Washingtonblade.com, Volume 52, Issue 05, January 29, 2020

Page 1

Biden lifts ban, enabling personnel to serve in ‘self-identified gender,’



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!"#$%& '()*& +#,& -"''& .")/0& 10& !#")(*& 2"$"%/)& +,3,4$& 56"%7(085('9/#& :/('%6& :;<=>;+?& clinic, marking a distinct change for a new administration within its first 48 hours after inauguration. -"''&.")/04$&2"$"%&@($&"0%/0)/)&Ato highlight and promote support services for cancer patients and caregivers, as well as hear about the impact of COVID-19 on access to health care, including cancer screenings and prevention efforts,” per the guidance. At the clinic, Jill Biden met with Naseema Shafi, CEO of Whitman-Walker Health, and Kim Thiboldeaux, CEO of the Cancer Support Community. Among the questions Jill Biden asked were how is the clinic getting the word out to patients and how is it addressing mental health issues. Broadband access also came up as a health issue, as officials said Medicare and Medicaid patients are not able to do tele-visits. Jill Biden added many teachers AB(04%& reach a lot of their students” and the issue must be addressed nationally. Jill Biden concluded public remarks at the clinic by saying President Biden wants to take care of the virus, get everyone vaccinated, then move on to other priorities. Jill Biden wasn’t the first person to tour the clinic as first lady. In 1989, Barbara Bush visited the clinic, where she held a baby and hugged a gay man who were both dying of AIDS. Hillary Clinton as first lady and Bernadatte Chirac, former first lady of France, 6(2/&('$1&2"$"%/)&%6/&B'"0"B, Following the visit to the clinic, Jill Biden made a surprise stop to the U.S. Capitol, where she delivered a basket of cookies to U.S. service members in honor of the National Guard. One appeared to hand her a challenge coin. The service members posed for a group photo, then uttered a A611(6” in salute. !"#$%&'(")%()

Judy Shepard to testify for Va. bill to ban LGBTQ panic defense

The Washington Blade has learned Judy Shepard will testify in support of a bill that would ban the socalled LGBTQ panic defense in Virginia. The measure — House Bill 2132 that state Del. Danica Roem (D-Manassas) introduced — will go before a House of Delegates subcommittee in the B17"0E&)(*$, Shepard’s son, Matthew, died on Oct. 12, 1998, after two men brutally beat him and left him tied to

a fence outside of Laramie, Wyo. One of the men convicted of murdering Matthew Shepard claimed he became angry after he made a sexual advance %1@(#)&6"7, Eleven states and D.C. currently ban the so-called LGBTQ panic defense. Lawmakers in Maryland are considering a measure that would prohibit the use of %6/&'/E('&$%#(%/E*&"0&%6/&$%(%/, 0$!"-/+&12&+-,/#%


Mizeur may challenge anti-LGBTQ Md. congressman Former Maryland state Del. Heather Mizeur on Friday said she is considering a run for Congressman Andy Harris’s seat for what she deemed his “resume of conduct unbecoming.” “As you know, the events of January 6th made me consider a challenge to Congressman Andy Harris for his role in the treasonous insurrection against our government,” wrote Mizeur in a message she first posted first to a personal Facebook page on Thursday. She later followed up with a longer, more detailed post to her professional page on !#")(*, “His actions today pushed me to think even harder about a run,” she wrote, referencing Harris being caught carrying a concealed weapon into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 21. Mizeur, who is a lesbian, represented Montgomery County in the House of Delegates from 2007-2015. She sponsored a slew of legislation on issues that include extended health insurance for women, children and disadvantaged groups in Maryland. In 2009, she advised the Obama administration on best state practices to be included "0&%6/&>CC1#)(D'/&3(#/&>B%, Mizeur ran for governor in 2014. She is the founder and CEO of Soul Force Politics, a nonprofit that promotes nonviolent resistance and peaceful social interaction. Harris, a Republican who has represented Maryland’s 1st Congressional District since 2011, has sponsored many anti-LGBTQ bills since he arrived in Congress. Mia Mason, a transgender woman and veteran, in 2020 failed to unseat him. Harris in December joined 106 congressional House Republicans who supported Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s unsuccessful lawsuit that challenged the 2020 presidential election results. Harris’s decision to challenge the certification of the Electoral College ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!3$(4$56!789! 7 : 7 ; ! " ! -+ 1$ -! (/ #%

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results on Jan. 6 — the same day supporters of then-President Trump stormed the Capitol — has prompted calls for his resignation. “Today, some Marylanders are even calling for my resignation, which I will not do,” Harris said in a Jan. 7 statement condemning the violence but supporting their “concerns.” The Washington Post last week reported the U.S. Capitol Police launched an investigation into Harris after he reportedly tried to bring a weapon onto the House floor. Mizeur in her Facebook post stated Harris’s gun incident was a “tipping point” that pushed her to seriously consider challenging him in the midterm elections. “We can unseat Harris and bring dignified leadership to Maryland’s 1st District,” she @#1%/, Mizeur on Friday sent the Washington Blade her Facebook post when reached for B177/0%, *"$+$*&,-)&%+((./)&

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&51!<=>?@A>BC!#$%&'()'*+#,-+!?D@A!CE>!F@=G@B@D!FDHI>?! Act makes Virginia the first state in the South to adopt nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people in state law. (Blade file photo by Michael Key)

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"#<-*.Q-%."*U($<4"7-4$&'-4%&$:#"N')%(L$ Prior to joining Jhpiego, White served as director of finance and administration for Mothers2Mothers, an international nonprofit group based in Cape Town, South Africa. Its /'7(.%'$(-,($.%$.($+'+.)-%'+$%"$:#'9'*%.*<$6"%&'#X%"X)&.4+$%#-*(6.((."*$"2$OIR$7,$:#"9.+.*<$ '+5)-%."*$-*+$(5::"#%$2"#$:#'<*-*%$/"6'*$-*+$*'/$6"%&'#($4.9.*<$/.%&$OIRL [&.%'U($ 2#.'*+$ -*+$ ("))'#$ %'-66-%'$ ?'(4.'$ G*<4';.*<$ (-.+$ [&.%'$ /"#;'+$ "5%$ "2$ %&'$ organization’s Cape Town and London offices from June 2018 to December 2019 to oversee .%($dDc$6.44."*$75+<'%L In earlier years, White served from 2004 to 2018 as associate director of finance and later as finance manager for the D.C. office of FHI 360, a human development organization that :#"9.+'($2-6.4,$:4-**.*<$-*+$#':#"+5)%.9'$&'-4%&$('#9.)'($.*$^E$)"5*%#.'($-*+$-44$_LFL$(%-%'(L In 2004, White served for 10 months as finance manager for U.S. Action, a D.C.-based social justice advocacy group, shortly after serving a year and a half as director of finance for the D.C.7-('+$.*%'#*-%."*-4$<#"5:$3'*%'#$2"#$1'9'4":6'*%$-*+$a":54-%."*$W)%.9.%.'($e3G1aWf0$/&.)&$ -+9")-%'($2"#$%&'$#.<&%($"2$/"6'*$-*+$)&.4+#'*L [&.%'$/-($7"#*$-*+$#-.('+$.*$W#4.*<%"*0$R-L0$/&'#'$&'$<#-+5-%'+$2#"6$A.(&":$YU3"**'44$ O.<&$F)&""4$.*$=VcEL$O'$4-%'#$#')'.9'+$-$7-)&'4"#U($+'<#''$.*$75(.*'(($-+6.*.(%#-%."*$2#"6$ 3"4567.-$_*."*$3"44'<'$.*$B-;"6-$a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a'#$&.($#'H5'(%0$&'$/-($%"$7'$)#'6-%'+$-*+$&.($-(&'($/.44$7'$()-%%'#'+$4-%'#$%&.($,'-#$.*$%&'$ Y5%'#$A-*;($"2$\"#%&$3-#"4.*-0$O.#()&2'4+$(-.+L$F&'$(-.+$)"*+"4'*)'($.*$[&.%'U($*-6'$)-*$7'$ 'J:#'(('+$/.%&$+"*-%."*($%"$[&.%6-*X[-4;'#$O'-4%&0$%&'$4")-4$?@ABC$,"5%&$-+9")-),$<#"5:$ F8]W?0$-*+$B'-6$1L3L0$%&'$?@ABC$(:"#%($"#<-*.Q-%."*$"2$/&.)&$%&'$!'+'#-4$B#.-*<4'($F"))'#$ 3457$.($-$:-#%L

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Buttigieg starts path to confirmation as transportation secretary Would become first openly gay, Senate-confirmed Cabinet official !"#$%&'(#)*%+(*+#, -./012/13452067589:-/;

Picking up on the hint of a tax hike, !"#$%"&'( )*#+,"-&+( %*."&'( /"+( Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) pointed out the confirmation hearing, Pete Buttigieg gas tax is regressive and suggested started his path last Thursday toward revenue could be found by cutting becoming the first openly gay Cabinet spending under the existing gas tax. member confirmed by the Senate, Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), however, promising infrastructure would be key backed up Buttigieg and said the time in the Biden administration. may well have come for an increase Buttigieg, who made history as a in the gas tax, referencing a highway gay candidate during the Democratic south of his farm that saved farmers presidential primary, said in his thousands of dollars in transportation opening statement before the Senate costs. Committee on Commerce, Science 0Why? Less flat tires, front ends & Transportation as transportation aren’t knocked out of line, less wear secretary he’d ensure infrastructure and tear on vehicles, so you can run would be key to addressing economic them longer,” Tester said. 0That is why and climate issues. we need to make sure rural America is “By creating millions of good paying taken care of. I don’t pay enough gas jobs revitalizing communities that have tax to fund a project that would put been left behind, enabling American that highway in. But the truth is all of us small business workers, families and #$%$&'(%%)*)$* took part in his confirmation hearing to become transportation secretary. working together as Americans, with farmers to compete and win in the (Blade photo by Michael Key) the gas tax fund we’ve done it.” global economy and tackling the No questions related to Buttigieg’s climate crisis,” Buttigieg said. sexual orientation came up during the hearing, marking a change from the 1990s Consistent with Biden’s stated plan to address systemic racism, Buttigieg also stated when being gay was explicitly a reason gay appointees like Jim Hormel and Roberta his plan for transportation is ensuring marginalized communities can benefit. Achtenberg faced opposition in the Senate. “Getting people and goods to where they need to be directly and indirectly creating The only time it came up as an issue was a positive reaction from Sen. Gary Peters good paying jobs, but I also recognize that at their worst misguided policies and (D-Mich.), who pointed out Chasten Buttigieg, still sitting in the back row, was a fellow missed opportunities in transportation can reinforce racial and economic inequality native of Michigan. by dividing or isolating neighborhoods and undermining government’s basic role of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), however, made sure Buttigieg didn’t get through the hearing empowering Americans to thrive,” Buttigieg said. without any bumps. The Texas Republican challenged him on President Biden’s decision If confirmed, Buttigieg would be the first openly gay person confirmed to a Cabinetto nix the Keystone XL pipeline, which has been opposed by environmental activists, on level role. his first day in office. Buttigieg, in his testimony marking the first time an openly gay person faced a 0That is a major infrastructure project,” Cruz said. 0That is a project that right now confirmation hearing for a Cabinet-level position, also made sure to thank his spouse today has 1,200 good paying union jobs. And in 2021, the Keystone pipeline was Chasten Buttigieg, who was seated behind him in the room. scheduled to have more than 11,000 jobs, including 8,000 union jobs for contracts “I’m really proud to have him by my side. I also want to take this chance to thank him worth $1.6 billion.” for his many sacrifices and his support in making it possible for me to pursue public Buttigieg stood firm, reminding Cruz of the campaign promises Biden made in this service,” Buttigieg said. election, and predicted an approach to energy that paid heed to climate change would Earl Fowlkes, a gay Black D.C.-based Democratic activist, told the Washington Blade bear fruit. before Buttigieg’s hearing his nomination as a gay appointee is “very important,” but he 0I think the most important thing is to make sure that we make good on the promise hopes Buttigieg addresses transportation issues facing Black Americans. of the president’s climate vision as being one that on net creates far more jobs millions,” Among them is public transportation, which Fowlkes said is taking a hit in revenue Buttigieg said. because of the decrease in tax dollars amid the coronavirus crisis. Cruz wasn’t having it, saying the response amounted to Buttigieg telling potential “It’s so important, especially for Blacks and other racial minorities who can’t afford workers on Keystone XL 0somebody else will get a job,” but Buttigieg shot back. cars or live in places like New York or Chicago, where having a car is…nice, but it’s not 0The answer is that we are very eager to see those workers continue to be employed really always realistic when it comes to parking, upkeep, and insurance,” Fowlkes said. in good paying union jobs, even if they might be different ones,” Buttigieg said. Buttigieg enjoyed a largely favorable reception during the hearing. Of particular Cruz concluded by asking about an energy regulation, which blocks the transportation note: The first confirmation hearing for an openly gay nominee to a Cabinet-level of liquefied natural gas by rail, and whether the Biden administration would consider position included questions from LGBTQ committee members. repealing the measure. When Buttigieg said the best answer he can give is taking a Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), the first out lesbian in the Senate, started her look, Cruz said the response was 0disconcerting.” questioning by asking Buttigieg if he’d support “Buy America” initiatives. Buttigieg But generally speaking, Buttigieg appeared to enjoy bipartisan support from said he would. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), the first out bisexual in the Senate, asked committee members. Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), a fellow Hoosier, introduced Buttigieg at Buttigieg how he’d maintain COVID safety in the transportation system. Buttigieg the confirmation hearing. Young concluded his questioning by saying he looks forward responded that the first step is enforcing the mask mandates instituted by President to supporting Buttigieg’s confirmation. Sen. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), in a statement after Biden on his first day in office. the hearing, said she’ll also vote to confirm Buttigieg. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), who feuded with Buttigieg during the presidential An aide to a Republican senator on the committee was rosy about the prospects of primary, also queried Buttigieg, but their friendly exchange signaled that friction was Buttigieg enjoying GOP support in his confirmation. in the past. 0Transportation is an issue both sides can work together on,” the aide said. 0I think “I think you know I’m excited about your nomination,” Klobuchar said, adding, “I Republicans are looking forward to working with him and will support his confirmation.” know you well, and I can attest to my colleagues what a forward thinking and thoughtful Next up for Buttigieg is a committee vote, followed a floor vote in the Senate, which secretary you will be.” would also require a vote to invoke cloture if any one senator objects and filibusters. One moment of controversy during the hearing was when Buttigieg openly mulled A simple majority would be required to confirm Buttigieg as a presidential nominee. raising the gas tax under questioning from Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) about the highway Buttigieg has one week to submit his questions for the record, a Senate aide said, system. and then he is able to be placed in a markup for committee vote. The office of Senate “As you know the the gas tax has not been increased since 1993, that’s never been Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) didn’t respond to the Washington Blade’s pegged to inflation, and that’s one of the reasons why the current state of the Highway request to comment Wednesday on the timing for confirmation. Trust Fund is that there’s more going out than coming in,” Buttigieg said. ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!3$(4$56!789! 7 : 7 ; ! " ! ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%

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forces based on gender dysphoria. A 2014 report from the Williams Institute estimated 15,500 transgender adults are $#"3%'.)%')(+#)C>D>)6%9%(/":=)%'192&%'.)L=LFF)4')/1(%3#)&2(:) and 6,700 in the National Guard or Reserves. @D%679:)72(=)("/'$.#'&#")$#"3%1#)6#6;#"$),%99)'4)94'.#") ;#)$2;M#1()(4)(+#)74$$%;%9%(:)4<)&%$1+/".#)4")$#7/"/(%4')4') (+#);/$%$)4<).#'&#")%&#'(%(:N)("/'$.#'&#")$#"3%1#)6#6;#"$) 1/')$#"3#)%')(+#%").#'&#"),+#')("/'$%(%4')%$)14679#(#)/'&) (+#) .#'&#") 6/"-#") %') (+#) I#<#'$#) O'"4996#'() O9%.%;%9%(:) Reporting System (DEERS) is changed and transgender $#"3%1#) 6#6;#"$) $+429&) -'4,) (+/() (+#:) /"#) /11#7(#&) (+"42.+42()(+#)C>D>)6%9%(/":=B)/)P+%(#)Q42$#)</1()$+##()4') (+#)#0#12(%3#)4"&#")$/:$> *2()(+#)4"&#")%$)2'19#/")/;42(),+#(+#")$#"3%1#)6#6;#"$) ,%(+) (+#) &%/.'4$%$) ,%99) ;#) /;9#) (4) $#"3#) /$) (+#:) ,/%() (4) 14679#(#)%'%(%/9)("/'$%(%4'K"#9/(#&)1/"#> R2"(+#"=)(+#)4"&#")&4#$'8()/&&"#$$),+#(+#")%'&%3%&2/9$) ,+4)/"#'8()%')(+#)6%9%(/":=);2()$##-%'.)(4)#'9%$(=),%99);#)/;9#) (4)/11#&#)%<)(+#:)+/3#)/)&%/.'4$%$)4<).#'&#")&:$7+4"%/)4") obtained transition-related care, which were disqualifying </1(4"$)2'&#")(+#)5"267)/&6%'%$("/(%4')749%1:> R%'/99:=) (+#) #0#12(%3#) 4"&#") .%3#$) (+#) I#<#'$#) I#7/"(6#'() /'&) (+#) I#7/"(6#'() 4<) Q46#9/'&) D#12"%(:=) which oversees the Coast Guard, a timeframe of 60 days (4)"#74"()4')%679#6#'(/(%4')/'&)/994,$)@14'$29(/(%4'),%(+) the Joint Chiefs of Staff” to achieve the goals of the order. Also not clear from the executive order itself is whether (+#)C>D>)6%9%(/":),%99)&"/,)4').43#"'6#'()<2'&$)(4)7/:)<4") ("/'$%(%4'K"#9/(#&) 1/"#=) %'192&%'.) .#'&#") "#/$$%.'6#'() $2".#":=)<4")("/'$.#'&#")$#"3%1#)6#6;#"$> Austin, however, indicated in a statement the executive 4"&#"),429&)9#/&)(4)/)749%1:)/994,%'.)("/'$.#'&#")1%3%9%/'$) (4)#'9%$()%<)(+#:)6##()4(+#")$(/'&/"&$> !"#$%&'(")%()

Gay ex-liberal leader arrested on Capitol riot charges

"2"/9)T#;"/$-/=),+#"#)+#)$/%&)+#)@</1#&)3%49#'1#)/'&)&%$1"%6%'/(%4')<4");#%'.)./:)%')+%$) Brandon Straka, a gay former hairdresser and aspiring actor in New York City who conservative hometown.” The NBC profile says he moved to New York City shortly after in 2018 launched a ‘Walk Away from the Democrats’ social media campaign that went finishing high school in Nebraska. viral, was arrested in Nebraska on Jan. 25 on civil disorder related charges in connection A seven-page arrest affidavit called a @Statement of Fact” filed in court by FBI Agent with the Jan. 6 Capitol riots. Jeremy Desor in support of the charges against Straka states that Desor obtained and Information released by the Office of the U.S. Attorney for he District of Columbia says 3%#,#&)'26#"42$)5,%((#")74$(%'.$);:)D("/-/) Straka, 44, was apprehended in Nebraska /$),#99)/$)3%&#4)4<)D("/-/)42($%&#)4'#)4<)(+#) following an FBI investigation that linked entrances at the U.S. Capitol at the time the +%6) (+"42.+) 3%&#4) %6/.#$) /'&) $46#) 4<) +%$) "%4(),/$)(/-%'.)79/1#> 4,') $41%/9) 6#&%/) 74$(%'.$) (4) (+#) 64;) (+/() Although Desor does not state that he stormed the U.S. Capitol. Prosecutors have $/,) 4") 9#/"'#&) (+/() D("/-/) +/&) #'(#"#&) (+#) 1/99#&)(+#)/1(%4');:)(+#)"%4(#"$)/')/((#67(#&) Capitol building, he states in his affidavit insurrection aimed at stopping Congress (+/() D("/-/) 1429&) ;#) $##') 72$+%'.) +%$) ,/:) from confirming the election of President (+"42.+) /) 1"4,&) 4<) 7#479#) (4) .#() 194$#") (4) Joe Biden. the entrance as at least one police officer A Criminal Complaint filed in U.S. District /((#67(#&)(4);941-)(+#)1"4,&)<"46)#'(#"%'.) Court for the District of Columbia charges (+#);2%9&%'.> D("/-/) ,%(+) @%67#&%'.) 9/,) #'<4"1#6#'() In a video sent to the FBI by a witness, officers during a civil disorder; knowingly D("/-/)1/');#)+#/"&)$(/(%'.=)@P#8"#).4%'.)%'>) #'(#"%'.) /'&) "#6/%'%'.) 4') "#$("%1(#&) 5+#:8"#) $/:%'.) ,#8"#) .4%'.) %'>) P#8"#) .4%'.) ."42'&$) ,%(+42() 9/,<29) /2(+4"%(:N) /'&S %'>)P#8"#).4%'.)%'>)5+#)7#479#)/"#).4%'.)%'=B) 4") #'./.%'.) %') &%$4"&#"9:) 14'&21() ,%(+%') Desor states in his affidavit. 7"40%6%(:)(4)/)"#$("%1(#&);2%9&%'.)(4)%67#&#) @D("/-/)"#/1+#&)(+#)(47)4<)(+#)$(/%"$),+#"#) official functions.” +#) ,/$) ;#+%'&) /) 9/".#) 1"4,&) 4<) 7#479#) D("/-/) 1429&) '4() %66#&%/(#9:) ;#) "#/1+#&) attempting to enter the U.S. Capitol through for comment. A case docket filed in U.S. a single entrance,” the affidavit says. @As the District Court for D.C. as of Jan. 26 did not ,$-)(.)+&*$-/- TB<!BII@<F@A!=?!(@NIB<UB0! (Blade file photo by Michael Key) 1"4,&)%')<"4'()4<)+%6)("%#&)(4)72$+)(+#%"),/:) $+4,),+#(+#")D("/-/)+/&)"#(/%'#&)/)9/,:#"> into the entrance of the U.S. Capitol, Straka A spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s :#99#&=)@Go! Go!” the affidavit says. @Straka could then be heard saying to somebody, ‘I Office in D.C., which is prosecuting the case against Straka and more than 100 others want to try,’” according to the affidavit prepared by FBI Agent Desor. arrested in connection with the Capitol riot, could not be immediately reached to @5+#)3%&#4)#'&#&),%(+)D("/-/)$(%99)%')(+#)/"#/)/()(+#)(47)4<)(+#)$(#7$)'#/")(+#)#'("/'1#) &#(#"6%'#),+#(+#")D("/-/),/$);#%'.)+#9&)%')T#;"/$-/)7#'&%'.)+%$)74$$%;9#)#0("/&%(%4') to the U.S. Capitol but not having entered the building,” Desor’s affidavit states. to D.C. *(+&!"$,,-#(&'#. An NBC News profile on Straka broadcast in August 2018 says he is originally from ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!3$(4$56!789! 7 : 7 ; ! " ! ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%

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Inside the process leading Biden to sign two LGBTQ orders in one week Swift action on Bostock, trans military ban contrasts with slower progress under Obama !"#$%&'(#)*%+(*+#, -./012/13452067589:-/;

!"#$% &'()% "*+,% -")% '&."*")+/'+",*0% 1/$)"&$*+% 2"&$*% already signed two executive orders to benefit the LGBTQ 3,..4*"+(0% &$.,*)+/'+"*5% '*% '55/$))"#$% '66/,'3-% +,% LGBTQ issues not seen even during the Obama years. The Biden team — under internal and external pressure to make a point to demonstrate its commitment to LGBTQ people on Day One of the administration — was forced to come up with an alternative after determining it was best to hold off on the executive order ending the transgender military ban until the secretary of defense was confirmed. One Democratic insider said Stefanie Feldman, policy director for the Biden campaign, presented a solution to incoming Biden adviser Jake Sullivan, who helped make the executive order implementing the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision against anti-LGBTQ discrimination happen on Day One. Although Sullivan is national security adviser, he also wears a separate hat as a Biden policy adviser. Victory, as in many cases, was a group effort. Alphonso David, president of HRC, the nation’s leading LGBTQ group, was “engaging directly” on the executive orders with Susan Rice, the Obama foreign policy alum now serving as head of Biden’s Domestic Policy Council, sources familiar with the conversations say. “President Biden, Ambassador Rice and Secretary Austin have made clear to me their dedication to LGBTQ equality,” David told the Washington Blade in a statement. “Their '3+",*)% ,#$/% +-$% 7')+% 8$$9% -'#$% 6/,#$*% +-'+% &$&"3'+",*% over and again. I look forward to continuing to engage with +-$.%'*&%,+-$/)%"*%+-$%2"&$*%'&."*")+/'+",*%+,%'&#'*3$%+-$% rights and protections our community deserves.” :'#"&0%')%6/$#",4)7(%/$6,/+$&%;(%+-$%<')-"*5+,*%27'&$0% also spoke with then-Defense Secretary designate Gen. Lloyd Austin on the transgender military ban in December during a phone call on the 10th anniversary of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal. A senior Biden administration official told the Washington Blade the fact that both of these executive orders went very early is a reflection of the high priority that this administration places on LGBTQ rights and equality. Both orders were the result of engagement in the months before Inauguration Day between the Biden team and LGBTQ advocates. Sources in the conversation, who spoke to the Washington Blade on condition of anonymity for greater candor, said they articulated principles they’d like to see in +-$%$=$34+"#$%,/&$/)%'*&%)'8%+-,)$%3,/$%6/"*3"67$)%"*%+-$% eventual directives. The Human Rights Campaign had identified both the order implementing the Bostock decision and reversal of the transgender military ban in its LGBTQ “blueprint” for Biden, as did the Center for American Progress in its report on potential LGBTQ executive actions weeks before the Biden administration began. The Biden landing team was primed with talented officials, including LGBTQ people, ready to act to reverse the anti-LGBTQ policies of the Trump administration. On the Justice Department team was Pamela Karlan, a bisexual law professor at Stanford and the attorney to argue on the sexual orientation side of the Bostock case, which led the Supreme Court to rule anti-LGBTQ discrimination is illegal under federal law. Also on the team was Chai Feldblum, a former member of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission who had worked to implement similar policy for LGBTQ workers during the Obama administration. Working on the defense policy team was Shawn Skelly, a transgender veteran who served on active duty in the U.S. Navy for 20 years as a naval flight officer.

<=>?@A>BC!#$%&'()%*&?@DB>A!CEF!>G>HIC@J>!F=A>=?!FB!K>LMNO! of LGBTQ people in his first week in office. P%H=>>B!HMQCI=>!J@M!6FI*IK>R

One issue that remains outstanding after the executive order is enlistment by transgender civilians, which isn’t )6$77$&%,4+%"*%+-$%$=$34+"#$%,/&$/0%')%8$77%')%"))4$)%'/,4*&% the military health care system paying for transition-related 3'/$0% "*374&"*5% 5$*&$/% /$'))"5*.$*+% )4/5$/(0% ')% "+% 8,47&% other medical procedures. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, however, said in a statement after Biden signed the executive order the 1$*+'5,*%8,47&%".67$.$*+%'%6,7"3(%+,%$*)4/$%+/'*)5$*&$/% 6$,67$% >$*+$/% '*&% )$/#$?% "*% +-$% ."7"+'/(% '*&% >$*)4/$% '77% .$&"3'77(% *$3$))'/(% +/'*)"+",*% /$7'+$&% 3'/$% '4+-,/"@$&% ;(% 7'8% ")% '#'"7';7$% +,% '77% )$/#"3$% .$.;$/)0?% )"5*'7"*5% the outcomes would occur without offering details or a timeline. LGBTQ advocates who spoke to the Washington Blade said they’ve had assurances — both on the campaign trail and after the executive order was issued from the White House and the Pentagon — the Biden administration would .,#$% +,% ".67$.$*+% 6,7"3(% '77,8"*5% +/'*)5$*&$/% 6$,67$% to enlist in the armed forces. It wasn’t immediately clear whether the same assurances were given for providing transition-care in the military health care system. The Defense Department didn’t respond to repeated requests this week from the Washington Blade to clarify how those goals would be achieved or the timeline for achieving them. Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Karl Schultz, in a )+'+$.$*+%+,%+-$%27'&$0%)'"&%+-$%)$/#"3$%")%/$'&(%+,%'&'6+%+,% Biden’s executive order, but didn’t offer specifics. “The Coast Guard stands ready to work with the Secretary of Homeland Security and our Department of Defense counterparts to fully support the President’s executive ,/&$/%&"/$3+"*5%+-'+%'77%+/'*)5$*&$/%"*&"#"&4'7)%8-,%8")-%+,% )$/#$%'*&%3'*%.$$+%+-$%'66/,6/"'+$%)+'*&'/&)%)-'77%;$%';7$% to do so openly and free of discrimination,” he said in the statement. One LGBTQ advocate told the Blade he expects the Defense Department to resolve the enlistment piece of transgender military service “very quickly,” citing the Obama administration policy that sought to enable open service later overturned by former President Trump. “There’s not a lot of work that we think needs to be done for that to happen since all the plans were already in place,” the advocate said. “But with the size of the armed forces and the number of recruiters and all of the pieces that have to happen. It obviously takes a little bit of time to convey all that information appropriately across the force and therefore move forward in a way that’s going to be effective and efficient. So again, no reason that that can’t happen very quickly.”

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The issuing of two LGBTQ executive orders in the first five days of the Biden administration, is far and away more progress than what we saw in the entirety of the Trump administration, or even the Obama administration in the same period of time. Debates over whether Trump was the worst president on LGBTQ issues may soon give way to debate on whether Biden or Obama will be the best. After all, the Obama administration didn’t have much to say to the LGBTQ community for the first six months. The first words to the LGBTQ community were, in fact, a legal brief dripping with anti-gay animus in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act, which was denounced as an indication the LGBTQ community had been had. Obama would reverse course shortly afterward with the first-ever Pride celebration at the White House and the U.S. Justice Department ended up dropping its defense of DOMA in court. Tico Almeida, an attorney at the law firm WilmerHale who was among the LGBTQ advocates who campaigned for an executive order creating LGBTQ workplace protections, contrasted Obama waiting six years to issue that directive to Biden’s early action on the Bostock executive order. “It’s tremendous to see President Biden sign an executive order advancing LGBTQ legal protections on the very first day, and it’s a very good sign of the progress to come during the Biden-Harris administration,” Almeida said. Now the waiting game begins. The Bostock order compels federal agencies to devise and submit a plan to comply with the Supreme Court decision within 100 days, 8-"7$%+-$%,/&$/%/$#$/)"*5%+-$%+/'*)5$*&$/%."7"+'/(%;'*%5"#$)% 60 days for the Defense Department and the Department of Homeland Security (which oversees the Coast Guard) to report to the White House on implementation. Within the 100-day period for the Bostock order, one LGBTQ advocate told the Blade the expectation is the Office for Civil Rights for each individual agency “fairly quickly” to begin accepting complaints from LGBTQ people and investigating those complaints. A determination would ,334/%'+%'%7'+$/%+".$%,*%8-$+-$/%#'/",4)%/$547'+",*)%8,47&% need updating to reflect the executive order would happen on an ad hoc basis, the advocate said. “We wouldn’t expect all of those regulations to be completed in that 100-day timeframe,” the advocate said. “They need…to do due diligence and be thoughtful in their approach. And the executive order doesn’t mandate that they be complete. It’s just that they have to report back to the White House on their plan.” One thing is for sure: There is no question about whether the executive order would apply to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to require schools to '77,8% +/'*)5$*&$/% 9"&)% +,% -'#$% '33$))% +,% )$=A)$5/$5'+$&% spaces consistent with their gender identity. A line was included in in the Biden executive order — at risk of inviting criticism from anti-transgender advocates — making clear “children should be able to learn without 8,//("*5%';,4+%8-$+-$/%+-$(%8"77%;$%&$*"$&%'33$))%+,%+-$% restroom, the locker room or school sports.” Sarah Warbelow, legal director for the Human Rights Campaign, said the explicit language about transgender 9"&)%.'9$)%37$'/%+,%)+'+$)%+-'+%'*+"A+/'*)5$*&$/%7$5")7'+",*% would be unlawful, including in Montana where two antitransgender bills were recently advanced. “The executive order helped to put those legislators on notice that they will be in conflict with the Department of Education, and its application of Title IX, which is important information for them to know, as they’re contemplating taking these actions,” Warbelow said. “They should also recognize what they’re doing is unconstitutional but, as you know, that doesn’t always stop state legislators.”

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Humanities can help country heal from Trump: Blanco D9%>%("+%5F5&%*(=,30(,+(0$3(%'2"#3($3(F%23(0,(M>%+'%(N,&>%+ !"#$%&'()*#+,#*(-)./#0 12345678937:;23<5,=>1

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the U.S. in 2015. Blanco and Neveu are now engaged and plan to get married once the #,&,+%2"&5<(=%+'3>"#(3+'<H )*%+#,( 0,*'( 0$3( R%<$"+F0,+( )*%'3( '5&"+F( %( 03*3=$,+3( "+03&2"3/( ;&,>( $"<( $,>3("+()30$3*7(K%"+37(0$%0(-.,/(0,(1,23(%(4,5+0&68(%*<,('30%"*<($"<(<0&5FF*3( 0,(&3#,+#"*3($"<("'3+0"06(%<(%(F%6(459%+(M>3&"#%+(>%+(/"0$"+(M>3&"#%+(<,#"306( that he said President Trump and his administration made even more difficult. “I finally felt accepted in this place, and suddenly it has turned its back on >37( <,( 0,( <=3%:7( %+'( <5''3+*6( %**( 0$,<3( 5F*6( +%&&%0"23<( <0%&03'( #,>"+F( 9%#:( 5=(%+'(0$3&3E<(,+*6(%(#3&0%"+(M>3&"#%(0$%0E<(&"F$0(%+'($%2"+F(0,(&33G%>"+3(%**( ,;(0$%0(%+'(>6(&3*%0",+<$"=(/"0$(0$%0(#,5+0&6(/%<(%(:"+'(,;('"2,&#3(%+'(I(&3%**6( 0$,5F$0(%9,50("078($3(<%"'H(-I(0$,5F$07($,/(>5#$(#%+(I(<0"#:("0(,50V(R$%0(',(I(',( %<(%(=,30V(R$%0(',(I(',(%<(%($5>%+(93"+FV8 )*%+#,(<=,:3(/"0$(0$3()*%'3(0/,('%6<(93;,&3(0$3("+%5F5&%0",+(,;(C&3<"'3+0O 3*3#0()"'3+(%+'(W"#3(C&3<"'3+0O3*3#0(.%&&"<H Upwards of 25,000 National Guard troops were deployed to the nation’s #%="0%*( %;03&( 0$3( X%+H( Y( &",0<7( %+'( %50$,&"0"3<( #,&',+3'( ,;;( *%&F3( </%0$<( ,;( downtown D.C. because of security concerns. The Presidential Inaugural 4,>>"0033($%'(%*&3%'6(*">"03'(0$3(+5>93&(,;("+%5F5&%0",+(%003+'33<(%+'("+O =3&<,+(323+0<(93#%5<3(,;(0$3(#,&,+%2"&5<(=%+'3>"#H )*%+#,( '3<#&"93'( 0$3( "+%5F5&%0",+( 0,( 0$3( )*%'3( %<( %( ->,>3+0( 0$%0E<( <5==,<3'(0,(93(%9,50(0$"<(/,+'3&;5*(0&%'"0",+(%+'(#3*39&%0",+H8(.3(%*<,(<%"'( $3($%<(<=,:3+(/"0$(;,&>3&(Q,50$(C,30(1%5&3%03(M>%+'%(N,&>%+7(??7(/$,(/%<( 0$"<(63%&E<("+%5F5&%*(=,307(%;03&(<$3(&3%#$3'(,50(0,($">(,+(I+<0%F&%>H “She’s just an amazing human being, inside and out,” said Blanco. “Her poetry is amazing, a real presence and so humble. And I think just a perfect choice for 0$"<(0">3(&"F$0(+,/H8 )*%+#,( <%"'( $3( 0,*'( N,&>%+( -/$%0( %( 93%50";5*( 3G=3&"3+#3( "0E<( F,"+F( 0,( 937( &3F%&'*3<<(,;(0$3<3(/3"&'(#"&#5><0%+#3<(;,&(0$"<("+%5F5&%0",+H8 -I( /"<$( 0$%0E<( /$%0( <,>39,'6( /,5*'( $%23( 0,*'( >3( 93#%5<3( 6,5E&3( F,"+F( 0,(/&"03(%(=,3>(%+'(6,5E&3(*"2"+F("+(%**(0$"<(%==&3$3+<",+(%+'(&5<$($3&3(%+'( ',( 0$%078( $3( 0,*'( 0$3( )*%'37( &3#%**"+F( $"<( ,/+( 3G=3&"3+#3( %0( D9%>%E<( <3#,+'(

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Business owners adapt again as indoor dining returns to D.C. Cautious optimism about life after the pandemic

!"#$$%&#'"'"(&)*+&%,-.%",#&-$&/010&2)*-&#$,+&-)*-&3,*"&4$%&'-+&(*5&6*%+& *"#&%,+-*.%*"-+7 Back in December, Mayor Muriel Bowser’s office paused indoor dining, *"#&,8-,"#,#&-),&6*"&-)%$.()&9*"0&::0&;),&<'-5&)*+&"$=&%,-.%",#&-$&>'3'-,#& ?)*+,&;=$&*<-'@'-',+A&3,*"'"(&-)*-&%,+-*.%*"-+&<*"&*>>$=&'"#$$%&#'"'"(&*-& 25% capacity or no more than 250 people, whichever is fewer. In a tweet, John Falcicchio of the mayor’s office called it the “Inauguration Pause.” Having endured this complete ban on indoor dining, gay bar and restaurant owners across the city are expressing cautious optimism about 3$@'"(&4$%=*%#0 During Phase Two, establishments made significant changes to schedules and offerings. Several reduced days and hours of operations, 6$-)&$"&-),'%&$="&*<<$%#&*"#&4$>>$='"(&-),&3*5$%B+&%,C.'%,3,"-&-)*-&"$& alcohol be consumed after 10 p.m. For example, for several weeks, Pitchers moved to open earlier on weekends to counter the earlier closing hours. During the indoor dining ban, the bar opened only on the weekends. D"#& 4$%& ",*%>5& *>>& ,+-*6>'+)3,"-+& *<%$++& -),& <'-5A& 3*E'"(& %,+,%@*-'$"+& '+& *& 3.+-0&;%*#,A& /'%-5& F$$+,A& ?'-<),%+A& *"#&9G0B+A& *3$"(& $-),%+A& *>>& %,C.'%,& reservations for a limit of 90-minute blocks. D-& -),& 6,('""'"(& $4& -),& ='"-,%A& +,@,%*>& 6*%+& -$$E& *#@*"-*(,& $4& -),& city’s grant program for winterization. JR.’s added tents, outdoor fencing, and several heaters. Jesse Jackson of JR.’s expressed thanks to the local HI-)& J-%,,-& *%,*& 1$33'++'$",%& G*"#5& /$="+& 4$%& *++'+-'"(& )'+& 6*%& ='-)& constructing its “streatery.” Nearby Annie’s Paramount Steakhouse greatly extended its outdoor seating options, with extensive new heated and <$@,%,#& -*6>,+0& !"& D#*3+& K$%(*"A& ?'-<),%+& <$@,%,#& '-+& $="& J-%,*-,%5& patio and added heaters. Trade also added several heaters to its own back patio. Dirty Goose set up fire pits under tents on U Street, as well as rooftop propane heaters. 9.+-'"&?*%E,%&$4&/'%-5&F$$+,&+*5+&-)*-&'-&=*+&$">5&6,<*.+,&$4&-),&>*%(,& amount of outdoor space that his bar has been able to stay open. For Ed Bailey, owner of Trade and Number Nine, his bars offer contrasting stories. While outdoor dining has gone very well at Trade, he temporarily closed Number Nine because of its limited outdoor space. Still, owners reported that because there have been so many changes, keeping up with regulations has been a tricky task. Co-founder Bryan van den Oever of Red Bear Brewing says that his hours and offerings “depend on what the mayor does. We will stay open as long as we can to meet our community’s needs.” He said that when in-person dining was closed, the bar’s “operations continued by ramping up pickup and delivery options.” He did note that “we’ve found that most people would rather be out on our patios… but we make our indoor space as clean, distanced, and welcoming as possible and we enforce a strict mask mandate inside and out.” ?'-<),%+& *"#& +'+-,%& 6*%& DLMNM& 6,(*"& -$& $44,%& 3$%,& @'%-.*>& ,@,"-+& -$& bring in crowds. Jo McDaniel of ALOHO notes that “ALOHO hosted a virtual NYE party, with 150 tickets, which is much more than we expected. We have a robust calendar of virtual events until we’re open again.” Similarly, Anthony Aligo, co-owner of Barkada Wine Bar, also pivoted

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to additional options to stay afloat. He began a monthly wine club, and like many, streamlined the in-house menus to make preparations easier on staff. The bar also increased retail shopping online and inside the store. ;)%$.()&-),+,&<)*>>,"(,+A&$=",%+&*"#&3*"*(,%+&*<%$++&/010&+'("*>,#& -)*-& -),& *#@,%+'-5& )*+& 6%$.()-& -),3& -$(,-),%0& 9*<E+$"& $4& 9G0B+& +*'#& -)*-& gay bars are in a “unique situation but we’ve all come together and )*#& #'+<.++'$"+& *6$.-& 3*"#*-,+& *6$.-& )$=& -$& +.%@'@,0& !-B+& 6,,"& *& @,%5& communal situation. But gay bars have huge customer support, whether it’s going to a takeout window and getting a drink or another extra tip.” Van den Oever echoed the sentiment, noting that “luckily, the LGBTQ+ <$33."'-5& '+& >$5*>& *"#& .+,#& -$& *#@,%+'-5A& +$& =,& #$& -)'"E& +$3,& $4& -),& daily business is coming in that form to help us get through this. We’re so grateful for the love and solidarity.” And Bailey of Trade and Number Nine expressed gratitude to those who still brave the chill. “We still see a steady stream of amazingly loyal and generous customers.” While January was the most complicated month yet to try to operate a business in D.C., he’s optimistic for the future. “We would like to be open in some sort of ‘normal’ fashion,” he says, “but we also like to be doing the right thing: offering a space for people to be, giving our staff a chance to make some money while keeping them safe, maintaining a healthy environment, and generating revenue. We hope that with the new administration, we can hear from new leadership, embrace a new, cohesive, national strategy to deal with the virus, get to the business of vaccinating people, and start to make significant strides toward life beyond the pandemic.”


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‘The Liar’s Dictionary’

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Firth, Tucci face tragedy with restraint in ‘Supernova’ Oscar buzz mounts for two straight actors playing gay 01&2"*%&3,/#&4$%5

After decades of films in which LGBTQ people were so often victims of tragedy (it became known as the “kill your gays” trope) it’s nice to see more movies being made where we don’t have to suffer so much. We now have queer love stories that end happily, stories about queer young people that have nothing to do with the struggle to come out, and even stories that feature LGBTQ superheroes. Even better, we are now allowed to exist in stories that aren’t about us; our queerness is unimportant to the plot but we’re part of it, nonetheless. That’s the goal of representation; the onscreen world needs to include LGBTQ people right alongside everyone else, just like real life. More than that, it needs to depict the experience of being LGBTQ authentically. True authenticity, however, requires showing the bad along with the good, and that presents a quandary. There is a tendency to equate positive representation with a happily-ever-after ending, and anything falling short of that ideal runs the risk of being characterized as a regression to the days when we were punished in the movies simply for being who we are. It’s understandable, of course; for a community so long deprived of positive stories about itself, it’s easy to see why anything less would be a hard pass. That’s one of the hurdles faced by “Supernova” in finding a queer audience. The new film by British writer/director Harry Macqueen may be a love story between two gay men, but it’s every bit as bleak as it is authentic. The two men in question are Sam (Colin Firth) and Tusker (Stanley Tucci), a deeply bonded couple on the upper end of middle age, who’ve been together so long they are like extensions of one other. Sam, a once-prominent pianist, has been coaxed into playing his first recital in years, so the pair set out in their old RV on a road trip across the English countryside; their plan is to visit family, friends, and hallowed spots from their memories together as they make their way to the performance venue, but there’s a deeper motivation, too. Tusker has been diagnosed with early-onset dementia, and his condition is deteriorating faster than either of them want to admit. Hoping to make the most of the time they have left, the two men are on a quest to come to terms with the future before Tusker’s mind and memories fade away forever. Audiences jaded by Hollywood’s typically ham-handed treatment of such subjects might be tempted to assume that’s a scenario for just another overtly sentimental tearjerker. Fortunately, Macqueen’s film (his second feature after 2014’s “Hinterland”) is not a product of Hollywood, but of the UK film industry, and while that doesn’t necessarily

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guarantee a higher level of sophistication, it certainly improves the odds. What pushes “Supernova” into the category of a sure bet is its understated, elegiac screenplay. Macqueen lets his characters reveal themselves gradually. The depth of their relationship is built for us in observing these two men interact with the kind of casual comfort that comes from years of being together, a sort of intimate indifference that any long-term couple is sure to recognize. Their tenderness is matter-of-fact, and when they snipe at one another it’s only for the fun of sparring. When things inevitably begin to get heavy, there are no emotional outbursts, no histrionic laments, no ugly crying. Instead, their feelings are expressed in small moments, through a tender touch, a burst of anger, or a shared laugh over a bit of gallows humor. The true weight of their grief, however, is most obvious in the way they talk around it. Like the proverbial elephant in the room, it’s there for everyone to see, but there’s nothing to be done about it. The sorrow is a given. What matters to these lovers – and ultimately, to “Supernova” – is how they can each make peace with a grim but inevitable future, so they can find the strength to face it together as a couple. As a director, Macqueen doubles down on the same restraint. His visual style, composed within the gold-tinted hues of Dick Pope’s rich cinematography, is stately and picturesque, capturing the soothing calm of England’s Lake District while evoking a sense of nostalgic melancholy. At the same time, he artfully exploits the power of simplicity by letting the imagery speak for itself, without embellishment. He captures moments that are both intimate and profound; his artful shots of the two lovers – whether entwined in naked sleep on their bed, holding hands as they enjoy a beautiful view, or gazing into the vastness of the eternal cosmos together – tell us more about shared human experience than any heart-tugging monologue could ever hope to convey. The studied elegance of his “less-is-more” aesthetic keeps his film from veering into the manipulative territory that could easily undermine the cumulative emotional power it works so carefully to build. Macqueen’s greatest asset, though, is undoubtedly his actors. In Firth and Tucci, he has two such gifted collaborators that he can trust them completely to honor the subtlety of his script, and he takes full advantage by simply putting them in front of his camera and letting them do their thing. Neither actor identifies as gay, though both have notably “played gay” several times before; while today’s sensitivity around the subject of inclusion might make their casting in these roles a point of contention for some (that’s the other hurdle the movie has to face), it has nothing to do with the quality of their work. They are utterly, heartbreakingly believable together; the depth of Tusker and Sam’s connection – or of their love for each other – is never in doubt for a moment, thanks to the skill of these two veteran film artists. There’s Oscar buzz around both performances, and deservedly so. The result of all this subdued emotion is a movie that can be called stoic in the best sense of the word. By making its protagonists face their hard truth without allowing them the luxury of wallowing in their extreme emotions, “Supernova” forces its audience to do the same. There is no illusion of hope offered, despite half-hearted discussions of promising treatments or clung-to fantasies of some future trip to Italy; there is no remedy and no escape. Yet somehow, the cold frankness of their circumstance never dulls the love they feel for one another, nor diminishes the value of what they have shared during their many years together; somehow, even in the midst of their sorrow, there is joy. That’s what makes “Supernova” remarkable. It confronts us with the hard truth that every love story ends unhappily, if you follow it through to the end, and that’s something most of us must eventually face but few of us want to think about. By letting us share in Tusker and Sam’s tragedy, it allows us to rehearse for our own; that makes it a hard film to watch, but for viewers who are brave enough to stick it through, the rewards are rich indeed.

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Renewed hope for homeowners, renters under Biden President acts fast to extend eviction moratorium #$%&'((%)*++',#',-

Without question, 2020 was one of the most difficult and painful years in recent memory for many around the globe – and with the beginning of 2021, many of those difficulties remain ongoing. The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating in many ways — first and foremost for the tragic loss of life it has caused, and also because of the effect it had in changing day-to-day life in any number of ways. Certainly, it changed our economy, and without question has negatively impacted employment opportunities for many. Some were fortunate enough to have careers that could transition to remote work, but for many others, that was simply not an option. Many lost their jobs and found themselves faced with bills that kept coming each month as usual – but without an income stream with which to pay them. As if an ongoing pandemic weren’t stressful enough, many found themselves wondering how they could afford to feed their families and still pay their rent or mortgage. In fact, it has been estimated that across the country, nearly 30 to 40 million American renters were at risk of losing their homes, according to the National Low Income Housing Coalition – a statistic that doesn’t even include those who have found themselves unable to pay their mortgages.

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Fortunately, the federal government understood that these difficulties existed, and in mid-2020, passed the CARES Act, which was intended to provide relief from the devastation caused by COVID-19 on many fronts. Fortunately for homeowners and renters across the country, this relief included instituting a moratorium on evictions for renters as well as foreclosures on federally guaranteed mortgages. Although it was

temporary relief, it gave those struggling to make ends meet a bit of breathing room amid the economic havoc wrought by the pandemic. Following the initial eviction moratorium, and extension, in December, Congress again approved a one-month extension to further protect renters. Of course, the arrival of 2021 saw not only the beginning of a new year but also the beginning of a new presidential administration under now-President Joe Biden. Many have wondered what steps President Biden might take concerning COVID-19 relief, and whether it would include additional and ongoing protection for those worrying about losing their homes. Fortunately, the country didn’t have to wait long for the answer. Happily, for homeowners and renters across the country, the Biden administration wasted no time in extending protections for renters and homeowners. In fact, on his first day as president, Biden signed an executive order extending the eviction moratorium through at least the end of March 2021, a move that will protect millions of renters and homeowners who have been struggling throughout the pandemic. The Biden administration has also called on Congress to provide nearly $30 billion in rental assistance as well as an unspecified amount of money to be paid for legal aid for those facing evictions and needing legal help. What does this mean for you as a renter or an owner with a federally guaranteed mortgage? In short, it means that you cannot be evicted from your home because you are unable to pay your mortgage or your monthly rent. It is important to understand that you have this protection, as unfortunately, some landlords may attempt to evict you despite it. You should know your rights and you should assert them. The last thing anyone needs during a devastating pandemic is to find themselves homeless as well. Knowing the rights you have and the legal protections available is important and the value of doing so can’t be understated.

Jeff Hammerberg

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For More Information Contact us to learn more about all available units. 202.280.2060 | jsmira@compass.com 202.302.3797 | jpatel@compass.com

Jennifer Smira

Jill Patel


R E A LT O R ® D C

JS M I R A @ C O M PA S S.C O M 202.280.2060

J PAT E L @ C O M PA S S.C O M 202.302.3797



Compass is a licensed real estate brokerage that abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Compass is licensed as Compass Real Estate in DC and as Compass in Virginia and Maryland. 1313 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 | 202.386.6330

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THE MAGIC TOUCH: %KH>?IM9! 2BIIBJH!FN!.HHG!*?IIAH0!$GGLI!7:7Q 486-6183, Low Rates, 24/7, In-Calls.



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