Washingtonblade.com, Volume 52, Issue 31, July 30, 2021

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JUL 30 + 31


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th Street restaurants

alker offices

=2*$-2&&1(/0$(/)(6*/1$1&&.$%'+)*$+1$+$1(;*$:2*/$;+/8$)(18$,*-(6*/1-$+/6$%&'()*$:*,*$ &/$*60*$7&''&:(/0$12*$7+1+'$-2&&1(/0$&7$+$_I8*+,I&'6$0(,'$&/$?3'8$A_$(/$E&312*+-1$!"#"$ and the firing of gunshots last Saturday outside ashington ationals Stadium during +$0+;*>$:2()2$%,&;%1*6$%*&%'*$(/-(6*$12*$-1+6(3;>$:2&$2*+,6$12*$03/-2&1->$1&$63).$ 7&,$)&9*," !"#"$O&'()*$#2(*7$`&4*,1$#&/1**>$:2&$:+-$+))&;%+/(*6$48$!"#"$R+8&,$R3,(*'$H&:-*,$ +1$+$/*:-$)&/7*,*/)*$+1$12*$-)*/*$&7$12*$-2&&1(/0$&/$=23,-6+8$/(021>$-+(6$(/9*-1(0+1&,-$ believe one of the two men wounded by the gunfire was a target of the shooting. Contee said police believe the second victim was hit in the crossfire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several days is an illegal firearm bra enly used on .C. streets, owser said. QS/6$:*$./&:$12+1$&3,$(/9*-1(0+1&,-$+/6$6*1*)1(9*-$+,*$0&(/0$1&$1,+).$6&:/$*9*,8$ '*+6"$a3,$)(1(N*/-$2+9*$+',*+68$4**/$2*'%73'$(/$-3%%'8(/0$'*+6-$+/6$9(6*&$+/6$+/812(/0$ *'-*$ 12+1$ 12*8$ -+:$ -&$ 12+1$ :*$ )+/$ 0*1$ 12*-*$ (/6(9(63+'-$ &77$ 12*$ -1,**1$ +/6$ 2&'6$ 12*;$ +))&3/1+4'*>X$12*$;+8&,$-+(6" G(1/*--*-$2+9*$-+(6$12*$=23,-6+8$/(021$-2&&1(/0$&/$AD12$E1,**1$,*%&,1*6'8$&))3,,*6$ +1$12*$(/1*,-*)1(&/$&7$`(00-$E1,**1$&31-(6*$12*$R*Y()3*$`*-1+3,+/1>$:2()2$(-$'&)+1*6$+1$ th Street, . . he lade office is located ust a few doors down and hitman G+'.*,5-$]'(N+4*12$=+8'&,$43('6(/0$(-$+$-2&,1$6(-1+/)*$+:+8$+),&--$12*$-1,**1$+1$AD12$+/6$ `$E1,**1>$F"G"

.C. police seek help in finding missing gay man

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.C. police have issued an announcement asking the public for help in finding ichard L"$b`().5$G&&6->$_c>$:2&$:+-$'+-1$-**/$(/$12*$A_CC$4'&).$&7$G(-)&/-(/$S9*/3*>$F"G">$(/$ L*&,0*1&:/$&/$?3'8$AD" \,(*/6-$:2&$./&:$G&&6->$:2&$(-$0+8>$-+8$2*$2+-$&%*,+1*6$7&,$;+/8$8*+,-$+/$+/1(d3*$ :&&6$73,/(13,*$,*-1&,+1(&/$43-(/*--$+1$9+,(&3-$'&)+1(&/-$(/$!"#"$=2*$;&-1$,*)*/1$'&)+1(&/$ &7$2(-$43-(/*-->$+))&,6(/0$1&$+/$&/'(/*$'(-1(/0>$2+-$4**/$+1$ADC<$G(-)&/-(/$S9*">$F"G">$+$ short distance from where he was last seen. =2*$%&'()*$+//&3/)*;*/1$-+8-$G&&6-$:+-$,*%&,1*6$;(--(/0$1&$%&'()*$&/$\,(6+8>$?3'8$ @e>$431$12*$+//&3/)*;*/1$6&*-/51$(6*/1(78$12*$%*,-&/$:2&$,*%&,1*6$2(;$;(--(/0" ichard . oods is described as a white male, O tall, pounds, with brown +/6$0,+8$2+(,$+/6$4,&:/$*8*->X$12*$%&'()*$+//&3/)*;*/1$-+8-"$QJ(-$)'&12(/0$6*-),(%1(&/$ (-$3/./&:/>X$+))&,6(/0$1&$12*$+//&3/)*;*/1" =2*$+//&3/)*;*/1$-+8-$12*$)+-*$(-$4*(/0$(/9*-1(0+1*6$48$12*$6*%+,1;*/15-$f&312$+/6$ \+;('8$E*,9()*-$!(9(-(&/"$S/8&/*$:(12$(/7&,;+1(&/$+4&31$G&&6-5$:2*,*+4&31-$(-$+-.*6$ 1&$)+''$12*$6(9(-(&/$+1$@C@IcB_I_B_<$&,$1&$)+''$12*$%&'()*$#&;;+/6$#*/1*,$+1$@C@IB@BI . Q`().$(-$./&:/$48$;+/8$(/$&3,$)&;;3/(18>X$-+(6$?&2/$\+//(/0>$+$K&0+/$#(,)'*$S69(-&,8$ F*(024&,2&&6$#&;;(--(&/*,$+/6$'&/01(;*$'&)+'$KLH=M$,(021-$+69&)+1*"$QJ*5-$&:/*6$ +/$+/1(d3*$:&&6$,*-1&,+1(&/$43-(/*--$7&,$8*+,->X$+))&,6(/0$1&$\+//(/0>$:2&$-+(6$2*$+/6$ others who know oods are hopeful that he will be found soon and unharmed. S$ !"#"$ %&'()*$ -%&.*-%*,-&/$ -+(6$ 12*$ %&'()*$ (/)(6*/1$ ,*%&,1$ 7&,$ 12*$ G&&6-$ ;(--(/0$ %*,-&/$)+-*$:+-/51$(;;*6(+1*'8$+9+('+4'*"

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!!"#$%&'()*%$+: Blade contributor Yariel Valdés González fled his native Cuba to escape persecution because of his work as an independent journalist. He asked for asylum in the U.S. on March 27, 2019. He spent nearly a year in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody until his release on March 4, 2020. Valdés has written about his experiences in ICE custody that the Blade has published in four parts. Visit our website for the previous three installments.)

ocked up in the and of iberty art IV

ariel Vald s on le remained in ICE custody until


!"##$%&'(#)'*$(%&'+,-.)'/01'23234 Only a few days outside ossier confirmed my suspicions I was being held at a military academy. he disciplinary regime and, above all, the treatment of those officers seemed more like training for a arine than rules of an immigration detention center. I think that, together with many other negative aspects, precipitated our release from that prison. revious inspections should have raised a red flag about ossier. y current detention center surpasses the previous one in every way. he food, for example, is much more abundant, better prepared and varied. I almost cried with oy when I saw a large uantity of chicken on my tray. t ossier they only gave us a few shreds of chicken drowned in a dark peppery sauce. here is also a thermos with constant soda and a cooler that never runs out. ut that s not the best thing. hey gave me sneakers, socks, flip flops, gloves, pants, two blankets, a towel, a pillow, underwear, two sheets and a complete hygiene kit that includes soap, shaving cream, shampoo, toothpaste, brush and deodorant when I arrived. y comrades here say that I can re uest a toiletry item whenever I want. I don t have to go to the small window under the television through which an officer watches us hours a day. hat you had to buy at abusive prices at ossier is totally free here. hey also provide us ra ors. o re uest it, you ust have to hand over your I , and they will not return it to you until you return the blade in perfect condition. he Imperial Valley etention Center in Calexico, the first detention center to which I was transferred, had the same rule. It is wonderful to be able to remove unwanted hair from your face again with the ease of a ra or whenever you need it. I was forced to shave with commonly used clippers for months. aundry service is every day and commissary prices are substantially lower. ut one of these benefits in particular left me totally stunned. e can order pi a and food from restaurants, an unthinkable option in ossier and one that I had never experienced in previous prisons. hose who clean the pod are paid a day, as are barbers. itchen work is reserved for common prisoners, who reside in pods outside the main building, but within the prison itself. iving conditions are considerably better, although the pod is much smaller and a bit overcrowded. he cable television has an infinite number of channels, and some of them are even in Spanish. curtain provides some privacy from the bedroom to shared showers, and a fragrance tablet in the urinals maintains a pleasant smell in that area. here are three microwaves for heating or cooking food that are available from a.m. until midnight. elephones and television are available during the same hours. he only thing I miss are the tablets and the screens where I could receive video calls, text messages and photos. iver, instead, offers the possibility of having visits from lawyers, family or friends, a right prohibited in ossier that they were probably violating. y new comrades tell me access to the yard is one hour almost every day, unless there is some inconvenience such as bad weather or another issue. It is spacious, with basketball and volleyball courts and a covered seating area. I went there for the first time yesterday. I ogged for several minutes while listening to radio stations in the area. he radios in iver, by the way, are free with a couple of batteries. tiny radio at ossier cost and the two batteries were not included. hey had to be purchased at a cost of . . uckily, I still have my radio in good condition. It is a door to the outside world that I can open whenever I want. he migrant population is made up of Chinese, Cameroonians, Central mericans, rmenians, epalese and, of course Cubans. he atmosphere so far is uite calm. I have only made a few friends in the dorm. I was placed in lpha, the first of the dorms, however, my closest friends were placed in Charlie. he rest of the immigrants who remained in ossier upon our departure were also relocated here. I already sent the warden a re uest to change dorms and he came to see me today. He was not very committed to the move, but I still hope that in the next few days it will be possible. y only company so far is loneliness. his afternoon I oined an exercise group in a corner of the pod in the hope that I would make some new friends. I sometimes play cards with some Central mericans, / 2! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!34-5!678!979 : ! " ! ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%

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but it is not the same here. I miss the bullshitting nonsense too much and the level of empathy we had built. here is also the possibility of a new transfer. Older residents say that immigrants whose cases have been appealed are uickly sent to another detention center because this place is reserved for those who are still attending court hearings. 5"67%8'9:';$<='>"?":="@$-'+A%@)'/31'23234 erhaps the most common word in my pod is faggot, as crude as it sounds. It was in ossier and continues to be in the iver. he word has no borders. It manages to cross languages, cultures, and countries. Everyone, without distinction, learns it and uses it excessively, almost always as a oke between comrades. Homophobia, however, is behind that harmless oke. I have personally never felt slighted for being gay in these detention centers, but the comments and conversations I hear on a daily basis are clear evidence of a less than tolerant environment. hen they say faggot to someone, it is with the intention of insulting them, as though being gay was the worst thing that could happen to someone. Some in here prefer to be rude, confrontational, vulgar and even a thief than a homosexual. hile most say they have nothing against gays, their attitudes sometimes reveal otherwise. here is even a Honduran in his s who pretends to be gay all day long. He creates, at least for me, a completely offensive character. He uses specific phrases and imitates effeminate behaviors. It is sheer oy for the rest of them, especially when they talk about the maricavirus, a prison strain of the coronavirus pandemic that originated in China and is spreading throughout the nited States and around the world. Someone may have been infected with the maricavirus if they are not macho enough. hey say the danger of catching it inside here is high. One can file a discrimination complaint in situations like this one. hese institutions generally act by moving the aggressor to a different pod or they can take other actions, depending on the incident s magnitude. I have made several friends who have been direct victims of homophobia, the evil from which they have been fleeing in their native countries. hey find it ingrained here in some immigrants, especially those who are of atino descent.


Daley wins gold medal at Tokyo Olympics Standing on the podium with tears forming in his eyes, a masked for COVID-19 British Olympic diver Tom Daley saw his dreams of Olympic gold finally come true Monday. Watching a live-stream of the event intently, at the moment Daley secured his victory, his husband, writer Dustin Lance Black and mother took in the results and jumped up screaming in joy. Daley along with his British teammate diving partner Matty Lee won the gold with British Olympic Diving Duo MATTY LEE and TOM a score of 471.81 in the men’s DALEY won gold this week. (Photo courtesy Daley’s Instagram) synchronized diving on Monday at Tokyo 2020 narrowly besting the defending champions, China’s Cao Yuan and Chen Aisen by just 1.23 points. “I still can’t honestly believe what is happening,” Daley told BBC Sport. “That moment, being about to be announced as Olympic champions, I was gone. I was blubbering.” Later at a press conference, Daley, an openly gay athlete, talked about the experience of being gay and at the games. “In terms of out athletes, there are more openly out athletes at these Olympic Games than any Olympic Games previously. I came out in 2013 and when I was younger I always felt like the one that was alone and different and didn’t fit. There was something about me that was never going to be as good as what society wanted me to be. I hope that any young LGBT person out there can see that no matter how alone you feel right now, you are not alone. You can achieve anything.” BRODY LEVESQUE

More Americans know someone who’s trans, non-binary More Americans personally know a transgender person or someone who goes by gender-neutral pronouns, according to new data from the non-partisan Pew Research Center. A survey found 42 percent of Americans know someone who’s transgender, who is up from 37 percent who said so in 2017. Although most Americans, 57 percent, still say they don’t know anyone who’s transgender, that’s down from 63 percent five years ago. Similarly, 26 percent of Americans say they know someone who uses non-binary gender pronouns compared to the 18 percent in 2018 who said they knew someone uses pronouns such as “they” as opposed to “he” or “she.” At the same time, comfort levels with using gender-neutral pronouns – as well as their opinions on whether someone’s gender can differ from the sex they were assigned at birth – has remained about the same. Half of Americans say they would be either very or somewhat comfortable using a gender-neutral pronoun to refer to someone if asked to do so, compared to 48 percent who say they would not be comfortable. The numbers, according to Pew Research, are basically unchanged since 2018. The survey found profound differences by age, party, and education in knowing a transgender person or someone who goes by gender-neutral pronouns, although in both parties growing shares of Americans report knowing a person who’s transgender. For Americans under age 30, some 53 percent say they know a transgender person, which is up from 44 percent in 2017. In the same age group, 46 percent of younger U.S. adults know someone who goes by gender-neutral pronouns, compared to 32 percent in 2018. The Pew Research Center conducted the survey of 10,606 U.S. adults between June 14 and June 17. The survey is weighted to reflect the U.S. adult population in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education, and other categories, according to Pew Research. CHRIS JOHNSON

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One cannot $00&$'(",)7-+9 $'/$4("2&"()"2)-6139 :#&" JRC" -&0-&(&1+$+6%&" .6." 1)+#613" 27+" (+$''" 71+6'" +#&" '$(+" *617+&8" 27+" R6(" R)1)-" !" '$,;" $" +-7&" 5-6&1." /6+#" /#)*" !" ,$1" (0&$;" )0&1'48" $'+#)73#" !" #$%&" ,)*-$.&(" /6+#" /#)*"!"#$%&"2&&1"5)-"*$14"*)1+#(9"!"$*"+))",$-&57'"$1."!".)1<+"7(7$''4"&D0)(&"*4"'65&" affirmed that everything was ready for my release. He asked if the officers had 0-),&((&."*4"&D6+".),7*&1+("$1."#&"/6(#&."*&"3))."'7,;"2&5)-&"&1.613"+#&"#&$-6139" )-"*4"5&&'613("()"&$(6'49 :#&4"0'$,&."*4"3$4"5-6&1.("61")+#&-".)-*(")1,&"/&"$--6%&."61"E6%&-9":#&4".6."1)+" I could perceive a certain feeling of oy in the udge, because his work was impeccable. 3-$1+"*4"-&F7&(+"+)"'6%&"61"+#&"($*&"0)."/6+#"+#&*9"G)(+")5"+#&*"+).$4"$-&"1)"')13&-"61" !"+#$1;&."#6*")1,&"$3$61"$1."2-&$+#&."&$(4"$("!"'&5+"+#&"#&$-6139 S-$,+6,$''4"$''")5"+#&"2&')13613("+#$+"!"/)7'."+$;&"/6+#"*&"/&-&"0$,;&."/#&1"!"-&+7-1&." +#6(".&+&1+6)1",&1+&-9":#&4"#$%&"2&&1"+-$1(5&--&."$("0$-+")5"+#&6-".&0)-+$+6)1"0-),&((&(8" +)"+#&"0).9"!"#$."36%&1"+#613("+#$+"!"/)7'."1)+"1&&."+)"5-6&1.(8"&(0&,6$''4"+#)(&"/#)"(+6''" while I feel more and more alone in this fight for my freedom that seems to never end. #$."$"5&/"*)1+#(")5"$1376(#"'&5+9"!"/$("(,#&.7'&."+)"'&$%&"$+"T"09*98"$1."6+"#$00&1&.9 C)*&"N72$1"$1.")+#&-"5-6&1.(",$*&")%&-"+)"($4"3)).24&"/#&1"+#&4",$*&"5)-"*&9" Epilogue of a victory (March 4, 2020) !+"6("#63#'4"71'6;&'4"+#$+")7-"0$+#("/6''",-)(("$3$619":#6("+6*&"6+"/$("*&"/#)",)7'."(&&" I approached three ICE officers visiting the pods after I read to my attorney over in their faces the oy intertwined with the pain of staying in confinement. hey smiled, the phone the contents of the letter from Virginia and verified that they were not my #733&."*&"$1.",)13-$+7'$+&."*&"U"6+"5&'+"(61,&-&9 hallucinations. he officers — two men and a woman — arrived that morning and I !+"#$."2&&1"-$61613"*&-,6'&(('4")7+(6.&"5-)*"+#&"&$-'4"#)7-(")5"+#&"*)-16139":#-)73#" (#)/&."+#&".),7*&1+"+#$+"(#)/&."+#&6-".&5&$+9 +#&".)-*<("+614"/61.)/("!"#$."(&&1"#)/"+#&"3-$((",)7'."1)+"()$;"70"()"*7,#"/$+&-" hat do you want me to do with this asked the officer, half annoyed after looking 5-)*"+#&"(+)-*8"27+"1)+#613",)7'.".$-;&1"+#6(".$48"1)+"&%&1"+#)(&",')7.("+#$+"+7-1&." $+"+#&"2)$-.<(")-.&-9 +#&"$5+&-1))1"3-$4"$1."+#-&$+&1&."+)"()$;"*&9"!".6.1<+",$-&V H!"/$1+&."+)";1)/"/#&1"!<*"3&++613")7+8I"!"($6.9 he check out process was easy. he officer in charge of my release gave me a HJ)"4)7"/$1+"+)"3)KI"(#&"$(;&."6-)16,$''49 laminated I card with my personal information. he first photo they took of me when Of course, I responded uickly HL&''8"6+"(&&*("+#$+"4)7"#$%&"1)+"-&$."/#$+"+#&"0$0&-"($4("61"+#6("0$-+"2&')/8I"(#&" !"&1+&-&."+#6(",)71+-4"WW"*)1+#("$3)"/$(")1"+#&"2$,;9"!"$(;&."$2)7+"*4"0$((0)-+8"27+" +#$+"!J"/$("+#&")1'4"+#613"!NO"/)7'."36%&"*&"/6+#"/#6,#"!",)7'."+-$%&'9"!+"/)7'."#$%&"+)" ($6.9 do I finally shed that infamous green and white striped umpsuit and felt human again I began to get nervous. I sensed another dirty ruse to block my release. he officer when I ad usted my pants and long sleeved shirt. said that my case had to go back to court with the udge who granted me asylum. It :#&" ,')+#&(" .$1,&." )1" *4" 2).49" !+" /$(" $1" 71*6(+$;$2'&" (4*0+)*" )5" 5$*61&" $1." (&&*&.",)*0'&+&'4"$2(7-."+)"*&8"2&,$7(&"+#&"M6-3616$",)7-+"#$."$3-&&."/6+#"N)'&<(" $''";61.(")5".&0-6%$+6)19"!"/&1+"+#-)73#"$".))-"+#$+"!"#$."1&%&-"&%&1"$00-)$,#&."$1." ruling and a change of decision was not necessary. ut it is apparently the final step )5" *4" ,$(&8" +#&" ,')(613" )5" $" ')13" $1." #$--)/613" 0-),&((9" !NO" /)7'." 0-&0$-&" $''" +#&" arrived at a small reception area where an officer verified my data. Everything was in )-.&-9"G4"0#)1&"/$(".&$.8"!",)7'.1<+"+&''"65"6+"#$."(7-%6%&."+#&"+-$3&.49":#&".)/10)7-" paperwork for my release with the udge s order. One of the officers said the process )7+(6.&"+#&"/$''(",)1+617&."71$2$+&.8"0-&%&1+613"*&"5-)*"-711613"+)"2&"5-&&"5)-"/#6,#" ,)7'."+$;&"$"/&&;")-"*)-&9 !"-&+7-1&."61.631$1+"$1."5&$-57'8"$("6(")5+&1"+#&",$(&"&%&-4"+6*&"!",)15-)1+"+#&*9":#)(&" !"#$."()")5+&1"')13&.9 G4")1'4")0+6)1"/$("+)"/$6+"5)-"G6,#$&'"$1."!"#$."+)"2&"0$+6&1+9"R&"+)'."*&".7-613" &D,#$13&("$'/$4("'&$%&"*&"61"$"%&-4"2$."*)).9":#&4"-&+7-1&."$"5&/"*617+&("'$+&-"+)" +$;&"*4"0&-()1$'"615)-*$+6)1P"Q7+7-&"$..-&((8"+&'&0#)1&"17*2&-("+)",)1+$,+"*&"$1." one of our telephone calls to confirm the details of my release that he had fallen in the *)-16139"R&"/$("61"+#&"#)(06+$'"/6+#"$"2-);&1"$-*8"27+"61(6(+&."+#$+"1)+#613"/)7'."(+)0" to find out how I would get out of detention. I found out that the officers had, once #6*"5-)*"-&(,7613"*&9 again and this time for my benefit, lied to me. !"#$.1<+"2&&1"/$6+613"')13"/#&1"!"($/"#6*"$--6%&9"X"36$1+"07'')%&-8"/#6,#"*$.&"6+"$"26+" n officer urgently asked for me while I was taking my last shower in prison. She said +#&4"/&-&"$(;613"5)-"*&"2&,$7(&"!"#$."$"%&-4"6*0)-+$1+",$''9"!"+#)73#+"6+"/$("G6,#$&'8" difficult for him to walk, covered his arm. L&"$'*)(+",)''6.&."$+"+#&".))-9":#&"(+)-*")7+(6.&"#$."2'61.&."#6*"$1."/&"#733&." /#)" /$(" )1" #6(" /$4" +)" 06,;" *&" 708" 27+" 1)9" :#&4" -7(#&." *&" )7+" )5" +#&" .)-*8" 5)-" !" +63#+'4"5)-"$"5&/"(&,)1.("/#&1"#&"-&$'6Y&."+#$+"!"/$("+#&")1&"/#)"-&,&6%&."#6*9"L&" (#)7'.1<+";&&0"(7,#"$".6(+61376(#&.",$''"/$6+6139 laughed and got excited. I finally crossed iver s threshold, never to return. e ran I suddenly found myself sitting in front of the immigration udge, who was in the +#-)73#" +#&" #&$%4" .)/10)7-8" /#6,#" 5&'+" '6;&" $" #7--6,$1&8" 71+6'" /&" -&$,#&." +#&" ,$-9" same room where I had won asylum five months earlier. ara, my lawyer, was on the 0#)1&"$1."+#&"%)6,&"61"+#&"2$,;3-)71."2&')13&."+)"+#&"3)%&-1*&1+"0-)(&,7+)-"61"*4" G6,#$&'"(+$-+&."+#&"%&#6,'&"$1."!"+));"$"36$1+"2-&$+#")5"$6-"+#$+"+-6&."+)",$'*"*&".)/19"!" /$("5-&&")1,&"$1."5)-"$''9"!"(+6''".6.1<+"2&'6&%&"6+9 case. It was like d vu when a cyclical nightmare returns. he udge claimed to have

! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!34-5!678!979: ! " ! ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%

3 4-5! 6 7 8! 9 7 9 : ! " !#$ % & ' ( )*+ ( , - $ . /01+ 2! " !! "

Obama vs. iden

o easy task comparing the two on

was very different from



!"#$% &'()% *$+$)% ,")&'*% -)&"% '-*%(.,-)-*&#(&-")/%0#$*-.$)&%1-.$)% '(*% 23-4567% 8(-)$.% (% #$93&(&-")% :"#% ;$-)8% (% 4'(,9-")% :"#% &'$% <=1>?% 4",,3)-&7% @% ;3&% .")A&% (*5%B'$&'$#%&'(&%<=1>?%#$4"#.%-*% *39$#-"#%&"%'-*%9#$.$4$**"#%1(#(45% C;(,(A*% B-&'"3&% $D9$4&-)8% (% fight. E,")8% &'$% <=1>?% -)-&-(&-+$*% ,(#5-)8% 1-.$)A*% &$)3#$% B-&'-)% (% :$B% ,")&'*F% G)."-)8% &'$% &#()*8$).$#%,-6-&(#7%;()H%"#.$#-)8% ;<=>?@=AB>#$%&'(#CA@!)$*+*!DCE=!BF!GFH=<!CB! :$.$#(6% (8$)4-$*% &"% -,96$,$)&% (% I=<J!@?KK=<=AB!B?E=>!?A!BL=!-),*M!EFI=E=AB0 .S. Supreme Court ruling against N#C>L?AOBFA!,PC@=!GLFBF!QJ!2?DLC=P!R=JS ()&-I<=1>?% .-*4#-,-)(&-")% &"% &'$% :366$*&% $D&$)&% 9"**-;6$H% ().% integrating human rights into his foreign policy vision. hen Obama was in office, 9"6-4-$*%(6")8%&'"*$%6-)$*%:"#%&'$%<=1>?%4",,3)-&7%B$#$%,"#$%*9())$.%"3&%().%&""5%()% entire eight years to implement. ake, for example, transgender military service. iden through an executive order within the first week of his administration reversed rump s policy by tweet banning transgender people from serving in the .S. armed forces in any capacity. uring the time of resident Obama, who took office when on t sk, on t ell for openly gay *$#+-4$%,$,;$#*%B(*%*&-66%6(B%":%&'$%6()./%-&%&""5%3)&-6%&'$%6(*&%*-D%,")&'*%;$:"#$%&'$%$).% of his second term to lift older regulations similarly against transgender service. att Hill, a hite House spokesperson, wasn t shy about ticking off each of these (4'-$+$,$)&*%B'$)%(*5$.%(;"3&%&'$%4",9(#-*")%;$&B$$)%C;(,(%().%1-.$)%")%<=1>?% issues, but didn t discount the work of the earlier president. resident iden is proud of the work accomplished alongside resident Obama &"% (.+()4$% <=1>?J% $23(6-&7% :#",% 4'(,9-")-)8% ,(##-(8$% $23(6-&7/% $)(;6-)8% <=1>?J% E,$#-4()*%&"%*$#+$%"9$)67%-)%&'$%,-6-&(#7/%4",;(&&-)8%().%9#$+$)&-)8%.-*4#-,-)(&-")%().% more, Hill said. he Obama iden administration made historic progress for 9$"96$%(&%'",$%().%(;#"(./%().%&'$%1-.$)IK(##-*%(.,-)-*&#(&-")%-*%9#"3.%&"%4")&-)3$% making historic progress in the march toward full e uality. If the chorus from the ily llen song ot air is coming to you in terms of comparing iden to Obama on issues, that response would be ustified. rying to reach a definite conclusion about who was better is complicated simply because of different times. Obama came into office when rights were unpopular compared to today and no president ever before had billed themselves fully as an ally the community. ot long ago, resident eorge . ush scored political points and possibly won re election as the war in Ira turned into a fiasco by making a .S. constitutional amendment against same sex marriage a centerpiece of his campaign. ara eisling, who as former executive director of the ational Center for ransgender L23(6-&7%(.+"4(&$.%:"#%<=1>?%-**3$*%-)%;"&'%&'$%C;(,(%().%1-.$)%(.,-)-*&#(&-")*/%*(-.% it is that way iden s achievements have been more rapid and Obama s more spread out over eight years, but added comparing the two is apples and oranges. e were in a very different place in , eisling said. here had never been a :$.$#(6%8"+$#),$)&%(.,-)-*&#(&-")%&'(&%.-.%&#()*%9"6-47%;$:"#$/%().%*"%&'$7%'(.%&"%8"% about it more slowly or they had to figure out how to do it. Second, there weren t there weren t a lot of experienced advocates in the movement. here were really very few people who had done any administrative advocacy in , and now we re starting this administration with or experienced advocates who got right to it. M$-*6-)8%*(-.%&'$%9#$4$.-)8%>#3,9%(.,-)-*&#(&-")/%B-&'%(66%-&*%()&-I<=1>?%#"66;(45*/%B(*% ironically helpful in getting iden started because onald rump accidentally left the whole blueprint for what to do, which is ust fix a lot of the things he broke. >'$% .-::$#$)4$% -)% &-,$*% -*% 5$7% &"% 3).$#*&().-)8% B'7% &"% ;"&'$#% 4",9(#-)8% C;(,(% and iden on issues in the first place when they re both generally regarded of supporters of people. It s more a way to reflect on changing times, recogni ing moving uickly on issues was more difficult years ago than it is now. onetheless, despite the Obama years being a different epoch, rights (.+"4(&$*%(&%&'$%*&(#&%":%'-*%(.,-)-*&#(&-")%B$#$%"3&#-8'&%'"*&-6$%&"%C;(,(%:"#%)"&%,"+-)8% more uickly to push the nation forward, particularly on holding out on on t sk, on t ell repeal until two years in office. n initial legal brief defending the anti gay efense of !(##-(8$%E4&%-)%4"3#&/%B'-4'%4",9(#$.%*(,$I*$D%#$6(&-")*'-9*%&"%3).$#(8$%().%()4$*&#(6% marriages, had people up in arms against a president they worked hard to elect. he gay blogosphere, in its heyday at the end of the s, skewered hite House press ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!34-5!678!979 : ! " ! ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%

secretaries obert ibbs and ay Carney for inartful answers on Obama s commitment to issues. iberal bloggers such as ohn ravosis at E IC blog, am Spaulding (&%0(,A*%K"3*$%16$).%().%E).7%>"B6$%(&%>"B6$#"(.%'(.%()&-IC;(,(%4")&$)&%(6")8*-.$% posts against epublicans. E#(+"*-*/%-)%#$*9")*$%&"%()%$,(-6%-)23-#7%:#",%&'$%16(.$/%*(-.%,(5-)8%4",9(#-*")*%":% Obama and iden at this point in their presidencies is difficult given the different nature of the times. It s always hard to compare and , ravosis said. hey were different eras, with different demands. he three big issues for Obama were on t sk, on t ell, O and marriage e uality. nd we got him on board all three of those, with a little ca oling — they delayed action on, O they were defending in court, and marriage took until to get Obama on board. ut eventually he did, on all those issues. ravosis conceded at this time iden comparatively has made a ton of small to medium accomplishments early on, and cited the confirmation of ete uttigieg as the first openly gay Senate confirmed Cabinet secretary as one of a few big ones. L+$)% .3#-)8% &'$% C;(,(% 7$(#*/% 1-.$)% B(*% 4#$.-&$.% B-&'% ,"+-)8% C;(,(% :"#B(#./% famously speaking out in favor of same sex couples getting married on eet the ress as Obama s evolution on the issue was still taking place. Obama would come out for marriage e uality days later. iden had also spoken out in favor of an non .-*4#-,-)(&-")%"#.$#%-)%&'$%B"#596(4$%:"#%:$.$#(6%4")&#(4&"#*%;$:"#$%C;(,(%,(.$%&'(&% happen. M$-*6-)8%*(-.%$+$)%&'"38'%*",$%":%C;(,(A*%$(#67%4(3&-")%().%,-**&$9*%'(.%()8$#$.% advocates at the time, such as excluding transgender people from a presidential memorandum seeking to expand partner benefits for same sex couples, they ended up proving beneficial. I don t think any of us really understood what a momentous thing that was, eisling said. ut it was from that memo that they immediately reali ed that the federal government had to protect trans federal employees. N)% 4")&#(*&% &"% $(#67% 4")*&$#)(&-")% 3).$#% C;(,(/% *$+$)% ,")&'*% -)&"% &'$% 1-.$)% (.,-)-*&#(&-")%)(#7%()%";O$4&-")%'(*%;$$)%'$(#.%:#",%<=1>?%6$(.$#*/%*(+$%:"#%(%6$8(6%;#-$:% 46(-,-)8%(%#-8'&%&"%.$:$).%()%$D$,9&-")%&"%<=1>?%)")I.-*4#-,-)(&-")%6(B%:"#%#$6-8-"3*% schools that wasn t even based on the merits. o the contrary, iden has been lauded as the greatest supporter of people in the hite House as his administration has rolled back rump s anti initiatives, fully embracing people in his first months without the need for public ca oling from voices seeking e uality. One person who has worked both in and outside the hite House on issues is rian ond, now executive director of and the first hite House liaison under Obama. ond, however, would not agree to an interview for this article. espite the early consternation, the long view on Obama is different. y the time his (.,-)-*&#(&-")% B(*% "+$#% (:&$#% $-8'&% 7$(#*/% &'$% <=1>?% 4",,3)-&7% 4"36.% 6""5% ;(45% ")% hate crimes legislation signed into law, on t sk, on t ell repeal, marriage e uality nationwide and transgender people being more visible and respected. hen the ashington lade reached out to the Office of arack and ichelle Obama :"#% (% 4",,$)&% ")% &'$% 4",9(#-*")% ;$&B$$)% C;(,(% ().% 1-.$)% ")% <=1>?% -**3$*/% (% spokesperson ticked off many of these achievements. e are so proud of resident Obama s record on issues, including repealing on t sk, on t ell, ending the government s legal defense of the efense of arriage ct, and signing historic hate crimes legislation, but he s always said the presidency is a relay race and there s nobody he d rather have holding the baton right now than oe iden, especially when it comes to matters of e uality, the spokesperson said. N&% B(*% ;(*$.% ")% C;(,(A*% "+$#(66% #$4"#./% $*9$4-(667% '-*% $)."#*$,$)&% ":% *(,$I*$D% marriage at a critical time in when the issue was at the polls in four states, that gay commentator ndrew Sullivan in dubbed him the irst ay resident for a high profile cover article in ewsweek. Sullivan, who has declared the fight for gay rights now over and has been critical of 4")&-)3$.%$::"#&*%-)%&'$%<=1>?%,"+$,$)&/%*(-.%&'$%4",9(#-*")%;$&B$$)%C;(,(%().% iden on issues is no contest. either president is responsible for gay e uality. e are, Sullivan wrote in an email to the lade. ut there is no comparison. arriage e uality and openly gay troops under Obama dwarf anything iden has done. he ostock decision — the biggest advance in history for trans rights — happened under rump. Obama, in an interview published in he dvocate last month, said he would love ,7% 6$8(47% &"% ;$% "+$#*'(."B$./% ;$4(3*$% -&% B"36.% ,$()% ()"&'$#% 9#$*-.$)&% B(*% ."-)8% even more to protect rights, which he said was why he was pleased with iden s initiatives. ow, we obviously have more work to do, Obama added. e need to do even more to guarantee basic rights and protections for every merican. y hope is that whatever success we had while I was president proves that progress is possible.

3 4-5! 6 7 8! 9 7 9 : ! " !#$ % & ' ( )*+ ( , - $ . /01+ 2! " !! "

ay igerian priest makes religion serve

ev. ide

acaulay founded House of ainbow



!"# $%# $&'(%%$)*+# "(# %'+,-# (.# /0++1# $2+3"$"4# ,32# 50*"01+# 6$"7(0"# ,5-3(6*+28$38# "7+# important role religion has played in shaping it throughout history. hether it s ope rancis praising the work an merican priest has done to affirm identity, or a epublican legislator rebuking the existence of transgender people by invoking scripture from the ible, religion and spirituality un uestionably influence conversations about sexual identity in the .S. and how merican society would like for people to manifest their sexuality. significant portion of people in the .S. are religious. study the C School of aw s illiams Institute conducted in found that . million adults are religious with almost half of this metric identifying as highly religious. orty percent of those between ages and are religious, and percent percent of those over identify as religious as well. In addition, percent of lack adults in the .S. are religious. he ashington lade recently spoke with ev. ide acaulay, founder and CEO of the ondon based House of ainbow CIC, to talk about his work as a gay lack frican Christian priest. acaulay was born in ondon and grew up in Ike a, the boisterous capital of igeria s agos State. He was born into a religious family to parents who he described to the lade during a interview as very dedicated Christians. His father was one of igeria s leading theologians, so acaulay s upbringing was naturally Christian centric, with him being involved in the church from a young age. s a budding adult, acaulay pursued theology as a profession and became an ordained minister in after training with his father. fter a two year hiatus from the church, he oined the etropolitan Community Church in ondon to study theology and later oined its congregation as a minister in . acaulay says it was there that he became confident in his understanding that od loves gay people regardless of all these &+%%,8+%#(.#$"#)+$38#,#",)((#(1#,)(&$3,"$(39: Sheathed with this conviction, acaulay moved back to igeria to create an environment that mimics that which he had experienced at the etropolitan Community Church. It became important to me to go to igeria to create the same space and tell people that od loves you ust the way you are, says acaulay. I embodied a lot of the spirit of the human rights church that came out of the origin of the etropolitan Community Church. acaulay started House of ainbow under this ideology on Sept. , . his weekly gathering of Christians initially began with congregants, but the congregation grew rapidly to a point where acaulay didn t know what to do with all the people. He says the growth perplexed him as he didn t reali e that House of ainbow was so popular. House of ainbow encountered problems that emanated from operating in a country with virulent homophobic laws, despite its popularity. any congregants were physically attacked for identifying as ueer, and acaulay recalls individuals emerging to church with broken noses and arms. he media also caught wind of House of ainbow s weekly gatherings and chaos ensued. he culmination of these events forced acaulay to leave igeria after two years. House of ainbow remained steadfast with its mission to create a community for Christians and soldiered on for a couple of more years before it eventually dissolved. It s unfortunate, now, that as I speak to you we do not have a House of ainbow community in igeria, says acaulay. e still have people connected to the community , but we don t have a physical presence or anyone leading it. House of ainbow s reach has nevertheless now become global, with communities established in countries. he ma ority of them are in frica. he crux of acaulay s ideology centers on inclusion and acceptance. He creates a space at House of ainbow where individuals can not only gather in community, but can also feel seen and recogni ed as meaningful members and contributors to Christianity he important thing that people need to understand is that as a minister of the gospel of Christ, I want every person to make it to heaven, says acaulay. I want them to be on a path towards salvation and redemption. his whole language that if you are gay, you are destined for hell and eternal damnation is so wrong. hat is even abusive in itself, adds acaulay. He further invokes a popular scripture that loosely states, or all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of od. his scripture is a part of what homophobic Christians use to denounce ueerness. acaulay, nevertheless emphasi es that there is a lack of complete understanding of what "7+#%51$'"01+#"10*4#5(&&03$5,"+%9 he scripture didn t say that anyone is going to hell. It said that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of od, says acaulay. Having said that, it is important to ! "! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!34-5!678!979: ! " ! ' (* / ; ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%

understand that homosexuality is not a sin it is who we are. acaulay s work is therefore enmeshed in the need to fight for social ustice causes. He aims to use the church as a platform to bring awareness to and fight for all iterations of rights. hether it be racism, sexism, or classism, acaulay aims to be like esus and emulate his unwavering passion to uplift those at the bottom of society s hierarchy. It s inconceivable to think that any religious space wouldn t be a platform for social ustice. esus Christ was about social ustice, says acaulay. Even the Civil ights ovement in merica had the church fighting in ustices relating to racism. acaulay stresses that the church needs to do what is right and stand up for the rights of people. In the ible in icah , it says, hat does the ord re uire of you but to do ustice o love kindness and work in humility with your od, says acaulay. herefore, Christian leaders need to have a strong understanding of ustice. hen reflecting on the current state of religion, its diversion from and or weak approach towards social ustice, and also its complicity in oppressing minority groups, acaulay says, esus Christ would definitely be mad.


!"#$%&'$()$"$*"%$+,-./"#$"#0$!1-.23."#4 rior to being coloni ed by European countries, many frican cultures had relaxed attitudes towards sexuality and gender. he Shona in imbabwe, angwe in Cameroon, Igbo in igeria and other frican tribes all permitted ueer existence without any negative repercussions. he expansion of European global influence brought with it homophobic laws, which were largely enacted under the pretense of Christian values, that forced frican countries to institutionali e ueerphobia, which has now become an undeniable legacy of colonialism on the continent. hat colonialism introduced frican populations to Christianity is not an uncommon sentiment among ueer fricans and fricans in general. Hence, it is not uncommon to find fricans who denounce Christianity not only because of its association with the racism that fueled European occupation of the continent, but also its functioning as a tool that erased what many of them nostalgically view as a ueer affirming past tainted by the arrival of the white man. acaulay both believes and shuns this. He acknowledges that colonialism did participate in the erasure of ueer acceptance in frican cultures, however, the concept of Christianity being un frican is fallacious. He asserts that frican and lack frican Christians existed before colonialism, and thus, the notion that Christianity is the white man s religion is a false notion. Christianity was present in pre colonial frica, says acaulay. In the ible there are numerous references to frica, including Egypt and Ethiopia where important biblical events happened, for example , the story of the Israelites leaving Egypt in search of the '1(&$%+2#*,329: acaulay, because of this, spotlights the need for religion to be decoloni ed. y reframing how Christians conceive of religion, from unlearning the notion that esus is white to acknowledging the existence of lack people in the ible, one can have a more wholesome and truthful interaction with Christianity. lso, this will allow for ueer frican Christians to exist in their ueer communities comfortably as acaulay states that there s a need for them to occupy space in the 5(&&03$"4#,%#'1(02*4#1+*$8$(0%#'+('*+#6$"7(0"#)+,1$38#"7+#%7,&+#"7,"#$%#5,%"#(3#"7+&#)4# what seems to be an agnostic leaning landscape.

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3 4-5! 6 7 8! 9 7 9 : ! " !#$ % & ' ( )*+ ( , - $ . /01+ 2! " !! "


is a .C. based writer. He contributes regularly )+()*"(:,$'"8

epresentation matters he gayest Olympics yet

9!+#(+&"(+.)($)*,")"()+(#+!"()*$&( in ust years O , I really want a om aley cardigan. he now gold medal Olympian told ritain s he uardian that he took up crocheting during the pandemic. He even has an Instagram page dedicated to his knit creations, ade ith ove y om aley. It s all very adorable it s all very om aley. ll that aside, you d have to be practically heartless to not feel something when om aley and his diving partner atty ee won the gold on onday in the men s synchroni ed meter diving competition, placing ust . points ahead of the Chinese. nd then seeing him with tears in his eyes on the podium as od Save the ueen played. ater that week, he knitted a little bag featuring the nion ack to hold and protect his medal. So very wholesome aley is certainly one of the highest profile athletes in these games. esides the diver, the Summer Olympics, now in because of the pandemic, are hosting more than out athletes. record to be sure, but calling it a record does it somewhat of an in ustice. he nited States sent the first out athlete to the Summer Olympics, obert over an e uestrian rider competing in dressage. over !"#$%&"'( )*"( +&,-( +.)( /0*$!%&1( )*"( )%),"( +&2"( %&( 3445( 6%)*( 7.0)!$,%$&( diver Craig ogerson for years. hen, during the Summer Olympics in ei ing, the number of out athletes umped to . ondon s Olympics saw the number increase to . he Summer Olympics in io de aneiro saw the number ump to out athletes. nd now we re at over . So you get the trend building *"!"8( 9!+#( +&"( +.)( $)*,")"( )+( more than . So very far, so very fast. nd competing in everything from handball to sailing to golf to skateboarding. lso, noteworthy, ew ealand sent the first trans athlete, weightlifter aurel Hubbard. hese are but numbers and names, but to be sure, this sort of representation, this sort of visibility, is hugely important. ot ust for athletes coming up behind them, but let s think too of those out there, not yet even out, maybe watching in their parents living room. Seeing om aley thank his husband, mention their son, this sort of ueer normality being broadcast as if it is both groundbreaking and at the same time nothing at all — the importance of this cannot be overstated. On top of that, growing up gay, how many times were we all told, whether outright or simply implied, that sports were more or less off limits to us. eant to display the peaks of gender and ability, sports were not meant for those who couldn t fit neatly into that narrative. ut it appears that that narrative is slowly becoming undone. ust look beyond the Olympics, to the wider world of sports. Earlier this summer, pro football s Carl assib came out. nd maybe I m ust of a generation that marvels at the destruction of each and every boundary as they come down. e had so very little as far as representation back then. ow to see it all, and in so many different sports, you can t help but to wonder what the future will hold for us and it really delights the imagination, doesn t it It is the gayest Olympics yet. nd if the trend laid out above continues, it will only get gayer as the years go on. nd if it s a barometer for anything, I think we will see a lot of things getting a bit gayer from now on. ! !! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!34-5!678!979 : ! " !; ' / #< + ' (*


is a longtime civil rights advocate, entrepreneur, and Virginian, with long roots and longstanding ties to .C.

Virginians advocate .C. statehood

he right of all mericans to be part of our democratic society

y hometown will always be ashington, .C. It s the place where I was born and spent all of the first seven days of my life. s a lifelong Virginian however, where I live and attended schools, I straddle two communities important to me. s a business owner of years in ashington, .C., I pay many of my taxes and payroll taxes to the ation s Capital while I also pay income tax to Virginia where I m a citi en. ost important of all, as a gay Virginia voter, I can think of few lifelong political goals more important to me than achieving statehood for ashington, .C. One of the compelling reasons I still make my home in Virginia and cross the otomac iver every day of my life, is because of my right as a Virginian to vote for two .S. senators and for a member of the House of epresentatives with the power to vote in Congress. It is still shocking to know that, with ashington, .C. statehood still beyond grasp, the Honorable Eleanor Holmes orton who represents .C. in the .S. House of epresentatives, has never yet had the authority to vote on the floor of the House. t an early age, I was dumbfounded to know that .C. then did not even have a local government. e lacked an elected mayor and city council, with almost all decisions for the istrict of Columbia made by the federal government. et today, even with a mayor and local government in place, it is breathtaking to know that my friends, neighbors and co workers still have ero voice in the Capitol and no one to vote for them and for us in Congress. Consider that one of the world s most diverse and educated cities has so often been bullied by extreme conservative leaders on Capitol Hill who whenever possible turn back the clock for .C. citi ens on voting rights, abortion rights, gun measures and our civil rights including e uality. ot a single voter in .C. has much, if any, say over any of those decisions. he absence of statehood and the lack of real voting rights means that the unforgivable strains of racism and homophobia often held sway not ust for ashington .C., but in denying the nited States a true progressive ma ority on Capitol Hill too. Virginians get it. In the past decade, we ve worked very hard in every county and city in the commonwealth to turn our regressive political past into a bright blue political ma ority. e have elected candidates to state and local offices in unprecedented numbers. Our vote is our power. ore significantly, through the work of E uality Virginia and its many allies, we are repealing scores of anti measures and reforming our statutes and constitution to secure e ual rights as voters, adoptive parents, married couples, students, and citi ens. oesn t ashington, .C. deserve that future Virginia needs more states like .C. to oin forces and represent all mericans. o achieve this, and to defeat or neuter the anti democratic Senate filibuster rule, we need our friends, allies and neighbors, the citi ens of ashington, .C. to share in our democratic ambitions. ong ago, ashington, .C. resident, abolitionist and civil rights leader, rederick ouglass declared that the istrict is the one spot where there is no government for the people, of the people, and by the people. ashington, .C. residents pay taxes, ust like residents of evada, California or any other state. ashington, .C. residents have fought and died in every merican war ust like residents of Ohio, entucky or any other state. he istrict deserves statehood and Congress should act to grant it. Speaking for Virginians, we agree. Conferring statehood is not a gift nor a blessing from the rest of us, but instead, it is the absolute right of all mericans to be part of our democratic society. s mericans, if we are to pass the E uality ct and other fundamental civil rights measures, we need the State of ashington, .C. and its voters by our side.

3 4-5! 6 7 8! 9 7 9 : ! " !#$ % & ' ( )*+ ( , - $ . /01+ 2! " !! "

eet the

leaders behind .C. statehood fight


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He became involved in the statehood movement If we truly want to live up to the ideals of our democracy and fight the current wave <%&"#<)3J("5#'+#Z'4)3#Z23(&.#8)<+&3*+#,'0-'(5"#0'"'5&3@# )1#>)$&3#+2--3&++()"#+<&&-("5#',3)++#$%&#,)2"$34/#G@?@#02+$#O&#53'"$&;#+$'$&%));#'";# Statehood first appeared on the ballot in when ayor owser called for a ;(+$3(,$<(;&# >)$&# )"# <%&$%&3# $%&# "'$()"*+# ,'-($'.# +%)2.;# O&,)0&# '# +$'$&/# U%211# +'(;@# G@?@#3&+(;&"$+#02+$#O&#5(>&"#12..#>)$("5#3(5%$+/S#\%);&+/#b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`/#+'(;#.&5(+.'$()"#0)>&+#+.)<.4#'";#%&#&A-&,$+#+$'$&%));#$)#$'J&#$(0&@ Q!#+)3$#)1#%';#$%&#O25#&'3.4/S#+%&#+'(;@# Q!$#(+#+(0-.4#'#.'35&#%(..#$)#,.(0O/S#%&#+'(;@#QN";#(1#4)2*3&#,.(0O("5#Z)2"$#^>&3&+$/#4)2# don t always make it on your first try. !70@707#A)5=-+B(#/-0)+,"0#"'#60";07=:(#12#3",)# 9%&# ,233&"$# +4+$&0# <%&3&# ?)"53&++# )>&3+&&+# $%&# G(+$3(,$/# <%(,%# %'+# ")# >)$("5# Helmick, , moved to the istrict in the late s. Her first brush with shortfalls due 3&-3&+&"$'$()"#)"#$%&#1&;&3'.#.&>&./#(+#Q$&A$O))J#3',(+0/S#%&#+'(;@# but uickly QI)2#%'>&#'#0'T)3($4#<%($&#O);4/#$%&#["($&;#U$'$&+#?)"53&++/#0'J("5#;&,(+()"+#'";# to the lack of statehood was when sodomy was decriminali ed in )>&3$23"&;#O4#?)"53&++@#!$#<'+#")$#2"$(.#KLLb#<%&"#($#<'+#.&5'.(=&;@# -'++("5#'..#)1#$%&#.'<+#$%'$#(0-',$#'#0'T)3($4#8.',J#,)002"($4/S#%&#+'(;@# Q9%'$#<'+#'#<'J&E2-#,'..#]#?)"53&++#<)2.;"*$#.&$#$%(+#T23(+;(,$()"/#)23#.),'..4#&.&,$&;# a$%&3#>)$("5#3(5%$+#O(..+/#.(J&#$%&#V)%"#6&<(+#X)$("5#\(5%$+#N,$#'";#$%&#R)3#$%&#F&)-.&# N,$/#'3&#&++&"$('./#'";#+$'$&%));#+%)2.;#O&#,)"+(;&3&;#<%&"#,3'1$("5#.&5(+.'$()"#)"#>)$&3# officials, deal with that, Helmick said. he istrict s lack of power and autonomy is inefficient, she said, and restricts the area +2--3&++()"/#U%211#+'(;@# ^;2,'$()"#'3)2";#$%&+&#O(..+#',3)++#$%&#,)2"$34/#(",.2;("5#+$'$&%));/#(+#(0-)3$'"$/#%&# 13)0#&'+(.4#;3'1$("5#'";#'--.4("5#.'<+#$%'$#<)3J#O&+$#1)3#$%&#,)002"($4@# 82$#-3&++#,)>&3'5&#)1#+$'$&%));#(+#'#%)-&12.#+(5"/#'+#<&../#P&.0(,J#+'(;@#N,$(>($4#("#$%&# +'(;@#!",.2;("5#+$'$&%));#("#$%(+#';>),',4#&;2,'$&+#$%)+&#)2$+(;&#$%&#'3&'#$%'$#+$'$&%));# P)2+&#'";#U&"'$&#(+#'.+)#-)+($(>&/#+%&#+'(;@# (+/#'$#($+#,)3&/#'#>)$("5#3(5%$+#(++2&/#U%211#+'(;@# Q!#'0#&A$3&0&.4#)-$(0(+$(,/S#P&.0(,J#+'(;@# 4%-5-6#4788)55(#)*)+&,-.)#/-0)+,"0(#987+":,-7#2""0/-87,-8;#2"&8+-5# C"8-+7#A"6B-8:(#)*)+&,-.)#/-0)+,"0(#92DE#12# F'""&..# <)3J+# ("# $%&# 3&>($'.(='$()"# )1# B'+%("5$)"*+# "&(5%O)3%));+# &'+$# )1# $%&# 3(>&3# Hopkins, who identifies as bisexual, began leading the istrict s C chapter seven and has led the nacostia Coordinating Council for years. he organi ation has ',,)0-.(+%&;#02,%#1)3#B'3;+#C#'";#`/#(",.2;("5#5'3"&3("5#,)002"($4#+2--)3$#$)#O2(.;# 4&'3+# '5)# '1$&3# 32""("5# N?6[# !;'%)@# B%&"# +%&# 0)>&;# $)# B'+%("5$)"/# +%&# +'(;# +%&# (00&;('$&.4#1&.$#'#;(+,)""&,$#O&,'2+&#)1#$%&#.',J#)1#1&;&3'.#3&-3&+&"$'$()"@# $%&#N"',)+$('#Z&$3)#+$)-@#

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(6" Larry Cohen, LICSW defined as wor s produced by self taught individuals, usually 33 years serving the LGBT community ;('.$5'" -$8)+#" '8+(%(%&M" ;.(4." +8(6*" -8$)" L+%" (%%+'*" A*86$%+#" 202-244-0903 7(6($%"'.+'"8*7*#6"-$8*)$6'"(%"'.*"48*+'(7*"+4'"('6*#-=M socialanxietyhelp.com See website for NPR story on my work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by an B artist is British sculptor ndrew ogan s foot tall 6'+'5*"$-"Q(7(%*@"+"'8(:5'*"'$"'.*"&+,"+4'$8"+%<"1+#'()$8*"%+'(7*" ;.$" 6'+88*<" (%" <8+&" (%" LU(%F" V#+)(%&$6@M" LC5#'(A#*" C+%(+46@M" airspray and other movies by filmma er ohn Waters. ogan, whose paintings and sculpture fill the ndrew ogan C56*5)" $-" W45#A'58*" :*';**%" R%&#+%<" +%<" P+#*6@" .+6" ';$" other wor s at Icarus, a figure suspended above the main staircase, and the Cosmic ala y Egg, an eight foot sculpture on a pla a outside the museum s im ouse isionary K*%'*8= ' ( # " ! 3 $ / $ . 0 & , ! * * ) T'.*8" /0123" +8'(6'6" .(&.#(&.'*<" +'" !B!C" (%4#5<*" A+(%'*8" 78969& /':"/&!",!"/".3'3$#"&,;$:&!*+</3!*;&=>?@ABC>?DEFGBDHIGJK2@?L& ames Snodgrass udy allwing cCarthy, an pache %& '(& )*!& +*,-& '.(& ("/$0.& '++1!'+-2& !"#$%$&'%( )*%+( ,"( %*,)$++"-( .$+/$'( 01( /&*2%( &3( +/"( -4+"( &3( leatherwoman and multi media artist who won the first Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of +"(&3(52&&36(!"#$%$&'%(.$77('&+(,"(488"5+"-(43+"2(90:;9(5)(."-'"%-4<=(+/"(."">(&3(5*,7$84+$&'6?2&.'('433(5$++%( International s. eather contest in ndrey Bartenev, a )"-$4(778(@-,4(+/"(.4%/$'A+&'(,74-"B($%('&+(2"%5&'%$,7"(3&2(+/"(8&'+"'+(4'-C&2(-"%$A'(&3(<&*2(4-6((D-#"2+$%"2($%( '%$,7"(3&2(4'<(7"A47(7$4,$7$+<(42$%$'A(&*+(&3(&2(2"74+$'A(+&(+/"(4-#"2+$%")"'+=(4'-C&2(4'<()4+"2$47(+&(./$8/(*%"2%(84'( D566(+%" A*8-$8)*8@" 645#A'$8" +%<" *NA*8()*%'+#(6'" ;.$" ;$%" '.*" 2&*A/( +/"( 4-#"2+$%")"'+6( (D-#"2+$%"2( 2"52"%"'+%( +/4+( $+%( 4-#"2+$%")"'+( .$77( '&+( #$&74+"( 4'<( 82$)$'47( 74.%( &2( 4'<( &3(+/$2-(542+$"%=($'87*-$'A=(,*+('&+(7$)$+"-(+&=(%*8/(#$&74+$&'%(4%($'32$'A")"'+(&2()$%455&252$4+$&'(&3(4'<(8&5<2$A/+=( =(+24-")42>=(+24-"(%"82"+=()*%$8=($)4A"=(&2(&+/"2(52&52$"+42<(&2(52&5"+<(2$A/+=(347%"(4-#"2+$%$'A=(*'34$2(8&)5"+$+$&'=( !#'*8%+'*" C(66" P$8#<" A+%6*N5+#" :*+5'," A+&*+%'" (%" >GIX" +6" 4+$&'=($'#4%$&'(&3(52$#48<(&2(2$A/+%(&3(8"7",2$+<=(#$&74+$&'(&3(4'+$E-$%82$)$'4+$&'(74.(&2(2"A*74+$&'=(&2(4'<(&+/"2(2$A/+( 5"2%&'(&2("'+$+<6(D-#"2+$%"2(4A2""%(+&($-")'$3<(,2&.'('433(5$++%(&)'$)"-$4(778(@-,4(+/"(.4%/$'A+&'(,74-"B(4'-(+&( iss '(#"!3$/"!&/$0.'31!" and psychic and consciousness researcher Ingo 2&.'('433(5$++%(&)'$)"-$4(778(@-,4(+/"(.4%/$'A+&'(,74-"B(/42)7"%%(32&)(4'<(4'-(477(7$4,$7$+<=(7&%%=(-4)4A"%=(874$)%=( ?<( %$A'$'A( +/$%( 52&&3( <&*( 42"( 4A2""$'A( +&( <&*2( 8&'+248+( &,7$A4+$&'%( .$+/( +/"( %"%(&3(48+$&'=($'87*-$'A(2"4%&'4,7"(7"A47(3""%(4'-("F5"'%"%(+/4+()4<(,"($'8*22"-(,<(,2&.'('433(5$++%(&)'$)"-$4( .4%/$'A+&'(,74-"('".%545"26((H/$%($'87*-"%(,*+($%('&+(7$)$+"-(+&(5748")"'+=( Douglas Swann, co founder of the Stargate ro ect that was $'A(&*+(&3(&2(2"74+"-(+&(4-#"2+$%"2G%(,2"48/(&3(4'<(&3(+/"(3&2"A&$'A(2"52"%"'+4+$&'%(4'-(.4224'+$"%6 54<)"'+(4'-($'%"2+$&'(%8/"-*7"6 #+5%4.*<" '$" (%7*6'(&+'*" A6,4.(4" A.*%$)*%+" (%" )(#('+8," +%<" <$)*6'(4"(%'*##(&*%4*"+AA#(4+'($%6="" ocal visionary talents include woodwor er Bob ittle Bob dams, a multi media artist and one of ohn Waters Q8*+)#+%<*86@" ;.$6*" A.$'$&8+A.6@" 648+A:$$F6@" 6.8(%*6" +%<" $'.*8"+66*):#+&*6".+7*":**%"-*+'58*<"(%"'.8**"!B!C"*N.(:('6@" +%<" 1$:" 1*%6$%@" +" A$A5#+8" 4#+66(4+#" )56(4" 8+<($" .$6'" ;.$" became a prolific visual artist later in life, responsible for the fart machine in the museum s latulence e hibit the blinged $5'" Y%(7*86+#" 28**" $-" /(-*" 7(6(:#*" $%" Z*," E(&.;+," [)+<*" ;('." ic mes and David ess the ocean beneath Icarus and the 6F,"+:$7*".()@"+%<")+%,"$'.*8"48*+'($%6= 2.*")56*5)".+6"65AA$8'*<"'.*"/0123"4$))5%(',"(%"$'.*8" ways as well. It was one of the first places in aryland to offer a welcoming setting for same se weddings, even before '.*," ;*8*" #*&+#" (%" '.*" 6'+'*=" " K$5A#*6" ;$5#<" &*'" )+88(*<" (%" '.*" Q(6'8(4'" $-" K$#5):(+@" ;.*8*" ('" ;+6" #*&+#@" +%<" '.*%" 4$)*" ,-./0& '$"!B!CO6" C*<('+'($%" K.+A*#" '$" .+7*" +" 6*4$%<" ;*<<(%&" +%<" 12234'1#0& 8*4*A'($%= /435&*%4&,)0+, ne of offberger s year long e hibits was called ace, 1$--!*+.$5!*+!R-$1/!5+4Q!$. K#+66"+%<"0*%<*8\"]"2.(%&6"'.+'"K$%'8(:5'*"LGM"'$"KE!D!K2RD" 9790STS097SS [1*4+56*" :*(%&" +" W4.)54F" (6" +%" *S5+#" $AA$8'5%('," -$8" ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!34-5!678!979 :


*7*8,$%*^_@" +#6$" F%$;%" +6" 2.*" K.+8+4'*8" W.$;=" !6" A+8'" $-" that presentation, she wrote an essay entitled L&*%<*8@M" (%" ;.(4." 6.*" *NA#$8*<" '.*" ;+,6" A*$A#*" (%" <(--*8*%'" countries thin about transgender citi ens interse children born with both male and female reproductive organs gender verification for athletes gender uidity, the gender rights )$7*)*%'"+%<"8*#+'*<"65:9*4'6= LR7*8,".5)+%":*(%&"(6"A8*4($56@M"6.*"+8&5*<"+'"'.*"*%<="LP*" +8*"+##@"+##"$-"56@"A+8'"$-"0$<O6"-+)(#,="P*"+##")56'":*"+##$;*<"'$" #$7*"*+4."$'.*8";('.".$%$8=M 2.*" )56*5)O6" 6.$A@" W(<*6.$;@" .+6" +" &+," $;%*8" ;.$)" 6.*" recruited from Chicago, ed ncle un ran el, and is filled with gay friendly boo s and gifts that re ect his sensibility. 28(AW+77,=4$)@"+";*:6('*"#+6'")$%'."%+)*<"!B!C"'.*"/0123`" 1*6'" E(<<*%" 0*)" (%" C+8,#+%<=" D*+<*86" $-"2.*" 1+#'()$8*" W5%" 956'" 4.$6*" ('" +6" 1+#'()$8*O6" 1*6'" C56*5)" +%<" 1*6'" 2$58(6'" !''8+4'($%= H%" +%%$5%4(%&" .*8" <*A+8'58*@" E$--:*8&*8" 6+(<" 6.*" #$7*6" .*8" '()*" +'" '.*" )56*5)" :5'" ;+%'6" '$" A5865*" $'.*8" (%'*8*6'6@" (%4#5<(%&" ;8('(%&" +" A#+," +:$5'" '.*" 4#$6*" -8(*%<6.(A" :*';**%" (%7*%'$8"a(F$#+"2*6#+"+%<";8('*8"C+8F"2;+(%= LH" 4$%6(<*8" ),6*#-" '.*" #54F(*6'" ;$)+%" H" F%$;@M" 6.*" 6+(<=" LH'" .+6" :**%" 654." +" -+%'+6'(4" A8(7(#*&*" '$" ()+&(%*@" :(8'." +%<" '$" help our merican isionary rt useum ourish over these A+6'"<*4+<*6@"+#$%&6(<*"'.*")$6'";$%<*8-5#".+8<;$8F(%&"6'+--" ()+&(%+:#*="R7*8,":*+5'(-5#"'.$5&.'@"$AA$8'5%(',"'$"4$))5%+##," (%6A(8*"6$)*"&8*+'*8"&$$<@";*".+7*"9$,-5##,"5%<*8'+F*%=M er final curated e hibit as director will be ealing he !8'" $-" K$)A+66($%" [!%<" 2.*" /+4F" 2.*8*$-^_@M" 64.*<5#*<" -$8" T4'=" J@" >G>I" '$" W*A'=" b@" >G>>=" !" -+8*;*##" &+#+" +%<" -5%<8+(6*8" .+6":**%"6*'"-$8"a$7=">G="2.*")56*5)O6":$+8<".+6"+AA$(%'*<" m ppenheim E ecutive Search to help find her replacement. "P+'*86@"+":(&"-+%"$-"'.*")56*5)@"(6"$%*"$-")+%,";.$"'.(%F" TAA*%.*()"<$*6%O'".+7*"+%"*+6,"+66(&%)*%'= "LD*:*44+"E$--:*8&*8O6"%+)*"(6"+#)$6'"6,%$%,)$56";('."'.*" word irreplaceable, the writer and filmma er said in an email )*66+&*= "LW.*".+6"&(7*%"'.*";$8#<"'.*"A*8-*4'")56*5)"'$"4*#*:8+'*" 1+#'()$8*O6" 8*A5'+'($%" +6" +" ;*#4$)(%&" .$)*" '$" *44*%'8(4" +8'(6'(4" $5'6(<*86" +%<" 48+4FA$'" A*86$%+#('(*6@M" .*" 6+(<=" L2.*" 6'+'5*" $-" Q(7(%*" ;+'4.*6" $7*8" '.*" (%'*8%+'($%+#" 7(6('(%&" &5*6'6" ;('.":*%*7$#*%4*"+%<"'.*"6+)*"5%<*86'+%<(%&"D*:*44+".+6"-$8" all artists who don t fit in. ebecca is passionate, obsessive in .*8"<8(7*@"+%<"%$:$<,"*#6*"4$5#<".+7*")+<*"'.(6"A#+4*":*4$)*" such a ma or tourist destination. nd now to find a successor Who nows We need another linda, the ood Witch of the B(6($%+8,="W.*O6"$5'"'.*8*"6$)*;.*8*=M

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-#0,% 0'% !#44#+4#-% T)44#5#% *),#% '"0$% '3)% /#(0/#+% 05)7% @#,% 0/*&,0'&)$% &+% #6&/#$'% from the way she gushes about iley in her director s statement about the film. othing prepares you for the experience of iley, she says. he emotional, +:&,&'>042%0>,042%0$/%6&+>04%)6#,3"#4*%'"#%+#$+#+%U%1&4#-L+%/0$(#+%V%(#4#8,0'&)$+%).% frican merican beauty and history — did more than move bodies they opened *&$/+7% @&+% /0$(#+% 3#,#% ,#6)4>'&)$0,-% +)(&04% +'0'#*#$'+% '"0'% +'0<#/% 0% (40&*% 0+% :)3#,.>4%&$%"&+%)3$%'&*#%0+%&$%)>,+W%?40(<%4&.#%&+%(#$',04%')%'"#%1*#,&(0$%+'),-%0$/% deserves a central place in merican art and on the world stage. working class, 50-2%?40(<%*0$2%"#%,)+#%')%:,)*&$#$(#%&$%0%+)(&#'-%'"0'%*0/#%#6#,-%#..),'%')%#=(4>/#% "&*7% @#% ',0$+.),*#/% '"#% 3),4/% ).% /0$(#% 0$/% *0/#% +:0(#% .),% '")+#% ).% >+% )$% '"#% margins — space for lack artists like ennie Harris and me. I"#% X#$$&#% @0,,&+% ')% 3")*% !&5$)'% ,#.#,+% &+% '"#% .)>$/#,% ).% X#$$&#% @0,,&+% uremovement, a hip hop dance theater company based in hiladelphia, who as guest choreographer of the production of a arus is featured prominently in the film. He is ust one of many professional dance veterans whose voices, featured '",)>5")>'2% +##*% >$&'#/% &$% +&$5&$5% '"#% :,0&+#+% ).%1&4#-L+% :0++&)$2% (,#0'&6#% :)3#,2% 0$/%'&*#4#++%0#+'"#'&(%G%0$/%!&5$)'%*0<#+%+>,#%3#%/)$L'%"06#%')%*#,#4-%'0<#%'"#&,% 3),/%.),%&'7 ike most dance documentaries — or good ones, anyway — the greatest gift of iley is the chance to see the dancers in motion. It s a film filled with electrifying .))'05#%).%+)*#%).%1&4#-L+%*0+'#,3),<+2%5&6&$5%>+%0%,0,#%)::),'>$&'-%')%,#6#4%&$%'"#% sheer visual poetry of his style. In pursuit of his ideal to capture truth in movement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n the meantime, you are encouraged to seek out iley, which premiered in C on uly and expands to theaters nationwide on ug. , to whet your appetite. It s a documentary that succeeds far more than many others in telling a real life story '"0'%.##4+%0>'"#$'&(2%0$/%/#+:&'#%'"#%(0,#.>44-%5>0,/#/%+#(,#(-%).%&'+%#4>+&6#%+>8;#('2% &'%:,#+#$'+%0+%',>#%0$/%()*:4#'#%0$%&*:,#++&)$%).%"&*%0+%3#%0,#%4&<#4-%')%5#'7 Y>'+&/#%).%30'("&$5%"&+%3),<2%'"0'%&+7

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