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American Educational Trust
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Israel’s Playbook
the Washington Report. That slow-going, tedious, For decades, close obyet vital report was swept servers of Israel have to the side with the killing watched the country literally of Abu Akleh. This list now get away with the murder of includes Super PACs, thousands of Palestinian which can raise money men, women and children. from individuals, corporaAfter Israel’s assassination tions, unions and other of Al Jazeera journalist groups without any legal Shireen Abu Akleh, we limit on their donation size. watched the typical playIt’s a free-for-all for candibook unfold. First, Israel claimed the beloved Pales- Palestinians of every age in Washington, DC (above) and around the world dates who pledge undying tinian-American was hit by a mourned Shireen Abu Akleh, disproving a quote widely attributed to David Ben‐ support for Israel. (See Philip Weiss’ article on stray bullet fired by a Pales- Gurion, “The old will die and the young will forget.” p.22). We will post those tinian “militant.” After that Double Standard on Human Rights recipients on our Website asap and hope narrative quickly crumbled, Israel preto include a list in the Aug./Sept. issue. tended to be interested in launching a Since our last issue, much has been said As for reporting congressional deeds and joint investigation with the Palestinian Auand written about the obvious comparisons misdeeds, we are sad to tell you... thority. Just like Ukrainians wouldn’t want between the Ukrainian and Palestinian to hand over one of their heroes to plights. Walter L. Hixson (p. 16) and Ian Russia, the Palestinians swiftly refused Williams (p. 18) provide analysis of the apShirl McArthur is Retiring! their occupier’s request. Israel’s lack of pallingly incongruent nature of U.S. foreign For decades McArthur has compiled conseriousness was quickly exposed, as policy and the harm this inconsistence gressional voting records and resolutions they raided Abu Akleh’s home and atcauses both the U.S. and people around to help voters keep track of bills that protacked mourners at her funeral—all with the world. The bottom line question is this: vide goodies for Israel and other resoluthe knowledge the world was closely Is it too much to ask that the lives of tions that affect U.S. foreign policy. (See watching. Ukrainians, Syrians, Palestinians, Iraqis, p. 20 for his last column.) It’s a disheartYemenis, etc. all have the same value? ening task that was tirelessly accomImpotent U.S. plished by a man with a big heart, a sharp A Global Issue eye and a respect for democracy. If the This latest episode in Israel’s violent hismagazine gave out awards or retirement tory shows just how arrogant the country The appalling lack of human rights isn’t watches, McArthur would get the biggest, has become after decades of unwavering just a Middle East issue, of course. John shiniest bling we could come up with. U.S. support. Even though Abu Akleh Gee (p. 42) provides an update on the Shirl, we can’t thank you enough for was a world-renowned journalist and continuing plight faced by the Rohingya, watching each political party, and reportAmerican citizen, the country’s leaders who endure violence and discrimination ing on their use and abuse of power. were not in the least hesitant to carry out both at home in Myanmar and in most of their standard heavy-handed, dehumanthe neighboring countries where they flee, izing tactics against her and her family. especially Bangladesh. Jonathan Cook Stay Tuned! While the U.S. showed a somewhat (p. 44) notes how the UK has taken a We have big plans for the summer and higher level of concern than usual, it appage from Israel in its appalling treatment new interns to help fulfill our goals. Please pears Washington’s half-baked stateof those desperately seeking asylum. don’t wait for our June donation appeal, ments will not lead to carrying out a real Closer to home, Candice Bodnaruk (p. but visit our new stream-lined “subscriber investigation, nor any real repercussions 48) highlights the official bigotry Muslims services” and donation menus on our such as the withdrawal of U.S. aid. Alas, face from the province of Quebec. website <>. You’ll be able both sides seem willing to let this run the to give a gift subscription, renew your own news cycle for a few days, until coverage or make a donation. Your generous supMissing PAC Charts... pivots to the latest deranged White man port is essential because, working toWe are chagrined to admit that our list of shooting at a school, house of worship or gether we can... candidates who accepted “pro-Israel Pogrocery store. No investigation. No aclitical Action Committee funds” this year countability. No change. didn’t make it into this June/July issue of Make a Difference Today! JUNE/JULY 2022