10 minute read
AppleTree Institute
Early Childhood Academy Public Charter School (ECA) intends to enter into a sole source contract with AppleTree Institute of Washington, DC. AppleTree Institute for Education Innovation (AppleTree) is a non-profit organization consisting of a research institute and a network of exemplary charter preschools in Washington, DC working at the intersection of research, policy, and practice. ECA seeks to contract with AppleTree to purchase products and services provided by AppleTree including Every Child Ready Curriculum, CLASS observations, and leader and teacher coaching services. AppleTree will provide instructional support to leaders and teachers on what to teach, how to teach and how to tell if it is being done effectively. For further information regarding this notice, please contact Wendy Edwards at wedwards@ecapcs.org.
Two Rivers is seeking to procure a vendor to provide Payroll Processing and HRMS Services. To request a copy of the RFP, please email Mary Gornick at procurement@ tworiverspcs.org.
Ingenuity Prep Public Charter School intends to enter a sole source contract with KIPP DC for alumni of its Capital Residency to be placed within the school. The Residency program is committed to empowering students and increasing their access to quality education opportunities in Washington, DC by creating a talent pipeline of highly qualified teachers, retaining highly effective teachers for DC public schools and public charter schools, and shaping high-quality teacher preparation programs nationally. * Ingenuity Prep constitutes the sole source for KIPP DC for teacher placements is intended to increase student access to quality education opportunities in Washington, DC. * For further information regarding this notice contact bids@ingenuityprep. org no later than 4:00 pm Tuesday, June 22, 2021.
Bridges Public Charter School intends to enter into a sole source contract with Learning Sciences International for professional development training for teachers within the school. These consultants are serving as effective training assistants specifically equipped to promote educational achievement. * Bridges Public Charter School establishes the sole source with Learning Sciences intended for maximizing high student growth and teacher growth. * For further information regarding this notice, contact bids@bridgespcs. org no later than 4:00 pm Monday, June 21, 2021.
Digital Pioneer Academy Public Charter School is advertising the opportunity to bid on the delivery of breakfast, lunch, snack and/or supper meals to children enrolled at 2 schools for the 2021-2022 school year with a possible extension of (4) one-year renewals. All meals must meet at a minimum, but are not restricted to, the USDA National School Breakfast, Lunch, Afterschool Snack and AtRisk Supper meal pattern requirements. Additional specifications outlined in the Invitation for Bid (IFB) such as; student data, days of service, meal quality, etc. may be obtained beginning on June 11, 2021 bids@digitalpioneersacademy.org
Proposals will be accepted at 709 12th St SE, Washington, DC 20003, not later than 3 PM on July 1st.
All bids not addressing all areas as outlined in the IFB will not be considered. INGENUITY PREP PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL NOTICE OF INTENT TO ENTER A SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT
Teach for America
Ingenuity Prep Public Charter School intends to enter a sole source contract with Teach for America (TFA) for Corps members to be placed within the school. These teachers are committed to closing the achievement gap by serving as effective classrooms teachers specifically equipped to enhance student achievement. * Ingenuity Prep constitutes the sole source for Teach for America for teaching services will lead to student achievement. * For further information regarding this notice contact bids@ingenuityprep. org no later than 4:00 pm Tuesday, June 22, 2021.
DIGITAL PIONEERS ACADEMY PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL NOTICE: FOR PROPOSALS FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Digital Pioneers Academy Public Charter School in accordance with section 2204(c) of the District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995 solicits proposals for SY21-22 * Professional Development Services Proposals should be submitted in PDF format and for any further information regarding this notice at bids@digitalpioneersacademy.org no later than 4:00 pm Tuesday, June 21, 2021.
MUNDO VERDE PCS SEEKS BIDS FOR LEGAL SERVICES and Student Support Services: Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychologist, Behavior Support Services. Providers who can conduct comprehensive evaluation services for current special education students or students who may need special education services at Home/Hospital Teachers. The RFP with bidding requirements and supporting documentation can be obtained by contacting Rocio Yoc at ryoc@ mundoverdepcs.org or calling 202-750-7060. All bids not addressing all areas as outlined in the RFP will not be considered. The deadline for application submission is 3 pm on Wednesday, June 25, 2021.
For further information regarding this notice contact Rocio Yoc at ryoc@ mundoverdepcs.org. Housing
HYATTSVILLE ROOM FOR RENT: Quiet Neighborhood, Close to Metro, Furnished, NS, Off Street Parking, $575/mo. utIls. incl. (443) 808-7994 1.5 bdr-basement apartment for rent in house to share, furnished, no smoking, close to metro. (443) 808-7994
WASHINGTON PROFESSIONAL MALE/FEMALE BASEMENT Room, with Full Bath, Private Entrance in a Shared House near Metro & Shopping. No Smoking in Home Rent $975.00 + Security Deposit 3015400213
Economist: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System seeks f/t Economists (multiple openings) in Washington, DC to analyze & forecast developments in US & international economies &/or financial markets; analyze policy options for regulatory decisions; develop & maintain economic data. Req’s PhD (or frgn equiv) in econ, fin, or rel discip; or be a PhD candidate (or frgn equiv) in econ, fin, or rel discip preparing to defend dissertation. May be eligible to telecommute not more than 2 days/wk w/manager approval. Candidates must submit CV, recent research paper or dissertation & 3 letters of reference by email to: BOGecon1@ frb.gov. EOE.
SUBCONTRACTING OPPORTUNITY FOR CERTIFIED SDVOSBS, SDBS, WOSBS, AND HUBZONES with Fort Myer Construction, who is submitting the bid for FHA - Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) solicitation George Washington Memorial Parkway Project – North Section Rehabilitation. Work includes aggregate materials, asphalt paving, bridge painting, concrete materials, bridge expansion joints, header curb, outfall repairs, drainage, electrical, fencing & guardrail, landscaping, stone guard walls, MOT, pipe lining, PPC overlay, trucking / hauling, utilities, and clearing. Quotes Due: 7/16/21. All personnel must be registered with System for Award Management (SAM). To request bid documents, contact Estimating, estimating@fortmyer.com or call 202.636.9535 extension 2812. SR. MANAGER, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES – Optoro, Inc. – Washington DC – Deliver implmntat’n & prjct mgmt srvcs to clients utilizing Optoro sw. Reqs: Bach or frgn equiv in Comp Sci, Comp Eng’g or Info Tech + 5yrs progr resp exp in a sw consulting occ. Must have 5yrs exp w/: working w/ clients in a consulting capacity; & proj mgmt exp. Dom travel 40% of time. Will accept any combo of edu, train’g or exp equiv to Bach deg. Send CV to cnutter@ optoro.com ref SMPS.
MARKETING ANALYST Research market conditions in local/regional areas; gather infor. to determine potential sales of properties or services; create a marketing campaign; research on market trend, price fluctuation, analyze data on effective marketing strategies/conduct customer services. Req. B.S. degree in telecommunication engineering or marketing, 1 yr. exp. or related. Resume to AZ Capital Inc. at 14 Bryant Ct., Sterling, VA 20166.
SUBCONTRACTING OPPORTUNITY FOR CERTIFIED MBEs and WBEs with Fort Myer Construction for DC Water solicitation #DCW-SOL-21-10073 Public Space Restoration. Work includes permanent restoration of all paved and non-paved surfaces in various locations throughout Washington, DC. Quotes due: 6/17/21. For more info, contact Estimating: estimating@fortmyer. com or call 202.636.9535 extension 2812.
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I WOULD LIKE CITY PAPER MEMBERS AND READERS to contact me if they are interested in guitar lessons. I will teach songs at the rate of $7.50 per hour from my home in Alexandria, Virginia. If students aren't quarantined, I will visit their home if they live in the vicinity of Alexandria. For information as to what songs I will teach, please visit my web site www.nightlightproductions.club. You can also subscribe to my Night Light Promotions YouTube channel, look for all my current music videos, and rocking songs by West Of Eden and Thrivo And The Areas. For all other information please call (703) 751-3786, and ask for Kelly West.
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CONSERVATIVE BIBLIOPHILE Into old movies and TV shows, seeks fellow conservative bibliophile for friendship. Enjoy science fiction and history. Contact Steven at Stevenstvn9@aol.com.
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