Washingtonblade.com, Volume 52, Issue 33, August 13, 2021

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>?:8@(':7>7<6, the first known trans person to win election to public office in D.C., is running for Council.

(Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key)

914<$ f$ I<?(+&47$ W#(*"2&4"&&<$ %&''(++(&)#4$ J&)(G1$ W#'#3">$ :"&$ 2#.1'#$ the first known transgender person to win election to public office in D.C. when she won "#4$IW%$+#13$()$_`]d>$+17+$+"#$5/1)+$3&$40)$1+$ 1$ Q#'&.413$ 6&4$ 3"#$ 914<$ f$ Q8%8$ %&0).(/$ +#13$ .044#)3/7$ "#/<$ 27$ ().0'2#)3$ Q#'&.413$ J147$ %"#"8 W#'#3"$ (+$ 1$ 6&4'#4$ 54#+(<#)3$ &6$ Q8%8R+$ -#4340<#$H3#()$Q#'&.413(.$%/02>$:"(."$4#.#)3/7$ ."1)*#<$ (3+$ )1'#$ 3&$ 3"#$ %15(31/$ H3&)#:1//$ Q#'&.413+8$ H"#$ .044#)3/7$ +#4?#+$ 1+$ ."1(4$ &6$ 3"#$ IW%$ K1()2&:$ %10.0+>$ :"(."$ 1<?&.13#+$ for LGBTQ issues. She holds the seat for ANC fg$`b>$:"(."$4#54#+#)3+$3"#$)#(*"2&4"&&<+$&6$ North Cleveland Park and Wakefield. W#'#3"R+$B()G#<E)$51*#$+17+$+"#$"1+$:&4G#<$

for more than 25 years in the Information Technology field. She says she currently '1)1*#+$1$3#1'$&6$+&63:14#$<#?#/&5#4+$6&4$1)$E!$.&'51)78 Nh#+>$ E$ 1'$ 5/1))()*$ 1$ 40)$ 6&4$ 914<$ f$ Q8%8$ %&0).(/$ ()$ _`__>O$ W#'#3"$ 3&/<$ 3"#$ 91+"()*3&)$C/1<#8$NE$:(//$2#$40))()*$1+$1$Q#'&.413>$+&$E$5/1)$3&$2#$&)$3"#$Q#'&.413(.$ primary ballot,” she said. “I will pursue the public finance option for my campaign.” 9"#)$ 1+G#<$ :"13$ +"#$ :&0/<$ <&$ <(66#4#)3/7$ 64&'$ %"#">$ :"&$ (+$ 1$ /&)*3('#$ +055&43#4$&6$B-C!D$4(*"3+$1)<$:"&$(+$#F5#.3#<$3&$40)$6&4$4#P#/#.3(&)>$W#'#3"$+1(<$ &)/7$ 3"13$ +"#$ :(//$ 1))&0).#$ "#4$ 5/136&4'$ 13$ 3"#$ 3('#$ +"#$ 6&4'1//7$ 1))&0).#+$ "#4$ .1)<(<1.7>$:"(."$+"#$#F5#.3+$3&$"155#)$()$#14/7$H#53#'2#48 Cheh was first elected to the D.C. Council in 2006. She is an attorney and tenured 54&6#++&4$&6$.&)+3(303(&)1/$/1:$13$-#&4*#$91+"()*3&)$V)(?#4+(37$B1:$H."&&/8 !"#$ 91+"()*3&)$ %(37$ @15#4$ "1+$ 4#5&43#<$ 3"13$ 13$ /#1+3$ &)#$ &3"#4$ .1)<(<13#$ (+$ .&)+(<#4()*$ 40))()*$ 1*1()+3$ %"#"$ 6&4$ 3"#$ 914<$ f$ %&0).(/$ +#13$ ^$ 91+"()*3&)$ J#34&5&/(31)$I4#1$!41)+(3$I03"&4(37$133&4)#7$@#314$Q('3."#?8$Q('3."#?$4#.#(?#<$3"#$ 91+"()*3&)$@&+3$#)<&4+#'#)3$:"#)$"#$41)$0)+0..#++60//7$1*1()+3$%"#"$()$_`]d$1+$ 1)$()<#5#)<#)3>$1..&4<()*$3&$3"#$%(37$@15#48 !"#$%&'(()*"$+*,


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3"#134#$+055&43#4+>$:(//$+#4?#$1+$1$"02$ &6$()6&4'13(&)$6&4$5143(.(513()*$?#)0#+$ 1)<$ 3"#(4$ ?1..()13(&)$ 4#Z0(4#'#)3$ 5&/(.(#+>O$+1(<$3"#$+313#'#)38 i(+(3$3"#(4$:#2+(3#$6&4$05<13#<$/(+3$&6$ 5143(.(513()*$3"#13#4+8$ -./&-*$0*)1%-. At least 14 area theaters will require patrons to be vaccinated for COVID. (Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key)

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Gay Asian man, parents attacked in D.C.’s D4+*/E$05/%"&(/2?*"$/*$ Suspect shouted, ‘faggots,’ ‘You are not Americans!’ !"#$%&#'()!!*+%#,+-#. lchibbaro@washblade.com

!" #$%" &'()*+*" ,$)" $)-" '(+" .$/*)0+" 1*/*" $00$23*-" $)-" 4*$0*)" $4560" 789:8" .;,;" 5)" <$06/-$%=" !6#;" >=" 5)" 0'*" :>88" 4?523" 5@" A6?05)" <0/**0=" B;C;" )*$/" 0'*" B$0(5)$?" D4+*/E$05/%"4%"$",$?*"+6+.*20"1'5"2$??*-"0'*,"F@$##50+G"$)-"+'560*-="FH56"$/*")50" Americans!,” according charging documents filed in D.C. Superior Court. The charging documents show that D.C. police, who arrived on the scene as the ()2(-*)0" 1$+" 6)@5?-()#=" $//*+0*-" I$0/(23" J5+*.'" K(??*/" L/*4$0=" :M=" 5)" 5)*" 256)0" 5@" Felony Assault, two counts of Simple Assault, and one count of Destruction of Property. !".5?(2*"()2(-*)0"/*.5/0"?(+0+"0'*"$++$6?0"$+"$"+6+.*20*-"'$0*"2/(,*; A statement released by the Watch Commander of the D.C. Police Second District, whose officers made the arrest, said the family of three were transported to a local hospital for treatment of injuries listed as non-life threatening. The Watch Commander, who is not identified by name, added in the statement that +6+.*20" L/*4$0" .6)2'*-" $)-" 3(23*-" 0'*" 0'/**" E(20(,+" $+" '*" +0$0*-=" FN*0" 560" 5@" ,%" country.”

#$%&'(%)6!586!9:!;<=!>9?!@9:!;A!1BC:DED!9:FDE=G?6! H9E!ID9=D:!D9GJCDG!=BCE!@;:=B0

!,5)#" 0'*" E(20(,+" 1$+" <*$)" O$(=" :8=" $)" 560" #$%" ,$)" 5@" &'()*+*" $)2*+0/%" 1'5" ?$+0" %*$/" 25,.?*0*-" '(+" -5205/$0*" -*#/**" ()" .'%+(2+" $0" N*5/#*051)" P)(E*/+(0%" $)-" currently works as a data scientist. He has been a D.C. resident since 2013. &56/0" -526,*)0+" +0$0*" 0'$0" L/*4$0" $??*#*-?%" $00$23*-" O$(" $)-" '(+" .$/*)0+" $+" 0'*%" 1*/*"1$?3()#"5)"0'*"+0/**0"()"0'*"2(0%Q+"D4+*/E$05/%"&(/2?*")*(#'45/'55-"1'*/*"0'*%" are currently living and which is a short distance from the National Cathedral. The court documents show that prosecutors with the Office of the U.S. Attorney for D.C. filed documents in D.C. Superior Court, charging Trebat with two counts of Biasrelated Assault with Significant Bodily Injury and one count of Bias-related Assault in 25))*20(5)"1(0'"0'*"()2(-*)0"$?5)#"1(0'"$"2'$/#*"5@"-*+0/620(5)"5@"./5.*/0%"/*?$0*-"05" -$,$#*"05"O$(Q+"2*??".'5)*"-6/()#"0'*"$00$23; But the charges filed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office attribute the bias aspect of the crime only to the three victims’ “actual or perceived national origin.” The charges filed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office do not attribute the attack to bias related to Lai’s actual

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5/".*/2*(E*-"+*R6$?"5/(*)0$0(5)="*E*)"0'56#'"5)*"5@"0'*"2'$/#()#"-526,*)0+"S650*+" L/*4$0"$+"/*2(0()#"0'*"15/-"F@$##50+;G William Miller, a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, said the office does )50" 25,,*)0" 5)" (0+" /*$+5)+" @5/" 2'$/#()#" -*2(+(5)+" ()" .*)-()#" 2$+*+;" FL'*" P;<;" Attorney’s Office is continuing to investigate the facts and circumstances of the case and has no further comment at this time,” Miller told the Washington Blade. The court documents show that Trebat is a resident of an apartment at 4201 &$0'*-/$?" !E*;=" B;C;=" 1'(2'" (+" ?52$0*-" ?*++" 0'$)" $" ,(?*" @/5," 1'*/*" 0'*" ()2(-*)0" occurred. The documents show he was released by a judge two days after his arrest on the condition that he be placed in the court’s High Intensity Supervision release ./5#/$,; Court records show D.C. Superior Court Judge Judith Pipe also issued a pretrial +0$%"$1$%"5/-*/;"L'*"-*0$(?+"5@"0'*"5/-*/"1*/*")50"(,,*-($0*?%",$-*".64?(2="460",5+0" +62'"5/-*/+"/*S6(/*"$)"$//*+0*-".*/+5)"05"+0$%"$1$%"@/5,"$)%5)*"'*"5/"+'*"(+"2'$/#*-" 1(0'"'$/,()#; L'*"256/0"/*25/-+"$?+5"+'51"0'$0"256/0"+0$06+"'*$/()#+"+*0"@5/"0'*"L/*4$0"2$+*"()(0($??%" scheduled for Aug. 30 and Oct. 20 were cancelled and his next scheduled appearance ()"256/0"@5/"$"@*?5)%"+0$06+"25)@*/*)2*"(+"+*0"@5/"B5E;"7T; Details of the incident are provided in the police incident report and a two-page arrest affidavit prepared by police and prosecutors with the U.S. Attorney’s Office. !?0'56#'"O$(Q+"+*R6$?"5/(*)0$0(5)"(+")50"-(+2?5+*-"()"0'*".5?(2*"/*.5/0"5/"0'*"$//*+0" affidavit, a close friend who contacted the Washington Blade said Lai wishes to be identified as an out gay man. The friend said Lai plans to release a public statement $4560"0'*"()2(-*)0"$@0*/",5/*"-*0$(?+"$4560"0'*"2$+*"4*25,*"3)51); !225/-()#"05"0'*"015"-526,*)0+="O$(="1'5"(+"?(+0*-"$+"U(20(,":="05?-".5?(2*"'*"$)-"'(+" .$/*)0+"1*/*"1$?3()#"'5,*"$?5)#"0'*":>88"4?523"5@"A6?05)"<0/**0="B;C;"1'*)"<6+.*20" 1, later identified as Trebat, started following them. The police report says the family lives on the 3900 block of Fulton St. FU(20(," :" +0$0*+" 0'$0" '*" $)-" '(+" @$,(?%" 0/(*-" 05" 2/5++" 0'*" +0/**0" 05" 2/*$0*" -(+0$)2*" 4*01**)"0'*,"$)-"<6+.*20"7=G"0'*".5?(2*"/*.5/0"+$%+;"FU(20(,":"+0$0*+"0'$0"'*"'*$/-" Defendant 1 call him and his family ‘faggots’ and that he heard D-1 exclaim, ‘You are not Americans!’ before D-1 began to assault his family,” the arrest affidavit states. The affidavit identifies Victim 1 as the mother, age 61, and Victim 2 as the father, age 64. “Victim 1 and Victim 2 did not speak English,” the affidavit says, adding that police arriving on the scene immediately placed a radio call for a police officer who is a K$)-$/()"+.*$3*/"1'5"S6(23?%"$//(E*-"5)"0'*"+2*)*"05"./5E(-*"0/$)+?$0(5)"+*/E(2*+"05" help police interview the parents. “V-1 stated that D-1 assaulted her husband V-2, causing him to fall to the ground,” the affidavit continues. “V-1 states that D-1 then pushed her to the ground, causing the listed injury. V-2 stated that D-1 came from behind and struck him with a closed fist in the back of the head, causing him to fall to the ground,” says the affidavit. “V-3,” Sean Lai, “states he turned around and observed D-1 assault his parents,” says the affidavit. “V-3 intervened and pushed D-1 away from his parents, ensuing in a physical struggle between V-3 and D-1,” the affidavit says. The affidavit says the father then tried to intervene to protect his son from Trebat’s assault, but Trebat “kept pushing them both to the ground.” It says that at some point -6/()#"0'*"$++$6?0="*$2'"5@"0'*"0'/**"E(20(,+"+6+0$()*-"()V6/(*+"+*/(56+"*)56#'"05"+*)-" 0'*,"05"$"'5+.(0$?; It says that during his struggle with Trebat, Lai’s phone fell out of his pocket and was damaged when it struck the ground. The affidavit says the damaged phone prompted ./5+*2605/+"05"2'$/#*"L/*4$0"1(0'"0'*"+()#?*"256)0"5@"-*+0/620(5)"5@"./5.*/0%; The attack against Lai and his parents took place five months after the release of a report in March by the group Stop Asian American Pacific Islander Hate that found at ?*$+0"7W8"'$0*X/*?$0*-"()2(-*)0+"'$-"4**)"/*.5/0*-"$#$()+0".*5.?*"5@"!+($)"$)2*+0/%" across D.C., Maryland, and Virginia since March of 2020. &(E(?" /(#'0+" 5/#$)(Y$0(5)+" '$E*" $00/(460*-" 0'*" $)0(X!+($)" $00$23+" 05" 0'*" 45#6+" $)-" /$2(+0" 4*?(*@" 4%" +5,*" 0'$0" !+($)+" +'56?-" 4*" 4?$,*-" @5/" 0'*" 25/5)$E(/6+" .$)-*,(2" 4*2$6+*"(0"5/(#()$0*-"()"&'()$;

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>@A$86#+(-#%'$:&4#+$(%'#6%&,$6#3(#9$&:'#6$,(%M+$')$ A7)?)$+4&%-&, Chicago law firm to undertake 0 day investigation !"#$%&'(#)*%+(*+#,#-./012/13452067589:-/;

David in his email goes into detail about the findings in the report, maintaining !"#$ %&'()%*+$ ,#&-(%.$ /01!2$ &-3)4&45$ .6)78$ "&+$ &%%)7%4#-$ &%$ (%-#8#%-#%'$ 6#3(#9$ ):$ ;,8")%+)$ <&3(-=$ 86#+(-#%'$ ):$ '"#$ >7?&%$ @(."'+$ A&?8&(.%=$ &:'#6$ "#$ he had no knowledge about any incident of sexual misconduct as described in the 6#8)6'$&%-$"(+$(%4,7+()%$(%$'"#$6#8)6'$(%-(4&'#+$%)$96)%.-)(%.B was ensnared in the damning report from the New ork attorney general finding Although the report says David kept material from a personnel file on one of the Gov. Andrew Cuomo violated the law by sexually harassing women employees. accusers after he left Cuomo s office and, after being asked by Cuomo for a copy, A7)?)$6#+(.%#-$)%$!7#+-&5B assisted in returning it to them in efforts to distribute it to the media and discredit A pair of emails one from the uman ights Campaign board, the other from <&3(-$C$9#%'$)7'$D)%-&5$?)6%(%.$&%-$&%%)7%4#-$'"#$(%-#8#%-#%'$6#3(#9$9)7,-$ the alleged victim, David says he was “legally obligated” to provide the report and “was not involved” in its public dissemination. Why he had the material in the first be conducted by the Chicago based Sidney Austin LLP that will take no longer '"&%$ EF$ -&5+$ ')$ 4)?8,#'#B$ !"#$ #?&(,+$ 9#6#$ +"&6#-$ 9('"$ '"#$ G&+"(%.')%$ 1,&-#$ 8,&4#$(+$%)'$&--6#++#-$(%$"(+$#?&(,B$<&3(-$(+$S7)'#-$(%$'"#$6#8)6'$&+$+&5(%.$'"&'$9&+$ because he was involved in counseling the employee. and a representative for the uman ights Campaign confirmed the emails were ;%)'"#6$ 4)?8)%#%'$ ):$ 6#8)6'$ &4476&'#B (%-(4&'#+$ <&3(-$ +&(-$ "#*-$ "#,8$ +##M$ <&3(-=$ (%$ "(+$ #?&(,=$ +&5+$ "#$ H:7,,5$ out names for the op ed that would #%-)6+#I+JK$ '"#$ 6#3(#9=$ 6#('#6&'(%.$ "#$ "&3#$ +)7."'$ ')$ -(+46#-('$ '"#$ &447+#6=$ "&+$ L)(%#-$ 4&,,+$ :)6$ A7)?)$ ')$ 6#+(.%$ &,'")7."$"#$&,,#.#-,5$+&(-$"#$9)7,-%*'$ &%-$-#%(#+$&%5$96)%.-)(%.B +(.%$'"#$-)47?#%'B$<&3(-=$(%$"(+$#?&(,=$ “One thing this horrible situation &4M%)9,#-.#+$ "#$ 6#:7+#-$ ')$ +(.%$ ('$ 6#?(%-+$ 7+$ ):$ (+$ '"&'$ -(+46(?(%&'()%=$ &%-$+&5+$"#$H%#3#6$&.6##-$')$4(647,&'#$ misconduct and abuse often thrive ('BK (%$ -&6M%#++=$ &%-$ ('$ ?&M#+$ ?#$ ?)6#$ <&3(-=$ ")9#3#6=$ -)#+%*'$ (%$ '"#$ -#'#6?(%#-$ '"&%$ #3#6$ ')$ 4)%'(%7#$ #?&(,$ &--6#++$ &$ '"(6-$ 4)?8)%#%'$ fighting in ustice and speaking up of the report finding he took part in :)6$ '")+#$ 9")$ %##-$ )76$ 3)(4#=K$ <&3(-$ -(+47++()%+$ &?)%.$ A7)?)*+$ +'&::#6+$ 96('#+B about calling another accuser and A spokesperson from Sidney Austin secretly obtaining a recording in an LLP didn t immediately respond in time &''#?8'$ ')$ -(+46#-('$ "#6B$ <&3(-$ '),-$ :)6$ '"(+$ 8)+'(%.$ ')$ 4)??#%'$ )%$ '"#$ the Blade that was because his role in %&'76#$):$'"#$6#3(#9=$9")$9(,,$4)%-74'$ '"#$4)%3#6+&'()%$9&+$(%$"(+$4&8&4('5$&+$ it or the timeline to reach benchmarks ,#.&,$4)7%+#,B within that 0 day window. ;,'")7."$ 3)(4#+$ "&3#$ #?#6.#-$ !"#$ &%%)7%4#?#%'$ 4)?#+$ %#&6,5$ &$ 4&,,(%.$ )%$ <&3(-$ ')$ 6#+(.%=$ )'"#6$ 9##M$&:'#6$N#9$O)6M$;'')6%#5$0#%#6&,$ /01!2$ ,#&-#6+$ "&3#$ 4)?#$ ')$ <&3(-*+$ Letitia ames issued the explosive -#:#%+#$ &%-$ )'"#6+$ +&5$ '"#5*6#$ 6#8)6'=$ 9"(4"$ +#%'$ +")4M9&3#+$ "#$%&'(&)*"+,*'9:;'<:=>?'@<'AB>'!>9'CDEF'"-'E>GDEA'D<'-DH6'"<?E>9'7ID=DJ;' awaiting further information before '"6)7."$ '"#$ /01!2$ 4)??7%('5$ &+$ :KK>L>?';>MI:K'=@;ND<?INA6''(Blade file photo Michael Key) 6#%-(%.$&$L7-.?#%'B ?&%5$4&,,#-$)%$<&3(-$')$6#+(.%B li abeth Birch, a former executive <&3(-$ "&+$ -#%(#-$ &%5$ 96)%.-)(%.$ -(6#4')6$):$'"#$>7?&%$@(."'+$A&?8&(.%=$+&(-$(%$&%$#?&(,$')$'"#$G&+"(%.')%$1,&-#$ from the start, and the uman ights Campaign board stood by him by announcing )%$ '"#$ -&5$ '"#$ 6#8)6'$ 9&+$ (++7#-$ '"#$ )6.&%(P&'()%$ "&-$ 6#%#9#-$ "(+$ 4)%'6&4'$ :)6$ she stands behind David. HQ$"&3#$#%)6?)7+$6#+8#4'$:)6$;,8")%+)$<&3(-=K$1(64"$+&(-B$HN)$8#6+)%$9")$"&+$ another five years. Q%'#6%&,,5=$ '"(%.+$ &6#$ '#%+#$ :)6$ <&3(-$ &+$ '"#$ )6.&%(P&'()%$ +7::#6+$ :6)?$ "(."$ endured sexual harassment should ever be silenced. I believe Alphonso when "#$+'&'#+$"#$-(-$%)'$8&6'(4(8&'#$(%$&''#?8'+$')$+(,#%4#$&%5$):$0)3#6%)6$A7)?)*+$ turnover and the movement is under strain as anti transgender bills advance '"6)7."$+'&'#$,#.(+,&'76#+$&%-$'"#$RS7&,('5$;4'$(+$"#,-$78$(%$A)%.6#++B$;44)6-(%.$ &447+#6+BK D#&%9"(,#=$ '"#$ 6#8)6'$ (+$ &,6#&-5$ "&?8#6(%.$ #::)6'+$ ')$ &-3&%4#$ '"#$ ,#.(+,&'(3#$ to a report in the uffington Post, a recording of a one hour staff meeting between &.#%-&$ :)6$ '"#$ /01!2$ ?)3#?#%'$ &%-$ 8&++&.#$ ):$ '"#$ RS7&,('5$ ;4'=$ 9"(4"$ 9&+$ David and staff on Wednesday revealed a tense uestion as they asked him about already all but dead in the .S. Senate. Sen. Charles Grassley Iowa last week "(+$6),#$(%$'"#$A7)?)$&::&(6B$T%#$+'&::#6$&+M#-=$HG"#%$&6#$5)7$6#+(.%(%.UK ;%)'"#6$ /01!2$ &-3)4&'#$ (%4,7-#-$ (%$ '"#$ 6#8)6'$ (+$ &,6#&-5$ ?&M(%.$ ?)3#+B$ sent a letter to the Senate udiciary Committee asking for inclusion of the AG report in the record, drawing on the ties between David and Cuomo s sexual oberta aplan, who successfully argued in 20 against the Defense of Marriage misconduct to build the narrative from opponents of the uality Act asserting it Act and has taken cases of women accusing former President Trump of sexual would be a threat to women s safety. assault, has stepped down from her role as a board member for “Time s p,” ierra ohnson, executive director of the National LGBTQ Task orce, said in an according to reports in the Associated Press and New ork Times. #?&(,$')$'"#$G&+"(%.')%$1,&-#$+"#$(+$9('""),-(%.$L7-.?#%'$&%-$"#6$)6.&%(P&'()%$(+$ aplan was described in the report as having reviewed and read a potential op H+'(,,$86)4#++(%.$'"#$?#-(&$6#,&'#-$')$'"#$NO$;0$A7)?)$(%3#+'(.&'()%$&%-$6#8)6'BK ed seeking to discredit one of the survivors of sexual harassment to see if it was “It is imperative, albeit at times difficult, that we remain vigilant in finding and O to make public. The op ed went unpublished. accepting the truth and implementing interventions that facilitate our ability to The emails on Monday from the C board recogni e the distress David s (%4,7+()%$(%$'"#$6#8)6'$"&+$4&7+#-$'"#$/01!2$4)??7%('5B$;+$%)'#-$(%$'"#$#?&(,$ rebuild trust and keep the work moving forward,” ohnson said. “These times 6#S7(6#$ '"&'$ 9#$ +,)9$ -)9%=$ 4"&,,#%.#$ )76+#,3#+$ ')$ &6'(47,&'#$ &%-$ 7%-#6+'&%-$ from the board and David, many people in the the LGBTQ community are survivors complexity and nuance, resist being reactive and lean into our values. We of sexual misconduct. Both emails, nonetheless, express a desire to continue condemn sexual harassment and abuse, and we are in solidarity with the survivors :)69&6-B HT%#$'"(%.$9#$9&%'$')$?&M#$4,#&6=$'"(+$(%3#+'(.&'()%$9(,,$(%$%)$9&5$"(%-#6$'"#$ S7#+'+$:)6$L7+'(4#BK V)"%+)%=$ ")9#3#6$ &--#-=$ '"#$ 6#8)6'$ ?&M#+$ 4,#&6$ A7)?)$ H+")7,-$ 6#+(.%K$ organi ation s continued pursuit of the critical work necessary to being e uity and because that would be “the right thing to do for N and for survivors everywhere.” liberation to the LGBTQ community,” the board writes in the email.

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! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!$3)3%*!456!7 8 7 4

transgender woman



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

If a nation, Team LGBTQ ranked

K#6,>#&) <>) (4#) =1"1',8%"0$) ;,'&#3%=) <>) 1'#) >#,") ,'&) (4#') 4#6&) 0'&#") (%.4() "#$("%=(%1'$)%'=60&%'.)'1)$;#=(,(1"$)1")=4##"%'.)2,'$)%')(4#)$(,'&$+)(4#)A1->1)L6>3;%=$) &"#7)(1),)=61$#):0'&,>)7%(4)1'#)."10;)12),(46#(#$+)?@*AB)=13;#(%(1"$+)4,8%'.)3,&#) 4%$(1"%=).,%'$C Affectionately labeled “Team LGBTQ” by OutSports maga ine, at least 2 publicly 10().,>+)6#$<%,'+)<%$#I0,6+)(",'$.#'&#"+)/0##"),'&)'1'<%',">),(46#(#$)7#"#)%')A1->1)21") the Summer Olympic Games, more than triple the number who participated at the 20 6 io Summer Olympic Games, the maga ine reported. GM') 2,=(+) %2) (4#) ?@*AB) L6>3;%,'$) =13;#(#&) ,$) (4#%") 17') =10'(">) N) ,22#=(%1',(#6>) labeled “Team LGBTQ” by Outsports they would rank th in the total medal count right behind rance and before Canada , with 2 team and individual medals gold, 2 silver and nine bron e, re ected NBC Out. A4%"(>) &%22#"#'() =10'("%#$) 7#"#) "#;"#$#'(#&) <>) ,() 6#,$() 1'#) ;0<6%=6>) 10() ?@*ABO) athlete covering sports, including the first trans Olympians, Team New ealand s

th in medals

weightlifter, Team SA s eserve BM racer Chelsea Wolfe, and Team Canada s Quinn, the 25 year old, soccer player who goes by a single name and uses the pronouns “they” ,'&)G(4#%"CJ The most notable Olympic medal win was that of Canadian Women s Soccer midfielder Quinn, who became the first openly transgender, non binary athlete to win an Olympic gold medal in another trailbla ing moment at the Tokyo Games for the marginalised ?@*ABO)=1330'%(>C In another Olympic triumph, 2 year old British diver Tom Daley secured his first Olympic Gold medal alongside teammate Matty Lee winning the gold with a score of . in the men s synchroni ed diving narrowly besting the defending champions, China s Cao uan and Chen Aisen by ust .2 points. or Daley it was his fourth career Olympic medal including a Bron e Medal won in the the Men s 0m platform completion ,()A1->1),$)7#66C *#(+,&-./.%01.


Sen. Amy lobuchar D Minn. is leading a group of Senate Democrats in calling on (4#)*%&#'),&3%'%$(",(%1')(1),'$7#")/0#$(%1'$) ,<10() %($) =133%(3#'() (1) ?@*AB) ;#1;6#) 18#"$#,$)$##-%'.),$>603)%')(4#)Q'%(#&):(,(#$C M'),)6#((#")3,&#);0<6%=)6,$()7##-+)P61<0=4,") and others cite a statistic an estimated , 00 applications for asylum were filed in the Q'%(#&) :(,(#$) 1') (4#) <,$%$) 12) ?@*AB) $(,(0$) from 20 2 to 20 . GA4#) Q'%(#&) :(,(#$) 4,$) <##') ,) <#,=1') 12) 41;#) 21") 3,'>) ?@*AB) 3%.",'($) #$=,;%'.) ;#"$#=0(%1'+) %'=60&%'.) &13#$(%=) 8%16#'=#+) ",;#+),'&)30"&#"+),$)7#66),$)&%$="%3%',(%1')%') ,"#,$) 6%-#) #&0=,(%1'+) #3;61>3#'(+) 410$%'.+) ,'&)4#,6(4=,"#+J)(4#)6#((#")$,>$C ollowing up on the State Department s announcement in ebruary it would “use a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ass. and Patty Murray Wash. . Anthony Blinken, poses to the State Department two specific uestions on LGBTQ asylum seekers, as well as the global strategy for international LGBTQ human rights ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!$3)3%*!456!7 8 7 4 ! " ! ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%

What are the Department s plans for "#$(1"%'.)10")21"3#")=133%(3#'($)(1)?@*AB) "#20.##$),'&),$>603)$##-#"$),'&)#I;#&%(%'.) resettlement for the most at risk LGBTQ "#20.##$).61<,66>R 54,() ;"1."#$$) 4,$) <##') 3,&#) %') (4#) Department s global strategy to address &%$="%3%',(%1'),.,%'$()(4#)?@*AB)=1330'%(>) ,'&) (1) %'(#.",(#) ?@*AB) =1'=#"'$) %'(1) QC:C) 21"#%.') ;16%=>R) M') 74,() 7,>$) =,') F1'."#$$) ,$$%$()%')(4#$#)#221"($+)%'=60&%'.),'&)<#>1'&) the Global uality und G E) :(,(#) K#;,"(3#'() $;1-#$;#"$1') &#=6%'#&) (1) =133#'() 1') (4#) 6#((#"+) =%(%'.) ,) ;16%=>) 12) '1) =133#'() 1') =1""#$;1'&#'=#) <#(7##') 3#3<#"$) 12) F1'."#$$) ,'&) (4#) &#;,"(3#'(C The Democrats who signed the letter ,"#) P61<0=4,") ,$) 7#66) ,$) :#'$C) S%=4,"&) Blumenthal Conn. , Cory Booker N. . Sherrod Brown Ohio , ichard Durbin Ill. , Dianne einstein Calif. , irsten Gillibrand N. . , acky osen Nev. , Bernard Sanders t. , Tina Smith Minn. , li abeth Warren Mass. , Alex Padilla Calif. , dward Markey !"#$%&'(")%()

Put Vaccines On Your Back-to-School List Vaccines are the best protection against vaccine-preventable diseases. All DC students must have their immunizations up-to-date before the next school year begins.

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!"# "$%& ' ( )& * + * ' & , &-! $ . / 0 #%1 0 2 3 ! 4 5671 8& , & ! "

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A lesbian who asked the Blade not to publish her name said she ed l Salvador in #03?018(0=B*1()S7J6(;03;(<*<@*14(BI1*0B*3*:(B.(R,99(I*1(@*-0?4*(4I*(-.?9:(3.B(A08( BI*<(BI*(<.3*8(BI*8(:*<03:*:(=1.<(I*1G(SI*(40,:(<*<@*14(.=(JYBI(SB1**B'(03.BI*1( ;03;'(0BB0-R*:(I*1(4.3(0=B*1(I*(1*=?4*:(B.(4*99(:1?;4G U!I*8(I,B(I,<(2*18(I01:Z(2*18'(2*18(I01:'V(BI*(9*4@,03(B.9:(BI*(P90:*(0B(#01:M3(:*(904( )01,A.404'(4A*0R,3;(BI1.?;I(B*014G Olvin, a 22 year old gay man from l Progreso, a city in onduras oro department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elly West is a transgender woman who ed discrimination and persecution she said 4I*(4?==*1*:(,3(#0<0,-0G She ew to Panama City and then to the Mexican city of Guadala ara before she 011,2*:(,3(!,L?030(.3(#?3*(J\G(]*4B(40,:(4I*(03:(0(;1.?A(.=(*,;IB(.BI*1(NOP!Q(0489?<( 4**R*14( B1,*:( B.( U1?3( .2*1( BI*( 9,3*( 0B( BI*( @.1:*1V( @*BH**3( )*+,-.( 03:( BI*( $GSG'( @?B( )*+,-03(A.9,-*(4B.AA*:(BI*<G

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speaks at ard n de las Mariposas, a shelter for I**94'("(-03(H*01(<8(I0,1G("(-03(L?4B(@*( -),*N!DG?<:=;>!G=!*GOM:=:6!2@PGHC6!C=!FMLK!470 Q,L:A@!RIC;C!SK!2GHI:@L!T0!-:U@<>V =*<,3,3*(*2*18:08GV #0,<*( )01M3'( HI.( 1?34( #01:M3( :*( 904( )01,A.404( H,BI( I,4( <.BI*1'( olanda ocha, noted some residents were sleeping in a tent in the backyard because BI*(4I*9B*1(,4(.2*1(-0A0-,B8G U]*D1*(.2*1A.A?90B*:(H,BI(0(9.B(.=(1*4,:*3B4'V()01M3(B.9:(BI*(P90:*G !,B9*(W5'(0(E*3B*14(=.1(>,4*04*(E.3B1.9(03:(T1*2*3B,.3(1?9*(BI0B(-9.4*:(BI*(4.?BI*13( @.1:*1( B.( <.4B( 0489?<( 4**R*14( 03:( <,;103B4( @*-0?4*( .=( BI*( -.1.302,1?4( A03:*<,-'( 1*<0,34(,3(A90-*G ice President amala arris and other administration officials have publicly acknowledged that violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity is one of the “root causes” of migration from onduras, l Salvador and Guatemala. The White C.?4*( I04( B.9:( <,;103B4( 3.B( B.( B102*9( B.( BI*( $GSG7)*+,-.( @.1:*1'( @?B( )01M3( 40,:( BI*( number of people who have traveled to Ti uana since President Biden took office has ,3-1*04*:(:10<0B,-0998G !I*( A1*2,.?4( ]I,B*( C.?4*( =.1-*:( B*34( .=( BI.?403:4( .=( 0489?<( 4**R*14( B.( A?14?*( BI*,1( -04*4( ,3( )*+,-.( ?3:*1( ,B4( ),;103B( T1.B*-B,.3( T1.B.-.94( A1.;10<G( !I*( P,:*3( administration on une officially ended MPP. U!I*( A1.-*44( I04( @**3( *04,*1'( HI,-I( <*034( BI*8D1*( 3.( 9.3;*1( 4B08,3;( <.3BI4( .1( 8*014'V( )01M3( B.9:( BI*( P90:*G( U!I*8( 4?@<,B( BI*,1( 0AA9,-0B,.3'( 9*BD4( 408( B.:08'( 03:( BI*8( ;*B(0(1*4A.34*(=.1(0(:0B*(,3(BH.(H**R4G(!I*8D1*(@04,-0998(,3(BI*($3,B*:(SB0B*4(H,BI,3(0( <.3BIGV )012,3(I.A*4(B.(?4*(BI*(A,-B?1*(.=(I,4(@1.BI*1D4(@.:8(,3(BI*(<.1;?*(03:(C.3:?103( 3*H4A0A*1(01B,-9*4(0@.?B(I,4(<?1:*1(04(*2,:*3-*(B.(4?AA.1B(I,4(0489?<(-04*G()012,3'( however, has yet to find someone to sponsor him. U)8(;.09(^(,4(B.(;.(B.(BI*($3,B*:(SB0B*4'V(I*(40,:G )01M3(B.9:(BI*(P90:*(BI*(BH.(.BI*1(4I*9B*14(=.1(NOP!Q(0489?<(4**R*14(,3(!,L?030(01*( also at maximum capacity. Mar n said .S. immigration officials are also “overwhelmed” H,BI(3*H(0489?<(0AA9,-0B,.34G U"B(<,;IB(B0R*(0(9,BB9*(@,B(9.3;*1(BI03(0(<.3BI(@*-0?4*(.=(BI*(3?<@*1(.=(A*.A9*(BI0B( 01*(@04,-0998(-.<,3;(03:(H*(L?4B(I02*(B.(,3-1*04*(BI*(H.1R(H*(:.(04(H*99(@*-0?4*(H*(01*( ;*BB,3;(0(9.B(<.1*(H.1R(B..'V(I*(B.9:(BI*(P90:*G(U]*(01*(.2*1HI*9<*:(04(H*99GV Centro Comunitario de Bienestar Social COBINA in Mexicali, a border city that is 1.?;I98( 5( J_5( I.?14( *04B( .=(!,L?030'( ,4( 0( ;1.?A( BI0B( 4*12*4( NOP!Q( A*.A9*( 03:( .BI*1( 2?93*10@9*(;1.?A4G "B(1?34(BI1**(<,;103B(4I*9B*14(,3(BI*(-,B8'(HI,-I(@.1:*14(E09*+,-.'(E09,=G'(,3(E09,=.13,0D4( Imperial alley. An electrical fire that destroyed COBINA s efugio del Migrante on uly displaced the 52 migrants from Guatemala, l Salvador, onduras and other -.?3B1,*4(HI.(H*1*(9,2,3;(BI*1*G Some of the shelter s residents were living in COBINA s offices when the Blade visited BI*<(.3(#?98(J5G U]*( 3**:( 1*4.?1-*4( B.( 1*@?,9:( BI*( 4I*9B*1'( B.( @?8( H..:'( B.( @?8( *2*18BI,3;( BI0B( ,4( 3**:*:'V(E[P"&%(T1*4,:*3B(%9B0;10-,0(!0<08.(B.9:(BI*(P90:*G The Organi ation for efuge, Asylum and Migration has raised 2,600 for COBINA B.(?4*(B.(@?8(-9.BI*4'(=..:(03:(:,0A*14(=.1(BI*(:,4A90-*:(<,;103B4(03:(BI*,1(-I,9:1*3G( The O AM funds will also allow COBINA to buy portable air conditioning units. The B*<A*10B?1*(,3()*+,-09,(H04(JKY(:*;1**4(HI*3(BI*(P90:*(1*A.1B*:(=1.<(BI*1*G` Tamayo told the Blade that COBINA has been working with the .N. efugee Agency and the International Organi ation for Migration to assist the displaced migrants. #01:M3(:*(904()01,A.404(<.2*:(,3B.(0(3*H(I.?4*(,3()08G("B(,4(9*44(BI03(=.?1(<,9*4(=1.<( l Chaparral, the main port of entry between Ti uana and San Diego.

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Tucker Carlson praises anti-LGBT Hungarian leader countries are moving to Hungary. !"#$ %&'()($ *+,-&.$ /0.1("2$ 10(3$ '&&-$ 4&5&24&4$ 02367 Orb n did not specifically discuss his efforts to curtail 89:*;$<+2=0.602$>.6?&$@626(3&.$A6-3".$B.CD2$'E61&$62$E6($ LGBT rights in Hungary, but he did describe former ,"+23.FG President Trump as “a great friend of Hungary.” Carlson last Thursday at the opening of his “He was very much supportive to us, not just personally, show described Orb n as “an elected leader who publicly but politically as well,” said Orb n. identifies as a Western-style conservative.” Orb n also defended his government’s efforts to prevent “He thinks families are more important than banks. He migrants from traveling through Hungary in 201 . believes countries need borders. For saying these things “This is not a human right to come here no way because out loud Orb n has been vilified,” said Carlson from it’s our land,” he said. “It’s our nation. It’s a community. Budapest, the Hungarian capital, before his program aired Families. History. Tradition. Language.” his interview with Orb n. “Left-wing NGOs have denounced The European Commission last month announced it him as a fascist, a destroyer of democracy.” '"+14$30-&$1&=01$0,36"2$0=062(3$<+2=0.F$053&.$0$10'$3E03$C02($ /0.1("2$ .&5&..&4$ 3"$ 3.02(=&24&.$ 03E1&3&($ 024$ ,.636,($ "5$ the promotion of homosexuality and sex-reassignment President Biden’s policies as he introduced his interview #$%&'()%*(+,-. :;!,<=>?@AB0!!C%DE@@;!D>?B<E@!F:>!GHI!(@JAK surgery to minors took effect. Orb n, who leads Hungary’s with Orb n. The Hungarian prime minister, for his part, Fides party, has said he wants to hold a referendum on it. 4&5&24&4$E6($.&,".4G Hungarian lawmakers in late 2020 amended the country’s “What is going on here is building up a society, which is constitution to define family as “based on marriage and the parent-child relation” with very successful Economically, politically, culturally and even in demography we have “the mother is a woman, the father a man” and effectively banned same-sex couples some success, family policy,” said Orb n. “So, what you can see here could be described from adopting children. The Hungarian Parliament earlier in the year approved a bill that as a success story, but the fundamentals of the success are totally different than it is bans trans and intersex people from legally changing their gender. envisioned and run and created by many other Western countries.” “I’m treated like the black sheep of the European Union,” Orb n told Carlson. “The Western liberals cannot accept that inside the Western civili ation there’s a Carlson repeatedly told Orb n that Biden has described him as a “totalitarian thug,” conservative national alternative, which is more successful at everyday life and the level while noting the comment suggests “why wouldn’t the Biden State Department work of it than the liberal ones,” he added. “That’s the reason why they critici e us. They are to prevent you Orb n from being elected” in Hungary’s 2022 presidential election. fighting for themselves, not against us. But we are an example that somebody, or a Orb n said he is prepared for “international interference.” country which is based on traditional values, on national identity, based on a tradition of “That will happen we are prepared for that,” said Orb n. “Obviously the international Christianity, could be successful or sometimes even more successful than a leftist liberal left will do everything that they can do and probably more to change the government government.” here in Hungary.” Orb n told Carlson that “many Christian families and conservative families think that The BBC reported Carlson while in Hungary attended a festival the Matthias Corvinus Western Europe is not secure enough, the future is not stable, the public security is Collegium, a conservative foundation with close ties to Orb n. not provided and the ideological direction of the countries, or the basic values of the countries built on, is changing not to their taste or to their intention.” 1+(*'(3/%!$*!#$%&'()*+(,-$./01+2 “They are looking for other places,” said Orb n, noting people from Western European

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is deputy director and general counsel for the LGBT Technology Partnership Institute, which works to improve access, increase inclusion, ensure safety and -9+(@-,'-%#,-+,-%-",.3$+')(,'45678I'1(99"%$#$-.'*,("%/'#-13%(<(&2C

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The story was impossible to miss. A top official in the Catholic Church resigned after a Catholic newsletter obtained mobile location data from his cellphone without his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incident. The newsletter managed to easily unmask and identify a specific person and #3-$,'9(0-9-%#.'),(9'*%'*%(%29(".'/*#*.-#C'73$.'$.'+,-1$.-<2'#3-'#2+-'()'.1-%*,$('/*#*' +,$0*12'-G+-,#.'3*0-'=--%'@*,%$%&'*&*$%.#')(,'*'<(%&'#$9-C'H"##$%&'*.$/-'@3*#'@-'9*2' #3$%?'()'#3-'+*,#$1"<*,'$%/$0$/"*<'=-$%&'("#-/>'#3$.'&,(..'+,$0*12'0$(<*#$(%'@3-,-'+,$0*#-' /*#*' $.' =-$%&' ".-/' #(' ("#' .(9-(%-' .3("</' =-' ()' 1(%1-,%' #(' -0-,2' .$%&<-' 45678I' $%/$0$/"*<C'''' 73-'45678I'1(99"%$#2'$.'+*,#$1"<*,<2'.".1-+#$=<-'#('(%<$%-'/*#*'.-1",$#2'=,-*13-.>' *=".->' (,' 9$.".-C' E11(,/$%&' #(' (",' ,-.-*,13>' 9(,-' #3*%' JK' +-,1-%#' ()' 45678I' ,-.+(%/-%#.' .*2' #3-2' "#$<$L-' .(1$*<' 9-/$*>' 1(9+*,-/' #(' MJ' +-,1-%#' ()' #3-' &-%-,*<' +(+"<*#$(%C':-',-<2'(%'#3-'.-1",$#2'()'(",'/-0$1-.'#('+,(#-1#'(",'1(99"%$#2'*%/'*<<(@' 0"<%-,*=<-' +(+"<*#$(%.' #(' 9(,-' (+-%<2' *%/' ),--<2' .3*,-' #3-$,' +-,.(%*<' .#(,$-.' *%/' .#,"&&<-.'(%<$%->'*.'@-<<'*.'#('*11-..'$%)(,9*#$(%'(%'3-*<#3'*%/'(#3-,'1,$#$1*<<2'$9+(,#*%#' *%/' .-%.$#$0-' #(+$1.' .-1",-<2C' 73-.-' /-0$1-.' *<.(' 1(<<-1#' 0*.#' *9("%#.' ()' +*,#$1"<*,<2' .-%.$#$0-'/*#*'#3*#>'$%'#3-'@,(%&'3*%/.>'1*%'-%/*%&-,'(,'3*,9'45678I'$%/$0$/"*<.C'' N(1$*<'*++.>'/*#$%&'*++.>'3-*<#3'*++.'*%/'<(1*#$(%'#,*1?$%&'.-,0$1-.'*<<'1(<<-1#'0-,2' +-,.(%*<$L-/'/*#*'*%/'#3("&3'9(.#'()'#3-.-'*++.'1<*$9'#('*%(%29$L-'*%/'+,(#-1#'2(",' /*#*>'$%')*1#>'$#'3*.'=--%'.3(@%'(0-,'*%/'(0-,'*&*$%'#3*#>'$%')*1#>'@$#3'O".#'*')-@'/*#*'+($%#.' such as your work location and home or school location individuals can be identified ),(9' *%(%29$L-/' /*#*' ,*#3-,' -*.$<2C' P*#*' ,-&*,/$%&' *%' $%/$0$/"*<F.' .-G"*<' (,$-%#*#$(%>' &-%/-,'$/-%#$#2>'(,'/-#*$<.'*=("#'#3-$,'.-G'<$)-'1*%'=-'$9+(,#*%#'#('#3-'+,(0$.$(%'()'.(1$*<' *%/'3-*<#31*,-'.-,0$1-.>'+"=<$1'3-*<#3>'*%/'9-/$1*<',-.-*,13C'Q(@-0-,>'#3-'.*9-'/*#*' 1*%' =-' $%1,-/$=<2' .-%.$#$0-' R' *%/' #3-' 1(<<-1#$(%>' ".->' *%/' .3*,$%&' ()' #3$.' /*#*' ,*$.-.' "%$;"-'+,$0*12',$.?.'*%/'13*<<-%&-.C'' As the outing of the Catholic priest has shown, for LGBTQ people, the sensitivity of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e uipped to identify individuals that do not fit neatly into gender boxes. 4*@9*?-,.' %--/' #(' *1#' %(@' #(' 9*?-' .",-' #3*#' .-%.$#$0-' /*#*' $.' %(#' =-$%&' ".-/' $%' 3*,9)"<' @*2.C' 4-&$.<*#(,.' %--/' #(' 9*?-' $#' *' +($%#' #(' /-0-<(+' .#,(%&>' 1(99(%' .-%.-' )-/-,*<'+,$0*12'<*@.C' We ask this administration and Congress to prioriti e bipartisan data privacy legislation that ensures all people s location, biometric, and other data remains private, and re ects #3-'"%$;"-'%--/.'()'9$%(,$#2'1(99"%$#$-.'=2'-G+<$1$#<2'$%1<"/$%&'3-$&3#-%-/'+,(#-1#$(%' )(,'N!5U'W.-G"*<'(,$-%#*#$(%'*%/'&-%/-,'$/-%#$#2X'/*#*C ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!$3)3%*!456!7 8 7 4 ! " !9 ' / #: + ' (*


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accine mandates in D.C., 45678'=*,.'<-*/'#3-'@*2

We should follow N C s example in re uiring CO ID abs

E.' #3-' :*.3$%&#(%' 6<*/-' ,-+(,#-/>' “At least six D.C. gay bars announced (%' .(1$*<' 9-/$*' #3*#' #3-2' @$<<' ,-;"$,-' +*#,(%.' #(' .3(@' +,(()' #3*#' #3-2' 3*0-' been vaccinated for CO ID as a 1(%/$#$(%')(,'=-$%&'*/9$##-/'#('#3-'=*,.C' They include the Logan Circle area gay =*,.'Y"9=-,'Y$%-'*%/'7,*/-Z'#3-'E/*9.' [(,&*%' &*2' .+(,#.' =*,.' H$#13-,.' *%/' E' League of er Own the th Street, N.W. &*2'=*,'\VCF.Z'*%/'#3-']'N#,--#>'YC:C'&*2' =*,'73-'P$,#2'5((.-CD E.'$%'9*%2'$%.#*%1-.'$#'$.'#3-'45678I'1(99"%$#2'#3*#'#*?-.'#3-'$%$#$*#$0-'*%/'*1#.C' ach time they do I am reminded how proud I am to be a part of the community. In D.C., they have been followed by theaters, led by the Shakespeare Theatre Company, #3*#'3*0-'9*%/*#-/'+*#,(%.'@$<<'3*0-'#('+,(0-'#3-2'3*0-'=--%'0*11$%*#-/C'73-'9*O(,' standout not oining yet is the ennedy Center and I hope they will add their name to #3-'<$.#'.3(,#<2C Now Mayor Bowser needs to follow New ork City Mayor Bill de Blasio s lead when the city as reported became “the first .S. city to re uire proof of vaccination )(,'*'0*,$-#2'()'*1#$0$#$-.')(,'@(,?-,.'*%/'1".#(9-,.'R'$%/((,'/$%$%&>'&29.'*%/'9(0$-' #3-*#-,.'R'*'9(0-'$%#-%/-/'#('+"#'+,-..",-'(%'+-(+<-'#('&-#'0*11$%*#-/CD'Y-@'^(,?' theaters had already announced this policy on their own. New ork City also launched a mobile app for residents to use to show proof of vaccination against CO ID . _(<<(@$%&'#3-'*%%("%1-9-%#'),(9'/-'6<*.$(>'H,-.$/-%#'6$/-%'.*$/'3-'=-<$-0-/'(#3-,' cities should follow New ork City s lead in re uiring proof of vaccination for restaurants and gyms. Los Angeles is now considering doing the same thing. The time has come for the D.C. government to take a stronger stand and begin to 9*%/*#-'0*11$%*#$(%.')(,')"<<'+*,#$1$+*#$(%'$%'<$)-'*.'@-'?%-@'$#'=-)(,-'#3-'+*%/-9$1C' 73$.'$.'*'+"=<$1'3-*<#3'-9-,&-%12'*%/'$#'9".#'=-'#,-*#-/'*.'."13C':-'1*%%(#'1(%#$%"-'#(' 1(//<-'#3(.-'@3('@("</'+"#'#3-9.-<0-.'*%/'#3-',-.#'()'".'$%'/*%&-,C'U#'$.'0-,2'.$9+<-`' If you don t want to get vaccinated stay home. We know D.C. has a list of all those who have been vaccinated here as LaQuandra Nesbitt, director of the D.C. Department of Q-*<#3>',-1-%#<2'.-%#'#3*%?'2("'1*,/.'#('*<<'#3(.-'@3('3*0-'=--%'0*11$%*#-/C'N$%1-'#3-2' 3*0-'#3*#'<$.#'$#F.'#$9-'#('.-#'"+'*'9(=$<-'*++'.$9$<*,'#('#3-'(%-'=-$%&'".-/'$%'Y-@'^(,?' City so people don t have to carry around their vaccination card. Anyone living in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forward on this next step in D.C. now.

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Combatting the toxic in uence of 6'(,1#/)&#4'0''9,$&

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© The Princess Bride Limited. All Rights Reserved.

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Presentation licensed by Disney Concerts in association with 20th Century Fox, Lucasfi lm Ltd. and Warner/Chappell Music. © 2021 & TM LUCASFILM LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © DISNEY.

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The LGBTQ generational wealth gap

amily re ection, inheritance exclusion contribute to problems !"#$%&!'((#)*+,-'&.#

!"#$%&'%$()*("%"+,"%-./012%3('34(%5,)(%,%*,&6(% of financial challenges that heterosexual people simply don t need to contend with. Less discussed are the effects of financial discrimination on building LGBTQ generational wealth. The stereotypical view of a wealthy gay couple with no children and a si able disposable income is ust that a stereotype. In reality, the “American Dream” buying a home, getting married, having kids, finding a good ob and investing in a 0 k is out of reach for many LGBTQ people, according to a survey by TD Ameritrade. Almost two thirds 5 percent of LGBTQ millennials say they are unlikely to achieve these goals by age 0, compared to fewer than half of straight millennials. The same survey found that while the average annual income for a straight household is , 00, the average LGBTQ household earns ust 66,200 a year. LGBTQ people are being left out of generational wealth for many reasons including family re ection, systematic barriers and a lack of financial education. With almost half of LGBTQ adults saying they have been excluded by a family member or close friend as a result of their sexual orientation or gender identity, according to a study by the Pew esearch Center, a lack of familial financial support is a common problem for many in the community. This combination of uni ue financial barriers that LGBTQ people face is what has led to generational wealth gap. It s a problem that will only affect more ueer people if we don t address it now. Legacy financial exclusion At every stage of life, it s not uncommon for LGBTQ people to encounter financial challenges that their heterosexual counterparts won t face. Being kicked out of their homes as teens due to unaccepting parents, not receiving financial support from family for college, being removed from an inheritance the financial cost of being LGBTQ can be substantial. With the average inheritance reaching close to ,000 according to a SBC survey and Cerulli Associates forecasting that up to 6 trillion will trickle down to younger generations within 25 years, LGBTQ heirs could collectively lose trillions through inheritance exclusion. “ ven much smaller amounts could help folks pay off debt, pay off a home, send their own kids to college and help them with their own retirement. Many LGBTQ kids aren t getting these benefits,” explains ohn Auten Schneider. Auten Schneider is the co owner of The Debt ree Guys blog and host of the Queer Money podcast, a leading gay money blog and podcast for the LGBTQ community run by him and his husband, David. aising a deposit for a house or apartment can be a difficult task for all people, but without financial support from family, many would not be able to fund a deposit. When David s parents pass away, David s sister will likely be inheriting upwards of ,000,000. et, David says, he won t receive any of this money, solely because he s gay. “ is parents have every right to do with their money what they want, but it s a particular disappointment that they ll do this only because he s gay. This, of course, means we need to plan differently for our retirement than his sister does,” explains ohn. ust because David and ohn are LGBTQ financial experts doesn t mean they don t deal with many of the same systematic challenges that impact other members of the community. ounger LGBTQ people also face challenges directly related to their sexuality or gender identity. A disproportionately high number of young people experiencing homelessness identify as members of the LGBTQ community. According to research from the Williams Institute, between 20 percent and 5 percent of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ . Lacking access to basic housing or financial support from family can set up a young person up for economic disadvantage before they even graduate from high school. LGBTQ students also shoulder a larger student debt burden than their straight peers to the tune of an extra 6,000. “This has been attributed, in part, to LGBTQ college students assuming more debt simply to leave hostile home lives. In some cases, parents may forgo helping their ueer children in favor of helping their straight children,” ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!$3)3%*!456!7 8 7 4

explains ohn. Knowledge is power At the start of 2020, Michigan based Lexa anDamme was at her financial rock bottom. Stuck at work after a 0 plus hour work week with no money in her bank account, bills due the next day and a broken down car, she decided to make a change. “I reali ed that I needed to face my financial situation,” says anDamme. “I dove deep into the online world of personal finance to learn about budgeting, debt payoff methods, saving and investing.” After her crash course in finance, anDamme refinanced her credit card debt into a lower rate personal loan, created a workable budget and started a side hustle to make extra income. There were a few bumps on her ourney “I actually cycled back into credit card debt three different times. I would pay it off, then eventually max it out a few months later,” says anDamme. Still, she managed to pay off her debt by following the financial rules she had set for herself. While trying to learn about personal finance on her own, anDamme reali ed there was a need for accessible and relatable content that appealed to a wide range of people. She decided to create The Avocado Toast Budget The ATB . Starting out as a blog ust over a year ago, The ATB now counts more than 00,000 followers on Tiktok. “ or the longest time, the loudest voices in the personal finance community were cis, straight white males and, as a ueer woman, I wanted to share information and tips that were often overlooked by those creators,” says anDamme. or many LGBTQ people like anDamme, after spending so long hiding who she really was, she wanted to live as true to herself and be as free as possible. “This led to me ignoring my spending habits and being stuck in the paycheck to paycheck cycle. Airing my financial dirty laundry brought up similar feelings of anxiety and concern I felt when first coming out. ow would people react What would they think ” says anDamme. There is already a heavy stigma around talking about personal finances, especially when you may be struggling financially. “Since ueer people often spend our lives fighting for the world to accept us and our ueerness, we may be less apt to talk about our financial insecurities and struggles,” says anDamme. Genuine representation goes beyond ust diversifying the financial content creators who receive media platforms, with the advice given by these experts also needing to be fully inclusive. “Advice tended to ignore how systems of oppression affect people of color, women, the LGBTQ community and more. We know statistically that it s easier for some to build wealth than others,” she adds. anDamme has an ongoing series on Instagram focused on the intersectional nature of many financial issues. The series helps shed some light on the economic realities that often contributes to minority community challenges. rom financial ine uality that disproportionately impacts disabled people to wealth ine uity and racism and the cycle of poverty, anDamme works to educate her audience on pressing topics that matter to them. “It s especially important to talk about the financial challenges that trans people in our community face. This includes increased reports of lower wages, limited and more expensive housing options, and twice the rate of unemployment. This heavily impacts their ability to build wealth,” she explains. Intersectional challenges While being LGBTQ can underpin uni ue money issues, ueer people of color and ueer women often experience additional difficulties around financial matters. In addition to the financial barriers faced by LGBTQ people, ueer people of color also face a racial wealth gap. mployment discrimination, systematic ine ualities and disparities in financial education all contribute to this une ual financial playing field. According to research from the ederal eserve, the average white family s wealth is eight times higher than the wealth of an average Black family. The gender pay gap also contributes to excluding women from building generational wealth, according to the latest statistics compiled by Pew esearch, which show that women earned percent of what men earned in 2020.


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Meet ev. Bos, first out lesbian F(-$1#62=-6%G3&"#+-$%<2/".4 My spirituality and sexuality are intertwined


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a'$`@,&'$@"'JAB$?"..$@#13/1'+$J<01+$&$)&8*-"*+$ Y*119$1-.19$/<+$.*1 Cult film icon do ier delivers stellar performance in new film */$0"()$',1+$23)4

!"#$ %&'($ ")$ *+$ ,"*-.$ /&01$ 12314#1.$ 5657$ #"$ 81$ #/1$ (1&9$#/&#$:."$;<19$%&.1$&$4"%18&4=$>$8*#$#/&'=+$#"$?"..$ @#13/1'+A$ #/&#B+$ #/1$ ,"9-.$ ,1$ -<01$ <'C$ D'.$ ,1$ &91$ &--$ #/1$ 81##19$)"9$<#C ?/1$ E19%&'$ &4#"9A$ '",$ FGA$ 814&%1$ 3&9#$ ")$ #/1$ &9#$ /"*+1$ 4<'1%&$ +41'1$ ,/1'$ /1$ +#&991.$ <'$ HD'.($ I&9/"-B+$ rankenstein” . A prolific career in campy horror movies made him a cult film icon, and his fame and stature 9"+1$#/9"*J/$&++"4<&#<"'+$,<#/$.<914#"9+$-<=1$K&<'19$I19'19$ L&++8<'.19A$ E*+$ M&'$ @&'#A$ &'.$ N&9+$ M"'$ ?9<19C$ O1B+$ 101'$ 1+#&8-<+/1.$/<%+1-)$<'$#/1$%&<'+#91&%$,<#/$9"-1+$<'$%"0<1+$ -<=1$ HD41$ M1'#*9&P$ Q1#$ R1#14#<01S$ &'.$ HD9%&J1.."'CS$ D$ 4&9119$#"$81$39"*.$")$#"$81$ +*91$ >$ &'.$ 101'$ <)$ /1$ '1019$ 91&--($ 814&%1$ &$ /"*+1/"-.$ name, Stephens latest film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keep one final appointment. The film is an unexpected delight, and ier gives a aw .9"33<'J$ 319)"9%&'41C$ O<+$ W9C$ Q&#$ )11-+$ <'+#&'#-($ <4"'<4A$ &$ %&+#19$ 4-&++$ <'$ #/1$ &9#$ ")$ +*8#-1#($ &'.$ +/&.1A$ &'.$ /<+$ T"*9'1($>$<'$,/<4/$/1$4"')9"'#+$&$319+"'&-$/<+#"9($")$-"01$ &'.$-"++$#/&#$,<--$81$&--$#""$)&%<-<&9$)"9$%&'($"-.19$Y*119$ 0<1,19+$>$)11-+$-<=1$#/1$=<'.$")$&*#/1'#<4$91391+1'#&#<"'$&'$ 1'#<91$J1'19&#<"'$<+$/*'J9($)"9C$ Z1#$,/<-1$;<19$%&($81$#/1$+/<'<'J$+#&9A$/<+$,"9=$<+$&--$<'$ support of the film itself, which strikes ust the right blend of irony, compassion, and laugh out loud humor to keep *+$,&#4/<'J$,<#/$&'$<991+<+#<8-1$+%<-1$"'$"*9$)&41$>$101'$&+$<#$ 4"')9"'#+$#/1$*'4"%)"9#&8-1$#"3<4+$#/&#$J<01$<#$,1<J/#C D'("'1$ )&%<-<&9$ ,<#/$ ?"..$ @#13/1'+$ +/"*-.$ '"#$ 81$ +*939<+1.C$ O1B+$ #/1$ .<914#"9$ 81/<'.$ 566GB+$ HD'"#/19$ E&($ W"0<1S$ &'.$ <#+$ +1Y*1-A$ ,/<4/$ /<-&9<"*+-($ 4-&<%1.$ Y*119$ +3&41$ <'$ #/1$ #11'$ +12$ %"0<1$ J1'91$ >$ 8*#$ 81)"91$ #/&#A$ /1$ ,9"#1$ [,<#/$ .<914#"9$ R&0<.$ W"91#"'\$ #/1$ +4911'3-&($ )"9$ 7]]^B+$H_.J1$")$@101'#11'CS$Q&9#$")$&$)91+/$,&01$")$Y*119$ cinema empowered by the indie film movement, it was a

nostalgic coming of age tale that became a touchstone for &*.<1'41+$,/"A$-<=1$@#13/1'+A$4&%1$")$&J1$<'$#/1$`^6+C$ Now, with “Swan Song,” he returns to the small town world of “Seventeen” which, like the current film, is set in @#13/1'+B$ ",'$ /"%1#",'$ ")$ @&'.*+=(A$ U/<"\$ #"$ 491&#1$ &'"#/19$#"*4/+#"'1$)"9$/<+$J1'19&#<"'$>$"'1$<'+3<91.$8($&'$ *'+*'J$/19"$)9"%$/<+$4/<-./"".C Stephens spoke with the Blade ahead of the film s 391%<191A$ &'.$ 81)"91$ #&-=<'J$ &8"*#$ &'(#/<'J$ 1-+1A$ /1$ ,&'#1.$#"$#&-=$&8"*#$#/1$K_DN$W9C$Q&#C !"##$ %!&'(&)%P$ ?/1$ 91&-$ Q&#$ ,&+$ #/<+$ )&8*-"*+$

'1&#-($)"-.1.$'&3=<'+C$O1$+%"=1.$#/&#$12&4#$4<J&91##1A$/1$ wore a ring on every finger, he dressed in brightly colored 3&'#+*<#+$>$+"$&$-"#$")$<#$<+$/<%C$X*#$#/1$3&9#$,/191$/1$891&=+$ "*#$")$#/1$'*9+<'J$/"%1$&'.$J"1+$"'$#/<+$T"*9'1($#"$+#(-1$&$ .1&.$,"%&'B+$/&<9$>$a$%&.1$#/&#$*3C *+,#& The film is different from a lot of contemporary Y*119$+#"9<1+$814&*+1$")$#/1$+1##<'JC$Z"*$."'B#$+11$%&'($ movies about small town gay men, especially older ones. %!&'(&)%P$Q&9#$")$,/&#$<'+3<91.$#/1$3-"#$<+$#/&#$@&'.*+=($ is this rust belt factory town in the Midwest, where all the L"9.$ &'.$ EW$ 3-&'#+$ &91$ '",$ J"'1$ &'.$ ,&+$ =<'.$ ")$ -<=1$ #/<+$ )"9J"##1'$ #",'C$ X*#$ <#B+$ /&0<'J$ &$ 918<9#/$ '",A$ &'.$ &$ -"#$ ")$ 31"3-1$ #/&#$ J91,$ *3$ #/191$ /&01$ 4"%1$ 8&4=$ /"%1$ &'.$ 918*<-#$ #/1$ #",'C$ @"A$ +11<'J$ %($ /"%1#",'$ 4"%1$ 8&4=$ #"$ -<)1$ /1-31.$ <'+3<91$ %($ +#"9($ &8"*#$ #/<+$ %&'$ ,/"$ <+$ 8&+<4&--($ .1&.$ <'+<.1$ &#$ #/1$ 81J<''<'J$ ")$ #/1$%"0<1A$&'.$#/1'$J1#+$/<+$ J9""01$ 8&4=C$ D'.$ a$ ,&'#1.$ #"$ %&=1$ %($ /"%1#",'$ <'#"$ a real character in the film, so &+$Q&#$4"%1+$8&4=$#"$-<)1$+"$ ."1+$#/1$#",'A$&'.$#/1$4"-"9$ 3&-1##1$&'.$&--$#/&#C

*+,#&P$ a#B+$ '"#$ T*+#$ #/1$ #",'$ #/&#B+$ 4/&'J1.C$ ?/1$ ,/"-1$,"9-.$<+$.<))191'#$+<'41$ W9C$Q&#$,&+$3&9#<4<3&#<'J$<'$<#A$ &'.$ #/&#B+$ 3&9#$ ")$ #/1$ +#"9(A$ #""C %!&'(&)%P$ L"9$ Q&#B+$ J1'19&#<"'$4"%<'J$"*#$8&4=$ #/1'$ >$ &'.$ #/<+$ <+$ #9*1$ ,<#/$ %(+1-)$ #"$ &$ 419#&<'$ 12#1'#$ 1#"$23&5!9:!;<=>;?!9?!@%AB?!%>?C0D >("*$ ,191$ *+1.$ #"$ 81<'J$ EFG>H>!I>J;H<:K!2BC?>L9BM .<))191'#A$ #"$ 81<'J$ H"#/19AS$ &'.$ #/&#$ ,&+$ 3&9#$ ")$ ("*9$ 491&#*91A$ &'.$ /1$ ,&+$ #/<+$ J*($ #/&#$ a$ ,"*-.$ +11$ ,&-=<'J$ <.1'#<#(C$!",$<#B+$814"%1$%"91$%&<'+#91&%$#"$81$J&(A$<#B+$ &9"*'.$ .",'#",'C$ a$ ,&+$ &$ -<##-1$ J&($ 8"(A$ a$ .<.'B#$ ='",$ <#$ -<=1$("*$&-%"+#$."'B#$='",$/",$#"$,9&3$("*9$/1&.$&9"*'.$ #/1'A$ 8*#$ a$ ,"*-.$ 81$ )&+4<'&#1.$ ,/1'$ a$ ,"*-.$ +3"#$ Q&#A$ it. So, seeing an apple pie moment like the one in the film of 814&*+1$/1$-""=1.$+"$39"*.$&'.$J-&%"9"*+$&'.$)&8*-"*+C$ #,"$J*(+$#1&4/<'J$#/1<9$4/<-.$#"$3-&($4&#4/$>$+"%1#/<'J$-<=1$ D'.$#/1'$(1&9+$-&#19$,/1'$a$J"#$*3$#/1$'1901$#"$J"$#"$"*9$ #/&#$<+$+"$)"91<J'$#"$"*9$*389<'J<'J$#/&#$<#B+$&-%"+#$+#9&'J1C$ a#B+$81&*#<)*-A$8*#$<#B+$8<##19+,11#A$814&*+1$#/1$1-.19+$-<=1$Q&#$ small town gay bar, I walked in and there, glittering on the ,<--$'1019$/&01$#/&#C$Z1#$#/1($,191$#/1$"'1+$#/&#$8-&b1.$#/1$ dance oor, was this man that I had seen all my life growing *3A$&'.$a$T*+#$)1-#$-<=1$a$,&+$/"%1C$a$&-,&(+$/&.$&$)&+4<'&#<"'$ trail for that but also, who even knows that, or remembers ,<#/$/<%$814&*+1$/1$,&+$+"$.<))191'#$)9"%$1019("'1$>$'"#$ *+,#& There s another moment where Mr. Pat finds out T*+#$ J&(A$ 8*#$ Y*119A$ &'.$ #/&#$ ,&+$ /",$ a$ )1-#C$ a$ '1019$ 91&--($ ='1,$/<%$019($,1--A$8*#$a$&-,&(+$,&'#1.$#"$%&=1$&$%"0<1$ #/1$-"4&-$J&($8&9$<+$4-"+<'J$&'.$/1$&+=+A$HX*#$,/191$,<--$,1$ dance ” That really resonates for a lot of us today. &8"*#$/<%C %!&'(&)%P$a$#9<1.$#"$91&--($3"+1$#/&#$Y*1+#<"'A$#"$<'0<#1$ a dialogue. Is it O that ueer spaces are vanishing Do *+,#& ow much is he mythologi ed for the film %!&'(&)%P$D$-"#$")$#/<'J+$&91$+#9&<J/#$)9"%$/<+$-<)1C$a$*+1.$ we need a place to dance What does it mean to not have &$-"#$")$#/1$+#"9<1+$a$/1&9.$)9"%$/<+$)&%<-($&'.$&--$/<+$)9<1'.+$>$ one I ll leave that to future generations to figure out, to #/1$"'1+$,/"$.<.'B#$.<1$")$DaR@$&'.$&91$+#<--$&9"*'.A$,/<4/$ +"%1$12#1'#C <+'B#$%&'(C$?/<'J+$-<=1$#/1$)"-.<'J$")$#/1$'&3=<'+$>$#/&#$,&+$ But it is an interesting uestion. ou know 91&-C$I/1'$Q&#$.<1.$#/191$,191$8"21+$&'.$+*<#4&+1+$)*--$")$

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Afterparties is the book of the summer

Anthony easna So died at 2 but leaves a brilliant legacy !"#$%&'(#)*+,-

!"#$%&'()*'+&,-&).%&/+&$&0))'&%#$%1&2#-(&3).45-&$66&7)(-& reading it,” olden Caulfield says in “The Catcher in the ye,” “you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours $(7&3).&*).67&*$66&#/,&.8&)(&%#-&8#)(-9: aving met a variety of writers and being a scribe myself, ;& 2).67(4%& 2$(%& %)& *$66& )5& %-<%& $(& $.%#)5& 2#)+-& 2)5'& ;& 6)=-& 0-*$.+-&;47&6/'-63&0-&7/+$88)/(%-79 xcept for the writer Anthony easna So. I would have loved to have had coffee with him or been a y on the wall, as #-&2)2-7&%#-&5)),&2/%#&#/+&05/66/$(*-&$(7&#.,)59 So, a ueer Cambodian American writer, whose work da led everyone from acclaimed ueer writer Bryan Washington to poet and memoirist Mary arr, died at 2 of an $**/7-(%$6&75.>&)=-57)+-&/(&?-*-,0-5&@A@A9 So s death has been a stunning blow not only to his family and his partner Alex Torres but to writers and readers. Queer and Asian American writers especially feel his loss. Thankfully, “Afterparties,” So s collection of, by turns, gritty, funny, almost unbelievably sad and loving short stories, is ust ).%9 The volume of nine stories is the book of this summer. “Afterparties” is a selection of writer oxane Gay s book club. The ournal “n ” has honored him by creating the 5,000 Anthony easna So iction pri e. ou might think that the praise for So s work springs from grief over his dying so young. But you d be wrong. “Afterparties” deserves the hype and then some. So s parents escaped from the genocide of the hmer ouge in the illing ields of Cambodia. They immigrated to Stockton, Calif., where So was born and raised. Stockton has the largest number of Cambodian Americans in the .S. So, who studied art and literature at Stanford, earned a M. .A. degree in creative writing from Syracuse niversity. “ e streaked into the room like a comet,” arr, one of his Syracuse professors, told the Times. The characters in “Afterparties” are fictional. So s style and

‘Afterparties: Stories’ !"#$%&'(%"#)*+,%+#-( !"#$#%&'(!!) *#+",, -'#.$'/0123

=)/*-&$5-&7/+%/(*%63&#/+&)2(9 et, these stories are imbued with the reality of So s personal life and the lives of other Cambodian Americans. B-)86-&>)&%)&*)66->-1&>)++/81&*),-&).%1&>-%&,$55/-71&#$=-& babies, play sports and roll their eyes at the religious beliefs of their elders while the trauma of the genocide is always in the foreground. C).47& -<8-*%& %#$%& 8-)86-& 2#)4=-& -(7.5-7& %#-& %5$>-73& of the hmer ouge would be somber. That short stories about a community that s endured such suffering would be .(5-,/%%/(>63&06-$'9 But the stories in “Afterparties” are often filled with humor. ou may well find yourself doing a spit take while wondering if you should be laughing. “There were no ice cubes in the genocide ” a dad tells his teenage daughter when she drinks a glass of water with ice. In the story “Three Women of Chuck s Donuts,” a single mom, with the help of her 2 and 6 year old daughters, runs a donut shop. “She s never met a Chuck in her life,” So writes, “she simply thought the name was American enough %)&75$2&*.+%),-5+9: In the story “Maly, Maly, Maly,” es and Maly, teenagers and cousins, get stoned. They re getting ready to go to $& *-6-05$%/)(& 2/%#& %#-/5& 5-6$%/=-+9& D$634+& ,)%#-5& #$+& 7/-71& and the adults in her family believe that her mom has been reincarnated in the birth of their cousin s baby. Many of the characters in “Afterparties” are openly ueer. Though this isn t always easy. “All very cliche, in that gay sob story kind of way,” one character says of coming out to his family. In “The Shop,” a doctor s busybody wife is the character you love to hate. She s not upset that the story s narrator is gay +#-4+&$(()3-7&%#$%&#-4+&2)5'/(>&/(&#/+&?$74+&$.%)&5-8$/5&+#)89& !"#3&7/7&3).&()%&0-*),-&$&7)*%)5E:&+#-&7-,$(7+9 eading “Afterparties” is like being at a gathering of family, friends and lovers it s infused with sex, food, wit, and love. It s this summer s afterparty.


Increased representation in the finance space Carmen Pere , creator of Make eal Cents, a personal finance blog dedicated to helping people achieve financial independence, believes it s important to have experts who are more representative of the people they re speaking to. “I heard a uote a while ago ou can t be what you can t see. I think that s really important because eventually, if you don t have a model to follow, either you have to be the first, or it s never going to happen,” she says. As a woman of color and a lesbian, Pere knows firsthand how important it is to address the absence of representation in financial education. “It s definitely one of the things we have to step back and look at in the LGBT community,” says Pere . “There s a compounding effect because not only am I part of the LGBT community as a lesbian, but I m also a minority, and I m also a woman, and there s a lot of hurdles up against a lot of folks in this space,” she adds. With more than 60,000 people following her Make eal Cents account, Pere is playing a part in democrati ing access to finance. There, she does everything from break down the cost of credit to explain 0 k company matches with easy to read graphics and Insta stories. er methods are a world away from the complexity of some traditional financial advisors and tools. !D/66-((/$6+& $5-& +%$5%/(>& %)& *#$(>-& %#-& ,)(-3& >$,-& 0-*$.+-& 2-45-& 7-6/=-5/(>& advice in a way that isn t super technical. It can be so overwhelming to watch CNBC 2/%#&$66&%#-+-&+*5--(+&$(7&%/*'-5+&%#$%&7)(4%&,-$(&$(3%#/(>&%)&3).&8-5+)($6631:&+$3+& B-5-F9 Increased representation in the finance space means a light can be shone on =/%$6& /++.-+1& 5-+.6%/(>& /(& 7--8-5& *)(=-5+$%/)(+& %#$%& ,$'-& ,)(-3& 6-++& taboo. “We re finding instances where historically people who have

been locked out of the finance industry, by design, are speaking up. nlike some traditional financial advisors that give out all this argon and talk in all these terms %#$%&,$(3&,$3&()%&.(7-5+%$(71:&+$3+&B-5-F9 ,01023#43532617859 Despite the long standing barriers facing LGBTQ people in gaining access to financial education and financial services, LGBTQ personal finance content creators now offer a way for many to improve their financial literacy in more convenient ways than ever before. While investing early and regularly is one of the most effective ways to secure a financially comfortable retirement, it s never too late to build wealth and support for the next generation of LGBTQ people. “ ou can create legacy wealth within the LGBTQ community by setting up your estate plan to donate to LGBTQ causes that will help homeless youth and by giving to local, younger LGBTQ folks you know personally,” adds ohn. Negotiating the LGBTQ generational wealth gap is no small feat. But continuing the discussion around both financial literacy and taking steps to combat systematic financial issues can go a long way to address the financial challenges impacting the LGBTQ community. “The stronger we are as LGBTQ individuals and allies, including our financial strength, the stronger we are as a community,” concludes ohn. !!"#$%&&'()*+,%#-"#$"%&"%'%()*'#&&#&+",-.(&%/#$0"1-22#003)"0-"#//.2#&%0#&+"4#0%/" 56789:" $0-(#3$" %&)" .&)3((3;-(03)" #$$.3$<" =#$" ,-.(&%/#$2" >%$" ?33&" ;.?/#$>3)" ?@" A7B"A3'$C"77BC"D3.03($C"EFBGC"=.HHI-$0C"%&)"8>3"83/3+(%;><J ).&/ &2$) 3 4 5) 0 6 0 3 ) 7 )8. 2 9 % # /$" # : ; . ( '<!" ,) 7 ) . /

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inancial tips for first time homebuyers

Save big for down payment, closing costs 93&:;<<&=>??;@9;@A

!"#$%&'(')*+,'$-'(')"&,'+$.,-/*%,0'1*2'+(%#3'$/4-'(+*%&' .$5,4-' +*-/' $+6*2/(%/' (%7' ,89$/$%&' +*+,%/-0' :/4-' (' +*+,%/' /)(/'+*-/'*5'"-'.**;'5*2<(27'/*3'(%/$9$6(/,3'(%7'6.(%'5*20'=),' >",-/$*%' $-?' )*<' -)*".7' #*"' &*' (@*"/' 7*$%&' /)(/A' B)(/' financially savvy steps can you take to ensure that you re well prepared to purchase your first home :/4-'(%'$+6*2/(%/'>",-/$*%'/*'(-;3'(%7'(-'<$/)'-*'+(%#'@$&' 7,9$-$*%-3'/),2,'$-'%*'*%,'C2$&)/D'6(/)'*2'C6,25,9/D'6.(%0'=),' good news though, is that certain bits of financial advice can make the first time home buying experience go more -+**/).#3' (%7' ),.6' #*"' 5,,.' +*2,' 62,6(2,7' 5*2' /)$-' @$&' purchase. E'5,<'*5'/)*-,'/$6-'$%9."7,? !"#$%&'"#$%&'"#$. Without uestion, good old fashioned budgeting and saving are two of the most helpful steps you 9(%'/(;,'<),%'62,6(2$%&'/*'@"#'(')*+,0'B),%'6.(%%$%&'5*2' a home purchase, you ll need to save for !"#$% &'()*$+,' F*<%' 6(#+,%/' (+*"%/-' (2,' %*/' *%.#' @(-,7'*%'/),'9*-/'*5'/),')*+,'$/-,.53'@"/'(.-*'*%'/),'/#6,'*5'+*2/&(&,'#*"'9)**-,3'(%7'/),' lender who provides it. It can be helpful to calculate an estimated down payment amount ahead of time, and figure out how much money you ll need to set aside and for how long to reach your savings goal. -."/0$1% 2"/+/, Closing costs are the expenses and fees you ll need to finali e your +*2/&(&,0'=#6$9(..#3'/),#'2(%&,'52*+'G'/*'HI'*5'/),'/*/(.'.*(%'(+*"%/0 Moving expenses Most people have furniture and other items to move, even as first time homebuyers. Granted, you might not need the sort of gigantic moving truck that a family of five moving across the country from one home to another might need, but chances are, you ll need to budget for some moving expenses. Additionally, you ll want to set money (-$7,'5*2',86,%-,-'(5/,2'/),')*+,'6"29)(-,'J'6,2)(6-'5*2'(%#')*+,'2,6($2-'/)(/'(2,'%,,7,7' immediately, as well as for furniture and other furnishings. ()*'+,$-&.)/&012.&.)0$&3)1&2"*&"44)-,?':/4-'(.<(#-'<$-,'/*'-6,%7'-*+,'/$+,'2,(..#' looking at your monthly expenses and larger financial picture before deciding how much home you can afford. inding yourself struggling to pay your mortgage each month while keeping up with all of your other bills can uickly diminish the oy of moving into a new home. Some find it helpful to estimate what their total monthly home expenditures might @,'(5/,2'6(#$%&'/),'+*2/&(&,3'$%-"2(%9,3'(%7'(%#'*/),2'"/$.$/#'5,,-'(%7'/),%',%-"2,'/)(/' they choose a home that leaves plenty of wiggle room to pay other bills and remaining +$-9,..(%,*"-',86,%-,-0 (.$25&3)1-&2-$,+6?'K),9;'#*"2'92,7$/'-9*2,'@,5*2,'@,&$%%$%&'/),'62*9,--'*5'-,(29)$%&' for and financing a home. Without uestion, the better your credit score is, the greater the chance that you will ualify for a mortgage with a favorable interest rate. If your credit score isn t great don t panic. Instead, spend some time meeting with a financial advisor or someone you trust to help create a plan to get to where you d like to be. esearch assistance options or first ti e uyers?' F,6,%7$%&' "6*%' #*"2' 6(2/$9".(2' financial circumstances and the state that you live in, you may ualify for first time homebuyer programs, many of which combine lower interest rate mortgages with down payment and 9.*-$%&'9*-/'(--$-/(%9,0'K),9;$%&'$%/*'<),/),2'#*"'+$&)/'>"(.$5#'5*2'*%,'*5'/),-,'62*&2(+-' $-'(.<(#-'('<$-,'7,9$-$*%0 tain a pre appro al letter A mortgage pre approval letter is essentially an offer from a lender to loan you a particular amount under certain terms. Obtaining a pre approval letter proves to lenders that you are a ualified and serious buyer, and it can often give you an edge over other potential buyers who haven t yet taken that step. These are only a few financial tips of many. veryone is different, and each person has uni ue financial circumstances. As a result, every first time home buying ourney will be slightly different from any other but by taking some of these essential financial first steps, you can put yourself in a good position to have a successful and rewarding experience. If you are a first time homebuyer and you re preparing to make this exciting purchase, 7 8 % 3 %45 6789 :;< 9 =>5!?@-<A%3%5B:B6;%CDE%F G F C % 3 % = B6 8 9? 6 6

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