What We Do For You 2011

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what we do for you

| introduction

“ A year of increased engagement, new initiatives and encouraging feedback; 2010/11 has been a positive one for your Union. Although the fees agenda has certainly been challenging, this year has seen more of you join clubs and societies, increased turnout in elections, a new campaigning resolve and greater interest in student politics. This guide has been put together in an attempt to summarise an historic year in mere pages. You will find a summary from each Sabbatical Officer of their work this year, updates on our most high-profile campaigns, and reports from Union democracy and the Student Advice Centre on their work in 2010/11. Remember that this is your Union, directed by you and for you. Read on as we tell you what we do, for you.”

Chris Luck, Democracy and Communications Officer 2010/11

sabbatical officer team 2010/11 Daniel Stevens WARWICK SU president


Chris Luck WARWICK SU democracy & communications officer

Stu Stanley | what we do for you




Andy White WARWICK SU societies OFFICER

George Whitworth WARWICK SU sports OFFICER

from left to right:

Daniel Stevens, Sean Ruston, Leo Bøe, Stu Stanley, Andy White, George Whitworth and Chris Luck

introduction Our Mission Our Vision Our Values

sabbatical officers President Education Officer Democracy & Communications Officer Finance Officer Welfare Officer Societies Officer Sports Officer

our mission what is it? “This Union is directed by its

members and aims to enhance the experience of students whilst at the University of Warwick.” Warwick SU Mission Statement

our vision what is it? “To become the most innovative and inclusive Students’ Union in the UK.”

our values what are they?

▫▫Student-Led ▫▫Innovative

▫▫Inclusive ▫▫Ethical

part-time officers campaigns Warwick SU Puts Its Foot Down Taken for a Ride Relax Housing Campaign Other Campaigns

university meetings student advice centre union democracy student activities what we do for you the future

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contents ... find out exactly what we do for you!

sabbatical officers ‌ each year you elect 7 individuals to run your Union on your behalf – read on to find out what your representatives have been up to this year.

what i do for you… represent students at the University’s highest decision-making bodies, campaign for change on issues relevant to the whole student body, chair the Board of Trustees. Created an internationalisation strategy for the SU and secured significant funding. The Union had a bigger presence at this year’s Orientation and there are going to be quite a few things launched in Term 3.


Worked closely with the NUS International Officer in combating the changes to student visas. Lobbied MPs, the Russell Group, Lords and CBI to be more vocal against visa changes.

Daniel Stevens

WARWICK SU president

president@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2784 Level 2, SUHQ


Authored submissions to both the University Strategy and a paper outlining what students expect with the fee increases. Both papers have been critical in directing the University’s new strategy and advocate significant investment in both the academic and student experience.

“ A well run and active Students’ Union, one of the best in the country, perhaps even the best in the country. It’s given me a chance to develop my personal skills, has given me an awareness of campaigns and other important issues, and it’s Next year’s President: responsible for everything good about Uni life.“

Leo Bøe

WARWICK SU president 2011-12

The Big Five 2011, Anonymous


Represented the view expressed in last year’s ‘Big Five’ that you are worried about employability – the University is now ensuring that all departments have a greater focus on employability. We are working with Careers & Skills to ensure students are aware of the extensive services already available.


Lobbied the University on a range of issues: transport, accommodation, campus costs, feedback, support for clubs and societies, recycling in halls, work spaces on campus and more!


Relaunched and lead the Taken for a Ride bus campaign with significant success.

Next year’s President:

Leo Bøe

WARWICK SU president 2011-12

| what we do for you


| sabbatical officers

su president


| sabbatical officers

education officer what i do for you… co-ordinate the SSLC system, deal with academic complaints and appeals, lead Inspire, campaign on fees, primary contact with the Library, Careers Service and Learning Grid.


Organised and ran the Warwick SU Inspire scheme, taking Warwick students into local schools to talk about their University experience and inspire the next generation of learners.


orked to improve the feedback W you receive on essays and exams. Ran a day with academics to discuss how feedback can be improved and, after a lot of lobbying, changes are being introduced for next year.

▫▫ Sean Ruston


an the Warwick SU Puts Its Foot R Down campaign and organised the fees demonstrations for Warwick. Led Warwick students to London on the day of the National Demonstration (10/11/10).


Lobbied the University to secure extra investment for the student experience (specifically for improving teaching quality and a reformed personal tutor system). Ensured fee rises will not damage access for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.


Helped students on an individual basis who found themselves in personal difficulty with their department and representing them when the University may have got it wrong.


Co-ordinated the SSLC system with elections, training and support throughout the year.

education@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2779

| what we do for you

Level 2, SUHQ


“ The SU has allowed me to become involved in different aspects of the running of my department Next year’s Education Officer: through SSLCs and I’ve enjoyed having a real impact in this way.“

Sean Ruston


The Big Five 2011, Anonymous

Next year’s education officer:

Sean Ruston


| sabbatical officers

democracy & communications officer what i do for you… responsible for elections, referenda, Union Council, Exec and Union democracy generally, receive and respond to student feedback, produce Union publicity (Bubble, SU Guide, weekly emails…), responsible for SU website.




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Created ‘Have Your Say’ to give you a consistent feedback channel in outlets, at Reception, online and in the Bubble, along with running this year’s Big Five to get your thoughts on Warwick SU. versaw the development and O redesign of www.warwicksu.com with integration of an online calendar so you can see everything that is going on in your Union at the click of a button.

▫▫ Chris Luck

WARWICK SU democracy & communications officer


rganised (with the Democratic O Services Office) Union Council, Exec, Officer Elections 2011, the Education Officer re-poll, Autumn Elections and Spring Referenda.

reated and ran RANT Week in C term one to hear all your moans, gripes and complaints about the Union and University. ewrote the Bye-Laws to the R Union’s Governing Documents. ick-started a Democracy Review K to ensure Union democracy remains relevant and represents your needs in the future.


Wrote this guide so that you know exactly what it is that we do for you!


rote the SU Guide, the Bubble, W Freshers Guides, all-member emails, news articles, Facebook, Twitter…

024 7657 2785

| what we do for you

Level 2, SUHQ


“ Involvement in Elections Group gave me some great hands-on experience whilst working with some amazing Next year’s Democracypeople Officer: - which definitely helped me in my partner interview for a graduate job.“

Chris Luck

Vicky2011-12 Arthur, WARWICK SU democracy OFFICER

3rd year Accounting and Finance

Next year’s democracy officer:

Chris Luck

WARWICK SU democracy officer 2011-12

| sabbatical officers

finance officer what i do for you... oversee Union’s Finances and the budgeting process, support clubs and societies on all money matters, primary contact for the Entertainments and Food & Beverage teams.




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Organised and ran the Second Hand Booksale with students buying and selling over £40k worth of books this year. Helped societies and clubs manage their finances, ensuring the books balance and helping them when difficulties arise.


Ensuring student feedback is listened to in the commercial (Entertainments and Food & Beverage) areas – this year we brought back Top Banana because of your feedback!

Stu Stanley



Helped clubs and societies run their own events – from talks and tours to club nights and balls.

rganised, with the commercial O team, the summer events – picking the venue, acts and even the menu for the Graduation Ball and Summer Party. rote the request for our annual W grant from the University. versaw the budgeting process O for the whole Union, ensuring resources are put where they will most benefit students.


Sat on University Council, the highest decision-making body at the University to ensure students’ views are heard.

finance@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2780

| what we do for you

Level 2, SUHQ


“ The Union has given me a job, which I wouldn’t be

Next year’s Unionand there are some great places to here without, Development Officer: eat. Also, Uni life just wouldn’t be Uni without a few

sweet memories of nights out.“ George Whitworth WARWICK SU Union development OFFICER 2011-12

The Big Five 2011, Anonymous

Next year’s Union Development officer:

George Whitworth

WARWICK SU union development officer 2011-12

| sabbatical officers

welfare officer what i do for you… support you through hard times, advise on accommodation issues, responsible for equal opportunities, run welfare campaigns including sexual health and antidiscrimination.


Tackled hate crime and promoted hate crime reporting, meeting with the University to discuss safety on campus. As part of this, ran a campaign for Holocaust Memorial Day with a video from students entitled ‘Not in Our Generation’.

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Wrote and circulated an offcampus living guide to students in Leamington. Engaged with minority groups to find out about their expectations from the SU, including religious minorities, LGBTUA+ students, students with disabilities and women.

Leo Bøe


welfare@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2778

| what we do for you

Level 2, SUHQ


WARWICK SU welfare OFFICER 2011-12

Organised 6 free and confidential GUM (Sexual Health) Clinics and a Blood Drive on campus. Ran the Relax (Housing) Campaign along with Welfare Committee with the best-attended Housing Day ever.


Had input into the University’s special examination arrangements policy, pushing them to include it in personal tutor training.


Ran the Feel Good Campaign to keep you going through the stressful exam period.


Found housing for over 180 students left without University accommodation at the beginning of the year and have resolved 100 other housing issues, many leading to financial compensation for students.

“ I’ve received good advice on housing and other topics from the Student Advice Centre and have previously volunteered as a Community Rep. My experiences have made me want to help others Next year’s Welfare Officer: and get involved in the Union.“

Izzy John

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The Big Five 2011, Anonymous

Next year’s welfare officer:

Izzy John

WARWICK SU welfare officer 2011-12

| sabbatical officers

societies officer what i do for you... contact for all Societes about all issues, runs Societies Fair, leads Society Conventions, runs the Society Awards, promotes Society activities, lead contact for One World Week and WSAF.

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Organised the two-day Societies Fair in Term 1 with a record number of stalls and sign-ups. Held two Society Conventions, briefing execs about new opportunities but also giving the Society Convention decisionmaking power for the first time.

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Increased the advertising opportunities open to Societies for their events. Took the lead on liaison between One World Week and the Union, and doing the same for WSAF.

Andy White


societies@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2781


Changed the way Society Committee is elected, moving the power from Union Council to Societies Convention – making its membership more representative to your needs.


Campaigned for the change in Society sponsorship restrictions in this year’s Referenda – resulting in societies being able to make their own sponsorship decisions.


Along with Societies Committee, have set up some great new societies this year.

Organised the Society Awards night with a new award introduced for the Best Exec. Ran the audition process for Warwick’s entry to this year’s University Challenge competition.

| what we do for you

Level 2, SUHQ


“ University life without the wide range of opportunities in sports clubs and societies would not be a Next year’s Societies Officer: University life worth living.“

Matt Rogers

WARWICK SU societies OFFICER 2011-12

The Big Five 2011, Anonymous

Next year’s societies officer:

Matt Rogers

WARWICK SU societies officer 2011-12

| sabbatical officers

sports officer what i do for you... contact for all Sports Clubs about all issues, runs Sports Fair, leads Sports Council, helps deliver Warwick Sport, runs annual Varsity tournament against Coventry, runs ‘Summer of Sport’.



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Organised Sports Fair in Term 1, improving layout and traffic flow for the event and aiding with exhibitions such as the demo area in Desso Hall and outdoor demos for Lacrosse, Snow, American Football and Polo. Facilitated increased memberships to Warwick Sport and to most of our clubs. Improved Pop! with a termly, rather than weekly, circling plan and more pints pre-poured before the doors open resulting in faster service, greater satisfaction and increased attendances.

George Whitworth


sports@warwicksu.com 024 7657 2776

Created a Sponsorship Pack to aid clubs and societies in receiving sponsorship for the academic year 2011/12, as well as liaising with relevant individuals from the top graduate recruiters to ensure that the sponsorship process is as smooth as possible. Organised this year’s Sports Ball. Ran 2011’s Summer of Sport in Week 9, Term 3 with a range of post-exam competitions as we offered up a week of casual week of sporting activities.


Organised this year’s Varsity series with increased attendance, awareness and even an increased margin of victory!

| what we do for you

Level 2, SUHQ


“ Sports have really made Warwick my own, feeling part of a team is something you can’t beat. The SU makes possible to join clubs and teams so easily Next year’sit Sports Officer: and everyone is always so welcoming.“

Chris Sury

WARWICK SU sports OFFICER 2011-12

The Big Five 2011, Anonymous

Next year’s sports officer:

Chris Sury

WARWICK SU sports officer 2011-12

part-time officers ... each year you elect 26 Part-Time Officers to support your Sabbatical team in running your Union on your behalf.

who were they? Your Sabbatical team this year have been supported by an outstanding Part-Time Officer team, responsible for committees, forums, campaigns and representing faculties. Delivering so much for you whilst studying is no mean feat, and these individuals have been exceptional: CHAIR OF UNION COUNCIL

Rory Kinane Deputy Chair of Union Council

James Entwistle Executive Committee Chair

Gareth Williams Academic Forum Co-ordinator

Iqra Mussaddaq Campaigns Forum Co-ordinator

Megan Fortune Democracy Committee Chair

Vicky Fowler Societies Committee Chair

Rick Dewhirst-Lister Student Sport Committee Chair

Kim Robinson Welfare Committee Chair

Sophie Allkins International Forum Co-ordinator

Akshay Bhatia Lifelong Learning Officer

Teri-Leigh White Postgrad Forum Co-ordinator

Harmanjot Sing and Karan Gupta Anti-Racism Campaigns Officer

Jehanzeb Khan Environment Campaigns Officer

Sam Tovey

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Ethics & Social Justice Campaigns Officer

Fatema Karim Ethnic Minorities Campaigns Officer

Kate Rhule LGBTUA+ Campaigns Officer

Izzy John Students with Disabilities Campaigns Officer

Ben Elvidge Women’s Campaigns Officer

Charli Fritzner UG Arts Faculty Rep

Steph Poole UG Science Faculty Rep

John Lapage UG Social Science Faculty Rep

Erin Davies Medical Faculty Rep

Sami Ekeocha PG Arts Faculty Rep

Yvonne Kay PG Science Faculty Rep

Daren Maynard PG Social Science Faculty Rep

Alex Di Mascio

| what we do for you

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| part-time officers

part-time officers


campaigns … one of the Union’s primary functions is to run campaigns. These can be to the University, locally or nationally – read on to find out about 3 of our major campaigns this year.

what was it? Our priority campaign this year, Warwick SU Puts Its Foot Down was born

| campaigns

warwick su puts its foot down out of the threatened rise in tuition fees and proposed cuts to higher education funding.


National Demonstration: 10/11/10 300 Warwick students marched peacefully alongside 50,000 others through the streets of Central London in the biggest student demonstration for decades.


LOBBYING In the weeks before the vote we targeted local Lib Dem MP Lorely Burt (Solihull). We collected over 1,300 signatures from Solihull Sixth Formers, sent hundreds of personalised emails and letters to MPs and persuaded Ms Burt to abstain; better than voting for fees, but not what she had pledged to do.


The day of the vote: 09/12/10 Sabbatical Officers spent 6 hours in Parliament meeting and lobbying MPs, fighting for student rights.


Media Attention With campus marches, an occupation and constant interviews, we maintained good media coverage and kept the issue in the news.

what did we achieve? The campaign nationally did not achieve its aims of preventing an increase in tuition fees. However, although fees were trebled to £9,000, the student movement clearly demonstrated its strength and had its voice heard. It has certainly had a significant impact on the political landscape, and will continue to do so in relation to widening access and academic quality. The focus now turns to the future and onto Warwick – the cuts to Higher Education funding will be severe, and we are working to protect your student experience and the rights of those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

| what we do for you

what did we do?


| campaigns

taken for a ride what was it? Our bus campaign! Aimed at Stagecoach and Travel Coventry, looking at price, frequency and service with the aim of making improvements.

what did we do?


The Meetings We, along with the University’s Transport Manager, met with the Managing Directors of Stagecoach and Travel Coventry to explain the issues students faced and demand a better quality service.


what did we achieve?

The Petition We spent a week gathering your signatures at bus stops and around campus, creating a movement for change.

Whilst Stagecoach have remained unresponsive, Travel Coventry have announced significant improvements to their number 12 service with more frequent and evening buses.

The Letter We created a Facebook group which nearly 1,000 of you joined and received over 100 email complaints which we compiled into a 16 page letter to send to the companies.

The University has also released news of its own bus service – serving Coventry currently, with plans to offer a Leamington equivalent from the start of the next academic year.


relax housing campaign what was it? Our housing campaign to dispel the ‘three housing myths’ that 1) all the good properties go first, 2) there aren’t enough houses off-campus, 3) all students get value for money.

what did we do? | what we do for you



Spread the message of our three myths online, in the Bubble, in the Atrium and in person on kitchen tours.


Housing Day 2011 700 of you came to the Atrium to talk to current students living offcampus, local authorities, Advice Centre staff, insurance companies and the police about all the options, Coventry, Leamington and more.


The Student Advice Centre looked through contracts, offered advice and helped you make those final decisions.

what did we achieve? It’s hard to quantify this one, but case statistics from the Student Advice Centre suggest this was a hugely successful campaign. Fewer students rushed into contracts, more of you got better deals and plenty used the resources we had on offer. In years to come we hope our 3 myths will be no more!

what were they? This year has seen numerous campaigns put together by Societies and Part-

| campaigns

other campaigns Time Officers, a few highlights are below. For more details head to www.warwicksu.com/campaigns.


| what we do for you



university meetings … your representatives sit on some of the University’s highest decision-making bodies – read on to find out what we’ve managed to change, introduce and stop this year.

what was it? Your Sabbatical Officers sit on numerous University committees and meet regularly with members of the senior team. Whilst tuition fees have remained a consistently high profile issue, many others have come up at these meetings with the Union working hard to represent your views.

university council and senate

finance & general board of undergrad purposes committee studies

The highest decision-making bodies for the University, Council and Senate are key decision-making bodies where the Union has a voice. This year the University’s Strategy has been a crucial matter, with SU lobbying resulting in an extra £10million planned investment for the student experience. Widening Participation has also been a common theme, with the University committing to spending extra on bursaries with the new fee arrangement. Other big topics this year include eating facilities on campus, library overcrowding and contact hours – on all these we have fought on your behalf and are seeing some progress.

Sitting on F&GPC has given the Union a key voice on the setting of campus rents and on accommodation strategy relating to availability. Through the Rents Working Group and this committee, we have fought for the University to maintain its ‘ladder of rents’ in accommodation, ensuring an option for all funding situations. Looking forward the Union maintains its vocal opposition to significant rent rises. We have also been supportive of additional investment in new residences and will continue to be so.


Here the Education Officer and President have lobbied for improved teaching quality with longer contact hours, an improved personal tutor system and significantly improved feedback for your exams and essays. As a result of this work, the University has committed to researching new methods and we expect a more positive outlook in the future.

Here the Union had a substantial victory with intercalated years (years abroad or in industry). As a result of lobbying, the plans to significantly increase fees was abandoned and, looking forward, home and international students will now pay the same, saving students as much as £6,000.

board of graduate studies The proposed conversion of Coventry House into a ‘Postgrad Space’ has been a key issue for BGS this year with the Union working to find out PG needs and make the new space reflect these. Here, Union lobbying also reversed plans to introduce fees for dissertation resubmission, again saving students money.

and more...

| what we do for you

We are the only SU in the country with a Sabbatical Officer (the President) holding a seat on Steering (a meeting of the University Senior Officers). This has given us huge lobbying ability on campus internet and employability with significant wins for students.

academic quality & standards committee

| university meetings

university meetings


student advice centre ‌ dealing with thousands of cases a year on a wide range of topics – read on to find out some of the major projects this year.

what is it? The Student Advice Centre is an independent advisory service focusing on provision of support and information for students experiencing difficulties or needing to access guidance on their rights.

what do we achieve?

We provide a free, confidential, impartial and non-judgemental service for all students at the University of Warwick. We are independent of the University.

Particular successes during 201011 include:

Like a Citizens Advice Bureau or a Law Centre, we give practical advice on all kinds of subjects relating to student life. We deliver our service in various ways through the provision of online information, signposting to other services both on and off campus, email advice to individuals, one-toone appointments and printed guidance. The service specialises in support on academic issues, immigration issues, money worries and housing. We also provide information on wellbeing, harassment, basic employment advice and signpost students to the most appropriate services across the University. Our website is a mine of useful information and is being updated at all times.

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Supporting and advising students on changing courses. Supporting and advising students on access to funding and fee decisions. Support in dealing with problems with academic supervision. Advising students accused of plagiarism or other Universityrelated disciplinary matters.

The highly professional team of advisors have supported students in:

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Disputes with landlords. Providing guidance on housing contracts. Giving advice on how to find the best possible housing for their circumstances. Running Housing Day.

We have experienced success in:

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Helping students overcome difficulties with the UK Border Agency rules or decisions. Providing information on immigration rules. Responding to national consultations on matters affecting international students, particularly regarding visas and post-study work programm.

Our Student Advice Centre team have negotiated changes to University administration that has resulted in Certificates of Status conferring full time student status on PhD students during their writing-up period. This means that these students do not incur the significant financial liabilities that they did previously, saving students considerable amounts of money. In many cases, students leave the Student Advice Centre equipped and empowered to take action appropriate to their situation themselves, but we also act on our clients’ behalf.

| what we do for you

what do we do?

| student advice

student advice centre


union democracy ‌ representing you and making change – read on to find out about the key moments in Union democracy this year.

what is it? Warwick SU is democratic – we are directed by students, for students.

The Union plays a crucial role representing you to the University but we do that most effectively when our voice is strong, with as many of you involved as possible. You can be involved in democracy by doing as little as voting, all the way up to running for elected office.

what do we do? Whenever policy is passed by a governing body we are mandated to do what it asks, with all policy passed either by you directly (Referenda) or through your representatives (Union Council). If you don’t like something about your Union, you have the right and the power to change it; we really mean it when we say that this is your Union.



Officer Elections turnout increased to 4,823, an increase of 47% across the last 4 years.

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| union democracy

union democracy

new policy this year: project fund

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Opposition to the Browne Review and Cuts to Higher Education. Student Safety on Campus. Warwick Students’ Union Stands Against Higher Fees and Cuts to Higher Education. ‘Equal Access’ to Higher Education. Action on Access. Loud Noise and Hearing Allowing Sports Clubs and Societies to seek Sponsorship from currently banned companies.

Each year the SU puts money aside which you can apply for to help provide resourcing for individuals and groups to complete projects that help the wider student body. This year funds have gone towards:

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Model United Nations Speaker. MA in Writing Anthology. The Just Vote Campaign. Condoms and Attack Alarms. S TOP! Human Trafficking Campaign. arwick University Drama W Society.

All Referenda were quorate.

Union Council has had its highest attendance (and shortest meetings) in years. Medical Faculty elections saw a 300% increase in turnout.

| what we do for you

All PG representative posts were filled for the first time.


student activities ‌ Warwick students do some amazing things – read on to see some of the brilliant things Societies and Sports Clubs have been up to this year.

what was it? With Union support, this year has seen some amazing activities and events put on by you. Below is just a small selection of your achievements:

| student activities

student activities

WSAF 2011



MM 2200 11 00 SSU U MI TM I T

Warwick 20

www . warwick economics summit . com

| what we do for you

www . warwick economics summit . com


Warwick SU 2nd Hand Booksale Get your textbooks at a fraction of the price

what we do for you

The biggest and best Freshers ever!

Put £40k back into student pockets.

it’s your union so...

have your say

Busting our three housing myths.

Back by popular demand!

New feedback mechanisms.

For some, it’s time to say goodbye.

Put simply, the best event of the year!

Improved bus services and University buses.

Hearing all of your gripes, moans and rants.

Sexual Health Clinics.

300 students marching through central London - 10/11/10.

60 students inspiring the next generation of learners.

4823 votes - our highest ever turnout.

21st Varsity, 21 victories!

Celebrating our diversity.

Had 7000 cases and enquiries.

Keeping democracy relevant to you.

| what we do for you 2010/11


| what we do for you

Free & Confidential


the future ‌ adapting to fulfil your wants and needs, there are plenty of ways to get involved in your Union.

what is it? Your Union is constantly evolving to suit students’ needs. From the support offered

| the future

the future in the Student Advice Centre to the range of clubs and societies, we grow and develop in line with our mission statement. Check out just some of the ways you can get involved below. Warwick SU provides a wealth of opportunities for you to make friends, learn new skills and boost your employability. We’re proud of the work we do for students, and as a charity we reinvest any profits made into your student experience. If you want to get involved and make your life at Warwick as good as it can be, take a look at the opportunities coming your way in 2011/12…

sslc rep Elections for your Student Staff Liaison Committee Representatives take place in lectures early in Term 1. With the chance to have a very real say over how your course is run and tackle your department on recurring issues, being on your SSLC can make real change happen without a huge time commitment.

officer elections 2012 Being a Sabbatical Officer is a huge commitment but was once called ‘the best graduate job in the world’ by the Guardian. Providing a huge CV-boost with plenty of new skills whilst making genuine change happen in the Union and University – don’t overlook this opportunity! If you’re sticking around at Warwick for 2012/13, why not run for a Part-Time Officer position? With responsibility for committees, forums, campaigns and representing faculties these are great opportunities without a major time commitment.

employment The Union hires over 200 studentstaff to work in our outlets, as stewards, graphic-designers, receptionists, bar staff, tech staff and plenty more. We have recruitment at various points throughout the year but keep your eyes peeled at the start of Term 1 as plenty of opportunities are available then.

freshers helper From showing people to their accommodation to handing out goody bags, being a Freshers Helper is great fun and a great opportunity to get involved in the most action-packed part of the year. Recruitment will open late in Term 3 and fills up fast.

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Extension of Library opening hours. Earlier publication of exam timetables. uicker and better feedback Q on essays and exams. A learning grid on Gibbet Hill Campus.

To stay up to date with all things Warwick SU and to check out other great opportunities on offer:

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‘like’ Warwick SU on Facebook ‘follow’ Warwick SU on Twitter ‘watch’ out for news and updates at www.warwicksu.com

| what we do for you

What have SSLCs achieved previously?


WARWICK STUDENTS’ UNION Company number: 7297865 | Charity number: 1136894 | Registered Office: SUHQ, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL SUSW (STUDENTS’ UNION SERVICES WARWICK) LTD Company number: 02197761 | Registered Office: SUHQ, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL

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