Washingtonblade.com, Volume 52, Issue 36, September 03, 2021

Page 1

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P12.,& '66.6C& QL.& 2..6& )4.& L4*).& V15,.& )1& 3.)& *2+19+.6& )1& .26& )4*,& P*0& @/1-& !"#$%&'()*+*,),&-./.&'0123&)4.&)415,'26,&-41&)5/2.6&15)&*2&)4.&2')*127,&('8*)'9&12& :53;&<=&>1/&)-1&,.8'/').&0'/(4.,&'26&,.+./'9&/'99*.,&*2&,5881/)&1>&+1)*23&/*34),&'26&?;@;& filibuster…And I’m here to tell you that’s why we’re here today – to demand that President Biden calls on the Senate to abolish the filibuster and pass the For the People [voting ,)').4116; A/3'2*B./,&1>&)4.&)-1&0'/(4.,&'26&/'99*.,C&-4*(4&)11D&89'(.&')&)4.&!*2(192&E.01/*'9& /*34),g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`2*).6& S)').,& T1).; Q?;@;&>1/&?.01(/'(H7,&O.,4&!5665-'4.))HC&?;@;&T1).7,&+1952)../&?.22*,&P'>>.C&@'8*)'9& 31+./20.2); QF1-& )4./.& '/.& ,10.& -41& ,533.,)& )4')& S)12.-'99& ?.01(/'),7& P')'/*15,& W/'B*./& -.& 61& 21)4*23h& )4')& -.& '((.8)& )4.& ,)')5,& '/.& X5,)& '& >.-& 1>& )4.& Y5../& '()*+*,),& -41& Y51&)4')&4',&9.6&5,&)1&)4*,&010.2)&1>&(/*,*,;& 1/3'2*B.6&)5/215)&'26&-1/D.6&)1&0'D.&,5/.& #5)&)41,.&1>&5,&4./.&)16'H&526./,)'26&)4')& that the fight for the freedom includes the *2& )4.& S.2').& '26& )4.& L4*).& V15,.C& -.& Z[[C[[[&?;@;&/.,*6.2),CU&V.90*(D&,'*6; 05,)& '();& d.,h& $4.& L4*).& V15,.& ;& ;& ;& @')(4& V.90*(D& -',& /.>.//*23& )1& .>>1/),& MH& )4')e&$4.&L4*).&V15,.C&M.('5,.&65/*23&)4.& 1/3'2*B./,& 1>& )4.& :53;& <=& .+.2),& )1& 5/3.& (*+*9& /*34),& 01+.0.2)C& -.& 4'6& '& b/.,*6.2)& @123/.,,&)1&8',,&'&?;@;&,)').4116&M*99&)4')& 1>& )4.& `2*).6& S)').,& -41& 6*627)& X5,)& )4/1-& )4.&V15,.&1>&N.8/.,.2)')*+.&8',,.6&.'/9*./& 58& )4.*/& 4'26,& '26& ,'HC& f:9/*34)C& )4')7,& )4.& )4*,&H.'/C&M5)&)4')&*,&,)'99.6&*2&)4.&S.2').; S.2').7,&/.,812,*M*9*)H&)1&8',,&+1)*23&/*34),& !"#$%& '()*+*,),& 4'+.& X1*2.6& ?;@;& 9.3*,9')*12;7 E'H1/& E5/*.9& #1-,./C& -41& ,81D.& ')& QL.&2..6&)4.&L4*).&V15,.&)1&3.)&*2+19+.6& )-1& 1>& )4.& 0'/(4& /'99*.,& 12& :53;& <=C& '26& to end this Jim Crow filibuster. [Applause] ?;@;& @123/.,,*12'9& ?.9;& \9.'21/& V190.,& QR>&-.&>'*9&)1&'()&*2&)4*,&010.2)C&-.&'/.&12&'& F1/)12& ]?^?;@;_C& -41& 81*2)& 15)& )4')& ?;@;7,& 8')4&MH&-4*(4&6.01(/'(H&6*.,&*2&6'/D2.,,;U& Z[[C[[[& 895,& /.,*6.2),& 61& 21)& 4'+.& +1)*23& Q:991-& 0.& )1& 8'*2)& '& 8*()5/.& 1>& )4')& 6'/D& /.8/.,.2)')*+.,& *2& )4.& `;S;& @123/.,,& 529*D.& >5)5/.&>1/&H15C&*>&H15&-*99; /.,*6.2),&1>&)4.&G[&,)').,; Q$4'2D,& )1& 8'/)*,'2& ".//H0'26./*23C& :9,1&,)'99.6&*2&)4.&S.2').&'/.&)-1&+1)*23& first the party of Donald Trump will take /*34),& M*99,& 8',,.6& MH& )4.& V15,.& )4*,& H.'/& M'(D& (12)/19& 1>& )4.& V15,.& 2.i)& H.'/C& .+.2& )4')&,5881/)./,&,'H&'/.&'*0.6&')&(152)./*23& ',& ?.01(/'),& (12)*25.& )1& -*2& 01/.& +1).,& ',&0'2H&',&a[&9'-,&'88/1+.6&MH&N.85M9*('2^ 2')*12-*6.; (12)/199.6& 9.3*,9')5/.,& *2& ')& 9.',)& '& 61B.2& *:;<=>?@=!A<B?C@!;<A!;?!$<D0!8E!F;B!AG;!=CH>B>AC!I>BJ:C=!>?@!=CKCB>L!B>LLMC=!M?!=<HH;BA! ;F!K;AM?D!BMD:A=!>?@!.010!=A>AC:;;@0!!N#>=:M?DA;?!,L>@C!H:;A;!OP!2MJ:>CL!QCPR [Member of the audience yells “Hell no!”] ,)').,&)4')&/.,)/*()&+1)*23&MH&0'D*23&*)&4'/6./& QV.99& 21C& *26..6;& !.)& 5,& 0'D.& ,5/.& )4')& >1/&0*21/*)*.,&)1&)5/2&15)&)1&)4.&8199,; 61.,27)&4'88.2; A2.& 1>& )4.& M*99,C& )4.& P142& !.-*,& T1)*23& Q$4.&8'/)H&1>&?12'96&$/508&-*99&'9,1&)'D.&M'(D&)4.&`2*).6&S)').,&S.2').&-*)4&+1)./& N*34),&:0.260.2)&:()C& *,& 2'0.6& '>)./& )4.& 9').& (*+*9& /*34),& 9.'6./& '26& `;S;& N.8;& P142& ,588/.,,*12&*2&,)').,&9*D.&".1/3*';&L.&31))'&0'D.&,5/.&)4')&N'84'.9&L'/21(D&(10.,& !.-*,&]?^"';_;& Q:>)./&'901,)&K[&H.'/,&'>)./&P142&!.-*,&'901,)&6*.6&12&)4.&\60526&b.))*,&#/*63.&>1/& back to the United States Senate. [Applause] Q$4.& 8'/)H& 1>& ?12'96& $/508& 526./& )4.& ,)')5,& Y51& -*99& -*2& M'(D& )4.& 8/.,*6.2(H& *2& voting rights, we’re here one more time fighting for voting rights” said Randi Weingarten, )4.& 15)& 9.,M*'2& 8/.,*6.2)& 1>& )4.& :0./*('2& W.6./')*12& 1>&$.'(4./,C& *2& /.0'/D,& 12& )4.& )4.& H.'/& <[<j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b.))*,&#/*63.&*2&'2& )1&,)18&'2H&1>&)4*,;&$4.&"Ab7,&)-1&,)19.2&,.'),&-*99&.2,5/.&)4')&4'88.2,; QL.& -*99& '99& >..9& )4.& (12,.Y5.2(.,& 1>& >'/^/*34)& 0*21/*)H& /59.;& b1-./& -*99& (12)*25.& )1& *2(*6.2)&)4')&M.('0.&D21-2&',&#9116H&S526'H; :)&)4.&,'0.&:53;&<=&/'99H&12&)4.&F')*12'9&E'99&)4*,&8',)&S')5/6'HC&`;S;&N.8;&E126'*/.& (12(.2)/').& *2& )4.& 4'26,& 1>& '& >.-;& @1/81/')*12,& -*99& (12)*25.& )1& 6.2H& ,(*.2(.& '26& pillage our planet as we will hurtle full speed towards final catastrophe. Jones (D-N.Y.), who this year became the nation’s first openly gay African-American QL.'9)4&*2.Y5'9*)H&-*99&-*6.2&-4*9.&)4.&)'i&M*99,&1>&)4.&,58./^/*(4&(12)*25.&)1&,4/*2D;& 0.0M./& 1>& @123/.,,C& 3'+.& '2& *08',,*12.6& ,8..(4& ('99*23& 12& 4*,& >.991-& ?.01(/'),C& $4.H&-*99&,8.26&M*99*12,&)1&,.26&)4.0,.9+.,&*2)1&,8'(.&-4*9.&8.189.&12&.'/)4&,)'/+.; including President Joe Biden, to push for an end to the Senate filibuster, which Jones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udience: “Shame! 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!'*)6$&).*1#$6,#6$%*=$90''#91&0)6$3#-*'1.#)1$0?#'$3#)&*5$07$6,'(#'4 The LGBTQ litigation group Lambda Legal on Aug. 26 filed a lawsuit in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ccording to the lawsuit, prison officials also denied Yoakam treatment from qualified mental healthcare providers for gender dysphoria, a medical 90)3&1&0)$ #T-#'&#)9#3$ ;4$ 1'*)6(#)3#'$ -#0-5#$ :&3#54$ '#90()&Y#3$ ;4$ -'07#66&0)*5$ *6609&*1&0)6$ '#-'#6#)1&)($ 1"#$ .#3&9*5$ *)3$ .#)1*5$ "#*51"$ -'07#66&0)6D$&)95,3&)($1"#$N.#'&9*)$@649"&*1'&9$N6609&*1&0)= N$ 61*1#.#)1$ '#5#*6#3$ ;4$ 8*.;3*$ 8#(*5$ -0&)16$ 0,1$ 1"*1$ (#)3#'$ 346-"0'&*$ &6$5&61#3$*6$*$.#3&9*5$90)3&1&0)$1"*1$60.#$1'*)6(#)3#'$-#0-5#$#T-#'&#)9#$*6$ significant distress when their gender identity is not congruent with their sex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was a “mistake” and he finds his breasts an image of “shame and disgust.” It says prison officials did provide him with a “chest binder” that compresses his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ambda Legal says in its statement that prison officials told Yoakam he could

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)01$;#$*--'0?#3$70'$1"#$;&5*1#'*5$.*61#910.4$0'$9"#61$6,'(#'4$"#$'#],#61#3$ ;#9*,6#$ &1$ 90)6&3#'#3$ 1"#$ 6,'(#'4$ *)$ U#5#91&?#M$ -'09#3,'#$ 1"*1$ :*6$ )01$ .#3&9*554$)#9#66*'4$70'$1'#*1.#)1$07$(#)3#'$346-"0'&*= The Washington Post reports that a Department of Corrections official told 1"#$@061$&)$*)$#.*&5$.#66*(#$1"*1$&16$&)1#')*5$(,&3#5&)#6$70'$.#3&9*5$9*'#$70'$ &).*1#6$9*556$70'$3#9&3&)($0)$1'#*1.#)1$*)3$9*'#$'#],#616$0)$*$9*6#P;4P9*6#$ ;*6&6= UN55$.#3&9*554$)#9#66*'4$1'#*1.#)1$&6$*?*&5*;5#DM$1"#$6-0<#6-#'60)$1053$1"#$ @061=$UV#$70550:$1"#$90..,)&14$61*)3*'3$07$9*'#=M Court records show that Yoakam pleaded guilty in 2004 to a charge of first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ourt records and all official references to Yoakam at the Fluvanna /0''#91&0)*5$ /#)1#'$ 70'$V0.#)$ '#7#'$ 10$ "&.$ ;4$ "&6$ 5#(*5$ 7#.*5#$ ;&'1"$ )*.#=$ +*#)Y$07$8*.;3*$8#(*5$6*&3$W0*<*.$&6$&)$1"#$-'09#66$07$5#(*554$9"*)(&)($"&6$ )*.#$10$S*60)$W0*<*.= !"#$90,'1$'#90'36$*)3$)#:6$.#3&*$'#-0'16$6"0:$1"*1$W0*<*.D$*1$*(#$KCD$:*6$ arrested on a first-degree murder charge and other related charges, including illegal firearms possession, on March 3, 2004, just over four months after he *55#(#354$6"01$*)3$<&55#3$S*.#6$US*.&#M$8*)#D$_`D$0)$\91=$^LD$KBB_= !"#$&)9&3#)1$099,''#3$&)$8##$/0,)14D$%*=D$509*1#3$&)$1"#$60,1":#61#')$90')#'$ 07$1"#$61*1#$)#*'$1"#$a#)1,9<4$*)3$!#))#66##$;0'3#'6=$!"#$a&)(6-0'1D$!#))=D$ Times-News reported in a Dec. 3, 2003, story that Yoakam was identified at that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b;#&)($ '*&6#3$ ;4$ *$ c#T-5#1&?#6$ 3#5#1#3d$ 5#6;&*)DRM$ 1"#$ !&.#6PH#:6$ '#-0'1#3$;*6#3$0)$1#61&.0)4$&)$90,'1= $*-%."#//'0*%102

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Internal emails reveal questions, confusion on Trump religious freedom directive Labor Department guidance seen to enable anti-LGBTQ discrimination !"#$%&'(#)*%+(*+#, -./012/13452067589:-/;

!"#$%&' ()*#$+,-' ).' */,' 0#&/$+1*(+' 2%#-,' */3(41/' #' 5678' %#9&4$*' reveal officials in the :34";' #-"$+$&*3#*$(+<&' =#)(3' >,;#3*",+*' 9,3,' "$3,-' $+' ?4,&*$(+&' #+-' confusion about a 2018 religious freedom directive to comply with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case. 2,@4--%,",+*' #+-' $+?4$3$,&' @3("' )4&$+,&&' :;<=><!#$%&'(%)*+*$,-#!?@@A>B!C!B?<>DE?F>!EGCE!>HCIJ>! leaders, lawmakers, and CHE?K-),*L!B?@D<?=?HCE?;H!C=;HM!N>B><CJ!D;HE<CDE;<@0! ",-$#'#&'9,%%'#&';3(13,&&$A,' and conservative advocates alike reflect the criticism of the Labor Department’s religious freedom directive as a means to enable anti-LGBTQ discrimination. A 2018 Blade story on the religious freedom directive, titled BC,9':34";'#-"$+$&*3#*$(+' memo on Obama order alarms LGBT advocates,” was circulated in an email chain among officials within the Office of Federal Contract Compliance. One of the top officials in that office, Christopher Seely, recognized the predictable impact the directive would have by writing in response to the Blade article: BIt is not surprising that the LGBT community sees the directive as targeting them.” The Masterpiece Cakeshop directive, as of now, is still in place, a Labor Department spokesperson confirmed for the Blade on Wednesday. However, the Biden administration has issued a proposed notice to rescind the rule implementing the legal requirements regarding the Equal Opportunity clause’s religious exemption. The proposed rule, the Labor Department spokesperson said, is at the White House Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs pending review and will be published when that is concluded, which will lead to a public comment period and additional steps to make the rule final. As reported by the Blade in August 2018, the Labor Department guidance purported to Bincorporate recent developments in the law regarding religion-exercising organizations and individuals” with the enforcement of the executive order signed by former President Obama in 2014 barring federal contractors from engaging in discrimination against LGBTQ people in the workplace. The imprint of former President Trump’s executive orders on religious freedom, which critics said were a means to allow federal grantees and contractors to engage in anti-LGBTQ discrimination, is also seen in the directive. It says that guidance has B&$"$%#3%.'3,"$+-,-'*/,' federal government of its duty to protect religious exercise — and not to impede it.” All in all, the instructions seems aimed at allowing religiously affiliated non-profits to discriminate against LGBTQ workers despite Obama’s executive order prohibiting such bias in employment. Previously, religious non-profits, including religious schools and universities, were required to abide by the executive order and received no religious exemption. The Washington Blade obtained the internal emails as a result of a lawsuit filed in September 2020 under the Freedom of Information Act with attorneys from the Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press, which sought communications within OFCCP to uncover information about the motivation behind the rule change in religious freedom. The Labor Department continues to produce emails to the Blade as a result of the ongoing litigation. Labor Department officials appear to have anticipated the confusion and flurry of questions they would receive over the 2018 religious freedom directive. One email chain details discussions on a proposed email to stakeholders for when the guidance would be issued. The actual talking points are redacted in the email obtained by the Blade. Craig Leen, then director at OFFCP, concludes after the discussion: BD0E,'#3,';%#++$+1'*(' proceed tomorrow.” Among the emails obtained through this lawsuit were several from LGBTQ advocates questioning officials within the Labor Department on the 2018 Masterpiece Cakeshop directive, including representatives from the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Center for Transgender Equality and one separate FOIA request that appears to have come from the Center for American Progress.

One email chain discusses a FOIA request — identified as BGruberg 865067,” which is presumably from Sharita Gruberg, vice president of LGBTQ research and communications at the Center for American Progress — seeking the number of requests made by federal contractors for a religious freedom exemption under Obama’s executive order. (Gruberg wasn’t available to comment by Blade deadline to confirm she was the one to make that FOIA request.) A Labor Department official in the email chain describes the request as the Bfirst FOIA request making inquiry as to whether or not a religious exemption has been requested since the directive was issued.” Another official responds, BI am not aware of one,” although it’s unclear from the email chain whether or not it was in response to the question about any federal contractors seeking a religious exemption or knowledge of any other FOIA requests on the directive. But another email chain, one with officials preparing for a meeting with Democrats on the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee, reveals the absence of any complaints from religious freedom non-profits in complying with Obama’s executive order against anti-LGBTQ discrimination. One Labor Department official asks for the number of reviews of religious organizations and the number of complaints received from religious organizations. A detailed chart from another official reveals a total of 11 reviews between fiscal years 2007 and 2016 with an average of about one per year. However, the official concludes in terms of complaints: BThere were no complaint investigations.” Marika Litras, an official within the Labor Department responds: BVery few which is what I suspected.” In response to a follow-up question from Litras on whether any complaints were received, the other official responds, BNo complaints received either for 813110.” Litras replies: BWow interesting thank you.” Another top OFFCP official, John Haymaker, chimes in with a response uncharacteristically glib for government officials, but revealing of the basic understanding of the fairness of adhering to non-discrimination principles: BWell, I would hope that religious organizations would be better-behaved than most at least in public.” The Labor Department’s internal responses to an ACLU inquiry in September 2018 are found in a separate email chain, which reveals a meeting scheduled for Sept. 17, 2018 between Ian Thompson, legislative director of the ACLU, and U.S. government officials on the religious freedom directive. Not much is revealed in the email chain other than talk about the right room to host the meeting. Thompson, responding Wednesday to a question from the Blade on the email exchange, confirmed the meeting between the ACLU and Labor Department officials took place. B8&'9,'3,;,#*,-%.'&#9F'*/,':34";'#-"$+$&*3#*$(+'/#-'#+'#1,+-#'(@'4&$+1'3,%$1$(+'#&'#' license to discriminate,” Thompson said. BWe used this meeting to speak truth to power directly, raising our objections about how this directive would harm LGBTQ people and people from minority faith groups. Ultimately – as we knew they would – the Trump administration decided to move forward with this dangerous, discriminatory agenda.” One email from Debra Carr, a Labor Department career official who had been serving director of policy for OFCCP, writing to colleagues about the meeting and discussing possible questions.”Who do you want to take a shot at drafting answers should they be needed?” Carr said. (The possible questions Carr writes, however, are redacted in the email obtained by the Blade.) Another meeting between LGBTQ advocates and Trump administration officials is revealed to have taken place with the National Center for Transgender Equality taking the lead. The job of drafting answers apparently went back to Carr. Litras, the other official at the Labor Department, responds: BDebra, can you take a stab at drafting brief responses?” Carr passes the assignment to Christopher Seeley: BHi Chris, take a shot at drafting responses to these.” Seeley, in turn, forwarded notice of the assignment to his supervisor, Harvey Fort: BThis just came through as an assignment for me. I’m not sure the urgency, but it may eat into my week.” Fort replies: BUnderstood. That issue is very important to Craig and OFCCP.” Seeley appears to have come with responses to the potential NCTE questions with a subsequent email to Carr: BHere are the responses I drafted.” (The actual email responses, however, are an attachment and not included in the email dump obtained by the Blade.) The meeting between Labor Department offices and OFCPP, however, apparently did little if anything to allay the concerns of the transgender group. A subsequent chain includes an email from Ma’ayan Anafi, then policy counsel for the National Center for Transgender Equality, who says she has attached a letter from groups with Bgrave concerns” about the religious freedom directive. Continues at washingtonblade.com.

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websites to sex trafficking of children. 0',/1-"% '(-2% '9"% :-,2"% '9,'% ,24-'% $1'"$% 9,<"% -(#3$',#21#3% $,6"34,)2$% 1#% 5-,="% '9,'% prevent sex traffickers from placing content on their sites. He said during the past two *",)$%1#%>91=9%'9"%=(#')(<")$1,-%6"2"),-%-,>%5,$$"2%/*%B(#3)"$$%'(%9(-2%,24-'%$1'"$%-1,/-"% for sex trafficking, known as SESTA-FOSTA, has been in effect, the law has rarely been used to prosecute sex traffickers and has yet to be used to shut down any of the sites 4$"2%/*%=(#$"#'1#3%,24-'$? ."%#('"2%'9,'%5)1()%'(%'9"%'1;"%0@0!&GYA0!&%'((C%"66"='K%5)($"=4'()$%4$"2%"F1$'1#3% $','4'"$% '(% $94'% 2(>#% :,=C5,3"K% ,#% ,24-'% $1'"% >12"-*% 4$"2% /*% $"F% >()C")$% '(% 1#'"),='% with customers on grounds that the site allegedly allowed sex traffickers to use the site. Around that same time, Craigslist on its own removed all “personal” classified ads from its site, saying it could not risk being held liable for allegations of sex traffickers 4$1#3%1'$%5")$(#,-%,2$%4#2")%'9"%0@0!&GYA0!&%-,>K%"<"#%'9(439%B),13$-1$'%5)(91/1'"2%1'$% site from being used for sex trafficking or any nonconsensual practices. X91-"% #(% =)"21/-"% "<12"#="% 9,$% ";")3"2% '9,'% ,24-'% $1'"$% ,)"% 1#% ,#*% >,*% ,--(>1#3% sex traffickers to use those sites, Free Speech Coalition has said conservative religious 3)(45$%'9,'%(55($"%,--%$"F%>()C%,#2%>,#'%'(%/,#%,--%5()#(3),59*%(#%'9"%N#'")#"'%9,<"% /"34#%'(%54'%5)"$$4)"%(#%/,#C$%,#2%=)"21'%=,)2%=(;5,#1"$%'(%$'(5%$")<1=1#3%'9"%,24-'% $1'"$? Stabile points out that studies have shown that far more sex traffickers have succeeded 1#% $-1551#3% '9)(439% $,6"34,)2$% '(% 5)"<"#'% '9";% 6)(;% 5($'1#3% (#% $1'"$% >1'9% Y,="/((C% and Twitter than with the adult sites. No online platforms can be 100 percent effective in preventing a few traffickers from getting on their sites, Stabile said, but the antitrafficking groups hold the adult sites to a greater degree of blame than mainline sites -1C"%Y,="/((C? !9"% ,24-'% $1'"$% 9,<"% $','"2% )"5",'"2-*% '9"*% >1--% =((5"),'"% >1'9% -,>% "#6()=";"#'% officials to identity and help prosecute sex traffickers who target underage people. J:,#C$% ,#2% =)"21'% =,)2% =(;5,#1"$% ,)"% )1$CG,<")$"% 1#$'1'4'1(#$K% ",$1-*% $=,)"2% /*% 5('"#'1,-%/,2%54/-1=1'*KL%Y)""%05""=9%B(,-1'1(#%$,*$%1#%1'$%&43?%PQ%$','";"#'?%JO"-131(4$% groups know this and have made no secret of targeting them in their quest to eliminate $"F%>()C")$%,-'(3"'9")KL%'9"%$','";"#'%$,*$? “In doing so, companies like Mastercard have become enablers of these anti-porn, anti-LGBTQ, misogynist groups,” the statement continues. “Companies like Mastercard ,)"% #(>% ,==(;5-1="$% 1#% '9"% 21$"#6),#=91$";"#'% (6% ;1--1(#$% (6% $"F% >()C")$K% =(;5-1=1'% 1#% 54$91#3% >()C")$% ,>,*% 6)(;% 1#2"5"#2"#="% 1#'(% 5('"#'1,--*% ;()"% 2,#3")(4$% ,#2% "F5-(1','1<"%=(#21'1(#$?L &*(+&!"$,,-#(&'#.

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since Ukraine’s first public Pride parade in 2013,” adds the letter. “We have advocated B<C<$ #.5&5#*#.($ ,.$ '(#**,.5$ 1,/%#.-#$ (&+5#(#3$ &($ 0+/D789!:^$ #1#.('$ &.3$ 2#$ &+#$ proud that our embassy in Kyiv has collaborated with Ukrainian officials to help address these concerns. For example, Ukrainian police have been ordered to protect LGBTQ+ 5+/60'$4+/*$("/'#$2"/$2/6%3$'##U$(/$"&+*$("#*<T !"#$%#((#+$&%'/$,.3,-&(#'$R("#+#$,'$&*0%#$+#&'/.$(/$"/0#$4/+$&$I+,5"($46(6+#$4/+$789!:^$ 0#/0%#$,.$BU+&,.#<T !"#$ >/.5+#'',/.&%$ 789!:^$ N_6&%,(;$ >&6-6'$ ./(#'$ BU+&,.#W'$ >&I,.#($ /4$ =,.,'(#+'$ have introduced a bill “developed by” Zelenskyy’s government that would add sexual /+,#.(&(,/.$&.3$5#.3#+$,3#.(,(;$(/$("#$-/6.(+;W'$"&(#$-+,*#'$%&2< R[#$6+5#$;/6$#*0"&',@#$("#$,*0/+(&.-#$/4$(",'$I,%%W'$0&''&5#$&.3$/4$#.'6+,.5$("&($ 789!:^$ 0#/0%#$ ,.$ BU+&,.#$ -&.$ %,1#$ 2,("/6($ 4#&+$ /4$ 1,/%#.-#$ /+$ 3,'-+,*,.&(,/.AT$ +#&3'$ ("#$%#((#+$(/$9,3#.<$RH.$&33,(,/.A$2#$6+5#$;/6$(/$#.-/6+&5#$V+#',3#.($b#%#.'U;;$(/$(&U#$ positive steps to permit civil partnerships for same-sex couples.” !"#$%#((#+$&%'/$./(#'$b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c%$ 8+,d&%1&$ OZD)+,@<QA$ e&U#$ )6-",.-%/''$ OZD=&''<QA$ >"+,'$ V&00&'$ OZD\<G<QA$ C"&+,-#$ Z&1,3'$ OZD?&.<QA$e&.$C-"&U/2'U;$OZDH%%<QA$V+&*%,%&$e&;&0&%$OZD[&'"<QA$],(-",#$!/++#'$OZD\<f<QA$=&+U$ V/-&.$ OZD[,'<QA$ Z&..;$ Z&1,'$ OZDH%%<QA$ =/.3&,+#$ e/.#'$ OZD\<f<QA$ N%#&./+$ G/%*#'D\/+(/.$ OZDZ<><QA$ 9+#.3&.$ 9/;%#$ OZDV#..<QA$ )3&*$ C-",44$ OZD>&%,4<QA$ ).5,#$ >+&,5$ OZD=,..<QA$ Z&.$ ?,%3##$OZD=,-"<Q$&.3$>&+/%;.$=&%/.#;$OZD\<f<Q$',5.#3< 9,3#.$ ,.$ `#I+6&+;$ ',5.#3$ &$ *#*/+&.36*$ ("&($ -/**,((#3$ ("#$ B<C<$ (/$ 0+/*/(,.5$ 789!:$+,5"('$&I+/&3< !"#$%&'()*('%+&,-

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Put Vaccines On Your Back-to-School List Vaccines are the best protection against vaccine-preventable diseases. All DC students must have their immunizations up-to-date before the next school year begins.

The COVID-19 vaccine is also available for eligible age groups.


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KHELIL BOUARROUJ is an activist who writes about LGBTQ issues.

What can the AIDS generation teach today’s activists? Anger and a noble cause aren’t enough to sustain a movement

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The last decade has seen an explosion of films and books on the AIDS crisis, marking the end of the Second Silence — the amnesia toward the plague years evinced by many LGBTQ+ organizations in the late ‘90s and aughts. (The First Silence was Reagan’s callousness.) The desire to move on from AIDS was understandable — for more than a decade the community had fought a traumatic and exhausting struggle against a death sentence. The emergence of antiretroviral drugs in 1996 marked both a victory for people with AIDS and an opportunity for activists to leave the past behind and move onto civil rights battles, like marriage equality. By hastily moving on from AIDS history, however, we risked forgetting one of the most inspiring movements in the gay rights story that bequeathed, as Larry Kramer has argued, its greatest accomplishment: saving ourselves and others. Fortunately, that history is no longer at risk of being forgotten. Journalist David France’s Oscar-nominated documentary “How to Survive a Plague” (2012) and subsequent 2016 book has arguably done more than anything else to memorialize that history for generations of queer people too young to remember or born long after the crisis. Harvey Milk confidante and AIDS Memorial Quilt founder Cleve Jones’s memoir “When We Rise” (2016) added a layer of personal history to the AIDS years. Queer scholar Sarah Schulman’s new book “Let the Record Show” (2021) has been called by the New York Times a “Monument to the AIDS Movement” for its extensive survey of ACT UP — the frontline activist New York-based AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power fighting for drug treatment. To this growing list, we can add former ACT UP member Peter Staley’s upcoming memoir “Never Silent.” A young Wall Street trader with political aspirations, Staley’s life was upended after receiving an HIV diagnosis in the early ‘80s. Staley didn’t panic; instead, he came out to his family, both as gay and HIV+, quit his job and threw himself into full-time AIDS activism. He quickly rose to become one of ACT UP’s most prominent members. It was Staley who confronted Pat Buchanan on a now-famous episode of “Crossfire” where the conservative co-host called gay sex Russian roulette. Staley rebuffed the homophobic moralizing and advised young men to use a condom and a lubricant — only to later fret that his anal sex advice might have made half the audience turn off the TV. CNN booked Staley to discuss ACT UP’s demonstration at FDA headquarters that morning demanding the agency stop slow-walking HIV drugs and permit people with AIDS quick access to treatment. Staley famously climbed the building’s awning to unfurl a Silence = Death banner. The FDA eventually fast-tracked the drugs — the first time the agency acted in response to public pressure. Staley is the best kind of guide to this history, particularly in relating the science behind AIDS treatment in common terms. Equally charming and even-handed, this is one story on the queer underdogs who roused a country from its indifference that should enter the AIDS canon. What makes his story endearing is the personal dimension that Staley feels nostalgic for. ACT UP was more than a movement, it was a family of creative, loving and joyous people. And plenty of sex. ACT UPpers were not into being shamed. They were going to have tons of safe gay sex. It was a badge of honor to be a movement slut — and Staley proudly confesses to being one. The death of friends never abated, but the darkness could be kept at bay by cultivating a supportive space where people could channel rage into constructive action. Righteous anger and a noble cause, Staley advances, aren’t enough to sustain a movement. Show me an angry activist, Staley cautions, and I’ll show you a failed activist. In order to keep going, people need a loving and forgiving space otherwise they burn out. ACT UP wasn’t all rainbows. Eventually, the movement split up due to an irreconcilable divide over strategy. Through it all, Staley and his comrades took their work seriously but never themselves too seriously. There’s a lesson here for contemporary left-wing activism, which can be bogged down by smug indignation and righteous one-upmanship, and where incrementalism is mocked as selling out. AIDS activists took every opportunity, no matter how small, to push their agenda. And Staley and his comrades never forgot that activism is meant to serve a happy life. Their spirit sustained a movement that saved millions of lives. It’s one for the history books.

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For those living with HIV, U=U is helping break the stigma. Here’s how. !"#$%"&'$(&)*"+,&-.'*"


t first glance, U=U may look to some like a complex math equation.

But ití s meaning isní t complicated in the slightest, especially for people living with HIV. U=U is shorthand for ì Undetectable = Untransmittable.î That means if someone living with HIV is on the appropriate medications and has a consistently undetectable level of the virus in their blood when tested, they cannot transmit HIV to their sexual partner(s).

ì [Being undetectable] freed me,î says Murray Penner, 59, a D.C.≠ based HIV advocate and U.S. Executive Director at the Prevention Access Campaign. ì ...even when I was being ë safe with sexí before U=U, I always had this fear that I was going to transmit HIV to my partners. And now I no longer have to worry about that.î His initial worry comes from a place of truth: sexual activity has long been the leading method of HIV transmission, particularly among gay and bisexual men. Yet, the relief that he felt when he became undetectable also speaks to the truth and importance of campaigns like U=U and the need for more thoughtful, holistic approaches to educating others. ì A lot of people don't understand [HIV],î Penner says. ì They don't understand that people living with HIV can live a long and normal life.î

ì It has so much potential to change not only the way people live with HIV, but change the face of HIV and what it looks like to society.î MURRAY PENNER

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Penner, who tested positive for HIV in 1986, has seen and felt firsthand the stigma that comes with living with the virus. But heí s hopeful U=U (often stylized as #UequalsU) can free others as it did himself. ì [U=U] is a real game≠ changer,î Penner says. ì It has so much potential to change not only the way people live with HIV, but change the face of HIV and what it looks like to society.î In the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, medical and societal knowledge around the virus was severely limited, and, at times, it was nothing more than fear≠ mongering, painful homophobia and biphobia and harmful misinformation.

While some of those feelings still exist today, science is getting better. Prevention methods like pre≠ exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post≠ exposure prophylaxis (PEP) are more prevalent than ever, and treatment has transformed through advancements in antiretroviral drugs. In D.C. alone, the number of new HIV cases in D.C. has decreased by roughly 49 percent from 2011 to 2018 Ö and a remarkable 73 percent since 2007. For Derrick ì Strawberryî Cox, 31, this all starts in one place: the doctorí s office. ì I express and encourage people to really have that strong relationship with a doctor,î Cox, a lifelong D.C. resident who is heavily involved in D.C.í s health advocacy spaces. ì If you don't feel comfortable with [your] doctor Ö

get someone that you can talk to literally about anything.î

An open relationship with a healthcare provider, as Cox mentions, is crucial for those living with HIV. Consistent treatment and testing are integral parts of both becoming and maintaining oneí s undetectable status ≠ ≠ and, in turn, preventing transmission between partners. Cox, who himself is undetectable, speaks with those who are newly diagnosed at a support group through Whitman≠ Walker Health. More than anything, he says he encounters people who are still coming to terms with their new reality. ì [Many] don't want to accept the fact that they are HIV≠ positive,î Cox adds. ì Most of them don't want to take the pills, and most of them feel, you know, disgusting or dirty. [Stigma] is still a huge thing even though we've come a long way.î Both Cox and Penner are rightfully adamant in saying there is nothing ì dirtyî about having HIV and look ahead to a future where people living with HIV ó undetectable or not ó are seen simply for who they are: human beings. ì HIV doesn't define a person,î Penner says. ì I'm a person just like you're a person and just like somebody else next to me as a person. Don't let HIV define you [or others].î

FOR MORE IMPORTANT INFORMATION on U=U or if youí re looking for HIV≠ related testing (some are available at home due to COVID≠ 19) and treatment options in D.C., visit sexualbeing.org. A number of critical resources are available at no cost that can help you find a doctor, support group, or the treatment you need.

ì If you don't feel comfortable with [your] doctor Ö get someone that you can talk to literally about anything.î DERRICK ì STRAWBERRYî COX

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Reimagining ‘Rachel’ for a modern audience Well-known anti-lynching play exposed horrors of racism #$%#&'()*+,#-.//*')0

!"#$%$&'#()*++*,"-'#(*),.*,+'#+/0(*,"#1)*-/)#2"3/+*",#4/+5#6)*789#1,0#,08/5#(:#-;/# NAACP to respond to G.W. Griffith’s film “Birth of a Nation.” Both innovative and <=<>+,)'#-;/#0/7*",+#0*+/"-#1=)8#1,0#-/.;"*.,++:#3)=>"5()/,8*"3#(>-#,+0=#(+,-,"-+:# racist in its celebration of Black stereotypes and white supremacism. Grimké, an /0-,(+*0;/5#1)*-/)#?)=7#,#<)=7*"/"-#?,7*+:'#,../<-/5#-;/#.;,++/"3/@#A;/#)/0>+-#1,0# her play “Rachel.” First produced in 1920 in D.C., “Rachel,” broadly classified as an “anti-lynching” <+,:'#./"-/)0#="#,#:=>"3#1=7,"#1;=#+/,)"0#-;/#;=))=)0#=?#),.*07#*"#,#</)0=",+#,"5# *77/5*,-/#1,:@##B/-#*"#)/,+*07'#-;/#5),7,#5/,+0#1*-;#7=-;/);==5#,"5#.;*+5)/"#,"5# how racism and bigotry impact children. The work is Grimké’s appeal for compassion for Black families.

A century later, Rapid Lemon Productions, a Baltimore-based company focused on "/1#1=)80'#;,0#.=77*00*="/5#<+,:1)*3;-#2+,5)*,"#C@#4/-D/+#-=#1)*-/#,"#,5,<-,-*="# of Grimké’s play, and after pandemic-induced delays, Wetzel’s “Rachel” is poised to make its world in-person (and streaming) premiere at Rapid Lemon’s home Motor House, a nonprofit arts hub in Baltimore, on Sept. 10. “I keep Grimké’s original themes in my adaptation,” says Wetzel, 39, during a recent phone call. “Sadly, the work remains all too relevant. Black people, I’m Black, we understand racism. I remember having race conversations with my parents when I was just five or six. I knew people were going to have different expectations of me – or not – because of the color of my skin. For me, it’s very important to get the story out there.” Set in Baltimore, the new “Rachel” is purposefully close to the source yet peppered with contemporary local buzz words. The first act takes place in 2012 when Black Lives Matter was on the cusp of becoming a larger part of the American ethos, and the second act is five years later in 2017. The interim is a reckoning in terms of BLM, the killing of unarmed Black people, Freddie Gray in Baltimore, moving from Obama -=#-;/#A)>7<#,57*"*0-),-*="#,"5#-;/#);/-=)*.#(/;*"5#-;,-@# Grimké is described as a lesbian by most historians. She expresses romantic love for other women in poetry and she’s known to have at least once told her father about her feelings concerning women. Reportedly he wasn’t too keen on the idea. Wetzel is straight but she imagines that “in addition to being a woman of color, independent, a political activist, because Grimké fell on the queer spectrum, it sometimes had to have made it difficult for her to live in that space in the early 20th century.” When Rapid Lemon’s managing director Max Garner brought “Rachel” to Wetzel to consider for adaptation, she was quickly convinced. “I identified with her hesitancy,” she says. “Mostly my plays are about race and issues surrounding fertility. In ‘Rachel,’ Grimké writes about a Black woman who questions the idea of bringing a Black child into the world, she’s concerned with them being killed, hurt, or called names because =?#-;/*)#08*"#.=+=)@# “I’ve been trying to have kids for the last couple of years. I write from the place of being a Black woman going through infertility. A lot of those feelings expressed in Grimké’s work came to the fore for me during last year’s summer of unrest.” Before writing plays, Wetzel acted, stage managed, and directed. Eager to do more, 0;/# (/.,7/# <,)-# =?# ,# <+,:1)*-*"3# ?/++=10;*<'# ,"5# 1*-;# -;/# 0><<=)-# =?# ,# 5),7,->)3# and director, wrote her first original full-length play over nine months followed by a 0-,3/5#)/,5*"3#*"#EF$G@# Wetzel, who lives north of Baltimore in Belair, Md., admires how Rapid Lemon champions original works and local artists. “It’s a risk that not a lot of companies are willing to take,” she says. Her first connection with the company was having a piece produced in its 10-minute play festival, “Variations.” Then she was commissioned to write “Thank You, Dad,” a three act about cult leader Jim Jones whose messianic madness inspired the phrase “don’t drink the Kool-Aid.” Technically it wasn’t KoolAid, but that’s for another interview, she says. Wetzel is also executive director of Two Strikes Theatre Cooperative, a Baltimore company whose mission is to give a voice to Black women and nonbinary folks. Oh, and there’s a day job: She’s a longtime project manager within the Army. (Wetzel holds a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering and a master’s in management.) Looking forward, she sees more writing, producing, and possibly screenwriting. Most importantly, she wants to continue sharing meaningful stories.


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Lesbian survivor of sexual abuse reveals her ‘Untold’ story A remarkable film debut from Gina Garcia (.%/01#%2$3)%4"#!

Even though her film is about to get a premiere at Hollywood’s legendary Chinese Theatre, Gina Garcia is not your typical filmmaker – and her movie is not your typical movie. “Untold: This is My Story” has been a longtime dream project for the U.S. Navy veteran, who was already a successful entrepreneur before starting her film career. And even though she made it about herself, it’s far from a vanity project. Instead, it’s a bold testament aimed at helping countless others who, like her, carry the trauma of childhood sexual abuse. As an 8-year-old growing up in Orlando, Fla., Garcia was at the mall with her mother and sister when she was abducted by a man who coerced her into his car before sexually assaulting her at knifepoint. Remarkably, she was able to escape by jumping out of the moving vehicle, half naked, and running away through the parking lot. The incident was never discussed by the family; and young Gina, who had only vague memories of what happened to her, went on to experience years of self-destructive behavior and strained relationships with her parents and siblings. Twenty-five years after the fact, she finally sought help at a Veterans’ Administration hospital, where she was diagnosed with PTSD and began the difficult process of healing. Fast forward to 2009, when Garcia enrolled at a film school in the Philippines. It was a bold step that started her on the path to tell her story for the many other anonymous survivors she knew were out there needing to know that they were not alone. She wrote a screenplay, and when she attended a screening that gave her an opportunity to meet filmmaker Patty Jenkins, she approached the “Monster” director with the thought that here was someone who could direct it. Instead, Jenkins told her, “No Gina, you have to tell your story.” That meeting led to an ongoing mentorship, and three years later Garcia was filming her screenplay with a cast that featured former Calvin Klein model Jennifer Rubin and esteemed womens’ rights attorney Gloria Allred. The resulting movie is rough to watch, and that’s not because it has a DIY feel – although it does, which somehow gives it an even more searing authenticity. It is shot through with first-hand awareness of the way trauma affects not just the victim, but all those around them, and manifests itself in every aspect of their lives. It’s painful, horrifying, heartbreaking, and sometimes uncomfortable to watch, with a realistic depiction of mental health treatment that is a far cry from the kind of overwrought psychodrama treatment Hollywood usually gives to subject matter like this. Why then, did it take nearly a decade for it to premiere? Talking with the Blade, the first-time director explained what happened. !"#$%!$&'"$: I’m not a Hollywood person, I wasn’t going to be a director. My goal in making it was to peel off the Band-Aid, to show the rawness of trauma. I wanted to show the real – but when you’re raising money, everybody wants you to do something that

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isn’t real. Initially, when I wrote the script and I was sending it out, I had feedback like, “Can you make it a boy? Can you make it a white family? Can they not be gay? Do you really have to be a lesbian?” But then I would be telling somebody else’s story, and I wanted to tell my story. ()$*+: Obviously you didn’t go with all those suggestions. !$&'"$: No, but still I had all these people telling me to put in a little of this, a little of that. I ended up with this love story in there, and all this other stuff. And I did a couple of screenings, and I got everybody else’s opinions on my movie – and I hated it and I didn’t want to release it. So I put it on the shelf. ()$*+: What made you change your mind all these years later? !$&'"$: Well, I know now that I had more healing to do. I was still broken, going through issues with trauma and triggers. But at Thanksgiving of this past year my brother watched the film, and he said ‘You have to get this out. It’s gonna help a lot of people.’ I struggled with that, because I felt like I made myself look like a victim, but he said, ‘You need to recut it, then. You’re not a victim, you’ve gotten to the other side, you’re a different person now. You have fresh eyes.’ So in the beginning of 2021 I recut the entire movie. I took out all the Hollywood fluff, and I went back to the very basics of my original script. ()$*+: Not many directors get the chance to set a project aside and come back to it later. !$&'"$: Taking that time to be able to step away from it for a couple of years and work on myself as a human, and then get to come back and recut it – I love my movie now! ()$*+: What’s the next step after your Hollywood

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premiere? !$&'"$: Hopefully a distributor will buy it and not want to recut it their way. But either way, my intention is to do a city-to-city tour of the film, kind of like the “No Hate” campaign. I have a non-profit that I’m starting with my tribe back home, it’s called the ‘Untold Project,’ and with the tour we’re going to start doing videos of people telling their own untold stories, and hopefully helping other sexual abuse survivors to have their voices be heard. Because for me it’s more than a movie. There are one in three women and one in six men who are survivors of sexual abuse. If you do the math that’s over a billion people on the planet. We can talk about heart disease and all these other diseases that people die from, but people are also dying from this kind of abuse – through suicide, alcohol, and drug addiction. If you think about people who dealt with abuse in the ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s, even into the ‘80s – I mean, there’s a reason why all the Catholic Church stuff happened, why the Boy Scouts stuff happened, the Sandusky trials, the gymnasts. It’s because nobody was talking about what was happening. Nobody wants to put a magnifying glass on the dirty little secret when it’s the uncle, the cousin, the coach, the babysitter. If we can create the resources, maybe we can have the ability to have real conversations so that people can heal from this kind of trauma. ()$*+: And you want to show people that healing is possible. !$&'"$: Put it this way: I used to want to hide the fact that I was broken. Now here I am wanting to project it on a 45-foot screen. If you live in LA, “Untold: This is My Story” screens at the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood on Monday, Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. If not, Gina Garcia will soon bring it to a town near you.

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What to do when your house floods Be ready to negotiate with insurance companies $%#&'()*+#+,-('.#/#01)2#*+3113*(

So, what do you do if your house floods due to rain, or a busted pipe, or a backed up sewer? Well, I learned from a colleague the other day that you DON’T just call your favorite contractor. You DO call a company that will immediately come out, rip out wet or moldy drywall, any part of the house that is affected by the water damage, and install fans to help the situation dry out. Then after the wet stuff is removed and your place is dry, you can call the favorite contractor to come out and start to replace or rebuild what needs to be repaired. For example, the homes that were affected in New Orleans and Louisiana this week due to Hurricane Ida will need to go through this first step. The damage has to be assessed and then the drying out has to occur before the next step of repairing and rebuilding begins. The first step is to call your insurance company. They usually move slowly, so you’ll want to get that process started immediately. Depending on your exact policy and carrier, they may have restoration companies they will want you to use. The next step is to call the restoration company. These companies don’t usually specialize in the repairs as their name would have you think, but they are experts in identifying damage, drying it out, and demolishing what needs to be removed. They will come to your house, use moisture meters to assess how extensive the water damage is, rip out damaged walls and flooring, and set up industrial fans to help dry the space out. Once the restoration people have begun drying your house out and removed the trash, it’s time to call your contractor. They will want to come out and assess what needs to be repaired and provide a quote for you to take to your insurance company. You’ll want this quote to be detailed and broken down as much as possible so that it’s easily deciphered by your claims agent. Make sure your contractor is taking precise measurements, as the insurance company will go through the quote with a fine-tooth comb to find any discrepancies. Depending on your insurance company and policy details, you may need to negotiate a little once you have submitted the contractor’s quote to your insurance company. Insurance companies generally use national averages to compile their internal estimates. As you know, D.C. is one of the most expensive cities in the country, so naturally contractor pricing is also more expensive. This means the insurance estimates sometimes don’t line up with the realworld costs, and you may need to haggle a little bit. We hope this information will help, should any homeowner face moisture issues in any upcoming storm or flood.

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Hurricane Ida reminded us of the dangers of flooding this week.

Summer Maintenance and Cleaning As the weather heats up, it’s important to ensure your home is equipped to handle the heat. I’ve provided some tips and tricks on maintaining your home. 1

Remove and clean window treatments. Shake off dust or put them in the dryer for a couple of minutes. This will help freshen up your curtains and drapes and remove any allergens such as dust or pollen.

3 Keep your kitchen free of bad odors. With excess heat and humidity comes stronger odors. Be sure to rinse your garbage and recycling bins with cleaning solutions and water to prevent any lingering and unwanted smells.


Check your A/C system. Before cranking the A/C on a hot summer day, ensure your A/C is working properly. Vacuuming and dusting vents will help keep your air fresh. If your A/C is still not blowing cold, consult a licensed technician.

4 Sweep and clean outdoor areas. Sweep off dirt, pollen, and leaves from your outdoor living space. Power washing can be a great way to deep clean your deck or patio. Pro Tip: Apply vinegar to cracks and crevices to prevent mold or mildew growth.

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Compass is a licensed real estate brokerage that abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. Compass is licensed as Compass Real Estate in DC and as Compass in Virginia and Maryland.

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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

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