10 minute read
MUNDO VERDE PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Staff Professional Development Staff Professional Development. MVPCS is seeking proposals for professional development support on a variety of topics. Please contact Elle Carne at ecarne@mundoverdepcs.org for full RFP details. All bids are due via email on September 14 at 3pm. Note that the contract may not be effective until reviewed and approved by the District of Columbia Public Charter School Board.
The District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) requires professional General Contractor for the rehabilitation of five (5) bundled DCHAowned properties that comprise the MELVO Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Project. SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS will be available on DCHA’s website at www.dchousing.org beginning Monday, August 31, 2020. SEALED PROPOSAL RESPONSES ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 12:00 PM. Email LaShawn Mizzell-McLeod, Contract Specialist at LMMCLEOD@dchousing.org with copy to business@dchousing.org for additional information.
HELP PLEASE! MY FAMILY IS TRYING TO LOCATE MICHEAL DAWAYNE BENNETT. I am trying to reconnect him with family who have not seen him in 10 years. Last we heard he was in DC. Any information leading to his location is gladly appreciated. Please contact me at 2028171935 for any information
PUBLIC NOTICE – CRAN_ RWSH_DCDTN_285 AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to construct a 36’ pole at 292 M St SW, Washington DC. Public comments regarding the potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30-days from the date of this publication to: Amanda Sabol – CBRE, 201 Tresser Boulevard, Suite 201, Stamford, CT 06901, whiteplainsculturalresources@cbre.com or (717) 601-1436.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Search Firm, Head of School
The Inspired Teaching Demonstration School requests proposals for the services of a search firm for our next Head of School. Additional information regarding the Inspired Teaching School and the scope of work are outlined in the Request for Proposals (RFP) and may be obtained by contacting kate. keplinger@inspiredteachingschool.org. Proposals will be accepted until 5:00 pm, September 15, 2020. Proposals should be submitted as PDF or Microsoft Word documents to Kate Keplinger ( kate.keplinger@ inspiredteachingschool. org ) with HOS SEARCH RFP in the subject line.
PUBLIC NOTICE – CRAN_ RWSH_DCDTN_422B AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to construct a 35’ pole at 95 M St SW, Washington DC. Public comments regarding the potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30-days from the date of this publication to: Maggie Klejbuk –CBRE, 201 Tresser Boulevard, Suite 201, Stamford, CT 06901, whiteplainsculturalresources@cbre.com or (914) 267-6637.
The Washington Latin Public Charter School solicits expressions of interest in the form of proposals with references from a qualified vendor for: * Psychological Services – including scheduling, materials, testing, reporting, recommendations, goals and objectives, and administrative duties. For the complete RFP, please contact Ms. Yinnie Tse at businessoffice@latinpcs.org and Sandra Whitfield swhitfield@latinpcs.org with the type of service in the subject line. Deadline for submissions is COB September 18, 2020. No phone calls please. E-mail is the preferred method for responding proposals. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE FAMILY COURT NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF CHARLESTON CASE NO. 2020-DR-10-1142 MALACHI ENOCH BOLDS, SR. Plaintiff, SUMMONS vs. MORNING ALEXSUS BOLDS, Defendant. TO THE DEFENDANT ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in thisaction, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the subscriber, at her office located at 3300 West Montague Avenue, Suite 102, North Charleston, South Carolina, 29418 within thirty (30) days after the service thereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Summons and Complaint were filed in the Family Court for Charleston County, 100 Broad Street, Suite 143, Charleston, South Carolina 29401 on May 7, 2020. FAMILY LEGAL SERVICES, LLC By: /s/Veronica G. Small, Esquire ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF
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LOOKING FOR A FREELANCE LICENSED INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTto investigate a high profile criminal case dating back to 1998. After doing a thorough investigation finding keypoints with trial transcripts we would need a written report from the Investigative Journalist. All inquiries please contact istruggle360@yahoo.com.
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HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES NEEDED. Renovations of bathrooms, kitchens and basements. Hard wood floors, painting, carpentry, windows, plumbing, electrical, concrete and hauling. Please call 301-383-4504 for job details.
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GANGSTER CLUB USING AUDIO BOOKS AND PRINT PUBLICATIONS, we are looking for individuals interested in gangsters for bi-weekly discussions over the phone. Contact Stevenstvn9@aol.com if interested. HELLO EVERYONE: Please join us. Our community group SW Strong! is virtually hosting “Weather the Storm: the SW DC Disaster Preparedness & Resiliency Building Festival” to highlight Emergency Preparedness and Community Resilience on September 24th 12- 4pm and 25TH, 9-12 pm Before the Covid-19 pandemic changed all of our lives, we planned to hold the Festival in conjunction with the SW Farmers’ Market. Now it’s a….. you guessed it, -- a Zoom event. We have stimulating workshops with nationally recognized experts who discuss COVID -19, Food Security, Financial First Aid and Climate Change in The District. Please see the program for details. As a reminder SW Strong! is a SW-based Emergency Preparedness Task Force that, together with several other Task Forces, makes up the Southwest Neighborhood Assembly. We are committed to promoting individual, family and community emergency preparedness and resilience in SW Washington D.C. We accomplish this through organizing emergency preparedness and community resilience literature drives, community exercises, focus groups, children activities, and several informal presentations on a wide variety of disaster preparedness, response, recovery and community resilience topics, that includes the complex issue of climate change. Please see www.swdc.org for more information on SW Strong! our group, and we hope to see you online for “Weather the Storm: the SW DC Disaster Preparedness Festival”
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