Washington Blade, Volume 54, Issue 21, May 26, 2023

Page 12


(Photo courtesy of Republic Records)
performer brings show to D.C. on June 2, page 26
PORTER strikes a
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D.C. police investigating bomb threat targeting mayor’s Pride event

In weet, user says I m gonna bomb it

D.C. police are investigating a short message posted on the Twitter page of Mayor uriel Bowser s ffice of B ffairs that appears to threaten to place a bomb at the annual District Pride concert scheduled to take place une at the incoln heatre.

person identified as lfie ingay posted on the B ffairs ffice post, i m gonna bomb it.” The person was referring to the District ride event that the B ffairs ffice witter page was promoting.

oin the ayor s ffice of B ffairs for our #District of Pride Showcase on June th at p.m., the office s weet says. his show-stopping event will highlight some of our amazing talent who live right here in DC, the witter message says.

The message includes a web address for people to RSVP to attend the event.

he person identified as lfie ingay @alfie tingay on the mayor s weet posted the I m gonna bomb it message underneath a

printed ad in a box on the site promoting the District Pride event.

ingay posted the message at the bottom of a list of Twitter addresses to which he sent his Twitter message. They include agencies in the mayor s office and B organi ations and media outlets, including the Washington Blade, agg maga ine, etro Weekly, D.C. Black ride, and Capital ride, the organization sponsoring the upcoming Capital Pride parade and festival on June 10 and 11.

The Blade forwarded the threatening Twitter post to the D.C. police ublic Information ffice and to the mayor s office for comment. he mayor s office, including ffice of B ffairs Director aper Bowles, had not responded to the Blade’s request for comment as of May 18. spokesperson for the incoln heatre couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.

D.C. police spokesperson Sean Hicks responded with an email message.

I have sent this to our Intel nit and Special iaison Branch to review, ickman told the Blade in an email message. We will get back to you once we ve had a chance to look into it, he said. he Special iaison Branch includes the department s B iaison nit.

ickman on Wednesday, ay , sent the Blade a copy of the police incident report on the Twitter posting matter that the Blade had re uested.

he report states, - espondent reports that he observed a weet on witter that stated, I m going to bomb it.’ R-1 believes that the subject that posted the Tweet was targeting members and organizations that are a part of and support the B community, the report concludes.

he report states that the identity of - is C IDEI . ickman told the Blade - wished to remain anonymous.” Hickman said police investigators have a copy of the threatening Tweet. He did not say whether someone from the mayor s office reported the threatening witter post to police or whether the police first learned about it from the Blade’s inquiry.

Blade names recipients of two summer fellowships

he Blade oundation this week announced the recipients of its 2023 summer fellowship program.

Isabelle ravis she they is a senior at merican niversity studying ournalism and women s, gender, and se uality studies. She will focus on covering B issues in the local D.C. area for 12 weeks starting this week. The fellowship is made possible by a generous donation from the DC ront unners ride un event.

I ve been reading the Blade since I first moved to D.C. for my freshman year and I m so e cited to be able to contribute to such a historic paper, ravis said. I love covering the B community because of the diversity of experiences that each queer person has and the joy that ueer people bring to everything they do. I m incredibly lucky to have this opportunity to be able to cover both the city and community that I love.

oel ev- ov they them is a senior at the niversity of aryland College ark studying ournalism. ev- ov also

serves as president of the ssociation of B ournalists at College ark. ev- ov is the si th recipient of the Steve Elkins emorial ournalism ellowship, which hon-

ors the co-founder of C ehoboth. he fellow covers issues of interest to the B community in Delaware, also for 12 weeks. The fellowship is funded by donations from the Rehoboth Beach community.

I m e tremely e cited to start reporting about my community for my community, ev- ov said. he Blade is offering me a special opportunity that I m very grateful for. I can’t wait to start reporting!”

evin aff, editor of the Blade, welcomed ravis and ev- ov to work this week.

We re all e cited to work with Isabelle and oel this summer, aff said. here s never been more news to cover and they will add an important, fresh perspective to our work. hank you to our donors and to the ront Runners for making this program possible.”

or more information on the fellowship program or to donate, visit bladefoundation.org.

Bill to repeal Md. sodomy law to take effect without guv’s signature

aryland ov. Wes oore on riday announced he will allow a bill that repeals the state s nnatural or erverted Se ual ractices ct to become law without his signature. State Dels. David Moon (D-Montgomery County) and uke Clippinger D-Baltimore City introduced ouse Bill . State Sen. Clarence am D-Baltimore and oward Counties) put forth an identical measure in the Maryland Senate.

he eneral ssembly in repealed the law s sodomy” provision.

I m pleased that this bill has now become law, and this is a real and hard-fought win for the B community. This was a long-overdue update to the existing law to remove an outdated provision, am told the Washington Blade in a statement. While we had wanted to remove this provision from the law years ago when sodomy was

struck from the statute, opponents fought to keep this with reassurance that it would unlikely ever be used to criminally charge individuals. nd ust the very ne t year, the arford County sheriff s office used this part of the statute to arrest individuals at a private business.”

It is unfortunate that it took so long to correct this in the law, but I m glad to see that this misguided part of the statute is now finally gone, added am. I appreciate the sustained efforts and patience of all of the advocates who saw this bill through final passage. Even though it took a while, this win is something the B community should be proud of and find reassuring.

oore, a Democrat, earlier this month signed the rans ealth E uity ct, which re uires aryland s edicaid program to cover gender-affirming treatment.

Maryland Gov. WES MOORE (Public domain photo/Twitter)
ISABELLE KRAVIS and JOEL LEV-TOV are the Blade Foundation’s 2023 summer fellows.
MAY 26, 2023 • WASHINGTONBLADE.COM • 07 NPA246292-0001 NED-Pride-V1 This is the time to celebrate the Unafraid, the Unwavering, the Unfltered… the Unstoppable. We Unequivocally and Unabashedly honor all those who believe Pride is Universal. With Xfnity, it’s Pride all year long! Visit xfnity.com/LGBTQ to learn more. 145720_NPA246292-0001 Pride ad 9.5x10.5 V1.indd 1 4/25/23 7:09 PM

D.C. Black Pride celebration set for May 26-29

Wide range of indoor, outdoor events over Memorial Day Weekend

As many as 60,000 people from outside the D.C. area along with a large number of local participants were expected to attend D.C.’s LGBTQ Black Pride celebration and related events scheduled for May 26-29.

ike past years, most of the official D.C. Black ride events will be held indoors at the Renaissance Washington, D.C. Downtown Hotel, according to Kenya Hutton, one of Black Pride’s lead organizers.

Hutton serves as deputy director of the Center for Black Equity, the D.C.-based national group that has organized D.C. Black Pride for the past decade or longer along with the group’s founder and CEO Earl Fowlkes.

“D.C. Black Pride is open to all, to everybody, regardless of race, age, gender, or sexual orientation,” Hutton told the Washington Blade. “Everyone is welcome.”

he official D.C. Black ride schedule posted online includes as many as 38 events over Memorial Day Weekend, with a few unofficial events hosted by organi ations in partnership with Black Pride taking place on Thursday, May 25.

The outdoor events, which are sponsored by partner venues, include Pride By the River Super Sunday at Anacostia Park on May 29 from 12-8 p.m., and Pride In The Park, at Fort Dupont Park on Monday, May 29, from 12-7 p.m.

mong the official events are nine enrichment workshops” led by experts in a wide range of topics of interest to the black LGBTQ community as well as the LGBTQ community as a whole. Sutton said the workshops would take place on Saturday, May 27, at the Renaissance Washington D.C. Downtown, which serves as the Black Pride headquarters hotel.

Among them are an ONYX University workshop to explore “all things kink and BDSM,” a workshop called “Resources for LGBTQIA+ Veterans,” another called “Trans Town Hall,” and a “Faith In Blackness” panel discussion covering the topics of spirituality and theology.

Hutton said the workshops are free of charge and anyone is welcome to attend, although organizers would like those who are not registered in advance for Black Pride events to register at the welcome desk at the hotel where most Black

Pride events will be held.

Also, like in recent past years, D.C. Black Pride is hosting what the schedule describes as its Rainbow Row of organization and vendor exhibitors. According to Hutton, the number of exhibitors hosting tables and booths at the host hotel will be greater than in previous years.

Also new this year, Hutton said, will be the presence of American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters at all the workshops as well as some of the other events, including the official Opening Reception scheduled for Friday from 6-9 p.m. at the Renaissance Hotel.

“Join us for the D.C. Black Pride Opening Reception Talent Showcase celebrating LGBTQ+ people of color and their artistic talents, a write-up on the official schedule says. “Enjoy an evening of comedy, music and performances from talented members of our community,” it says. “This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with other LGBTQ+ people of color, celebrate diversity and support local artists.”

Hutton said D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser was scheduled to appear at the opening event to welcome those attending the 2023 D.C. Black Pride. Earlier this month, Bowser issued an official mayoral proclamation declaring ay - , , as D.C. Black Pride Week.

As many as 60,000 people from outside the D.C. metro

Check out these D.C. Black Pride events Here’s where to celebrate Blackness and queerness in the city

Pride festivities in the capital city will kick off this weekend with D.C. Black Pride. Below is a partial list of events you can attend to get your energy revved up for a month of activities:

Welcome To DC Happy Hour will be on Thursday, May 25 at 4 p.m. at 640 Rhode Island Ave., N.E. This kickoff event will allow guests to drink and mingle with friends while celebrating Black Pride. There will be music by DJ MoMoney. Attendance is free and more details are available on Eventbrite.

The 4th Annual DC Black Pride Unity Ball will be at 7 p.m. at Renaissance Washington, D.C. The Capitol Ballroom Council in collaboration with Icon Charles West, Legends Twiggy Garcon, Duante’ Balenciaga, and Domo Alpha Omega will come together to celebrate D.C.’s ballroom community. There will be more than $3,000 in cash prizes across various categories. For more details, visit DC Black Pride’s website.

For The Culture Brunch Cruise will be on Friday, May 27 at 12 p.m. at 580 Water St. This Saturday Morning at the DC Wharf will have food, bottomless drinks, and amazing music. Tickets start at $125 and include bottomless mimosas, bottomless Bloody Marys, a brunch buffet, sounds by DJ Obie, and a live performance by Le’Andria Johnson. Le’Andria will

be performing on Deck .

Rainbow Row: Organization & Vendor Expo will be at 5 p.m. at Renaissance Washington, D.C. Downtown. This event will be a vendor and organizations expo to support the Black community. For more details, visit DC Black Pride’s website.

DMV Black Pride Gospel Explosion 23 will be on Sunday, May 28 at 3:30 p.m. at The Community Church of Washington, D.C. United Church of Christ. There will be music performances from DMV gospel artists, churches, singers and the DMVP Mass Choir. Offerings collected at this event will be donated to a local nonprofit. or more information, contact Deidre ay at - - .

The Finale Rooftop Day Party will be on Sunday, May 28 at 4 p.m. at Twelve After Twelve. This indoor and outdoor experience will feature multiple rooms with multiple DJs and drink specials. Advance tickets cost $15. For more details, email unleashdcinfo@gmail.com.

Pride Super Party (Wet Dreamz) will be at 10 p.m. at The Park at 14th. This event will be hosted by Daryl Wilson Promotions. There will be a stage show, food trucks, frozen drinks and more. For more details, visit Daryl Wilson’s Instagram.

area were expected to attend this year’s D.C. Black Pride events based on pre-registration records, Hutton told the Blade. He said many have booked rooms at the Renaissance Washington, D.C. Downtown Hotel, and were expected to occupy most if not all of the hotel’s rooms during the weekend events associated with Black ride.

his year s D.C. Black ride will mark the nd anniversary of the first D.C. Black ay and esbian ride event held ay 25, 1991, on the grounds of Howard University’s Banneker ield.

That event was organized by veteran Black gay activists Welmore Cook, Theodore Kirkland and Ernest Hopkins, who modeled the event after a Memorial Day Weekend celebration and fundraiser for HIV/AIDS organizations providing services to the Black gay community held at the D.C. Black gay bar called The Clubhouse, which operated from to .

The current D.C. Black Pride website says Cook, Kirkland, and opkins one year later, in , organi ed the first D.C. Black Pride to continue the tradition started by the Clubhouse, which was known as the Children’s Hour celebration. The write-up says D.C. Black Pride expanded dramatically over the next decade and drew African-American and people of color participants from across the country and even from abroad.

“DC Black Pride was the catalyst for what is now regarded as the Black Pride movement,” the write-up says. “Since its birth, more than 50 other Black Pride celebrations now take place throughout the world, many using DC Black Pride as its model.”

One of the workshops at this year’s D.C. Black Pride called “An Homage to The Clubhouse” will celebrate the role that the iconic gay bar played in developing the “rich history and culture” that led to the founding of Black Pride celebrations in D.C. and worldwide, the Black Pride website write-up says. The workshop was scheduled to take place Saturday, May 21, from 3-6 p.m. at the Renaissance Washington hotel. A full schedule of the weekend’s D.C. Black Pride events can be accessed at dcblackpride.org.

Brunch & Babes: 2nd Annual DC Black Pride Iconic Drag Brunch will be at 12 p.m. at Hook Hall. This event will be hosted by the iconic Sophia McIntosh and feature the icons of “Atlanta” including Stasha Sanchez Garcon and Raquell Lord Balenciaga. There will also be appearances from Exotic Lord Mugler, Syria Synclaire, Paris Brooks-Bonet Ebony and Haven Garcon. Tickets start at $20 and can be purchased on Eventbrite.

PRIDE In The Park will be on onday, ay at p.m. at Fort Dupont Park. At this festival, guests will be treated to free food, games, axe throwing, henna tattoos, and more, all for free. There will be a lineup of performers, including Reesa Renee, Deja B. and Meeche Korrect. The event will be hosted by Royce and MC Boom.

D.C. Black Pride arrives this weekend. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key) A scene from last year’s D.C. Black Pride. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

Photos of D.C. Black Pride through the years

(Washington Blade photo by Kevin Yum) (Washington Blade photo by Kristi Gasaway) (Washington Blade photo by Clint Steib) (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key) (Washington Blade photo by Pete Exis) (Washington Blade photo by I Am Hope) (Washington Blade photo by Blake Bergen) (Washington Blade photo by Clint Steib) (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key) (Washington Blade photo by Kevin Yum) (Washington Blade photo by Kristi Gasaway) (Washington Blade photo by Clint Steib)

DeSantis announces 2024 bid in chat with Elon Musk

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) was set to announce plans to run for president in 2024 during a live conversation with Elon Musk Wednesday evening on Twitter Spaces. (The announcement came after the Blade’s print deadline; visit our website for updates.)

The unorthodox move might generate renewed interest in DeSantis, who was long expected to enter the primary race against former President Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner, but seemed to lose momentum as the official launch of his campaign drew nearer.

It also comes on the heels of DeSantis signing last week a slate of anti-LGBTQ bills including an expansion of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, which criminalizes classroom discussion of LGBTQ subjects.

Musk, who has a trans daughter from whom he has been estranged, has e pressed his affinity for DeSantis in the past while also courting other public figures known for expressing transphobic views, such as the comedian Dave Chappelle.

The polarizing and often pugilistic billionaire was widely blamed for allowing anti-LGBTQ and especially trans-

phobic abuse to proliferate on Twitter since he purchased the social media platform last year.

On Twitter, Musk has occasionally complained about or mocked the use of personal pronouns by trans and non-

binary people, and he was widely criticized last year for promoting a false and baseless anti-LGBTQ conspiracy about the violent attack on Paul Pelosi.

The LGBTQ Victory Fund denounced DeSantis’s candidacy on Tuesday ahead of his announcement, writing, “Transphobic bigots like Ron DeSantis have no place in government, let alone the White House,” the LGBTQ Victory Fund wrote in a statement issued Tuesday.

“Not only does Governor DeSantis’ appalling record against LGBTQ+ people and communities of color disqualify him from the Presidency, the rhetoric he will spew on the campaign trail as he and Donald Trump race to the bottom will have long-term consequences for our community and LGBTQ+ kids in particular.

“LGBTQ+ leaders are our best defense against hate, which is why his announcement is a rallying cry to the LGBTQ+ community and our allies that we must redouble our efforts to elect pro-choice LGBTQ+ candidates in 2023 and 2024. On Election Day, our message must be resounding: we are not going back.”

CDC data shows HIV infections down, but mostly among whites

Data published Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and revention shows a significant decline in new HIV infections, but suggests the impact of prevention efforts was far less substantial for Black and Latino populations.

as much as 34 percent among gay and bisexual males aged 13-24.

The numbers show a “move in the right direction,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in a press release.

However, when broken down by race, the CDC found new infections were down by 27 percent and 36 percent, respectively, among Black and Latino populations, compared with 45 percent of whites.

Similarly, by 2021 about one third of those who are considered eligible were taking PrEP for HIV prevention, but the CDC noted this number includes “relatively few Black people or Hispanic/Latino people” despite the significant increase in prescriptions up from ust percent in 2017.

“Longstanding factors, such as systemic inequities, social and economic marginalization and residential segregation,” Walensky noted, continue to act as barriers “between highly effective HIV treatment and prevention and people who could benefit from them.

vision of HIV Prevention, said that “At least three people in the U.S. get HIV every hour — at a time when we have more effective prevention and treatment options than ever before.”

“These tools must reach deep into communities and be delivered faster to expand progress from some groups to all groups,” she said.

The HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute issued a press release following the CDC’s announcement of the new data, noting both the encouraging progress and need for improvement.

“It appears that our investments in HIV prevention are providing some positive results, but the persistent high number of new diagnoses and the low usage of PrEP among the communities most impacted by HIV point to the need for increased resources, particularly for a national PrEP program,” said the group’s executive director, Carl Schmid.

From 2017-2021, as rates of HIV testing, treatment and the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medication rose, new cases dropped by 12 percent overall and by

She added, “Efforts must be accelerated and strengthened for progress to reach all groups faster and equitably.”

Robyn Neblett Fanfair, acting director of the CDC’s Di-

President Joe Biden’s FY24 budget requested $237 million for a national PrEP program along with $850 million to support the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ “Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.” initiative.

Biden unveils new steps to protect youth online

The Biden-Harris administration announced a slate of new actions on Tuesday that are designed to better protect youth on social media and online platforms by applying a whole-of-government approach to address issues concerning mental health, safety and privacy.

The White House noted that “undeniable” evidence links these technologies to the country’s “unprecedented youth mental health crisis,” with rates of depression and anxiety rising sharply among young people, including LGBTQ students, 69 percent of whom report having persistent feelings of sadness.

New actions previewed by the administration’s fact sheet include the creation of an interagency Task Force on Kids Online Health and Safety, which will be administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

Administration in coordination with the U.S. Department of Commerce.

The task force will develop a blueprint for new research on the harms and health benefits to minors caused by online platforms, “recommend measures and methods for assessing, preventing, and mitigating” the harms, and “recommend best practices and technical standards for transparency reports and audits related to online harms to the privacy, health, and safety of children and teenagers.”

Work product from the task force will include resources for parents and legal guardians to better protect their children’s mental health, safety and privacy online, as well as “voluntary guidance, policy recommendations and a toolkit on safety, health and privacy-by-design” for industry, with the latter expected by spring 2024.

Other initiatives highlighted in the administration’s fact sheet include rulemaking by the U.S. Department of Education to protect the privacy of minor students’ data and address concerns with its monetization. The agency will also be tasked with drafting “model policies and voluntary best practices for school districts on the use of internet-enabled devices.”

Additionally, the White House announced, the Commerce Department will work to curb the online harassment and abuse of minors by “promoting awareness of services and support for youth victims,” while the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will coordinate efforts with the U.S. Department of Justice on new approaches to “detect and investigate offenses involving child sexual abuse material.”

The Victory Fund denounced RON DESANTIS as a ‘transphobic bigot.’ (Screenshot/YouTube)

B Sen. Scott enters presidential race

epublican .S. Sen. im Scott S.C. , who filed paperwork on riday with the ederal Election Commission to run for president in , kicked off his campaign for the primary with an announcement address onday morning in Charleston.

he only Black epublican member serving in the Senate, Scott developed a strident anti- B record since entering national politics in with his first election to the ouse, during which time he told ewsweek homose uality is a “morally wrong choice, like adultery. oday, Scott remains opposed to same-se marriage, writing on his Senate bio that South Carolinians “have voted overwhelmingly to protect the traditional definition of marriage, and I stand with their decision.

ast year, Scott cosigned a letter with other Senate epublicans urging the caucus to oppose the espect for arriage ct unless it contained provisions allowing for discrimination against B couples. Scott, , is single and never married, which has led to some speculation about his se ual orientation.

In ebruary, with Sen. ick Scott of lorida, Scott introduced legislation that would cut funding for any el-

ementary or middle school in the country that changes a student s pronouns, gender markers, or access to sebased accommodations like locker rooms without first obtaining consent from their parents or legal guardians.

aving developed a reputation as a fiscal and social conservative who is well-liked by his epublican Senate colleagues, Scott hopes to build a coalition of establishment types and evangelical conservatives who are skeptical or critical of the party s frontrunner, former resident Donald rump.

ccording to o , Scott is polling around percent, but he will be able to transfer million from his Senate campaign coffers to help fund his presidential bid and has begun aggressively buying up television ads in early primary states as campaigns get underway in the ne t few months.

he unior senator from South Carolina will face off against the state s former epublican governor, ikki aley, who served as ambassador to the nited ations during the rump administration. aley, who appointed Scott to fill the Senate seat vacated by im De int in , announced her bid for president in ebruary.

Caitlin Byrd, senior politics reporter for the ost and Courier, noted on witter that South Carolina Democrats are broadcasting mobile billboards that echo the same arguments they used to oppose aley s candidacy, seeking to portray the candidates platforms as indistinguishable from rump s.

ransgender youth dies by suicide in . .

-year-old transgender youth left his school, walked down use oad to the overpass over busy Interstate , climbed the chain-link fence installed by the ew ampshire Department of ransportation to prevent people falling off the older bridge and its low guard rails, and lept into eastbound traffic.

spokesperson for the ainbow outh ro ect confirmed in a phone call onday that ova Dunn, a student at Southside iddle School, died by suicide.

he ew ampshire State olice while not commenting, citing an ongoing investigation, confirmed the incident and the resulting hours-long traffic am at the location ust east of the all of ew ampshire.

friend of the family, Stacey reenberg, wrote in the o und e post to raise the funds to defray the cost of the funeral

ello, this is Stacey a friend of elissa and om to one of ova s close friends. o one should have to outlive their child, but elissa has now e perienced this twice. n Wednesday afternoon, -year-old ova left this earth and found the peace and acceptance he was searching for.

he ew ampshire nion eader reported that anchester School District Supt. enn illis sent an email to district families last Wednesday night that said in part It is with deep sadness that we inform you that one of our students has died une pectedly.

illis wrote that his loss may raise many emotions, concerns and uestions for our entire school community, especially our students.

anchester School District spokesperson ndrew oland, in a press statement, noted that counselors from other anchester area schools and the state s Disaster Behavior ealth esponse eam spent ay at the school directly impacted by the death.

ur focus in the coming days and weeks is to be sup-

portive of our students, families and staff, said oland.

ultiple sources alleged that bullying and transphobia factored into the death of the teen, although the Washington Blade has been unable to verify any of those claims.

In the past few months there has been considerable attention focused on trans youth nationally, particularly around school policies regarding trans youth health care and gender identity. ast month,

ew ampshire ublic adio reported that the ew ampshire Supreme Court heard arguments in a case brought by a anchester parent challenging school policies around trans and nonbinary students.

he parent says she was kept in the dark when her child began using a different name and identifying as a different gender at school something the parent ob ected to, reported.

t issue is a district policy that says anchester school staff generally shouldn t disclose when a student identifies as trans or gender nonconforming without that student s permission.

epublican ew ampshire lawmakers are rallying behind legislation that would force schools to disclose a student s gender identity to parents when asked. he state ouse of epresentatives narrowly re ected one such proposal last month, but another remains on the table after passing the state Senate along party lines.

In an interview on ated B adio with ob Watson this past week, ance reston, founder and e ecutive director of the ainbow outh ro ect S , noted that the to ic legislative atmosphere had tripled calls for assistance to the s crisis counselors, as nearly states have banned trans youth gender-affirming therapy for minors, and have also passed laws the forbid discussion of B issues, history and people in classrooms.

reston also pointed out that more than a half do en

states enacting measures, like ew ampshire s proposed disclosure of a youth s gender to parents, in cases of non-affirming households specifically places those youth at risk for suicide or leaving, oft times ending up living homeless on the streets.

t the beginning of this month, the nation s leading suicide prevention organi ation for B youth, the revor ro ect, released the results of its latest survey of ueer young people ages to .

he survey of , youth nationwide, conducted last fall, underscores the negative mental health impact of anti- B legislation and policies. mong the key findings

• 41 percent of LGBTQ young people seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year — and those who are trans, nonbinary and/or people of color reported higher rates than their peers.

• 56 percent who wanted mental health care in the past year were not able to get it.

• LGBTQ young people who had access to affrming homes, schools, community events and online spaces reported lower rates of attempting suicide compared to those who did not.

• Trans and nonbinary young people reported lower rates of attempting suicide when all of the people they live with respected their pronouns and/ or they had access to a gender-neutral bathroom at school.

• LGBTQ young people who experienced victimization because of their orientation or identity — including being physically threatened or harmed, discriminated against or subjected to conversion therapy — reported more than twice the rate of attempting suicide in the past year compared to those who did not have any of these anti-LGBTQ experiences.

• Nearly 2 in 3 LGBTQ young people said that hearing about potential state or local laws banning people from discussing LGBTQ people at school — also known as “Don’t Say Trans or Gay” laws — negatively impacted their mental health.

U.S. Sen. TIM SCOTT (R-S.C.) (Blade photo by Michael Key) NOVA DUNN, 14, died by suicide after jumping from a bridge over a busy interstate highway in Manchester, N.H., on May 17. (Family photo)
14 • WASHINGTONBLADE.COM • MAY 26, 2023 PRIDE MONTH PRIDE MONTH PRIDE MONTH PRIDE MONTH PRIDE MONTH PRIDE MONTH Advertise with us during PRIDE MONTH Contact our Sales Reps to get started! sales@washblade.com

Activist harassed during European bank meeting in Uzbekistan

Uzbek authorities last week harassed an LGBTQ and intersex rights activist while he was attending a European Bank for Reconstruction and Development meeting that took place in the Central Asian country.

Nezir Sinani, who is from Kosovo, is the co-director of Re-course, which is based in the Netherlands.

He said Uzbek police on May 17 “started harassing and intimidating me, stopping me from entering the meeting venue (in Samarkand) and confiscating meeting materials.

“This included the Uzbek police calling the (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) security officer asking for my info details, said Sinani in a tweet.

May 17 was the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, which marks the World Health rgani ation s declassification of homose uality as a mental disorder in 1990. Uzbekistan is among the more than 60 countries in which consensual same-sex sexual relations remain criminalized.

Caspar Veldkamp, an EBRD board member from the Netherlands, on May 17 posted a picture of him with Sinani and two other activists holding Pride tote bags.

Sinani once he left Uzbekistan sent the Washington Blade a series of pictures that show security officials interrogating him outside the meeting.

He is holding Pride-themed tote bags in two of the pictures. Sinani said he and the other activists used them “to keep meeting files to distribute to EB D counterparts we met.

“Tote bags were not forbidden in the venue, but were still confiscated only because they were ride-themed, he told

the Blade.

Veldkamp in an email to the Blade said he has been in touch with Sinani and “shared his information with the EB D s office of the secretary general, which gathers information regarding several incidents, including a similar one regarding my own staff.

“They will follow up with the Uzbek authorities, said eldkamp.

Veldkamp told the Blade that Uzbek authorities have yet to respond.

The EBRD’s 32nd annual Meeting and Business Forum took place in Samarkand from May 16-19.

The State Department’s 2022 human rights report notes at least four cases of authorities forcing men to undergo so-called anal exams between 2017-2020. Anvar Latipov, a gay man from Uzbekistan who the U.S. has granted asylum, last month told the Blade during an exclusive interview in D.C. that a group of vigilantes broadcast online a video of a man they forced to sit on a bottle.

The State Department report cites other activists who said “members of the LGBTQI+ community in Tashkent (the Uzbek capital) were being harassed by both local authorities and private citizens and were on ‘red alert,’ and were seeking to avoid going out in public after a group of men attacked blogger Miraziz Bazarov in 2022. Latipov told the Blade that transgender Uzbeks and people with HIV/AIDS face additional discrimination and persecution.

The Uzbek government previously kicked the EBRD kicked out of Uzbekistan after it criticized the country’s human rights record. Latipov noted to the Blade the EBRD now has $2.4 billion in 69 active projects in the country.

Latipov spoke with the Blade while he was in D.C. to lob-

by the World Bank Group and other multilateral development banks to pressure the Uzbek government to stop its persecution of LGBTQ and intersex people. Sinani and two other activists — Irena Cvetkovic, executive director of Coalitions Margins in North Macedonia, and Amarildo Fecanji, the Albania-based executive director of ERA – LGBTI Equal Rights Association for Western Balkans — were with Latipov.

“In Samarkand I attended the annual meetings of the EBRD with the aim of raising awareness on the brutal policies of bekistan toward the B I community, Sinani told the Blade in a lengthy statement. “EBRD has a role to play to include the LGBTI community in its development projects to be able to fully deliver on its mandate.

Sinani said he met with EBRD President Odile Renaud-Basso, EBRD board members and management “as part of my engagement there.

“The Uzbek police stopped me from entering the meeting venue following a speech I held at the main meeting of EBRD board of directors with the civil society representatives, Sinani told the Blade. he police confiscated tote bags we used to handout reading marerials to the counterparts we met. Materials raised awareness on the brutal crackdown of Uzbek government on the LGBTI community in the country.

he behavior of the bek police is a re ection of the situation in the country toward the LGBTI community. In this case they harrased and intimated me for the sole reason of raising awareness on the situation on the ground. With the LGBTI community in the country they go harsh, way harsh. They imprison them after doctors establish their sexual orientation via anal examinations, which WHO regards as a form of torture, he said. Such criminali ation and discrimination is completely unacceptable and EBRD, alone the other international finance institutions, need to condemn and demand from the Uzbek government to repeal the law that enables them to hunt down the B I community.

Gay student brutally beaten in Ireland

A 30 second video that circulated on TikTok, Twitter and Instagram this past week showed a 14-year-old boy being jumped by a group of other young men, one punching the victim in the face, knocking him to the ground at which point the others joined in kicking and pummeling him.

Drogheda, where he was treated for serious facial injuries. The spokesperson also noted that the attack had taken place on May 15 at approximately 2.30 p.m.

Some of the teens in the video are wearing school uniform jackets from Beaufort College, a post-primary school in Navan, a medium-sized city located roughly 34 miles northwest of the Irish capital city of Dublin.

According to witnesses and in an interview with British LGBTQ media outlet PinkNewsUK, the teen was attacked over his sexual orientation. A family member, who wanted to remain anonymous, said the victim had been verbally harassed since the beginning of the last term.

“The whole family is aware of this, and that it’s been an ongoing issue, the relative told ink ews .

The boy, who was hospitalized after the assault, suffered from a concussion, broken teeth and a shoe print on his forehead, the family member and the arda confirmed.

“No 14-year-old should be beaten like that for anything at all, especially because of who he is. He is only a child and it happened across the road from a family member, where he was trying to get to, the family member told Irish media adding We are shocked, horrified and upset at what can happen in this day and age. It was a number of people against one boy, while others filmed it and posted it online. hat is horrific and wrong.

he arda spokesperson confirmed that investigators are aware of the video online.

“An Garda Síochána is aware of a video circulating on social media of this incident and out of respect for the victim in this case we would request that people refrain from sharing this video. An Garda Síochána is appealing to any person with information on the assault to contact Navan arda Station at , the spokesperson said.

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, who is gay himself, condemned the attack on the boy, telling Irish media outlet RTÉ Radio 1 that he hoped “everyone would condemn the attack utterly. e added I want to send my solidarity to the person who was harmed and injured in this way. I would say to them that life does get better.

“It is very sad that people experience violence and bullying in school, but life does get better and I’d say not to give up. I would say how sad I am that in this day and age we still see this kind of bullying and violence in our schools.

“I understand there is a Garda investigation underway and that the victim has been treated for their injuries [and] I would ask anyone who has information to co-operate with the investigation.

The prime minister also condemned the bystanders in the video who took no action to intervene and to stop the beating.

Five male teenagers were taken into custody by the Gardaí in Navan on May 19 and have been released without charge.

A spokesperson for An Garda Síochána, the national police service of Ireland, told the Blade that the victim had been transported to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in
NEZIR SINANI, left, an LGBTQ and intersex rights activist from Kosovo, holds a Pride tote bag while attending European Bank for Reconstruction and Development meeting in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. (Photo courtesy of Caspar Veldkamp/Twitter) A screenshot from the video on Twitter showing the moment the attack commenced. (Social media screenshot)
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In an op-ed I wrote in April entitled “On Gun Violence, the New Generation Will Not Be Silenced,” I wrote about Tennessee State Representative Justin Thomas and Justin Pearson being expelled from the Tennessee Legislature.

Since then, both have been reinstated by local county governing boards that sent them back to the legislature unanimously. Let’s recall they and the remaining legislator Gloria Johnson’s “crime,” was deciding enough was enough by protesting against gun violence on the legislative oor. he national support they have received since then has been enormous.

Similarly, in ontana, ooey ephyr, the first transgender legislator there, was silenced by the Republican majority legislature there, being censured (prevented from public speaking) for saying there would be “blood on the hands” of members that voted on an anti-trans piece of legislation.

Zephyr and the “Tennessee Three,” as they’ve come to be called, are part of a new generation of leaders in merica, or the find out generation that won t settle for business as usual and are willing to face down the forces of status quo that want to maintain a system built on White supremacy and assimilation.

They follow a lineage of resistance of those willing to cause “good trouble,” as the late Congressman John Lewis once said. As the former head of the Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee in the 60s, Lewis was arrested multiple times and was part of the Tennessee sit-ins at segregated lunch counters in Nashville. (He would later, in 2016, bring Congressional House proceedings to a halt in a protest against gun violence.)

Justin Jones himself has been arrested 13 times for non-violent protest and jokes that one of the reasons he ran for the state legislature is that “members of the Tennessee Legislature can’t be arrested,” which is true, at least while in session. But Justin’s arrests are part of the tradition of the civil rights movement in the South. Tennessee was indeed the home resistance.

In May of 1960, over 150 students were arrested by the police for attempting to desegregate lunch counters in downtown Nashville. During the trial, the students, including Diane Nash, were defended by a group of 13 lawyers, headed by Z. Alexander Looby, a Black lawyer from the British West Indies, whose house was later bombed by segregationists. Looby and his wife were thankfully unharmed.

Later that day, 3,000 protesters marched to Nashville City Hall to confront Mayor Ben West to demand something be done about the violence. He agreed the lunch counters should be desegregated but that it should be up to the store managers.

The city later reached an agreement to desegregate numerous stores before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited desegregation altogether. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. later came to Nashville, saying he “did not come to bring inspiration, but to find it.

eanwhile, in ontana, ooey ephyr, the first transgender state legislator in ontana, follows in the footsteps of early B activists officeholders like the late arvey Milk of San Francisco. Zephyr’s courageous stance against a majority of the legislature who voted for an anti-trans bill prohibiting gender-affirming healthcare for minors resulted in Zephyr being censured and prohibited from giving speeches on the House oor. Since then, there has been a tremendous national backlash against such fascist tactics both there and in Tennessee.

As we look ahead to Junteenth and Pride next month, Jones, Pearson, and Zephyr are visible symbols of the rise of a new generation coming up, the find out generation that refuses to accept the status quo and who is willing to put everything on the line to face injustice in the name of service to their communities.

Whether it is gun violence, housing, or hate, leadership like this will create the multigenerational, intersectional leadership we need at the local, state, and federal levels in the Halls of Congress to bring about solutions to the issues we have been facing. To create a new America that works for everyone. And I’m here for it.

A millennial based in Los Angeles, STEVE DUNWOODY is a veteran, college educator, and community advocate.
The ‘Find Out’ generation: A new generation for a new America
We are willing to face down the forces of status quo

ISAAC AMEND (he/him/his) The

is a trans man and young professional in the D.C. area. He was featured on National Geographic’s ‘Gender Revolution’ in 2017 as a student at Yale University. Amend is also on the board of the LGBT Democrats of Virginia. ind him on Instagram @isaacamend.

Trans rights have reached a crisis point

We should fear DeSantis more than Trump

Trans rights have reached a crisis point. There’s no other way to say it.

On March 4, CPAC speaker Michael Knowles plainly stated that “if [transgenderism] is false, then for the good of society, transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely – the whole preposterous ideology.”

To liken transness as a mere ideology is problematic on many different counts, but that paled in comparison to Knowles’s need for us to be eradicated. Eradication rhetoric is a genocidal tool, to ask and plead for an entire subpopulation to go away in one fell swoop is murderous and brutal. Genocides begin with this kind of rhetoric, then escalate to dangerous politicians being elected to office, then escalate even more to harsh policy, then escalate yet again when those harsh policies force humans to have to do many things — be locked in a cage, move out of the country, or even detransition, in this case.

Look no further than what happened at the southern border during Trump’s years in office, when images of migrants and their children surfaced at maximum security facilities, lying on the oor with nothing but a meager blanket and barbed wire surrounding their bodies.

Indeed, a lot of the CPAC conference was dedicated to engaging in these culture wars — but Knowles’s statement of eradication goes beyond the normal cultural bickering. This is why trans politics are at a dangerous turning point.

Adding to this chaos are bathroom bills and sports policies that prevent trans high schoolers from accessing the bathroom they need, or playing on the right side of their sports team.

In conversations with professionals, academics, and friends, I like to mention the fact that Republicans take peoples’ rights away when they notice that those people have gained more freedom. Think of it this way: when I was in high school, in 2010, far fewer trans people were out with their identities. Transness didn’t take a center stage in culture be it on the left or on the right. nd as a result, trans students were only attacked by bullies and in locker rooms, not by state politicians.

But the rise of en has witnessed many high schoolers now outing gender norms, going by nonbinary pronouns, and being proud of their gender variance. Moreover, society is filled with many more trans models and celebrities. When our presence becomes celebrated and known, Republicans will then take the necessary tools to push us back into the closet.

What s adding to the concern is the rise of smarter epublican candidates for the 2024 election who have exactly the same feelings of Trump but with higher intellects. Ron DeSantis is an example of a presidential contender who mirrors Trump’s bigotry and policies but is far more targeted and intelligent in his approach to public speaking and politics. Indeed, Democrats should be more afraid of DeSantis than of Trump.

On an end note, I like to summon an old saying by the late Martin Luther King. “The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.” No matter how much cruelty Republicans will put us through, they won’t succeed in the long run. More and more of society is catching up to the fact that trans people deserve respect and fairness. There will come a day when we have to sigh less and less about the state of our rights.

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is a longtime B rights and Democratic arty activist. e writes regularly for the Blade.

I find it interesting we celebrate our ride only one month a year. I take pride in being gay all year long. I am not opposed to celebrations in une parades and festivals are great fun. I appreciate Capital ride naming me a ride ero in . hose magnetic signs decorating the convertible I rode in, now adorn my refrigerator. But for me ride in being gay is something I have all year long.

It took me many years to feel that way. I was when I finally came out, sharing who I was with others. ne of the factors keeping me in the closet as a young person was the desire to run for public office. hat wasn t possible as an openly gay man, even where I grew up in ew ork City. It was only moving to Washington, D.C., away from family and childhood friends, that finally focused me on my true self, allowing me to come to grips with who I was, a gay man.

In , D.C. was a place people could feel comfortable taking those first steps toward coming out. any people were away from their family and old friends, ready to take a step into their own reality. ou could go to a bar like ascals in Dupont Circle, meet congresspersons, congressional staff, government officials, non-profit and business CE s, teachers and reporters, all still in the closet and not afraid they would be outed. Back in the late s and early s, before IDS, many of us were still in the closet. hankfully, there were some who were not. In the D.C. mayoral race, won by arion Barry, the ertrude Stein Democratic Club, the gay Democratic club in D.C., played a ma or role in his victory. Barry openly thanked them. e was a four-term mayor who supported the B community. It wasn t until the end of his career, when he was a Council member from Ward , that he came out against gay marriage. I remember how arring it was for so many when he stood on reedom la a with some homophobic ministers, and told us he opposed our right to marry. But he was the anomaly in D.C. he work of activists over the years, I was proud to be one of them, won. he D.C. Council passed marriage e uality.

In today s troubling times the rights of women, the B community, the frican- merican community, and all minorities, are at risk. With white supremacy on the rise, and anti-Semitism once again rearing its ugly head, it s important to celebrate our ride all year long. I want every month to be a ride month, so people in lorida will know they cannot deprive us of our rights, or erase us from their schools. So, a young boy or girl in ississippi or ontana, who struggle with who they are, and who they love, will be able to see they are great and loved, and can live their life fully, and safely, being their true self.

I hope by the time we celebrate World ride in D.C. in , inviting the world in to see who the nited States really is, we can be proud of who we are. oday that is not the case in many ways. I want a transgender person to come to the nited States for World ride and feel comfortable, not only on the streets of D.C., but anywhere in our country. I want us to be able to show off and say, here you are safe. I want the feeling I had, as a privileged white cisgender man, coming out safely in D.C., to be the feeling everyone has. o do that we will have to fight not only homophobia, but racism, and se ism. It is all interconnected and we must recogni e that and oin hands, if we are to be successful. While today in D.C. we have frican- merican ride, ransgender ride, outh ride, and atino ride, maybe we can all oin together for World ride. et us have pride in each other, as well as ourselves. et us have that pride every month, every day, and every hour, all year long.

We can do this and still have fun in une. et s not keep B police, and military, out of our parades. et us be as proud of them, as they are of themselves. et us invite the corporate entities that support us. I would be proud to march with Disney CE obert Iger. We will only make progress if we do so together.

ride month should be every month et s not keep supportive CE s and B police out of our parades
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tour this spring. ume 1,” tells Porter’s life story through song. ering, that’s where the healing lies.” ment, he said. As a kid and in his early career, he refrained from experimentation in fashion because of how much queerness was seen as an impediment. designs, inspired Porter. in our culture.” no excuse,” Porter said.

A changing industry

Porter tried to go on a music tour before, he said, but the industry wasn’t ready for him.

A lot has stayed the same in the music business, but the industry has shifted since anything after all these years, it’s to keep going, stay in it, and focus on the work.

Billy Porter brings ‘on his own terms’

Broadway, and musical star

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The Wigstock founder and Dean of Drag, is bringing her blend of raucous, irreverent comedy to the Blue Moon again for her 11th year. Dusty Springfield-meets-DonRickles potty-mouthed humor brings southern charm, zany “Laugh-In” skits, X-rated parodies. $42.50 per person 9:30pm


All the craziness of the past few years comes much more into focus when you’re looking at it through the bottom of a Jack Daniels bottle. She’s leaving the Tupperware back in the trailer to share an evening of stand up and story telling the way only America’s favorite southern redhead can deliver. You’ll laugh yourself silly but leave a little better than you came in. $40 per person 9:30pm

July 24 TELLY LEUNG Telly Leung

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August 14 LADY BUNNY The Wigstock founder and Dean of Drag, is bringing her blend of raucous, irreverent comedy to the Blue Moon again for her 11th year. Dusty Springfield-meets-Don-Rickles potty-mouthed humor brings southern charm, zany “Laugh-In” skits, X-rated parodies. $42.50 per person 9:30pm

ANNE STEELE Anne Steele is thrilled to be back at Blue Moon with a brand new show,Where The Boys Are, celebrating all of the songs made famous by male artists and songwriters that shaped her as an artist through the years. As a young woman growing up Anne never understood why she connected to the songs written and recorded by men. Why singing openly about being attracted to women drew her in…..now she gets it and will explore all of that in this new show….the ups and downs, the comedy, and the tragedy. Be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotion and lots of laughs along the way. $40 per person 9:30pm

August 28

Seating will be at tables of 4. Ticket purchases in quantities less than 4 may be seated with other guests. Doors open 30 minutes before performance.

35 Baltimore Ave | Rehoboth Beach, DE | 302.227.6515
Tickets available at BlueMoonRehoboth.com NCE 1 NCE 1


Friday, May 26

Center Aging Monthly Yoga & Lunch will be at 12 p.m. at the DC Center for the LGBT Community. Lunch will be held in the climate-controlled atrium at the Reeves Center. o S for this event, visit the DC Center s website. Women in Their Twenties and Thirties will be at 8 p.m. on Zoom. This event is a social discussion group for queer women in the D.C. area and a great way to make new friends and meet other queer women in a fun and friendly setting. For more details, join WiTT’s closed Facebook group.

Trans Support Group will be at 7 p.m. on Zoom. This group is intended to provide emotionally and physically safe space for trans* people and those who may be questioning their gender identity/expression to join together in community and learn from one another. For more details, email supportdesk@thedccenter.org.

Monday, May 29

Center Aging Monday Coffee and Conversation will be at 10 a.m. on Zoom. LGBT Older Adults — and friends — are invited to enjoy friendly conversations and to discuss any issues you might be dealing with. For more information, visit the Center ging s acebook or witter.

AYA Art Collective will host “AYA Art Exchange” at 6 p.m. at Eaton House. This event will be an evening of Afrocentric Performance Art and will be centered around Black queer and trans performers in the DMV area who will showcase their artistic talents and gifts. Tickets start at $7.77 and can be purchased on Eventbrite.

Tuesday, May 30

Institute for Sexual & Gender Minority Health will host “Inclusion and Advancement of LGBTQ+ People in STEM Fields” at 1 p.m. at American Association for the Advancement of Science. The goal of the festival is e to educate attendees about the current landscape impacting LGBTQ people in STEM, share the personal and professional experiences, and offer real and actionable ideas for addressing disparities. Attendance is free and more details are available on Eventbrite.

The Mayor’s Office for LGBTQ Affairs will host “Creative Connections - Collaborative Drawing w/ the Washington Spirit” at 5 p.m. at Frank D. Reeves Center of Municipal Affairs. This event will be a chance to draw on a decal that will be showcased on the sidelines during the Washington Spirit Game. This is a unique opportunity to participate in the office s ride ight ut at udi ield. Attendance is free and more details are available on Eventbrite.

Wednesday, May 31

Saturday, May 27

Virtual Yoga Class with Charles M. will be at 12 p.m. online. This is a weekly class focusing on yoga, breathwork, and meditation. Guests are encouraged to RSVP on the DC Center’s website, providing your name, email address, and zip code, along with any questions you may have. A link to the event will be sent at 6 pm the day before.

Black Lesbian Support Group will be at 11 a.m. on Zoom. This peer-led support group is devoted to the joys and challenges of being a Black Lesbian. For more details, email supportdesk@thedccenter.org.

Sunday, May 28

GoGay DC will host “LGBTQ+ Coffee & Conversation” at 12 p.m. at As You Are. This event is for those looking to meet new faces in the LGBTQ community. This event is free and more details are available on Eventbrite.

“Largest LGBTQIA+ Singles Flamingle” will be at 7 p.m. at THRoW Social DC. Guests can enjoy signature cocktail and wine specials, food, games, and live music while mingling with single people in the local LGBTQ community. This event is free and more details are available on Eventbrite.

Music festival to celebrate house music DJ

Capital House Music Festival will host “Capital House Music Festival Salutes Sam The Man Burns” on Saturday, ay at a.m. at ranklin ark D.C.

This ode to the legendary house music DJ will feature performers such as DJ Spen, Oji, Tantra, Sedrick and many others. here will also be opportunities for vendors.

This event is free and more details are available on Eventbrite.

NLGJA to host annual Pride happy hour

he ssociation of B ournalists will hostJA-DC’s Pride Happy Hour 2023” on Thursday, June 1 at p.m. at iki.

This annual event is open to members, their guests and all others interested in attending.

Attendance is free of charge and more details are available on Eventbrite.

Job Club will be at 6 p.m. on Zoom. This is a weekly job support program to help job entrants and seekers, including the long-term unemployed, improve self-confidence, motivation, resilience and productivity for effective job searches and networking — allowing participants to move away from being merely “applicants” toward being “candidates.” For more information, email centercareers@thedccenter.org or visit www.thedccenter.org/ careers.

Thursday, June 01

API Queer Support Group will be at 7 p.m. on Zoom. his is a support group for the sian and acific Islander ueer Community co-sponsored by sian acific Islander Queer Society DC and Asian Queers United for Action. For more details, email supportdesk@thedccenter.org.

Trans Support Group will be at 7 p.m. on Friday.


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DC Front Runners Pride

5K returns with focus on philanthropy Annual race raises funds to help local LGBTQ organizations

One of D.C.’s most popular Pride season traditions is back, as the DC Front Runners Pride 5K prepares to kick off on Friday, June 9 at 7 p.m. at Congressional Cemetery (1801 E St., S.E.). Registration ends June 9 at 12 p.m.

“Our race starts and ends at the area colloquially known as ‘gay corner.’ It’s where Leonard Matlovich, an American Vietnam War veteran and recipient of the Purple Heart and Bronze Star Medal is buried,” Joshua Yankovic, race director for DC Front Runners Pride 5K, said in an email.

The epitaph on Matlovich’s tombstone reads, “When I was in the military, they gave me a medal for killing two men and a discharge for loving one. or ankovich, it is a reminder of how far the B community has come in its fight for e ual rights despite the anti-trans and homophobic rhetoric percolating across the .S.

We reali e we have a lot more fight to go for true acceptance in the land of the free, which is why Pride month and this race are so important,” he added. “It gives us a chance to be in a safe space and have a fabulous time doing it.”

Yankovic, who became race director in 2022, has close ties to the race not only as an avid runner with close friends who are all a part of D.C.’s LGBTQ running community, but also as a firm believer in supporting local B organi ations focused on youths in the D.C., aryland, and irginia area.

Each year, DC Front Runners Pride 5K raises and donates tens of thousands of dollars to local charities from both the race and donations to its website. In the last six years it donated just shy of $200,000. In 2022, donations exceeded $50,000.

“These organizations always need money and the money has to come in so we can continue the fight, ankovic said on a oom call.

or Ivan Cheung, the organi ation s finance director, the monetary value comes with spiritual support. Cheung is a lifelong runner who moved to D.C. in . o find community with other gay men in the area, he joined DC Front Runners where he said he felt included.

He began participating in the event, eventually became a volunteer and his increased involvement in organizing the yearly run led him to his position overseeing the organiation s finances.

Because DC Front Runners is a 501(c)(3) organization, Cheung ensures that it meets its tax commitments, helps select organizations each year to receive donations, and also helps fundraise for the organi ation as well.

It s my turn to give back, he said on a oom call. It s my personal ourney and philosophy for why I want to contribute to this organization.”

This year’s event will feature, in addition to the run, free custard from fast food chain Shake Shack, free seltzers provided by local brewery DC Brau, and there will also be a finish line party with performances from drag kings.

All in all, it’ll be a celebration of the LGBTQ community’s resilience.

“We hope to continue that upward trajectory and support these amazing institutions that not only protect at-risk youth, provide scholarships for teen athletes, celebrate inclusion and empowerment, and even provide a voice, in the case of the Blade Foundation, to the future journalists of America to keep telling our story and reporting on the injustices we see today,” said Yankovic in his email.

Beneficiaries of this year s race include S , the Wanda lston oundation, eam DC, Teens Run DC, the Blade Foundation, Pride 365, and Ainsley’s Angels of America. Sponsors include Capital One Café, Choice Hotels, Knead Hospitality & Design, Wegmans, and Shake Shack.

“Thank you to all the organizers of the Pride Run 5K,” said Washington Blade Publisher Lynne Brown. “Our robust journalism fellowship program wouldn’t exist without the important contributions that come from this race.”

In addition to the race, there’s a virtual 5K where runners can submit their times online. Visit runsignup.com/Race/DC/Washington/DCFRPrideRun for details. Packet pickup for runners begins June 4; visit the website for locations.

A scene from last year’s Pride Run 5K. (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key) (Washington Blade photo by Adam Hall) (Washington Blade photo by Michael Key)

Out actor Ryan Jamaal Swain is best known for having played homeless dancer Damon, on FX’s “Pose,” the popular queer series revolving around ball culture in late 1980s New York. Along with television, Swain has a great love for theater. And now in a homecoming of sorts, the Howard University graduate is at Mosaic Theater for the area premiere of “one in two,” playwright Donja R. Love’s play inspired by his own HIV diagnosis and the resilience of the LGBTQ community.

In addition to Swain, 29, the cast features queer actors Justin Weaks and Michael Kevin Darnall (both of whom recently a finished rena s production of “Angels in America”). Raymond O. Caldwell directs.

The audience is invited to choose which of three parts each actor must play for each performance.

WASHINGTON BLADE: A different part every night! That’s a lot.

SWAIN: Yes, honey. But learning three tracks keeps you on your toes. It’s one of those things. When I first saw the world premiere in New York, I thought it was a gimmick but it’s not. For me, I’m always looking for the next challenge. What will expand my prowess. With “one in two,” the work kept coming across my desk so when the opportunity came up to come back to D.C. [Swain’s currently based in New York] with a director I knew, I took it.

BLADE: Where and when does “one in two” take place?

SWAIN: Different places: bar, home, doctor’s waiting room. Time wise, it’s set in “now/until.” The central character is a gay man who anchors the play and the others are various characters he finds on his hero journey. I won’t tell you who they are, you’ll need to come to the show to learn that.

BLADE: With “Pose,” the time and place were very specific.

SWAIN: Yes, the end of the ‘80s in New York. With any type of queer stories, especially when you want to tell them with love and integrity there’s a lot of conversation when you acknowledge a generation of unsung heroes. I stand on their shoulders to be able to do what I do.

BLADE: After graduating from Howard, your journey out of D.C. was swift.

SWAIN: Yes, it was I left D.C. immediately following my graduation from Howard. I graduated May 7, 2016, went back home to Birmingham, Ala., exhausted my graduation money, and decided to make my own hero’s journey and moved to New York. After three or four months, “Pose” came knocking on my door. I booked it and pretty much got started.

BLADE Did TV change your life?

SWAIN and film ask you to uggle more than just being a good actor. Publicity, image, etc. There are so many more eyes on you.

BLADE: And how did you handle it?

SWAIN: I come from a family that’s not afraid to show when you’ve made a mistake. I was brought up to look at failures as lessons. It was a lot. I was just 22 at that time. Taught me a lot about who I am and who I will become. How to focus and work under duress.

I like and film but I will always make space for theater in my career. Makes me anchor back into self.

BLADE: When did you come out?

SWAIN: I came out to a friend at Howard. I sat her down in the cafeteria and invited her into my life. I don’t believe in coming out per se. I think it’s your right to fully welcome people into your life. She already knew, of course.

Also, while studying acting in Britain, I did a one-man show about queer poet Langston Hughes. Moving through his journey gave me the strength to have my own voice. Finding other queer folks gave me the strength to live my own story.

BLADE: How has your experience at Mosaic been?

SWAIN: Great. When deciding to do the part I had deep conversation with Reginald Douglas and Serge Seiden [Mosaic’s artistic and managing directors, respectively]. I’m hungry about communication, collaboration and community. Mosaic does that. And they do it wrapped up in integrity and love.

‘one in two’ lets audience choose which parts actors must play ‘Pose’ actor Ryan Jamaal Swain says approach ‘keeps you on your toes’
RYAN JAMAAL SWAIN (Photo by Matt Doyle)

Summer brings major dose of new ueer film, content

Dramas, comedies, Barbie, and the return of ‘Heartstopper’

There’s no season quite like the summer when it comes to having fun outdoors, for obvious reasons – but unless you want a nasty sunburn, you need to spend time indoors, too. Luckily, the Blade is here for our readers with our picks for the most promising new movies and shows coming to our various screens over the coming season, so you’ll have something good to watch while you’re recovering from all that shiny Vitamin D.

THE NEIGHBOR (Limited theaters 6/2, Digital & DVD 6/6) – From Italian director Pasquale Marrazzo comes this fresh-from-the-festivals LGBTQ drama about two young men who begin an intense romance after having a terrifying experience together, and the parental hate and homophobia that comes to light in the face of their newfound love. It sounds grim, but it comes with a string of strong reviews to recommend it and acclaimed performances from Michelle Costabile and Jacopo Costantini, plus a score by prizewinning composer Teho Teardo (“House of Gucci,” “Il Divo”).

HORSEPLAY (Limited theaters 6/2, Digital & DVD 6/13) nother ueer B film fest darling, this one a thriller from Argentina, about a group of friends at a summer get together; their hard-partying fun leads to horseplay (naturally), which (also naturally) stirs up other issues – and submerged secrets, feelings, and jealousies begin to push tensions toward a violent breaking point. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker arco Berger and described as a boundary-pushing look at masculinity, homophobia and sexuality,” it stars Bruno Giganti, Agustin Machta, Franco De La Puente, and Ivan Masliah Taekwondo. It also looks very sexy, which makes us look forward to it that much more.

THE IDOL (HBO, 6/4) – “Euphoria” creator Dan Levinson is also behind this much-anticipated new series, which stars ily- ose Depp as a rising pop star who falls under the spell a Svengali-like self-help guru played by none other than The Weeknd (aka Abel Tesfaye). It also stars queer fan favorite and “Schitt’s Creek” co-creator Dan Levy, along with ane dams, ari ef, and roye Sivan, among others. Already controversial thanks to a behindthe-scenes whistleblower who told Rolling Stone that it “borders on sexual torture porn,” you can bet there will be a lot of eyes – queer and otherwise – streaming this one.

ALL MAN: THE INTERNATIONAL MALE STORY (Digital, 6/6) – For a certain generation of gay men, the words “International Male” evoke memories of rushing home from high school to grab that precious sexy catalogue out of the mailbo before their parents got home. ow, this long-awaited documentary which was an fficial Selection at both the ribeca and utfest ilm estivals finally arrives to bring the story of this iconic touchstone of queer history to light, by charting “the journey of an unlikely band of outsiders” who “designed one of the most sought-after mail-order catalogues of the ‘70s and ‘80s, forever changing the way men look at themselves, at each other, and how the world would look at them.” Matt Bomer, Simon Doonan, and Carson Kressley are among the participating talking heads, but the real attraction is the wealth of archival imagery showing some of the most outrageously gay (and

irresistible) fashion ever created.

BLUE JEAN In heaters, filmmaker eorgia Oakley won high praise for this 2022 slice-of-history drama, now making its official .S. debut. Set in 1988 England as the conservative Thatcher government is poised to pass stigmatizing legislation against gays and lesbians, it features a powerhouse performance from Rosy McEwen as a gym teacher whose closeted double life is threatened by the arrival of a new student. BAFTA-nominated, this one won the Venice Film Festival’s People’s Choice Award and four British Independent Film Awards, making it both a heavy-hitter and a must-see.

WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS (FX, 6/13) – The popular vampire mockumentary – along with its breakout star, ueer fan favorite arvey uill n returns for a fifth season.

JAGGED MIND (Hulu, 6/15) – Directed by Kelley Kali and inspired by her own short film irst Date , this feature-length queer thriller follows a woman (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) who, plagued by blackouts and strange visions, finds herself stuck in a series of time loops that may or may not be connected to her mysterious new girlfriend (Shannon Woodward). This one will have its world premiere at the American Black Film Festival in Miami Beach the day ahead of its streaming drop.

AND JUST LIKE THAT… (Max, 6/22) – The Samantha-less reboot of “Sex and the City” brings back the rest of the scandalous cadre for a second season.

EVERY BODY (In theaters, 6/30) – Julie Cohen directed this revelatory doc, which investigates the lives of intersex people, telling the stories of three individuals who have risen above childhood shame, secrecy, and non-consensual surgeries to thrive as adults after coming out as their authentic selves it also weaves in a stranger-than-fiction tale of medical abuse, told in exclusive footage from the BC ews archives, which helps shed some light on the modern-day treatment of interse people. We are definitely on board for anything that brings visibility to one of the most invisible sectors of our community – especially when it also aims to reduce stigma.

THEATER CAMP (In theaters, 7/14) – Sure to be a big draw for film fans who also love musical theater, this new movie from co-directors olly ordon and ick ieberman is an original comedy starring Tony-winner Ben Platt (“Dear Evan Hansen”) opposite Gordon as a BFF pair of instructors at the rundown titular institution, who join forces with their loyal production manager oah alvin, latt s real-life boyfriend) to rescue it from the clueless tech-bro (Jimmy Tatro) that has been brought in to run it. How? Why, with a musical, of course! Written by Platt, Gordon, Galvin, and eiberman, it also stars atti arrison, athan ee raham, Ayo Edebiri, Owen Thiele, Alan Kim, Alexander Bello, Bailee Bonick, Kyndra Sanchez, Donovan Colan, Vivienne Sachs, Quinn Titcomb, Caroline Aaron, and the always hilarious Amy Sedaris. Sign us up.

BARBIE (In theaters, 7/21) – Let’s face it, this wickedly

campy-looking, over-the-top comedy from the brilliant reta erwig is probably going to be the film of the year at least for a solid percentage of the queer audience, who are certain to be passing the popcorn on opening weekend as they watch Margot Robbie’s Barbie and Ryan Gosling’s Ken visit the real world together. And since collections have always been part of the “Barbie” game, Gerwig’s satirical joyride offers an assortment of other Kens and Barbies, including ingsley Ben- dir, Simu iu, cuti atwa, and Scott Evans as en, ari ef, Issa ae, ate c innon, Dua Lipa, Emma Mackey, Ana Cruz Kayne, Sharon Rooney, le andra Shipp, and icola Coughlan. ruthfully, if they throw in a Barbie camper set, we will be in heaven.

KOKOMO CITY (In theaters, 7/28) – Lena Waithe executive produced this “wildly entertaining and refreshingly unfiltered documentary that follows the lives of four Black transgender se workers in tlanta and ew ork City. Winner of Sundance s E Innovator ward and E Audience Awards, it gives its quartet of subjects ample opportunity to spill the tea on their profession, and they do not hold back. As a bonus, it’s the directorial debut of producer/singer/songwriter D. Smith, who made history as the first trans woman cast on a primetime unscripted show.

HEARTSTOPPER et i , he eagerly awaited return of ick and Charlie it Connor and oe ocke , the most irresistibly adorable pair of young teen boyfriends ever, for a second season of this beloved UK series that will likely have everyone immediately clamoring for a third.

ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING (Hulu, 8/8) – Another returning favorite, the third season of this deliciously charming confectionary blend of characters, comedy and crime podcasts comes with the addition of a new premium ingredient – Meryl Streep (real, not imitation) – for extra delectability. Who could resist?

RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE (Prime, 8/11) – “Heartstopper” fans who have binged through the new season in one sitting and are hungry for more might find a suitable fi when this Greg Berlanti-produced, Matthew Lopez-directed film adaptation of nonbinary author Casey c uiston s bestseller drops a week later. It s an implausible but infectiously sweet rom-com that imagines a same-sex romance between America’s First Son and the heir to the British throne, with young newcomers Taylor Zakhar Pérez and icholas alit ine taking on the leading roles also starring are Clifton Collins Jr., Stephen Fry, Sarah Shahi, Rachel Hilson, Ellie Bamber, Aneesh Sheth, and Polo Morín, but we are frankly most excited to see Uma Thurman playing merica s first female president. et s hope that plot detail isn’t such an implausible premise.

TAYLOR ZAKHAR PÉREZ and NICHOLAS GALITZINE star in ‘Red, White & Royal Blue.’

Wear your Best Pearls, Upscale Cocktail Attire in Shades of Pearl. (Pearls come in many colors)


Thirty years ago today preparations were being made for the opening of a Hair Salon to be called Bad Hair Day?.

Today, preparations are being made for a 30TH Anniversary Celebration of that Salon!

“The Pearl Party” an Open House at the Salon... and EVERYONE is Invited!

The traditional gift of thirty years is Pearls, so be sure to wear your best Pearls!

Sign the 30TH Celebration Guest Book & Sip a Pearled Champagne Cocktail!

Enjoy tasty treats from Chef DOM PANDOLFINO and MEGHAN GARDNER of Greater Good Events at the Children’s Beach House!

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PBS documentary spotlights trans political candidate in Texas

un for ore screened at more than film festivals

Fifteen minutes into “A Run for More,” a clip shows the plunging back of Frankie Gonzales-Wolfe’s cream wedding dress embroidered with pearly white appliqués. Her smooth hands are gently clasped by her husband’s. He, Jeff Wolfe, is poised opposite her in a deep navy United States ir orce uniform.

eff, I place this ring on your finger, with my everlasting love for you, as my best friend, and as my husband,” Gonales-Wolfe breathily repeated after the wedding officiant while holding back gleeful tears.

“A Run for More,” which has been endorsed by organizations including the Human Rights Campaign, concluded on Monday, May 15 the 11-episode eighth season of “Reel South,” a Public Broadcasting Service documentary series. “Reel South” presented feature-length and short documentaries and used diverse voices to tell stories about the complicated heritage of those who live in the South. It was produced in conjunction with a variety of Southern BS affiliates.

un for ore was filmed across three years however, its storyline began in 2016 when Washington, D.C.based filmmaker ay Whitehouse met on ales-Wolfe in San Antonio, Texas, her hometown. There, Gonzales-Wolfe commanded a legion of local volunteers for former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for president.

Whitehouse — who was a part of the Washington Post’s Pulitzer-prize winning team for the paper’s coverage of the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection — had been living in San Antonio after he’d “moved [there] for love,” and he spent his days documenting the realities of the gritty work required to volunteer for presidential campaigns.

“I think of politics … as more about how do we organize ourselves, allocate power and move forward as a society,” he said.

Consequently, he developed a friendship with Gonzales-Wolfe that saw him document moments in her personal life, including her wedding, which took place the Saturday after Clinton’s defeat and against the backdrop of dismayed Democratic supporters.

Almost three years later, Gonzales-Wolfe became the first transgender woman to run for city council in District 8 in San Antonio. When she called Whitehouse, he was excited.

“[Frankie] is just a joy to be around and she kinda has

that intangible energy, and you just want to spend time with a person like that,” said Whitehouse. “What was inspiring to me was that she was trying to do something that had never been done before. And despite the fact that there were a lot of challenges, she was willing to face those challenges head on.”

in between tears, in the documentary. She sat barefaced opposite Wolfe, her husband, in their kitchen with only her glasses on. “I felt for me, a trans woman in a group of trans women, I was a visitor.”

Don t be ashamed of your story that s your life, Wolfe replied. “You can’t be judged for your life.”

Lobby Day not only taught Gonzales-Wolfe about the heartbreaking reality of homelessness and neglect other trans women faced, an unfamiliar experience for her, but also about her privilege as a passing, married trans woman with a support system. It helped show her how she was running her campaign as though she were cisgender.

She recalled vehemently countering some of the activists’ points, while drawing on her knowledge and experience in politics. However, her friend and Houston activist onica oberts encouraged her to listen.

“I was called out at the table we were sitting at pretty roughly, said on ales-Wolfe.

This and other experiences became the foundation for her self-actuali ation and increased her confidence in her identity. Now as chief of staff to the commissioner for Precinct 1 in San Antonio, she uses her role to advocate for issues such as helping small business and improving infrastructure, and also championing trans causes.

Though “A Run for More” doesn’t end with a desired political victory for Gonzales-Wolfe, it’s a foray into the complexities of local politics, especially unseating an incumbent. Gonzales-Wolfe, who has worked in political campaigns since the 1990s, said the documentary is about “the Dos and Don’ts of campaigning” for trans candidates.

“I think it’s going to allow someone the opportunity to see my truth and be like, ‘One of the major mistakes that Frankie made was she didn’t own who she is as a person. And she had to learn the hard way’,” said Gonzales-Wolfe.

“It wasn’t my ideas or what I was trying to implement for the community to enhance it…It really had to do with one aspect, which was who I am.”

Fully accepting her trans identity was an uphill battle especially spotlighted during a Transgender Lobby Day in Austin. At the event, Gonzales-Wolfe met trans activists from around the state, of whom she said she felt like a guest to their “sisterhood.”

I m embarrassed right now, she re ected on the day,

or Whitehouse, this is part of the point of the documentary — it contributes to the drought of representation of trans legislators in the country. Only 50 legislators in the U.S. identify as either a trans man or trans woman, according to data from Out for America - LGBTQ+ Victory Institute.

“Trans people are having laws made about them but they aren t a part of the legislative process, he said.

He added that the documentary is also about love and community.

“[It shows] what it means to try and understand who you are,” said Whitehouse.

Above all, “A Run for More” is a love story about Gonzales-Wolfe and her husband and their finding each other. Although wedding pictures could show this, the documentary provides the context lost in photos.

“I’m so grateful for everyone that fought for my right to marry the love of my life,” Wolfe, the husband, said to cheers from guests at their purple-lit wedding reception. “I promise all of you, and her, that we’re not going to stop fighting for that right.

‘A Run for More’ tells the story of FRANKIE GONZALESWOLFE s run for offce n Te as as well as her wedd ng creen capture a meo
california ®
always summer, always

arley uinn avenous a dark otham novel with a feminist warrior

ew book awash in cra y action, humor, and superheroes

Forget about it.

ut it out of your mind don t worry about it. It s likely nothing, so let it rest. et it go and don t be afraid because, as in the new book arley uinn avenous by achael llen, fear is how they make you scream.

Being a first-year intern at otham niversity was going to be the best.

aving completed the university s gap-year program last year, arleen uin el was practically bouncing. She d decided on research, possibly psychology, as a career and first year program included mentorship and a chance to study some of otham s worst, most notorious criminal minds. he oker, woace, ing Shark, r. ree e, she could be assigned to any one of them at rkham sylum.

irst year was also going to be a bit of a relief. Sure, she d still have to put up with classmates like the erk who kept asking if she was straight now nope, still bi, today, tomorrow, last week and she d have to try to fit in, which was hard to do after what happened at the end of last year. hen, some of arleen s friends were attacked with a fear spray that made them scream and scream, and her best friend died from it. here was gossip but arleen had her research to enoy, she loved her mentor, and she was fascinated by alia al hul, who d tried to assassinate otham s mayor. alia was a great study-sub ect even though arleen wasn t technically supposed to ever speak to her.

ntil alia said that she knew who made the fear spray. She needed information for information, tit for tat, and she hinted that she knew the truth about Straw an, who was rumored to haunt rkham and who had a hand in the fear spray, so... So then arleen woke up in the hospital, the victim of a bad accident and amnesia. But was it an accident Were this guy, Win, and the adorable Ivy trustworthy nd the escape of otham City s worst, most violent criminals was arleen at fault et s say a movie theater mushed its film to a pulp and made a novel from the leftover cells. r they used the mush to paint a Ben-Dot artwork panel, but in words. hat s kinda how you could think of this book. s a part of the DC Icons franchise, arley uinn avenous almost screams graphic novel or comic book.

So what s the problem

othing, as long as you know that before you pick it up because that s the sort of feel you ll get in what only looks like a regular novel. othing, if you relish a story that starts with action and peppers it with chaos before dropping readers into a land of dark monsters and crime. othing at all, if you ve read author achael llen s novel-before-this-one otherwise, you ll be awash in humor, feminism, superheroes, and scrambling to find your footing. Be warned.

verall, if you love a funny, cra y-paced dark- otham novel with a feminist warrior, you ll devour arley uinn avenous. s for a bookmark... ah, forget about it.

LGBTQ Oral History Project

$19.99 | 349 pages

‘Harley Quinn: Ravenous’ c.2023, Random House
LCCA, the Washington Blade & the Rainbow History Project collected oral histories of community members who have lived, played & helped transform the Logan Circle neighborhood. Join us for a panel discussion with some of the participants. June 7, at 6 pm The Corner at Whitman Walker 14th & R Sts, NW Register for free on Eventbrite And listen to oral histories at https://www.logancircle.org/ lgbtq-oral-histories






Summer Kickoff Party

The Washington Blade holds annual event in Rehoboth

The Washington Blade held its 16th annual Summer Kickoff Party at the Blue Moon in Rehoboth Beach, Del. on Friday, May 19. Speakers at the event included Del. state Sen. Marie Pinkney. (Washington Blade photos by Daniel Truitt)

Tickets $40


Thu, June 1, 8:00 p.m. • Sixth & I

On the eve of Capital Pride 2023, join Washington Performing Arts for an immersive night of drag and storytelling with critically acclaimed, gender-fluid drag queen, visual artist, illustrator, and newly minted author Sasha Velour at Sixth & I. This unique live show includes dazzling performances by Sasha and an intimate conversation with special guest Junior Mintt, who also will perform. Event includes a moderated audience Q&A. A book signing event follows the performance and is open to all ticketholders. Copies of Sasha’s book, The Big Reveal: An Illustrated Manifesto of Drag (Harper Books, 2023), will be available for sale.

Seating is general admission.

This performance is presented in partnership with Capital Pride. Performances at Sixth & I are made possible in part through the generous support of the Galena-Yorktown Foundation.

Special thanks to the following lead supporters of Washington Performing Arts’s mission-driven work: Jacqueline Badger Mars and Mars, Incorporated; D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities; the National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs Program and the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts; The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation; and the Dallas Morse Coors Foundation for the Performing Arts.

WashingtonPerformingArts.org • (202) 785-9727

Saturday, June 17 4–7 p.m.

23rd Street | Arlington, Virginia

Family-friendly entertainment, drag performances, dance party, yard games, and food & drink specials at participating businesses


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Montgomery County supports LGBTQ businesses amid ‘headwinds’ Economic Development Commission leader on overcoming barriers to success

Growing up Black in the D.C. area, Bill Tompkins learned early to appreciate diversity. In Maryland, as president and CEO of the Montgomery County Economic Development Commission, this understanding drives his support for LGBTQ-owned businesses.

“With the headwinds that the LGBTQ community runs into, we want to make sure we’re giving everyone the right opportunity to do well here,” Tompkins said.

The commission, created in 2016 as a public-private economic development organization, helps businesses start, grow and relocate in Montgomery County. They are also tasked with supporting underserved communities.

“MCEDC staff know our capabilities very well and that we’re experts in what we do,” said Pat Larrabee, found-tech companies with relocating to specialized facilities. “They’ve been very helpful to us and our clients, and on projects.”

Larrabee, a Vermont native, met her partner during a softball game in Montgomery County. They married and raised three daughters in the county in part because of the “favorable environment.”

In 2020, Montgomery County unanimously passeding gender expression and HIV status to existing anti-discrimination protections.

“We’re always doing these things because it’s the right thing to do,” Tompkins explained.

However, across the country many LGBTQ businesses problem.

Challenges accessing capital

Nationally, LGBTQ-owned small businesses were more according to a 2022 report released by the Center for Movement Advancement, using data from the Federal Inc. Magazine, in partnership with the National LGBTQported 82 percent of LGBTQ business owners said limited access to capital affected their day-to-day operations, and 93 percent stated it limited their ability to grow. owned, often face unique challenges and barriers to -

Webb, who resides with his husband in the region, owners have access to all of the programs and services capital, contracting programs and disaster recovery assistance.

“By providing support and resources, we can help

chance at success, and help to strengthen the social bonds that hold our communities together,” he stated.

Maryland is among 34 states without credit and lending nondiscrimination laws explicitly protecting LGBTQ borrowers, according to the Movement Advancement Project. citing the current political environment as concerning for some chamber members. “Of course, additional economic support with the state and local governments would be extremely helpful. This could include grants or legislation that continues to support and protect these business owners.”

know FICO scores are just a small part of the equation.”

These supports could help many LGBTQ-owned businesses, particularly bars and restaurants, in their struggle to survive.

Jan Guttman, a MoCo Pride Center board member and parent of a nonbinary trans youth, has been working to create a local LGBTQ chamber of commerce to help local businesses network and share resources.

es coming and going, and one that went under.”

Guttman, a former educator who worked with at-risk youth, said it’s important because these business owners and entrepreneurs serve as vital role models for LGBTQ youth.

“I started trying to gather Montgomery County owned and operated businesses that would want to share my vision of this workspace where the front part would be aimed at LGBTQ adults – to have a space to sit with their laptop – so kids could see them,” Guttman explained. “Because they often don’t see their future selves.”

community co-working space, where LGBTQ professionals can network and, most importantly, where LGBTQ youth can see them and be inspired to succeed. They also serve as safe spaces for LGBTQ youth to work and be themselves.

Small businesses as community ‘backbone’

Webb also pointed out that local small businesses are the “job creators and economic engine” for the country as a whole.

selves,” he said. “They are the backbone of many communities that help drive our nation’s economic strength. Providing support and resources for small businesses, their success and for the overall health of the economy.”



Tompkins agreed that “credit risk is a big challenge” facing many small business owners, including members of the LGBTQ community.

But he also pointed to Denizen’s Brewing Co., co-founded by married partners Emily Bruno and Julie Verratti, as just one example where working together can help overcome those challenges.

Denizens, like other businesses in the county, received support and resources from the Montgomery County Economic Development Commission.

Last year, the commission was approved by the state Women-Owned Business Account.

The Accelerating Community Excellence (ACE) Loan

sist eligible businesses in underserved communities.

“We’re the only fund agent in Montgomery County to provide loans to underserved communities, to include LGBT-owned businesses,” Tompkins said. “People who apply to us may have been turned down by banks. But we

ment Commission has supported LGBTQ-owned busilocal diversity and their economy.

cials to coordinate their economic development priorities and short-term needs with MCEDC’s current business activities. He has a long record in business operations,ment, serving for most of his career as a senior executive in the media and entertainment industries with Fortune 500 companies. He has worked for the Washington Post and served as president and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association, which represents more than 200 Black-owned-and-operated newspapers across the nation.

“Where there is prejudice, there are barriers,” Tompkins said. “If you’re going to be a part of the DMV, then you should be very embracing of those with backgrounds that are similar to yours and different.”


MCEDC President and CEO BILL TOMPKINS and Facility Logic Founder and President PAT LARRABEE

Thinking of renting your place short-term in D.C.?

Here are some key factors to consider

Summer is coming, and in D.C., many homeowners turn their attention to generating revenue from their primary D.C. residence while they are away for the summer. Due to the way some D.C. employers enable staff to work remotely and permit longer vacation schedules in the

nually by considering short-term rentals. Here are a few key things you should know before getting started.

In 2021 the D.C. Department of Consumer and Regula-

menting and enforcing ” a law passed three years earlier for short-term rentals (AirBnB, VRBO, etc.). According to DCist, the agency started accepting license applications for short-term rentals on Jan. 10 last year and started enforcing the law’s provisions in April 2022.

According to Martin Austermuhle’s “D.C. to Start Restricting Airbnb and Other Short-Term Rentals” he wrote

als, those lasting less than 30 days at a time. Under the new law, any D.C. homeowner who wants to rent out a bedroom, basement, or entire home on Airbnb or any other platform has to get a short-term rental license from DCRA. (The two-year license costs $104.50.)”

Charlotte Perry, owner of LUXbnb, a property manager specializing in furnished short-term rentals in D.C. for more than 15 years, is a trusted partner to Columbia guidance with me on short-term rentals. Her business, LUXbnb, punches above its weight in the D.C. area, bringing owners greater opportunity to realize the gains they hope to make. She brings deep insight into what you property.

Companies like hers function like any other property security deposits, departure cleaning, and any other applicable feeds on behalf of the owner. They manage turnover between guests including cleaning and any needed repairs. And at the end of each month, they release the rental income earned less the management fee and any repair costs or new purchases.

In the District, if the owner resides at the house during the rental, s/he can host short-term renters all year long with no consequence. However, if, like many of Charlotte’s clients, the owner is renting their property while they are gone during the summer or while on assignment for, say, the World Bank, those owners can only do so for a total of 90 days for the entire year. Owners like these will want to consider that under the new law, you cannot rent out your second home as an Airbnb/VRBO short term rental, and so knowing the regulations can save you a lot of headaches.

Registration Requirements

Did you know all short-term rental hosts in D.C. are required to obtain a Short-term Rental License?

“In order to operate a short-term or vacation rental in the

District, the property must be owned by an individual, and serve as a homeowner’s primary residence – with theduction. ”

To be eligible for such a license the home must be your primary residence and owner-occupied. You will need (DLCP) the following:

1. Specify whether you currently have a Homestead Exemption on the property.

2. Proof of your liability insurance with a minimum of $250,000 in coverage. (See below for more details).


30 days in the property owners name must be ob-

4. The owner, or “host,” must attest to the habitability of the property.

5. If the rental is a co-op, condo, or if the property is in a community where there is a homeowners’ association, the owner must attest that the bylaws, house rules, or other governing documents of the homeowner/condo/ cooperative governing board or association allow short-term and/ or vacation rentals, do not prohibit owners from operating short-term rentals and/or vacation rentals, or that they have received written permission from the association to operate a short-term and/ or vacation rental at the address.

Once you have successfully registered with DLCP, you will be provided with a license. You will then upload this Short-term Rental License number into your property provide bookings for “under-31-nights” on your property. -

ager specializing in furnished temporary stays, you can ensure that you’re operating your short-term rental legally and safely. Better yet, you can avoid any penalties or


Some factors you might want to consider on your journey to short-term rental success:

Cleaning Fee and Preparation Service

Perhaps you’ll want to have a cleaning service at-theready in case your renters have a slight disaster while they’re there. Or maybe you’ll want a service to clean prior to arrivals and directly after departures, so you can quickly turnaround the property for further rental.


Do you want pets in your home while you’re away? If so, you might want to add in an automatic post-stay pet pleasant odor removal.

Insurance/Accidental Damage

Charlotte’s company takes out a $3,000 accidental damage insurance policy on every stay in lieu of holding a damage deposit. The cost to the guest is $39 per rental. This insurance is a safe-guard for the guest, property owner and her company, of course. This insurance policy “allows for the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another – in this case the insurance company. It is a simple way for all parties involved to mitigate risk, and most importantly, provides peace-of-mind.”

Liability Insurance

As you saw above, the District requires all owners to possess a liability insurance policy with a minimum of $250,000 in coverage to gain a license in the District. A variety of companies can help, according to the Motley Fool’s “The Ascent” newsletter, but some do this faster and better than others. And they even recommend ones that are best for Airbnb and VRBO rental owners. The Ascent’s best homeowners insurance for short-term rentals include the following:

• Allstate Insurance: Best for possessing a large network of agents


• Nationwide Insurance : Best for bundling policies

• Farmers Insurance : Best for vacation rentals

• Steadily Insurance: Best for getting coverage quickly

• Safely Insurance: Best for fast claims processing the option of short or mid-term rentals, do not hesitate to contact Charlotte Perry directly at 202-341-8799 or Charlotte@LUXbnb.com


is senior property manager and owner of Columbia Property Management. For more information and resources, visit www.ColumbiaPM.com.

You’ll need a license if renting your place in D.C.
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