Washingtonblade.com, Volume 52, Issue 03, January 15, 2021

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horns and carrying an American flag drapedover a spear. On Saturday, federal prosecutors identified the man as Jacob Anthony Chansley, who also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n arrest affidavit filed in court states that the alleged victim in the assault told police A+&%/,"+&0"$B,+"(/-"7$$)"4/)("(,+"-%$$),+"&06"-)+8%3"(/5"/0")(,"(,&6"&7),+"(,")$#6"(,+")$"-)$'" (&+&--/0*"',$'#,"$0")(,"KTPP"2#$%3"$7"KL)("=)+,,)@"M<N<"4(,+,"?<><"'$#/%,"-&.")(,"/0%/6,0)" $%%8++,6"$0"D8#."OO@"OPOP< !"#$%&'(()*"$+*, /MNBGH?O!PHA@HFHB!/QCRN?HSC! Director ,++&-)./+*0 TU=>?>!R>NA?CDO!>L!-BKFCRJV

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=>?:@#:)-*3#,-33+)$&),#$43$+&#'A'8#()+*#3)&,46&"$ Many silent after attack on U.S. Capitol; Goodspeed resigns !"#$%&'(#)*%+(*+#,#-./012/13452067589:-/;

!"#$%&#'($&)*'$%#+(#$%&#',,'-.$#+"#$%&#/010#2'34$+.#4",$45'$&6#78#9)&,46&"$#:)-*3;#%4,# 3+.4$4B'.#&((+)$,;#7-$#'$#$%&#,'*&#$4*&#6+&,"E$#7'BM#&((+)$,#$+#(+)B47.8#)&*+C&#$%&#3)&,46&"$# +"&<$4*&# =>?:@# ,-33+)$&),# ')&# "+A# 64,$'"B4"5# $%&*,&.C&,# ()+*# %4*# A4$%+-$# +-$)45%$# from office before the end of his term. “Honestly it’s in two weeks,” Greene said. “He reluctantly gave a statement on an )&"+-"B4"5#$%&4)#3)&C4+-,#,-33+)$0 D'"8# =>?:@# :)-*3# ,-33+)$&),# 646"E$# )&,3+"6# $+# $%&# F',%4"5$+"# ?.'6&E,# )&G-&,$# +)6&).8#&P4$0#!#$%4"M#B-))&"$#&((+)$,#'$#)&*+C4"5#%4*#')&#3+.4$4B'.#'"6#,%+)$<,45%$&60#F&EC&# (+)#B+**&"$0#H$%&),#B+"6&*"&6#$%&#C4+.&"B&#'$#$%&#/010#2'34$+.;#7-$#,+-5%$#$+#')$(-..8# B+*3.&$&.8#(+)5+$$&"#$%&#,$4*-.-,#'"6#C'BB4"&#)+..+-$#$%'$#"&&6,#'$$&"$4+"0#:)-*3#4,#6+"&0# 64,$'"B&#$%&*,&.C&,#()+*#:)-*3#A%4.&#*4"4*4I4"5#$%&4)#3)&C4+-,#,-33+)$#(+)#%4*#',#'"# Further political theater seems petty and unnecessary to me.” Dan Innis, a Republican former New Hampshire state senator who supported Trump 4"B-*7&"$#3)&,46&"$#)-""4"5#(+)#)&<&.&B$4+"#4"#JKJK0 H"&<$4*&#:)-*3#,-33+)$&),#L#'*46#$'.M#+(#:)-*3#7&4"5#(+)B&6#$+#)&,45";#4*3&'B%&6# '"6#'($&)#$%&#JKJK#&.&B$4+"#,'46#+"#:A4$$&)#%&#A+-.6"E$#'BB&3$#$%&#)&,-.$,;#$+.6#$%&#?.'6&# the assault on the U.S. Capitol was “very sad,” but wouldn’t give up his previous position. and removed from office or being stripped of the presidency through never-before “My concerns about the validity of the election remain,” Innis said. “If the election was invoked powers of executive officers under the 25th Amendment — wouldn’t commit to fair, and I hope it was, show us. Why the secrecy? If there is nothing to hide, don’t hide ,-33+)$4"5#'"8#+(#$%+,&#+-$B+*&,0 2%').&,#D+)'";#*'"'54"5#64)&B$+)#+(#=+5#2'74"#N&3-7.4B'",;#B+"6&*"&6#$%&#',,'-.$# it. However, given yesterday’s events, we will never know the truth about the election. As a result, millions of Americans, me included, will forever doubt the integrity of the American on the U.S. Capitol as “a dark day in the current chapter of American history,” but B+*3')&6#4$#$+#)'B4'.#-")&,$#+(#JKJK#'"6#,'46#O4$#7)+-5%$#4"$+#$%&#"&A#8&')#$%&#'"5&)#'"6# election process.” !""4,# '.,+# ,+-5%$# $+# *4"4*4I&# :)-*3# ',# '# C4+.&"B&# $%'$# A&# &P3&)4&"B&6# +".8# )&B&"$.8# 4"# .&'6&)#+(#$%&#B+",&)C'$4C&#*+C&*&"$;#'664"5# the summer of 2020.” “vanquishing” him “will not change my views, “That said, the violence and un-American acts or the views of those millions” who don’t trust B+**4$$&6#8&,$&)6'8#78#$%+,&#A%+#,$+)*&6#$%&# $%&#"'$4+"E,#.&'6&),#'"6#4",$4$-$4+",0 2'34$+.#7-4.64"5#A&)&#B+*3.&$&.8#-"'BB&3$'7.&# “Trump was nothing but a figurehead of a '"6#$%+,&#A%+#$++M#3')$#4"#$)84"5#$+#(+)B&(-..8# .')5&)#*+C&*&"$;#'"6#$%'$#*+C&*&"$#4,#"+$# ,$+3# +-)# 6&*+B)'B8# ()+*# A+)M4"5# ,%+-.6# 7&# 5+4"5# $+# T-,$# 5+# 'A'8# T-,$# 7&B'-,&# :)-*3# identified, arrested, tried and punished to the goes away,” Innis said. “If the Democrats, fullest extent of the law,” Moran said, “Full stop, including Joe Biden, think that is going to no exceptions.” happen, I think they will be surprised.” D+)'"# ,'46# =+5# 2'74"# N&3-7.4B'",;# A%4B%# :%&# 64,$'"B4"5# ()+*# :)-*3# B+))&,3+"6,# &"6+),&6#:)-*3#4"#$%&#JKJK#&.&B$4+";#.&')"&6# $+# $%&# 5)+A4"5# .4,$# +(# '6*4"4,$)'$4+"# '46&,# from the success it enjoyed in increasing the )&,45"4"5# 4"# $%&# '($&)*'$%# +(# $%&# ',,'-.$# +"# =>?:@# C+$&# (+)# $%&# N&3-7.4B'"# 3)&,46&"$4'.# $%&#/010#2'34$+.0 nominee (according to exit polls) but said those Among them was Tyler Goodspeed, &((+)$,#A&)&#"&C&)#'7+-$#:)-*3#%4*,&.(0 A%+E,#5'8#'"6#A',#'B$4"5#B%'4)#+(#$%&#F%4$&# OF%4.&# $%&# 5'8# .&($# %',# %'6# '# 6&)'"5&6# House Council of Economic Advisers, +7,&,,4+"# A4$%# Q+"'.6# :)-*3;# +-)# *+C&*&"$# who resigned Thursday. “The events of has never been about one man,” Moran said. #$%&'()**+,-&&+ <=>?@A=B!C<DE!F!#G?H=!&DI>=!JDK!FCH=<!HG=!F>>FILH!DA!HG=!40%0!1FM?HDL0! 8&,$&)6'8# *'6&# *8# 3+,4$4+"# "+# .+"5&)# OF&# B'"# '"6# A4..# 'B%4&C&# B+"$4"-&6# ,-BB&,,;# N%O<==A!OFMHI<=!P?F!6DI*IK=Q tenable,” Goodspeed was quoted as saying with or without Donald Trump.” D+)'"# '.,+# ,46&<,$&33&6# $%&# 4,,-&# +(# A%'$# ,%+-.6# %'33&"# A4$%# :)-*3# '*46# $'.M# +(# to the New York Times. But several other LGBTQ officials with ties to Trump had little to say for themselves and removing him from office before end of his presidential term. didn’t respond to the Blade’s request for comment. Among them was Richard Grenell, who “President Trump’s last day in office will be January 20, when Vice President Biden will was the face of LGBTQ outreach for Trump’s re-election. Although Grenell condemned be sworn into office,” Moran said. “I don’t know what President Trump will do next. The $%&#',,'-.$#+"#$%&#/010#2'34$+.#+"#:A4$$&)#',#4$#A',#-"(+.64"5;#78#$%&#"&P$#6'8#%4,#(+B-,# Republican Party today, however, is transformed, and I think for the better.” shifted to California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Iran, Big Tech and the media, but not Trump. At least one prominent gay Trump supporter, Tyler Goodspeed, resigned from his job Brandon Straka, the gay conservative who founded the “Walk Away” movement and 4"#3)+$&,$#+(#$%&#)4+$,#'"6#:)-*3E,#)+.&#4"#4",$45'$4"5#$%&*0#>++6,3&&6#A',#'33+4"$&6#78# was among the speakers at the “Stop the Steal” rally that led to the assault on the U.S. Trump in July to serve as acting chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. 2'34$+.#'.,+#646"E$#)&,3+"6#$+#$%&#?.'6&E,#)&G-&,$#(+)#B+**&"$0 He resigned on Wednesday. After the assault, Straka posted on Twitter a one-hour video skirting the violence and H"&#"+$'7.&#&PB&3$4+"#$+#$%&#$)&"6#+(#5'8#:)-*3#,-33+)$&),#7'BM4"5#'A'8#()+*#$%&# &P3)&,,4"5#+-$)'5&#'$#$%&#)4+$&),#'"6#4,,-&6#'#B'..#$+#OB+*3.&$&.8#5-$#$%&#B+",&)C'$4C&# president was Gregory Angelo, former president of the Log Cabin Republicans. Angelo movement and start again.” On Friday, Straka indignantly tweeted about Facebook was spotted in a CSPAN video on Tuesday among a crowd of White House staffers disabling the “Walk Away” campaign on the social media platform. cheering for Trump as he left the building. Angelo hasn’t responded to Blade requests Also not responding to the Blade was Gregory Angelo, who cheered Trump on after (+)#B+**&"$0 ,$&334"5#6+A"#',#%&'6#+(#$%&#=+5#2'74"#N&3-7.4B'",#'"6#.'$&)#$++M#'#T+7#'$#$%&#:)-*3# Chad Felix Greene, who wrote a self-published book “Without Context,” disputing each White House; and Rob Smith, a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” activist who later became a chief of the LGBTQ media watchdog GLAAD’s accounts of anti-LGBTQ attacks by Trump, told $%&#?.'6&#$%&#',,'-.$#+"#$%&#2'34$+.#A',#O'"#'B$#+(#6+*&,$4B#$&))+)4,*#'"6#,%+-.6#"+$#7&# spokesperson for the pro-Trump student group Turning Point USA. H$%&)#=>?:@#B+",&)C'$4C&,#A%+#,3+M&#$+#$%&#?.'6&;#7-$#646"E$#,-33+)$#:)-*3#(+)#)&< tolerated.” O:%&#)45%$#%',#'$$)'B$&6#'#3+3-.'$4+"#+(#3&+3.&#$%'$#$%4"M#'"')B%8#'"6#+7,B&"4$8#')&# election in 2020, weren’t shy about saying the assault on the U.S. Capitol confirmed their (&'),#'7+-$#%4*0 political activism,” Greene added. “White supremacists, antisemites and other assorted ?)'6#9+.-*7+;#'#Q020<7',&6#B+",&)C'$4C&#T+-)"'.4,$#'"6#%+,$#+(#$%&#3+6B',$#O?)&'M4"5# idiots latched onto the MAGA movement because it was rebellious and counter culture Brad,” said the Trump administration yielded good policy — including for LGBTQ people, and controversial.” >)&&"&#,'46#%&#.+,$#%4,#)&,3&B$#(+)#:)-*3#OA%&"#%&#7&5'"#7&%'C4"5#',#'#B+",34)'$+)4'.# 6&,34$&#:)-*3E,#'"$4<=>?:@#)&3-$'$4+"#L#7-$#$%&#)&B&"$#&C&"$,#3)+C&6#%4*#)45%$0 O:%&# B)'I&6# *+7# '$$'BM# +"# $%&# 2'34$+.# '"6# 9)&,46&"$#:)-*3E,# 6&"4'.# +(# $%&# &.&B$4+"# voice leading his followers into madness,” and is now looking to Mike Pence for leadership, )&,-.$,#$%'$#(+*&"$&6#4$;#(+)#*&;#C4"64B'$&#$%&#6&B4,4+"#$+#"&C&)#5&$#+"#7+')6#$%&#:)-*3# 6&,34$&#$%&#C4B&#3)&,46&"$E,#.+"5#'"$4<=>?:@#)&B+)60 OF%4.&#!#'33)&B4'$&6#R:)-*3E,S#3+.4B4&,#',#'#.&'6&);#%&#3)+C&6#%4*,&.(#$+#7&#'#$%)&'$# train,” Polumbo said. “From tax cuts to deregulation to the confirmation of several excellent Supreme Court justices to Middle East peace deals and an unprecedented openness to everything we built over the last four years over his ego,” Greene added. “Pence is $%&# 3&)(&B$# *4))+)# 4*'5&# +(# $%4,0# 2+",4,$&"$0# 2'.*0#:)-,$A+)$%8# '"6# '# *'"# +(# 4"$&5)4$80# to gay Americans, there are many successes gay conservatives like me can take away ()+*#$%&#:)-*3#3)&,46&"B80#?-$#)&B&"$#&C&"$,#%'C&#'.,+#,&)C&6#',#'#3'4"(-.#)&*4"6&)#$+# He’s not the face of what MAGA became as an aggressive and passionate movement. He =>?:#B+",&)C'$4C&,;#'"6#'..#B+",&)C'$4C&,;#)&'..8;#$%'$#3+.4B8#',46&;#+-)#.&'6&),E#B%')'B$&)# reminded us of what good Republican and conservative leadership can be.” matters.” Greene said he expects Trump to “leave office” and “won’t support” him in future !"!"!#$ % &' ()*+(,-$. / 0 1+2 ! " !3$( 4$56! 7 89! : ;: 7! " ! ( $*' + ($ -!(/# %

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Amid coup chaos, Trump quietly erases LGBTQ protections Rule changes affect adoption, health services !"#$%&'(#)*%+(*+#,#-./012/13452067589:-/;

!"#$%& '($& )*+$%& *,& )(-*.& '($& #-/& -,'$%& 0%123& .133*%'$%.& .'*%2$#& '($& !454& Capitol, the Trump administration officially nixed regulations barring federal grantees in the Department of Health & Human Services from discriminating against LGBTQ people, including in adoption services. HHS went public last Thursday with the final rule, which rescinds regulations implemented in the Obama administration barring discrimination among HHS grantees with respect to sex, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity. The change also rescinds the Obama-era regulations requiring HHS grantees to “treat as valid the marriages of same-sex couples.” Although Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which governs federal programs, prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin, it doesn’t prohibit anti-LGBTQ discrimination, so the regulation allows considerable discrimination in federal programs against LGBTQ people. “Given the careful balancing of rights, obligations, and goals in the public-private partnerships in federal grant programs, the department believes it appropriate to impose only those nondiscrimination requirements required by the Constitution and federal statutes applicable to the department’s grantees,” the federal rule .-/.4 Most prominently, the new regulation would allow taxpayer-funded child welfare services to refuse placement into LGBTQ families or discriminate against LGBTQ youth. Religiously affiliated adoption and foster care centers have been pushing for this change in regulation, including Catholic Social Services in Philadelphia, which currently has a case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court seeking a First Amendment right to reject same-sex couples on religious grounds. Rachel Laser, CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church & State, criticized the regulation in a statement for allowing discrimination in the child welfare system. “The federal government should protect our country’s most vulnerable people instead of issuing rules that license discrimination,” Laser said. “People should never be turned away from the services they need. That is especially true for children in foster care and the families who want to provide them with loving, safe homes. Rather than prioritizing the best interests of children and families, the Trump administration’s new rule invites taxpayer-funded foster care agencies to discriminate against them.” But the proposed regulation will have far-reaching implications in health services, allowing anti-LGBTQ discrimination in HIV and STI prevention programs, opioid programs, youth homelessness services, health professional training and substance-use recovery programs. The finalization of the rule, first proposed in November 2019, was expected. The Office of Management & Budget, which coordinates the rule-making process among federal agencies indicated on its website it had received the proposed rule and it was scheduled to be made final in the lame duck session before Trump’s exit. But the Trump administration had already ceased enforcing the nondiscrimination components of the Obama-era rule when it proposed the regulation in 2019, arguing the previous administration didn’t go through the correct rule-making process when it was made final in the eleventh-hour of the Obama administration in December 2016. The Trump-era rule seeks to justify itself by saying the Obama-era regulations aren’t based on statutes and religious-affiliated groups have complained and filed lawsuits over meeting those requirements. These groups, HHS noted, assert the policy is unlawful under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the First 62$"#2$"'4 “In the statutes establishing certain programs and grants, Congress has specified the protected categories with respect to which discrimination is prohibited,” the rule says. “Congress has not expressly included discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or same-sex marriage status, in any statute applicable to departmental grants.” HHS had already granted an exemption from the Obama-era rule to South Carolina, which sought to get out of the regulation on behalf of the Miracle Hill Ministries adoption agency. Laser cited the exemption granted to South Carolina and Americans United’s lawsuit against it in her criticism of the final rule.

President #$%&'#()*+,-<=!&&%!>?=!@A?=@B!-),*C!DEDFBG=HAGIGD?JGED!A@KLGA@I@DJ=! MEA!M@B@A?N!OA?DJ@@=0!!(Blade file photo by Michael Key)

“Discrimination should never be funded or supported by our government, but that’s exactly what this rule does,” Laser said. “Families, senior citizens and children could lose protections against discrimination and suddenly be turned away from taxpayer-funded programs they need. That includes people like Americans United client Aimee Maddonna, who was turned away from helping children in foster care by a government-funded agency solely because Aimee is Catholic – the ‘wrong’ religion according to an evangelical Protestant agency in South Carolina.” Although the U.S. Supreme Court decision this year Bostock v. Clayton County, which found anti-LGBTQ discrimination is a form of sex discrimination, against anti-LGBTQ discrimination has widespread implications across all areas of federal law, the decision doesn’t apply to federal programs, such as HHS grants, because Title VI doesn’t bar sex discrimination in federal programs. HHS notes the Bostock decision, which hadn’t yet come down when the rule was first proposed, in the final text of the regulation. “Nothing about the Bostock decision undermines the department’s choice in this final rule to refer to statutory nondiscrimination requirements and state that the department will follow applicable Supreme Court decisions in administering its award programs, rather than delineating the specific protected categories from discrimination in the rule or applying two specific Supreme Court decisions,” the rule says. “If anything, Bostock shows the utility of the Department’s approach in this final rule.” The Equality Act, legislation Biden has pledged to sign within 100 days after being inaugurated on Jan. 20, would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to ban anti-LGBTQ discrimination in federal programs specifically as a form of sex #7.)%727"-'7*"4 An HHS spokesperson said in response to the rule the department “respects the dignity of every human being,” but also “protects and enforces the civil rights of all to the fullest extent permitted by the laws as written.” “LGBT individuals remain fully protected under civil rights statutes and regulations,” the HHS spokesperson said. “If any covered entity subjects an LGBT individual to discrimination on the basis protected under an applicable statutory non-discrimination provision, HHS will protect that individual by vigorously enforcing its non-discrimination statutes and regulations.” The Trump-era rule is set to go into effect 30 days after the date of publication in the Federal Register. The White House deferred to HHS for comment.

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8()#*G$;,&&('$(*,/0/&,+(2*$#A#*+'$32'+-?$A(&+/,Billy Porter to perform at HRC’s ‘LGBTQ Inaugural Ball’ !"#$%&#'()!!*+%#,+-#.#/01233456784913/4:;-06<

!"#$ %&#'()#*+(,-$ .*,/0/&,-$ 1233(++##$ 42&$ %&#'()#*+5#-#6+$ 72#$ 8()#*$ ,*)$9(6#$ %&#'()#*+5#-#6+$ :,3,-,$ ;,&&('$ ('$ 6,--(*0$ 2*$+"#$<=8!>$6233/*(+?$+2$@,&+(6(@,+#$(*$'#A#&,-$@-,**#)$ virtual inaugural events that reflect the theme of “America United,” an inaugural official told LGBTQ representatives at a Jan. 12 online briefing. “We are looking forward to the inaugural ceremonies in which the American people and the world will witness the peaceful transition of power,” said Rina Patel, the inaugural committee’s Associate Director of Coalitions before a B223$ 0,+"#&(*0$ 24$ 6-2'#$ +2$ CD$ &#@&#'#*+,+(A#'$ 24$ <=8!>$ 2&0,*(E,+(2*'$4&23$,6&2''$+"#$62/*+&?F “This will mark a new day for the American people focused 2*$ "#,-(*0$ 2/&$ *,+(2*G$ H&(*0(*0$ 2/&$ 62/*+&?$ +20#+"#&G$ ,*)$ building back together,” she said. Patel noted that the inaugural swearing-in ceremony for Biden and Harris, which will take place outside the U.S. Capitol, will not be open for in-person viewing and will be restricted mainly to members of Congress. “In order to be mindful of COVID-19 guidelines there are no public tickets available for the inauguration,” she said. “I know some folks are excited about being in D.C., but we are &#,--?$#*62/&,0(*0$#A#&?2*#$+2$'+,?$"23#$,*)$*2+$+2$+&,A#-$ to D.C.” At least three national LGBTQ organizations, meanwhile, were scheduled to hold their own inaugural celebrations in "2*2&$24$+"#$(*623(*0$8()#*5;,&&('$,)3(*('+&,+(2*F The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBTQ advocacy organization, announced it is joining “community @,&+*#&'I$(*$"2-)(*0$,$A(&+/,-$<=8!>$.*,/0/&,-$8,--$2*$7,*F$JD$ called the Power of Unity. “This not-to-be-missed virtual event will feature musical @#&42&3,*6#'$,*)$'@#6(,-$,@@#,&,*6#'$4&23$#K/,-(+?$-#,)#&'$ ,6&2''$ +"#$ <=8!>$ 32A#3#*+GI$ ,$ '+,+#3#*+$ @&232+(*0$ +"#$ event says. Among the performers scheduled to appear, the '+,+#3#*+$',?'G$('$8(--?$%2&+#&G$+"#$=&,33?G$!2*?$,*)$L33?$ Award-winning actor, singer and activist who stars in the FX hit series “Pose.” HRC is billing the event as a fundraiser with suggested levels of donations of $400, $250, $175, $100, and $35, with financial supporters having access to an online reception and having their name posted as an official sponsor. But HRC ',?'$@#2@-#$6,*$,-'2$,++#*)$+"#$2*-(*#$.*,/0/&,-$8,--$4&##$24$ 6",&0#$H?$&#0('+#&(*0$(*$,)A,*6#$24$+"#$#A#*+F The Center for Black Equity, the D.C.-based national <=8!>$ ,)A26,6?$ 2&0,*(E,+(2*$ +",+$ 2&0,*(E#'$ +"#$ *,+(2*M'$ Black Pride events, is holding its own virtual inaugural ball on Jan. 20, according to Executive Director Earl Fowlkes. Fowlkes said some LGBTQ elected officials were expected to speak at the event along with Reggie Greer, who served as +"#$<=8!>$-(,('2*$42&$+"#$8()#*$@&#'()#*+(,-$6,3@,(0*F The LGBTQ Victory Fund, which raises money and provides -20('+(6,-$'/@@2&+$42&$2@#*-?$<=8!>$6,*)(),+#'$&/**(*0$42&$ public office, was scheduled to hold a virtual Inauguration 2021 fundraising event on Jan. 14. In a statement on its website, the group said the event would celebrate “the queerest U.S. Congress in history!” ,$ &#4#&#*6#$ +2$ +"#$ &#62&)$ */3H#&$ 24$ <=8!>$ 6,*)(),+#'$ #-#6+#)$2&$&#5#-#6+#)$+2$12*0&#''$(*$+"#$JDJD$#-#6+(2*F$N(*#$ U.S. House members and U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.), were expected to appear at the Victory Fund event. The Biden inauguration was scheduled to take place two weeks after the Jan. 6 Capitol riots in which hundreds of supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol building in a siege that took the lives of five people, including a U.S. Capitol Police officer.

<=>?@A>BCD>E>FC!#$%&'()%* takes the oath of office on #>AB>?AGH9!3GB0!:;!GC!BIIB0!*J>=>!K@EE!BIC!L>!G!MNLE@F! GNA@>BF>!OI=!CJ>!IGCJ!AN>!CI!1+P'.!=>?C=@FC@IB?0

H,'#)$ 2&0,*(E,+(2*'$ ,6&2''$ +"#$ 62/*+&?G$ (*6-/)(*0$ <=8!>$ organizations. According to an inaugural committee statement, the committee will arrange for the installation of an “extensive public arts display” on the National Mall in Washington during the inaugural week. It says the display will include “approximately 191,500 U.S. flags of varying sizes, including flags representing every state and territory, and 56 pillars of light.” The display will be widely televised and available for viewing online, the statement says, adding that Americans are being invited to become a symbolic sponsor of the flags in exchange for a donation that the inaugural committee will arrange for nonprofit 6233/*(+?$2&0,*(E,+(2*'$+2$&#6#(A#$+2$"#-@$+"#3$6,&&?$2/+$ their mission of helping people in need. “Those flags are being sponsored by folks who helped us build our flag page and make a suggested donation,” Gay told the LGBTQ Zoom briefing. She was referring to a page on the inaugural committee’s website. “If your organization ('$-('+#)$2*$+",+$@,0#$?2/$6,*$'/H3(+$,$)2*,+(2*$42&3$,*)$ your network of people can donate directly to your group,” '"#$',()F In addition to the swearing-in ceremony at the Capitol, +"#$(*,/0/&,-$6233(++##$",'$,**2/*6#)$2*-?$+"&##$2+"#&$(*5 person events on Jan. 20, with all three involving the military. Following the swearing-in ceremony and Biden’s inaugural address, then President Biden, the new first lady, then 9(6#$ %&#'()#*+$ ;,&&('$ ,*)$ "#&$ "/'H,*)G$ 6,--#)$ +"#$ '#62*)$ gentleman, will participate in a Pass in Review, a longstanding military tradition in which Biden will review the readiness of 3(-(+,&?$ +&22@'G$ ,662&)(*0$ +2$ ,$ '+,+#3#*+$ &#-#,'#)$ H?$ +"#$ (*,/0/&,-$6233(++##F “Every branch of the military will be represented in this #A#*+GI$+"#$'+,+#3#*+$',?'F According to the statement, Biden, Harris and their spouses will next participate in a “Presidential Escort” from 15th Street, N.W. to the White House one block away. Similar to the Pass in Review at the Capitol, every branch of the military will also @,&+(6(@,+#$(*$+"('$#A#*+$H?$#'62&+(*0$+"#$@&#'()#*+$,*)$A(6#$ president in a walk to the White House with a U.S. Army Band performing along with the Commander-in-Chief’s Guard and Fife and Drum Corps. The inaugural committee statement makes no mention of how Biden and Harris and their spouses will travel from the Capitol to 15th Street, but it’s presumed they will be traveling H?$@&#'()#*+(,-$32+2&6,)#F The inaugural committee statement says at some point during the day of the inauguration the new president and vice president and their spouses will go to Arlington National Cemetery for a wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. They will be joined by former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, former President George W. Bush and Laura Bush, and former President Bill Clinton and former first lady Hillary Clinton. Due to COVID-related restrictions there will be no in@#&'2*$(*,/0/&,-$@,&,)#G$+"#$(*,/0/&,-$6233(++##$'+,+#3#*+$ says. However, the committee says a Virtual Parade Across America will take place on Inaugural Day that will “highlight Americans from all walks of life in different states and regions.” It will feature musical acts, local bands, poets, and ),*6#$+&2/@#'GI$+"#$'+,+#3#*+$',?'F %,+#-$ ',()$ +"#$ (*,/0/&,-$ 6233(++##$ (*A(+#)$ H,*)'$ ,*)$ 2+"#&$ 3/'(6,-$ @#&42&3#&'$ +2$ ,@@-?$ +2$ H#623#$ @,&+$ 24$ +"#$ virtual parade, which was being organized by professional producers.

The Biden-Harris inaugural committee has said it was working closely with the U.S. Secret Service, D.C. police, and a Capitol Police force with new leadership to ensure the security and safety of all those participating in the few inperson inaugural events. Patel and Carrie Gay, another inaugural committee official, told the LGBTQ representatives at the Jan. 12 online briefing ,H2/+$,+$-#,'+$+"&##$A(&+/,-$(*,/0/&,-$#A#*+'$+",+$6233/*(+?5 H,'#)$ 2&0,*(E,+(2*'G$ (*6-/)(*0$ <=8!>$ 0&2/@'G$ 62/-)$ @,&+(6(@,+#$(*F The two said one of the events scheduled for Jan. 18 was being organized in conjunction with the annual Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service. Community organizations throughout the country, including LGBTQ organizations, were H#(*0$(*A(+#)$+2$2&0,*(E#$#A#*+'$,''('+(*0$+"2'#$(*$*##)$+",+$ would be publicized on the inaugural committee’s website, Gay told the briefing. Most of the events were to be virtual. “Events will focus on COVID-19 relief and address challenges that have been exacerbated by the pandemic, '/6"$ ,'$ @2A#&+?G$ "/*0#&G$ &,6(,-$ (*O/'+(6#G$ "23#-#''*#''G$ 3#*+,-$ "#,-+"G$ ,*)$ #)/6,+(2*,-$ )('@,&(+(#'GI$ ,$ '+,+#3#*+$ &#-#,'#)$H?$+"#$(*,/0/&,-$6233(++##$',?'F “The Presidential Inaugural Committee is asking Americans everywhere to participate in community service and urging them to sign up to volunteer at bideninaugural.org/day-ofservice and encourage their friends, family, and neighbors to join,” the statement says. %,+#-$+2-)$+"#$<=8!>$&#@&#'#*+,+(A#'$@,&+(6(@,+(*0$(*$+"#$ Zoom briefing that the inaugural committee would welcome posting information on its website about their respective organizations participating in the Day of Service events and participation in at least two other official inaugural events. One of them, scheduled for Jan. 19, is being billed as a nationwide memorial to remember and honor those who have lost their lives to COVID-19. Information released by the inaugural committee says it will take place mostly virtually beginning at 5:30 p.m. Eastern time, with a D.C. ceremony featuring a first-ever lighting around the Lincoln Memorial’s Reflecting Pool. “Buildings across the country and the Memorial Pool will be reflected in the color of light amber, which I’m assured looks great on everyone and every building,” said Patel, who (*A(+#)$+"#$<=8!>$&#@&#'#*+,+(A#'$+2$'/H3(+$,*$,@@-(6,+(2*$ 42&3$+2$H#$-('+#)$,'$,$@,&+(6(@,*+$(*$+"#$3#32&(,-$4&23$+"#(&$ "23#$6(+(#'$2&$'+,+#'F “I think this will be a great moment of unity and quite frankly a catharsis for the country for us to understand and reflect on the many lives lost to COVID-19,” she said. %,+#-$,*)$=,?$',()$?#+$,*2+"#&$(*,/0/&,-$,6+(A(+?$6,--#)$+"#$ Field of Flags will serve as a fundraising event for community- 1+(*'(4/%!$*!#$%&'()*+(,-$./01+2

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Biden’s LGBTQ promises complicated by COVID, impeachment Candidate promised Equality Act in first 100 days !"#$%&'(#)*%+(*+#,#-./012/13452067589:-/;

!"#$%&#'()#*#+(, -.#, /%&#', 0%**, 123#, 1%$, 12'&$, 45**, 56.', 1%$, %'2575"2(%.', '#8(, 0##9, 0%(1, +.".'23%"5$,+2$#$,$5"7%'7,2'&,%:6#2+1:#'(,6".+##&%'7$,%',;.'7"#$$<,01%+1,:2=,+.:6*%+2(#, 1%$, #44."($, (., 2+(, .', +2:62%7', 6".:%$#$, (., (1#, >?/@A, +.::5'%(=<, #$6#+%2**=, $%7'%'7, (1#, BC52*%(=,D+(,%'(.,*20,0%(1,EFF,&2=$G /%&#'<,1.0#3#"<,$##:$,"#2&=,(.,65**,(1#,("%77#",.',.'#,>?/@A,%'%(%2(%3#H,-5$(,I#4."#,(1#, holidays, Biden’s team told LGBTQ leaders in a conference call that Biden on his first day in office Jan. 20 would direct the Defense Department to dismantle the transgender military ban, %'&%3%&52*$,42:%*%2",0%(1,(1#,+2**,(.*&,(1#,J2$1%'7(.',/*2&#G K(,:2=,(29#,2',#'(%"#,=#2",I#4."#,(1#,!#'(27.',%$,+.:6*#(#*=,2I*#,(.,5'&.,(1#,I2'<,01%+1, President Trump initiated by tweet in July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resident Trump, which would bar him from holding office in the future. The impeachment trial alone may hamper efforts in the U.S. Senate to confirm Biden’s Cabinet officials, which need to be addressed before significant action on any piece of Biden’s agenda can happen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emocratic insider told the Blade. “You can’t have the agenda and policy goals that Biden &.#$,2'&,'.(,123#,(1#,6".+#$$,(.,:.3#,42$(#"GT K'$(#2&,.4,02(+1%'7,(1#,BC52*%(=,D+(,I#+.:#,*20,%',EFF,&2=$<,(1#,I%**L$,$566."(#"$,:2=,123#, (.,$#((*#,4.",123%'7,(1#,*#7%$*2(%.',62$$#&,%',.'#,+12:I#",.4,;.'7"#$$,0%(1%',(1#,EFF)&2=, timeframe. One LGBTQ advocate said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has privately $%7'2*#&,$1#,0.5*&,I"%'7,56,(1#,BC52*%(=,D+(,%',(1#,WGVG,X.5$#,#2"*=,.',&5"%'7,(1#,/%&#', administration, which is expected to translate to a floor vote within 100 days. Pelosi’s office, however, hasn’t responded to repeated requests from the Blade since V#6(#:I#",.',01#',$1#L&,1.*&,2,3.(#,.',(1#,BC52*%(=,D+(,%',(1#,'#8(,2&:%'%$("2(%.'G K',(1#,V#'2(#<,.'#,>?/@A,2&3.+2(#,6"#&%+(#&,(1#,WGVG,V#'2(#,0.5*&'L(,(29#,56,(1#,*#7%$*2(%.', 5'(%*,$5::#",.",42**<,2'&,(12(,0.5*&,I#,.'*=,4.",(1#,%'%(%2*,$(#6$,.4,+.::%((##,2+(%.'G,Y(1#"$, >?/@A,2&3.+2(#$<,1.0#3#"<,$(".'7*=,65$1#&,I2+9,.',(12(,2$$#$$:#'(,2'&,$2%&,'.,&#+%$%.'$, 123#,I##',:2&#,2I.5(,(1#,(%:%'7,4.",V#'2(#,2+(%.',.',(1#,BC52*%(=,D+(G Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) has sponsored the Equality Act in the U.S. Senate. He told the /*2&#,(1".571,2,$6.9#$6#"$.',1#L&,+.'(%'5#,(.,65$1,4.",(1#,*#7%$*2(%.'G “The Equality Act is one of Sen. Merkley’s most critical legislative priorities for 2021, and 1#,0%**,I#,5"7%'7,*#2&#"$,%',I.(1,+12:I#"$,(.,:.3#,#86#&%(%.5$*=,2'&,$#%Z#,(1#,0%'&.0,.4, .66."(5'%(=,(.,62$$,(1%$,1%$(."%+,*#7%$*2(%.'<T,[2"(%'2,[+>#''2'<,2,[#"9*#=,$6.9#$6#"$.'<,$2%&G J%(1,(1#,V#'2(#,%',2,\F)\F,62"(=,$6*%(<,2'.(1#",0"%'9*#,%',(1#,BC52*%(=,D+(,%$,123%'7,(.,.3#"+.:#, the legislative filibuster, the Senate tradition requiring 60 votes to move forward with debate .',2,I%**,%4,.'#,:#:I#",.IU#+($G,J.5*&,(1#,BC52*%(=,D+(,I#,(1#,6%#+#,.4,*#7%$*2(%.',(12(,0.5*&, be the tool to end the filibuster, which has been criticized as a relic of structural racism? Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) has emphatically signaled he won’t vote to junk the legislative filibuster, $.,(12(,%&#2,:%71(,I#,&#2&,.',2""%32*G If the 60-vote threshold remains intact, the bill’s supporters would have to find 10 Republicans 0%**%'7,(.,3.(#,4.",(1#,I%**<,01%+1,0.5*&,I#,2,(2**,."&#",#$6#+%2**=,0%(1%',(1#,EFF)&2=,(%:#4"2:#, /%&#',12$,#'3%$%.'#&G,@1#,.'*=,V#'2(#,N#65I*%+2',01.,12$,6"#3%.5$*=,$%7'2*#&,$566."(,%$, Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine). The offices of Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), the new chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) didn’t respond to a request J#&'#$&2=,4".:,(1#,/*2&#,(.,+.::#'(,.',(1#,BC52*%(=,D+(G


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/9/)8/,"$/&J'-+)$,8'#./'&$/8/4 The Metropolitan Police Department on Thursday announced on Twitter that it has so far arrested 68 people, recovered six firearms and two pipe bombs in connection with the siege. CNN reported the Justice Department has charged ]^'7/*71/='$,"1+-$,8'(,'!)N(,&(&'9(,'0.*'0(&'7.*#*8)(7./-'&$##$,8'(#'P*+&/' 57/(N/)';(,"2'H/1*&$'BAM6(1$?4CX&'-/&N4 5*"$(1'9/-$('+&/)&'"*,#$,+/'#*'$-/,#$?2')$*#/)&'*,"/'7$"#+)/&'*?'#./9'$,&$-/' #./'6(7$#*1'8*'*,1$,/4 KF./'9*:'(&&(+1#'*,'#./'6(7$#*1'*,'W(,4'_'&.*"N/-'#./'0*)1-=J'UD@!'Q*)1-' V>/"+#$%/'A$)/"#*)'!,-)`'-+'H1/&&$&'#*1-'#./'E1(-/'*,'<)$-(24 U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Thursday in a statement said the siege “demonstrated clearly the destructive impact of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moved forward to certify the electoral votes and to confirm Joe Biden as the next 7)/&$-/,#'(,-'a(9(1('P())$&'(&'%$"/'7)/&$-/,#=J'./'#*1-'#./'E1(-/4'KU,'".(11/,8$,8' #$9/&'$&'0./,'('-/9*")("2'&.*0&'$#&'&#)/,8#.4'Q/'&.*0/-'#.(#'&#)/,8#.bJ Tamara Adrián, the first openly transgender woman elected to the Venezuela’s ;(#$*,(1'!&&/9:12='*,'<)$-(2'1()8/12'(8)//-'0$#.'E)/0&#/)4 KF./'/>$&#/,"/'*?'(,#$M-/9*")(#$"'/1/9/,#&'$,'(,2'1/%/1'*?'7+:1$"'1$?/'"(,'/>$&#' $,' (,2' "*+,#)2=J' !-)$c,' #*1-' #./' E1(-/4' K!' -/9*")("2X&' 9(#+)$#2' (,-' &*1$-$#2=' .*0/%/)=' $&' 9/(&+)/-' :2' $#&' $,&#$#+#$*,&X' "(7("$#2' #*' )/&$&#' #./&/' "1($9&' *?' -/9*")("2X&' -/&#)+"#$*,4'F./' 3454' .(&' 8$%/,' (' 1/&&*,' *?' $,&#$#+#$*,(1' 9(#+)$#2' (,-'&*1$-$#2'$,'#./'?("/'*?'#./'7)/#/,&/&'*?'-/9*")(#$"'-/&#(:$1$L(#$*,4J

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is the director of the Palm Center and of Take Back the Court, and a political science professor at San Francisco State University.

Supreme Court poised to roll back LGBTQ rights Rebalance stolen court via expansion, term limits

!"#$%& '()*+',-.& /-0-& 0123,45& 0-41-)-(& /3-6& ,3-& 7890-:-& ;*80,& 3'6(-(& down Bostock v. Clayton County this past June, '& +'.-& ,3',& -<,-6(-(& ,3-& 90*31=1,1*6& '2'16.,& (1.+01:16',1*6& 16& -:94*5:-6,& ,*& 16+48(-& (1.+01:16',1*6&='.-(&*6&.-<8'4&*01-6,',1*6&'6(& gender identity. And with the most LGBTQfriendly President-elect in U.S. history poised to take office in a matter of days, our community has even more reason to be hopeful. Despite these positive developments, however, the Supreme Court poses a grave danger to the LGBTQ community. As the +*80,& 8.3-0.& 16& '& 6-/& -0'& *>& +*6.-0)',1)-& dominance—with anti-LGBTQ justices holding a 6-3 supermajority—the fragile judicial coalition *6&/31+3&,3-&:*)-:-6,&>*0&-?8'41,5&3'.&0-41-(& is at significant risk of being cast aside. Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s recent confirmation to the court is deeply concerning. Justice Barrett has defended Justice Roberts’ dissent in Obergefell, indicating that the issue *>& :'001'2-& -?8'41,5& .3*84(& =-4*62& ,*& .,',-& legislatures. She has repeatedly used transphobic and homophobic language, and even argued that Title IX does not protect transgender people. Her extremist positions will embolden the anti-LGBTQ conservative justices on the court – Justices Kavanaugh and Alito recently held an inappropriate private meeting with an anti-gay activist who had filed briefs in pending cases — and other Trump-appointed judges, as well as state legislatures to take anti-LGBTQ stances. With equality hanging in the balance, the LGBTQ community cannot afford a Supreme Court that stands to crush any progress made. #$%%&$'()(*+$,&-.: In October, the Supreme Court denied certiorari to a case involving Kentucky woman Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. However, the denial of certiorari came with warning signs: Justices Alito and Thomas wrote a section that cast doubt on the constitutionality of Obergefell, the landmark Supreme Court case in which Justice Kennedy’s opinion that held that marriage is a fundamental right guaranteed to same-sex couples by the Constitution. In the certiorari denial, Justice Thomas /0*,-@& A#5& +3**.162& ,*& 901)14-2-& '& 6*)-4& +*6.,1,8,1*6'4& 0123,& *)-0& ,3-& 0-4121*8.& 41=-0,5& interests explicitly protected in the First Amendment, and by doing so undemocratically, the Court has created a problem that only it can fix. Until then, Obergefell will continue to have ‘ruinous consequences for religious liberty.’” While broad majorities of the American people .899*0,&:'001'2-&-?8'41,5&'6(&*99*6-6,.&*>&1,&:123,&6*,&3')-&,3-&)*,-.&*6&,3-&7890-:-& Court to overturn the precedent, it is nonetheless a troubling sign that two Justices would sign onto discrimination against our fellow citizens. /&01%&2&3$-&43: The currently pending case before the Supreme Court about discrimination is Fulton v. City of Philadelphia. The case emerged from circumstances in 2018: The city of Philadelphia had hired a number of agencies for foster care service. When the city learned that two agencies denied same-sex couples as foster parents, B314'(-4931'&,30-',-6-(&,*&.,*9&8.162&,3-&'2-6+1-.&864-..&,3-5&'20--(&,*&6*6(1.+01:16',1*6& requirements. While one of the agencies complied, the other, the Catholic Social Services (“CSS”), sued the city in federal district court. The federal district court found in Philadelphia’s favor, which the Third Circuit then unanimously affirmed. Nonetheless, the Supreme Court granted certiorari. The CSS claims that because the city looks to several factors, including religious and racial factors, in spite of anti-discrimination law, it cannot at the same time prohibit the agency >0*:& +*6.1(-0162& ,3-& .-<8'4& *01-6,',1*6& *>& >*.,-0& 9'0-6,.& 86(-0& ,3-& 281.-& *>& A0-4121*8.& belief.” If Philadelphia makes exceptions to its anti-discrimination laws in foster placement, it must also allow religious agencies an exception as well. If Philadelphia does not do so, it violates the First Amendment. The city claims that it can choose not to provide government contracts to organizations that do not adhere to its nondiscriminatory requirements. For the court to decide otherwise, it would mandate that the city discriminate. The stakes are high, in part because a ruling against equality in Fulton could provide cover for undermining Bostock, which extended Title VII protections to LGBTQ employees. An

-<9'6.1*6&*>&,3-&0-4121*8.&41=-0,5&,*&(1.+01:16',-& could eat away at Bostock. Even a 5-4 court with Justice Kennedy ruled against LGBTQ rights in Masterpiece Cakeshop. Now, with a 6-3 conservative supermajority, Fulton could strike a big blow against equality. 5($,-6) 1$%() $37) 8$2&,.: If the Supreme Court strikes down the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in California v. Texas, health care 90*,-+,1*6.& >*0& ,3-& !"#$%& +*::861,5& /*84(& be eliminated. Section 1557 of the ACA is the law’s non-discrimination provision, which ='6.& (1.+01:16',1*6& 16& 3-'4,3& +'0-& *6& ,3-& basis of sex. The Obama administration’s rule interpreted Section 1557’s ban on sex discrimination to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. In addition to Section 1557, the ACA as a whole has been enormously important for the LGBTQ community. The uninsured rate for lesbian, gay and bisexual Americans fell dramatically due to the ACA and LGBTQ adults have become more likely to report having regular access to health care. For transgender Americans, who are more likely to live in poverty or be unemployed and to face enormous challenges and have negative experiences accessing health care, the ACA’s Medicaid expansion and provision of individual health insurance through the marketplaces are critical. The 6-3 conservative supermajority on the court makes the end of the ACA significantly more likely, with disastrous consequences that will disproportionately affect the LGBTQ community. Lawsuits challenging the Obama administration’s interpretation of Section 1557, particularly in regard to its ban on discrimination on the basis of gender identity, have been percolating in the federal courts for years. The Trump administration has attempted to reverse those protections, but it is widely expected that the Biden administration will revert to the Obama-era rule. Even if the ACA survives, this line of litigation could undermine critical protections for transgender individuals in the health care system. While the Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County last term interpreting similar language in Title VII (discrimination on the basis of sex) to cover gender identity should be definitive, the 6-3 conservative supermajority could decide to distinguish these cases and allow for discrimination against LGBTQ individuals in health care. Since so many of the nation’s hospitals are affiliated with religious organizations such as the Catholic Church, the court could seize on Justice Gorsuch’s language in Bostock suggesting that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) could trump Title VII to require broad religious exemptions from non-discrimination in health care. 9%$30'(37(%)%&'6-0: In addition to the massive blow that a gutted ACA could have for transgender rights, other cases about transgender rights percolating in the lower courts may someday make their way to the Supreme Court. In Saba v. Cuomo, for example, a transgender, nonbinary resident sued the state of New York for refusing to allow Mx. Saba to obtain a driver’s license that accords with Mx. Saba’s gender identity. In August, a lower court preliminarily enjoined Idaho’s law that barred transgender women from participating on women’s sports teams. That decision is currently being appealed. Just this past year, the Fourth Circuit and the Eleventh Circuit considered whether school bathroom policies violated transgender students’ rights. Though both circuits ruled in favor of the students, the Grimm case briefly reached the Supreme Court in 2017 before being sent back to the lower court. In 2019, the Supreme Court rejected certiorari in a case involving transgender bathrooms, leaving a lower court’s trans-affirming decision in place. But it only takes four votes for the Court to take a case, and with a 6-3 supermajority now firmly in place, there is no telling the havoc it could wreak on transgender rights. As we celebrate the end of the Trump era, and as we prepare to work with the incoming #1(-6&'(:161.,0',1*6&,*&0-.,*0-&0123,.&,3',&3')-&=--6&(-.,0*5-(&*)-0&,3-&9'.,&>*80&5-'0.& while advancing the case for equality, the LGBTQ community must pay attention to the danger posed by anti-LGBTQ justices, and we must advocate forcefully for judicial reforms such as court expansion and term limits that rebalance the stolen, illegitimate court. ! "#$ %& "'()* )+, '-, ./)012)3430)* )$, 5 6"'7(& '89, :#; <& = ) *) ! "


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is a D.C.-based writer and former chair of Center Global at the D.C. Center for the LGBTQ Community.

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!"#$%"&''()$*++&,#-.$%/01'#2#$3&2"$*4$&4)5++#%2&/4$0/6$&4$2"#$7898$:*1&2/'()$)2*25*+;$ halls and Nancy Pelosi’s office. As if COVID-19 weren’t enough to attract loneliness, *4<.$*4-$-#1+#))&/4.$4/3$3#$"*,#$54#*)#$/4$2"#$=&''8 All the more reason to hone your self-care and focus on making connections. How can we stay healthy through this darkest winter? Since our LGBTQIA community is more susceptible to loneliness and depression, we have to make more effort to fight it. Data shows when COVID-19 began, loneliness overall shot up 20-30 percent, so a higher percentage with us. According to Whitman-Walker Health, loneliness can appear in difficulty sleeping or oversleeping, lack of joy, negative self-talk and physical pain. When we feel alone, our minds wander and play the false-narrative tapes of being broken/not belonging. With the help of a WWH therapist, I’ve discovered a surprising solution that’s been to focus, give permission and act on what’s fulfilling. By connecting with my strengths and authentic self, I feel more linked to people and friends. My therapist has helped me be more proactive and identify meaningful activities, and connections. This journey from the pit started after April’s D.C. retail closings. I’ve worked from home for many years and sitting at home 24/7 wasn’t the plan. I abruptly discovered I’d relied on Logan’s coffee houses for significant interaction and meet-up space. I’d made friends and acquaintances at Peet’s tables. Then, like latte steam, some connections #,*1/+*2#-$3&2"$2"#$%'/)5+#)8 My therapist helped me to see and celebrate the snowball effect of every step, no 0*22#+$"/3$)0*''8$ With his encouragement, I became religious about going outside each day/night, rain or shine. What started as two-three-mile walks has evolved to bicycling 15-20 miles. Hearing the tire tread on the MVT (Mount Vernon Trail) is a joy ride into nature and away from my work, politics, and COVID-19 concerns. The exercise has been an antiCOVID-19 rock with better sleep, more energy and higher libido. I’ve also found an escape from the phone apps and technology by reading fiction and novels. I’ve learned about other LGBTQIA people, immigrants, cultures and countries and chatted with authors. What started as one book, then a second, became one-done weekly. In the process, I’ve made friends at Kramerbooks. It can seem small, but during lockdown, even trips to Trader Joe’s or Union Kitchen have landed connections. You see the same shoppers and get to know the staff. These shops have become neighborhood communities. A community is where you make it. Getting outside and saying hi to shops’ staff and being proactive are empowering tools against anxiety. Showing kindness to others is also an easy way to release healthy #4-/+1"&4)8$ I’ve tried building a safe hookup community. Funny, even over 10 months, I found hookups are less important than I’d envisioned. I’m no prude, and I like sex; but for the time and effort to coordinate a safe hookup, I’ll just handle it myself. What I’ve found surprising was how often I encountered guys’ fears and emptiness. We’re in a pandemic with more isolation, and instead of men trying to make emotional connections, they want a quickie. An orgasm’s short-term fun won’t heal the loneliness. Another side is when you’re on anti-depressants, the hookup physiology may not work. So, by minimizing the loneliness, you can diminish the depression and have better sex. It’s understandable that cuddling under the sheets can be an easy go-to. Yet, assuming you live through a bout of COVID-19, who wants a virus-related stroke, loss of smell or life-long respiratory illness? Think twice and consider the warmth from being connected to yourself. Even a weighted blanket, a hot shower, music or scented candle will make a difference. Follow your gut. Give yourself permission to do what makes you happy, without guilt, *4-$%/44#%2$&4$4#3$3*;)8$!"#$0/+#$;/5(+#$1+/*%2&,#.$2"#$'#))$+//0$>/+$'/4#'&4#))8$ Let’s work together toward a brighter year. This will be our toughest pandemic season, so let’s enjoy our own company and make good connections.


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is a longtime LGBTQ rights and Q26/87"4,8%G"74:%"84,=,14$%O2%+7,421% 72.9-"7-:%3/7%452%K-"02$


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“I just keep thinking about all the times I walked through the Capitol,” my friend George 1",0%4/%62%/=27%452%>5/#2%/#%!"#$%R$ ?4%+"1%452%"3427#//#%/3%!"#$%&$%C#%,#1977284,/#%+"1%4"I,#.%>-"82%"4%452%;$<$%H">,4/-$%C%6/A'% incited by Donald Trump and his false claims of election fraud, chanting “Hang Mike Pence!” "#0%M<4/>%452%<42"-S%+"1%12,F,#.%452%H">,4/-$ George has worked with Republicans and Democrats in the White House and in H/#.7211$%O2J1%I#/+#%3/7%5,1%12#12%/3%596/7%T%#/4%3/7%A2,#.%/=278/62%+,45%26/4,/#$%K94'% .-920%4/%452%#2+1'%52%+"1#J4%U/I,#.%45"4%0":$ Since then, queer or not queer, we’ve been reeling! If you’ve been to the Capitol even /#82'%:/9%72626A27%452%"+2%45"4%:/9%32-4%+52#%:/9%2#42720%452%A9,-0,#.$ The mob failed in its aim. Though the insurrectionists caused the Electoral College count to be delayed, Congress reconvened, and confirmed that President-elect Joe Biden won 452%()()%>721,02#4,"-%2-284,/#$ V24'% 452% ,#1977284,/#,141'% "% 6/A% 392-20% A:% A2-,231% ,#% +5,42% 19>726"8:% "#0% A"12-211% 8/#1>,7"8:% 452/7,21'% 8"62% >27,-/91-:% 8-/12% 4/% "85,2=,#.% ,41% ./"-$%@5/9.5% 452% 7,/4271% 5"0% >-"##20%452,7%7"6>".2%/#%452%H">,4/-%/#%452%0"7I%+2A%"#0%1/8,"-%620,"'%452%H">,4/-%G/-,82% offered little resistance to their entering the building. One of the officers was photographed taking a selfie with one of the rioters. V/9% 8"#% A24% 45"4% 45,#.1% +/9-0% 5"=2% A22#% 7"0,8"--:% 0,33272#4% ,3% 452% >2/>-2% ,#% 452% 6/A% 5"0%A22#%>7,6"7,-:%K-"8I%/7%A7/+#'%,#142"0%/3%6/14-:%+5,42$%G/-,82%5"0%#/%47/9A-2%"77214,#.% people who peacefully protested George Floyd’s death last summer or arresting people in +522-85",71%+5/%>2"8239--:%>7/421420%".",#14%72>2"-,#.%452%C33/70"A-2%H"72%C84$ C1%?%+7/42%,#%452%K-"02%,#%()*W'%M@52%A79,121%14"7420%">>2"7,#.%45,1%6/7#,#.%"#0%?%,6".,#2% my arm will be covered in pretty colors over the next few days,” Anita Cameron a disabled K-"8I%-21A,"#%26",-20%62%"3427%152%+"1%"7721420%3/7%>2"8239--:%>7/4214,#.%72>2"-%/3%452%CHC$ I seldom think like Arnold Schwarzenegger, the movie star and former (Republican) H"-,3/7#,"%./=27#/7$%V24%"1%52%1",0%,#%"%=,02/%45"4%+2#4%=,7"-'%?%32-4%45"4%452%,#1977284,/#%/#% the Capitol was like Kristallnacht. On Kristallnacht in 1938, Nazi mobs destroyed Jewish synagogues and businesses. If you have relatives, as I’ve had, who fled Nazi-occupied Europe A28"912% 452:% +272% !2+,15'% <85+"7F2#2..27J1% 8/6>"7,1/#% /3% 452% H">,4/-% ,#1977284,/#% 4/% X7,14"--#"854%,1%1>/4%/#$ B9227%/7%#/4'%452%!"#$%&%14/76,#.%/3%452%H">,4/-%15/9-0%.,=2%:/9%#,.546"721$%K94'%,3%:/9J72% LGBTQ, the hairs on the back of your neck should be standing on end. As Sam Sanders, host of the NPR podcast “It’s Been a Minute” writes in an essay on NPR. org, it’s a lie to say that the armed insurrection of the Capitol on Jan. 6, “isn’t America!” (Sanders is Black and gay.) C1%<"#0271%"#0%6"#:%/45271%+5/%"72%K-"8I%"#0%A7/+#%5"=2%>/,#420%/94Y%452%14/76,#.% /3%452%H">,4/-%72=2"-20%+5"4%C627,8"%,1Y%"%#"4,/#%3/9#020%/#%1-"=27:'%26>/+2720%A:%+5,42% supremacy (and its racism and anti-Semitism). It’s good that, as the Blade reported, LGBTQ rights groups from the Human Rights Campaign to PFLAG condemned the siege of the Capitol. “Trump and those who aid and abet him have a clear pattern ... of attacking people of color,” Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, deputy executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality told the Blade. But this isn’t enough. We who are LGBTQ need to reflect on, examine, and call out our community. Trump won 28 percent of the LGBTQ vote in the 2020 election, according to Edison Research exit polling. We need to ask ourselves why more than one in five of us voted for Trump despite his racism, anti-immigration stance, and anti-LGBTQ rights "06,#,147"4,/#$ C1%?%+7,42'%@796>%5"1%U914%4/-0%72>/74271%45"4%5,1%726"7I1%4/%452%,#1977284,/#,141%A23/72%452:% 14/7620%452%H">,4/-%+272%M4/4"--:%">>7/>7,"42$S When will LGBTQ Republicans condemn Trump for his incendiary remarks? Many of us like to think that because we’re queer, a current of racism doesn’t run through our community. We need to call out the racism within LGBTQ organizations, businesses, and /9712-=21$%?3%+2%0/#J4%0/%45,1'%+2J72%U914%15200,#.%5/--/+%+5,42%42"71$

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When will LGBTQ Republicans condemn Trump?

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We offer our congratulations to !"#$%&'()'*+,$-'!() and ./0/1/'&/((+# on their election as President and Vice President of the United States and join our friends at the Washington Blade in honoring their Inauguration on January 20, 2021.

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Trans actors face casting challenges despite milestones !"#$%&'(()$#&*+,-&"+.-&$/#&+0&#%+10,-12-%&)1&3-"-.4-%& and Netflix admirably affirmed his name and pronouns on past and current work, but local gender-diverse performers still struggle against cisgender and heteronormative casting expectations. “There’s still a cis-het person sitting behind the [casting] table,” Samy Nour Younes Figaredo told the Washington Blade during a discussion about his experiences as a gay trans male actor who identifies as nonbinary. “Even in 2018, I had been on an audition, and I had that I was trans on my resume, and I could hear people behind the table whispering, ‘What am I supposed to do with that?’ even as I am walking in.” Baltimore-area actor and firefighter Alicia Horton, also found herself stuck hiding her developing breasts and wearing “a really funky wig” early in her transition in order to find work auditioning for cis-male roles. “I had to audition for ‘Dream Girls’ my junior year of college in 2011,” Horton said while soothing her dog Zuko, a pit bull mix she rescued from a shelter in August. “I was on hormones and my hair was super long and they put it in a really funky wig to try to make me look more masculine. The girls showed me how to pin-curl my hair so it would fit under the wig. I wish I had a picture of it — it just looked so bad.” Despite the visibility and growing support for awardwinning nonbinary and transgender performers, including Sam Smith and Eddie Izzard to name two, Figaredo and Horton are not alone in their challenges finding affirming work and building careers since coming out. A landmark 2013 survey of more than 5,000 Screen Actors Guild members found that while 80 percent of respondents agreed transgender actors should be considered for cisgender roles, the industry’s “economic imperative” to reach a “broad market” could “create potential risks for casting LGBT actors in roles that the viewing public may not accept.” However, SAG-AFTRA also notes public and industry support for gender diverse actors has been steadily increasing in the past eight years. “The last few years have seen a growing acceptance of trans and non-binary actors accompanied by open discussions of the challenges they may still face,” a representative told the Blade in an email. “The encouraging response to ‘The Umbrella Academy’s’ transgender star, Elliot Page, including a supportive statement from Netflix, is a sign of the industry moving in the right direction.” Still, Figaredo says he’s had little success with television casting auditions since transitioning in 2010. Figaredo is a Lebanese-Puerto Rican actor and a queer person of color activist who now lives and works in New York City, though he got his start in the D.C. area. He is an experienced stage performer who had a brief role on Amazon’s “Transparent” and appeared with his partner in Citibank’s trans-inclusive ad campaign. He said a major problem for him, as an out transgender actor who includes his gender identity and his proper pronouns on his resume, is not only does he have to convince casting personnel that he is an experienced professional, but “that I am a person” as well. “People did not know what to do with me or how to cast me,” Figaredo said. “Casting directors adhere to types, based on a preconceived conception of the role when the gender doesn’t necessarily have to do with the story.” Figaredo, who did community theater work early on, found himself cast in a lot of female roles “when people didn’t know how to address me or assumed I was a boyish woman,” including the role of “Juliet” in a University of Maryland production of Shakespeare’s play. Though that director who cross-gender cast him later became his friend, he said the

Directors ‘did not know what to do with me’


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that had to be awkwardly concealed for experience was less than affirming, unlike performances, because that was the only his experience on the set of “Transparent,” way she could find work. which he said had many transgender But last year she was hand-picked for a people on and off-camera. role in a production about Andy Warhol Figaredo was cast as an Arab-American because she identified as a trans woman. activist during an episode set in Israel. She said this should happen more often. While the role was male, whether it was “I think we need to have more trans cis or trans didn’t matter to the storyline, stories,” she said. “More diverse trans so Figaredo played it as trans. He said the stories. We see the sex workers and how racial, cultural, sexual and gender diversity he or she feels so terrible and about of those working both on and off-camera being born in the wrong body, but what encouraged an open and authentic else is there? Can we get a love story or environment that elicited better on-screen something where being trans is the least performances. important part of the story?” “A major plot point changed because Horton said she and her friends who are a member of the crew had an experience trans women often laugh and joke with with being queer in Palestine and related each other that they could make a good to the cast,” Figaredo said. “Someone ensemble TV show cast with their diversity rewrote a character to be in that situation.” 9=>?@A=! ?BCDB=>>-! E5F=B=G>! >A@HH! I! J@>KF=A! ?=B>CL! >@AA@LD! M=F@LN! AF=! of experiences and backgrounds. She is Figaredo emphasized the importance OJI>A@LDP! AIMH=-G! >IQ>! #$%&' ()*+' hopeful to see such stories in the future. of normalizing people’s differences &)*(,#'-./$+,0):! “As we have more trans visibility, we’ll and fostering an open culture in the RSFCAC!JCTBA=>Q!U@DIB=NCV have more trans storytellers,” she said. entertainment industry “where people Figaredo also said that things change fast and “that bodes feel empowered and accept the diversity around them.” well for the future of trans people in Hollywood.” He said he said he has experienced “major strides” in In December, Gottmik, a high-femme drag artist, was trans casting in the past two years particularly, and noted the announced as the first transmasculine contestant on season Citibank ad campaign he was a part of. 13 of RuPaul’s ‘Drag Race,’ and follows season 9’s Peppermint, “Citibank unrolled an ad campaign of trans people and a trans woman and the first transgender performer cast. couples due to their preferred name campaign,” he said. “I Figaredo said he looks forward to more diversity in trans was cast with my partner who identifies as cis-male and uses representation as the industry grows and becomes more he/him pronouns.” inclusive. Figaredo and Horton said it is important to have more Still, the SAG-AFTRA study concluded despite ongoing transgender people working both on stage and behind the positive change, which includes a growing acceptance for scenes and to have more trans stories told. This is so more LGBTQ performers, the survey results suggest “additional trans actors can find authentic and affirming work. work needs to be done to address discrimination and Horton, who holds a bachelor’s of fine arts degree in dance harrassment,” which keeps many from using their talents to from Towson University, said she auditioned as a “male” enrich the industry and the culture as a whole. early in her career, despite experiencing physical changes !!" # $!% !&" '(" )*!+,-!./.+!% !0" 1 23'456 ' 78" 9$: ;6 < ! %! ! "

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Help us find D.C.’s !"#$%&$'()*+$ singles for the Blade’s !"#$%&'()''*& on February 12th, then meet them at the singles party on February 14th. Nominate yourself or your friends through Jannuary 15th at


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‘Raising Them’ !"#$"%#&"'() !"#$#$%&'()**)+,!-&./0)1 !"#$%%

Raising a child without a gender


#$%&'(()%*+,-)+,'./'0'( !"#$%&'%()*+, -.+#%/&*0'+%1'+2#3#45%+6+'/(&7/%38$8%4.34%9*+84"&#:%-.34%$"#7%&;%<)&4."#2%&'%4&/8% ="))%/&*%'+9*"'+>%7&))8%&'%4'*<$85%1"#$%&'%()*+,%?.+/0))%=3#4%4&%$#&=%3(&*4%4.+%2+#7+'% '+6+3)%13'4/5%3#7%=.34%$"#7%&;%#3@+8%/&*0'+%<&#8"7+'"#2:%A&%/&*%=3#4%3%(&/%&'%2"')%&'5% as in the new audiobook “Raising Them” by Kyl Myers, do you mind not knowing for a ;+=%/+3'8, B&#2% (+;&'+% 8.+% +6+'% (+<3@+% 3% @&4.+'5% +6+#% (+;&'+% 8.+% @+4% 3#7% @3''"+7% .+'% husband, Brent, Kyl Myers had thought about what she calls “gender creative parenting.” Myers identifies as queer and she was somewhat of an activist, so she was pretty well6+'8+7%&#%3%8*(C+<4%4.34%38$8%=./%=+5%38%3%8&<"+4/5%1)3<+%+@1.38"8%&#%4.+%<.'&@&8&@+8% &;%3#%"#;3#4%=.+#%1./8"<3)5%&;4+#%"#4"@34+5%(&7/%13'48%.36+%#&4."#2%4&%7&%="4.%8"@1)/% being a child. Once Myers was pregnant, this became more than just something to think about, and she and her husband decided to raise their child gender-free. They weren’t the first to do so: in years past, other parents around the world went public with successful gender creative parenting. Still, it took plenty of determined preplanning: Myers would deny knowledge of the baby’s gender to anyone who didn’t absolutely, genuinely need to know. That meant restricting diaper-duty, and it meant ;&*'% 2'3#713'+#48% =.&% =&*)7#04% $#&=% 4.+"'% 2'3#7<.")708% 2+#7+'% *#4")% 4.+% <.")7% =38% 8+6+'3)%@&#4.8%&)7: D#<+%E&&@+'%F&/&4+%+#4+'+7%4.+%=&')75%4.+'+%=&*)7%(+%#&%1"#$%&'%()*+%(388"#+4% cards in the hospital nursery. Myers had to learn to find non-gendered infant and toddler clothing for her child, gender-neutral-hued toys for them to play with, and items that didn’t scream “Boy!” or “Girl!” Later, Zoomer’s daycare was “cool” with the neutrality, but strangers and even other parents were a challenge, and were nonetheless challenged 4&%&1+#%4.+"'%@"#78: “Raising Them” will bring out a lot of emotions that will likely be dependent on =."<.%8"7+%&;%13'+#4"#2%/&*%843#7:%G408%"#4'"2*"#25%(*4%+H.3*84"#25%4&&%<."'1/5%3#7%4&&5% too sunny. It’s also too precious by half, and the cute-Zoomer tales wear thin after a (very, very short) while. And yet, the idea of giving your child time to know themself is intriguing. Still, author Kyl Myers should be commended for not throwing in the towel ="4.%.*''"<3#+%;&'<+: G#7++75%.+'%84'*22)+8%=+'+%+H3<4)/%=.34%/&*%@"2.4%+H1+<4: Although, if you’re expecting a baby, Myers may inspire you. Clearly, gender creative 13'+#4"#2%"#6&)6+8%=&'$5%6"2")3#<+5%3#7%;&'+4.&*2.45%3#7%=.")+%"408%#&4%;&'%+6+'/&#+5%"408% 3%<&@1+))"#2%+#&*2.%"7+3%4&%84"<$%"#%/&*'%@"#7%)"$+%2)*+:%I&*0))%(+%<&#6"#<+7%4.34%"408% =&'4.%3%4'/5%+6+#%";%&#)/%8&@+4"@+8: And this: if you can’t rest without knowing, Myers drops hints to soothe your boy-orgirl curiosity, but that’s not the end of this story. No, this is a website-supported, mindopening, ongoing tale for parents-to-be, or for anyone who wishes they’d been reared in a similar kind of household. That you? Read “Raising Them,” or you’ll be blue.

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Some think I should dress more like a woman. Some think I should dress more like a man.

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I may not fit some ideas about gender, and I am a proud part of DC. 6B556DGH5 ?>;A: B;<*CD<<@

!"#$%&#'$(%)'*+',&-' ./0'&,,'*#1'(&2"')"-3%4"



Please treat me the same way any person would want to be treated: with courtesy and respect. Discrimination based on gender identity and expression is illegal in the District of Columbia. If you think you’ve been the target of discrimination, visit www.ohr.dc.gov or call (202) 727-4559.

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Queer horror film chokes on surrealist pretensions in ‘The One You Feed’ !9+*/.$&:1)6//5)-$/A/'*:):*#$D)6$#9)$/+5&3&'()&*:)-#*/'*&+5

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#3&4.,0&5%67&-(0* co-star. “We want to help normalize sexuality +'%) :/M.+5) #$&/'*+*&#') +'%) $/9#A/) 5+;/5:Y) We wanted to display sexuality and sexual /M-$/::&#')&')&*:):&9-5/:*)6#$9)+'%)6#$)*1+*)*#) ;/);/+.*&6.5B)Z)$/+55D)6//5)5&C/)7/):.""//%/%BP Z') 6+"*4) *1/$/) &:) +) C&'%) #6) ;/+.*D) *#) <=1/) >'/) ?#.) @//%BP) J+$7##%) ;$&'(:) +) :*.%&/%) :/':&;&5&*D) *#) 1&:) 7#$C) ;/1&'%) *1/) "+9/$+4) %&:-5+D&'() +) C'+"C) 6#$) *1/) A&:.+55D) :*$&C&'() &') 1&:) "1#&"/) #6) 6$+9&'() +'%) +'(5/:L) /A/') 9#$/) effective is the filtered, golden sheen of Samuel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a masked killer catch up to his fleeing victims even when he *1+*)#"".$)Q)+'%)*1/D)%#4)&');#*1)#--#:&*/8:/M)+'%):+9/8:/M) '/A/$)9#A/:)6+:*/$)*1+')+):1+9;5/)Q)*1/D)1+A/)*#)%#)7&*1) -+&$&'(:)Q)+$/):#)&'*/$*7&'/%)7&*1)%#9&'+*&#'4)-.'&:19/'*4) ;+:&")&'6#$9+*&#')*1+*)*1/)"1+$+"*/$:)'#*)#'5D)'/A/$)://C)6#$) +'%) 1#:*&5&*D) *1+*) *1/D) 7&55) 5&C/5D) 6//5) *#) 9#:*) A&/7/$:) 5&C/) themselves, but don’t even seem interested in finding out. [+$*)#6)*1&:)1+:)*#)%#)7&*1)*1/)+6#$/9/'*&#'/%):.$$/+5&:9) -$#;5/9+*&")/M-$/::&#':)#6)+)6/*&:1B)>')*#-)#6)*1+*4)*1#.(1) the film features many scenes of bare skin being caressed, *1+*) (#/:) 1+'%) &') 1+'%) 7&*1) *1/) 9#A&/F:) %$/+98&:1) 9&5&/.B) 7+:1/%4) :*$#C/%4) +'%) #*1/$7&:/) :/':.+55D) /M-5#$/%4) /+"1) While at times “The One You Feed” might spark comparisons #6) *1/:/) +$/) :#) "#.-5/%) 7&*1) +) *+'(&;5/) :/':/) #6) '#'8 *#) *1/) 7#$C) #6) -5+D7$&(1*:) 5&C/) T/"C/**) +'%) [&'*/$4) 71#:/) "#':/':.+55D)&'A+:&A/)*$+':($/::&#')Q)+5#'()7&*1)9#$/)*1+')+) "1+$+"*/$:)#6*/')&'*/$+"*)7&*1&')+)*&9/5/::):/**&'()+'%);/1+A/) %+:1)#6);#%D)1#$$#$)Q)*1+*)*1/D);/"#9/)+;#.*)+:).'8:/MD)+:) +""#$%&'()*#)&'/M-5&"+;5/)9#*&A+*&#':4)&*)'/A/$)+--$#+"1/:) H#$)/A/')://9:)*#)+"C'#75/%(/I)*1/)+;:.$%&*D)&'1/$/'*)&')&*:) naked flesh can be. =1/)-$#;5/9)(#/:)%//-/$)*1+')*1+*4)*1#.(1B)Z');.&5%&'() action – something that, arguably, almost defines the work of *1/&$) +9;&*&#.:5D) +$"1/*D-+5) :+(+4) 2##$3/') +'%) J+$7##%) *1#:/)-&#'//$&'()+$*&:*:B)W&C/7&:/4)71&5/)&*)://9:)&9;/%%/%) 1+A/) -.:1/%) :#) 6+$) &'*#) *1/) $/+59) #6) *1/) .'"#':"&#.:) *1+*) 7&*1):D9;#5&:9)*1+*)&:)C/D/%)*#)%//-5D)-/$:#'+5)+::#"&+*&#':) their film becomes not only opaque, but obtuse. Their 6$#9)&*:)"$/+*#$:)Q)9."1)5&C/)*1/)7#$C)#6)V+A&%)WD'"1)Q)*1#:/) 9/::+(&'() +;#.*) :/M) +'%) :/M.+5&*D) &:) N.9;5/%) *#(/*1/$) :D9;#5:)+$/)+*)#'"/)*##)#$%&'+$D)+'%)*##)#;5&E./)*#)9+C/) 7&*1)#;:/$A+*&#':)+;#.*)*1/):*$.((5/)6#$)-#7/$)&')-/$:#'+5) .:)"+$/B !55)#6)*1+*)"#.5%)1+A/);//')+55/A&+*/%4)-/$1+-:4);D)+)"+:*) relationships, the conflation of roles between oppressor and -$#*/"*#$4)*1/)+'&9+5&:*&")&9-.5:/:)*1+*)"+');5.$)*1/)*1&')5&'/) capable of finding truth within the conceits and translating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hile the deliberate vagueness of circumstance effectively piece of filmmaking? Not necessarily. There is much to :/$A/:)*1/)9#A&/F:)%&:#$&/'*&'()*#'/4)&*)5/+A/:)*1/)+.%&/'"/) fascinate in this leisurely paced (but mercifully short) art film/ :#) %&:*$+"*/%) ;D) *$D&'() *#) 9+C/) :/':/) #6) *1/) :&*.+*&#') &') horror hybrid, and curious fans of the genre may well find 6$#'*) #6) *1/&$) /D/:) *1+*) *1/D) 1+A/) 5&**5/) +**/'*&#') 5/6*) 6#$) *1/9:/5A/:)/'(+(/%)&'):-&*/)#6)&*:):1#$*6+55:B >')*1/)#*1/$)1+'%4)*1/D)9&(1*);/);/**/$)/'*/$*+&'/%)$/8 "#'*/9-5+*&'() +'D) #6) *1/) %//-/$) :.;N/"*:) ;/&'() /M-5#$/%) within it. It’s a problem that can’t be fixed by the simple 7+*"1&'()<=1/)J&55:)J+A/)OD/:BP

1&2≠ bedroom apartments starting at $1117. Income restrictions apply. Please visit TrioDcApts.com for more information.

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*21;%'<);& COUNSELING FOR LGBTQ People. 'IJSTSJM@UVRLMWU=!RLMIH=USIP!NS?K! a volunteer peer counselor. GMCC, H=ATSRSIP!HSIR=!7XEC0!:;:D8G;D 8661. gaymenscounseling.org. (L!Y==H9!JLI@?SLI!A=ZM=H?=J0


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10 202.262.7762 michael.moore@compass.com

Michael’s average days on market

103.4% Leveraging repeat business and a steady stream of referrals, Michael’s past performance has paved the way for the success he enjoys today. Adopting a hands-on approach, Michael ensures that each transaction is seamless from start to finish.

Michael’s average list to sale price

Michael loves that in real estate, no one day is the same, and he’s prepared for anything — whether it be an unexpected barrier to tackle or a new chance to go above and beyond for his clients.

Compass is a licensed real estate brokerage that abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Compass is licensed as Compass Real Estate in DC and as Compass in Virginia and Maryland. 1232 31st Street NW, Washington, DC 20007 |202.448.9002

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