3 minute read
rans militar advocac or ani ation nominates
New President
av mdr. mil hillin read for new role at R

R a nonprofit advocac or ani ation representin trans ender militar service members in the nited tates has nominated its new president and board chair mdr. mil hillin of the . . av .
hillin who has served in the militar since 2 has had a full and eventful ears in the av . he s completed more than combat missions and now serves as an erospace n ineerin ut fficer where she oversees ac uisitions. he previousl wor ed as the director of membership at R . hillin rew up movin from place to place around the nited tates and abroad with her father who was a pilot durin the ietnam ar era and then a doctor for the . . av for two decades. he traveled around the nited tates and abroad rowin up includin in ensacola la. ir inia each a. and celand. he was infatuated with all thin s science fiction and of course planes.
hin s li e tar re tar ars an thin that was showin futuristic fast in hu e inspirations to me hillin said. hat s what wanted to do. wanted to do somethin with airplanes or spaceships.
hillin oined the av to ive bac and ive freedom bac to women and fi ht for educational ri hts for people she said. ut she sta ed for the people and the lifelon connections with fellow service members.
have to sa han the service for lettin me serve. he have iven me so much. he ave me a lifetime of e perience hillin said.
hen hillin came out as trans in pril 2 to friends and famil the rump era e ecutive order that barred trans people from servin openl in the militar and prevented trans people from enlistin had ust ta en effect.
ver bod loo s at me li e h m od ou ot horrible timin . h didn t ou ust come out before wasn t read she said.
hillin would put on her uniform and o to wor as her old self for several months. t was disenfranchisin aw ward and depressin she said. n the fall of 2 2 she had enou h. hillin came out to the av even thou h the e ecutive order was still in place. he was willin to throw out ever thin includin her pension. needed to o live m own life she said.
hillin too out her phone and crafted a comin out messa e which she copied and pasted to ever contact. o her surprise almost ever one she wor ed with was incredibl supportive.
nd the 2 2 election went her wa resident oe iden was elected and he repealed the e ecutive order shortl after he was sworn in.
ut she s still uneas . f the ne t presidential election doesn t o blue she could be forced to leave.
m still beholden to an e ecutive order hillin said. he 2 24 timeframe ma es me ver nervous.
hillin founded R in 2 online and immediatel reached out to the communications director and now previous president ree ram. he nonprofit has provided connections friends and support for hillin and the more than 2 other members of the or ani ation. utside of Reddit threads and iscord servers there was not a safe space for trans militar members to come to ether and find peer support. R chan ed that hillin said.
his t pe of communit is incredibl important especiall if trans militar service is outlawed once a ain.
WED-FRI 11:30-2:30PM
WED-FRI 2-6PM n steppin into this new role hillin wants to foster relationships with non trans aspects of the militar and brin in more allies to the movement. he also wants to increase involvement in the diversit action teams and the initiative teams at the enta on to ensure representation when craftin polic . he worst thin that happens is when people write polic for trans troops and there s not a sin le trans troop in the meetin hillin said. o continuin to row those relationships and ma e sure that we have a seat in the room when people are ma in polic . ut most of all she s oin to eep pushin laws ensurin trans inclusive service be on the boo s and to demonstrate how e uipped trans people are to serve. ltimatel our bi est power as an or ani ation is to continue to thrive as trans individuals in service provin that we are both mentall and ph sicall full ualified to do some of the most e treme obs in the militar hillin said.