Washingtonblade.com, Volume 52, Issue 34, August 20, 2021

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.S. ep. isa Blunt ochester D Del. will oin Stonewall C in honoring three P&5)4),&$5&?";5)(/,;$)($"(;$AG(2$)''<)5$;<##&,$8<'*,)";&,@$ State Sens. Sarah cBride D and arie in ney D and ep. Eric orrisson D will :&$8&)(<,&*$8/,$.(2&$4/,L$(2&-$),&$*/"'?$(/$&';<,&$&_<)5$3,/(&6("/'$<'*&,$(2&$5)4$8/,$ )55C0$)66/,*"'?$(/$)$1(/'&4)55$I>7$;()(&#&'(@$+/,&$5&?";5)(/,;$;2/<5*$:&$"'$)((&'*)'6&C$ )66/,*"'?$(/$(2&$;()(&#&'(@ ne of our missions, was to elect B individuals, and now we have three, 1(/'&4)55$I>7$I,&;"*&'($I&(&,$162/(($;)"*@$.!2&$8)6($(2)($;/$#)'-$/8$(2&$1()(&N;$&5&6(&*$ officials appear at the Stonewall event is also an affirmation of the wor Stonewall has */'&$/=&,$(2&$3);($A`$-&),;@0 he event ta es place ug. from p.m. at avender ields in ilton, Del. +&#:&,;2"3$ )'*$ )*#";;"/'$ 3<,62);&;$ ),&$ )=)"5):5&$ )($ (2&$ P&5)4),&$ 1(/'&4)55$ I>7$ 4&:;"(&@ !"#$!%&'%()*!"

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>#&,"6)'$ T&'&$ !&62'/5/?"&;C$ (2&$ 9/6L="55&C$ +*@C$ :"/(&62$ company, has announced that the first patient to receive its ?&'&("6)55-$ &'?"'&&,&*$ (,&)(#&'($ (2&,)3-$ )"#&*$ )($ 6<,"'?$ 3&/35&$/8$QHUV>HP1$&'6/<'(&,&*$'/$)*=&,;&$;"*&$&88&6(;$8,/#$ (2&$(,&)(#&'(@ H'$ )'$ ><?@$ F$ ;()(&#&'(C$ >T!$ ;)"*$ (2)($ :);&*$ /'$ (2&$ *)()$ /:()"'&*$ 8,/#$ I)("&'($ W'&$ "'$ "(;$ I2);&$ A$ 2<#)'$ (,")5$ /8$ "(;$ QHU$ (,&)(#&'($ 6)55&*$ >T!ADJR!C$ (2&$ X@1@$ Y//*$ )'*$ P,<?$ >*#"'";(,)("/'N;$ P)()$ )'*$ 1)8&(-$ +/'"(/,"'?$ %/),*$ =/(&*$ <')'"#/<;5-$ (/$ )55/4$ >T!$ (/$ 6/'("'<&$ "(;$ QHU$ 6<,&$ 3,/?,)#$ without modification. .!2&$>T!ADJR!$3"3&5"'&$";$)$(2&,)3-$8/,$(,&)("'?$QHU$*";&);&C0$ (2&$ 6/#3)'-N;$ ;()(&#&'($ ;)-;@$ .!2&$ (2&,)3-$ ";$ *&;"?'&*$ (/$ "'*<6&$ *<,):5&$ =",)5$ ;<33,&;;"/'$ :-$ *&5"=&,"'?$ (2&,)3&<("6$ ‘We all have something to be ?&'&;$ (/$ (2&$ ,&6"3"&'(N;$ "##<'&$ 6&55;C0$ "($ ;)-;@$ .!2&$ ,&;<5("'?$ excited about,’ said AGT CEO 1022'3&#4$*0 "##<'&$6&55;$),&$&Z3&6(&*$(/$;<,="=&$)(()6L$:-$QHU$)'*$*<,):5-$ ;<33,&;;$(2&$=",<;$)($<'*&(&6():5&$5&=&5;$4"(2/<($(2&$'&&*$8/,$ )'(",&(,/=",)5$(,&)(#&'(@0 !2&$(2<#:;$<3$*&6";"/'$:-$(2&$P)()$)'*$1)8&(-$+/'"(/,"'?$%/),*$)55/4;$(2&$6/#3)'-$(/$6/'("'<&$ its clinical trial with more participants to further confirm the I treatment s safety outcome. he ne t 32);&$"'$(2&$(,")5;$4"55$:&$(/$*&(&,#"'&$(2&$(,&)(#&'(N;$&88&6("=&'&;;$"'$8<55-$3,/(&6("'?$(2&$2<#)'$ :/*-$8,/#$QHU@ .[&$ 2)=&$ ;"Z$ #/,&$ 3)("&'(;C0$ ;)"*$ >T!$ 7\W$ ]&88$ T)5="'$ "'$ ,&8&,,"'?$ (/$ (2&$ 3)("&'(;$ 42/$ 4"55$ :&$ (&;(&*$8/,$3/;;":5&$)*=&,;&$;"*&$&88&6(;$"'$(2&$6/#"'?$4&&L;@$T)5="'$;3/L&$)($)$]<5-$FK$?)(2&,"'?$(/$ celebrate the success of atient ne at s head uarters offices in oc ville. .H8$ (2";$ 4/,L;C$ (2&-$ 4"55$ :&$ 3&,#)'&'(5-$ "##<'&$ 8,/#$ QHUC0$ 2&$ ;)"*@$ .]<;($ (2"'L$ 42)($ (2";$ 6)'$ */$ 4"(2$(2&$&3"*&#"6@$[&$)55$2)=&$;/#&(2"'?$(/$:&$&Z6"(&*$):/<(C0$2&$(/5*$(2&$?)(2&,"'?$/8$):/<($ADD$ 3&/35&@ . eep your fingers crossed. et s all eep hoping and praying, alvin said. .[&$4"55$L'/4$:-$(2&$ #"**5&$/8$'&Z($-&),C0$2&$;)"*C$,&8&,,"'?$(/$42&'$(2&$2<#)'$(,")5;$4"55$5"L&5-$*&(&,#"'&$42&(2&,$(2&$ >T!ADJR!$ (,&)(#&'(C$ 42"62$ 2);$ ;<66&;;8<55-$ ;(/33&*$ QHU$ 8,/#$ "'8&6("'?$ 2<#)'$ 6&55;$ "'$ 5):/,)(/,-$ &Z3&,"#&'(;C$4"55$4/,L$^<;($);$&88&6("=&5-$/'$3&/35&$4"(2$QHU@ +,-&*$.//(%,&0%1

ne month after it was hit by a lawsuit from the C for placing a 8&#)5&$ (,)';?&'*&,$ "'#)(&$ "'$ (2&$ #&'N;$ 2/<;"'?$ 8)6"5"(-$ )($ (2&$ P@7@$ ])"5C$ (2&$ P@7@$ P&3),(#&'($ /8$ 7/,,&6("/';$ )''/<'6&*$ /'$]<'&$ AG$ "($ 2);$ *,/33&*$"(;$3/5"6-$/8$35)6"'?$(,)';?&'*&,$"'#)(&;$"'$(2&$#)5&$/,$8&#)5&$ ;&6("/'$ /8$ (2&$ ^)"5$ :);&*$ /'$ (2&",$ .)')(/#-0$ ,)(2&,$ (2)'$ (2&",$ ?&'*&,$ "*&'("(-@$ But the C has said it will continue its lawsuit on behalf of trans 4/#)'$1<'*)-$Q"'(/'$*&;3"(&$(2&$PW7N;$)''/<'6&*$62)'?&$"'$3/5"6-$ /'$?,/<'*;$(2)($(2&$'&4$3/5"6-$,&_<",&;$(,)';$"'#)(&;$(/$:&$35)6&*$"'$ isolation cells, which the C says are e uivalent to solitary confinement, *<,"'?$)'$"'#)(&$"'()L&$3&,"/*@ .!2&$"'()L&$3&,"/*$6)'$5);($#/,&$(2)'$)$4&&L$:&8/,&$(2&$"'*"="*<)5;$ receive their regular housing assignment, the C said in a statement. .>;$(2&$/,"?"')5$6/#35)"'($'/(&;C$aI5)6"'?$)$(,)';?&'*&,$4/#)'$"'$;/5"(),-$ confinement puts her at grave ris for suicide, the statement says. he C has said that days after it filed its lawsuit against the D C on Sunday inton s behalf, D.C. ail officials transferred her from the men s 2/<;"'?$<'"($(/$(2&$4/#&'N;$<'"(@$>$;2/,($("#&$5)(&,C$)$P@7@$1<3&,"/,$7/<,($ ]<*?&$/,*&,&*$Q"'(/'$,&5&);&*$8,/#$^)"5$42"5&$)4)"("'?$(,")5$8/,$2&,$),,&;($ 8/,$)'$)55&?&*$<'),#&*$:<,?5),-$"'$42"62$;2&$)((&#3(&*$(/$()L&$bFD@ Despite her release, the C says it still has legal grounds to continue (2&$ 5)4;<"(C$ 42"62$ /,"?"')55-$ 62),?&*$ (2&$ PW7$ 4"(2$ ="/5)("'?$ (2&$ P@7@$ Q<#)'$9"?2(;$>6(N;$:)'$/'$(,)';?&'*&,$*";6,"#"')("/'$:-$35)6"'?$Q"'(/'$ "'$(2&$#&'N;$2/<;"'?$<'"($)($(2&$^)"5@ In a brief filed in court on uly , the C , and the DC ublic Defender Service, which oined the C in filing the lawsuit, the two ?,/<3;$),?<&$(2)($(2&$PW7N;$'&4$3/5"6-$";$;("55$*";6,"#"')(/,-$:&6)<;&$ it forces transgender inmates into solitary confinement simply because (2&-$),&$(,)';?&'*&,@0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ PW7$;3/L&;3&,;/'$P,@$c&&')$%5)6L#/'$*"*'N($"##&*")(&5-$,&;3/'*$ (/$)$,&_<&;($:-$(2&$[);2"'?(/'$%5)*&$8/,$6/##&'($/'$(2&$5)4;<"(N;$'&4$ )55&?)("/';@ +,-&*$.//(%,&0%1

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6/25/2021 9:04:30 AM

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7/2/21 5:11 PM

$3) 3%*! 4 5 6! 4 5 4 7 ! " !#$ % & ' ( )*+ ( , - $ . /01+ 2 ! " !! "

irst out ambassador ames ormel dies at barrier brea ing public servant, champion for


he first openly gay diplomat appointed as the nited States mbassador to u embourg in by resident Bill Clinton, has died at . ames C. ormel, heir to the ormel meatpac ing fortune, was a longtime philanthropist who parlayed his financial interests and contributions as a longtime Democratic arty activist and donor, into actively pursuing B e uality and civil rights. We are deeply saddened by the passing of mbassador im ormel. im devoted his life to advancing the rights and dignity of all people, and in his trailbla ing service in the diplomatic corps, he represented the nited States with honor and brought us closer to living out the meaning of a more perfect union, former resident Bill Clinton and his wife, former .S. Secretary of State illary Clinton said in a oint statement. We will always be grateful for his courageous and principled e ample, as well as the indness and support he gave us over so many years. ur thoughts are with his family and all who loved him. ormel s wor as an openly gay supporter for e uality led to his being one of the founders of the uman ights Campaign und along with fellow native innesotan Steve Endean. In the organi ation was renamed the uman ights Campaign. longtime San ranciscan, ormel served as a member of the board of directors of the San rancisco Chamber of Commerce and the merican oundation for IDS esearch. e also founded and funded the ames C. ormel B I Center located at the San rancisco ublic ibrary. wo notable national Democratic arty political figures and fellow San ranciscans, .S. Sen. Diane einstein and

B e uality

.S. ouse Spea er ancy elosi re ected on ormel s long service. Sen. einstein s statement read in part, San rancisco lost a great friend today. philanthropist, civil rights pioneer and loving spouse and father, ames ormel lived an e traordinary life and will be deeply missed by many, einstein said. elosi released a statement praising mbassador ormel s commitment to advancing B E uality rights. im ormel was a barrier brea ing public servant, champion for B e uality, and cherished friend who will be dearly missed in San rancisco, in our nation and around the world. Born at the height of the reat Depression in anuary of , ormel, the grandson of ormel oods founder eorge . ormel, earned his bachelor s degree from Swarthmore College in suburban hiladelphia and later a law degree from niversity of Chicago aw School. e later served as the school s Dean of Students and Director of dmissions. ormel s Democratic arty activism coupled with his dedicated efforts to advance the cause of B e uality led to a chance dinner conversation in with then candidate Bill Clinton s campaign treasurer, Bob armer. It wasn t until five years after that dinner that Clinton nominated ormel for the ambassador s ob. During that period, recalled ormel, he made do ens of visits and hundreds of phone calls to eep his name in consideration. ormel said he was persistent because, if appointed, I would brea a ceiling and ma e it easier for gay people to

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serve at the highest levels of government. resident Clinton ultimately named ormel as a member of the nited States delegation to the nited ations uman ights Commission in , and in ormel was named an alternate .S. representative at the nited ations eneral ssembly. he following ctober of , the president nominated ormel as his choice to be the .S. mbassador to the principality of the rand Duchy of u embourg. fter obstruction by anti gay epublican leaders, Clinton ultimately used a recess appointment to get ormel the ob. e served as ambassador until the inauguration of resident eorge W. Bush on an. , . fter his service as ambassador ormel returned to his philanthropic wor moving bac to San rancisco. resident Biden, re ecting on the passing of ormel, said his bravery paved the way for B appointees now wor ing for the .S. government.

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H!& %$-.%#&+/&*.#&2+:$&2+#+,'#+.*&+*&#4'#&#4$%$&'%$&-'%#+$/&'*(&.--./+*,&3.1*/$2&'*(&#4+*,/&."&#4'#& *'#1%$&#4'#&O.1&5.12(&4'7$&.F2+,'#+.*/&#.GI V%+/34&3.*321($(a&HR.&#4'#?/&54$%$&Q&:+*(&."&,$#&F'3:&#.&#4$&:$O&+/&+/&+#&'&#%12O&+*($-$*($*#& %$-.%#>& '*(& +"& #4$& (%'"#$%/& ."& #4$& %$-.%#& '%$& 3.)-%.)+/$(& FO& .#4$%& +*#$%$/#/>& #4'#& '25'O/& 2$'7$/&#4$&%$-.%#&.-$*&#.&3%+#+3+/)&.*&#4'#&F'/+/GI !&%$-%$/$*#'#+7$&".%&P'7+(>&54.&-%$7+.1/2O&-1/4$(&F'3:&.*&3.*321/+.*/&."&5%.*,(.+*,& FO& P'7+(& F'/$(& .*& #4$& %$-.%#>& (+(*?#& %$/-.*(& #.& '& %$U1$/#& ".%& 3.))$*#& ".%& #4+/& '%#+32$G& `$'*54+2$>&P'7+(?/&)$*#+.*&+*&#4$&!A&%$-.%#&3.*#+*1$/&#.&2$'7$&#4$&*'#+.*?/&2$'(+*,&@ABCD& ,%.1-&+*&#1%).+2G&!)+(&%$-.%#/&/#'""$%/&4'7$&3'22$(&.*&P'7+(&#.&%$/+,*>&2$/F+'*&#$**+/&2$,$*(& artina avratilova who has previously come under fire for views against transgender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and vilified in the media and within our own organi ation at a time of racial rec oning in !)$%+3'&'*(&,2.F'22O>I&#4$&2$##$%&/'+(G&HS.%/$>&+/&#.&5+#*$//&#4$&/3'-$,.'#+*,&."&!2-4.*/.& '*(&.#4$%/&54.&'%$&*.5&F$+*,&)'($&#.&'*/5$%&".%&#4$&F$4'7+.%/&."&-.5$%"12&54+#$&)$*GI V+//$22>&)$'*54+2$>&#.2(&#4$&B2'($&#4$&;1)'*&<+,4#/&6')-'+,*&5.12(&F$&F$##$%&/1+#$(& going elsewhere for a law firm to conduct the investigation if it wanted real answers about +#/&-%$/+($*#&+*&#4$&61.).&'""'+%G HQ"& #4$O?%$& #%12O& 3.))+##$(& #.& ($).*/#%'#+*,& #4'#& #4$O& 5'*#& #.& 4'7$& '*& +*($-$*($*#& investigation, they would find someone else, issell said.

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summer cocktails perfected REFRESHING TASTE. MADE TO SHARE.



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T!-")#&7)#$*B$""$.&-#"@+')#.+9$.+"# fighting for e uality ZAKIR HUSSAIN RED BARAAT











AUG 27


AUG 28







VIEW FULL SCHEDULE AT WOLFTRAP.ORG ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!$3)3%*!456!4 5 4 7 ! " !8 ' / #9 + ' (*

or the past several days, I ve been shuf ing off to the Superior Court near to see if I get pic ed for ury duty. Coming home to read about im ormel s death made me very sad. I ve been thin ing about 8!*#$#%&)#&:+-#)8+#@$")#;+,#*&')8"#$"#>&'(-+""#!'+A@%!9$B%<#$-(7+"#&:+-# such big issues as the oting ights ct of leaving the E uality ct lying fallow near the dustbin of history. I interviewed the remar able and ind im ormel several times over )8+#9&7-"+#&;#*<#.+9$.+"#-+@&-)!'(#;&-#)8+#01234#9&**7'!)<?#27)#&'+# moment is seared into my soul. fter we finished a brief interview at a uman ights Campaign gala, I loo ed bac and he was hanging his head. e was ne t to his partner ichael guyen and was treated li e a roc star at the event so he couldn t have been lonely. aybe he wasn t feeling well I as ed him if anything was wrong he loo ed so sad. im ormel loo ed up at me and said with a grave simplicity I will never ;&-(+)C#DE#.&#'&)#,$')#)&#.!+#$#"+9&'./9%$""#9!)!F+'?G But he did. or all his wealth, philanthropy, groundbrea ing B political activism, and especially indness in treating others as e uals former .S. mbassador im ormel died as a privileged white gay man who represented merica to the world but was officially denied the full freedom conferred through the E uality ct as part of the Civil ights ct of . =)-$!(8)# @+&@%+# .&'H)# "++*# )&# (+)# 8&,# *798# )8$)# 87-)"?# 38+<# .&# not grasp that we are not automatically granted the same e ual civil rights conferred upon straight merican citi ens. Even now, sitting in that courthouse, I wonder if there are others li e me there. ccess to all $"@+9)"#&;#67")!9+#!"#"7@@&"+.#)&#B+#$#;7'.$*+')$%#.+*&9-$)!9#@-!'9!@%+? But California is currently one of only states that prohibit .!"9-!*!'$)!&'# &'# )8+# B$"!"# &;# "+A7$%# &-!+')$)!&'# $'.# &'+# &;# +!(8)# ")$)+"# )8$)# @-&8!B!)# .!"9-!*!'$)!&'# &'# )8+# B$"!"# &;# (+'.+-# !.+')!)<# !'# ury selection. nd yes, resident Biden issued an e ecutive order to interpret last year s SC S Bostoc v. Clayton County ruling to include '&'.!"9-!*!'$)!&'# !'# 67-<# "+%+9)!&'# $"# ,+%%# $"# +*@%&<*+')I# 8&7"!'(I# +.79$)!&'I#$'.#8+$%)8#9$-+?#27)#$'#+A+97)!:+#&-.+-#!"#'&)#$#%$,#$'.#9$'# B+#,!)8.-$,'#,!)8#$#98$'(+#!'#$.*!'!")-$)!&'"? 38!"# *&-'!'(# E# )8&7(8)# &;# J+:?# K-?# L$-)!'# 07)8+-# M!'(# N-?H"# DO&,# ong, ot ong speech in . et us march on ballot bo es until PB-&)8+-8&&.H#B+9&*+"#*&-+#)8$'#$#*+$'!'(%+""#,&-.#!'#$'#&@+'!'(# prayer, but the order of the day on every legislative agenda ..I now you are as ing today, ow long will it ta e Somebody s as ing, ow long will pre udice blind the visions of men, dar en their understanding, $'.# .-!:+# B-!(8)/+<+.# ,!".&*# ;-&*# 8+-# "$9-+.# )8-&'+QHR?O&,# %&'(Q# S&)# %&'(I# B+9$7"+# )8+# $-9# &;# )8+# *&-$%# 7'!:+-"+# !"# %&'(I# B7)# !)# B+'."# )&,$-.#67")!9+?G lease read the appreciation in the Blade to glimpse some of what im ormel endured and contributed though I would underscore )8$)# 8!"# 9&')-!B7)!&'"# ,+-+# +"@+9!$%%<# !*@$9);7%# .7-!'(# )8+# "+9&'.# wave of IDS. t least he died nowing he was loved, respected, much appreciated, and honored. But how long will it ta e until we are all officially free and e ual in merica ow many more of us B fol from all stations in life will die nowing that we are still second class merican citi ens li e brother N!*#O&-*+%Q

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Why fire Chris Cuomo

star is better at his ob than most '&!(")*+"&+!',#-+

I have seen the calls for Chris Cuomo to be fired from C for tal ing with his brother ndrew. or actually giving ndrew some advice, good or bad we don t now. he reasoning is ournalists shouldn t be giving advice to politicians. Well it may be unfortunate but reality is if we fired every ournalist who ever gave their opinions to the politicians they now and cover there wouldn t be many left. In the spirit of openness, I new ario Cuomo, having wor ed for him in his losing campaign for mayor against Ed och. hat was the first time I met ndrew Cuomo he was and an arrogant id. I have never met Chris. argaret Sullivan in her Washington ost !"#$%& lbany s newspaper has covered ov. Cuomo s se ual misconduct admirably. Chris Cuomo and C have blown it suggests C should fire Cuomo. I don t thin they blew it I thin she is the one who blew it. Suggesting real ournalists in a newspaper reporting on a story are in any way analogous to C , whose anchors pundits aren t really ournalists or reporters, rather they are mostly entertainers, is disingenuous. Sullivan should now better than to compare the two. Chris Cuomo is an incredibly intelligent and talented guy who trained as a lawyer. e may have practiced ournalism before but today he is much more entertainer than ournalist. e got famous for wearing tight shirts over a buff body when covering a hurricane. e is witty and acerbic. his isn t an ad homonym attac on Cuomo since I rarely watch cable channels for the news. nyone who thin s o reports the news should stop reading now. Cuomo is ust better at what he does than many of the other anchors on cable news networ s all of whom are entertainers. o one could successfully produce hours of news and e pect people to watch if they weren t entertaining their audience. eal ournalists are supposed to give us the news facts without inserting their

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is a longtime B rights and Democratic arty activist. e writes regularly for the Blade. own opinion or slanting the story. here isn t an anchor personality on o , S BC, C or other cable news networ s whose personal views aren t nown and those views are infused in every show and story they do. hen to ma e matters worse they invite a trove of panelists to give us their personal views of a story, often having no relationship to the facts. So I would uestion why C would fire Cuomo or as him to resign because he happens to be the brother of a governor who has done something very wrong. C might want to as Chris to stop tal ing about his brother and not invite him bac on the show. But then I would bet most of Chris Cuomo s viewers want to see them together and have Chris uestion his brother on how he could claim he didn t now what the line was that shouldn t be crossed when it came to harassment of women in his office. C , of course, is loo ing at the fact that Cuomo rime ime is the most watched program on their networ . he only time you can trust what you are hearing or seeing as news or fact on a cable channel is when they cover something live. hey then add spice by having a few panelists to interpret it in a myriad of different ways. ou now in advance how each panelist will see it as they are brought on with the goal of having them argue with each other to entertain the viewer and eep you watching. Sort of li e watching he iew but at least that show is clearly labeled entertainment. ou now when Whoopi oldberg and eghan cCain argue it s for your en oyment. han fully they are getting rid of cCain as she wasn t bright enough to eep up her side of the argument. he point being that cable news can be better compared to he iew than to the Washington ost or even the lbany imes nion. I don t watch cable news on a regular basis and haven t for years e cept for live events. owever, I did occasionally watch Cuomo and his brother spar during the pandemic it was ind of entertaining during really difficult times.


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ounders complete second year fundraising campaign to save businesses ,-&)'.&$/#,,%"'&0"1&2&34567789:;<8=5738>?14:@

ose told the Blade that until she and Street decide the !"#$%#&'()*$+),$-,./#012$)$3#4$5.,67')&#8$9,.:;$<.:*8#8$'=$ pro ect s ne t plan of action, they are calling on people to lesbian filmma ers Erica ose and Elina Street, raised , donate directly to one or more of the lesbian bars listed on >)&1$=#),$1.$"#>;$1"#$*)1(.*?&$>#&'()*$'),&$&1)=$(*$':&(*#&&$8:,(*9$ the website. the height of the C ID pandemic. owever, a notice on the website says three of the bars mong the bars receiving financial assistance from the pro ect Cubbyhole of ew or City Sue Ellen s of Dallas and Wildside was D.C.s eague of er wn, the dams organ lesbian West of San rancisco, have graciously decided to opt out of bar. wner Dave erru a said he and his staff were grateful to the pool of funds raised to allow for more contributions to receive a , chec from the esbian Bar ro ect early this the other bars in greater need. =#),$4"#*$1"#$'),$4)&$0>.&#8$:*8#,$1"#$0(1=?&$@ABCD$&":18.4*$ In the late s, there were an estimated esbian Bars order. across the country, a statement posted on the esbian Bar ro ect he two women say their fundraising campaign for the website says. hese bars are disappearing at a staggering rate, pro ect will raise well over , as part of their continuing and we cannot afford to lose more of these vital establishments effort to support the nation s remaining lesbian bars, including to the fallout of C ID , the statement says. eague of er wn. ose and Street said the decline in the number of lesbian bars, E%(6#$)$>.1$.<$1"(*9&$8:,(*9$@ABCD2$4#$1..6$)$>.1$<.,$9,)*1#82F$ which began long before the onset of the C ID pandemic, Street told the Blade in describing how she and ose reacted is due to a number of factors, including the overall success of when their city s three remaining lesbian bars two in anhattan the B rights movement. he two said nondiscrimination and one in Broo lyn shut down li e most other bars and protections in state and local laws and the landmar ,#&1):,)*1&$ 8:,(*9$ 1"#$ ;#)6$ .<$ 1"#$ @ABCD$ ;:'>(0$ "#)>1"$ .S. Supreme Court decision legali ing same se marriage restrictions in . nationwide, opened the way for lesbians and B people Erica and I felt very connected to the bars there, Street said. in general to feel comfortable patroni ing bars that were not nd we started these discussions of, we miss our cherished specifically catering to lesbians. spaces. nd now they re closed. Where do we go hey said that li e its impact on gay bars in general, the rise of With their filmma ing s ills as a bac drop, and with the the Internet and online meet up sites has also had the effect of nowledge that the already diminishing number of lesbian bars enabling lesbians to meet each other outside of bars and other across the country were struggling to survive under C ID, the bric and mortar establishments. two started a fundraising campaign for those bars called the So, it s li e all of these factors combined with the pandemic esbian Bar ro ect. mong other things, they produced a video are why many of these places are disappearing, ose said. nd ublic Service nnouncement with archival scenes of lesbian that s why Elina and I umped into action. ur goal is always to bars and the women who patroni ed them. raise awareness. he money raised is definitely a bonus, she With financial support from the agermeister li uor said. We wanted to raise awareness and tell the stories of these company s Save the ight campaign, which was launched to bars. hat s going to ma e sure we remain indelible in our culture provide financial support for nightlife businesses such as bars and ensuring our survival. and restaurants, ose and Street arranged for the production of ose was referring to one of the themes of her and Street s a separate minute documentary film about the role lesbian minute documentary that the in person interaction offered bars play in the lives of those who patroni e them. ose and by lesbian bars and B bars in general provides, among Street are listed as the film s directors. !"#$%&'#()!"#$%&"'(! *&'+,)-./ !)#*%&(+"!!+& other things, an important part of B culture and the diversity mong those serving as e ecutive producer and appearing in *0'&&'1,)%#$-&$/)-)/'%21$.&-#3)-0'2&)&4$)4"(&'#3) of B people that online and virtual venues cannot provide. the documentary is ea De aria, the lesbian comedian, actress and significance o lesbian bars. *54'&'()%'2#&$(3)6$(0"-.)7-#)5#'8$%&, We believe what ma es a bar uni uely esbian is its and internationally acclaimed star of the et i series range prioriti ation of creating space for people of marginali ed is the ew Blac . genders including women, non binary fol s, and trans men, according to the statement lso appearing in the documentary is o cDaniel, longtime D.C. lesbian activist and posted on the esbian Bar ro ect website. s these spaces aim to be inclusive of all bartender and manager at several D.C. gay bars who helped erru a open that bar as the individuals across the diverse B I community, the label esbian belongs to all city s first full time lesbian bar since the closing of the famed D.C. lesbian bar hase ne people who feel that it empowers them, the statement says. nearly a decade ago. Without space, we lose power, validity, communal safety and access to intergenerational cDaniel says she left her ob as eague of er wn s manager last year to underta e, dialogue, the statement adds. With the support of our community, we can ma e sure along with her life partner achel i e, the start of a new D.C. B welcoming bar called these bars receive not only the financial assistance they need but the reference they s ou re, which began operating online. cDaniel says she and i e are actively loo ing <.,$)$&1.,#<,.*1$':(>8(*9$(*$4"(0"$1.$.;#*$G&$5.:$G,#$)&$)*$(*7;#,&.*$0)<H$)*8$'),$4(1"$)$ deserve. When our history isn t protected, we must protect it ourselves. dance oor that will be welcoming to lesbians and the B community in general. he documentary, which helped generate support for the pro ect s fundraising efforts, ;(//(-0.&"03"%"/037"()"78$"JK"+$D%0.0.&"/$310%."1%+3"0."78$"L.07$?"B7%7$3" can be viewed on the group s website free of charge at lesbianbarpro ect.com. +$/$%3$?"16"78$"#$310%."4%+"E+(M$:7N Earlier this month, the national dating app called inge announced it was entering into a partnership with the esbian Bar ro ect and would ma e an initial donation in ugust of , to help the pro ect support lesbian bars in need of financial aid. !"#$%&'$"()"*$+",-.!"!#$%&'()*+(,!-./. A6"B037$+23"C((D"ABC!"!F*2$(*$ he announcement said inge would educate all its .S. users about the importance !/01023!"!012$&+3$!/'*4,!012$. E$%+/"4%+!"!G+H%*+( of B I establishments and encourage its B members to visit one of the bars 4%1$3"()"5%+67(-.!"!5'6&3+(7,!8$. B/%DD$+3!"!/+2H3EH%,!0&'+ for a date. 4/'38"9"4/'!"!-9(:9; B'$"F//$.23!"!-$22$% he bars that comprise the esbian Bar ro ect are not only a safe space but an essential 4(6:(77"4%+!"!<&+9('= G8$"4%:<?((+!"!A2++3'()*+(,!I(7. part of B I culture, said ustin c eod, founder and CE of inge. ur hope 5'1168(/$!"!>9?!@+;1!/'*4! G8$"#0>370:<"#('.&$!"!>$%&:'229,!J9((. is that this support will help these sacred spaces to stay open through this summer and ;+%.<0$23!"!012$&+3$!/'*4,!012$. H%/<$+23"E0.7!"!D'2?$H199,!#'%6. beyond, he said in the company s statement. =0.&$+23!"!A;++124(,!>.@. H0/?+(3$!"!B9$**29 he esbian Bar ro ect website provides a list of the lesbian bars that the pro ect =(330>"=+0//!"!B$(!-'9)+,!/$2'C. H0/?30?$"H$37!"!B$(!K;$(6'%6+ has supported. In a notice on the website, ose and Street note that their initial fundraising campaign for has been completed, and a financial statement with information on *$.+0$77%"*'?3(.!"!>9?!@+;1!/'*4 I$//(-"4+0:<"C(%?"E'1!"!JH2%$,!012$. how much has been raised will be released around the time of abor Day wee end. *$+@!"!D+E'29,!F2$. AB






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ime Is


ur Side helps bring ueer history to light

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!"#$#%&'(')*+#'+#($',"#'#+-'./'01'2$*3'!".4(&%'5)(6'7!*4#'8&'9+'9:$';*-#<',"(,'=.#&'7,"#' /:++6',"*+='(>.:,'=#,,*+='.)-#$'*&',"(,'6.:'$#()*?#'6.:'@#$#')*A*+='"*&,.$6'@"#+'())',"*&',*4#' 6.:'B:&,',".:=",'6.:'@#$#')*A*+='6.:$')*/#1< istory, specifically B history, is a big part of what homas, , thin s about. e writes plays partly to e amine what ma es up history and who holds that history. e says, I -.+%,'@(+,'C:##$'&,.$*#&',.'=#,').&,1'8,%&'*45.$,(+,',"(,'@#'".)-'.+',.',"(,1< Currently playing in person at erisphere heater at Silver Spring Blac Bo heatre mas s and proof of C ID vaccinations re uired , ime Is n ur Side, homas funny 6#,'5.*=+(+,'/.:$D"(+-#$'/.3:&#&'.+'=(6'/$*#+-&'E++*#'(+-'F:$,*&G'3.D".&,&'./'('5$./.:+-)6' :+5.5:)($' 5.-3(&,' (>.:,' H"*)(-#)5"*(' "*&,.$61' I"#+' ,"#' 5(*$' :+#J5#3,#-)6' )#($+' ,"(,' E++*#%&'=$(+-4.,"#$'@(&'('3).&#,#-')#&>*(+G'F:$,*&'*&'#(=#$',.'&"($#',"#'+#@&'@*,"',"#*$' small audience. But confusedly both to herself and her friends nnie wants to remain 4:4'(>.:,'=$(+-4(1' 8+'"*&'($,*3)#'(>.:,'3.4*+='.:,'/.$'79',"#'95$("'K(=(?*+#G<'!".4(&'4#4.$(>)6'+.,#-G' y mind palace is a ueer utopia. i e a potluc at a co op. Conse uently, it s no wonder then when he was as ed by a hiladelphia company in to write a play about South hilly history, he opted to approach the pro ect through ('=(6')#+&1' t the time, I was program director of B community center in hilly. he voices I "#($-',"#+'@#$#'A.*3#&'./'C:##$'5#.5)#'*+',"#'5$#&#+,'.$'5(&,G<'"#'$#4#4>#$&1'78,'/#),',.'4#' ,"(,',.'@$*,#'(>.:,'C:##$'"*&,.$6'@(&',.'@$*,#'(>.:,'"*&,.$61'K6'=.()'*&',.'5$#&#+,'46')*A#-' reality as a ueer blac person to be e ually valid to what the mainstream story might be. So, I wrote them this gay ass play that satisfied the assignment and they were li e , @#%))'-.',"*&1%'8'@(&'=$(,#/:)1< ne of the things that brought the idea of B e periences past and present to the foreground of the playwright s mind was wor ing with gay, lesbian, and trans seniors at the community center. al ing to them about their lives, how they lived then and now, and how )(@&'3"(+=#-',"#*$')*A#&G'@(&'#6#D.5#+*+=',.'4#G<'"#'&(6&1'78,%&'/:++6',.')*&,#+',.'('4(+'*+' his s tal about how it was to meet a man years ago and then reali e how, in a lot of @(6&G')*,,)#'"(&'3"(+=#-1< L.,'.+)6'(+'(@($-D@*++*+='-$(4(,*&,G'!".4(&'*&'()&.',"#'".&,'./'!"#'K.,"'*+'H"*)(-#)5"*(' and D.C., television writer, and until recently, a senior staff writer for Elle.com where he @$.,#'72$*3'0#(-&',"#'L#@&1<'M*&'>#&,D&#))*+='-#>:,'4#4.*$'7M#$#'/.$'8,<'@(&'$#)#(&#-'*+' . In plays from the past, says homas, there s been an erasure of B fol s and Blac 5#.5)#%&'3.+,$*>:,*.+1';.4#,*4#&',"(,')#(-&'*+,.'".@'@#'@$*,#'(>.:,'.:$&#)A#&1'!"#'4.$#'8' come into myself as a gay person particularly, and also as a Blac person, the more I notice (>&#+3#1<' or instance, playwright ugust Wilson s play Century Cycle is devoid of ueer characters, yet an article from a Blac ittsburgh paper circa rails against the presence of cigarette smo ing, pa ama wearing he women. Clearly there were ueer people living their best lives in ittsburgh s ill District where Wilson s wor is set . homas grew up in Baltimore. e came out in college at Columbia in ew or City. It s not an interesting story. ove to ew or and become gay, he says with a chuc le. But it wasn t until he graduated and moved to hiladelphia that he came into the fullness of his identity. It s also where he met his husband David orse who s now a resbyterian 5(&,.$'*+'!.@&.+G'K-1'' oday, homas wor s from the couple s home in hoeni , d., the place where filmma er ohn Waters set his cult classic in lamingoes. hoeni is your standard e urban scene. But I m glad that Waters decided to sprin le some of his trashy magic out here too. erisphere s production is staged by local actor director educator errad le aylor and features Emily Dalton and ordan Brown as nnie and Curtis, respectively, and auline amb and eo Delgado in multiple parts. Curtis says much of ueer history is written in invisible in . homas is doing all he can to 3"(+=#',"(,1

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Clear Space is working closely with healthcare professionals to be sure we thoroughly sanitize the facilities and maintain social distancing. Please visit the website for complete details . For complete show schedules & tickets, please visit:




This program is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on www.DelawareScene.com. Clear Space Theatre Company, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

$3) 3%*! 4 5 6! 4 5 4 7 ! " !#$ % & ' ( )*+ ( , - $ . /01+ 2 ! " !! "

rue ife Crime host reinvents genre

Dometi ongo puts focus on victims of anti !1*2&3,*+#4"*5),-

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!"#$% s a host, you bring a lot to !"#$%&'($)%&*#$+,'($,-$.'$/,.%0$#1)#*($ the show. ou re great on camera and to find a true crime show is on . et your passion really shines through but that s e actly where you ll find rue ife you always de ect the attention toward Crime and its host Dometi ongo, who the family and the community around on ug. will ta e a ournalistic deep the victim. dive into the ississippi murder of trans +&,-& han you, I appreciate teen ercedes Williamson ust one of you noticing that. I m the lens through the brutal, tragic stories covered by the which the sub ect gets to tell their story. show since its debut in . If I share something about losses and hey are the inds of stories, of e periences that I have, it s because I course, that ma e fans of the genre $&'%()*+&,-&!?AB>B!2*CDB!E*;8:!-<F:!1;<9:0D now that human to human connection eagerly stay up late to binge watch GH?A>A!IA8;>:B@!2*CJ will help the sub ect open up. s old episodes of Cold Case iles or ournalists, we re told never to become the latest et i serial murderer doc. the story and now we re in this age where you have to have a But while those shows content themselves with being a guilty social media presence, you have to have some charisma about pleasure for their viewers, this one aims a little higher. you, you have to be a host of sorts. But I want to ma e sure that o begin with, it primarily covers violence against people I m a human first when I m tal ing to these families, and I m glad from marginali ed communities and though it e amines facts if that shines through. and evidence, those ta e a bac seat to discussion of the social issues around the crimes. Instead of placing all the emphasis on !"#$% It does, and so does the fact that your show doesn t the how and who, the show puts it on the why, ta ing the sensationali e the way others do. here s nothing tabloid about spotlight from the iller and shining it on the victim instead a it. far cry from the ind of truncated treatment usually bestowed +&,-& We do want to differentiate ourselves. Why would by mainstream news sources when covering crimes against you come to for a true crime story rather than other networ s marginali ed people. that have been doing them for years We ve got to put our bent ongo a charismatic host whose passion for amplifying on it. We re focused on tal ing to young fol s who live in the pop the stories of marginali ed communities is tied to his roots in culture space, and the rue ife franchise is the perfect avenue Chicago s south side spo e to the Blade about the intentions for that, because it s all about the true lives of the sub ects, and behind the show, and the need to include the stories of B we wanted to be sure that that was highlighted. victims. !"#$% Besides the upcoming episode about ercedes, this season has already covered two other cases involving anti B violence the murders of Britney Cosby and Crystal ac son, who were a lesbian couple, and uhlaysia Boo er, a trans woman of color. Did you come into the show wanting to bring visibility to these inds of cases $&'%()* +&,-&. It s my connection to marginali ed communities that made me want to do it, to tal about other marginali ed communities that I m not even a part of, but which deserve a voice as well. I ll be honest with you, at a high level I understood the dangers of homophobia and transphobia in our communities, but I didn t now the numbers. I didn t now how often victims were dead named, how under reported anti trans violence goes. I didn t reali e how deep this really got, until I was in the thic of it, reporting on these issues. he first season we did the story of edarie ohnson, who was a gender uid teen that was illed in Iowa. hat story really helped to open my eyes, and so for this season we wanted to double down. ' ( # " !3 $/ $. 0 &, !**)

!"#$% he show differs from other crime shows because it s more concerned with e ploring motives and issues around the %& '(& )*!& +*,-& '.(& ("/$0.& '++1!'+-2& !"#$%$&'%( )*%+( ,"( %*,)$++"-( .$+/$'( 01( /&*2%( &3( +/"( -4+"( &3( cases than it is about the facts. Is that a conscious choice roof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of "(&3(52&&36(!"#$%$&'%(.$77('&+(,"(488"5+"-(43+"2(90:;9(5)(."-'"%-4<=(+/"(."">(&3(5*,7$84+$&'6?2&.'('433(5$++%( here s a conscious idea of either answering "-$4(778(@-,4(+/"(.4%/$'A+&'(,74-"B($%('&+(2"%5&'%$,7"(3&2(+/"(8&'+"'+(4'-C&2(-"%$A'(&3(<&*2(4-6((D-#"2+$%"2($%( +&,-& $,7"(3&2(4'<(7"A47(7$4,$7$+<(42$%$'A(&*+(&3(&2(2"74+$'A(+&(+/"(4-#"2+$%")"'+=(4'-C&2(4'<()4+"2$47(+&(./$8/(*%"2%( (+/2&*A/(+/"(4-#"2+$%")"'+6((D-#"2+$%"2(2"52"%"'+%(+/4+($+%(4-#"2+$%")"'+(.$77('&+(#$&74+"(4'<(82$)$'47(74.%(&2( uestions that the family never had answered, or loo ing at /+%( &3( +/$2-( 542+$"%=( $'87*-$'A=( ,*+( '&+( 7$)$+"-( +&=( %*8/( #$&74+$&'%( 4%( $'32$'A")"'+( &2( )$%455&252$4+$&'( &3( 4'<( /+=(54+"'+=(+24-")42>=(+24-"(%"82"+=()*%$8=($)4A"=(&2(&+/"2(52&52$"+42<(&2(52&5"+<(2$A/+=(347%"(4-#"2+$%$'A=(*'34$2( elements of the person s identity, or the world around the crime, $+$&'=( -"34)4+$&'=( $'#4%$&'( &3( 52$#48<( &2( 2$A/+%( &3( 8"7",2$+<=( #$&74+$&'( &3( 4'+$E-$%82$)$'4+$&'( 74.( &2( 2"A*74+$&'=( &+/"2( 2$A/+( &3( 4'<( 5"2%&'( &2( "'+$+<6( D-#"2+$%"2( 4A2""%( +&( $-")'$3<( ,2&.'( '433( 5$++%( &)'$)"-$4( 778( @-,4( +/"( '(#"!3$/"!&/$0.'31!" and figure out how we can tell a fuller story. ou now, in some A+&'(,74-"B(4'-(+&(/&7-(,2&.'('433(5$++%(&)'$)"-$4(778(@-,4(+/"(.4%/$'A+&'(,74-"B(/42)7"%%(32&)(4'<(4'-(477( ?<(%$A'$'A(+/$%(52&&3(<&*(42"(4A2""$'A(+&(<&*2(8&'+248+(&,7$A4+$&'%(.$+/(+/"( (7&%%=(-4)4A"%=(874$)%=(&2(84*%"%(&3(48+$&'=($'87*-$'A(2"4%&'4,7"(7"A47(3""%(4'-("F5"'%"%(+/4+()4<(,"($'8*22"-( '('433(5$++%(&)'$)"-$4(778=(42$%$'A(&*+(&3(&2(2"74+"-(+&(4-#"2+$%"2G%(,2"48/(&3(4'<(&3(+/"(3&2"A&$'A(2"52"%"'+4+$&'%( states.4%/$'A+&'(,74-"('".%545"26((H/$%($'87*-"%(,*+($%('&+(7$)$+"-(+&(5748")"'+=( they can secure a murder conviction without proving 54<)"'+(4'-($'%"2+$&'(%8/"-*7"6 24'+$"%6 motive, so you can have a family go through the entire litigation process, all the way up to the iller being convicted, and they ll never now why their loved one was illed. he pain that comes from that is gut wrenching. So, aside from ust ta ing you through the crime and how the person is caught, what can we add to the conversation that can give some solace to the families /'5"/&!",!"/".3'3$#"&

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!"#$% he focus on social ustice issues certainly gives the show a youthful perspective. +&,-& hey say the young have the energy, and the elders have the wisdom, and we want to arm the energy of these young people these bright, action oriented young people who mobili ed with the racial rec oning of , who are leading the charge we want to arm them with conte t and information about more stories, and how everything in our society ind of folds into what happens. any of our episodes end with a call to action. Who do you call to change this law Who do you email s effective a tool social media is, so is voting, so is emailing legislators, so is getting involved in advocacy groups. We arm our audience with the information that they need to eep doing the great wor they re doing. !"#$% It s really activism ta ing the form of entertainment. +&,-& hat s it, percent. I started out at a Blac owned radio station on the South Side of Chicago. l Sharpton held the afternoon slot for his show, each host was very community oriented, so I cut my teeth at that intersection of information and social ustice but I m also a fan of hip hop, I m a fan of music, so when I m not doing rue ife Crime I m doing ews interviews with my favorite artists. Investigating that intersection of social ustice and pop culture is where I thin a lot of our power lies. I thin that s where the young people are sitting right now. !"#$% What do you hope they ta e away from these stories +&,-& If there s anything that I want people to ta e away it s this fter the show, whatever social ustice issue we tal about, research it. Dig into it. hat guilty pleasure feels a little bit less guilty if you do the wor after that cuts off. rue ife Crime airs on at p.m. on uesdays. ll past episodes are available to watch on the website.

$3) 3%*! 4 5 6! 4 5 4 7 ! " !#$ % & ' ( )*+ ( , - $ . /01+ 2 ! " !" !

6022 F��� H��� R�, A���������, VA 22307 ! $869,900


This classic stone and slate charmer is positioned in the heart of the Belle Haven village. Across the street from Belle Haven Country Club this location has everything you’re looking for with its proximity to Old Town Alexandria, National Harbor and the Capital Beltway. The main level features a large living room with fireplace adjacent to a screened porch. Further is the gracious dining room with arched doorway, and eat-in kitchen with pantry. There is a powder room on this level and next a family room/ office. The upstairs features three large bedrooms with gleaming hardwoods, two full baths and a rooftop deck overlooking the private fenced back yard and patio. There is loads of storage with a full basement where the laundry is located, an updated half bath and another dedicated storage space. On this level is the connected, front-load garage. In the driveway there is room for two to three additional vehicles. You’re home when you’re in Belle Haven! O��� S�����, 8/22, 2-4PM

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Updated TH w/ almost 1800 sqft of living space on three finished levels, open kitchen, breakfast nook, crown molding, hardwood floors, large deck & yard plus parking.

Updated TH w/ open floorplan & 1800+ sqft of living space on three finished levels. Fenced flagstone patio, walk out basement with rec room, crown molding, hardwood floors.


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Spacious TH w/ almost 1300 sqft on two levels, large living area, 9’ ceilings, gas FP, hardwood floors, crown molding & open kitchen/dining with breakfast bar & French doors leading to private flagstone patio.

Restored & expanded Craftsman tucked just outside of Old Town has it all, approximately 5,000 sqft on four finished level with au-pare suite, in-law suite, primary suite & more. Open kitchen with large family room & French doors leading to huge lot with double car garage.



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MLS #: DESU2003284

15 Church Street, Lewes DE Stunning style meets the heart of history! Historic curb appeal reveals metropolitan sophistication in this completely updated Colonial home in downtown Lewes.

53 Glade Circle E., Rehoboth Beach, DE Coastal living perfection in this stylish 4 bedroom home in the rarely available, highly desirable community The Glade!

103 New Mexico Ave., Broadkill Beach, DE Escape to this perfect TWO UNIT beach pad TWO OF EVERYTHING making for an ideal second home and also separate beach rental!

MLS #: DESU2004276

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20991 Dodd Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 2 Blocks from the sands of Dewey Beach, this 4 bedroom, recently updated home is a STEAL!

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Buying your first home

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Valerie M. Blake

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Spruce Up Your Home this Summer We’re all excited for summer festivities, outdoor gatherings with friends and family, or simply lounging in the sun, but how do you begin to prepare your home for making the most out of summer? Here’s a checklist of helpful ideas to help you get started: 1 Clean and dry your outdoor furniture. As barbeque season approaches, it’s time to freshen up your outdoor cushions and wipe down any furniture so it’s free from pollen. Get the patio furniture looking new again and ready for hosting! 2 Beautify your outdoor space. Add your favorite summer vegetable plants to a garden space, pull out any weeds and

3 Clean out your grill. Turn on the grill at max temperature, close the hood, and allow the grill to stay on for 15 minutes. Scrub the grill to get rid of excess burnt residue. For extra stubborn grease, dip a half lemon in salt and rub it onto the areas. This will effectively scour and degrease your grill so it’s ready for a summer full of new, delicious recipes. 4

summer blooming plants include daylilies, black-eyed susans,

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Compass is a licensed real estate brokerage that abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. Compass is licensed as Compass Real Estate in DC and as Compass in Virginia and Maryland.

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