The finish line?
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‘Our queer and trans youth deserve to have a space where they can overcome the trauma that too many young people still face,’ said SMYAL @N*&-L32*$?3/*&L(/$+,-.$'(+/$0&)#$$(Blade photo by Michael Key)
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!"#$%&'(()$%**+%$,-./*0*$ Court review in fight against 1"234$1/300 Gavin Grimm’s fight to get his Virginia high school to allow "9D$42$3+#$4"#$8#+4822D$627+9+4#74$@94"$"9+$:#7,#8$9,#74941$ ]$ #5#7$ 4"23:"$ "#$ :8*,3*4#,$ C238$ 1#*8+$ *:2$ ]$ 9+7E4$ 25#8^$ Gloucester County School Board last week filed a petition *+A97:$4"#$P&<&$<3;8#D#$'2384$42$8#59#@$4"#$6*+#& !"#$ _`(;*:#$ ;#494927$ *++#84+$ 4"#$ ,#69+927$ C82D$ 4"#$ P&<&$ a2384"$ '986394$ '2384$ 2C$ ?;;#*B+N$ @"96"$ 83B#,$ 97$ C*528$ 2C$ .89DD$ 97$ ?3:3+4N$ @*+$ 976288#64$ 97$ ,#4#8D9797:$ 4"#$ a2384##74"$ ?D#7,D#74$ *7,$ !94B#$ Sb$ 2C$ 4"#$ I,36*4927$ ?D#7,D#74+$2C$UX`Q$8#\398#$4"#$+6"22B$42$:8*74$"9D$*66#++$ 42$4"#$)21+E$)*4"822D& M!"#$ 25#889,97:$ 9++3#$ 97$ 4"9+$ 6*+#$ 9+$ @"#4"#8$ C#,#8*B$ B*@$ ]$ #94"#8$ !94B#$ Sb$ 28$ 4"#$ I\3*B$ T824#64927$ 'B*3+#$ ]$ mandates only one answer to the difficult question of how *$ +6"22B$ +"23B,$ 8#+;27,$ 42$ 48*7+:#7,#8$ +43,#74+$ +##A97:$ 42$ )#$ 48#*4#,$ 627+9+4#74$ @94"$ 4"#98$ :#7,#8$ 9,#74949#+N$ @"9B#$ *662DD2,*497:$4"#$62D;#BB97:$)2,9B1$;895*61$974#8#+4+$2C$ 4"#98$69+:#7,#8$6B*++D*4#+NO$4"#$;#494927$+*1+&$M/#6*3+#$)24"$ B*@+$;#8D94$+6"22B$)2*8,+$42$8#*6"$,9CC#8#74$*7+@#8+$42$4"*4$ \3#+4927N$4"#$,#69+927$)#B2@$@*+$@827:&O ?B4"23:"$.89DD$:8*,3*4#,$C82D$"9:"$+6"22B$97$QZU`N$4"#$ 62384+$"*5#$A#;4$"9+$6*+#$*B95#$27$4"#$)*+9+$"#$623B,$8#4387$ *+$*7$*B3DN$+36"$*+$*$8#4387$489;$C28$*$C224)*BB$:*D#N$*7,$D*1$ 7##,$42$3+#$4"#$8#+4822D$C*69B949#+N$*7,$)#6*3+#$4"#$+6"22B$ 8#C3+#,$42$3;,*4#$"9+$48*7+689;4+$627+9+4#74$@94"$"9+$:#7,#8$ 9,#74941& .89DD$+*9,$97$*$+4*4#D#74$"#E+$,9+*;;2974#,$4"#$+6"22B$ @23B,$6274973#$42$6"*BB#7:#$"9+$*66#++$42$4"#$8#+4822D& MS$ :8*,3*4#,$ C238$ 1#*8+$ *:2$ ]$ 94$ 9+$ 3;+#4497:$ *7,$ ,9+*;;297497:$ 4"*4$ .B236#+4#8$ '23741$ 6274973#+$ 42$ ,#71$
Va. moves closer to repealing marriage amendment
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The Virginia Senate on Feb. 19 approved a bill to repeal 4"#$ +4*4#E+$ 627+49434927*B$ *D#7,D#74$ )*7797:$ +*D#(+#J$ D*889*:#N$ )897:97:$ 4"#$ 9++3#$ 27#$ +4#;$ 6B2+#8$ 42$ 524#8+$ 97$ QZQQ& <#7*4#$ e2974$ Y#+2B34927$ Q`ZN$ +;27+28#,$ )1$ +4*4#$ <#7&$ ?,*D$ I))97$ K%(?B#J*7,89*LN$ @23B,$ *D#7,$ 4"#$ +#64927$ 2C$ Virginia’s constitution that addresses marriage and would 8#;#*B$ 4"#$ QZZV$ *D#7,D#74$ 4"*4$ )B26A#,$ +*D#(+#J$ 623;B#+$ C82D$ B#:*BB1$ D*88197:&$ !"#$ P&<&$ <3;8#D#$ '2384E+$ QZUf$[)#8:#C#BB$,#69+927$975*B9,*4#,$94& The Senate’s 22-12 vote follows the Virginia House of %#B#:*4#+E$VZ(_`$524#$27$a#)&$R$42$8#;#*B$4"#$*D#7,D#74& <4*4#$ %#B+&$ =*8A$ <96AB#+$ K%(a*98C*J$ '23741L$ *7,$?BC27+2$ -2;#g$K%(?8B97:427$'23741L$@#8#$4"#$6"9#C$+;27+28+$2C$4"#$ F23+#$5#8+927$2C$4"#$)9BB& “For 15 years Virginia’s Constitution has enshrined a )9:24#,$)*7$27$#\3*B941NO$I))97$4@##4#,$27$a#)&$UQ$97$4"#$ 837$3;$42$4"#$F23+#$524#&$MS4$9+$724$#723:"$C28$4"#$hD*889*:#$ )*7E$42$)#$D*,#$972;#8*)B#$)1$4"#$<3;8#D#$'2384&$S4$D3+4$ be repealed and replaced with an affirmative right to marry.” *"$+$*&,-)&%+((./)
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Nearby residents vow more opposition, citing parking, traffic, noise concerns !"#$%&#'()!!*+%#,+-#.#/01233456784913/4:;-06<
.*::0##0*+& 4(0$"2& /*& (2"L)(/"$%& 2"$0<"3(/"& *1"3& /5"& :(//"3& (+2& !"#$"%& '()$#*+,& "-".)/01"& 203"./*3& *4& /5"& 6$"(3& 78(."& 95"(/3"& #5*)$2&3"*8"+&0/#&8)<$0.&5"(30+?&83*."##&*+&/5"&/5"(/"3C 6*:8(+%&0+&;"5*<*/5&="(.5,&5(#&"-83"##"2&5*8"&/5(/&/5"&8*8)$(3& Gay Commissioner Patrick Gossett joined Mills and fellow Board of /5"(/"3>#&8$(+#&/*&"-8(+2&0/#&*8"3(/0*+#&<%&<)0$20+?&(&$(3?"3&/5"(/"3&(+2& 6*::0##0*+"3#&:":<"3#&X(%&G(?3""&(+2&7)#(+&H(%&0+&1*/0+?&0+&4(1*3& (+&(2@(."+/&3"5"(3#($&/5"(/"3&0+&(&+"A&$*.(/0*+&A*)$2&<"&(883*1"2&*+& *4& *1"3/)3+0+?& /5"& '$(++0+?& 6*::0##0*+& 2".0#0*+& /*& (883*1"& /5"& B302(%,&B"<C&DE,&A5"+&/5"&;"5*<*/5&'$(++0+?&6*::0##0*+&0#&"-8"./"2& theater project and to send the case back to the Planning Commission. /*&3)$"&*+&/5"&(88$0.(/0*+C Gay Commissioner Edward Chrzanowski and lesbian Commissioner '()$#*+& 8*0+/#& *)/& /5(/& 8$(+#& 4*3& /5"& /A*& +"A& /5"(/"3& <)0$20+?#& '(/&6*$)KK0&@*0+"2&4"$$*A&.*::0##0*+"3&;0.5(32&=%3+"&0+&1*/0+?&(?(0+#/& *+&;"5*<*/5&F1"+)"&+"(3&/5"&"+/3(+."&/*&/5"&#:($$&GH=9IJ430"+2$%& *1"3/)3+0+?&/5"&'$(++0+?&6*::0##0*+&2".0#0*+C 3"#*3/& .0/%& 5(1"& <""+& 2"/"3:0+"2& /*& <"& 0+& 4)$$& .*:8$0(+."& A0/5& ($$& 95"&QJ/*JY&1*/"&<%&/5"&=*(32&*4&6*::0##0*+"3#&4*$$*A"2&0/#&2".0#0*+& K*+0+?&3"L)03":"+/#&(+2&.0/%&.*2"#C +"(3$%&/A*&%"(3#&"(3$0"3&/*&2".$0+"&(&3"L)"#/&<%&6$"(3&78(."&/*&.5(+?"& =)/& (& ?3*)8& *4& DM& ;"5*<*/5& 5*:"*A+"3#& (+2& 3"+/"3#& A5*#"& /5"& ;"5*<*/5& K*+0+?& $(A& /*& "-":8/& (& 8"34*3:0+?& (3/#& *3?(+0K(/0*+& 3"#02"+."#&(3"&$*.(/"2&203"./$%&<"50+2&*3&+"(3&A5"3"&/5"&/A*&/5"(/"3#& like Clear Space from a requirement to provide 128 on-site parking (3"&83*8*#"2&/*&<"&<)0$/&#(%&/5"&/A*&<)0$20+?#&(3"&0+.*:8(/0<$"&A0/5& #8(."#&4*3&0/#&*30?0+($&83*8*#($&/*&<)0$2&*+"&$(3?"3&/5"(/"3&<)0$20+?&(/& /5"& 3"#02"+/0($& .*::)+0/%& (+2& #0+?$"& 43(:"& 5*)#"#& /5(/& /5"& /5"(/"3& /5"&;"5*<*/5&F1"+)"&#0/"C <)0$20+?#>&3"(3&A($$#&A0$$&(<)/C&95"%&#(%&/5"&.)33"+/&8$(+#&4*3&/5"&/A*& 95"&"(3$0"3&83*8*#($&.($$"2&4*3&(&DZ,EPPJ#L)(3"J4**/&<)0$20+?C&[+2"3& buildings will lead to excessive noise, traffic congestion, parking ;"5*<*/5>#& "-0#/0+?& K*+0+?& $(A,& (+%& <)0$20+?& *4& /5"& /%8"& 83*8*#"2& 83*<$":#,&(+2&2".3"(#"2&83*8"3/%&1($)"#C <%& 6$"(3& 78(."& /5(/& 0#& MZ,PPP& #L)(3"& 4""/& *3& ?3"(/"3& :)#/& 83*102"& 95"& *88*+"+/#& #(%& /5"%& A0$$& (88"($& (& 2".0#0*+& <%& /5"& '$(++0+?& onsite parking. Paulson told the Blade at the time the earlier building 6*::0##0*+& /*& (883*1"& /5"& 83*@"./& /*& /5"& ;"5*<*/5& =*(32& *4& was under consideration that the nonprofit theater company did not 6*::0##0*+"3#,& A50.5& #"31"#& (#& /5"& <"(.5& .0/%>#& $"?0#$(/01"& (+2& 2<=>!4?@ABAC@!BDEF=?EE?E!<G?! have the financial resources to include 100 or more indoor or onsite ?*1"3+0+?&<*2%C HAECF=I!J?EE<I?E!AK!EDHHAGC!KAG! parking spaces. N4&/5"&'$(++0+?&6*::0##0*+&A"3"&/*&2"+%&/5"&/5"(/"3>#&(88$0.(/0*+& L??HF=I!1M?<G!%H<N?!*@?<CG?!F=!CAO=0! (Blade file photo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oth sides have said they will take the case to court in a lawsuit if the Board of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provide any onsite parking. F//*3+"%& 75)$:(+& #(02& 5"& (+2& */5"3& *88*+"+/#& *4& /5"& ;"5*<*/5& F1"+)"& $*.(/0*+& the city’s boardwalk that it rents. It also has operated an arts institute in its current building .*+#02"3&/5"&/A*J<)0$20+?&83*8*#($&/*&<"&A*3#"&/5(+&/5"&*30?0+($&#0+?$"&<)0$20+?&8$(+C /5(/&/"(.5"#&/5"(/"3&/*&#/)2"+/#&*4&($$&(?"#C F..*320+?&/*&75)$:(+,&/5"&/A*J<)0$20+?&83*@"./&A*)$2&5(1"&(&?3"(/"3&+"?(/01"&0:8(./& '()$#*+&(+2&/5"&/5"(/"3>#&<*(32&:":<"3#&(++*)+."2&0+&DPMR&/5(/&/5"&.)33"+/&/5"(/"3& <)0$20+?&5(2&<".*:"&/**&.3(:8"2&4*3&3"5"(3#($#,&.$(##"#,&(+2&*/5"3&(./010/0"#&(+2&(&+"A,& *+&/5"&+"(3<%&3"#02"+/#C&7)88*3/"3#&*4&/5"&/5"(/"3,&#).5&(#&6*:<#,&20#8)/"&.$(0:#&/5(/&/5"& two theaters will cause problems other than possibly making parking somewhat harder $(3?"3&#8(."&A(#&+""2"2C& to find when performances are being held at the theaters. But Combs and others say Many in the LGBTQ community, who make up a significant part of Rehoboth’s residents (+2&#)::"3&10#0/*3#,&5(1"&3($$0"2&0+&#)88*3/&*4&/5"&/5"(/"3>#&L)"#/&/*&:*1"&0+/*&/5"&/A*& parking has always been an issue in the popular beach resort city and most residents and 10#0/*3#&5(1"&(2(8/"2&/*&/5"&#0/)(/0*+C +"A&<)0$20+?#C '()$#*+,& 6$"(3& 78(.">#& "-".)/01"& 203"./*3,& #(02& /5"& /5"(/"3& 5(#& 2"1"$*8"2& 8$(+#& /*& =)/&?(%&SC6C&(//*3+"%&T(31"%&75)$:(+,&A5*&0#&*+"&*4&/5"&+"(3<%&;"5*<*/5&5*:"*A+"3#& *88*#"2& /*& /5"& $*.(/0*+& *4& /5"& /A*& /5"(/"3& <)0$20+?#,& /*$2& /5"& !(#50+?/*+& =$(2"& (& encourage its patrons to park in places away from the residential areas. He said the /5"(/"3& .*+2)./"2& (& #)31"%& (+2& 4*)+2& /5(/& 0/#& 8"34*3:(+."#& (/& /5"& ;"5*<*/5& F1"+)"& “significant percentage” of the 21 residents opposing the project are gay. UN4&(+%<*2%&/30"#&/*&/"$$&%*)&/5(/&/50#&0#&(&/5"(/"3&/5(/&:*#/&?(%#&#)88*3/&(+2&1"3%&4"A& #0/"&A*)$2&+*/&?"+"3(/"&:*3"&/5(+&(<*)/&DP&.(3#&0+&(220/0*+&/*&/5"&$(3?"&+):<"3&*4&.(3#& "+/"30+?&;"5*<*/5&"(.5&2(%&*3&"1"+0+?C oppose it, they’re absolutely wrong,” Shulman said. “So, there is definitely no unanimity 75)$:(+&#(02&*88*+"+/#&*4&/5"&.)33"+/$%&2"#0?+"2&<)0$20+?#&4*3&/5"&;"5*<*/5&F1"+)"& on this in the gay community.” V/5"3&GH=9I&;"5*<*/5&3"#02"+/#&(+2&$*+?/0:"&10#0/*3#&20#8)/"&75)$:(+>#&(##"3/0*+,& #0/"&(3"&*8"+&/*&+"?*/0(/0*+#&4*3&3"10#0*+#&4*3&/5"&/5"(/"3&/5(/&A*)$2&"$0:0+(/"&*3&$"##"+& A5(/&*88*+"+/#&<"$0"1"&/*&<"&0/#&+"?(/01"&0:8(./&*+&/5"&+"0?5<*35**2C&T"&#(02&6$"(3& saying they believe a clear majority of the LGBTQ community backs the theater’s proposal /*&:*1"&/*&;"5*<*/5&F1"+)",&A50.5&/5"%&+*/"&0#&(&.*::"3.0($$%&K*+"2&#/3""/&$0+"2&A0/5& 78(."&5(#&#8)3+"2&/5*#"&*1"3/)3"#C 6$"(3&78(."&(//*3+"%&])?"+"&G(A#*+&#(%#&0/&5(#&<""+&/5"&*88*+"+/#&A5*&5(1"&3"@"./"2& 3"#/()3(+/#,&<(3#,&3"/(0$&#5*8#,&(+2&5*/"$#C&& Clear Space’s numerous efforts to make accommodations to the opponents’ concerns. “Many of the residents who oppose this live on a street that backs up on a commercial “Clear Space is going out of its way to be sensitive to what these people want,” he said. street,” said gay longtime Rehoboth resident Wesley Combs. “They knew that when they “They haven’t come up with anything that indicates we don’t meet the code,” Lawson said. bought their home,” he said. “And they didn’t like the fact that the theater seems to be going forward.” “And I think that the statements about property values going down are absolutely not G(A#*+&#(02&5"&0#&.*+10+."2&/5(/&/5"&$(A&A0$$&<"&*+&/5"&#02"&*4&6$"(3&78(."&04&/5"&.(#"& true and not supported by any fact,” he said. “The property values are going up for various ?*"#& /*& .*)3/C& =)/& #*:"& *4& /5"& /5"(/"3>#& #)88*3/"3#& A*33%& /5(/& *88*+"+/#,& A5*& #*& 4(3& reasons because people are always wanting to come to Rehoboth.” have waged their opposition without a hired attorney, could drain Clear Space’s financial Combs said he lives about five blocks from where the theater buildings would be resources by dragging out their appeal efforts to block the opening at the new site. located and welcomes the theaters to his neighborhood. A theater like Clear Space adds Shulman said LGBTQ opponents of the theater have joined other opponents in seeking /*&/5"&10<3(+.%&*4&;"5*<*/5&(+2&0/#&3*$"&(#&(&<"(.5&3"#*3/&/*A+,&6*:<#&#(02C ;"5*<*/5&O(%*3&O0$$#&A(#&(:*+?&4*)3&*4&/5"&#"1"+&=*(32&*4&6*::0##0*+"3#&:":<"3#& (&8*##0<$"&.*:83*:0#"C “I think gay people like any other people — they would like to see a theater in town, like /5(/&1*/"2&$(#/&W*1":<"3&/*&*1"3/)3+&(&2".0#0*+&<%&/5"&'$(++0+?&6*::0##0*+&0+&F)?)#/& *4& $(#/& %"(3& /*& (883*1"& /5"& /5"(/"3>#& <)0$20+?& (88$0.(/0*+C& 95"& .*::0##0*+"3#& (./"2& any people would,” Shulman told the Blade. “But it’s got to be the right size, in the right 0+& 3"#8*+#"& /*& (+& (88"($& <%& /5"& DM& 3"#02"+/#& .5($$"+?0+?& /5"& 1($020/%& *4& /5"& '$(++0+?& location, the right operating standards. And this is not it.” 95"& =$(2"& A0$$& )82(/"& /50#& #/*3%& /*& 3"8*3/& *+& /5"& *)/.*:"& *4& /5"& B"<C& DE& '$(++0+?& 6*::0##0*+>#&(883*1($&*4&/5"&/5"(/"3&83*8*#($C F#& 8(3/& *4& 0/#& 2".0#0*+& /*& *1"3/)3+& /5"& '$(++0+?& 6*::0##0*+>#& 2".0#0*+,& /5"& =*(32& 6*::0##0*+&:""/0+?&0+&A50.5&(&2".0#0*+&*+&6$"(3&78(."&95"(/3">#&(88$0.(/0*+&4*3&/5"&/A*& +"A&<)0$20+?#&A(#&"-8"./"2&/*&<"&2".02"2C of Commissioners remanded the case back to the Planning Commission, saying the ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!3/,45$46!78 9! 7 : 7 ; ! " ! -+ 1$ -! (/ #%
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“We’re reaching out to Republican colleagues to hold individual conversations about the bill and get them answers to questions that they are raising,” Merkley added. “And so we hope that just as we were able to build eight years ago a super majority support for the bill, we’re going to apply ourselves to do the same 3467%36C"%=)9<#?$L Merkley said a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing is planned for the Equality Act, but the timing isn’t yet certain. A Democratic aide said no information was immediately available on when the hearing will be. F<3%H634%WX%59/789#79)72%34"%"#36)"%."C95)=365%5=<5<7%67#N3%<#63"?%6#%7<889)36#A% the Equality Act. Merkley wouldn’t name who it was, but Manchin wasn’t a cosponsor in the previous Congress. Manchin’s office hasn’t responded to repeated )";<"737%'9)%59CC"#3%6#%34"%8=73%H""*%9#%H4"34")%4"N?%7<889)3%34"%+"A67+=369#$ “Not sponsoring doesn’t mean you’re going to vote against against the bill,” Merkley cautioned. “It may often mean for a Republican or a Democrat you have =??6369#=+%;<"7369#7%34=3%,9<%?"76)"%39%A"3%=#7H")"?2%9)%,9<%76C8+,%?9#N3%H=#3%39% 8)"V<?A"%,9<)%8976369#%<#36+%,9<%4"=)?%34"%677<"7%)=67"?%6#%=#%<859C6#A%4"=)6#A$L Generally speaking, the Republican caucus is expected to oppose the Equality Act fiercely. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has already staked out a position about the 8=)36568=369#%9'%3)=#7A"#?")%A6)+7%6#%75499+%789)372%7=,6#A%63%=C9<#37%39%=++9H6#A% boys to take part in girls’ events and calling it “bizarre.” Romney said he concurred H634%U=<+%9#%34"%677<" Asked about the nuts and bolts of the wording of the Equality Act, including whether he’d rule out any changes to accommodate concerns from Republicans +6*"%U=<+%=#?%Y9C#",2%(")*+",%4"?A"?$ “In terms of the dialogue that is held between the two chambers and with the Republican colleagues, that dialogue will happen in close consultation with the 56B6+%)6A437%A)9<87%34=3%4=B"%"#9)C9<7%"T8")367"%=#?%H9)*6#A%39%C=*"%7<)"%34=3% no modification or clarification is anything that undermines the opportunity of DEF@G%>C")65=#7%39%34)6B"%6#%9<)%7956"3,2L%(")*+",%7=6?$ (")*+",%=+79%8=6?%4""?%39%34"%9)A=#6M=369#7%34=3%=)"%7<889)36#A%34"%+"A67+=369#2% including the Human Rights Campaign and the NAACP. “What made it work in 2013 was very close engagement and collaboration with our civil rights groups at every stage of the process, and we’re going to be engaged in that very, very much the same way this time round: Close consultation with those groups — including groups like HRC, NAACP and so forth that have strong civil rights backgrounds — to take this forward as we work to get this "#=53"?%6#39%+=H2L%(")*+",%7=6?$ Biden, in his role as chief legislator as president, would also be expected to play a role in bringing support to the Equality Act. Merkley, asked whether Biden would be able to keep his campaign promise to sign the legislation within 100 days, beamed over the White House issuing a formal Statement of Administration U9+65,%9#%@<"7?=,%76A#=+6#A%F6?"#%O73)9#A+,%7<889)37L%34"%+"A67+=369#$ Asked whether the White House was being helpful behind the scenes, Merkley said the priority is passing Biden’s coronavirus package, but he expects that to 54=#A"%799#$ “I have no doubt that Joe Biden and his team will be working very closely with us to help get this passed at every point,” Merkley said. “He’s affirmed his =?C6#673)=369#N7%73)9#A%7<889)3%'9)%";<=+63,%39%"#?%?675)6C6#=369#%6#%"B"),%784")"% of American life. He made an executive order right at the beginning of this =?C6#673)=369#%39%)"B6"H%=++%34"%?6''")"#3%?"8=)3C"#37%9'%34"%'"?")=+%A9B")#C"#3% 39% C=*"% 7<)"% 34",N)"% 98")=36#A% H6349<3% ?675)6C6#=369#% =#?% 8)9B6?"% =??6369#=+% )"59CC"#?=369#7$%P%346#*%H"%4=B"%=%)"=+%54=C869#%'9)%";<=+63,%9'%9889)3<#63,%'9)% all Americans in the White House.” The new effort to pass the Equality Act is sandwiched between two U.S. Supreme Court rulings: A landmark decision for LGBTQ rights last year in Bostock v. Clayton County, which determined anti-LGBTQ discrimination is an illegal form of sex discrimination, and an imminent decision in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, which will determine whether religious-affiliated foster care agencies have a First >C"#?C"#3%)6A43%39%)"V"53%7=C"/7"T%59<8+"7$ Merkley said the Bostock ruling “has been a very positive factor” in efforts 39%=?B=#5"%34"%:;<=+63,%>532%7=,6#A%63%4=7%?"C9#73)=3"?%34"%+=5*%9'%677<"7%H634% DEF@G%#9#/?675)6C6#=369#%8)93"5369#7%6#%8+=5"$ !!"#$%&'() *%$+," #$%" &'()%" $(*" +,%(-%)" (" )%-(.'%)" +$(,-" /0" -$%" ).11%,%0+%*" 2%-3%%0"-$%"456('.-7"8+-"(0)"-$%"9(.,0%**"1/,"8''"8+-:"(*"3%''"(*"-$%"*.-6(-./0"3.-$" +6,,%0-"'(3"(1-%,"-$%";<=<"=6>,%?%"@/6,-A*")%+.*./0"'(*-"7%(,".0"&/*-/+B"C<"@'(7-/0" @/60-7<"=%%"D(E%"FG<H
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LGBTQ protections — Current law after Bostock vs. Equality Act vs. Fairness for All Act By CHRIS JOHNSON |
Now after Bostock
With Equality Act
EMPLOYMENT Could a large secular employer, corporation or non-profit fire someone for being LGBTQ?
No. Bostock explicitly found anti-LGBTQ discrimination is prohibited under Title VII.
No. The Equality Act would explicitly amend Title VII to make antiLGBTQ discrimination illegal.
No. FFAA would explicitly amend Title VII to make anti-LGBTQ discrimination illegal.
Could a religious hospital fire someone from a non-ministerial position for being LGBTQ?
No. Title VII provides no exemption here.
No. The Equality Act provides no exemption here.
No. FFAA provides no exemption here.
Could a religious school fire someone from working as a teacher for being LGBTQ?
Probably yes. The 7th Circuit is now considering a case on whether Title VII’s religious exemption applies.
Probably yes. The 7th Circuit is now considering a case on whether Title VII’s religious exemption applies.
Definitely yes. FFAA has language explicitly giving religious schools an exemption.
Could a religious non-profit/church fire a minister for being LGBTQ?
Yes. The ministerial exemption to Title VII definitely applies.
Yes. The ministerial exemption to Title VII definitely applies.
Yes. The ministerial exemption to Title VII definitely applies.
Could a small business with fewer than 15 employees fire someone for being LGBTQ?
Yes. The Civil Rights Act has a carve-out in employment for small businesses. State and local laws may apply.
Yes. The Civil Rights Act has a carve-out in employment for small businesses. State and local laws may apply.
Yes. The Civil Rights Act has a carve-out in employment for small businesses. State and local laws may apply.
No. The logic in Bostock applies to the Fair Housing Act as interpreted by the Biden administration.
No. The Equality Act would amend the Fair Housing Act to explicitly No. FFAA would amend the Fair Housing Act to explicitly ban antiban anti-LGBTQ discrimination. LGBTQ discrimination.
No. The logic in Bostock applies to the Fair Housing Act, which applies to homeless shelters.
No. The Equality Act would amend the Fair Housing Act, which applies to homeless shelters.
Probably not. But FFAA has language to allow “considering an individual’s sex” in sex-segregated areas.
No. The logic in Bostock applies to Title 28, which bans discrimination in jury service on the basis of sex.
No. The Equality Act would amend Title 28 of the U.S. code to explicitly ban anti-LGBTQ discrimination.
No. FFAA would amend Title 28 of the U.S. code to explicitly ban anti-LGBTQ discrimination.
No. The logic in Bostock applies to Equal Credit Opportunity Act, which bans discrimination on the basis of sex.
No. The Equality Act would amend the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of the U.S. code to explicitly ban anti-LGBTQ discrimination.
No. FFAA would amend the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of the U.S. code to explicitly ban anti-LGBTQ discrimination.
But what about…
HOUSING Could someone be denied housing for being LGBTQ?
But what about… Could a sex-segregated homeless shelter refuse to house a transgender person consistent with gender identity?
JURY SERVICE Could a person be denied sitting on a federal jury for being LGBTQ?
CREDIT Could a person be denied a loan and face disparate treatment for being LGBTQ?
PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS Could a person be denied service at public accommodation for being LGBTQ?
Generally yes. No federal laws bars sex discrimination in public No. The Equality Act would amend Title II to bar discrimination on accommodations (except in health care), so Bostock has no impact. the basis of sex or LGBTQ status.
No. FFAA would amend Title II to bar discrimination on the basis of sex or LGBTQ status.
But what about…. Could a medical provider refuse service to LGBTQ people?
Probably not. Section 1557 of Obamacare prohibits sex discrimination in health care. A court injunction barring HHS from applying to LGBTQ people stands, but that’s being challenged.
No. Section 1557 applies and will be bolstered by the Equality Act’s No, but FFAA has language allowing providers to refer to another amendment to Title II. “when necessary for a patient’s best interests” and lack of professional expertise.
Could a religious hospital refuse transition-related care to a transgender person?
Probably not. Section 1557 of Obamacare prohibits discrimination Probably not. Section 1557 and the change to Title II applies, in health care, although the hospital may seek a religious although the hospital may seek a religious exemption. exemption. The Trump administration instituted a “conscience rule,” but it was enjoined in court.
Could a religious camp or religious retreat refuse admission to someone for being LGBTQ?
Yes. See above on no federal law against sex or LGBTQ discrimination in public accommodations.
Probably no based on the change to Title II, but the camp or retreat Definitely yes. FFA explicitly exempts the institutions from federal might be able to claim a religious exemption. civil rights law.
Could a medical provider deny service if the procedure is an abortion?
Yes. See above on no federal law against sex or LGBTQ discrimination in public accommodations.
Unclear. It would depend if the courts conclude denying an abortion is tantamount to sex discrimination.
Yes. FFAA has explicit language stating the law doesn’t apply to abortion.
Could a marital counselor deny counseling to a same-sex couple?
Yes. See above on no federal law against sex or LGBTQ discrimination in public accommodations.
Probably not, although the provider might be able to claim a religious exemption.
Yes. FFAA has an explicit carve-out for counselors providing marital services, but requires the counselor to provide a referral.
Could priest, rabbi or other religious minister deny a religious service, such as officiating a wedding?
Yes. See above as well as First Amendment protections.
Yes. The Equality Act doesn’t enumerate this issue, but First Amendment protections apply.
Yes. FFAA explicitly addresses this issue, which is already protected under the First Amendment.
Could a small business with 15 or fewer employees refuse to serve LGBTQ people?
Yes. However, state and local laws may prohibit anti-LGBTQ discrimination in public accommodations.
No. The Equality Act’s change to Title II would provide no exception Yes if it were a store, shopping center, or online retailer. FFAA to small businesses. explicitly provides them a carve-out, but not other venues like restaurants.
Could a church refuse to admit someone for being LGBTQ?
Yes. See above as well as First Amendment protections.
Yes. No explicit language, but First Amendment applies.
Yes. FFAA has a explicit exemption for churches.
Could organizers holding a commercial event at a church, such as community potluck, deny admission to LGBTQ people?
Yes. However, state and local laws against anti-LGBTQ discrimination may apply.
Probably yes. An LGBTQ person might be able to sue under Title II, but would have hard time claiming it’s a purely commercial event.
Yes. FFAA declares that a church building is never a public accommodation
Could a provider of wedding services refuse to make custommade product over religious objections?
Yes. However, state and local laws may prohibit anti-LGBTQ discrimination here.
Probably no. The Equality Act’s change to Title II would provide no exception here, but another Masterpiece Cakeshop-like challenge may win out at SCOTUS.
Probably yes. FFAA’s small business carve-out would likely apply here and providers may be able to claim a religious exemption.
Could a fitness center or spa refuse service to an LGBTQ people, such as for a massage?
Yes. However, state and local laws may prohibit anti-LGBTQ discrimination here.
No. The Equality Act's change to Title II would provide no exception No, but a provider whose "services or facilities are intended for the here. exclusive use of persons of the same sex" may be provided "exclusively to persons of that sex."
Yes. However, the Biden administration has signaled it will restore regulations prohibiting anti-LGBTQ discrimination in federal programs.
No. The Equality Act would amend Title II to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex and LGBTQ status in federal programs.
Could a federally funded adoption or foster care provider refuse child placement to same-sex couple?
No. However, the Biden administration has signaled it will restore regulations prohibiting anti-LGBTQ discrimination in federal programs.
No. The Equality Act’s change to Title VI would apply here, although No. The Equality Act’s change to Title VI would apply here, although the provider might be able to claim a religious exemption in court. the provider might be able to claim a religious exemption in court.
Could a religious organization providing social services otherwise refuse access to an LGBTQ person?
No. However, the Biden administration has signaled it will restore regulations prohibiting anti-LGBTQ discrimination in federal programs.
No. FFAA would replace current federal funding of adoption and foster care services with a ‘charitable choice’ model.
No. However, the FFAA stipulates the loss of funding that would occur as a consequence would be only for that specific program.
Could a federal prison refuse to place a transgender person consistent with gender identity?
Yes. Trump administration rescinded guidance requiring prisons to respect gender identity.
No. The Equality Act's change to Title VI would make it illegal.
Probably not. FFAA’s change to Title VI would make it illegal, although there’s language to allow “considering an individual’s sex” in sex-segregated areas, but can't discriminate based on gender identity.
No. The logic in Bostock applies to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which bars sex discrimination in schools.
No. Title IX would still apply, and the Equality Act would amend Title No. FFAA would amend Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to bar sex and LGBTQ discrimination in schools. Bill has language saying it VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to bar sex and LGBTQ discrimination in schools. takes no position on Title IX.
It depends. Section 1557 and the change to Title II applies, although the hospital may seek a religious exemption. Alternatively, a hospital is allowed to not provide certain procedures to anybody, but may not pick and choose based on the patient's gender identity
FEDERALLY FUNDED PROGRAMS Could federally funded programs, including social service providers refuse admission to someone for being LGBTQ?
No. The FFAA would amend Title II to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex and LGBTQ status in federal programs.
But what about…
EDUCATION Could a school deny access or discriminate against a student for being LGBTQ?
But what about… Could a religious school deny admission to an LGBTQ kid or kid Probably not. Title IX would apply, although the school might be from LGBTQ family? able to draw on the religious exemption in the law.
No. The Equality Act's change to Title VI would apply here, as well as Title IX.
Federally funded religious schools could not deny admission to a kid from an LGBTQ family, but they might be able to exclude a student who is LGBTQ if done pursuant to written, consistently enforced religious admission standards.
Could a school refuse to allow transgender kids to participate in sports consistent with their gender identity?
Probably no. Bostock’s logic should apply to Title IX of the Education Amendments. Also there are constitutional protections under 14th Amendment.
Probably no. It’s likely the sports issue would be worked out in regulations under the Equality Act.”
Probably no. FFAA doesn’t address sports, but would amend Title VI to ban anti-trans discrimination.
Could a transgender person be denied access to locker room, bathroom consistent with gender identity?
Probably not. Bostock’s logic would apply, but the ruling cautioned it makes no judgment here. Still being litigated.
Definitely not. The Equality Act bars denying access to restroom, a Probably not. FFAA doesn’t explicitly address the issue. locker room and a dressing room inconsistent with gender identity.
Could a party accused of discrimination use the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as a response?
Yes. The accused could cite a religious objection and argue government hasn’t taken the least restrictive path in enforcing the law.
No. The Equality Act explicitly bars the accused from invoking RFRA Yes. FFAA doesn’t address RFRA, so that law will remain as a in cases of discrimination. potential defense.
Could a religious non-profit lose its tax-exempt status for beliefs against same-sex marriage, being LGBTQ?
Maybe. They have religious freedom protections, but that didn’t stop IRS from stripping Bob Jones University for opposition to interracial marriage.
Maybe. The Equality Act doesn’t say anything one way or the other. See Bob Jones case.
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No. FFAA explicitly bars stripping non-profits of tax-exempt status
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#$%&'(%)*+,'(%) has pledged to sign the Equality Act in his first 100 days. (POOL PHOTO courtesy of the United States Senate Press Photographers Gallery)
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Kenyatta declares candidacy for U.S. Senate from Pa. Pennsylvania State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta announced on Tuesday evening his candidacy for U.S. Senate, setting himself out on a path that, if elected, would make him the first openly gay *7,2H)$#',(."C Kenyatta announced his candidacy on MSNBC with host Joy Reid, which was followed %::#&%,(#78)E8),')#:,%7)E7,$()/".:)(-#)<=*>?)S%2(."8);6'&C “He is running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Patrick Toomey — one of four anti-equality U.S. Senators that have announced they won’t be running in 2022,” the Victory Fund #:,%7)$,8$C Kenyatta was an early backer of President Biden in the crowded field of candidates during the G#:.2",(%2)1"%:,"8C Also in the mix for the Democratic nomination is Lt. Gov. David Fetterman, who’d be Kenyatta’s (.1)2,'&%&,(#)(.)E#,()%')(-#)1"%:,"8C !"#$%&'(")%() ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!3/,45$46!78 9! 7 : 7 ; ! " ! ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%
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,&#"&#,-&%:AG Under the terms of the memo VA Under Secretaries and Staff Offices directed to "B"/3#"(#5"(;-::-8,&4M • Conduct a policy review to determine whether any regulations, directives, policies %&*(9$-/"*3$"'(9$-+-#"("H3,#0(;-$(%&*(,&/:3',-&(-;(<=>6(!"#"$%&'@(;%+,:,"'@(/%$"4,7"$'@( '3$7,7-$'( -$( "+9:-0""'A( 2"',4&( %&*( ,+9:"+"&#( %( $"+"*,%#,-&( 9:%&( ,;( #5"( $"7,"8( identifies discriminatory policies towards LGBT beneficiaries and employees. N(I"$;-$+(%&(%''"''+"&#(-;(#5"(&"/"''%$0('#"9'(#-(":,+,&%#"(#5"("B/:3',-&(-;(E4"&*"$( alterations” as currently stated in the medical benefits package, more commonly referred to as gender affirmation care and services, to include assessment of statutory and regulatory requirements as well as funding, staffing, technology and other resources required to provide all medically necessary services. • Develop means to measure the experience of LGBT beneficiaries and employees %&*( #-( ,&/:3*"( #5",$( 9"$'9"/#,7"'( ,&( #5"( *"7":-9+"&#( -;( ;3#3$"( 43,*%&/"( %&*( %&0( barriers that LGBT beneficiaries and employees may face in accessing the full range of VA care, benefits and services are identified and addressed. N(2"7":-9(%(9:%&(#-("&'3$"(#5%#("+9:-0""'(%$"(#$%,&"*(-&(,&/:3',7"@($"'9"/#;3:(%&*( welcoming interaction with LGBT beneficiaries and implement an enterprise plan to "&5%&/"(*%#%(%&*(,&;-$+%#,-&('0'#"+'(8,#5($"'9"/#(#-('"B3%:(-$,"&#%#,-&(%&*(4"&*"$( identity, such that beneficiaries and employees may independently and securely self,*"&#,;0(%&*(K"(%**$"''"*(K0(#5",$(9$";"$$"*(&%+"(%&*(9$-&-3&'A Stars and Stripes reported that McDonough also promised to address racial inequity %#( #5"( %4"&/0( *3$,&4( #5"( &"8'( K$,";,&4A( <%'#( 0"%$@( %( 4$-39( -;( >:%/F( !)( "+9:-0""'( -$4%&,O"*(#-(7-,/"(#5",$("B9"$,"&/"(8,#5($%/,'+@(85,/5(#5"0('%,*(8%'(+%*"(8-$'"(K0( :"%*"$'(85-($";3'"*(#-(%**$"''(,#A “Confronting this question of racial inequity will be a fundamental part of my tenure 5"$"@(&-#(:"%'#(K"/%3'"(#5"(9$"',*"&#(,'(*"+%&*,&4(,#@G(5"('%,*A !"#$%&'()(*+,(
W).(/-++,'',-&(,''3"'(:%&*+%$F($3:,&4(%4%,&'#( Jamaica sodomy law
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in a landmark decision said Jamaica must repeal its colonial-era sodomy law that criminalizes consensual same-sex sexual relations. Human Dignity Trust, a London-based human rights organization, in 2011 filed the case with the /-++,'',-&(-&(K"5%:;(-;(=%$"#5(L"&$0@(%(4%0(+%&@( and Simone Carline Edwards, a lesbian woman. J-FLAG, a Jamaican LGBTQ advocacy group, was %:'-(&%+"*(%'(%(9:%,&#,;;A 65"( /-++,'',-&( $"%/5"*( ,#'( *"/,',-&( -&( ."9#A( 28, 2019, but did not release it until Feb. 17. E65"(/$,+,&%:,O%#,-&(-;(9$,7%#"('"B3%:(/-&'"&'3%:( %/#,7,#0( K"#8""&( %*3:#'( 7,-:%#"'( #5"( 9$,&/,9:"( -;( "H3%:,#0( %&*( &-&*,'/$,+,&%#,-&@( #5"( $,45#( #-( 9$,7%/0@(%&*(#5"($,45#(#-(53+%&"(#$"%#+"&#@G($"%*'( #5"(*"/,',-&A L"&$0( *3$,&4( %( #":"95-&"( ,&#"$7,"8( ;$-+( Toronto told the Los Angeles Blade that Jamaican police officers and others began to target him in 2004 %;#"$(5"(E&%,7":0($%,'"*(+0(5%&*(#-(4-('9"%F(#-(#5"(+"*,%G( about J-FLAG co-founder Brian Williamson’s murder. Henry said four police officers on Feb. 14, 2007, beat 5,+(%#(%(95%$+%/0(,&(;$-&#(-;(%(+-K(#5%#(#5"(/-++,'',-&J'( *"/,',-&(&-#"'(E8%'(/5%',&4(-#5"$(4%0(+"&(%&*(/5%&#,&4( #5%#(4%0(9"-9:"(+3'#(K"(F,::"*AG(65"($3:,&4(;3$#5"$(&-#"'( police officers on the same day “showed up at his home %&*(#5$"%#"&"*(5,+AG Henry in November 2017 fled Jamaica. He received asylum in Canada the following year. 65"(*"/,',-&(&-#"'(#5"(P"#5"$:%&*'(4$%&#"*(Q*8%$*'( %'0:3+(%;#"$(E%(5-+-95-K,/(%##%/FG(,&(5"$(5-+"(-&()34A( 29, 2008, “almost killed her.” Henry told the Blade that
consensual same-sex intimacy,” said Human Rights 6$3'#(2,$"/#-$(6V%(>$%3&(,&(#5"(9$"''($":"%'"A(ER#(,'( a highly significant step forward that must now %//":"$%#"( #5"( $"9"%:( -;( #5"'"( '#,4+%#,O,&4( %&*( *,'/$,+,&%#-$0(:%8'AG The Jamaican government has not responded #-( #5"( >:%*"J'( $"H3"'#( ;-$( /-++"&#@( K3#( Justice Minister Delroy Chuck told a Jamaican newspaper the ruling is “not binding on a '-7"$",4&('#%#"AG The D.C.-based Organization of American States created the commission in 1959 as a way to promote human rights throughout the Western Hemisphere. It works closely with the InterAmerican Court of Human Rights to enforce the American Convention on Human Rights. Jamaica is among the OAS member states that have ratified the American Convention on Human T,45#'A L"&$0(#-:*(#5"(>:%*"(5"(,'(E7"$0(5%990@(-7"$85":+"*( 8,#5( U-0G( -7"$( #5"( $3:,&4@( K3#( /-&/"*"*( ,#( ,'( %:'-( K,##"$'8""#A ER#J'(%:'-(F,&*(-;(%(K,#(-;(+,B"*("+-#,-&'(%&*($"%/#,-&'( #-(850(R(5%*(#-(*-(#5,'@(850(#5"'"($"/-++"&*%#,-&'(%$"( &""*"*( %&*( %'( %( /,#,O"&@( &-#( ,&( +0( -8&( /-3&#$0( #5%#( R( /-3:*(&-#(K"(+0(%3#5"&#,/('":;@G(5"('%,*A(ER(5%7"(%:'-(K""&( reflecting on the many lives that have been lost and the +%&0(:,7"'(#5%#(5%7"(K""&(*"'#$-0"*(%&*(#5"(9"-9:"(85-( have been displaced over the last nine years since I filed #5,'(9"#,#,-&AG “This is also about them, the sacrifices that they have K""&(+%*"@G(%**"*(L"&$0A -./01('&23&'1)("*
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is a D.C.-based writer. He contributes regularly +1(+7%(D4-5%<
B*+,$(-(."#,(C(-#5(-+( just the right time
Series affirms that AIDS is a central part of our collective history Last weekend, following that ice storm, I binged Russell T. Davies’s new five-part !"#"$%&"%$'()*+,$(-(."#'/(0&1!(2#34-#5,$(67-##%4(8(-#5(#19(-:-"4-;4%(01&($+&%-!"#3( on HBO Max. I meant to ration it out, one episode a day, five days. But a fireplace, take out, and some comforting blankets made that impossible. And I know what some of you might be thinking. It happens when I talk about a new movie, or novel, or whatever fictionalized account of the AIDS crisis that has come along. “I can’t do AIDS right now,” I’ll hear. “That’s just too much for me.” And I can completely understand. Any story of AIDS you pick up, especially one that begins in 1981 as “It’s a Sin” does, you know that whatever characters you fall in love with, the chances of them making it until the end of the story are #1+(3115<( But what’s strikingly different with “It’s a Sin,” of course there is tragedy, but the story is also hilarious, joyous, and at times, just fun. And that’s where we meet up with the series’ main characters —Roscoe, Ritchie, Jill, and Colin — in a London gay dive bar they’ve all taken their form of refuge in. Again, just speaking to the first episode here to avoid any dreaded spoilers, you’ll cackle as I did at Ritchie’s stumble into the gay world (. . .you need a good wash. . .down there. . .) And later watch as he then explodes into the gay London scene, seen through a hilarious gay sex montage. I guess we can all remember those days, either from our queer youths or just simply pre-pandemic of entering into a gay club, having that one important thing in common with every man in the room. Everyone was a possibility. =7%($%&"%$($+&%+>7%$(0&1!(?@A?(+1(?@@?'(-#5(9%(9-+>7(+7%$%(>7-&->+%&$(#-:"3-+%( gay life amid the crippling pandemic as best they can. And it’s all set to one of the best soundtracks I’ve heard in a while. Enjoy as Davies seems to pick out the perfect song for each moment. You can draw plenty of parallels to modern day. Given the need for information, and the pitfalls of misinformation, Jill becomes so desperate to help her friends she’s starved for whatever she can find on the emerging virus. Ritchie, on the other hand, is terrified by the test and won’t even go back for his results, instead buying into whatever rumored cures he can get his hands on. Inevitably there’s the one person in the room who knew exactly what is happening — here an aging drag queen alone at a kitchen table — but these characters are treated like Cassandra, blessed with foresight but cursed that no one will believe them. And who wanted to believe them, that something as joyous as sex could also be killing us? Again, without giving away too much here, “It’s a Sin” does offer something a bit different but asking whose sin was it here. Why did it all happen? How did it all happen? Is it possible to assign fault to something so large as AIDS? Watch the powerful final few scenes and you’ll see what I mean. Looping back to the theme of music, the series is called “It’s a Sin,” after a favorite Pet Shop Boys tune of mine (side note, find a very moving cover of this by Olly Alexander’s group Years & Years as part of the overall soundtrack). Alexander, who plays Ritchie here, gives a surprisingly in-depth performance. Watch too for pithy and entertaining bit roles from Neil Patrick Harris and Stephen Fry. It’s been a year since the present day pandemic has thrown us out of our beloved clubs and bars. Icy days and shutdowns have returned the shared experience idea back to Americans. And people trade binge-worthy programming suggestions like kids with baseball cards. Share this show with a friend. Enjoy this fresh take on a sad chapter of gay history. And allow yourself to laugh; it’s part of it. And if it takes a fresh approach to make us all realize how AIDS is a central part of our collective history, then so be it. It’s just a sin it took so long.
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Witness to the horrors in Chechnya
New documentary reveals life-or-death struggle to escape ‘gay genocide’ +,'-./0'1$23'4&05
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!"# $"# %&$# '(%"# )*+,-%".$&/%0# *1.%"# 0%%-# 2%$&%)# -*&%# .*'$&)# $# 03/+4# $")# 5,667# “docu-tainment” style than to the unfiltered presentation of real-world facts and experiences, “Welcome to Chechnya” blasts you in the face like a gust of icy wind. A harrowing look at the “underground railroad” that sprung up within Russia to help the victims of the notorious “gay genocide” being perpetrated under Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, it’s a film that makes you want to look away but doesn’t let you do it. !.#+*"8%70#.(%#,".(/"4$53%#.&$,-$#*1#3/8/"2#/"#$#+*"0.$".#0.$.%#*1#.%&&*&#'(/3%#-$4/"2#$# desperate, clandestine run for your very life; more than that, it permits us to put a human face – albeit a digitally altered one – on the crisis. Part of the film’s impact undoubtedly stems from its subject matter, but it’s at least equally due to the artistry of its director, David France. It’s not the first time he’s been behind a heavyweight LGBTQ documentary. The longtime journalist made his directing debut with “How to Survive a Plague” in 2012, documenting the early years of the AIDS epidemic with an activist’s passion in a film that won him a host of awards and nominations for several more, including an Oscar. Now, “Chechnya,” which premiered at last year’s Sundance Festival and was released by HBO last summer, has made the shortlist for this year’s Academy Awards, raising the possibility for a second chance at taking home the coveted statue. Yet Oscar gold was not what France had on his mind when he had a conversation with the Blade about the film earlier this week. Rather, he wanted to discuss the people in the film. France, like everyone else, had been appalled by the tales coming out of Chechnya in 2017. “We all read the stories,” he tells us now, “but it wasn’t until I read 9$0($#:%00%"’s New Yorker piece about the work that ordinary Russians were having to take upon themselves that I became really fascinated.” ;%# /0# &%1%&&/"2# .*# .(%# "%.'*&4# *1# <:=>?# $+./8/0.0# .($.# -*5/3/6%)# /"# .(%# $50%"+%# *1# outside help to extract refugees in daring escapes, hide them in safe houses across Russia, and work with groups around the world to get them out of the country. In “Welcome to Chechnya,” he follows a handful of these accidental heroes, as well as several of the survivors they protect, as they orchestrate and enact spycraft that would be right at home in an episode of “The Americans.” In the process, he shines a light on more than just the atrocities being committed against queer people in Chechnya. He also illuminates a level of courage that most of us have never had to muster. “That’s what drew me in,” France says. “The fact that ordinary citizens took it upon themselves to intervene, to try and save lives, while the rest of the world was doing so little about it.” “It’s not like they had been already doing this work,” he explains. “Olga [Baranova, one of the activists who appears in the film] was running a community center that had an annual arts fair – that’s the extent of her training for the kind of cape-wearing heroics that you see her carrying out.” With his cameraman and producer Askold Kurov, France spent months in the underground, chronicling the efforts of the activists and the stories of the survivors under their care, and getting plenty of first-hand experience with the kind of fear under which they had willingly chosen to live, day after day. After all, getting out of Chechnya wasn’t enough to make anyone safe; Chechen authorities were willing to stop at nothing to make sure nobody had a chance to expose what was going on, up to and including tracking down, recapturing, and maybe even killing any potential witnesses – and anyone who stood in the way was putting themselves in peril, too. “I remember going on one of the extractions,” he relates. “We were getting ready to make a run with a couple whose location had been found out. We had only a few hours to get them to the airport, and then we got word of a rumor that a group of assassins had been dispatched to prevent them from leaving the country. We had one bodyguard, with one sidearm, with us. “That kind of unbelievable peril is what hung over, and what still hangs over, every aspect of the work these ordinary Russian activists have taken on for themselves.” It’s also what made it a challenge to film the refugees, for whom anonymity was a matter of life or death. “I wanted to show what they looked like,” he tells us. “The pain that they wore on their faces, the !"#$ – and certainly the fear. And most of them %&'($)#.(%#'*&3)#.*#4"*'#
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!"#$%"#&%"#''()(&%$*%$"(+,%$*%(-'*.(%$"(.(%/01+(.%2%34$%$"(5%#6.*%4)&(0.$**&%!"#$% 1$%!*46&%+(#)%7*0%$"(+%#)&%$"(10%7#+161(.%17%$"(5%.$**&%4'%'4361/65%#)&%0(8(#6(&%$"(10% truths. They were terrified, and here I was asking them to let me film them anyway and then figure out how to solve this problem later.” There is still a touch of awe in his voice as he says, “Remarkably, a couple of dozen people agreed to let me do that.” He continues, “There were people, of course, who couldn’t take that leap with me. There was one person who was nervous even about me filming !"#$%% '(*'6(% 1)% $"(% shelter. These were people who had just escaped the most horrific abuse and torture, and violation from their own families. They were hiding from their brothers and their 4)/6(.,% 70*+% $"(10% *!)% 7#$"(0.9% :"#$% &1.6*/#$1*)% *7% 7#+161#6% 6*8(% !#.% .*% $0#4+#$1/% $*% everybody there that some of them were just on a very sharp edge – unable to reckon with the past, unable to find security in the present or see hope in the future. You see that in the film with one of them, who even attempts suicide. For those people, it was a difficult arrangement to have me shooting even on the other side of the shelter house. I understood that and I tried to be very respectful.” The challenge of maintaining privacy would eventually be surmounted by new, stateof-the-art identity protection software, a high-tech touch that France – savvy storyteller that he is – was able to parlay into one of the film’s most dramatic and unexpected moments. A considerable amount of screen time in “Welcome to Chechnya” is devoted to an anonymous refugee who has escaped from his tormentors into the network, where he is reunited with his family and his boyfriend of 10 years; a turning point comes when, despite being poised for removal to another country, he chooses to go public with his story and make an official complaint to the Russian government. As he makes that &(/1.1*),%$"(%7#6.(%7(#$40(.%0(#61.$1/#665%0()&(0(&%*8(0%"1.%0(#6%*)(.%+(6$%#!#5%3(7*0(%*40% eyes, revealing his unaltered face – and with it, his true identity. It’s a powerful effect, and it’s our official introduction to Maxim Lapunov, whose subsequent appearance before a Russian court to tell his story is captured in the movie. Unsurprisingly, his claims are dismissed, and the need to get him and his loved ones out of the country becomes even +*0(%1+'(0#$18(9 In talking about Lapunov, the awe returns to France’s voice. “Maxim’s moral courage is unmatched. It was really clear that his life was going to be fucked up for the foreseeable future, no matter what he did. The courage that he showed was the courage to throw his body in the way to make sure that other people don’t get treated the way that he was treated – to save people’s lives. He could have gone anywhere in the world, and just nursed his post-traumatic memories in safety, but instead he went back into the fire. That was remarkable. I watched him make those decisions, I watched him take on that risk, I watched him bring his family along on that journey and win their allegiance in these choices – these are human dramas like you see in Hollywood films that actually are taking place in the queer battle against the crimes in Russia.” He segues into a similar expression of respect for David Isteev, another activist prominently featured in “Chechnya.” “When you look at his face, you just get this incredible sense of high alert and of moral purpose. It makes me think of the stories we have heard from the Holocaust, of citizens who would otherwise have been untouched who reach into some deep reserve to do something. That’s him. And being in the presence of that was one of the most remarkable experiences of my life.” If it sounds like he has bonded with his subjects, it’s because he has. Being embedded in the shelter network for such an extended period of time, he and Kurov became part of the underground themselves. “We were no longer visitors from outside,” he says. “We were experiencing what they were. I spent nights full of terror inside those safe houses, when rumors were flying about people who might have been seen, locations that might have been revealed, dangers that might have been heightened – I felt that with them. We huddled together, and, in a way, I became part of their journey. “I do feel personally attached to those people having been through that with them. It’s something like the bond of warfare that you read about. I would do anything for David. I would do anything for Maxim and his family.” The real emotion apparent in these professions of kinship is surely one of the reasons why the documentarian is still, more than six months after his film’s debut, eager to talk about it. The people with whom he developed these strong bonds are still very much at risk. The biggest horrors in “Welcome to Chechnya” are only glimpsed briefly in dark and blurry videos intercepted from the web by the network, or described in the stories of torment, humiliation and brutality told by the survivors, but they cast a dark enough
shadow over the imagination to make us want to believe they are safely in the past. Unfortunately, as France is quick to remind us, LGBTQ persecution in Chechnya is still very much “an ongoing humanitarian crisis.” Just last week, two refugees were kidnapped from the network by Russian authorities and returned to Chechnya, an incident that brought the situation there back into the headlines. “These were two very young men, one of them 20, and the other 17 – not even a man,” relates France. “They had been abducted last summer in Chechnya and tortured, they barely got out alive. They were rescued and extracted by the network and were being held in a safe house while the work was being done with foreign partners to try and get them out. Now they are back in detention in Chechnya. It’s a very volatile situation.” Yet it’s also a situation in which, perhaps ironically, he sees a hope that has been scarce 7*0%$"(%'#.$%7*40%5(#0.9 “The United States, in this new administration, has expressed great concern for those two kids and demanded information on their safety,” he points out. “The European Court for Human Rights has demanded access to them, and safe passage for them to get back to the safe house where they were being held.” For him, it’s a call to action. “The Russian LGBT network is on the ground, still fighting this fight,” he says. “We can urgently throw our voices behind their efforts with regard to these two youngsters – we could save their lives. There are petitions, but that’s not enough. We know from watching these activists’ work that it’s essential, it’s extensive, and as you can imagine, it’s costly. They cannot raise money within Russia, so they’ve asked people who see the film to help them by donating. There’s a donation page *)% $"(% +*81(% .1$(. We’ve just watched almost $200,000 move through there, in the six months since the film came out, and that money goes to the Moscow Community Center, Olga’s group that runs the shelter system, to the Russian LGBT Network that does the extractions and runs the global hotline for the crisis. And it also goes to Maxim and his legal case, which is still percolating through, and showing great progress in, the European courts. “So, I think there’s hope, but we have to act urgently. I think what’s shocked us all, in the last few years, is how easily we can lose ground. All this progress that we’ve made *8(0%$"(%6#.$%;<%*0%=<%5(#0.%/#)%3(%0(8(0.(&%1)%#%"(#0$3(#$,%#)&%$"#$>.%!"#$>.%"#''()(&%1)% Russia, and Russia has led the way in this dramatic reversal of queer progress, all across Europe. It’s going to take a lot of people coming together internationally to stop that, 34$%1$%&' possible.” He’s a realist in his expectations, though. “We can’t hope for regime change in Chechnya or in Russia. Those are not practical, immediate goals. But we can force Ramzan Kadyrov in Chechnya to stop this. He is a puppet of Putin’s. If we make it politically untenable for Putin not to intervene there, then he will lift up the telephone and say to Kadyrov, ‘Stop it.’ That’s all that it takes. It’s that simple. We haven’t gotten there because we haven’t had the kind of global leadership that can bring collective pressure on Putin to do that. I think !(>0(%1)%#%'6#/(%!"(0(%!(%/#)%)*!9 “Even just watching the film is an important step. The Russian government has said repeatedly that this is not happening, that there’s no evidence, even – ridiculously – that there are no queer Chechens. They say that no one has come forward, but Maxim did that, officially, and they rejected his claims. The people protected by the digital technology we deployed in the film have also spelled out their stories, so they are witnesses. And we’re all witnesses, now.” The passion creeps back into France’s voice as he recalls, “That was my promise to the people in the network, when I said I wanted to film with them, that I was going to help make this so that everybody in the world knows what’s happening. “Anybody who sees the film becomes a witness, and it becomes an act of resistance just to talk about what you see in it.” ! " # $ %& $'( ) * +( ) , ) - ( . (/& 0 1 2 3 456 3 # 7 & 8 "9:6 ;( . ( ! "
!"#$% REEL Affirmations on Demand! "#$%$&'%! (! "#$)*$+! screening of “Nora Highland,” a film exploring praise given ',!%'#(*-.'!(/',#%!*&!01$$#!#,2$%3!4$-*&&*&-!5#*6(73!5$48!9:!('! noon. A $10 virtual ticket grants unlimited access to the film 1&'*2!&,,&!,&!;('1#6(73!5$48!9<8!='!(2%,!-#(&'%!(//$%%!',!(!"#$> recorded Zoom Q&A with Director Ryan Spahn and the cast. Tickets and information are available at
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“Black History is Queer History,” a student-led Harvard Business School panel discussion about queer Black history and leadership is Thursday, Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Harvard Business School Pride and the African American ;'16$&'!G&*,&!.,%'!'.*%!"(&$2!6*%/1%%*,&!(&6!/,&)$#%('*,&!(4,1'! ?'M8+!5-+&NO'58+$1#+MORRISSEY+P-)8(8+I".-)'+&NO'5+ $1#+!5-+H()-+"1+&$'()#$%G Black queer leaders, their influence on society and how to honor (&6!/,&'*&1$!'.$*#!2$-(/*$%8! Guest panelists at this free event include LGBTQ activist and YouTube host Amber Whittington; transgender model, entertainer, and activist Laith Ashley; CEO and inclusion strategist Brickson Diamond; and D.C.-area transgender advocate and HIV educator The Women Veterans United Committee, Inc., honors D.C. and Maryland National SaVanna Wanzer. Guard and Reserves service members as well as area First Responders for their work Student facilitators include MBA candidates Ronnie Wimberley, who uses singular they during the pandemic on Saturday, Feb. 27 at 10 a.m via Zoom. This virtual event is part pronouns, and Stephanie Myles, a queer-identified co-founder of The Palm Collective, a of the “COVID-19: Our Lives Matter” series, which includes a Black History program by D.C.-based racial justice organization. the Coalition of Churches and Community on Sunday and a Homebound and Homeless For more information and to register, visit the event’s webpage at discussion panel on Monday. All events start at 10 a.m. and all are welcome. For more black-history-queer-history/home. information, email the group at!,#!('!*&?,@+)1/*>*&/8,#-8!
A2,4(2! B>C,"! %$&%('*,&! !"# hosts a free one-day online concert today at 5 p.m. Eastern via Facebook. Live Online Concert Hd and Live Stream Online Music presents this event and encourages early registration before access fills up. For more information, )*%*'!'.$!$)$&'D%!5(/$4,,E!"(-$8!
The 19th annual CryFest: The Cure vs. The Smiths Dance Party streams from Black Cat D.C. on Saturday, Feb. 27 at 9 p.m. This live event is presented by FYM productions and features DJ Steve EP mixing three hours of favorites from these two bands at their peak. It can be viewed via Twitch or Facebook and everyone is welcome to attend. The event is free, but donations are accepted via Paypal, Venmo and Cash App to FYM productions. For more information, visit FYM Productions on Facebook, Twitch and Instagram.
The 2021 Multicultural Womxn’s Conference hosted by OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates launches Monday, March 1 at 6 p.m. and runs until Friday, March 5 at 8:30 p.m. This free four-day event discusses issues and challenges common to womxn across cultures and backgrounds with a goal of elevating participants through mentoring and empowerment. There are also economic-focused discussions on the impacts of the pandemic, recognizing bullying and harassment, and a spotlight on community “sHEROs.” To register or learn more, visit the symposium’s pages on Facebook and F)$&'4#*'$8
BookMen DC meets tonight at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. This is an informal group of men who are interested in sharing gay litererature and mostly live in the D.C. area, but visitors from outside the Beltway are welcome. For more information and for the book schedule, visit
P&P Live!!(&6!'.$!DC Public Library!"#$%$&'!(!6*%/1%%*,&!+*'.!/.*26#$&D%!4,,E!(1'.,#! Sharee Miller about her picture book “Michelle’s Garden” today at 4 p.m. This tale for young readers tells the true story of when local students, the White House staff and former President Barack Obama helped former First Lady Michelle Obama grow the biggest kitchen garden the White House had ever seen. More information is available at, Facebook and Eventbrite. Today at 7 p.m. P&P Live! also presents a discussion with Dave Zirin, the awardwinning author of “Singled Out,” the story of Glenn Burke, the first openly gay Major League Baseball player who is credited with inventing the “high five.” Burke left professional baseball at age 27 to live as a gay man until his AIDS-related death at 42. For more information on this free event, visit
The Smithsonian American History Museum!(&6!'.$!African Art Museum!"#$%$&'! “Saragua Mourning,” a short film by Nigerian-born artist Zina Saro-Wiwa about her murdered father political activist Ken Sara-Wiwa, today at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom. This ?#$$! %/#$$&*&-! +*22! 4$! ?,22,+$6! 47! (! /,&)$#%('*,&! +*'.! '.$! (#'*%'%! 47! /1#(',#! B(#$&! Milbourne as part of this Women’s History Month event. More information is available at $ $ + < +9= &>?@ A!B @ CD=EFGHB3+<+,FCIJ=IK+/L *+ / 6 / 7
;<;&=*$,>&?*.4)&0@@&A09,+B)&!*)20#5&C0+2/ P&P Live! Presents virtual discussions with YA authors Candace Fleming and Elizabeth Spires on Thursday, Mar. 4 at 10 a.m. via Facebook. Fleming, an award-winning children’s book author, discusses “Cubs in the Tub,” which is about Helen Martini who went from raising orphaned big cat cubs in her home in the 1940s to becoming the first female zookeeper at the Bronx Zoo. Spires, an acclaimed poet who also has written several children’s books and lives in Baltimore, shares her work “Kate’s Light,” the story of Kate Walker who in 1890 became the first woman in charge of an offshore lighthouse in New York Harbor. During this free family-friendly event, participants will learn more about two women who performed challenging jobs women weren’t expected to do at the time, but which they did +*'.!2,)$8! For more information, visit
;"+,1&%*).())*0+&0+&=D'63&9,%*"&#,:#,),+2"2*0+ Pride and Less Prejudice, an organization providing free, age-appropriate LGBTQinclusive books to pre-K to 3rd grade classrooms, hosts a “See Yourself, Be Yourself” panel discussion on the importance of LGBTQ media representation Saturday, Mar. 20 at 2 p.m. via Zoom. “Seeing characters whose experiences reflect our own affirms that our feelings are valid,” said gay “Noah’s Arc” actor and panel participant Darryl Stephens. “And that we too, deserve ',!4$!2,)$68H Tickets start at $20 and proceeds help provide free LGBTQ-inclusive books to classes in the U.S. and Canada. Pride and Less Prejudice has raised more than $20,000 and donated more than 1,200 affirming books to classrooms in the U.S. and Canada since their founding in 2019. The diverse panelists for this virtual discussion, moderated by Tagg Magazine Editorin-Chief Eboné Bell, also include transgender actress and activist Nicole Maines from “Supergirl” and bisexual actress and singer Lauren Patten from the Broadway musical “Jagged Little Pill.” “Their work playing LGBTQ characters on television, in movies, and on Broadway has been revolutionary and speaks to the importance of LGBTQ representation,” said the group’s founder Lisa Forman in a press release. “Which helps foster acceptance and *&/21%*)*'7!+,#26+*6$8H For tickets and details, visit
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‘It’s a Sin’ captures joy, heartbreak in ‘80s London AIDS saga an uplifting emotional roller coaster !"#$%&'#()*+#,-'.
!"#$%& '& ()*+,& #-.& /0& %++1#)+23)'425!<=!>'?@A!B!%<=0@! 1)*)%.2).%&#-3#&4.56#.4& CDEF?F!GFHI?JAK!&,+!2BLM )*&'1.2)73&8*&9:;&<3=& >.5?& @A+& 5.B3*& )#%& C8*B& B.%#3#)8*&)*&#-.&1)*4&8D& 86#&%72..*E2)#.2&F6%%.CC& G?& H3I).%& 537J& )*& @KKL+& .I.*& 5.D82.& -.& E28#.& his first high-profile gay GM& 42313+& !N6..2& 3%& >8CJ?,& Following a group of young gay men (and #-.)2& %#23)B-#& D.13C.& :>>O& #-286B-& #-.& early days of the AIDS epidemic in London, the series draws heavily 8*&H3I).%$&8E*&1.182).%&8D&#-.&PAQ%+&3*4&8D&D2).*4%&-.&J*.E&462)*B& the era, with an eye toward delivering an authentic presentation of gay experience while providing a wide-angle view of the disease’s impact as it took its toll across various sectors of British society. Touted as the first British television drama to deal seriously with the AIDS epidemic, its debut in England proved an unequivocal success – a surprise considering it was rejected by the nation’s BBC One and ITV networks for its subject matter before it was finally taken on for development by Channel 4. Even more gratifying, its 3)2)*B&2.%6C#.4&)*&3&588%#&#8&9"M&3E32.*.%%&)*&:2)#3)*+&2.%6C#)*B&)*&3*& uptick of almost 400% in testing. Written and directed by out gay men and featuring out gay actors in all its gay roles (including cameos by two out “big names,” Neil Patrick Harris and Stephen Fry), the series has won well-deserved praise for its success in capturing both the exuberance and the heartbreak of gay life in 1980s London, and for Davies’ success in weaving together so many threads and characters without sacrificing the depth and emotional layering of his story. An outstanding ensemble cast, led by Years and Years lead singer Olly Alexander and aided by veteran director Peter Hoar, delivers universally excellent performances, taking viewers through the emotional roller coaster of its narrative with the authenticity that can only come from deep commitment and investment to their roles. It’s no spoiler to say that things get pretty grim, but Davies’ script doesn’t allow it to become unrelentingly mournful; instead, he makes sure that the good stuff about being young, gay, and out – the fun, the friendship, and yes, the joy – are never far out of focus. When “It’s A Sin” reaches its conclusion, despite the multiple tragedies it makes us endure alongside its characters, the impression it leaves feels 182.&C)J.&3&7.C.523#)8*&#-3*&3&C31.*#? Unsurprisingly, as with any show covering a subject that casts such a shadow over an entire generation, there have been objections. Some who were on the front lines of activism during the epidemic have criticized the series for vagueness and inaccuracy on the -)%#82)73C& 78*#.=#& %62286*4)*B& #-.& 53##C.& 3B3)*%#& #-.& 4)%.3%.+& 3*4& of course there are many people – queer and straight alike – who feel that LGBTQ experience has been depicted as tragic for long .*86B-& )*& 862& 76C#623C& *3223#)I.%& 3*4& #-3#& 72.3#82%& %-86C4& %#2)I.& instead for more positive, aspirational stories. An issue that has raised predictable controversy with straight audiences (and due to concerns about representation, with some non-straight ones as well) is the show’s depiction of gay sex. While some have been shocked by its explicit-if-not-graphic sex scenes (filmed with the extensive involvement of intimacy coordinators to make them as authentic as possible), others have taken exception to the fact that the people in them are simply having too much fun. After all, in a show about a sexually transmitted disease that has killed millions to date, is it really appropriate to make sex look so / 0 ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!3/,45$46!78 9! 7 : 7 ;
enjoyable? G-.& 3*%E.2+& 377824)*B& #8& 9832+& )%& 3& resounding “yes.” G-.& 4)2.7#82+& E-8%.& 72.4)#%& )*7C64.& #-.& 76C#& -)#& !H2?& R-8,& 3*4& 58#-& !H32.4.I)C,& 3*4& !G-.& Umbrella Academy” for Netflix, told DigitalSpy+& “I’m not going to worry about how people feel 3586#& )#& 5.736%.& #-)%& )%& 862& %.=+& 3*4& #-)%& )%& #-.& way it is,” says Hoar. “And how can you show the story of men having a life they loved, and
dying from it, if you don’t show that sex? !R.&-3I.&#8&%..&-8E&167-&D6*&)#&)%?, Those gleefully authentic scenes go a long way toward refuting and rejecting the shame that has long been so tenaciously attached to gay sex. Besides sending a refreshingly contemporary message of sex positivity, they also serve as a defiant counterpoint to the repressive homophobia and bigotry that haunts so many of the %-8E$%&8#-.2&%7.*.%&S&3*4&#-3#&76#%&2)B-#&#8&#-.&-.32#&8D&E-3#&F6%%.CC& Davies is ultimately trying to get across in “It’s A Sin.” In its final minutes, the series includes a stirring monologue in which Jill (Lydia West), who has served as the emotional glue at the center of the story as well as for her circle of friends, confronts the 18#-.2&8D&8*.&8D&-.2&D3CC.*&781234.%&E)#-&#-.&-324&#26#-&#-3#&)#&E3%& her own shame she instilled in her son over his own very nature, that ultimately led to his death. This is not a new argument – the idea that internalized homophobia was a factor that helped to fuel transmission has been expressed many times before. But “It’s A Sin” does more than just tell us that. It shows us, in myriad ways we don’t necessarily connect until they culminate in that climactic speech, how the effects of all that hate become entwined into the personas of its people and manifest in their choices and behavior. We see gay men who deny their sexuality .I.*&E-)C.&-3I)*B&D62#)I.&%.=&E)#-&8#-.2&1.*+&E-8&.*462.&%.=63C& harassment from closeted bosses for fear of being exposed, who resign themselves to the vitriolic hate hurled upon them by random strangers on the street; we see gay men lose their jobs with no explanation, rejected and bullied by their own families, and locked away as outcasts or prisoners simply for being sick; most to the point, we see gay men so used to being demonized that they greet a killer disease with disbelief and denial, who end up becoming infected and then go on to infect others, simply because they are more afraid of being found out than they are of dying. (8+& E-.*& T)CC& 8DD.2%& #-3#& %.32)*B& )*4)7#1.*#& 3#& #-.& .*4+& %-.& )%& not just speaking about social theory. She is testifying as a witness #8& #-.& #-)*B%& E.& -3I.& %..*& D82& 862%.CI.%?& '*4& E-)C.& )#& 1)B-#& 5.& oversimplifying matters to explain such a complex bundle of issues with a single unifying thread, no matter how profound, it might just as easily be overcomplicating them not to acknowledge a patently 85I)86%&78**.7#)8*? R-.#-.2& 82& *8#& !"#$%& '& ()*,& 13J.%& 3& 78*I)*7)*B& 73%.& D82& )#%& equation is up to the individual viewer, of course, but what is hard for anyone to deny is the show’s success at creating an infectious and emotionally satisfying saga that manages to both engage and uplift us while still honoring the weight of its subject matter. Intended as neither a documentary nor an activist’s-eye view of social injustice, it is instead popular entertainment at its best – the kind that seeks to enlighten and inform with just as much passion as it puts into its sex scenes.
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‘Old Soul’
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‘Mike Nichols: A Life’
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Sima Tessema
1177 22nd St, NW #5G 22West
Offered at $1,475,000
1177 22nd St, NW #8G 22West
1155 23rd St, NW #PH3E Ritz-Carlton
Offered at $4,300,000
Offered at $5,995,000
4809 V St, NW Berkley
Offered at $1,649,000 1177 22nd St, NW #7H 22West
Offered at $1,549,000
1177 22nd St, NW #5E 22West
1177 22nd St, NW #3J 22West
Offered at $1,175,000
Offered at $1,199,000
1111 23rd St, NW #4G Ritz-Carlton
Offered at $1,049,000 !"#$%&'(")$*+(,+#-
-./0123(454647869797 )::0;23(4546<<=69554 ;>?@A0B>.@C2D;.EF?CCG;.E
Compass is a licensed real estate brokerage that abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Compass is licensed as Compass Real Estate in DC and as Compass in Virginia and Maryland. 1232 31st Street NW, Washington, DC 20007 |202.448.9002
! " # $ %& $'( ) * +( ) , ) - ( . (/& 0 1 2 3 456 3 # 7 & 8 "9:6 ;( . ( ! "
Pepco empowers employees through amplified DEI efforts F&92%$&0,1(,%-11)&'$.'"("#$*&".01,'"#$&=2%7>1-0$&$.#"%2.9$.(
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COUNSELING FOR LGBTQ People. * Individual/couple counseling with a volunteer peer counselor. GMCC, I@DJG?GFK!IGF?@!;LMN0!! 7:7OPQ:OQ88;0!! ! No fees, donation requested.
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See website for NPR story on my work
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