.com/events throughout the year to make sure you don’t miss out!

One World Week One of the largest student-run international festivals in the UK, One World Week is a vivid explosion of colour and energy which celebrates the incredible diversity of students at Warwick.

enquiries@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2777 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/events

Stimulating personal development and inspiring an ethos based on acceptance & appreciation of the world’s cultures, One World Week is comprised of various elements: the Forums attract highprofile speakers and stimulate debate on key topics facing the world today; the Festival takes place in and around the Union building and features activities and performances; the Arts bring every creative element in the world to campus, while Sports gets students of all nationalities together to enjoy competitions and new activities. oneworldweek.net

Warwick Entrepreneurs Warwick Entrepreneurs exists to develop future entrepreneurs by encouraging a culture of innovation and collaboration. This year will see the return of ‘The Apprentice’ challenge and the new Incubator, which aims to support students throughout the process of taking their ideas to successful businesses. Membership is open to everyone at Warwick. warwickentrepreneurs.com

Warwick Student Arts Festival Warwick Student Arts Festival (WSAF) takes place across campus in the final week of the academic year, and showcases all the amazing talent and skills which our students possess. Highlights each year range from concerts and dance performances to theatre and community projects! wsaf.co.uk


Rag Week Billed as one of the most bizarre weeks in the campus calendar, RAG Week descends in Term 1. Various items can be delivered to lectures (including chocolates, gifts or even a single red rose), giant animals appear round campus and a whole plethora of events grace the evenings at the Union. There’s even time for some mischief! ‘Gnomings’ (involving a target being cling-filmed to a tree and covered in flour, water and baked beans) offer some cheeky opportunities for revenge – perfect for that flatmate who hasn’t been doing their share of the washing-up. The best bit? The whole thing’s for charity! warwicksu.com/rag

Warwick Economics Summit The Economics Summit is one of the largest student-run academic conferences in Europe, set apart from the rest by worldrenowned figures, engaging debates and educational workshops touching on a range of global issues including politics, development, finance and psychology. The weekend offers the chance to meet and learn from a truly diverse group of students, as well as to socialise with delegates from around the world at our black-tie ball. We aim to provide everyone who visits the summit a platform upon which to exchange knowledge, think creatively and debate current issues – all in the friendly environment of the University of Warwick.

Real Ale Festival The Real Ale Society hosts the biggest and best student beer festival in the country. With over 120 beers plus ciders, fruit wines and meads to try, there is guaranteed to be a drink that will suit everyone’s palate! The Real Ale Festival is all about introducing people to beer in its cask-conditioned form. Many people have never tasted a good pint of bitter before, and still more are unaware of the huge variety that is available under the ‘ale’ heading.

Varsity Every year in Term 2 we take on our arch-rivals, Coventry University, to see who can claim the title of the greatest sporting institution this side of the A46. Spanning the entire spectrum of sporting activities with over 40 fixtures, our teams compete for Varsity points. Warwick remains the undefeated Varsity Champion for 25 years and this is the one event that gets the whole of campus involved to support TEAM WARWICK, so it’s definitely not something to miss!

25 25


When it comes to social events on campus, Warwick SU covers everything from bigname DJs and established acts to student bands, theatre, comedy, sport and dance. Whether it’s a club night, gig or society event, there’s always something interesting going on that’s sure to appeal to even the most wayward tastes - and, if not, you or your society can book out the venue to put on your own nights! Speak to a member of the Commercial Team on Floor 2 of SUHQ to find out more, and look out for our termly wallplanners detailing upcoming events.

enquiries@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2777 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/events

If clubbing isn’t your thing, don’t worry – we also run a series of evening events in The Terrace Bar, The Dirty Duck and Curiositea which are designed to provide a more relaxed atmosphere for socialising. Highlights include our weekly acoustic night Un-Plucked, the Cleverducks Pub Quiz, Quackstar Karaoke, a fortnightly Saturday Session and more. We also show key big-screen sport fixtures which always generate the best communal atmosphere on campus! In addition to various seasonal spectaculars, we also run a series of massive events at the end of Term 3, including the Sports Ball and our formal send-off for Finalists and their friends, the Graduation Ball ! Don’t forget that, as with all Warwick SU’s commercial services, any money you spend in our venues is directly reinvested for your benefit.

With that in mind, here’s a taste of what to expect this year from your SU!


The Copper Rooms is Warwick SU’s

nightclub, home to some of the best student events anywhere around – whether that’s a massive Room 1 event like Pop! on a Wednesday, the infamous Skool Dayz or one of our specialist events in Room 2. If the pace gets too much, you can also head into Rouge bar or Room 2’s chill-out space! Regular club nights include... Act your shoe-size, not your age as we relive the best (and worst) tunes of the 90s & noughties. Upstairs there’s hip-hop and breakbeats for those who consider themselves ‘too cool for school’! A world of guilty pleasures for a wild Wednesday night out as resident DJ Disco Dave brings the cheese each and every week!

Our thrice-termly salute to the noisier end of the spectrum – come and join in the fun as we unleash a barrage of rock, metal, punk, ska and alternative bangers!

One-Off Nights, Student Events and more But that’s not all! In addition to our regular programme of events, we’ll also be bringing you special one-off nights like Paint Parties, Hall Wars, Foam Parties, Live Gigs (including Bandsoc’s annual Battle of the Bands competition in Term 2) and other unique showcases throughout the year. Don’t forget that we also help to facilitate a wide range of student-led events in the various different parts of the venue. Whether it is Warwick Snow bringing you their annual night of carnage, Avalanche, regular Latin Nights, a student DJ evening or performances from one of our many dance, drama, music or cultural societies, the Commercial Team is here to make it happen! Email enquiries@warwicksu.com or pop up to the Commercial Office on the top floor of SUHQ and we’ll do our best to help you out. No term here at Warwick is complete without our seasonal extravaganzas! The Halloween Ball and Christmas Ball see the venue transformed for the evening in Term 1, while Term 3 sees us host two spectacular formal events - the Sports Ball and the Graduation Ball – in venues off-campus. Make sure you don’t miss out! 27

events The Terrace Bar is the perfect location for socialising on campus, and is home to a

regular series of music-based nights throughout the term. Whether you prefer the eclectic ambience of the Saturday Session or something a little more vibrant, we pride ourselves on offering the best soundtrack to the most relaxing location. If you think there’s something we’re missing, just let us know by placing your requests at the bar!

Join Captain Funkwash on his mission to find the perfect groove as he kick-starts your weekend with a jumping selection of hip-hop, funk, soul and breakbeat cuts.

Enjoy the comfort of the warmest bus stop on campus with a series of extended ‘happy hour’ offers from 4pm-9pm on weekdays (available 4pm-7pm outside of term-time)!

Expertly-mixed cocktails from our bar staff provide the perfect lip-smacking accompaniment as resident DJs help you welcome in the weekend a few days early!

An eclectic mix of soulful weekend sounds and tasty musical swerve-balls make up our diverse Saturday evening social. Expect Electro and Disco along with unexpected remixes and covers.


BUS STOP drinks promotion

The perfect blend of cocktails and beats

Events The ONLY traditional pub on campus, The Duck is the ideal location for an informal series of weekly events designed to cater to those of you who perhaps prefer the more traditional forms of entertainment. Grab a pint and a snack from the bar, load up the jukebox and come join us for the following evening events throughout the term...

Un-Plucked Join us for a stripped-back evening of acoustic music on a Tuesday as we bring you the very best local artists, all interspersed with an everchanging line-up of student talent. Contact ents@warwicksu.com if you’re interested in performing!

Quackstar Karaoke Voice of an angel or honk of a duck? There’s only one way to find out as we invite you up onstage to warble along to your favourite hits every Wednesday night!

Cleverducks Quiz Get your fix of weekly trivia while taking on your fellow students every Thursday during term-time – it’s just £2 entry per team, with bar vouchers up for grabs. For the truly hardcore, make sure you get involved with our League Table!

FRESHLY BREWED MUSIC Curiositea’s regular Coffee House Sessions are a joint collaboration between the UK’s top talent agencies and tastemakers. Bringing the best up-and-coming talent direct to your doorstep, don’t miss out on your chance to catch the next big thing up close and personal in an intimate live setting! The aim is to find and showcase the next Ed Sheerans, Adeles and Ben Howards. The cream of the crop will be hand-selected by national tastemakers and presented in this relaxed and laid-back café on campus! Entry is free, so this is the perfect opportunity to unwind in the company of Britain’s next musical stars-in-waiting. If you miss out on the event itself, make sure you catch up with all the action via your campus radio station, RaW 1251AM!


Eating & Drinking

Warwick SU boasts some of the best places to eat and drink on campus. Whether you’re after a tea or coffee between lectures or a slap-up three-course meal, there’s something to suit all price tags and appetites at all times! Don’t forget that all the money you spend in our outlets is directly reinvested back into the student experience here at Warwick – head to warwicksu.com/food for menus and more information.

Xananas Located in SUHQ, Xananas is the Union’s stylish restaurant. From early morning until late evening, Xananas offers an imaginative menu of breakfasts, freshly prepared meals, seasonal specials, light bites and a tempting array of delicious desserts. Our chef specialises in seafood dishes, sourcing delicious fresh fish daily. However, the menu can also be adapted to cater for all tastes and dietary requirements! You can also choose from an impressive selection of fine wines, premium beers, fresh coffees and hot and cold drinks. Find us | Level 1, SUHQ Building xananas@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2750 xananas.co.uk

enquiries@warwicksu.com 024 7657 3049 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/food

The Terrace Bar The Terrace Bar is the perfect space on campus in which to relax and unwind. Its prime location, overlooking the entire Piazza, means that the view from the terrace balcony is spectacular, both day and night. A buzzing atmosphere, combined with the expertly-stocked bar, makes The Terrace Bar a great place to spend your evenings. Our extended ‘Bus Stop’ happy-hour also brings you the cheapest drinks on campus between 4pm-9pm on weekdays! Check out the range of niche events with talented DJs and free entry, sample something new from the cocktail menu, or simply relax on the balcony and watch the lights go down. Find us | Level 1, SU Atrium ents@warwicksu.com 024 7657 3053 warwicksu.com/theterracebar


The Bread Oven The Bread Oven is our bespoke baguette bar, and the best place on campus for a tasty, great value lunch to grab and go. Consistently rated as the tastiest lunch option on campus by students and staff alike, we serve freshly-baked bread with your choice of fillings from a vast deli, and delicious made-to-order salad boxes for the health-conscious amongst you. Providing an ever-changing selection of hot fillings and specials (such as our popular spicy meatball sandwich), we also serve delicious vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options. Alongside our usual menu of favourites, look out for our weekly specials and theme week tie-ins throughout each term – don’t miss out on our famous Christmas Baguettes at the end of Term 1! All of these savoury delights can be included in the excellent value meal deals along with chocolate, crisps, cookies, yoghurts and fresh fruit. Find us | Level 1, SU Atrium thebreadoven@warwicksu.com 024 7657 3643 warwicksu.com/breadoven

Curiositea We are the Union’s independent vintage tea shop and we love tea! We also love cake, crumpets and milkshakes, and pride ourselves on serving fantastic coffees too! We try to offer something for everyone – freshly-baked pastries and a huge selection of loose-leaf teas refresh and invigorate early birds, while night owls can choose from our menu of speciality flavoured coffees. Or you can happily laze away the afternoon with a big slice of cake and an indulgent hot chocolate... We blend all our fresh fruit smoothies and ice cream milkshakes to order, and our delicious selection of loaf cakes, muffins & brownies are so good they have won Great Taste Awards! Our aim is simple - to spread a bit of teatime love and get a big ‘thumbs up’ from every customer we meet. Find us | Ground Floor, SU Atrium timefortea@warwicksu.com 024 7657 3674 curiositea.co.uk


The Dirty Duck Situated in the centre of campus between Warwick SU and SUHQ, The Dirty Duck is the Union’s traditional pub and all-round student favourite. With its warm, friendly atmosphere and hearty food choice, it is the perfect place to meet friends and relax. The home of real ale on campus, The Dirty Duck stocks a variety of wines, niche beers, ciders and soft drinks. It serves a wide variety of tasty and traditional pub dishes and also offers some great value-for-money deals. We also regularly host pub quizzes, real ale and cider festivals, karaoke and acoustic nights so there is always plenty to keep you entertained! Find us | Level 2, SU Atrium thedirtyduck@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2754 thedirtyduck.co.uk

The Graduate An exclusive social space for Postgraduate students based right at the heart of campus, The Graduate is the perfect space for Postgrads to unwind in the Students’ Union. Located on the second floor of the main SU building (adjacent to The Dirty Duck pub), The Graduate’s comfy seating and prime setting make it the ideal space for a lunch break with friends, a quiet drink or a relaxing read. We also host regular PG-centred events here, while the space is fully bookable if you want to put something on yourself – visit our website to find out more! Find us | Level 2, SU Atrium (next to The Dirty Duck)




thegraduate@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2754 warwicksu.com/graduate

Value For Money Here at the Students’ Union, we pride ourselves on offering you the best value for money possible in all of our outlets. Here’s a breakdown of some of our key products and how they stack up against the competition:

Warwick SU Outlet vs High Street Price Comparison The Bread Oven







£ 3.20 6” CHICKEN SUB

£ 3.59




£ 1.39





CHEEP CHEEP MEAL DEAL £ 3.30 SUBWAY REAL DEAL (selected baguettes + drink + snack) (selected subs plus drink)

Curiositea ITEM


£ 3.00

Costa £





£ 2.45



£ 2.70



£ 3.50


£ 3.20 PANINI

£ 3.75

The Dirty Duck ITEM

Not only that, but – unlike high street or commercial venues, where all the profits go into the owners’ pockets – every penny you spend in the SU gets directly reinvested into student services which benefit YOU. So, every time you buy a pint, drink, snack, meal or event ticket from us, here’s what you get for your money on top of that item:

Advice and Welfare Services Academic and Personal Representation Sports Clubs

Varsity £




£ 5.95 BURGER

£ 6.50




£ 4.75



£ 3.20



£ 3.70

Staff members to support student activities

Xananas ITEM

Le Gusto £




£12.95 8oz RIB EYE STEAK






£ 4.75

SU upkeep, investment and improvements Jobs for 300+ student staff in a range of areas

33 33

Union Development

As a Students’ Union, our primary purpose is to represent, advise and support our members. However, as you would expect, the staffing, time and resources required to deliver this come at a cost. Although the SU receives an annual grant from the University and works closely with it, this funding on its own is insufficient to sustain the day-to-day running of the SU. Consequently, we run a variety of commercial services to bridge this gap and help support our non-commercial membership services.

Where Your Money Goes Warwick SU is a charity and a not-for-profit organisation. Unlike commercial high-street venues, we do not exist to make a profit – the money we bring in through our commercial outlets (bars, restaurants, cafés and nightclubs) is directly reinvested back into other services for Warwick students, including our Clubs & Societies, Advice & Welfare services, Campaigns, Democracy and more. As a registered charity, it directly benefits you to use our services – every time you buy an event ticket for The Copper Rooms, a baguette in The Bread Oven, a pint in The Dirty Duck, a meal in Xananas or a cup of coffee in Curiositea, that money goes right back into the pot to fund student activities. Put simply, without your support and loyalty, we wouldn’t exist!


How the Union Works

024 7657 2780

Here’s a rough breakdown of where your money goes when you use any of the SU’s commercial services:


Clubs, Societies & Committees


Contribution to training, operating costs and activities to support all that you do as students

Membership Services Student Advice Centre Democratic Services Sabbatical Officers Student Activities

Central Services Marketing Finance HR & Pensions Central Admin. SUHQ Reception


For reinvestment to deliver the best

student experience possible at Warwick

Running Costs Staff: full-time and students Stock

Premises Building rent Bills: Gas, Water, Electricity Cleaning

The Union’s total turnover is approximately £6.9 million. The surplus it makes at the end of the year is less than 1.5% . 34

Hey, I’m Olly, your Democracy and Development Officer. Many of you will engage with the SU by having a coffee at Curiositea, a meal at The Dirty Duck or a night-out in The Copper Rooms. Every penny you spend in any of these or our other outlets (The Bread Oven, Curiositea, Xananas and The Terrace Bar) goes right back into the SU, and it’s my job to make sure the SU’s outlets and events are run in your best interests. Every student has a stake in how our SU develops, and that is what our democracy is all about. Whether you want to raise questions about ethical stances, accessibility, run a campaign or question your Officers, you can! Every student can bring a policy to All Student Meetings, stand in the Autumn Elections to become a member of an SU Exec or run for an Officer position in Term 2. Your SU is more than just great outlets and fabulous nights – every pound you spend and vote you cast helps to make a difference. If you have any suggestions or questions about how you can get involved, just ask! Oliver Rice



Money off student stuff 24/7 Morning

10% off

25% off

Discounts from toast to toilet rolls

5% off


10% off

Savings from textbooks to travel


Up to

50% off

40% off

Cheaper pizza and playlists

Save hundreds of pounds online, on the high street and in your own Students’ Union with NUS Extra - the ultimate student discount card! Covering everything from leisure and lifestyle accessories to academic necessities and travel costs, for an extra £2.99 you can upgrade to an International Student Identity Card (ISIC) to get discounts worldwide! Head to the NUS Extra website and use the online calculator to find out how much you can start saving with your card today - at just £12 for 12 months, can you afford not to?

Buy yours online now at

warwicksu.com/nusextra Get your student discount card today

nus.org.uk/extra £12 for 12 months

That’s only £1 a month!

Details correct at time of printing (July 2015)

Gary Tiffin Warwick Students’ Union

dob: 08/12/87



Every Students’ Union in the country is run directly by its members, and each year the student body elects 7 students who work as their full-time representatives. But they aren’t the only students who have a say in how the SU is run – any student can get involved, and every student has an equal voice!

: How does it work? Working out what our 24,000 members think would be difficult without a fair way to make decisions. We therefore use democratic processes at the SU to reach decisions on what the SU campaigns on and the services it offers to students. Anyone can propose an idea for change at warwicksu.com/change – if it’s successful, it will change one of the following:

democracy@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2788

We use Union Policy to lobby external organisations (the government, the university and local businesses). Policy represents the ‘collective voice’ of the student body on big issues, like our stance on affordable accommodation on campus. As these policies represent the student voice, they must be voted upon by students in a campus-wide vote as part of an All Student Meeting.

Union Regulations are essentially the rules governing how the Union operates on a day-to-day basis (for example, what we sell, when we open, how we support students). Whereas Union Policy mandates the Union to campaign on an issue, Regulations are not able to do this and are purely operational.

Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/democracy

There are two types of meetings where we make these decisions:

Once a term we hold an All Student Meeting. We use this meeting to make the big decisions affecting the SU. Any student can attend these meetings, raise issues and debate. Students run campus-wide campaigns in favour of, or against, a motion put to an All Student Meeting. After the meeting, any student can vote online and a decision is made.


Four times a year we invite a representative group of students at random to decide on regulations, ask officers questions and discuss issues affecting students and any potential solutions. You get the chance to be on the Assembly just by being a member, and even get a reward for sparing your time!

Example... The issue… Imagine you have noticed there aren’t enough water fountains across campus – at the University and the Union – and you and your classmates have no choice but to buy bottled water.

Speak to your Representatives… Sometimes getting in touch with an officer – in this case the Welfare & Campaigns Officer – will be sufficient. They can take up your issue with the University and look into providing more at the Union.

Propose an Idea for Change... The Welfare & Campaigns Officer meets with the Director of Campus Services to discuss the issue. The Director informs the officer that there isn’t enough money in the budget. In this instance, the Welfare & Campaigns officer believes putting the issue to a decision-making meeting will help make your point. You go to warwicksu.com/change and submit your idea.

Student Assembly... The decision for the Union to provide more water fountains will be made at Student Assembly. Here you can speak in favour of your motion (or ask an officer to do it if you’re nervous!) and the student panel will ask questions before voting on whether to pass the motion… Congratulations, it passed! But to make the University install more water fountains, you need to take a policy to the All Student Meeting to make the SU campaign for it.

All Student Meeting… Since this will represent the voice of all students, it goes to a campus-wide vote at the All Student Meeting. Several days are given to debate, discuss and vote on the issue. The results are announced and the motion passes. Well done!

Using our ‘collective voice’… The Students’ Union launches a campaign on the website and social media explaining the need for more fountains on campus. The Welfare & Campaigns Officer goes back to the Director of Campus Services – together with the pressure of an online campaign and the fact that students have voted on this issue, the University has no choice but to reallocate funds to provide more water fountains for students.

This is an example of Democracy in action and how any student can use the system to bring about change!


There are so many ways to get involved. Some people would rather just vote on issues affecting the Union, others want to lead the debate and take on responsibility at the Students’ Union.

Play your part... Everyone should engage as the SU only represents students when they participate and vote. You can: Elect Union Execs & the Officer Team. Attend Student Assembly if you are randomly selected. Here you can make key decisions and we even reward you for your time! Propose an idea for change at warwicksu.com/change and fix that thing that’s annoying you!

Lead on Change... Some people want to go the extra mile and hold a position at the SU to improve things for students, get involved in exciting projects, make friends and build valuable experience.

We hold elections for Union Execs at the start of Term 1. These are groups that work with officers to achieve things in various areas of the SU depending on your interests.

You should consider running for one of the following!


Funding Exec

Enter Dragons’ Den. Students bid for a slice of £8k to fund projects, events and campaigns. You decide what the best use of the money is.

Welfare Exec

Run events & campaigns to help students feel happy and healthy at Warwick - from tackling bad landlords to running mental health campaigns.

Democracy Exec

You make sure students get their voice heard by organising elections, All Student Meetings and planning Get Out The Vote campaigns.

Societies Exec

Over 10,000 students are part of a society. You decide which group gets society status and make sure they all flourish at Warwick.

Sports Exec

You are tasked with getting everyone on campus involved in sport. Make sure Clubs are looked after and help run our annual Varsity competition.

Education Exec

We are all here to get a world-class education. On this exec you work with Faculty Reps and Course Reps to make students’ views heard on the quality of their course.

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Our University buses run 7 days a week offering frequent connections to Coventry, Earlsdon, Kenilworth and Leamington Spa from Warwick University. Every 7/8 minutes from Coventry city centre and station to University. (Monday - Friday daytime)

£5.50 per week based on £280 Coventry 3 term student travelcard being discounted online to £250 and used over a 48 week period


Congratulations to all postgraduate students who are studying here at Warwick - you make up nearly 50% of the student body at one of the best institutions for Postgraduate study! Upon enrolling, postgraduates automatically become members of the Students’ Union, giving you access to the Students’ Union Advice Centre, Representation, Societies, Sports and more. Each year, students elect a dedicated Postgraduate Officer to the Sabbatical Team, whose role is to address concerns about all aspects of postgraduate life and study here at the University. This year, your PG Officer is Nat Panda, and his office can be found on the second floor of SUHQ. He is here to make sure that the Students’ Union looks out for the interests of postgraduates in all areas of student life.

The Postgraduate Officer sits on University Committees articulating the views of Warwick postgrads, pushing for ways to make your life at Warwick even better such as more office and study space, better pay for postgraduates who teach, and greater incentives for students to stay in postgraduate study. postgrads@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2780 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/postgrads

PG Tips from Warwick Postgrads Being a postgraduate student can often make you feel like you have to stop having fun... My advice though is to stay involved in the sports and societies you already enjoy, or try completely new ones. I joined Warwick Rowing as a beginner during my Masters and it was one of the best aspects of my year, making me physically fitter and introducing me to a whole new friendship group I would otherwise never have met. Nick Swain

As an international postgraduate, I loved interacting with students from across the world via my course and the SU’s cultural societies. I was also a member of Student Council, where I learned how important the Union is for all students – whether UK-based or international, undergrad or postgrad. By doing so I made a diverse group of friends, learned more about other cultures and had a wonderful first year of my Masters. Lieke Bos

MA in International Political Economy, 2013/14


Photography: University of Warwick

MA in Creative & Media Enterprises 2012-14

Exclusive Postgrad Study Spaces The Postgraduate Hub

Senate House

@ WarwickPgHub

A study space designed especially for Postgraduates, providing spaces for individual and collaborative study. The PG Hub hosts regular events where you can meet fellow Postgrads. They offer academic support services such as the Dissertation Station and funding mentoring scheme.

The Wolfson Research Exchange

Hi, my name is Nat and I’m your Postgraduate Officer. Whether you make up the nearly 50% of the student body who is a postgraduate or you are looking to advance to postgrad study, I am here for you! As postgrads, whether research or taught, you form a vital part of our vibrant and diverse community: as students, teachers, members of sports clubs and societies, as inspirational figures and as friends. Warwick is one of only 7 students’ unions in the country with a Postgraduate Sabbatical Officer – the SU really cares for all postgrads and always strives to improve the representation you receive, so all your feedback and involvement is really important. My job is to make sure that the postgraduate voice gets heard, and I will fight to make sure that you have the best experience you can at Warwick. Feel free to get in touch - I wish you the best for the year ahead! Nat Panda



Library, third floor

@ ResearchEx

A collaborative space designed to support the needs of Warwick’s research community, connecting you to other researchers, and allowing you to share your knowledge and expertise. A hive of research activity, the space provides resources and staff to assist you throughout your PhD or Masters by Research. 41 41

International Students

Warwick is a lively campus: over a third of our students come from outside of the UK. We can’t wait for you to get involved with our community, and hope you take advantage of everything the Union has to offer! There are hundreds of ways for you to play an active role in Warwick life, from joining clubs and societies, becoming involved in Union politics, or helping develop your course. You could even be one of the seven elected officers representing students in your Union when you’ve finished your degree!

Starting anywhere new can be daunting, and coming to a new country can be even harder. If you have any concerns, visit the Students’ Union Advice Centre in SUHQ, or have a chat with your elected officers. No question is too small and all advice is confidential!

Top 5 ways to Get Involved with your SU

Up 1 Buddy World@Warwick is a society making the most out of our multi-cultural

campus – they run a buddy scheme, partnering international students with an established UK student on the same course.

enquiries@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2780 Level 1, SUHQ warwicksu.com/goglobal

a Society 2 Join With over 250 societies at Warwick, it’s the best way to meet people who

having similar interests. From Belly-Dancing to Wind Orchestra, there’s always something new to try!

a New Sport 3 Start We have over 70 sports clubs, so it’s really easy to get involved. You can always Involved in Democracy 4 Get Take part in the decision-making process in your Students’ Union – visit warwicksu.com/democracy for more information.

5 Volunteer Warwick Volunteers offers loads of opportunities to get involved in your local community.


Photography: University of Warwick

start one yourself! Clubs like Floorball and Handball were established by international students in recent years.

Immigration Advice available to you whilst at Warwick Students’ Union Advice Centre (Warwick SU) We have a dedicated member of staff in our independent and confidential Advice Centre who advises on immigration matters. See the Welfare pages in this guide (page 6-11) or feel free to get in touch with them via: advice@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2824 Level 2, SUHQ

warwicksu.com/advice TERM-TIME OPENING HOURS Monday – Friday | 9:30am – 3pm

opening hours

VACATION OPENING HOURS Monday – Thursday | 9:30am – 3pm Friday | Appointment Only

International Office (University) The University’s International Office is also a useful resource to be aware of. Dedicated staff provide support and assistance to international/EU and exchange students including information on the HOST homestay scheme, Study Abroad opportunities and confidential visa advice through the Immigration Service. Get in touch with them via: int.office@warwick.ac.uk +44 (0)24 7652 3706 University House warwick.ac.uk/services/international

Opening Hours

STANDARD OPENING HOURS Monday – Thursday | 9am – 5pm Friday | 9am – 4pm

43 43

Go Global

GoGlobal Every student can have a truly global experience while studying at Warwick. To help make this happen, Go Global is a Students’ Union and University-based initiative designed to get students thinking and acting globally. Over 36% of Warwick’s student population comes from outside of the UK, representing 145 different nationalities – meaning that international and EU students contribute incalculably to the pulse and vibe of campus!

Studying abroad is the ultimate international experience Warwick provides and there are plenty of potential destinations to suit your interests listed on the next page. If studying abroad isn’t for you, don’t worry – there are still several opportunities to Go Global on campus by joining societies and sports clubs or learning languages. Globalising your education will not only improve your time at university, but also make you more attractive to employers once you’ve graduated!

024 7657 2780 Level 1, SUHQ warwicksu.com/goglobal


Global Checklist All 550+ 200+ 145 40 38 35% 11

departments offer the opportunity to study abroad. students studied abroad in 2014-15. Universities across the globe are linked to Warwick. different nationalities study at Warwick. societies represent different nationalities/regions at Warwick. free language classes are run every week by World@Warwick. of the student population is from outside the UK. languages are offered by the Language Centre.

Photography: University of Warwick


International Opportunities Study Abroad

In a globalised economy, language and intercultural skills have never been more important. While at Warwick you have the opportunity to undertake a period of Study Abroad as part of your course. The Erasmus programme enables students to study in a European university, while we also have exchange programmes with prestigious universities across the globe including East Asia, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand. warwick.ac.uk/studyabroad

Societies You don’t need to leave campus to connect with other countries. Why not join a student society? It’s a fantastic way to meet new people and discover new practises from all over the world. You could join a cultural society, learn a new style of dance or music, or even get involved with a society which campaigns on a global scale! warwicksu.com/societies

Languages We offer many ways to learn languages. The Language Centre provides a variety of formal language-learning opportunities and there are several student-led projects including World@Warwick’s Language Café. warwicksu.com/goglobal/languages

Volunteering If you want to give your time to a good cause, there are many Warwick initiatives based in the UK or overseas for you to consider, as well as a wealth of advice and support on how to plan your experience. You could join the Warwick in Africa scheme, work with refugees in Coventry through Warwick STAR or join an internationallythemed project with Warwick Volunteers! warwicksu.com/goglobal/volunteering

Monash –Warwick Alliance The Alliance between Warwick and Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, has enabled a growing range of student-led activities, including: Green Steps programme; Reinvention (Warwick’s undergraduate research journal) and competitions through the Alliance Sports Challenge. warwick.ac.uk/mwalliance 45

Other Opportunities Off-Campus Trips

The University’s International Office runs regular weekend trips off-campus which anyone can sign up to – what better way to explore the local area, visit places of interest or meet new people? Head to warwick.ac.uk/io/events/uk to find out what’s coming up and secure your place on the coach!

World@Warwick is an exciting society aimed at any Warwick student, international or domestic, who wants to benefit from one of the most diverse campuses in the UK! World@Warwick run weekly events, free language classes, trips to some of the most exciting places around the country and much more.

The society makes the most of our multi-cultural campus – this year they are implementing their new mentoring scheme, partnering several international students with a home student volunteer in order to ensure that students on a year abroad here feel at home. All mentors receive full training. warwicksu.com/worldatwarwick

Held in January every year, One World Week is the largest student-run event at the University of Warwick. It provides a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the University’s cultural diversity through a series of forums, performances, conferences and night-time events.

Engaging all cultures and nationalities from across campus and beyond, this is the perfect way to immerse yourself in the richness of Warwick student life! oneworldweek.net 46

Photography: University of Warwick

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* UK Plus Pass includes UK minutes, UK SMS and Mobile data and is valid for 30 days from activation. It also offers discounted rates to applicable international destinations, the full details of which can be found at www.lebara.co.uk/passes/ukplus . Calls to non-discounted countries charged at standard Lebara rates. Only one UK Plus Pass may be activated per 30 day period. On expiry the Pass will be auto-renewed. To opt-out of auto-renewal text the relevant opt-out code *STOP to 38885 before 21:00 (UK time) on the 30th day. Find out more at www.lebara.co.uk/passes/ukplus.

Jobs & Volunteering

Jobs at Warwick SU Here at the Union, we employ around 350 part-time student staff in addition to our full-time permanent staff team. We have a whole host of different roles available to take up alongside your studies, from Bar Staff and Stewards to our student Street Team. Working for the SU part-time is a great opportunity to meet new people, have fun, boost your CV and – most importantly – earn a bit of extra cash! As a Union, we understand that students are under a lot of pressure at specific points during the year – particularly during exam season or around key study deadlines. We therefore always try our best to be flexible with our part-time staff, and accommodate any requests for fewer shifts.

jobs@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2757 Level 1, SUHQ warwicksu.com/jobs

For details on how to apply for any of the available roles within the SU, check out the jobs section of our website at warwicksu.com/jobs – click through on the individual job titles for additional information about each post, together with person specifications and application forms. We always take on new staff during the Freshers period, but new roles also crop up throughout the year, so make sure you keep checking back to the SU website on a regular basis for full details!


JOB VACANCIES AT YOUR Warwick Volunteers offers you the chance to make a positive difference in the local community. From helping with conservation projects to working in local schools or befriending adults with learning disabilities, there’s a staggering range of opportunities to get involved with. Maybe you have a talent for art, music or sport that you would enjoy sharing with others? Or, perhaps you could help tutor children in local schools to improve literacy, numeracy or their grasp of a foreign language. Whatever your interests, Warwick Volunteers can find an opportunity for you. Even if you’re short on time, you can still join in! Many one-off and shortterm projects take place throughout the year, giving you the chance to volunteer without having to make a big commitment. It’s a chance to try something new or simply squeeze some volunteering into your busy student schedule. Many societies and clubs volunteer as a group – why not encourage yours to get involved? Volunteering is a great way to develop new skills, acquire vital work experience and increase your overall employability, whatever career path you want to pursue. You can create and manage your own project, increase your knowledge of a particular career area and hone your transferable skills in a productive and enjoyable way. For more info, visit the Volunteering Fair during Freshers Fortnight or see warwick.ac.uk/volunteers

STUDENTS’ UNION If you’re looking to pick up some much-needed extra cash and would relish the buzz of working as part of a lively and dynamic team, look no further than the Students’ Union. We have a number of positions available throughout 2015/16 and can offer you competitive rates of pay. Future vacancies are likely to include:


Working for the Marketing Department in the distribution of promotional materials and acting as an ‘ambassador’ for the Union’s entertainment, membership and commercial services.


Provide assistance and information to students and visitors, including operating the switchboard (training provided) and other office duties.


Offer high standards of service in one of the Union’s food outlets.


Assist in the preparation and maintenance of stage, technical equipment and décor for the successful production of Union events.


Offer high standards of service in any one of the Union’s bars.


Offer high standards of service in one of the Union’s food outlets.


You will ensure that health and safety requirements are met at all times during Union events.


Provide first aid when necessary to customers and staff, and ensure health & safety requirements are met at all times during Union events.

For up-to-date information on all of the vacancies available at Warwick SU and how to apply, visit:

warwicksu.com/jobs If you are interested in applying for a job whilst studying at Warwick University, please be sure to bring your current passport and any relevant documents with you as proof of eligibility to work in the United Kingdom under The Asylum and Immigration Act 1996. 49

Here to Help

While the Union is fully directed by its members, we also employ a large staff team to support our students in all their various projects, as well as ensuring our longterm sustainability.

SUHQ Reception Ask these people any questions about your Students’ Union. reception@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2777 Level 1, SUHQ

Central Admin. Responsible for the booking of meeting rooms, buffets, transport and more, including Minibus driving cards. admin@warwicksu.com 024 7657 3057 Level 1, SUHQ

Students’ Union Advice Centre Handling over 6,000 enquiries each year, our free and impartial advice service can support you in every area of being a student. Whether it’s advice about housing, immigration, money or your course, they’ll be able to help you out. enquiries@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2777 Level 1, SUHQ warwicksu.com/contact

advice@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2824 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/advice

Finance Office The Finance Office provides support to the SU’s 300+ clubs and societies on all money matters, whether that’s money requests, sales invoices or understanding your online account. We also look after the SU’s financial reporting, payroll and pensions. finance@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2808 Level 2, SUHQ

Student Activities The Student Activities Team co-ordinate and support each of the Union’s Societies and Sports Clubs. See them if you’re on the exec of a society, would like some help setting up a new society or have questions about the Union’s extra-curricular activities. 024 7657 2818 Level 2, SUHQ


Democratic Services Co-ordinating and administering every Union Democratic process, this is the place to find out how you can get involved in the running of your SU. Whether you’re interested in standing for a position or proposing policy to be debated at an All Student Meeting, they’ll have the answers. democracy@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2788 Level 2, SUHQ

Marketing All marketing activity for outlets, departments and Sabbatical Officers is developed and delivered by the Union’s Marketing Department. The department also offers support and advice to sports clubs and societies who want to market an event, order clothing or enhance their web pages. Union Print is run from here. marketing@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2803 Level 2, SUHQ

Commercial Office Responsible for the running and development of all our evening events at the Students’ Union. If you have got an idea for a night or want some advice on how to set up your own, email your suggestions to feedback@warwicksu.com and we’ll take your thoughts onboard when planning the programme!

Hi, I’m the SU’s Chief Executive and I am responsible for managing the 350 dedicated staff who work alongside your elected officers here in the Students’ Union. Warwick SU is a charity whose sole aim is to ensure you have a fulfilling University experience. You decide what you want to get involved in, how you want to spend your time and what issues are important to you. The SU is here to support you, represent you, entertain you and develop you. We recognise that, for most students, academic success and personal well-being are their top priorities. We therefore work closely with faculties to raise issues which are important to you, as well as providing support and advice. The experiences you have while studying at Warwick will often shape your life - maybe even transform it. The only advice I would give you is to immerse yourself in everything that University and Union life has to offer! Jacqui Clements


feedback@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2768 Level 2, SUHQ

51 51

Officer Directory

Your Sabbatical Officers These seven individuals are elected to work full-time for you, with offices based upstairs in SUHQ. They each look after different areas of the Union.


president@warwicksu.com 02476 572 784

democracy@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2788 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/democracy


Charlie Hindhaugh education@warwicksu.com

02476 572 779



02476 572 778




02476 572 785


George Creasy societies@warwicksu.com

02476 572 781



02476 572 780


sports@warwicksu.com 02476 572 776

Faculty Representatives These officers are current students who concentrate on your academic experience and sit on various University Committees to ensure that the student voice gets heard. Get in touch with your Faculty Rep to raise any issues about your course. UNDERGRADUATE ARTS FACULTY REP.


Emily Dunford uc028@warwicksu.com

Lokesh Gupta uc106@warwicksu.com

Hi! I’m your Undergraduate Arts Faculty Representative for 2015-16, and I aim to ensure that the arts receive the same level of coverage and respect from the University as other faculties. This year, I pledge to improve departmental and faculty-level communication and support, as well as widening opportunities for interdisciplinary study. In addition, I’ll be addressing the need for creative spaces, including unconventional work spaces and studios. Look out for me popping in to your department’s SSLC meetings to hear your views and concerns!

Hi guys – I’m Lokesh Gupta, a 2nd year Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineer and your Engineering and Experimental Science Representative for 2015-16.

UNDERGRADUATE SOCIAL SCIENCE REP. Cindy Asokan uc031@warwicksu.com

I’m Cindy, your Social Sciences Faculty Representative, and I’m here to represent you. My main priorities this year are getting mental health training out to personal tutors so that they can provide better pastoral care to students, as well as supporting the campaign for a 24-hour library. Last year I started work on the feedback campaign, arguing for exam feedback to be given to students in all departments. I wrote an article on the importance of feedback to start the campaign and we have already managed to achieve cohort feedback – a huge step forward. Get in touch if you have any queries - I’m happy to help!

My role is to listen to the problems faced by students on your degree and try to solve them by acting as a link between the SU and each department. If you guys have any problem regarding your course, please do not hesitate to get in touch. UNDERGRADUATE PHYSICS & FORMAL SCIENCE FACULTY REP. Hope Worsdale uc149@warwicksu.com

Hi! My name is Hope – I’m a 3rd year Maths student, and I will be your Undergraduate Physics and Formal Sciences Rep this year. I engage in lots of student activism and grassroots campaigning, and I am passionate about getting students’ voices heard on campus. My areas of priority this year will be cutting hidden course costs for students in my faculty, and reforming our tutor systems so that they provide much better pastoral care and support for people with mental health problems. If you have any questions or views, please do not hesitate to contact me!


2 Representatives to be elected in the Autumn Elections, October 2015



To be elected in Autumn Elections 2015



To be elected in Autumn Elections 2015



To be elected in Autumn Elections 2015



Part-Time Liberation & Campaign Officers These officers work to ensure that the voices of minority groups are heard on campus. They each run campaigns and themed weeks designed to raise awareness of issues affecting Warwick students’ lives. DISABLED STUDENTS OFFICER


Jenny Wheeler uc025@warwicksu.com

Josie Throup uc027@warwicksu.com

Hi, I’m Jenny and I am your Disabled Students’ Officer. Last year I was busy improving the accessibility of campus and its many outlets, helping to coordinate events like Doggy Destress Day and consulting with the University about current issues such as DSA cuts. This year, I want to continue to push for the recording of all lectures, working with Warwick Enable society to open up more communication between disabled students and running bigger and better events. Contact me if you want to get involved or need my help. Look out for Disability Awareness Week in Term 1!

I’m a third year English student, part-time Women’s Officer and fulltime feminist! I want to create a campus culture that empowers survivors of sexual violence. That’s why I’m bringing the NUS I Heart Consent workshops to Freshers Fortnight. That’s why I’m working with the Good Night Out organization to train campus and local nightlife staff on sensitive responses to harassment. And that’s why we’ve been selected as a pilot union for the NUS Lad Culture project. The women’s campaign will be bigger and more inclusive this year!


Matt Greenham uc026@warwicksu.com

Hi I’m Matt, your Environment & Ethics Officer! I’m here to help you get involved in Warwick’s incredible community of campaigning, and to lobby the University on issues that we think are important. I’m here to support a diverse range of causes, from tackling waste on campus to running ethical careers fairs – there are so many ways we can make a difference. I’m available to lend a hand if you want to start up something we’re not already doing – just get in touch. Look out for Go Green Week later in the year too!


Nia-Cerise Conteh uc225@warwicksu.com

Rachel Buckley-Taylor uc024@warwicksu.com

Hi! I’m the latest part-time BME officer at Warwick SU and your NUS Women’s Committee’s Black Rep this year. I’ll be striving to support, celebrate and empower all cultures and backgrounds at this university and beyond. My first undertaking aims to commemorate this year’s Black History Month in October with a program of events designed to entertain, educate and uplift people from all backgrounds and cultures. Having cofounded Let’s Talk Black (a platform to educate on the Black diaspora community) I am looking to establish more challenges to xenophobia and celebrate a truly global university.

My role is to look after and organise campaigns for LGBTUA+ peoples. Dealing with personal sexuality and gender issues can be difficult, but I am here to help. You can come to me for advice and support on issues including coming out, relationships or just for a chat. If you’re not comfortable with a face-to-face conversation, email me – I’m always willing to listen. I will also be organising Pride Week in Term 1 this year, which will be full of debate, fundraising and campaigning as well as giving a platform for LGBTUA+ people to express themselves freely in any way they wish.



Want to find out how to become an elected officer or simply want to get involved in Union Democracy? Get in touch with the Students’ Union’s Democracy team:

democracy@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2788 warwicksu.com/democracy

Elected positions available in the Students’ Union If you really want to make a difference to the running of your Union, why not consider running in the Autumn Elections for one of the new Execs? It’s a great way to help out other students while gaining valuable insight into the processes by which our membership-based charity operates. These are some of the positions that will be available: DEMOCRACY EXEC


6 directly-elected members




Democracy Exec


8 elected members (must be Sports Club Members)

Societies Exec

8 elected members (must be Societies Fed. Members or Exempted Society Members)



Welfare Exec Sports Exec



6 directly-elected members 6 directly-elected members



Funding Exec


Postgraduate Exec 4 directly-elected members (must be Postgraduates)

Education Exec

4 directly-elected members (must be Undergraduates)

We will also be electing the following posts: 2 x Medical Faculty Reps 3 x Postgraduate Faculty Reps 2 x International Students’ Officers (EU and non-EU) 1 x Part-Time and Mature Students’ Officer Elections will also be held for NUS National Conference Delegates.

If you are interested in any of these posts, come and talk to us in the Democracy Office in SUHQ or contact the Democracy and Development Officer, Olly Rice, via ddo@warwicksu.com.

55 55

Sports Club Directory




Aerobics! Zumba! Boxercise! Bums ‘n’ Tums! Step! Regular cheap classes; same team spirit with less commitment required; amazing socials!




A distinctly non-competitive Japanese martial art, using the attacker’s strength and weight against them via empty hand, sword, stick and knife defences.




A team sport for players of all shapes and sizes. Warwick Wolves is a growing club coming off their best season in 6 years - come down and give us a try!





An enjoyable and interesting sport open to all levels from beginner to expert. We host and attend many regional/national competitions, and have a strong social atmosphere within the club.




sports@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2776 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/sports

Road runs, cross-country, intervals, women’s jogging, circuits, track & field from beginners to the elite. Our flexible training, encouraging atmosphere and buzzing socials always leave you wanting more!




We organise 6 club sessions a week, where players of any standard meet up to play, get fit and socialise. Racquets are available to borrow.


For more information on joining any of our sports clubs, head over to warwicksu.com/sports




Three competitive teams, an intra-university 3-on-3 Swish League, open fundamental sessions and lively socials - all catering for both men and women.

BOXING boxing.club@warwicksu.com

For more information about Warwick Sport, head over to warwick.ac.uk/sport



Whether you’re an experienced boxer looking to compete seriously or an amateur wanting to learn the ropes and join a vibrant social club, this is the place for you. Come along and enjoy the noble art of boxing!




Weekly practice sessions in the campus pool, plus white water weekend trips every 2- 3 weeks. We also run four tours a year, enter BUCS competitions and hold friendly socials. All equipment provided.




Likened to Basketball in a boat, Canoe Polo is a high tempo, wet ‘n’ wild team sport. No canoe or polo experience is required, all equipment provided!



classicalandmoderndance.club @warwicksu.com From hip-hop to ballet, lyrical to jazz and classical to modern dance, we offer ALL levels the chance to perform, teach and compete.




Regular trips to areas including the Peak District, Wales and the South West, with discounted access to the climbing wall if term/year passes are purchased.




One of Warwick’s most popular clubs, with 4 BUCS sides, an indoor tournament and international tour.




The biggest and most successful Dodgeball club in the UK - play the sport where you are the target!




A unique combination of reactions, control, physical fitness and intelligence. All equipment is provided, while members of all abilities are able to compete.




180 teams with over 1200 members. We run a series of competitions, allowing both the Lionel Messis and Accrington Stanley wannabes to get involved!

FLOORBALL floorball.club@warwicksu.com


Also known as unihockey, innebandy and salibandy, this is a fast-paced, exhilarating sport which caters for all abilities - join us for the taster session!




One of Warwick’s most competitive clubs, with four BUCS teams, an Easter tour and a great social side. We hold regular tournaments open to all Warwick students.




UWWFC caters for all abilities, with two Uni teams, a Sunday League team and a Futsal League. Alternatively, there’s two training sessions, a fitness session and socials each week!




A fantastic (and cheap!) way for budding pilots to gain valuable flying experience. We aim to run trips every weekend, as well as weeklong residential courses for members who want to ‘go solo.’




Opportunities for everyone to improve their golf, with weekly range trips plus 1st team BUCS matches.




A team sport with 7 players who pass and bounce a ball, aiming to throw it into the opposing goal. We train, compete and welcome anyone.




One of Warwick’s most established clubs, catering from the competitive 1st XI to Development Squads for newcomers alongside a packed social schedule.





A diverse, dynamic and active club with 4 teams competing across the Midlands. 3 tours a year, coaching opportunities, plus fantastic regular socials.




UWMXDHC is the club for anyone to come and have a great time playing hockey. With fun-filled training sessions, matches and socials, we represent all that is best about relaxed and sociable sports!




We make Ice Hockey accessible to all, and provide most of the necessary protective equipment alongside opportunities to play against other universities.




We teach Jiu Jitsu, a martial art based on locks and throws. Everyone is welcome, whether you’ve done martial arts before or not!




We aim to provide a safe and relaxing environment in which to practice the popular martial art of Judo, allowing all levels of ability to develop their skills.




A Filipino Martial Art utilising weapons and emptyhanded skills. We also learn to apply the philosophy of Jeet Kune Do, the martial art founded by Bruce Lee.




The fastest game on two feet! We have Premiership and beginner teams, and welcome players of all standards to regular socials and annual tours. All equipment is provided.




We provide a variety of classes in a fun and friendly atmosphere, as well as taking part in competitions and performances.




We offer qualifications in Lifesaving, CPR, First Aid and lifeguard training, socials and compete in international, national and regional competitions.

MOTORSPORT motorsport.club@warwicksu.com


We run regular karting trips and have 2 teams in the British University Karting Championship. Alternatively, join us for national races, exhibitions and socials!




We have three BUCS teams plus a developmental team playing regular friendlies. We also hold an annual inter-uni tournament and take part in internal events.




Mixed Netball prides itself on being a friendly and approachable club, and our membership reflects this - it’s not just for girls!




A great (and free!) way to try different sports each week, with sessions including Rock Climbing, American Football, Breakdancing and Lacrosse.




Our members come from all walks of life and most start with no experience of riding, let alone Polo itself. We host regular socials, trips and lessons!




A long-running club which aims to improve standards of Pool while providing a strong social atmosphere through a ladder and weekly tournaments.




We are fun, friendly and always up for some horsing around! We run riding lessons, Equestrian League squads and hold socials for beginners and pros alike.




We shoot small-bore rifles (.22) from 25 yards. Anyone who’s permitted and able to use a weapon safely is encouraged to join - two character references must be completed (download these from our website).




A large and highly active club which gives beginners and experienced athletes the chance to compete both nationally and internationally.






Running 3 competitive BUCS teams and a dedicated weekend Freshers side, we are one of the biggest, most competitive and sociable clubs on campus.




We offer BUCS participation, friendly Fresherorientated games, involvement in community events, socials and more. All sizes and abilities welcome!




We run 2 teams playing weekly - whatever your standard/experience, come along to enjoy quality matches and socials!




Weekly socials coupled with competitions and regular sailing (usually twice a week) for all levels.




An excellent intro to martial arts for self-defence and fitness. 3 practices a week and regular competitions.




Imagine standing in the door of a plane and jumping into the blue...We’ll take you to 12,000ft and launch you into the sky. Beginners welcome!




We have 2 full-sized tables and welcome all ages and abilities. Regular tournaments combine with an ongoing weekly ladder, plus local/national teams.





Free Tuesday and Thursday club nights are open to all members, with two mens’ and one women’s team competing in BUCS and Warwickshire leagues.




We offer BSAC training, run regular trips around the UK coastline and train in an inland dive centre. We also have a rapidly growing Octopush (think underwater hockey) side - come give it a try!




For hardened surfbums to complete beginners, we run 2+ trips per term to Cornwall’s best beaches and offer professional tuition plus all equipment!




Daily swim training plus coaching for recreational and competitive swimmers. Swimming competes in the top national BUCS division, while Waterpolo teams compete in Midlands, Warwickshire and BUCS leagues. On-Campus


3 club sessions a week for players of any standard, with additional sessions for advanced members in BUCS Leagues.




Taekwondo originated as the Korean military martial art of self-defence. We encourage beginners through an 8-week introductory course, with separate training for more experienced members.





One of campus’s biggest clubs, with 3 Mens’ and 2 Women’s teams competing in weekly BUCS matches alongside social play for less serious players.




Muay Thai combines kicks and punches with elbows and knees. Sessions are run by an experienced instructor, and all abilities are welcome!




We have 6 trampolines, run 3 sessions a week and are one of the friendliest clubs on campus!



triathlonandroadcycling.club @warwicksu.com An experienced, social and friendly club that caters for all abilities and takes part in BUCS & local races.





A fast-paced sport described as a mix of American Football and Netball, played indoor and outdoor throughout the year by single-sex and mixed teams! Performance VOLLEYBALL (MEN’S, WOMEN’S & MIXED)


Players of all standards are welcome for regular training/matches and run 2 mens’ and 2 womens’ teams.




A co-ed sport combining stunts, dance and gymnastics, with a variety of squads open to all levels and abilities!




Our club organises around three weekend trips a term to areas including Snowdonia and the Lake District, plus a variety of walks and scrambles.




Two excellent-value tours at Christmas and Easter. Lessons for beginners, recreational skiing/boarding and Jump Nights at local Snowdomes, plus race teams in the Midlands Uni League.




Windsurfing at nearby Draycote water every week with reaches up to ¾ mile - perfect for flat water blasting, while also being safe for beginners!

YOGA yoga.club@warwicksu.com







swimmingandwaterpolo.club @warwicksu.com




Physically, Yoga improves your strength, flexibility, posture, balance and aerobic fitness. Mentally it improves concentration, self-confidence, stamina and ability to relax (always useful during exams!)



For the latest exclusive student offers, events and opportunities, visit the student section of our website.

Ticket offers subject to availability. All prices include booking fee.



Societies Directory


We provide a platform for discussing international affairs with a focus on accounting, plus networking opportunities for older and newer members to share knowledge and experiences.

AIESEC su561@warwicksu.com

UN-recognized international student exchange organization. Provides the opportunity to work abroad, develop entrepreneurial/leadership skills and develop a broader understanding of cultural, socio-economic and business management issues.

ART SOCIETY su560@warwicksu.com

Everything creative! Painting, drawing, craft and design workshops, plus twice-weekly life-drawing classes with a range of models. Also regular trips to galleries, exhibitions, socials and an Easter tour!

BIOLOGY SOCIETY su275@warwicksu.com

Focal point for Biology and Biochemistry students, with regular socials, sports events and trips. Assisting academic progress through chat rooms and forums.

societies@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2781 Level 2, SUHQ warwicksu.com/societies

CHEMSOC su219@warwicksu.com

Open to Chemists and Non-Chemists alike - we provide academic help while also running regular socials, sport events, a tour and the end-of-year ball!

CHINA IN FOCUS su346@warwicksu.com

Provides an unbiased platform for the discussion of Chinese domestic and international issues, while our annual Forum brings together prominent speakers.

For more information on joining any of our societies, head over to


WINNER 2014-15

denotes a Society Awards Winner 2014 -15


CPASS aims to empower the thinking ability of society members interested in the Middle Kingdom.

CLASSICS SOCIETY su138@warwicksu.com

We bring together students from the Classics Department and others interested in Ancient Greece and Rome in a relaxed and friendly environment.



For anyone interested in the society, politics and culture of the Americas. Lectures, film screenings and socials based around American events.

COMPUTING SOCIETY su448@warwicksu.com

We like video-games. And computers. We hold regular academic talks, programming competitions, LAN events and weekly social gaming!

ECONOMICS SUMMIT su622@warwicksu.com

A weekend of talks and entertainment for Warwick students and guests from around the globe.

EDUCATION & CHILDHOOD su717@warwicksu.com

A society for anyone studying the Childhood, Education & Society course, or is interested in working with children.

EUROPEAN LAW SOCIETY (ELS) contact@warwickeuropeanlaw.com

ELS promotes networking between current students and alumni enrolled on the European Law LLB (inclusive of Year-Abroad in English) by organising social/career events and support networks.

FILM STUDIES su576@warwicksu.com

A society for Film Studies students and those who enjoy watching/talking about films! We run filmrelated socials.

FINANCIAL FORUM su476@warwicksu.com

Interested in Finance or Investment Banking? Come learn about the stock exchange!

FRENCH SOCIETY su191@warwicksu.com

Socials include wine and cheese evenings, film nights, a yearly trip to Paris - you don’t need to speak French, just be passionate about France!

HISPANIC STUDIES su758@warwicksu.com

A newly-formed society for those studying modules within Hispanic Studies. However, if you’re a native Spanish speaker or interested in Hispanic culture (encompassing both Spain and Spanish-speaking countries) you will also be welcome!

GERMAN SOCIETY su324@warwicksu.com

For students of German or anybody with an interest in German culture. Regular trips include the Birmingham Christmas Market and an annual tour.

HISTORY SOCIETY exec@historysoc.co.uk

A way to meet new people with similar interests, open to anyone fascinated by events of the past.


Promotes awareness of public affairs and enhances knowledge of historical and contemporary Hong Kong-related issues. We also contribute to the community and provide discussion platforms.

INDIA FORUM su732@warwicksu.com

Generating an interest in matters relating to India its rapid economic growth, controversial politics and foreign policy, unique culture and rich history. Each year the forum adopts a new theme talking about ideas and issues key to the Indian story.


A society dedicated to debating all international issues, from terrorism to global warming.

INTERNATIONAL VENTURE su706@warwicksu.com

We provide the chance to travel to an emerging market via a competitive programme enabling exposure to the exhilarating pace of financial growth within a chosen city. We also aim to further understanding of financial practices within international emerging markets.

INVESTMENT FORUM su707@warwicksu.com

We provide exposure to renowned professionals and academics within financial markets through a series of workshops and talks.

ITALIAN SOCIETY su192@warwicksu.com

A society dedicated to spreading Italian culture for all those who are Italian, are studying Italian or who are simply interested in ‘La dolce vita’!

LAW SOCIETY su193@warwicksu.com

First port-of-call for law career information. Provides a support network, actively promotes mooting, pro bono volunteer work, team sports, socials and a mentoring scheme. Publishes own termly magazine and hosts the Law Ball.

LAW & BUSINESS SOCIETY su544@warwicksu.com

We focus on promoting cohesion among Law and Business students, facilitating academic cooperation and networking for people interested in city or corporate careers.

LIT.SOC su190@warwicksu.com

Not just for literature geeks! We provide fun socials and thought-provoking events for literary students from any course to meet and connect.


MUN helps you get involved with global issues by simulating real UN conferences and teaching the art of diplomacy and resolution-writing.

MORSE SOCIETY su367@warwicksu.com

Events for members beyond the scope of the course, including socials, careers events, options evenings and revision notes.

PHILOSOPHY & LITERATURE su532@warwicksu.com

A friendly society exploring Philosophy & Literature via discussions, talks and regular socials.

PHILOSOPHY SOCIETY su542@warwicksu.com

A society for anyone with an interest in philosophy, offering talks, socials and academic support.

PHYSICS SOCIETY su198@warwicksu.com

We offer academic and social events, sports, trips to CERN, mentoring, revision guides and exam support to anyone who enjoys physics!

POLITICS SOCIETY su287@warwicksu.com



Hosting a range of events related to Philosophy, Politics & Economics, we bring together those with an interest in the economic and social world around us.

PREMED su739@warwicksu.com

A forum for discussion, activities and help for students aiming to follow a career in medicine after graduating.

PSYCHOLOGY SOCIETY su540@warwicksu.com

Academic or casual interest? Join for talks and events on topics ranging from mental health to business. Cutting-edge research presented by field experts, relaxed socials and friendly academic support!

RISK MANAGEMENT SOCIETY su712@warwicksu.com

We promote understanding and discussion concerning all aspects of Risk, as well as extending the understanding of Risk Management to all students.

SOCIOLOGY SOCIETY su288@warwicksu.com

Provides a wider social circle for all years of the Sociology Department. Regular socials, events and guest lectures.

SPANISH SOCIETY su556@warwicksu.com

We promote and celebrate Spanish-speaking culture, giving everyone an opportunity to practise their language and meet others who share similar interests.


WINNER 2014-15


An annual conference that brings together inspiring speakers and ground-breaking ideas, held every spring at the University.


An exciting venture catering to the career opportunities presented by Asia. We provide realistic and insightful resources which will equip you with the necessary skills/knowledge for working in this growing, dynamic region.

An impartial and politically-neutral forum for all things political in Warwick Universty.





Skills events with graduate recruiters covering topics such as team building, interview techniques and presentation skills. Regular socials and trips abroad!


WINNER 2014-15


Developing and enriching the next generation of great economic minds, we are a must-have support network for studies and social life.

WARWICK EMERGING MARKETS info@warwickemf.com

WARWICK ENGINEERS An essential part of all Engineering students’ university experience, providing industrial visits, guest lectures, networking events, competitions and socials. WINNER 2014-15


We inspire and develop the future generation of entrepreneurs by encouraging a culture of innovation, inspiration and collaboration. #BeYourOwnBoss, #GlobalEntrepreneurshipWeek, #StartUp, #WarwickApprenticeCompetition. WINNER 2014-15


Your first step to the financial world. The leading finance society as seen at ratemyplacement.co.uk.

WARWICK MANAGEMENT su695@warwicksu.com

We help to develop students’ skills in the field of Management, thus helping them achieve higher results in Management-related degrees.


Represents students of the Warwick Manufacturing Group, holds regular socials and events.


WARWICK MEDICAL SOCIETY su396@warwicksu.com

We provide social and sporting opportunities for medics, and raise money for charities. We organise lectures on topics of interest to our members.


A fun-filled society that combines exciting public speaking with even more exciting socials. We are all about building confidence and even provide you with a shiny award to put on your CV!




WMS consolidates all the extra stimulation you’ll need for your time at Warwick through weekly help sessions, talks on extracurricular topics and socials.


We cover topical issues in the emerging markets such as economics, investment, politics, development and energy through events including a distinguished speaker series and an exciting conference in early November.



For those interested in career management, strategy, engineering and IT consultancy. Presentations, case study workshops, meetings and events.

WARWICK THINK TANK su599@warwicksu.com

We promote critical discussions on contemporary political issues through regular seminars and conferences. We provide opportunities to become involved in publications and work experience.

WORLD@WARWICK su666@warwicksu.com

Not just for Erasmus or international students, we run socials, trips, cultural events and language classes, while our buddy scheme gives home students the opportunity to pair up with Erasmus students!


Paintball without the paint and less pain! A fun, outdoor combat activity where opposing teams work towards objectives while shooting at each other using harmless yet realistic-looking guns.

ANIME & MANGA SOCIETY su271@warwicksu.com

We meet every week to discuss the Japanese media formats Anime and Manga. We have a video and book library showcasing everything from romantic comedies to psychological thrillers.

BRIDGE SOCIETY bridge@warwicksu.com

An active society for people of all abilities, our main session is Sunday afternoon. We have two teams in the local Coventry League and the Portland Bowl (InterUniversity competition), with local events all year.

CHESS SOCIETY su276@warwicksu.com

Weekly opportunities for relaxed social play as well as competitive matches. Tuesdays are league nights, Thursdays are club nights. Players of all levels welcome.

CRAFT SOCIETY su334@warwicksu.com

Revamped for this year, Craft offers new creative activities such as using recycled material for jewellery-making. For all who like to make things, come by and try out our taster sessions!

DOTA SOCIETY su760@warwicksu.com

Dota is a video game dependent on skill and teamwork - come give it a try at our fortnightly gaming sessions or learn about it during a pub social!

FASHION & ARTS SOCIETY su738@warwicksu.com

An all-inclusive network of fashion-lovers looking to access and develop creative interests in its surrounding industries. Through social events and practical projects you’ll have the opportunity to gain experience in design, styling, photography and fashion journalism, as well as being part of a welcoming support network.

FIFA SOCIETY su761@sunion@warwicksu.com

We bring together FIFA-loving fans of all abilities to play and enjoy FIFA in a competitive but friendly environment. FIFA Society will host regular events such as tournaments and weekly relaxed sessions, giving students the opportunity to use nextgeneration games consoles.

GAME OF THRONES SOCIETY warwickgot@gmail.com

Founded in April 2015 by a dedicated exec team that together make up the Small Council. Whether you are a fan of the books, the TV series or both, we run a wide variety of events including quizzes, Laser Quest and pub socials where members can earn points for their chosen house throughout the year. We will also be heading to MCM ComiCon in London this October to connect with other fans.

GO SOCIETY su363@warwicksu.com

Join us to try out the traditional board game of GO, which trains your abstract thinking and concentration.

HARRY POTTER SOCIETY su711@warwicksu.com

Our society brings together all those with a love for the Harry Potter franchise. Meet like-minded people through movie nights, quizzes, debates, treasure hunts and trips!

JANE AUSTEN SOCIETY su751@warwicksu.com

We aim to appreciate and analyse Jane Austen through her novels and all associated adaptations.

JUGGLING SOCIETY su290@warwicksu.com

Learn, practice or perform juggling, poi, diablo and other circus tricks. Join our Facebook group or come along to the Atrium on Fridays from 4-6pm to find out more - everyone is welcome!

MAFIA SOCIETY su759@warwicksu.com

Also known as Werewolf, Assassin or Witch Hunt, MAFIA is an intellectual and psychological party game modelling a battle between an informed minority and an uninformed majority. During the “night” phase, the mafia covertly ‘murder’ a citizen. During the day phase, all of the surviving players debate the identities of the mafia and vote to eliminate suspects.

MATCHDAY su720@warwicksu.com

The society for all Warwick’s football fans! We bring together those who share a passion for the beautiful game through trips to Premier League matches, socials on Champions League nights and much more.

POKER SOCIETY su138@warwicksu.com

Monday evening tournaments, prizes up for grabs, national tournaments with other Universities, trips abroad.

QUIZ SOCIETY su342@warwicksu.com

We combine the excitement of competitive quizzing with fortnightly pub quizzes at The Mighty Duck. Socials, national competitions and excellent company - the only choice for lovers of trivia!


We run board game, CCG, Role-Playing and War Game sessions, totalling over 30 hours each week. We also have an extensive Science Fiction and Fantasy library.

TABLE FOOTBALL SOCIETY su524@warwicksu.com

Weekly group playing sessions, tournaments and matches against other Universities. All abilities welcome.

TAOIST QIGONG su667@warwicksu.com

We teach qigong and neigong derived from ancient Taoist health practices designed to cultivate health, relaxation and longevity.

UPCYCLING su741@warwicksu.com

Promoting a sustainable lifestyle by popularising vintage & thrift shop culture, while introducing the historical aspect of vintage. We also create a platform for meeting those with similar values.


WARWICK DEBATING SOCIETY su315@warwicksu.com

Twice-weekly meetings debating key issues of the day. We cater to all abilities and provide training as you go - arguably the best society on campus!

WARWICK GAME DESIGN exec@warwickgamedesign.co.uk

We make games and hold competitions to test our skills. No prior knowledge is required, and we are happy to teach people how to make games!

WARWICK LEAGUE warwickleaguesociety@gmail.com

Dedicated to playing League of Legends and eSports on campus. Throughout the year we host casual socials, all-night LANs, in-house tournaments and competitive teams in national competitions.

WARWICK MAGIC su467@warwicksu.com

Creating a warm/welcoming environment for everyone to learn, watch and perform magic. All levels welcome!

WARWICK ROCKETS su737@warwicksu.com

These are the voyages of Warwick Rockets. Its continuing mission: to build high-performance rockets, meet fellow space enthusiasts and boldly go where no society has gone before!


FreeRunning involves flips and jumping over walls with confidence and precision. This non-competitive sport is addictive and anyone who tries it will find themselves defying gravity to do the “impossible”!


If you’re a budding investor, want to learn the basics or are simply interested in finance and want to know more, Warwick Virtual Trading Society is for you!

WHO SOC su756@warwicksu.com

A gathering of like-minded people for the purpose of watching, discussing and celebrating the BBC television series Doctor Who.

A society aimed at enjoying and appreciating LEGO, promoting cross-discipline to complete projects and providing an opportunity to meet other hobbyists.





A society drawing attention to human rights issues and concerns, working within the community and standing in solidarity with victims of injustice.

FRIENDS OF PALESTINE su317@warwicksu.com

We aim to raise awareness of the human rights issues in Palestine, and campaign to end them.


The home of the Liberal Democrats on campus. Help us fight for a stronger economy in a fairer society, and to help everyone get on in life.

MEDSIN su203@warwicksu.com

Medsin is a network of students with an interest in health. We promote health and educate students about inequalities in our local and global communities. Future projects may include: Fair Trade, Malaria, PharmAware, StopAIDS and more.

NON-ALIGNED LEFTIST FORUM nalfwarwick@gmail.com

A newly-established society promoting open discussion and debate on left-wing ideas, without the confines of specific parties or ideologies.

OXFAM OUTREACH SOCIETY su463@warwicksu.com

We hold campaigns and fundraise for Oxfam GB and other charitable causes through petition stalls, money collections, music events, street performances guest speakers and film screenings!

PEOPLE & PLANET SOCIETY su216@warwicksu.com

P&P organises actions and campaigns aimed at ending world poverty, defending human rights and protecting the environment.

UNICEF ON CAMPUS unicefoncampus.warwick@gmail.com

We support UNICEF and their efforts to protect the rights of children around the world through fundraising and campaigning events.



We raise awareness of world poverty among students, and host charity events to raise money and help developing countries to eradicate hunger.


A recently-established society campaigning for antiracism on campus. Regular debates, workshops, socials, discussions and campaigns. We also work closely with Warwick’s Pride and Anti-Sexism societies to create a liberation community.


Campaigning and discussing issues surrounding gender, feminism, masculinities and postmodernism. Inclusive society that strives to bring men and women together to put an end to sexist attitudes and practices in society.

WARWICK CONSERVATIVES su207@warwicksu.com

We welcome everyone from die-hard conservatives to the politically uninitiated! High-profile speaker events, great socials and campaigning across the Midlands.


Promoting awareness of the Green Party via speakers, campaigns and the opportunities available through the party’s Young Green division.


We organise the annual WIDS summit, which last year saw 30 high-profile speakers from the UN, DfID, the OECD, Commonwealth and more. Trips to International Development Courses at Oxford and Cambridge, plus the annual international U8 summit.

WARWICK LABOUR su210@warwicksu.com

Represents Labour values on campus - regular campaigns, socials and events with fellow students passionate about social justice.


WINNER 2014-15


We increase awareness of mental health issues by focusing on issues likely to affect students (e.g. eating disorders, depression and self-harm), and aim to reduce stigma by providing facts about these disorders to the student population.

WARWICK PRIDE su211@warwicksu.com

A social, campaigning and welfare society for LGBTUA (lesbian, gay, bi, trans*, undefined and asexual) students. Advice, support, campaigns on issues affecting the LGBTUA community and a range of socials including our spectacular Glitterball.



Part of a national network raising awareness of refugee and asylum issues, campaigning for the rights of refugees and practically supporting asylum seekers through volunteering and fundraising.


DUTCH su731@warwicksu.com

WINNER 2014-15


Promotes diversity and heritage of both cultures. Regular dance, sport, singing, cooking, debating, partying and charity events. Also provides career information.

ARABIC su278@warwicksu.com

Our aim is to bring together Arabs and all those interested in our rich culture through a series of social and cultural events.

BALKAN SOCIETY su752@warwicksu.com

A society aimed at enjoying and promoting a healthy friendship between various Balkan countries.

BRUNEI WARWICK su640@warwicksu.com

We promote Bruneian culture and provide a platform for social interaction and integration.

BULGARIAN SOCIETY bgsoc@warwicksu.com

We organise cultural trips and activities to promote Bulgarian culture among the student body.

CZECH & SLOVAK su642@warwicksu.com

We engage in numerous activities promoting the traditions of the Czech and the Slovak Republic, and encourage any students who wish to learn more about our culture, traditions or people to join!

CHINESE SOCIETY su228@warwicksu.com

Represents and provides a voice for Chinese students. Aims to improve the understanding between Chinese students and others. Regular socials.

CYPRIOT SOCIETY su229@warwicksu.com

Represents Cypriot students and anyone who wants to learn more about Cypriot culture through fun activities and events.

Dedicated to promoting Dutch culture and language by celebrating national events. Don’t be afraid to join if you’ve never lived in Holland or don’t speak Dutch!

FRENCH SPEAKING SOCIETY su525@warwicksu.com

We organise social and cultural events for French speakers studying at the University. We also support students on years abroad in French-speaking countries.

GERMAN SPEAKING warwickgssoc@gmail.com

A mainly (but not exclusive!) German-speaking society which promotes German/Austrian culture, connects German-speaking students and offers opportunities to network with alumni and potential employers!

HORN OF AFRICA SOCIETY su746@warwicksu.com

We aim to unify countries from the Horn of Africa and create a community in which students can celebrate religious diversity.

HUNGARIAN su745@warwicksu.com

We nurture the cultural identity of Hungarian students, as well as promoting the understanding of Hungarian culture & tradition at Warwick.

INDIAN SOCIETY su233@warwicksu.com

Aims to increase understanding of Indian culture at Warwick and provide a social environment for Indian students to meet.

INDONESIAN SOCIETY su392@warwicksu.com

We promote Indonesian culture to members of the University, and provide a platform for social interaction and integration amongst Indonesian students.

JAPAN SOCIETY su364@warwicksu.com

Promotes understanding of Japan as a nation. Provides a forum for Japanese students and all others to meet.

KAZAKH SOCIETY su473@warwicksu.com

Meet Kazakhstani students and celebrate our culture!

KOREAN SOCIETY su521@warwicksu.com

For anyone with an interest in Korean or Asian culture. Film nights, socials, participation in OWW and Soul Asia.

LATIN AMERICAN SOCIETY su505@warwicksu.com

Promotes the values of Latin American culture through cultural, social and sporting activities.

LITHUANIAN SOCIETY su575@warwicksu.com

We aim to unite Lithuanian students at Warwick, along with others interested in our cultural heritage.


Provides support for members; regular socials including Malaysia Night, the largest of its kind in the country.

MAURITIAN SOCIETY su240@warwicksu.com

Promotes Mauritian culture, regular socials and events.

MEXICAN SOCIETY mexsocwarwick@gmail.com

Providing a link between students at the University and Mexico’s fascinating customs and traditions, we aim to organise events that will give members and the general public the chance to learn about and enjoy Mexican culture.

MOROCCAN SOCIETY su753@warwicksu.com

We reunite students from Morocco to their origins and relive some of the specific cultural values of this unique country.

NIGERIAN SOCIETY su432@warwicksu.com

A community of students interested in Nigerian culture and issues, dedicated to holding events which interest, stimulate and empower our members by encouraging interaction.

NORDIC SOCIETY su242@warwicksu.com

Fun-loving society which aims to give Warwick a taste of Nordic food and culture. Provides support, information and wild nights out, hosts the Nordic Ball.


NORTHERN SOCIETY su715@warwicksu.com

Everybody is north of somewhere - come down for a few drinks and relaxed events. Socials include going to the pub, eating pies and trips to the North!

ONE WORLD WEEK su93@warwicksu.com

We celebrate the beauty of our world’s diversity through an inspiring exploration of cultures and human beings. Over the years, OWW has come to be the most important international student festival!

PAKISTANI SOCIETY su165@warwicksu.com

We bring Pakistani culture to Warwick and give you a chance to celebrate this rich and diverse culture through a broad range of events and activities.

POLISH SOCIETY su348@warwicksu.com

Socials, conferences, debates on current affairs, film screenings, cooking and participation in One World Week. For Polish and non-Polish students alike!


We enhance and promote different aspects of the cultures of such a diverse ethnic mix. We are a small, driven community which organises events around linguistic, musical and festive themes.

PUNJABI SOCIETY su765@warwicksu.com

We provide a platform for Punjabis and nonPunjabis to meet and learn more about the region.

ROMANIAN SOCIETY su580@warwicksu.com

Are you Romanian, speak Romanian, have a Romanian friend or simply have an interest in all things Romanian? If so, join us!

RUSSIAN SPEAKING SOCIETY su512@warwicksu.com

A large multi-national community consisting of people from CIS countries and others willing to communicate in Russian. All our events are based on Russian culture and traditions, such as 8th March, 9th May and Maslenitsa.


SINGAPORE SOCIETY su243@warwicksu.com

A society for Singaporeans to feel at home and introduce our unique culture to the Warwick community.

SRI LANKAN SOCIETY su245@warwicksu.com

A close-knit cultural society which holds events allyear round such as the Cricket Tournament, which last year had 12 universities participating.

SWISS SOCIETY su735@warwicksu.com

We promote understanding of the Swiss country and culture, together with a forum for both Swiss and non-Swiss students to engage in.

TAIWANESE su744@Warwicksu.com

A forum for Taiwanese and non-Taiwanese students to engage with Taiwanese culture. We welcome members from all ethnicities and backgrounds!

TAMIL su704@warwicksu.com

We celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the Tamilspeaking community (spread across countries such as Sri Lanka, India and Malaysia to name just a few), and encourage non-Tamil students to learn more about the variety of histories, religions, festivals and beliefs that we unite!

THAI SOCIETY su250@warwicksu.com

Activities, events and socials for Thai and non-Thai students alike.

THIRD CULTURE SOCIETY su595@warwicksu.com

We aim to unite those who are part of a Third Culture (one that is neither yours nor your parents’) and create a familiar base for those making the transition to University life.

TURKISH SOCIETY su549@warwicksu.com

We create a platform for anyone who holds an interest in Turkish culture, and advocate for the awareness and understanding of Turkey’s historical/ social aspects.

VIETNAMESE SOCIETY su374@warwicksu.com

Activities, excursions, Vietnamese food, socials and a cultural night. Fun and supportive society which welcomes anyone who wants to find out more about Vietnam, its people and culture.

WARWICK ASIAN SOCIETY su226@warwicksu.com

Promotes diversity of Asian culture through food, music, dance and talks. Regular social events, trips to Birmingham and Nottingham, an Asian BBQ and Ball. Career advice also provided.

WARWICK HONG KONG SOCIETY su184@warwicksu.com

Promotes understanding of the culture via regular socials, sight-seeing trips, sports tournaments, singing competitions and Chinese Festivals. Warwick International

FOUNDATION PROGRAMME su728@warwicksu.com

WIFP is a 9-month, fast-track pre-uni academic programme, designed specifically for students who wish to join a Warwick undergraduate course. Our society equips students with the skills and experiences to shape their own academic futures.

WELSH SOCIETY su251@warwicksu.com

Welsh Society brings together everyone from different nations and backgrounds who are interested in the heritage and language of Wales.


WARWICK GLOBALIST su690@warwicksu.com


Better.Fun.Talking is a student production company which duplicates the actual film & television industry. Our members are actors, crew members, writers and directors, all with an equal passion for film-making and the desire to develop film projects.

COBALT MAGAZINE su754@warwicksu.com

We produce a high-quality magazine featuring material entirely written by Warwick Students, as well as promoting creative and intellectual content.


A society for the discussion and sharing of Comic Books and all comic-related things. Because they are awesome.


WINNER 2014-15


Warwick’s student-run campus radio station, broadcasting 24 hours a day. Presenting, publicity, engineering, production and behind-the-scenes opportunities all available. Winner of many national Student Radio Awards!

THE BOAR su272@warwicksu.com

The Boar is the University’s editorially-independent student newspaper, published fortnightly. The paper is run by students for students, and all editorial board positions are voluntary.

THE WRITING SOCIETY su507@warwicksu.com


One of the top 3 UK student cinemas, with a variety of films shown every week ranging from blockbusters to independents. Tickets from just £2, plus opportunities to get involved in Projection, IT, Publicity and Front of House.

WARWICK TV Warwick’s NaSTA Award-winning television station, making everything from short films to live broadcasts. You can get involved in every stage of production, and no experience is necessary!



Love taking photos? So do we! Socials, training sessions, exhibitions, tours, darkroom, free kit rental and disposable cameras - we do it all!





Gain hands-on experience in International Journalism by showcasing your work to a global audience. We aim to connect students to a network of the world’s most elite Universities through International Affairs Journalism.

Poetry, prose, screenplays - labels are labels. Words are everywhere: the original secret code. Return to the source and let the mind play.

ALLOTMENT SOCIETY su424@warwicksu.com

A space on campus designed to demonstrate the benefits and accessibility of low-impact agriculture.

CHEESE & CHOCOLATE su354@warwicksu.com

A community of students engaged and committed to the cause of cheese and chocolate.

COCKTAIL CLUB su747@warwicsu.com

Welcome to the cocktail appreciation society! We host a range of events for the making and drinking of cocktails.

REAL ALE SOCIETY su300@warwicksu.com

Promotes the drinking of Real Ale and cider. In addition to regular socials, trips abroad, visits to nearby breweries and CAMRA festivals, we organise the UK’s largest student beer festival in Term 2!

WINE & WHISKY APPRECIATION SOC su519@warwicksu.com

A sociable group promoting the enjoyment of these interesting drinks. We run a variety of events including beginners’ classes, advanced tastings, regional tastings and seminars on food-matching. Prior knowledge is not assumed!

MUSIC APPRECIATION HIP HOP su718@warwicksu.com

A brand new society and hub for fans, MCs, DJs, producers and dancers alike.If you’re a fellow hip hop head or just want to discover more about this exciting and dynamic genre, come and chill with us at one of our many socials.

OFFBEAT su256@warwicksu.com

The home of independent and alternative music at Warwick - join us for regular socials, quizzes, compilation-swaps and more!

WARWICK BASS su541@warwicksu.com

For fans of bass-centric music such as Drum’n’Bass, Dubstep and House. We organise socials, club trips, DJ lessons, house parties, Q-jumps and more!

ROCK SOC su257@warwicksu.com

Into anything from blues to death metal? We hold weekly socials, as well as DJ opportunities and trips to gigs.

GOOD FOOD SOCIETY su458@warwicksu.com

For all lovers of food, whether you cook or just enjoy tasting. We organise restaurant trips, bakeoffs and give you easy-to-make recipes!



A fun dance society with weekly lessons and socials, plus a special Milonga every term.

BAND SOCIETY su260@warwicksu.com

For anyone making music of any genre or looking to start a band. Discounted practice facilities, help arranging gigs, advice on recording, promotion and equipment. Cheap lessons on guitar, bass and drum for any standard. Annual Battle of the Bands!

BHANGRA su306@warwicksu.com

Weekly classes teaching traditional Bhangra dance moves, open to all abilities. You’ll also have the chance to compete and perform in shows.

BELLYDANCING SOCIETY su422 @warwicksu.com

Join a community of dancers who enjoy working together to create beautiful shows. Classes are run by professionals and the exec, alongside performances and socials. All abilities welcome!

BIG BAND exec@thebigband.co.uk

Non-auditioned, award-winning ensemble playing swing, jazz, latin, funk and blues. Regular gigs, socials and overseas tours. Rehearsals are at 7:30pm on Thursdays in the Ensemble Room of the Music Centre.

BOLLYWOOD DANCE SOCIETY su309@warwicksu.com

Do you wanna jhoom barabar jhoom? Bollywood Dance is a great way to relieve stress, have fun and make new friends! We welcome all abilities from beginners to masters. Aaja nachle!

BRASS SOCIETY su263@warwicksu.com

Award-winning, non-auditioned Brass Band and Symphonic Brass Ensemble for players of all standards. Regular concerts, contests, tours and socials! You can also learn to play a brass instrument from scratch.


BREAKDANCE SOCIETY su325@warwicksu.com

Lessons from one of the most respected UK breakers plus performances and club visits from European Crews. Regular practices for all abilities!

CHINESE ORCHESTRA su685@warwicksu.com

We welcome students who are interested in playing Chinese instruments or wish to develop their skills as part of our orchestra.

CODPIECE THEATRE su166@warwicksu.com

The society for new devised work, community projects and workshops. We create adaptations, devise from any stimulus, and start from tiny ideas to build them into epics. Come and play…

COMEDY SOCIETY su281@warwicksu.com

Warwick’s (officially) funniest society. We seek to serve those who embrace the lighter side of life, namely anyone who can openly laugh in the face of life within two miles of Coventry...

DRAMA COLLECTIVE su444@warwicksu.com

The amalgamation of Warwick’s diverse dramatic societies, bringing together the unique qualities of each to create a drama community.

DRUMMING SOCIETY su461@warwicksu.com

Bringing people together to enjoy making music in its simplest form. Learn about rhythm, play together and nurture your passion for drumming!

EQHO DANCE su469@warwicksu.com

Perform, teach, compete and develop dance styles while raising money for charity. Our main genre is hip-hop and street, plus other contemporary styles.

FRESH BLOOD THEATRE su247@warwicksu.com

Society for student-written and produced theatre, music and other art projects. Includes actors, writers, singers, designers and directors. Regular shows including dramas, comedies, musicals and cabaret nights!

GAANA DANCE SOCIETY su749@warwicksu.com

We are a performance society which promotes Gaana music and dance via competitions, performances and socials.

MUSIC THEATRE WARWICK exec@musictheatrewarwick.co.uk

Musicals, concerts and showcases directed, produced, designed & choreographed by students. We offer opportunities for performing, playing in a band or becoming a member of a production team!

ORIENTAL PERFORMANCE su482@warwicksu.com

We bring together those with a passion for oriental culture through diverse dance, fashion and musical performances.

OPERA WARWICK su301@warwicksu.com

A society for singers, actors, musicians and creative teams, producing exciting full-scale operas and smaller projects throughout the year.

POETRY SLAMMING warwickpoets@gmail.com

A society aimed at creating a space for our voices in the world. Our main focus is personal development through written and verbal self-expression in a safe and supportive artistic environment.

POLE DANCE su419@warwicksu.com

Exec-led classes and regular socials. All abilities, fitness levels and even guys are welcome! Our aim is to get fitter, more flexible and have fun.


Friendly Christian-based rock-gospel choir which welcomes anyone with any belief or talent. Weekly rehearsals, no auditions, songs taught with an emphasis on having as much fun as possible.

SALSA DANCING SOCIETY su397@warwicksu.com

WINNER 2014-15

A large and vibrant social scene built around a legendary activity, Salsa attracts the happiest people from a sweeping cross-section of nationalities!

SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY su481@warwicksu.com

A performance and educational society focusing on all things Shakespearian, from organising trips to staging his plays and exploring his legacy through workshops.

STRING ORCHESTRA SOCIETY su373@warwicksu.com

A classical, unauditioned, friendly string ensemble which performs a wide range of classical music and is conducted by Roger Coull of the Coull quartet.

SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA su268@warwicksu.com

Symphony Orchestra has up to a hundred students and staff who rehearse once a week and perform up to three concerts a term. Auditioned Wind and Brass only.

TECH CREW su518@warwicksu.com

For anyone interested in Technical Theatre. Working mainly in Warwick’s professional touring Arts Centre, we offer opportunities to work on a range of student productions - from lighting and sound design to stage and technical management.

VOCSOC su767@warwicksu.com

A fun and relaxed platform for singers at Warwick where all genres and abilities are welcome. Every week we hold a rehearsal session to give members the opportunity to work on both solo and group arrangements of different songs. If you enjoy singing and want to come and sing along to some great songs each week, that’s what we’re here for too!

WARWICK FOLK exec@warwickfolk.co.uk

Traditional music, song and dance. Weekly band and dance practices, fortnightly Ceilidh clubs and sessions, plus Ceilidhs twice a term and trips to nearby events.

WARWICK GLEE su652@warwicksu.com

An informal grouping of students aiming to achieve a professional level as a show choir. We engage in singing, dancing, acting and the ability to play musical instruments. All levels welcome!


WITS focuses on fast-paced improvisation work through a combination of short and long-form drama, providing a unique theatrical experience.


Performing dances such as Kathak, Bharatanatyam and Kuchipudi, we participate in Warwick’s cultural events. Beginners and experienced dancers welcome!


We provide a platform for musicians of all backgrounds to develop & showcase their skills through our weekly tutor-facilitated rehearsals and performances.

WARWICK PIANO SOCIETY warwickpiano@googlemail.com

An ensemble of piano enthusiasts fostered and unified through a voluntary mentoring scheme, free professional workshops on techniques, group trips to concerts, socials, informal laid-back recitals, termly public concerts and more.

WARWICK STUDENT ARTS FESTIVAL coordinator@wsaf.co.uk

Better known as ‘WSAF’, we organise the centrepiece of Warwick’s student arts programme: a 4-day festival which takes place across campus and in the local area.

WARWICK TAP su330@warwicksu.com

We welcome tap dancers of all levels from complete beginners to advanced, and host lessons from an ex‘Tap Dog’! Join and perform in a dance spectacular, Pizazz, plus various competitions.

WIND ORCHESTRA su269@warwicksu.com

Wholly non-auditioned ensemble welcoming players (wind, brass and percussion) of any ability. Weekly rehearsals, regular concerts in the local area, annual competition, annual tour, workshops and socials.



An award-winning society that stages published plays, encouraging students to take works by everyone from Shakespeare to Simon Stephens and do exactly what they want with them.


For practicing Buddhists and complete beginners. Weekly meditation sessions, discussions, festival and exhibition visits, members’ library, socials.

CATHSOC su446@warwicksu.com

CathSoc combines the spiritual and social aspect of the Catholic faith at Warwick. We aim to build community through the celebration of mass and spiritual, social and fundraising events.

CHRISTIAN FOCUS christianfocus.society@warwicksu.com

A friendly, all-welcoming Christian society with theological and social justice talks and discussions on Thursdays at 7:30pm, plus weekly socials with a two-course meal Sunday 7pm (both in the Chaplaincy).

CHRISTIAN UNION su657@warwicksu.com

The Christian Union meets every week to study the Bible and holds regular events for anyone interested in exploring or discussing the Christian Faith.

HINDU SOCIETY su244@warwicksu.com

Affiliated with the NHSF, we promote ideas of peace, harmony and acceptance. Regular Aartis, involvement in national sports tournaments and cultural celebrations.

ISLAMIC SOCIETY (ISOC) su235@warwicksu.com

ISoc’s aim is to unite Muslims from around the world, to be compassionate about their welfare and to maintain a good relationship with fellow faith groups.

JEWISH-ISRAELI SOCIETY su237@warwicksu.com

Countless social events including Shabbat Dinners, Israeli Movie Nights and BAGE-Lunch! Discussions and talks by guest speakers.


A society where everyone is welcome to share a platform discussing topics affecting all our lives, with a firm basis in spiritual awakening.


SIKH SOCIETY su513@warwicksu.com

We aim to educate people on Sikh philosophy and provide an insight into the beauty of Sikhi. We host events, socials and trips to Leamington Gurdwara.


Catering for faithless students wishing to make the most out of their self-defined morality. Stance of atheism but all views welcome. Socials and events promoting understanding and discussion of atheism.


Against animal testing, hunting and other forms of cruelty? Want to get involved in campaigns? We’re a new and friendly society, open to anyone!


From complete beginners to those who have completed Bronze, Silver or Gold, we promote and assist participation in the D of E Award scheme.

EFFECTIVE ALTRUISM su742@warwicksu.com

We inform students about effective altruism by promoting giving to cost-effective societies, as well as providing advice about careers which encourage giving to charity.



Global non-profit organisation offering students the opportunity to develop leadership, teamwork and communication skills through learning, practicing and teaching the principles of free enterprise.


We are an international development organisation that removes barriers to development through engineering. This is accomplished via talks, practical workshops and international projects.


JAILBREAK su390@warwicksu.com

As the UK’s largest student charity, Jailbreak participants raise over £30,000 annually fleeing campus and seeing how far they can get in just 36 hours without spending a penny on transport!

KENYAN ORPHAN PROJECT (KOP) su684@warwicksu.com

KOP is a UK charity committed to supporting the health and education of orphans and vulnerable children in Africa. Our projects and partners are currently focused in Western Kenya. University groups provide direct support for the projects.

NIGHTLINE su222@warwicksu.com

Nightline provide a non-judgmental, confidential peer-to-peer support service for all students, as well as providing condoms, pregnancy tests, attack alarms and other useful information upon request.

PUGWASH warwickpugwash@gmail.com

WPSS represents the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs at the University of Warwick. We aim to raise awareness on Weapons of Mass Destruction and nuclear weapons in order to reduce the risk of international conflicts, while discussing technological improvements which may create instability.

RAG su221@warwicksu.com

Last year we raised over £300,000 for great causes by organising events including our award-winning RAG week, animal costumes, having the time of your life and bagging a bit of good karma along the way!

ST JOHN AMBULANCE LINKS su224@warwicksu.com

St John Ambulance is the nation’s leading First Aid charity. Warwick LINKS is the local student branch of SJA, providing free first aid courses to all its members.

STUDENT SCOUT & GUIDE SOCIETY su308@warwicksu.com

Want to stay involved in Scouts or Guides? Warwick SSAGO is part of a national organisation of student Scouts and Guides which organises camps and other events throughout the year.

WARWICK ENABLE su708@warwicksu.com

A society for disabled students, their friends, allies, enablers and carers at the University. Our aim is to create a community that can help provide for and support disabled students here at Warwick.

WARWICK HITCH su194@warwicksu.com

Promotes and fundraises for the Morocco Hitch and other European outings, and assists hitches through fundraising events. Around 100 students from Warwick are expected to take part in the hitch, so join us on this incredible journey!

WARWICK INSPIRE su705@warwicksu.com

A student-led widening participation scheme in which members are able to go into local schools and talk to children about the benefits of Higher Education. There’s also the chance to get involved in TeachFirst fundraising events.


WINNER 2014-15


We aim to give every student the opportunity to join the bone marrow register and raise awareness of the Anthony Nolan trust and blood cancer. We also help students to organise/run donor recruitment events.

WARWICK VOLUNTEERS volunteers@warwick.ac.uk

Opportunities to make a positive contribution to the local community. Over 40 student-run projects including work with refugees, people with disabilities, educational/environmental projects and overseas charity work. Regular socials.


We raise awareness around campus and the local area to further understanding of the situations faced by war-torn communities across the world. Our fundraising focuses on sponsorship, so that female survivors of war can enrol in Women for Women International’s programs.













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WARWICK STUDENTS’ UNION LTD is registered as a company in England and Wales Company number: 7297865 | Registered UK Charity: Charity number: 1136894 | Registered Office: Warwick University Students’ Union, Coventry, CV4 7AL

STUDENTS’ UNION SERVICES WARWICK LIMITED is registered as a company in England and Wales Company number: 2197761 | Registered Office: Warwick University Students’ Union, Coventry, CV4 7AL MEMBERSHIP SOLUTIONS LIMITED is registered as a company in England and Wales

Company number: 5525449 | Registered Office: Warwick University Students’ Union, Coventry, CV4 7AL

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