Washingtonblade.com, Volume 52, Issue 30, July 23, 2021

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detectives were actively investigating the case and would !" #$%&'()%*+," -)(./0'.,')" 1*2(." 1(/" 3*4.," /5*-" -*" be loo ing for any and all available evidence to identify the ,'(-5" 6." 5')" (7()-2'.-" 6." -5'" 89:9" /4;4);" *3" <46-+(.,=" >,9=" 7')/*.")'/7*./6;+'"3*)"!/5-*.E/"24),')9" *." <(-4),(&=" ?4+&" @A=" /5*)-+&" ;'3*)'" @$" 7929=" (BB*),6.0" -*" (" e said police could not disclose details related to /-(-'2'.-")'+'(/',";&"C)6.B'"D'*)0'E/":*4.-&"7*+6B'9 the condition of the body or other evidence found at the he statement identifies the victim as aya shton, who lived /B'.'=" 6.B+4,6.0" 15'-5')" *)" .*-" -5')'" 1(/" (" 3*)B'," '.-)&" in an apartment on the bloc of Broo s Drive in Suitland, 6.-*" -5'" (7()-2'.-=" ;'B(4/'" ,*6.0" /*" B*4+," P'*7(),6Q'" -5'" 15')'"7*+6B'"1')'"B(++',"-*")'/7*.,"-*"("/5**-6.09 investigation. he victim was located inside her apartment suffering from RK*,(&" 6/" (" /*2;')" (.," /(," ,(&" 3*)" -5'" K)(./0'.,')" ("04./5*-"1*4.,"(.,"1(/"7)*.*4.B',",'(,"*."-5'"/B'.'=F" :*224.6-&" (/" 1'" )'2'2;')" &'-" (.*-5')" +63'" /*" 7)'B6*4/" -5'"7*+6B'"/-(-'2'.-"/(&/9 ta en away, said D.C. transgender advocate Earline Budd in Detectives are wor ing to identify a suspect s and ("/-(-'2'.-")'/7*.,6.0"-*"-5'"(..*4.B'2'.-";&"C9D9":*4.-&" determine a motive, according to the statement. Based on 7*+6B'"*.">*.,(&"-5(-"-5'"24),')"5(,"*BB4))',9 the preliminary investigation, at this time, detectives do not RK56/"24),')"*.+&")'26.,/"4/"*3"-5'"-)(06B"/5**-6.0"6."#$@S" believe this was a random crime, the statement continues. *3" ;*-5"!/5(.-6" :()2*." (.," T*'" <7'()/=F" M4,," /(6," 6." 5')" t this point in the investigation, we have uncovered no 8;<=>=?;%);@9%#$%$&'()*%+,-%AB%=CD@E%FD@D?;;B%=G% /-(-'2'.-9"RM*-5"1')'";)4-(++&"04..',",*1.";'-1''.">()B5" evidence suggesting ayas murder was due to her gender )GD@;>=<<%H$#%@;IG%CD@GF9%%(Blade file photo) H$"(.,"?4.'"@S"*3"#$@S="+'//"-5(."("26+'"3)*2"'(B5"*-5')9F 6,'.-6-&=" ;4-" (/" 6." (++" B(/'/=" 1'" 'G7+*)'" (++" 7*//6;6+6-6'/=F" -5'" Budd was referring to the location in airmont eights, d., also in rince eorge s County /-(-'2'.-"/(&/9 .'()"-5'"89:9";*),')="15')'"-5'"-1*"-)(./"1*2'."1')'"3(-(++&"/5*-9"C9D9":*4.-&"7*+6B'"())'/-'," he statement adds, We are as ing anyone with information that could help detectives -*"7+'(/'")'(B5"*4-";&"B(++6.0"H$@%I@J%#I@#9":(++')/"16/56.0"-*")'2(6."(.*.&2*4/"2(&"B(++" HH%&'()%*+," M(+-62*)'" )'/6,'.-" D')(),*"K5*2(/" +(-')" -5(-" &'()" 3*)" -5'" <7'()/" 24),')9" O*" ())'/-"5(/";''."2(,'"6."-5'"B(/'"*3":()2*.E/"24),')9 Crime Solvers at I S, go online at www.pgcrimesolvers.com, or use the ips ransgender individuals are e periencing violence locally and around the country almost mobile app. he statement says callers are as ed to refer to Case . 89:9")'/6,'.-"<-4()-"!.,')/*.="K(&("!/5-*.E/"0)(.,3(-5')="-*+,"-5'"L(/56.0-*."M+(,'"-5(-" every day, Budd said in her statement. D.C. and . . County are only separated by a line, and 5')"7()'.-/"(.,"'G-'.,',"3(26+&"2'2;')/"(BB'7-',"!/5-*.E/"/-(-4/"(/"("-)(./0'.,')"1*2(." we must come together as one community to address this violence. M4,,"(,,',="RK5')'"/5*4+,";'".*")'/-"6."-5'"UDMKV"B*224.6-&"15'."/*2'-56.0"(/"-)(06B" and are devastated over the ta ing of her life by violence. (/"-56/"5(77'./9"W4)"7)(&')/"0*"*4-"-*"-5'"3(26+&"*3"K(&(9F nderson said he arrived at his grandchild s apartment after being alerted to the shooting nderson said he and other family members were ma ing arrangements for a vigil in aya by another family member minutes after police arrived. e said he and other family members shton s honor at p.m. on Wednesday, uly , at iver errace ar , which is located in D.C. did not observe any signs of a forced entry into the apartment, leading them to believe aya at Benning oad and nacostia ve., .E. along the nacostia iver. e said the vigil would shton may have nown the assailant and possibly invited the person to her home. -(N'"7+(B'"(-"*)".'()"-5'"/6-'"*3"-5'"7()NE/"2(6."0(Q';*9"" We saw her. It loo ed li e a struggle might have ta en place, nderson said. Budd said she is helping the family set up the vigil. C9D9":*4.-&"7*+6B'"/7*N'/7')/*.":*)79"O6B5*+(/":+(&-*."-*+,"-5'"M+(,'"*.">*.,(&"-5(-"

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ay men arrested under

d. sodomy law in adult boo store raid

ttorney says prosecutors enforcing unconstitutional measure !"#$%&#'()!!*+%#,+-#.#/01233456784913/4:;-06<

Sheriff s ffice spo esperson yle ndersen, in arford County, d., Sheriff s ffice deputies contrast to the State s ttorney s office, provided arrested four men on a charge of erverted considerable details in support of the arrests. Se ual ractice under the state s sodomy law In the past several months, we have received during a ay raid on the Bush iver Boo s an increased number of concerns and allegations ideo store in the town of bington, located of a wide variety of illegal activity occurring at miles north of Baltimore. Bush iver Boo s and ideo in the bloc of statement released by the Sheriff s ffice ulas i ighway in bingdon from citi ens and to the Washington Blade, at the Blade s re uest, patrons of the business, the statement says. says a total of nine arrests were made during the We ta e all citi en concerns seriously, and there ay operation, which the statement says was is an active investigation into these concerns, prompted by complaints about the adult store by the statement continues. ecently, members of nearby residents and some of its patrons. our Special perations Division have ta en part ccording to the statement, among the nine in a handful of operations at that location, in an men arrested, three were charged only with attempt to curb these illegal activities. n ay erverted Se ual ractice, one was charged , , such an operation occurred, it says. with erverted Se ual ractice and Indecent During that operation, an undercover deputy E posure, four were charged only with indecent entered the premises and observed a variety of e posure, and one was charged with Solicitation illegal se ual activities that were occurring on of rostitution. ;<=>?@!>A!&BCD<CE!1<FAGH!BCC@IG@E!A>A@!J@A!BG!BA!BEF=G!K<<LIG<C@!>A!2BH0 the premises, the statement says. dditionally, friend of one of the arrested men told the an additional undercover female deputy was Blade that his friend rented one of the store s approached and solicited for prostitution. t private video rooms and was with another male the conclusion of the operation, nine individuals friend inside the room when sheriff s deputies in have considered claims by police and prosecutors that were charged, the statement concludes. full riot gear unloc ed his room and arrested him and his court rulings overturning sodomy laws should not be n online search using the name of the Bush iver friend on a charge of indecent e posure. interpreted to allow se ual activity in public places. Boo s and ideo store leads to media reports, including hey spent the night in ail and were badly treated, But evins said a strong legal case could be made a anuary article in the Baltimore Sun, showing the said the friend who spo e with the Blade. that a private video room with a loc ed door such as the store has been the target of law enforcement crac downs sign on the outside of the Bush iver Boo s ideo ones at Bush iver Boo s and ideo store should hold for at least a decade. he Sun story reports that a store says the store has four theaters on its premises. the same degree of presumed privacy as that of a rented Catholic priest was among the men arrested at the store Sources familiar with the store have said it also charges !"#$%&'""() during one of the Sheriff s ffice raids. a fee to rent small video rooms with doors that loc from spo esperson for arford County State s ttorney search by the Blade also led to an online petition the inside, where adult videos can be viewed on small lbert . eisinger, who serves as the county s lead posted on the Change.com website calling on arford video screens. prosecutor, said his office would have no comment on County E ecutive Barry lassman and the arford he store s owner did not respond to a re uest by the whether prosecutors or the Sheriff s ffice have legal County Council to shut down Bush iver Boo s and Blade for comment. authority to ma e arrests and prosecute cases on the ideo store on grounds that illegal activity ta es place ttorney reg evins, who serves as senior counsel charge of erverted Se ual ractice if that statute was #!$'$) for the national B litigation organi ation ambda repealed or struc down as unconstitutional. We are as ing the county to charge the owners egal, said the .S. Supreme Court decision nown It is the policy of this office to ma e no comment of the store with the crimes that are being allowed to as awrence v. e as struc down state sodomy laws on pending matters of investigations, including any continue there, and to shut down this nuisance to our li e the aryland law as unconstitutional pertaining to underlying legal theories, said spo esperson avin neighborhood, said bingdon resident eather Cantos, consenting adults in a private setting. atashnic . hat said, I would be happy to have a more who states in the web posting that she started the side from the Supreme Court ruling, the aryland substantive discussion regarding the boo store once petition. eneral ssembly last year approved legislation these cases have concluded, he said. ne of the arrested gay men, who spo e to the Blade repealing the state s sodomy law nown as the aryland atashnic also declined to say whether his office on condition that he not be identified, said he was aware nnatural or erverted Se ual ractice ct. dropped charges against two of the nine men arrested that the store has been the sub ect of law enforcement But evins said the online legal reference site West aw, in the boo store raid, whose cases could not be found in crac downs in the past. which eeps trac of state laws throughout the country, the online court records for the arford County District But, you now, I went inside and was hoo ing up with shows that the aryland erverted Se ual ractice ct Court, where the cases for si of the nine arrested men someone and the ne t thing I now, eight of us were was still on the boo s, leading him to speculate that only have appeared. against the wall with handcuffs with plastic ip ties on part of the law may have been repealed. f the si cases the Blade found in the online court them, he said. nd we all spent the night in ail. I was he aryland eneral ssembly is currently in records, ust one was for the charge of erverted Se ual released at li e si o cloc in the morning, he said, recess and the Blade couldn t immediately reach a ractice. he court records show that each of the si men e added, I don t now why people have a problem spo esperson for lawma ers who wor ed on the repeal whose cases were found in the online records, including with this. We go there to meet people li e us. bill to confirm whether all or ust part of the sodomy law the man charged with erverted Se ual ractice, were eremy a aster, e ecutive director of the aryland was repealed. scheduled to go on trial on ug. for their respective statewide B advocacy group ree State ustice, evins said a subse uent ruling in handed down charges, which are misdemeanors. said he was not aware of the Bush iver Boo s ideo by the .S. Court of ppeals for the th Circuit, which Bradley Clar , an attorney for the arford County arrests until contacted about the arrests by the Blade. e includes aryland and irginia, reconfirmed the Supreme ublic Defender s office who is representing one of the said ree State ustice would consider what, if any action, Court s awrence decision. e said the ruling arrested men charged with indecent e posure, told the the organi ation might ta e in response to the reports declared that all laws that have as their only element the Blade that arrests of defendants that do not appear in that gay men were being arrested and prosecuted on act of oral or anal se are facially unconstitutional and the public court records usually indicate the case was sodomy related charges. should not be enforced under circumstances similar to dropped by prosecutors or dismissed by a udge. pper Chesapea e Bay ride, an organi ation that, the aryland boo store arrests. Clar agreed with evins that the men charged in the according to its website, provides unwavering advocacy here are cases around the country discussing boo store raid with erverted Se ual ractice should and support for ueer B I people, communities, whether certain areas are private, usually focusing on have a strong legal case to challenge the arrests under and their families in Cecil and arford counties, did not whether the participants had a reasonable e pectation of the awrence Supreme Court ruling and other court reply to messages left by the Blade see ing comment on privacy, evins said. e noted that the Supreme Court s rulings declaring sodomy laws unconstitutional. the arrests of gay men at the adult boo store. awrence decision and subse uent appeals court rulings he statement released to the Blade by arford County ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!34-5!678!696: ! " ! -+ 1$ -! (/ #%

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!!"#$%&'()*%$+: Blade contributor Yariel Valdés González fled his native Cuba to escape persecution because of his work as an independent journalist. He asked for asylum in the U.S. on March 27, 2019. He spent nearly a year in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody until his release on March 4, 2020. Valdés has written about his experiences in ICE custody that the Blade is publishing in four parts. Visit our website for the preview two installments.)

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!""#$%&'()*+,-.(/01(23/45 y third and final hearing finally too place on Sept. . It was more than three hours of uestions from my lawyer and the prosecutor, of allegations and tension. lot of tension. y fate would be decided as the sacred scriptures predict will occur one day for humanity. ara and I the night before spent our time reviewing my testimony, the difficult uestions we could e pect, and it tested my ability to react to une pected situations. I came out of the meeting much calmer, although I would have preferred e tra hours to feel totally confident when I was in front of is onor. y mind and senses were more focused when the time came. I was much stronger to face this defining moment in my life. Several changes in the conte t also contributed to this hey changed the udge a few wee s earlier. e is no longer the esteemed rady . Croo s, but imothy Cole, a iami magistrate who had already granted asylum to a few Cubans in Bossier. he possibility that my lawyer would be ne t to me during the hearing, the day e tension and the date of my final hearing were other changes that contributed to me feeling more secure on the stand. fter she too an oath before the laws of this country by standing with her right hand raised, my legal representative had one hour to present my case and offer my oral testimony. It was then when I remembered one of her recommendations, which was to always respond li e a bo er s sharp blow Direct, concise and sure, since I was prone to ramble and sometimes veer off sub ect. he uestions should be answered only with what is necessary to avoid possibilities for errors, wasting time or other uestions, recommended ara. Every word can and will be used against you here, that is why you have to be e tremely careful when spea ing. ara s part passed without many interruptions. I felt calm and sure of myself. he udge typed on his computer, reviewed papers and arranged files while I testified. e didn t as me any uestions, so I hadn t planted any doubts for him. It was a magnificent sign. he only problems at that point had been with the interpreter, a middle aged man who was probably of Cuban origin, who came up blan with words as simple as subversion and was nervous, li e he was a roo ie on his first day of wor . aybe it was. he thing with translators is that you have to cut off the oratory, mutilate the ideas to give them time to do their wor . It s li e tal ing to someone who interrupts you all the time. he government prosecutor had minutes for cross e amination, the most feared part of the trial. I would have a high li elihood of winning if I successfully overcame his uestions. he man s voice reached me in an accusatory tone, as if I were being tried for some heinous crime. is voice was a merciless whip on my bac , see ing to stri e me li e a vile sinner. ne by one he too the evidence from me in his attempt to discredit me, to present me to is onor as a liar and vehemently pointed out some inconsistencies, which I clarified in due course. s I answered his uestions, at times tinged with irony, anguish enveloped my head in a balloon of pessimism and nerves. I must admit the prosecutor did his ob very well. e searched and scoured the internet and loo ed closely at every piece of evidence I had given him. ara too notes on her computer during his cross e amination and made several ob ections when she perceived any malicious practice or intention from the Department of omeland Security representative. y lawyer had a second chance with me, this time to clarify some uestions my

!"#$%!&'()*+ $,,$"*"&+ -'!.*#+ '"#+ &$+ -*/'.0+ .$%*+ 12*.&!$".+ &3'&4+ '&+ &3*+ ,-$.*52&$-6.+ !".!.&*"5*4+ 7+ 5$2)#+ "$&+ '".8*-+ ,-$,*-)9:+ ;3$.*+ 8*-*+ <$-&2"'&*)9+ %9+ )'.&+ 8$-#.+ '&+ &3*+ 3*'-!"=+'"#+&3*+!"&*-,-*&*-+&3*"+)*<&+&3*+-$$%: >!.+>$"$-+$-#*-*#+($&3+,'-&!*.+&$+%'0*+&3*!-+5)$.!"=+'-=2%*"&.:+?'-'4+!"+%9+#*<*".*4+ .&'&*#+&3'&+&3*-*+8'.+"$+#$2(&+'($2&+%9+8$-0+'.+'"+!"#*,*"#*"&+@$2-"')!.&+!"+A2('+$-+ &3'&+7+3'#+(**"+&3-*'&*"*#+'"#+,*-.*52&*#+(9+.&'&*+.*52-!&9+'=*"&.+'.+,'-&+$<+'+,'&&*-"+ $<+ !"&!%!#'&!$"4+ $-53*.&-'&*#+ (9+ &3*+ A2('"+ #!5&'&$-.3!,+ &$+ .&$,+ &3*+ 8$-0+ $<+ &3*+ <-**+ ,-*..+$"+&3*+!.)'"#: here was enough evidence of the conditions of the country for unofficial reporters, considered as machines subverted of socialist principles and disseminators of false news without foundation. he evidence of the attac s against me confirmed that I had (**"+'"#+8'.+.&!))+'+&'-=*&+&$+(*+8'&53*#+(9+&3*+-*=!%*+'"#+&3'&+%9+<-**#$%4+'.+8*))+'.+ &3'&+$<+%9+<'%!)94+8'.+!"+#'"=*-: he government representative, instead and specifically, signaled that I was not 8$-&39+$<+&3*+,-$&*5&!$"+$<+&3*+B"!&*#+C&'&*.+(*5'2.*+%9+'.9)2%+,*&!&!$"+8'.+<-!D$)$2.4+ because I had fabricated evidence and my testimony had been vague and full of !"5$".!.&*"5!*.:+7+5$2)#+3'-#)9+(*)!*D*+&3*+,-$.*52&$-6.+'552.'&!$".+'='!".&+%*:+E9+,$$-+ F"=)!.3+'))$8*#+%*+&$+2"#*-.&'"#+$")9+'+)!%!&*#+'%$2"&+$<+3!.+5)$.!"=+'-=2%*"&: 7+ <*)&+ &$&'))9+ #*<*'&*#:+ ;*--$-+ %$!.&*"*#+ %9+ .&'-*+ '"#+ ?'-'6.+ 3'"#+ .12**G*#+ %!"*4+ trying to heal my fears with her support. he udge brie y addressed me, but nerves 3'#+5)$2#*#+%9+2"#*-.&'"#!"=+'"#+7+8'.+2"'()*+&$+2"#*-.&'"#+'"9&3!"=:+?'-'+"$&!5*#+ that I was totally confused and wrote to me on a piece of paper We won. I loo ed at her in disbelief and she confirmed the victory with a nod. ;3*+ 3*'-!"=+ 8'.+ "$&+ 9*&+ $D*-:+ ;3*+ @2#=*+ 3'#+ "$&+ -*'#+ 3!.+ $-')+ #*5!.!$"4+ '+ (-$'#+ $,!"!$"+&3'&+!"5)2#*#+&3*+-*'.$".+839+3*+=-'"&*#+%*+'.9)2%:+;3*+-*.,*5&'()*+H2#=*+ A$)*+<$2"#+%9+.&'&*%*"&+5-*#!()*+'.+8*))+'.+*'53+$<+&3*+-*.,$".*.+&$+&3*+,-$.*52&$-6.+ accusations. is final ruling managed to revive my spirit, which had been withered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he first number I dialed was ichael avers s. When I said, We won because this victory is his too, he burst into tears. h my od h my od he repeated, overcome by the news on the other end of the line. y aunt and uncles in iami filled my ears with a chorus of vibrant e clamations, and %9+%$&3*-+5$2)#+"$&+5$"&'!"+3*-+*%$&!$":+7+3*'-#+3*-+D$!5*+)$2#+'"#+5)*'-: I e plained to everyone that they only had to wait a few days to find out if the government would appeal the udge s decision, otherwise I would finally be released in about a wee . wo Cubans, who also won their final hearing and an iously counted the 3$2-.+&$+=*&+$2&+$<+&3!.+3*))4+8*-*+!"+&3*+.'%*+.!&2'&!$": y despair grew over the ne t few days. I had almost no appetite my sleep was intermittent my brain punished me by insistently remembering the hearing and the prosecutor s harsh voice intruded on my positive thoughts. he document with the official result arrived the ne t day and little by little I saw how %9+5$2"&-9%*"+83$+3'#+$(&'!"*#+'.9)2%+8*-*+-*)*'.*#4+*D*"+$"*+83$.*+3*'-!"=+8'.+ &3*+.'%*+#'9+'.+%!"*+8!&3$2&+'+)'89*-+'"#+8!&3$2&+*D!#*"5*: he ghost of the appeal began to haunt my senses and every time an officer opened &3*+#$$-+$<+&3*+.3*)&*-+'+.3'-,+,'!"+.3$&+2,+&3*+)*<&+.!#*+$<+%9+53*.&:+;3*+'2&$%'&*#+&!,+ )!"*+.'!#+&3'&+7AF6.+#*'#)!"*+&$+',,*')+&$+'+3!=3*-+5$2-&+<$-+'+.*5$"#+$,!"!$"+8'.+L5&:+ MN4+'+%$"&3+'<&*-+7+8$"+'.9)2%: visit from my attorney confirmed my fears. She told me that the government had -*12*.&*#+ '+ -*D!*8+ $<+ %9+ 5'.*+ &$+ &3*+ I$'-#+ $<+ 7%%!=-'&!$"+ K,,*').+ !"+ O!-=!"!'4+ '+ ,'"*)+8!&3+.*D*-')+!%%!=-'&!$"+@2#=*.+83$+8!))+#*&*-%!"*+!<+&3*-*+8'.+'"9+*--$-+(9+&3*+ %'=!.&-'&*+83$+3'"#)*#+%9+'.9)2%+5'.*:+E9+3$,*.+$<+=*&&!"=+$2&+8*-*+-*#25*#+&$+G*-$+ !"+$"*+<*))+.8$$,+'"#+7+8'.+$"5*+'='!"+5$-"*-*#+)!0*+,-*9+(*<$-*+'+.0!))*#+32"&*-: !".&,"/#$0&1"(,(2'+"0&"34(.5"678"9797: n ICE official who addressed us in Spanish confirmed one of the many rumors that 3'#+(**"+5!-52)'&!"=+!"+I$..!*-+!"+-*5*"&+#'9.: PQ$2-+5$%,'"!$".+'-*+(*!"=+&-'".<*--*#+&$+'"$&3*-+#*&*"&!$"+5*"&*-+'"#+.$$"+9$2+

will too, because this facility will be closed for remodeling, the officer said in front of the <*8+$<+2.+83$+8*-*+)*<&+!"+&3!.+#$-%: K&+)*'.&+7+-*5*!D*#+&3*+"*8.+8!&3+@$9:+E9+*!=3&/%$"&3+.&'9+!"+&3!.+,-!.$"+#*%$)!.3*#+%9+ !))2.!$".+'"#+&$$0+'8'9+'+(!&+$<+%9+!""$5*"5*:+7&+&-'".<$-%*#+%*+!"&$+'+%253+.&-$"=*-+ 32%'"+(*!"=4+5','()*+$<+8!&3.&'"#!"=+D*-9+5-2*)+.5*"'-!$.+&3'&+7+#!#+"$&+(*)!*D*+7+8'.+ 5','()*+$<+$D*-5$%!"=: I guess that s the only thing I have to than for this e perience, that layer of firmness that has ta en over my spirit. Bossier s positive side is not very e tensive aside from the <-!*"#.+76D*+%'#*+'"#+&3*+($$0.+76D*+-*'#: ;3*+ R:ST+ &3'&+ -*%'!"*#+ !"+ %9+ '55$2"&+ 8'.+ -*#25*#+ &$+ G*-$+ $"+ &3*+ "!=3&+ $<+H'":+ N:+ It was the definitive signal that I would be transferred to another facility together with UN+$&3*-+5$%-'#*.:+L")9+'+<*8+83$+8*-*+)*<&+!"+&3*+#$-%+8$2)#+&3*"+<$))$8+2.+$"+&3'&+ I$..!*-+*.5',*+,)'": I was told to pac , a moment for which I had waited too long, the ne t morning, ')&3$2=3+ 7+ 3$,*#+ !&+ 8$2)#+ 3'D*+ (**"+ #!<<*-*"&:+ 7+ !%'=!"*#+ %9+ #*,'-&2-*+ <-$%+ 3*-*+ would mean my definitive freedom and not continued incarceration, but life would not have it. he fight continues and I must accept it. ransfers are uite e hausting with too much paperwor that is as comple as a move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the empty dorm to which they had led us a few minutes earlier. e ew into a rage when 3*+.'8+&3'&4+'"#+3*+$-#*-*#+2.+&$+5)*'"+2,+&3*+%*..:+7+&3$2=3&+!&+8'.+<'!-4+*D*"+&3$2=3+7+ hadn t ta en part in it. I will never forget his final words to us. ou are animals. o bac to your countries, human shit he said. ;3*+-*.&-'!"*#+'"#+*D*"+2"#*-.&'"#!"=+,$.&2-*+&3'&+3*+3'#+.3$8"+%*+5$))',.*#+!"+ &3'&+.*"&*"5*+<2))+$<+3'&-*#+'"#+-'5!.%:+7+5$2)#4+'&+)'.&4+5)*'-)9+.**+&3*+-*')+%'"+83$+)!D*#+ 2"#*-+&3'&+.3*-!<<6.+2"!<$-%:+>*+"$+)$"=*-+3'#+&$+0**,+,-*&*"#!"=+0!"#"*..:+>*+%!..*#+ &3*+RXY+'+#'9+&3'&+7AF+,'!#+3!%+<$-+*'53+$<+2.:+K"9$"*+8$2)#+(*+2,.*&4+(2&+"$&3!"=+ ustified his overbearing and boorish behavior. ;3*+5$)#+(!&*+$<+&3*+3'"#52<<.4+&3'&+%*&')+&3'&+5',&2-*.+%*+)!0*+'+#'"=*-$2.+5-!%!"')4+ !.+ $"*+ $<+ &3*+ &-'".<*-6.+ 8$-.&+ %$%*"&.:+;3*9+ &!*#+ '-$2"#+ %9+ 8'!.&+ '+ 53'!"+ &3'&+ )!%!&.+ &3*+%$D*%*"&+$<+%9+3'"#.+'"#+,-$#25*.+'+3!=3/,!&53*#+@!"=)*+&3'&+5'"+(*+3*'-#+<-$%+ .*D*-')+%*&*-.+'8'9:+V')0!"=+8!&3+9$2-+3'"#.+3'"#52<<*#+'"#+<**&+.3'50)*#+-*.*%()*.+ '+#2506.+='!&4+.)$8+'"#+.8'9!"=+<-$%+.!#*+&$+.!#*4+%*'.2-!"=+*D*-9+!"53+&$+'D$!#+<'))!"=: young Bossier officer, one of the few who treated us with respect, told us the ourney would ta e about four hours. We would go farther into southern ouisiana. I ll miss you all, he told us in the hallway on the way out. here was also artha, a nurse of e ican descent, who wished us good luc as we 8')0*#+!"+<-$"&+$<+3*-:+7+#!#+"$&+0"$8+83*&3*-+3*-+8$-#.+8*-*+.!"5*-*+$-+8*-*+8-',,*#+ !"+39,$5-!.9: V*+8*-*+)250!)9+&-'".<*--*#+!"+'+5$%<$-&'()*+(2.:+K+3'-#+!-$"+.2-<'5*+8'.+&3*+.*'&+!"+ &3*+$&3*-+$"*:+;3*-*+8'.+"$+,)'5*+<$-+5$%<$-&:+;3*9+8*-*+&8$+83!&*+(2.*.4+83!53+.&'-&*#+ &3*!-+-$2&*+@2.&+'<&*-+T+':%: oing out into the outside world again was li e the first wal of a newborn who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feeling grew within me that if we got lost no one would be able to find us. I saw a great e panse. It loo ed li e a field for crops and I could see an installation in the distance. K+<'5&$-94+7+&3$2=3&:+;$+%9+.2-,-!.*4+3$8*D*-4+!&+8'.+%9+#*.&!"'&!$":+7+8'.+'='!"+!"+&3*+ middle of nowhere. blue sign identified it as the iver Correctional Center, our ne t home. he handcuffs were already starting to hurt my wrists, but this would be over .$$":+E9+"*8+3$%*+'8'!&*#+%*:+;3*9+$,*"*#+&3*+*"&-'"5*+='&*+'"#+&3*+&8$+(2.*.+ 5'2&!$2.)9+*"&*-*#:

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ay sian tlanta man found beaten on railroad trac s

! hey go up the hill to the par ing lot to another bar, year old gay sian male was in a coma fighting but it s closed, elly e plained. !What I don t now is for his life this wee at downtown tlanta s rady what happens there. I don t now if he wal ed to the train ospital, as tlanta olice Department investigators trac s from there or if somehow he was forced towards continue to probe the case of what police are classifying the train trac s. as an aggravated assault. elly said he doesn t recogni e any of the people Detectives identified the victim as oshua Dowd, Dowd was seen with in the video. e said they were not who was found bloody and beaten on the rail trac s mutual friends of the couple. early Sunday morning on uly , near iedmont and !I m a little nervous from some of the videos I saw that a eshore Drive in the Broo wood ills neighborhood. perhaps he was led into situations where he was given tlanta detectives are reviewing surveillance video and more alcohol than might be consumed and he didn t phone records, a spo esperson said. need it, elly said. ccording to a o und e post to raise money to elly said Dowd, who remains in a coma, is slowly defray the cost of hospitali ation, ! oshua received brain ma ing progress and he believes it s possible his partner surgery and is currently fighting for his life. We have all #$%&'()*$+*!!;<=>?>!@AB!'CD?BEFBGH will fully recover. been by his side as he attempts to recover. he doctors !With some of the moderation in how he s moving are not sure what the outcome will be, but we are all and some of things he s doing is proof he s not brain dead and hearing those words from hopeful he will come out of this. a medically trained professional made me so happy, he added. !It s gone from really tlanta CBS ews affiliate CBS reported that video from he eretic, a popular gay challenging to see, to hope you can almost touch. nightclub in Buc head in northeast tlanta shows Dowd enter the bar with a man on the !"#$#%&%'&()%*$%+',-./0%$/+1,+%$2(&3$(+4,.5/&(,+$&,$'/66$7879:;;9<=">?@7;;A$,.$%95/(6$ night of Saturday, une . he two are seen e iting the bar with another man at a.m. &3%$/+,+15,-*$(+4,.5/&(,+$-*(+0$&3%$,+6(+%$4,.5$/&$222B'.(5%*&,CC%.*/&6/+&/B,.0. Colin elly, Dowd s partner of three years told CBS that D detectives said that !"#$%&'()(*+,( additional footage shows Dowd in the par ing lot of the bar with a group of eight men.

rans pronoun law violates freedom of speech court he State of California hird District Court of ppeals ruled on riday that a state statute re uiring nursing home staff to use the correct pronouns for trans and nonbinary patients is a freedom of speech violation. he court, in a decision, struc down this ey provision of the B ong erm Care acility esidents Bill of ights, created by SB in , authored by Sen. Scott Wiener D San rancisco and sponsored by E uality California. he court upheld the provision in the law that re uires nursing homes to place transgender patients in rooms that match their gender identity. he Court s decision is disconnected from the reality facing transgender people. Deliberately misgendering a transgender person isn t ust a matter

of opinion, and it s not simply disrespectful, discourteous, or insulting. ather, it s straight up harassment. nd, it erases an individual s fundamental humanity, particularly one as vulnerable as a trans senior in a nursing home. his misguided decision cannot be allowed to stand, Senator Wiener said in a statement. SB , also nown as the B Senior Bill of ights, protects B seniors in long term care facilities from discrimination and mistreatment based on their se ual orientation and gender identity. Wiener authored and passed SB in , and then ov. erry Brown signed the bill into law. -"#.&*/0--&"(1#"/*

inn. guv bars use of public funds for conversion therapy In a public ceremony last wee in the capitol surrounded by B advocates and supporters, innesota ov. im Wal D signed an e ecutive order that bars public funds from being used for the discredited practice of conversion therapy for B youth in the state. o ensure that no minor in innesota anyone under , our innesotans, is sub ected to this By antine torturous practice of conversion therapy, Wal said. Wal told the audience that the e ecutive order is a first step in protecting young people in the community from the practice, which professional groups representing licensed medical doctors and health care organi ations across the nited States have determined is baseless and harmful. hose e perts also agree that a person s se ual orientation or gender identity cannot be changed by the so called therapy. a payer dollars should never be spent on the dangerous and discredited practice of conversion therapy. han you to overnor im Wal for ta ing bold action to protect B youth in innesota, said Sam Brinton, vice president of dvocacy and overnment ffairs for he revor ro ect. We encourage more governors across the country to follow the orth Star State and restrict this abusive practice disguised as therapy. o actually outlaw the practice rests with state legislature. In , the Democratic controlled ouse passed a proposal to ban the controversial practice. owever, the proposal failed to pass in the epublican controlled Senate CBS ocal St. aul reported. Because an e ecutive order is easily undone by another gubernatorial administration, the leadership of the governor s party issued a call to enact legislation to permanently outlaw the practice in innesota. Conversion therapy is not bac ed by science and can cause life long trauma for those forced to endure it. We applaud overnor Wal and ieutenant overnor eggy lanagan on this step today to stop this barbaric practice, the D statement read. ast year when the governor and D leaders in the legislature tried to ban ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!34-5!678!696: ! " ! ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%

conversion therapy, Senate epublicans led by Sen. aul a el a bloc ed it. It is shameful that we have epublicans li e aul a el a and Scott ensen who are not only on the wrong side of history on this issue, but who are actively contributing to a to ic environment that tells B youth that 2ACCID>?B!)>@0!,-.)+(/0 they shouldn t love and ;%JFIICD=>?!@AB!1,%->JBK!%?0!<BLKH accept themselves for who they are, the statement added. his e ecutive order will do much to putting a stop to it here. owever, e ecutive orders are by their nature temporary. he legislature is not off the hoo , Sen. Scott Dibble told CBS ocal St. aul. he innesota amily Council, an anti B organi ation listed as a hate group by the Southern overty aw Center, called Wla s order a direct attac on individual choice in health care. We at ut ront are incredibly grateful and e cited to see ov. im Wal and t. ov. eggy lanagan signing onto this E . his E will protect B youth and their families from the harmful practice of conversion therapy, said ames Darville, director of olicy and rgani ing for ut ront . !"#$%&'()(*+,(

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Blea film s tear er ing tropes produce clun y results #$%&'()%*+,-%./)0

If you ve never heard of the real life oe Bell, you might spend the first third of the movie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reen s movie puts that inner con ict in high focus by telling oe and adin s story in an )*!&'!1)*&6$*#''#!)P&$/5$3#(!$#*6$3'&(&*!$&P&*!(8$9"&$6/+)*&&')*-<$("/'!S!&+3&'&6$5#!"&'$1&$ meet in ashbac s is contrasted with the humbler, gentler dad who engages in banter and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first act plot twist where we find out that oe has been tal ing to a figment of his imagination #44$#4/*-8$E&$-&!$240&(<$/5$2/0'(&<$4),&$!"&$5#2!$!"#!$/!"&'$3&/34&$*&P&'$(&&+$!/$&*-#-&$1)!"$ B#6)*<$%0!$!"&(&$/*4.$%&2/+&$#33#'&*!$)*$'&!'/(3&2!<$#5!&'$!"&$%)-$'&P&#48 L!:($#4(/$#5!&'$!")($!//$!"#!$!"&$+/P)&:($!/*&$%&-)*($!/$2"#*-&<$'#3)64.8$@/*&$)($#*.$3'&!&*(&$ !"#!$1&$#'&$(&&)*-$#$5&&4S-//6$(!/'.$/5$5#+)4.$%/*6)*-$#*6$(/2)#4$#6P/2#2.<$/'$!"#!$!"&$-')+$!#4&$ of small town bigotry being spun in the ashbac s is going to lead to a triumphant conclusion, #*6$1"#!$1&$*/1$-&!$)($#$6&&3&'$6)P&$)*!/$!"&$(/04S(&#'2")*-$/5$#$+#*$1"/$'&2/-*)Q&(<$!//$ 4#!&<$"/1$")($/1*$#!!)!06&($#*6$%&"#P)/'$+#.$"#P&$34#.&6$#$3#'!$)*$")($(/*:($6&2)()/*$!/$&*6$ his own life. oe s wal is a bid for personal redemption, and it s a difficult ourney in ways that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

! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!34-5!678!696 :

1")2"$"&$"#($(3&*!$#$-'&#!$6&#4$/5$!)+&$#*6$&*&'-.$!'.)*-$!/$#!/*&$R$#*6$/*&$2#*$/*4.$1/*6&'$ )5$!"&$#2!/'$+)-"!$%&$#)+)*-$5/'$#$%)!$/5$'&6&+3!)/*$")+(&458 N/!$!"#!$!"&'&:($#*.!")*-$1'/*-$1)!"$!"#!<$#*6$#($5#'$#($")($3&'5/'+#*2&$-/&(<$E#"4%&'-$ 2&'!#)*4.$ (&&+($ ()*2&'&8$ 9"&$ 5#+/0(4.$ 2/*(&'P#!)P&$ +#2"/$ #2!)/*$ (!#'$ 6&4P&($ !/$ #$ 4&P&4$ /5$ 6&3!"$ #*6$ P04*&'#%)4)!.$ 1&$ "#P&*:!$ (&&*$ 5'/+$ ")+$ ()*2&$ AC//-)&$ N)-"!(<D$ #*6$ )!:($ "#'6$ !/$ imagine an actor who would be a better fit as the conservative, blue collar oe Bell. In charting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understanding of human nature. hey sculpt believable, identifiable characters with a few deft (!'/,&($/5$6)#4/-0&<$1")2"$*/!$/*4.$3&'+)!($0($!/$&+3#!")Q&$1)!"$!"&+$%0!$-)P&($!"&$2#(!$#$ %//(!$)*$+#,)*-$!"&+$#44$)*!/$5044.$5/'+&6<$!"'&&S6)+&*()/*#4$"0+#*$%&)*-(8 mong the actors who benefit from this are Connie Britton, wearing the patiently weary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left to find whatever scraps of happiness we can find in the ending but while Bro ebac "#6$!"&$%&#0!.$/5$#*$&3)2$4/P&$(!/'.$!/$!'#*(2&*6$)!($(#6*&((<$AB/&$C&44D$2#*$/*4.$4&#P&$0($!/$ 2/*!&+34#!&$#$(&*(&4&(($1#(!&$/5$#$"0+#*$4)5&8 \#2&6$1)!"$!"#!$"#*6)2#3<$&P&*$1)!"$-//6$1')!)*-$#*6$3&'5/'+#*2&(<$)!:($"#'6$5/'$#$+/P)&$ !/$%&$#*.!")*-$%0!$#$%0++&'8

Will irebird focus attention on Eastern European homophobia

ew film reminds us that e uality is still an aspiration for many !"#$%&'('#!)*+,,)*-

etrospective ueer films, such as ! il , or old classics, such as ! orch Song rilogy , share one thing in common hey depict a homophobic world in which ueer love faced an iron wall of pre udice that has largely dissipated in the nited States and the West more broadly. ay audiences can watch these films from a safe distance we re dismayed to see how cruel the world once was toward us but we re relieved that progress has been made and we no longer have to live in secrecy and repression, which amounted to a life half lived. hat s the comforting thought I could not indulge in watching the new Estonian gay love drama ! irebird, which is currently ma ing the rounds at film festivals and recently had its .S. premiere in San rancisco. ! irebird is a beautifully shot film about a young soldier and fighter pilot who fall in love on a Soviet airbase in Estonia. he affair naturally re uires discretion -.'%$/'%01&'2&3/4")&3&,4"(5&2460'$%& something true for .S. service members until a d fi hte p lot ho all lo e o a decade ago but even amid the fear that their a o et a a e to a careers and lives could be upended at any moment if the wrong person stumbled about their liaisons close calls pop up throughout the film , the two men form a loving bond that stretches over years and long distances. It wouldn t be unfair to call it a Soviet era Bro ebac ountain. o spoilers here but the film does convey the sad fate many gay people suffer when homophobia is inescapable when gay love and respectability in mainstream society con ict. he film conveys a common tragedy Individuals compelled to live unfulfilling lives and sacrificing their happiness in order to appease the pre udice of others. spirit of defiance has always e isted alongside this tragedy. any have opted to preserve their very being rather than conform, no matter the cost of social ostracism. But, if our own history is any guide, most will choose the closest rather than ris being an outcast. In the end, many ueers simply lose their essence, and chance at lasting love, living a lie. It s hard to tell this story already related in many films and novels without falling into cliches and a worn out narrative. ! irebird avoids those pitfalls and manages to eep its storytelling uni ue to its circumstances, which, in the end, gives the film an emotionally affecting uality. But ! irebird is more than a beautiful film. It is politically relevant. his isn t a film about the long ago un ust reality gay lovers faced but a tale dramati ing the hatred, dilemma, and deep personal anguish that still haunt ueer people today in many former Soviet bloc countries. ussia might be the most salient e ample. he nation s law banning so called gay propaganda has been infamous and, sadly, a model for other right wing governments. ungary recently passed a law prohibiting depictions of gay people for audiences under , precisely the young audiences that need positive gay role models. ! B free ones have popped up all over oland, localities where homose uality is ostensibly non e istent and unwelcome. he bac sliding on human rights amongst E member states and merican allies cannot be divorced from former resident Donald rump s devaluation of human rights. ortunately, resident Biden has spo en forcefully on human rights since his inauguration, and the words of the merican president matter in those Eastern European countries dependent on merican diplomatic and military support, such as oland and ungary both members . But the new administration faces many pressing concerns and gay rights can easily be forgotten. When ussia passed its anti B law in , there was public mobili ation in opposition. o similar outcry has greeted ungary s copycat law. ublic attention needs to be refocused on the threat to B individuals in Eastern Europe. ilms have long played an essential role in raising awareness on issues that often seem too comple or too distant for concern. hey can humani e in ustice, underline the sta es, and present a vision for a better world. s Eastern European nations enact anti B laws, ! irebird a foreign film released in English is a clarion call reminding us that for many gay people around the world, e uality is still an aspiration. It would be a shame if we watched this film and wal ed out thin ing that the past is past. he tragic love affair at the heart of the drama is the present, too.

Family Building through: ï Adoption ï Donor Agreements ï Surrogacy


827 Woodside Parkway ï Silver Spring, MD 20910 p: 240.863.2441 ï f: 240.491.9551 jfairfax@jenniferfairfax.com ï www.jenniferfairfax




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ow to prepare yourself in this seller s mar et

illennials are putting down the avocado toast and pic ing up mortgages #$%&'(()%*+,-.-(/&

or the first time, illennials are cutting bac on spending money on multiple streaming subscriptions, drin s, and avocado toast. hey are dipping their feet into purchasing their first home. he current mar et conditions can be tough for some buyers though, so being prepared is more important now than ever. he first step in the home buying process is finding the right real estate agent. our agent should be trustworthy and someone who is nowledgeable about the area, sales contract, and local programs that may be able to save you money. nce you find the perfect agent, as them to refer you to their preferred local lenders. When tal ing with lenders, not only should you focus on interest rates, but also as about their in house processing and underwriting. his may be able to give you a competitive advantage against other offers. nce you ve decided on your lender, they will need several documents to help them determine your eligible purchase price. ow is the perfect time to get your documents in order, including days of pay stubs, two years of ta returns and or W s and s, and two consecutive ban statements. roviding these documents in a timely manner can help e pedite the pre approval process and prevent delays once you re under contract. he lender will also loo at your median credit score from the three ma or credit bureaus. Since your credit score has a direct effect on your interest rate, it s important to pay close attention to your score. If your credit score needs a little help, tal to your ealtor and lender to see if they have recommendations on how to boost your score or programs that may be able to help. fter you ve been pre approved, it s time to loo at properties. With these current mar et conditions, properties typically don t stay on the mar et for very long. Depending on the type of property, some may only be on the mar et for a few days. Doing your due diligence at the beginning of your home 3;<=!>?@A;<?!B=C<!A!<?DD?EC<!FAEG?=8!HI?<JC=!F?AJ!B=C<!JI=!A!KIIH!=BF?!=I!>;L0 search can help save you time and focus on the properties that really fit your criteria. ow is the time to ma e that wish list, visit neighborhoods, research schools, and get a really good idea of what you re loo ing for. In this mar et, it s very important to see a property as soon as it hits the mar et. By fully understanding your search criteria in advance and ma ing sure you re available to see properties after wor or on a lunch brea , you will be better prepared to ma e an offer when the one hits the mar et. he most common uestion I get now is, should I wait In most cases, the cost of !"#$#%!&'("')#*'$%+,-#!(#./0/1#2!-3!(!$1#$()#4$-5%$()#6!+7#8')!9#:-,;<#$+#='%%'-# waiting can cost you. With historically low interest rates and housing prices continuing >!%%!$?"#0$<!+$%#@-,<'-+!'"/#A,%%,6#7!?#$+#B+'))5)&-'$%+,-#,(#C("+$3-$?1#D!ED,E# to increase, now is still a great time to purchase real estate. Being prepared, patient and $()#A$&'F,,E/#G'#&$(#F'#-'$&7')#$+#+'))5BF')!9/&,?#,-#HIHJKKLJMNMK/ having an informed ealtor and lender on your side will definitely help in this mar et.


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Spruce Up Your Home This Summer We’re all excited for summer festivities, outdoor gatherings with friends and family, or simply lounging in the sun, but how do you begin to prepare your home for making the most out of summer? Here’s a checklist of helpful ideas to help you get started: 1


Clean and dry your outdoor furniture. As barbeque season approaches, it’s time to freshen up your outdoor cushions and wipe down any furniture so it’s free from pollen. Get the patio furniture looking new again and ready for hosting! Beautify your outdoor space. Add your favorite summer vegetable plants to a garden space, pull out any weeds

3 Clean out your grill. Turn on the grill at max temperature, close the hood, and allow the grill to stay on for 15 minutes. Scrub the grill to get rid of excess burnt residue. For extra stubborn grease, dip a half lemon in salt and rub it onto the areas. This will effectively scour and degrease your grill so it’s ready for a summer full of new, delicious recipes.

4 and heavy comforter for a cooler material like bamboo or linen to help beat the DMV heat.

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Compass is a licensed real estate brokerage that abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. Compass is licensed as

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