Washingtonblade.com, Volume 52, Issue 22, May 28, 2021

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K<8$341)+$1.3(?(+3>$20+()#++:&'1)$U"14&)$D41.I#33$<(#+$13$XY Co-founded Gender Rights Maryland !"#,(-#./+!!0'(#1'2#3#4567889:;<=9>6849?@25;A

U"14&)$D41.I#33>$1$K147/1)<$20+()#++:&'1)$ 1)<$ 341)+*#)<#4$ 4(*"3+$ 1<?&.13#$ :"&$ 5/17#<$ 1$/#1<$4&/#$()$3"#$+0..#++60/$#66&43$3&$5#4+01<#$ 3"#$ K147/1)<$ C#*(+/1304#$ 3&$ 51++$ 341)+*#)<#4$ rights legislation in 2014, died on May 24 at her D1/3('&4#$"&'#8$$U"#$:1+$XY8 P#4$+&)>$U3#?#)$D41.I#33>$3&/<$3"#$D1/3('&4#$ U0)$+"#$"1<$M."4&)(.$(//)#++#+$3"13$'1)(6#+3#<$ 3"#'+#/?#+$()$.14<(1.$144#+38O D41.I#33N+$ C()I#<G)$ 51*#$ +17+$ +"#$ "#/5#<$ to start five companies over the past 20 years 1)<$ :1+$ )1'#<$ 27$ 3"#$ K147/1)<$ J#5143'#)3$ of Commerce in 2016 as one of Maryland’+$!&5$ 9&'#)$()$!#."8 9(3"$ 1$ <#*4##$ ()$ .&'503#4$ #)*()##4()*$ 7F0BGA'IB0;CD??!9:;9!<=:>! from Syracuse University in New York, ?;;@!9A;!<B!CD=EBF:D!:GGF;>>;>!<=H<! IHF:J;><;9!<=;I>;GK;>!:F!DHE9:HD! D41.I#33$ +#4?#<$ 1+$ 54#+(<#)3$ 1)<$ %ZL$ 6&4$ HEE;><0L!!(Blade file photo by Michael Key) 3"#$C104#/>$K<8>$21+#<$3#."$.&'51)7$!(4#+(1+$ Technologies, Inc. from 2011 to 2019. She served from 2019 to 2021 as founder of Baltimore Design Works, Inc., an engineering 1)<$<#+(*)$.&'51)7>$1..&4<()*$3&$"#4$C()I#<G)$51*#8 In a YouTube interview in March of this year conducted by a student intern, Brackett +1(<$3"13$163#4$#).&0)3#4()*$:"13$+"#$.&)+(<#4#<$<(+.4('()13(&)$()$3"#$20+()#++$:&4/<$1+$ a transgender woman she joined other trans activists in 2011 as co-founder of Gender R(*"3+$ K147/1)<>$ 1$ +313#:(<#$ *4&05$ 3"13$ 1<?&.13#+$ 6&4$ 341)+*#)<#4$ 4(*"3+8$ D41.I#3$ served as chair of the group’s board from 2011 to the time of her passing this week. C-D!E$1.3(?(+3+$()$K147/1)<$"1?#$+1(<$D41.I#33$1/+&$2#.1'#$()?&/?#<$()$3"#$24&1<#4$ LGBTQ rights movement. She served as co-chair for the National LGBTQ Task Force’s Creating Change conference in Baltimore in 2012. She also served on the boards of the Point Foundation, a national LGBTQ scholarship organization; and OutServe-SLDN, an 1<?&.1.7$*4&05$6&4$C-D!E$5#&5/#$()$3"#$'(/(31478 < = ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!2$3!456!4748 ! " ! -+ 1$ -! (/ #%

As if that were not enough, Brackett co-founded Trans Parent Day and served as a volunteer co-moderator for a gender identity support group of the Gay and Lesbian %&''0)(37$%#)3#4$&6$D1/3('&4#8$G)$54(&4$7#14+>$+"#$+#4?#<$1+$1$'#)3&4$6&4$"(*"$+."&&/$ students interested in tech-related projects and was a scout master in the Boy Scouts &6$T'#4(.18$ In 2018, Brackett won election to the Baltimore City Democratic State Central Committee, becoming the first transgender person to be elected to any political office ()$K147/1)<8$U"#$:1+$/13#4$)1'#<$1+$."1(4$&6$3"#$C-D!EF$J(?#4+(37$C#1<#4+"(5$%&0).(/$ &6$3"#$K147/1)<$J#'&.413(.$@14378 D41.I#33$ 155#14#<$ 3&$ +0'$ 05$ "#4$ .14##4$ 1+$ 1$ 20+()#++:&'1)$ 1)<$ "#4$ 4&/#$ 1+$ 1)$ 1.3(?(+3$ ()$ 1$ .1'51(*)$ :#2+(3#$ 5&+3$ :"#)$ +"#$ 41)$ 1+$ 1$ .1)<(<13#$ 6&4$ 3"#$ J#'&.413(.$ .&''(33##$5&+(3(&)8 MYes, I am an Engineer, Entrepreneur, Corporate Executive, Roboticist, Rocketeer, Maker, and sometimes Activist,” her campaign write-up says. MG$1/+&$=0+3$"155#)$3&$2#$ 341)+8$G6$3"13N+$1$+"&:+3&55#4$6&4$7&0$3"#)$GN'$54&212/7$)&3$7&04$.1)<(<13#>O$+"#$+313#<8 MD03$ (6$ 7&0$ .&)+(<#4$ '7$ ."1//#)*#+$ 1)<$ #H5#4(#).#8$ K7$ +055&43$ &6$ <(?#4+(37$ 1)<$ inclusion. My on the ground experience in Annapolis. I think you will find I’ve honed all 3"#$3&&/+$6&4$3"(+$=&2$1)<$3"#)$+&'#>O$+"#$+313#<8 MU"14&)$ :1+$ 1$ <#<(.13#<$ ."1'5(&)$ &6$ #[01/(37$ 6&4$ 1//$ 1)<$ *1?#$ '0."$ &6$ "#4$ 3('#>$ heart and soul to the fight for equality for all Marylanders,” said College Park Mayor @134(.I$9&=1")>$:"&N+$*178$MP#4$51++()*$(+$1$340#$/&++$6&4$3"#$:"&/#$C-D!EF$.&''0)(37>O$ 9&=1")$+1(<8 Sara Law, Brackett’s partner for the past seven years, was the first to announce Brackett "1<$51++#<$1:17$()$1$Q1.#2&&I$5&+3()*8 MU"#$/#63$3"(+$:&4/<$+&$'0."$2#33#4$3"1)$+"#$6&0)<$(3>O$C1:$:4&3#8$M!"13$:1+$&)#$&6$"#4$ *&1/+>$1)<$+"#$'#3$(3$'1)7$3('#+$&?#4$\$2#$(3$D&7$U.&03+>$&4$*#)<#4$4(*"3+>$&4$4&2&3(.+>$ &4$/&.1/$5&/(3(.+8O The Baltimore Sun reported Brackett was born in Batavia, N.Y., and lived in Laurel, K<8>$2#6&4#$+#33/()*$()$D1/3('&4#8 Survivors include her partner, Sara Law; her son, Steven Brackett; and daughter, Jess D41.I#338$W&$(''#<(13#$5/1)+$:#4#$1))&0).#<$6&4$60)#41/$&4$'#'&4(1/$+#4?(.#+8

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<4)$ 3)"#,$ &0)(>(6)61$ (/0*4-(/2$ F#FD#,6$ 3E$ !"#$ %&'()&*$ +,(-#$ .**(&/0#1$ )"#$ 2,34'$ )"&)$ )"#$ *30&*$ ),&/62#/-#,$ 03FF4/()?1$ "&>#$ 6&(-$ 3,2&/(5#6$78%896$&//4&*$:;<!=$+,(-#$#>#/)61$6&?6$ '3*(0#$ 0,&0I-3L/6$ 3/$ 6#M$ L3,I#,61$ (/0*4-(/2$ ()$&-3')#-$&$'3*(0?$(/$@ABC$)3$D&/$4/(E3,F#-$78%8$ ),&/62#/-#,$ E#F&*#$ 6#M$ L3,I#,6$ 3E$ 03*3,1$ "&>#$ police officers from marching in the Capital Pride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`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officers have been banned entirely from participating. (Blade photo by Michael Key) R4/#$BB1$<36$6&(-$%&'()&*$+,(-#$-(-$/3)$"&>#$)(F#$ @A@A$ E3,F&**?$ &//34/0(/2$ )"#$ '3*(0#$ '3*(0?8$ )3$3,2&/(5#$&$'&,&-#$&/-$E#6)(>&*$E3,$R4/#8$a#$6&(-$ The statement came five days after an earlier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certified, with the exception of last year when the event was nixed at the height /#&*5"&(/)/$+43)2%&7+$0"83(@ 12%*3$G%& +77"+)+$("& +*& *5"& "4"$*& )"%28"%& *5"& 7)+(*3("& /#& *5"& 0"#"$%"& %"()"*+),& *+63$9& 7+)*& 3$& *5"& "4"$*& */& )"(/9$3;"& :)30"& </$*5& +#*")& *5"& officials in that role during the Trump +083$3%*)+*3/$& 5+0& 39$/)"0& 3*@&1.*5/295& the event continued during the first *5)""&,"+)%&/#&*5"&A)287&+083$3%*)+*3/$=& other senior officials attended other than *5"&0"#"$%"&%"()"*+),@ Q$& *5"& FE+8+& ,"+)%=& #/)8")& !"#"$%"& '"()"*+),&-"/$&:+$"**+&8+0"&+&430"/&#/)& *5"&"4"$*&+$0&#/)8")&0"#"$%"&%"()"*+)3"%& R52(6& S+9".& +$0& 1%5*/$& R+)*")& 8+0"& .34"&+77"+)+$("%@ 12%*3$G%& +77"+)+$("& +*& *5"& "4"$*& .9:9;<9!%9=>9?@>A!##$%&'()*+,-!B<!<9?!?C!D9EBF9>!?G9!H9A;C?9!@DD>9<<!:C>! is also significant because it comes I>BD9!9F9;?!@?!?G9!I9;?@JC;0!!(Blade file photo) +#*")& *5"& :"$*+9/$& 5+%& #2..,& )"4")%"0& :)"%30"$*& A)287G%& *)+$%9"$0")& 83.3*+),& F*5")& +**"$0""%& .3%*"0& /$& *5"& +04+$("& (/7,& /#& *5"& E+$=& B53(5& 5+0& 52$9& /4")& *5"& :)30"& "4"$*%& +%& +& (./20& announcement for the event are Major Gen. Leah 02)3$9&*5"&7)"43/2%&+083$3%*)+*3/$@&A5"&"4"$*&+.%/&*+6"%& -+20")E+(6=& 03)"(*/)& /#& 3$*"..39"$("=& %2)4"3..+$("& +$0& place after the Pentagon for the first time enacted a )"(/$$+3%%+$("& #/)& *5"& 5"+0M2+)*")%& /#& *5"& T@'@& '7+("& 7/.3(,&+../B3$9&*)+$%9"$0")&7"/7."&*/&"$.3%*&3$&*5"&+)8"0& Force; and Lt. Kris Moore of the Surface Warfare Office at #/)("%=&B53(5&B+%&7.+$$"0&E2*&$"4")&387."8"$*"0&02)3$9& *5"&T@'@&K+4+.&1(+0"8,&3$&1$$+7/.3%@ *5"&FE+8+&+083$3%*)+*3/$@ !"#$%&'(")%()

WeHo kicks off Pride with Lady Gaga tribute

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>L'A&SF--U>FF!&V&L+(5&,"+)&*5"&R3*,&/#&>"%*&S/..,B//0&("."E)+*"%&:)30"&B3*5& its One City One Pride LGBTQ Arts Festival, which runs from Harvey Milk Day (May 22) *5)/295&*5"&"$0&/#&C2$"&:)30"&8/$*5@ Additionally this year, West Hollywood Mayor Lindsey P. Horvath on Sunday officially 0"(.+)"0&<+,&NW&+%&H?/)$&A53%&>+,&!+,=J&8+)63$9&*5"&*"$*5&,"+)&/#&*5"&)"."+%"&/#&-+0,& Gaga’s hit album. A/& (/88"8/)+*"& +$0& )"(/9$3;"& 3*%& (2.*2)+.& 387+(*=& *5"& R3*,& /#& >"%*& S/..,B//0& is celebrating with a street painting on Robertson Blvd in tribute to the LGBTQ+ (/882$3*,&+$0&+%&B"..&+%&*5"&+.E28@&<+,/)&S/)4+*5&+.%/&7)"%"$*"0&+&X",&*/&*5"&R3*,& to Lady Gaga Sunday with a note of thanks: “Thank you for encouraging us to love /2)%".4"%&+$0&E"&7)/20YJ >5"$&3*&B+%&/)393$+..,&)"."+%"0&3$&NOPP=&?/)$&A53%&>+,&%5+**")"0&)"(/)0%&+)/2$0&*5"& B/).0@&A/&0+*"=&*5"&+.E28&5+%&8/)"&*5+$&Z@[&E3..3/$&9./E+.&%*)"+8%=&Z@N&83..3/$&75,%3(+.& ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!2$3!456!4748 ! " ! ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%

albums sold, and 31 million digital tracks sold. Born This Way was Lady Gaga’s first #1 album and it debuted at #1 in 25 countries. It was named one of Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Albums of All Time and is Certified 4X Platinum in the U.S. R/$(2))"$*&B3*5&*5"&2$4"3.3$9&/#&*5"&(/./)#2.&%*)""*&7+3$*3$9&3%&*5"&63(6/##&/#&:)30"& season in West Hollywood with the annual One City One Pride LGBTQ Arts Festival. The 2021 theme for One City One Pride is For the Record – LGBTQ stories of the 7+%*& *5+*& 5+4"& /#*"$& E""$& 5300"$& /)& 2$0/(28"$*"0@& F$"& 82%*& )"+0& E"*B""$& *5"& lines to find stories hidden behind “beard” marriages, coded language, and erased or 0"%*)/,"0&"430"$("@&A53%&,"+)=&F$"&R3*,&F$"&:)30"&.//6%&+*&%/8"&/#&*5"%"&7)"43/2%.,& 5300"$&%*/)3"%@ Q$&/)0")&*/&7)3/)3*3;"&5"+.*5&+$0&B"..\E"3$9=&F$"&R3*,&F$"&:)30"&NONP&3%&*+63$9&7.+("& 43)*2+..,]3$&+&%/(3+..,&03%*+$*&8+$$")&#/)&NONP@ *#(+,&-./.%01.

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HIJK7 C 2637 9"&7 9%#$7 L*"H3;2 ... an electric, boy

#%237 9(;;+3*+

FEG-./017The incredibly talented Nate Buccieri on the keys with specials guests.

'(#$%&' ;8+!%<: 5+267

!%4#"8+% ,-./01

Join Magnolia Applebottom in her award-winning cabaret talk show.*


band cover group that re-imagines the sound, movement, and energy of NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Hanson, One Direction, 98 Degrees, O-town, BoyzIIMen, Jonas Brothers and more. $40 per person 9:30pm

HIJK7 MN7 2388&7 83(#4

Since leaving his successful two-year run in Disney’s Aladdin on Broadway, Telly has been on a “magic carpet ride,” traveling the world for concerts returning to Rehoboth Beach to share stories (and songs!) from his international adventures. Broadway tunes, Disney favorites, and songs from the world of pop, rock& jazz. $30 per person 9:30pm

HIJK7OM7!+''7*+;6)+38$7M,GM Celebrate four decades of professional

beauty with Miss Richfield 1981 in her all-new show, “40 Years on the Throne.” Hear the true-life story of how Miss R won her beauty title and clawed her way to the middle to become a suburban ambassadoress of Richfield, Minnesota. $40 per person 9:30pm

HIJK7OG7%##37'23383 is thrilled to be back with her brand new tour, “Made Out Of Stars!” New original songs plus lots of fun covers by artists like Pink, Alanis Morisette and Demi Lovato. $30 per person 9:30 pm HIPQ7 R7 8%$&7 9(##&

The Wigstock founder and Dean of Drag brings her blend of raucous, irreverent comedy back for her 9th year. Dusty Springfield-meets-DonRickles potty-mouthed humor brings southern charm, zany “Laugh-In” skits, X-rated parodies. $30 per person 9:30pm


,-./017The ladies of the

Moon show you their balls with old fashion bingo.


HIPQ7MO 9*%#$3#7D7H%!3' The cello and vocal duo reinvent hits from The Lady Gaga Songbook. They explore Gaga’s career to date, celebrating her most cherished hit songs, with their unique charm and classical spin. $30 per person 9:30pm

HIPQ7M, 26379"&79%#$7L*"H3;2... an electric, boy band cover group that re-imagines the sound, movement, and energy of NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Hanson, One Direction, 98 Degrees, Otown, BoyzIIMen, Jonas Brothers and more. $40 per person 9:30pm

4%!3' 5+267!%4#"8+%

,-./017A weekly game show hosted

by the always unpredictable Magnolia Applebottom.

26(*'$%&' ,-./01

A musical journey with the amazing Roxy Overbrooke.

)*+$%&' '=>?@7AB7C7D7,01 This is the best female illusion show!*

'%2(*$%&' '=>?@7AB7C7D7,01 This is the best An all-live singing show by the Blue Moon cast of celebrity impersonators.*

*Reservations and minimum $25 per person food purchase required.

! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!2$3!456!4748

HIPQ7OF 2"*+7';"22 returns with her show “Tori Scott is Overserved.” This past year she embraced meditation while perfecting her own recipe for the perfect vodka martini (drink it straight from the bottle and eat an olive after). %ISI@B7O 3$+37(#83%'63$ Celebrating a career from young dancer

to professional ballet career to a tap company in NYC to her Broadway debut in the Three Penny Opera at Studio 54 to host Cirque du Soleil’s Zumanity in Las Vegas for 13 years and all the gigs along the way. $30 per person 9:30pm


preforming “The Things I Love - A Collection of Songs I’ve Loved and Have Special Meaning.” Linda ranks among the best classic soul singers as well as a legendary Disco Diva, songwriter and actress, electrifying audiences with her music and amazing sold-out live performances around the world on TV and film. $30 per person 9:30pm

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Clarke confirmed as ass’t attorney general for civil rights

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a writer and a poet, is a regular contributor to the Blade.

!"#$%&'()*+%,#'-%."/$'(0&%1"+$% 12&%#'3*4562()'() Believed to have recorded first album /7%2(8%3"+%#*&/'2(&

329 Rhode Island Ave NE Suite #A



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Alix Dobkin, the openly lesbian folk singer and queer activist, died at age 80 on May 19 from a brain aneurysm and stroke at her home in Woodstock, N.Y. Her music and activism were life-changing for lesbians. I thought of Dobkin recently. One Sunday morning, I heard NPR’s Lulu Garcia-Navarro interview 22-year-old queer musician Marie Ulven, known as the girl in red. Her debut album “If I Could Make It Go Quiet” is just out. Ulven was open with Garcia-Navarro (and NPR’s millions of listeners) about her sexuality and mental health. In “Period,” “Serotonin” and other songs, she sings honestly about her romantic break-ups and mental health struggles. Awesome, I thought, women ask each other “do you listen to the girl in red?” to find out if they’re queer! Sexism, homophobia and transphobia still exist in music. Some musicians are closeted because they resist labels or don’t feel it’s safe to come out. Yet, Ulven is one of a number of out queer woman musicians from Hayley Kiyoko to Kehlani to Melissa Etheridge to Brandy Clark to Tegan and Sara. I marveled as I listened to Ulven. When I was beginning to come out in the 1970s, you’d as likely have heard an openly queer musician on a radio show with a big audience as you’d have seen Richard Nixon smoking weed at Woodstock. Back then, if you were a lesbian you didn’t feel heard or seen in songs. Not even in the fabulous, but hetero, music of the era from the Beatles to Smokey Robinson to Joni Mitchell. You had to create the soundtrack-of-your-life by queering up, as best you could, the lyrics of songs you loved to include the women you loved. Dobkin, known as the “Head lesbian” by her aficionados, was born in New York City. As she recalled in “My Red Blood,” her 2009 memoir, she grew up in a left wing and Jewish family. Her parents were communists and took Dobkin with them as they organized on behalf of unions. As the Washington Post reported, Dobkin was named after an uncle who was killed by a right-wing firing squad in the Spanish Civil War. She was proud of her parents, but “my wish was to be like everyone else in a Dick and Jane sort of way,” Dobkin wrote in “My Red Blood.” Dobkin received a bachelor’s degree from Temple University in 1962. There, she studied painting. At college she began performing folk songs. Soon she was performing in clubs in Greenwich Village. Dobkin married Sam Hood, a co-owner of the Gaslight, a club in the Village. The couple had a daughter, Adrian. The marriage ended in divorce. Dobkin is survived by her former partner and friend Liza Cowan, Adrian Hood, a brother, a sister and three grandchildren. It’s hard to overstate how historic Dobkin’s work was. In 1973, with Kay Gardner, and other women musicians, Dobkin recorded the album “Lavender Jane Loves Women.” This is believed to be the first album recorded by and A D V Eproduced R T I S I by N G R lesbians. O O F Its songs were about lesbians. andPfor Back in the day, it was wonderful to hear Dobkin, an out lesbian, cover “I Only Want to Be with You” on Lavender Jane. “Alix was one of the first to celebrate us in music,” lesbian historian Lilian Faderman told the Washington Post. Even now, when corporations sponsor Pride parades, it can be hard to say the word lesbian. Like when your family on Christmas Eve doesn’t want you to say the L-word. ADVERTISER SIGNATURE By signing this proof you are agreeing to your contract obligations with the washington decades ago, Dobkin blade newspaper. This includes butYet, is not limited to placement, payment and insertiontold interviewers her job was “to say ‘lesbian’ as often as possible.” schedule. “Living with Lesbians” was among the albums that Dobkin recorded. Dobkin’s views on transgender people were controversial. She didn’t want transgender people to be in women-only spaces. Dobkin was a co-director of the group Old Lesbians Organizing for Change. Though recorded decades ago, many of Dobkin’s songs still ring true now. In the pandemic, the lyrics “The woman in your life/Will do what she must do/...The woman in your life/...is you,” resonate with queer and hetero women. Thank you for your music and your life, Alix, R.I.P.

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N'(% DC Center% 6(23"F(0% )22% U0#)$% )$*% Pacific Islander queer-identifying individuals +",% )% >#,&;)2% 0;DD",&% ?,";D% >#)% Q""F% )&% C% DEFE%N'(%0;DD",&%?,";D%#0%3"Y0D"$0",(*%H.% APIQS (Asian Pacific Islander Queer Society 89]% )$*% U:IU% \U0#)$% :;((,0% I$#&(*% +",% U3&#"$]E% N'(% 2#$4% &"% &'(% (>($&% #0W% '&&D0WZZ us02web.zoom.us/j/81413712470.

N'(%DC Anti-Violence Project%6#22%'"0&%)% AS-3M6"F(((Blade file photo by Steve Charing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enter%+",%&'(%>#,&;)2%R"H%32;HJ%)%6((42.%R"H%0;DD",&%D,"?,)F%&"%'(2D%R"H% N'(%AF#&'0"$#)$%UF(,#3)$%U,&%-;0(;F%6#22%'"0&%)%>#,&;)2%8,)?%:;(($%A&",.&#F(%6#&'% entrants and seekers, including the long-term unemployed, improve self-confidence, beloved DC drag queen, Ruth Allen Ginsburg on June 5 at 10 a.m. The event, geared F"&#>)&#"$J%,(0#2#($3(%)$*%D,"*;3&#>#&.%+",%(++(3&#>(%R"H%0(),3'(0%)$*%$(&6",4#$?E%N'(% &"6),*%?#>#$?%+)F#2#(0%)$%($R".)H2(%&#F(J%6#22%#$>"2>(%M#$0H;,?%,()*#$?%32)00#3%$;,0(,.% (>($&%H(?#$0%"$%Q""F%)&%[%DEFE%<",%F",(%#$+",F)&#"$J%(F)#2%3),((,3($&(,0S&'(*33($&(,E ,'.F(0%)$*%&)2(0%+",%3'#2*,($E%U+&(,%&'(%(>($&J%&'(,(%6#22%H(%"&'(,%+;$%)3&#>#&#(0%0;3'%)0% ",?E 3,)+&0J%3"2",#$?%D)?(0J%)$*%>#*("%D(,+",F)$3(0%"$%5,#*(%<)F#2.%Q"$(E%N'(%(>($&%#0%+,((% )$*%,(?#0&,)&#"$%#0%)>)#2)H2(%"$%(>($&H,#&(E



N'(%JxJ film festival will host an outdoor screening of “Kiss me Kosher,” a romantic 3"F(*.%)H";&%&6"%+)F#2#(0%\"$(%!(6#0'J%&'(%"&'(,%M(,F)$]%&')&%3"F(%&"?(&'(,%&"%D2)$% )%0)F(Y0(=%F),,#)?(E%N'(%03,(($#$?%H(?#$0%)&%^%DEFE%)$*%6#22%&)4(%D2)3(%)&%1($*(,%!99% _;&*"",%<#(2*E%N#34(&0%),(%`aP%)$*%),(%)>)#2)H2(%"$%b>($&#>(E


U2&'";?'%&'(%89%9($&(,%6#22%H(%32"0(*%#$%"H0(,>)$3(%"+%-(F",#)2%8).J%&'(%Center Aging Coffee Drop-In% 6#22% 0&#22% &)4(% D2)3(% >#,&;)22.% )&% aX% )EFE% >#)% Q""FE% KM1N% _2*(,% U*;2&0% \)$*% +,#($*0]% ),(% #$>#&(*% &"% ')>(% +,#($*2.% 3"$>(,0)&#"$0% )H";&% 3;,,($&% #00;(0% &'(.%F#?'&%H(%*()2#$?%6#&'E%<",%F",(%#$+",F)&#"$J%>#0#&%9($&(,%U?#$?/0%<)3(H""4%D)?(J% +)3(H""4E3"FZ3($&(,)?#$?E%


Capital Pride Alliance% 6#22% 4#34% "++% )% F"$&'Y2"$?% 3(2(H,)&#"$% "+% KM1N:% D,#*(% 6#&'% @5)#$&%&'(%N"6$%9"2",+;2EG%N'(%(>($&/0%?")2%#0%&"%,)#0(%)6),($(00%)$*%,(0";,3(0%+",%&'(% 3"$&#$;)&#"$%"+%9)D#&)2%5,#*(%(>($&0%)$*%D,"?,)F0J%)$*%&'(%M#>(5,#*(V[c%<;$*%6'#3'% benefits local LGBTQ+ charities. Residents, businesses, and organizations, are invited to *(3",)&(%&'(#,%F"0&%D;H2#3Y+)3#$?%0D)3(0J%0;3'%)0%H;#2*#$?%+,"$&0J%D)&#"0J%H)23"$#(0J%)$*% .),*0E%-",(%#$+",F)&#"$%#0%)>)#2)H2(%)&%3)D#&)2D,#*(E",?ZD)#$&Y&'(Y&"6$ZE% !"#$% Capital Pride Alliance% +",% @5,#*(%N)240% d(%U,(% 9"2",+;2G% 6'#3'% 6#22% H(% '"0&(*% >#,&;)22.%H(?#$$#$?%)&%C%DEFE%-(FH(,0%)$*%)22#(0%"+%&'(%KM1N:O%3"FF;$#&.%),(%#$>#&(*% to share their own “Colorful Pride Stories” to reflect on their personal LGBTQ+ journey. A&).%&;$(*%+",%)$$";$3(F($&%"+%0D(3#)2%?;(0&\0]%)&%3)D#&)2D,#*(E",?Z3"2",+;2Y&)240ZE


N'(% Friendship Place LGBTQ+ Workgroup will kickstart a five-part series on KM1N:O% '#0&",.J% 3;2&;,(J% (=D(,#($3(0J% #00;(0J% )$*% )*>"3)3.% &"*).% )&% aP% DEFE% N"*)./0% ! " ( ; (9< ,=>? @5A ? BC<DEFGA)(;()<H(*+'(*2*4

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! "#$ % & $ % ' % ( $ ) $*" + , - . /01 . 2 3 " 4 5671 !$ ) $ ! "


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provides a layered, up-close profile of a trans A)'*%%&#3'&=)*=#*%$#A2+/$2;"#+'#244%A+2*4%# within the rarified environment of an insular A&'3%"")'*2(#4'..5*)+;#$/%&%#+&2*"#)*4(5")'*# /2"#>%%*#32&#3&'.#+/%#*'&.< G*# P9/%# F'5*-# '3# G-%*+)+;0Q# +/%# A&'3%"")'*# )*# B5%"+)'*# )"# '*%# +/2+# )"# 5"52((;# '5+# '3# +/%# B5%"+)'*#3'&#2((#>5+#2#A&)I)(%=%-#3%$#@#>5+#+/2+# &-12'%3-#-'%*2 9:; +*4-)#+*4)5!<:! A&)I)(%=%#/2"#()++(%#+'#-'#$)+/#%)+/%&#=%*-%&#'&# =*>?!%@A:;!@B!';?:C<CD0E FG>@C@!H@AIC?JD!@B!%>@ACK!%CA;<@JL "%C52()+;0# 2*-# %I%&;+/)*=# +'# -'# $)+/# *2+5&2(# +2(%*+# 2*-# 2>)()+;<# G+# 3'45"%"# )+"# (%*"# '*# 654)2# Lucas, an opera singer about to step into her first leading role after a decade of building a career and reputation for excellence. She’s confident, gifted, driven, and more than up to the challenge. She also happens to be the first known transgender woman to take on a principal &'(%#)*#+/%#/)"+'&;#'3#A&'3%"")'*2(#'A%&20#2*-#+/%#&'(%#/2AA%*"#+'#>%#'*%#'3#+/%#.'"+#)4'*)4# '3#2((#+).%#@#+/2+#'3#+/%#"4/%.)*=0#$'.2*)R)*=#+)+(%#4/2&24+%&#)*#S'R2&+1"#PH'*#7)'I2**)0Q#)*#2# A&'-54+)'*#>;#+/%#95("2#KA%&2#)*#TUMV< Directed by James Kicklighter, the film follows Lucas as she prepares for the historic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the best in her field. 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Time to dust off your pre-pandemic budget


!"#$%#&$'()*+,-.$/#01#2$34&$5#067$ People Who Were Laid Off A B/C5D/E5.%+5F$'5($%&'(5*+GEH%+.$5I/H5%G5&*''&$5 %G5J7;0/+'(5%+K5+/5K$KE.'*L&$G-5 !"#$%&'()*(+#,-./+0(1(2345'#64)&7(%'6+).(89)( %#-7(:;23<$).=9>(.)8(%#5+(:;?3@<$).=9(*)6( =9'(+#$'(A),'6#/'(8-=9(.)(7'7BA=-C&'+? A If you received unemployment benefits any time *+57M7@N5D/E5.%+5OE%&*ID5I/H5&/C$H5PH$0*E0G-5 DB#&-*5(','.(-*(5)B(.)(&)./'6(/'=( unemployment benefits. A Q/H5!"5#$%&'(5)*+,5.EG'/0$HGN5&/C$H5PH$0*E0G5 %H$5+/C5%R%*&%L&$-

To find out if you qualify for lower PH$0*E0GN5F/5'/5!"#$%&'()*+,-./0 %+K5.&*.,5/+5S1)234526"#T

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We can no longer rely on closures to restrict us from spending money #$%&'()%*+&,&-

D.C.’s first ‘mostly open’ weekend shows there is a year’s worth of socializing built up. It was amazing to feel the energy of the District roar back to life. From long lines outside bars to literal dancing in the streets - this is the city we all came to love. Now that the physical hangover may have subsided, you should prepare for the financial hangover. If you were lucky to keep your full pay and position through the pandemic, data tells us most of you were paying down debt. The first thing everyone needs to do is dust off that old pre-pandemic budget. Sadly (or really luckily), we can no longer rely on health restrictions to naturally restrict us from spending. If you need a refresher, start with your post-tax income. From there, subtract ‘fixed’ or required expenses, like rent, and the balance is what you get to play with. Some may ask why I don’t use gross income (aka the before tax income) like many financial institutions do for credit applications. Frankly, it’s because net income (aka the money you actually receive) is the most practical number to budget daily life with. It’s what you can tangibly use to live. Now as you develop your budget, return to using an app like Mint to take some of the work out of it. If you prefer to retain some level of privacy, many banks offer their own version of ‘spending trends’ that you can use to put together a more simple budget. This time the challenge is a bit different - we are all ‘restarting’ our social lives. So instead of having to ‘cut’ things, we can better prioritize what we actually want to do. Still - it is not easy or fun to have to choose, but every dollar you don’t spend today, will be there for the next rainy day. Finally, so many of our friends and family lost their jobs or had their wages cut during the pandemic. Expanded unemployment benefits helped, but anyone trying to budget for life in D.C. knows that choices had to be made and often rent/utilities took a back seat to eating. Luckily, a state-run, but federal program will help people pay back rent and utilities, so they can focus on getting back to work. In D.C., this is called StayDC, but each jurisdiction offers a similar program. Be prepared to do a little homework, you will need proof of income (or lack thereof) and documentation of the late payments. Finally, your landlord will need to complete separate forms, but it is in their best interest to receive those funds, so don’t let them drag their feet. The program will cover back rent to April 2021, three months of future rent, and past utilities. Do not delay, nor feel any shame by participating - this is the key to your long term success and, frankly, is a drop in the bucket compared to other spending priorities. I hope this helps and I wish everyone a much more fun and prosperous 2021. !"#$%&'()*%#+ ,%#)(*#-.+ /-&-*#+ *0+ $%&+ *#$%&'()*%#(1+ 23&2%0-0+ %#14+ (#.+ 0/%31.+ #%)+ 5-+,%#0*.-&-.+*#6-0)'-#)+(.6*,-+%&+&-,%''-#.()*%#07+8.6*,-+'(4+%#14+5-+2&%6*.-.+ ($)-&+-#)-&*#9+*#)%+(#+(.6*0%&4+(9&--'-#)+:*)/+(#+(.6*0%&7;

Alex Graham

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4+20#('$05 COUNSELING FOR LGBTQ People. !"#$%$#&'()*+&,(-.*+&"/-($"0.1$23. a volunteer peer counselor. GMCC, /-4%$*$"0./$"*-.56789.. :;:<=>;<>??59.. gaymenscounseling.org. . No fees, donation requested.

(%&'+6%(03 37(1-204)01$#1)10(81-+517+3('1 (++@$"0.A+4.0++#.,-4/+"'($2$-/.'"#.'. (+%-.+A.'"$B'(/.2+.*'4-.A+4.0&-/2/9. 322,/C))#&"*'"#+03+2-(9*+B)*'4--4/) -(&(0-).'(17$578)61(9&,(##1 DEF.$/.(++@$"0.A+4.*'"#$#'2-/.13+.3'%-. '.,'//$+".A+4.,4+%$#$"0.,4+A-//$+"'(. 24'"/,+42'2$+"./-4%$*-/9.G-1.H+&4(I. Pay Increase , $28/HR( NIGHT $30/HR). 401k, Paid Holidays & Vacation Time, No-Touch Freight , Newer Truck, Work J((.K-'4.L$0"<M".N+"&/.J%'$('O(-.13-". I+&.*($*@.2+.',,(I9..J2.(-'/2.?.B+"23/. commercial driving is required. No DUI or major driving violation. Click here 2+.J,,(I.M"($"-.322,/C))A+4B9P+2A+4B9 *+B):55;?Q>;>:>6;=?.




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FranT@TolerFG.com. $/.(++@$"0.A+4.#-#$*'2-#.$"#$%$#&'(/. 2+.1+4@.'/.. -;<=>?1#@AAB<?1&<BC=DD;BEFGD1 '//$/2$"0.$"2-((-*2&'((I.#$/'O(-#. adults with behavioral & health *+B,(-R$2$-/.$".+&4.4-/$#-"2$'(. location in the District of Columbia & Maryland.. HBI1,=J@;<=K=E?D. JO$($2I.2+.($A2.&,.2+.7=.(O/9. Completion of required trainings prior to hire, Completion of Trained Medication Certifications (TME) and/or CMT (Certified Medication Technician) within 6 months of hire, Cleared DOH background Check prior to hire, Valid Driver’s License, Valid CPR & FIrst Aid, Negative COVID-19 test results prior to start of work (taken within 3 days prior to date of hire). COVID-19 vaccination 1$23$".Q=.#'I/.+A.3$4-9. 4BE?F>?1?L=17@KFE1,=DB@<>=D1 -=AF<?K=E?1M1NONPQRNPQSQS1CB<1 C@<?L=<1;ECB<KF?;BE:


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+**$4(1%)0)5(,1*$0)04$)'1. Advisory firm leading the support team for a boutique LGBTQ-owned financial advisory firm in Silver Spring MD - focus +"./&/2'$"'O(-.$"%-/2$"09.. Lnkd.in/gNAVTKt . 2+.',,(I.+4.4-/&B-.2+..


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%+/$05 &,+*(##$+0)'1%+/$051Z1 #3+,)5(:11 Let Our Movers Do The Heavy Lifting. Mention the Blade for 5% off of our regular rates. Call today :;:978Q98;>;9. 1119'4+&"#2+1"B+%-4/9*+B

7+2#$051#7),([1-4 58%1$#+1#)%(13+1#7),(1('(5)031 home in SW DC. Utilities, maid & parking are included. W/D, DW, Filtered Water/ ice machine, cable & WiFi, garden (but no yard work), outdoor galleries for tanning, cocktails, etc. Friendly, but non- intrusive, housemate/landlord. Rent reduced. Bruce (202) 488-4888.

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