Washingtonblade.com, Volume 52, Issue 20, May 14, 2021

Page 1

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D.C. mayor to lift all restrictions on bars, nightclubs on June 11 ‘We will definitely be celebrating Pride’ next month #$%&'(%)*+##,-'%.-/%0%1234556789:6;3516<=/28>

!"#"$ %&'()$ %*)+,-$ .(/0,)$ &11(*12,3$ &4$ &$ 1,/0$ 2(15,),12,$ (1$ %(13&'$ 46&4$ &$ continuing trend of significantly lower numbers of coronavirus cases and deaths in the city has enabled her to fully lift capacity and other restrictions on most businesses, including restaurants and places of worship, on May 21. The mayor said bars and nightclubs will be allowed to increase indoor capacity from the current 25 percent to 50 percent on May 21, with all capacity restrictions for bars and nightclubs to be removed on June 11. The mayor’s announcement came after representatives of the city’s nightlife businesses, including the city’s gay bars and restaurants, expressed concern that D.C. had yet to lift its capacity restrictions beyond 25 percent while surrounding jurisdictions in Maryland and Virginia had already lifted most restrictions. “On May 21, restrictions on public and commercial activity, including capacity limits, types of activities, and time restrictions, will be lifted,” the mayor’s directive says. It says restrictions for bars and nightclubs would continue at a 50 percent capacity from May 21 through June 11. The directive says restrictions for large sports and entertainment venues would also continue from May 21 to June 11, which includes a requirement such events apply for a waiver of the restrictions on a case-by-case basis. “On June 11, capacity limits and restrictions will be lifted on those venues that cannot fully reopen on May 21,” the directive says. In response to a question at the news conference, Bowser said the June 11 date would essentially end all restrictions on nightclubs and bars, including the current requirement that they close at midnight rather than the pre-epidemic closing times of 2 a.m. on weekdays and 3 a.m. on weekends. In a development that could have a major impact on plans for D.C.’s LGBTQ Pride events, the mayor’s revised health directive announced on Monday includes the lifting of all capacity restrictions on large outdoor and indoor sports and entertainment events beginning on June 11. That change would remove restrictions that have, up until now, prevented D.C.’s Capital Pride Alliance from holding its annual Pride Parade and Festival in June during Pride Month. Capital Pride Executive Director Ryan Bos told the Washington Blade shortly after the mayor’s announcement that Capital Pride is assessing its options for expanding its current plans for in-person events in June. “We will definitely be celebrating Pride in June,” Bos said. “We just received this information as well. So, we will be getting further information,” he said. “We have not been informed that they will be issuing any permits yet, so at this time we are moving forward with our original plans for doing things.” Bos was referring to a city requirement for obtaining permits for street closings and use of other public spaces for events such as a parade or street festival. He said existing plans, among other things, call for an informal parade of cars and other vehicles on June 12 that will drive throughout the city to view homes and businesses that will be decorated with Pride displays such as signs, photos, and other symbols of Pride. Those familiar with the city’s past Pride events don’t think there will be enough time for Capital Pride to organize the traditional large parade and street festival in time for June. But Capital Pride officials have talked about holding a possible parade and festival in October, and the lifting of the capacity restrictions announced by Bowser on Monday would likely make that possible. In addition to lifting all capacity restrictions on May 21 for restaurants, the mayor’s May 21 timeframe for lifting restrictions includes these additional venues and events:

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“We’re very pleased that over the last several days, we have seen our case spread, our community spread numbers, venture out of the red into the yellow and fast approaching the green,” Bowser said in referring to a health department chart that shows the changes in coronavirus cases in the city. “You might remember that our daily case rate peaked in January at 45.9. And today you can see it’s down to 6.6,” she said at her news conference on Monday. “Throughout this process I have said how proud I am of D.C. residents and businesses who have responded, who have followed health guidance and have worked together to help protect our community throughout the pandemic. And we see it in these numbers today,” she said.

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“Containing the virus will continue to require all of us to be focused on maintaining a robust health system,” the mayor said, adding that while over 200,000 D.C. residents have been fully vaccinated since December 2020, “many more thousands” still need to be vaccinated. “Vaccines are free and available on demand at walk-up sites across the District,” she said. The mayor also noted that the city will continue to require residents and visitors to use a mask in accordance with existing and updated guidance set by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mark Lee, coordinator of the D.C. Nightlife Council, an association that represents restaurants, bars, nightclubs and other entertainment venues, said the mayor’s directive on May 10 leaves some details to be addressed but will open the way to bring nightlife businesses back to life. “What we do know is that on Friday, May 21, businesses begin returning to normal operations and, three weeks later, on June 11, all restrictions for all businesses in the District will end,” Lee said. “It’s a day we’ve long awaited and one that will save much of our community enterprise from financial ruin.”

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Lane named senior counsel at Brady United !"#$%&%'#'()%*)&%+*

!"#$ %&'()*+$ ,$ -&()*+$ .&/0')$ (+$ 12&03$ +"14()*$ 3"#$ 54&6#++(&)1/$ +0..#++#+$ &6$ &04$ .&''0)(378$ 9#$ :1)3$3&$4#.&*)(;#$3"&+#$/1)<()*$)#:$ =&2+>$ )#:$ ./(#)3+$ 6&4$ 3"#(4$ 20+()#++>$ =&()()*$ 2&14<+$ &6$ &4*1)(;13(&)+$ 1)<$ &3"#4$ 1."(#?#'#)3+8$ @/#1+#$ +"14#$ 7&04$ +0..#++#+$ :(3"$ 0+$ 13$ .&'()*+1)<*&()*+A:1+"2/1<#8 .&'8$ !34567'(6!89:;'.6<=''9:;<=<!>?!.@AB!1C<DDE %&)*4130/13(&)+$3&$!"#$%&'(%)*+,-' .%/0$ 3"#$ )#:$ B#)(&4$ C(3(*13(&)$ Counsel and Director of Affirmative Litigation with Brady United. According to its website, Brady’s mission is, “To unite all Americans against gun violence. We work across Congress, 3"#$.&043+>$1)<$&04$.&''0)(3(#+$:(3"$&?#4$DE$*41++4&&3+$."153#4+>$24()*()*$3&*#3"#4$7&0)*$ and old, red and blue, and every shade of color to find common ground in common sense. In the spirit of our namesakes Jim and Sarah Brady, we have fought for over 45 years to take action, not sides, and we will not stop until this epidemic ends. It’s in our hands.” Jonathan Lowy, chief counsel and vice president of legal at Brady said, “The whole Brady team is thrilled to welcome Tom’s skills as a trial lawyer and his leadership as a champion 6&4$=0+3(.#$1)<$1$?&(.#$6&4$()./0+(?(37$1)<$#F01/$4(*"3+8$!&'$(+$&)#$&6$3"#$3&5$/(3(*13&4+$()$3"#$ country, and has been a fighter his whole life who has proven himself undaunted by any

challenge, including taking on the gun industry for its role in causing gun violence in America. Tom’s expertise and insights into complex litigation involving emerging technologies, such as 3-D printed guns, “smart” technology, and online commerce, will bolster our fight for ()<0+347G:(<#$ ."1)*#$ 27$ "&/<()*$ .&'51)(#+$ 1..&0)312/#$ 1)<$ 6&4.()*$ 4#6&4'+$ 3"13$ :(//$ make all Americans safer.” Upon accepting the position Lane said, “From my time as a prosecutor to private 541.3(.#>$H$"1?#$+##)$3"#$#66#.3+$&6$*0)$?(&/#).#$1)<$3"#$('5&431).#$&6$<#6#)<()*$?(.3('+$ and survivors and upholding common-sense laws that keep our families and communities safe. I am excited to bring that background to Brady and to continue this important work nationwide.” Prior to joining Brady, Lane was a partner in the New York office of Winston & Strawn, LLP. Before that he was a partner in Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner LLP. He is recognized as one of the country’s top intellectual property and new media lawyers. He tried the first Internet music case and the first Digital Millennium Copyright Act safe harbor case before juries. He has also served as a senior trial attorney in the office of the New York Kings County District Attorney. Lane represented the City of New York in litigation against major gun manufacturers in the early 2000s. LawDragon named him as one of the 500 Leading C1:7#4+$()$I'#4(.18 Lane earned his undergraduate degree from Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y.; and his J.D. from Tulane University School of Law in New Orleans. He has created an endowed scholarship there for LGBTQ students to help law firms realize the importance of hiring diverse rosters of attorneys, and to honor the courage of his uncles Bernard Lane (an Army Ranger decorated with two Bronze Stars) and Richard Morrison (a recovered alcoholic who devoted his life to counseling others). Both men were known for their toughness tendered by humor and both lived openly in loving relationships with same-sex partners in the 1970s. Lane is a former board member of the National LGBT Bar Association. He directs all external legal matters for the Tyler Clementi Foundation, whose mission is to end bullying in schools, workplaces, and faith communities.

Trans woman sues D.C. Jail for placing her in men’s unit Lawsuit charges city with exposing inmates to ‘risk of sexual violence’ !"#,(-#./+!!0'(#1'2#3#4567889:;<=9>6849?@25;A

The American Civil Liberties Union of D.C. and the D.C. Public Defender Service filed a lawsuit on May 11 on behalf of a transgender woman being held in the D.C. Jail on grounds that the city violated its own Human Rights Act and the woman’s constitutional rights by placing her in the men’s housing facility at the jail. The lawsuit charges that D.C. Department of Corrections officials violated local and federal law by placing D.C. resident Sunday Hinton in the men’s unit at the D.C. Jail against her wishes without following a longstanding DOC policy of bringing the decision of where she should be placed before the DOC’s Transgender Housing Committee. !"#$ .&''(33##>$ :"(."$ ()./0<#+$ '#'2#4+$ &6$ 3"#$ 502/(.>$ ()./0<()*$ 341)+*#)<#4$ members, makes recommendations on whether a transgender inmate should be placed in either the men’s or the women’s housing unit based on their gender identity along with other considerations, including whether a trans inmate’s safety could be at risk. Under the policy, DOC officials must give strong consideration to the recommendations &6$3"#$.&''(33##8 The lawsuit, which was filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, says the committee has not met or acted on any trans-related jail housing matter since January JEJE8 It says Hinton was taken to the D.C. Jail on April 26 after a judge ordered her held following an arrest for an alleged unarmed burglary in which she attempted to take $20. It notes that the Department of Corrections has a “default” policy of placing transgender inmates in either the male or female housing unit at the D.C. Jail and other city detention holding facilities based on the inmate’s “anatomy.” If a female transgender inmate is 1)13&'(.1//7$ '1/#>$ 3"#$ ()'13#$ K$ 2144()*$ &3"#4$ '(3(*13()*$ .(4.0'+31).#+$ K$ (+$ 5/1.#<$ ()$ 3"#$'1/#$"&0+()*$61.(/(37$0)<#4$3"#$<#610/3$5&/(.78$B('(/14/7>$1$'1/#$341)+*#)<#4$()'13#$ who is anatomically female is placed by default in the women’s housing unit under the DOH policy. “DOC’s policy of focusing on anatomy rather than gender identity is both discriminatory and dangerous,” the ACLU says in a statement released on the day it filed the lawsuit on Hinton’s behalf. “It forces trans individuals, particularly trans women, to choose between a heightened risk of sexual violence and a near-certain mental health crisis,” ACLU attorney Megan Yan said in the statement. Yan was referring to yet another DOC policy that sometimes gives a transgender ()'13#$5/1.#<$()$1$"&0+()*$0)(3$.&)34147$3&$3"#(4$*#)<#4$(<#)3(37$3"#$&53(&)$&6$2#()*$ placed in “protective custody,” which the lawsuit calls another name for solitary confinement. The ACLU and the Public Defender Service have said solitary confinement in prisons is known to result in serious psychological harm to inmates placed in such confinement. “Because DOC’s unconstitutional policy exposes every transgender individual in its 1 2 ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!2$3!456!7874 ! " ! -+ 1$ -! (/ #%

custody to discrimination, degradation, and risk of sexual violence, Ms. Hinton seeks, on behalf of a class of similarly situated individuals, a court order that strikes down DOC’s unlawful focus on anatomy as the touchstone for its housing decisions regarding transgender individuals,” the lawsuit states. It further calls on the DOC to use “gender identity, not anatomy, as the default basis for housing assignments” for transgender inmates and to provide all trans individuals a prompt hearing by the DOC Transgender Housing Committee. It calls for the DOC to be required to implement the recommendations of the Housing Committee “so that each person is housed as safely as possible and without discrimination.” In addition to the lawsuit, Hinton’s attorneys filed an application for a temporary restraining order to immediately require the DOC to transfer Hinton to the D.C. Jail’s women’s housing facility. The attorneys also filed a motion for a preliminary injunction to stop the DOC from using a transgender person’s anatomy as the default or sole criteria in making housing assignments at the jail. In response to a request from the Washington Blade, DOH spokesperson Dr. Keena Blackmon sent the Blade a DOH statement responding to the lawsuit. “The Department of Corrections is dedicated to the safety and security of all residents in its care and custody,” the statement says. “DOC is committed to following its policies and procedures relating to housing transgender residents,” it says. “Ms. Hinton recently arrived in DOC custody and, per the agency’s COVID-19 protocols, was placed into single-occupancy quarantine for 14 days.” The statement adds, “Once that quarantine ends, Ms. Hinton will go before the Transgender Housing Committee to determine her housing based on safety needs, housing availability, and gender identity. D.C. DOC is sensitive to Ms. Hinton’s concerns and will continue to ensure that its residents’ needs are met.” DOC spokesperson Blackmon didn’t immediately respond to a follow-up question from the Blade asking why the Transgender Housing Committee has not met for over a year, which the ACLU has said resulted in all transgender female inmates being placed ()$3"#$'1/#$"&0+()*$61.(/(378 Blackmon also couldn’t immediately be reached for a second follow-up question asking for DOH’s response to the lawsuit’s claim that DOC officials told Hinton’s lawyers that she was being placed in the men’s housing facility because she was anatomically '1/#8 The lawsuit says the DOC default policy of placing Hinton in the jail’s male housing unit violates the D.C. Human Rights Act, which bans discrimination based on gender (<#)3(378$!"#$1.3$"1+$2##)$()3#454#3#<$3&$'#1)$54(?13#$20+()#++#+$&4$3"#$.(37$*&?#4)'#)3$ cannot prevent a transgender person from using facilities such as bathrooms or locker 4&&'+$3"13$14#$()$1..&4<1).#$:(3"$3"#(4$*#)<#4$(<#)3(378

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instituting protections based on both sexual orientation and gender identity. It wasn’t &**#'&),#42$ 04#)-$ 3"#,"#-$ ,"#$ 8-.8.+#'$ -/4#$ 3./4'$ :#$ )$ (#3$ -#7/4),&.($ #(,&-#42>$ .-$ +##J$,.$*.'&52$,"#$0")(7#+$,"),$3#-#$*)'#$&($,"#$,3.$8-#6&./+$)'*&(&+,-),&.(+@$!"#$ %4)'#$")+$84)0#'$)$-#M/#+,$+##J&(7$0.**#(,$3&,"$BBD@ D/+)($ %)&4#2>$ 8-#+&'#(,$ .5$ ,"#$ H*#-&0)($ 1#'&0)4$ H++.0&),&.(>$ +)&'$ &($ )$ +,),#*#(,$ ,"#$ (#3$ BBD$ -/4#$ &+$ )$ 3#40.*#$ 0")(7#$ )5,#-$ ,"#$ !-/*8$ )'*&(&+,-),&.($ -#+0&('#'$ 8-.,#0,&.(+$5.-$,-)(+7#('#-$8),&#(,+@ “It’s unfortunate that such an obvious step had to be taken; the AMA welcomes this 0.**.(S+#(+#$/('#-+,)('&(7$.5$,"#$4)3>N$%)&4#2$+)&'@$L!"&+$*.6#$&+$)$6&0,.-2$5.-$"#)4,"$ #M/&,2$ )('$ #('+$ )$ '&+*)4$ 0")8,#-$ &($ 3"&0"$ )$ 5#'#-)4$ )7#(02$ +./7",$ ,.$ -#*.6#$ 0&6&4$ -&7",+$8-.,#0,&.(+@N A&+0-&*&(),&.($&($"#)4,"$0)-#$&+$)($#?8#-&#(0#$,-)(+7#('#-$8#.84#$0.**.(42$-#8.-,@$ The U.S. Transgender Survey in 2015 found one-third of responders said they had at 4#)+,$.(#$(#7),&6#$#?8#-&#(0#$&($"#)4,"$0)-#$-#4),#'$,.$:#&(7$,-)(+7#('#-@$O/-,"#->$X[$ percent of responders said they didn’t seek health care because they feared being mistreated and one-third said they didn’t go to a provider because they couldn’t afford &,@ A Center for American Progress survey from 2018 had similar findings with respect to ,-)(+7#('#-$8#.84#$)('$8),&#(,+$3&,"$:#&(7$7)2>$4#+:&)($)('$:&+#?/)4$.-$M/##-@$W&7",$ 8#-0#(,$.5$-#+8.('#-+$+)&'$)$'.0,.-$-#5/+#'$,.$+##$,"#*$:#0)/+#$.5$,"#&-$8#-0#&6#'$ .-$)0,/)4$+#?/)4$.-&#(,),&.(>$3"&4#$X\$8#-0#(,$.5$8-.6&'#-+$+)&'$)$'.0,.-$-#5/+#'$,.$+##$ ,"#*$:#0)/+#$.5$,"#&-$)0,/)4$.-$8#-0#&6#'$+#?/)4$.-&#(,),&.(@ Hospitals, especially religiously affiliated providers, refusing to provide transition-#4),#'$ 0)-#>$ &(04/'&(7$ 7#('#-$ )++&7(*#(,$ +/-7#-2>$ &+$ )(.,"#-$ 5-#M/#(,42$ -#8.-,#'$ incident for transgender patients. The American Civil Liberties Union, for example, has filed litigation against hospitals under Section 1557 for refusing to perform the 8-.0#'/-#@ Rachel Levine, assistant secretary of health and the first openly transgender presidential appointee to obtain Senate confirmation, hailed the HHS rule change in )$+,),#*#(,@ L!"#$ *&++&.($ .5$ ./-$ A#8)-,*#(,$ &+$ ,.$ #(")(0#$ ,"#$ "#)4,"$ )('$ 3#44S:#&(7$ .5$ )44$ H*#-&0)(+>$ (.$ *),,#-$ ,"#&-$ 7#('#-$ &'#(,&,2$ .-$ +#?/)4$ .-&#(,),&.(@$ H44$ 8#.84#$ (##'$ access to healthcare services to fix a broken bone, protect their heart health, and screen 5.-$ 0)(0#-$ -&+J>N$ ;#6&(#$ +)&'@$ L].$ .(#$ +"./4'$ :#$ '&+0-&*&(),#'$ )7)&(+,$ 3"#($ +##J&(7$ *#'&0)4$+#-6&0#+$:#0)/+#$.5$3".$,"#2$)-#@N Although the Biden administration’s announcement is a welcome move for LGBTQ )'6.0)02$7-./8+>$,"#$0")(7#$&+$(.,$3&,"./,$0-&,&0+@ John Banzhaf, a law professor at George Washington University who declares himself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exist,” Banzhaf said. “And, carrying this absurdity to its totally illogical conclusion, a 8),&#(,$3&,"$ )$8#(&+$)('$)$5/44$:#)-'$3)+$.55#-#'$)$0#-6&0)4$,#+,$:#0)/+#>$'#+8&,#$"&+$ 04#)-42$*)+0/4&(#$)88#)-)(0#$)('$+,24#$.5$'-#++>$"#$-#7&+,#-#'$"&*+#45$)+$:#&(7$7#('#-$ (#/,-)4@N

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“This bill unfairly targets trans youth and puts millions of federal education dollars 4:$,51?B$L:$51$=--/9/114,A$4-7$;4,86=0$>+059A$:;4:$9+8/1$4:$4$84115</$9+1:$:+$:;/$1:4:/2^$ #;4C-$ K/4.+,2$ >,+.,48$ 75,/9:+,$ +6$ :;/$ N+-:4-4$ ]=84-$ K5.;:1$ &/:C+,?$ 1457$ 5-$ 4$ 1:4:/8/-:B “Montana has made it clear that we do not want HB 112, nor any of the other 4-:5H!'FEG$D5001$:;/$.+</,-+,$;41$15.-/7$:;51$A/4,B$%$D,+47$4-7$75</,1/$9+405:5+-$+6$ organizations and leaders will continue to fight for equality for all people, including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ISSUE DATE: 21-01-08



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,..9456&-/)3.7&.;&'/+&YX]=GXL:&@)53+940A&31(456&7/40/&'/+8&,+)(5+3&'/+&49@.(')50+& .;& (4-C& 94'46)'4.5& ;.(& '/+& 6..3& .;& ),,D& Q+)(456& 9)-C-& '.& @(.'+0'& 8.1(-+,;& )53& .'/+(-& (+-.5)'+-& 74'/& )& 0.99154'8& '/)'& 153+(-')53-& '/+& 49@.(')50+& .;& 0.53.9-& )53& @(+H +I@.-1(+&@(.@/8,)I4-&^_(N_`D G00.(3456&'.&K)53,+&K.@+(A&0.H;.153+(&)53&MNO&.;&]GMGaG&Z1,,H:/4@&)53&Z1,,HK+-.('& !"#$b])0)'4.5-A&ScO1(d&61+-'-&-/.7+3&450(+34?,+&(+-4,4+50+&?8&'()*+,456&-);+,8&31(456& '/+&@)53+940A&)53&'/+8&@(.*+3&'/+8&0.1,3&)3)@'&'.&,4*+&74'/&/+),'/&@(.'.0.,-&'/)'&7.1,3& C++@&+)0/&.'/+(&)53&'/+4(&,.*+3&.5+-&?)0C&/.9+&-);+DU $()*+,& -);+'8& 4-& .(6)540),,8& +5'745+3& 74'/& '/+& !"#$%& 0.99154'8T-& LeGD& X5& fBb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is void and their legal guardianship of their kids is in question. Trans and non-binary '()*+,+(-A& +-@+04),,8& '/.-+& .Z& 0.,.(A& 9)8& +50.15'+(& 0/),,+56+-& 450,13456& ,)0C& .;& -);+& ?)'/(..9&)00+--A&)7C7)(3&+50.15'+(-&)'&$:G&-+01(4'8&)53&+*+5&.1'(46/'&/.-'4,4'8&)53& worse in any public setting. In the face of all this, queer people still explore and have a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g+;;& "1)()045.A& 0.H)1'/.(& .;& '/+& SY)53?..C& .;& !"#$& $.1(4-9& )53& Y.-@4'),4'8DU& S!"#$%H.75+3& /.'+,-A& ?+3& )53& ?(+)C;)-'-A& '.1(& 0.9@)54+-A& ?)(-& )53& restaurants, festivals and destinations have been especially hard hit by COVID, and )-& )& 0.99154'8A& 7+& 0)5& -1@@.('& !"#$%H.75+3& )53& ;(4+53,8& ?1-45+--+-& )53& '/+4(& employees by spending our travel dollars with them first.” LGBTQ tour companies and travel agents have a direct connection to queer travelers )53& (+@.('& -'(.56& 45'+(+-'& 45& )53& ?..C456-& .;& '()*+,D& G00.(3456& '.& K.?+('& :/)(@A& 0.H ;.153+(&)53&MNO&.;&O1'&G3*+5'1(+-A&SG;'+(&c(+,+)-456d&.1(&+5'4(+&'.1(&-0/+31,+&'/(.16/& '/+&+53&.;&EBEEA&7+&-)7&.1(&,)(6+-'&9.5'/&.;&-),+-&45&.1(&>EH8+)(&/4-'.(8DU h+,,4&M)(@+5'+(A&0.H;.153+(&.;&K&Z)94,8&])0)'4.5-A&)33-A&SO1(&/46/+-'&-),+-&/)*+&0.9+& ;(.9& .1(& (4*+(& 0(14-+& @(.310'-& )53& 45'+(5)'4.5),& '.1(&?1-45+--A&-/.7456&'/)'&'()*+,+(-&)(+&(+)38&'.& +I@,.(+&'/+&7.(,3&)6)45DU ]GMGaGT-& K.@+(& /)-& -++5& +I'(+9+,8& (.?1-'& -),+-& .*+(& '/+& @)-'& -+*+(),& 9.5'/-& V& 450,13456& -+,,456&.1'&'/+4(&G5')(0'40)&M(14-+D&SQ4'/&)&-')('456& @(40+& .;& )(.153& iEjABBB& @+(& (..9A& '/)'& 7)-& .1(& ?+-'& -465& 8+'& '/)'& .1(& 0.99154'8& 9+9?+(-& )(+& (+)38&'.&?(+)C&;(++&;(.9&'/+4(&0)6+-&)53&(+'1(5&'.& '()*+,AU&/+&-)8-D K.?+('& "+,,+(A& ;.153+(& .;& Z)?:')8RA& )6(++-J& S_+5'H1@& 3+9)53& 4-& *4-4?,+A& @),@)?,+& )53& quantifiable.” M>GEN-")*1$$%#&'()'*+$()$"$6&**O".%*$3&",*O$ P&(3*&J$ (.)3&'%3/&$ "3$ >GQ$ ".1$ 3+*$ Q.(,*&)(3#$ /6$ ?*R")$ "3$ :')3(.S)$ >GE$ E*.3*&J$ ".1$ ".$ B!A?T$ 3/'&()4$4"&U*3(.2$%/.)'O3".37V

Ití s a short drive to your long weekend.

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J0I520) H5;) 455/) H5;2) 12+7D) 40) :;20) 15) ;>802:1.>8) 95*) !"#$%&'() 9.:) 69.>?08) 190) 0L702+0>60<)Q0.2,H)0302H19+>?).45;1)12.30,)9.:)69.>?08)8;0)15)!"#$%&'(<)C510,:D).+27,.>0:D) trains, theme parks, destinations and resorts have all have modified safety precautions in place. The good news is that you will likely find fewer crowds, more space and enhanced cleaning. You may also find limited services such as curfews with bars and restaurants closing early. A driving trip within the U.S. likely will find fewer restrictions compared to an island trip.


J0I520),0.3+>?)I52)H5;2)12+7D)H5;):95;,8)455/)H5;2)20:1.;2.>1)20:023.1+5>:).>8)20:0230)H5;2) 1+6/01:)15).)-;:0;-)52).112.61+5><)R9+,0)H5;)-+?91)>51),+/0)9.3+>?)15)7,.>)5;1)H5;2)3.6.1+5>)+>) advance, you will likely find it hard to do all the things you want to do by waiting. COVID-19 -0.>:)6.7.6+1H)20:12+61+5>:D):5)19020)+:),+-+108).3.+,.4+,+1H)0:706+.,,H)5>)*00/0>8:).>8)8;2+>?) 70./)702+58:<)P5;)6.>).,*.H:)-./0)69.>?0:)*90>)H5;).20)19020<

3. When flying give yourself extra time at the airport.


1./0),5>?02)15)4;H)I558).>8)82+>/<)E5-0).+2,+>0:)9.30).,:5)0,+-+>.108)40302.?0).>8):>.6/) service in coach, so be ready to “Bring Your Own.” If you are used to flying first class, be ready I52).)6;21.+,08)N+<0<)85*>?2.808O)0L702+0>60).:)*0,,<

4. Stay at a trusted hotel.

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Vegetables in Containers Raised beds Outdoor pottery Herbs & Veggies


Garden Center | Lifestyle Boutique | Landscape Services

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@J1)K);A@J1 JxJ celebrates Jewish LGBTQ film at festival I&+!(%#'!3,)+9'!*,'(#-)$!$#/,.E0!ZGZ!"#$$!?,!E+,',/(#/D!#('!1[)(,8!KLM6N_!',+#,'0!"%#>%! highlights films with LGBTQ themes, characters, and creators. The festival will run from May 23-30. The films featured include: “Kiss Me Kosher”(outdoor screening at the Bender JCC May 30 at 8pm, $12 per person); “Marry Me However” (virtual screening, $11 per household); “Sublet” (virtual screening, $11 per household); “Bra Mitzvah” (short film, part of the Run the World (Girls) virtual shorts program, $11 per household); “I Want to Make a Film About Women” (short film, part of the Breaking Through virtual '%&+('!E+&D+)=0!d::!E,+!%&.',%&$8e< Tickets and information about the films are available at: https://jxjdc.org/events/.

NAMI in conversation about managing mental health 6%,! b)(#&/)$! `$$#)/>,! &/! 2,/()$! 4$$/,''! %&'('! (%,! *&.+(%! ,8#(#&/! &*! 1b`24! `'R! (%,! fGE,+(! g,$E! b&(! g)/8>.**'0_! )! ",?#/)+! 8,8#>)(,8! (&! )88+,''#/D! =,/()$! %,)$(%! >+#','! "#(%!,**,>(#-,!>&==./#(3!+,'E&/','<!H.+#/D!(%#'!",?#/)+0!>&==./#(3!,GE,+('!E+&-#8,!)/! &-,+-#,"!&*!(%,!>+#'#'!=&8,$!?,#/D!8,-,$&E,8!)/8!#=E$,=,/(,8!#/!@(<!6)==)/3!7)+#'%0! K&.#'#)/)0!)/8!&**,+!?)>RD+&./8!&/!%&"!(&!D,(!'()+(,8!$&>)$$3!&/!#=E$,=,/()(#&/!&*!)! /,"!>+#'#'!'3'(,=<! Following the presentations, NAMI’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ken Duckworth will $,)8! )! D.#8,8! 8#'>.''#&/! )/8! Nh`! "#(%! )! E)/,$! &*! ,GE,+('! #/>$.8#/D! 2)+3! M.+>R,$$0! H#+,>(&+! &*! @)*,! g)-,/0! b#>R! [#>%)+80! fG,>.(#-,! H#+,>(&+! &*b`24! @(<! 6)==)/30! 6&=! [&")/0!7+&S,>(!H#+,>(&+!)/8!7,,+!@.EE&+(!@E,>#)$#'(!@.E,+-#'&+!&*!b`24!@(<!6)==)/30! )/8!Z.8D,!`$)/!P)./?+,>%,+0!cc/8!Z.8#>#)$!H#'(+#>(!Q&.+(!&*!K&.#'#)/)<!6&!+,D#'(,+0!-#'#(! b`249'!",?'#(,<

MCBC honors veterans with free COVID testing 2&/(D&=,+3! Q&./(3! M$)>R! Q&==./#(#,'! %&'('! 1A,(,+)/'! Q,$,?+)(#&/i_! )(! Montgomery College (Rockville Campus) on Saturday May 22 at 10 a.m. The event, )''&>#)(,8! "#(%! (%,! >)(>%E%+)',! 1H&/9(! @(+,''<! 6)R,! (%,! 6,'(0_! "#$$! ')$.(,! -,(,+)/'! ?3! E+&-#8#/D! *+,,! &/F'#(,! QTA4HF:j! (,'(#/D0! ?)D'! &*! *&&80! QTA4HF:j! '")D0! )/8! &/F'#(,! -)>>#/,!E+,F+,D#'(+)(#&/<!6%#'!,-,/(!#'!'E&/'&+,8!?3!&+D)/#C)(#&/'!'.>%!)'!(%,!`*+#>)/! `=,+#>)/!g,)$(%!7+&D+)=!)/8!(%,!b)(#&/)$!Q,/(,+!*&+!Q%#$8+,/!)/8!I)=#$#,'<!I&+!=&+,! #/*&+=)(#&/!-#'#(5!``g7>&-#8<>&=<

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‘Hamlet/Horatio’ queers the Bard E&.+*'%30+1-1/&'-;%&+*&.$-))#.&0$-/ !"#$%&'#()*+#,-'.

!"#$%& #'()& *+'& %,-.'$/& -& 01%))#*2& '+0#.& #*& 3+)'& 0%+0$%()& $#4%)5&'"%&)678%.'&+9&:"-;%)0%-1%()&)%,6-$#'/&"-)&7%%*&"+'$/& <%7-'%<&7/&$#'%1-1/&)."+$-1)5&'"%-'%1&-1'#)')5&-*<&"#)'+1#-*)&9+1& centuries. After all, not only are his plays filled with genderswapping characters and sexual confusion, he also wrote a series of sonnets, widely considered the most romantic 0+%3)&%4%1&.+30+)%<&#*&=*2$#)"5&-*<&<%<#.-'%<&'"%3&'+&-& mysterious young nobleman. Even in the Renaissance, when the “cult of male friendship” was a real thing and male artists .+6$<&.1%-'%&71%-'"'-;#*2$/&%1+'#.&<%0#.'#+*)&+9&/+6*2&3%*& '+&7%&<#)0$-/%<&#*&-&."61."5&)6."&-&7+$<&2%)'61%&+9&-99%.'#+*& from one man to another must have raised at least a few eyebrows. It’s a controversy that isn’t likely to go away, considering the fact that anyone who might give us first-hand knowledge on the subject has been dead for about 400 years. And while )+3%&.+*'%30+1-1/&-1'#)')5&-.1+))&4-1#+6)&3%<#-5&"-4%&7%%*& willing to explore the playwright’s work through the lens of his possible queerness, most cinematic interpretations – with a few notable exceptions, like Derek Jarman’s “The Tempest” – have kept things decidedly hetero-centric. Paul Warner, director of the soon-to-be-released “Hamlet/ Horatio,” which riffs on a central but often overlooked 1%$-'#+*)"#0& #*& :"-;%)0%-1%()& 3+)'& 9-3+6)& '1-2%</5& .-*('& imagine why. A graduate of both Harvard and the American >#$3&?*)'#'6'%5&!-1*%1&#)&.611%*'$/&-&)%*#+1&#*)'16.'+1&+9&-.'#*25& directing, and producing at The New York Film Academy. He’s also a Shakespeare veteran, having been involved in many stage renditions of the Bard’s work (including a rock musical version of “Twelfth Night”) throughout his career – -*<&-)&"%&'%$$)&'"%&@$-<%5&#'()&+74#+6)&'+&"#3&'"-'&'"%&1%4%1%<& wordsmith was either gay or bisexual. “There’s a tremendous amount of exploration of gender fluidity in his work,” he says. “There’s never a label on it, but it permeates Shakespeare. There are a lot of characters who fall in love with the soul of the person, rather than the 2%*<%1AB !"#$%& '"%)%& '"%3%)& 3-/& 16*& '"1+62"& .+3%<#%)& $#;%& “Twelfth Night” or “As You Like It,” they are considerably less +74#+6)&#*&:"-;%)0%-1%()&'1-2%<#%)&C&76'&'"-'&<+%)*('&3%-*& they aren’t there, and Warner’s new film hinges on using '"%3&'+&#$$63#*-'%&+*%&+9&'"%&3+)'&#.+*#.&3-$%&91#%*<)"#0)& #*&$#'%1-'61%A& For those unfamiliar, Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” is the tale of a Danish prince, who is visited by the ghost of his recently 361<%1%<& 9-'"%1& -*<& '+$<& '+& )%%;& 1%4%*2%& -2-#*)'& '"%& murderer – none other than Hamlet’s uncle Claudius, who

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"-)& *+'& +*$/& 361<%1%<& '"%& 9+13%1& ;#*2& 76'& '-;%*& 7+'"& his throne and his queen, Gertrude, who is also Hamlet’s mother. Seeking confirmation of the crime, Hamlet engages in a game of cat-and-mouse with his uncle, in which both Hamlet’s presumed future bride Ophelia and her brother Laertes become unwitting pawns. It goes without saying that things don’t turn out well – but through it all, one steadfast and trusted figure stands at Hamlet’s side: his confidant and companion, Horatio. “Hamlet/Horatio,” which Warner directed from a script by playwright (and frequent stage collaborator) David Vando, 1%#3-2#*%)& '"%& +1#2#*-$& 0$-/& '"1+62"& -*& 6*6)6-$& .+*.%#'A& In his dying moments, Hamlet (Andrew Burdette) sees his life flashing before his eyes, unfolding through a film that Horatio (Themo Melikidze) directs to tell his story. By shuffling dialogue, resetting scenes, and leaning deeply into subtext, Warner reframes Hamlet’s experience into a story +9& )0#1#'6-$& -*<& "63-*#)'#.& '1-*).%*<%*.%& C& -*<& 1%4%-$)& -& deeply intimate, loving bond between these two young men '"-'&"-)&0%1"-0)&7%%*&D"#<#*2&#*&0$-#*&)#2"'B&-$$&-$+*2A Despite his interest in exploring the relationship between Hamlet and Horatio, Warner insists that he didn’t set out to 3-;%& -& D2-/& :"-;%)0%-1%& 3+4#%AB& ?*<%%<5& "%& #)& -<-3-*'& even now that the intention behind Vondo’s script (which he helped to adapt into a screenplay) was to “move past” that .+*.%0'#+*A “Part of it was trying not to make things ‘gay’ or ‘straight,’ or ‘this’ or ‘that’ anymore, but really it’s about two people who are flip sides of each other,” he explains. “They are spiritually two sides of the same coin. And they’re in a relationship – #'()& .$%-1& '"-'& '"%1%& #)& -& 1%01%))%<& $+4%& '"%1%A& E*<& '"%1%()& definitely an exploration of their homosexuality, but also of the fluidity of their sexuality. “This is why the characters don’t wear their ‘identities’ on their sleeves. We wanted to show something more closely resembling a non-binary, gender-fluid vision of love and )%,6-$#'/&'"-'&#)&0-1'&+9&-&7#22%1&)'+1/&-7+6'&"63-*&'16'"AB To that end, he envisioned a version of “Hamlet” in which the Denmark’s Elsinore castle bears a striking resemblance to the Trump White House. The usurping king is a despot 0+)#*2& -)& -& 7%*%9-.'+15& %,%1'#*2& -*& -6'"+1#'-1#-*& 16$%& -*<&)%''#*2&'"%&0%+0$%&.$+)%&'+&"#3&-2-#*)'&%-."&+'"%1&'+& prove their loyalty, while his queen turns a blind eye to his #*.1%-)#*2$/&+74#+6)&3#)<%%<)A “Maybe I’m one-sided, but I tried to depict the ‘ickyness’ of that Melania-Donald dynamic between Claudius and Gertrude,” he says, not without a hint of relish. “I’ve made

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her trapped, like Melania, and she’s constantly drinking – )"%()&-*&#33#21-*'5&-*<&)"%&<+%)*('&)0%-;&60&7%.-6)%&)"%()& controlled by his finances.” In this light, as Warner puts it, Hamlet becomes a hero of resistance, who rises to “slay” fascism, while Horatio is the filmmaker who documents it. “It’s ultimately about Hamlet’s spiritual journey to fullness. ?'()&-7+6'&"#3&$%''#*2&2+&+9&1-2%&-*<&%371-.#*2&'"%&$#2"'AB Yet, when all is said and done, it’s the love between these two men that shines above all else. “Hamlet eventually sacrifices his life to root out the corruption and to save those who are still alive – which is basically Horatio, his boyfriend, because everybody else is <%-<AB “Hamlet/Horatio” has already played in front of audiences -'&-&*637%1&+9&9%)'#4-$)5&-*<&"-)&'-;%*&"+*+1)&-'&)%4%1-$&+9& them – including a Best Feature Film Jury Award at last year’s inaugural FFTG (Film Festivals to Go) Fest. The enthusiastic 1%)0+*)%& "-)& 2#4%*& !-1*%1& 1%-)+*& '+& "+0%& '"-'5& <%)0#'%& his “queering of Shakespeare,” his film will find a “wider audience” when it debuts on digital platforms in June. Of course, Warner fully expects to be raked across the .+-$)& 9+1& )+3%& +9& '"%& $#7%1'#%)& "%& "-)& '-;%*5& )6."& -)& '"%& choice to cast transgender Native American actor Ty Defoe as the Player King and the inclusion of a scene where Hamlet and Horatio take a steam bath together – “which is not anywhere in ‘Hamlet,’ of course,” he says with a laugh. :'#$$5&9+1&"#35&"#)&-001+-."&'+&'"%&3-'%1#-$&1#*2)&'16%&'+&'"%& )+61.%A DThere’s a timelessness in the way Shakespeare deals with the danger of rage, and how that threatens spirituality. In his plays, you always have the autocrats, who want to control +'"%1)5&-*<&'"%*&/+6&"-4%&'"%&061%1&0%+0$%5&6)6-$$/&/+6*2%1& characters, like Hamlet, who propose love, who pursue a humanitarian vision against them. That’s Shakespeare, who was, of course, writing under a monarchy. DAnd after four years of authoritarian rule under Trump, I think he was way ahead of his time.”


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56"4$"#,&*%&*&,)*7)0)(*8)&-* captures gay 1960s NYC

‘Midnight at the Never Get’

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Virtual play from Signature tells story of young musical couple !"#$%&'()*#+,--(%'.#

!"#$%&'()*+,)%&()-.*/%&).&*0"(&'%/*122)("$#3* “Midnight at the Never Get,” a terrific backstage musical romance set against 1960s New York City, tells the story of a young gay couple struggling to succeed personally and professionally in a world where being who they are isn’t always easy. It’s relayed in mostly sung flashbacks by Trevor Copeland (Sam Bolen), a sassy, campy singer who goes to New York to be gay and pursue a career in music. He finds happiness – for a while – with reserved pianist and aspiring composer Arthur Brightman (Christian Douglas). As an Iowa farm boy, Trevor repeatedly listened to the soundtrack of Judy Garland’s “A Star Is Born” in the barn. Little did he know then that “The Man That Got Away” would prove a major theme of his adult life. Staged by out director Matthew Gardiner, the 90-minute show presents like a cabaret with two actors in black tie and baby grand on a small stage moodily lit by Adam Honoré and surrounded by small cafe tables topped with fringe shaded lamps. Filmed by Justin Chietb and produced and edited by James Gardiner, the story unfolds. There is no visible audience. The guys meet cute. Trevor has left the Midwest for New York. After a string of hookups, he eventually cozies up to Arthur at the Checkerboard Lounge, a gay-friendly downtown bar where Arthur plays standards from the Great American Songbook as well as some of his own compositions. From the start, Trevor and Arthur share clever banter and a frisson, but perhaps most importantly, they both love music. The pair quickly becomes pretty much inseparable, though they don’t live together. At second rate nightclubs, Trevor sings Arthur’s songs, striving to make a name for themselves; and despite money being short, occasionally the couple splashes out on an evening at top notch cabarets like the Blue Angel or the / 0 ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!2$3!456!7874

Bon Soir to see headliners do their thing. On a particular night at Café Wha? (a night spot best known as an emerging folk music space – not really Trevor and Arthur’s scene), the pair decide that Trevor will sing one of Arthur’s same-sex love songs without changing any pronouns. Despite a few heckles, the song is mostly well received, %$4* &,)* )0)$"$#* /)%4.* &1* %* .&%$4"$#* #"#* at the Never Get, “a grimy gorgeous little nightclub” where gays happily gather to meet and drink. There, the guys introduce their act, Midnight at the Never Get, a sensibly named event that specifies time and place. At the Get, they’re given the freedom to explore their relationship and the current day politics through music. In the mid-60s gay clubs were illegal. A place like the Never Get was technically “a bottle club” – essentially a members’ only spot run by the mafia. Typically, queer meeting places were raided twice a month, but usually paid-off cops would warn bartenders in advance who in turn would give a heads up to gay patrons who’d beat a hasty exit out the side door and find somewhere else to party. As their act grows increasingly popular, the couple becomes more and more different. Arthur isn’t into rock music or protests. His fierce ambition takes him on frequent trips to L.A. where he writes jingles and later songs for singers like Connie Francis, Eydie Gormé, and Peggy Lee. Trevor remains in New York and befriends activists. Scored and written by the tremendously talented Mark Sonnenblick, “Midnight at the Never Get” opened off-Broadway in 2018. With its torchy tunes, ballads, and upbeat numbers, there’s nothing farcical about the show. It vividly reflects an era. At the end of the show, out actor Bobby Smith joins the cast as the older Trevor. In one beautifully sung song he captures the character’s life and longings.

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COUNSELING FOR LGBTQ People. !*;9/9;<,:$-)<=:0'-)<*>0:9*1'?9+2' a volunteer peer counselor. GMCC, >0@/9-9*1'>9*-0'54AB&'' CDCE6FDEFGG5&'' gaymenscounseling.org. ' No fees, donation requested.

9>':))H9*1'I)@';0;9-,+0;'9*;9/9;<,:>' +)'?)@H',>'' -<=>?@1#ABBC=@1&=CD>EE<CFGHE1 ,>>9>+9*1'9*+0::0-+<,::3';9>,S:0;' adults with behavioral & health -)8=:0V9+90>'9*')<@'@0>9;0*+9,:' :)-,+9)*'9*'+20'"9>+@9-+')I'():<8S9,' & Maryland.' ICJ1,>KA<=>L>F@E' NS9:9+3'+)':9I+'<='+)'A6':S>&' Completion of required trainings prior to hire, Completion of Trained Medication Certifications (TME) and/or CMT (Certified Medication Technician) within 6 months of hire, (:0,@0;'"QM'S,-H1@)<*;'(20-H' prior to hire, Valid Driver’s License, Valid CPR & FIrst Aid, Negative COVID-19 test results prior to start of work (taken within 3 days prior to date of hire). COVID-19 vaccination ?9+29*'U6';,3>')I'29@0&' 5CF@G?@1@M>19ALGF1,>ECA=?>E1 ->BG=@L>F@1N1OPOQRSOQRTRT1DC=1 DA=@M>=1<FDC=LG@<CF;1

5'()0$07 *(,0)0-+U#15'()0$07V1

1 Z)#&(,U#1'$/(,81#(,/$5(11 Since 1987. Gay & Veteran Owner/ Operator. 2016 Luxury BMW 750Li Sedan. Proper DC License & Livery !*><@0;&'???&W,>=0@J9/0@3&-)8&'' X2)*0'CDCE66UECUA5&


-%/1&)/$071[1%)#+0,81DC=1 GHH1\CA=1BGY>=1[1J=<?]1F>>^E;1 -=<Y>_G\EW1BG@<CE1[1_GH]_G\EW1 _GHHEW1DCAF^G@<CFEW1HGF^E?GB<FXW1 GB=CFEW1^=G<FGX>1E\E@>LE;1SP1 8>G=E1(`B;1$FEA=>^W1)DDC=^GJH>;1 *=>>15CFEAH@G@<CFE;11 ___;^LYBGY<FXGF^LGECF=\; ?CL;15GHH1OPOQS!PQaaRb;

76%1$#+1#)%(13+1#9),(1('(7)031 home in SW DC. Utilities, maid & parking are included. W/D, DW, Filtered Water/ ice machine, cable & WiFi, garden (but no yard work), outdoor galleries for tanning, cocktails, etc. Friendly, but non- intrusive, housemate/landlord. Rent reduced. Please call Bruce (202) 488UFFF&'''K2,*H'3)<Y


)-+&3$+0W1-+0+,W1#2,,+7)581 H>XGH1E>=Y<?>E;11W>BB@X>I!I>YI>?>BC?! -),*Z!JE@>BC?!@B!.16!2.!F![$! interested in adoption or ART matters. ! 240-863- 2441, ! W9D@IXD\]^>BB@X>IXD@IXD\0JGH0!


Larry Cohen, LICSW

33 years serving the LGBT community

202-244-0903 socialanxietyhelp.com

See website for NPR story on my work

')&1+*1'2:2,81$0139(19(),31 of Dupont Bright & Sunny Jr.'1 BR ?,>'8,>+0@I<::3'@0*)/,+0;'9*'CDCD&' W9+-20*'I0,+&'S0,<+9I<:'Z<,@+[' countertop, SS appliances. The General Scott has a lovely Green Roof w/ a Deck, a 24- Hour concierge. Robert Sabanosh, Phone: 202-213-9979, RLAH.


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Results-Oriented • Affordable



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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy



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