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Locked up in the land of liberty
Yariel Valdés González spent 11 months in ICE custody — these are his diaries !"#$%&'()#*%)+,-#./012)(1
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My time to cross had come and they and turned them upside down. Back at the window they asked for my passport and asked me to come as soon as possible. asked me some basic questions. I had come to their facilities on the They measured my height and took bridge that divides the two countries my picture. several weeks ago to sign up for a Before long I was taken to another, waiting list. This is the only way for much larger, office on a second or asylum seekers to go north in an third floor with more officers and orderly and safe manner. They wrote more immigrants. The open space my name and phone number, along was divided into three sections: with thousands of others, into a very The first was for mothers with small thick book that had aged from being children, the second was for women used too much. who came alone, and the third was “We will call you when it is your reserved for men. I saw the two turn, but the wait to enter may take a Mexican women with their little ones month or two,” the officer said at the who had entered with me because time. the partitions were not exactly solid. It was never my intention to scale Each area had plastic benches, the wall and illegally enter U.S. a television and very thin mats that territory. That is considered a crime covered the entire floor. It was a and I did not want to start my new makeshift shelter with the most basic life by breaking the law. I preferred of essentials. A large glass window in to knock on the door and ask for the front of me allowed the light in and help I needed. let me see the landscape, which, by I was staying at the home of Betty, a the way, was not very encouraging. I Mexican friend who is the wife of my could see the border, covered with father’s friend for whom I had affection barbed wire, fences and surveillance for a long time. Betty opened her cameras. A railroad access gate was family’s doors to me and she always <=>?@A(B=ACD0(EFGHIA@H!=>?!@ABC!DE!'1/!CAFAEFDGE!HGI!EA>IBJ!>!JA>I0!!K,B>CA!L@GFG!MJ!2DN@>AB!OAJP just below the building and a part of looked out for me like a surrogate the American city of Calexico that mother. She was the one who drove was not far away was visible. me that morning in her car to the Beta K,B>CA!L@GFG!MJ!2DN@>AB!OAJP A large room, where various officers, women and men, Group’s premises, where an officer was waiting for me. Two worked nonstop, was behind me. I had access to a bathroom women and their small children were also there. with toilets, urinals, sinks and mirrors, as well as drinking water Access to the country was a trickle, depending on the from a drinking fountain. Women with babies were given milk, capacity of U.S. officials on the ther side of the border. They wet wipes, disposable diapers and other amenities. requested a certain number of people to enter each day and Officers from time to time called us for interviews or to take the Mexican officials called from the list they had made. My fingerprints. They took my fingerprints three times. The system number was over 1,000. I don’t remember exactly, but I was in was not very efficient, which made the officers uncomfortable the fifth and last group of the day. and delayed the process. I said goodbye to Betty with a long, shaky hug. I also said The interviews almost always took place in the early goodbye to my father, who was hundreds of kilometers from morning, in the same long room where the officers fill out here, to my family and to my boyfriend in Cuba and to Mexico, their paperwork. My interview was in the afternoon. It took which had been my adopted home for a few months. several hours because the officer interrupted me at every This goodbye left a bittersweet taste in my mouth, because other question and ordered me to return to my seat. He was my heart was torn. On one hand, I felt as though I was doing apparently not very motivated to work. the right thing, that I must run and save my life, but on the His tone was somewhat aggressive, defiant if you will, other hand doubt remained. My vision became cloudy and at first. He claimed that everyone came up with made-up anguish permeated my thoughts because I was unsure and tales, sometimes nonsensical stories. He no longer believed terrified. My pulse began to race as I walked away. The survival in anything. I was quite scared, but I slowly relaxed when I instinct nevertheless still managed to win the inner struggle. proved to him the facts of my case were true. I showed him Betty filmed the departure on her cell phone and sent it to the documents I had that were evidence. He selected a few my family, with whom she had talked for a few minutes while and attached them to my form. we were on the way to the border. The officer led us to his American colleagues in a tiny office next to the immigration windows where they check 1+(*'(4/%!+(!;$)/!6<
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Diary of an !>3"%#/1*$##
!" #$%#%" &'" (#)'*$+" (*," -.*/#" ,0" 1$2-#.2" *$" 3$+)*2(4" 5#" told me at the end of the interview that I was the first person (#" *$/#.6*#-#%" -*/(" 1" 27)*%" 2/7.04" 80" 2/7.0" -12" 1''1.#$/)0" 7.+1$*9#%:"#)7;&#$/"1$%"$7/",1%#"&'4 I later heard an officer say that my case was a positive “credible fear.” I had thus passed the first test. That made me feel a little more secure and I was able to sleep soundly that night. I could hardly sleep the first night. The mattress was too thin and I was still shaking and scared. I was hoping that I could be released soon. I kept thinking about the good experience that a relative and my boyfriend’s cousins, who had only spent one night in detention after successfully passing the interview on the bridge, had. The families that were with me in this place were quickly released. !"21-"/(#,"1..*6#"1</#.",#"1$%"+#/".#)#12#%"*$"1"<#-"(7&.24 The conditions weren’t actually as bad as I expected. Most of the officers were of Latino descent and treated us decently. Meals filled me up, some more than others. I had a huge burrito stuffed with potato, rice and artificial eggs for breakfast. They also gave us milk and juice. The rest of the food consisted of sandwiches and hamburgers and they served us chicken with 21)1%:"1"=*$%"7<">1#21."21)1%:"<7."%*$$#.4 The hours passed very slowly. I had no one with whom I could talk. I always find it a bit difficult to break the ice with strangers and I wanted to avoid any situation that could lead to problems or misunderstandings. Several men and women, especially those who tried to take advantage of the American immigration system by presenting a false visa to enter the country, arrived each day. Most of them were Mexicans and they were quickly sent back to their country. It is the neighbor after all. Most were young and some had tried to enter more than 10 times. Chinese and Africans, in addition to Latinos from various countries, were with me. People who came in before me were handcuffed. They were being led out of the office to an unknown location. They asked me early in the morning on my third day if I wanted to bathe. They gave me various hygiene products and access to a small shower. I was later able to change my clothes and I felt refreshed. The effects of 48 hours without proper grooming were already beginning to be felt. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and armpits and I brushed my teeth in the morning with my index finger without a toothbrush and toothpaste. I learned a short time later that I would be transferred together with another immigrant with whom I had exchanged a few words. I was going to finally get out of this place, but just not to where I expected. A flight on ICE Air (April 5, 2019) From my seat inside the bus I could hear the noise of the engines of the plane that was still parked. I could make out in the distance the airport with its usual bustle of airplanes. I was, however, in a secluded area that no one could see clearly. This area is accessed through a kind of back door, a gate with huge bars, which is probably used for other '&.'72#24 It is a strategic, well thought out positioning. Handcuffed men boarding a plane at dawn is a very curious scene, and that’s the last thing ICE wants. Discretion in a procedure 7<"/(*2",1+$*/&%#"*2"#22#$/*1)4 Two more buses were parked around the plane. A line of immigrants left one of the buses and boarded the plane. We all anxiously looked for a gap in the windows that would let us see what was happening outside. We waited for several minutes before our turn came. I should only leave my seat when I hear my name. “Valdés González, Yariel,” the agent yelled and my name caught in his mouth, as if he didn’t want it to come out. The shackles around my ankles create an arrhythmic concert of metallic screeches on the way to the plane. The roar of the turbines indicates the transfer’s urgency. I have to go through two checkpoints — they searched my whole body in the first one in search of something inappropriate and they examined my mouth in the second one, as if I could really hide something threatening there — before boarding. I felt like an extremely dangerous convict. I walked, watching my steps like a baby who still has a hard time standing. I climbed the steps of the plane slowly, one by one. It is not a huge airplane, but I would say that it has a capacity for approximately 200 people. Officers indicate available spaces on 0 8 ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!34-5!678!969: ! " ! ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%
#*/(#."2*%#"7<"/(#"$1..7-"1*2)#4"!"(16#"1"-*$%7-"2#1/"7$"/(#".*+(/"2*%#"7<"/(#"')1$#:"6#.0" close to the wing. A free flight and sightseeing. What a thrill! There is a Hindu man next to me. He is wearing a striking turquoise turban. We exchanged timid greetings while the rest of them settled down. The flight attendants were wearing ICE jackets and appeared restless. The plane is full. There are very few 7'#$"2#1/24 I launched into some prayers asking for protection before takeoff. I am afraid of a plane crash and I asked my saints to protect me in an attempt to calm me down. I don’t know why the religious side comes to life whenever I get on a plane. The trip becomes monotonous after the exciting moment of takeoff and the initial curiosity of seeing the earth from the sky. The clouds with their thousands of shapes are all I can admire out the window. I lean my head to the wall of the plane trying to rest. I did not get a deep sleep, as anxiety and nervousness conspired against my peace of mind. They gave us a bag with the same food from the bus and I managed to feed myself a little with the same clumsiness of handcuffed hands. Those who need to go to the bathroom are escorted by an officer to the plane’s tiny lavatory. The handcuffs were not removed at any time during the flight. You have to figure out how to deal with any #6#$/&1)*/04 I would say the flight was longer than three hours. I had no way of knowing exactly how much time passed since it began, much less any clue that told me where we were going. I looked out the window and the ground no longer seemed so far away. They indicated through the PA system that we will arrive at our destination shortly, without clarifying what the destination is. The city before my eyes revealed itself as gray, drenched by a vigorous storm that will make our arrival even more strange. I once again said my prayers as we made our final descent. They seemed to have been heard when I felt the impact of the landing gear on the wet runway. We landed safely in a desolate airport and stopped on the tarmac with other planes that looked like toys because they were so tiny. The surrounding buildings disappeared at times because the rain lashed so fiercely. The downpour was not a sufficient excuse to delay our extraction any longer. I ran as fast as the chains on my feet and the constant fear of slipping would allow me. I was drenched from head to toe when I boarded the bus. An officer then indicated that I should sit in the narrowest of the seats, which were in the back of the bus right next to the bathroom. I was practically sitting on one of my legs and I fell on top of the person next to me every time someone opened the door to the tiny bathroom. More than 10 hours of travel had passed, so a visit to the back of the bus was imperative, including for me. The urine gave off a smelly odor from that cabin, and my nose was its closest victim. I started to sweat. The ventilation was nil because the incessant torrential rain kept the windows closed. We would have been mercilessly drenched if we opened them, even a little bit. I fell prey to several episodes of anxiety on board that hermetic capsule. I was perhaps not the only one because around 40 immigrants were breathing the same thick, hot air that had apparently been recycled. I arrived at my final destination approximately 12 hours later.
Pride is a smile !"#$%&#'()*&+,'*&-&.%/%0"-*#1(&#(&*2%&31(*2&14&5,(%6&7*)'&-&.%/%0"-*#1(&14&82%"%& 8%)9%& 0%%(& -($& 21:%& 41"& 82%"%& 8%)"%& ;1#(;6& 7*)'& -& .%/%0"-*#1(& 14& 821& 8%& -"%&-($&821&8%)"%&0%.13#(;6&7*)'&-&.%/%0"-*#1(&14&/#4%&%9%"<&$-<&14&*2%&<%-"6& With Xfinity, it’s Pride all year. =#'#*&xfinity.com/LGBTQ&*1&/%-"(&31"%6
NPA236021≠ 0003 NED Q2 LGBTQ PRIDE V1
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5/10/21 5:06 PM
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Liquor board refers Nellie’s case to D.C. attorney general Report says fights began before Black woman was dragged down stairs !"#$%&#'()!!*+%#,+-#.#/01233456784913/4:;-06<
The D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Board last week asked the Office of the D.C. Attorney General to continue an investigation into allegations that a security officer at Nellie’s Sports Bar dragged a Black woman down a flight of stairs during a fight among !"#$%&'()"!*$%)&+(%,-.&"#$&$/%01&*!%-,-.&#!(%)&!2&3(-$&456 The ABC Board made its referral to the office headed by D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine after it received a lengthy report about the Nellie’s incident from the city’s 70'!#!0,'& 8$9$%/.$& :$.(0/",!-& 7+*,-,)"%/",!-& ;78:7<=& >#,'#& '!-+('"$+& ,")& !>-& ,-9$)",./",!-&,-"!&"#$&,-',+$-"6 ?#$&@ABC/.$&78:7&%$C!%"=&>#,'#&,-'0(+$)&4D&C/.$)&!2&/++$-+/=&,-'0(+,-.&E6F6&C!0,'$& reports and summaries of witness interviews, accuses Nellie’s of being in violation of the D.C. Code pertaining to its liquor license by failing to follow proper procedures during an outbreak of violence on its premises. ABRA spokesperson Aaron King told the Washington Blade the Office of the Attorney General will make the final determination on whether Nellie’s and its staff violated D.C. law or regulations pertaining to the Nellie’s incident. King said that if the OAG finds that 9,!0/",!-)&+,+&!''(%&"#$&78F&8!/%+&'!(0+&"#$-&#!0+&/&G#!>&F/()$&H$/%,-.&"!&+$"$%*,-$& whether to impose a monetary fine and/or suspend or revoke Nellie’s liquor license. The public version of the report released on June 30 by ABRA includes dozens of blacked out names of witnesses and the names of one or more investigators who ,-"$%9,$>$+&"#$*6 ?#$& %$C!%"& /-+& "#$& ,-9$)",./",!-& "#/"& C%!*C"$+& ,"& '/*$& about after the release of a video by a Nellie’s C/"%!-&!-&I-)"/.%/*&"#/"& '/C"(%$+& "#$& J$00,$K)& )$'(%,"1& .(/%+& +%/..,-.& '()"!*$%& L$,)#/& M!(-.=& 22, by her hair down a flight of stairs. The video, >#,'#& >$-"& 9,%/0& !-& )!',/0& *$+,/=& C%!*C"$+& $NC%$)),!-)& !2& !("%/.$& by LGBTQ activists and local LGBTQ and racial $%;<=>>?;@AB%AC%D>E;@F%-AG?H%I>E?H%J=FHH>J%JAK?%B@>%;BFE=;% justice organizations, IL%@>=%@FE=%FB%&>MME>N;%A?%+G?>%2O9 )$9$%/0& !2& >#,'#& O!,-$+& 2!%'$)& "!& #!0+& C%!"$)")& !("),+$&J$00,$K)&!9$%&"#$&2!00!>,-.&">!&>$$P)6 J$00,$K)&%$0$/)$+&/&)"/"$*$-"&0/)"&?#(%)+/1&-,.#"&C!,-",-.&!("&"#/"&"#$&78:7&%$C!%"& also found the altercation began when “Nellie’s staff” were assaulted after they asked a group of patrons who reportedly brought in their own bottle of liquor to leave the establishment. “Consumption of outside alcohol is against Nellie’s longstanding policy,” the statement says. “We don’t condone what followed and we terminated the security company responsible, closed the establishment for a period to further investigate and move forward with additional training and a new security company,” according to the statement, which adds, “We fully cooperated with ABRA on its investigation.” G!*$&!2&"#$&.%!(C)&C/%",',C/",-.&,-&"#$&C%!"$)")&!("),+$&J$00,$K)&,-&"#$&>$$P)&),-'$&"#$& 3(-$&45&,-',+$-"&/%$&'/00,-.&2!%&J$00,$K)&"!&'0!)$&C$%*/-$-"01&%$./%+0$))&!2&>#/"=&,2&/-1=& action ABRA or the ABC Board takes against Nellie’s, which has long been considered one of D.C.’s popular LGBTQ bars. 7-+&)!*$&!2&"#$&.%!(C)=&,-'0(+,-.&H/%%,$"K)&Q,0+$)"&E%$/*)=&/&80/'PB0$+&'!**(-,"1& defense group headed by Makia Green, who describes themself as a “queer trans nonbinary Black liberation organizer,” have alleged that Nellie’s has a history of bias against people of color despite the fact that many of Nellie’s customers have been AfricanAmerican men and women, LGBTQ and straight. Preston Mitchum, a D.C. attorney and co-chair of the board of the local group F!00$'",9$& 7'",!-& 2!%& G/2$& GC/'$)& ;F7GG<=& )/,+& "#/"& /)& /& 2!%*$%& J$00,$K)& C/"%!-& #$& observed practices by the Nellie’s staff and management that he believes were racially biased against Black customers long before the incident involving Keisha Young. R-&"#$&+/1&2!00!>,-.&"#$&,-',+$-"=&J$00,$K)&,))($+&/&)"/"$*$-"&)/1,-.&,"&#/+&,**$+,/"$01& +,)*,))$+& "#$& C%,9/"$& )$'(%,"1& '!*C/-1& >#!)$& $*C0!1$$& >/)& )#!>-& !-& "#$& 9,+$!& dragging Young down the stairs. Nellie’s also apologized for the incident, but did not specifically apologize to Young, prompting further expressions of concern by activists
/-+&M!(-.&#$%)$02=&>#!&)/,+&)#$&>/)&,-O(%$+&+(%,-.&"#$&,-',+$-"6 An attorney representing Young said he expected to file a lawsuit on her behalf /./,-)"&J$00,$K)&)$$P,-.&+/*/.$)&2!%&"#$&,-O(%,$)&/-+&$*!",!-/0&+,)"%$))&"!&>#,'#&)#$& allegedly was subjected during the incident. The ABRA report states that an ABRA investigator, whose name is blacked out in the public version of the report, “determined that on Sunday, June 13, 2021, Nellie’s Restaurant & Bar, located at 900 U Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., was in violation of D.C. Official Code 25-823(a)(2).” The report adds, “Specifically, multiple assaults occurred inside the establishment while the licensee was engaged in a method of operation conducive to unlawful conduct. This determination was based on a review of Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) PD-251 reports, staff interviews, and surveillance from the establishment.” ?#$&%$C!%"&/0)!&,-'0(+$)&+$"/,0$+&/''!(-")&!2&)"/"$*$-")&*/+$&"!&78:7&,-9$)",./"!%)& by Nellie’s customers, employees and the Nellie’s owner, who is not identified in the report but is widely known to be Douglas Schantz, a D.C. resident who lives within >/0P,-.&+,)"/-'$&!2&J$00,$K)6 I-&/++,",!-=&"#$&%$C!%"&,-'0(+$)&/&+$"/,0$+&+$)'%,C",!-&!2&9,+$!&)(%9$,00/-'$&2!!"/.$& "/P$-& 2%!*& J$00,$K)& !>-& )$'(%,"1& '/*$%/)6& I"& )/1)& "#$& J$00,$K)& 9,+$!& )#!>)& "#/"&M!(-.=& who is not identified by name, had been involved in a fight with at least one other Nellie’s customer before she was dragged down the stairs by the security guard. “The complainant of assault identified as [redacted name] wearing a blue outfit and long blond braids is seen at 1:29:32 a.m. at the bottom righthand corner of the frame,” the report says. “[Redacted named] is observed having words with another patron and then pushing [redacted name] and then punching him multiple times in the back of the head.” 8%/-+!-& 8(%%$00=& /-& /""!%-$1& %$C%$)$-",-.& M!(-.=& #/)& "!0+& *$+,/& !("0$")& "#/"& "#$& security officers and Nellie’s employees appear to have mistook Young for another woman who reportedly brought into the bar a bottle of liquor, which prompted security "!&+$*/-+&"#/"&"#!)$&,-9!09$+&,-&+%,-P,-.&"#$&!("),+$&0,S(!%&0$/9$&J$00,$K)6 Burrell has also said that prior to her being pulled down the stairs Young got into an /0"$%'/",!-&>,"#&/-!"#$%&)$'(%,"1&.(/%+&,-&/-&/""$*C"&"!&)"!C&"#$&.(/%+&2%!*&/))/(0",-.& #$%&'!(),-6&& The ABRA report says the action by the security officers and a Nellie’s bartender to eject the patrons who reportedly brought in a bottle of Bacardi Limon and who were “consuming shots blatantly in front of the bar” from that bottle triggered the altercation that led to Young being dragged down the stairs. Included in the ABRA report is a copy of a June 16 letter that D.C. Police Chief Robert J. Contee III sent to ABRA Director Fred Moosally expressing concern about Nellie’s handling of the altercation and calling on Moosally to open an ABRA investigation. Contee told Moosally in his letter that he learned details about the incident from patrons and others who filed police reports about the altercation, including a police report filed by Young on June 14 at the department’s Third District Station. “Most concerning about this incident is that at no time did Nellie’s Sports Bar staff, management or ownership make any effort to contact the MPD to report the incident or to self-report the ABRA-related incident,” Contee states in his letter. “Instead, Nellie’s Sports Bar carried on with business as usual,” his letter says. “Later that day, the incident apparently prompted an unscheduled First Amendment assembly in front of the establishment, which drew over a hundred protesters,” Contee wrote in his letter. “During this demonstration, Nellie’s Sports Bar ejected all patrons, locked their doors and closed for business.” Later that day, Nellie’s announced it was temporarily closing while continuing to pay its employees and while contemplating how best to respond to the incident involving Young and the protests. The establishment has remained closed since that time. The statement released by Nellie’s through its attorney Andrew Kline on Thursday -,.#"& +,)C("$)& F!-"$$K)& '0/,*& "#/"& J$00,$K)& +,+-K"& '/00& "#$& C!0,'$& +(%,-.& "#$& 3(-$& 45& /0"$%'/",!-6 “According to the ABRA report and contrary to published reports, and even MPD, Nellie’s personnel DID immediately notify MPD as this incident was occurring,” the statement says. “We will continue to work to identify and address all factors which may have given rise to this incident so that Nellie’s will be a safe and welcoming atmosphere for all,” says the statement. It concludes by saying, “We plan to meet privately with several groups who have expressed concern about our operation so we might best understand all of the issues involved.” The police report filed by Young lists the incident in which she was dragged down the stairs at Nellie’s as an “assault with significant bodily injury.” !" #$ !% &' () % * %+ ,!-% . / 0% 1 . 1 2 % * %($ ) 3 4 & 56" & 7 ! $ 8 '9#" :% * % ! "
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is a longtime LGBTQ rights and Democratic Party activist. He writes regularly for the Blade.
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During his campaign and in his first few months in office, President Biden has spoken #40%.)#4)0*%).%%-)0#)$%0)1523)0#)1'95"0'&5.&*'9)'.)$#(%".7%.0:);%)"%25,,&)*'&)0'7%)'.)0*%) Senate when that was how he liked to work but recognizes it was much more possible back 0*%.:) It is widely accepted that what was once the Republican Party is now the Party of Trump. It is a party controlled by hardliners who have no desire to compromise on anything. Their leaders in Congress, Senate Minority Leader “Moscow” Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) are beholden to and behave as sycophants of Trump. So the fact that Biden appears to have reached a bipartisan agreement on a hard infrastructure bill with Republicans in the Senate must be seen as a major step forward. He is right when he said in an op-ed regarding the hard infrastructure bill: “The bipartisan agreement is a signal to ourselves, and to the world, that American democracy can work and deliver for the people.” But the country could still end up without any progress being made if progressive Democrats, through their intransigence, manage to screw-up the infrastructure deal because they aren’t willing to compromise. If that happens they will also be showing a total lack of understanding of how the Founding Fathers intended our government to work. President Biden made a big mistake suggesting he wouldn’t sign the deal on hard infrastructure he had just accepted from the group of Democratic and Republican senators he met with in the White House unless it reached his desk in tandem with a separate soft infrastructure bill. He has already walked that comment back and the bill appears to still be 5,'(%:) So as the bipartisan deal moves forward it is important to recognize not only Republicans but Democrats could sabotage it and cause it to fall apart. Just reading Jamaal Bowman’s (D-N.Y.) <+#0% is an indication of how that could happen. He said, “If it’s not where it needs to be, we’ll vote it down and see where it goes from there.” Well Bowman and his colleagues shouldn’t be shocked when it goes nowhere and they, not Republicans, are held responsible for hurting all those who could have benefitted from the bipartisan bill !"%&'-%.0)8'-%.)5$"%%-)0#:) The ball is now in the congressional Democrats’ court. It is up to them to work together to reach a deal on a soft infrastructure bill that can be passed with reconciliation both in the House and then get all 50 Democratic votes in the Senate allowing Vice President Harris to cast the tie-breaking vote. That won’t be easy and it means every Democrat, including more moderate ones like Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-Maine) among others have to be on board with such a bill. Progressives need to face facts, the first being the $6 trillion reconciliation bill Sen. Sanders (I-Vermont) and some others are talking about will not happen. Even a progressive stalwart like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has shown she understands that and wouldn’t specify a dollar figure she would agree to when appearing recently on Meet the !"%&&: In the best of all worlds, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Speaker Pelosi (D-Calif.) would get the most left-leaning Democrats along with the more moderate ones in the Senate, lock them in a room, and not let them out until they have an agreement on a soft infrastructure bill they will all support. There is broad support for the bipartisan bill. According to a new poll even, “6 in 10 Republican voters say they favor the new $1.2 trillion infrastructure package negotiated by a bipartisan group of senators and endorsed by the Biden White House.” There is also broad support among Democrats for President Biden’s $1.8 trillion American Family !,5.:)=0)*5&)1%%.)"%9#"0%-, “An overwhelming majority of Democrats back the plan (86%), while 54% of independent voters support it.” >#) 2#.$"%&&'#.5,) 6%7#2"50&) 52"#&&) 0*%) 9#,'0'25,)&9%20"+7)&*#+,-)1%)51,%)0#)$%0)1%*'.-)&#7%)4#"7)#4)0*'&)1',,)5.-)95&&)'0)0*"#+$*) reconciliation without any Republican help. If that happens, President Biden gets to show bipartisanship can work and Democrats get to move forward on a host of issues they campaigned on. It would be a tremendous win-win for the American people. ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!34-5!678!969 : ! " !; ' / #< + ' (*
#$%&'&()*+%$,-.'+/0123425342567 is executive director at Black and Pink, Inc. 0)89&+%:%.4$'+/0123425342567 is senior policy director at Austin Justice Coalition and manager at Columbia University Justice Lab’s Square One Project.
After a quiet Pride, a fight for justice ahead
The current system isn’t broken — it was designed this way As the second annual Pride month of the pandemic comes to a close, once again, even with COVID waning, we missed the sidewalk-busting parades, street parties and overflowing bars and restaurants. But we know that the absence of celebration does not mean an absence of pride. And in the quiet, what surfaces most powerfully is the LGBTQ community’s deep commitment to advocacy, even post-Pride, that glows like a rainbow shockwave on the 95(%7%.0:) Bold and fearless advocacy is something at which LGBTQ people are incredibly accomplished and the envy of many of our allies in the progressive movement. Groups in Washington, D.C. and around the country have implored us to help them replicate our work from marriage equality, where we turned around public opinion — and the law — in a matter of years. Advocacy is our superpower and many in our community, especially Black and Brown LGBTQ leaders, have been leaders in the national conversation about race, policing, and incarceration. And our connection to the modern justice movement is grounded in our own experiences. For decades, LGBTQ people have been vulnerable to homophobia and transphobia in a system designed to keep us quiet, out of sight, or even worse, dead. We know what it means when a bigoted police officer is empowered to kill or maim by a system in which homophobia and transphobia run rampant. We’ve been hit with batons for simply walking down the street. We’ve been locked up because of the way we love, express ourselves or be who we 5"%: We’ve been deadnamed and misgendered, and misplaced in dangerous carceral &952%&:) And even after a tidal wave of Fortune 500 companies supporting us in the workplace, Supreme Court decisions that granted us equality under the law, and “Pose,” “Queer Eye,” “Ellen,” Laverne and “Will and Grace,” we’re still getting beaten and jailed. Over the past year, dozens of transgender women, mostly Black and Brown, have been killed. We still know the pain of a society and a justice system that looks the other way. And just like we rejected incrementalism for ourselves when it came to the recognition of our love (remember civil unions?) the goal post is to move beyond the well-intentioned but ill-conceived efforts to reform the existing justice status quo. While you can reform something that’s broken, the current system isn’t broken, it was designed this way — to extend gendered white supremacy into policing and into our jails and prisons. Reimagining justice in the United States means ending the use of jails and prisons as a catch-all solution for every social ill or to make people “disappear” who don’t adhere to social “norms.” It means taking policing out of the business of responding to homelessness, as we know many LGBTQ young people are pushed out of their homes, and out of mental health first response, as we face higher rates of mental health issues due to stigma and 0"5+75: And it means a rejuvenated investment in health care, education, housing, conflict intervention, and restorative justice to refocus on healthy people and thriving 2#77+.'0'%&)"50*%")0*5.)#.)9+.'&*'.$)9%#9,%)4#")"%520'.$)0#)0*%)-%9"'(50'#.)#4)0*%&%) 0*'.$&:) When we are active in the justice movement, we not only acknowledge our own history with police brutality and a failed justice system, we help broaden the support at this crucial moment in our nation’s history. So to honor this year’s Pride month, join Black and Pink or donate money or find another organization in your own town or city. Most of all, let’s drill down on the LGBTQ movement’s troubled history with justice by aligning with our Black and Brown leaders who have been at this for decades, and with BLM and other organizations that aim to reimagine justice. Not only are these two movements incredibly intersectional, we have quite literally plotted a new parade route toward action and awareness with our friends and allies in Black and Brown communities. If we’re successful, we’ll all rise together.
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(Photo courtesy Pepco; photographer Rick Giammaria)
(Photo courtesy Pepco; photographer Rick Giammaria)
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_0$$%&"'?#(&'5)0#&A'B)%&C$'-0$&D'($5',, America’s Favorite Pastime still lacks openly gay players
!"#$%&'&($'()*+,)*-&./'#0(&"%)1&.)(#/*-&/*+#.$+(#'*2(&"'*(&'#& /#(&34&5',,6'%7(&'*2&(#'2/01(&20$&#)&#.$&89:;<+=>&6'*2$1/?@& A'B)%&C$'-0$&D'($5',,&E'*2&/#(&A/*)%&C$'-0$&D'($5',,&"$$2$%& (F(#$1G& /(& 5'?7H&I.$& '**0',&!,,+J#'%& K'1$& /(& ($#& ")%& L0,F& =3H& !(/2$& "%)1& -'M7/*-& '#& F)0%& "'N)%/#$& 6,'F$%(O& 6)(#$%/)%(& /*& form-fitting pinstriped pants, there are plenty of queer cheers #)&-/N$&")%&!1$%/?'O(&*'#/)*',&6'(#/1$H&I.$($&'%$&-'F$(#&#./*-(& F)0&2/2*O#&7*)M&'5)0#&6%)&5',,H
5/,,/)*&5/,,/)*HU 9"&?)0%($@&#.$%$&1'F&5$&-'F&)%&5/($Q0',&1$*&/*&ACD&M.)& have ripped a page from Burke’s playbook and only confided M/#./*&#.$/%&)M*&?,05H&I/1$&M/,,&#$,,H Lower-level pro ball has a much better coming-out average J/*?$& J$'*& 8)*%)F@& ")%1$%& 6/#?.$%& ")%& #.$& /*2$6$*2$*#& J)*)1'&J#)16$%(@&?'1$&)0#&605,/?,F&/*&V4=X&M./,$&(#/,,&)*&#.$& team’s roster – the first-ever active pro ball player to do so – a .'*2"0,&)"&)#.$%(&.'N$&"),,)M$2&/*&./(&6/)*$$%/*-&"))#(#$6(&E'#& N'%/)0(&(#'-$(&)"&#.$/%&?'%$$%(G@&/*?,02/*-&A/CD&6,'F$%(&<'N/2& <$*()*@&IF,$%&<0**/*-#)*@&L'()*&D0%?.@&'*2&L).*&</,,/*-$%H
Glenn Burke broke the first barrier – but it may have cost him As an outfielder for the Los Angeles Dodgers from 1976 to ’78 (and widely regarded co-inventor of the high-five), Glenn Burke broke ground as the first active MLB player to There are 30 MLB teams – and all but one of them ?)1$&)0#&'(&-'F&#)&./(&#$'11'#$(&'*2&5)(($(H&P./,$&.$&M'(& host a Pride night '(7$2&#)&%$"%'/*&"%)1&1'7/*-&./(&($Q0',&)%/$*#'#/)*&605,/?&5F& IM$*#F&F$'%(&'-)&#./(&(011$%@&#.$&8./?'-)&805(&7/?7$2&)""& <)2-$%(O&#)6&5%'((@&D0%7$&#),2&!"#$%"&1'-'R/*$&/*&=>>S&#.'#& MLB’s Pride-night tradition with its now-annual “Out at Wrigley” ./(& T1/((/)*& '(& '& -'F& 5',,6,'F$%& M'(& #)& 5%$'7& '& (#$%$)#F6$U& ?$,$5%'#/)*@& '*2& ',1)(#& $N$%F& ?,05& /*& #.$& )%-'*/R'#/)*& .'(& '*2& .$& #.)0-.#& /#& M)%7$2H& ;*& )#.$%& /*#$%N/$M(& '*2& /*& ./(& "),,)M$2&(0/#H&IM$*#F+$/-.#&#$'1(&/*&#.$&^*/#$2&J#'#$(&'*2&)*$& '0#)5/)-%'6.F@&.)M$N$%@&.$&(0--$(#$2&#.'#&6%$B02/?$&2%)N$& /*& 8'*'2'& .)(#& '*& $N$*/*-& )"& CKDI_& /*?,0(/N$*$((@& 0(0',,F& ./1&)0#&)"&#.$&(6)%#@&*)#&#.$&/*B0%F&#.'#&($*#&./1&5'?7&2)M*&#)& BILLY BEAN"@%=6"-.0"#&">TTT"%506("(60#(#&+"5(-=" <%$6<%//"%&)"VV"76%($"/%06("0:6"$9-(0"$0#//"/%@;$"%&"-.0" M/#.&(6$?/',&#/?7$#&6'?7'-$(&#.'#&/*?,02$&($'#(&/*&'&2$2/?'#$2& #.$&1/*)%(&'"#$%&'&F$'%&M/#.&#.$&9'7,'*2&!#.,$#/?(H& +%7"9/%76(A""!W:-0-"@-.(06$7"36%&I Pride section and rainbow-colored baseball swag. The lone I.$&!O(&%$,$'($2&D0%7$&"%)1&./(&?)*#%'?#&5$")%$&#.$&$*2&)"& .),2)0#`&I.$&#M)+2$?'2$(+#))+,'#$&Z$M&])%7&]'*7$$(H& ./(&/*B0%$2&"'%1+#$'1&($'()*@&'*2&.$&%$#/%$2&"%)1&#.$&-'1$& IM)&F$'%(&'-)@&#.$&]'*7(&'?7*)M,$2-$2&#.$&X4#.&'**/N$%('%F&)"&#.$&J#)*$M',,&^6%/(/*-& in 1980. ;*& #.$& /*/#/',& F$'%(& "),,)M/*-& ./(& %$#/%$1$*#@& D0%7$& ?)16$#$2& /*& =44+& '*2& V44+1$#$%& and honored five first-annual Yankees-Stonewall Scholarship winners in a special pregame commemoration ceremony that unveiled a plaque behind the center-field fence sprints at the inaugural Gay Games in 1982 and in basketball at the 1986 Games, and ")%& 1'*F& F$'%(& .$& 6,'F$2& ")%& #.$& J'*& W%'*?/(?)& K'F& J)"#5',,& C$'-0$H& D0%7$& 2/$2& )"& dedicated to the occasion. Yet still no Pride night. ?)16,/?'#/)*(&"%)1&!;<J&/*&=>>XH The San Francisco Giants made rainbow history for Pride 2021 ACD&#$'1(&'%$&7*)M*&#)&/*?)%6)%'#$&?'0($+5'($2&,)-)(&'*2&6'#?.$(&/*#)&#.$/%&0*/")%1(& Burke befriended Tommy Lasorda Jr. – and Tommy Senior wasn’t happy C$-$*2'%F&<)2-$%(&1'*'-$%&I)11F&C'()%2'&J%H&Y&M.)&,$2&#.$&#$'1&#)&#M)&P)%,2&J$%/$(& #.%)0-.)0#& #.$& ($'()*@& ,/7$& #.$& 6/*7& 5%$'(#& ?'*?$%& 'M'%$*$((& %/55)*@& ")%& /*(#'*?$@& )%& ?.'16/)*(./6(@&")0%&Z'#/)*',&C$'-0$&6$**'*#(&'*2&$/-.#&2/N/(/)*&#/#,$(&20%/*-&./(&V4+F$'%& camouflage to show military appreciation. But on June 5, 2021, the San Francisco Giants became the first team in big-league history to rainbow-ize its uniforms, including a stewardship from 1976 to 1996 – had a gay son. Burke befriended the younger Lasorda L%H@& M./?.& '*-$%$2& #.$& T"'1/,F& N',0$(U& 1'*'-$%@& ?'0(/*-& '& %/"#& #.'#& ,/7$,F& ?)*#%/50#$2& #)& right-sleeve home jersey patch in Pride colors and a matching logo on players’ hats, in D0%7$&5$/*-&#%'2$2&#)&#.$&!O(&'"#$%&#.%$$&($'()*(&/*&C)(&!*-$,$(H&C'()%2'&L%H&2/$2&)"&!;<J& ?$,$5%'#/)*&)"&/#(&CKDI_a&"'*(H TP$&'%$&$Q#%$1$,F&6%)02&#)&(#'*2&M/#.&#.$&CKDI_a&?)110*/#F&'(&M$&7/?7&)""&)*$&)"&#.$& ?)16,/?'#/)*(& /*& =>>=& '#& '-$& 33H& C'()%2'& J%H& 2/$2& $'%,/$%& #./(& F$'%& M/#.)0#& $N$%& .'N/*-& 5$(#&'**0',&?$,$5%'#/)*(&/*&J'*&W%'*?/(?)&5F&6'F/*-&.)*)%&#)&#.$&?)0*#,$((&'?./$N$1$*#(& '?7*)M,$2-$2&.$&.'2&'&-'F&()*H '*2& ?)*#%/50#/)*(& )"& ',,& #.)($& M.)& /2$*#/"F& '(& CKDI_a& '*2& '%$& ',,/$(& )"& #.$& CKDI_a& ?)110*/#F@U&J'*&W%'*?/(?)&K/'*#(&8b9&C'%%F&D'$%&('/2&/*&'&(#'#$1$*#H It’s been 22 years since the second MLB player came out Billy Bean, an outfielder for the Detroit Tigers, L.A. Dodgers and San Diego Padres A scripted series about gay professional ball players may be coming soon from 1987 to 1995, came out in the &'()'* +",(%-& /*& =>>>@& ")0%& F$'%(& '"#$%& %$#/%/*-H& Author Peter Lefcourt’s novel, “The Dreyfus Affair: A Love Story” (1992), about D$(/2$(&D0%7$@&.$&%$1'/*(&#.$&)*,F&)#.$%&")%1$%&ACD&6,'F$%&#)&605,/?,F&'?7*)M,$2-$&./(& .)1)($Q0',/#F&6)(#+?'%$$%[&*)&'?#/N$&6,'F$%&.'(&$N$%&?)1$&)0#&605,/?,F&'*2&*)&")%1$%& .)1)6.)5/'&/*&5'($5',,&#.'#&"),,)M(&#M)&ACD&6,'F$%(&M.)&-$#&?'0-.#&06&/*&'&($Q&(?'*2',& 6,'F$%(&.'N$&?)1$&)0#&(/*?$H&;*&V443@&D$'*&%$,$'($2&./(&'0#)5/)-%'6.F&TK)/*-&#.$&9#.$%& should be required reading for any on-the-spectrum queer sports fans, but if you’re P'F\&C$(()*(&"%)1&'&C/"$&/*&'*2&)0#&)"&A'B)%&C$'-0$&D'($5',,@U&'*2&/*&V4=S&.$&M'(&*'1$2& '2N$%($&#)&?%'?7/*-&)6$*&'&20(#F&5))7@&#.$&,/N$+'?#/)*&I:&'2'6#'#/)*&1'F&5$&?)1/*-&#)&'& (#%$'1/*-&($%N/?$&*$'%&F)0H& MLB’s first Ambassador for Inclusion. In 2016, that role was expanded to Vice President of ^*/N$%(',&I$,$N/(/)*&.'(&)6#/)*$2&#.$&*)N$,&")%&2$N$,)61$*#&M/#.&9(?'%+&'*2&b11F+ Social Responsibility and Inclusion, and today Bean serves as Vice President and Special winner David Frankel (“The Devil Wears Prada”) tapped to direct and co-write the pilot !((/(#'*#&#)&#.$&8)11/((/)*$%H& M/#.&C$"?)0%#H& The project has been in development in some form for the past 28 years. Studios put The L.A. Dodgers are the only team with both players who have come out as gay D)#.&D0%7$&'*2&D$'*&6,'F$2&")%&#.$&<)2-$%(&20%/*-&#.$/%&ACD&?'%$$%(&Y&'*2&'(&./(#)%F& the kibosh on Lefcourt’s and Frankel’s original movie scripts in 1996 – Disney was even #$*2(&#)&%$6$'#&/#($,"@&1'F5$&#.$%$O(&'&-'F&6,'F$%&)*&#.$&<)2-$%(O&%)(#$%&%/-.#&*)MH&;"&#.'#O(& /*#$%$(#$2&'(&)*$&6)/*#&Y&?/#/*-&,'?7&)"&?)11$%?/',&'66$',H& #%0$@& .$%$O(& .)6/*-& .$& .'(& #.$& ?)0%'-$& #)& ?)1$& )0#& '*2& 1'7$& ./(#)%F& M./,$& '*& '?#/N$& These are the best butts in baseball according to !" magazine player, put the final nail in the coffin of the Dodgers’ homophobic past, and serve as an There’s no definitive queer ranking of the best butts in baseball (and it’s a shame there /*(6/%'#/)*&#)&'(6/%/*-&F)0*-&6%)&5',,&6,'F$%(&$N$%FM.$%$H& /(*O#G&50#&'&"$M&F$'%(&'-)&./&1'-'R/*$&'(7$2&/#(&%$'2$%(@&1'B)%/#F&"$1',$(@&#)&%'*7&ACDO(& Z)&6%$((0%$H -%$'#$(#&(//ets. Phillies left fielder Rhys Hoskins, Cincinnati Reds pitcher Matt Harvey, New York Yankee Giancarlo Stanton, Nationals right fielder Bryce Harper, and Dodger Cody Statistics suggest there are dozens of closeted pro baseball players ;*&'&V4=X&'%#/?,$&")%&#.$&Z$M&])%7&I/1$(@&$?)*)1/(#&'*2&605,/?&6),/?F&(?.),'%&L0(#/*& Bellinger rounded out the top five – figuratively and literally. Perfectly acceptable. But are there better booties at-bat? P),"$%(&M%)#$&#.'#&5'($2&)*&#.$&6%)6)%#/)*&)"&!1$%/?'*&1$*&M.)&.'N$&'?7*)M,$2-$2& Consider Diamondback David Peralta, Los Angeles Angel Mike Trout, and Orioles first 5$/*-&-'F&)%&5/($Q0',&E#.)0-.&*)#&*$?$(('%/,F&)0#G@&#.$%$&10(#&5$&?,)($#$2&ACD&6,'F$%(& 5'($1'*&8.%/(&<'N/(&#.$&*$Q#&#/1$&#.$F&#'7$&#.$&6,'#$H& actively taking the field. Thirty MLB teams each have 40-men rosters equaling 1,200 J$N$*#.+/**/*-&(#%$#?.@&'*F)*$` players who don’t publicly identify as queer. !#$%&'()*+"#$"%&"%'%()*'#&&#&+",-.(&%/#$0"%&)"1234"/#56$07/6"6896(0"':-$6"'-(;":%$" T;"& 5'($5',,& 6,'F$%(& '%$& '(& ,/7$,F& #)& 5$& -'F& '(& )#.$%& 1$*& #.$/%& '-$& Y& ,$#O(& -)& M/#.& '*& $(#/1'#$&)"&=&/*&VX&Y&#.$*&#.$&)22(&#.'#&*)*$&)"&#.$($&1$*&'%$&-'F&/(&)*$&/*&#M)&($Q#/,,/)*@U& <66&" 9.</#$:6)" #&" =-(6" 0:%&" >??" -.0/60$" %@(-$$" 0:6" '-(/)A" B6" @.((6&0/7" '-(;$" 5-(" 0:6" C0/%&0%"3(%D6$A"E-&&6@0"'#0:"F#;67"-&"G&$0%+(%="H=#;67(-80(%D6/$I Wolfers wrote. “A sextillion comes after a trillion, quadrillion and quintillion; it is a thousand 2 4 " J "KC LBGM 24N M 31COPAENF"J"QR1S"?TU"V?V>
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¡Hola Papi! works as memoir, advice column Laughs and sighs abound in Brammer’s new book !"#$%&&'#()*+')*%,-%.%&
‘¡Hola Papi! How to Come Out in a Walmart Parking Lot and Other Life Lessons’ !"#$%&'#()*+#!,)--., !"#$#%&'()*+,'-'(!./0123' !"#$%%&4'##5'67820
Your best friend definitely has an opinion. You need advice and she offers an answer, though it might not be the one you seek. You may get sound counsel but at the wrong time, with sentiments directly opposing what you were thinking. And yet, you have to be grateful. As in the new book “¡Hola Papi!” by John Paul Brammer, the words come from the heart. Growing up in the small Oklahoma town of Cache, John Paul Brammer knew nothing about being gay. He had little relationship experience, in fact, and he didn’t learn about hookup apps until he was a junior in college. Once he found those apps, though, he was “instantly hooked.” Much to his amusement, “some white guy” said “Hola papi” in greeting on an app one day and Brammer, “a mixed-race Mexican American with noodle arms” never forgot it – because hey, wouldn’t that be a great name for an advice column? He pitched it, landed a gig in conjunction with Grindr and it was a landslide hit with users, even though Brammer felt like an imposter sometimes. Was he really qualified to do this? He wondered, then he remembered what he’d want if he needed advice. When asked what one can do to let go of past hurts, Brammer answers with a tale of his middle-school years, of bullying, inadequacies, and teen angst, and of coming out, growing up, and not letting someone be defined by the worst of the past.
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He writes of puppy love with a girl when he was kinda sure he was attracted to boys, and how the experience wasn’t a waste. He remembers co-workers at a nearby taco stand who taught him to speak Spanish, to belong, and that “Lo siento” isn’t always necessary. He tells readers about releasing the love he thought was “the one”; about the oh-so-awkward night a childhood bully approached him on a dating app; and how to let go of a dream, and a nightmare situation. You know this: Dear Emmy and Dear Posey can always be relied upon to present some poor schlub with drama worse than yours. You know they’ll offer snappy, sometimes snarky, maybe dismissive advice – but that might not be as applicable as what’s in “¡Hola Papi!”. Agony Aunties don’t normally insert themselves into their answers quite like author John Paul Brammer does; nope, he makes his advice into a memoir that resonates. Each mini-chapter here begins with a question, followed by what feels like a personal answer written specifically to the forlorn rather than to the world — in a story, really, but one that’s relatable. It’s fun to read but, more importantly, it wraps advice-seekers (and not just the writer) in a comfortable tale that might make them laugh but definitely makes them feel they’re not alone. Another nice thing: this book is by a gay man, but the advice he offers is for anyone, of any age. If you can remember that there are some eyebrow-raisers snuggled amidst laughs and sighs, of “¡Hola Papi!”, you’ll have a high opinion.
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I may not fit some ideas about gender, and I am a proud part of DC.
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Summer Maintenance and Cleaning As the weather heats up, it’s important to ensure your home is equipped to handle the heat. I’ve provided some tips and tricks on maintaining your home. 1
Remove and clean window treatments. Shake off dust or put them in the dryer for a couple of minutes. This will help freshen up your curtains and drapes and remove any allergens such as dust or pollen.
3 Keep your kitchen free of bad odors. With excess heat and humidity comes stronger odors. Be sure to rinse your garbage and recycling bins with cleaning solutions and water to prevent any lingering and unwanted smells.
Check your A/C system. Before cranking the A/C on a hot summer day, ensure your A/C is working properly. Vacuuming and dusting vents will help keep your air fresh. If your A/C is still not blowing cold, consult a licensed technician.
4 Sweep and clean outdoor areas. Sweep off dirt, pollen, and leaves from your outdoor living space. Power washing can be a great way to deep clean your deck or patio. Pro Tip: Apply vinegar to cracks and crevices to prevent mold or mildew growth.
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Compass is a licensed real estate brokerage that abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. Compass is licensed as Compass Real Estate in DC and as Compass in Virginia and Maryland.
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