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Classes, Events, and Plant Shows/Sales

• Saturday, March 25, 10am–2pm Davidsonville Green Expo Green exhibits and a book signing by garden author Kathy Jentz. Homestead Gardens in Davidsonville, MD. See https://homesteadgardens.com/ upcoming-events/.

• Saturday, March 25

Lahr Native Plant Symposium & Native Plant Sale

The symposium is hosted by the U.S. National Arboretum. The Native Plant Sale is hosted by FONA. See details at https://www.fona.org/.

• Sunday March 26, 10am—2pm

Native Plant Open House Sale, Chesapeake Natives Nursery in Rosaryville

The Chesapeake Natives Open House Sale features native plants that are grown on site from locally gathered native seed. Chesapeake Natives volunteers will be at the sale to help you find the right native plants for your space. A list of the inventory will be available closer to the sale date. Please reach out to info@chesapeakenatives.org if you have any questions. Note that the entrance to the nursery is at 9640 Rosaryville Road. You cannot reach the nursery through the Rosaryville State Park entrance on 301 in Upper Marlboro, MD.

• Saturday, April 1, and Sunday, April 2, both days 10am—4:30pm

White House Spring Garden Tour

Free, timed tickets will be distributed at a National Park Service tent located near the White House Visitor Center (1450 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, WDC) each day beginning at 8:30am. The Spring Garden tour entry point will be at 15th Street NW between E Street NW and Constitution Avenue NW. Tickets are first-come first-served. Only one ticket per person, so everyone in your group (including small children) has to be present in line to receive a ticket. More details at Whitehouse.gov.

• Wednesday, April 12, 6:45pm Edible Landscaping

Imagine a border of lush lettuce with bright-red tomatoes on lattice work. Gain practical tips and inspiration to make vegetables a beautiful part of your landscape, using small spaces to the best advantage. Part of the weekly garden talks at Arlington Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy Street, Arlington, VA. Free, no registration required. Sponsored by Friends of Urban Agriculture and Master Gardeners. Details at https://arlingtonurbanag.org/gardentalks-2023/.

• Friday, April 14, and Saturday, April 15, 10am–4pm AHS Spring Garden Market

30+ vendors and plant sellers at AHS headquarters, River Farm, in Alexandria, VA. Entry fee is $5 per individual for walk-ups and $20 per car for parking (includes entry for all passengers). Free for AHS members. Details at www. ahsgardening.org/sgm.

• Saturday, April 15, & Sunday, April 16 Leesburg Flower & Garden Festival

The downtown festival boasts 125+ vendors, including landscapers, gardening suppliers, plant sellers, outdoor living businesses, and more. The festival is free and open to the public. Held in the historic town of Leesburg, VA. Details at https://www.leesburgva.gov/.

• April 15–22

90th Historic Garden Week

Celebrate nature with tours of inspired private landscapes, public gardens, and historic sites across Virginia during the 90th Historic Garden Week, presented by Garden Club of Virginia. Learn more at www.vagardenweek.org.

• Saturday, April 20, 9am–5pm, and Sunday, April 30, 10am–3pm

Franciscan Monastery Garden Guild Plant Sale and Garden Tours

Plant sales to benefit the Franciscan Monastery include herbs, annuals, and much more. Details at http://www. fmgg.org/.

Also, free drop-in Franciscan Monastery Garden Tours begin Saturday, April 1, at 11am and 12noon. Meet at the monastery’s visitors entrance. Group requests for garden tours are also welcome. Contact Pat Cunniff at pcunniff@gmail.com.

Looking Ahead

• April 22–23 Weekend

Local Ace Hardware Annual Garden Parties

Get 20% off plants, pottery, tools, paint, and practically everything else (some exclusions apply) at all of the employeeowned Ace Hardware locations in the DC and Baltimore metro areas.

On April 22, 10am–2pm, stop by for the main event with local gardening experts, goodies, and more! More information and RSVP for an extra raffle entry at https://acehardwaredc.com/ pages/2023-ace-garden-parties.

• Thursday, April 27, 6:30–8pm Garden Book Club

We will be discussing The Sakura Obsession: The Incredible Story of the Plant Hunter Who Saved Japan’s Cherry Blossoms by Naoko Abe You can order it new or used at our Amazon link: https://amzn.to/41LWOfk Our meeting will be via Zoom. To join us, register here: https://us02web. zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtceioqz8 oHtZ9PiA4EzcsktFCm8xcGbQ9. The Washington Gardener Magazine’s Garden Book Club meets quarterly via Zoom and is free and open to all.

Event Listing Updates

See updated event listings on the Washington Gardener discussion list. Join by emailing WashingtonGardenersubscribe@googlegroups.com

How to Submit Events

To submit an event for this listing, email washingtongardenermagazine@gmail. com with “Event” in the subject line. Our next deadline is April 5 for the April 2023 issue, for events taking place after April 15. o

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