Washington Blade, Volume 54, Issue 29, July 21, 2023

Page 14

(Washington Blade photos by Michael Key)
D.C. mourns loss of two LGBTQ community leaders, PAGE 08
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Mayor nominates new D.C. police chief

Assistant Chief Pamela Smith is an ordained minister

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser on Monday announced she has nominated Assistant D.C. Police Chief Pamela Smith to be the city’s next chief of police.

The police chief position became open in April when former Police Chief Robert J. Contee III, who had publicly committed to providing supportive police services for the LGBTQ community, announced he was resigning to take a position with the FBI.

Smith joined D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department in May 2022 after having served as Chief of Police for the United States Park Police in the nation’s capital. Background information on Smith released by the mayor’s ofexperience, with most of that time with the Park Police.

In addition to serving in D.C. with the Park Police, she Francisco. Upon joining the D.C. police in 2022 Smith be-

April of this year to the position of Assistant Chief of Police for Homeland Security.

can-American woman to serve as the permanent D.C. police chief since the D.C. police department was founded in 1861.

as a minister and her path to public service, which she’ll share with you, is one that I know resonates with D.C.’s communities in all eight wards,” Bowser said.

The mayor was referring to Smith’s status as an ordisclose through which church or denomination Smith was ordained.

Political observers say they expect the Council to approve the nomination.

nity may be asking is whether Smith’s religious beliefs put her at odds with the LGBTQ community. A gay former D.C. and who was familiar with Smith’s short tenure with D.C. police said they were unaware of any negative views or actions by Smith on LGBTQ related issues.

“They’ve always said good things about her,” the former Police people who knew Smith. “And I’ve heard nothing but good things about this Chief Smith at the MPD,” the

son Unit, have declined in recent years. Some police insiders have expressed concern that those units may soon run for this, police insiders have said, is the overall shortage of

other LGBTQ issues. Mayoral spokesperson Susana Caswould arrange for such an interview.

“We’re getting the full package with Chief Smith – experience, passion and a strong commitment to making D.C. safer,” Bowser said at a news conference where she announced her nomination of Smith to become police chief. “She also works with young people in her personal life

to ask about her thoughts on how the D.C. police can best serve the city’s LGBTQ residents at a time when hate crimes targeting LGBTQ people in the city are at greater numbers than other minority groups targeted for hate crimes.

Another issue of interest to LGBTQ activists is a report community special liaison units, including the LGBTQ Liai-

Frisch elected Fairfax County School Board vice chair

Fairfax County School Board member Karl Frisch was elected as the board’s vice chair during a board meeting last week.

Frisch was elected as the board’s Providence District

vocal advocate for LGBTQ rights and the American Civil Liberties Union, Capital Pride, FCPS Pride and other organizations have recognized him for it.

“I am grateful to my colleagues for the opportunity to serve as vice chair of the board, working together with parents and staff as we advance the student-centered

The board voted four to three, with one abstaining, against the proposed policy. The votes were as follows: The ban, which Frank proposed, would have encour-

educational purpose,” determined by the schools’ principals.

Along with banning the Pride and Black Lives Matter and pennants.

Advocates for the policy argued that the display of Pride beliefs do not support LGBTQ or Black Lives Matter compolitical beliefs.

The Anne Arundel chapter of Moms for Liberty, a farright extremist group, was a strong supporter of the policy.

focus of our new strategic plan,” Frisch said in a press release. “I remain, as always, committed to doing everything I can to help our world-class educators deliver on potential.”

Frisch while on the board has served as its federal legislative liaison and as a member of its audit and public engagement committees. Frisch previously ran for the Virginia House of Delegates, but lost during the Democratic primary. ISABELLE KRAVIS

be one more step toward excluding LGBTQ studetns and students of color.

“I think Mayor Bowser has made a good choice for D.C.’s new police chief,” said local LGBTQ rights advocate Peter Rosenstein. “I look forward to Chief Smith meeting with the LGBTQ+ community and committing to supporting the LGBTQ liaison unit,” Rosenstein told the Blade. “I have worked with, and supported her predecessors at MPD, and look forward to supporting Chief Smith,” he said. Wednesday

Lin, a senior at Severna Park High School and the only student representative on the board, was met with applause from his colleagues and those in the audience political.

sue,” Lin said. “LGBTQ people exist in our society and their

the goal is to teach students that there are people who are different than them that exist, and teachers don’t teach stuexist and to treat them like human beings.”

rejected a proposed ban on non-government
KARL FRISCH (Photo courtesy of Frisch) Assistant D.C. Police Chief PAMELA SMITH
JULY 21, 2023 • WASHINGTONBLADE.COM • 07 NPA246292-0001 NED-Pride-V1 This is the time to celebrate the Unafraid, the Unwavering, the Unfltered… the Unstoppable. We Unequivocally and Unabashedly honor all those who believe Pride is Universal. With Xfnity, it’s Pride all year long! Visit xfnity.com/LGBTQ to learn more.

Friends mourn unexpected passing of D.C. event planner Jocko Fajardo

Longtime community activist found deceased in Dupont Circle residence

LGBTQ community members and others who knew him were saddened to learn that longtime D.C. resident Joaquin ‘Jocko’ Fajardo, who was and event planner, died at his Dupont Circle residence on Friday, July 14.

Friends and others who knew him have told the Washington Blade they did not know the cause of death.

A spokesperson for the D.C. Department of Fire and Emergency Medical Services said he couldn’t immediately obtain information related to a possible call for medical assistance from Fajardo’s condominium residence at 1614 Q Street, N.W.

According to his website, in recent years Fajardo operated a D.C.-based business called Jocko Made, which provided services related to the planning of events. He also served on the board of the D.C.-based LGBTQ youth services organization SMYAL.

“Jocko Fajardo was the guy you called if the queen was coming over for dinner and you wanted it to be perfection,” said David Perruzza, owner of the Adams Morgan LGBTQ bars Pitchers and A League of Her Own in a Facebook post.

“He helped out with every organization from SMYAL to helping me a few times with Casa Ruby,” Perruzza wrote,

referring to the former LGBTQ community services organization. “His philosophy on life was to treat people with kindness and spread love,” Perruzza continued. “I will miss his positive posts that even on a dark gloomy day would make me smile.”

An announcement by SMYAL posted on its website prior to Fajardo’s passing said Fajardo operated an earlier version of his company called Flourish Design, which is described as a D.C. lifestyle management and private events company. The announcement said Fajardo was from Tempe, Ariz., and had been living in the D.C. area for close to 20 years.

On his Jocko Made website, Fajardo described some of the services the event planning aspect of his business provided.

“Our events are tailored to your every need,” his website message says. “Whether social or corporate, we offer comprehensive full-service planning and day-of management. We maintain very special vendor relationships and help to connect the dots so you can have the most seamless experience possible.”

In 2019, Fajardo served as co-master of ceremony for the Washington Blade’s 50th anniversary celebration. In addition to assisting with the planning of the event, he designed

“Jocko touched so many in the LGBTQ community in D.C. through his extensive volunteer work,” said Washington Blade editor Kevin Naff. “When we were looking for help planning the Blade’s 50th celebration, Jocko stepped up and was involved throughout the entire process. All of us at the Blade are forever grateful for his many contributions and he will be missed by so many in the community here.”

“Jocko was a D.C. treasure,” said D.C. activist Peter Rosenstein. “His creativity, charm and friendship will be missed by so many. He left us much too soon.”

Among all his other activities, Fajardo also provided highly effective and passionate support for the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, according to chorus executive director Justin Fyala.

of GMCW began in 2010 when he joined the Board of Directors,” Fyala told the Blade.

“The passion with which he cared for GMCW, initially displayed through his chairing our annual Spring Affair for two consecutive years, only increased in subsequent years arrangements for our events,” Fyala said.

In addition to that, Fyala points out, Fajardo supported the chorus with his “culinary skills by providing delicious catered dinners for our virtual affairs during the pandemic, and with his kind words, open heart, and friendship to so many members of the GMCW family.”

A memorial to celebrate the lives of Fajardo and Tarik Pierce was scheduled for Thursday, July 19. Visit washingtonblade.com for details and coverage.

Beloved community activist worked as manager for U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs

Tarik S. Pierce, who served for the past 13 years as a Curriculum and Competency Manager at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and LGBTQ sports organizations and nightlife venues, died on July 6 at his residence in the Columbia Heights neighborhood at the age of 45.

The cause of death couldn’t immediately be determined, but friends said he told them he was feeling ill and staying home in the days immediately prior to his passing.

“He was loved by so many people because he included everyone in whatever he did, he always had that beautiful smile, was super nice and cared about the community,” said David Perruzza, owner of the D.C. LGBTQ bars Pitchers and A League of Her Own in a Facebook posting. “He was literally a perfect human and was one of a kind,” Perruzza wrote.

“Imagine a life lived completely to the fullest – that was Tarik Pierce,” said Dito Sevilla, co-owner of the Little Gay Pub in another Facebook posting. “His optimism, warmth and kindness radiated from a smile as real as it was wide.”

Sevilla said Pierce was a regular and admired patron of many of the city’s LGBTQ bars and clubs.

The Capital Pride Alliance, the group that organizes D.C.’s annual LGBTQ Pride events, honored Pierce in 2022 with its annual Heroes Award for his long-standing contribution to organizations and activities that bring positive change to the community.

In a write-up on Pierce’s community activities, Capital Pride said he had been “entrenched in the LGBT sports community, having played inball, darts, bocce, dodgeball and cornhole.”

The write-up says Pierce, among other things, served on the board of the local Stonewall Darts, was a captain for Stonewall Dodgeball, and a captain and umpire for Stonewall Kickball. It says he also served as a volunteer for the Capital Pride Alliance and the annual LGBTQ High Heel Race on 17th Street held each year just prior to Halloween.

As if that were not enough, the write-up says Pierce was a co-founder of Pub Crawlin’ for Tots, a group that raises money and collects toys for kids in the greater D.C. area for the Toys for Tots organization. Since 2009, Pierce and his group had worked with local LGBTQ bars and businesses to raise more than $50,000 and more than 4,000 toys for area children, the Capital Pride write-up says.

In a July 2015 Washington Blade story about a Stonewall Kickball tournament, Pierce provided insight into his role as a participant and leader in numerous sports teams and leagues.

“It’s my theory that if you become part of a community, at some point you should step forward as a leader,” he said. “I make sure that my team is involved in the fundraisers and the charitable community support.”

Pierce’s Facebook page says he was born and raised in Florence, S.C. His LinkedIn page says he received a bach-gree in human resources development from Clemson University in South Carolina.

His LinkedIn page says he served as a Workforce Development Specialist at the U.S. Department of Commerce from 2004 to 2006 before taking on the position of Training

According to his LinkedIn page, he began work at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in 2010, where he held the post of Curriculum and Competency Manager until the time of his passing.

An announcement by the Ideal Funeral Parlor in Florence, S.C., says a Celebration of Life for Pierce was held on July 17 at Door of Hope Christian Church in Marion, S.C. The announcement says interment would be held at Florence County Memorial Gardens in Florence.

“Memorials and Condolences may be mailed to Ideal Funeral Parlor, Inc., 106 E. Darlington Street, Florence, S.C. 29506,” the announcement says. It says a message for the family can also be left at www.idealfuneral.com.

JOCKO FAJARDO died July 14. (Washington Blade fle photo by Michael Key) TARIK PIERCE (Washington Blade fle photo by Michael Key)

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Critics say police botched investigation into mysterious death of Washington Wizards chef

Partner raises concerns after Ernest Newkirk failed to return home from Black Pride party

Ernest Terrell Newkirk, 55, recently worked for several years as a chef at D.C.’s Capital One Arena for the Washington Wizards basketball team and operated a homebased landscaping and lawn care business in Southeast D.C., according to his domestic partner of 21 years, Roger Turpin.

On Saturday evening, May 27 of this year, Newkirk drove from his home to attend a Black Pride dance party held at the Ugly Mug bar and lounge in the Barracks Row section of Capitol Hill, Turpin told the Washington Blade.

Turpin said Newkirk was looking forward to attending a Black Pride picnic two days later as part of the D.C. Black Pride LGBTQ celebration held each year during Memorial Day weekend.

At about 12:30 a.m. on May 28, Newkirk called his partner on his cell phone to say he was leaving the Ugly Mug Black Pride event and would soon be on his way home in his car to the couple’s house at 19 Anacostia Rd., N.E., Turpin said.

At around 2:30 a.m. when Newkirk had not arrived home Turpin became worried and tried calling him, but Newkirk did not answer his partner’s repeated calls. This prompted Turpin a short time later to call D.C. police

phone interview with the Blade.

It took another two days for police to inform Turpin that Newkirk was found deceased on a residential street in the 1100 block of 46th Place, S.E. shortly after 3 a.m. on May 28. Turpin said police told him they could not immediately identify Newkirk because he was found with no

At the time he was found, Turpin points out, Newkirk’s wallet, iPhone, watch, jewelry, and his car, a 2017 Chevrolet Camaro convertible, were all missing. And on May 30, Newkirk’s Chevy Camaro was found about a mile from where the body was found, parked behind a small apartment building at 5024 Call Place, S.E., a police report says.

Turpin said a detective from the D.C. police Homicide Branch told him the cause of death appeared to be a heart attack, but the detective provided no explanation of how that determination was made.

D.C. police spokesperson Paris Lewbel told the Blade an autopsy has determined there were no signs of trauma on Newkirk’s body and police have ruled out a homicide in the case. And “thus far, we have no evidence of foul play,” Lewbel said in an email message.-

termine the cause and manner of death and would not be able to make that determination until pending chemical and toxicology tests are completed.

“This case remains under investigation by MPD,” spokesperson Lewbel told the Blade in his July 12 email. “We continue to investigate and monitor for a decision wrote. “Our next move will be guided by the cause and manner of death determination.”

Turpin, however, said he is troubled over the statement by police that no signs of “foul play” appear to be involved in a case that he believes should be investigated

as a carjacking.

He said he’s also troubled over what he believes to be a lack of interest by the detective in looking into how his partner ended up on the street where he was found, what happened to his car, and what happened to his missing property, including his wallet and phone.

According to Turpin, Newkirk’s bank contacted him to say someone attempted to withdraw funds using Newkirk’s ATM card, prompting the bank to put a hold on the card. Turpin said he learned from Newkirk’s phone records that calls were made on the phone after Newkirk’s disappearance and Turpin has the phone numbers to which the calls were made.

He said the detective declined his offer to provide the phone numbers to the police so that the calls might be traced and the person or persons who took possession of Newkirk’s phone and other belongings might be iden-

ets, including speeding tickets and failure-to-stop-at-redlight tickets, associated with Newkirk’s car at the time it was missing. One of the tickets was from Maryland, said Turpin. He said D.C. police were not interested in tracking down the tickets to try to identify the person or persons he believes stole Newkirk’s car, most likely in a carjacking.

As if all that were not enough, Turpin said D.C. police

inside the car in a further effort to identify who took possession of the car.

told the Blade. “So, I wore gloves when I got it out,” he said, referring to his taking possession of the car from an impoundment lot where it had been for more than a month. He said he had to obtain documents to show he oversaw Newkirk’s estate and had legal possession of the car.

“And when I got it out, I saw that somebody left their book bag in the car,” Turpin said. “And the police didn’t even look and see what it was.”

Turpin, who’s certain the bag did not belong to Newkirk, said he left it untouched in the back seat of the car, with the hope that D.C. police will take it as part of their claim to continue to investigate the case.

In response to a Blade inquiry, Vito Maggiolo, a spokesperson for the D.C. Department of Fire and Emergency Medical Services, said an ambulance was dispatched to the address of 1131 46th Place, S.E. at 3:17 a.m. on May 28 in response to a call about an unconscious person on

A D.C. police incident report says the unconscious the report said was performing CPR on the unconscious person until police arrived and took over attempting to -

rived,” the police report says. “After all attempts at life saving measures, Subject 1 was pronounced dead on the scene,” the report says.

Turpin said he has no idea how or why Newkirk was found on that street. The Blade visited the street last week during the day. The address in front of where Newkirk was found unconscious is a single-framed house on a qui-

et street lined with suburban style small to medium-sized, single-family houses, well-maintained and many with front lawns and patios.

Among those who knew Newkirk from his and Turpin’s neighborhood was Tyrell Holcomb, the chairperson of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 7F, which includes the areas where Newkirk’s body and car were found.

Holcomb told the Blade Newkirk was one of his earlymissioner. He said in 2019, Newkirk volunteered his services as a cook for a large outdoor community event that drew more than 2,000 people.

“I will forever be grateful for his contribution to our community,” said Holcomb. “So, for me, I’m frustrated at the pace at which MPD is moving on this. There doesn’t seem to be an urgency surrounding it.”

A printed program book for a memorial service held for Newkirk on June 10 at D.C.’s Shining Star Church says Newkirk was born and raised in Clinton, N.C., and graduated from Clinton High School before attending a culinary arts school in Virginia. The program write-up says hesistant and the owner-operator of Newkirk Lawn Care. -

the write-up says. “Cooking and making people happy were his favorite pastimes.”

D.C. police have said that anyone with information related to an unsolved crime should call police at 202-7279099.

ERNEST TERRELL NEWKIRK was found dead on a D.C. street in May. (Photo courtesy of Roger Turpin)
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Republicans on House Appropriations accused of bigotry

Republican members of the U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urbanday striking three Community Project Funding requests from a spending package containing a total of 2,680.

Speaking to the Washington Blade minutes before markup was set to resume, the Subcommittee’s Ranking an amendment restoring funding for the three projects: LGBTQ Secure Housing Inc., Gay Community Center of Philadelphia, and The LGBT Center of Greater Reading.

“The only three they pulled out were projects for the LGBTQ community,” Quigley said. “So, you know, it’s not hard to draw conclusions with that,” in fact, “it’s hard to draw any other conclusion.”

Quigley added, “You’ve gotta ask yourself, how did Quigley added, “one could speculate — reasonably — that somebody in leadership said, ‘we have members that won’t vote for the base bill if it has projects for the gay community.’”

Having served on the Appropriations Committee for the better part of a decade, Quigley told the Blade he has “never seen anything like” Tuesday’s move by his Republican colleagues.

“If you’re going to do this sort of thing, which I would argue is is prejudiced,” the congressman asked, “why Rep. Grace Meng (D-Queens) drew attention to two additional Community Project Fundings that would ulti-

are not being targeted for removal.

If instead of these three projects, Republicans had struck funding from “the NAACP or the Urban League, [they] would — rightfully so — be called racist bigots,” U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), a member of the Appropriations Committee and chair of the Congressional Equality Tuesday.

“When you do it to the LGBT community, it’s another frickin’ day in Congress,” he said, adding, “This is below

the dignity of this Committee.”

The congressman recalled instances in which he had been the victim of homophobic hate, such as when “I wasn’t out yet [and had] left a gay bar and two people followed me and beat me with a baseball bat till I was bloodied and unconscious and called me a ‘faggot.’”

“This is what you guys do by introducing amendments like this,” Pocan said.

The congressman said U.S. Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Calif.) should not vote for the bill unless he is looking for a path to early retirement, given his new congressional district includes the famously gay city of Palm Springs.

U.S. Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.), ranking member of the U.S. House Budget Committee, issued a statement objecting to the Republicans’ revocation of funding for one of the projects he had earmarked.

“As a member of Congress, I’m able to designate up to 15 worthy recipients in my district of federal funding,” he said. “One of those is the historic William Way LGBTQ Center in Center City, Philadelphia.”

“Well, just today with no notice, the Republican ma-approved, they are now voting to strip funding from the only three projects that have LGBTQ in the organization’s name,” Boyle said.

“This is outrageous,” the congressman said. “This is one of the most obvious and disgusting examples of bigotry that I have seen in my career and in my life.”

Gifford steps down as State Department’s chief of protocol

The State Department’s gay chief of protocol on Monday announced he is leaving his post.

Rufus Gifford in a tweet said he is “ tremendously grateful” to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and President Joe Biden “ to have been given the chance to serve as” chief of protocol.

“ Was an honor like no other,” said Gifford.

“ I’ve seen firsthand the positive impact of this State Department,” he added. “ I leave believing in the power of diplomacy more than ever.”

Gifford was the U.S. ambassador to Denmark from

He unsuccessfully ran for Congress in his native Massachusetts in 2018. The U.S. Senate in December 2021 confirmed Gifford for the State Department position.

“ On behalf of the State Department, I want to thank Rufus Gifford for his service as (chief of protocol),” said Blinken in a tweet. “ Our relationships with countries around the world are stronger because of Rufus and his team’s important work on behalf of our nation.”

A spokesperson for the Florida Democratic Party tells the Washington Blade it vows to fight for the repeal of that state’s anti-transgender bathroom bill, which went into effect July 1, after being called out for not counting any anti-trans legislation among “10 Bad Bills” the party recently shared on its social media accounts.

But in the 17 days since the laws went on the books, the Florida Democrats still haven’t made a single social media statement regarding those anti-trans laws. Their last post on the party’s official website even mentioning the trans community was on June 22, after

a federal judge blocked Florida’s ban on gender-affirming care, as the Blade reported.

On July 1 and 2, the state Democrats’ official Twitter and Instagram accounts shared a two-page graphic that listed 10 pieces of Republican-supported legislation that Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law and is now in effect, laws that Florida Democrats said “take away immigration, health care, education and workers’ rights, threatening our safety and freedom.”

On July 5, YouTuber and photographer Melody Maia Monet from Orlando alerted her Instagram followers of the Florida Democrats’ glaring omission of

any mention of anti-transgender legislation, including the new law that prohibits her and every trans person from using the public bathroom matching their authentic gender identity.

criminatory anti-trans bathroom ban, that’s what,” Monet wrote. “Guess we are too insignificant to fit into the top 10 or mess up the symmetry to make it a list of 11. Also WTF with calling them ‘preferred pronouns.’ We dropped that language some time ago because our pronouns aren’t a ‘preference.’”


Anti-trans laws left out of Fla. Democrats’ ‘10 Bad Bills’
RUFUS GIFFORD (Photo via Twitter) U.S. Rep. MIKE QUIGLEY (D-Ill.), ranking member of the U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development ( hoto co tesy fce o ep igley)


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In a scene eerily reminiscent of a 1960s cold war era novel, the young woman sat nervously at the outside table of the café not far from the museum district and main railroad station in St. Petersburg, chain smoking French Gitanes and toying with the food on her plate in front of her. She kept nervously glancing around as if she expected to suddenly be swept up in a secret police raid. explained to the journalist sitting across the table from her, was that as a transgender woman, she felt threatened and afraid. Unable to continue to live in her native region in the Sverdlovsk Oblast, [region] in the Ural mountains

“There is no safety anymore, soon they will openly huntsian freelance journalist Sergei Dimitrov.

trov by the name Elena said that since the latest passageganda” law to include adults last December, coupled Supervision of Communications, Information Technoloany websites and on popular phone apps that cater to LGBTQ people, she has now begun efforts in earnest to leave the country.

colloquially referred to as the State Duma, passed on itsFederation Council, or upper House where it is expected to pass in the scheduled vote on Tuesday and then trans-al and signature which is expected.

State Duma [Parliament] Deputy Speaker Pytor Tolstoy, a co-sponsor of the legislation, pointed out that banning the “practice of transgenderism” was in the interest of national security.

The diagnosis of “transsexualism,” he added, refers to -

must not forget that by changing the sex of one of the partners, a homosexual couple gets the right to adopt asia,” he said.

ogists, and all this operates with the active support of have changed their names to more, perhaps harmless ones,” he said inferring that the recent expansion of the

how responsible for those changes.

According to Tolstoy, gender reassignment surgery isderstandable why a number of doctors defend this areaing those obtained abroad while studying in the United

ern medical education.

Provisions to the bill in its second reading, approved on Thursday, also ban trans people from adopting or fostering children, and force them to annul their marriages if one of the couple subsequently changes gender.

sian Duma and offered support and solidarity with the

sary burdens on trans people, forcing them to disclose their private and medical history and exposing them to discrimination, harassment and violence.”

According to Dimitrov, that particular provision of the having completed transition-related surgery has been unable to get the gender marker changed on her documents, which with the current war in Ukraine has further complicated her life.

She told Dimitrov that demands for her to present herself for required military service, under her former Now she says, she is trapped and unable to legally leave, entertaining the option of illegally entering the EU and asking for asylum, most likely to neighboring Latvia, or Estonia. -

ruary 2023 that the number of passports issued due to “gender change” has more than doubled in 2022 compared with two years earlier — from 428 in 2020 to 936

In justifying the provision, lawmakers cited concerns that men are using the relatively simple procedure ofitary draft.

Another point was raised by a lawmaker who asked what to do with 3,000-plus trans people who have already managed to change their gender and documents. Tolstoy responded noted that the law does not have retroactive effect.

transitioning “pure satanism.”

ILGA-Europe, this past week sent out a “dear colleagues”tions that will be crucial to assisting trans and gender

es had been legal for 26 years since 1997.

“performing medical interventions designed to change the sex of a person,” including surgery and prescribing hormone therapy.

fundamental human rights standards and principles. equal rights of all individuals, regardless of their gender identity or expression. International human rights standards, including the Universal Declaration of Humantermination, privacy, and the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. Denying trans and gen-care and legal gender recognition blatantly disregards the international human rights framework,” ILGA-Europe wrote.

Sympathetic physicians and trans rights advocates have warned that the ban is poised to create a black market for hormone substitutes, some of which likely will be dangerous and lead to an increase in attempted suicides among trans youth unable to access medical care.

the enactment of oppressive laws have made it increasingly unsafe for trans people to live their lives authentically and without fear. In light of these circumstances, we support trans community need at the moment.

“To address the urgent needs of trans people whoport for broadening the criteria for humanitarian visas. By expanding the eligibility criteria, we can ensure that those facing persecution and threats to their safety have a viable pathway to seek refuge in other countries. It is crucial to work together to advocate for this change with governments at the national level to extend our support to trans people seeking a safer environment in safer countries.

to seep into our country, to break through a window for its multi-billion dollar business,” Tolstoy said. Then he claimed there is already a developed network of clinics -

nition for individuals who have undergone transition-related surgery but not yet changed the gender marker in their passport. This is a violation of their right to privacy, places trans people in legal limbo, and creates unneces-

long-term (preferably Schengen) visas for activists, who need to swiftly leave in case of escalating danger. By facilitating the necessary visa support, activists are enabled to carry out their vital work with the knowledge that they have an emergency exit if required.

their requests.”

Russian President VLADIMIR PUTIN signs legislation last spring. ( hoto co tesy o the fce o the esident ssian go e n ent)

Featured authors include:

Elliot Page

Douglas Brinkley

Amor Towles

Mary Louise Kelly

R.J. Palacio

Ada Limón

George Saunders

David Grann

Elizabeth Acevedo

Meg Medina

Jesmyn Ward and many more...

July 16 marks one year since our nation transitioned to 988, the easy-to-remember, nationwide mental health crisis helpline. This number connects callers with the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline). Congress designated 988 in 2020 and as a part of the federal government’s commitment to addressing the mental health crisis in America, unprecedented federal resources have been invested to scale up crisis centers in support of 988.

mental health, substance use, or suicidal crisis with trained crisis counselors. Access is available through every land line, cell phone, and voice-over internet device in the Unit-

Spread the word: Help is available.

to care (and connected sooner) than ever before. According to the Substance Abuse

• 98% of people who contact 988 are helped by a trained crisis counselor, resources are shared, and community connections made (without the involvement of 911) during the call/text/chat.

• 9,360 is the average number of daily contacts to 988.

• About 1% of people who contact 988 agree to have their crisis counselor call 911 because of serious risk to life.

• In fewer than 1% of 988 calls, the crisis counselor must call 911 without consent because of serious risk to life.

Don’t wait. We are listening.

ing us directly. As a behavioral healthcare provider right here in Washington, DC, our team at the Psychiatric Institute of Washington is dedicated to support individuals in a manner that promotes hope, resiliency, connectedness, and recovery. We are proud to partner with the local 988 network and are a resource for individuals referred for help. We appreciate the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those in need.

ERIC AMOH is CEO of the Psychiatric Institute of Washington.
with authors AUGUST 12 2023 Stories for children Book Signings Free for Readers of All Ages
am to 8 pm
E. Washington Convention Center Visit loc.gov/bookfest to learn more.
One year after 988, more Americans connected to care Data show an increase in overall calls,
SPONSOR Conversations
Visit loc.gov/bookfest to learn more.


Surveillance Technology Oversight Project. Cyra Paladini is a communications intern at S.T.O.P. She is currently studying Cognitive Science at Barnard College and is a staff reporter at the Columbia Daily Spectator, and formerly served as an advocacy coordinator for Amnesty International and March For Our Lives.

There’s no Pride in censoring queer gamers Blizzard Entertainment bucks corporate trend of abandoning LGBTQ community

In the wake of major corporate setbacks in last moth’s Pride celebrations—think Starbucks’ “no decorations” policy or Target pulling Pride merchandise—videogame developer Blizzard Entertainment opted for inclusivity. Blizzard launched an in-game Pride celebration on Overwatch, a popular multiplayer game. The event features new costumes for LGBTQ+ characters and re-skinned maps to commemorate Pride. This festivity is the latest example of video games’ growing importance as a space for social expression and connection. Resourceful players use video games for political rallies, religious ceremonies, protests, and that game moderation programs alienate minority players, and in-game censorship limits free expression. Sadly, historically marginalized gamers, like the LGBTQ players Overwatch is celebrating, feel these harms most strongly. It’s time for governments and companies to rethink video game content moderation.

Nearly all multiplayer online video games implement some form of content moderaplay, entertainment companies rely on computer programs and overworked moderators lack social context, and often mistakenly censor players merely responding to or defending against the harassment.

other underrepresented groups who stand up for themselves against trolls. Many turn to Reddit to share experiences like this player’s: “A guy got me suspended on PlayStation for a week. He said some extremely racist and antisemitic stuff then proceeded to message me…baiting me into paraphrasing what he said and reporting my message.”

Research shows that many content moderation programs block words like “lesbian,” “gay,” or “sapphic.” This not only punishes gamers who use these terms as insults but also those who use them for self-expression, including a fellow Reddit poster whose username, “GaymFace,” (a play on the phrase “game face”) earned him a seven-day suspension. GaymFace, too, took to Reddit to express his discontent: “I’m a member of the LGBT community and have proudly been playing under this name for 5+ years. […] my username changed to a Temp name because it ‘violates the community code of conduct.’”

The unintended consequence of content moderation is that companies routinely ban historically marginalized players from gaming platforms, sending the message that game developers have no desire to correct such a critical oversight, and don’t value their participation

In the absence of effective industry moderation, Congress is also stepping in to prevent virtual violence, bullying, and restrict children’s access to age-inappropriate content. Similar to industry regulation, legislators paint with broad strokes when it comes to limiting digital speech. Again, such interference in gaming affects everyone, not just kids. When the government limits gamers’ ability to speak freely with such rigid content-based restrictions, they also dictate how players may express themselves. The American government ought not to be the judge of acceptable expression. Furthermore, when we allow point blank banof ideologically motivated limitations on digital actors and the media they participate in. The fundamental issue is that governments, companies, and players hold contradictory understandings of what video games are supposed to be. To entertainment companies like Blizzard, games are art, revenue streams, and places to play creatively. Government ers, games are a channel for spending time with friends and loved ones. To them, digital self-expression — so long as it’s not at the expense of others — is critical, and gaming is often a medium for otherwise impossible explorations of personal identity. Players go on dates with their long-distance partners, navigate fantasy worlds with their best friends, and build virtual homes. When gaming is an extension of life, it is natural that players will become livid when moderators ban them from expressing their identity or defending themselves.


KEVIN BERRILL, LCSW, was Anti-Violence Project Director of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force from 1982-1992. He is co-editor of ‘Hate Crimes: Confronting Violence Against Lesbians and Gay Men.’

Reclaiming ‘woke’ from the right: An LGBTQ perspective


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has stepped up his war on “woke-ism,” most recently with an alarming video post on Twitter bragging about his “most extreme slate of anti-trans laws in modern history.” With the stroke of a pen he has already erased LGBTQ visibility in school classrooms, dismantled diversity programs, and banned the teaching of critical race theory. Who or what is next on the list is anyone’s guess, but we know from history that

For the LGBTQ community, this is all part of a familiar and ongoing story of progress and backlash. The same visibility that allowed LGBTQ people to create community, educate, and organize for equality has also made us a target of those who hate and want to harm us. As an organizer at the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (1982-93), I documented thousands of episodes of anti-gay violence, much of it encouraged by a religious right alarmed by our growing visibility and strength as a movement. Moral Majority leader Jerry Falwell mosexuality” and that urged his adherents to “stop homosexuals dead in their tracks.” What I learned about people consumed by fear and prejudice is that they are relentless and never stay in one lane. The scapegoating of one vulnerable group inevitably spreads to another. “Queers” were among those singled out for extermination in a White Patriot Party “Declaration of War” against enemies of the white race. A white supremacist leader who was convicted in the 1983 arson of a Jewish community center in Indiana was also found guilty of torching a gay Christian Church in Missouri that same year. I had stacks of incoming mail from indiscriminate haters emblazoned with swastikas (“WHITE POWER! DEATH TO FAGS!”).

Originally a vernacular term in the African-American community for staying alert and awake in the face of racial discrimination, the adjective “woke” gained broader attention during the Black Lives Matter protests against police brutality and, later, to mean someone who is aware of and cares about social injustice more broadly. Almost overnight the word “woke” was weaponized by the right and became a term of derision. Don’t like hearing uncomfortable truths about our history as an enslaving nation? Well, heck, just call it “woke.” Advanced Placement high school courses in African American studies? Woke. Books exploring gender identity? Woke. Disneyland? Woke. Bud Light? Woke.

Dismissing others as woke is a cynical and lazy—but highly effective—way to trigger fear in the listener, dismiss and dehumanize opponents, and shut down curiosity, inquiry, and compassionate action. Uncomfortable with woke teachers? Accuse them of “grooming” children to be gay or trans, as if that were even possible. In an instant, they are transformed from people to predators.

Anti-woke absolves all its adherents of accountability and responsibility to do anything to right historical wrongs or even respect the “other.”

Jesus declared, “The truth will set you free,” (John 8:32), but for DeSantis and his fellow Republicans, acknowledging the truth of our nation’s past errors and crimes is an outrage. Calls for reckoning and justice are viewed as pure weakness leading to downfall rather than as an opportunity for understanding, correction, and redemption. Too fragile to face facts, they are on a campaign to destroy truth and those who speak it. “Wokeism” is now described as a “virus,” which makes those who “carry” the virus (e.g., progressive activists, feminists, academics, librarians, and even scientists) spreaders of disease.

narrowly on America’s failures to live up to its stated ideals and for unfairly “canceling” those who violate woke norms and values. What critics overlook is that the conservative right is—and always has been—cancel crazy: Canceling “woke” library books and drag shows, opposing and nullifying laws to protect against discrimination, and even canceling democracy itself by limiting voting rights and casting doubt on fair elections. In the

groups are in control of the narrative of who we are as a nation and who is entitled to share in its promise.

People consumed by prejudice are relentless and never stay in one
202-628-7979 appointment@citydentaldc.com 1221 Massachusetts Ave., NW 703 D St., NW 2075 L St., NW 955 L’Enfant Plz., SW PR #325 In-Network with many PPOs Contact us today!

is a longtime LGBTQ rights and Democratic Party activist. He writes regularly for the Blade.

Republicans now screwing with National Defense Authorization Act

MAGA amendments target abortion, trans rights, and more

What people thought beyond the pale, screwing with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), is what Republicans in Congress are now doing. Amendments from the most MAGA segments of the party are winning votes. Those MAGA members including Chip Roy (R-Texas), Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) and one of the craziest, Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), have no interest in protecting the country, only in their cultural issues like banning abortion, hurting transgender people, and ending inclusion/diversity. They are willing to put the country in jeopardy.

Proving again why it is crucial to get rid of all Republicans, we see Speaker McCarthy allowing a small group in his party to dictate national policy because he is afraid they will challenge his speakership, demonstrating how weak he is. Those like scary Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), now control the House, and in essence, McCarthy. Even Republicans who may claim some sanity, and they are hard to find, are acquiescing to the crazies because they are scared shitless they will be primaried. It’s all about winning, “to hell with the country.”

Not satisfied screwing with the NDAA, Republicans decided to become full-time overlords to the 700,000 residents of D.C. While there were always amendments impacting D.C., stopping needle exchange at the height of the AIDS crisis, or making it illegal to spend money on abortions for poor District women, now they have gone much further. They are rewriting D.C.’s election laws, including requiring a photo ID to vote, and prohibiting the city from sending unsolicited mail-in ballots to registered voters, among other provisions. Another amendment prevents the city from using traffic cameras, currently a key source of income for the city. Mayor Bowser suggested if passed, it could cost the city up to $1 billion over four years, money that would be made up by cutting services the city now provides including policing, and healthcare, among others. These amendments were passed by both the House Appropriations Committee, and in a bill advanced by the House Oversight Committee. One scary amendment would allow people with gun permits issued anywhere, to carry them in D.C., including on Metro.

You would think with all the serious issues facing the nation, and facing their own constituents, congressional Republicans would focus on something to help the people who elected them. Clearly, not their interest. We must question the sanity of people who elect them. There are clearly a bunch of sick people who elected and reelect Marjorie Taylor Greene, who sane people see as the village idiot. But this village idiot today has sway over the Speaker of the House.

The issue Democrats face in the next election, is so-called, ‘independents,’ who are dissatisfied with the Democratic candidate. They either don’t fully understand how our government works, or don’t care. I am tired of listening to those who claim to be ‘independent’ tell me Biden isn’t doing enough, Democrats aren’t doing enough; without saying what they think they could do. They seem to not understand it is not about waiving a magic wand, it’s about having the votes.

In 2016, those ‘independents’ handed the presidency to Donald Trump by voting for Jill Stein. They bitched about the candidate and what the Democratic platform didn’t say, and literally handed the election to Trump, who they claimed they couldn’t stand. Even intelligent people like Rachel Maddow, kept bashing Hillary Clinton. What did she think that would accomplish, if not electing Trump? Going back to 2000 we saw Ralph Nader do the same to Al Gore. Getting just enough votes in Florida to give Bush the presidency. You would have thought by now people would learn, but they apparently haven’t. Today some are talking about a No Labels third-party run.

Third Party candidates don’t win, they are only spoilers. I always ask friends who are ‘independent’ what they stand for, and get wishy-washy answers. The majority either lean Democratic or Republican. They don’t have their own platform, or proposals. When they complain about the party’s candidates, I ask why they aren’t willing to get down in the dirt working to get a candidate they like. Seems they would rather sit on the sidelines till the general election, and then bitch. It has become really tiring.

So good people wake up. Either the Democratic candidate or the Republican candidate for president, and for nearly all congressional seats, except for the very rare one, will be the winner. Whose platform do you like better? Even if it’s not perfect, and you hold your nose, vote for the person who will support most of what you want. If you don’t, you are screwed, and are screwing the rest of us.

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Shakers brings new chapter to U Street queer bar scene

Curating a space for drag, community engagement, and more

The busy intersection at 9th and U streets is about to see a bit more action. Shakers, a new bar from the owners of Dirty Goose, is set to debut the weekend of July 21 after a soft opening last weekend.

Located in the former Whitlow’s bar (which has moved a couple storefronts down to the former Brixton building), this indoor-outdoor bar takes a decidedly different approach than its feathered sister. While owners Justin Parker and Daniel Honeycutt expressed a love for the liveliness and pace of nightlife-forward Dirty Goose, Shakers will be an all-day affair, encompassing day-to-night, weekday-to-weekend vibe shifts.

Shakers is set to be a “full-spectrum bar, with everything from family nights to ANC meet-and-greets to drag shows,” they say. They want to “curate a space with balance.”

In 2016, the duo opened Dirty Goose (and got married the same year). Coming out pand. Since 2016, and especially since the pandemic, they developed a friendship with restaurateurs and hospitality leaders Hilton brothers (Ian and Eric), who ran Brixton on the corner. (“Great allies,” they note).

space and fell in love.”

and events for larger groups. This new space is perfect for this. We have already built a stage and are planning on holding events from drag performances to community panels.”

anti-drag legislation – followed by performances from drag queens.

That’s not all that the couple is shaking up.

For one, the new bar dispensed with the moody and darker atmosphere of Whitlow’s. Partnering with the designer of the bar that preceded Whitlow’s, they shifted in favor of a lighter, more neutral color scheme that could adapt to afternoon catch-ups as well as nighttime sweaty dancing. The relaxed patio means that patrons can take a quick break.

While Whitlow’s didn’t have a stage, Parker and Honeycutt knew they needed to build one. They removed all but two booths, put in tables that can be moved for standing-room crowds, and purchased stackable bar stools. The new capacity: more than

“Goose is so special to us, and we wanted to make sure we are giving two different spaces. Goose thrives with the rooftop and music that has been curated over the last seven years. If there is anything we wanted to do that Goose’s layout didn’t really allow was to hold shows and events for larger groups. This new space is perfect for this.”

Parker and Honeycutt did spot a gem in Whitlow’s leftovers. The bar maintained an extensive draft system they were thrilled to inherit. Unlike at Goose with four taps, they’ll now have access to nine. Three had been dedicated to draft cocktails, which Shakers will use for this purpose. The extensive draft lines means that Shakers can be more playful with the drink offerings.

They also noted that at Goose, they always had a martini list. “This fell off a bit post-pandemic,” they said, which they want to revive at Shakers. And as self-described winos, the wine list “will be much more than one white and one red,” they promise.

They also brought in a new toy to play with: one that inspired the bar’s name. On a recent road trip, they encountered an Imperial Shaker. Bright red, the “Gatsby-esque” machine will be a bar centerpiece, around which they’ll curate a special menu.

As for food, they built a partnership with (the new) Whitlow’s. That corner bar will dedicate a small, curated menu for Shakers, with a few snacks and shareables. Food will be delivered right from the Whitlow’s kitchen to Shaker’s guest tables.

In the works: a rotating happy hour, a partnership with DJ Farrah Flosscett, and a host of all-ages events, shows, and community engagement.

When Whitlow’s took over that Brixton corner bar, the Hilton brothers knew the Whitlow’s space would be open – and gave the intel to Parker and Honeycutt. “We visited the

Parker and Honeycutt recognize that they’re among a new cadre of bars, and are thrilled to be part of it. “We’re never upset that Kiki opened next door. At the end of the day, we’re excited to create space. Our perspective is that the pie can grow, and we can add another element to the U Street corridor. And in light of recent Supreme Court decisions, we absolutely need more gay bars and safe spaces.”

Shakers opens this weekend at 9th and U streets. (Blade photo by Michael Key)
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July 21

Center Aging Friday Tea Time will be at 2 p.m. on Zoom. This is a social hour for older LGBTQ adults. For the Zoom link or more information, email adamheller@thedccenter. org.

Go Gay DC will host “LGBTQ+ Social” at 7 p.m. at Puro Gusto. This event is ideal for making new friends, professional networking, idea-sharing, and community building. Admission is free and more details are available on Eventbrite.


July 22

Black Lesbian Support Group will be at 11 a.m. on Zoom. This is a peer-led support group devoted to the joys and challenges of being a Black Lesbian. For more details, email supportdesk@thedccenter.org.

Go Gay DC will host “LGBTQ+ Games” at 7 p.m. at The Board Room VA. The event will be co-hosted by Equality NOVA and attendees are encouraged to come enjoy board and card games. This event is free and more details are available on Eventbrite.


July 23

AfroCode DC will be at 4 p.m. at Decades DC. This event will be an experience of non-stop music, dancing, and good vibes and a crossover of genres and a fusion of cultures. Tickets cost $40 and can be purchased on Eventbrite.

GoGay DC will host “LGBTQ+ Dinner & Conversation” at 6 p.m. at Federico ristorante Italiano. Guests are encouraged to come enjoy an evening of Italian-style dining and conversation with other LGBTQ+ folk on the enclosed front patio.This event is free and more details are available on Eventbrite.

Monday, July 24

Center Aging Monday Coffee and Conversation will be at 10 a.m. on Zoom. LGBT Older Adults — and friends — are invited to enjoy friendly conversations and to discuss any issues you might be dealing with. For more information, visit the Center Aging’s Facebook or Twitter.

Queer Book Club will be at 6 p.m. on Zoom. This month’s book is “A Marvelous Light” by Freya Marske. For more details, email supportdesk@thedccenter.org.

Tuesday, July 25

Genderqueer DC will be at 7 p.m. on Zoom. This event is a support group for people who identify outside of the gender binary, whether you’re bigender, agender, gendetails, visit www.genderqueerdc.org or Facebook.

Pride on the Patio will host “LGBTQ+ Social Mixer” at 5:30 p.m. at Showroom. The dress code is casual, fancy, or comfortable, and guests should bring their most authentic selves to chat, laugh, and get a little crazy. This event is free and more details are available on Eventbrite.

Wednesday, July 26

Job Club will be at 6 p.m. on Zoom. This is a weekly job support program to help job entrants and seekers, includmotivation, resilience and productivity for effective job searches and networking — allowing participants to move away from being merely “applicants” toward being “candidates.” For more information, email centercareers@thedccenter.org or visit www.thedccenter.org/careers.

Thursday, July 27

The DC Center’s Fresh Produce Program will be held all day at the DC Center for the LGBT Community. To be fair with who is receiving boxes, the program is moving to a lottery system. People will be informed on Wednesday at 5 p.m. if they are picked to receive a produce box. No proof of residency or income is required. For more information, email supportdesk@thedccenter.org or call 202682-2245.

Virtual Yoga Class with Charles M. will be at 12 p.m. online. This is a weekly class focusing on yoga, breathwork, and meditation. Guests are encouraged to RSVP on the DC Center’s website, providing your name, email address, and zip code, along with any questions you may have. A link to the event will be sent at 6 pm the day before.


New Dumbarton concerts season is here

Dumbarton Arts and Education has announced the lineup for its 2023-2024 season set to begin on Saturday, Oct. 21 at Dumbarton United Methodist Church sanctuary.

This season will provide an exciting roster of chamber music, jazz, blues, Broadway, folk, and holiday entertainment. Concerts will also be live streamed to enable access and availability to a wider audience.

“We have augmented our classical offerings with cross-genre musical excellence. Over 14 concerts we also will showcase blues, jazz, and the American Songbook, rendered by some of the most exceptional musicians in the country,” said Shelley Brown, Managing Director.

This season will also feature a Nov. 4 performance from LGBTQ artist Jeremy Denk, whose work features all women composers.

For more details, visit Dumbarton’s website.

Mayor’s office to host roundtable for veterans

its monthly roundtable on Thursday, July 27 at 12 p.m. at Marion S. Barry Building.

This event aims to connect the District’s veterans with information, resources, and organizations that may be consists of an informal discussion that revolves around varying topics including housing, employment, healthcare, and legal services. Upon the conclusion of the discussion, all resource providers in attendance offer feedback on any topics discussed or how they can assist the veteran or their family in a positive capacity.

This event is free to attend and more details are available on Eventbrite.

LGBTQ-friendly variety show set for July 21

Lavoure Entertainment will host “Jasmine Juke Joint Drag Bi and Straight Party” on Friday, July 21 at 10 p.m. at Richie Rich 12 Stop Restaurant & Lounge.

This event is a variety show with live entertainment from local DMV performers. There will also be food and free parking.

A $20 donation will be required at the door. More details are available on Eventbrite.

Queer Book Club will be at 6 p.m. on July 24.

‘Redeemed’ inspired by uptick in anti-Asian hate crime amid pandemic Shepherdstown hosts Contemporary American Theater Festival

For playwright Chisa Hutchinson, the annual Contemporary American Theater Festival (CATF) at Shepherd University in historic, queer-friendly Shepherdstown, W.Va. (just a 90-minute drive from D.C.), has proved a launching pad for new work.

Currently, her play “Redeemed,” a piece inspired by an uptick in anti-Asian hate crime festival.

Originally conceived as a radio drama, the compelling two hander is set in the visiting room of a high security prison where Asian American Claire (Elizabeth Sun) meets with allegedly repentant Trevor (Doug Harris), the white man who murdered her gay brother when he heard him speaking Chinese in line at an ATM. Whether the convicted killer is sincere or simply eager to be released is unclear.

she feeling, hopeful, cynical, angry? A singular emotion ultimately prevailed, but telling would reveal too much.

experience to go on: “When I was a kid, my mom became pen pals with a guy in prison. I’m pretty sure he was looking for a soft place to land when he got out. She took me along on some visits.”

Hutchinson later taught playwriting workshops at juvenile detention facilities, and worked with a women’s prison association as a mentor.

“Redeemed” is her fourth world premiere at CATF, and according to the New Jersey-based playwright, “Shepherdstown is a great place to try new stuff. You’re surrounded by a small army who help at every turn, just like antibodies going to the sight of a wound. Everybody cares that deeply. From the festival’s artistic director Peggy McKowen to the prop person to the attentive audiences.”

This summer’s four other world premieres at CATF are Lynn Rosen’s “The Overview Effect,” José Rivera’s “Your Name Means Dream,” “Dael Orlandersmith’s “Spiritus/Virgil’s Dance,” and “Fever Dreams” by Jeffrey Lieber. Venues are located on Shepherd campus or a few steps away in the charming town that Hutchinson describes as “a blue dot in a sea of red.”

Born in Queens, she attended “a swanky high school on scholarship in New Jersey.” After her drama teacher invited her to a debate between critic Robert Brustein and playwright August Wilson on color blind casting, she began writing in earnest.

“Wilson said actors can play whatever they want, but you can’t fully employ an actor of color if you don’t tell stories about people of color. It’s unfair and lazy. And deems as less than. After that debate, I began writing monologues about black people for me and my black friends.”

At Vassar College in Poughkeepsie where she was the only Black drama major in her year, she crafted her own curriculum of mostly creative writing and English. Later at the National Theater Institute at the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center in Connecticut, she went through a boot camp of design, acting, directing, and playwriting.

Hutchinson won a 2010 GLAAD award for her lesbian-themed “She Likes Girls.” It was

There hasn’t been pressure to write plays with queer themes, she says. However, when she writes plays about race, she can’t seem to win. Whether she hits race head on, or portrays minorities as simply people with average lives, there are complaints, she says. In response, she writes whatever she wants. If people don’t like it, too bad.

“When I began the play, I wasn’t sure how it would end,” explains Hutchinson, 43. “It block. I just have to go live my life and in the course of living my life I will stumble on a solution and that’s exactly what happened.”

The playwright knew the ending would be dependent on her mood at the time. Was

At the heart of “Redeemed” lies — surprise, surprise — redemption. Hutchinson likes to think that everyone is seeking redemption. It could be about something big, or something small like you didn’t tip your waiter enough, she says.

“I’m pretty OCD about it. I lose sleep replaying little things that I could have done better, ways I might have been nicer, or not have prejudged something or someone. Fortunately, with my real life, not plays, it’s never anything too heinous.”

JULY 21, 2023 • WASHINGTONBLADE.COM • 29 This program is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on www.DelawareScene.com. Clear Space Theatre Company, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. www.ClearSpaceTheatre.org 302.227.2270 20 Baltimore Ave. (Beach Block), RB, DE 19971 Sponsored by Sponsored by LATE NIGHT SHOW! SATURDAY MORNINGS AT 11 AM! Sponsored by Sponsored by SEP. 21 - OCT. 1 2023 Season Sponsors Jesus Christ Superstar Kiny Boots Spongebob POOH WIZARD OF OZ (Saturdays 11am) JUST THE TIP (10 pm, after the evening show) FINAL BOW 10pm All shows begin at 7:30 pm, unless otherwise listed. SUN MON TUES WED THU FRI SAT JUN 25 26 27 28 29 30 JUL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AUG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 3 28 29 30 31 SEP 1 2 2023 Summer Rep Performance Schedule Please visit the website or call for ticket purchase information and performance updates. Year-Round Live Theatre at the Beach! YOU AINʼT SEEN NOTHINʼ YET!

‘Studio One’ chronicles nightclub’s decadent reign as queen of queer LA nightlife New documentary premieres at OutFest

We know you’ve heard of Studio 54, the iconic New York City dance club that became almost synonymous with the hedonistic lifestyle of the 1970s disco scene, but before it ever opened its doors there was already Studio One, and if you’ve heard of that one, you’re probably from Los Angeles.

Founded in 1974 by part-owner Scott Forbes in the upstairs space above a furniture store, the West Hollywood nightclub was a hotspot in LA during through the peak of the disco years until its closing in 1993. Explicitly conceived as a haven for gay men, it was known for its youthful clientele, celebrity patrons, and notoriously hedonistic vibe; it became even more of a draw with the opening of “The Backlot,” an adjacent performance venue that featured some of the biggest “A-list” acts of the era.

The story of Studio One has long been buried and neglected, overshadowed and out-excessed by the scandal-ridden saga of its more famous Manhattan cousin,

– “Studio One Forever,” a documentary that chronicles the nightclub’s decadent reign as the queen of queer nightlife in LA and follows the effort to preserve the building that housed it – has its world premiere screening at LA’s OutFest on July 18, and while it might not yet be available to a wider audience, it’s bound to draw attention as an important document of an era when queer culture was bursting – through the phenomenon of disco – into the mainstream.

Framed by the modern-day story of former patrons, now local community leaders, spearheading the campaign to save the club’s historic building from demolition, it’s a widely scoped exploration of the Studio One legacy that draws heavily on archival material, personal reminiscences, and hindsight, unearthing a history that took place mostly in secret – or as much so as was possible for a nightclub frequented by some of Hollywood’s biggest stars, both new and old. It’s an engrossing watch, full of interviews with Studio One-adjacent celebs like Bruce Vilanch, Chita Rivera, Thelma Houston, Melissa Rivers, Julie Budd and more, and loaded with anecdotal tidbits alongside the corroborative testimony that gives them the weight of lived experience; more than that it offers a microcosmic look at queer life from the giddy freedom of the sexually liberated 1970s through the decimation of the AIDS era and beyond, into an age when survivors of that time have empowered themselves to reclaim their own history – something that becomes nearly visceral by the extensive photographic record of life inside the club itself, much of it made possible through a chance discov-

Speaking to Saltarelli before his movie’s debut, we learned that although he had been to Studio One after moving to Los Angeles in 1984, his interest in making a Backlot producer told him about a reunion party for the club that was planned to help drum up support for a “Save the Factory” campaign, in hopes of persuading housed the legendary club was worth saving. It was suggested to him that the story would make a good docu-


“I had been to the club when I was 19, after I had moved from Illinois, and I had those memories – but I had no idea what had happened before I got there, or after,” Saltarelli tells us. “So, I started doing the research, and the women who started ‘Save the Factory’ had put together a 30-or-40-page, detailed, historical document

where they interviewed a lot of people that I would end up interviewing later. When I read that, I was like, ‘Wow, there’s an amazing story here that not many people know about.’ I certainly didn’t.”

There were funding challenges, of course, and other logistical obstacles that had to be worked out before he could start the project, but thanks to a postponement

extensive interviews with former patrons waiting in line to get in – just like in the old days.

ing him the opportunity to gather a core group of former Studio One regulars – including John Jude Duran, a West Hollywood City Council member and veteran of multiple terms as the town’s mayor – to reminisce on camera within the space in which they had spent so many hours of their younger lives.

chael Koth, at his old station,” he says, “which was really amazing.” Koth, who used to put lines of complementary cocaine on the bar for patrons, is now a respected health and wellness practitioner.

is just one of the less-than-savory aspects that Saltarelli includes in his documentary, though it takes nothing away from the joyous nostalgia that infuses it. Another is the inevitable discussion of the club’s well-documented

racist-and-classist admission policies, which led to controversy and protest even in the “pre-woke” environment of the 1970s and ‘80s.

“Scott Forbes’ vision was to have a place for gay white men only,” Saltarelli tells us. “He didn’t come right out and say it, but he had this ‘no open-toed shoes’ policy as a way of keeping women out, and he didn’t want people of color to be a part of it. They had to have three forms of ID, sometimes, it was just ridiculous.

he was a businessman, and it was a business decision –and the times were different. It’s not to trash Scott, but I didn’t want to gloss over it, it’s the way it was. Some people deny it, but frankly, that’s because they’re white and they never saw it happening.”

Though “Studio One Forever” has an inherently local for his project coming from all across the country – and he believes he understands why it strikes a chord for so many people who never set foot in the club itself.

“It’s a universal story for our queer community,” he muses. “It represents our youth, our coming-of-age, it resonates not only with incredibly happy times but also the tragedy of the eighties that still lives with us. All those emotions and memories come back, and most of the people in these photographs, unfortunately, aren’t with us anymore.

“I also like to think it’s a way of honoring those people, who gave so much. They didn’t ask to die, but because of them we were mobilized as a community and that’s why we’ve been able to attain further rights – even though some people are trying to erase those now.”

In truth, queer safe spaces like Studio One are also being erased, even in the LGBTQ+ mecca of West Hollywood – which makes the history related by Saltarelli’s movie even more valuable.

An archival image from LA’s legendary Studio One nightclub.
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‘Gray Love’ looks at dating after 60 25 percent of American adults live alone

It was supposed to be a nice night out.

But you drove around and around looking for the restaurant and once you found it, you learned that you needed reservations. Practically before the evening started, you sensed that your food could be as cold as your date. As in “Gray Love,” edited by Nan Bauer-Maglin and Daniel E. Hood, looking for love wasn’t like this when you were younger.

You thought you’d be happy alone.

After the divorce, the funeral, the last break-up, you didn’t think a little you-time was a bad idea. And it wasn’t – but love, someone to go to the movies with or dine with or snuggle with, seems more and more appealing now. Today, though, as the essays in this book confirm and as you’ve learned, that’s easier said than done.

You want a partner, someone your age, but you fear becoming a caretaker. You like doing your own thing, but having someone around to do it with would be nice. You have company but you are “without intimacy.” Or you don’t want a full-time someone but it’s scary to think about “falling off a ladder alone.”

So you go online because, well, people don’t meet like they used to. That’s when you learn that dating sites are generally ripe with people who lie about their ages, who seem clingy or who want things you can’t give, “the Uncertain, the Angry... the Unattractive,” and – let’s be honest – jerks. Unlike real life circa 1973 or 1993, there’s

nobody to vouch for singles online.

You wonder, “What would I wear?” You learn about scams the hard way, while tales of love at way-up-thereages are inspirational. Experimenting with same sex, different sex, different race isn’t off the table, but nobody’s asked – or you did, and it was wonderful and why didn’t you do that before? Love is love. You date the wrong people, you date the right people, you’re exhausted and disappointed. And sometimes, even for awhile, you’re someone’s “’sweetie.’”

According to a study quoted in “Gray Love,” about 25 percent of American adults live alone. If you’re one of them and open to a relationship, you need this book.

Just know that this is not a how-to manual. Editors Nan Bauer-Maglin and Daniel E. Hood don’t offer advice in their introduction, and most of their storytellers didn’t Ann-Landers their way into this book. Instead, you’ll read tales of dating and mating gone happily right and very, very wrong, told in ways that will make you laugh, sigh, and know that you’re not alone in your late-life search for love. The mixture here is diverse and wide: if one tale makes you want to swear off dating forever, the next one offers Happily Ever After.

Be aware that a few of the tales inside ray ove irt with the e plicit and others might ruf e a feather or two. Still, it could be great to share it with a millennial or older GenZ’er, If you see this book on a bookshelf, take it out.

‘Gray Love: Stories About Dating and New Relationships

After 60’ Edited by Nan Bauer-Maglin and Daniel E. Hood c.2023, Rutgers University Press | $24.95 | 303 pages

Evry Pleasure hosts movie-themed show at Red Bear Brewing

Evry Pleasure hosted “Barbie’s World!” at Red Bear Brewing on Friday, July 14 to celebrate everything Barbie. Performers included Theo Bromide, Rosie Beret and former “RuPaul’s Drag Race” contestant Dax Exclamation Point. (Washington Blade photos by Michael Key)

Hip hybrids: Ford Escape, Kia Sorento, Lincoln Corsair

These rides have the lowest lifetime maintenance costs

How cool are hybrids? Let us count the ways.

First, hybrids aren’t fully electric, so there’s no range anxiety about your battery conking out during a trip. Second, sticker prices are lower for hybrids than for electric vehicles. Third, hybrids—especially plug-in hybrids like those reviewed here—have the lowest lifetime maintenance costs.

in 1902 by Ferdinand Porsche.



MPG: 40 city/40 highway

Electric-only range: 37 miles

0 to 60 mph: 7.7 seconds

PROS: Refreshed design, good fuel economy, roomy.

CONS: Some cheap interior plastics, no ventilated seats, no all-wheel drive.

IN A NUTSHELL: The Ford Escape plug-in hybrid is $13,000 less than its luxe sibling, the Lincoln Corsair. But cheaper doesn’t mean lackluster. Exterior styling on an Escape is snazzy, with tasteful LED accent lighting stretching across the top of the grille. Handling is highly responsive, as are the brakes. And there’s plenty of zip when driving in all-electric mode. Ford says this Escape can go 37 miles on battery power alone, but for me it was even better—up to 40 miles. Other nice surprises: a hushed cabin and crystal-clear stereo. There’s only one trim level, but it’s loaded: heated seats, heated steering wheel, dual-zone climate control, tinted head-up display, 360-degree split-screen camera, panoramic roof and active park assist. Overall, the Escape may not be as fully upscale as a Lincoln Corsair, but it’s pretty close.



MPG: 35 city/33 highway

Electric-only range: 32 miles

0 to 60 mph: 7.9 seconds


CONS: Not so sporty, low towing capacity, third row for kids only.

IN A NUTSHELL: Need a larger hauler? The Kia Sorento plug-in hybrid is the most affordable midsize crossovers with third-row seating. A tad slower and less sporty than various competitors, this Kia is still one smooth ride. It felt especially steady as I was weaving through stop-and-go Beltway congestion after some unexpectedly long days at work. In fact, not once did I swear like a New York City cab driver under my breath. What’s more, there’s plenty of bang for the buck: remote keyless entry, hands-free power liftgate, LED interior lighting, second-row sunshades, 12-speaker premium Bose stereo and other goodies. The seating features alone are impressive: heated/ventilated front seats, heated second-row seats, 14way power-adjustable driver’s seat, 10-way front passenger seat, second-row captain chairs, and 50/50-split folding third-row seat. There are so many safety systems that even Volvo—renowned for its safety innovations—would likely be impressed. I know I was.



MPG: 34 city/32 highway

Electric-only range: 28 miles

0 to 60 mph: 7.0 seconds

PROS: Glitzy outside, cushy inside, creature comforts galore.

CONS: Pricey, some touchscreen anomalies, battery-only range not so far.

IN A NUTSHELL: As with various other hybrid crossovers, the Lincoln Corsair plug-in is only available in one high-end trim level. Built on the same platform as the less expensive

faster than an Escape. The Corsair also has a swanky cabin with primo materials. Two new monitors: 12.3-inch digital gauge cluster and 13.2-inch infotainment touchscreen (note that seats, hands-free liftgate, automated parking system and limited hands-free driving. While overall car sales were down last year, sales of EVs and plug-in hybrids were up. These three fuel-friendly rides help explain why.


Advocacy and policy changes

• Use Your Voice. Establish an ongoing voice in your ANC or your Ward on these matters. Reach out to your ANC commissioner if you feel your ANC can help. Start an ongoing conversation with the Constituent e ices e ployees in yo Wa d e be s o fce and those o fces o the t a ge o ncil e be s nd each o t to the Mayo s o fce hen yo ha e information that can help.

• Volunteer and Contribute. Volunteer your time and ( hen possible) fnancial s ppo t to o gani ations in the ist ict that a e a ing an on the g o nd di e ence. Volunteering can provide you a starting point to lea n ho the o gani ation yo see to s ppo t op e ates and to see ho e fcient and e ecti e they a e internally at providing direct services to our youth.

• Know Your Partners. SMYAL does yeoman’s work working to establish healthy relationships with com nity o gani ations nation ide helping ho eless LGBTQ+ youth. Learn about their work and see where supporting them makes sense for you. SMYAL does a lot to help housing providers exercise cultural compe tencies to address the needs of those homeless youth from our community. And SMYAL is just one group helping. Learn who your partners are.

Resources and partners

True Colors Foundation

Importance of support and resources

The Salvation Army
Wanda Alston Foundation. SCOTT BLOOM is senior property manager and owner, Columbia Property Management.



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