Washingtonblade.com, Volume 52, Issue 25, June 18, 2021

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!"#$%&'()*+, -./#0&1%23$&4.%$& 245.%#67#&#067&$8$% A look at how queer teens benefit !"#$%&#$$'()*+, PAGES 28-37

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!"#$%&'$(")$*+%0-''"(%>2"*(%;EFE% &'")$%H-/I8%.-I$(%4"(+2'J First post-COVID Pride events include rally, &'")$.27"/$%&-'-)$ !"#$%&#'()!!*+%#,+-#.#/01233456784913/4:;-06<

!"#$%&'$(")$*+%,-.-/-%0-''"(%)'$1%/23)%#4$$'(%-*)%5'2/2*6$)%-55/-3($% 14$*% (4$% -*)% 4$'% 43(7-*)8% 9$#2*)% :$*+/$.-*% ;236/-(% <.42==8% >2"*$)% .2'$%+4-*%?8@@@%A:BCD%5-'+"#"5-*+(%"*%;EFEG(%F-5"+-/%&'")$%H-/I%2*%9-+3')-J8% June 12, becoming the first U.S. vice president to participate in an LGBTQ Pride event. 0-''"(G%-55$-'-*#$%-+%+4$%&'")$%H-/I8%14"#4%(2.$%)$(#'"7$)%-(%-%.-'#48% 1-(% 3*-**23*#$)% -*)% #-.$% -(% -% #2.5/$+$% (3'5'"($% +2% +4$% )2K$*(% 2=% 2*/22I$'(%142%(-1%4$'%-(%1$//%-(%+2%/$-)$'(%2=%+4$%F-5"+-/%&'")$%L//"-*#$8%+4$% group that organizes D.C.’s annual Pride events. MN4% .J% :2)8% O% #-*% +$//% J23% +4-+% O% (#'$-.$)% .J% 4$-)% 2==8P% (-")% C"==-*J% Royster, a Capital Pride official who said she saw Harris at the Pride Walk. MC4$%=-#+%+4-+%(4$%(421$)%35%=2'%3(%.$-*(%+4-+%1$%.$-*%(2.$+4"*6%+2%4$'% because she wouldn’t have stopped by randomly,” Royster told an NBC 4 News cameraman at Thomas Circle at the conclusion of a separate event on 9-+3')-J%#-//$)%+4$%&'")$.27"/$%&-'-)$E%MH$%)")*G+%I*21%(4$%1-(%#2."*6EP An NBC 4 report showed Harris making brief remarks while walking -/2*6% ?Q+4% 9+'$$+% -(% +4$% &'")$% H-/I% 5-(($)% +4$% H-'*$'% C4$-+$'% -*)% -(% "+% approached Pennsylvania Avenue at Freedom Plaza. The Channel 4 News report said Harris called for Congress to pass the A:BCD%'"64+(%7"//%I*21*%-(%+4$%<R3-/"+J%L#+%-*)%(-")%+4$%B")$*%-)."*"(+'-+"2*% 3*)$'(+-*)(%+4$%".52'+-*#$%2=%A:BCD%'"64+(E MH$% *$$)% +2% .-I$% (3'$% +4-+% 23'% +'-*(6$*)$'% #2..3*"+J% -*)% 23'% J23+4% are all protected,” she states in the Channel 4 News broadcast. “We need, (+"//8%5'2+$#+"2*(%-'23*)%$.5/2J.$*+%-*)%423("*68P%(4$%+2/)%5$25/$%1-/I"*6% 7$(")$%4$'%-*)%4$'%43(7-*)E%MC4$'$%"(%(2%.3#4%.2'$%12'I%+2%)28%-*)%O%I*21% 1$%-'$%#2.."++$)EP Harris wore a shirt with the words, “Love is Love” printed on it. Emhoff #23/)%7$%($$*%1-'"*6%-%CS(4"'+%1"+4%-%'-"*721S#2/2'$)%)$("6*%2*%"+E 0-''"(%-*)%<.42==%)")%*2+%-55$-'%-+%+4$%F-5"+-/%&'")$%T-//J8%14"#4%7$6-*% at Freedom Plaza shortly before 2 p.m. L.2*6% +42($% (5$-I"*6% -+% +4$% '-//J% 1-(% ;EFE% U-J2'% U3'"$/% B21($'8% 142% received loud applause when she told the crowd that during her travels -#'2((%+4$%#23*+'J%-*)%-7'2-)8%(4$%+$//(%5$25/$%+4-+%;EFE%"(%M+4$%6-J$(+%#"+J% "*%L.$'"#-EP% “So, Capital Pride, we have a lot to celebrate,” the mayor told rally attendees, many of whom waived hand-held rainbow Pride flags. “We have a lot to work for still,” she said. “We know that discrimination and violence is '$-/E%H$%I*21%+4$'$G(%+22%.-*J%63*(%2*%+4$%(+'$$+E%L*)%1$%I*21%14$*%-//%2=% 3(%-'$%*2+%(-=$8%*2*$%2=%3(%-'$%(-=$8P%(4$%(-")E M928%O%I*21%J23G'$%62"*6%+2%(+-*)%(423/)$'%+2%(423/)$'%1"+4%.$%-*)%OG.% going to be with you every step of the way,” she said. “Happy Pride!’ B21($'% -/(2% -**23*#$)% -+% +4$% '-//J% +4-+% 94$"/-%L/$V-*)$'ST$")8% 142% 4-(% served as director of the Mayor’s Office of LGBTQ Affairs since Bowser took office in January 2015, would be leaving that position soon to go on +2% M7"66$'% -*)% 7$++$'% +4"*6(EP% L/$V-*)$'ST$")% 4-(% (-")% (4$% 1"//% 7$% >2"*"*6% a company that provides advice and training in the area of workplace *2*)"(#'"."*-+"2*% 7-($)% 2*% '-#$8% 6$*)$'8% -*)% A:BCD% '$/-+$)% 12'I5/-#$% #2.5$+$*#J%+'-"*"*6E%% At the conclusion of the rally, about 50 vehicles that had been parked next to and near Freedom Plaza led by a Capital Pride bus decorated with signs -*)%7-**$'(%7$6-*%+4$%#"+JS1")$%&'")$.27"/$%&-'-)$E C4$%'23+$%2=%+4$%5-'-)$%'$/$-($)%7J%F-5"+-/%&'")$%(421(%"+%1-(%(#4$)3/$)% to travel through all four quadrants of the city, including neighborhoods east of the Anacostia River. Capital Pride organizers said the parade or caravan of vehicles, all of which were decorated with Pride displays, would be passing 7J% 42.$(% -*)% 73("*$(($(% "*% +4$% #"+JG(% '$(")$*+"-/% -*)% #2..$'#"-/% -'$-(% +4-+% -/(2% 1$'$% )$#2'-+$)% 1"+4% &'")$% )"(5/-J(% -(% 5-'+% 2=% "+(% M&-"*+% +4$%C21*%

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Colorful” Pride event. The Pride Walk began shortly after noon at Dupont Circle and traveled -/2*6%&%9+'$$+%+2%A26-*%F"'#/$8%14$'$%"+%5'2#$$)$)%(23+4%2*%?Q+4%9+'$$+%+2% Freedom Plaza. Capital Pride Alliance President Ashley Smith said a little over 1,000 5$25/$%5-'+"#"5-+$)%"*%+4$%1-/I8%14"#4%4$%*2+$)%F-5"+-/%&'")$%)$#")$)%+2%)2% and first announced less than two weeks before it was to take place. Smith and Capital Pride Alliance Executive Director Ryan Bos have 52"*+$)%23+%+4-+%+4$%#"+J%-**23*#$)%"+%123/)%7$%/"=+"*6%"+(%.2'$%+4-*%J$-'S long restrictions on large public gatherings in May, which didn’t give them enough time to pull together a large parade and street festival that have been 5-'+%2=%;EFEG(%&'")$%#$/$7'-+"2*(%"*%+4$%J$-'(%5'"2'%+2%+4$%FN!O;%5-*)$."#E MC2)-J% 4-(% 7$$*% +'3/J% 54$*2.$*-/8P% 9."+4% +2/)% +4$% B/-)$E% MC4$% +3'*23+% has been amazing. The total number of people that have come to support +4"(%-*)%+4$%$==2'+(%+4-+%1$G'$%+'J"*6%+2%)28%"+G(%>3(+%7$$*%-.-K"*68P%4$%(-")E “The community has truly been supportive of all the great work that the team, the staff, the volunteers and board members have been part of,” said 9."+4E Bos said people had gathered in the various neighborhoods in the city where the Pridemobile Parade passed in advance of the parade’s arrival and cheered and waived as the vehicles drove by. %MC4$'$%1$'$%I")(%1"+4%+4$"'%5-'$*+(%-*)%+4$"'%=-."/"$(%>3(+%("++"*6%2*%+4$% (")$1-/I(%1-"+"*6%=2'%+4$%&'")$.27"/$%+2%#2.$%7J8P%B2(%(-")E%MO+%1-(%5'$++J% #22/EP% About 100 people were standing or sitting in Thomas Circle, the final destination of the Pridemobile Parade, as it arrived there to loud cheers. The vehicles drove around the circle several times while honking their horns 7$=2'$%+4$%5-'-)$%)"(7-*)$)E% A smaller crowd waving Pride flags had also gathered on the steps of National City Christian Church, which faces Thomas Circle. Large rainbow#2/2'$)% 7-**$'(% 1$'$% 4-*6"*6% ='2.% +4$% ='2*+% 2=% +4$% #43'#48% (421"*6% "+(% support for the Pride events. Speakers at the Freedom Plaza rally, in addition to Mayor Bowser, "*#/3)$)%9."+4%2=%F-5"+-/%&'")$W%L/$V-*)$'ST$")W%B$*%;$%:3K.-*8%)"'$#+2'% of the Mayor’s Office of Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs; gay Latino activist Jose Gutierrez, who reflected on the fifth anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla., on June 12, 2016 in which 49 mostly LGBTQ people were killed and 53 wounded; transgender activist Monica Nemeth, who reflected on transgender lives lost to violence in the U.S.; Nancy Canas, 5'$(")$*+%2=%A-+"*V%&'")$W%T$4-*-%U24-..$)8%#4-"'%2=%+4$%72-')%2=%+4$%;EFE% Center for the LGBTQ Community; and June Crenshaw, executive director of the Wanda Alston Foundation, which provides housing for homeless LGBTQ J23+4E &'")$%#$/$7'-+"2*(%1$'$%(#4$)3/$)%+2%#2*+"*3$%2*%93*)-J8%X3*$%?Q8%1"+4% -723+%-%)2K$*%;EFE%-'$-%'$(+-3'-*+(%5-'+"#"5-+"*6%"*%F-5"+-/%&'")$G(%C-(+$%2=% &'")$%B'3*#4$(8%14"#4%123/)%7$%'-"("*6%.2*$J%=2'%/2#-/%A:BD%2'6-*"K-+"2*(8% -##2')"*6%+2%-*%-**23*#$.$*+%2*%+4$%F-5"+-/%&'")$%1$7("+$E%C4$%*-.$(%-*)% /2#-+"2*(%2=%+4$%'$(+-3'-*+(%#-*%7$%-##$(($)%-+%#-5"+-/5'")$E2'6E

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Nellie’s fires security firm after woman 8+.00"8'8*;3'&,.$+&

Pride weekend incident triggers protests, investigation by liquor agency !"#$%&#'()!!*+%#,+-#.#/01233456784913/4:;-06<

!"##$"%&'()*+,&'-.+/'.'0.1'2.+'$3',4"'5$,1%&'6'(,+"",'5*77"+5$.#'8$&,+$5,/'.33*935"8' *3':*38.1',4.,'$,'4.&'8$&7$&&"8'.'&"59+$,1'5*7).31';4*&"'"7)#*1""';.&'5.),9+"8' on video dragging a Black woman down a flight of stairs inside the bar during the 5$,1%&'<.)$,.#'=+$8"'5"#"2+.,$*3'#.&,'(.,9+8.1> The video of the male security employee dragging Nellie’s customer Keisha Young 8*;3',4"'&,.$+5.&"'.38',4"'2+.;#',4.,'"+9),"8';4"3'*,4"+'59&,*7"+&'$3,"+?"3"8'4.&' triggered expressions of concern by city officials and LGBTQ activists, including the local Black Lives Matter group that organized a protest outside Nellie’s on Sunday. Young, who said she was injured during the incident, has said the security staffer mistakenly thought she was part of a group of customers who brought into the bar ,4"$+'*;3'.#5*4*#$5'2"?"+.0"&/';4$54'!"##$"%&'8*"&'3*,'.##*;>


“Nellie’s Sports Bar has terminated, with immediate effect, the independent &"59+$,1' ?"38*+' 4$+"8' ,*' )+*,"5,' *9+' 09"&,&' 89+$30' =+$8"'@""A/B' !"##$"%&' &.$8' $3' .' &,.,"7"3,'+"#".&"8',*',4"'7"8$.> CD9+'$3?"&,$0.,$*3'$3,*',4"'7.,,"+'$&'*30*$30/'.38';"';$##'5**)"+.,"';$,4'.31'#.;' enforcement investigation, however we do not need to wait for the investigation’s conclusion before we take decisive action,” the statement says. “We offer a heartfelt apology to all who witnessed the horrific events of this past weekend,” it &.1&>' C!*' 7.,,"+' ;4.,' 2"4.?$*+' *559++"8' )+$*+/' 3*,4$30' ;.++.3,&' 7$&,+".,$30' .38' disrespecting one of our guests.” E4"' &,.,"7"3,' .88&' ,4.,' !"##$"%&' ;$##' 2"' 5#*&"8' ,4$&' ;""A' C.&' ;"' "?.#9.,"' ,4$&' regrettable situation.” It says all non-security staff will continue to be paid their +"09#.+';.0"&'89+$30',4"',"7)*+.+1'&49,8*;3> CF3',4"'$3,"+$7/';"';$##'9&"',4$&',$7"',*'#$&,"3'.38'938"+&,.38';4.,'7*+"';"'5.3' do to create the safe and friendly atmosphere our guests have come to expect from !"##$"%&'()*+,&'-.+'*?"+',4"').&,'GH'1".+&/B',4"'&,.,"7"3,'&.1&> Brandon Burrell, an attorney representing Young, told D.C.’s Fox 5 News that Nellie’s had yet to offer an apology directly to Young. Fox 5 News reported on Monday that Young was considering filing a police report over the incident and a possible lawsuit against Nellie’s depending on how Nellie’s responds to Young’s 5*35"+3&>' A D.C. police spokesperson told the Washington Blade that Young had not contacted police to file a report about the incident as of early Monday. The D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration, which issues liquor #$5"3&"&' ,*' 2.+&' .38' +"&,.9+.3,&/' 4.&' *)"3"8' .3' $3?"&,$0.,$*3' $3,*' ,4"' !"##$"%&'

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incident, the agency confirmed to Fox 5 News. The Capital Pride Alliance, the local group that organizes D.C.’s LGBTQ Pride "?"3,&/'$35#98$30'(.,9+8.1%&'=+$8"'@.#A'.38'=+$8"7*2$#"'=.+.8"/'$&&9"8'.'&,.,"7"3,' *3':*38.1'"I)+"&&$30'5*35"+3'*?"+',4"'!"##$"%&'$35$8"3,> CE4"'<.)$,.#'=+$8"'J##$.35"'5*38"73&',4"'+")+"4"3&$2#"'.5,$*3&',.A"3'21'!"##$"%&' staff over the weekend,” the statement says. “The incident resulted in Keisha Young 2"$30' 8+.00"8' 21' ,4"' 4.$+' 8*;3' ,4"' &,.$+&/' ;4$54' ;.&' .' ?$*#"3,' +"&)*3&"' ,*' ,4"' trivial action of allegedly bringing into the bar a bottle of liquor,” the statement &.1&> “Capital Pride Alliance is committed to creating safe spaces for all,” says the &,.,"7"3,>' C@"' "I)"5,' !"##$"%&' ,*' ,.A"' $77"8$.,"/' +"7"8$.#' .5,$*3' $3' +"&)*3&"' to this incident. Their response will impact the future of CPA’s relationship with !"##$"%&>B Nellie’s owner Doug Schantz couldn’t immediately be reached for comment. By mid-week, various D.C. LGBTQ sports and social groups, including Rogue Darts, were reevaluating their relationships with Nellie’s. The Nellie’s assault was one of three violent incidents that marred an otherwise peaceful Pride weekend last week. According to D.C. police, the first incident took place about 3 p.m. Saturday, minutes after the Pridemobile Parade drove past Shaw’s Tavern at 520 Florida Ave., N.W., which has a large LGBTQ clientele. A police report says a male customer of the tavern reported being harassed by a young man who called him a “faggot” as 4"';.#A"8',*;.+8',4"'(4.;'E.?"+3> Shortly after the victim entered the tavern and was seated in an outdoor area, the same young man, later identified by police as a 13-year-old juvenile, approached 4$7'.38',4+".,"3"8'4$7';$,4'.'7.54","'21')*$3,$30'$,'.,',4"'?$5,$7'.38'&,.,$30/'CF%##' &$#"35"'1*9/B',4"')*#$5"'+")*+,'&.1&>'E4"'+")*+,'&.1&',4.,';4$#"'7.A$30',4"',4+".,&' the suspect appeared to be using the two-foot-long machete to stab cicadas on the ground and tossed them onto the victim as the victim was sitting at one of the ,.?"+3%&'*9,8**+',.2#"&> One day later, on Sunday, June 13, after having released photos of the suspect obtained from a surveillance camera at Shaw’s Tavern, police announced they arrested the suspect on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon and listed the incident as a suspected anti-gay hate crime. The victim was uninjured, police said. The suspect’s name was being withheld because he is a juvenile. The third incident took place about 3:15 a.m. Sunday morning at the intersection of 14th and P streets, N.W., where two gay bars are located. According to D.C. )*#$5"/' .3' $3,*I$5.,"8' 8+$?"+' 5+.&4"8' 4$&' 5.+' $3,*' .' 29&' &,*)' .,' ,4.,' #*5.,$*3' .38' struck and killed a pedestrian. Police said the pedestrian, who was identified only as a male, was taken to a hospital with critical injuries and pronounced dead a short ,$7"'#.,"+> Police said the driver, identified as Gerald Lewis, 29, of Northeast D.C., was .++"&,"8' .38' 54.+0"8' ;$,4' &"5*38K8"0+""' 79+8"+/' 8+$?$30' ;4$#"' $3,*I$5.,"8/' .38' +"5A#"&&'8+$?$30> The identity of the victim was being withheld pending notification of next of kin, police said. The incident occurred minutes after the 3 a.m. closing of the nearby 0.1'2.+&> Mark Lee, coordinator of the D.C. Nightlife Council, a trade association that +")+"&"3,&' 2.+&/' +"&,.9+.3,&/' .38' 3$04,5#92&/' &.$8' ,4"' ,4+""' $35$8"3,&' .38' .' reported fourth incident of a shooting Sunday night on U Street near Nellie’s, were an exception to an otherwise peaceful weekend in which business was booming at the city’s nightlife establishments. “Despite long lines at many (gay and non-gay) venues last night, and huge ,9+3*9,&'.,'3$04,5#92&'.5+*&&',4"'5$,1/'$,';.&'*?"+.##'.'?"+1'5.#7'3$04,'"?"+1;4"+"/B' Lee told the Blade in a text message. “These couple of incidents would have been non-extraordinary in normal times, except for some people being more attentive to ,4$30&'89+$30'+"K*)"3$30>B Lee was referring to the full, post-COVID lifting of all restrictions for nightlife 29&$3"&&"&',4.,',**A')#.5"'*3'L93"'GG>

Pride is a smile !"#$%&#'()*&+,'*&-&.%/%0"-*#1(&#(&*2%&31(*2&14&5,(%6&7*)'&-&.%/%0"-*#1(&14&82%"%& 8%)9%& 0%%(& -($& 21:%& 41"& 82%"%& 8%)"%& ;1#(;6& 7*)'& -& .%/%0"-*#1(& 14& 821& 8%& -"%&-($&821&8%)"%&0%.13#(;6&7*)'&-&.%/%0"-*#1(&14&/#4%&%9%"<&$-<&14&*2%&<%-"6& With Xfinity, it’s Pride all year. =#'#*&xfinity.com/LGBTQ&*1&/%-"(&31"%6

NPA236021≠ 0003 NED Q2 LGBTQ PRIDE V1

140388_NPA236021-0003 Pride is Smile ad 9.5x10.5 V1.indd 1

5/10/21 5:06 PM

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It’s just things like that. And for 1023&0% )6606=% J<'% !% /)20% "?'% )$90."$% '+% "/)"=% M&0% 3$% "/)"% !#5% )% 9063)",3.3)&% )&6% my birthday, I had tons of Pride shirts, and I got a rainbow shirt with the fist in the middle )6'*0$.0&"% 5063.3&0% $90.3)*3$"=% <'% !#20% 700&% "0)./3&F% "'% ./3*6,0&% )&6% "/03,% +)53*30$% +',%>*).@%1320$%[)""0,I%)&6%3"%?)$%)%"'&%'+%63++0,0&"%"/3&F$=K 54% 0&"3,0% .),00,I% 7("% "/0% '"/0,% 3$% .'53&F% +,'5% 54% *3206% 0L90,30&.0% )$% )&% '90&*4% Lawrence D’Angelo, director of the Youth Pride Clinic and an occupational health transgender woman, and so I find it tremendously rewarding.” )6'*0$.0&"%5063.3&0%$90.3)*3$"I%"'*6%"/0%>*)60%703&F%)7*0%"'%$"),"%"/0%+).3*3"4%3&%TUVW%3&% B/0%?),5%0&23,'&50&"%'+%"/0%/'$93")*%+',%./3*6,0&%3$%,0)63*4%)99),0&"%(9'&%0&"0,3&F% )&6%'+%3"$0*+%?)$%'&0%'+%"/0%@04%23."',30$%+',%"/0%3&3"3)"320I%)*"/'(F/%/0%$)36%"/0%D/3*6,0&#$% the main atrium of the building. Lights dressed up as hot air balloons fill the tall ceiling E)"3'&)*%/)$%700&%9,'2363&F%",)&$3"3'&G,0*)"06%.),0%$3&.0%V]]\= ?/3*0% )% &0),74% BN% $/'?$% 5($3.% 2360'$% .'&$3$"3&F% '+% $O(),0$% '+% @36$#% +).0$% $3&F3&FI% “When we started it…we thought that we were going to be running a PrEP clinic, followed by easy-listening country music and Asian K-pop. Children and their parents that we were going to be providing preventive services to LGBTQ kids,” D’Angelo said. )?)3"%"/03,%)99'3&"50&"$%$0)"06%3&%.'5+4%9*($/%,06%./)3,$%70+',0%?/3"0%7*'.@$%50)&"% “The first day, the first patient actually came in and asked for PrEP, and the other six +',%($0%)$%")7*0$= 9)"30&"$%"/)"%?0,0%$./06(*06%"/)"%6)4%)**%?)&"06%",)&$F0&60,%$0,23.0$=%<'I%$(660&*4I% Key to Levine’s visit was taking part in a discussion at the hospital auditorium with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rkansas, for example, enacted a measure that would make criminal the kind 6'?&%)&6%"/0%$@4#$%"/0%*353"%+',%"/03,%+("(,0= '+% $0,23.0$% 9,'23606% )"% "/0% .*3&3.=% M"/0,% $")"0$% /)20% 0&)."06% 50)$(,0$% 9,'/373"3&F% After the question-and-answer session, Levine told the Blade she “learned a lot” J73'*'F3.)*%7'4$K%+,'5%9),"3.39)"3&F%3&%$9',"$I%?/3./%0$$0&"3)**4%7),$%",)&$F0&60,%F3,*$% )7'("%D/3*6,0&#$%E)"3'&)*I%?/3./%$/0%.)**06%J)%?',*6G,0&'?&06%./3*6,0&#$%/'$93")*%)&6% +,'5%9),"3.39)"3&F%3&%$9',"3&F%020&"$= ).)6053.%5063.)*%.0&"0,=K B/0% )62)&.050&"% '+% )&"3G",)&$% *0F3$*)"3'&% 3&% $")"0$% /)$% /)6% )% &0F)"320% 0++0."% '&% J!#20%@&'?&%)7'("%3"%70+',0IK%1023&0%)6606=%J!#5%)%9063)",3.3)&I%)6'*0$.0&"%5063.3&0% ",)&$F0&60,%9)"30&"$%)"%"/0%R'("/%S,360%D*3&3.= specialist, but I learned more about what they’re doing. And I learned specifically about D’Angelo, based on conversations he’s had with the patients, said they’re aware "/03,%F0&60,%.*3&3.I%?/0,0%"/04%")@0%.),0%'+%",)&$F0&60,%)&6%F0&60,%&'&G.'&+',53&F% '+%"/0%?)20%'+%*0F3$*)"3'&I%?/3./%/0%$)36%/)$%*06%"'%+0),I%)&F0,%)&6%703&F%J(&)7*0%"'% 4'("/%)&6%F'"%"'%500"%$'50%'+%"/0%$")++%)$%?0**%)$%"/0%@36$%)&6%"/03,%+)53*30$=K (&60,$")&6%?/)"%3$%/)990&3&F%)&6%?/4%3"#$%/)990&3&F=K B/0%R'("/%S,360%D*3&3.I%?/3./%'90&06%3&%TUVWI%3$%'&0%'+%"/0%+0?%.*3&3.$%3&%"/0%&)"3'&% Amir said watching states enact legislation against transgender youth “makes me feel "'%9,'2360%9,35),4%.),0%)&6%50&")*%/0)*"/%$0,23.0$%"'%1A>BC%4'("/%+,'5%)F0$%VT%"'%TT=% some type of weight,” pointing specifically to the anti-trans sports measures because he Among the services offered are hormone replacement therapy, STP/STI treatment and $)36%/0#6%?0*.'50%"/0%'99',"(&3"4%"'%9),"3.39)"0%3&%)"/*0"3.$= S,XS%$0,23.0$%)$%?0**%)$%3&63236()*%)&6%+)53*4%"/0,)94%+',%",)&$F0&60,%4'("/= “I’m athletic,” Amir said. “I do all types of sports. I play basketball, soccer, I’m going to Among the transgender youth patients at the clinic who spoke to the Washington do boxing…With sports and stuff, I just feel like I want to be able to do everything, just Blade was Amir, a 15-year-old Georgia native whose last name as a minor is being )$%)%,0F(*),%.3$F0&60,%90,$'&%?3**%70%)7*0%"'%6'IK withheld for confidentiality purposes. [0)&?/3*0I% 1023&0% $)36% "/0% >360&% )653&3$",)"3'&I% 3&.*(63&F% <0.,0"),4% '+% :0)*"/% ;% “I started out in fifth grade coming out as lesbian,” Amir said. “I didn’t even really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mir said he began taking shots as part of care regimen in January. Being able to .'55(&3"4IK%1023&0%$)36=%J<'%!%"/3&@%?0#,0%F'3&F%"'%70%?',@3&F%0L"0,&)**4I%3&%"0,5$%'+% receive care from the Youth Pride Clinic, Amir said, means a lot because he has an )62'.).4I%)&6%"/0&%?0#,0%F'3&F%"'%70%?',@3&F%3&"0,&)**4%3&%"0,5$%'+%9'*3.4=K '99',"(&3"4%&'"%)2)3*)7*0%"'%'"/0,%",)&$F0&60,%4'("/$I%?/'%+).0%./)**0&F0$%)&6%020&% ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!34(/!567!898 5 ! " ! -+ 1$ -! (/ #%

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JASON LINDSAY is founder and executive director of Pride Fund to End Gun Violence, a PAC that $"77(-*$&$*+*%&+3/&,%/%-+#&2+3/5/+*%$&)'(&)5##&+2*&(3&$%3$54#%&."3&7(#520&-%,(-6$& and champion LGBTQ equality. To get involved, visit www.PrideFund.org.

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It’s been five years since 49 people were killed and 53 others were injured when a man armed with an assault rifle, large capacity magazines, and a heart full of hate attacked the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla. On June 12, 2016, Pulse became the second deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. It’s been five years since the families and friends of those taken that night have heard their laughs, seen their smiles, or held their hands. It’s been five years that the survivors have had to relive their trauma of that fateful night. Last Saturday marked five years since this deadly attack and it is a time we can reflect on the lives lost, those injured, the progress made since the attack, and what we all can do to fight for commonsense gun reform to make our country a safer place. This tragedy struck at the heart of the LGBTQ community, both in Orlando and around our country, happening right in the middle of Pride month. While this is +& $(64%-& +335=%-$+-0& *'+*& )%& 6"$*& '(3(-& +3/& -%6%64%-& *'%& *-+.%/01& 5*& 5$& +#$(& +& time to reflect on what our community has accomplished as a result of this horrific event. While we grieve for those we lost, today there is hope. Out of the tragedy, a movement was born in the LGBTQ community to fight for gun reform, led by groups such as the Pride Fund to End Gun Violence, which was established within days of the shooting. It includes Pulse survivors, family members of those killed in the attack, and key stakeholders. Working at the state and federal level, this new generation of activists is mobilizing and advocating for change to honor those lost with action. ;'-(".'& 7(#5*52+#& +2*5(31& +/=(2+201& +3/& -%2-"5*53.& 3%)& +2*5=5$*$& *(& *'%& ."3& -%,(-6& fight, the Pride Fund, other groups, and the LGBTQ community as a whole are honoring the legacy of the Pulse victims through meaningful action. ;'%& 65$$5(3& of Pride Fund is year round, working daily to enact gun reform, elect gun safety 2'+675(3$& +*& *'%& $*+*%& +3/& ,%/%-+#& #%=%#1& +3/& +/=(2+*53.& ,(-& 2'+3.%& +##& (=%-& *'%& country. As we look back over the last five years there have been some significant accomplishments that reflect the hard work that has been done since the tragedy. First, prior to Pulse, gun reform was not one of the top priorities in the LGBTQ community. Immediately following the shooting, our community began to have 2(3=%-$+*5(3$&+4("*&*'5$&2-5*52+#&*(752&+3/&#%+-3&+4("*&*'%&2"--%3*&%,,(-*$&"3/%-)+0& to change our gun laws. I created Pride Fund to End Gun Violence as an organization *(&$7%+-'%+/&("-&2(66"35*0>$&%,,(-*$&+3/&'+-3%$$&*'%&7(#5*52+#&7()%-&(,&*'%&98:;<& community to create change. Whereas gun reform was not a top priority before, 7"4#52& 7(##53.& '+$& $'()3& 53& *'%& 0%+-$& $532%& *'+*& ."3& -%,(-6& 5$& 3()& +& *(7& 7-5(-5*0& for LGBTQ voters. Pride Fund has been involved in more than 125 political races around the country since our creation, and we have helped kick some of the worst Republicans out of office, replacing them with gun safety champions. Second, we have witnessed many of those personally impacted by the tragedy, the survivors, the family members and friends of those killed, and key stakeholders like the owner of Pulse, become national activists in this cause. Third, Democrats have seized on the issue and made it one of their top priorities – in their campaigns and in elected office. The 2018 election was the first time gun reform was a key issue, not only on the campaign trail, but by voters. With Democrats winning the House of Representatives, bills started to finally pass to address gun reform, however the Senate stopped its movement. Now with Democrats controlling the House, Senate, and White House, we are in the greatest position to enact change. !-%$5/%3*& :5/%31& '+$& +33("32%/& +& $%-5%$& (,& 535*5+#& +2*5(3$& +3/& $"4$%?"%3*& 5*%6$& have taken place. Most recently, the ATF has issued a proposed rule to stop the 7-(#5,%-+*5(3&(,&@.'($*&."3$1A&+3/&53&'5$&4"/.%*&-%?"%$*&,(-&3%B*&0%+-1&'%&'+$&532#"/%/& a $232 million increase in funding for the DOJ and HHS to tackle gun violence. Fourth, in a significant move by Congress in recent days, the House and Senate have voted to designate a Pulse National Memorial site. Out of tragedy, there can be triumph, and the Pulse tragedy has certainly shown this to be true.

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!"#$%&'()#*&))(#+,-#-./+01)-2#$%&'()#+13%/4#3%()#1.5)1$#4%#6.)7#+#4%4+1#)81.9/)#4:+,#$%&#+()# 4%#/))#+,$%,)#1.5)#$%&#%,#;<= I’m lesbian and legally blind. Nearly one in five people in this country has a disability, +88%(-.,>#4%#4:)#?=@=#A),/&/#B&()+&=#;:)()#+()#CDB;E2#-./+01)-#9)%91)#F&/4#+/#4:)()#+()# :)4)(%#"%15/#7.4:#-./+0.1.4.)/= G)42# !'3# /:%85)-# H.,# +# I:+6)# !# 7%,# 4:)# 1%44)($JK# 7+$L# 7:),)6)(# /%3)%,)# *&))(# +,-# -./+01)-#+99)+(/#%,#/8()),= ;:./#/&33)(2#4:)()'/#>%%-#,)7/#"%(#CDB;E#+,-#-./+01)-#"%15/= I@9)8.+12K#4:)#"%&(M4.3)MN33$M,%3.,+4)-#/)(.)/2#8()+4)-2#7(.44),#0$2#+,-#/4+((.,>#O$+,# O’Connell, is now streaming on Netflix in its second and final season. Based on O’Connell’s PQRS#3)3%.(#I!'3#@9)8.+1#+,-#T4:)(#C.)/#U)#;)11#T&(/)16)/2K#4:)#/)(.)/#./#4:)#/4%($#%"#+#>+$# 3+,#7.4:#8)()0(+1#9+1/$= Jim Parsons (of the “Big Bang Theory”), along with O’Connell, is executive producer of the show. This season, “Special” has been expanded from 12-17 minutes to 30 minutes per )9./%-)=## The character Ryan in “Special” is a younger, less experienced, avatar of O’Connell. !,#/)+/%,#R#%"#I@9)8.+12K#O$+,#>)4/#+#F%0#+/#+#7(.4)(#+4#+,#.,4)(,)4#/4+(4M&9#+,-#3%6)/# %&4#%,#:./#%7,=#V)#:+-#0)),#1.6.,>#7.4:#W+(),2#:./#3%3#HX)//.8+#V)8:4L=#V)'/#0)8%3)#0)/4# friends with his co-worker Kim (Punam Patel) and lost his virginity to a caring sex worker. Season 2 of “Special” has a “Sex and the City” vibe. Ryan is estranged from his mother. He’s having lots of sex. He loves Tanner (Max Jenkins) who’s in an open relationship with Richard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“Special” makes the sexiness, queerness, brattiness, resilience, romance and street cred %"#-./+01)-2#*&))(#1.")#&9#81%/)#+,-#9)(/%,+1=# !4#-)9.84/#&/#+/#4:())M-.3),/.%,+1#:&3+,#0).,>/=# _.133+5)(#^%3.,.85#N6+,/#-.()84/#_.13^./2#+#>(%&9#4:+4#3%,.4%(/#-./+0.1.4$#()9()/),4+4.%,# %,#4)1)6./.%,=#IT&(#()/)+(8:#/:%7/#4:+4#3&14.91)#3+(>.,+1.`)-#-./+01)-#9)%91)#+()#(+()1$# represented,” Evans, who is trans, non-binary and queer bisexual as well as multiply -./+01)-2#)3+.1)-#3)= IT&4#%"#PSQ#4)1)6./.%,#/:%7/#+.(.,>#0)47)),#PQRa#+,-#PQPQ2#7)#"%&,-#R2Rab#-./+01)-# characters, but only 71 of those were also LGBTQIA,” he added. !4'/#)6),#7%(/)#"%(#B1+85#+,-#B(%7,#CDB;E!Y#-./+01)-#8:+(+84)(/2#N6+,/#/+.-= ;:+,5"&11$2# 4:.,>/# +()# .39(%6.,>=# I^./+0.1.4$# ()9()/),4+4.%,# ./# >)44.,># 0)44)(2K# B)4:# Y=# Haller, co-editor of The Routledge-Companion to Disability & Media, emailed me. _%(#.,/4+,8)2#IN6)($4:.,>'/#D%,,+#B)#T5+$2K#4:)#Y3)(.8+,#/.48%3#8()+4)-#0$#Y&/4(+1.+,2# *&))(#8%3)-.+,#X%/:#;:%3+/#+,-#/4()+3.,>#%,#V&1&2#:+/#47%#+&4./4.8#+84%(/#+/#4:)#1)+-/2# V+11)(#/+.-= ;:%3+/'#0%$"(.),-#%,#4:)#/:%7#./#+#B1+85#3+,#7.4:#+#^)+"#"+4:)(2#V+11)(#+--)-= More disability representation on TV can’t come soon enough. I can’t wait to see more of %&(#*&))(2#-./+01)-#/4%(.)/=

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EARL D. FOWLKES, JR. is president and CEO of the Center for Black Equity.

!"##$%&'()*%*+*'$,-*% — except at Nellie’s

Dragging a customer down the stairs an unforgivable act Last Saturday was the official start of Capital Pride or what I refer to as “Community Pride” in the District of Columbia. We have Black Pride, Youth Pride, Silver Pride, Trans Pride and Latinx Pride but Capital Pride in theory embraces all parts of the diverse LGBTQ+ communities within the DMV. We did not have any face-to-face Pride celebrations in two years due to COVID-19. Fortunately, the COVID-19 gathering restrictions were lifted on June 11 and the 2021 version of Capital Pride was a scaled down event with a short participatory march led by Vice President Harris and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser. While I was not able to attend the Capital Pride march or rally, I lived vicariously through the many social media postings of the weekend celebrations by friends and colleagues who were taking advantage of the beautiful weather as well as the now wide-open LGBTQ+ clubs and bars. The local television stations highlighted the positive energy and joyful expressions of Pride from Dupont Circle to Freedom Plaza on the evening news. So imagine my surprise when I started receiving messages showing a video of an incident at Nellie’s Sports Bar. My first reaction was “here we go again, another fight scene at Nellie’s.” Then after viewing the video several times, I realized the video showed a young woman later identified as Keisha Young, being dragged down the stairs by the hair by two security guards. Now I have been going to clubs and bars around the globe for almost four decades and I have never seen or heard a bar or club patron being dragged down a set of stairs by security. I have seen people pushed down a set of stairs. I have seen people kicked down a set of stairs. I have seen people fall down a set of stairs. And the stairs at Nellie’s are steep, reminding me of the stairs to my grandmother’s cellar. My second reaction was: What type of egregious behavior would warrant this type of brutal response? Did Young stab or cut someone? Did she put someone’s life in danger? I would later find out through the news media that Young, a Morgan State University student, was out celebrating Pride weekend with friends and may have been mistaken for another patron who allegedly tried to sneak in a bottle of alcohol. I was not there so I can only go by what I saw on the video and the statements of other patrons. Regardless of the circumstances, security has no business dragging anyone out of any place unless patrons are in danger, or a weapon has been presented. The more I watched the video, the more I became disgusted. Truth be told, Nellie’s has been a place of fights and bloodshed over the past few years. In June of 2017, several local community-based individuals and organizations (including the Center for Black Equity and the Collective Action for Safe Spaces) worked with Nellie’s management and staff to address security and cultural respect issues. Security issues were addressed and for a while things were relatively peaceful. Granted, I still heard complaints from patrons about how they were treated by staff. Here is my final thought: I have certain expectations when I enter a bar or club — straight or queer. The expectation is remarkably simple. No. 1 is that I am treated with respect by staff and patrons, and No. 2 is that I am provided with a safe environment to enjoy socializing with my friends. While it’s sometimes difficult for bars and clubs to control the behavior of its patrons, there are security techniques on how to handle difficult customers and I suspect that dragging a person down a set of stairs is not in the club’s security training manual. Where do we go from here? Nellie’s has issued a statement of regret, fired the security company, and will remain closed for the rest of the week. Good first steps but I have another suggestion for the owner: Stay closed and sell the business as Nellie’s is finished! ! " # $% & " '() * )+ ,'# ) - . /) 0 1 0 - ) * )$2 3 4 " ' 5(& ' 6 7 2 8 #9:& ;) * ) ! "


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AFI Docs presents a hybrid in-person, virtual festival

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2021 slate generous to LGBTQ, BIPOC directors 8%&R'LE'&GILMLG

AFI DOCS 2021 kicks off Tuesday and will showcase a diverse collection of films like features on historical figures Pauli Murray and Anthony Bourdain, and shorts capturing an annual prom at an LGBTQ retirement home and the life of a Jewish, trans, South African !"#$%#&' The annual celebration of documentary filmmaking hosted by the American Film Institute will run June 22-27, with films available to view online as well as inperson screenings at the AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center in Silver Spring. The festival will feature more than 70 films from 23 countries, including four world premieres. In the lineup, 52% of films are directed by women, 40% by BIPOC directors and 18% by LGBTQ directors. “We are living in the Golden Age of documentary film,” said Sarah Harris, AFI K<EBL&GIMNLG6!"#$%&'!()*!'+',M'&OBFL Festivals Director of Programming, in a "+,-.&'!,)!/0+(1!23(145!!(Photo courtesy of Netflix) press release. “At AFI DOCS, we are proud to celebrate excellence in the films of 2021 – connecting audiences across the nation, engaging them in lively conversation and inspiring them with both the unprecedented challenges and the breathtaking beauty of the world around us.” Like in previous years, AFI DOCS will feature a variety of films on LGBTQ themes and figures. !"#$%& '($%)*' ($")*#)(' +,' Kristine Stolakis, dives into the harmful past and present of the “pray away the gay movement” through interviews with exleaders, survivors of conversion therapy and "'<EB&+<GG'P!,)!/61!7(8$!,9!0(:#,!6:++(145 "0.;&;!<;:+&$91!;%!28(=;)!>&:*,;9' one active participant in the practice. Stolakis’s uncle went through conversion therapy after coming out as trans in the ‘60s and she witnessed the “traumatic aftermath” and tremendous pain it caused him, she %!$(& “A lot of people think conversion therapy is a thing of the past. And that is not true,” she %!$(' $-' !-' $-#)".$)/&' 01)' 2-3/' *3-.)"%$3-' therapy continues on every major continent.” “Pray Away” will be available to stream on Netflix in August. Ryan Murphy also serves as an executive producer. !+%& ,$-.& /0& "$12/& +1##$%*& ($")*#)(' KQ3Q&ELPL,ML3RLG!,)!/?;*$*45 "0.;&;!<;:+&$91!;%!?@ABA!C!D8(-,)$!A;<:8$)&(+,$9E!A$#,+,;!F,#89E! by Julie Cohen and Betsy West follows the G+,H;*!I!0IJ!>&:*,;9' life of the queer writer, human rights lawyer, priest and poet Pauli Murray. Described in the film as ahead of their time, Murray accomplished many firsts: the first African American to earn a law degree at Yale and the first African-American woman ordained as an Episcopal priest. Murray also drafted the basis of landmark legal arguments used in overturning Plessy v. Ferguson. They also co-wrote a law review used by Ruth Bader Ginsburg to convince the Supreme Court that the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection clause applies to women. The Academy Award nominees Cohen IEBSLG&O<,FLG!0;.;+,##$!,)!/><:8!K;145 "0.;&;!<;:+&$91!;%!2##,9;)!>3()L' and West discover Murray’s story when T U ! P !Q2 >RD7 JG@ 7 KS2AB4?@6!P!TM7B!UVE!WXW U

working on their 2018 documentary “RBG.” “We want people to know about Pauli Murray,” West said. “We would like people to understand the impacts that Pauli had on our world, on the Civil Rights Movement, on the women’s movement.” West and Cohen said they wanted to highlight Murray’s struggles with gender and sexuality in the early to mid-20th century, and the film features Murray’s inability to undergo hormone therapy and their romantic relationships with women. “There was no understanding for what Pauli was going through,” West said. “Going to doctors and and basically being dismissed for raising the fact that Pauli felt like a man. And that was just something people couldn’t deal with. I think it’s been empowering and perhaps infuriating for the people to learn the way Pauli was treated.” The short film !345.5* directed by Ryan White explores the life of gay illustrator J.C. Leyendecker, and the history of his subtle, coded advertisements in the 20th century. Leyendecker lived a semi-out life in the roaring ‘20s but was forced to hide his identity after the Great Depression as society “moved backward,” the film outlines. “I think there’s a beautiful character film here about this man who’s never been recognized for his art,” he said. “I also think there’s a real cautionary tale about how, no matter how much progress we’ve achieved, that that can always be dialed backward.” !671-&84%* is a short that follows the life of a South African, Jewish, transgender Gen-Z 3-D artist. Director Allison Swank met Scum Boy, Oliver Hunter Pohorille, when he was a teenager at a casting for a music video. “I was inspired by my friendship with Scummy,” she said. “I started realizing like every conversation I was having with him I was learning new things. I just felt like it was time for him to share his message with the world and I can help with that.” !6.9/4#&"#4-)*&directed by Luisa Conlon, is a short showcasing the annual “senior” prom at an LGBTQ retirement home in Los Angeles. The film also follows the story of specific LGBTQ elders and their experiences being LGBTQ in the 20th century. “The most important thing with this film is I think it has an opportunity to create sort of an intergenerational environment, and that’s not happening,” Conlon said. “The film is very accessible. It has this reference point for young people, which is what’s supposed to be a very classic coming-of-age experience.” Feature film& !,4#:;& 8%& 31##.9:*& directed by trans filmmaker Angelo Madsen Minax follows his own family as they process the aftermath of the inconclusive death of his young niece. Minax documents the trauma, addiction and complexity in the years that follow. !<9=4#>/?$@2.& AB-C.#549$@2.D* directed by Marlén Viñayo spotlights an 18th Street hitman serving time in an evangelical Salvadoran prison. He’s not only guilty of his crimes but of being gay in a conservative, religious environment. !,4&6:#$/>;:&E/9.0*&directed by Vivian Kleiman dives into the colorful history of queer comic artists and !F#$5.&3.9:.#)* a short film directed by Adam Baron, highlights the stories of gay men who cruised for sex in the World Trade Center in the ‘80s and ‘90s. The Charles Guggenheim Symposium is on Wednesday, June 23, and will honor celebrated filmmaker Dawn Porter. Her most recent project, !G/0.&'>$/9H&F120$&$95&:;.&G.5& 61--.#*&/$44'+)'%*"))-)(&' AFI will open on Tuesday, June 22 with the world premiere of !,$4-/&I0$J$)* an intimate look inside the life of one of today’s most gifted athletes. The festival will close Sunday, June 55'/$#6'!310C)*&a coming-of-age documentary about three teenage girls in a Texas small town as they come to understand adulthood, especially as young women. The centerpiece screening on Friday, June 25 is !G4$5#199.#)*&which follows the life of chef and storyteller, Anthony Bourdain. The complete AFI DOCS schedule and information on festival passes and individual tickets can be found at docs.afi.com.

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/%0*"$%&'()*+,(-1 !"#$%&'(%86(6.&#.* for its virtual job club, a weekly job support program to help job entrants and seekers, #$578*#$@% &'(% 7"$@B&(.;% 8$(;-7",(*=% #;-."6(% +(7CB confidence, motivation, resilience and productivity for effective job searches and networking. The event begins on Zoom at 6 p.m. For more information, email careercenters@thedccenter.org.

/*+$%&'()*+,(23 !"#$%&'(%86(6.&#.*%)$*%&'(%0.#"(>"11"(6,"1#.*(%?( #,.( 0.#"( :,$( @A.2"( 5%*%*$#=% C".% )% -((.B7(*% +8--".&% group devoted to the joys and challenges of being a Black lesbian. You do not need to be a member of the 1(&)%P)--)%Q')-&(.%".%&'(%1(&)%N'#%R;(@)%F".".#&,%#$% order to join, but they do ask that you either identify as a lesbian or are questioning that aspect of your identity. This event will be hosted on Zoom at 1 p.m. More details are available at: https://thedccenter.org/events/ black-lesbian-support-group-2021-06-20/

45+$%&'()*+,(22'(%6.&#.*()2$&2%Q"CC((%G."-B<$%A#77%+&#77%&)?(%-7)5(% virtually at 10 a.m. via Zoom. LGBT Older Adults (and friends) are invited to have friendly conversations about current issues they might be dealing with. For more information, visit Center Aging’s Facebook page. !"#$%B.&7.*C4..*(86%C".%)%;"$&'7,%+8--".&%@."8-% on Zoom for people who identify outside of the gender binary. Whether you’re bigender, agender, genderfluid, or just know that you’re not 100% cis – this is your group. The event will be at 7 p.m. For more information, visit genderqueerdc.com.

6*,7$%&'()*+,(22 2'(% D4*%1."&( E&$%&( 8.'.2"#$%&( #%( #,.( E&$#.7( 5#"#./ will host “Joining Forces for LGBTI Rights Around the World ‘’ virtually at 9:30 p.m. This event is )% *#+58++#"$% "$% '"A% &'(% #$&(.$)&#"$)7% 5";;8$#&,% 5)$% '(7-% )*6)$5(% /012<% .#@'&+% )."8$*% &'(% A".7*% )$*% A#77% feature panelists: Mark Bromley, chair of The Council for Global Equality, Olena Shevchenko, director of Insight, )$*%S.""T%E.+')*=%+($#".%-."@.);%;)$)@(.%"C%G#@$#&,% for All: LGBTIQ+ Assistance Program, Freedom House. Registration for this free event is available on Eventbrite. UF"$&;%G( 6,"''",( H4#%*$"'( "&7( 8$/+4//$%&V% A#77% be at 5 p.m. on Zoom. All are welcome to attend this event. Challah is a type of bread traditionally baked to celebrate the Jewish sabbath. Attendees will be -."6#*(*% A#&'% &'(% .(5#-(% )$*% ;)&(.#)7+% 7#+&% #$% )*6)$5(% if they would like to make it at home. There will also be a discussion about food, identity, and community. For more information, email sross@capitolhillvillage.org or call 202-543-1778 x204.

8,$+,7$%&'()*+,(29 6"1$#"'( :*$7.( )''$"&+.% )$*% I%%J( I"''% A#77% '"+&% “Hooked on Capital Pride” at 2 p.m. There will be drink specials, music, and celebration of all things LGBTQ+. A -".&#"$%"C%&'(%-."5((*+%C.";%&'#+%(6($&%A#77%+8--".&%&'(% Q)-#&)7% N.#*(% E77#)$5(% )$*% -).&$(.% N.#*(% ".@)$#W)&#"$+% responsible for producing Youth Pride, Silver Pride DC, GQ% 17)5?% N.#*(=% GQ% /)&#$H% N.#*(=% Q)-#&)7% EEN<% N.#*(=% and Trans Pride, through the GivePride365 Fund. Every reservation will include a bottle of Rose Bubbly, and cabana reservations will come with a bonus celebration kit! For more information, visit the Facebook event. !"#$% &'(% <B0HC3)( )''$"&+.( K"/,$&2#%&( !"#$%&"'( 6"#,.7*"' for a free webinar featuring Billy Curtis, director, Gender Equity Resource Center UC Berkeley on Zoom at 8 p.m. Curtis is a community activist and advocate who was hired as UC Berkeley’s first full-time director for LGBT Resources in 1999. Curtis is currently the director of the university’s Gender Equity Resource Q($&(.:%2"%.(@#+&(.%C".%&'#+%(6($&=%6#+#&K%5)-#&)7-.#*(:".@:

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The Smithsonian American Art Museum will host “Virtual Drag Queen Art Bingo Night” on Friday, June 18 at 7 p.m. The event will be hosted by DC drag diva KC B. Yoncé. I6($&% )&&($*((+% ).(% ($5"8.)@(*% &"% .(@#+&(.% $"A% )$*% request 1 to 4 printable bingo cards featuring artwork by E;(.#5)$%).&#+&+%A'"%).(%-).&%"C%&'(%/01234%5";;8$#&,:% D.C.-area registrants are eligible to get 10% off Red Bear Brewing’s official 2021 Pride Helles lager, Smash Me With A House. This offer is available for pick up only while supplies last. Must be 21+ with proper ID and show SAAM coupon to Red Bear Brewing staff to apply the discount. For more information, visit the museum’s website.

6:*"7$%&'()*+,(2; !"#$% &'(% 86( :4;'$+( <$;*"*=% C".% )% -"(&.,% .()*#$@% with Micah Powell from his book “Things No One Else Wants to Say.” Micah will read from his book and join a conversation with DC’s own Regie Cabico, poet and director of Capturing Fire Press. The event will be hosted on Facebook and YouTube at 5:30 p.m. To register, visit the library’s website. I%1.( $&( "( 0%L will host “Books That Make Us: A Pride Month Celebration of LGBTQ+ Stories” online at 8 p.m. The event will feature a number of notable figures including Jahana Hayes, member of Congress (D-Conn.) and 2016 National Teacher of the Year, Zach Stafford, columnist for MSNBC and former editor of the Advocate. Tickets are available at: hopeinabox. +-7)+'&')&:5";:% 2'(% 86( )&#$MN$%'.&+.( :*%2*"A% A#77% ')6(% )$% "-($% meeting via Zoom at 7 p.m. At this meeting, there will be opportunities to learn more and get involved in lessening violence both within and directed toward the LGBT communities. To access the Zoom link, email supportdesck@thedccenter.org.

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Legendary activist gets his due in ‘Hating Peter Tatchell’ ‘Don’t accept the world as it is’ !0)1.+2)&#3")4,25

Looking at the fight for LGBTQ equality from inside the bubble of the United States, it’s easy to get the impression that the movement essentially started at Stonewall, and that most of our progress is the result of work from our own homegrown activists. That’s obviously not the case; though there have been plenty of American heroes that have done more than their fair share in the effort, the contributions of others who join the fight on the international front deserve recognition, too. “Hating Peter Tatchell,” available now on Netflix, is a great introduction to one of them. It’s a documentary from director Christopher Amos that chronicles the life and work of a tireless champion for LGBTQ rights – and human rights in general – whose six decades of campaigning have made him simultaneously one of the most lauded and loathed men in the world. He has shaken up the British establishment with his radical acts of civil disobedience, aggressively pushed for change in global attitudes about homosexuality, and stood up against tyrannical world leaders – and he’s done it all from the front lines. Amos’ brisk but informative film takes us on a tour of Tatchell’s career, bolstered by plenty of archival footage (much of which only exists because Tatchell saved the VHS tapes himself) and given perspective through evocative interviews with the likes of activist Angela Mason, actor Stephen Fry, and Tatchell himself, who also engages in an ongoing conversation with actor and fellow LGBTQ activist Ian McKellen about what motivates his lifelong fight for equality. Along the way, we get insights into Tatchell’s personal life, in particular his relationship with his deeply religious mother. The film culminates with his riskiest crusade yet, the disruption of 2018’s FIFA World Cup in Moscow to draw attention to the persecution of LGBTQ+ people in Russia and Chechnya. Tatchell, we’re happy to say, survived that journey, and is still fighting tirelessly through the Peter Tatchell Foundation, a small London-based human rights organization that also supports democracy, LGBTQ+ and human rights movements in countries like Russia, Uganda, Iran and Pakistan. But busy as he is, he took time to join director Christopher Amos for a conversation with the Blade about the film. !"#$%: Peter, a lot of hard-working activists often struggle with burnout. How do you find a balance between your activism and your day-to-day life? &%'%()'#'*+%"": My life has been tough. I’ve campaigned 12+ hours a day for 54 years, been violently assaulted over 300 times and still receive masses of hate mail and death threats, mostly from homophobes and far right extremists. I’m perpetually tired. It’s made relationships difficult to sustain. But I love the human rights work that I do. What motivates and sustains me is my many successes and the positive feedback from the 20,000+ individuals and campaigners that I’ve helped over the last five decades. !"#$%: Your activism even extends into your relationship with your mom. '#'*+%"": I’ve seen my mother’s regressive views as a challenge and never ceased engaging with her. As a result, she’s been on a journey of growing understanding and acceptance. Although homosexuality is against her Christian beliefs, she doesn’t see it as a major sin. Moreover, she mostly supports my LGBTQ+ work, says LGBTQ people should be treated with respect and has accepted my partner. It shows that patience and perseverance can change hearts and minds. !"#$%: On that subject, the movie features a lot of footage from an era when a lot of people were opposed to your confrontational methods. Some of that persists even in the contemporary interviews. Christopher, was that an intentional choice? *+(,-'.&+%() #/.-: As much as I support Peter’s work, achievements, and sensibilities, I knew it was important to also present opposing opinions. It’s important, for progress, to listen to opinions that are different from our own, even when we disagree. And it’s important that we don’t hide history, we can learn from it. When I was watching the hundreds of hours of archives, I was shocked by some of the views which made it onto television talk shows at the time. Hindsight is a powerful way of highlighting just how much progress has been made. !"#$%: In this case, it certainly highlights that some of Peter’s more “radical” positions have been vindicated over the years, in spite of the naysayers. #/.-: Peter was ahead of his time. He has a natural instinct for what is fair and

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equal in society. !"#$%: Is that what drew you to him as a subject for a film? #/.-: Peter’s activism inspires me, and perhaps identifying with the journey of an Aussie moving to London made his story especially significant to me. We first met in 2000, when I was editor of Bent magazine, and Peter regularly contributed articles. I was always surprised by how many of the LGBTQ community derided his work, despite the huge contribution he was making to advancing our rights. This struck me as an interesting premise for a story about his life, something which adds a layer to the biographical account of his life. I wanted to highlight his achievements but also explore his motivations. !"#$%: What do you want audiences to take away from his story? #/.-: Peter’s journey over the past half-century highlights the advances in the gay liberation movement. That gives me hope for the future and I hope will give others hope too. But it can also inspire us to take action, to use our voice. I want viewers to be moved, but also feel motivated to carry on this fight for equality. Many people often ask what they can do, but Peter doesn’t wonder, he just does something. !"#$%: Peter, is there an action you’ve taken that you are particularly proud of? '#'*+%"": I don’t spend much time relishing my successes. Once a victory has been secured, I focus my mind on the next challenge. But I’m pleased that I ambushed Mike Tyson and got him to express his opposition to homophobic discrimination, and that I staged the first LGBT+ protest in a communist country (East Germany, 1973). And also, I twice attempted a citizen’s arrest of the Zimbabwean dictator and homophobe, Robert Mugabe. !"#$%: What do you think is currently the most crucial fight or fights for the future of queer rights? '#'*+%"": In the West, the biggest battles are to ban conversion therapy, defend the trans community and support other progressive movements, like Black Lives Matter and #MeToo. Globally, the main challenge is to decriminalize homosexuality in the 70 countries that still outlaw it, and then to secure legislation against anti-LGBT+ discrimination and hate crimes. !"#$%: What would you say to people who want to become more involved but don’t know where or how to start? '#'*+%"": Join a LGBT+ organization. There is strength in numbers. All our gains are the result of our collective efforts. Don’t accept the world as it !". Dream of what the world #$%&' be — and then join with others to help make it happen.

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‘We’re Gonna Die’ !"#$%&'()*"+#,-)+*.-/0*11* 2,-(3*4,-5$*6+$%"#$* 789* 2,-(3+,-5$"+$%"#$:,#)

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‘We’re Gonna Die’ includes themes of grief, death, depression

But don’t let that deter you from Round House production !"#$%&'()*#+,--(%'.

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Round House Theatre’s current filmed offering, “We’re Gonna Die,” could be described as sad words interrupted by upbeat melodies. But it’s not that simple. Penned by Young Jean Lee, the hour-long solo show is based on real experiences but without details specific to place or year. Its monologues are the memories of a youngish woman (simply called the Singer in the program) who arrives at the harsh conclusion that horrible things happen all the time, and in the end, we die. But it’s not all gloom and doom. The playwright – who’s been called the queen of unease – peppers her work with the unexpected and the uncomfortable as well as some fun surprises and humor. And after every gloomy tale the singer shares, there’s a pop-sounding song with equally unsettling lyrics. This kind of back and forth between the serious and the not so serious, makes the show interesting. Director Paige Hernandez, who also provides the show’s happy, informal choreography and the scenic design (a sort of downstairs grungy club look), brings a fresh unpretentiousness to the piece that gels nicely with the available energy of Helen Hayes Award-winning Filipinx American actor Regina Aquino. Sporting a knotted T-shirt and black leather pants, Aquino comes ready to work. She barrels through (in a good way) a litany of brutal memories with an inviting intensity while radiating an emotional suppleness that keeps you with her throughout the evening’s various twists and turns. As the Singer, Aquino wastes no time in apprising the audience of the miseries of life. Childhood and tween years aren’t pleasant: she’s shunned by alleged best friends; learning to ride a bike is violently traumatic; and during a playful game of spy, she witnesses her weird Uncle John become reduced to a puddle of tears after reciting his nightly mantra: “I am shit. I am shit.” The singer learns early that life isn’t easy. Romance proves illusive. There’s no dating in high school. College is a series of onesided relationships with guys who drink too much. When she finally gets together with what seems the ideal man, he leaves her. Things continue uncomfortably. At a family reunion she overhears her mother describing her as less lovable than her sister. But it’s her father’s seemingly unfair and tragic death from lung cancer that hits hardest. She knows then that despite what we may want to believe, we all die and rarely prettily. It’s oddly comforting how she concludes that none of us are special; no one is immune to unhappiness, pain, disease, and the long dirt nap. We all have this in common. Lee (the first Asian-American woman to have a play on Broadway with “Straight White Men”) wrote “We’re Gonna Die” not long after her father’s death. Perhaps that’s why the harrowing monologue describing the patriarch’s demise is the show’s most affecting. And it’s definitely where Aquino’s gifts for pathos and sensitivity come to the fore. This is a solo show, indeed, but Aquino isn’t alone on stage. She’s joined by The Chance Club, a four-person rock band featuring Laura Van Duzer, Matthew Schleigh, Jason Wilson, and Manny Arciniega. Aquino and band’s interactions feel spontaneous and not overrehearsed, infusing the show with the charm of a small live concert. “We’re Gonna Die” comes with a content advisory: “This production includes themes of loss, grief, death, and depression.” But please, don’t let that deter you. It’s in fact peculiarly uplifting. And by show’s end, you’ll be humming along to a catchy tune with the memorable chorus: “I’m gonna die / I’m gonna die someday / Then I’ll be gone / And it will be OK.”

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Two models offer strong, confident, inspiring styling #(&)*+&,-.//.,0

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In 2015, back when Gus Kenworthy and Caitlin Jenner ()*%&(+)",#-,&./0&.1&0+%&(2.'%03&456&7)'&*)8#-,&#0'&.7-& hoopla with the X5 xDrive 40e. This was the automaker’s first plug-in hybrid, an engineering marvel that could shift seamlessly between EV and gas-engine mode. Ride and handling were as good as any traditional SUV. And despite a hefty curb weight, acceleration to 60 mph was a decent 6.2 seconds. Fast forward to the X5 xDrive 45e, the next-gen model rolling into showrooms this year. Thanks to the pandemic, this debut has been more subtle. But the enhancements are quite substantial. The new engine—stronger and quieter than the previous model—helps this midsize SUV blast to 60 mph in just 4.7 seconds. Despite being over 400 pounds heavier, the updated X5 is actually nimbler. And the electric-only range is 31 miles, or twice as far as the old model. That’s a good thing, because overall

fuel economy is now 20 mpg versus 24 mpg. Luckily, most motorists drive only about 30 miles each day anyway. (Or at least they did prior to the pandemic.) Inside, the cockpit design is minimalist chic, but with lots of standard features: faux-leather seats, panoramic roof, two 12.3-inch digital screens, and smartphone integration for both Android Auto and Apple CarPlay. All-wheel drive also is standard, even in electric-only mode. Along with all the latest safety gear, there’s active cruise control with a stop-and-go function that can be used at speeds up to 130 mph (yo, for autobahn drivers, not those of us stateside). And during a much-needed weekend getaway with some freeway backups, the traffic-jam-assist feature worked its magic: I was able take my hands off the wheel and relieve a lot of driver fatigue and frustration as the vehicle drove itself. This also was a blessing for my partner, who didn’t have to listen to me swear like a New York City taxi driver.

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9."& )& 1%7& *."%& :%22'& and whistles, there’s the Mercedes GLS 450. This full-size SUV has acres of cargo room and can easily seat seven passengers. For a sportier vibe, you can swap out the second".7& :%-(+& '%)0& 1."& 07.& captain’s chairs. A robust six-cylinder %-,#-%& (.*%'& '0)-$)"$& and provides plenty of punch. The entry-level GLS handles just as effortlessly as the higherend V8 model, which adds $1231415&6/0 another $23,000 to the price tag. Both vehicles are smooth operators, with all-wheel drive and a sophisticated suspension that raises and lowers the chassis. There’s even a clever pothole-sensing system to neutralize nasty bumps and enhance the feeling that this hulking SUV is floating on air. As with many BMWs and Mercedes, the GLS now comes with two huge 12.3inch screens: one for the digital gauges and the other for the infotainment system. Various pricey options abound, including five-zone climate control, a tablet to operate the infotainment system, and front and rear massaging seats that can be programmed to apply soothing relief to your back, tush or both. As if such amenities weren’t enough, you can toss in heated and cooled cupholders, as well as a cabin fragrance system with choice of four aromas. Both Mercedes and BMW offer vibrant ambient lighting, with thin strips of interior lights illuminating the foot wells, door panels, dashboard trim, climate control vents, cupholders, speaker rims, center console and more. To tap into your inner rainbow, the GLS has a digital color wheel where you can choose from 64 lustrous hues. You can customize the lighting even further, selecting different colors to illuminate various parts of the interior at the same time. For me, calling up some funky mood lighting and a few rockin’ Pride songs on the stereo is the perfect way to get the party started.

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