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%4/)," :7')0.(0" -4:/&*(,+" +,',*" ,7'," ='58." ?'+" '55*0*-56" +,'6.(0" '," ,7*" 74/+*" without permission as a squatter. An arrest affidavit filed in court by D.C. police says ='58."'55*0*-56",7)*',*(*-",4"8.55",7*"&'("?74"4?(+",7*"74/+*"+74),56"'3,*)",7*"&'(" ')).9*-"',",7*"74/+*"?7.5*"='58."?'+".(+.-*$ According to the affidavit, Malki walked up to the owner of the house while the owner ?'+"+.,,.(0".("7.+":')"'3,*)"7'9.(0":'55*-"<45.:*"'(-",45-"7.&B"LM3"64/":4&*">':8"7*)*B"M;&" 04.(0",4"8.55"64/$N"K7.5*"&'8.(0",7',",7)*',"='58."-.+<5'6*-"?7',"'<<*')*-",4">*"'"0/(" in his waistband, but which was later found to be a toy gun, the affidavit says. ='58.",7*("?'58*-">':8".(+.-*",7*"74/+*"&.(/,*+">*34)*"<45.:*"')).9*-"'(-"'))*+,*-" 7.&$"%4/),")*:4)-+"+74?",7',"+.&.5')",4",7*":4/),"<)4:**-.(0+"34554?.(0"7.+"1212"'))*+," 34)",7)*',*(.(0",7*"0'6"&'(B"'"H/-0*".(",7*"5',*+,":'+*"4)-*)*-"='58.")*5*'+*-"?7.5*" '?'.,.(0",).'5$"M(">4,7":'+*+B",7*"H/-0*"4)-*)*-"7.&",4"+,'6"'?'6"3)4&",7*",?4"&*("7*" '55*0*-56",7)*',*(*-",4"8.55$ An arrest affidavit filed by D.C. police in the 2020 case states that Malki allegedly &'-*",7*",7)*',+".(+.-*"'("'<'),&*(,">/.5-.(0"?7*)*",7*"9.:,.&"5.9*-"4(",7*"1C22">54:8" 43"%7'&<5'.("@,)**,B"J$K$"M,"+'6+"='58."?'+"5.9.(0".("'"(*')>6">/.5-.(0">/,"43,*("9.+.,*-" ,7*">/.5-.(0"?7*)*",7*"9.:,.&"5.9*-$ “Victim 1 continued to state during an interview that it was not the first time that #*3*(-'(,"G"7'-"&'-*",7)*',+",4"7.&B">/,",7.+",.&*"#*3*(-'(,"G"+,',*-",7',".3"7*":'/07," him outside, he would ‘fucking kill him.’” the affidavit says. It quotes the victim as saying -/).(0",7.+",.&*"='58.")*<*',*-56":'55*-",7*"9.:,.&"'"L3/:8.(0"3'004,$N The affidavit, prepared by the arresting officers, says that after the officers arrested ='58."'(-"?*)*"5*'-.(0"7.&",4"'"<45.:*",)'(+<4),"9*7.:5*",4">*">448*-"34)",7*"'))*+,B" he expressed an “excited utterance” that he was “in disbelief that officers sided with the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prosecutors with the U.S. Attorney’s Office did not list the cases as hate crimes. In the first of the three cases, filed in July 2011, Malki allegedly shoved a man inside #/<4(,"%.):5*"'(-",7)*',*(*-",4"8.55"7.&"'3,*)"'+8.(0",7*"&'("?76"7*"?'+"?*').(0"'"
! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!2$3!456!4745 ! " ! -+ 1$ -! (/ #%
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provided for an airtight case that couldn’t be contested. !&#H,"+,&%'&\%#8'*4%?#VG.#%"'*.#%;'R(#9'*#$"%(79<W B,%,#U6@.#+$*(4#H,"+,&%'&#%+'*"7.#,9"(*#%+(#8'&#+(*#,%.76-#),%(<#F+(# $%#)6**(&"7.#"+(#c<B<#:*'6;\%#4$*()"'*#'9#+'6%$&:#%(*5$)(%< 01),%.#+2%)3345'67%8#"%)2549$%'6:#4:+; 2+(# ,%.76-# ;*')(%%# $%# 4(-,&4$&:<# H'"# '&7.# 4'(%# '&(# &((4# 7(:,7# representation, but they need financial resources to pay for said legal *(;*(%(&","$'&#,&4#,7%'#9'*#"+($*#6;R((;#,&4#8(77@($&:#8+$7(#$&#"+(#S<F<# 2+$%#;'%(%#,#)+,77(&:(#,%#'&(#),&&'"#,;;7.#9'*#(-;7'.-(&"#,6"+'*$C,"$'&# 6&"$7# ,# .(,*# ,9"(*# "+(.# +,5(# )'-;7("(4# "+(# ,%.76-# ,;;7$),"$'&<# F'?# "+$%# ,7$(&,"(%# -,&.# ,%.76-# %((R(*%# 9*'-# %(5(*(7.# &((4(4# (-;7'.-(&"# ,&4# leaves them financially insecure as they navigate the torrent of preventing the possibility of having to return to their home country. ='*# "+'%(# 8$"+'6"# %"*'&:# )'&&()"$'&%# $&# "+(# S<F<?# ,# )'--'&# 8,.# '9# finding help, whether financial or material, is through word of mouth. 1(),6%(#'9#"+($*#;';67,*$".?#'*:,&$C,"$'&%#7$R(#>%.76-Q'*R%#+,5(#@()'-(# safe havens and places of provision, fulfilling many asylum seekers’ basic &((4%#%6)+#,%#@6.$&:#:*')(*$(%?#;,.$&:#9'*#*(&"?#,&4#;6*)+,%$&:#:(&4(*O affirming clothes and cosmetics. “When applying for asylum, it’s really important to have efficient R&'87(4:(# '9# "+(# %.%"(-d# R&'8$&:# 8+,"# "'# 4'?# 8+'# "'# )'&",)"?# +'8# "'# )'&",)"#"+(-?#,&4#+'8#"+(#%.%"(-#8'*R%?W#H,"+,&%'&#-(&"$'&%?#*(:,*4$&:# "+(#7(:,7#,%;()"< V='*#"+(#;*')(%%#"'#8'*R#,%#%-''"+7.#,%#;'%%$@7(?#.'6#&((4#,%%$%",&)(?W# she adds. “You need to be able to access a lawyer who will be able to file 9'*#.'6#@(),6%(#"+(#;*')(%%#$%#5(*.#;,*"$)67,*?#,&4#,&.#%-,77#-$%",R(#8$77# *(%67"#$&#.'6*#4')6-(&"%#@($&:#*("6*&(4#"'#.'6<#!#+,5(#,#9*$(&4#'9#-$&(# 8+'#9'*:'"#"'#%$:&#,#;,:(#,&4#,9"(*#+(#*(%6@-$""(4#+$%#4')6-(&"%?#+(#+,%# @((&#8,$"$&:#Z`#-'&"+%#9'*#,#*(%;'&%(<W 1(),6%(#'9#+'8#$&)'&5(&$(&"#"+(#;*')(%%#),&#@(?#H,"+,&%'&\%#+';(#$%# "+,"# "+(# )6**(&"# ,4-$&$%"*,"$'&# 8$77# *(5$%(# "+(# ,%.76-# ;*')(%%?# (%;()$,77.# "+(#"$-(#$"#",R(%#"'#8$&#,%.76-< >%.76-Q'*R%# $%# 8+,"# bD()6"$5(# c$*()"'*# e',&# ]'4:(%OQ6# ),77%# V,# +'7$%"$)#%6$"(#'9#8*,;,*'6&4#%(*5$)(%#,&4#%6;;'*"#"'#+(7;#,%.76-#%((R(*%# ,44*(%%# 6&-("# &((4%# "+,"# ),&# $&"(*9(*(# 8$"+# "+($*# ,@$7$".# "'# ;,*"$)$;,"(# $&# "+(# $--$:*,"$'&# 7(:,7# ;*')(%%<W# 2+(# '*:,&$C,"$'&# V(-;'8(*%# ,%.76-O %((R(*%# "'# *(@6$74# "+($*# 7$5(%# 8$"+# 4$:&$".# ,&4# ;6*;'%(?W# ,&4# ;*'5$4(%# much-needed community that helps them to feel seen and heard. VQ+(&# ;(';7(# "+$&R# '9# ,%.76-?# "+(.# "+$&R# '9# ,""'*&(.%# f# @6"# ;(';7(# forget that it is incredibly difficult to work with an immigration attorney and 9677.#;,*"$)$;,"(#$&#"+(#;*')(%%#$9#"+(*(#,*(#@,**$(*%#$-;(4$&:#.'6*#,@$7$".#"'# )'&&()"?W#%,.%#]'4:(%OQ6< 2+*'6:+#^*$%-?#,&#/0123#%6;;'*"#:*'6;?#>%.76-Q'*R%#$%#,@7(#"'#+(7;# P6((*#,%.76-#%((R(*%#-(("#"+($*#@,%$)#&((4%#%'#"+,"#"+(.#),&#,4(P6,"(7.# focus their energy into the legal immigration process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prospects. ^*$%-# '99(*%# ,# %,9(# )'--6&$".# 9'*# /0123# ,%.76-# %((R(*%# "'# @(# themselves, feel affirmed, and relate to others amid queer phobia, which ),&#@(#;*(5,7(&"#$&#$--$:*,&"#)'--6&$"$(%<#F'?#*(:,*47(%%#'9#+'8#"'6:+# *(%(""7$&:#$&#"+(#S<F<#-,.#@()'-(?#/0123#,%.76-#%((R(*%#,*(#:6,*,&"((4# some sense of warmth and comfort in this organization.
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The office of Manchin, who has previously said he couldn’t support the Equality Act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ara Keisling, outgoing executive director of the National Center for Transgender CD4)<%&B;'/%#$4&"/')+B'+3&%3+'&("'CD4)<%&B'E6&'%#'/")/')+/'%+#%#&"/'&("'<",%#<)&%3+'%#'O*".B' 546(')<%*"FQ O1"' ."5)%+' 3$&%5%#&%6' /"#$%&"' 5%#%+93.5)&%3+' 9.35' &("' 3$$3#%&%3+;Q' `"%#<%+,' #)%/F' “NCTE and our movement partners are still working fruitfully on the Equality Act with senators. In fact, we are gaining momentum with all the field organizing we’re doing, like phone banking constituents to call their senators. Legislating takes time. Nothing ever ,"&#'&(.34,(':3+,."##'D4%6G<BF'1"'"L$"6&'&3'#""')'*3&"'/4.%+,'&(%#':3+,."##;')+/'="')."' (3$"94<'="'6)+'=%+FQ 04&'3+"'!"536.)&%6'#34.6"'#)%/'6)<<#'&3'5"58".#'39':3+,."##'),)%+#&'&("'CD4)<%&B'E6&;' )$$)."+&<B'633./%+)&"/'8B',.34$#'<%G"'&("'2".%&),"'_34+/)&%3+;'()*"'()#'34&+458"."/' 6)<<#'%+'9)*3.'39'%&'8B')'#48#&)+&%)<'5).,%+;'=%&(')'$).&%64<).'"5$()#%#'3+'R)+6(%+F No stories are present in the media about same-sex couples being kicked out of a ."#&)4.)+&' 93.' (3</%+,' ()+/#' 3.' &.)+#,"+/".' $"3$<"' 93.' 4#%+,' &("' ."#&.335' 63+#%#&"+&' =%&(' &("%.' ,"+/".' %/"+&%&B;' =(%6(' =34</' 8"' $".9"6&<B' <",)<' %+' a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aNaN' "<"6&%3+' &3' #%,+' the Equality Act into law within his first 100 days in office. Although Biden renewed his 6)<<' &3' $)##' &("' <",%#<)&%3+' %+' (%#' #$""6(' &3' :3+,."##' <)#&' 53+&(;' )#' &(%+,#' #&)+/' +3=' &()&')$$").#'&3'8"')',3)<'("'=3+P&'.")<%X"'93.'&("'."5)%+/".'39'&(%#':3+,."##F'@("'1(%&"' 234#"'/%/+P&'."#$3+/'8B'0<)/"'/")/<%+"'3+'1"/+"#/)B'&3')'."D4"#&'93.'6355"+&F Nor has the Biden administration made the Equality Act an issue for top officials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the confirmation of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Rachel Levine as assistant #"6."&).B'39'(")<&(F 04&' 93.' &("' +").S&".5' )+/' %+&3' &("' 4+93."#"")8<"' 94&4.";' &()&' $.3,."##' =%<<' 9)<<' #(3.&' of fulfilling the promise of updating federal civil rights law with the Equality Act, which =%<<' 5")+' >?0@A' $"3$<"' =3+P&' 8"' )8<"' &3' ."<B' 3+' &(3#"' $.3&"6&%3+#' =("+' 9)6"/' =%&(' /%#6.%5%+)&%3+'8)#"/'3+'#"L4)<'3.%"+&)&%3+'3.',"+/".'%/"+&%&BF !"# $ % !" &' !( )* ' + ' , "-' . / 0' . 1 . / ' + ')" * 2 $ ! 3#% ! 4 & " 5 (67% ,' + ' ! 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=1/$*%+$$-+%",%/$2(1)1*#819$%7,),+$I;#81"4% #(,;*/%B8,C$ State Dept. spokesman outlines five priorities for administration !"#$%&'()*#+,#*(-)./#0#12345678937:;23<5,=>1
!"#"$% &$'#(")$*"% +',-$+'$(+,*% .$/% 0(12$% ,*% 3#4% 56% +#1/% "7$% /$2(1)1*#819#"1,*%,:%2,*+$*+;#8%+#)$< sex sexual relations is one of the five '(1,(1"1$+%:,(%"7$%=1/$*%#/)1*1+"(#"1,*% 1*%1"+%$::,("+%",%'(,),"$%>?=@A%(1B7"+% #C(,#/D EThe United States over the course ,:% 4$#(+% 7#+% )#/$% +,)$% '(,B($++F% but neither I, nor I think any objective observer should be satisfied with where we are,” Price told the Washington Blade during an exclusive interview. EThere’s a lot more work to do.” 0($+1/$*"%=1/$*%1*%G$C(;#(4%+1B*$/% 8'9:;!<=>;!?=!@AB;CD?EAB!?FE?!?F;C;!GD!>;EAGAH!GA! FE:GAH!EA!=I;AJK!HEK!>EA!GA!E!C=J;!JGL;!?FGD69!DEGB! #% )$),(#*/;)% "7#"% 2,))1""$/% %?E?;!.;IEC?>;A?!DI=L;DI;CD=A!#$%&'()*$0 "7$% HD!D% ",% '(,),"1*B% >?=@A% (1B7"+% #C(,#/D% 0(12$% ",8/% "7$% =8#/$% "7$% /$2(1)1*#819#"1,*% ,:% 7,),+$I;#81"4% 1+% Eone of the many reasons why” the White House 1++;$/%1"D EIt is one of the many reasons why Secretary Blinken is so focused on this issue as well,” +#1/%0(12$D Homosexuality remains criminalized in nearly 70 countries around the world. !#;/1%J(#C1#%#*/%K(#*%#($%#),*B%"7$%7#*/:;8%,:%2,;*"(1$+%"7#"%1)',+$%"7$%/$#"7%'$*#8"4% ;',*%#*4,*$%:,;*/%B;18"4%,:%$*B#B1*B%1*%2,*+$*+;#8%+#)$<+$I%+$I;#8%($8#"1,*+D%=7;"#*% and Gabon are among the nations that have decriminalized homosexuality in recent years. The Trump administration in 2019 tapped then-U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell to lead a decriminalization initiative. Price declined to tell the Blade whether he feels the campaign was effective. EAcross the board I generally have a posture of not characterizing the last administration,” +#1/%0(12$D%EI’ll leave them to speak to their record.” Price told the Blade the Biden administration will also work to protect LGBTQ migrants #*/%#+48;)%+$$-$(+D EL7$*%1"%2,)$+%",%"7$%M1++;$%,:N%1(($B;8#(%)1B(#"1,*F%"71+%1+%*,"%O;+"%#%27#88$*B$%#"%,;(% border,” he said. EThis is fundamentally a challenge that starts in the region and if we are to address the migrant flows that reach our borders, we’re going to have to start in the region and that’s precisely what we’re doing.” Activists in Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and other countries with whom the Blade has spoken say violence and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation are among the factors that prompt LGBTQ people to flee their homes and travel to the U.S. Price did not say whether any of the $4 billion in aid the Biden administration has pledged ",%+'$*/%1*%,(/$(%",%7$8'%)1"1B#"$%"7$%2#;+$+%,:%)1B(#"1,*%:(,)%P$*"(#8%J)$(12#Q+%.,("7$(*% Triangle will specifically go to LGBTQ rights groups or HIV/AIDS service organizations. Vice President Kamala Harris late last month announced an additional $310 million in #1/%",%Eaddress” what Price described as E"7$%(,,"%2#;+$+%,:%1(($B;8#(%)1B(#"1,*%#*/%",% provide people with the confidence that they need not undertake the very dangerous journey north to the United States and that they can be confident in their lives in their home countries.” EOftentimes that is about economic opportunity, but there are cases in which it has more to do with discrimination and persecution,” Price told the Blade. EAnd so, we recognize that our approach to addressing those underlying drivers has to be holistic, given there are a range of factors and that’s why we’re working with a variety of groups on "7$%B(,;*/%#*/%#8+,%;*/$(+"#*/1*B%"7#"%)#(B1*#819$/%2,));*1"1$+F%1*28;/1*B%"7$%>?=@AK% community, in the region, that there needs to be meaningful partnership there as well.” EUSAID (U.S. Agency for International Development) is deeply engaged in this work, the State Department is engaged in this work as well and will continue to be, knowing that if we’re going to make progress, if we’re going to address the underlying root causes of irregular migration, we need to attempt to address all of them,” he added. 0(12$% ",8/% "7$% =8#/$% "7$% #/)1*1+"(#"1,*Q+% "7($$% ,"7$(% B8,C#8% >?=@A% (1B7"+% '(1,(1"1$+% #($% :;*/1*B% $::,("+% Eto protect human rights and to advance nondiscrimination around
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the world,” respond to anti-LGBTQ human rights abuses and EC;18/1*B% 2,#81"1,*+% #*/% engaging international organizations in the fight against this discrimination.” EWe have said across the board that one of the pillars of our foreign policy is the recognition that, yes, the United States is the most powerful country on the face of the Earth,” said Price. EWe have tremendous sway and influence the world over, but we also recognize that in every challenge in virtually every arena, we will be able to do more, we will be able to be more effective, we’ll be able to be more persuasive and act more decisively when we bring our allies and partners along with us and this administration 7#+%';"%#%B($#"%/$#8%,:%$)'7#+1+%,*%,;(%#881#*2$+F%,;(%'#("*$(+71'+F%C;"%#8+,%"7,+$%81-$< minded, as we call them, partners.” 0(12$%#//$/%"7$%HD!D%($2,B*19$+%Ethe values we share with our closest partners in the world are incredibly important.” EThey provide us with a similar framework and a set of priorities on which to act and of course working together to protect, but also to promote the rights of LGBTQ populations around the world,” he told the Blade. EIt is a core tenet of what we share with our likeminded allies and partners. You will see us doing this on a bilateral basis. You will see us doing this on a multilateral basis, within blocks and groupings, and also at the U.N. as well. We will seek to press this case in all of those contexts.” Price spoke with the Blade three days before the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, which commemorates the World Health Organization’s 1990 decision to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder. Blinken on Sunday in a statement acknowledged IDAHOBiT. “The message of ‘Together: Resisting, Supporting, Healing!’ is especially poignant as this year’s IDAHOTB theme,” said Blinken. “Ending hatred and violence against LGBTQI+ persons requires collaborative action from us all.” “The United States is doing its part,” he added. “Within the first weeks of his #/)1*1+"(#"1,*F%0($+1/$*"%=1/$*%1++;$/%#%)$),(#*/;)%1*+"(;2"1*B%#88%HD!D%:$/$(#8%#B$*21$+% working abroad to ‘ensure that U.S. diplomatic efforts and foreign assistance promote and protect the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons.’ And that important work is well underway.” Blinken in his IDAHOBiT statement also referenced the same five priorities that Price discussed with the Blade. “Working together, we can create a world that respects and celebrates the dignity of all individuals,” said Blinken. “It is in partnership that we will achieve our goal of a rightsrespecting, inclusive society where no one lives in fear because of who they are or whom they love.” =81*-$*% 1*% 3#(27% #**,;*2$/% "7$% !"#"$% &$'#(")$*"% 7#+% /1+C#*/$/% "7$% P,))1++1,*% on Unalienable Rights, a human rights advisory committee his predecessor created that LGBTQ activists sharply criticized. He announced last month the State Department will once again allow U.S. diplomatic installations to fly the Pride flag. The position of special U.S. envoy for the promotion of LGBTQ rights abroad within the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor has remained vacant since 2017, but Blinken has pledged to make it an ambassador level post. The Trump administration in 2018 withdrew from the U.N. Human Rights Council, which in recent years has emerged as a vocal champion of LGBTQ rights around the world. Blinken in February announced the U.S. will “reengage” with it. Price is the first openly gay State Department spokesperson. “I know that every time I say something I am speaking on behalf of the Department of State, on behalf of Secretary Blinken, on behalf of the U.S. government, sometimes on behalf of President Biden,” he told the Blade. “I’m not sure what I fully appreciated before #2";#884%2,)1*B%1*",%"71+%O,C%1+%"7#"%KQ)%#2";#884%+'$#-1*B%",%"7$%>?=@A%2,));*1"4%#(,;*/% the world.” Price said he received emails and tweets from around the world after the Biden transition team announced his appointment. Price told the Blade that some people were “seemingly in shock,” while others had “some degree of delight that a member of the LGBTQ community would be put in such a public facing role in an American administration.” “I understand this work is not about me,” Price told the Blade. “I’m never offering my personal opinion, but I think that I’ve come to understand that there is meaning in having #*%,'$*84%B#4%)#*%1*%#%(,8$%81-$%"71+D%@7$($%1+%)$#*1*B%:,(%"7$%>?=@A%2,));*1"4%#"%7,)$F% but especially in this role there is meaning and value attached to having that be the case around the world, and especially around the world where members of the community are routinely and often times systematically persecuted.”
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>*='n ministry displays Pride flag HAVANA — The Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) hung a Pride flag on the outside of !"#$%&'()*'+"&+#$!,$#*--.+"$./$"%&$012345$6.77*,!"89$:%.#&$+!;%"#$".$<&;'<$7'++!';&9$
access to artificial insemination and full recognition of gender identity are currently =&!,;$(&='"&($!,$>*='? Tremenda Nota was able to confirm the University of the Arts’ Faculty of the Arts of Audiovisual Media (FAMCA), in addition to MINSAP, also celebrated the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia by placing an LGBTI+ flag on its %&'()*'+"&+#? Activists said the embassies of the Netherlands and of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, in addition to these institutions, also raised the Pride flag on Monday. La Marca, an Old Havana tattoo parlor, and AfroAtenAs and El Mejunje in Matanzas and Santa Clara respectively are among the independent community centers that showed solidarity with the LGBTI+ community by hanging LGBTI+ flags. Some activists took to social media to thank MINSAP for its support and interpreted the gesture as a favorable sign in government policy, which must introduce the family code bill in Parliament in July. Others were critical and referred to the Cuban government’s %!#".+8$./$%.7.-%.=!'? !"#$%$&'()*+,()-.),/$)01('$2.)%$'-()3(#,&$#)-&)456(78
U.S. to recognize citizenship of couples’ children born abroad The State Department on Tuesday announced it will recognize the U.S. citizenship of a married couple’s child who is born outside the country if one of their parents is an American citizen. @Children born abroad to parents, at least one of whom is a U.S. citizen and who are married to each other at the time of the birth, will be U.S. citizens from birth if they have a ;&,&"!6$.+$;&#"'"!.,'<$"!&$".$'"$<&'#"$.,&$./$"%&!+$-'+&,"#$',($7&&"$"%&$4AB$C477!;+'"!.,$ and Nationality Act)’s other requirements,” said State Department spokesperson Ned D+!6&$!,$'$#"'"&7&,"?$@Previously, the department’s interpretation and application of the INA required that children born abroad have a genetic or gestational relationship to a U.S. citizen parent.” @This updated interpretation and application of the INA takes into account the realities of modern families and advances in ART (assisted reproductive technology) from when the Act was enacted in 1952,” added Price. @This change will allow increased numbers of married couples to transmit U.S. citizenship to their children born overseas, while continuing to follow the citizenship transmission requirements established in the INA,” he said. @Requirements for children born to unmarried parents remain unchanged.” Derek Mize and Jonathan Gregg, a gay couple from Atlanta, sued the State
Department after it refused to recognize the U.S. citizenship of their daughter, Simone Mize-Gregg, who was born in England via surrogate. The couple in a statement that 0'7=('$0&;'<9$:%.$+&-+&#&,"&($"%&7$!,$"%&!+$6'#&9$#&,"$".$"%&$2<'(&$.,$3*&#('8$#'!($ "%&8$'+&$@extremely pleased to see the State Department take this long-overdue step.” Immigration Equality represents Allison Blixt and Stefania Zaccari, a lesbian couple who sued the State Department after it denied U.S. citizenship to their son. Blixt, a U.S. citizen, and Zaccari, who was born in Italy, were living in London in 2015 when their son, Lucas Zaccari-Blixt, was born. The two women’s civil partnership became a marriage under British law in 2015. @We are relieved and thankful that our fight for our family to be recognized by the government has finally ended,” said Blixt in an Immigration Equality press release. @E&$ knew we would succeed eventually, as trailblazers before us fought and won marriage equality.” Immigration Equality Executive Director Aaron Morris in his organization’s press +&<&'#&$ (&#6+!=&($ "%&$ ',,.*,6&7&,"$ '#$ @a remarkable moment for all the LGBTQ families who fought the U.S. State Department’s unconstitutional policy.” Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Omar Gonzalez-Pagan agreed. 9:4;<=>)?7)><@=AB
Biden: Growth of authoritarianism threatens LGBTQ rights advocate for free market systems. President Biden recognized on Monday Meanwhile, other countries, such as Turkey and "%&$ 4,"&+,'"!.,'<$ F'8$ ';'!,#"$ G.7.-%.=!'9$ Venezuela, have shifted toward authoritarianism. 3+',#-%.=!'$ H$ 2!-%.=!'9$ (&6+8!,;$ "%&$ +!#!,;$ According to Freedom House, which scores "+&,($./$'*"%.+!"'+!',!#7$.,$"%&$;<.='<$#"';&$/.+$ 6.*,"+!&#$ .,$ "%&!+$ 6.77!"7&,"$ ".$ (&7.6+'"!6$ 6.,"!,*!,;$".$@:!(&,$&6.,.7!69$#.6!'<$',($#'/&"8$ #8#"&7#9$6.*,"+!&#$:!"%$';;+&;'"&$#6.+&$(&6<!,&#$ gaps for LGBTQI+ people,” according to an have outnumbered those with gains every year advance copy of his statement obtained by the /.+$"%&$-'#"$IJ$8&'+#? E'#%!,;".,$2<'(&? 2!(&,$ '<#.$ &,*7&+'"&#$ !,$ %!#$ #"'"&7&,"$ Biden criticizes authoritarian governments, his commitment to LGBTQ people at home, as well as the coronavirus pandemic, for recognizing they lack basic protections in 25 endangering LGBTQ people in the IDAHOTB #"'"&#$ ',($ +&,&:!,;$ %!#$ 6'<<$ /.+$ -'##';&$ ./$ "%&$ statement and specifically enumerates violence Equality Act. ';'!,#"$"+',#;&,(&+$-&.-<&$!,"&+,'"!.,'<<8$'#$',$ @K8$ '(7!,!#"+'"!.,$ :!<<$ '<:'8#$ #"',($ :!"%$ "%&$ .,;.!,;$!##*&? LGBTQI+ community,” Biden said. “Already, we “Despite this progress, both COVID-19 have rolled back discriminatory polices targeting ',($ +!#!,;$ '*"%.+!"'+!',!#7$ '+.*,($ "%&$ :.+<($ LGBTQI+ Americans, and we have made historic 6.,"!,*&$ ".$ :!(&,$ &6.,.7!69$ #.6!'<9$ ',($ #'/&"8$ appointments of LGBTQI+ individuals to the gaps for LGBTQI+ people — and an epidemic of highest levels of our government. We continue violence still rages, with a particular impact on the #$%&'(%)*+,'(%)!9:;<=>!:?@AB!BC=!;DE=!D<!:ABC@;DB:;D:<DEF0 to implement my executive orders to advance transgender community, specifically transgender &)*'<!"8$ ',($ &)*!"8?$ B,($ 4$ 6.,"!,*&$ ".$ *+;&$ women and girls of color,” Biden said. “Around Congress to pass the Equality Act, which would confirm critical civil rights protections the world, some 70 countries still criminalize same-sex relationships.” on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity for all Americans.” Biden makes the statement as Russia and China are challenging democratic systems 4;A:B)CD;*BD* across the world and seeking to undermine the United States as a global leader and
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Don’t overlook historical significance 23%5(6"%".()+'0
78.(#/% 4(9+% 8/+:% /0.12*/% (#:% "-2#2)'(;40% &2% -2..8#"-(&+% (#:% ":+#&"30% things going back to when cave people made the first drawings on the cave walls. <4"/%8/+%;'+=:(&+/%*(#)8()+%(#:%&4+%>'"&&+#%>2':?%18&%/0.12*/%4(9+%'+.("#+:%"#% use even after language became commonplace. <4"/% 8/+% "#-*8:+/% /0.12*/% (#:% "-2#/% 8/+:% &2% ":+#&"30?% /+)'+)(&+?% ;'2.2&+% intolerance and hate for groups of people. This use was especially true when it came to the persecution and systematic targeting by the Nazis under Hitler. The SS created a unique classification system to identify Jews who had to wear a yellow star formed by two triangles and criminals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and anyone deemed nonconformist, including homosexuals who wore the pink triangle. % @/% >"&4% 2&4+'% )'28;/?% &4+% 5(6"/% 32'-+:% (#02#+% $#2>#% 2'% /8/;+-&+:% &2% 1+% engaged in homosexual behavior to don the Pink Triangle, proven or not. This behavior included bi-sexuality and those who were transgender men. Typically, this did not include lesbians and transgender women. A&%"/%".;2'&(#&%&2%#2&+%&4(&%+('*0%2#?%>+%>+'+%#2&%/"#)*+:%28&%32'%>42%>+%>+'+%18&% "#/&+(:%*8.;+:%"#%>"&4%-'"."#(*/%2'%;2*"&"-(*%;'"/2#+'/%(#:%.(:+%&2%>+('%(%-2*2'+:% triangle representing that group of individuals, perhaps giving us more “cover.” B(&+'?% &4+% !"#$% <'"(#)*+% 1+-(.+% 2#+% 23% .(#0% -2*2'+:% &'"(#)*+/% 8/+:% &2% ":+#&"30% "#:"9":8(*/%(#:%>+'+%23&+#%-2.1"#+:%&2%/42>%&42/+%1+*2#)"#)%&2%.2'+%&4(#%2#+% group. %A&%"/%#2%>2#:+'%&4(&%7"&*+'%>28*:%&(')+&%28'%-2..8#"&0%)"9+#%&4+%;'2."#+#&%(#:% visible gay and lesbian culture in Berlin at the time. Even though homosexuality was &+-4#"-(**0%"**+)(*%1+32'+%&4+%'"/+%23%7"&*+'%8#:+'%&4+%!('()'(;4%CDE%/&(&8&+?%"&%>(/% rarely enforced. As was true of so many groups of people, Hitler saw us as a threat to his creation of the perfect race. Similar in many ways to what we continue to face politically and socially today, Hitler was afraid of us. As a result of that fear, he used 4(&+%(#:%3+('%(/%4"/%>+(;2#%(#:%&4+%!"#$%<'"(#)*+%(/%(%>(0%&2%":+#&"30?%/4(.+?%(#:% target us. %B"$+%2&4+'/%;+'/+-8&+:%10%&4+%5(6"/?%"#:"9":8(*/%>+('"#)%&4+%!"#$%<'"(#)*+%>+'+% easily identifiable, making them instant targets by other prisoners and guards in the concentration camps. The Pink Triangle also made it easy to continue the persecution even after the war ended. Many who wore the Pink Triangle were &'(#/3+''+:% 3'2.% -2#-+#&'(&"2#% -(.;/% &2% ;'"/2#/% 1+-(8/+% "&% >(/% "**+)(*% &2% 1+% (% homosexual. What is unique about the Pink Triangle, compared to other symbols of identification, segregation, and hate, is that it was reclaimed and turned into a symbol of perseverance, strength, and unity. Heinze Heger’s 1972 book “The Men With The Pink Triangle” brought greater awareness to the origins and use of the Pink Triangle by the Nazis. As a result, a F+'.(#%)(0%*"1+'(&"2#%)'28;%8/+:%&4+%/0.12*%(/%(%.+.2'"(*%&2%&42/+%+('*0%9"-&"./% and a new symbol of protest. After the Stonewall rebellion, our community took what had once been a symbol of hatred and turned it into a symbol of pride. We have also used it as a symbol of protest, as was seen during the early years of AIDS. While it has been a small minority, it is important to note that some have criticized using a symbol that originated from hate to represent us. In 1993, senior editor Sara Hart of the gay magazine 10 Percent expressed this and received significant backlash. %@/%8#"G8+%(/%"&%"/%&2%4(9+%'+-*(".+:%&4+%!"#$%<'"(#)*+%(/%28'%2>#?%"&%"/%+(/0%&2% overlook its historical significance as time goes by. I look at my lack of knowledge and understanding as a young gay man coming out in the early 1980s and how I initially just knew it to be a symbol of our community without proper context. H+/?% &4+% !"#$% <'"(#)*+% "/% #2>% (% /0.12*% 23% ;'":+?% 18&% "&% /428*:% (*/2% /+'9+% (/% (% '+."#:+'%23%42>%+(/0%"&%"/%&2%4(9+%(**%>+%4(9+%328)4&%32'%(#:%+('#+:%/&'";;+:%(>(0% from us. As we come upon another season of Pride, we need to understand what 28'% -2..8#"&0I/% /0.12*/% '+;'+/+#&% #2>?% 18&% >+% (*/2% #++:% &2% 8#:+'/&(#:% &4+"'% origins and what they represented before. ! ! ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!2$3!456!4745 ! " !8 ' / #9 + ' (*
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Summer film and TV preview
The LGBTQ productions that will take you to the ‘Heights’ 1%!,<37!08=5!>:7?
!"##$%& '(& )*#'+,-& *+)$& .,.'+-& .+/& 01'(& 0'#$& '0& 2$$3(& 3'4$& .& 5%$006& 7',& /$.38& 9*%& 01$& first time in more than a year, we can look forward (fingers crossed) to a return to semi+*%#.3)6-& .+/& '0:(& %$.(*+.73$& 0*& #.4$& 53.+(& 2*%& $+;*6'+,& .0& 3$.(0& (*#$& *2& *"%& 0'#$& *"0('/$&01$&(*)'.336&/'(0.+)$/&(.2$06&*2&*"%&3'<'+,&%**#(8 That said, the waning of COVID also means that the television and film industry has an embarrassment of accumulated riches ready to offer us – and even if we have bingewatched our way through the past 14 months, we say, “Bring it on!” There’s so much queer-flavored entertainment on deck in the coming few weeks that it can be a bewildering task to keep track of it all. Fortunately, the Blade is here to help, with our list of the movies and shows that seem likely to represent the cream of the crop. 9'%(0-&01$&0$3$<'('*+=
This six-part documentary series from VICE studios may have already started, but it’s a great kick off to Pride Season – and thanks to “FX on Hulu,” it’s easy to catch up at your leisure. Chronicling the struggle for LGBTQ+ civil rights in America from the 1950s through the 2000s, seven renowned LGBTQ+ directors explore stories of queer experience, from the FBI surveillance of homosexuals during the 1950s “Lavender Scare” to the “Culture Wars” of the 1990s and beyond, exploring the queer legacy of the Civil Rights movement and the battle over marriage equality. Offering profiles of familiar heroes like Bayard Rustin and Christine Jorgensen, as well as of lesser-known figures like Madeleine Tress and Nelson Sullivan, the show charts the evolution of LGBTQ+ rights and identities through interviews and archival footage to provide a valuable perspective *+&>"$$%&1'(0*%6-&;"(0&'+&0'#$&2*%&?%'/$&#*+018
&!%'#()*(May 20, Netflix)
Freshly dropped is the second and final season of this surprise hit series from Ryan O’Connell, a semi-autobiographical comedy about a writer with cerebral palsy (played by O’Connell himself) trying to navigate life in the Los Angeles “scene” as a gay man with a disability. The abbreviated (only four episodes) final arc follows Ryan as he tries to “get his shit together” after the disastrous events of season one – including a fight with his mother Karen (Jessica Hecht) that has left them estranged ever since – that have left him with a nasty case of writer’s block. New relationships are also on the horizon for both Ryan and BFF Kim (Punam Patel), and the journey toward self-discovery and self-actualization takes center stage as this disarmingly charming and refreshingly unsentimental comedy – currently the only show on television to feature a disabled LGBTQ person as its main character – comes to a close. Max Jenkins, Charlie Barnett, Ana Ortiz, Utkarsh Ambudkar, Lauren Weedman, and Leslie Jordan are among those joining the show for season two, alongside returning cast members Marla Mindelle, Gina Hughes, and Patrick Fabian.
– while also delivering a message of equality, inclusion and social justice. This profile from director Chana Gazit follows the legendary troupe as they tour the Carolinas, and culminates with their 2019 performance at the Stonewall 50th anniversary concert in NYC. The hour-long doc broadcasts on June 4 (check your local listings), but it will also be available via the PBS video app in honor of Pride Month.
The popular teen dramedy, inspired by the hit LGBTQ teen romance “Love, Simon,” returns for season two as the newly out Victor (Michael Cimino) enters his junior year at Creekwood High. As his story continues, Victor faces challenges such as a family struggling with his revelation, his heartbroken ex-girlfriend Mia (Rachel Hilson), and the difficulties of being an openly gay star athlete – all while navigating the excitement of his relationship with new boyfriend Benji (George Sear). Odds are good that this continuation will deliver more of the same blend of heart, humor, and diversity that helped the first season become one of last summer’s must-see highlights. Anthony Turpel, Bebe Wood, Mason Gooding, Isabella Ferreira, Mateo Fernandez, James Martinez, and Ana Ortiz also star.
"%4/#-/*"-($*,"#!5*64%%"*%1%*.-"*,7%*&,"(#87,*841 (June 17, E! Entertainment)
As part of the network’s special event series, “Reunion Road Trip,” the original “Fab Five” – Thom Filicia, Ted Allen, Kyan Douglas, Carson Kressley and Jai Rodriguez – reassemble in Los Angeles to do a makeover for Jai on his 40th birthday. As the group works their magic, they think back to their most heartfelt, meaningful makeovers and the impact on the LGBTQ community then and now, delivering a satisfying (and long overdue) trip down memory lane for fans of one of the most important and influential queer shows in television history. Airs at 9pm PT/ET. Now for the movies:
!#/9*:*())*#*9/-;*&-*.(" (May 21, Amazon Prime)
Amazon Studios launches its summer with this intimate documentary about awardwinning performer and musician Pink as she embarks on her record-breaking 2019 “Beautiful Trauma” world tour and welcomes audiences to join her chosen family while trying to balance being a mom, a wife, a boss, and a performer. Directed by Michael Gracey (“The Greatest Showman”), this look into the private and public sides of a trailblazing artist – who is also a fierce and vocal advocate for the LGBTQ community, where she has long been a fan favorite – mixes footage from the road with behind-thescenes interviews and personal material, giving audiences a glimpse behind the curtain of “the circus that she calls life.”
+(&,%"*-.*/-/% (May 23, Netflix)
Returning for a much-anticipated season 3 is this acclaimed series, co-created by Aziz Ansari and Emmy-winner Alan Yang. Always strongly “queer-adjacent” thanks largely to the involvement of Lena Waithe, who played the lesbian character of Denise throughout the first two seasons and became the first Black woman to win a writing Emmy for the episode “Thanksgiving,” based partly on her own experience coming out to her mother. In its third installment, the show takes a radical departure from following Ansari’s lead character (struggling actor Dev Shah) and instead focuses all of its five-episode run on the relationship between Denise and partner Alicia (played by BAFTA-winner Naomi Ackie). Directed by Ansari, who also co-wrote with Waithe, this new season touts itself as “a modern love story that intimately illustrates the ups and downs of marriage, struggles with fertility, and personal growth both together and apart.” Judging from its past excellence, this new installment is likely to be one of the summer’s best bets.
“American Masters” presents a portrait of Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo (“@1$& Trocks”), an all-male ballet company that has captivated audiences for over 45 years with 01$'%&(',+.0"%$&(063$&A&)3.((').3&7.33$0&!"#$%&"'! and in drag, delivered with a blend of %',*%*"(& 0$)1+'>"$& .+/& (.0'%$& 01.0& )1.33$+,$(& 01$& %','/& ,$+/$%& +*%#(& *2& 01$& .%0& 2*%#& @ ' ! < !=8 6>3- 921 - ?@8A5.01%!<!%8B!:CD!:E:C
5678!98:;36!"#!$%&'()*!+,!-+#)./ (Photo courtesy Netflix)
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This award-winning documentary from director James Kicklighter profiles international opera star Lucia Lucas as she becomes the first known transgender woman !"#$%&'(#)!*+$',#+$#%&'-$'.#(#%'!"/!%(0#'$0&1#2(%+3'!"4#53/(*#$"#+)&#/3*%#$-#!"+&'"(+!$"(0# *+('6$.#(*#*)&#%'&%('&*#-$'#)&'#)!*+$'!/#%&'-$'.("/&#(+#+)&#730*(#8%&'(9#!+#*)$:/(*&*# +)&#/$00(;$'(+!<&#%'$/&**#;&+:&&"#53/(*#("6#)&'#.&"+$'#='&"$:"&6#/$.%$*&'#7$;!(*# >!/?&'@9# (*# +)&,# ;'!"4# A$B('+C*# DE$"# F!$<(""!G# +$# 0!-&# H# :!+)# 53/(*9# (# :$'06I'&"$:"&6# ;('!+$"&9# +(?!"4# +)&# *%$+0!4)+# ("6# (00# +)&# %'&**3'&*# +)(+# /$.&# :!+)# !+1# J0$"4# +)&# :(,9# 53/(*#%'$<!6&*#-'&*)#!"*!4)+*#!"+$#)&'#+'("*!+!$"9#+)&#%'$-&**!$"(0#'!*?#*)&#!*#+(?!"49#("6# :)(+#!+#.&("*#-$'#+)$*&#:)$#-$00$:1#J#.3*+I*&&#&K%0$'(+!$"#$-#+)&#'$0&#%0(,&6#;,#!6&"+!+,# !"#$3'#%&'*$"(0#("6#%'$-&**!$"(0#0!<&*9#(*#:&00#(*#(#%$'+'(!+#$-#("#('+!*+#(+#+)&#)&!4)+#$-# )&'#/('&&'1
Another documentary profile of a pioneering trans artist, this Susan Sandler-directed film takes audiences on an entertaining but emotional roller coaster as it follows the comeback of Julia Scotti – formerly Rick Scotti, who appeared on bills with Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock – after her transition during “a time when the words gender dysphoria and gender reassignment surgery were rarely heard.” Shot over a period of five years, +)!*#!"*%!'(+!$"(0#6$/#+'(/?*#L30!(C*#+'!3.%)("+#/$.&;(/?9#+)&#'$34)#0!-&#$"#+)&#'$(69#("6# +)&#/$.%0&K#%'$/&**#$-#'&3"!+!"4#:!+)#)&'#/)!06'&"9#(*#)&'#/$.&6,#;&/$.&*#(#*)('&6# 0("43(4&#$-#!6&"+!+,9#)&(0!"49#("6#M$,1
Fans of steamy international LGBTQ cinema can look forward to this film from Israeli 6!'&/+$'#N,+("#O$K9#:)$*&#)(3"+!"4#4(,#.!0!+(',#'$.("/&#DP$**!#Q#L(44&'G#;'$?&#4'$3"6# in expanding support for LGBTQ movies in Israel when it was released in 2002. In his latest offering, 50-something American writer Michael (John Benjamin Hickey) travels to 7&0#J<!<#$"#(**!4".&"+9#:)&'&#)&#*3;0&+*#("#(%('+.&"+#-'$.#0$/(0#*+36&"+#H#("6#*&K3(0# -'&&#*%!'!+#H#7$.&'#=R!<#R!**!.@1#7)&#,$3"4#.("#S3!/?0,#;&/$.&*#)!*#+$3'#43!6&9#("6#(*# the two spend time together, they soon find themselves exploring more than just the city – despite the clash of generational attitudes between them. Slated to debut at the cancelled-due-to-COVID 2020 Tribeca Film Festival, it’s getting the release it deserves, (*#(#'&.!"6&'#+)(+#>'!6&#*+'&+/)&*#(/'$**#(00#;$'6&'*1
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Directed by Mariem Pérez Riera, this documentary profiles its EGOT-winning subject with a look at her 70+ year career, following the beloved performer from her povertystricken youth in Puerto Rico, through her time as an all-purpose “ethnic stock player” in Hollywood (even after the triumph of becoming the first Latina actress to win an Oscar for her role in “West Side Story”), and her eventual rise to the iconic status she enjoys today. It also chronicles not only Hollywood’s not-so-hidden history of racism, sexism, and abuse, ;3+#A$'&"$C*#%&'*$"(0#*+'3440&*#H#!"/036!"4#(#+$K!/#'&0(+!$"*)!%#:!+)#A('0$"#T'("6$#("6# )&'#$:"#;$3+#:!+)#*&'!$3*#6&%'&**!$"#H#;&-$'&#)&'#+(0&"+#("6#'&*!0!&"/&#(00$:&6#)&'#+$# +'!3.%)#$<&'#(6<&'*!+,9#;'&(?#;(''!&'*9#("6#-$'4&#(#%(+)#-$'#"&:#4&"&'(+!$"*#$-#('+!*+*#+$# come. The film features extensive interviews with Moreno, as well as George Chakiris, Héctor Elizondo, Gloria Estefan, Tom Fontana, Morgan Freeman, Mitzi Gaynor, Whoopi F$06;&'49#R$'.("#5&('9#N<(#5$"4$'!(9#L3*+!"(#A(/)(6$9#7&''&"/&#A/R(00,9#5!"IA("3&0# A!'("6(#("6#U('&"#80!<$1
Make no mistake, the long-awaited film adaptation of the 2005 Broadway musical by Lin-Manuel “Hamilton” Miranda and Quiara Alegria Hughes is sure to be the bigticket movie of the summer. With charismatic bodega-owner Usnavi (Anthony Ramos) at its center, this sweeping musical portrait of Manhattan’s Washington Heights – a "&!4);$')$$6# .$*+0,# %$%30(+&6# ;,# !..!4'("+# %&$%0&# $-# /$0$'# ("6# +)&!'# -(.!0!&*# H# showcases a remarkable and diverse cast that also includes Corey Hawkins, Leslie Grace, Melissa Barrera, Daphne Rubin-Vega, Stephanie Beatriz, Gregory Diaz IV, Dascha Polanco, Jimmy Smits, Marc Anthony, and Olga Merediz reprising her Broadway role. 7)&# *)$:# :(*# (# 7$",I:!""!"4# *.(*)# $"*+(4&# -$'# !+*# !"-&/+!$3*# /&0&;'(+!$"# $-# /$..3"!+,9# (*# :&00# (*# !+*# 3%0!-+!"4# .&**(4&# $-# -$00$:!"4# ,$3'# 6'&(.*# !"# +)&# -(/&# $-# adversity. On film, as helmed by “Crazy Rich Asians” director Jon M. Chew, the buzz is that it’s a return to triumphant form for the Hollywood musical, executed with breathtaking /!"&.(+!/#<!*!$"#("6#(#)&(0+),#6$*&#$-#D.(4!/(0#'&(0!*.G#+)(+#6$&*#"$+)!"4#+$#3"6&'/3+# its streetwise swagger. The Blade can neither confirm nor deny if it lives up to the hype – +)&'&C*#*+!00#(#'&<!&:#&.;('4$#(+#+)&#+!.&#$-#+)!*#:'!+!"4#H#;3+#:&#!"##*(,#+)(+#!+C*#%'$;(;0,# *$.&+)!"4#,$3#*)$306#%0("#+$#*&&#$"#+)&#;!4#*/'&&"1 J-+&'#*$#.(",#.$"+)*#$-#!*$0(+!$"9#,$3#6&*&'<&#(#*%&/!(0#+'&(+1
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He gradually came out, slowly, when he >*#/-1/$-#/+''1#4 @08A*9/ 8*7'/ +%/ I*&&*02'+/ H1-C'3#-+,/ -1/ +$'/ #077'3/ %5/ PQRc/ *12/ 8*7'/ %0+/ =0)&-8&,/ */ 7%1+$/&*+'34 “What gave me the strength to come out were the first batch of books I’d bought from @*7)2*/?-#-1./d+$'/@I^FV/)%%9#+%3'/+$*+/8&%#'2/-1/TUPUe:;/@08A*9/#*-24/!F$*+/=&*8'/>*#/ 3'*&&,/7,/#'8%12/$%7'/*>*,/53%7/I*&&*02'+444"12/+$'/5*8+/+$*+/[/>*#/*&&%>'2/+%/0#'/"Z@/ really gave me the self-confidence I had sorely needed all my life.” Luczak in poetry, non-fiction, and plays has written in various styles from formal poetry to 53''/C'3#'/*)%0+/7*1,/+%=-8#/53%7/&%C'/+%/F$%7*#/O2-#%1/+%/M*&+/M$-+7*1/+%/)'-1./`0''34/ [5/M*&+/M$-+7*1/$*2/*/&%C'/8$-&2/>-+$/*/=$%+%.3*=$'3D#/',':/-+/>%0&2/)'/@08A*94 [1/!G18'/H=%1/*/F>-1:;/@08A*9/-7*.-1'#/>$*+/$-#/&-5'/>%0&2/$*C'/)''1/&-9'/-5/$'/$*2/*/+>-14/ I3%>-1./0=:/$'/91'>/+$*+/$-#/7%+$'3/$*2/$*2/+$3''/7-#8*33-*.'#:/)0+/$'/1'C'3/*#9'2/$'3/ *)%0+/+$'74/M$'1/$'/>*#/Pf/!#$'/7'1+-%1'2/+$*+/$'3/+$-32/7-#8*33-*.'/$*=='1'2/-1/+$'/ #*7'/,'*3/[/>*#/)%31:;/@08A*9/#*-2:/!*12/+$*+/-+/$*=='1'2/>$-&'/#$'/>*#/#-++-1./%1/+$'/+%-&'+4/ F$'/5'+0#/$*2/*==*3'1+&,/=%=='2/%0+4; ![/8%0&21D+/.'+/+$*+/-7*.'/%0+/%5/7,/$'*2:;/@08A*9/*22'24 Over the years, his mother told Luczak conflicting stories about the miscarriage. About 10 ,'*3#/*.%:/$'/&%%9'2/-1+%/>$'+$'3/-+/>*#/=%##-)&'/5%3/*/+>-1/+%/7-#8*33,/*12/+%/$*C'/+$'/%+$'3/ +>-1/012'+'8+'2/-1/+$'/>%7)4/![+/+031#/%0+/+$*+/+$'/0&+3*#%012/+'8$1%&%.,/203-1./+$'/PQfU#/ >*#1D+/*2C*18'2/'1%0.$/#%/+$'/=%##-)-&-+,/>*#/`0-+'/3'*&:;/@08A*9/#*-24 @08A*9/$*2/&%1./>%12'3'2/$%>/2-55'3'1+/$-#/&-5'/>%0&2/$*C'/)''1/-5/$-#/+>-1/$*2/#03C-C'24/ [1/TUPR:/$'/>3%+'/*/8%&&'8+-%1/%5/5%37*&/C'3#'4/"5+'3/+$*+:/$'/>*#/'*.'3/+%/>3-+'/-1/*/2-55'3'1+/ #+,&'4/ !G18'/ [/ 3'*&-A'2/ $%>/ [/ #$%0&2/ >3-+'/ 7,/ 1'b+/ )%%9/ B1%/ 5%37*&/ =%'+3,:/ *&7%#+/ 1%/ =018+0*+-%1:/'+84E:/-+/$-+/7'/+$*+/[/3'*&&,/#$%0&2/'b=&%3'/+$'/-2'*/%5/7,/&%#+/+>-1:;/@08A*9/#*-24 !M%0&2/[/5''&/*#/&'5+/%0+/*+/5*7-&,/.*+$'3-1.#/-5/7,/+>-1/$'&='2/-18&02'/7'_;/$'/#*-2:/!444 M%0&2/7,/+>-1/#='*9/0=/5%3/7'_444[/$*21D+/2*3'2/+%/'b*7-1'/+$'/=%##-)&'/8$*1.'#/-1/%03/ family’s dynamics, and how it would’ve affected my self-confidence.” @08A*9/>*#/#03=3-#'2/),/$%>/'*#-&,/+$'/)%%9/>3%+'/-+#'&54/[+/$*2/)''1/>*-+-1./*/&%1./+-7'/ +%/)'/>3-++'14 @-9'/`0''3/=%'+/M*&+/M$-+7*1:/@08A*9D#/83'*+-C-+,/8%1+*-1#/70&+-+02'#4/[1/TUPf:/@08A*9D#/ C%&07'/%5/=%'+3,/!F$'/Y-##/%5/M*&+/M$-+7*1/Z+-&&/%1/L,/@-=#;/>*#/3'&'*#'2/),/Z`0*3'#/6/ ?')'&#4/ ^'8*0#'/ M$-+7*1/ >*#1D+/ +*0.$+/ +%/ $-7/ >$'1/ $'/ >*#/ -1/ $-.$/ #8$%%&/ %3/ 8%&&'.':/ @08A*9/$*2/5'>/=3'8%18'=+-%1#/*)%0+/M$-+7*14/G+$'3/+$*1:/$'/#*-2:/+$*+/M$-+7*1/>*#/*/ =%'+/>-+$/*/)%,53-'12/>$%/>*#/*/#+3''+8*3/8%1208+%34/^0+/>$'1/$'/3'*2/+$'/%='1-1./%5/+$'/ !Z%1./%5/7,/Z'&5:;/@08A*9/#*-2/!M$%*g; !F$'/=%'+/$*2/8%1h03'2/*/=*&=*)&'/C-#-%1/%5/>$*+/"7'3-8*/8%0&2/)':;/$'/#*-2:/!-5/M*&+/ were alive today, he’d be sharing selfies and Tweeting away.” !S'/ &%C'2/ $*C-1./ $-#/ =-8+03'/ +*9'1i/ $'/ $*2/ PTj/ =$%+%.3*=$#/ +*9'1/ >$'1/ ")3*$*7/ @-18%&1/#8%3'2/PTR/=$%+%.3*=$#:;/@08A*9/#*-2:/!-1/5*8+:/M$-+7*1/>*#/=3%)*)&,/"7'3-8*D#/ first celebrity nude model!” S%>/ 2%'#/ @08A*9/ 5''&/ *)%0+/ )'-1./ */ <'*5:/ .*,/ >3-+'3_/ [+D#/ 8%7=&-8*+'24/ G1/ %1'/ &'C'&:/ $'/2%'#1D+/+$-19/%5/$-7#'&5/*#/*/<'*5:/.*,/>3-+'3/*+/*&&4/![/2%/7'1+-%1/+$-#/5*8+/)0+/+$*+D#/%1&,/ )'8*0#'/[/1''2/+%/#+*12/%0+/*/)-+/7%3'/-1/*/8%01+3,/+$*+/)3-1.#/%0+/+$%0#*12#/*12/+$%0#*12#/ %5/1'>/)%%9#/'*8$/,'*34/[+D#/*/7*39'+-1./*1.&':;/@08A*9/#*-24 S'/$%='#/3'*2'3#/>-&&/3'8%.1-A'/+$*+/$'D#/708$/7%3'/+$*1/h0#+/*/<'*5:/.*,/>3-+'3/*12/ *88'=+/$-#/>%39/*#/)',%12/+$%#'/&*)'&#4 k'+:/![/#+-&&/5''&/=3%02/%5/)'-1./*/<'*5/.*,/7*1:;/@08A*9/#*-24/![+D#/'13-8$'2/7,/&-5'/-1/>*,#/ +$*+/[/2%1D+/+$-19/*1,%1'/>%0&2DC'/*1+-8-=*+'24/[+D#/8'3+*-1&,/&'2/7'/+%/7''+/='%=&'/[/>%0&21D+/ $*C'/7'+/%+$'3>-#'4/]%3/+$*+/[D7/.3*+'50&4;
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‘Keffiyeh/Made in China’ streamed in seven short episodes !"#$%&'()*#+,--(%'.
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!"#$%&'($ )*$ +',,-(.$ &-#/01-23$ )",'-0$ 45/'1/#$ 6"(7'289,$ :-#1;'<$ 7#"&;01-"2$ "=$ >/,1$ ?'2@AB',/&$ 7<'8C#-351$ D'<-'$4'5'9,$ “Keffiyeh/Made in China,” a collection of ,<-0/A"=A<-=/$ ,1"#-/,$ =#"($ 15/$ "00;7'1-"2.$ 5',$B//2$'$3-=1*$ E19,$ "==/#/&$ 15/$ F'</,1-2-'2$ %(/#-0'2$ &-#/01"#$ '$ C'8$ 1"$ #/0"22/01$ C-15$ 5-,$ “Palestinian side,” and has helped to ease '$,1#'-2/&$#/<'1-"2,5-7$C-15$5-,$='15/#*$$ G?;1$ -19,$ '$ 3-=1$ 15'1$ 0"(/,$ C-15$ responsibilities,” explains Kassim who <-:/,$ -2$ ?",1"2$ C-15$ 5-,$ 5;,B'2&$ 5/$ (/1$ "2$ !'0/B""@$ HI$ 8/'#,$ '3"*$ GJ2/$ "=$ 15/$ 3#/'1$ 15-23,$ 'B";1$ 15/$ 7<'8$ -,$ 15/$ C'8$ -1$ -2:/,1-3'1/,$ 5"C$ 15/$ "00;7'1-"2$ /==/01,$ 15/$ &'-<8$ <-:/,$ "=$ 7/"7</$ '2&$ 15/-#$ (",1$ -21-('1/$#/<'1-"2,5-7,$C5-05$-,$,"$&-==/#/21$ =#"($ C5'1$ 15/$ (/&-'$ 7"#1#'8,$ 15/(*$ E19,$ important that audiences see this.” Though “Keffiyeh” debuted in 2012 and C',$,;B,/K;/21<8$7;B<-,5/&$',$7'#1$"=$15/$ anthology “Inside/Outside: Six Plays from Palestine and the Diaspora,” Kassim, 38, &-&291$3/1$'#";2&$1"$#/'&-23$15/$7<'8$;21-<$ '=1/#$B/-23$1'77/&$B8$)",'-0$1"$&-#/01*$ “It’s unlike anything I’d read before,” 5/$ ,'8,*$ G!-#,1$ 15-23.$ ,1#;01;#'<<8$ '2&$ '/,15/1-0'<<8$ -19,$ ;2-K;/*$ L/-15/#$ /21-#/<8$ #/'<-,1-0$ 2"#$ <-2/'#.$ 15/$ ,0/2/,$ '#/$ 0"22/01/&$ 15/('1-0'<<8*$ E2$ %(/#-0'2$ 15/'1/#$ 7<'8,$ 1#/2&$ 1"C'#&$ 2'1;#'<-,(.$ things that are cinematic and filmic
1765 Greensboro Station Pl. Suite 900 McLean, VA 22102 Phone: 703-918-4915 Fax: 202-518-9301
'2&$ 15-,$ C',$ 15/$ "77",-1/*$ E19,$ 15/$ M'('<<'5AB',/&$ 7<'8C#-3519,$ ;2&/2-'B</$ 0/</B#'1-"2$ "=$ 15/'1#-0'<-18$ 15'1$ &#/C$ (/$ 1"$15/$C"#@*$ N"C/:/#.$ B/0';,/$ -1$ -,291$ 0-2/('1-0.$ the filming experience can be extremely 05'<</23-23.$ 5/$ ,'8,*$ G?;1$ <;0@8$ ="#$ (/.$ E9($C"#@-23$C-15$'$C"2&/#=;<$7#"&;01-"2$ designer, Mona Kasra. She figuratively 5"<&,$ (8$ 5'2&$ ',$ C/$ 1'<@$ 'B";1$ ,0/2/,$ and do story boarding for hours. She’s been my work wife.” “Keffiyeh” is being streamed in seven short (ten to fifteen-long) episodes to be #/</',/&$ -20#/(/21'<<8$ /:/#8$ 1C"$ C//@,$ through July. A mix of humor, drama and ,'&2/,,.$ 15/$ /7-,"&/,$ :'#8$ -2$ ,18</$ '2&$ 0"21/21.$'2&$15/$'01"#,$'#/$&#'C2$=#"($'$ cast of five. The play’s first (currently-released) episode, “60 Second,” features Dina Soltan and queer Palestinian American 7/#="#('20/$ '#1-,1$ !'#3"$ 4B'@5-$ ',$ '$ ('2$ '2&$ C"('2$ C5"$ ="<<"C-23$ 1#'3/&8$ attempt to connect inside “the finite time "=$'$:-#'<$:-&/".$'$&-3-1'<$#/,;##/01-"2.$'2&$ a playwright’s mind.” O70"(-23$ /7-,"&/,$ -20<;&/$ 1-1</,$ <-@/$ “Craving Mangoes,” “Crowdedness,” and “The Unhappy Writer.” Mosaic’s decision to film Keffiyeh was the confluence of various factors, explains Serge Seiden, Mosaic’s managing director '2&$7#"&;0/#*$ Besides fulfilling Mosaic’s (-,,-"2$ 1"$ 7#/,/21$ -2&/7/2&/21.$ -21/#0;<1;#'<.$ /21/#1'-2-23.$ '2&$ ;20/2,"#/&$ 7#"3#'((-23.$ 15/8$ 2//&/&$ '$ C"#@$ 15'1$ C";<&$ ,/#:/$ ',$ '$ P"-0/,$ =#"($ '$ 65'23-23$
)-&&</$ Q',1$ !/,1-:'<$ "==/#-23R$ #/,7"2&$ to We See You, White American Theater </11/#.$ '2$ '00";21'B-<-18$ #/7"#1$ 5',$ B//2$ published, acknowledging over 100 15/'1/#$"#3'2-S'1-"2,$'0#",,$%(/#-0'$15'1$ 5':/$ #/,7"2&/&$ 1"$ 15/$ ?EFJ6$ &/('2&,$ "=$ 15/$ 0"((;2-18R$ '2&$ ,'1-,=8$ '$ ("#/$ 0"<<'B"#'1-:/$&/0-,-"2$('@-23$7#"0/,,$-2$ 15/$'B,/20/$"=$'2$'#1-,1-0$&-#/01"#$ G%2&.$"=$0";#,/.$6JPEDAHT$7<'8/&$-21"$ our decision,” he adds. “The scale of the project — filming scenes in a black box ,7'0/$ '1$ %1<',$ F/#="#(-23$ %#1,$ 6/21/#$ U$ worked for us.” %&&-1-"2'<<8.$ )",'-0$ C',$ 7</',/&$ 1"$ 7#/,/21$ '2$ ';15/21-0$ :"-0/$ C-15$ '$ 7<'8$ C#-11/2$B8$'$F'</,1-2-'2*$G>/$'<,"$<-@/$15'1$ it’s not didactic,” Seiden adds. “It’s not a 7<'8$'B";1$7"<-1-0,$7/#$,/*$E19,$'$7<'8$'B";1$ ordinary people’s lives under occupation.” G)",'-0$ -,$ #/,7"2&-23$ 1"$ 15/$ "23"-23$ 05'<</23/$ "=$ 15/$ "00;7'1-"2$ 15#";35$ '#1*$ E1$ V;,1$ 5'77/2,$ 15'1$ ";#$ <'1/,1$ "==/#-23$ -,$ B/-23$ #/</',/&$ '1$ 15/$ 1-(/$ "=$ '$ 1/##-B</$ ;7C/<<-23$ "=$ :-"</20/*$ E=$ '2815-23.$ -19,$ ("#/$-(7"#1'21$="#$7/"7</$1"$@2"C$15/,/$ '#/$ 5;('2$ B/-23,$ ,;==/#-23*$ 45/8$ '#/$ more than victims or numbers.” “Keffiyeh” is presented in seven /7-,"&/,$ 2"C$ 15#";35$ W;<8$ '2&$ -,$ included with the purchase of a 21/22 Membership. A stand-alone “Keffiyeh” ,;B,0#-71-"2$-,$'<,"$':'-<'B</$="#$7;#05',/*
BETHESDA, MD 4800 Hampden Lane 2nd Floor Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: 301-469-1925 Fax: 202-518-9301
8115 Maple Lawn Blvd. #326 Fulton, MD 20759 Phone: 240-786-4832 Fax: 202-518-9301
.(1%#2,-&%1 89: +%'3,#&!%*4( in ‘Keffiyeh/Made In China.’ (Photo courtesy Mosaic Theater Company)
‘Keffiyeh/Made in China’ !"#$%&'()*$+*,'-"./$01' !"#$%&+)*$+*,2",3
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! "#$ % & '$ % ( % & $ ) $*" + , - . /01 . 2 3 " 4 5671 !$ ) $ ! "
‘Jew-ish’ cookbook is a queer love story
Celebration of a young gay man who found connection to ancestry at the table !"#$%&'#(&)*&'
It is in the kitchen, elbow-deep in flour, or in a dining room crowded with friends, that Jake Cohen has found the ability to connect with his queer and Jewish identities. “This book,” he says, “is a queer love story all about me and my husband.” Cohen is a culinary school graduate and social media darling – and is embracing his truest, proudest self through his first cookbook, “Jew-ish,” released March 9. “Jew-ish” “offers that representation to create a normalized story of a queer Jewish relationship, and how they explore that through food,” he says. His cookbook is a triumphant, jubilant celebration of a young, modern, metropolitan Jewish gay man who found himself and his connection to his ancestry at the table and with the written word. His reimagined, repurposed recipes bring to life ancient dishes that still speak loudly to us today. The task was not a simple one. Cohen expressed that, as is the case for many young Jews, participation in Jewish traditions only takes place during the holidays. This was not sufficient for Cohen and his husband, whom he met on Hinge in 2015 and whom he married in 2018. As they created their relationship, they wanted to ensure that being Jewish was as far out of the closet as being gay. “We don’t need to set aside Jewish ritual just because we may not fit a certain mold. We don’t have to give up one to be the other.” “Jew-ish,” then, is firmly grounded in Cohen’s experience exploring his husband’s Sephardic (Spanish and Middle Eastern Jewish) identity while better understanding his own Ashkenazi (Eastern European Jewish) ancestry. Dishes from the Sephardic tradition meld easily alongside Ashkenazi classics that American readers are more used to. The book is suffused with stunning, color-blasted images and a colloquial and familiar writing style so that his peers – those possibly disaffected millennials — can connect to their heritage in a way that works for them. Before writing the cookbook, Cohen explains that he sought a gay circle outside of the bar and club scene. He happened upon OneTable, an organization that supports young Jews in creating Friday night Shabbat dinners in a personal and meaningful way.
OneTable allowed him to be part of ritual throughout the year. “Jew-ish” means that his readers can do this on the daily. But “Jew-ish” wouldn’t be whole without Cohen repeatedly discussing his family. Jews in popular media are increasingly represented by shows like “Seinfeld” or “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,” that hardly recognize the Jewishness of their characters. Meanwhile, he notes that media focuses on queer trauma and the queer struggle. Cohen writes a celebratory story of a gay couple that is also unabashedly Jewish. It was seeking that community and criticality of representation that Cohen turned to social media. He says that he encountered ‘gatekeepers’ in institutional media on the
recipes he could publish or discuss, and in what way. Social media has democratized the content process, and he can push out to his hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram and TikTok recipe videos for everything from the trendy and mundane (creamy one-pot pasta) to the intricate (babka). Social media, he notes, also democratizes voices, something he also embraces by partnering with queer voices like Adam Eli and Evan Ross Katz. Cohen draws his inspiration, then, as much from Ina Garten as from TikTok. He will craft several kinds of brisket, but also explain in the headnotes for the Za’atar Pesto Risotto that his “love language is carbs. And luckily, it’s my husband’s, too.” Cohen notes that depending on circumstance, people still sometimes need to put away pieces of themselves, like their Jewish identities or gay identities. But through the lens of “Jew-ish”, he – and the reader – is able to bring the whole self to dinner.
329 Rhode Island Ave NE Suite #A + , ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!2$3!456!4745
And as this writer can attest, the struggle – the balance – in bringing our whole selves to all spaces is an unending challenge. Creating my own authentic gay and Jewish experience is a journey every day. This cookbook is one way to facilitate that journey.
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A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates,
A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC.
! "#$ % & '$ % ( % & $ ) $*" + , - . /01 . 2 3 " 4 5671 !$ ) $ ! "
Smart rides for trying times
Two affordable options as supply dwindles and demand soars !"#$%&#'()**)'+
As if the pandemic, political discord and even cicadas weren’t enough, now there’s trouble brewing when trying to buy a new car. Parts shortages of computer chips, rubber, and other supplies mean new-vehicle inventory is down a whopping 40 percent. And with supply so low, demand is ratcheting up. So expect higher prices, along with fewer dealer and automaker incentives. But there are still opportunities out there. This includes opting for less popular models, such as coupes or sedans instead of hot-ticket SUVs and trucks. Or choosing niche models like the Fiat 500X or Mini Cooper Countryman. These two rather off-beat rides may lack the overall room and practicality of larger crossovers, but they perform nicely and are relatively affordable—at least for now.
!"#$%&& '()*+",+-./012&+3.)3450 &+/6+7&+8(3*+9:;+<=-6>?< Buying a Fiat is all about making a fashion statement, combining Italian flair with frugal pricing. The automaker’s decision to reduce its lineup and focus on just one vehicle— the 500X subcompact crossover—only adds to the cachet. Everything about the 500X is charming, including the Lilliputian size, retro exterior and dazzling dashboard with interlocking display gauges. And the name of the base-model adds a bit of whimsy: Pop. There are three other trims—Sport, Trekking and Trekking Plus—but none of them is exactly racy or off-road ready. Built on the same platform as the Jeep Renegade, the 500X handles fairly smoothly, at least on the freeway. The short chassis makes it difficult to glide over bigger bumps and potholes, and some body sway is noticeable on tight curves. With just 14 cubic feet of back-end cargo space, there’s room only to haul some groceries and such. Still, the fourcylinder turbo engine is perky enough, and the standard all-wheel drive came in handy during a few unexpected downpours. The well-bolstered seats now have updated upholstery, and those funky circular headrests look like something from a Flash Gordon spaceship. There are a surprising number of safety features, including automated emergency braking, blind-spot monitor with rear cross-traffic alert, and lane-departure warning with lane-keeping assist. And warranty coverage is decent, though there is no complimentary scheduled maintenance. Sure, the 7-inch infotainment touchscreen seems tiny compared with larger displays in other crossovers. But those vehicles cost more, and at least the Fiat comes with smartphone integration and three USB ports. Options include a Beats stereo, heated seats, LED headlamps, front and rear parking sensors, and even a panoramic sunroof. Yes, there’s plenty of personality here and also a decent number of amenities.
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For a bit more room and a lot more vroom, there’s the Mini Cooper Countryman. The base model starts at a very affordable $29,200. But the test vehicle that arrived for me to review was the souped-up JCW edition. While it’s definitely pricey, this pocket rocket costs much less than high-performance crossovers from BWW or Mercedes. Yet it’s just as blisteringly fast. The acceleration literally took my breath away, and the guttural exhaust rumble—which was downright primal—turned more than a few heads. The Countryman is the largest vehicle in the Mini lineup, and for 2021 the exterior gets a tasteful refresh. This includes a flashier grille and bumpers, as well as the clever Union Jack design etched into the taillights. The JCW model boasts larger wheels, more form-fitting seats, rear spoiler and a sport-tuned suspension that helps transform this crossover into a tuner car. Along with keyless entry and power-folding mirrors, there’s also a rear-view camera, ambient lighting and wireless charging. But while Apple CarPlay is available, Android Auto is not. As with the Fiat 500X, the high seating and deft placement of side pillars help with driver visibility. But the Countryman does offer a tad more legroom and rear cargo space. Either vehicle will do, though, if you’re itching to toss in a few overnight bags to simply get away from it all. 4)5)#6%%'&7#6%850794/5
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2 0 2 . 74 4 . 6 4 6 3
202. 263.9200
Notable Listings
1942 Calvert Street NW 3 Units - 6 Bedrooms / 5 Bathrooms
1306 T Street NW 2 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms
1201 Woodlea Mill Court 5 Bedrooms / 6 Bathrooms
1390 Kenyon Street NW Unit #722 2 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms
4612 Sedgwick Street NW 4 Bedrooms / 3.5 Bathrooms
1390 V Street NW Unit #309 1 Bedroom / 1 Bathroom
608 Brookes Ridge Court 4 Bedrooms / 4.5 Bathrooms
1019 3rd Place SE 4 Bedrooms / 4 Bathrooms
2120 Vermont Avenue NW Unit #21 0 Bedroom / 1 Bathroom
! "#$ % & '$ % ( % & $ ) $*" + , - . /01 . 2 3 " 4 5671 !$ ) $ ! "
Boosting your curb appeal for summer selling 2021 The look of your exterior speaks volumes about your interior 8A%BCD5E5%D5FGDH!F/%F5I?CJ&5
A prospective buyer’s first impression of your home speaks volumes about how you take care of your house. If the outside of your home isn’t well-tended, you are eliminating many buyers and can expect your home to sit on the market longer and sell for less. Try some of these tips to give your home great curb appeal.
It’s the first thing guests are in contact with when visiting your home. If your door is peeled, weathered, or the paint has just become dull it can diminish the appeal of your home. Painting your front door is an inexpensive way to add curb appeal to your home. Buying a can of paint for under $30 can easily liven up the look of your home. Pick a shade that compliments the rest of your home, but makes the door stand out. If you have an HOA, be sure the color you choose is authorized by the association. Feeling fancy? Add an address plaque above your door or install a stylish door knocker.
Planting flowers is cheap, easy way to boost your curb appeal.
Khalil Alexander El-Ghoul
Flowering plants are a great way to make your home vivid and inviting. In the D.C. metro area, we have many beautiful flowers that thrive in the summer and can bring fresh curb appeal to your home. Peonies work well in sun-filled areas, although buy an established plant as they can take years to fully blossom. Plant some clematis along the border of your exterior; these colorful beauties do well in shaded areas.
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An old gutter system with peeling paint and rust spots emits a sign of a neglected home. Replacing your gutters may cost you a little more than planting flowers and painting your door, however, it will go a long way in your home’s curb appeal. Vinyl gutter systems are less expensive but are infamous for cracking over time in our cold weather. If your budget allows for it, copper systems express a look of high quality and will go a long way with curb appeal. Curb appeal is a prospective buyer’s first impression of your home. The look of your exterior speaks volumes of your interior and can tell someone what they should expect when they open your front door.
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Mailboxes are one of the first things a prospective buyer notices. Mailboxes are usually neglected by homeowners, but painting them is a quick and easy way to bring curb appeal to your home. If your mailbox is on a wood post, paint the post a neutral color. For mailboxes that are on their last leg, it may be simpler to just replace them. Install a flower box around your mailbox to add a fresh look. Coordinate the color of the mailbox and your front door or your house’s trim color. The state of your mailbox indicates how well you’ve taken care of your home; a neglected mailbox can easily raise a red flag for prospective buyers.
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Since 1987. Gay & Veteran Owner/ Operator. 2016 Luxury BMW 750Li Sedan. Proper DC License & Livery !*><@0;&'???&W,>=0@J9/0@3&-)8&'' X2)*0'CDCE66UECUA5&
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76%1$#+1#)%(13+1#9),(1('(7)031 home in SW DC. Utilities, maid & parking are included. W/D, DW, Filtered Water/ ice machine, cable & WiFi, garden (but no yard work), outdoor galleries for tanning, cocktails, etc. Friendly, but non- intrusive, housemate/landlord. Rent reduced. Bruce (202) 488-4888.
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202-244-0903 socialanxietyhelp.com
See website for NPR story on my work
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Larry Cohen, LICSW
33 years serving the LGBT community
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Results-Oriented • Affordable
COUNSELING FOR LGBTQ People. !*;9/9;<,:$-)<=:0'-)<*>0:9*1'?9+2' a volunteer peer counselor. GMCC, >0@/9-9*1'>9*-0'54AB&'' CDCE6FDEFGG5&'' gaymenscounseling.org. ' No fees, donation requested.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
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10 202.262.7762 michael.moore@compass.com
Michael’s average days on market
103.4% Leveraging repeat business and a steady stream of referrals, Michael’s past performance has paved the way for the success he enjoys today. Adopting a hands-on approach, Michael ensures that each transaction is seamless from start to finish.
Michael’s average list to sale price
Michael loves that in real estate, no one day is the same, and he’s prepared for anything — whether it be an unexpected barrier to tackle or a new chance to go above and beyond for his clients.
Compass is a licensed real estate brokerage that abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Compass is licensed as Compass Real Estate in DC and as Compass in Virginia and Maryland. 1232 31st Street NW, Washington, DC 20007 |202.448.9002
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