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Changing culture


TABLE OF CONTENT 03 Contributors 04 The Changing Trends Family patterns

06 Western Shift 08 Media and its Agenda 10 Wakeup Call 11 Diversities within Pakistan 13 Collage 14 Techno Jeopardize 17 Big Picture 19 Health 21 Mouth Watering recipes 22 Cookery

25 Literature Profile 28 Interreligious 30 Review 31 Attack on Sufi Shrines 33 Horoscope 35 Summary

Changing culture


Contributors MAVIA UMAR, a contributing writer of changing culture student of social sciences reports that our culture is trailing its shape and is adopting westernization or modernization in “Western Shift” [p. 5]

TOOBA SHAN, contributing writer of the magazine concludes that Pakistan is turning out to be mixed cultured in “Diversities within Pakistan” [p. 10]

SALEMAH SHAH, a final year student of Media is a contributing writer of this magazine Changing Culture reports that the Sufism phenomena of our culture becomes a target of terrorists in “Attack on Sufi Shrines” [p. 24]

MALIHA SAMI, reports that the trend of living in joint families is decreasing day by day because of numerous factors for this month’s cover story in “The changing Trends” [p. 3]

SANA LASANI, a contributor of Changing Culture is a student of social sciences reports that our media is facing a setback because of untrained people in “Media and its Agenda” [p. 7]

GHAUSIA RASHID SALAM, an active blogger of ET (Express Tribune) and a contributing writer of this magazine is talking about the dangers of new technologies , and the paintings of famous artists in her Article “Artistry”, “techno jeopardies” [p. 20]


Changing culture is all about the challenging cultural issues of our lives. The world in which you live is in the midst of a major cultural transformation- one leading to a widespread lack of faith, an increase in moral relativism and rejection of absolute truth. In this situation; how we can stand up for the truth? Our magazine will help you to know about the changing trends; pros and cons of adopting such new trends.

Editor: Washal Shah Khan Editor In Chief: Azfar Ali Rizvi Art Director: Washal Shah Khan

ANUM NAZAR, in this magazine talks about the changing food habits of people especially children because of junk food and its health hazards in “Health” [p. 16] UROOJ KHAN, a writer of changing culture and final year student of media shares an article of interfaith awareness and harmony in “Interreligious” [p. 18]

Edition: 1st Contributors: Maliha Sami, Maia Umar, Urooj Khan, Salemah Shah, Sana Lasani, Ghausia Rashid Salam, Anum Nazar, Tooba Shah and Washal Shah Khan. Photography by: Washal, Urooj, Nida, Tooba, Ghausia. E-mail: washal.khan@gmail.com JUNE 2011 EDITION Changing culture


By; Maliha Sami

The system of family generally

Grandparents are taken care of

We all grow up with the weight of

varies country to country,

and regarded respectfully by

history on us. Our ancestors dwell

depending upon their culture and

everyone in the family. The

in the attics of our brains as they

the life style they live. In Pakistan,

younger ones listen to their

do in the spiraling chains of

joint family system has been

parents and grandparents, as they

knowledge hidden in every cell of

followed since ages from the time

are being kept an eye on. In fact,

our bodies. ~Shirley Abbott

of partition of the subcontinent.

this creates a bond of love among

Indeed, this was the system that

them and so they respect each

was followed in subcontinent which

other and enjoy living close to

has prevailed for so long since

their folks. Unlike in western

partition of India and Pakistan. A

societies, where everyone lead

joint family normally comprises of

their own separate lives, with full

father, mother, grandparents and

independency and privacy, and not

grandchildren that is three

holding your grandparents even

different generations enjoy living

parents on high regard.

Pakistan represents an image of rich diversity of cultures. It is therefore quite difficult to speak about any one culture due to different ethnic groups that have a mix of their own culture. It would be likely to say that culture of Pakistan has different sub-cultures that vary each other in regard of language, dressing, food and customs. But what make the dominating culture are the people and their family. Family bond is an element which can be found in every single culture of Pakistan. The family relationships and bonds are the common instrument that lies in the heart of every sub-culture. The importance of this instrument is still not only alive but is the first and primary priority to the people of Pakistan despite of the fact of changing trends in culture. This is

being the symbolic representation of Pakistan in world’s eye.

together in one house. In Pakistan the

extended family is the basis of

the social structure and individual identity, which means not only grandparents share the family unit but the families of brothers live and share the same family unit. In joint family system, the

The younger ones listen to their parents and grandparents, as they are being kept an eye on. In fact, this creates a bond of love among them and so they respect each other and enjoy living close to their folks. Unlike in western societies, where everyone lead

governing role is mostly played by

their own separate lives, with full

elders in the family which are

independency and privacy, and not

mostly grandparents. . In other

holding your grandparents even

cases the eldest male member who

parents on high regard.

is earning and supporting the family is the ruling body. It would be more suitable to say that family organization is strongly patriarchal, and most people live in large

With development in recent years, the trend of joint family system is minimizing mainly due to the economic problems.

extended families.

Changing culture


With the boom in inflation in recent years, it is hard to

In addition, with the recession, husband and wife both

make a survival in joint families. Now the alteration in

are working to make the both end meets so they prefer

family system could be seen, people prefer to live in a

to live independently and free according to their will

nuclear family rather than joint family. Western

and life style which can be only possible while living in

influence is one of the main reasons in changing trend on

nuclear family.

joint family to nuclear family system. This practice is now commonly followed in developing countries like Pakistan and India and especially in metropolitan cities like Karachi.

In spite of changing trend in the family system, the norms and values of the family learned by the culture and society are still alive and are given significance on occasions of family get together. Pakistan is a

Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan and is well known

hierarchical society. People are respected because of

for its urbanization, it has rather become a hub for

their age and position. Older people are regarded wise

urbanizing. Due to industrialization, better job

and are granted respect. In a social situation, they are

opportunities and for a better life style, people are

served first and their drinks may be poured for them.

constantly moving to Karachi. And when people move to a

Pakistanis expect the most senior person, by age or

city for employment, they obviously couldn’t afford to

position, to make decisions those are in the best

move their entire joint family. So this being one of the

interest of the group.

reasons for having nuclear family now which may include grandparents in some far casers. Not only urbanization but the influence of media has played a role in changing the trends in culture of the societies. Media today is so influential in effecting people’s life that it is shaping people’s perception accordingly via television shows, dramas, movies, etc. With the increase literacy rate and female high education; women today prefer to live in nuclear family. They don’t like living with their in-laws with lot of restrictions in their lives. Moreover, children also don’t like their grandparents intruding their privacy with their old, conservative and Stone Age advices.

Titles are considered very important and denote respect. Different titles are given to every senior relation in the family. It is expected that you will use a person's title and their surname until invited to use their first name. We might say today that we have become modern and are not of conservative thoughts but still our values are still animate deep down in our hearts because we consider our family and relationships being the foremost priority regardless of how eventful our lives are. As it is said, family faces are magic mirrors looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present and future.

Changing culture


By: Mavia Umar

the people and culture of Pakistan.

As time is passing our society is

There are many men and women who prefer to stick to traditional clothing of Pakistan although a majority wears western attire. Pakistani and Indian clothing, holds significance. Various forms of Pakistani traditional clothing are on similar lines to those spotted in India.

moving towards modernization or you may call it westernization. We have changed ourselves remarkably since past few decades, not only our dressing styles have changed but our eating styles, conversation styles, and living styles have become modernized. Previously we used to be more traditional and our thoughts were stereotypical, we used to see only one side of the picture and that side used to lack rationality. With the advent of media we got exposed to the whole world and with that we started to seek logical reasons to our clichĂŠd believes. Westernization has helped us to think out of the box and has modernized us in terms of technology, empowerment, industrialization and what not. With all positive sides of westernization there are many negative sides of it as well. Not only youth but people of all ages are getting affected with this western shift. The cultural or what we call national dress is mainly shalwar kameez for both men and women; men outfit includes a waist coat which is considered important. The dress is believed to be an amalgamation of the dresses worn by the ancient Persians and Mughal Empire, who have left their impression on

The kameez is large and loose fitting tunic worn with the baggy shalwar. Men and women both wear the same attire, with a difference in the colors, fits and the kind of embellishments used. Woven colorful laces are used to add femininity to the kameez. Shalwar kameez are worn along with Dupatta (stole). Stoles are long yards of cloth which is basically used to cover the body.

Women also wear scarves or shawls with the salwar kameez that is used to wrap around the head and neck area. A variety of synthetic or cotton fabrics are used in the creation of the salwar kameez. Shalwars are loose trousers designed in various styles. Originally, the shalwars were flared towards the bottom. Today, there are many variations of the same style of shalwar. At times, the bottom of the salwar is narrow and fitted and sometimes shalwar is loose from the bottom. The salwar kameez is important especially during the festivals celebrated in Pakistan, for men as well as women such as Eid, Ramadan and others. Narrow tight fitting shalwars are known as churidars. Churidars were very famous long back ago. As fashion changes with time so it also becomes outdated in the middle years but today they are in again. Although the sherwani originated in India during the 18th century, it is also the national dress for men in Pakistan. A sherwani is a long coat worn with a shalwar which is mainly worn on marriages by men. Today, we observe girls wearing more jeans and t shirts and even Capri pants with even with long kameez. Carrying dupatta is now considered to be old fashioned. And revealing one’s body through fitted clothes, sleeveless or short sleeved clothes, deep backs and necks etc. is considered to be the latest trend.

Changing culture


Obviously this is not modernization, this is westernization. Neither our faith nor our cultural values support such attire. Major role in exploiting our society in this issue is played by our media, media show hosts, news casters, VJs in completely westernized way. They talk like them, wear like them and attract others towards them so that they are followed by their viewers.

There was a time when there was a welldefined border between eastern and western clothes. You could either wear the typical eastern clothes or you could go for the western oxford street fashion. The merging of eastern couture with western couture was an alien thing to do.

The catalogues, billboards, magazines etc. everything reflect westernization all over Pakistan. Our own national language is ignored and considered as ‘paindu’ in front of English. Whatever fashion becomes popular abroad, it is being adopted by people here, without thinking that it is not meant for their body type or cultural values. Also the Pakistani fashion industry is so inspired by the foreign styles, if you watch any of the fashion

Pictures by: Washal Shah Khan shows that are aired on Style 360 TV channel; you’ll be surprised to see the boldness of Pakistani models and designers. They don’t hesitate for a second to wear such revealing outfits and exposing them publically. They have buried their values and call them as modern.

Pakistani outfits 2011 are a perfect example of ‘east meets west’. Pakistani outfits 2011 are a mixture of traditional and contemporary outfits. If you are in your 20’s and you simply adore traditional outfits yet want a contemporary touch to your outfit 2011, then Pakistani outfits 2011 give you a variety of options. You could get a traditional kurta and wear it on top of skinny jeans. You could wear capris with the traditional kameez of your choice etc. This western shift has changed not only mindsets of youngsters but middle aged females have also adopted this type of dressing.

I often feel very sad when I see Pakistan middle and rich class women and girls wearing western and Indian dresses and fashions. Shalwar Kameez has always been considered as Pakistan national dress for women and when tailored nicely, it looks very beautiful, respectable and elegant on them. Unfortunately, even the Pakistan's anchor ladies and guest are seen wearing indecent western dresses on TV and totally abandoning their national dress. Do they believe that wearing shalwar kameez is out-dated, backward and unfashionable and will damage their channel air ratings?

Changing culture


Why do the participants of political debates on our TV channels shout so much? Why do they all talk at the same time? And keep talking? Why, all of them shout at the top of their voices, does this creature called the anchor, jump into the fray? We should and must

I happened to believe that a recent debate on one of the

By: Sana Lasani

disturbing to see television show anchors pretending to

Don’t get me wrong, but

channels, which featured a minister, it is rather

be political analysts. Their so-called analysis is usually hype-creating propaganda.

follow western media and

our news anchors are

sensible media means a

sensible news screen and sensible

worst of the current


superior to politicians and their naive, idealistic ideas are

news outlook. They don’t

disaster but what we

to the extent that self-respecting political leaders have

know what, when and

Somehow, they have developed the notion that they are

the solution to Pakistan’s problems. They mean politicians

Yes we are in the state of portray or spread through our language is often

stopped appearing on guest panels. This in turn leads to

how to ask. Most of them

analysts on another channel as guests. Without any

says; “kia manazir hain

anything else.

political background or knowledge, they go on harping

aapke aas pass” while

another name for


going live on a bomb

showbiz in Pakistan,

There is something wrong with our electronic media. It

blast. Or “hamain yahan

front of grieving mothers and sisters. It is also shocking to

her taraf khoon aur jali

to females who are hired

the anchor of one television channel appearing as

about the future of Pakistan, not realizing the

has no decency left, what with thrusting microphones in turn on the TV and hear so-called experts on foreign

affairs talking on prominent Urdu channels about tearing India apart ’along its inherent fault lines’, containing

Israel by coercion or threatening it with nuclear bombs to ‘twist’ America’s arm and making it accede to our terms.

Hui lashain dikhai de rahi hain” Terrible news producers,


more disastrous than News anchoring is

especially when it comes merely on the basis of

good looks and speech delivery. There are no

professional journalists.

How would they know the tactics of handling





way? But that if you hold

unifying the Muslim Ummah is good, but stating that the

“dehati” anchors are to

yourselves and that of the

stretching the limit of possibilities. There is one obstacle -

be responsible for this.

(Incidentally, apart from rhetoric, these experts have no practical way to accomplish any of this.) The idea of unified Muslim bloc should be led by Pakistan is

would even one among the 57 Muslim countries

consider this?

news in a professional

a comparison between

western news anchors, you would find

yourselves lagging behind 20 years from them. Changing culture


At times surprise situations are thrown at you. For instance just because the people in the newsroom were able to get hold of an important minister, they’ll throw the call to you, give you three seconds and expect you to come up with smart questions.

Especially during blasts and suicide bombings when the only information you have is that a blast was heard in city XYZ, now talk to the reporter. The rest is left to you to handle on national television – live!

It can be a mentally exhausting job if you are one of those who want to make sense out of what they say, have a future in the

profession and eventually have your own show. Otherwise wear 10 layers of make-up and corporate clothes so you can look presentable, sit, read, ask questions like “So did the suicide bomber die as well?” take your pay cheque and go home!

“We work with a lot of restrictions and constraint that satellite channels do not have to adhere to since they are not reaching rural audiences”; says SANA.

There was a time when prime time

television in Pakistan meant the daily

new hour. Soon that excitement of the daily news hour was replaced by

anticipation the evening dramas. This

was the era when a single channel, the

The fact that traditionally women have not been decision makers even inside the home has been an important factor in the exponential

state owned Pakistan Television (PTV)

growth of morning shows from every network.

into quality family entertainment time.

in some cases have also become sponsors

reigned supreme and TV time translated With the media boom and the

subsequent explosion of channels of

every orientation on the tube, a whole new culture of entertainment

germinated; a culture that interestingly

Advertisers compete for the morning spots and (remember the Ariel campaign on Marina Mornings?). Even the religious channel QTV has even started its own morning show! “I don’t think these shows would have been as

shifted the onus of prime time from the

successful if they weren’t on live,” says Jamil,

in broadcast dynamics resulted in the

“Dramas are a fantasy that most women cannot

dramas to the morning shows. This shift

subsequent transfer of the remote from the household (generally male or older

members) to the women. Therefore the morning show emerged as a genre of

something that even Sana identifies with,

relate to but since we are live and practically inside their homes, women feel more connected to us.” Dedicated to home makers,

broadcast media that focused exclusively

these shows discuss a range of issues from

The genres popularity can be assessed by

exercise and make up tips and depending on

on women; for women and by women.

household and domestic problems to cooking,

the fact that now successful television

how well they can engage their female viewers

actors such as Juggun Kazim have also come to the fore.

contributes to their ratings and ultimate success. Changing culture


By: Mavia Umar I would say it’s still not too late to realize our mistake. We have time to wake up and disregard the negative side of westernization and adopt our own cultural values in every walk of life. Though, westernization is important to some extent, but it should always be limited to the positive sides only. People now don’t greet you with ‘As Salam-o-alaikum’ but they greet you with ‘Hey buddy what’s up’ or ‘Hi! How are you doing? We are not only adopting western culture and trends but also forgetting our own values and religion.

However there seems to be a disturbing trend of sensationalism in morning shows with anchors going over the top as they try bit too hard to amuse their audiences with their often outrageous antics. Most hosts are seen discussing their own selves, fishing for compliments on their attire, sometimes even wearing strange costumes and inflaming conflicts have become common in their pursuit to hike up ratings. The morning shows have become a platform to promote the drama serials and casts by calling them on their shows. The general decline in the content of morning shows are clearly an indication that popularity and thus ratings are directly correlated to the

amount of sensation a show portrays.

Our family system is considered to be perfect family system as we support concept of nuclear families. But due to westernization we are forgetting our certain important cultural norms and following their culture blindfolded. I was awestruck to know that we have nightclubs, pubs and discos in Pakistan. And many people go there just like it happens abroad. Have we ever realized that this is not the part of the society we are living in? Where actually are we headed? Our society as well as our religion condemns such acts and places but we are continuously following the west. Increasing globalization has increased the influence of Western culture in Pakistan, especially among the affluent, which have easy access to Western products, television, media, and food. Many Western food chains have established themselves in Pakistan, and are found in the major cities. At the same time, there is also a reactionary movement within Pakistan that wants to turn away from Western influences, and this has manifested itself in a return to more traditional roots, often conflated with Islam. The obligations of a Muslim have long been forgotten. No longer do people respond to the call for prayers, No longer do they keep fasts in Ramadan, in fact, they eat or smoke openly. Alcohol, prostitution, drugs are becoming regular and despite their openness, no actions are being taken to eliminate them from our society. The thing is, you cannot non-Westernize the generations to come. Pakistanis who grow up with iPods, Play station, watching European football matches, watching countless American shows and movies, listening to gora bands and what not, you cannot expect them to abandon all that. It is just not possible anymore. The best we can do at this point is to strengthen familial ties and to keep the sense of morality intact that I believe most of us still have inside us, which will not eradicate the adverse effects of Westernization but will at least minimize them. Alienating the next generations from the West doesn't seem to be a very good choice.

Changing culture


By: Tooba Shah Culture is defined in many ways by many people; although we don’t have any specified definition of culture but things like food, customs, traditions, values, norms, environment and religion forms culture of a particular society to which these factors belong. People are known by their culture; it won’t be wrong if we say that our culture is our identity, the way we dress ourselves, we speak, we eat reflects our culture. Pakistan is the land where one can find people of diversified cultures living together. There are four provinces and each has their defined culture. Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtun Khwa, all have their own distinct food, clothing style, language and traditions. Pakistan is famous for its unique dishes; people can find a variety of dishes within Pakistan because of the different linguistic groups present here. The most prominent one in Baluchistan is ―Dampukht” which is prepared usually with raw rice stuffed in the stomach of the lamb or goat and the rice is cooked by the fats of the lamb. Lamb-skewed “Sajji” have gained massive popularity among different parts of Pakistan is a Baluchistan specialty. ―Khaddi Kebab‖ is a cuisine in which people cook the whole lamb or goat on fire. While Pashto foods have their own distinct acceptance; “Namkeen ghost” being the most favorite of all our Pashtuns; is prepared from any kind of red meat, depends on your own choice and is cooked in its own soup. “Shorba” (Soup), “Kofta” (Meatballs), “chapli kebab”, “Afghani Naan” (Afghan Bread) are the most common and favorite cuisines for Pashtuns. Pashto desserts are ―Gosh Feel‖ (Pastries), “Halwa” and ―Shir Berinj” (Rice Pudding).

We all probably have heard of; “when in Rome do as Romans do” which meant that no matter from where you belong and what culture values customs you inherit but when you go in a different area you have to accept their norms and value for make your life comfortable and easy though one cannot entirely change himself but he/she should be able to accept and learn different cultures.

Specific Sindhi dishes are” Kutti” (Mashed roti [Bread] with sugar and butter), “Maal-apuroo Mithaee Maanii‖ (Sweet bread made with milk, butter, sugar), ―Bhat” (porridge, usually given to a sick child, but popular at all times), “Beh”, simply means 'Lotus root' in English; a high quality lotus root is grown in the North of Sindh which is then cooked in clay-pot using various spices, results in an excellent delicacy that is famous all over Pakistan. “Sindhi Biryani” (Boiled rice steamed and mixed with special Sindhi recipe of spices). Punjab is being the most important part of Pakistan when it comes to food; people there are very much fond of eating. A very common dish of Punjab is “Saron Da Saag” (Sarson Saag) is basically an herb which is cooked in Ghee and other spices. “Dal makhani/Dal Handi” Pulses with butter, “Rajma” (Red kidney bean) with rice, “Pakoras and Samosas‖ (fried snack). Punjabi desserts are “Phirni” and “Jalebi”.

Changing culture


When we come to the dresses of these four ethnic groups that are present here in Pakistan; we find that Sindhi people are fond of heavily embellished ―shalwar kameez‖ and men wear ―Ajrak‖ (which is a shawl made up of blue and red block prints) ―Sindhi topi‖ (specific caps that mostly Sindhis do wear on several occasions). Punjabis have their ―silk kameez‖ and dhotis while balochi have their special balochi dresses which is a loose kameez heavily embellished with cotton thread and there are two pockets in the front of the kameez(shirt) and Pashtu traditional male clothing usually includes a ―shalwar kameez‖ (dress), (turban), ―karakul, topi, kufi‖ (hats), and a ―chapan‖ (coat). Attire for women consists of a long colorful dress with round skirt. Girls at a very young age begin to cover their hair with a very light colorful piece of cloth; many do this even while at home with their own family.

The groom arrives on horseback and after the wedding rituals are completed it is customary for the bride to be carried a few yards in a richly decorated 'palki' (palanquin). After the wedding ceremony the male members arrange a traditional dance party which is only for males and they dance on Pashto songs sometimes by holding sword it is their way to exemplify happiness. When you go to Punjab you see entirely different phenomenon of wedding while the main ritual Nikah is done in similar way everywhere in Muslims but other ceremonies are totally change which are the part of the specific culture. Punjabis are famous for their rich traditional food and their colorful weddings. ―Dholki‖ is held many days before the wedding day.

Every part of Pakistan has its own spoken language; Sindh’s people spoke Sindhi (which is spoken differently in every district) and sirayiki. Punjab’s people speak Punjabi language whereas Pathan speaks Pashto or Persian. Balochi speaks Balochi language. The national language of Pakistan is Urdu which is spoken and understood by every Pakistani. Marriage is celebrated in every country, religion and continent; people from different groups and territory have their own distinct traditions of a marriage. Christians manage to have their weddings at church. Muslims at mosques but religion is not the only factor which differentiates the style of wedding but the sects that are present within a country have their own specific elegance. More or less the weddings of Pakistan are same but the traditions and style is somewhat different. In Sindh when bride groom comes with barat on the day of wedding, after Nikah both bride and groom sit on floor on a red mattress with red velvet and their heads are made joined by several relatives of the family and those who participate in this custom they give some money to the mother of the bride which is a part of this tradition. On the other hand in Pashtun marriages are sheer in tradition and the ceremonies begin several days before the signing of the marriage document or the 'nikah namah'. The bride and groom are always resplendently dressed in richly embroidered clothes and wear heavy traditional jewelry.

All the areas have their specific dishes, languages customs and traditions but due to heavy shift in population for the sake of better living and education people from Punjab lives in Sindh especially in Karachi and many people from Sindh and Baluchistan have gone to Lahore. This shift has mixed the traditions and customs of these ethnic groups. Nowadays we don’t find people following their own traditions as mentioned above because culture has the tendency to change and adopt new things. We often hear the term globalization or global village, today the world is said to be a global village where we need to communicate with other people for the sake of enhanced living, the Pakistani food is not only famous in Pakistan , but one can find special restaurants for Pakistani food in US and London. In Pakistan apart from traditional food and customs we have seen people enjoying festivals like Halloween, new year eve etc. which shows us that culture has not remain the same as it was before centuries. It has been changing by generations and will still be changing.

Changing culture


Changing culture


Techno jeopardize

By: Ghausia Rashid

Welcome to the 21st century or as I like to call it, the age of the internet. To your right, you’ll see a Facebook addict; to your left, you’ll see a couch potato. At this point, you might want to reconsider throwing away your X-Box and deleting your Facebook and Twitter accounts. But it’s a new era, you protest. It’s the age of Addiction to social media serves to alienate the geek, you proclaim. Social networking is people from their social relationships and essential to human existence in this day and obligations, resulting in a complete mental age, you plead. degradation. Ace book’s increasing list of games just makes it even worse. In 2010 for example, a While these are all valid facts, the fact is that woman was reported to have shaken her baby technology can quite easily be abused, which to make him stop crying, resulting in the death results in a negative impact on society. of the 3-motnth-old infant. Similarly, another The biggest example of this is obviously, social woman in Colorado neglected her 1-year-old networking. People have taken to Facebook and while he was in the bathtub to check her Twitter in a typical herd fashion. Anyone Facebook, resulting in the child drowning. More discovered not to use Facebook is viewed as an horrifying is the story of a woman who alien. But the problem is Facebook has neglected her three children because she was surpassed its simple use of networking. With busy playing a game Small World on Facebook; various activities and games, it has become a while the children ate preserved canned food, source of addiction. since their mother refused to cook, her two dogs gradually starved to death. According to Susan Greenfield, a professor of pharmacology at Oxford University and the The strangest negative aspect of Facebook is the director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, fact that it apparently contributes to divorce Facebook addiction are akin to the need of rates. According to divorce.co.uk, a website that “small babies need constant reassurance that specializes in helping people with divorces, they exist”. She further explained that, “My fear conducted a study and discovered that 20% of is that these technologies are infantilizing the the cases filed on their website made mentions brain into the state of small children who are o Facebook as reasons for divorce. This was attracted by buzzing noises and bright lights, explained in terms of the fact that people who have a small attention span and who live wouldn’t up having sexual chats with others on for the moment.” (The New York Times, 4th Facebook resulting in cases of divorce. February 2009) This is precisely what the problem is.

Changing culture


In addition, the study also noted mentions of MySpace and Twitter as reasons for divorces being filed. While divorce itself isn’t the negative taboo that Pakistan society has made it into, we cannot deny the fact that if it is important enough to break up a marriage, to destroy the sanctity of marriage, then society is facing a grave problem. If it isn’t social media, then we are plagued with video games. Once upon a time, in the era of Super Mario, 2-D Street Fighter, and Sonic the Hedgehog, video games were just a harmless pastime, something to while away our leisure time with. But the more advanced games have become, the more dangerous they are. Fauzia Ahmed, an IBA grad, details the story of her younger brother to explain her vehement dislike of video games. “When my brother was around 12, he had a PlayStation. This was somewhere in the late 90s, when PlayStation was still a new fad. At first it was nothing but a game. All the children of the house (Fauzia lived in a joint family system) would gather in his room, taking turns playing games, cheering each other on, nothing different from their normal games.” So what went wrong? “He started getting obsessed,” Fauzia remembers, wincing as if the memories are physically painful. “There was this one game, Who Wants to Be a Multimillionaire, he and his cousin got into such a huge fight over it that somehow, he got a stool smashed in his face. His glasses broke, and the plastic got embedded in his cheeks. I was in my room with my elder sister when I heard him howling in pain. We rushed out, and couldn’t even understand why there was blood streaming down his cheeks so profusely.” But one might think this was simply a case of a childish squabble gone bad. Such fights after all, aren’t uncommon among children of the same age-group.

But that wasn’t all. “One day, he came to me and said, Apa I’m really dizzy and there are flashing lights in front of my eyes. I told my parents, and he was in bed for a few hours, shaking and shivering and going on about these flashing lights.” It took the family a while to figure out that the flashing lights he kept talking about was a feature in one of his favorite games. A game he played addictively, in fact. When he started having nightmares and woke up screaming about all the soldiers he had to kill, that was the last straw, and the family got rid of his PlayStation, as well as imposing a strict ban on videogames in the family. Today, Fauzia’s brother is a perfectly normal adult, with his only flaw being a penchant for origami, an activity he picked up in an effort to quell the need to do something with his hands while studying. “There are paper cranes and balls everywhere, but it sure beats being insane,” Fauzia says ruefully. Then there are the typical problems with video games. It distracts children from studies, and creates addiction in vulnerable, impressionable minds. The violence in video games obviously affects their minds, and children are likely to show signs of aggressive behavior in adulthood if they play violent videogames. Moreover, videogame addiction can lead to a variety of mental disorders, leading from behavioral disorders, to emotional disorders, to attention deficiency disorders like ADD. The biggest, and by far the most positive aspect of the internet is the convenience it affords people. Entrepreneurs in Pakistan have been quick to recognize this potential, resulting in marketing schemes online, delivery services, online shopping, etc.

Changing culture


For example, if you’re a working mother and don’t have time to cook dinner for the kids, just go to KarachiSnob.com and order up a meal for them. It’s very convenient for the working classes to have a host of online services available; even clothes can be purchased from known retailers via myofstreet.com. So what’s the flaw? Simply put, Pakistan isn’t composed entirely of the working class. Therefore, those that don’t have a need for online services can easily choose to hide themselves away within their homes, living of such online services. Want to watch a movie, just open dvddirect.biz. Feel like reading a book, check thebookreadersclub.com, libertybooks.com, or kitabain.com. Running out of groceries? Call Khadim Online or better yet, check Karachi Snob to see where you want to order dinner from today. Need new speakers for your PC, order them and wait for beliscity.com to deliver. In effect, stay within the confines of your own home, without socializing with people or being a productive citizen, and let the internet be all that you need. Does that really sound healthy? We cannot deny that the internet definitely has its perks. In a lot of cases, it truly is a boon. But with great power comes the clichéd great responsibility, which no one, online or offline, seems to be able to exercise.

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Changing culture


Changing culture


HEALTH By: Anum Nazar

Effects on health:

In this era of modernization, things have changed a lot; the trends of eating have also changed along with it. The food which was meant to be the most important of any culture have now become faded and people especially young generation is much prone to eat junk food. The eating habits have changed along with the subtle evolution which has seen in the society today.

Obesity: Obesity is the main problem which is caused due to excess consumption of junk food. The fats present in the junk food increases the problem of obesity. The calories which build up in the body due to the consumption of junk food do not generate any energy.

Junk food refers to fast foods which are easy to make and easy to consume. They are zero in nutritional value .They have only fats that can be hazardous for the health of the consumer. The taste is the most attractive feature in junk food, but is not useful to our body and health. Michael Jacobson who holds a PHD in microbiology suitably coins the phrase ―junk food‖ in 1972 as slang for foods which are useless or of no nutritional value. He has been a national leader in the movement to require nutrition labels on all foods and most beverages to help consumers make informed decisions about what to consume. Their contents are rich in sodium salts and/or sugar and fats which provide high calories yet useless in value. A quick look at junk food facts tells us junk food and diet does not go hand in hand. Perhaps this is the reason why junk foods are also called as empty calorie food. Of late, junk food producers claim to have made improvements to nutrition in junk food. Nevertheless, junk foods are popular because of their simplicity to manufacture, consume and of course, their taste. People have their own notions about a certain food being listed as junk. However, chocolates, burgers, pizzas, potato wafers and fries will surely find their way into everyone's list.

Bone strength: Consumption of junk food has a deleterious effect on bone strength. It reduces the bone mineral density. Excess consumption of food like this increases the probability of osteoporosis (porous bones," causes bones to become weak and brittle — so brittle that a fall or even mild stresses like bending over or coughing can cause a fracture). It also create problems like tooth decay. Diabetes – if someone taking a high amount of junk food then they may be suffer from the problem of diabetes. Less Energy – you get energy from vitamins and nutrients. You don’t get appropriate energy from junk food because it is not made of any nutrients. These food makes human fatty and lazy. Heart Disease – Avoid junk food to keep your heart healthy and safe. These foods contain high cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins. These unhealthy things stick to the inner walls of the blood vessels which is called plaque. This narrows the passage of blood flow in the arteries and thus the heart requires more effort for pumping blood via arteries.

Changing culture


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS):.Girls eating junk food & have no exercises are more near to this problem. Girls or women who eat more junk food suffer from hormonal imbalance which leads to different problems like irregular periods, excessive hair growth, acne & darkening of skin on neck & face. The most common reason of having this syndrome is the excessive use of chicken. In Pakistan, the feed which is prepared for chicken is not good which directly effects human body especially girls. Dr. Khairunnisa Zia (Gynecologist): There is also a problem with the younger generation of today they do not seek help from anyone not even from doctors for smaller sufferings if they do so then they will get to know how junk food is internally changing their system. Girls with PCOS do not pay attention even when there periods get irregular. These patients must be told that it is not good to have irregular periods it can harm the body so they must take treatment and avoid such things that are rich in fats or carbohydrates .Also they are more likely to develop Diabetes. High Cholesterol-Apart from forming plaques and constricting arteries, cholesterol also affects liver where it is metabolized. High cholesterol from junk food and diet strains liver damaging it eventually. This is a long term effect. Loss of Concentration: Concentration – junk food contain oil and fat in high quantity which takes much time to digest. One need high amount of enzymes to digest these food. If someone consumes lot of junk food then huge amount of blood need to be transferred to the intestine to digest the food properly. In this situation a person is sluggish with less concentration power. One should reduce the consumption of food which is injurious to health. Intake of homemade and healthy food decreases the probability of negative effects on health. Parents should develop awareness for fitness in their children. Dr. Farhana Ghayas (Pediatrician) says ―It is very difficult to change the habits of children or force them into eating healthier foods. Only the family can help the children to change their habit and help them eliminate most junk foods and substitute more nutritious ones. It can only be possible when the parents get awareness regarding the side effects of the junk food. Doctor’s guidance won't work unless parents have built up good sense (of nutrition) over time‖.

She further added: ―For children who have fewer vision of the cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes that might befall those decades later, the flexibility of a junk food environment are almost unavoidable. At the age of 30, arteries could start blockage and lay the foundation for future heart attacks. Osteoporosis and hypertension are other diseases that appear to have their earliest roots in childhood when lifetime eating habits are being formed. Children are especially vulnerable. Poor diets can slow growth, decay new teeth, promote obesity and sow the seeds of infirmity and debilitating disease that ultimately lead to incurable disease and death or worse make life insufferable.‖ As they always say it, whatever is avoided comes so tasty. Ice cream, chocolate, junk foods, fries, burgers, potato chips and shakes are all tempting. You can perhaps prohibit indulging junk food in your meal as these types of foods are unhealthy to have. Too much of anything sweet or salty is health threatening. Not only will you have a bad effect of junk food on health, you will also largely embrace mood swings, decreased enthusiasm to handle workouts, weight gain and constipation problems if you eat junk foods unstoppably. Finally, not all foods are junk; moreover, our bodies have enough stamina to take care of occasional junk food eating. However, beware; the lure is strong enough to get you addicted. It is in your hands choose junk food or health.

Changing culture



Changing culture


Cookery By: Washal Shah Khan

Pakistani cuisine is as diverse as its people. Most of Pakistani cuisine has Afghan-Turkic-Iranian roots. Many dishes are a blend of our neighbor’s specialties but Pashtuns and Balochi’s have retained their cuisine. So in a wider sense Pakistani cuisine is a blend of our western (AfghanIranian) and eastern (Indian) neighbors, depending on the region and people, of which many have evolved into their own unique distinct characteristics. Meat is a major part of Pakistani diet, whereas vegetables and beans are as important. Wheat is also the main staple of Pakistani diet, whereas rice is also popular. Here are some really tasty and unique dishes of diversities in Pakistan.

CHAPLI KABAB INGREDIENTS:  Minced beef 250 grams  Gram flour/ basin (Roasted) 3 tsp.  Dry cumin (dhaniya) 1 tsp.  Red chilies 8 pieces  Salt (according to taste)  Pomegranate seeds 1 tsp.  Fresh coriander (hara dhaniya) 2 tsp.  Green chilies 2 pieces  Chopped onion 1  Eggs 1 COOKING INSTRUCTIONS Take minced beef and add roasted gram flour in it. Also add; dry cumin, whole red chilies, salt, pomegranate seeds, and green chilies. Then add chopped onion and an egg; mix it well. Use hands for mixing and then leave it for an hour. Finally make round shapes of the mixture (kebab shape) also put some tomato cubes over it and fry in pre heated oil. Delicious chapli kebabs are ready.

Changing culture


Sarso Da Saag PUNJABI SPECIALITY By: Washal Shah Khan

One of the main features of Punjabi cuisine is its diverse range of dishes. Home cooked and restaurant Punjabi cuisine can vary significantly. Punjab is famous for using large amounts of clarified butter, known locally as ghee, with great amounts of butter and cream. People of Punjab have flawless skins because they are fond of having dairy products; their routine diet includes a drink which is locally known as “Lassi”; made up of yogurt, milk and sugar. Sarso Da Saag; a dish prepared from green mustard leaves and stems along with makkai roti (bread made up of corn flour) is a famous dish in Punjab and is now enjoyed by almost every Pakistani either living in Punjab or any other province.

INGREDIENTS:  Mustard (sarson) leaves, cleaned, washed and chopped 1 kg  Spinach (Palak) chopped 500 gm.  Turnip chopped 1  Dill chopped 200 gm.  Radish leaves chopped, 4-5  Maize flour 1 tsp.  Salt to taste  Ghee 3 tsp.  Asafetida a pinch  Ginger julienned 100 gm.  Garlic cloves 100 gm.  Green chilies slit, 34

COOKING INSTRUCTIONS Boil 1 cup water in a pan; add mustard leaves, spinach, turnip, dill and radish leaves. Cook for 30 minutes till water evaporates. Remove and keep aside to cool. Roast the maize flour for few minutes. Transfer the content in pan; add the maize flour and salt, cook till it begins to leave the sides of the pan. Heat the ghee in another pan; add asafetida, ginger, garlic and green chilies. Sauté for a while; add this to green mixture. Serve with I tsp. of fresh white butter accompanied with makkai roti.

Changing culture


PEETHI GILGIT BALTISTAN By Washal Shah Khan Gilgit Baltistan formerly known as the Northern Areas is the northernmost political entity within Pakistan. It borders Pakistan's Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province to the west, Afghanistan’s Wakhan Corridor to the north, China to the east and northeast, Azad Kashmir to the southwest and Indian-administered Jammu to the southeast. It has an estimated population approaching 1,000,000. The food particularly in North-West Frontier Province, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir involves the use of mild aromatic spices and less oil is used characterizing affinities to the Iranian and Central Asian people. Peethi is famous especially for breakfasts in Gilgit.

INGREDIENTS:  250 g split yellow lentils (Channa daal)  Salt  1/2 tablespoon bicarbonate of soda  oil, for fry

COOKING INSTRUCTION: Wash daal in a few changes of water. Then soak in plenty of water for several hours or preferably overnight. Drain daal and place in a blender or food processor with little water and grind to a paste. Transfer daal paste to a bowl; add bicarbonate of soda and salt. Mix well with hands for about 3 minutes. This will incorporate more air and will make the paste lighter in texture. Add little more water, if the better is too thick. (The consistency of better should be like thick better) Keep it aside for 30 minutes, Heat oil in a frying pan over medium- high heat. Carefully make small balls of this thick better and put into hot oil. Fry few at a time to a golden color. Remove from oil with a slotted spoon and place on absorbent kitchen towels. Transfer these fried Peethi to a serving plate.

Changing culture



English literature has always been a part of Pakistan’s cultural heritage due to our colonial history. Though Pakistani literature did exist in English language, we did not gain notoriety until the past decade or so. Many would point to Bapsi Sidhwa’s The Crow-Eaters published in the late 1980s as one of the pioneering books that created international popularity and interest for Pakistani literature. Sidhwa, a Parsi, wrote about Parsi culture, depicting the lifestyle of a Parsi family with the patriarch Freddy exasperated with a typically Pakistani mother-in-law, and an oblivious wife. Set in colonial India, the novel is a vibrant depiction of a historic period in the

Hanif Kureishi, nephew of famous English language writer Maki Kureishi, gained critical acclaim for his

book The Buddha of Suburbia an autobiographical account of a British Pakistani on a search for his identity. This novel would become a testament to the problems of identity crises and prejudice faced by many British Pakistanis.

sub=continent’s history. Sideway would later go on to

In 2000, Kamila Shamsie’s second novel Salt and

publish Water, a story about an 8-year-old Indian girl

Saffron and Mohsin Hamid’s first novel, Moth smoke

forced into a home for widows, and Cracking India, a story

brought both writers to the limelight. Salt and Saffron

set in Lahore about the impacts of Partition on a young

was a typical Partition era book about the scandals and

Parsi girl and her caretakers. Again, this is an excellent

secrets of a family, as seen through the eyes of a

depiction of our heritage; a particularly charming scene

narrator. Moth smoke on the other hand, was much

from the book is where the Parsi girl, Lenny is being taught

more captivating, a story about a man who carries out

the waltz by her mother. She innocently asks why they

an affair with his best friend’s wife and becomes a

must learn the British way of dancing, and her conclusion,

heroin addict.

after listening to her mother’s explanation, is that they must do so to become British like their masters.

Changing culture


Yes. But only to the minority elite and upper middle classes. To the vast majority of the country, there is little to relate to in such characters. But unlike Beautiful from This Angle, not all Pakistani English books are a self-masturbatory ‘worship my elitism!’ proclamation.




venture, Slum Child for example, is a thought-provoking take of a young girl from the slums fleeing being sold into prostitution by her father. Moth smoke, despite the typical elitism, uses the historical tale of the Mughal princes Pakistani English writers therefore, are a

At least, non-relatable to anyone

saving grace for the masses. On the one

who isn’t a Pakistani expatriate, or a

hand, they’ve revived the practice of

member of the elite class; In fact,



within the first eight pages of

laughing at the idea of reading anything

Beautiful from This Angle, we’re

but a course-book is a source of

introduced to the narrator’s foreign



education, her Prada dress, and her

shame. On another level, the fact that

best friend slash friend with benefits.

Pakistani English writers have won

By the time the first chapter ends,

critical acclaim on an international level

she’s wound up taking home a

is a source of pride for the country that’s

random man she meets at a party,

been under constant criticism from the

where they proceed to engage in a

world since 9/11.

lot of inappropriate activities over






But whose culture does Pakistani English fiction depict? From Kamila Shamsie’s

Cartography to Moth smoke, we explore a world of pampered, spoilt brats, drowning in booze, sex, and drugs, selfabsorbed and utterly non-relatable.

Dara Shikoh and Aurangzeb, and the trial of Dara as an allegory for nuclear test era Pakistan. Greetings from Bury

Park is a beautifully told tale of a lower class Pakistani-British boy and his relationship




conservative father is something all of us can relate to. The Wish maker tells the story of a young boy and his rebellious cousin, whose mistakes and doomed affair with a politician’s son creates scandal and shame for her

family; a tale typical in Pakistan.

the course of the weekend. In Moth

smoke, within the first chapter, the three main characters share drinks as they reunite after a long time. Is this lifestyle of sex, drugs, alcohol, wild parties, amorous affairs, and scandals common in Pakistan? Changing culture


Thanks to the nurturing of book-reading culture due to our English fiction writers, events like the Karachi Literature Festival have also appeared on the scene. For two glorious days, the auntie’s air-kiss, Muhammad Hanif has everyone in stitches, girls sigh over meeting female writers like Bapsi Sidhwa or Kamila Shamsie, and Daniyal Mueenuddin’s charms all with his abrupt switch between American English to Punjabi, and people are united by a common love for books. Considering that Karachi isn’t a cultural hub like Lahore, it’s a blessing for Karachiites to have this kind of event, not to mention the international coverage we get, depicting a culture apart from the nation embroiled in the war on terror.

Changing culture


By: Urooj Khan The world is becoming multi-faith day by day. There isn’t any single country in the world occupied by the people of a single belief. Each country has different faiths in the form of minorities and majorities. People of different communities are living with each other around the world and coming closer to each other day by day. In today’s era of globalization there is a need for interfaith awareness and understanding. A basic understanding of the diverse range of cultures, faiths, and their histories has become a requirement to survive which also serves as a starting point towards greater understanding and respect for others. Pakistan is a country with at least 180 million people belonging to different faiths. Muslims are in majority while Hindu, Christians, Jews, Buddhists and Sikhs cover the white part of the flag. All the communities have been living with each other for a very long time and share almost everything.

“How did these communities coexist peacefully for so long?” For many the answer is simply the knowledge of not only their own but the others religion as well. The answer is what we call “Interfaith awareness and understanding” which plays a greater role in bringing the different communities closer to each other. Interfaith awareness and understanding is a conceivable condition, signifying peaceful co-existence among practitioners of various religious beliefs, aimed at eliminating the possibility of discord and violence. Such a condition calls for a global level of understanding that all religions are mutually acceptable along with all ramifications of traditions and their evolution to the contemporary life. It has been observed that sometimes the difference in beliefs creates conflicts and violence among the people of different faiths. But actually no religion preaches violence and hatred. One without understanding the other religions always considers them wrong or against own belief which becomes the root cause of violence. It is the result of lack of awareness that the extremist from any religion considers the people of other faith as enemy, deserving disrespect and should be killed.

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Now the situation what people around the world are facing highlights the need of interfaith awareness and understanding. There is a strong need for the people to realize that each and every religion has something common with the other religion. Interfaith Awareness is the only thing which can stop someone blaming the other religion for spreading terrorism and the only thing which can make the extremists to realize that nobody is against their religion and the followers of other religion shares something common with you. As the time changes, from the start till now we have seen a gradual change in our society, now people are aware of what is happening around the world, People are aware of what other religions belief is; what they follow, where they worship and what are their customs. People have started understanding other religions that is a good sign for producing harmony among different faiths.

between faiths, understanding of values, and commitment to the world. The dialogue often involves promoting understanding between different religions to upturn acceptance of others, rather than to make new beliefs. Throughout the world there are local, regional and international interfaith initiatives; many are formally or informally linked and constitute larger networks, organizations or federations. . MARS (Mutual Advancement and Reconciliation in Society) is trying to create interfaith

This concept has the ability to maintain peace and to bring all the faiths closer to each other. If not collectively then on individual level all of us should support this concept so that one day we will be able to enjoy the same peace and love in the air which we had in the past. The world is under social and religious wars that ultimately take world away from human values and weakening the social bindings among the all human beings. It has become a huge threat for all human beings. Therefore, there is a big need to bridge the social gaps, religious conflicts among the human beings so that they come closer to each other and understand the other creeds and religions. This is only possible through interfaith dialogues. It refer to cooperative and positive interaction between people of different religious traditions and spiritual or humanistic beliefs, at both the individual and institutional level with the aim of deriving a common ground in belief through a concentration on similarities

awareness at local level in Pakistan and as well in the world through building liaison with international and national organizations, so that real peace can take place in this world. The objectives include the Creation of an environment among the people from the different religions for acceptance, tolerance, respecting others creeds and faiths; Also the Creation of a space for dialogue, initiatives for peace, communal and social dignity involving policy makers, leaders and change makers. Faith and Friendship, Interfaith Youth in Action (IYA) are the other organization working for the same objective.

People of different faiths are increasingly acting together to relieve human need. They are at the forefront of efforts to protect the environment, promoting peace and reminding political campaigners that we need a new spirituality that emphasizes respect for each other values. While there are many essentially religious organizations geared towards working on interfaith issues there is also a less common attempt by some governmental institutions to specifically address the diversity of religions. Also educational institutions are taking step towards the concept in order to promote peace. The students of Media studies and journalism of Bahria university Karachi Campus have moved forward to promote interfaith awareness and understanding and each of the students involved in the project had a different and unique experience. Numerous attempts have been made worldwide by countless peace loving people at interfaith meetings to bring interfaith harmony to planet Earth but despite these wonderful efforts the religious wars continue to rage on. IF we don’t change our attitudes and make efforts to bring peace and spread brotherhood, soon these religious wars will be Nuclear World War III, the extinction of life on earth forever. As long as the people believe in killing all of the people outside of their religion in return for eternal paradise, there can never be interfaith harmony.

Pictures by: Urooj Khan

Changing culture



By: Washal Shah Khan Media in recent years have flourished considerably, largely because of the advent of new private channels in Pakistan. We can see different types of programs, dramas, serials, soaps and reality shows; people now have many choices. Ages back, we only had PTV and now we have a variety of channels in which we can see diversified programs. The themes of programs have now variations; we can see different cultures of Pakistan in these serials; because of more awareness people try to research and make the exact drama that portrays the specific culture which they are trying to depict. Recently a drama had been on air, ―Tum Ho Kay Chup‖; which is the exact representation of our Balochi culture; the way of dressing, the style of speaking, the traditions and lifestyles are so perfectly captured that no one gets confused in distinguishing the culture. This serial portrays two generations, continents and highlights the striking contrast between two very different ways of lifestyle. When Zarrar (Humayun Saeed), the son of a tribal chief goes to Britain to study, he falls in love with the cheerful British Born Pakistani Mishal (Ayesha Khan). Once married to Zarrar, Mishal along with him gets back to Pakistan, where she is stunned to realize that she has to live within the confines of her In-law’s Haveli and adhere to their strict rules and principles. From here on begins Mishal’s fight for freedom, one she eventually wins, but at a disturbing expense. As life comes full circle, Mishal gets the chance to re-write history within her husband’s tribe. The question is; will she have the strength to step back into that world and take that chance? A Story that is about the bravery, sacrifice and struggle of a woman determined to fight for what is right. Cast: Humayun Saeed, Ayesha Khan, Fiza Ali, Syed Jibran, Hina Bayat, Abid Ali. Director: Haseeb Hasan, Writer: Asghar Nadeem Syed, On Air Date: 30th April 2011

Changing culture


Pakistan means ―land of the pure,‖ but we all always think that how it is associated with the word terrorists and now it is known as the land of terrorism. The manners and lifestyles are guided by a blend of Islam and local traditions as well as culture. Shrines have always been top famous element of Pakistani culture either religiously or culturally. Shrines, mosques and other religious places were meant to be the safest places in the times of war and terror situations, but now the whole scenario has been changed; today, these places are said to be the most unsafe as they are on the target list of so called ―Taliban’s‖. In the history of violence, it happened on Sunday, April 3rd 2010, in Pakistan when two suicide bombers attacked hundreds of worshipers gathered at a Sufi shrine in the Dera Ghazi Khan District of Pakistan’s Punjab province. It was being reported that 49 people were killed and at least 90 + were injured. The explosions struck near the Sakhi Sarwar shrine as Sufi devotees gathered for an annual three-day festival. This is the third such attack on Sufi shrines in the past year.

In the past, terrorists used to attack those people whom they think doing wrong to their religion and are dangerous to them but it has seen that they are not only attacking those but are also targeting the shrine and holy place including the Sufis, Shias, Ahmadi’s Muslim Community, and Christians. The Shia Muslim community has faced several targeted attacks: at least 43 were killed in the South-Western city of Quetta during a Shia procession in September of 2010. On May 2010, an attack against the Ahmadi Muslim Community in Lahore resulted in 86 dead. Armed militants without any preparation stormed into two Ahmadi Muslim Community mosques with automatic weapons and explosives and opened fire on innocent worshippers during their Prayer service. No arrests have been made up till now. On 26th October 2010, terrorists attack on Baba Farid (Fariduddin Masud Ganjshakar) Shrine at Pakpattan which is one of the Sufi centers in the country which killed at least 6 people and more than 12 injured.

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The extremists have also targeted places like; Abdullah Shah Ghazi shrine in Karachi, Data Darbar in Lahore too. Terrorists think that by doing this they are spreading the message of peace and love, actually what Islam is all about but they are forgetting that Islam never insisted terror and violence. Don’t they think that they are breaking the commandments of Holy Quran? Quran says that whoever kills a person, it shall be as if they had killed all of mankind. Islam does not maintain people who turn to violence to censor free speech or protect their faith. The Quran guarantees freedom of speech on at least four occasions, teaching Muslims to respond to people who criticize their faith by simply asking for proof of their claim. The Quran forbids compulsion in thought and forbids retaliation in any form if one insults our faith, explaining that a Muslim's only option is to simply "turn away from them" or "sit not with them." No violence, anger or aggression is tolerated.

Years of attack: 2005 = attack on Pir Rakhel shrine in Baluchistan’s Jhal Magsi area by killing over 30 people. 2009 militants attack the mausoleum of Pashto mystic poet Rehman Baba. 2010 attack on Lahore’s Data Darbar in July, Same year attack on Abdullah shah ghazi shrine in Karachi. It is time for the government and people of Pakistan to stop relying on violence to achieve their goals. Terrorists and violent extremists must be brought to justice, and their power must be removed. It is time to become a government of the people, for the people.

Changing culture


You seek security and the art of living. Recent tumultuous events, both inner and outer, filled with desire and frustration, love and wonder, push you here and there and you wonder if comfort will ever be experienced again. It will but not until a few tests are completed. Maintain dedication and pray for right action. Will it.

You seek to relate to others more deeply than usual. Perhaps thoughts of friendships (who are they) and the need for a vacation or time of release and relaxation occur. You feel the necessity for more resources to meet several major responsibilities.

Any situations you are in a dilemma about will be dealt with in dreams, meditations, contemplative thoughts, and long walks. You've become exceedingly sensitive. Be very observant with how you present duality.

Something within the groups you work and interact with will allow you to focus on thoughts and feelings that have been difficult recently. You will be able to make clearer decisions, come to agreements and begin to make future plans quite soon now.

You seek freedom. You must travel somewhere and find yourself. This will be a new self and one you've been preparing for quite a while now (actually years and years). What will it take to set yourself upon a new path? Old wounds emerge so they can dissolve away. Are you asking where your home is?

Changing culture


You make new plans for the future. Old beliefs are falling away and this clears the way for a new world of thought and ideas that encompasses all the world's beliefs. A deep reorientation occurs. This may feel like a test. It is. Then the wheel turns.

Great amounts of work can be accomplished. You have strength, ability, desire, aspiration, and courage to approach whatever is needed and apply yourself until completion In general. All will run smoothly though with an accelerated pace. Be careful at home and with family. It's not so smooth there.

You seek comfort and security to a greater degree at this time within relationships. This is good and it will be up to you to achieve half of it. How? By listening more, seeing the life principle in the other, and allowing for change to occur in all levels within your interactions. This is not easy.

Is your mind simply overrun with new creative ideas? Do you at times want to become an entirely new person but you don't know who that is yet? Is communication at times or perhaps thoughts, both a wound and a healing? This month work will need fortitude. Romance may occur. We hope.

You want to move forward, your usual state of activity, but the Mercury retro pulls you back and asks for more contemplation rather than action. This is good as it allows you to prepare for the months ahead with a clear, cool head. It's time for a renewal of your self-identity. Who are you to be now?

You are maturing, growing into realization concerning the reality of your past and your family. Whereas before you could not understand, now you do. Each of us makes commitments prior to each lifetime. All family members are involved in this. This is how we serve one another. It's a paradox.

You will focus on how to communicate so that you are heard and understood and also so that others are cared for on all levels. This will be a difficult task. You may also travel. Prepare yourself for ups and downs, the new and the old.

Changing culture



EDITOR: Washal Shah Khan

Changing culture


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