9 minute read
KIPP DC PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOLS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Printing and Shipping Services KIPP DC is soliciting proposals from qualified vendors for Printing and Shipping Services. The RFP can be found on KIPP DC’s website at www.kippdc.org/procurement. Proposals should be uploaded to the website no later than 5:00 PM ET on June 9, 2020. Questions can be addressed to tania. honig@kippdc.org.
NOTICE OF INTENT TO ENTER A SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT: IDEA Integrated Design and Electronic Academy PCS intends to enter into a sole source contract with Urban Teacher Center for Teacher Residents for approximately $62,500 for the upcoming school year. Urban Teachers has a unique capacity to prepare, certify, and support new educators to be highly effective so they can provide high-quality education for children. For further information regarding this notice contact Nicole Seward at nseward@ideapcs.org no later than 6/9/20.
BRIDGES PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL NOTICE: FOR PROPOSALS FOR PAYROLL SERVICES Bridges Public Charter School in accordance with section 2204(c) of the District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995 solicits proposals for SY20-21 * Payroll Services Proposals should be submitted in PDF format and for any further information regarding this notice at bids@bridgespcs.org no later than 4:00 pm Mondday, June 8, 2020.
PAUL PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS PPE and Distance Learning Paul Public Charter School is currently seeking bids for: * PPE and social distancing items to include, but not limited to, masks, plastic protection dividers, meal delivery carts, no contact thermometers, and face shields. * Distance learning educations supplies and services, to include, but not limited to, moving recording devices, TVs, interactive white boards, educational applications for English, Math, Science and Foreign languages that can have up to 800 subscriptions/ licenses and be used in multiple web-based applications. More information is available by request by emailing business-office@paulcharter.org. All submissions are due by Friday June 19, 2020 at 12 noon.
BRIDGES PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL NOTICE: FOR PROPOSALS FOR RELATED SERVICES Bridges Public Charter School in accordance with section 2204(c) of the District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995 solicits proposals for Special Education Services in-person and virtual services for SY20-21. * Speech Therapy Services * Occupational Services * Physical Therapy * Educational Evaluations * Psychological Evaluations * Bilingual Speech Language Therapy and Assessments
Proposals should be submitted in PDF format and for any further information regarding this notice to bids@bridgespcs.org no later than 4:00 pm Monday, June 8, 2020.
Washington Global Public Charter School intends to enter into a sole source contract with Urban Teaching Center for contracted curricular support for approximately $55,000 for the upcoming school year. * UTC has long and proven history of training novice teachers to be effective in urban education including DC public schools using their unique evidence based approach to teacher preparation. * A partnership with the Urban Teaching Center will position Washington Global Public Charter School to achieve a full return on investment associated with the program model, through a four-year commitment to teaching. * UTC trained teachers possess deeper knowledge of and experience with our students various demographics compared to other novices, that enables them to be better equipped and prepared for their first year of lead teaching. For further information regarding this notice contact bids@washingtonglobal.org no later than 4:00 pm June 3, 2020
NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CREATIVE MINDS INTERNATIONAL PCS seeks providers of IT Support Services. Full RFP available at creativemindspcs.org/requests-for-proposals or via email. Bids due to heather.hesslink@ creativemindspcs.org by 12:00 pm on June 10, 2020.
D.C. Bilingual Public Charter School intends to enter into a sole source contract with Urban Teaching Center for contracted curricular support for approximately $65,000 for the upcoming school year. * UTC has long and proven history of training novice teachers to be effective in urban education including DC public schools using their unique evidence based approach to teacher preparation. * A partnership with the Urban Teaching Center will position D.C. Bilingual Public Charter School to achieve a full return on investment associated with the program model, through a four year commitment to teaching. * UTC trained teachers possess deeper knowledge of and experience with our students various demographics compared to other novices, that enables them to be better equipped and prepared for their first year of lead teaching. For further information regarding this notice contact bids@dcbilingual.org no later than 4:00 pm June 3, 2020
THIS LARGE TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT IN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS has all the amenities needed for fine urban living. Beautifully renovated high ceiling, hardwood floors, intercom system, large entrance hallway, living room and dining room. $2.400.00 + Utilities. Call 202-362-9441 Ext. 16 or 202-362-8078.
NEWLY RENOVATED 1, 2, 3 AND 4 BEDROOMS in NE and SE. W/D, CAC and W/W starting at $1200/ Mo. Section 8 welcome! Call Kyle 202-856-6428
HYATTSVILLE ROOMS FOR RENT: Quiet Neighborhood, Close to Metro, Furnished, NS, Off Street Parking, $575/mo. utils. incl. 443-808-7994
3RD FLOOR FURNISHED UNIT FOR RENT IN HISTORIC COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DC neighborhood, 3 miles north of White House, $1450 DCLarry@aol.com
CAPITOL HILL LIVING- Furnished room for rent- Utilities, WiFi, W/D includedshort or long-term lease available 1-block from metro bus and trolley- $1,000/month. Call Eddie @202-744-9811
NW DC LEDROIT PARK Very Nice quiet extra large 1BR + den Apt, Fully Renovated, HWF, French doors, bay windows, ceil fans, garbage disposal, bk porch, near trans. Section 8 ok. 202-308-4341.
NEED A ROOMMATE? Roommates.com will help you find your Perfect Match™ today!
IN NEED OF SOMEONE WITH A CAR OR TRUCK to run errands/groceries for me. 240-715-7875
PRECISION WALL TECH IS AN ESTABLISHED PAINTING CONTRACTOR BASED IN DC. We are seeking DC qualified Commercial/ Industrial Journeymen who will meet our standard for the company’s FIRST SOURCE PROJECTS. Brush & Roll & Spray Experience Required + Minimum of 3 years working on large commercial jobs. Must have own trans, pass Security clearance and drug test. $18-26/hr DOE plus benefits. EOE. Send resume to careers@precisionwall. com Now Hiring for the following projects: * 555 E Street * Residences @ St Elizabeth East * MLK Memorial Library * Stanton Square * Providence Place * Eliot Hines * Takoma Place Apartments
CLEANING LADY NEEDED NE DC for clean house. Close to Metro. Spanish Speaking a plus. 301-383- 4504.
HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES NEEDED. Renovations of bathrooms, kitchens and basements. Hard wood floors, painting, carpentry, windows, plumbing, electrical, concrete and hauling. Please call 301-383-4504 for job details.
FLYER DISTRIBUTORS NEEDED Monday-Friday and weekends. We drop you off to distribute the flyers. NW, Bethesda, Silver Spring, Wheaton. 240-715-7874
WIGS BY CHANEL Brazillian silky and more covid 19 friendly. Open 24 hrs. call Chanel at 202-883- 2390
NEW HOME FOOD DELIVERY SERVICE local delivery 1-3 days shop.chefswarehouse.com
BOY SCOUT COMPENSATION FUND - Anyone that was inappropriately touched by a Scout leader deserves justice and financial compensation! Victims may be eligible for a significant cash settlement. Time to file is limited. Call Now! 844-896- 8216
TRAIN ONLINE TO DO MEDICAL BILLING! Become a Medical Office Professional online at CTI! Get Trained, Certified & ready to work in months! Call 866-243-5931. M-F 8am6pm ET
LOOKING FOR FULL TIME ELDERLY CARE JOB, FLEXIBLE HOURS. I have experience, good references, CPR/first aide certified. Ask about including light housekeeping, laundry and meal prep. Have own car. Please call and leave a message, call 240-271- 1011.
RECENTLY DIAGNOSED WITH LUNG CANCER and 60+ years old? Call now! You and your family may be entitled to a SIGNIFICANT CASH AWARD. Call 844-269-1881 today. Free Consultation. No Risk.
COMPUTER ISSUES? GEEKS ON SITE provides FREE diagnosis REMOTELY 24/7 SERVICE DURING COVID19. No home visit necessary. $40 OFF with coupon 86407! Restrictions apply. 866-939-0093
BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We edit, print and distribute your work internationally. We do the work… You reap the Rewards! Call for a FREE Author’s Submission Kit: 844-511-1836. for your fee rate comparison to see how much you can save! Call: 855-569- 1909.
SAVE BIG ON HOME INSURANCE! Compare 20 A-rated insurances companies. Get a quote within minutes. Average savings of $444/ year! Call 844-712-6153! (M-F 8am-8pm Central)
NEED HELP WITH FAMILY LAW? Can't Afford a $5000 Retainer? Low Cost Legal ServicesPay As You Go-As low as $750-$1500- Get Legal Help Now! Call 1-844-821-8249 MonFri 7am to 4pm PCT. https://www.familycourtdirect.com/?network=1 am 6' 235 lbs"". I am open to certain sporting events. I am trying to slim down. I am very handsome in the face. Thick greyish-black hair/brown eyes/smooth build. I did some modeling work when I was younger and was an extra in two Hollywood films. I am a recent Federal retiree. I am pleasant/kind/sensitive. An actual meeting will have to wait until the COVID 19 crisis is resolved. I live in DC. I also love dogs. Stevenstvn9@aol.com
FILM FANS Fan of old black and white movies seeks viewing partner to watch films together on the Internet and then discuss. Some of my favorite directors include Fritz Lang, James Whale, and F.W. Murnau. I am also a big fan of science fiction films of the 1950s. Contact: Stevenstvn9@aol.com.
Health & Wellness
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Buy Sell Trade
THE EMBASSY OF TUNISIA IS SELLING USED FURNITURES TO THE PUBLIC Adress 5131 broad branch rd nw Washington DC 20008 Please call 202 862 1850 to set your appointment prior coming on site
CASH FOR CARS! We buy all cars! Junk, high-end, totaled – it doesn’t matter! Get free towing and same day cash! NEWER MODELS too! Call 866-535-9689
GAY BLACK MEN Looking for quality gay masculine Black men for dating for monogamous relationship only. Looking for guys age 45-63. Body types are not as important as common interests and personality. My own style is conservative and traditional/private and reserved. I am not in gay culture or politics. My hobbies include antique collecting and historical manuscript collecting. I enjoy old classical film and book collecting. I am age 56, totally masculine and
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VIAGRA & CIALIS! 60 pills for $99. 100 pills for $150. FREE shipping. Money back guaranteed! Call Today 1-844-879-5238
Classified Ads
Print & Web Classified Packages may be placed on our website, mail, or phone.
734 15th Street NW, Suite 400 Washington, D.C. 20005
Commercial Ads rates start at $25 for up to 6 lines in print and online; additional print lines start at $2.50/ line [vary by section]. Your print ad placement plus up to 10 photos online. Premium options available for both print and web may vary.
Print Deadline The deadline for submission and payment of classified ads for print is each Monday at 5 p.m.
To contact the classifieds rep, send an email to classifieds@washingtoncitypaper.com or call (202)-650-6941.
For more information please visit washingtoncitypaper.com.
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