University of warwick diversity calendar 2013 14

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Diversity Calendar 2013/14

Freshers’ Welcome by Yi Li Freshers’ Fortnight welcomes approx. 4,000 new students from

around the globe to our campus. Students find out about the wide range of groups, societies and services on offer at Warwick.

Eid-Ul-Adha by Nur Ahmad Zainori Islamic Feast of the Sacrifice - celebrated by Muslims worldwide.

October is Black History Month & Awareness Month for Breast Cancer and Down Syndrome



OctOber twenty

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First day of new academic year International Day of Older Persons World Vegetarian Day Feast of the Guardian Angels (Catholic) St. Francis Day (Catholic) Navaratri begins (Hindu) Birthday of Guru Ram Das (Sikh) World Mental Health Day Navaratri ends (Hindu) St. Edwards Day (Christian) Waqf al Arafa - Hajj Day (Islam) Dussera (Hindu) Eid-Ul-Adha begins (Muslim) World Food Day World Day to Overcome Extreme Poverty LGBT Spirit Day Eid-Ul-Adha ends (Muslim) St. Luke’s Day (Christian) Birth of the Bab (Baha ‘i) United Nations Day Reformation Day (Protestant) All Hallows Eve (Christian)

Campus wildlife by Marian Orton

Our 290 hectare campus is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna.



November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month & Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

November TweNTy

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All Saint’s Day (Christian) Samhain & Beltane (Wicca/Pagan) All Soul’s Day (Catholic) Coronation of Haile Selassie I (Rastafari) Diwali-Deepavali (Hindu/Jain/Sikh) Jain New Year (Jain) Al-Hijira - Islamic New Year (Muslim) Remembrance Sunday Armistice Day Birth of Baha’u’llah (Bahá’í) Ashura (Muslim) Navaratri (Hindu) Saint Edward’s Day (Christian) World Kindess Day 14-24 Nativity Fast (Orthodox Christian) World Diabetes Day 15 Shichigosan (Shinto) 16 International Day for Tolerance 17 Birthday of Guru Nanak (Sikh) Saint Hilda’s Day (Christian) 18-22 Anti-bullying week 19 International Men’s Day 20 Universal Children’s Day Transgender Day of Remembrance 23 Niinamesei (Shinto) 24 Christ the King (Christian) Guru Tegh Bahadur Martyrdom (Sikh) United Nations Day 26 Day of the Covenant (Bahá’í) 27 Hanukkah (Judaism) 28 Ascension of Abdu’l-Baha (Bahá’í) Thanksgiving (USA - Interfaith) 30 Saint Andrew’s Day (Christian)

Wintery campus

by Paul Kent

The beauty of campus captured last winter during a lakeside walk.

First Snow

by Christopher Sharp

For many of our international students, coming to study in England is the first time they experience snow.



December is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. National Tree Week takes place 24 Nov-2 Dec.

December TwenTy

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Advent Sunday (Christian) World AIDS Day Intl. Day for the Abolition of Slavery Intl. Day of Persons with Disabilities Intl. Development Volunteer Day Last day of term St. Nicholas’ Day (Christian) Rohatsu-Bodhi Day (Buddhist) Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Catholic)

Human Rights Day

Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Catholic)

St. Lucy’s Day (Christian) Posadas Navidenas begins (Christian) Intl. Migrants Day Winter Solstice/Yule (Wicca/Pagan) Yule (Christian) Christmas Eve (Christian) Christmas Day (Christian) Bank Holiday (UK) Boxing Day Bank Holiday (UK) Zarathosht Diso (Zoroastrian) St. Stephen’s Day (Christian) Holy Innocents (Christian) Feast of the Holy Family (Catholic) New Year’s Eve/Hogmany Watch Night (Christian)

One World Week by Andy Gray The world’s largest student-run international event kicks off on 25 January with a festival of cross-cultural celebration.

New year, new start by Jennifer Emeny-Green

The new Warwick Sport programme starts this month, so why not dust off those trainers and find out what’s on offer?



In January: Poverty & Homelessness Action Week, CancerTalk Week and Cervical Cancer Awareness Week

January TwenTy

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Circumcision (Christian) New Year’s Day Bank Holiday Oshagatsu (Shinto) Festival of St. Basil the Great (Christian) 4 World Braille Day 5 Birthday of Guru Gobind Singh (Sikh) 6 First day of Spring Term Epiphany/Dia de los Reyes (Christian) Christmas Day (Armenian Orthodox) Theophany (Orthodox Christian) 7 Christmas Day - Ethiopia (Rastafari) Christmas Day (Orthodox Christian) 12 Baptism of the Lord (Christian) 13 St. Hilary’s Day (Christian) Milad un Nabi (Sunni Muslim) 14 Makar Sankranti (Hindu) 15 Seijin Shiki (Shinto) 16 Tu B’Shevat (Jewish) 18 Milad un Nabi (Shia Muslim) Christian Unity prayer week (Christian) 19 World Religion Day 21 St. Agnes (Christian) 22-24 Winter Degree Ceremonies 2014 25 St. Paul’s Day (Christian) Burns Night 27 Holocaust Memorial Day 28 St Thomas Aquinas (Christian) 31 Chinese New Year Birthday of Guru Har Rai (Sikh)

Varsity 2013 by Andy Gray

At Warwick you’ll find more than 70 different sports clubs to join - or simply support from the sidelines.

Elections by Richard Cunningham During February and March, campus is adorned with campaign banners for candidates for the SU Officer elections.



February is LGBT History Month, National Heart Month & Prenatal Infection Prevention Month

February TwenTy

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Candlemas (Christian) Imbolc (Pagan) Rissun (Setsubun) (Shinto) World Cancer Day UNICEF Day for Change Parinirvana-Nirvana Day (Buddhist) Our Lady of Lourdes (Christian) St. Valentine’s Day (Christian) Nirvana Day (Buddhist) Mental Health Awareness Day National Eating Disorders Week Fairtrade Fortnight begins

Holi by Dhruva Chandramouli The Hindu festival of colours is celebrated by people of all communities throughout the world.

Battle of the Bands by Jack Patten



BandSoc: 30 bands fight it out over 7 weeks.

March is Prostate Cancer Awareness, Ovarian Cancer Awareness & Brain Tumour Awareness Month

March TwenTy

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St. David’s Day (Christian) Fast of Esther (Jewish) Self-injury Awareness Day 2 Nineteen Day Fast begins (Bahá’í) 3 Hina-matsuri (Shinto) Clean Monday (Orthodox Christian) 4 Shrove Tuesday (Christian) 5 Ash Wednesday (Christian) St. Piran’s Day (Christian) 8 Intl. Women’s Day 10-16 Brain Awareness Week 12 No Smoking Day 14 Last day of Spring Term 16 Purim (Jewish) 17 Shushan Purim (Jewish) Hola Mohalla (Sikh) 19 St. Joseph’s Day (Christian) 20 Spring Equinox - Eoster (Pagan) 21 Intl. Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination Shubun-sai - Equinox Day (Shinto) Naw Ruz - New Year (Bahá’í) Jamshedi Noruz (Zoroastrian) 24 World TB Day 25 Annunciation (Christian) 26 World Purple Day for Epilepsy Khordad Sal (Zoroastrian) 30 Mothering Sunday (Christian) 31 Ugadi - New Year (Hindu)

Bluebells in Tocil Wood by Paul Kent

Flying Ducks

by Christopher Hartland



April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, National Autism Awareness Month & International IBS Month

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World Health Day Swaminarayan Jayanti (Hindu) World Parkinson’s Day Palm Sunday (Christian) Vaisakhi (Sikh) Birthday of Guru Nanak (Skih) Hola Mohalla (Sikh) Fast of the Firstborn (Jewish) Theravada New Year (Buddhist) Passover begins (Jewish) Maundy Thursday (Christian) World Haemophilia Day Bank Holiday Good Friday (Christian) Guru Tegh Bahadur birthday (Sikh) Guru Angad Dev birthday (Sikh) Holy Saturday (Christian) Easter Sunday (Christian) Bank Holiday Ridvan - first day (Bahá’í) Summer Term begins Passover ends (Jewish) St. George’s Day (Christian) Yom Hashoah (Jewish) Ridvan - ninth day (Bahá’í)

Morris Dancers

by Graeme Leng-Ward

When Coventry Morris came to campus to share their dance skills with students.

Europe Day

by Charles Hindhaugh

An annual celebration of the European Union held on 9 May to foster peace and unity in Europe.



May is Save a Baby Month, National Walking Month & Hughes Syndrome Awareness Month

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Beltane (Pagan) Ridvan - twelfth day (Bahá’í) Birthday of Guru Arjan Dev (Sikh) Yom Hazikaron (Jewish) May Bank Holiday Deaf Awareness Week Yom Ha’atzmaut (Jewish) World Asthma Day Mental Health Week Wesak or Buddha Day (Buddhist) Intl. Day against Homophobia & Transphobia Lag B’Omer (Jewish) Declaration of the Bab (Bahá’í) Birthday of Guru Amar Das (Sikh) Spring Bank Holiday St. Bebe the Venerable (Christian) Yom Yerushalayim (Jewish) Ascension Day (Christian) Ascension of Baha’u’llah (Bahá’í)

SU Summer Party by Jack Patten

Los Campesionos performing at the annual SU party.

Multi-cultural (*overall winner) by Patricio Palma Tobar

Students from around the world studying English Language Teaching at the Centre for Applied Linguistics.


June TwenTy

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June is Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Society Awareness Month & Motor Neurone Disease Awareness Month

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Ascension Day (Catholic) Volunteers Week Shavuot - first day (Jewish) Pentecost - Whitsun (Christian) Cervical Screening Awareness Wk Carers’ Week National Men’s Health Week World Blood Donor Day Adult Learners’ Week All Saints’ Day (Christian) Trinity Sunday (Christian) Guru Arjan Dev Martyrdom (Sikh) Autistic Pride Day Corpus Christi (Christian) Litha - Summer Solstice (Pagan) Corpus Christi (Catholic UK) Child Safety Week Last day of Term/End of Year Ramadan begins (Muslim) St. Peter & St. Paul’s Day (Christian)

Open Air Gala Concert by Christopher Sharp

Students, staff, their families and members of the local community sharing good times on campus.

Graduation Time Every July, almost 4,000 Warwick students graduate from the University in our Summer Degree Congregation ceremonies in the Butterworth Hall.


July TwenTy

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July is Sickle Cell Awareness Month & Group B Strep Awareness Month

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Birthday of Guru Hargobind (Sikh) Health Information Week Martyrdom of the Bab (Bahá’í) Asala-Dharma Day (Buddhist) Summer Degree Ceremonies St. Swithin’s Day (Christian) Jamshed Noruz (Zoroastrian) St. Mary Magdalene (Christian) Birthday of Haile Selassie I (Rastafari)

Birthday of Guru Har Krishen (Sikh) Pioneer Day (Mormon) Khordaad Sal (Zoroastrian) 24/7 Samaritan’s Awareness Day Eid-Ul-Fitr (Muslim) World Hepatitis Day

Warwick in Africa by Jack Patten Warwick in Africa is a philanthropically-funded programme developed to enhance the education of young people in Africa, providing a direct route to liberation from poverty. Over 120,000 learners have benefited so far. Warwick students undertake placements in African schools every summer.



August is Medical Alert Awareness Month & International Psoriasis Awareness Month

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August twenty 30 6 13 20 27

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Lughnasadh-Lammas (Pagan) Tisha B’Av (Jewish) Transfiguration (Christian) Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian) Dormition of the Theotokos (Christian) Birthday of Marcus Garvey (Rastafari) Jamshedi Noruz (Shenshai Zoroastrian)

Khordad Sal (Shenshai Zoroastrian) Summer Bank Holiday

International Orientation Our volunteer Orientation Team help 1,000 new international students every year to feel at home.



September is World Dementia Awareness Month, Hearing Awareness Month & ‘Save a Life September’

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September twenty

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10 11 14 15 17-23 21 23

Migraine Awareness Week Nativity of the Theotokos (Christian) Birthday of the Virgin Mary (Christian)

Suicide Prevention Day Ethiopian New Year (Rastafari) The Triumph of the Cross (Christian) World Lymphoma Awareness Day Sexual Health Week World Alzheimer’s Day Autumn Eqinox (Pagan) St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Catholic) 23-29 National Eczema Week 24-30 Dyspraxia Awareness Week 25 Navaratri begins (Hindu) Rosh Hashanah - first day (Jewish) 26 European Day of Languages 27 Fast of Gedalliah (Jewish) 29 Michaelmas, St. Michael, St. Gabriel & St. Raphael’s Day (Christian)

World Heart Day

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