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Life Amid COVID

We’ve all seen them, dejected-looking people in endless lines, waiting for

Problems in America...

that a vaccine alone won’t solve. It’s hard to believe that nearly 26 million American adults are hungry, according to the Washington Post, a number that climbs to more than 1 in 6 adults in households with children. “About 40 percent of the people who are showing up for food distributions have never before had to rely on charitable food assistance,” reports Feeding America, the nation’s largest hunger-relief organization. It warns that more than 54 million may soon face hunger. Those somber numbers make it easier to imagine...

Life as a Refugee.

As we went to press, UNRWA USA sent a plea for funds as well as legislative action, warning: “UNRWA is facing a funding emergency so dire this December that millions of Palestine refugees living under occupation, blockade and in crisis are at risk of losing their jobs, their health care, education, protection and emergency assistance—all amid a global pandemic.” In the case of Palestinian refugees in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and in Syria, like the child on our magazine’s cover, they may have reached...

The End of the Line this Winter.

You’ll notice our steadfast advertisers, including ANERA, United Palestinian Appeal, Zakat and Palestinian Medical Relief Society are all working feverishly to keep refugees safe this winter—amid the pandemic. It defies credibility that some Evangelical Christian, Jewish and Muslim believers, living in a “nation of immigrants,” supported an administration that cut off U.S. aid to desperate refugees and slowed immigration to a trickle. When the Biden administration raises the refugee limit to 125,000 per year, we know that bighearted Americans will spring back into action and help immigrants who have lost everything as a result of America’s “forever wars” in the Middle East. But we shouldn’t wait until Jan. 20, 2021 to get to work. Readthearticlesinthisissue’s WashingtonReport, andthencallorwritelegislators,aswellasyourlocalmedia,togive themapieceofyourmind.Effectivecitizensareactivecitizensandeventhough theelectionsareoverit’svitaltostayengaged—evenifyou’restuckathome. Sendourpostcardtoyourelectedofficials; YoumighthelppreventanothercatastrophicU.S.war!WritePresident-elect JoeBidenandVicePresident-elect KamalaHarris,sendingyourlettersto 1401ConstitutionAve.,NW,Washington, DC20230.Youknowthepro-Israeland weaponslobbiesarealreadyhardatwork. Ourfutureleadersneedtoknowourviews.

We Can’t Stop Now

It makes sense that no one

food or a COVID-19 test. Some of us have waited in those lines, feeling afraid and utterly powerless. Others are worried about eviction if they can’t pay their rent or wonder if a hospital has room if they get sick. So many have to choose between shelter, food, medicine or heat this winter. These are...

in the world is safe from


Israeli border guards detain a Palestinian child in Jerusalem’s Old City on July 17, 2017. Soldiers typically arrest a child at night when they are sleeping in their home.

COVID-19 until every one is safe. The same goes for health care, housing, education, heat and food. We cannot rest until everyone can rest. This certainly incudes the right of people in the Middle East to rest without worrying about more U.S.-manufactured weapons of war decimating their communities.

Help the Children


Here’s a “To-Do New Year’s List”

national-Palestinejustreleasedareportontheexperiencesof108Palestinianchildren,all boysaged14-17,whowereheldinsolitaryconfinementbyIsraeliauthorities. Americanswhowereshockedbyimages ofimmigrantchildrenseparatedfrom theirparentsandlockedincagesshould alsobehorrifiedthatPalestinianchildren continuetoexperiencewidespreadilltreatment, tortureandthesystematic denialofrightsinIsrael.H.R.2407, HumanRightsforPalestinianChildren, introducedinApril2019,byRep.Betty McCollum(D-MN),nowhas24co sponsors(seep.41).Makesureyour representativeaddshis/hername!For moreinformation,pleasereadChris Doyle’sarticleonp.7inthisissue’s

Help Wanted: Holiday Angels

“OtherVoices.” Please continue to buy meaningful gifts from our online bookstore, MiddleEastBooks.com. Think about taking advantage of our special $15 subscription price to give “the gift that keeps on giving!” That savings ends in January 2021! Please also send in your donations, postmarked in 2020, in order to be added to our final Angels List, published in the next issue. During these frightening times we are all counting on you to...

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