Washingtonblade.com, Volume 52, Issue 43, October 22, 2021

Page 1


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READY TO LIVE AT NATIONAL HARBOR? The Potomac Overlook Monument Series Luxury Townhomes starting from the $700' s




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$40K in Closing Costs* *with use of preferred Lender and Title **not valid on previous contracts and must settle on or before 10/31/21. FIRST HERITAGE MORTGAGE, LLC 3201 JERMANTOWN ROAD, SUITE 800 FAIRFAX, VA 22030 First Heritage Mortgage, LLC | Company NMLS ID #86548 (www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org) This is an advertisement and not a guarantee of lending. Terms and conditions apply. All approvals subject to underwriting guidelines. Prepared: 09/05/2018. *Closing costs paid when using First Heritage Mortgage and does not include pre≠ paids. Pricing and terms may change, please speak with Loan Officer.

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10 202.262.7762 michael.moore@compass.com

Michael’s average days on market

103.4% Leveraging repeat business and a steady stream of referrals, Michael’s past performance has paved the way for the success he enjoys today. Adopting a hands-on approach, Michael ensures that each transaction is seamless from start to finish.

Michael’s average list to sale price

Michael loves that in real estate, no one day is the same, and he’s prepared for anything — whether it be an unexpected barrier to tackle or a new chance to go above and beyond for his clients.

Compass is a licensed real estate brokerage that abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Compass is licensed as Compass Real Estate in DC and as Compass in Virginia and Maryland. 1232 31st Street NW, Washington, DC 20007 |202.448.9002

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owned venues sign letter calling re uirement devastating for business

!"#,(-#./+!!0'(#1'2#3 lchibbaro@washblade.com

wners of two B owned D.C. fitness studios and one gym signed on to a oint letter :(3"$3"#$&:)#4+$&6$+(H$&3"#4$+('(/14$20+()#++#+$04*()*$K8%8$Q17&4$Q04(#/$D&:+#4$1)<$K8%8$ K#5143'#)3$&6$L#1/3"$K(4#.3&4$K48$C1X01)<41$_#+2(33$3&$/(63$1$.(37$'1)<13#$4#X0(4()*$5134&)+$ of gyms and fitness studios to wear mas s. !"#$O.38$e$/#33#4>$:4(33#)$27$*17$20+()#++'1)$D471)$Q7#4+>$3"#$%\O$1)<$54#+(<#)3$&6$1$ chain of local fitness studios using the trademar name of solidcore , states that the mas '1)<13#>$:"(."$155/(#+$3&$5#&5/#$:"&$14#$60//7$?1..()13#<$6&4$3"#$.&4&)1?(40+>$(+$21+#<$/14*#/7$ on outdated data pertaining to gyms and fitness studios collected prior to the widespread 1?1(/12(/(37$&6$3"#$%O]GK$?1..()#8 MQ&4#$4#/#?1)3$<131$3&$()6&4'$<#.(+(&)Z'1I()*$:&0/<$2#$3&$+30<7$3"#$<131$64&'$3:&>$/14*#$ ortheastern cities that have opted to allow fitness classes to continue with the re uirement &6$?1..()13(&)$()$/(#0$&6$1$'1+I$4#X0(4#'#)3>T$3"#$/#33#4$+313#+8$MG)$2&3"$_#:$R&4I$%(37$1)<$ @"(/1<#/5"(1>$ :"(."$ "1?#$ &53#<$ 6&4$ 3"(+$ 1554&1.">$ :#$ "1?#$ )&3$ +##)$ 1)$ ().4#1+#$ ()$ 3"#$ 341=#.3&47$&6$3"#$K#/31$?14(1)3>T$Q7#4+$+17+$()$3"#$/#33#48 G)$ 3"#$ /1+3$ :##I$ &6$ a0/7>$ 3"#$ [8P8$ %#)3#4+$ 6&4$ K(+#1+#$ %&)34&/$ 1)<$ @4#?#)3(&)$ (++0#<$ 1$ 4#.&''#)<13(&)$ 3"13$ .(3(#+$ 1)<$ /&.1/$ =04(+<(.3(&)+$ :(3"$ dW$ )#:$ %O]GK$ .1+#+$ 5#4$ fWW>WWW$ 4#+(<#)3+$ 5#4$ :##I>$ :"(."$ 13$ 3"13$ 3('#$ ()./0<#<$ K8%8>$ +"&0/<$ 1+I$ 4#+(<#)3+$ 3&$ ?&/0)314(/7$ 4#+0'#$:#14()*$'1+I+$()<&&4+8$!"13$+1'#$:##I>$D&:+#4$1))&0).#<$+"#$:&0/<$*&$&)#$+3#5$ 6043"#4$ 27$ '1)<13()*$ 3"#$ ()<&&4$ 0+#$ &6$ '1+I+$ ()$ '&+3$ 502/(.$ 5/1.#+>$ ()./0<()*$ *7'+$ 1)<$ fitness spas or studios. D&:+#4$1)<$_#+2(33$+1(<$3"#(4$()3#)3(&)$:1+$3&$31I#$(''#<(13#$+3#5+$3&$.0431(/$3"#$+54#1<$ &6$3"#$.&4&)1?(40+$+&$3"13$3"#$.(37$:&0/<$)&3$2#$6&4.#<$3&$4#304)$3&$3"#$60//$+"03<&:)$'&<#>$ ()./0<()*$3"#$./&+()*$&6$20+()#++#+>$3"13$3"#$'17&4$/(63#<$#14/(#4$3"(+$7#148 Q147/1)<$-&?8$C1447$L&*1)$1)<$](4*()(1$-&?8$U1/5"$_&43"1'$1))&0).#<$3"#7$:&0/<$1+I$ 4#+(<#)3+$&6$3"#(4$+313#+$3&$.&)+(<#4$0+()*$'1+I+$()$.4&:<#<$()<&&4$+51.#+$1+$4#.&''#)<#<$ by the CDC, but said they would not re uire mas use. In their letter to Bowser and esbitt, the gym and fitness studio owners called on the mayor 3&$54&?(<#$3"#$+1'#$#H#'53(&)$3&$3"#(4$20+()#++#+$1+$3"#$.(37$"1+$54&?(<#<$6&4$4#+31041)3+>$ bars, and nightclubs, which re uires mas s e cept when patrons are eating and drin ing. M9"(/#$ (3$ (+$ 340#$ 3"13$ 214+>$ 4#+31041)3+>$ 1)<$ ./02+$ 3#.")(.1//7$ "1?#$ 3&$ 6&//&:$ 3"#$ +1'#$ 2 3 ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!+1*+,/3!44 5! 4 6 4 7 ! " ! -+ 1$ -! (/ #%

*0(<#/()#+>$:#$I)&:$3"13$()$541.3(.#>$3"#+#$?#)0#+$"1?#$2##)$*41)3#<$#H.#53(&)+$27$K8%8$ ealth, the letter says. n any given night, you can find hundreds of individuals crowded ()3&$1$[$P34##3$214>$13$1$%15(3&/$L(//$4#+31041)3>$&4$3"&0+1)<+$13$1$5#46&4'1).#$&4$51437$13$!"#$ S)3"#'$#)=&7()*$3"#'+#/?#+$g$+()*()*>$<1).()*$1)<$5"7+(.1//7$#H#43()*$3"#'+#/?#+>$+"&03()*$ g$'1+I/#++$g$+&$/&)*$1+$3"#7$"1?#$1$<4()I$+&'#:"#4#$)#1427>T$+17+$3"#$/#33#48 MS)<$3&$2#$0)#X0(?&.1//7$./#14>$:#$14#$)&3$1<?&.13()*$3"13$3"#4#$(+$1)73"()*$:4&)*$:(3"$ :"13$(+$"155#)()*$()$&3"#4$()<0+34(#+$&4$3"13$3"#4#$2#$1$."1)*#$3&$3"#$'1)1*#'#)3$&6$3"&+#$ ()<0+34(#+`?#)0#+>T$ 3"#$ /#33#4$ .&)3()0#+8$ M9#$ 14#$ +('5/7$ 1<?&.13()*$ 3"13$ :#$ 2#$ 34#13#<$ 3"#$ +1'#$1+$3"#7$14#8T he letter adds, inally, but perhaps most importantly, the mas mandate for fitness studios and gyms has resulted in devastating financial impact to these businesses many of which are +'1//$/&.1//7$&:)#<8T It says patronage has dropped percent for some of the fitness centers and gyms since 3"#$'17&4N+$'1+I$'1)<13#$3&&I$#66#.3$a0/7$Vh8$G3$5&()3+$&03$3"13$3"#$<4&5$()$.0+3&'#4+$.&'#+$ 13$1$3('#$:"#)$'1)7$&6$3"#+#$20+()#++#+$"1?#$+5#)3$3"&0+1)<+$&6$<&//14+$1)<$()$+&'#$.1+#+$ hundreds of thousands to upgrade their ventilation and filtration systems and other structural +3#5+$3&$.0431(/$3"#$+54#1<$&6$3"#$.&4&)1?(40+8 Q7#4+$3&/<$3"#$91+"()*3&)$D/1<#$()$1$+313#'#)3$3"13$)#(3"#4$3"#$K#5143'#)3$&6$L#1/3"$)&4$ the mayor s office replied directly to the gym and fitness studios letter. %"1))#/$i$_#:+$4#5&43#<$3"13$()$4#+5&)+#$3&$(3+$4#X0#+3$6&4$3"#$.(37N+$4#1.3(&)$3&$3"#$*7'$ and fitness studios concerns, the Department of ealth released a statement saying, D.C. ealth s stance is that persons should wear mas s in gyms and during this time we do not "1?#$5/1)+$3&$."1)*#$&04$+31).#$&)$3"(+$*0(<1).#8T In his statement to the Blade, yers said the D.C. gym and fitness studios were frustrated 1)<$<(+155&()3#<$3"13$3"#$.(37$13$3"(+$3('#$(+$)&3$&5#)$3&$4#.&)+(<#4()*$3"#$'1+I$'1)<13#$6&4$ gyms and fitness studios, many of which he said are barely surviving. M!"(+$ '1)<13#$ (+$ <(4#.3/7$ 166#.3()*$ 3"#$ /(?#/("&&<+$ &6$ 4#+(<#)3+$ &6$ 3"#$ K(+34(.3>$ '1)7$ &6$ :"&'$14#$:&'#)>$5#&5/#$&6$.&/&4>$1)<`&4$C-D!EF$()$1$5&/(.7$3"13$(+$+('5/7$)&3$#X0(312/#>$ 1)<$(+$+3##4()*$4#+(<#)3+$1:17$64&'$+#4?(.#+$3"13$.1)$"#/5$('54&?#$3"#$&?#41//$"#1/3"$&6$&04$ .&''0)(37>T$Q7#4+$+1(<8

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Conservatives blame pro trans policy after assaults in %&'(&')$65"&&36 ender uid

year old accused of attac ing female students


!"#$%&'(&')$*&')+,-$./0-$1'2345$65"&&3$6,6+#786$9#5#)+3,$/(&1+#($1&345,$ &:$/33&;4)<$6+'(#)+6$+&$'6#$+"#$2/+"9&&7$+"/+$7/+5"#6$+"#49$<#)(#9$4(#)+4+,$ has come under fire over the past two wee s by outraged parents and conservative political activists following reports that a year old gender uid boy allegedly se ually assaulted two girls in different high schools. he parents of one of the girls released a statement through the irginia based Stanley aw roup blaming school officials for failing to put in place safeguards to prevent the boy, who they say was dressed in a s irt, from #)+#94)<$+"#$<49386$2/+"9&&7$+&$/66/'3+$+"#49$(/'<"+#9$/+$=+&)#$>94(<#$?4<"$ =5"&&3$4)$@6"2'9)-$./0-$&)$A/,$BC0 he statement accuses oudoun County Schools officials and the oudoun County Board of Education of failing to ta e steps to prevent the same year old boy from allegedly se ually /66/'3+4)<$ /)&+"#9$ :#7/3#$ 6+'(#)+$ /+$ >9&/($ D')$ ?4<"$ School, also located in shburn, on ct. in a vacant 53/669&&70 School officials ac nowledge that the boy ;/6$ +9/)6:#99#($ +&$ +"#$ 6#5&)($ 65"&&3$ /:+#9$ 3/;$ #):&95#7#)+$ /'+"&94+4#6$ 9#3#/6#($ "47$ :9&7$ a uvenile detention facility following his arrest for the first case, in which the oudoun County Sheriff s ffice said he was charged ;4+"$+;&$5&')+6$&:$:&95#/23#$6&(&7,$/</4)6+$ his female victim. he se ual assault on our daughter and the subse uent se ual assault by the same individual were both predictable and preventable, the parents statement says. Subse uent to the se ual assault on &'9$ (/'<"+#9-$ %&'(&')$ *&')+,$ E'2345$ =5"&&36$ :&97/34F#($ +"#$ 1&345,$ 9#</9(4)<$ 9#6+9&&7$ '6#$ +"/+$ was easily e ploitable by a potential se ual assailant, the statement continues. Because of poor planning and misguided policies, oudoun Schools failed to institute even minimal safeguards to protect students from se ual assaults, says the statement. %&'(&')$*&')+,$=5"&&36$='1#94)+#)(#)+$=5&++$@0$G4#<3#9$/1&3&<4F#($/+$/)$ ct. news conference for what he ac nowledged was the school systems mishandling of the two se ual assault cases. e noted that school officials should have publicly disclosed the two cases or at least alerted parents at the time they occurred. But he said a federal civil rights law nown as itle I that mandates how schools must respond to cases of se ual harassment appeared to prevent oudoun school officials from initially disclosing the two cases of se ual assault until they were investigated by law enforcement /'+"&94+4#60 iegler said the school system was revamping its disciplinary procedures and its interaction with the oudoun Sheriff s ffice to ensure that parents /)($6+'(#)+6$/9#$/3#9+#($+&$1&+#)+4/3$(/)<#9$64743/9$+&$+"#$5/6#6$;"#9#$+"#$ year old boy allegedly assaulted the two female students. eanwhile, school officials and the B advocacy group E uality oudoun have pointed out that law enforcement officials have yet to confirm whether the year old boy charged in the two cases was actually dressed in women s clothes during the first incident or whether he is trans or gender uid. E uality oudoun s president, Cris Candice uc , released a statement to the Washington Blade on ct. that she said was the first official nown statement responding to the oudoun school controversy from an B &9</)4F/+4&)0

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In light of the reporting of recent se ual assault allegations, the Board of Directors of E uality oudoun wishes to e tend our deepest sympathies to the victims of these heinous attac s and their families, the statement says. E uality oudoun advocates for due process and ustice for the victims regardless of whether the alleged perpetrator was a member of the B community, the statement continues. Such actions have no place in our community, and E uality oudoun does not condone any form of se ual violence, assault, or harassment, it says. owever, the accusations that the alleged perpetrator of these assaults is transgender or gender uid have so far been unverified, the E uality oudoun statement asserts. ttempts to shift blame of this incident to any individual, group, or policy other than the alleged perpetrator does a grave disservice to the victims of +"#6#$ 5947#6$ /)($ /39#/(,$ 7/9<4)/34F#($ ,&'+"$ 4)$ &'9$ community. he statement adds, We remind those advocating for change to the laws and policies +"/+$ +"#$ 4)4+4/3$ /66/'3+$ 19#(/+#($ /),$ #)/5+7#)+$ of olicy by almost months. !"#$ HI'/34+,$ %&'(&')$ 6+/+#7#)+$ ;/6$ 9#:#994)<$+&$+"#$:/5+$+"/+$+"#$%&'(&')$*&')+,$ School Board did not vote to approve the 65"&&3$ 6,6+#786$ +9/)6$ )&)(4659474)/+4&)$ 1&345,$ ')+43$ @'<'6+$ &:$ +"46$ ,#/9-$ 7&9#$ +"/)$ three months after the first of the two se ual assault incidents occurred. !"#$ 1&345,-$ /7&)<$ &+"#9$ +"4)<6-$ /33&;6$ transgender and gender uid students to use the school bathrooms and loc er rooms that match +"#49$<#)(#9$4(#)+4+,0$!"#$1&345,$/36&$9#I'49#6$+"/+$ +#/5"#96-$ 65"&&3$ /(74)46+9/+&96$ /)($ :#33&;$ 6+'(#)+6$ address a trans or gender uid student by their chosen )/7#$/)($19&)&')60 Inadvertent slips in the use of names and pronouns may occur, the policy states. owever, staff or students who intentionally /)($1#9646+#)+3,$9#:'6#$+&$9#61#5+$/$6+'(#)+86$<#)(#9$4(#)+4+,$2,$'64)<$+"#$ wrong name and gender pronoun are in violation of this policy, it states. he statement says that rumors of a bathroom pilot program that predated the official approval of olicy that would have allowed female trans or gender uid students to use the girls bathrooms are simply untrue and were never put in place. J)$ /$ 6#1/9/+#$ 6+/+#7#)+$ +&$ +"#$ >3/(#-$ HI'/34+,$ %&'(&')86$ *946$ */)(45#$ uc challenged claims by some parents and conservative political activists, 6&7#$&:$;"&7$/9#$6'11&9+4)<$.49<4)4/86$KLE$<'2#9)/+&94/3$5/)(4(/+#$K3#))$ oung in over Democrat erry c ulliffe, that the trans nondiscrimination policy is placing students at ris for se ual assault. he adoption of nondiscrimination policies are in no way endangering students, Candice uc said. cross the country, se ual assaults have occurred in schools for decades before any transgender inclusive policies were passed, she said. nd in those counties and states where such protections have passed in recent years, there has been no verified incidence of anyone abusing such policies to commit such attac s in schools. Candice uc added, he focus should be on improving systems of reporting, coordination, and investigation, protecting the victims of these attac s, and creating safer school environments by creating moderni ed /9#/6$ /)($ 2/+"9&&76$ +"/+$ 4)59#/6#$ 19&+#5+4&)$ :&9$ /33$ 6+'(#)+6-$ 4)53'(4)<$ B students who are statistically more li ely to be the victim of such a crime.

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!/"/)&/"7$2'/("T1125(")*+",&-.)/*+"W&/*+&"C$V("&',"/)*"%&'" ephir believes to be Co s father ed the scene, ephir told /)*"H1&,*? D)*"B?C?"7$129*"2'92,*'/"+*7$+/("#)29)"125/5"/)*"&55&-1/"&5"&" suspected hate crime, says, ll three suspects then ed east 0$-',<"$'"/)*"LMOO"01$9I"$6"P$+/"D$//*'"B+?("J?T? E*7)2+" 5&2," )*" 2%%*,2&/*18" 9&11*," 7$129*(" #)$" &++23*," $'"/)*"59*'*"&',"/$$I"&"+*7$+/"$'"/)*"2'92,*'/?"D)*"+*7$+/" $0/&2'*,"08"/)*"H1&,*"125/5"/)*"2'92,*'/"&5"&"52%71*"&55&-1/(" #)29)"25"&"%25,*%*&'$+"-',*+"B?C?"1&#? H-/"E*7)2+"5&2,"&",*/*9/23*"#$+I2'."$'"/)*"9&5*"/$1,")2%"/)25" #**I"/)&/"7$129*"#*+*"1$$I2'."2'/$"57**,2'."-7"/)*"7+$9*55" $6" $0/&2'2'." #&++&'/5" 6$+" /)*" &++*5/" $6" /)*" /)+**" &//&9I*+5" 0&5*,("2'"7&+/("$'"/)*"2'[-+2*5"E*7)2+"5-66*+*,"6+$%"/)*"&//&9I?" R*"7+$32,*,"/)*"H1&,*"#2/)"&"%*,29&1"+*7$+/"255-*,"08"/)*" G&5)2'./$'"R$572/&1"C*'/*+("#)*+*")25"+$$%%&/*"/$$I")2%"/$" /)*"*%*+.*'98"+$$%"/)*",&8"6$11$#2'."/)*"&//&9I("2'"+*57$'5*" /$"5*3*+*"7&2'")*"#&5"*V7*+2*'92'."/$")25"6&9*"&',")*&,? D)*"+*7$+/"6+$%"/)*")$572/&1("#)29)"/+*&/*,"&',"+*1*&5*," him on ct. , says he was diagnosed as having a fractured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under active investigation. spo esperson for the ffice of

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Colin owell dies at , leaving mi ed legacy on Don t s , Don t ell ey figure once opposed gays in military, then bac ed review !-&./"0*&1#/2*#2&3&45678968:;<97=><?@A46B

of that process. dvocates of repeal called that a Colin owell, the first Blac secretary of state declaration of reversal, although the statement who served in top diplomatic and military roles in fell short of a full support for gay people serving .S. administrations, died onday of coronavirus openly in the military. at age , leaving behind a mi ed record on In the almost years since the Don t s , Don t s , Don t ell. Don t ell legislation was passed, attitudes and he world continues to grapple with the circumstances have changed, eneral owell pandemic and the public grows increasingly said in a statement issued by his office, adding, I frustrated with its persistence as many remain fully support the new approach presented to the unvaccinated despite the wide availability of Senate rmed Services Committee this wee by vaccines. owell was fully vaccinated, according Secretary of Defense ates and dmiral ullen. to a statement released upon his death. owell Congress acted to repeal Don t s , Don t reportedly suffered from multiple myeloma, a ell and the policy was lifted in . t the condition that hampers an individual s ability to time, owell was widely considered a supporter combat blood infections. of ending Don t s , Don t ell and publicly ising to the top of the military as chair of the counted among supporters of repeal, although oint Chiefs of Staff, owell supported in the Blade couldn t immediately find any Congress moving forward with Don t s , Don t statements from him to that effect. ell, a law that barred openly gay people from In , owell had similar vaguely supportive serving in the .S. military. words on same se marriage, saying he had no During a ey moment congressional testimony, .#'02&C#D(''!89:;9<!=9>?@A!:!B?C9A!89D:EF!G@!H.G@IJ!$<K5!.G@IJ!*9880I LM>GJG!NO=8?E!AGB:?@P problem with it when as ed about the issue. owell and other top military officials were as ed s I ve thought about gay marriage, I now a whether or not allowing gay people in the military lot of friends who are individually gay but are in partnerships with loved ones, and they would be compatible with military readiness. Each official, including owell, responded are as stable a family as my family is, and they raise children, owell said. nd so I don t incompatible. Congress would enact Don t s , Don t ell that year. see any reason not to say that they should be able to get married. hings changed when resident bama too office years later and advocates for he Blade also couldn t immediately find any statement from owell on transgender repeal of Don t s , Don t ell were eager to claim owell s voice among their ran s. fter people serving in the military. fter the bama administration in lifted decades old all, owell was highly respected as a bipartisan voice after having served as secretary of regulations against transgender service, former resident rump issued a ban by tweet state in the administration of eorge W. Bush and endorsing bama in the election. the following year. resident Biden reversed that ban and allowed transgender people to fter the bama administration in announced it would conduct a review of the serve and enlist in the military in his first year in office. idea of allowing gay people to serve openly in the military, owell came out in support

e as ouse approves anti trans youth sports bill

e as ouse epublicans were able to push through an anti trans youth sports measure late last wee after hours of emotional and at times rancorous debate, passing the bill in a vote along party lines. nder the provisions of e as ouse Bill , all trans student athletes in grades will be prohibited from competing on sports teams aligned with their gender identity. he bill will now head to the Senate, where it is e pected to pass. he e as ribune reported that the niversity Interscholastic eague, which governs school sports in e as, already re uires that an athlete s gender be determined by the se listed on their birth certificate. epublican ep. aloree Swanson Spring the author of B has said the bill would simply codify e isting I rules. owever, I recogni es any legally modified birth certificates. hat policy could accommodate someone who may have had their birth certificate changed to match their gender identity, which can sometimes be an arduous process. B would not allow recognition of these legally modified birth certificates unless changes were made because of a clerical error. It s not clear though how it will be determined if a birth certificate has been legally modified or not. ccording to the I , the process for chec ing student birth certificates is left up to schools and districts, not the I the ribune reported. o say that tonight s passage of B is devastating is an understatement. or the past grueling, e hausting, and deeply traumatic months, trans youth have been forced to debate their very e istence only to be met by the deaf ears and averted eyes of our state s leaders, andon ichie, a enderCool ro ect leader, niversity of ouston student and ransactivist told the Washington Blade after the vote. a e no mista e his bill will not only have detrimental impacts on trans youth, who already suffer immense levels of harassment and bullying in schools, but also on cisgender youth who don t conform to e as s idea of male or female. o trans ids

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everywhere you belong, you are loved, you are valued, you are deserving of dignity, respect, care, and the ability to live freely as your true and authentic selves, no matter where you are. We will never stop fighting for trans lives and a future where trans ids are une uivocally and unwaveringly celebrated for who they are, ichie said. he cruelty of this bill is breathta ing, and the legislators who are pushing it forward are doing irreparable harm to our state. e as is a place where people value freedom and respect for diversity. his bill is a betrayal of those cherished values, and future generations will loo bac on this moment in disbelief that elected officials supported such an absurd and hateful measure, Shannon inter, legal director for the ational Center for esbian ights told the Blade. he families of these ids deserve better, and the burden is now on the rest of us to do everything in our power to stop this dangerous bill now, he added. During the debate on the measure, state ep. ames alarico, D ound oc , a former middle school teacher, began his remar s by apologi ing to the trans ids and families who have gone to the Capitol time and time again this year. e tells the chamber he spea s now as a legislator, an educator, and a Christian. e uoted epublican ep. aloree Swanson Spring the author of B who said if one girl wins a game, it s worth it. e says he has a different moral yardstic . If one trans id dies for a trophy, this bill is grotes ue. e ended spea ing to his fellow believers in the chamber. he worst part in these hearings have been in hearing the Bible used against trans ids to support these bills. Even tonight, od s law was used to present an amendment. e then uoted the first two lines of the Bible, where od is referred to with two different ebrew words, one masculine one feminine. od is non binary. e then prevented an interruption in the chamber and continued telling trans ids that he loves them. !"#$%&'()(*+,(&

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+),-.)$".$A)'"2-.9$5"6#740&#$&82-#&*O$ R=0$'"2)4$5#"2$2;$8)4-#)$0"$4)#,)K rans official sworn in to .S. ublic ealth Service


!"#$ %&'()*$ +),-.)/$ 0()$ &11"-.02).0$ 0"$ ()#$ .)3$ #"*)$ &4$ &$ 5"6#740&#$ &82-#&*$ '"21*)2).0-.9$()#$):-40-.9$860-)4$&4$&44-40&.0$4)'#)0&#;$5"#$()&*0($-4$&."0()#$3&;$5"#$ the first openly transgender Senate confirmed presidential appointee to serve. <=$0(-.>$0(&0$0(-4$?640$#)&**;$'"2)4$5#"2$2;$8)4-#)$0"$4)#,)$-.$&**$'&1&'-0-)4/@$+),-.)$4&-8$ in an interview uesday with the Washington Blade. o serve the first day in my field "5$&'&8)2-'$2)8-'-.)$&.8$1)8-&0#-'4/$A60$0().$-.$B)..4;*,&.-&$&.8$."3$-.$0()$5)8)#&*$ government, and it furthers my ability to do that. +),-.)/$ CD/$ &*4"$ #)'"9.-E)8$ 0()$ -21"#0&.')$ "5$ 0()$ &11"-.02).0$ &4$ &$ 0#&.49).8)#$ person within the .S. ublic ealth Service, for which she was ceremonially sworn in ".$F6)48&; <=$0(-.>$5"#$0()$+GHFIJ$'"226.-0;/$-0$-4$&$56#0()#$4-9.$"5$1#"9#)44$&.8$"6#$1#)4-8).0K4$ commitment to e uity, to inclusion and diversity, evine said. So I thin that it is a very important milestone, and I m pleased to serve. s part of her duties, evine will lead an estimated , public health service officers 4)#,-.9$,6*.)#&A*)$1"16*&0-".4/$-.'*68-.9$8)1*";2).04$-.4-8)$&.8$"604-8)$0()$'"6.0#;$ 5"#$ '"226.-0-)4$ A)*)&96)#)8$ 3-0($ 0()$ '"#".&,-#64/$ &''"#8-.9$ 0"$ 0()$ L)1&#02).0$ "5$ ealth uman Services. he role involves wor ing closely with .S. Surgeon eneral ive urphy, whom evine called her friend and colleague. he .S. ublic ealth Service, evine said, has deployed many, many times, -.'*68-.9$ -04$ 9#)&0)40$ .62A)#$ ),)#$ "5$ 8)1*";2).04$ 0"$ ,6*.)#&A*)$ 1"16*&0-".4$ 86#-.9$ the coronavirus pandemic. mong the places the service has deployed, evine said, was in her home state of ennsylvania, where she recently served as secretary of health. ot only is evine the first openly transgender person to serve in the uniformed health service as a four star general, but she s also the first woman to serve in that capacity. <M)$(&,)$C/NNN$8)8-'&0)8$'"22-00)8$16A*-'$4)#,&.04$#)&**;$&**$5"'64)8$".$"6#$.&0-".K4$ health, and they serve in details to the CDC and the D and the I , but also clinically with the Indian ealth Service, and the federal prison system, evine said. hey re also 8)0&-*)8$ &.8$ 8)1*";)8$ 0(#"69("60$ 0()$ '"6.0#;/$ &.8$ 0();$ 8)1*";)8$ *->)$ .),)#$ A)5"#)$ for C ID as well as the border, as well as dealing with oods and hurricanes and tornadoes. lthough the ublic ealth Service is primarily focused on addressing public health disasters within the nited States, evine said it has a record of deployments overseas, including years ago when it was deployed to frica under the threat of Ebola. Secretary of ealth uman Services avier Becerra had high praise for evine in a statement upon news of ta ing on a leadership position in the service. his is a proud moment for us at S, Becerra said. dm. evine a highly &''"21*-4()8$1)8-&0#-'-&.$3("$()*14$8#-,)$"6#$&9).';K4$&9).8&$0"$A""40$()&*0($&'')44$ and e uity and to strengthen behavioral health is a cherished and critical partner in our wor to build a healthier merica. +),-.)/$("3),)#/$3&4$'&#)56*$0"$8#&3$&$8-40-.'0-".$A)03)).$()#$&11"-.02).0$3-0(-.$ the ublic ealth Service and being a service member within the .S. armed forces. <=0$ -4$ ."0$ &$ 2-*-0&#;$ A#&.'(/$ -0K4$ ."0$ 0()$ &#2)8$ 5"#')4O$ =0K4$ &$ 6.-5"#2)8$ 5"#')/$ 4"$ -0K4$ different, evine said. or e ample, the rmy, the avy, our military, there are two other uniformed branches, and that is ours, the nited States ublic ealth Service Commissioned Corps and . F()$ .)3$ #"*)/$ +),-.)$ 4&-8/$ 3"6*8$ '"21*)2).0$ ()#$ 860-)4$ &4$ &44-40&.0$ 4)'#)0&#;$ 5"#$ health. lthough not only secretaries of health have been commissioned to ta e the 6.-5"#2/$ +),-.)$ 4&-8$ 4()$ 3&.0)8$ 0"$ 6.8)#0&>)$ 0(&0$ &4$ 1&#0$ "5$ ()#$ #"*)$ -.$ 0()$ H-8).$ administration.

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F()$ 03"$ &11"-.02).04$ 3)#)$ ."0$ 4-26*0&.)"64/$ +),-.)$ 4&-8/$ A)'&64)$ "5$ &$ 9).)#&*$ process she undertoo , which was completed ust this wee . It hasn t been an easy road for evine. During her Senate confirmation process, when 4()$3&4$("6.8)8$A;$&.0-70#&.49).8)#$&00&'>4$-.$'".4)#,&0-,)$2)8-&$&.8$#68)/$-.,&4-,)$ uestioning by Sen. and aul y. on her gender identity. evine, however, said she hasn t encountered any hostility regarding her new role as of now and shrugged off any potential attac s in the future and said the move is about her career to serve and to help people. <=K,)$'".0-.6)8$0(&0$5"#$"6#$.&0-".$&4$0()$&44-40&.0$4)'#)0&#;$5"#$()&*0($&.8$0(-4$-4$?640$ a further demonstration of my commitment to service, evine said. I don t now what others will say, but that s the genesis of my wanting to serve in the nited States ublic ealth Service Commissioned Corps, and to place on the uniform. +),-.)K4$.)3$&11"-.02).0$'"2)4$4("#0*;$&50)#$&$9#"61$"5$L)2"'#&0-'$4).&0"#4$*)8$A;$ Sen. Chris urphy D Conn. sent her a letter dated Sept. calling on her and iriam L)*1(-.7%-002"./$&44-40&.0$4)'#)0&#;$5"#$2).0&*$()&*0($&.8$46A40&.')$64)/$0"$-446)$.)3$ guidance for hospital or residential care on mental health needs of transgender people. P4>)8$ &A"60$ 0()$ *)00)#/$ +),-.)$ 4&-8$ 2).0&*$ ()&*0($ -446)4$ &#)$ 6.8)#$ 0()$ &60("#-0;$ "5$ Delphin ittmon and the two will wor together and we will respond. Specifically, the senators in the letter call on the Behavioral ealth Coordinating Council, or B CC, and e perts in the field of adolescent trans care to offer guidance on best practices for inpatient mental health care among these youth. s ed what the response will loo li e, evine said, We re going to wor on that. <M)$3-**$A)$*"">-.9$&0$3(&0$0();K#)$&4>-.9$5"#$&.8$0()$#)Q6-#)2).04/$&.8$3)K**$0&*>$3-0($ them and the sta eholders and we ll loo to issue appropriate guidance, evine said.

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Buttigieg calls out uc er Carlson over attac ppearing remotely on S BC s icolle Wallace s politics program last wee , .S. ransportation Secretary ete Buttigieg called out o ews host uc er Carlson for the attac on his parental leave. his attac is coming from a guy who has yet to e plain his apparent approval for the assassination of arvey il , Buttigieg said. During his hursday evening program Carlson said, ete Buttigieg has been on leave from his ob since ugust after adopting a child paternity leave, they call it trying to figure out how to breastfeed. o word on how that went. But now he s bac in office as the transportation secretary and he s deeply amused, he says, to see that do ens of container ships can t get into this country. !"#$$%&'()&"!

X5*5'#HD<=E9HBDBF9<' Secretary ('"'%23""040'4 8D='GHFBFGFY;A'CV'Z9['!;8='P9H' BDOF<Q'EDB;H<FBV'@;DK;5 (Blade file photo)

Biden endorses oem for re election resident Biden on uesday endorsed irginia state Del. Danica oem D anassas for re election. Spea er Eileen iller Corn D airfa County is among the other Democratic members of the irginia ouse of Delegates who Biden bac ed. Biden in his tweet also stressed his support of erry c uliffe, who is running against epublican lenn oung in to succeed Democratic ov. alph ortham. Building bac better starts in the states, tweeted Biden. Since ipping the legislature in , irginia Democrats have been a model of progress including helping us vaccinate fol s to beat the pandemic. o eep our progress, we must elect erry c uliffe

Virginia state Del. .#/01#%&)'* J4N6D<D==D=M'=E;DO=' B9'=?EE9HB;H='P9@@98F<Q'>;H'H;N;@;GBF9<'9<'!9K5'R0'/1ST5' UH;=FA;<B'-FA;<'>D=';<A9H=;A'>;H'P9H'H;N;@;GBF9<5 J-@DA;'E>9B9'CV'6FG>D;@'W;VM

and Democrats up and down the ballot. oem, a former ournalist, in became the first openly transgender person seated in any state legislature in the .S. Biden called oem on the night she defeated then state Del. Bob arshall and congratulated her. Washington ost picture that showed oem crying moments later went viral. he anassas Democrat who represents the th District in easily won re election. Christopher Stone, the epublican who is running against oem in this cycle, opposes marriage and adoption rights for same se couples. !"#$$%&'()&"!

Daily Wire host says gays, lesbians shouldn t be allowed to adopt nti B Daily Wire podcast and ou uber att Walsh oined the growing chorus of far right and conservative voices outraged that .S. Secretary of ransportation ete Buttigieg went on paternity leave from his ob in ugust after he and his husband Chasten adopted two children.

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n his show onday Walsh not only critici ed Buttigieg, but he attac ed same se couples adopting children altogether. It s absurd for any public employee, paid on ta payer dime, to be given that much time off. ow, you can ma e an argument for women on maternity leave but not for men. aternity leave is a nice lu ury for private companies that can afford it. he .S. government is not a private company it s a public institution, deeply in debt, failing in ust about every way and everywhere. So this is not a time and not the place for those inds of lu uries. But that s the somewhat safer point to ma e, right ou are in a much more ha ardous place, you are in more ha ardous waters when you go away from that and, instead, you start saying mildly critical things about paternity leave in general as a concept. I also didn t say that there s nothing at all for a man to do for his family after a child is born. I said that as far as caring for the newborn himself, most of that is going to be done by the mother. She, in most cases, will be feeding the child. he child also needs and wants his mother s presence, his mother s touch, her voice. he father should be interacting with the baby also, obviously, but the infant is far more focused on his mother at that age. nd needs his mother more. here is no mother in the Buttigieg household, but that doesn t change the point here. Babies need their mothers, which is why two men shouldn t be allowed to adopt babies in the first place. nd the outrage mob can now start a secondary campaign over that comment. But I ll say it again. wo men should not be allowed to adopt babies because babies need mothers. hey also need fathers, which is why two women shouldn t be allowed either. !"#$$%&'()&"!

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police officer told the amaica leaner. he amaica leaner reported a year +,-# .)"# /"# A5:# 0).(2# B)*/23# -/2)44()*(-# /"# 0)"E)*'# GHGH# )75(*# 3(# 8("5# 5+# .((5# 2+.(+"(# 8/53# 83+.# 3(# 3)-# 24+C("# +"# )# 9)'# -)5/"9# 8(<2/5(:# !E53+*/5/(2# ,)5(*# 7+E"-# the man s body, and two men have been 13)*9(-#8/53#3/2#.E*-(*: I/+,("1(# )9)/"25# JK>DL# 0).)/1)"2# *(.)/"2# 1+..+"4,)1(:# M+"2("2E),# 2).(& 2(N#2(NE),#*(,)5/+"2#),2+#*(.)/"#1*/./"),/6(-# /"#53(#1+E"5*': 0&OJ!K?#)#0).)/1)"#JK>DL#*/9352#9*+E4?# 3)2#1+"-(."(-#53(#,)5(25#)55)1C: PJ/C(# ),,# 8(,,&53/"C/"9# 0).)/1)"2# )5# 53/2# 5/.(?#0OJ!K#/2#+E5*)9(-#)5#53(#*(1("5#)55)1C# +"#)"#$%&'()*&+,-#.)"#/"#A5:#0).(2?F#58((5(-# 0&OJ!K# +"# AE"-)':# PQ/2# )55)1C(*2# .E25# <(# <*+E935#5+#RE25/1(:F !"#$%&'()*('%+&,-

Botswana official see s to recriminali e homose uality B E, Botswana n une , , Botswana moved toward being a state that no longer held some of its citi ens and, by e tension, visitors as criminals if they identified within the B spectrum. owever, the government didn t ta e too long <(7+*(# /5# -(1,)*(-# /52# /"5("5/+"# 5+# )44(),# 53(# Q/93# M+E*5# RE-9.("5# 53)5# )22(*5(-# 53)5# consensual same se se ual activity in private was not to be a criminal act. D3(#)44(),#3()*/"9#5++C#4,)1(#+"#;15:#$G: D3(*(#)*(#2+.(#C('#53/"92#5+#E"-(*25)"-#)<+E5#83)5#53(#Q/93#M+E*5#-/-#7+*#4(+4,(# in Botswana. he udgment, written and delivered by ustice eburu, not only put a clear delineation <(58(("# 53(# 25)5(@2# 4+8(*2# 5+# /"5*E-(# /"# 4(+4,(@2# private se ual lives, but it also stated that laws that served no purpose in the governance of the people they oversaw were most li ely worthy of a museum peg more than being active laws of the land. In the hearing on ct. , a full bench of five RE-9(2# +7# 53(# M+E*5# +7# !44(),# 8)2# 5*()5(-# 5+# 53(# government s case as presented by advocate A'-"('#B/,)"(#+7#53(#!55+*"('#K("(*),@2#M3).<(*2S ),+"9# 8/53# 3()*/"9# 53(# *(<E55),2# 7*+.# 53(# ,(9),# 1+E"2(,# *(4*(2("5/"9# J(528(,(52(# =+523/-/(.)"9?# 83+# <*+E935# 53(# +*/9/"),# 1)2(# )9)/"25# 53(# government, and E BIB , an admitted as )./1E2#1E*/)(?#)#7*/("-#+7#53(#1+E*5:#D3(#)44(),?#58+# years in the ma ing, would have been e pected 5+# <(# <)2(-# +"# 7)152# *)53(*# 53)"# +4/"/+"2# +7# 83)5# 1+E,-# )"-# 1+E,-# "+5# <(# )11(45(-# <'# 3'4+53(5/1),# Batswana. ilane even went so far as to contest that B*(2/-("5#=+C98((52/#=)2/2/@2#E55(*)"1(2#)<+E5#3+8#4(+4,(#/"#2).(&2(N#*(,)5/+"23/42# 8(*(#P2E77(*/"9#/"#2/,("1(F#8(*(#5)C("#+E5#+7#1+"5(N5#)2#3(#8)2#5),C/"9#)<+E5#9("-(*& based violence and not endorsing their relationships. D3(#GH$T#*E,/"9#+7#53(#Q/93#M+E*5?#53(#.+25#2E4*(.(#1+E*5#+7#/"1/-("1(#/"#53(#1+E"5*'?# "+5#+",'#-(1,)*(-#4(+4,(#83+#8(*(#+*#3)-#/"5(*(25#/"#("9)9/"9#/"#1+"2("2E),#2).(&2(N# se ual activity not criminals, but it also allowed non ueer people to engage in se acts 53)5#8+E,-#+53(*8/2(#<(#1+"2/-(*(-#P)9)/"25#53(#+*-(*#+7#")5E*(F#7*((,':#D3(#,)55(*#1,)E2(# 3)-# +75("# <(("# /"5(*4*(5(-# )2# <(/"9# 2+,(,'# )<+E5# "+"&3(5(*+2(NE),2# <E5# +"# 9*()5(*# /"5(**+9)5/+"#+"(#*(),/6(2#53)5#)"'#2(N#)15#53)5#-+(2"@5#*(2E,5#/"#53(#1*()5/+"#+7#)#13/,-# was considered against this order of nature and that nullified much of heterose ual 2(NE),# (N4,+*)5/+"S7E*53(*# 4)/"5/"9# 53(2(# 1,)E2(2# )2# +E5# +7# 5+E13# 8/53# 1+"5(.4+*)*'# >+528)")#)2#J(<E*E#(N4*(22(-: In some of his appeal arguments, ilane stated that Batswana do not have a problem

8/53# 9)'# 4(+4,(F?# '(5# 3(# <)2(-# 3/2# 1+"5("5/+"# +"# 53(# 7)15# 53)5# >)528)")# P*(24(15# 53(# 1+E*52@# -(1/2/+"2UF# )2# 2E13# 53('# 8+E,-# "+5# 5)C(# E4# )*.2# )5# 53(# 1+E*5@2# -(1/2/+"# 5+# decriminali e consensual same se se ual activity. ilane maintained that the decision 5+#-(1*/./"),/6(#23+E,-#<(#,(75#5+#53(#B)*,/).("5#+"#53(#*(1+..("-)5/+"#+7#53(#1+E*52:# he bench was swift to uery whether a body of politicians elected by a ma ority would be the best representatives of a minority that was oppressed by laws that the very politicians benefitted from. >+528)")@2#,(9),#2'25(.#),,+82#7+*#53(#Q/93#M+E*5# *E,/"9# 5+# *(.)/"# 53(# ,)8# +7# 53(# ,)"-# E"5/,# 2E13# )# 4+/"5#)2#/5@2#25*E1C#-+8":#D3(#M+E*5#+7#!44(),#*E,/"9# in favor of Batswana s se ual liberties will be a nail in the proverbial coffin of residual colonial se related ,)82#4,)9E/"9#>+528)"):#D3/2#8/,,#"+5#<(#53(#("-#<'# )"'#.()"2#53+E93:#V3(*(#53(#)55+*"('#9("(*),#1)"# 7+*.#)#1)2(#25)5/"9#53)5#-(1*/./"),/6/"9#1+"2("2E),# 2).(&2(N# *(,)5/+"2# 1+E,-# <(# ,/C("(-# 5+# 4(+4,(# loc ing themselves in their houses with animals and having their way with them, we now that ./"-2(5# 13)"9(2# "((-# 5+# <(# 4*/+*/5/6(-# 5+# ("2E*(# 53)5# ),,# >)528)")# E"-(*25)"-# 53(/*# 1+"25/5E5/+"),,'# protected rights to privacy, e pression, and 7*((-+.#+7#)22+1/)5/+"#)2#*(,)5(2#5+#53(/*#4(*2+"),# and se ual lives. D3(# GH$H# W.4,+'.("5#!15# +7# >+528)")# ),*()-'# 4*+5(152# 4(+4,(# 7*+.# <(/"9# -/21*/./")5(-# )9)/"25# <)2(-#+"#53(/*#2(N#+*#9("-(*#/-("5/5':#D3(#")5/+"@2# se ual violence laws were made gender neutral, thus covering non consensual se rape in all its possibilities. In upholding the ruling +7# 53(# Q/93# M+E*5?# 53(# M+E*5# +7# !44(),# 8/,,# ),,+8# 53(# JK>DL# )"-# A;KXWAM# Y2(NE),# orientation, gender identity and e pression and se characteristics movements in >+528)")# 2+.(# *(24/5(# )2# )55("5/+"# /2# 53("# 13)""(,(-# 5+8)*-# +53(*# 4*(22/"9# .)55(*2# 2E13#)2#").(#13)"9(2?#)11(22#5+#3(),531)*(?#)"-#+53(*#1E,5E*),,'#4(*5/"("5#/22E(2: D3(# M+E*5# +7# !44(),# /2# (N4(15(-# 5+# 3)"-# -+8"# )# RE-9(.("5# 7+,,+8/"9# 53(/*# deliberations in wee s mid to late ovember , however, this remains at their -/21*(5/+":#!2#/5#25)"-2?#2/"1(#53(#Q/93#M+E*5#*E,/"9#/"#GH$T?#>+528)")#3)2#(N4(*/("1(-# increased social accommodation for B matters and figures however, this is not to say there have not been any negative instances. With the continued sensiti ation, the e pectation is that the courts, the government and players will all contribute to a broad, national, culturing of B rights in Botswana devoid of colonial residues. )%.'&/0()()0'%12%1&3)&-45"'&

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+9(-:&#;"<=#9(-:&#3100:#?0(%D"# .(B100:"#018$?5 final act of redemption

3'1#018$?5#(*#@1-1)$0#A(0!-#.(B100#!"#?(C70!?$&1D#*()#&'("1#!-#&'1#E@F3G#?(CC%-!&5>#H-# the one hand, we celebrate that owell was the first frican merican chairman of the oint A'!1*"#(*#4&$**#$-D#41?)1&$)5#(*#4&$&1>#H-#&'1#(&'1)=#'1#!"#$0"(#&'1#71)"(-#B'(#D!"(/151D#&'1# strategic choice of his Commander in Chief, Bill Clinton, on gays in the military. .(B100#"&((D#(-#&'1#"&17"#(*#&'1#.1-&$8(-#)17()&!-8#'(B#C$-5#?$00"#'$D#/11-#)1?1!I1D# opposing lifting the ban. e testified before the Senate rmed Services Committee that the service of openly gay troops would harm unit cohesion. e argued that race was a benign characteristic and being gay was not. Congress codified into statute what had been a )18%0$&()5#/$-#(-#8$5"#!-#&'1#C!0!&$)5=#C$<!-8#&'1#0$B#&'$&#C%?'#'$)D1)#&(#?'$-81>#;0C("&# , lesbian, gay and bise ual service members were dismissed under Don t s , Don t ell, a rate of two four service members every day. Some were sub ects of witch hunts. H&'1)"#*$?1D#?)!C!-$0#?'$)81">#,$-5#1-D%)1D#'$)$""C1-&=#$""$%0&#$-D#&')1$&">#.)!I$&1#J!)"&# A0$""#F$))5#K!-?'100#B$"#C%)D1)1D> ,!?'1001#F1-1?<1#$-D#L#<-1B#B'1-#B1#*(%-D1D#41)I!?1C1C/1)"#E18$0#91*1-"1#M1&B()<# that for Don t s , Don t ell to be repealed, we would have to either win the support or -1%&)$0!N1#&'1#(77("!&!(-#(*#.(B100=#(-1#(*#&'1#7)1I!(%"05#%-D!"?0("1D#"&)$&18!1"#D1"?)!/1D# in my new boo , ission ossible. ichelle and I first met him at the rlington, a., '1$DO%$)&1)"#(*#;C1)!?$:"#.)(C!"1>#K1#(**1)1D#&(#/)!1*#'!C#(-#&'1#/$-:"#!C701C1-&$&!(-# as he was being as ed on the Sunday shows about the law s efficacy. e agreed to see us. he uestion was whether we could find common ground on which to build a new consensus. y theory was that owell genuinely believed that Don t s , Don t ell was a better policy than the one before it. fter all, he had testified before the Senate, We will not as , we will not witch hunt, we will not see to learn orientation. eneral owell, I said, we have received nearly a thousand calls from service members B'(#'$I1#/11-#!C7$?&1D#/5#+9(-:&#;"<=#9(-:&#3100>:#K1#'$I1#D(?%C1-&1D#&'$&#C("&#$)1# being as ed point blan about their se ual orientation in contravention of Don t s . hat s not supposed to happen, he said. hat was our first conversation. We might have been able to better enforce some of the meager gains under Don t s , Don t ell if we had been able to prevail upon owell to help us, but he wasn t ready. In , he told een In maga ine that while discrimination is wrong, I thin it s a different matter with respect to the military, because you re essentially told who you re 8(!-8#&(#0!I1#B!&'=#B'(#5(%:)1#8(!-8#&(#"0117#-1P&#&(>Q our years later, he called me, prompted by an opinion essay in he ew or imes that I had sent him. Second houghts on ays in the ilitary written by retired rmy eneral ohn Shali ashvili, owell s successor as chairman of the oint Chiefs called for repeal of Don t s , Don t ell. owell and I spo e for minutes. I agree with eneral Shali ashvili that merica has changed and is ready for gays to serve openly, he said. y heart leapt. I $C#-(&#?(-I!-?1D=#'(B1I1)=#&'$&#C!0!&$)5#?(CC$-D1)"#$)1#)1$D5#*()#&'$&#?'$-81>Q#,5#'1$)&# "%-<> It was clear to me, though, that he was moving in the right direction. I put it on the line. Sir, you will be a critical voice on Don t s , Don t ell when it comes up for debate again. L#-11D#5(%#&(#"%77()&#)171$0#!*#B1#$)1#8(!-8#&(#B!->#9(#5(%#<-(B#&'$&RQ es, he said. inally, on eb. , , months before final repeal of Don t s , Don t ell, and days after dmiral i e ullen had testified before the Senate that he supported repeal of Don t s , Don t ell, owell released a statement. If the chiefs and commanders are comfortable with moving to change the policy, then I support it. ttitudes and circumstances have changed. Society is re ected in the military. It s where we get our soldiers from. he stage was set for final repeal. K1#&((#(*&1-#0((<#*()#'1)(1"#$-D#I!00$!-"#B'1-#&'1#)1?()D#?$-#/1#?(C70!?$&1D>#.(B100# D1"1)I1"#(77)(/)!%C#*()#D1*5!-8#A0!-&(-=#)$005!-8#(77("!&!(-=#$-D#$00(B!-8#ST=TTT#&)((7"# under his command to suffer the indignity of Don t s , Don t ell. e deserves credit, &'(%8'=#*()#?'$-8!-8#'!"#C!-D>#L#$DC!)1D#'!"#B!00!-8-1""#&(#"71$<#B!&'#C1#(I1)#-1$)05#&B(# decades. I find that the best leaders engage in a lifelong process of learning and challenging $""%C7&!(-">#.(B100#B!00#)1?1!I1#D1"1)I1D#$??(0$D1"#*()#'!"#"1)I!?1#&(#(%)#-$&!(-=#/%&#*()#%"=# his legacy includes a profound betrayal with a final act of redemption.


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FOR THE PRICE OF 6 HOURS, HAVE A DESTINATION WEEKEND, JUST 2 HOURS FROM D.C. ! "#! $ % & ' ( ( )' ( * ( + ' , '-. / 0 1 2 3#! 2 $ 4 . 5 %6"! 7' , ' ! "


is a D.C. based writer. e contributes regularly to the Blade.

What do the gays do about aceboo

We are hopelessly hoo ed on dangerous social media et me ust put all my cards on the table I en oy aceboo . I get a lot out of it. Instagram, not so much. But I thin that s more of a generational thing. But after recent events, I ust feel a little ic y about it all. I mean, don t !"#$% fter the damning and didn t we now all along Senate testimony by former aceboo employee rances augen, being on aceboo ust seems, well, a little gross. es, I now the irony that I am critici ing aceboo via a column that will ultimately be shared on aceboo , so don t bother pointing that out. he long and short of it evidence shows that aceboo is lying to us all about ma ing any real progress against hate speech, violence, and the spread of misinformation. nd aren t those all red ags for the ueer community Essentially, aceboo isn t ust harmful to the self, but to whole groups and even societies. he parallels between this and the ueer community are obvious ones. gain, aren t our physical safety and overall wellbeing fairly paramount issues for the ueer community a e this one point for e ample the evidence of harm to ourselves by ourselves. ccording to the documents augen supplied, aceboo s sister company Instagram essentially ma es . of teen girls have thoughts of suicide. ave there been any thoughts on how social media might be impacting B teens ccording to the revor ro ect s study, of B teens attempted suicide in the past year. orty percent had thoughts about it. Both numbers are staggeringly high on their own and also staggeringly higher than for their straight counterparts. I would li e to now what role social media plays in this. But, li e augen s Senate testimony, I thin we all now the answer to that already. What with bullying and the spread of hate speech, it simply can t be good. nd that s ust the issue of self harm. What about the other issues of hate speech and misinformation es, the ueer community has en oyed greater social acceptance in merica. But that is by no means universal. a e the plight of trans teens, last year one of the far right s go to punching bags and boogey men this time for the non issue of high school sports. al about the spread of misinformation. I could enlighten us all by doing a deep dive on the right s social presence, spreading their general tal ing points on the trans community, but such an e ercise would be both stomach churning and time consuming. s for ueer adults, I m not sure if things can be much better. ou sometimes hear that life is ust high school with money. o that I would add then gay men can be at times that mean group of eighth grade girls. es, it s true. We can be pretty damn ugly to one another. aceboo and Instagram clearly aren t helping any of this. But can we let it go ren t we all hoo ed Sometimes you ll hear when someone snaps a picture of a group event or party, post it on aceboo or it didn t happen. ranted you don t hear this much anymore as so many fol s, especially younger gays, have drifted off to other platforms, but honestly is there much of a difference nd to post it or it didn t happen Who is that for but those who weren t there Who nows what will happen I mean, what with octogenarian superstars Sens. Chuc rassley and Diane einstein on this, I m sure meaningful reform and oversight are ust over the hori on. aybe it s time we start policing ourselves Demanding better from our community on social media first I m wondering what that might loo li e. ntil then, I guess we ll ust eep scrolling, li e we have been doing. ver and over and over.

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!"#$%&'('")*+,-&%./01+23/+40%5+%&2/0+/5"+"6+,4+7'5)/0"%1+'*+23/+0/*'4/82+40%5+9)//8+%2+ 23/+!%&2'#"0/+,%5&/+%84+3"*2/**+"6+:!;<=<>?@A+/./0B+C%2)04%BD C3/E&&+%&*"+$/+%2+:F0%5+>84/050")84A+%2+F)G"82+>84/050")84+"8+<(2D+HH+%84+*3/+3%*+ recurring brunches at ire y and ercy e in D.C. he ne t is ct. . Starting ne t month, she ll be at Drag Social at allBoy every other onday. er show Superstar, derailed by the pandemic, features up and coming drag talent and will be bac at Songbyrd s new location starting ov. . She says performing in the C ID era has been a game changer. It s definitely not the same, E laver says. erformers and audiences are still ta ing heavy precautions while the virus and its variants are still there. any venues still re uire mas s and proof of vaccination. I wor as an in my day ob so I now this nightmare isn t over yet for sure. igueroa, a native of the hilippines, came to the Baltimore area more than a decade ago to wor at ercy edical Center. e and husband Ivn anahan live in anover, d., with their omeranians Bogart and Bertha. ollow Bombalicious at bombalicious.e laver on Instagram. D


!"#$%&'()%./,)ico ico


ico ico, the drag alter ego of enni Serrano, is a life long D.C. area native proud of his Salvadorean heritage. is style is pun roc , genderfuc and a whole lot of atin avor, he says. Serrano has been doing drag since anuary . I always loved drag and was inspired by local drag performers, but I didn t see enough performers li e me, Serrano says. ing, alternative, atin , gender uid, etc. I didn t feel represented, so I chose to represent myself. Serrano says ico saved my life. I ve been through a lot of trauma as a ueer person, they says. ico allowed me to e press that pain through art. It ma es me so happy and alive. oo for Serrano on alloween at DI Bar. Serrano performs in various spots in the region and is active in ueer atin events. Serrano, who identifies as gender uid and pan, wor s by day as a stylist at Bang Salon etropole. ollow him ingricopico on Instagram. D


!"#$%&'()%0123reddie s ollies

GGG!%0!4H<I!%J0 $<KD:LJM:5!N@0 O<;IID;PQ;@ERQ@<0EMS 8/IDJM<TP!1RMDE;?!3;I!,;@<TP!.<@L!,D:LMB he reddie s ollies Drag Show is every Saturday at p.m. at reddie s Beach Bar rd St., rlington, a. and boasts the best drag entertainment the D has to offer. Cast regulars are longtime D.C. area drag legends Destiny B. Childs, onet Dupree, atiyanna oche and phelia Bottoms along with a rotating cast of guests. eservations, which are not re uired but encouraged if you want a table seat, can be made at freddiesbeachbar.com or . D


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Put Vaccines On Your Back-to-School List Vaccines are the best protection against vaccine-preventable diseases. All DC students must have their immunizations up-to-date before the next school year begins.

The COVID-19 vaccine is also available for eligible age groups.


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C3HII>;KHLG!1<;M!N<;O>;5!*API!*<Q>;IJ Dusty artine , celebrating his fifth year at rade as bartender general manager, is glad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itchers launched in and bills itself as a sports bar restaurant for the B I community where all are welcome. L7/4#(N-34(\4##%PP-(*-+*('")/&*(-#4(*2$72+(&4'')/&(I*$947"-'(.-1E('$(/$#9-2;J I@4("-34/D'(5%22+(.$%/140(.-1E(+4',J("4(*-+*;(I@4(*')22("-34('$(6-+($55(2$-/*(-/0()'D*("-#0( '$(E446()/34/'$#+(.41-%*4($5('"4(1$/*'-/'(*"$#'-&4($5(6#$0%1'*;J ecurring events include ]( !")#*'( !#-6( !"%#*0-+*( 54-'%#4( -( #$'-')/&( 1-*'( $5( 0#-&( 4/'4#'-)/4#*( -/0( )*( "$*'40( .+( M4/%*(M-2"-22-(-/0(G-E4(4-1"(744E(5#$9(^_<R(6;9; Blac riday, featuring drag performers of color, is the first riday of each month at <R(6;9; Show tunes is all day every Sunday in the irst Base area. \)'1"4#*()*($64/(@40/4*0-+*('"#$%&"(>%/0-+*;(\#$$5($5(3-11)/-')$/(#48%)#40(5$#(4/'#+;( F[NH

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"Thank you for your vote as Best Gay Clergy 2021" Bishop Abrams Empowerment Liberation Cathedral Sunday Virtual Worship at 11A

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"!2#12`%/'!2'a.3%'S( ! "#! $ % & ' ( ( )' ( * ( + ' , '-. / 0 1 2 3#! 2 $ 4 . 5 %6"! 7' , ' ! "

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! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!+1*+,/3!44 5! 4 6 4 7

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Bring your vision to 10 acres in a prime Sussex County location! This amazing venue delivers spacious, welcoming 4≠ bedroom farmhouse with a relaxing screened porch and beautiful outdoor spaces surrounded by mature trees. Currently self≠ sustaining with organically cultivated lands including raised wooden garden beds, developing truffle orchard & so much MORE!ñ ≠ all with well irrigation and a spacious greenhouse. Hardwood fl ooring throughout the fi rst level, upgraded kitchen, HVAC with UV light cleaning system. Property offers unlimited potential for your enjoyment ≠ and business and recreational ideas. Consider a B&B with space for entertaining; yoga studio and wellness retreat or your own farmette...you decide! Tons of potential with both privacy and proximity to the best of coastal life!


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Fall In Love With Your Home !"#$ %&'$()$ *++, -)&$+' .''"&,$

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Keyboard ConversationsÆ with Jeffrey Siegel

Jerusalem Quartet

Featuring Pinchas Zukerman, violin/viola and Amanda Forsyth, cello Sunday, Nov. 7 at 4 p.m.

Performing Romantic≠ era works by Bruckner, Dvor· k, and Brahms

Your seats are waiting. TICKETS ON SALE NOW

Virginia Opera

La BohË me: Rodolfo Remembers

Saturday, Nov. 13 at 8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 14 at 2 p.m.

A stunning condensed version of Puccinií s masterpiece

The Glorious Music of Chopin Sunday, Nov. 21 at 7 p.m.

An evening of dynamic performances and fascinating stories

Canadian Brass

Making Spirits Bright

Saturday, Nov. 27 at 8 p.m.

Impeccable music and witty repartee thatí s perfect for the whole family

Additional tickets on sale for performances featuring Kristin Chenoweth and more!

TICKETS | cfa.gmu.edu or 703≠ 993≠ 2787 Located on the Fairfax campus of George Mason University. For information on health and safety protocols, visit cfa.gmu.edu/vaccination.

! "#! $ % & ' ( ( )' ( * ( + ' , '-. / 0 1 2 3#! 2 $ 4 . 5 %6"! 7' , ' ! !

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irst celebrated at Banne er ield in , D.C. Blac ride is the world s oldest Blac B ride event. ow attracting , participants, the festival ta es place annually in late ay over emorial Day wee end. Conceived by local Blac activists as a fundraiser for IDS groups, D.C. Blac ride turned a holiday wee end already popular with the community, into an official annual event with wor shops, films, plays, poetry slams, dance parties, awards, and barbe ues. oday s D.C. Blac ride pre pandemic boasts a wee of day and night programming that includes deep diving professional and personal wor shops, premier entertainment, and leading nightclub venues. dditionally, the Center for Blac E uity hosts awards to recogni e e emplary members and allies of the Blac B community and presents monthly virtual and hybrid as feasible engagement e periences. Whatever the changes, D.C. Blac ride remains an unbeatable destination for Blac ueer liberation, community fellowship, and lots of celebration.

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he Washington ystics is a women s bas etball team located in D.C. and it competes in the Women s ational Bas etball ssociation ".* "* &)&>)(* ;#C>* ':* $/)* #)"-C)@.* )".$)(1* ;'1:)()1;)8*G),*>0*-)1)("#*&"1"-)(*"1,*/)",* coach i e hibault, assistant general manager DLG>;>!H>W?;@FO!>U!;G@!#9FG<KC;>K!2OF;<HFM aria iovannetti and associate coach Eric hibault, this team shows that D.C.s women bas etball teams are strong national contenders within the sport. C

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ay en s Chorus of Washington, D.C. sings to inspire e uality D,:9B@!AG>;>!8O!2<HG9@:!_@OM "1,* %1;#C.%'1* $/('C-/* &C.%;"#* performances, according to its website. ormed in , the group now has more than members and five select ensembles that have performed nationally and internationally and hundreds of donors who ensure that CW can continue to promote ustice through song. C ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!+1*+,/3!44 5! 4 6 4 7

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Supporting and entoring outh dvocates and eaders trains B youth to become future leaders. hrough service and advocacy, this non profit organi ation teaches ueer youth to build self confidence, develop critical life s ills, and engage their peers and community, according to S

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2'=)(%1-* )=)(0$/%1-* :('&* H828* 2'C1;%#* #)-%.#"$%'1* $'* 1%-/$#%:)?* this site for Washingtonians dynamically covers city events. aunched by volunteers in , it was bought by D info in early only to be shut down by the organi ation s owner. owever, DCist was able to re launch in with support from Washington s affiliate W and readers. his fan favorite continues to engage audiences with its e citing online presence and design. S

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erry s Drag Brunch is D.C.s longest running and most fabulous drag brunch, according to its website. osted on Sundays, this event treats guests to food catered by erry s estaurant and performances from icons in D.C.s drag community li e Whitney ucci oo and India arelle ouston. C

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D,:9B@!AG>;>!8O!2<HG9@:!_@OM With locations in Dupont Circle, Woodley ar , "1,*D'--0*!'$$'&?*$/%.*().$"C("1$*.)(=).*-C).$.* with hearty portions of classic merican food and their award winning burgers. dded to that is friendly service for which the East ondon style restaurant is famous. C

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eni s Splendid Ice Creams is devoted to ma ing >)$$)(* %;)* ;()"&.* "1,* >(%1-%1-* <)'<#)* $'-)$/)(?* D,:9B@!AG>;>!8O!2<HG9@:!_@OM according to its website. ac aged in Instagram A'($/0* ;'#'(:C#* ;C<.?* F)1%@.* %;)* ;()"&.* /"=)* "* uni uely smooth te ture and buttercream body that allow one to savor the sweetness of avors li e birthday ca e and fruit crumble. C


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! "#! $ % & ' ( ( )' ( * ( + ' , '-. / 0 1 2 3#! 2 $ 4 . 5 %6"! 7' , ' ! "

2021ñ 2022





OCT 24 | 3 PM





NOV 4 | 8 PM




NOV 27

NOV 10








NOV 11




I may not fit some ideas about gender, and I am a proud part of DC.

NOV 12



MASTERS OF HAWAIIAN MUSIC: A DVERTISI GEORGE KAHUMOKU JR, !"##$%&'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%())*+%,-.+/%%0'123104%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)-5+)%"+!"+)+6.-.(7+/%%5866+%9"#:6%%%;<=>?@A?BCD<;BE LED KAAPANA & HERB OHTA JR.

NOV 18


JAN 20



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his is ee nn Wil inson s fourth consecutive win in this category. he ee nn Wil inson roup has ran ed in real estate sales in Susse County, Del., for more than years and ran s nationally for the Ber shire athaway omeServices real estate networ . She is a regular contributor to the Blade. er /6:*#7"-(%#./0,"'(*6(#"%,("'.%."(.#"6-'(%.(.$"(@",%)%#"(<"%0$"'(%6-($"#(/6'/1$.'( on the mar et proved beneficial throughout the pandemic. here are many smart, capable ealtors in the Susse County mar et, several of whom have been honored here in the last decade, and Wil inson is among the very best.

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NOV 10 ≠


DEC 5,2021




Tí S 1989, THE UNIVERSITY OF SAN Francisco basketball team is headed to China for a ì friendshipî game, and plucky high school star Manford pesters aging coach Saul enough to talk his way onto the team. Landing in Beijing just before the Tiananmen Square uprising, Manford, Saul, and their Chinese translator/coach Wen Chang are forced to explore their different approaches to basketball and life and to reconcile their own converging histories. Inspired by her fatherí s shortlived basketball career, playwright Lauren Yee applies her signature technique of colliding the personal with the historical, creating a ì stunningî (LA Times), unforgettable fable and reminding us that the best storiesó even if they arení t realó can still be true.

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!"#$%&'()%'(#*) and social hour for lder B adults will be at p.m. on oom. eel free to bring your beverage of choice. or the oom lin or more information, contact ustin ustin thedccenter.org . ("%+,'-.//0"1'2"0./ will be at p.m. on oom. he rans Support roup is intended to provide emotionally and physically safe space for trans people and those who may be uestioning their gender identity e pression to oin together in community and learn from one another. Email supportdes thedccenter.org to !"#"$%"&'("&)**+&$,-*!+.'$*,/

0%+1"$%&'()*+,-."(/2 0("&3#"4#+#%'56%*7)"'8"96),1"% will celebrate its th anniversary at Capital ne ower oad at p.m. he program includes pieces li e ossini s verture to the Italian irl in lgiers. reception will follow the concert. ic ets are available on ic etmaster. :;%<=' >' ?=' 10' @+$' AB3' CDCEF will be held virtually. his event is Whitman Wal er ealth s signature fundraiser to support the organi ation s mission to provide dependable, high uality, comprehensive and accessible health care to those living with or affected by I IDS.

013$%&'()*+,-."(/4 G%<1#*0")' G<%H' I"#$) will host ueer Brunch Drag Show at a.m. at Dovecote Cafe. his event is an afternoon of good food, good drin s and legendary drag ueens such as E stasy Cache and atie D. ite. his event is also a part of the inaugural launch of a poetry slam festival as a new core element of Blac ride . or more information, visit Eventbrite.

5,3$%&'()*+,-."(/6 (6)'5)+1)"'J4#+4'50KK))'L"0/M#+ will be at a.m. at the DC Center. B lder dults and friends are invited for friendly conversations and current issues that you might be dealing with. or more information visit Center ging s aceboo or witter. :@%10+';)<<+),,'%+$'!"%+=<#+'I%"='-)"#),F will be at ran lin ar at p.m. his event is a restorative class that lin s movement to the breath, this class is fun for yogis of all levels. uests can stretch muscles, find balance, and create internal space, and set an intention for the wee . ore information is available on Eventbrite.

71.8$%&'()*+,-."(/9 :A#46'A))<'N%9)'O))1M./'P#16'5)+1)"'J4#+4F will be at p.m. he parade and race will ta e place along th Street, between and S Streets W. or more information, reach out to adamheller thedccenter.org . 2)+$)"H.))"'L5 will be at p.m. on oom. his support group is for people who identify outside of the gender binary. Whether you re bigender, agender, gender uid, or ust now that you re not cis. Email supportdes thedccenter.org to receive the oom information for this meeting.

:.$3.8$%&'()*+,-."(/; :A01)<'Q)+%R'(6)'J"1'G%<<S'J'A%<<0P))+'L"%4M-1"%T%4%+U%',1%""#+4'L)+%<#F will be at otel ena, a iceroy rban etreat at p.m. his event will feature a special performance by former u aul s Drag race contestant Denali. here will also be a costume contest with pri es, coc tail menu and performances from D.C. s best drag ueens Crystal Edge, Drue Sidora, Ca e, Crimsyn, and Cristina Doll. isit Eventbrite for more information. V07'5<.7 will be hosted via oom at p.m. his event is a wee ly ob support program to help ob entrants and see ers, including the long term unemployed, improve self confidence, motivation, resilience and productivity for effective ob searches and networ ing allowing participants to move away from being merely applicants toward being candidates. or more details, please contact centercareers thedccenter.org.

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eel ffirmations is hosting the th Washington D.C. s International B ilm estival from hursday, ct. to Sunday, ct. . his festival will screen local and international feature films from many genres including comedy, drama, and rom coms. Some of the films on the festival roster include nd ust wo ore by lire a ohammadi, the Beauty resident by Whitney S auge and Boy eets Boy by Daniel Sanche ope , among others. isit eel ffirmations website to purchase tic ets.

a or s ce o hos L#,%7#<#1&'JP%")+),,'@]/0 he ayor s ffice will celebrate ational Disability wareness onth with the th nnual Disability wareness E po on Wednesday, ct. at the artin uther ing r. ibrary s reat hall at a.m. his event is a partnership between the ffice of Disability ights and several district government agencies. he event will highlight conversations on e ual opportunities including housing opportunities, employment readiness and wor force development and inclusive environments for 1"*12"&3$'(&4$5.6$2$'$"5/&0("!"&3$22&6"&$,-*!+.'$*,&'.62"5&.,4& +*!"&'(.,&78&"9($6$'*!5/ or more information, visit Eventbrite.

G.,70&,'%+$'I0)1,'10'60,1' G<%9='J"1,'O0T)*)+1'#90+ Busboys and oets will host n evening with i i iovanni on Saturday, ct. at p.m. lthough the in person event is sold out, a virtual option is available on aceboo and ou ube. :$*%.,,$& $5& .,& .##2.$+"4& 1*"'& .,4& 3!$'"!& -.+*;5& -*!& ("!& wor s Creation , ove oems and he Collected oems of i i iovanni . She has also published several recordings such as he i i iovanni oetry Collection , which was nominated for an Emmy ward. er latest venture, ood Cry , shares with the reader .& 1*3"!-;2& $,3.!4& "912*!.'$*,& .,4& .& !;+$,.'$*,& *,& ("!& 2$-"& and the people who have shaped her. he poetry of i i iovanni has spurred movements, turned hearts and informed generations, according to the bio authored by Busboys and oets. o access the virtual event, visit Busboys and oets ou ube page.

!"#$%#&' For all of us.

!""#$%&#&"'("#)%*+,-# $"./0$#1.("#2%(&.(34 An inner voice calls us forward. So we listen. We imagine. We care. Not just for us. But for all of us. $%56+,7)"3+1+,"4%(-82%(&.(3

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ew music documentary is elvet perfection

piece of pure cinema that e emplifies its genre while transcending it


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controversial debut short Superstar he aren Carpenter Story, the musical landscape of his formative years has been inseparable from his milieu, and films such as his glam roc fantasia elvet oldmine or his post modernist Dylan biopic I m ot here have dotted his career li e cornerstones. i ewise, his painsta ing recreation of the past in period pieces li e ar rom eaven, Carol, or Wonderstruc has proven his ability not ust to capture the loo and feel of a bygone era, but to transport audiences right 6.(2%&$')%&'8 In he elvet nderground, it s more li e he transports the era to the audience. is comprehensive chronicle is not ust the story of the band or its members, but the story of the time and place that allowed them to e ist, in which a generation wa ing up from the to ic artificiality of their parents merican Dream too creative control of the future through an unprecedented e plosion of art and culture. rt was a by any means necessary endeavor that now demanded a uency across various forms of media, and a blending together of any and every thing that wor ed to get the message across. nd yes, sometimes the media itself was the message, but even within that depressingly superficial reality was room for an infinite layering of style and substance that could ta e 4)/-%6-#.'"%.3.48 hat description of the era in which the elvet nderground thrived, in which ndy Warhol turned the shallow into the profound whether he new it or not , in which music and film and photography and poetry and painting and every other form of e pression blended together in a heady and world changing whirlwind, is also the perfect description of aynes film. es, there are famous veterans of the age sharing their memories and their insights, yes there is copious archival footage including the godsend of Warhol s filmed portraits of the legendary faces in his orbit , yes we get to hear about ou eed s struggle with his se ual identity and it s refreshing that aynes ma es no effort to categori e or finali e that aspect of the roc legend s persona, but merely lets it be a fact. But even though he elvet nderground chec s off all the bo es to be a documentary, it s something much more. han s to aynes seamless blend of visuals, words, history, and always and above all music, it s a total sensory e perience, which deserves to be seen in a theater whether you subscribe to pple or not. It puts you right in the middle of a world that still casts a huge shadow on our culture today. nd it s unforgettable.

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Valerie M. Blake

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elegant, completely renovated one bedroom, one bathroom garden apartment, in a private residence with a separate entrance, available $55-#$'2-(6;..G,,4+F$5'2-(6.A==. s uare feet , per month. o pets or smo ers. lentiful, free, on street par ing. itchen offers iele dishwasher, iele coo top, stainless refrigerator, built in microwave, and "-1.*'D$"-2/.1$23.'5,(-./2+4'0-. space. ew lighting, painting, and carpeting throughout. arge bedroom closet with Elfa system. ll &2$($2$-/.$"*(&#-#.'/.1-((.'/.1$4-(-//. !"2-4"-2.'"#.*'D(-.2-(-%$/$+";..I3'4-#. laundry with iele clothes washer and #46-4;..I1$55$"0.,++(.'"#.0'4#-". privileges. ocated two bloc s off th Street, W, at th aylor Streets, W. Convenient to th Street bus service to downtown a two bloc wal or a minute drive to Dupont and ogan Circles. minute drive to ida Street. Convenient to oc Cree ar way for easy driving commutes to D, , and DC. ne year lease one months rent and security deposit re uired at lease signing in certified funds. hotos of this apartment on Craigslist illow ads. ,!**)&45&



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