7 minute read
D.C. Preparatory Academy Public Charter School in the District of Columbia is seeking competitive proposals from qualified vendors for Owner’s Representative Services for the renovation of a public charter school facility. A copy of the RFP and related materials can be obtained by contacting denglender@dcprep.org. All proposals must be submitted by 5:00 PM on September 9, 2020.
NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Thurgood Marshall Academy charter school seeks vendor for copiers. For full RFP visit thurgoodmarshallacademy. org/about/employmentopportunities/ or email dschlossman@tmapchs.org Bid review begins Sept. 10, 2020.
D.C. Bilingual Public Charter School in accordance with section 2204(c) of the District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995 solicits proposals for vendors to provide the following services for SY20.21:
* Soil Removal and Replacement Services
Proposal Submission A Portable Document Format (pdf ) election version of your proposal must be received by the school no later than 4:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. Proposals and full RFP request should be emailed to bids@dcbilingual.org No phone call submission or late responses please. Interviews, samples, demonstrations will be scheduled at our request after the review of the proposals only.
I DREAM PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL -Notice of Intent to Enter a Sole Source Contract- EL Education Curriculum training and planning services. Please email inquiries to mwhitnall@idreampcs.org by 5:00 PM on 9/4/2020.
STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE FAMILY COURT NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF CHARLESTON CASE NO. 2020-DR-10- 1142 MALACHI ENOCH BOLDS, SR. Plaintiff, SUMMONS vs. MORNING ALEXSUS BOLDS, Defendant. TO THE DEFENDANT ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in thisaction, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the subscriber, at her office located at 3300 West Montague Avenue, Suite 102, North Charleston, South Carolina, 29418 within thirty (30) days after the service thereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Summons and Complaint were filed in the Family Court for Charleston County, 100 Broad Street, Suite 143, Charleston, South Carolina 29401 on May 7, 2020. FAMILY LEGAL SERVICES, LLC By: /s/Veronica G. Small, Esquire ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF
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